February 8, 1957

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M a u l U u t Msllla* rnrllrfc 4atb«rlu4 • ! Oiuki Nrbr

8 B,


Israel Impresses Lincoln Visitor

1981 '"••>"«•*• '*"> «-rldu> 101 A ZOIU annual Butt « ID57 Omaha Nd raika I'hiinr JA Ufle Slnflr Cosy I

Israel Awaits Further Proposals From U. N. Chief

The Influence, of Western culture «nd taite makes a decided imprenlon on the American visitor in Israel, • Lincoln housewife, M n . oRobert Cohen, told • Community Center audience, in a recent talk. Mn. Cohen who accompanied her father to Israel where he dedicated a forest of 10,000 treei, appeared at the first meeting of the 1957 Board of Governor! of the Federation. Israeli homes Indicate (he same affection for the most modern home conveniences and utilities, that grace the American home. Mrs. Cohen said. She described the popularity of American entertainment and illustrated the similarity In womens fashions by the attractive outfit (he wos wearing and which was purchased during her trip. - I'ony Tails

Jerusalem, (Feb. 4 (JTA).Thore Is no change in Israel's position with regard to the Gaza and Akaba areas and no proposals on them will be submitted by Israel to United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold. Israel rejected the General Assembly's call to quit the Gaza and

Akaba areas in a statement which stressed the Jewish State's willingness to cooperate with any United Nations peace effort in the area consistent with the principles of the UN Charter. Following a Cabinet meeting, and a bedside conference with Premier .DdWcl Ben Gurion who is recuperating from pneumonia, a Foreign Ministry spokesmun issued the statement declaring that "Israel adheres firmly to the position adoptee} by the Knesset Janunry 22 regarding Shnrm el Five new members were elected Shekh iind Gazn." The. Kni'ssct to the executive committee of'Vie resolution 'Insisted thai Isruel Omaha Federation for Jewish would rernnin in Iho Akubsi urea Service at the first 1057 meeting until It had obtained satisfactory of the'•BoanJ- of Governors, Jan- safc-guurds of freedom of navigauary 31 nt the Center. tion through the Gulf of Akaba. They ore Milton II. Abrahams, It also said that Israel would conMrs. Edward E. Hrodkey. Hurry tinue to administer the OIIWI Strip B. Cohen, Dr. Morris Margolin in cooperation with the UN. Inrni-1 lCxpriftWH Regret and Dr. Josoph Soslmlk. "It In amazing to sec tlie AmerBoard members were urged by The Foreign Ministry statement ican prototype of the teenager In Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofjky, presi- after emphasizing Israel's "appieIsrael," Mm. Cohen pointed out, dent Of the Zionist Council, to send ciiition of ihp growing under»tnnd"with her pony-tail, blue Jeans and an expression of appreciation to in the United 'Nations" that bobby wx. There were times when Omaha's Congressman Glenn Cun- the "stntus quo ante of violence I felt I might be In any city In ningham, for the Klund lie nncl and blockade by Exypt may not bo our country." others have taken In Congress in restored, expressed "reci'd that Mrs. Hill safd she wa» Impressed relation to the Israeli situation. the Assembly failed to touch on by the Israeli's humor and wit Mrs. Kulakofsky read a wli'c in the foot of the tensions In the which Is said to be a sustaining which Conp. Cunningham and oth- urea, which is Egypt's continuing force In times of stress and strain. er representatives reported a let- maintenance of a state of war Mrs. Cohen is the sister-in-law ter asking Secretary of Stnte Dul- against Israel und her InfringeCoulU tliU attractive y<i Isnii'll lie tlilnkliiK of the time when of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur If. Goldles to urge the United States del- ment in this connection of the »ldn, Mr. and Mrs. Itay Simon shn iiffnln run tnihilgf In In- inlniKH for Western World fashions? egation to the United Nations to United Nutlons Charter and Seand the daughter-in-law of Mr. ToriH), »hf priiuilly exhibits II military l»i>l< In full eoinlmt uniform avoid a fresh Israel-Arub outbreak. curity Council resolutions. H* she receives <-iingratil1:ltl •* from a hoy friend, u beimlcil Israeli and Mrs, Sam Cohen. Officer, anil IIIT mother, li| roin|ilellon of n trulhlni; courw for . A report pn the first planning "In the interests of its own mormeeting of the Women's Division's women milltury liiHtrurlors Tel Aviv. participation the,1957 Philanthro- ality, the United Nations cannot Chairmen Appointed py Drive vva"s made by Mrs. Ed- ignore Egypt's infringements of ward E. Brodkcy, general chair- Security Council resolutions and To Federation Depts. her primary international obligaman for the Women. tions by her blockade of the SUCK H i e appointment of chairmen Sol Goldfarb, Family Service and Gulf of Akaba, und at' the of the vnlrous departments of the: and Saul Silvcrmr.n, Center Ac- same time call on Israel to withFederation for Jewish Service.was tivities Dlrcctkr, reported on thedraw from the east const Of the announced at the flr»t nicotine of Ner Tumid awards will be pre- the religious awards created in the work of their departments. Gulf of Akaba without providing the 1957 Executive Committee senteil in a special ceremony «t intpiest of helping Scouts apply adequate guarantees that the presheld Wcdneiday, by Dr. Abe the Uelh El Sabbath services this their religious beliefs, In service to ent freedom of navigation shall Grecnbcrg, Federation president. Friday at 8:15 p . m . to seven Boy their church or synagogue as well not be upset by Egypt. There can"These chairmen," Dr. Grecnbcrs Scouts, largest number to be hon- as their fellow-men. not be two laws, one for Israel and Members of Troop 82 will parexplained, "along with their com- ored on one occasion in the history one for Kgypt," the statement conticipate in portions of the evening's mittees, supervise the various ac- of the 'synagogue; cluded service. A reception In the SynaThe boys are: Howard Chudativities and programs of the FedSenator Knuwlnnd. Semite's Regogue social hall will follow, coff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving eration, assigned to them." publican leader, and an American Chudacoff; Harold Forbes, son of Delegate t o the United Nations The following will serxe at Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Forbes! indicated Tuesday that sanctions chairmen of their respect h e Fed- Stephen Gould, son of Mr. and against Israel would be "immoral eration departments: Antl-Dcfam- Mrs. Leonard Gould; Jim Kagon, and Insupportable" if similar •tlon Advisory Committee, Milton son of Mr. and Mrs, George 'KaThe third artist to appear at the R. Abrahams; Cnmp Jny-C-C, Dr. gan; Richard Kaslow, son of Mr. Washington, Feb. 4 (JTA)—The moves arc not taken agulnst RusJewish Community Center in tha Daniel Miller; Dr. Slier Jewish and M M . Ben K. Kaslow; Louis Washington correspondent of the sia. Program of the Month Series Is In a statement to reporters, Sen. Home, Arthur A. Colin; Commu- Rich, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cairo newspaper Al Ahram, renity Center, Louis Canar; Educa- Rich, mid Martin Sneider, son ofported In . his paper today that Knowland indicated that United BUI Johnson, nationally ncclaimed tion Bureau, Dr. Morris Margolin; Mr. anil Mm. Sidney Sneider. President'.Elsenhower told King States should not support sanc- singer. Mr. Johnson, a bass bariFamily Service, Louis Katz; Free They will receive the awards Saud during their talks that Is- tions against Israel, unless the tone, enjoying an Writer-national United Nations is ready to apply reputation as a Concert Artist, Lonn Fund, William Grodinsky, from Rabbi Mycr S. Krlpke of rael "is here to stay." and Jewish Press, F. Ralph NOKK. Ueth Kl and Richard VVIntroub, The Arab correspondent said the sanctions against the Soviet Un- radio and television personality, President added thai "the U.S. will ion, which failed to comply with Is known for his Interpretations In addition, the following were scoutmaster of Troop No. 82. The Ner Tumid, (En t e r n a l not stand idle and fee Israel dis- 10 General Assembly resolutions and folk songs of all nations. appointed as chairmen of standing Dr. Abe Grecnberg, Federation Committees: Budget Committee, Light; award may bo granted only appear, and the Arabs have to concerning Soviet a g g r e s s i o n against Hungary. President, announced that Mr. Robert H. Koopor; Buildings and to Scouts who have achieved at know that clearly." Johnson's appearance at the CenMaintenance, H.trry Siilm.-in; Logal Ktst first clans rank and is one of+ ter, launches its 1937 Brotherhood Committee, Hurry B. Cohen; Com- ! Week Celebration. The Program munity Statistic*, IJQO Klsenstntt; of the Month Series Is presented, Pledge Redemption, David I-Vdcr, lointly by the B'nal B'ritli Lodges and Cnmp Jay-C'-C Slip, Comld ••111(1 Chapters of Omnhn find the 8. Grogs, Jewish Community Center. Dr. Judali I'ilcli, Kxecutive DiAdmission is by season ticket rector of the American Association or^ndlvidunl tickets, for Jewish ^duration, discussed A delegation from the Young ieu'lsh Indication in this country. Adult Council will attend the concert. They will hold a social after the program. father-Son Banquet

