Otnuhn N>hr
Arthur H. Gc "
*U& C w ' l i ^ K
in Heads Drive
Gen. Chairman of Philanthropies And UJA Emergency Campaign Arthur H. Goldstein, prominent- of the 1957 Drive have been dra- of refugees. However, the entire ly Identified with Jewish comma matized to a point where every cost of tills life-saving operation nlty affaire, secretory of the Fed- member of the Jewish community must be borne by the Emergency eration for Jewish Service, and is aware of the emergency require- Rescue f u n d of th« United Jewish active in civic affairs in Omaha ments which must be met through Appeal, If the funds are raised, Jews can be saved. has accepted the post of General funds raised 111 this campaign. "In addition to our r e g u l a r "In the forthcoming campaign, Chairman of the 1037 Jewish Philanthropies and and United Jewish campaign, which meets the nor- Omaha Jewry will be asked to Appeal Emergency Rescue Cam- mal operation!) of some 100 Insti- give extra contributions, for the paign, Dr. Abe Greenherg, Feder- tutions In O m a h a , the United emergency Rescue,Fund. Omaha ation picsident, announced tills States, arid the world over, we Jews always have risen to the have an historic task and responsi- needs of the hour and have conweek. "I am exceedingly gratified to bility at this moment of saving tributed their proper share. We simply cannot avoid our responsireport," Dr. Grcenbcrg said, "that Jews from peril. "A national goal of $100,000,000 bility in the greatest campaign Art Goldstein has accepted top since the Hitler catastrophe," Mr, rommnnd of our critical 1957 eum-has been set for the purpose ot Goldstein concluded. IIls experience and leader- saving 100,000 Jews from the danThe Campaign Steering Council ship for many years give us the Kcr of destruction. Fortunately, assurance of an effective and they can be saved now, Israel's and Advisory 'Conffnlttce will meet Bates are wide open to receive the shortly to set the campaign In speedy campaign, as well as the .upport on the part of the entire ••efufices and escapees fleeing from motion. Other campaign leader* danger zones. Other countries are ship will be announced shortly, cnminhnity." also admitting- a limited number Mr. Goldstein Said. A<tlie In Community Mr. Goldstein has long been active In the Omaha Jewish Community. He hat been a member of the Federation board for many v runs, a member of • the Budget Committee, and until r e c e n t l y chairman of the F edcratlon ComWashington, (JTA)—Israel Am- claim "the right of belligerence," munity Center Committee. He is Mr. Hammarskjold never asked Arthur I I . (liiliMi-ln—I'hll:iiithro|il.-H Chiiirnmn un experienced campaigner, hav- bassador Abba Eban following a ing served as Chairman of, the meeting with Secretary of State the key non-belligerence of Egypt,; Men's Division in 1949, and Chalr- John Foster Dulles continues to as requested by Israel. On the innn-of the Initial Gifts Division demand "concrete and tangible other hand, in his report to rein 1930. He Is a past president of guarantees" before withdrawing iterates that Egypt his given hint the Omaha Lodge of B'nal B'rith, from the Gaza and Akaba strips. "reaffirmatlon" of "intent t o o b now known us the Henry Monsky He stressed that a verbal pledge serve fully" the armistice agreeby Egyptian President Nasser ment of 1949. A spokesman for Mr, l-odgo. g would be insufficient. Mammarskjold refused to reveal "A total 100,000 homeless JewMis. Itiodkcy in opening the . "Save Jews from Peril" State Department-officials said when Egypt gave such asuranee, can be mved ID 1957 with ade- meeting, pointed out that "comIn accepting the General Chairwhether it wtts done orally or in, it was very possible that a stern quate funds." passion, freedom, education and munshlp of the Campaign, Mr. warning will be delivered to Israel writing, or whether the assurance That Is the reason why the 1CJ.">7 security arc the things we must Goldstein indicated that the needs on the consequences of its re- came from Egypt's representatives Philanthropic! campaign Is differ believe in, understand and pass fusal to withdraw unconditionally. here headed by Cairo's Foreign ent from Hint of all previous years, President Elsenhower will meet Minister, Dr. Mahmound Fawzl. Paul Vcrct, Center's Executive orj, in order to do the task to Mr. Hammarskjold said that on March 21 at Bermuda with the Director, told members of the which we are pledged." Prime Ministers of Brltfan and Israel's willingness to withdraw Members of the executive comAdvisory and executive commitFrance to discuss the Middle East civilians as well as military forces tee!) of the Women's'division Of mittee held their first meeting of situation and -other world prob- from the Gaza Strip is necessary, the drive, at a afternoon meeting the year, the week before, Joined As for the Akaba area, he d«> lems, It was announced today. • t the home of Mrs. R. Max Canar. the advisers at this meeting. MemNew York (JTAJ—The presiclared that the stationing of tht "Collective Mruarer* bers of the advisory committee are dents of 17 major American JewSaving our Jewish people today Secretary General Dag Hammer- United Nations Emergency Fore* Is possible," Mr. Verct declared, Mmes. David Bernstein, Isadora ish organizations, with a momber- skjold, from the United* Nations, there, to guarantee freedom of ''because they can be rescued from Chapman, Harold Chcrnlak, Ben- shlp'of over 2,900,000, wired a plea told the General Assembly it shipping through the Gulf of Aka•ntl-semltlc lands and because nett Conn, Robert Engel, Morris to President Elsenhower. to op- could take "collective measurers" ba, "would