March 1, 1957

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a a U w r t » 4 at OaSfca



I'utiluaeo «ver> »HUa> 101 ft teili annual I t M * « DoUsn Omaha Net ra«fea fhonr IA IMS Slnrl' OHMF M Cent-

Lawyers" Division Will He.: Stag Thursday, March 7

Women's Division Calls for Workers An urgent call for women workers to help in the Women's Division of.-.the. Jewish Philanthropies campaign was issued this week by Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey, General Women'sChairman. : Addressing a letter to all women in Omaha, signed by Mrs, Edward E. Brodkey, chairman, Mrs. Ed? win E. Brodkey and Mrs, Mike Freeman, 'associate* chairmen, and Mrs. Herman Bondarin, Business and Professional chairman, tne\ leaders of the Women's Division

Jewjsti lawyer* of Omaha will meet *t a itag dinner Thursday, March 7, at 6:30 p; m; at the Blackiton* Hotel, In connection With the 1957 Jewish Philanthropies campaign, Harry B, Cohen and Ray Simon, newly named cochairmen of the Lawyer! 1 Division, announced thlsi week. . This meeting follows the plan of

the 1957 PhUanthroplei Campaign which was announced last week by Arthur H. Goldstein, Genera; Chairman of the combined Philan thropies and Emergency United Jewish Appeal campaign. " T h i s approach,' Mr. Goldstein said, "will make it possible to present this year's urgent needs in a more intimate manner. I am happy that JIarryB. Cohen and Ray S). mon have agreed to lead the Law. yers' Division, and I feel certain that members of this profcsslonaj group will give us the help (hat is The Rev. William Kelley, S. J., so needed in this year's cruda" head of Crelghton University's: c a m p a i g n . " - .;•-'.••.•''• :'.•'. •••'::'1" '-•' School of Liberal Artj and Robert Rellly, public relations director, will be the speaker* at the openIng meeting- of the Pre-College Clinic Tuesday at the Jewish Community Center. The ten-week clinic, Jointly Data covering the activities and sponsored by Creighton University personalities of the Omaha Jewish and the Center, will meet each Community of the mid-twentieth Tuesday from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. century, were sealed away with Varloui phase* of college life and similar material from the dty's studies will be presented by dif- many organizations: into the corferent lecturing professors at each nerstone of new Television station KETV Tuesday morning, meeting. Students may register for the The Items relating to the Jewish series, which Is free, by calling the scene included two copies of the Center's Youth Activities depart- Omaha;Jewish Press, the rosters ment. JA 1306. ot the boards of the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service and the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs and several annual Federation reports. It Is Intended that the cornerThe regular luncheon meeting stone will be opened in 2007. of the federation ot Jowl»h WomH. Cowdery, president of en's Clubs will lie held Thursday, theBen Corp.. operator of the 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community new Herald station, presided at" the eor Center. nerstonc laying ceremonies. Planj for the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropy campaign will b« announced by its Soviets Seek Sanctions cholrman, Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey. London, (JTA)—The Soviet Tlic presidents and represcnta- Union will support sanction* tivej of the IS organization! be- against Israel, If Israel troops do longing to the dub are urged to not withdraw from the Gaza and attend the meeting by.Mri. Henry Akaba areas, a Moscow broadcast A. Newman, president. Reports said today quoting an editorial will be presented by committee fromi "Pravda," organ of the Soviet Communist Party. , ; chairmen.

Pre-College Clinic To Start March 12

KETV Cornerstone Has Jewish Data


Washington (JTA)—Tho Elsenhower Administration stand to force Israel out of its positions in ' t h e JSlnal Peninsula has aroused • degree of opposition at home and abroad to an American p o l i c y which may be without • precedent In recent history,


•„:•)•.': ~": ,-.'•".;..'

Great Britain arid France have

Indicated almost total disagreement.



that: F r a n c e would send' ships through the Strait of Tiran to help emphasize the'. International, character of tho waterway. France As««tUB»nctlons 'France announced its readiness to grants Israel enough credit to buy from France t h o s e : g o o d s which Israel normally buys 'from the United States. ' f At home, the President's crUIs meeting with Congressional leade n , had failed to change antisanctions atUtudes, expressed In a Unanimous vote by the Senate Democratic Policy Commlttot before the crisis meeting at the White House, against imposition

NATO p o w a r s Belgium and Denmark have made known to President Eisenhower their vigorous dissent with nisi Israel policy. Britain Censures Folipy ' The Dritlsh Government would rot oven consider sanctions unless Israel rejected without hope of of sanctions. •:• further negotiations any "reason- Senate Republican leader Wilable and constructive proposals" liam T. Knowland of California, to end the impasse. who has threatened to resign from Expressing his views, Harold tho United States delegation to McMillan, the P r i m e Minister. the UN if the Eisenhower Admin•tated that It would be proper for istration cither supports or abEgypt to make a statement of stains on a General Assembly sanclion-bolllgorency at the same time tions voted, hat not changed his Israel withdraws It» forces, but position. noted that "It Is a vital thing that Mrs. Claro Booth Luce, ono of tills waterway (Gulf of Akaba) tho flrfct supporters of Elsenhower should bo regarded as a froo wa- In hl» fight for the Republican terway to tha world." He also said nomination In 19M, declared that that Britain would put Its weight tho imposition of sanctions by the bolilnd th» view which "seenm to United Nations "would bo as clcHi to 1)8 fair" In tliif matter and structivo to Israel as a declaraon« which ho thought an Increas- tion of war." ing number of p«opk- In nil parts .She also said "Tho question Is Of tho world believe to hu fair. not the morality of the Israeli of.Tin steadily-growing friendship fensive" against Kt:ypt last OcOf France and Israol reached new tober, "but what Israel should do heights when n French Foreign! and wliul no Intend to do to guarMinistry spokesman aunounccd antee Its survival In the future." .






' - . • •






"As Chairmen of the Women's Division of the Jewish Phiianthro-pics of Omaha, we should like to -John Ktllni rfiolo.