Five Elected to Executive Body

Israel Fashions, 1957?

Her Tamid Award Will Be Conferred on Seven Scouts

Knowland's Sanction View

Ike Says Israel 'Here to Stay'

Will Be March 31 The tliirly-tliii'd Aniiunl Father-Son I)aiK|tiet will bo hold Sunday, March .11. at tlio Jen Mi Community ('enter, il ivns onflounced by Dr. Philip Slier, founder of the banquet.

Israel Reports 6,946 New Immigrants in Jan. A tolnl COI0 nnv lmmli;i'iinls arrived in Israel (luring January, according to statistics published by the Jewish Agency. Of this number, 3,200 were refugee*- from Egypt and 800 from Hungary.


Third Program of Series, Feb. 20

Jewish Music Planned A program of Jewish music will be presented Sunday nt 5:415 p. m . , on Kadlo Station" WOW, In honor of the National Jewish Music • Festival. Jewish communities throughout the U. S. are sponsoring music programs, concerts, broadcasts in celebration of Jewish Music Month Elaine Jabenis, television and radio personality, will announce the progrnin featuring Jan Peercc. June Vuli, Hugo Wintcrhultcr, Richard Tucker, Danny Tliomast and the Israeli Symphony Orchestra ,



'J. C.'Briefs

Ifce FubHsaed Every Friday by * • Federation of JewU* Service Second CIui Mailing FrlMMces Authorized at Omaha, Kcbraika. Annual Subscription, 14.00. Adyertltlnc Rat« on Application. Editorial Oflice—1(3 No. 9pUi street, Omana. Nebr, JAckion 1304. Print Shop Address 4806 So. Sato Street, .(MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Edlta

Omahans in the News Mrs. Kfcbard 1L HUler has been elected treasurer of the Visiting N u r « e s Association. Th election was held at a lunchcoi which marked the tenth anni versary of the VNA's operation as the publie health-nursing dlvi(ion of the Omaha-Douglas County Health department.' I D a O w e n Stoler, who has been in New York City as the result of winning the national Whlrly-Blrd TV scries, left there Thursday (or Hollywood. Sh« has * luncheon engagement in Hol lywood with Desl Arnez and L "cilk Ball, sponsors of the Whlrly-Blrd production. • IDs* Stoler presented Nebraska steaks sent to her by the Junior Chamber of Commerce to Arthur Godfrey on hi* morning program. She ia the daughter o Harry Stoler and a Central High. School graduate.

prior to his r e c e n t dischargi from tlie service They are at the home J>f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Staenberg, parent* of Mrs. Wise. Among the Omahans who will attend the Dartmouth College Winter Carnival In Hanover, N. H., February 6-7-8 are M i d g e Oreenberg, a freshman, Endlcott College, Beverly, Mass., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green berg, and Judy Oreenbcrs;, fresh man, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Greenbcrg. Sheldon Hip*, sophomore at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rips, and B e h e r t Goldstein, sophomore. Harvard, Boston, also will make the trip.