require Egyptian conthey can be taken to the safety of C. Feilmari, Arthur H. Goldstein, pose any move in the United Na- against Israel for failure to com- sent." Israel If money Is provided. Other- Herman Goldstein, Max Green- tions to impose sanctions on Is- ply with tbe UN resolution callberg, Morris Grossman, Morton rael. Philip Klutznick, represent- ing for withdrawal of all Its wise they are condemned." Hlller, Robert H. Koopcr, Louis Mr. Vcret-pointed out that such E. Lipp, Alfred S. Mayer, Law- ing B'nal B'rith, a former Omahan, forces from the Gaza and Akaba was one of the persons whose jig- areas "without delay." He said, conditions were not possible under rence Plattner, Harry Ravltz, Mor- nature was on the telegram. however, such mcasurs are not similar circumstances in the past, compulsory. but today, 11,000 will save a Jew- ton A. Richards, Henry Rlekes, The search for learning U a mutt Ervln Simon, Samuel S. Steinberg, I8IIAEL CANCELS l'LANES The Secretary General turned for young Israeli's. ish life. Allen Salkln and Homer Farber. Ottawa (JTA)—Israel has can- down every one of Israel's reArthur. H, Goldstein, newly An Omaha visitor from Tel The "big" Philanthropy meeting celled its order for 24 Canadian- quests, made orally to him or In named General Chairman of the< for Women will be held April J25 manufactured Sabrot jet fighters. memoranda handed to him, dur- Aviv, 22-year-old Lea Rapoport, J957, Omaha Philanthropies, was at Beth Israel synagogue. says her young contemporaries This was Immediately confirmed in ing the last three weeks, insistIntroduced at the meeting by Mrs. A general workers meeting Is Commons by Trade Minister C. D. ing that Israel must be assured rank education as recreation, in Edward E. Brodkey, head of the scheduled for April 10. Howe. that Egypt will not continue to her country. Miss Rapoport, atwomen's division. Mr. Goldstein tractive and In command of excelttressed the Importance of the lent English, Is a government campaign and praised the womworker and former member of tht en's organization. women's military army in Israel. "Everyone wants to learn," sht pointed out, "both for their own observations and tor their country. Those, who work, attend night classes, as I did, when I studied French." New Yoik (WNSI— The global Miss Rapoport who lived In IsJewish population now is 11,810,lael since infancy, is visitlpg an 000 according to I ha World Jewish aunt, Mrs. Sophlo Epstein, her faCongress' Institute" of Jewish Afther's sister. Her mother was a fairs. The survey by tho Institute guest here seven years ago. (hows that in the nine-year period The young visitor stressed tin between 1946 and 1035 more than warm family bond among all Is• million Jews migrated to new raelis In addition to Immediate homes throughout tho world, the families, because of their common majority settling in Israel. ties with the armed forces, "Almost everyone has a memJews to Live in Nazareth ber of the family in the army," Shu explained, "Our first common Nu/arcth (WNS)— This ancient City, where Jesus lived in his I'll liircil urn mnw nf the women who attended tlio Joint meeting of thn Executive and Advisory com- thought when we awaken in tht youth and which Is now wholly rommlttecs of (lie Women's Division at t i n 1051 Philanthropies Campaign*They »r«i L, to r. (hack morning Is to turn on the radio to Inhabited by Arabs, Is to have row) Mine*. Edwnrd K. Hrodkey, Sara S. Steinberg-, David Bernstein, Max GrMnberg, Harry Itovltz, hear what transpired during tht Jewish Immigrants from Poland Itobert II. Hooper, Lnwrcnrn Plattner, Henry Rlekes, Alfred 8. Mayer, Albert B. Newman and Ervln night and who might be Affected." nnd Hungary who nre to live In Simon. I., to r. (front row) Mmn, Robert Engel. Louts K. Mpp, Harold Chornlaek, Arthur II. (lolrtMiss Rapoport Is here on a three the new section of ihe city. rnnnt hs v \ i «— uteln and M»rt<in Hll|rr. •
Ebon Demands Guarantee Before Israel Withdrawal
100.000 Lives Must Be Saved by 1957 Campaign
Plea Made to President
Learning Ranks High by Israelis
Million Migrated During Nine Years
Friday, February IS, 1957
Omahans in the News Published Every Friday by tbe Federation of Jen-fab Sen Ice Second Clma M«llln| Privilege. Authgrized at Omaha, Krtraiha AnnuaJ Subscription, 94.00. Adve/tlflnx Rates on Application. Editorial Office—101 No 2«lh street, Omaha, Nebr. JAckion 13t> 13t>6 Print Shi j AddrcM 4808 So 29th Street. MRS.) PRANCES KLEIN Editor
With the Home Fofts
Morris K. Jacobs, head of Ho- ing week nnd attend Ihe wedding /ell & Jacobs, vvns named thejof Harry U'«is to Miss Bnibara "Maji of the Yeur" by "he|l.itt of Rionx, N. Y. Saturdny, dated Retallcrh of Omaha nt the I February 2.1, ut Temple Zlon, there, orgmilintlon's annual meet Inn. The i The Kroom In the brother of Mmes. award presented (o Mr. Jacobs fc I.cvi und Slief and (lie son of Carl his long record of civic and bus I-cwis; Mi", nnd Mm. Levl will reness service, was the first one cv main in the East fur a vvcek after presented by the Retailers. Ilio uixliiing.
Religious Services I'.in l.r..Kh'lny, 5:38 p. m. TKMI'I.K 18KAKI. Brotherhood Sabbath services A ill be held Friday, February 15, K 15 p m. n.iblil Hrooks will official urn! Itabhi .Steven S. Scliwarzchild, Fargo, North Dakota, will lie Ku«-st preacher. His topic will Kc ' fan Ilcids Be Counted?" Sli.-ilibji moniiiij; services will hvi:m nt 11:30 a. in. with Rabbi Brooks officiating und the School Choir under the direction of Miss Id.i (Jillui singing flic musical por. (ions of the service.
• ••':.:.•'. New* »n<l -happealnga»t The. Dr. Philip Sher JewuUi Home Por The Agea by Dii vld Orkow.