Ray Simon

solicit ypiir a i d in o u r 1957 C a m paign. .' ,. :''•"• •• . .'..•• • ' • ; .

"The success of our drive Is in large measure due to willing and able workers, •. "We should be very grateful .to you if you will offer your services Compromise resolution submitted by Premier David Ben Gurion by signing the enclosed .postcard was adopted by Israel Parliment. " / arid-returning it as quickly as posLester B. Pearson, Canada's Minister for External Affairs pro poses a four-point program. Women of the'community .are Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson expresoed hope that U. S. urged to return the reply cards would not act hastily. Britain's Prime Minister Harold Macmillan rejected lmpostlon of Immediately, indicating their willingness to help In 'the campaign, Sanctions. so that the organization of the Soviet Government will support Sanctions against Israel. division may be completed wiUi U. S. Labor Unions support Israel's Gaza Akaba stand. B'nal B'rith president feels chance for mutual understanding in out delay. Mid-East.

Harry n. Cohen

Press-Time Mid-East Headlines

| « i b i e . " ;

Women's Federation Will Meet Thursday

President's Policy Hit by Unprecedented Opposition


President Harry•,'&" . - ' ; . . '.• •;.-•. . : ' :.'




• ; , - ; • . . • . ; • •

Letters Urged to Protest Sanctions

Italy Urged to Take Firm Stand

Fonner Truman.

• : , . . , " •

An urgent request has been received by the Zionist Council of Rome (JTA)—The failure of the Omaha for a continuing flow of Italian Government to take a "firm telegrams, letters, and post cards itand" in protection of tho rights to protest p o s s i b l e sanctions and religious freedom of 7,000 Ital against Israel, Gene Rich, CouncilIon Jews residing In Egypt was de- publicity chairman, announced. plored this week by Giorgio Pey- Such letters, Mr. Rich stated, should be addressed to President rot, Protestant leader and director Eisenhower, White House, Secreof the legal department of the tary of State Dulles and AmbasFederal Council of Italian Evan- sador Henry Cabot Lodge, U.S. gelical.'-Churches, He" made the Mission to the United Nations, charge In an address In Florence. New York. The Omahan proposed a "two The Union of Italian Jewish for ono plan"—send a post card Communities Is collecting Informa- br letter yourself—then ask two tion from arid abolit Jews of" Ital- friends to do likewise." ian nationality pit p e l l e d from The Council also recommended Egypt wtyh a view to-protecting letters of commendation to Senate their property rights, It was an- Leader Lyndon B. Johnson and nounced this week. The move par- Senate Minority Leader William allels a reported Italian Govern- F. Knowland, Senate Office buildment study of the situation In ing, Washington. D. C, for their stand against sanctions.

Delegation to Greet Truman Ben Gurion Compromise Accepted by Parliament E g y p t - ; -

, ' . : • • • ''••••'•'•

: : - . '





A delegation composed of civic and religious leaders will greet former. President Harry S.r TruJerusalem, JTA—A compromise man on his arrival In Omaha Sunday at 2:20 p. m. at the Burling- resolution on the Gaza and. Akaba stand, proposed by Premier Ben ton station. ..',. :','-- ..••:'•": :• : President Truman will be the Surlon, was adopted by a vote of guest of honor a t the Fiftth An- 72 to 29 by the Israeli Parliament. nual Citation Dinner at Beth Is- Reiterating his government's derael Synagogue,: Sunday at 6:45 mands for guarantees on free of p. m. He will be presented with a passage through the Gulf of AkaCitation underscoring his contribu- ba, he listed alternatives; either tions :: til America; Israel and hu- United Nations Emergency Force manity by/Harry; Sldman, presi- occupation of the Strait of Tiran; or a declaration of freedom of dent of the Synagogue, .' ; Doors of tho Synagogue's Social navigation by Israel, Egypt, Jorhail will: opjen at 5:45 j>. m* •. dan and Saudi Arabia; ot a dec.Mayor John Rosenblatt will laration by the United States or head the group of prominent Qroa- other powers that they would not h a h s w h o will welcome Mr. Tru- permit Interference with the right man to the city, it was announced of free passage through the Akaby Dan Gordmah, general chair- ba waterway. FREEDOM OF NAVIGATION man of the dinner.

SIOW-WP- OF H, S. VISAS Washington (JTA)—Stato Dc>artment officials denied this week my political significance to a (lowing of tho rate of granting .'isflfi to Israeli nationals to enter lie United Statot. A-report from Jerusalem said that In tho last few ilays tho Embassy has been telling 'smells that visas which they had men promised could no£ ho processed bi'catio tho United. States icin on travel of American nalionils to tlia Middle East had left the :.'rnl).is*y shorlhandcd.

Then ho told the Mouse: "If we obtained recognition from the United Nations or the great powis of tho right to defend our shipping we would regard this as nn adequate guarantee, too." He noted that the Israel nnny's objective u taking Slinrm el Sheikh was never territorial nc<|ulsl(lon, but lie secwlnr; of Israel's freedom rjf navigation. He stressed that lo stviel tho use of the port al Klnth was far more Important than tho uturc of the Ga7a Strip. On Gnza, he expressed agree-

with the proposal of Canada that a UN commission bo sent to make an on-the-spot Investigation of tho situation in tha territory. He asserted that Israel had neithc rthe right nor the desire to close the door to such a proposal, and expressed confidence that Israel's proposals would be found most appropriate for the welfare of the Inhabitants of the Strip, the refugees and Israel. (The Canadian Government Is opposed to the Imposition Of sanctions on Israel), Lester B. Pearson, Canadian Minister for External Affairs declared In a Interview. "Israeli forces," he, said, "should be withdrawn by all meant, but by voluntary action."

Eisenhower Names Snyder Washington (JTA) — President Elsenhower tills -week announced the appointment of Murray Snyilcr, assistant White House press spokesman, to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs. Mr. Snyder, Brooklyn-born Jew. served as a political reporter on the Brooklyn Eagle before Joining, the White staff In 1953.

