February 22, 1957

Page 1

:— I.


No. SO


ril «i Omalia SrUl




*»•«»»* fi»»(« lit)


UJA Emergency Rescue Fund Includer in Campaign

New Units Stt Up for Drivt

yenr juwmcii to us to be the irreducible sum which must be The organization of campaign rained by our community In the leadership Is being speeded up tt forthcoming drive," Mr. Chapman mobiUz* additional manpower, as)4 said. to us« revised campaign method*, In commenting on the goal set following th* acceptance of a for the campaign, Arthur H. 1790,000 goal for th* combined Goldstein, General C a m p a i g n J*wish Philanthropies and VJX chairman, said: Emergency Campaigns, Arthur H "The-plain and simple truth is Goldstein, general campaign chair* that we face th« fact that 100,000 man, reported, today, Jews are fleeing from tyranny in "We will attempt this year t# Eastern Europe, North Africa and recruit additional campaign !*tdEgypt. They have to be cared for ershlp to lnsur* that •verjrgroup and moved t o permanent havens in our community is properly of refuge in 1057 reached. Soveral new divisions art 11,000 Have* a U f a being organized, which w* bcltovt "It will cost f 1,000 per person, will prove helpful In making our to get this urgent and Immediate campaign successful" job done. This is the b a s i s on which a $100,000,000 national goal Among th* new Units t o b* s*t Job done. This It the basis on up In the Men'* Division will bt for the Kmergency Itescue Fund the Young BuilnMsmen's and Exwas established. There are 100.000 ecutives' Division, th* Medical* Jews who can be saved, and it Is DentaJ Unit, tha Attorney*' D M slon, and th* Food Division, Mr, up to America'* Jewry to do the Goldstein said. The chairman of Job. I am certain that the Omaha th*s« units will b* announced Jewish Community will do, its shortly. •hare In this "freedom lift" for. refugee Jcwn, who are being driv"Th* goal of $790,000 for our en out of their ntalve land*..' 1097 Campaign li based on. th* I.'iwrrnce, Kan«. -Ttie Xi JewMr. Goldstein also stressed the conviction of our community that ish families of l.awrenc<\ Kansas, In a year when 100,000 llve« are wcii" surprised this week to learn fact that In addition to (he critical altuntlon of Jew* In Iron Curtain at stake, and can b« saved, Omatlmt B Borup of their Christian countries, In Ki:ypt and North ha will want to play its full and neighbors had qtilotly orgnm/cd Africa, Jews of Omnha have a accustomed part in th* emergency a riimpali;h to raise fund* for re- rontimilmc obligation to support rescue effort. modeling the Jewish community our local and nntion;il ag^'ncie*.. Britain Travel Ban center Into s synagogue I.. O. which lire the Ij.icklxini' of the "The adoption of th* goal gives tangible evidence that th* gravity RlnRler, leader of the group, *•''"' Omaha and the American .k'wiah To Israel Lifted of the refuge situation and our he and I1L1 friend, hud laiinrhnl comminution, London. (JTA>— Britain lifted needs at bom* ar* understood .by the project because the 33 Jewlih Washington— "Stubbornness . . . the ban on travel to Israel. British the community, and "We hope that families of the tuwn and the W) to Hve the sum? as other people travelers were told that it was Omaha's response will be in keep* Jewish unricr-Kraduntci nt the do" is the way Mm. Golda Meir once again safe to visit the Jew. Ing with th* needi." University of KitiMiix WIT* the explains Israel's ability to survive only religion" group In DIP town Ish State. Since the beginning of surrounded by hostile neighbors. thut did not have Itn own place of the Sinai and Suez operations all Th* Israel foreign minister, worship. Tl\c nearest s>n,inonuc Britons going aboard hav* been writing in th* National Jewish is In Kansas City. warned against visiting most MidHarry Sidman, president of Beth Monthly, B'nnl B'rlth magazine, liiaW Synagogue, ha« been named finds this persistence a tradition dle Kan countries,; except for "essential purposes." to confer Hie Annual Citation in JewUh Jlfe. Howard:Kaslow,,«pn''of Mr. and upon President Harry Truman at "Maybe It is easier for us to Mr*. Ben Kaslow Is in Washing, the dinner in his honor Sunday understand than for others, beton where he, is attending the Trade Wciss-Rosmarln, editor of at 6:43 p. m. at the- Synagogue, cause, throughout Jewish history, Julian Fr««iian Will annual international executive the magazine, "The Jewish Spec- it was announced by Maurice if th* Jewish people had agreed committee meeting of Aleph Zadlk tator" will speak at the JewUh Katzman, program chairman. The to go out of existence Just be-- Speak in Omaha Aleph, teenage boys' division of Oimmunlty Center, Sunday, March Citation will stress the former 'cause other people wanted.them . Julian Freeman, Indianapolis, the B'hal B'rith organization dur: : president's contributions to Amerto go out of existence,, there Ingthe week-Ad. .. ••;•;: 17, at B«j>. m., it wait announced by Dr. A.' Creenberg, program ican, Israel arid humanity, Mr. wouldn't b* an Israel today," the Ihd., past president of the CounKaslow, a 17-year old senior Kateman said. onetime Milwaukee school teacher cil of Jewish Federations and Wei- at Central High school la president chairman. Others participating will be declared, \ ; fart Funds, will speak at th* an- of District 6, covering the mlddl* ' • Dr. Weiss-Rosmarln, a nati\-e However, Mrs, Meir said, sh» nual meeting of th* United Com- western states and th* Canadian of Frankfurt, Germany, came to Dan Gordman.