Herman <iol<l»trin, vicc-preslilci of Goldstein-Chapman's was elec od vice-president of the Cgoniza tion at the meeting. yVinong men bcrs of the imnrd uniiaiinced wen Itlehard Goldman, H o r z b e r R s Louis Sonioeri;, Natclson's, Inc. and Ileniian Prledituin, Union Out fitting Co.
•Fcbrlifry 6-Jlabbi B * n J a m I r Groner discussed pre-passovcr rlt '(Mis.. A lively- discussion period followed. Special guests were A , Fisher and Harry Sidman. • Fetruftrjr 7-^A Special prpgram Newcomers to Omaha are Mr. of Yiddish songs was presented by and Mm. Milton Itownllial, ror. iner residents of St. Louis, who • the BrarideLi University Women, are making their home nt 902 So Mrs. Leo .Elsenstatt, chairman, :)6lh Street. Mr. Rosrnthnl has Mre. Hyman Ferer; president, »nd been named buyer for the suits the Mmes. Joe Zweiback, J. M. IIETH KI/ Malashock. David Ferer, Harry LoSabbath services nt Hclh KI roals and fur department at Herz bergs. bel,, Jennie Rlykin, Morric Landwill begin at 8,15 p. m. . man, Stanley Perimeter i . c l p c d Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will deliver BUI Johnson make the affair a huge Success. rvt. I/O Leonard 1>. Walk, 21. the kermon. Cantor Aaron L Kdgar ; The Council of Jewish Women and the Beth KI Synagogue Choir son of Mr. mid Mrs. Julius Wolk, li expected to return to Omaha sewing group held their regular «lll render the musical portions the latter part of February, folmonthly meeting at the Dr. Philip of the service. her Jewish Home for Aged. This Sabbath morning services begin lowing his discharge from military was the largest group to date and Bill Johnson, bass baritone, will at 9:30 a. m., and the Junior Con- den Ice. Pit. Walk who has been included Mmes, Jennie NogK. Ida resent a proifram of folk tones grecntion son-ices are at 10:30 in the army for three years, 18 Brqwn, IC H o r n s t e i n , Hymnn mm many Jiinds on Sunday, 8 a. in. Mincha-Miinriv at 5:30 p. m. months of which were spent in Fried, Rose Kagan, Ida Kaplan, . m. at the Jewish Community Djily services at 7 a. in. am) 7 Germany, is at present stationed "Esther Marks, Lottie Uoscnsteln, 'enter. It was announced by Dr. n- m, -Sunday services at 9 a. m. at Fort Bites, Tex. B e s s i e Tcsslcr, Tillle Solomon, A, GrecnberK, program chairman. Ramona Peppery Mary Zalkin and \ well known concert, radio and IJETII ISKAKL Mr.' and Mrs. Waltrr l>vl, Mr*. Messrs. K. Hornstein and Hyman elevislon artist, Mr. Johnson up. Rabbi lienjiimln Oroner, Cantor Julius Hint and Carl A. I^wli will F r i e d ; . •••„•.-; . . .• . Man here as one of the features KM Kagan, Beth Israel Cliolr and visit.New York during the comFebruary 9 - O u r appreciation to if the Program of the 'Month se- Secondary B clast will conduct late Ed Lfvlnson of Oinaha Fixture rins sponsored by the Jewish Corn- Friday evening services at 8 p. m. arid. Supply for the five sacks of munity Center, 'and' the Omaha Traditional Friday evening sen 1 potatoes. B'nai B'rith Lodges and Chnplcrs. ices (Knbbo)oB Slmblw,) begin at February 11 ~1956 World Series A mid-Westerner,, Mr. M 1JM 10 liufrt Mill H'«nt Jin r. Johnson ohnson 5:30 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- IIIn»ftf Th« lutim Vttu. movies film. began hit career by winning seven ices begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Cunrol imt< li M m u (or wet four lln» Isftrtloa. Tlit Fres* r*««rri« lli« n<ni February 12--Rabbl Myer. Krijv medals in the ChlcaKuland Music Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi to limit IIM ot 4«cli •drmlMAtnt. ke helped our folks celebrate Lin- Festivals. Gifted with a remark- Groner will conduct the Talmud coln's birthday today with the dis. able voice, he Is at home In sev- class at 5:15 p. m. Sabbath Mfncha BAA and Boi Mitzvah congratucushion of the "Man" so .TIUCII ha eral languages nnd gives special at 5:45 p. m. followed by Sholeshc lations also for all Jewish holibeen written about Abrahain Lln^ depth and expression to each song S'euilo* and Maariv, Daily morndays and special occasions, : eon; :-'i'::. ',•: ':;--:l-:-',-'--:.('-''-'..'.he performs, presenting authentic ing services at 7 a. m.; afternoon Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge ':•. The Council of Jewish Woriien renditions of folk songs in Yiddish, service* at 5:50 p. m. Sunday WANTED-Tralnee, J9 to 28,' lo class in arts and crafti was held Hebrew. Russian and Hungarian morning services begin at fl:45 learn Fcrd Automobile business. today: The residents have made as well as English. Prof. Hans a. m. followed by breakfast and EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY -nany lovely items in this .class Baer of the Jewish Community Rabbi'* class in Bible. S u n d a y FOR RIGIfT YOUNG MAN which we cannot display as we dp Center Piano Studio will accom- morning Junior MlnyariV followed Earnings and advancement deiiot have a show case or china pany "Mr. Johnson. by breakfast, start* at 8JO a. m. pendent upon own ability to i closet Should anyone have one The Talmud Discussion group learn. See Phil Gerelick, GKRI.-I Mr. Johnson's presentation In available, we would appreciate the Program of the Month scries meets every Tuesday evening at LICK MOTORS, PL 8111, 4719 ! having i t Is part of the Center's cultural 7:30 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, North 30th StreeL lth and Burt. February 1T- -Mrs. Rose Gins- and educational program of burg will present a ."Brotherhood tivitics for the community. Week" program under the spon- formation and tickets for the ProJerusalem ( J T A ) — T u r k e y ' s sorship of B'nai B'rith Henry Mon- gram of the Month may be ob- Court of Appeals hat returned to sky Chapter No. 470. The public tained from the Jewish Commu- Israel three fishing craft seized is invited. nity Center or members of the off the Turkish coast last year on B'nai B'rith Program Committee. charges of having violated Turkish territorial waters.