P»ge Twe


Friday, March I, 1937


•Jt C 'Briefs YOUNG Aoinm

Pubtlibed Every FHday by tb« Federation of Jenrtab 8en1c* Second Uuu Mailing Privilege! Authorized tt Omaha, Nebraska, Annual Subicrlptlon, 14.00. AdverUiInx (tales on Application. pltorlal Office-1M No 2uih Street, OmaJii. Nebr, JAckion 13B0. Print Sni t Address 4808 So »U> Street. (SIRS.) FRANCES KLEIN .....Editor

Omaha Young Adults will visit Kansas City, Mo., this weekend fur the second intor-clty program. I^ocal members planning t o attend are urged to call Joe Kirahenbaum, Toby. Okrcnt or Saul Silverman, JA 1366.

WithtfieHomeFolks New* Mid happening* at The Dr. Philip Sbcr Jewish Home For The Age* by David Orkow. Feb. 20 — The beautiful floral centerpieces were presented by the combined O'nal B'rith, Henry Monfky No. 470 and Nebr. No. 346, chapters and lodges. Feb. 21—Mr. and Mrs. Herman Levy, Beverly Hills, Cal., are in town for the purpose of visiting with Airs. Levy's father,. Aaron Roginsky a Home resident. Feb. 22 - Another vUitor this week was Harris SIrlnsky, Chlca go, 111., who came to spend a few days with his father, Car] Sirlmky. Feb. 25—Several of our residents attended the Golden Age program at the Jewish Community Center. Peb. 26—Rabbi Sidney Brooks our rabbinical visitor for this week, analyzed the current Israeli situation. A discussion period followed. TTie Council of Jewish Women Arts and Crafts group met today. March 3—The Ki-Ton-Ton Variety show will be presented at 2


Afiti'Semittsm Seen In Refugee Camp

Religious I Services CandlrUghttns;, 5:55 p, m. BETHEL Sabbath services « Beth £1 Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke wUl deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services begin at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a. m. MindUk-Maariv at 6 p. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. m. BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Eli Kagan, Beth Israel choir and Intermediate "B" Class will conduct late Friday evening services at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at 6 p. m. Sabbath morning servdes begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Croner will conduct the Tnlmud class at 5:30 p. m. Sabbath Mlncha at 6 p. m. followed by Sholeshe S'eudos and Maariv, Dally morning services at 7 a. m.; afternoon services at 6:10 p. m. Sunday morning serviced begin at 8:45 a. m. Sunday morning Junior Minyan starts at 8:30 *. m. The Talmud Discussion group Meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. s t BH11 Synagogue, 19th and Ban Streets,

Washington (WNSJ—Edward H. Myerding. chief of the Quaker refugee mission in Austria, confirmed reports of antl-semltlsm among the Hungarian refugees. Mr. Myerding, who has Just returned from supervisory work with refugees seeking asylum in Austria, said the anti-Semitism among" the refugees stemmed from two sources—envy o\cr the excellent treatment Jewish refugees were receiving from Jewish organizations and rancor becauso some rathless Hungarian communist leaden were of Jewish origin. TEMPLE IgttAEL Services will be held Friday, March 1, at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Brooks will continue the lecture SAMPLE FUR SHOP series and discussion on "Reform Omaha's Reliable Furrier Jewish Practice and Belief," the Everything in Fun sixth in the series. The topic will be "Feasts and Fasts," Festal and ai Lowest Pricei in City Memorial Observances In Reform. 1S1* FARNAM ST. An Informal discussion will be held

Cantor Aaron I. Edgar

Betti El Concert Will Be March 8 The Beth El Annual Concert of Jewish Music will be presented Friday evening service* Mar. 8. This year's Concert, the 21st Annual one given by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Bath El Synugogue Choir, will feature «• cantata entitled "Esther, Queen of Persia." The program, also will include a number of Yiddish and Hebrew songs of' a Joyous and humorous character. A musical service will precede the concert. Members of the Beth Kl Choir arc Robert Abramson, Nancy Barron, Bernard DeKoven, Harry DuBoff, Betty Erman, Seymour Goldston, Michael Katz, Dr. Sol Kutler, Jack Lieb, Marilyn Meyer, David Rice, Marilyn Rice, Selwyn Roffmnn, Jerry Simon, Dr. Melvin Tatelman, Julia Zukcr, the Mmes. Dan Cohen, Norman Dcnenberg, Aaron I. Edgar, Darwin Marcus, Bert Moskovilz, Donald Nogg, A. G, Runmcrronn, Max Rouen, Edward Rosen. Arnold Roccman, Sidney Schwartz, Robert Schiller; Norman Whitman and Alan Wollson. ' Beth El members nnd friends arc Invited to attend the concert.

LKADKHfMliP INBTITVTU One hundred and forty professional and lay leaders from Oraa ha social and religious agencies attended the two-day Leadership' Institute at the Center. Ben SoloCA.Ml'LVO DKLEOATE mon, New York Educator, woi Saul Sllverman, Center Activi- guest lecturer. ties Director, has been elected Nebraska delegate to (he regional meeting of the American Camping Association, March 5-9 In St. Mrs. Delator Klein to Louis, Mo. He will present a paper Head JWV Auxiliary on camping at one of the workMrs. DeJmar Klein new presishops. dent of the Jewish War Veteran* Auxiliary, Kptleln-Morgan Post YWUVSH COUNCIL No. 260, was installed at a recent Joe Radlnowskl, chairman of meeting at the Jewish Community the Yiddish Culture Council, re- cCnter by Mr*, fletha Samuels, ports the fourth council program of Cleveland, national president. will be Wednesday, March 13, 8 Other, officers announced an p. m. at the Center. The program Mrs. Jack Saylan, senior vicewill consist of the Farband Labor president; Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, Zionist Concert. Admission Is by junior vice-president; Mrs. Ed season ticket or individual admis- Simon, treasurer; Mrs. J. Milton sions ftMargolin, secretary: Mrs. Abe Miller, Chaplain; Mmes, Nate Marcus, Max Rouen, William AbraWOHKMKN'S 1IIBOIJS hams, trustees; Mrs, Max Kanncr", A full house saw the Workmen's guard; Mrs. Max Bolgrad*. patroiCircle Play "Dreams and Deeds," tlc instructor, and Mn, Contusi last Wednesday, at the Jewish Adler, Historian. Community Center. Following the play, the cast was entertained at Patronize Our Advertisers. the Labor Lyceum.

