fc XVW 1UI&V—
» , ei lid. H*
B«csn« Ulu> Milling tnlhorii^ al Umil
Training Planned For Camp Staff
A five-day training Institute Is being planned far personnel who will sl«ff Camp Jay-C-C this summer. The training period Is being de*tgned t o equip counselors and Haft members for every phase of their duties and responsibilities. I'he camp will be open from July 28 through August 23. I'he first settlon will last until August 11 and the second period will be condueled Cram that date through August 23, Youngsters nay bo registered for either or the two-week •axiom or for the full four-week season. The cstublhh.nl camp fee includes transportation to and from the camp site and. any chargei for special aclivttici and programs. Many reservations have been received from parents of children In Omaha and from outstato eommu< nltles. Parent* are urged t o r e t inter their children early to insure (heir acceptance In view of the lime limitations of two sessions. Further Information and particulars about the camp program may bo obtained by contacting the Camp Office, JA I3fifi.
Workmen's Circle To Meet Sunday
Workers hiivo been Invited to six educational-discussion meetings scheduled for the coming vcek by the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign with desaert luncheons ut various homes. The meetings will be: Monday, March 25, at 1 p. m. a t the homes of— M M , Dave Cohn with Mmcss. Isadora Chapman and Morton Hitler, co-hostesses. Mrs. Harry Ra'yltz with Mmes. Bennett Cohn and David Greenberg, co-hostesses, Mr*. Harry Trustln with Mrs. Herman Goldstein and Mrs. Morton Richards, cohostesses. Friday, March 29,' at 1 p. m. at the homes of— Mrs. Max Cnnar with Mmes. Harold Chemlnck and Lawrence PlaHncr, co-hostesses. Mrs. David Sherman with Mines. Morris C. Fcllmnn and Mr*. Ervln Simon, co-hostesses. Monday, April 1, a t 1 p, m.. at the home of Mrs. Robert Koopcr with Mme«. Louis E. I J p p and Mrs. Henry A. Newman, co-hostcsscs. Mrs. I-Jdwnrd K, Brodkey 1» Women's Chnimmn nnd her Astoclotc Chnlnnm uro Mrs. Kdu.ln K. Hiodltc-y imil Mrs. Mike Kirrman.
T V ncml-nnniinl confetenro of the Workmen's Circle Mid-west Dwtrlct Committee will 1* hold - Sunday a t 9 a. m. at the Labor IjwiirH building, 3021 Cumins; •trod. The first of thrre scsttunu will J,lil ill fiiMll"!', » c | | knuu'ii C-'lii bcjjfn at 10 a. m. followed 1>> ci,;<> l i ' C l u n r , Kill [ i r i s c n t ,m nd lunch a t 1 p m De|p«aloi will rep- rliv>s tin " H I P F u t u t ' o of J e w i s h n»i-ilt Workmen's H i d e Ilriinchrs Life In Americii," Thursday, March from Dos Atoinci, In., Sioux City, I n , Lincoln nnd Omaha. Officers of tho committee oro h. Wltkin, chairman; Max Crounic, treiisurer ami Morris Goodman, secretary.
Judah Gertler to Speak at Center
Dr. Sher Home To See Play lllkur Chollm will .present a post-Purlm program at the Dr. Philip She* Home for The Aged Sunday at 2:30 p. m. with a piny. "The Story of Purlin," directed by Marvin Parllman. Member* of the east will be Larry n»lt. Bobby Gould, Diane Halflerin, Douglas Kagan, Barry Lewis, Jerry Novak and Joyce Render. Mark Zalkln will play the accordion.
Military to Receive JWV Passover Boxes
Judon Ofrtlor
n n i trtd«j 1»1 N. tfttb Anna*) 1957 fubilahed Omsha Natriult* 1-hone 4M Ittl. Blurb
Three Generations, Founder's Family To Attend Father and Son Banquet
Lrft to rlglit: Itobcrt Unit, Itnplmi;! CJroner, KdKard Treller.
Dr. Morris MargolinTo Be Honored By Hadassah D r . M m u s M ii <ilin ,i>-iUlitv p r o f e s s o r of I n t i i n i l ini'iliuiip u t tho Unn<M i t v of N i l n i k i. t ' u l \vv,<! of M ' i l n i i i i \ will I"' I m i i ' i u d hy t h e O m i i l i i «-"h«i«tfi- of I l i i i n s •iah, W I I I I I I M I I J at a 12 3 0 P m l u n c h e o n , i t Hie J< v i Ii C u i n m u n l t y
Center.. Dr. Margolin's name has hem Inscribed by the chapter on tho "Golden Doorway" of Hadasssh's Home of Health nt Ret Mazmll In Israel.