Folksong Artist To Appear Sunday
Want Ads
Mjron IL Milder, president of the Omaha Junior Chamber of Commerce, has been made chair, man of the 1?57 fund drive of the I'lilvenilly of Omaha Alumni Association. Kobert IL Kooprr. 1. Harry Kuutkaftky and Kd Uoncn ucre among the directors of the Down*' town Association announced fol'owing the organization's f i r s t meeting of the year and election of officers. Xalc Hhuke'rt of Diamond Meat Market, has returned from a b'usine»s trip to Chicago.
Births Mr. and Mrs. Willinm GlmpI* iave received news of the birth of great-granddaughter, Cathy tobin, born to Mr. and Mrs. Har>ld K. Caspar of Middle|pn. Wix., 'cbniary 7. Grandparents are Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Caspar, Oklaioma City, Okla., and Mr. and .Irs. S. Sliver, Chicago.
Same bay Strvfe* No Extra Chargt !• of10 A.M. Rtody by S P.M. CASH and CARRY Also Pickup m4 DfHvery Service
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GERELICK goes first again!
Pree-Teen Dance Class Started
Twelve girls were introduced to nodem dance concepts at the irt,t CIHMI of the Pro-Teen Modem Dance Class Sunday afternoon nt the Jewish Community Center liy Miss Marilyn Brnndes, (nitrite* v>r. Registration for the class U till open, Meetings are from 2:30 i. in. to 3:30 p. m., rdoni 25, Patronize Our Advertiser*
WITH THE BEST NEW CAR DEAL IN TOWN February It the •*** Month to §Vf... Allowance Chtrf < R«iitd for Thi* February Special
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SALON COIFFURE Blackstone Hotel Beauty Shop
Sam Berek Heads 'Citizens Now' The'.appointment of Samuel 1. Borek, Fremont, a.s general clialrman of the "Citizens Now" confeirnce to be hold in Fremont April 26-27-28, has been announced by forii T. Yoiin^', president of the t'ovded \V*ai;on Council of Ihe Boy Sront*. of Amerira. Mr. Bcrek has l)eeii active in scouting for 20 years, serving an merit badge counselor in tlie fields of scholarship, cilizcinhip, readtng, public speaking, dramatics and Indian lore during 'he 18 year:
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Friday, February IB, 1957
Organizations JKWISII WAIl VF.TEKANS 'Die fcpxtciii-Morgan post and Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans will hold an open meeting February 25 at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center with Mrs. Bertha Samuel, Cleveland national auxiliary president, :ia guest speaker.
Mn, Alivxanclr-r MrKK Jr.
Women to Nome Award Winner The luimifi] U'nnl B'rllh ••Citizon*ht|i Citation" will br roiifiTml on Mill. Alexander McKie, Jr., at • 12 p. m. luncheon Wednesday at the Highland Town Club. Mv». Vorne Vance, last year"s award winner will make th« prcnontatlon. Tlie award Is given each year by Henry Monsky and Nebraska Chapters of B'nal B'rllh in recogitltlon of community service and human relation* work. Mm. McKie, a graduate attorney, serves On Juvenile Court Ad. vlsory committee and with the Family and Children's Division of the United Community Services' bonrd and the Indian committee of the Urban League. She Is chairman of the Public Affairs committee of the YMCA and n member oC the Civic Contact committee and Humanities Discus-sloii Group of the American Association of University Women. Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, H e n r y Monsky Chapter and Mm. WilJIam Stone, Nebraska diopter are cochairmen for the event. Members of their committee aro Mme*. liar, ry WUe, Harry Sidman, Harry F r i e d m a n , Sol Miroff. George Cohn, Frank Sekar, Joe Upton, Harry Smith, Be" Blatt, Aaron Epjte'n, Abe Bear, Max Sachs, A) Onich, Sol Liftman, Goodman Cohen, Sam Manvitz and Ray Zwcrllntc- . Rcservaflom are $1.50 per person and may be made by mall or by calling Mn, Sol Uttman, WA MSI, or Mrs. Sol Mlroff, WA 6391.
Jews Banned At Arab Base. Washington (JTA)—U.S. Air Farce sources said today that President Elsenhower failed to end Saudi Arabian restriction against the stationing of Jewish US. Air Force personnel at the Dhahran Air Base. The United States agreed not to station persons at the base who would be "objectionable" to King Baud. It was pointed out that President Eisenhower was embarrassed by the requirement but Redded renewal of the lease was of greater Importance than raising - an issue of religious equality.