- Max Fromkln. this country shortly before the HJnry Appel, Maurice Katelman, hopes the present hostility is only munity Services of Omaha at provinces of Alberta and SasDr. Abe Grcenberg, Mayor John rise of Hitler. A gradual* of the "temporary." • ; 6:30 p. m. Thursday; at the".Blade- katchhewaii, with a membership University of Wunburg. she re- Rosenblatt, Mil. Alfred Frank, In her article, Mrs, Meir re- s t o n e H o t e l . ; , ;";;/.' '•.•••:.••''•' of 3,200 boys organized In som* ceived her Ph. D. for a thesis on Cantor Ell Kagnn, and Rabbi Ben- iterate the proposal that United : He' will talk on "pur Respon- 120 chapters. ,. the earliest history of th« Arabs. jamin Groncr. A. J. Gronoff, Kan- Nations force* be sent Into a buf- sibility to Our Community." LeadTh* program of th* metting insas City, Mo. long-time associate * She directed the School of the fer zone In the Sinai Peninsula Ing UCS volunteers will be cited cludes assessing the progress of Woman and taught Jewish litera- of the late Eddie Jacobson and and "remain ther* until a permanpcrnonal friend of President Truand election of officers held.-. ;.: this ytar'i activities and plans ture at the New School for Soclnl ent settlement has been reached •Mr. Freeman Is a member *>' for th* annual international conman, will take part al.io. Research, vention In August. Delegates will The dinner'* Souvenir Journal between Israel and the: Arab na- the National Board of United meet Saturday with Sen. Richard Dr. WeUs-Rosmarln's appeartions." Community Funds and Councils will Includo a sketch of Mr. Tnlanoe here is part of the Program 'It would not inconvenience any- of America and the-Jiatlonal Bud- L; Neuberger (D., OW.) for an inof the. Month scrlt-t sponsored by nian, a resume of th* Truman body to hav* that territory used get Committee which studies needs formal luncheon dlscuislon o f t h * I.lhraiy project and the full text the Jewish Community Center as a buffer zone," she said, "since of national agencies seeking funds Middle Eastern situation In th* •nd the B'nnl B'rith IXHIKCH and of the Citation, Art Gould, co- it Is primarily uninhabited des- through local united drives. Capitol's Senat* dining room. clmlnimn, reported. Chapters. ert." Information and tickets for tha Israel still feels "a settlement Program of tho Month may be can b* arrived at through direct Obtained from the Jewish Comnegotiations between the parties tnunily Center or member, of the . , . We are convinced that a setB'nal B'rlth Piogr.im C'uinmlttc1. tlement not only Is necessary, but really possible," Mr«. Meir said Free vocational and educational - Huge Exodus of Jews testing will be a part of the Pre-, College Clinic being planned by Reported From Poland the Jewish Youth Council and Crclghton University. Ten weekly New York, l-'cb. 17 (JTAr An meetings will beheld at the Jewexodus of Jews from Poliind, "lilah Community "Center in the near viiling In numbers the I,\odus future. • .•"•-• from Egypt In Ilibllcnl time*," l< Mm Mik» Kreemun, a member The Clinic will feature a differUnder way, tho Now Yoilt Times of tho lSonrd of the National Woment lecturing professor each week. reported from Warsaw. "In roen's Division of tho United Jewish The course designed to inciuda cent months," Times roiiespondent Appeal, uill spoalc at the Morch tho major field* of education ofSydney Gmion \woli\ "Hit; tilrlJi* 12 mooting of Us Women's Divifered hy universities with an open Of Polish Jev.-ii to Israel has liediscussion Rt the end or each lecsion workers in Lincoln. come a flood.. It li-is Inrliidi.'d ('.mitmo. The scries i» being planned Slio Addressed a nlmllar group ni u n l i t i rind non-Communist*, to ncmmlnt hluli school students In Cedar Rapid*. la., recently. ninnunl laborers and doctor*, ofwith nn unrferslnhdlng of collcgo Mis. Freeman Is nn aisoclnt* fice workers and professors." lire and 111 lenulrcrnents. ReBl'chairman of th* Omnhn Women's Kf timatet of the number of J«w» tratinn Is brins'nccppti'd at. th* Division of th* Jewish PhilanIn I'oliiiid vary between ,'f.VOOO. and Viuith Ciiiincil iiffiiv Julian Freeman thropies for ifl.'T. lUrrjr Mdman 70,000. A eon I or *7.">0,000 fur the HOT combined Jewish Philanthropies «ml United Jewish Appeal Emergency Rescue Fund Campaign wai approved by the Executive Committee of the Federation (or Jewish Sorricc at Itt meeting. T u n day, February 19, Dr. Abe Grei»nberg, Kcderatlon president, announced today. Tlic combined goal w a i recommended by a special. Evaluation Committee headed by Isadora Chapman, who pointed out thai th* Evaluation Committee him glven enreful and lengthy study to the preterit emergency needi, before the goal of 1790.000 wan agreed upon. «oal Inn-eased M reirent "This goal, which reprencnti SO percent more than wan rained liut