Louis Blotcky, Omaha business executive, is s p e n d i n g • six months vacation at the Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica, Cal. Monroe D. Rosenberg, an Insurance man, has announced his candidacy for the city council. Horace L. Rotenblum, Omaha public relations executive, 'has been chosen to remain as a na tional board representative by the Nebraska C h a p t e r of the Public R e l a t ' o n s Sodety. of America. Two Omaha parties will start their vacations February 12 with a joint flight to Florida where each wfll separata for their destinations. "Oraabans, Mr. and Mrs. Lazier Kartell, Mr. and Mrs. Lester and Mr. and Mrs. R. Leo CT win travel to the Caribbean. The Itinerary of the other party, numbering Mr. and Mn. Stewart GOIniky, Mr. wad Mrs. Bermaa CMdstda and Mr. aad Mrs. D»rtd Berastda will Include the: Caribbean and various Central American points. Corporal aad Mrs. « M Sayder and daughters, Charier* Sue and Linda of Sapid City, S. D., are •pending Corporal Snyder's leave at the home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schneider, Corp. fcr/oer Is with the Air Force. Mr. aad Mrs. Abe Bear have relumed bom* after spending the week-end In Chicago where they attended a party, Saturday evening honoring the engagement of their son, Max, to Miss Barbara QgelftOt of Chicago. Their son is • student Bt Roosevelt University there. Lieut. - and Mrs. Harry Wise and son, Michael, have returned to O m a h a from Enid. Okla., where Lieut Wise was stationed

With the Home Folks January 28—The beautiful floral centerpiece in our Library was *ent by the Workmcns Circle. Omaha Chuptor, on tho occasion of tlicir 25(1) anniversary. .January 29—'J'hc Golden ARC Club sent flowers to the residents Of the Dr. Philip Shir Jewish Home for Aged. January 30 — New Residents: Welcome to Louis Behn and Esther Ewnrtz. February 1—Thanks to Calvin Wcfnbcrg for the betr that he gnve to the Home. , February a—David Weinberg donated a bottle of whisky to the Home Synagogue. February 4 - I N MEMORIAM: Harry Brnvermnn. February 7—The Brandels University Music Monlh party wits keld today Instead of February 5.

Friday, r-bruary 8, 19S7

Candlellgiituig, S:Zfe p. m. BETH EL . Sabbath services at Beth El Synagogue will b e g i n at 8:15 p. m. BoV Scout Sabbath will be observed. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripkc ill deliver the sermon on "The Eternal Light and the Scout Program." Cantor Aaron L Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services begin at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Congreeatlon Services are at 0:30 a. tn. Mlncha-Maariv at 5:30 p. m. Dily sen-ices at 7'a. m. ajid 7 p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. m. BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel Choir will conduct late Friday services at 8 p. m. Rabbf Groner's sermon will be on "Brotherhood a* a Way of Lite" in conjunction with the Sisterhood's "Annual Know Tour Neighbor Sabbath" to t * observed thi* evening. Traditional Friday evnlng services (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at 5:30 p. m. Sabbath rooming services begu. at 8 JO a. nx Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 9 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 3 JO p. m. followed by Sholeshe S'eudos and M a a. r i v. Daily morning services at 7 a. m. Afternoon services at 5:15 p. m. Sunday morning s e n Ices begin at :45 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's Class In Bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan, followed by breakfast, s t a r t s at :30 a. m. •

Or. S. 8. Krhwitrzi'lilld

200 Clergymen to Attend Institute

MECHANICS CLASS "Can you hop up an engine? "How do you Install d u a l s ? " These and other questions will be answered In the new mechanics class to be presented withou charge by the Jewish Y o u t h Council starting Tuesday, February 19, in the Youth Council C a n t e e n at the Center. The classes will run for ten consecutive Tuesday evenings, 7 t o 9 p . m . Mr. George Schnelling who will Instruct the classes win provide all tools, motors and supplies. Because ot the necessity of lim iting registration. Youth Council members are requested to enroll at the Youth Council Office Immediately. ADVISORS TO MEET Tlie monthly meetings of the Advisors Workshop,1 sponsored by the Youth Council for advisors to teenage groups, will be held Wednesday, February 13, 7:30 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center. The theme of the meeting It "Problems for Sale" and will feature a special presentation of Purlm, program materials,

and to help in the adjustment from high school to college. Tho class will meet each Tuesday from 7 p. in. to 9 p. m. at . the Jewish Community Center M soon as registration is completed. A.different professor will lecture each week. Subjects will indube the humanities, literature,' history, art, music, psychology, economics and government, Films and slides .of different' colleges may be viewed by students and parents on appointment with the Center's Youth • Council office. Films on Dart* mouth, Northwestern and Colo* rado University are available now. EAGLES CLUB ' The next Eaglet B o y s Club meeting will be Friday, February 8, at •» p. m. at the borne ot Alex Orfcow, 4917 Chicago St. Bob Meyer, Eagles Club leader, has been called to active duty with the U. S. Navy, and will be replaced by Al Fclbnan, Jewish Community, Center group leader and veteran camp counselor.