A special feature of th« 83rd Annual Father and Son Banquet will be tha attendance of thre* generations of Us founder's family. Tha event, sponsored by th* Federation for Jewish Service/was Instituted in 1924 through tha in* tcrest of Dr. Philip Sher, pioneer Omaha physician, and now iV» honorary chairman, His son, David Sher, prominent New York attorney, and Ills gra»d« son, Michael, 17, Witt make a special trip to Omaha, to join him for tho 1957 dinner, Sunday, March 31st at 6 p. m. at tha J w h h Community Center, Spoke at first event David Sher, his father recalled, represented t t » "aona" In & talk M (he first banquet. It was Or. Sher's hop* .at that time to plan an annual banquet which wouia bring together aU fathers and ions ot th« Jewish Community In Omaha. Inspired by his enthusiasm, Omahan* hava made the occasion an annual-feature on tho community calendar. Or. Engel, toastmaster Dr. Robert Engel will «erv« M toastmaster at the festivities. The father's message will bo delivered by Edward Shafton, Omaha attorney. Participating In this year's program will bo Edward Michael Trailer,.son of Mr, and Mrs, Marvin TreUcr, Vho spokesman lor tti» sons; Robert Bntt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Normnn Batt, who will give the invocation and Raphael Groner, son ot Habbl Benjamin and Mrs. Groncr who will recite the grace after the meal. R|ierlnl Entertainment Special entertainment and prizes will be awarded as part of the program. Invitations are being mailed out to the entire JewUh. Community. Reservation for the banquet must be made In advance at tha Jewish Community Center and ba accompanied by the fe« ot $1.50 per plate. For further Information Omahans are invited to call the Activities Offlco, JA1366.
To I'reicnt Cerllfleiite Dr. Al>c Grcenberg, president of tho Federation for Jewish Services will present a certificate of the Inscription to Dr. Margolin In recognition of his contributions In the fields of diabetes and Jewish education. Dr. Margolin is Governor of tho Nebraska American Diabetes asDr. Morris Slargolln sociation, chairman of the Diabetes committee of the Nebraska State and a member of the Federation MUSIC LISTENING QttOVV The next meeting of the Muslq Medical Association, a member Executive committee. Listening Group will be held on of the Board of Governors ot the Talk by Mr*. Cohen American .Association for Jew- A talk will bo made by M n .Sunday, March 24, 8 p. m. at the ish Education, chairman ot theRobert Cohen, Lincoln, on her ob- home of Mr, and M n . Mike FreeBureau of Jewish Education for servations during a recent trip man. Tht program will lnclud« Va.% works of Haydn. the Federation" of Jewish Service through Israel.
Briscoe Captivates United Nations Assembly
: By D»vld Ilorowlti at the same time, At another silken emerald green. Following dr packages will be tent 28 at 8 p. m. at.the Jewish Comto service men stationed oversea* munity Center. United Nations (AJP)— With all1 he reminded hit host* that It was lunch, soma 25 waitresses who The program featuring Mr. Cert- the problems bedeviling the UNFriday afternoon, Erev Shabbath, have been serving Pdme Ministers by the Ladle* Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans. Mn. J. MIU ler's appearance in Omaha, will these days over-tho critical Mid- and that It was Imperative that and kings from one Assembly t o tpn Margolin asks that person* bring to a close the 1956-97 Cul- dle Eastern situation, everything the UN schedule be, completed In another- flocked around* the un> knowing the name* of such service ture Series sponsored Jointly by was temporarily forgotten In this time for him to attend Synagogue partOleied guest asUng to V>e phothe Yiddish Culture Council and International city Jait Friday when tographed with him. men contact her at GL 4668. Staunch Zionist Robert Brlscoc, our goodly Lord services, His statements "evoked Four members of the LndlM the Jewish Community Center, Mr. Gertler, at on time, was Mayor of Dublin, c.