It Happened In Lawrence

'Stubbornness Is Key to Survival'

Sidman Will Present Award

Onwhan Attends A.Z.A. Meeting

Woman Editor Is March Speaker

Testing Program To Be Included

Mrs. Freeman Will Speak in Lincoln

Faff Tiro




Friday, February « , 10,-i7

Diner-Dance to Feature Mardi Gras

iti»i*h PuUWed Bvtrr Friday by the Federation of Jew b h S f n i c e B«curul i_'t*s» Mulllns Privileges Authurtzed at Onuina, Nebraska. - .. • Annual Sub»crl|.llan, S4.00. Xdvurllnlng natei w> Application. : •-•.: Editorial Of floe-, lot No_20ih Street. Omaha. Nebr, jAckion 13«B. Print liti-J Addrc»»'4S08So; S5th Street, , . (MRS I FRA?*CES KLEIN . > . , . . . . . ; . „ . . , . . . . , . . , . . . ; . ; . , . E d i t o r

Bar and Eas Mitzvah \ DKNNIS I'ASSKK i l^innis Victor Passer, ton of i.Mr mid Mrs. Stanley Havscr, *ill jnbsenu his Bar Mitzvah on Frii dny ciening, and Suturday mornt Ing ut Helh El Synagogue.

Style Show Will Be Beth El Theme

ItJONKE CAROL ItlMMEItMAN KOHALINU I-OU NOGG "Portraits in Fashion" Is th The Has Mllzvahi of Renee theme of n spring style Mum t Cnrul lUmmcrmnn, daughter of IK? presented as a special feature Dr. and Mm. A. G. Rimmermart by the Helh El Synagogue Sis nnd Rosaland Lou NOKK. daughter, trrhond Thursday. 12:30 p. in. in of Mr. and, Mrs. F. Ralph' Nogg the Synagogue social hall, Mrs will be observed at a joint servJoseph Hurnsteln and Mrs. Sey^ p. m. ice Friday evening, Mnrch 1st "A Night lu New Orli-nnV will lie the setting fur (he annual mour Goldston arc co-chairmen o BKTM ISKAKL dinnrr dinrn of thr National f'oiiadl uf J<wl»h Women, Muturduy at and Saturday morning, March 2nd Rabbi li?n]'imln Gronor. t'inio the show. 8 |>. m. »t thr MrMTstun-Fontenrlle hotel. Mm«t. A, V- Vcngrr mnd at Beth Kl Synagogue. Mnws. Alfred Fox, Alfred Fled Eli Kagan, Ucth Israel choir an Ifoivanl Kapuui i n In cliarifi1 of nrrangements. A buffet dinner mil Friends and relatives arc In- «• B'nni B'rilh girls Hill conduct lad lor, Klmer Gross, Ben Kaslow lx> ne'rtrd until 10:80 p. m. .Munlr will br provided by Mai Itann and vitcd to attend both services nnd Friday cicninB t e n ices at 8 p. m. Morris Koom, Max LJshiiuky, hU arrhrttn. The affair Is given annuklly by tbn Omaha Hretlon to the receptions which will follow. 1 Jerome Milder, Albprt Hlmmer.- raloe funds for Us national nehnlaruilp prognun, Tlcfcru ari> Hi.tS Traditional Friday e\cning i t n lcei (Kabbjlas Snabbut) b«fln. a miin, I'uul Sacks Ted Sanfonl rarli. 3:45 p. m. Sabbath morning serv Stanley Sllvcrman. and Robert Ices bsgin at 8:30 a. m. Junjo Wagner will model spring fashions Congregation at 10 «. m. flabb Fanhlom for little girl* will lie Groner will conduct the Talmud shown by Dale Garber and Sa41y class at 5:15 p. m. Sabbath Minch, Simon. Announcement has been made at 5:45 p. m, followed by Sh.jlcsln Miss Kay Wilkins «1U narrate Among the local conveiilioii Frllnum, barbecue and entertain- of the engagement of Mi's BarS'eudos and Maariv. Dally morn- the program, accompanied by Mm. committee chairmen named for ment. bara Jean Ruback and Marshall ing services at 7 a. m,; afl.