USDA Choice Forequorters A Special Introductory Low Offer ' A Nominal Fee for Processing

We Kosher, Sharp freeze. Wrap and Label Each Package to Your Specifications Delivered to Your Freezer at No Extra Charge (In Omaha Only)

100 Percent Guaranteed Satisfaction

Our Plant Will Be Open Sunday, March 3 From 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.



Come in — Inspect Our Operation and Get Acquainted With Our Wonderful Facilities Bring Your Friends and Neighbors


Phone—Call AT 0686

FINE SUITS by Nam* Brand Manufacturer*

PURE SILK TIES DAY CAMI> POSITIONS , A number of positions for the Center's'Summer Day Camp are open. Applicants are urged to contact the Activities office at the Jewish Community Center aa soon as possible.

CompUt* M M of

Welter & Maloy ..Quality Clothei for Men 4013 Farnam Op** Until *:1B P.M. bcapr Sw*.



For the Man of Discriminating Taste

PBOORAM OF THK MONTH Or. Trude-Weiss-Kosmarin, author, lecturer and editor of "The Jewish Spectator" Magazine, will appear at the Jewish Community Center, Purim night, March 17. 8 p. m. The program will be presented by the B'nai Il'rilli LurlKo* and Chapters of Omnlui anil flu> Jewish Community Center. Tickets may be obtained by calling the Activities Office. JA 1366.

at. the Oneg Shabbat following rKK-SCHOOLKIW services. The Center Pre-School will preShabbas morning services will sent Its Annual Purim party for begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi parents and pre-schoolers, Friday, Drooks officiating and the Religious School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gltlin singing the musical portions of the service.

Quality Meats for the Home Freezer

March 19 at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. Leonard Kulakofoky, preschool chairman, announced.


GERELICK Uotb with lest New Car Deal in Town

57 FORD FEBRUARY It Hw Ut» Moflrli fa Buy Allowcuct Ckarti Rol»*d for Thlt Speclall

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FrMajr, March I, 1UT



Organizations B'VAI B'Kiril CILAPTER8 The Rev. Charles K. Tyler, pastor of th« Calvin Memorial Presbyterian Church, will bo tiie guest speakrr at B Joint luncheon meeting of the B'nai B'rilh Henry Monsky and 0 m B h a Chapters Wednesday. 1 j>. m.. at the JewWi Community Center. A Brotherhood program ii bring planned for the occasion. Mnifs. Sldnoy Knlli'inan. Henry Groenberg and Herbert Meiches will participate In a "Poll* for Democracy" panel. Mrs. Herbert Forbes will be chairman. Mr*. Sidney Znrimer, program Chairman, is taking reservation*. Phone HA 5797. COUSIN'S CLUB Mrs. Max filmon will be hostess at a Cousin's Club luncheon and meeting Wednesday, 12.'.% p. m., at the Regis Hotel. BKTH I X BICTKIlHOOD BOARD The Beth El Sisterhood Hoard meeting and luncheon Kill be held Tuesday at 12:30 p. m. at the Hynagogue. Mme». Sam Green and Nate T u r n e r are- chairmen In charge of tho meeting. •KTII EL SUTKBIIOOD The Beth Israel SUtcrhood will honor all new member* at a lunch* eon meeting March 12 In the Synagogue Social hall. A akit, "A Chance Meeting" Hit be presented. Participating in the program will be Mme*. Albert Sorkln, Don Cohen, Arthur Parllmnn, Sam Herman", the Sliterhood board and new member*. ftttrrvntloni miiy be mndc with

he held in June to celebrate the completion of the city'* first hundred y e a n as an Incorporated city and,to signal the beginning of its second century, were revealed In an announcement by Mayor Joha BMrablatt.

Pavilion, March 9. The Bob Wlifton quartet will be featured. ChoirMrs. Ituth Hwrngll S|icllmAii men an! Pnula Block and Palsy has announced her ran'liilncy for Greenfield. the City Council.

Got TV Trouble? CaHSauU-Thafs All! Saul** T V & Radio Service 170S Canting AT 253* Nlfbt* crad Svsaay—WA 0574


JA 1714 or JA 1042


Don Bernstein

HA 2S54

Mint tlwendolyn

Late Summer Rites Are Being Planned

1957 UJA Drive Is Launched in Miami

Gary Goldstein, student at the University of Oklahoma, hns been elected to Sigma Tau, honorary The Jlayim Fraternity will hold scholastic engineering fraternity. a poiiny auction Sunday ia the He is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Foul Jewish Community Center from 2 Goldstein. p. m, to 3 p, m. Mnrty Greene: and Paul Shyken head the committee lUbbl Myor 8. Kripke of Beth El In choree. AdmUnlon U twenty-five Synagogue, has returned home aftcent*. •Hio tint half hour of the e\tnt er presenting lectures in four Will bo A carnival for children with Ohio cities. Toledo, Dayton. Akron and Columbus. He spoke on "The entertainment and pito-n. Dan Perkins. Council Bluffs nuc- Place of Jewish Ethics In the tlonrer has donated his service* Modern World" in panel program* for the event. AU kinds of food, Rpmwored by the National Acadclothing, Jewelry, and minccllun- emy of Adult Jewish .Studies.. eoiw Item* will l « auctioned. The Fraternity invites everyone Mr*. Rosalia Roth ha* arrived to attend this evenjfrom Budapest, Hungary to make her homo with her son-in-law and B'nal D'rilh Hodi Girls will have daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon a Jiiz/ pany nt the Miller Park Nw. 313 North 25 Sfrect,