Dr. Steven S. Schwarzchild, Rabbi of Temple Beth El, Fargo, N. D., and president of tlie FargoMoorhead Ministerial Association, will speak a t the Nineteenth Annual Institute on Judaism for Christian Clergymen at Temple Israel Friday, February 19. GOLDEN A0BB8 The Institute on Judaism is The next swimming wisslon of conducted each year by Rabbi LIVE MUSIC SESSION the Golden Agers has been set Sidney H. Brooks of Temple IsA live music session b held (or Wednesday at 10 a. m. rael and comprises a full day ot study and discussion. More than each Sunday afternoon at the "DREAMS AND DEEDS" two hundred clergymen from Ne- Jewish Community Center where The third program to be prebraska, and Iowa are" expected to Omaha musicians are free to try their favorite tunes. There Is no sented by the Yiddish Culture attend the Institute this yean charge for njutlcians or the lis- Committee on Wednesday, Feb' Two Sewtons ruary 20, at 8 p. ra. at the JewDr. Schwarzchild will speak on tening audience. ish Community Center, will be * "The Effect of Jewish Philosophcomedy "Dreams and Deeds" in ical Thought on Modern Christi- PRE-TEEN CLASS 3 acts, by the Workmen'* Circle anity" at the morning session, Miss Marilyn Brandes, dance Theatre, a group ot celebrated and on ."The Place of Law, In Instructor, will qpen the first sesudaiim" in the afternoon. sion of the Pre-Tccn M o d e r n Jewish New York theater performers. The Temple Israel Sisterhood dance clam Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Mr. Joe Radlnowskl, chairman, will serve a luncheon for the vis- in room 25 at the Center. iting clergymen in the Temple The class Is open only to girls announces tickets may be purSocial hall between sessions with 10 through 13 and will continue chased from, members of the YidMr*. Adolph Trout and Mrs. Paul for ten successive Sundays. Reg- dish Culture Commltte or at the Veret as co-chairmen of luncheon istration for the class will con- cwish Community Center. arrangements. Members of their tinue through February 17 at a committee who will astUt with charge of six dollars per Individ- ADI'LT Adult Bridge domes have been tlie preparation and serving arc ual. Registration may bo mndc Mmes, Milton Abrahams, Maurice through tlie Health and Physical scheduled for Wednesdays, 1:30 rank, Louis Llpp, Max Wolfson, Education Department of the p. m. to 3:30 p. m. and Tuesday! Center. at 7:30 p. m. Tlu> fee is *10 for 13 loscph Levey, Harry Wise, Ed- Jewish C o m m u n i t y rard Gilbert, Edward D. Brod- Please call Jim KarbaUch, JA lessons. The Center Activities office, JA 1366 may be contacted 1366. :ey, David Orkow, Jack W. MarTor registration. •, Jacob Hess, Edwin Brodlcey, and Max Scheuermann. PRE-COLLEGE BF.ADINO CLASS Sabbath Speaker A Pre-College Course will be Arrangements have been made Rabbi Schwarzchil* will be sponsored by the Jewish Youth for a speed reading class to assist guest, preacher at the regular Council and Creighton University in tlie development of reading Sabbath Services the same eveto acquaint students with tlie iikUl. Those interested may enroll ning, 8:15 p, m. These Sabbath academic fields offered in collet,* at the Center Activities office. Services are being sponsored by the Temple Men's Club as an open house {or friends and neighClmss Exhibition to Star Horowitz bors. Toon of the Temple, religious exhibits, and a reception are planned. Mrs. Louis Llpp, assisted by Mrs. Frank Llpp will serve as chairmen for the reception.

Global Report

EW EAR TECHNIQUE New York (WNS)—Dr.-Samuel toecn of Mount Sinai Hospital las developed an operative techilquc to cure deafness, It was reorted here. One of the leading car pecialists, Dr. Rosen has reeent/ won the annual golden medal :MPLE ISRAEL >r original research from the Services will be htld Friday at mericiin Medical Association. i:15 p. m. Rabbi Brooks will ireach on "Songs ot Our People," EWS VINDICATED he meaning of popular s o n e t Paris (WNSt—A Belgium orien,'cstcrday and today, in observ- alist representing U.NKC'O reince of Jewish Music Month. The rorted this week that an inveslervice will Include special mu- l|;allon he conducted at the re;ie and choral presentations by ucst-of the international organmr Adult and Children's Choirs. zatlon had completely vindicated Shabbas moi-nlng services will srael's denial of nn Egyptian >cgln at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi laim that Israeli soldiers had 3rooks officlatlns and the Itelig- •recked and desecrated the St. ous School Choir under the di- Catherine Monostary during the rection of Miss Ida Gitlin singing ilnal fighting. the musical portions'of the servce. ilTDGET REDUCTION Jerusalem (WNS)—Israel most SUAPX TEAM WINS irobably will have to reduce Its New York (WNS)—Israel's bac- iudgct for tho current year be;etball team, which JE to make usc of the hnlt of American aid tour of the country, started on nd the loan tho country was cxhe right basket here this week iccting from the American Exvith a surprise victory over the ort-Import Bank, it was indicated iit;h!y regarded Yi-shiva Univerire by sources close to the govty team. The score was Gl to 59. rnment.

Onulians are Invited to match wlU with I. A. Horowitz, International grandmaster and editor of the Client Uevlew, In a simultaneous Chess exhibition, Saturday, 7:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. HoroivlU, who Ia»t appeared in Omaha in 1012, win b» sponsored by the Center and the Omaha Y. M, C. A. Chet* Club. Havers are nihtd to bring their own men, (Standard Staunton design) and boards, If possible. A charge of 92 per board for adaH* asd *1 for students "111 be taadr. Mr. Horowitz »lll give n lecture before the exhibition.