-rna.in Hussc'll BlumenthaL Mrs. Norman the 1957 Department of American n. Kushncr of Uncoln. »ervices at 6 p. m. Sunday moni Wohlner w-ill assist back stage. Legion are Vain Tnutln, parade, The biidc-clcct Is the daughter Mai Id M. KapUa, Oni.iha busi,ng services begin at 8:45 a. m Mme». Harold Fox, Hubert Julie Drollrk, huusinjg and liny ness man, has announced his can- of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer I- Rufallowed by breakfast and Rabbi'' Rmenblum, Sol Kutler, Donald back. Mr. Kushncr Is the son of didacy for the City Council. I'tttu In Bible. Sunday morning KS. Norman Lincoln, Sheldon Mrs. Max Kushner of Uncoln, . ujiior Minyan. followed by brcak- Unroln, Albert Fcldmin. Irvin Miss Ruback attended the Uni;-.=t, starts at 8:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slrcf are Sherman. Bernard Hockfnb»rC, versity of Texas at Austin. J'ox. ptndJiiK a two week vacation in "na Talmud Discussion group William Nnsh. George EUrnberx and the University of Indiana at News and happenings at The Dr. Miami Beach, Fin. m .vts every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m and Elmer Novak, members of the nioomington, Ind, Her fiance is a . BHH Synagogue, 19th and Hurt hospitality committee, will act as Phillip Sher Jewith Home For graduate of the University of Ne• ntl*. Herb Uerkowllz, head buyer and htxtcssci. The Aged by David Orkow. braska where he wai a member uf Trd Newman, merchandising man- 7Ma Deta Tail, social fraternity, Mmes. Arthur Adler.'Lou HurF e b r u a r y 13—David Orkow ager, both of Ilinky Dinky food wit7, Sidney Novak, and Edward I -Ml'I.E IKKAKL gave a special Kiddush on the oc- Stores, were members of a dis- .Sigma Delta .Chi and Omlcron onjple Israel Youth Sabbath Zorinsky and their circles eigth casslnn of his 6lh year at Super cussion panel at a meeting of the Hpsilon PI. honorary organizations. . ..1 be observed at sen ICIM Friday, nnd fourteen are in charge of ntendent of the Dr. Philip Sher Omnhii-Uncoln Marketing Assoc- He was recently discharged from f .13 p. m. llabbl Sidney II. Brooks ickcts and reservations. Food And ewlsh Home for Aged. the United State* Air Force. ijilion. \ .11 officiate together with mem decorations arc bring planned by The couple plan a June wedFebruary 1 7 - Brotherhood week ding. ijrrs of the Temple Youth Group. he Mmcs. Morton Richards, vat celebrated at the Home spunSam >crmonojtei will be delivered by TfrnryRlekes and Harold Cooperoof Die American ican Gail Shricr, Marly;, J'.ack, and man and their circles .sewn ami orcd by the B'nai B'rith Henry Camping Association suggested in riONBKU WOMKN lonsky Chapter N't). 470 under a public announcement that parMartin Well, on "Teen-Command- seventeen. The regular monthly ineelini; of the chairmar'! hip of Mrs. H mentj for Living." ents consider Salk vaccine shots the Pioneer Women will be held insbcrg. The artists were Gayle lor children who will go to camp Shabbas morning servieei will Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. at the •"eldmnn, Miss Julia Zukor, Mrs. this summer. begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Jewish Community Center. A Russell Blumenthnl, Refreshments Brooks