For the Man of . Discriminating Taste FINE SUITS
COI'NCIL o r JEWISH WOMEN Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women's regular monthly luncheon meeting wiLI be •held on Tuesday, 1 p. m. ut the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Julius Kulwnnn, program chairman of the month, has arranged for an interpretation of a Sholom Alclchem story entitled "Gymanawa" which will be presented following the meeting. The story will be narrated by Seymour Goldston, assisted by Mrs. Gulilslon and Mrs, Robert Sllvcrmnn;
The monthly luncheon chairman are Mrs. James Samuelson und Mrs. Abe Susky. For reservations call Mrs. Harl Wciw. Re. 7918. MIZHACHI WOMKN A 1 p. m. dessert luncheon will precede thr business meeting of tlie Omaha. Chapter Mizrachl Women on Wednesday at the Jewish Community Center. Contributions for Moes Chitlm, the fund which provides Passover necessities for the needy in Israel, will be taken. A talk on Moes Chltim will be given by Mrs. Irving Stern. 'Hie Mmes, Sol Nogg, Hose Fogcl, and II. Franklin who recently Joined the chapter's donor lunchoon circle, report a SIICCCSKful affair. The following have purchased trees for planting in Israel. Tlie Chapter, in honor of Mrs. Benjamin Groner and twin daughters; Mr. and Mrs. George Kaplan. In honor of Arline and Sandra Corner; Mrs. Sol Nogg, in honor of the 25th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.. Ernest A. Nogg; Mm. Benjamin Groner, commemorating Tu B'Shevat; Mr. and Mrs. I Carsick, for the recovery jot Mn. A, Diamond, Max Kirshenbaum, Joe Garsclc of Dcs Moincs, la.; the,T.almud Torah Cub, for the recovery of Ben Bumsteln. The chapter and Mrs. Rose Frelden, In memory of Malka Bayla Segelman; Mr. and Mrs. George Kaplan, In memory of Ab Cohen of Kansas City, Mo.; The Goodblndrrs. in mempry of David Forman and Mrs. Issue (Lottie) Warshawsky, in memory of her husband. KAUIMAH CHAPTKR „ This month's meeting will be held on Thursday, February 21, 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs, Nathan Kaplan, S115 Grant St. Guest speaker, Mrs. Alexander McKle, Jr., will talk on "Woman's Role in Brotherhood." Mn. McKie Is a member of the Urban League and also a prominent member of the Midwest Book Reviewer's Guild, Each member Is asked to^bring a friend to this meeting. Program chairman for the month Is Mrs. Ben Kaplan.
Reservations for the fund-raising dinner, Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Corey, 5019 Davenport St. will bo taken by Mrs, Iuidore Falk, Re. 8290. BETH EL Xt'HSEHY " L i v i n g with Pre-schoolers" will be the panel topic at the February 21 meeting for parents of Beth El nursery school children at 8 p. m. in the synagogue social hall, according to^Mrs. Morris C. Fcldnmii, nursery school chairman. Participants In the panel viill be Dr. Philip Slarr, child psychiatriit, Mrs. iJorothy Bcal.i Vpeech therapist and director of the Variety school, and Mrs, Maurice Steinberg, representing the parent)!. Rabbi Ralph DeKoven. director of Beth Kl's religious schools, Mrs. Alex Kotz, principal of the nursery school, Mrs. Philip Sokolof and Mrs, Sheff Kalskee, teachers, will also be Introduced. The panel discussion will be followed by a "Koffee Watch" and open discussion period. FAKBAMJ KLKCTION The ie-i'lccted officeri of thd Farband Labor Order, Branch 54 Poalt" Zion arc President, Mrs, Herman Bondnrin; vice-president, Sol Ash; Poale Zion secretary, Sam Rifkin; recording secretary, Mrs. Harry Shrago; treasurer, 1.. Friedman; llnunr.ial secretary, Joe Radinowskl; .hospitaler. Jacob Feldman; national futid, Ben Klnlman and the executive bonrd J. Feldman, Harry Rffkln, Sam Rlchman, Carl Rosenberg. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen, Max Relzbaum, Hermun Mlrowltz and XIrs. Sarah Okun. IIADASSAII Members of Hadassah Bducutionnl Council will meet for their regular Oneg Shabbat afternoon, Saturday, 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. H. Lee Gendler, 5801 Lafayette street. Mrs. A. D. Frank will be hostess to the Omaha Chapter Board members Monday, at 12:30 p. m., at her home, 120 S. Mth street. She will be assisted by Mrnea. Morris Franklin and Paul Veret. Hadassah Group Boards will meet on Thursday, February 21, 12:30 p. m. Members of the Iferal Group will meet at the home of Mi's, Julius Kabrman, 1602 N. 54th street. Co-hostesses'will be Mmes, Ted SanCord and Norman Cuin. Tho Szold Group Board will meet at the home, of Mrs. William Raduziner, 5125 Chicago street, with Mrs. Max Falk as co-hostess. The Wclzmun Group will meet nt the home of Mrs. T. A. Tully, 122 S. 52nd street, with Mrs. Sam Ban as co-hostess.
SAMPLE FUR SHOP Omaha's Reliable Furrier Everything In Furs at Lowest Prices in City 1319 FARNAM ST.
— John KDIIna Photo.
(I. to r.) Mr«. Siunlry SHu-rimm, Mrm. Lro Kluoaslalt, and Mrs. <lU
Council Plans Annual Dance The 13th annual dinner dance of the Omaha Section, Nntional Council of Jewish Women will lie held at the Sheraton-Fontpjiejle Hotel on Saturday, February 23rd. Thh year's ball, "A Night In New Orleans," with a Mardl Oras motif, will feature the music of Mai Dunn's orchestra, and a buffet dinner to be served from 8 to 10:30 p.m. Mmes. Leo Ei^nstatt, Stanley Sllverman, and Joe Goldware are co-chairmen of the ticket committee. Working with thorn are: Mmes. Ed Levinfon, Robert Levlnc, Max Wolfson, Somuol Zacharia, Melvin Tatelman, H e n r y Riekcs, Hoinor Knrber, Harvey Fcrer, Stanley Malashock, Robert Bjker, Stewart Simon, Dan Katzjnan, M o r c y Landman, Sidney Schwartz, Harold Farbor, Lloyd Friedman, Charles Monasrc, Oscar SuUn, Milton Wuidbauin, J. M, lforwich, Melvin F r e e m a n , Julius Cohn, Bill Lohrman, Stewart Gllinsky, Edward Malashock, Warner Frohman, Harold Brodkey, Irvin Sherman, Lou Katz, Ernie Nogg, Floyd Perimeter, Norman Denenberg, and Wallace Elkon. Ticket! arc $5.25. each.