Friday, February R, 1937


Brotherhood Month to Be Observed by Sisterhoods February 12 has been set aside for special observance of Brotherhood Month at three Omaha Sisterhood meetings. Will Herbert's book, "Catholic, Protestant and Jew" will be the subject of a panel discussion at 'Temple Israel following the regular luncheon and business meeting in the Temple social hall. Participating will be Mrs. R. J. Neary of St. Cecilia's Cathedral; Mr». Wlnthrop Lane of First Central Congregational Church arid Mrs. Sidney H. Brooks of Temple IsracL Rabbi Brooks will act as moderator. Each woman .will discuss her religion in relation to the book. Mmet. Julius Conn and Marvin Taxman are program chairmen; Mrs. George Spitzer, luncheon chairman and Mmei, Edward Malaibodc and Irving Malaahock, table decorations chairmen. Table setting chairmen are Mmes. Harry Alttuler and Abe Katelman. Mn. Edward Gilbert president, will conduct the meeting and a board meeting at 10:30 a. m. Reservations may be made with Mme*. Paul Veret, GL 3601 or Adolph Treat, GL 9595. A pick-up service wiU be available at the West Lane Pharmacy, 153 No. 73 St., flt 12:50 p. m. ' ' Beth El Women of Dundee Presbyterian Church and Beth.El Synagogue will have a combined program on the same, date at a 1 p. m, luncheon at the Beth El Synagogue Social hall. A panel dlscutdon of the topic, "Do We Know Each Other?" will be moderated by Sol Llttman, regional director of the Ahtl-De• famation League. Panel members will be Mmes. Clifton Batchcldcr and Theodore Kolderle of Dundee Presbyterian Church and Mmes. Joseph Soshnlk and Ervln Simon Of Ueth Kl Synagugur. A mukical feature will be presented by a choir composed of Mrs. Stuart Mmkln, Mm. Donald N o f x Mrs. Arnold noseinan, Beth El and Mrs, George Humphrey, Mrs. A, C. Johnson nnd Mrs. Jolin D. Miller, Dundee Presbyterian. The group will be directed by John Miller, choral manic director at Dundee* Presbyterian and head of the music department at the University of Nebraska. Mmes. Max Bittner, Hubert Rosenblum, Leon Schmidman, Beth El 4 o d Mrs. Clarke Adams, Dundee Presbyterian are program chairmen. Luncheon chairmen are Mmes.- Harry WIgodsky, Michael Kraine, Lou Sogolow and Horace Rosenblum. Mn. Barton Greenberg .!« publicity chairman. A baby-sitter service will be provided. Beth Israel "Dolls for Democracy" will be featured a t the Beth Israel Synagogue Sisterhood's program at 1 p. m. Tuesday In connection with Brotherhood observance. "Dolls for Democracy" is a project sponsored and directed by the Omalja B'nal B'rlth Henry Monsky Chapter. The achievements of the personalities Illustrated by the dolls will be the subject of a panel discussion. The panel will be composed of Mm, Herbert Forbes chairman, representing the Henry Monsky Chapter, Mmes. Henry Grccnberp, Sidney Katlcman and Herbert Melches. Reservations nrc being tnken by Mm. Tjndore Lewis, GL 3107 or Mrs. Edward Lincoln, OR 2991.

Want Ads J'h'ne JA 1364 to Ir.iirt } c i r IVnul Ad In Tlit Jwib'i 1'rral Curnnt rite li SO e m u for tatli four lln* lr.a«rd'>n, 1 n« We** rrirrvfa Ui« n t i i l to limit i!£* of ticti axlvinlMment.

BAR and Has Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions, Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge YOUNG widow would like to .share beautiful apartment with woman Interested In attractive surrounding!. Call Jewish Family Service Dept, JA 1366.

Baby-slMtr service will be provided. Brotherhood also will b* the theme of the Sisterhood's Annual "Know Your Neighbor Sabbath this Friday evening at Beth Israel Synagogue. Mrs. Leslie O. Cleveland, president of the Omaha Council of United Church Women, which speak on behalf of. her organization and Mrs. Sam Kat* man, Sisterhood president will present greetings. Co-chairmen fof the Sabbath program are Mmes. Max Fromkin and Sidney Gold-


Ml** Sharlene Fischer

Shorlene Fischer Betrothal Told Mr. and M n . Donald Flfccher have announced the engagement of their daughter,* Sharlene Joan, to Z. Gordon Rips, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rips. Miss Fischer, a student at the University of Omaha, formerly attended tho University of Nebraska where she was a member of Sigma Delta Tau. Her fiance attended CrpiRhton University be/ore going to the Illinois College of Optomotry, Chicago, where he is a senior.



Sara Kadis Weds Walter Woskoff Miss Sara Kadis and Walter Paul Woskoff were married Sunday in a 6:30 p. m. ceremony at Beth El Synagogue, Rabbi Meyer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron A. Edgar officiated. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Max Kadis. The bridegroom Is the son of Mrs. Eva Woskoff. The bride wore a ballerina length gown made of imported Douploni silk, fashioned with a long .torso and full skirt The scooped neckline was edged with cut out embroidery trimmed with sequence arid seed pearls. • Her Illusion veil was caught with a silk half hat embroidered with seed pearls and sequence. She carried a white Bible trimmed with white butterfly orchids and hyacinth. .. Mrs. Seymour Goldston, matron of honor for her sister, was gowned in Dior Blue peau de sole, fashioned on lines similar to that of the bridal dress. She carried white camellias and.yellow hyacinth, Dr. Meyer Schaffer, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was best man. Ushers were Aaron Lou Sterling, Sioux City and Wlllard Plotkln. A family buffet dinner was held In the Synagogue social hall after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Woskoff will make their home at 4910 Capital.

Pa|« Tkrt*

Organizations WOMtMAN CIRCLE The annual Bazaar and Card Party of the Midwest District Council of the Workman Circle and the Omaha Workman Circle will be given February 10, 5 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cuming St. A buffet supper will be served. KUTLEB-CIPINKO COUSINS New officers of the KutlcrCiplnko Cousins C l u b are Al Nepomnick, president; Sam d a y man, vice-president; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clayinan, co-secretaries; Saul Llbowski, treasurer, and Harry Kutler, sergeant-atarms.

KADIMAH A board, meeting of thf'Kadlmah Chapter of Pioneer Women will be held Thursday at i p . (h- at the home of Mrs Irving J. Forbes, 2412 No. 51 Street The committee making the arrangements for the Fund-Raising dinner are Mmes. Nate Kaplan, Charles Guss, Sidney Znelmer, Henry Tutzer, food; Mmes, Sam Epstein, Raymond Corey, . table; Mmes. Malvln Tepper, Herman Mirowltz, donations; Mrs. Eugene Braun, publicity ; Mmes. Dave Wine, HerUrt Wlntroub, fund raising; Mrs. Isadora Falk, reservations, RE 8290. The dinner will be held at the. home of M.\ and Mm. Raymond Corey, 5019 Davenport.

The Sigma Delta Tau Sorority Alumnae will hold a luncheon meeting Saturday, . February 16, B'NAl B7UTH at 1 p. m. In the Assembly room The annual B'nai B'rlth Women of the Sheraton-Fontcnclle hotel. Citizenship Award luncheon will be held Wednesday, February 20 BIKUR CHOLIM at the Highland Town club. The Members of Bikur Cholim will meet for luncheon M o n d a y at citation U given by both the Hen12:30 p. m. at the Center. A ry Monsky and Nebraska chapters board meeting will be held at 11 annually to an Omaha Woman in recognition of outstanding service a. m . • . • • • * • COUNCIL BOAItD The Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women will hold their February Board meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. M. Krupinsky, 114 So. 50th Avenue with a 1 p. m. dessert luncheon.