officiating and ihe Redessert luncheon will be served. if strudcl and fresh fruit were ligious School Choir under Ihe d;r Cadet Major Alvln M. Fellman, AI.AN JUSTIN COOI'KIt rection of Mist Ida Gitlln singing son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fellman. Nerved by-Mmes. Harry Sldman, A son, Alan Juilln, tt.i* born the musical portiona of the serv- u s been appointed Commander of Jarry Uppcrt, and Stanley Shariro. ' a Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. Cooper ice, he 471st Air Force ROTC detachNew Resident, Mrs. Vera Sha- February 14 at Immanuel hospital. ment at the University of Nelir. Grandparents arc Mrs. Rose Mil1\TO. BETH EL February 19—Rabbi David Korb ler of Dallas Tex, and Mr. an'd Sabbath service* at Beth El Ifodi B'nai B'rith girls nnMrs. Martin Cooper. Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. lounced the following committee was our guest for the weekly 'labbfnlcfll visitor prop-am. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpkc viU deliver -lialiTnen: Ann Wcintraub,, Ar February 23— Special Memorial the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar Jd SAMPLE PUR SHOP Joodinun. religious; Inn Margolin, wit-ices were held at the Home and the Beth El Synagogue choir Bonnie . .Spiegel, cultural; Lea Omaha's Reliable Furrier will render the musical portions Snmrlock, Harriet Hrriilon, alh- lynagogue for Morris Spivak on Everything in Fur« he occasion of the anniversary of n of the service. ticK; Barbara' Bernstein, Inter- is death; Additional Memorial * t Lowest Prices in City Sabbath morning services begin roiip; Paula Block, Patsy Grrenat 9:30 a. m. The Junior Congre- icld. nodal; Myra Cohen. Bar- Services were held for: . 1519FARNAM ST. gation Service* are at 10:30 a. m. >nra PI tails, B'nai B'rith co-oncraMrs. Harry Friedman—Feb. 22 .nil 7 p. m. Sunday services at 9 ion; Georgiannc Mez7>', Klaine Ruth Shames—Feb. 26 <t. m. Louis Braunstcin—Feb. 25 ielo, community service and Kran"We Serve Hie Finest to the Finest" •m Silver' calling. oming March 3 - Ki-Ton-Ton-Vsriety Kosher Meal- Mkr. Mr. «ml Mrs. Ham Bluom arc Show. isltlng their son-in-law and and Delicatessen "Letters to George^and Nancy" daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice March JO- -Omaha Choir and ' wlU be featured in future editions ~U>Kin*ky Dramatic Show. WA5554 U i k y iin A n gge l e s, , <Jnl. J 4415CUMINGST. FREE PARKING uf College CommenU, O m a h a They h l return to O March 17—B'nai B'rith Nebraswill Omaha h IIn 10 10 Youth Council monthly, mailed to lays. ka Chapter No. 346 Purim party. Offen You the Choicest all Omaha high school seniors. March 24-Blkur Cholim BlrOiThe letter* will contain InformaPatronize Our Advertisers. day Party. lt\e material on college admission procedures, costi. joining a fraternity or sorority and college studies. A special edition is mailed Get Yourself to out-of-state colleglatei' with new* on the activities and progress of Omaha Jewish graduates and colleglates. Issues may be obtained free of for Spring with charge by contacting the Youth Council Office at the Jewish Comthese New, New munity Center.