Obituary BRAVERMAN' Harry Bravcrman, 81, a former resident of Sioux City, died February 4 at the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for the Aged. Funeral services and burla1 werr in Sioux City, Februury ti. Survlvlns are two daughter!), Mrs. S. A. Rife and Mrs. William Raskin, Omaha; two sons, Abe, Colorado Springs, Colo., and Herman, Michigan.
Rabbi Steven S, Schwarzgcnlld, Fargo, N, D. will be the guest speaker at the Brotherhood Sabbath services sponsored at Temple Israel Friday at 8 p. m. Tlie subject of his sermon will be "Can Heads Be Counted". Uabbi Sidney H. Brooks will officiate. Members of the congregation have invited non-Jewish friends and neighbors to the service us their guests. A reception will follow the service*. Visitors will be conducted on a tour of the Temple by a special group of the Men's Club.
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Center Sports • feaf the winlew I-Go V»n tesih MIDGET BASKETBALL Standings were scrambled in 20-18. Bill Kutler kept his team both divisions of Midget basket- In the game with a 9 point total ball but Sunday at the Center. In and some stellar rebounding to . the'"A" division. Fireside Restau- set up the Wldman score. Ed rant moved ahead of Gerellck Allman and Carl Cohen scored Motors by defeating Micklin- 6 and 4 respectively for I-Go, Kusco 21-12 while H. A. Wolf, Inc. but the rest of the team could ran over Gerelicks 43-10. Micklin- only muster three baskets to Jlusco still holds the lead with a make up the difference. II. A. WnU Koutm «-t record. Gerellck is 3-4 behind Howard Shrier dribbled, passed Fireside with 4-3. In the "B" Diviand hhut well to lead II. A. Waif. sion, Cowboy Liquors wun a double overtime game in beating Play- Inc. to victory with 1G points iH land Park 21-19 to stay on top of a 43-10 victory over Gerellck the league. Meanwhile, Richnuin- Motors. Both team.-, were playing Gordman. Playland Park and Al) without the service* o( standout Makes Typewriter* ore tied for eighth grades who were ronipotsecond with 3-2 records. Nebraska 'ng 'n Sioux City. Gere'lks were Furniture it right behind with .3-2 especially cold on the set shots. and I-Go Van lost a single over- The rebounding of Justin Mulnick and Chuck Ginsbun; was moio time game to remain win less. than they could handle. Shrier C<rabu)» Win With the score lied at 17-17 had lots of help in the scoring after the regular fourth quarter. column from Al RUSK, Gmshurg Sandy Friedman c a m e through nnd Justin -Mulnlcki I'lretidi* Tnke Swond With a basket that put Playland Buddy Kpstciii provided the ahead in the first overtime, but that ivas mntched by Dan Kat- spaik for the 21-12 Fireside vicskee in the*last few .secoiuK to tory over first place Micklm-Uns* set up the game winning bosket, en. Jit' senred 11 points and really a hook i>hot, by Sandy Kasm In kepi the ball moving on oftensr the second overtime, .Mike Sher- Hi Jerry Heejjer and Dick Zcvitz man was hiqh scorer with 21 helped in the scoring. points. lmt.Kati.kee and Harold 1. C. C. VAIWITV Schneider put in 17 bciviecn them Markel Cleaners maintained a to clinch the victory. tight hold on first place by defen ting second place Bernstein Nebraska Fu»lturr Auction 51-33 in Varsity basketRichmin-Goidmnn playml uilh' out the services of Dave Soshnik ball last week. The Cleaners and lost a 30-29 decision to Ne- gradually tncrr.ned their lead Haiku Furniture. Joel Snelder after a close 10-11 first quarter, wn.s nil set to win the gnme in but the Auction men scored only the lost few seconds, but his shot one field goal in tlip third quarwas blocked by Bill Ginsburj; for ter to makf a win almost imposa jump ball. Time ran out before sible. They hnd n 14 point splurge Rlrhman-Gordman could regain at the end of the game nhile Marpossession. Jerry Lohrmun scored kcls coasted on a 10 poiui fourth _ 16 for Richmnn-Gordmnn and quarter output. Ed Belgrade rang up 20 points •coring honors, but Nebraska Furniture had Gin-stairs and Bill for the Auction team and that Kutly with double, diRlt scoring was fallowed with 16 by Jerry and a strong defense in Larry Berman. but'six men contributed Batt and Ted Sanford for the win. to Market's scoring for the victory. They were led by Fred BernAll Makes Overtime Mrfnthnll Widmn.i put in a long stein and Irv Yaffee with 12 and set shot during the first over- 13 point*'each. It was lack of retime to enable All Make* to de- serve strength for the Auction
'J.C Briefs BEST CLCB AWAIUtg The presentation in June of Best Club Awards to the outstanding boys' and girl*' club was announced thi* week by the Youth Council president, Harold Kniman. The awards, are based on the groups' participation in social, cultural, religious, c o m m u n i t y service and athletic activities. Club participation and cooperation also is considered. Monthly evaluation meetings are held to evaluate the past'month's programs and activities and serve i a t a basis for Judging the Best Club for the year. A trophy will be presented to tach winning club while a permanently engraved plaque will remain In. the Youth Council Office at the Jewish Community Center.