G e t TV Trouble? Cdl Saul—That's AH! Saul's TV i, Radio SerWc* 1705 Cmlif AT » 3 f mi SMfey—WA 0174

Trade Deficit Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's forefgn trade balance In the- flint nine months of 1956 chalked up a deficit of nearly 351,000,000 -Israeli pounds, according to official statistics issued by the government thlj week. However, much of the deficit* was due to tho government's stockpiling of foods and other consumer goods. The figures must not be regarded an reflecting n worsening of the country's trade balance, economic experts here warned. Imports for the first three-fourths of 1956 totalled $271,535,000, while exports from this country totalled $78,540,000.

HOLIDAY- DANCING The Holiday Dancing Club will hold a Valentine Dance Febru- YOUNG ADULTS The Young Adult Council Is ary 9 at tho Paxton hotel. Husband and wife teams named planning a trip to Kansa* City to offices for 1957 are Mr. and for a week-end program with the Mrs. Beraie Altsuler, president; Council there, Joe Klrschenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cain, sec- program chairman, and Toby Okretary; Mr. and Mrs. Yale Rich- rcnt, president, reported. ards, treasurer; and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nepomnick, membership. Patronize Our Advortlsers

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Center Sports

Ten Elected to Fifty Expected to All Star Squad Enter Tournament

A tubla tennis tournament will Ten boys were elected t o the optn February 11 In the Center scorer was Dave Goldstein with Morey Handleman, 8; Joe Frank MUXMCT MMKMBAIX canteen, It was announced by Har• t a n 4 b f s in "B" Midget bas- 12. Jerry Sherman was the hero and Keevee Kirschenbam each All Star squad which will represent the Youth Council "A" bat old Kaiman, Youth Council presketball ware Juggled only (lightly of the victory at he put In two had 6, ketball league at Sioux City, Feb- ident. 10 "B" VOIXEITBAIX • H i m * tMmi are itill tltd for free throws with two seconds Mort than SO players are exThe JCC Varsity Volleyball ruary 10, in the first game of a fiitt plM*. They i n Cowboy Llq> remaining, but Larry Herman pected to enter In the doubles arid! uort, Rlehman-Gordman and Play- tied up the ball game with a Team has yet to win a victory In home and home series, Tha players were selected from tingles competition for Table Tenland Park with 3-1 record.. All mldcourt left-handed set shot the Inter-City Oats "B" volley, nis Gold Medals Awards. The tour* Makes were knocked out of a tie only seconds after Goldstein pu ball race. They are tied for last • total of 17 candidates nominated in his field goal to bring a tie place with the YMCA as the Lith- by team coaches and league of- naraent is part of a nation-wide for firrt by Richman-Gordman. program to reward outstanding Micklin-Rusco continued on their into the realm of possibility. The uanian* and Sokol Hall have a ficials with dote balloting for the players. Gold Medal certificates winning way with a victory over UnaffUiates scored four points tight hold on t i n t place, each with first five and two last positions, within 28 seconds left for'the tie. 2-0 records. The Postal Carrier* The All Star squad includes also will be presented to the chamlast place H. A. Wolf Inc., whilt In the overtime, Jeff Swartz have second place all to them- Mike Blatt, Bob Epstein, Dave pions. Fireside played their way Into a selves. Deadline for entries it February Goldstein, Larry Herman, AI Krixtie for Mcond with G«relick Mo- first blood with a field goal The competition it being held on elman, Bob Oberman, Will Plot 11 at 3:30 p. m. Contestants may but that was quickly matched by ion by defeating theni. sign up at the Center Canteen. Wlntraub's jump shot from the Monday evenings with games kin, Chuck Ravlti, Jerry Rosen FlayUM Vletwrr Captain MQce Sherman led his free throw circle. These events scheduled at 6 JO, 7:13 am) 8. The and Chuck Wist. Selection was determined by the number of votes team and icorlng with 10 points set the stage for the tie breaking public It invited free of charge, cast and the numerical average of over I Go-Van In tha first game. tree thrown. This part of the each player1! rating by the voters. Coach Lou HurwiU hat developed garni was particularly crucial, as the r u l e s state that a game Four players received votes from some real pasting on his squad, played In quarters, m u t t have all coaches and officials. First The third annual Brotherhood and the pay off has come In the three minute overtimes with a place UnaffUiates dominated the. basketball game between -AZA 1 wia column, Six men figured in two-point margin for victory. list with four men, followed by the scoring: Jerry Slusky and Skin diving lessons Is being of- AZA 100, AZA 1 and Rayim, with and Central's HI-Y will be played Centers Chuck Wise and Bob Sandy Friedman each had 6. fered for the t i n t time in the en- 3, 2 and 1 respectively, A total of Saturday, February 19, 8 p. m. at Oberman were very much Intevl tho Jewish Community Center. Close Oam* tire midwest to Omaha teenagers Members of the AZA team inThe closest gam* of the after- dence in clearing the boards and by the Swimming Department of six men from the Unaffillates were helping to set up scoring plays by nominated. clude AI Krlzelman, captain; AI noon saw Cowboy Liquors 20-18 the Jewish Community Center.. BUdget All Stars Slegal, Willard Plotkln, Jerry over Nebraska Furniture ai San both teams.. Free classes on Sundays from Ten men were selected from the 100 R U M Away dy Kasln poured In 14 points for 7 'o 8 p. m. feature the use and Midget League "A" division to rep- Freodman, Howard Martin, Jerry Goldstrom, Ray Klrke find Stan AZA 100 beat AZA 1 47-24 in operation of swim diving equipthe victory. It was the third quarter that hurt th« furniture men ai the second game, one of the few ment- Students progress from the resent the Center in