Omahans in the News

Barbara Ruback To Wed in June



Feature Added



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We Feature Adler's Bakery Products Freih Dally and Chicago Bread and Pastries We Will Carry a Full Line of Paiwver Products

Pi-May, February M, 1M1

Organizations Omaha ampler Hedassah will iHitd a rummage (all! March 11 ami 12, .Monday and Tuesday at Utt2 N. 34th Street, Mm. George r, chalimun In charge of the event, will have as .-co-chairman, lira. Dennett Cohen. Mrs. Harry Wise. GL 1787 WU\ head the pick' up and delivery corps, Mr*. Sjiltor oi,k« that the following women be called by thiise «bo with to have ortlclw picket) up. They are: Mine*. Arthur Goldstein, GU 7093; Harry Noodcll, WE 5130: Bernard Wolf. WA 35«6; Mm. Sum Green. RE 0969.

Mrs. E. L. Mangel, Ceramics Director of the Park and Recreation department, and Mrs. S. H. Dorsey of the Klayramlcs club will demonstrate the designing of ceramic pieces from liquid from to finished products- Door prizes will be another feature of the program.

3IIZRACI1I WOMEN The Mmen. M- Brodkey, J. Coodbindcr, L. Gcrelick and L. Papcrny have Joined the donor uncheon circle of the Omaha Chapter Mlzrachl Women, They will entertain at a 12:30 p. m. uncheon and card party March 4 at the Jewish Community Center. "One Hundred Yean of Genius" 'iU be the highlight of the joint HaduMah Group luncheon for n Brotherhood month nt the Jewish The Kutler-Clplnko Couxlns Club Community Center Wednesday, nt will meet Sunday evening at the 12:30 p. m. The Henrietta Szold home of Mr. and Mn. Ben MulGroup with Mm. Jinx Grcenberg nlek. prcnldinK. will be In chargp, Mri. Morris Shapiro 1B program Hi.ilr-

J.W.V.A. to Have Guest

SWMA AL11IA MV MOHIKIW 'flic SlKrtia Alpha Mil Mother's C ul) will meet at tiin home of Mrs, Moritx Kmunn, JIO S. Slit rtrcrt TiiMda)*. for • demcrt luncheon. Mrs, Albert Oruch will be co-liosleas. Reservations may he made with Mr*. Sum Turkel, (SL 3425 • er Mn. J. Milton Margolin, GL IIKLTA TAU MOTHERS Tie Sigma Delta Tau Mothers Otili will hold a meeting TliiirjHtay «t the Cornhusker hotel In Lincoln at 1 p. in. Member* planning to attend ihould notify Mm. A. A. StelnberR, WK 4435 of Mrt. Ben Simons, OI- 6776. ITO/AI B'llITII Commemoration of Brotherhood Month will bo the theme at the regular meeting of Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 and Chapter No. 310, B'noi B'rlth Monday at 8:30 p. m. til the Fireside restaurant. Rabbi Mye'r S. Krlpke. Beth Kl S>nagoguc, Father Cyrcl fteil MeKinnw, CreJKhton Unlvernlty, the Rev. Charles E. Tyler. Calvin Memorlal Presbyterian Cliurcti, the Rev. Roland C. Props!, Jllllcr Pnt-k PiMliyterian Church and Sol Llnmnii, ADL, who will IK- narrator, will bo [irownled in n proiram by Wllilnm Stone, program chairman. lii will be senrd.

Cot.VCIl. OF JKWIHII WOMEN Tlie Current KvtnU Study Cqsup of Natlpnal Council of Jctvinh Women will meet Tuesday, at the tiomc of Mrs. I»uU Blumkin, 7011 Farniun street, for « 1 p. 'm. coffee. Sol I.ittmnn will dltcuM "ReIIRIOUI Mucatlon in Our Schools."

by JOHN Portraits Weddings Commercial


MISS NANCY BARRON Unl. ef Omaha Music Major and Camp J.C.C, CoiMMlor T«k«i PU«iur« In Announcing tha Opening

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An Appointment tni Addition*! Information

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Photographer 817 S. 36 St. HA 1044

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Harold Marcr who were married January 13, are making their home Jn Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Marer, a former Omahan, Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Marer, His bride it the, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Harwln of Beverly Hills, Oil.

pringtime drug needs

cni.nr.ftAuK CLUB A 1 p. nt. demert luncheon will be held Monday at the Golden Axe Club meeting at the Jewish Community Center. A musical program, honoring Jeivldh Music Month will be preiiented. Community tinging will be led by K. Hornitrln. who will lie accompanied by S. Teniln, violimt. i

The Finest in Photography

In Los Angeles

Mrs. Bertha H. SamueJn, Cleveland, O., national president of the Ladles Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans, will be the guest of the local post and auxiliary Monday at a dinner and open meeting. The dinner in Mm, Samuels' honor Mill be held ut Harry's restaurant at 0:30 p. m. She will speak at an open meeting at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The Omaha guest will present a gift to the Veterans hospital in tlie name of the local auxiliary, during a tour there Monday urternoon. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Abe Miller, president of the local organization and Mrs. Aaron Epstein, hospital chairman.


The board of B'nai B'rlth Henry Wonsky Chapter, No. 470 will be held Thunulay at 1 p. m. nt the home of Mm. Ben Blatt, 5024 MiaOil St. Mm, Harry Sldman will" be co-ho* trait.