Sunday at 2 p. m for a trip to the Municipal Airport where member* will visit the hangars, take a tour through the huge United DC-7 Airliner. Following a tour around the Airport, the children will visit the Weather Station- where they will see the weather balloon being prepared for the evening Qlght. The) have been invited to witness operations in the Control Tower also. After a short hike up the lake the children will return to the Center at 4:30 p. m. Supervised transportation will be provided.
Friday, February IS, 1MV
Planes Chartered Bar and Bas For Egyptian Jews
Athens, (JTA) Two pla.ies man That helped Markets owned chartered by the Jewish Agency in. They put eight men in the are making dialy trips to trans DENNIS I'ANHKR Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Passer scoring column to double the num port some 800 Egyptian refit gees who arrived here to new announce the Bar Mitzvah of ber of Auction team scorers. homes Is Israel. Meanwhile, thp thlr son. Dennh Victor Passer, on Clo*e Game exiles have been put up In 19 Friday evening. February 22 and In the second gome, Bnmdels hotels here with funds provided Saturday morning, February 23 Philco squeezed pant Star Auto by the Joint Distribution Commit- a I Beth Kl Synagogue. Friends and with a 40-:sfl victory. The winners tee. relatives arc invited to attend vveiv extremely cold on their The refugees report that many the service and the receptions. shots during the first quarter with thousands who want to leave only two field goals by Dan Kn- Egypt have to wait because they ( stein to trail 10-4 going into the have no funds and (hipping for 8TK\ KN FA1.KKN Mr. and M m Philip Faikcn of second quarter. It wag turn about those who cannot pay'their own then at Star Auto did the same passage Is In short aupply. Few Council Bluffs. In., announce the thing while the Brandels-Phllco of tJie passengers who arrived on Bar Mitzvah of-their son. Steven, leant poured in 12 points to lead the Misr had pnfd their own way. Friday evening and Saturday 16-14 at the half. Among the 800 were four, fam- morning Fcbr. 22 and 23 at Both teams played a bull con- ilies of Karaites, numbering about Il'nul Israel Synagogue In Countrol ty[x> of offense that limited 100 persons. The Karaites are a cil Bluffs. Reception will lx> held •curinw in the third to 12 points dissident sect which refuse* to after each service. with Brandels-Philco On top 22-18. accept the Talmud but otherwise VOt'TII COI'MCII. "A" follows the Bible and has suffered A7.A 100 ict a terrific pace for tile snme handicaps in the Unaffiliatcs and then coasted Orthodox Jews. Tlie Karaite refuto a 37-28 victory to go Itit gees reported that over 75 perlie for first place In Y. C. "A" cent of the Karaite community More than r>:>0 reservations have ba.s':ctbn'l last week. Both teams has Egyptian nationality, but the been made for.Beth Israel's Fifth have defrnli'd each other once exiles were deprived of It when Annual Citation Dinner Sunday, during the' clow race for the they left Egypt. March 3 it was announced by championship. Bob Epstein led the (In Jenrtnleni today, S. 'A Harry Simnan, synagogue presiCentiirvmen with 11 points, nnd Shragai. head of the Jewish dent. Mr. Sidmnn said the nt!end» Chuck Wise put in 11 to lead the Agcncy'i Immigration department, ancc is limited to C>0 persons, Unaffi limes. said that both the United Nations Additional committee appoint* and the United States Government ments made by Dan Cordimm, lUylm Win* have Information that Egypt,Ingeneral chairman, of the dinner Rayim won their first game of the season 52-47 over AZA 1 in tends to expel all itx Jews, includ- include Kabbl M, M. PullaKoff, a rough brill gamp that k«w Will ing the native burn. He estimated donor reservations; Samuel Stone, T'iotkin and Al Krebolmnn foul Ihut 30,000 of the remaining 43.- photography: Mrs. Sam Berman, out late in the fourth quarter. 000 Jew* In Egypt would arrive in hostesses: Sam Zwclback. collections; \Mnt. Albert Sorkin. tahl« Itayiin led almost throughout the Israel this year.t setting nnd Mrs. Snm Ilahn. tabl* entire game. bi]l late in the fourth decora t Ions, quarter A2A 1 went Into the lead un fivo quirk baskets by Krkel mftn, i'lotkin nnd Freidmnn 35-33. Hob Obermnn. Larry Kohn and KowiiiTl Wcinlwrij then went to The trio of Center All-Stnr work to Ice the game on lap-Ups, teams brought one winner home "Bigotry Versus Brotherliood in frep throws and set shots. 1 from Sunday'* basketball compe- Omaha" will be the topic of discussion, Sunday at the 2 p. m. Y. {'. "B" n.ikkethall Itlon in Sioux City with a 5.1-40 AZA IB spoiled AZA lOOCs :ame taken by the Omaha Midg- Youth Council Brotherhood Week program at the Jewish Community ' chance* of going Into a tic for ets. • ,. • first place with a 42-40 defeat Losers to Sioux City were tho Center. last week- at the Center gym. Frokh-Sophs in a 53-40 game and Bill Johnson, ntlonally-known Little Mike Mnrkovitz put In 16 the Youth Coundl In a*49-30 game. Negro folk-soni; artist, who will points to lead worinp.. Emll BJock Return matches will be played appear in a upeclal program Sunwas next with 13 for the winners. March 3 in Omaha. day evenlnc -will entertain th» Roger Smith had 14 for the losers. Three All Star learns from the youth group preceding a panel disOtntiha JCC Journeyed to Sioux course. 