the scries Widman. A social mixer will follow the Cowboys scored two baikcU to games decided by more than a simple underwater swimming nkllls against SJqux City. The first game overcome a 12-10 lead, and Ne- 10 point margin during this year's to the use of the more complicat will be this Sunday at Sioux City game. Tickets may be purchased when three teams from Omaha from members of AZA or HI-Y. braska Furniture icorcd nothing. league. High scorer for 100 and ed breathing equipment. will meet: there for baikctball The committee in charge conslits the game was Bob Epstein, always All Hakes Down Interested teenagers may drop of AI Krlzclman, chairman; ArRlchman-Gordman won over All .a dependable man for at least 10 Into any of the Sunday evening competition. The men selected are Mike nle Winer, Alan Ostrovich, Steve Makes Typewriters 20-16 to push points. AI Krlzelman led AZA 1 sessions or may pre-register at the Sadofsky, Keith Liberman, Jeff Dloogoff and Mike Markovitz. the types into second place all by with 12 points, but superior reJewish Community Center, JA Wohlner. Steve Gust, Karl Luefthemselves. Dav* Sothnik teamed bounding and floor play by 100 Procecdi will be given to char1366. schcutz, Harold Forbes, JTon Fiedup with Bob-Welnsteln to score kept them out in front during ity. ler, Steve Goujd, Dick Zacharla he second half. '30 points for the scoring honors. and Dick Kaslow. They will comBill Kutler of All Makes scored 8 Y. C, "B" BASKETBALL, pete with the Sioux City midget but couldn't get the help that Last week the "B" Youth Counall-stars in Omaha on March 3. "ItOOSEVELT REPORTER" Soshnlk did. Harold Snelder. Alex cil basketball league followed the Junior B W B'rlth League The Midget league will continue Eden Cohn has been named ediOrkoyv and Jerry Lohrman knitted suit of the "A" league in having 'Marsha Coren had the high Into a well organized offense that a' double overtime game. AZA game of the day—a 156. She fin- a* scheduled next Sunday as not tor of the newspaper to be pubmore than three men from any one lished by the Eleanor Roosevelt clicked most efficiently for three IB moved AZA 100C out of first ished with a 254 series. B'nal B'rlth glrli. quarters. Richman%ordman held place with a double overtime 42The high series In the League earn were elected for the trip. Other members of the staff are All Makei to a single basket by 39 victory. During the game AZA was fired by Mike Simon. He had P e g g y Rubcnstein, art) Irene John Spltzer In the lost quarter. 100C led by as much at 12 points, games of 144-124 for a 268. Welner, sport*; Arlcne Grossman, but AZA IB steadily picked away Tie for Second Mike Green rolled the high feature*; Bcrdine Green, Lynn The restauranteurs continued at the lead and tied the. game game for the boys—a 155 for a 250 Singer, Maureen Epstein, Ions with 45 seconds to go on two of their winning ways for the second scries. Karl reporters, and* Diane Singer Mike MarcovlU's free throws, at week to go into a tie for second Phyllis Shapiro was high In the The "Festivai or N a t i o n s " place with Gerelick Motors whom 37-37. In the first overtime, AZA girls' division with her 262 series. Program, Sunday, February 10, and Shirley Shlff, typists. The paper will be entered In the they defeated.39-25. Morey Han- 1Q0C broke the ice with a basket She collected games of 147-115. is being ^-sponsored by the Na- "Best Paper" award to be predleman twitched Mike Sadoftky to by Stanley Greenfield, but that Splits were converted by: Sher- tional - Conference of Christians sented at a meeting of the B'nai was matched with a set shot Center and Keith Llberman to forry Krsft, 3-10, Marvin Polikov. and Jews and the Cornhiuker B'rlth girls and AZA groups In field goal by Emil Block. In the ward and this maneuver effective- second overtime, Mike Marcovitz 4-5-7, Terrill Greenstone, 5-7. Lodge of the B'nai B'rlth, as part Sioux City. ly handcuffed the Gerelick team sank one free throw and Harold Parilman Plumbing Co. stepped of Brotherhood Month. Mrs. George, Cohn Is the new on outside rebounds and inside Kainian got a tip-In for the neces- in to establish a new high League The event w1U be held in the advisor for the B, B. group. scoring. Mike was game high point sary two point margin. Team Game and Scries: 611 game Floral Court of Joilyn Memorial man with 17 points but it wot Still and 1177 series. at 3 p. m., It was announced by FORENSIO WINNERS Among those who received honVARSITir BASKKTBAI.L a team victory through good passOTHER HIGHS Robert Newman, chairman of the Auction Team W i n Ing and a stalwart defense by such Susie Gilinsky 139-117-256 Americanism committee for the ors In the foremlc competition In the six state forenic competition boys as Howard Chudacoff,-Dick Bernstein Auction took another Suzl Seglln 132-123-255 B'nal B'rlth lodge. at St. Olaf's College, Northfield, Zevitz, Bob Stein and Jerry Hee- gome from Star Auto Parts lost Howard Feldmon... 128-125-252 Newly arrived refugees invited Minn., wer* Marvin Freedman, week by a score of 52-31 in a Jon Freldcn .......-133-119—252 to attend the performance will «er. Dick Zacharla and Steve Could close ball game. During the first Barry Kricsfeld . . . 133-114—217 receive official greetings from who placed third In extemporaneous division, and Howard Kaslow, half, Bernstein Auction led by at Mickey Sacks carried the offensive load for O r e 131-115—246 Mayor John Rosenblatt a winner of first place In oratory much as 13 points on a .750 shot Buddy Marcus licks. 