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Friday. February It, ]»5T

'J.C Briefs

Center Sports MIDGKT BAHKKTIiAU. Playland Park moved to sec tad place In the "B" division in Widget Basketball last week. Cowboy Llquon stayed on top with a 22-21 win over Rlchman-Gordman and dropped them in to a tie for third-place with All Makes Typewriter*. In the "A" division, standings went unchanged. H. A. Wolf, Inc. defeated second place Fireside Restaurant. Micklin-Iiiisco wun qver Gerelick*, Furniture T « o Win* Nebraska Furniture continued on its winning way by defeating I-GoVan 38-16, Guided by Dill Ginsberg, they clamped the lid on •11 but three of the I-Go team, Carl Cohen. Harley Srhrager mid Cheater Stoler, for an easy vie<

tory. flayland Kdge. The closest game of the clay WHS between Playland Park and All Makes Typewriter* as the red Playland team squeezed - out an 18-16 victory. Co»bo)t Stay On Top Eking out a 22-21 win over Wchmah-Gordrnan was a full time Job for Cowboy Liquors in the last "B" game of the doy. Joel Snelrler of Itlchman-Gordnian and Dan Katgkee of the winners, wnqcd a •coring duel as they rune up 15 and l.'f points respectively, but it was the Cowboys team that mmlc up the difference. Mkhlln-lliura Wins' For three fourth* of a hall fame, Gcrellck Motors put a score into league leaders Micklin-Ruftco. Then Steve Guss went to work . and icored 10 of his 17 point high to put tbe game on ice. The Auto men led going Into the last quarter 16-15 and had led 11-6 at the half on a Cliarnberlln type defense thai saw Steve Could and Don Fiedler scoring on easy lay-ups after deceptive passing and faking

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by Dirk Zacharla, Sheldon Kn/el man and Howard Mulnlck. Zach aria was high for Gerellcks witli 8. IL A. Wolf Over Klrmldn It was almost the same pattern in the last "A" game of the day. H. A. Wolf won o\er Fireside 43-20 with a fourth quarter (coring spree by Jeff Wohlner. HU point total for the day was 19, The "A" division will not bom pete next weeii as they bow out In favor of the Father-Son Youth Council game at 3:30 p, m. Neither league will compete the following week as the Omnha Jay plays host to the Sioux City Jay with three All Star games. The "B" schedule for next week seen Nebraska Furn. vs. All Makes, 1:30 p. m. I'layland against Rlchmnn-Gordinan, 2:15 p, m. an<J I-Go Van vi. Cowlwy Liquors at 3 p. m. J.C.C. VAIMITT Markcl Cleaners have virtually sewed u p - t h e . Vanity League title for this year with a 76-41 win over Star Auto In last week* games. In the second game. Ed Belgrade clicked for a total of 4.1 points to give Bernstein Auction'a 76-41 victory over last place IsrandeivPhUco. Ray Kirke wn> high point man in the Markel-Star game with 28 points, but he had plenty of help from In' Yaffee with 13, Brandris-Phllco took first quarter 6-4 lead over Bernstein Auction In the second game. But Kd Belgrade set a terrific (curing pace In the second quarter and the Appliance men couldn't meet the challenge. V. C. BA.SKKTBA1.L In Kami's la»t week., AZA 100 demolished tlaylm 71-38 In the most lop-sided »ln of the season. It was definitely our of tune with the overtime games of previous


"Vnafu" keep Ur The Unaffiliates kept their 4i>> ror first place by beating AZA 1 33-29.Fouls definitely hurt the Mother chapter as the "Uafs" converted 7 for 18 at charity lane, to more than make up the margin of victory. Will Plotkln fouled out early in the fourth quarter and with him went the AZA 1 rebounds. BROTHERHOOD BAHEKTBAfJ, AZA 1 defeated Central 111-Y last Saturday night In basketball competition at the Jay by a score of 42-27. The game was part of their Brotherhood week program. College man Kay Kirke rang up

21 ftctJit^ to le.id tht* SMJJIIU;


YOI'NU ADII.TS 'Mifts Kctlc Ann J'oska wan named social .secretary of the Young. Adults .Sunday night at a meeting at the Jewish Community Center. She Miccwds Minn Joan Wiseman. The Club i« planning lo meet with nicmlwrs of the Young Adult group in Kansas City, March 2 and 3. Menilxrs interested in making the trip are asked to contact Miss Poska. New Omahans who attended the meeting were Ike Blanker, formerly of Reglna, Can. and Perry Byron, formerly of ML Vernon, N. Y,