In Country Ciub. WoniWul 7> room brick hom#. Ftrttd condi' tion. C»H M»ry Alice McC.ffr.y, Stl/ttt-B.dford Co. Call

Figure Aid Class Starts Wednesday

Mr. and Mrs. Moe M. Shapiro announce the engagement of their daughter Gwendolyn Lee to Ramon Frank Pied, son of Mr. and Mr*. Mike Prcd of Lyons. Miss Shapiro attended the University of Nebraska and University of Omnha, Her fiance attended the Universities of Oklahoma and Nebraska. He is now a senior at Omnhft University nnd in a member of Sigma Alpha Mu, nodal fraternity, A late summer wedding Temple Israel Sisterhood .will Is being plnnned. hold the last of a series or Book Review*, Friday, March 8 . 1 p. m. at a dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Julian Rip*. 711. North 69th Street The review will be given by Mrs. Alexander McKle.


The Beth Kl U.S:T. Club will hold a Purim party Sunday nt 7 p, m. wiiii a progrum to be presented by Susan Sachs. Unda Zalkln, socinl chairman is in charge of plnnnfni; the event

MKiMA AM'HA MV Krnny Freed has been named to the National Music fraternity. Joe Hill has received a lead role In ihe University presentation of "King I>car." Larry Schwartz and I.mry Kpsteln has been admitted to the University of Nebraska School' of Medicine. HlRh school seniors are invited lo nttrnd th? fnternity's plrdR* parly, Saturday at 9 p. m. at the Lincoln House.

MIZIIACII1 WOMEN A luncheon and card party will be ({hen Monday at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center by Mmes. M. Brodkey, L, Gcrcliek, J. Goodblndcr and L. Papcmy, us new members of the donor luncheon Circle of the Omuha Chapter Mlicrachl Women.

Omahans in the News MtrrU K. Jacob*, president of Bozell It Jacobs, Inc.. Is one ol tho seven local civic leaders named to the Jubilee Planning committee, headed by V. J. Skutt, president of Mutual of On)aha. Plan* for the Omaha Jubilee to

Omahan's CampusNewsFormer Daughter Is Wed

Mrs. Isadore Lewis, GL 3107 or Mm. Edwnrd Lincoln, OR 2991. Baby sitter service will be available. The Sisterhood board will meet at 12:30 p. m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. D. B. Epstein.

TKMl'LK ftlgTKKIIOOl) Temple Iirael Sisterhood will present n skit "Unlongrnm Mutiny" on Tuesday, March 12. I p. m. In the Temple Israel Social Hall. The Sisterhood president, Mr*. Kdward Gilbert, will conduct the meeting and board meeting at 11 a. m. Chairmen (or the meeting arc Mmes. Julius Conn, Marvin Taxman, program; Mr*. Hannah Orlofl, luncheon; Mmes. Kdward Kdward Malaihock, Irving Maltshock, table decorations! Mmei. Abe Katelman and Harry Altsuler, table setting, A pick-up *ervice has been arranged at 153 No, 72nd street at 12:53 p. m.

Same Day Service No Extra Charge In at .10 A.M. Ready by 5 P.M.

CASH and CARRY Also Pickup and Delivery Service

TEDDY BEAR Cleaners 112 N.I Offi JA1578


A cluts in Health and Physical Education for Jewish Women will begirt Wednebday at 10 a. m. Jt will continue every Wednesday and Friday morning through the spring senton. Three phones of activity have been arranged to serve the Interests of class members. They will include figure-control exercises, supplemented by a home-plan for figure Improvement; 30 minutes o) play activity, such as badminton, volleyball or golf Instruction: and swimming, Women's clubs pro invited to use the Center facilities and IU staff In dcvetonlng inter and Intra club programs of this type. Instructors will be Jim Knrbatsch, departmental director, for gym periods, and Mary Volcck for the swimming session. Registration for the class may be obtained at the desk of the Jewish Community Center. Members of the Center .will be admitted without charge. For further information call the ictivttlen office. JA J366.

Announcement has been made of (he marriage of Miss Grace Lillian Wohlner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Wohlner of Far Rockaway to Stephen David Weinsteln, son of Mr. and MM, Hyman Weinsteln of New York City. Mr. Wohlner if a former Om>iha resident. Omahans who attended the wedding were Mrs. Harry Wohlner, grandmother of the bride; Mr. and Mrs,- Louis Albert and Mrs. Maurice Okun. Mr«, David Brown, the former Carol Okun of Omaha and Mr. Broun also were among the gucts. The bride was graduated last month from Cornell Umvcraity College ol Arts and Sciences. Mr, Weinsteln is a graduate of Cornell's College of Architecture. Patronize Our Advertisers.


Miami Beach (WNS) — More than 800 Jewish communal leader* from all sections of the coun• Cakes try have gathered here March 2 • Tarts and 3 to launch the UJA 1937 Na• Cookies tional Inaugural Conference, considered the most critical UJA campaign In a decade. Maureen Zcvitz swept indiThe Conference opening the 1'Jlh vidual honors to lead Rohonuc in No experience needed . , . just mix consecutive appeal, will chart the the Youth Council Girls' Bowline and bake! Dromcdsry'i ncduive course for UJAJs two-fold cam- Tournament last Sunday at the •dvintages give you perfect results paign this year—the raising of Music Box. She rolled a 203 In the first time—«nd ntry umt you $100,000,000 emrfKcncy rescue the second (,'nmc for hlRh honora bake! Pn»e it co your complew utiifaction . . . rodiy! fund to pave nnd re-settle In Is- and concluded with a 485 series. rael and other countries of the Kohonue's five top b o w l e r s , free world a minimum of 100,000 Unda Kavich, Muriel Kosenblntl, Jewish refuRpcs. nnd the conduct- Judl Ban, Phyl Ilcrnileln with Ing of the regular UJA campaign Maureen Jfcviu, participated In o mert the normal hudRotnry re- the team competition. quirements of its major ngi-ncim. Second high individual s c o r e went to Lynn Singer of Klemior Roonevelt, B'nni B'rith girls for u tnti M i • CktnKtt ftul Citi • 357 scries. Kdle Cohen of Ihe Oitll't hit i limn V dm M i same group, lmd a 339 gnmc. Ilodi. milt M i • rrail We • Vim* M r B.B.G. placed third. Mr. and Mn>. Harvey Marks announce the birth of n son, Charles Todd. February 19. TTicy have a "W* Serve the Fineir to the Finest" daughter, Melanlc Sue, 3. Mntcrnnl Kmndmother is Mrs, Gertrude Kosher Meat Mkt. Kaiser, and Maternnl Grandmother, Mrs. Mnx Ancelovlt*, both of and Delicatessen Milwaukee, Wis.