152- —241 The program will include a and second place in radio newspercentage by Ed Belgrade as he Allen Ross , . . Steady Scoring Wins 121-118-239 Mexican dance and orchestra, casting. H. A. Wolf, Inc., battled the racked up 16 point*. His total for Ron! Meyer 126-112—238 Swedish folk songs by representMicklin-Rusco right down to the the night was 24 for scoring hon- Neil Bloom 123-108—231 atives of the Swedish-American LEASING LAD* Wire, but couldn't overcomt the n. Justin Mulnlck 120-111—231 Club; Israeli dances; Hungarian Marcia Zalkln, daughter of Mr. Star Auto began picking away Larry Green steady scoring of Steve Gusi and 126-104-230 dances and the presentation of a and Mr*. E. M. Zalldn, has been Karl Lucfscheutz. Luefschuetz was at the big lead mldway_ln the Robert Stein 121-109-230 chorus by the Y o u n g German chosen as the female lead in CenWgh point man with IS while Jeff second quarter on a weaving of- Jerry Stevens 148-60-228 Club. tral High School play, "PygmalWohlner came through with 10 fense and overcame their own Fran Grossman . . . . 130- 97—227 The Museum will present to the ion." for H. A. Wolf, Inc. Only In the shot coldness from the floor to Gary Mulnlck 117-107—224 public for the first time new naThis pity, the non-<nutlct| versecond quarter did both teams close out the half at 27-31. In Gary Parilman 113-109-222 tionality displays. sion of the Broadway success, "My have Identical scoring. At the end the third quarter, they moved Sherry Kraft 125- 99—224 Fair Lady," will be presented in It was 39-20 for Micklin-Rusco. ahead 38-36 on consecutive field Marvin Polikov . . . . 117-104—221 th« Central Auditorium May 1 goals by Larry Lincoln, Ami* nd3. Wohlner had much help as possible Buddy Epstein 108-105—213 Carter and Shcrm Poska. . Miss Zalkin will play the part tram Dick Kaslow, Howard Shrler TerrUI Greenstone . . 109-102—211 of Liza Doolittle. The cast also inAfter that point the score see- Larry Klrke and Justin Mulnlck. 125- 80-205 rludes Jerry Rosen, LenI Wine and sawed clear up to 50-49 with less John GImple T, O. BOWLING 109-93 -201 Prof. Ben Solomon, DepartMarlyi Isack. A very tight race hai developed than a minute to go and Bern- Barbara Kutler . . . . 114- 86 -200 ment of Education, New York lor first place In boyi Youth Coun- stein Auction in front. Wayne University and Editor of the Youth Hl Bowling. The UnaffUiates and Slegal cleared the way to victory Boy Scout Training -eader.i Uiucst will be the keynote AZA IB each have a 27-12 record as he made it a three point maripeakcr «nd moderator for the while Rayim A and AZA 100 trail gin on a left hander from the Mr. and Mn, Bennett Raduzlner Sixty-five Boy Scouts aro now by 2 and 4 games respectively. It't corner, but Lindy Paul narrowed In training at the Center pool In •City Wide Institute on Lender- announce the birth of a son, Slev« consistency that nan paid off for the gap to a single field goal an effort to win merit badges In ihlp." n Hay. Januiiry 29 at Clarkton The Instituts will be held at the hospital. The Rnduzlncrs, also are AZA IB. They all have averages sounded. seven different categories. Thin InEd Belgrade and Arnie Stern cludci the Emergency Award Jewish ("(immunity Center under he parent* of a daughter, Carol within 15 pins of each other, while he auspices of tho United Com- Jean 4 and a ion, Mark Jay, 3. the Unafs have apread their aver- made it real tough for Star Auto Band which nil! qualify them for under the boards, but the out- advancement in the Scouting munity Service, Monday and Tuen- laternal grandparents are Mr, ages out over a 50 points span. ;lny. February 18 and 19, from 9 ;ind Mn, Hyinle nichards and paJerry Sherman holds High In- side shooting of Carter, Paul and •inks. 'i. m. to 3:30 p. in. The Institute ternal grandpnrfntt are Mr. and dividual Game thus far with a ?o.ska all went into the wild o[>eri to \olunteri*,, piufes^lonals Mrs. Ixnils Rttduzlncr. very respectable 2H Mike Platt inWi. ETERNAL I.KillT PRESENTS r Marlu-N Win Again has a . >!)3 for High IndiMdii.il SeAn announcement hoi been reThe Ktern.il Light Program over :ind tlwwo Interested in group Ir-u'lrmhlp. I!f|;ktra.tion i* $2 foi eived from Mrs. Bessc Farber First place MaikH C l e a n e r s Kr'AB liroidcasting italion Sunries he I wo day Institute. acked ti(» 5'» to '.'A for lir.indeis- (lny at 10:-J3 p. in. will present y. C. IIASKKTIIAI.L MetM'r, I.os Angeles', Cal., former Close ball games ha\e been the Philco in the hwmid V a r s i t y 'The .Man Who HenicmlKTed LinOmahan, of the birth of a grandlast v-cvk Snndy Riophy coln," a true account of the Inte SKVEN JEWS KIM.KD rule rather th.m the exeption son, (Jlenn Alexander Halff to Mr. (. • d his team with Itj points on P.un, Feb. 4 (JTAi S<-i»n Dr. ]JCO Hiicck, former Chief Ilablij this year in Youth Center K'tsind Mn. Alexander Hart Halff .kettiall. The first jiljre Tnaffili- ip-ms, hook shots niui Jay up",, >f Berlin, in n WoiM Wai IJ cm- French Jews wero killed yester- I, January 2.) In San Antonio, Tex. d.iy when Aln"ii.>u nationalists re- Mn. Halff is the former Sally it he hail i iliuble snppoi t fioin end,ition enmp, * ates in mi overtime t;.im<- be.it ipened a campaign of terror aimed lesser of Han Antonio. last . phicc I'.ayim .'.'(-.';i In ono :.iy Kirkr v.ilh II. Ii v Ynffee :i(l Fred licrastcin with 30 each. •ATHKIl-SON GAMK at French ruin In Algeria. Tho •xtm three-minute period. I was a team victory as all men seven, all occupants of an apart- URANIUM PRODUCTION The Father-Son Youth Council Rayim led throughout the enHre second half on two or three ;ot Into the scoring column for basketball gamp in scheduled for ment house at Nedromah, in WestJerusalem (JTA) — Israel will Sunday, February 24 at 3:43 a. m. in Algeria, Included two men, iliortly begin the production of point margins; Dave Wintraiili Marked*. Brandeis-Phlico's top s c o r e s t the Center. Families and friends two women and three young chil- uranium from phosphate o r e s ' Larry Kohn each put in 11 dren. to pace their club, lugh'game were made by Dan Epstein, 10; are Invited to attend. Which abound In fhs Negev. •

AZA 1 Will Ploy Central'! Hi-Y

Teenagers to Have. Skin Diving Class

Junior B.B. Bowling

Youth Activities

Program Will Have Music and Dances

Leaders' Meeting To Be at Center


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