totnl of four men fouled out he fuit; the fimil buzzer. H0WI.I1HJ TOlltNAMKXT February 21 Is the big day for Girl Yiiuth Cimncil bowlero. They will vie for top honor*. Sunday at 10 a. m. in dub as well as individual competition, in the G.Y.C. BOH ling tournament. ' " Average* and totals will be based on a three game scries wltli awards for high average, high game, high series and club top high five. Registration for the tournament must' be made by February 73 at 5:00 in the Health MODKKN DANCE Registration Is still open for the and Physical Ed, office along with Modern Dance Claw (or girls 10-13 .50 registration fee. years of age, Sunday afternoons, BOYK y. C. BOWLING at the Center. Fee for the class With ten weeks of bowling reheld from 2:30 p, m. to 3-JO p. m. maining In the season, the boys' la 16 for 10 weeks. championship Is still up for grabs, IKJI the Unnffilintm have nn In side truck as they lead AZA IB by a Him game margin. Their FATHER AND SON BANQUET The 33rd Annual Father and season total in 30-12. Raylm A or AZA 100A cannot lie ruled out of Son Banquet will be held Sunday, March 31. at the Jewish Commuthe picture yet. They stnnd In third and fourth place with orily nlty Center, ft wai announced by five games separating the first Dr .Philip Sher, founder of the banquet and fourth place teams. INTER-CITY - B " VOIXEVBAM. Tiie Lithuanians are on top of MUSIC L18TKNINO P the heap In the Monday night InThe next meeting or the Music ter-aty CUM "B" Volleyball Listening Group will he held at the Isngw. followed closely by Sokol horn* of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Silverand the Postal Carriers. The top man, 5031 Charles Street. Sunday team has a record of three wins at 8 p. m. The group meet* once against one loss while Sokol and a month in the homrs of the varthe Postal" Carriers each have a loiu members.. 3-1 record. Other team* in thi* league are YMCA Benson Community Center and the JCC. vinumn CTLTiniE vor.vciL

Golf Lessons Added To Figure«Afd Class

The fourth Yiddish Culture Council program will ho presented Wednesday, March 13 at 8 p. m at the Center by the Farband IJIl»r Zionist Order. The annual thcactrical event, a. three language performance of patt ond current Jewish Jife will feature ewmedy, drama and Hoiif;« from the World

Golf Instructive hn« lion added to the program of the Women'* FIguro-Aid cl<w* which meets Tuesday and Thurodiiyji at 9 a. m. The new activity in presented of Jeulfih Folklore* hy Mirli Jeui.sh after, a thirty minute SCKMUII of italic* stars ut li'-n Iturnit, Min.i figure control exercises. The golf tern. U'on I.IWicolcl. l.ili I.llllan.i. lessons include such fundamentals I Harris anil S. Kershkn. as the grip, addressing the ball, Adiiussiun Is hv S'MMHI iirl.et oi use of various club", and (j°lf indlv'idiial ticket*, nco.rdiiii; lo Joe etiquette. Plans are bctnt made ilil. <!i.iin:iiii for a practice period at a golf course. Regis t ration* for the course arc still open, it i< HM- j Got TV Trouble? nounccd by Jim rCnrhainch. Inslnictor. Call Saul—That's All! The golf fccuilnii Is follow rd by Soul's TV & Radio Service one hour of swimming. 1705 Curnlna AT 253? Patronize Our Advertisers.

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Gym Class Has 15 Boys The enrollment of the Youth Council gymnastic class liax increased ID 15 members, Dim Fogel, Instructor, reports. The clans meets Wednesday at 3:.'!0 p. in, nt the Center. 'Hie M-iMimi are <lcvr.ted tn tumbling, hnrl/untnl uoilc and bo<ly bulldlnt; e\eerci>;e».

Father-Son Game To Be Held Sunday Youth Council hasketlmll play> em will compete with their Futhers In a basketlMill game Sunday at 3:30 p, m.

Golden Age Swimmers Develop New Skills " The second session of Golden Age Swimming Is scheduled for Wednesday at 10 a, m. Member* of the clan are progressing rapidly In developing new skills and) redeveloping old skljls, Mm, J . Milton Margolin, co-sponsor of tho group reported. An increased turnout is expected Wednesday by Aquatic Director, Joe Micck. Special musical recordings will lie played] during the swimming scsjdon. AZA PIIKK THROW TOUBNET Five boys from AZA 1 competed] In the Curnbelt AZA Free Throw Tournament, last Sunday at th« JevvLih Center gym. According to rules set up by the tournament committee, each boy gets .10 attempts and is scored by the number successfully shot. Terry Freed, man was high for AZA 1 wllli 28. Saul Kalmnn scored 2.1, Frank Goldberg scored 22. Harold Kalniiin had 11 and Diri'y Cnrrop shut1 !t. Jerry Swartz nrted as official.


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