Rohonue Wins in Bowling Tourney

-with effortless ease!





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Center Sports MIOOET BASKETBAIX Two dose gama f e a t u r e d Midget Basketball Uuit Sunday at the Jewish Center In the "BH division. Nebraska F u r n i t u r e downed AU Makes Typewriter* 82-31 and Playland Park took Richman-Cordman 30-28.1-Oo Van fall to th« Cowboy Liquors team 10-30. The "A" division v u Inactive In favor of the Youth Council Father-Son game. Next week, neither division will compete as the Omaha Jay plays host to Sioux City.

teamed together for the 1-3 scoring punch on tht Star Auto club with 44 points. T. C. BASKETBALL Youth Council Basketball ended to a tie foe first place between AZA 100 and the Unaff Ulates. AZA 100 took AZA 1 47-36 to leave AZA 1 In third place and lait place Rayim was beaten by the Unaf fillate* 92-29, A report of championships will appear in the next issue. In the first game between AZA 100 and AZA 1, Bob Epstein and Jerry Rosen ran tbeir point totab to 123 and 102 for first and fourth place* in overall season scaring, Mike Canar put in 9 points for the Century Club. Al Krizelman scored a total of 18 for game high point man and wound up the season with 109 for third place in the scoring race. The Rayim team, especially Larry Kohn and Howard Weinberg, were playing hard aggressive ball against the Unaffillate, Unaffillate*' Dav* Goldstein Was high point man with 23 point*, four point* behind Epjteln in this *ea son's scoring. y. C. "B- BASKETBALL AZA IB and AZA 10OB wound up in a tie for the Youth Council 'B" basketball championship. The first in a.two out of three game series has been played with AZA 100B, winners of a 35-27 game. The next two games will b* played on the following. Tuesday afternoon in tht Center gym. Stan Greenfield and Tom Platt tied for scoring honors with 10 each while Harold Kaiman, Larry Garrop and Emit Block stood out for the losers.

Israel-American Accord on Mid-East Crisis Predicted htld

75th Birthday to Be Celebrated

An open home will b« March 10 from S p. m. to 9 p. m. at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Frohman In honor of Adolph Frohman'* 75th birthday. Friend* are invited to attend. No Invitations hav« been tatted.