1 The discussion will lx- lead by the Youth Council sponsored me- City last Sunday, and camo back chanic's class to start this Tues- on the short end in two of the George Robinson, executive secreday at 7 p. jn. in the Jewish Com- games. Omaha Midgets won their tary of the Omaha Urban I«nguc; munity Center canteen. There will game 36-26. but the Frosh-Soph So! Uttman, local head of tht be no fee for the class which will !>nmc lout 53-40 and the .Youth B'nal B'rith A n t i - D e f a m a t i o n be instructed by George Schncll- Council All Stars were" beaten I-eaRiie and a representative of the National Conference of Christ, ing. 49-30. tans and Jews. The meeting Is The schedule for the return open to the public. gumei in Omaha call for the SophSix ^ F. Jay Pepper, University of NeFrosh game at 11:30 a. m. the Candidates Named Midgets at 12:30 p. m. and the braska College of Medicine student, is chairman in charge of arYC All^ Stars at 1:30 p. m. Six candidates for the title of rangements, "Sweetheart" of A.Z.A. No. 100, have been named by the chapter. ftlOMA ALPHA MU Eleunbr Roosevelt and Ilodl The winner will be anounced «l "Heir* a Poppin" has been se- B B C . will take part In a Joint the organization's Spring Serenade lected as the theme of the Sigma Brotherhood service, February 23 dance: April 14 at the Sheraton- Alpha Mu Fraternity's annual at the Beth Israel synagogue. Th* Fontenellc: hotel. pledge party, March 2 at 9 P. m. youth group of the Dundee PresThe girls are Maddy Mlroff. at the organization house. All byterian c h u r c h will be their daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Mlr- high school seniors are Invited to euest*. Chairmen In charge art off, a, member of Kleanor Roose- bring their dales, It was an- Peggy Rubcnsteln. Eleanor ROOMvelt BBG: Joanle Marx, daughter nounced Meyer Cohen, alumni re- vclt and Ann Wclntrouh, Hodi. of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Marx, a corder. member of Ilodl BBG; Barbara Mrs. Dan Gordman bus been Creenberg, daughter of Mr. and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam named advisor for Modi B.B.O. Mrs. Samuel Grccnbcrg and a Rosenblatt, and Maureen Zevltz, member of Debka Debs; Linda dtighlcr of Mr. and Mm. Bernard Dick Speicr, a Central High jun> Kavlch. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zevltz. The latter three are all lor, correctly answered all 40 ques. Lazier Knvich; Muriel Rosenblatt, members of Rohanue. tions asked In an exam designed by the Educational Testing Bureau . of Princeton, N, J., it was announced this week. All plane trigonometry students at Benson, Ccn« tral and North high schools took the exam in January. The youth Is. the son of Mr, and Mm. Millard R. Sprier.
Beth Israel Ev Is Near Sellout
Midgets Win In Sioux City
BUIJK.K CLASH There are still a few openings left in the Center Bridge Classes for adults, Wednesday, 2 JO p. m. and Tuesday. 7:30 p. m. The fee in $10 for 12 lessons. The Goren system is used. EAGlES . For further Information call the The Eagles, a Center sponsored Activities Office. Jewish Commuclub for boys 11 to 12 years of nity Center, JA 1360. age, are planning a trip to Camp Brewster, Al Fellman, dub leader LKAUKIISIIIP INSTITUTE announced. There, the boys will Prof. Ben Solomon, Department survey the grounds in order to of Education at New York Unistart building the model camp versity and Editor of the Youth which U part of their -club project Leaders Digest will be the keyThe group will meet at the home note speaker and moderator for of John II. Spitzer, 5144 Franklin the City Wide Institute on Leadstreet, February 22 at 4 p. m. Any ership. boy wishing to Join the group may The institute will be held at the do so by calling the Activities Of-> Jewish Community Center under flee of the Jewish Community Cen- the auspices of the United Community Service. Monday and Tuester. JA 1306. day, from 9 a. m. to 3::(0 p. m. The institute is open to volunteers, CHfcSS MATCH Mr. I. A. Horowitz, chess ifrand professionals and those lnd-icstcd master and editor of Chess Review, in group leadership. Registration played 31 simultaneous ^nines last it $2 for the two-d.iv institute Saturday, in an exhibition sponsored jointly by the Jewish ComcontsK munity Center nnd the YMCA IHljh School juniyrs and seniors Chess Club at the CVnter. nre ur};ed to enroll in the free preResults of the exhibition wore course to be offered at (hr29-wins for Mr. Horowitz and he Jewish Community Outer in coTho ra*t of "DreiiK and J ) « d i / ' an IiraHI comedy, to be prfdrew two. Offering a good account operation with Grelfjbton univer- nftitri} by tlir Yiddish Culture Council, Wfdni*»day at H p, m, at tlie of the game were Jake. Feldrmm. sity. Jtnvlth Community Ontfr are (ntnndinut, David KHIn, IJciibcn Wf-ndorff and (wat«*d), I>ra NormJ, Victor VacUor and Sunlit Zomlnu, Jerry lirodky and Jack I.leb. rm-mlxTs of a ivHl-kmrnn JeivUh theatrical troupr, Joe JtadlnuwnUI* MECHANICS CLASS ire the rounrll rrhalrnian, announced that ftdmUslon to thft show, the third ttiiorr program of A wrlm, H by season or Individual tlrk^ts. will l:l 'ft ' Hvo The Fimday ^ro
Youth Activities
'Deeds and Dreams1
JI.MOIt B. B. BOWLINM Junior B'niil Il'rlth Lm(ru« Buddy Marcus scored the high. Rome and high series of the day with n 102 Kamc-307 scries. Mar. .sha Coren urt Hie pac« for thi Kirls with n 137 game and 25S OTIIl:it IIKIIIS Mickey» 143 Huddy Kp.itein 132 Gary Mulnick 135 Bob Stein . . . / .145 Terrill Greenstono 128 John Sulin IIP, Barry Krlcsfcld 122 Neil Bloom 120 Larry Greene 120 Su/Ie Heclin 12.1 Judy Veret 1.12 Jerry .Stevens . . . . . . . . . 121
271 Ml 280 258 25t 23) 237 2.i« 2SJ 2.W 229 225