Omaha Hosts Sioux Citians

ttaylaad la OrerttsM The Omaha Jay will play host Playland Park ovtrcamt a aiun thi* Sunday to the Sioux City bad held by Rlchman-Gordraan Jay in three games, beginning at during their entire gam*. Mike 11:30 a. m. with the Froih-Soph Sherman's two free throw* tied All Stan. up the game at 28 all. Then Sandy Second in the competition wlU Frddman sank his second bucket be the Midget All Starr who will Of the day to provide the clincher. be followed by the Youth Council Joel Snelder provided 21 points AU Stars. (or ganu scoring honors. Lloyd Members of teams, following the ftoltsteln, Jerry Slusky and Stu end of their game will be guest* Forbes played good floor games at lunch In room 21 at the Cenfor Playland while Alex Orkow, ter. Sam Ban, Shef KaUkee and Bob Weinsteln and Jerry Lohrman Morey Franklin will be in charge helped the Rlchman-Gordman of refreshments. cause. The Omaha Midget* wart the Neb. d i m . Over All Makes Only local team to win In a recent Nebraska Furniture finally overrounJ played In Sioux City. came the All Makes team as the lead changed hand four times In the last 90 second*. BIU Glnsburg •cored the winning basket after Marshall Widman and Bob Gould kept All Make* In the game. BUI Kutler and Glmburg H«d for scoring honors at 14 apiece. BUI Kully Volleyball 1* scheduled for the was effective on tide set shots to next round of athletic* in Youth help Nebraska Furniture while Council competition. Tber» will be John Spitzer, Mark Plattner and one round of competition on ThursLarry Ka'vich played good ball for day night* at the Center with All Makes. minor (port Olympic point* a* the The Cowboys lassoed the I-Go goal First game* are scheduled Van team 30-18 in the last game for March 7 with pairing not yet of the day. Dan Kattkee engidecided by the Youth Council Athneered the victory for high scorers letic Committee. 'Sandy Kasln and Harold Schneider The Annual Athletic Award each with 13 points. Paul Golden- Night wUl be Thursday, May 6, berg, Harley Shrager and Ed Alt- according to an announcement by Israel Increases man each had 4 points for the Irv Yaflee, chairman of tbt Health Exports and Import* and Physical Education committee. loser*. , Bucky G r e e n b e r g ha* been Jerusalem <JTA)->-Both import* 1. C. FATKEU-SON GAME named chairman of the evening. into Israel and exports abroad InThe old hands' came,back for one, last yictory as the fathers The athletic award committee con- creased last year, but Import* rose beat the son* 19-11 *ln the late sist* of Sam Ban, Llndy Paul and more than twice as much at exFromkta. Yale Truttin heads game of last Sunday. Ben Wln- Bob it Was announced here this the committee on entertainment ports, troub, Phil Kutler, Ed Rosen. Sam and week. Imports amounted to 655,W working on two sport* ex. Ban, Lou C a n a r and "Uncle" hlMttotu. 000,000 pounds, an increase of Sherm Poska held the Y. C'Boys 70,000,000 pounds, while exports Award Night has been designat- amounted to 187,000,000 pounds, to 11 points. ed for the purpose of honoring the Jerry Rosen, Dave .Goldstein and best athlete* in the Center pro- up 29,000,000. Ed Wlntroub championed the los- gram during the year. One of the The largest Increase in import* ing cause. Ben Wlntroub cajme top awards will be the Youth represented new capital Investthrough with the bcit shot of the Council Olympic Award which i* ments, while the per capital con. day, dunking a one hand set'shot given to the boys' club that has sumption of consumer good* from the balcony In the famous dominated all sport* during the dropped. The Increase In export* "gravitation play," Rosen to Ban year, as determined on a point was chiefly in citrus fruit*, and to Wlntroub. ba*l» per each sport Record* show other agricultural product*, folat this date, Unaffiliatei, AZA 100 lowed by polished diamonds, ceVAR8ITX VOLLEYBALL' ' The J. C. C. vanity volleyball and Rayim head the list, with ment and textiles. team camo through with a victory Rayim leading with 19% point*'M Over second place Sokol Hall lasH compared to ~14 for AZA~ 100. week with 15-11 and 15-8 victories after dropping the second game JUNIOR BB BOWUNO LEAGUE 13-15. Scoring punch for the win- Suzi Seglin established a new BENEE CABOL BIMMEBMAN nen was provided by Jerry Cohen high game for thi* leason—a 174. ROSALIND LOU NOOO and Don Stern with Elliot Brown A follow-up gam* of a 118 gave Renee Carol Rimmorman, daughher a 292 series. ter of Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Rimmer•wring,-Mickey Sacks had tht high se- man and Rosalind Lou Nogg, . i, C. C. VAK8ITT Markel Cleaners finished t h e rie* of the day—a 113. He had daughter of Mr. and Mr*. F, Ralph NogtvwUl observe their Ba* Mltzseason undefeated with an 8-0 rec- games of 167-146. ord Vanity Basketball to win tW» Kraft Cleaner* had an 1179 vaq at a Joint service this Friday year's championship. Captained by team tout which i* a new high evening and Saturday morning, at SandyBrophy, the team had the tht* season. Beth El Synagogue, , second and third high scorers In Splits Were picked up by Suzi Friend* and relative* are Inthe league in Ray Kirke and Sandy Seglin, 3-10; Steve Marcus, 3-5-6-' vited to attend both service* and Brophy as well a* good floor play- 10 and Mike Simon, 4-5-7. tha reception* which will follow. er* and passing artists in Fred Bernstein, Irv Yaffee, Yal« Kaplan and Jerry Simon. Last week Markeli defeated Brandeit-Fhilco 63*51, Harold Nepomnick wac high By Borl* Smolar scorer with 21. " The second place toam, BornPUBLIC MOODS: Th* Israel-Egyptian conflict ii attracting mastein Auction, closed out. the sea- Jor attention throughout the world . How doe* the average Aroerton with a win over Siar Auto lean react to this conflict; i* ho Inclined to side with Israel or with 66-60. Ed Belgrade topped the Egypt? The American Instltuto of Public Opinion Just conducted •coring column with a total of 174 a Gallop Poll on attitudes toward Israel and Egypt and established points. Aj dayman and Ltndy Paul the following facts Exactly a third of those interviewed were favorablo toward Israel and only 17 per cent favorable toward Esypt . Over half of nil persons interviewed—52 per cent—were neutral . . Fourteen per cent were unfavorable toward Israel and 31 por cent wore unfavorable toward EiO'i't . . . Of thoss who expressed themselves In favor of Israel, 12 per cent wer« "iiluhly favorable" and 21 por Cent wera "mildly favorable" . . . For Egypt, only four per Tel Aviv (VVNS)—The U.S. Em- cent were "highly favorable" and 13 per cent "mildly favorablo" . . . bassy has signed a contract for the The rcsilHi of the poll coincide with the proportion of sentiment on construction of n $100,000 embassy the Arab-Israel conflict expressed during recent weeks In the Ameribuilding to 1)0 located on fashion- can press In editorial* and letters to tho editor . . . Pro-Israel sentiable Yarkon Street, it was dis- ment declined during the early days of the Sinai campaign, but rone closed here by embassy officials again in connection with the dispute on Israel's withdrawal from Gaza who said the building would have and Akaba areas . . . Most of the editorials In tho American press 200 rooms. Tha 'contract was supported Israel'* request for'guarantee* on free navigation through •Igned twelve hours after Presi- the Gulf of Akaba prior to withdrawing its troops from Akaba area dent Eisenhower's speech criticiz- . . . Almost all ot them expressed opposition to imposing sanctions against Israel . . . ing Israel.

Volleyball to Start March 7

Athletic Awards To Be Mode May 16

Bos Mihvah

Between You and Me

New U.S. Embassy Set for Tel Aviv

Friday, March 1, 1BST

Washington (WNS)—The Unit- retary of State Dulles' conference ed State* and Israel will reach with Sena to leaden and the "new mutual understanding to end the Instructions" said to have bees deadlock In the Middle East crisis. brought from Israel by AmbaisaIt was predicted here by B'nal dor Abba Eban. B'rlth president and former Oma- The postponement of early Gen* han, Philip M. Klutznlck, one of eral Assembly debate this week ii the eight Jewish leaden who par- considered an indication that hope ticipated la*t week In talk* with for agreement goc* beyond Wash* Secretary of State Dulles on the Ington. Administration'* views on the Mid- After conferring with the Sen* dle East. at* leaders, Mr. Secretary met Addressing the B'nal B'rllh ad- with. Ambassador Abba'.: Eban. It ministrative committee, Mr. Klutz, was revealed that Mr. Eban had nick *ald he believed a formula returned with "new Instructions," would be worked out in the high and that Secretary Dulles had level negotiation* now going On 'clarified" certain point* with rebetween the two nation*, adding spec to scecurlty against Egyptian that "tha fundamental fact I* that raids and blockade. there 1* no difference In the obArab* Seek Sanction* jectives of either nation." At the Th* Arab* and the pro-Arab •am* time he noted that the gov- bloc In .the UN wa* reported to be ernment of Israel wa* displaying planning strategy to p r e s e n t a 'a realistic, mature and fully-juitiresolution in the Gen* fled behavior In It* demand* for sanction* Assembly. However, It wa* safeguards to Israel'* security be- eral fore withdrawing troop* from the frankly admitted by the advocate* Gaza strip and the Gulf of Akaba of thl* measure that the likelihood area" and that "there I* no gain- of a successful sanction* move had saying Itrael'i motive* or morality diminished both In view of the alIn her refusal* to submit to one- tered atmosphere and the public reaction in the U. S, against such. aided International pressures." course. But a* the Arab* wert New Avenue* of Hope moving with the plan they gave It wa* reported In Washington no signs of considering the pout. that the possibility of agreement blllty of defeat, nor did Egypt between tb* United Stae* and Is- give any indication of yielding on rael over the withdrawal of Is- the question of non-bellierency nor raeli troop* from the Gaza and on bowing to what Indubitably II Akaba area* gained credence In overweight of opinion in favor of Washington on th* basil of Sec- Israel'* navigation rights.

Global Report MEW OILS WELLS ADDED Jerusalem (WNS J—Two more oil well* have been added to th* thirteen to far yielded by the Hcletz fields, it was disclosed here in a report which said six more oil wall* were*being drilled in addition to drilling* that are scheduled coon in thj Dead Sea area and the Far Arava Valley. Oil expert* laid that the new wells, drilled at 5,000 feet, tended to prove that tha Ilcletz oil potential I* greater than previously estimated. PROTESTANT GKOUt> CHAMPIONS ISRAEL New York (WNS)-The American Protestant Dcfcns* League, in letter to President Eisenhower, Secretary of State Dulles and member* of Congress, cautioned a g a i n s t "bartering" away the right* of the small nation of Israel. Th* league' pointed to the fact that Israel ha* been surrounded by hostile Arab countries refiulng to make peace. ITALIAN-ISRAEL INDUSTRY Rome (WNS) — Italian bank* and Industrial circles art displaying Interest in developing greater busbies* relation* with brae). It wa* disclosed here by Dlno GcntiU, noted InduitrialUt, on hi* return from a visit to Israel where he conferred with many Israeli business leader*. Mr. Gentlti said negotiation* were progressing toward increasing the biuincu relation* between tht two countries. Italy 1* primarily interested In purchasing mineral product* from Israel and'selling Industrial tools. Th* commodity exchang* 1* expected lo reach $10,000,000 by 1958.

Some 100 Jew* are known to itlll be languishing in prison* on charge* of "pro-Zloni*m." MEETING BKINOS $1,000,000 New York (JTA) - - A total of $1,000,000 in cash was presented to tht National Committee for Labor I»rael—which rai»e» aid here for HUUdrut Institution* in Israel— at an emergency conference held by tho NCLI recently. More than 1,000 delegate* from the United Stale* and Canada attended tht conference. Tho NCI. fund-raising drive /or 1957 has a target of $6 • 000,000. V. 8. CHRISTIAN GIIOUP DENOUNCES SANCTIONS JTA—Tho American'Christian Palestine Committee, at a confer, ence, adopted resolution* calling upon tht U. S. Government to "keep open wide" the door to negotiation* and to renounce the idea of sanction* against Iirael. Tho Eisenhower AdmlnlitraUon was further urged to; «upport direct peace negotiation* between Israel and the Arab itates; grant "Immediate and unequivocal" assurances to Itrael on It* right of navIgaUon In the Gulf of Akaba: urge the UN to occupy the Gaza Strip until the future of the territory had been »etUed between Egypt • and Israel,- and tecure Israel'* right of aoces* to the Suez Canal

MUTUAL BENEFIT LEAOUE The Fakir* and Smoothie* have tied for tint place with 6-1 records In th* basketball league conducted in the Center gym, Tuesday night* by the Mutual Benefit Association. The. last two place teams, tho Wheel* and Falcon* reBAN ON NAZIS VISIT URGED port 1-6 record*. Ne> York (JTA)—Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was urged this week to cancel a projected visit to Washington by Dr. Hans Globko, .State Secretary In riior.a JA 13M to Inaart ytflit Wtot kA the West Gentian Government Currant rat* la W> caota tar tach f«M* who was one of Hitler's experts !lu* in«mi'*j. TBa I'reaa rcs«rv<^ Ui« r i m Lo limit all* ol titch advartlaeiitnt, on racial legislation, BAR and Dan Mltzvah congratuEXODl'S KKOM ,E«VI'T lations olao for all Jewish holiLondon (WNS) — The Jewish days and special occasions. .iFs exodus from Egypt remains Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge unabaited dospito Cairo claims of SAVE BY ORDERING * /m casing of the situation, It was $6.00 disclosed h"ro by reliable sources. 1 year, Vo;;ui $2 45 The transferor Jews from Egypt 14 month!!, Glamour being conducted by.the Interna- 117 weeks, Saturday Evening $10.17 tional lied Cro-a, whosa officials Post.. are reticent with report* on tho 16 months, Reader's Digest $2.00 7 months, Coronet $LO0 situation they mi^ht endanger $8.87 whatever, cooperation tho succor 78 Weeks, Tim* $7.70 organization i s receiving from 70 weeks, Life Cairo in removing Jews. No new For These and many Other Fine arrest* of Jew* In Egypt have been Offers, Call Mrs. S. J. Horwich. reported in tho last two weeks. WA 3057.

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