-ime lo the only awe and respect from all hU Robert Briscoe is renowned u « ' Auxiliary of the Epstein-Morgan staunch Zionist—and not'••Just & Post, Jewish War Veteran*, re- editor, of. the Chicago Daily Jew- shining Rl.us -mil maiblc structure listeners. A Jewish girl, Frances Piataky, "general" Zionist. After World ceived Ccrtllicnto of Appreciation Ish Courier, and the head of thoas the (,'iu'st of tho Irish drjognLabor Zionist Organization Poale War I, he was active with the tlon hcadnd by Ambassador Frede- working In the radio division ot the Award* at the Annual Award Secretariat, presented Brtaeoe with Irgun Zval Leuml headed by Men* Ceremony for VAVS Volunteers Zlon In Chicago, as well as a mem- rick H. Boland. ber of Its Central committee. iJitHis apneftrance here created R a Hamun-Tash ns ha began to achem Begin. He traveled through»l the VA Hospital Chanel, Suner, as director of the Israel Hisday nfIfrnoon. Mrs. Jack Snylnti, tcicirut Campion, he nindf; cxK'n- sort of s'Miil-holld.iy atmosphere. record a brief «tatement*for the out Europe speaking In behalf of the Irgun, senior \lco , resilient recflwd two sUp speaking iimii in the United Ilundrcd'i of .stuff members, among UN radio. Pleasantly surprlied, he Robert Briscoe is a symbol ot all them many of Irish ancestry — offered his heartfelt thanks. awards, onp for 300 houis Bcnicc St;Kes and Ciin;id». that Ii good within Jewry and Wore Knii'rnlil Vnrmullin wenriiii? the green In his honor — and an additional one for 1(10 Iioum Tickets may he purchased from In ons of tho private little dele- Judaism, and as such world Israel service. Mis Ab«« Milln. p,i<t niemlici's «( the Yiddish Culture and or the Joulsli faith, loft their could not have had a better ampresident; M M A.IIOII IpMcln, Council or at the Jewish Commu- !>OiH lo catch a glimpse of the col- gates' dining rooms whero Brlicoe liAisador. Ii\ being (otthTigM wA VAVS representative drill Mi's. nity fi'ntfr, Jne Itiilinowski, chair- orful Jewish I-onl Mayor ot Dub- lunched with tho fourteen nic been of the Irish delegation ami honest, hi has brouglit honor to Frank Colwn, Ucli(;l')»i ("Imlnimn, iii.in, nmiuuncwl. Season tickets lin. He shook hands nnd chatted with everyone as he U'nlkod alone Consulate., I'm Irish and J P H all his co-rellyionMs as well as to received cnlific.ili's.fiir l'tf hours v\j|| t»;i11rIf t;inlitH to ailm'^^i^n. tiw corrldow Joking nnd l,iui.rliliiK wjiitresse;! took great pri<Ie in sc rroland, the nation he represents. •ervlce. v Uii;'ni'iitiuiw iiffillntcd with tl>e nnd exchitiiglnK wits. Anil hero In New York' he" has ing tliolr special visitor. OuUiiie in Coiinril, in'.- tin! Kiirbond LalK>r the corridors the'word sjiroid f . t made tho millions of Jews and Prrpanitlciii fur Snlibath 7.umM, Wi»rkm IIH C l r c l o and Irish feel like real cousins. Not for one moment did lie allow that the Iyjrd Mayor, being an OrWorluiLins C'IH'IU Duniatic Chill. anyone to overlook Ills Jewishness thodox Jew', adheres strictly tr or his fulthfulnc-Js to Judaism. At tho laws of Kashrut. Tho main A sp.-'ri.il chil<li< n s ii<l.n,-,,iou O( every slop and turn he himself said course was broiled salmon steak. •"vcnty-fivc ecu I •> f"i I he ' IVn MI7.lt t( III WDMI N Mrs. Abrnhiiin M. D.inzlg, Kan- something significant that brought When your correspondent entered C< nnujulMK'nls" b \ n s nlM«n nt Doily Shapiro, Judy I^eWie and. the Omaha theater, has been nr* sas City, Mo, will l» tlm guest out th« Iriali-Jcwlsh combination to greet tho Lord Mayor with r;m;;<:tl by the Jt'wish Community sjieaUer tit a dessert luncheon to be ot ttw man. At ono instance he whom h» has been corresponding Manha Zulkln have been •ppoiiitCenter. The actlvilkV office, JA given l>y the Omaha Chapter MU- linked St. Patrick's Day with fur- for a number of years, Ambassador ed as Countesses to the Central 1.166, in.iy bo cnlJod fur llclcolu and rnchl Women Tliursday, 1 p. fli. Im, recalling the coincidence of Boland, In great pride, pointed to High School AH Girls Partf, April • . ' . - - " . • : '- - . : • • ; ; : < at Uie Jewish Community Center. th« two occasions falling out al-BrUcoe'i Yonnulka — e, beautiful 5th. additional information.
Special Rates Set
Fife Tw»
Friday, Jfarch tt, 19ST
Mrs. Julia Jacob* has returned are In Montreal, Can., to attend i i t with ith her h d the "Oria" Suturday of a crand« from a visit sonfind daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ku- son, Cii;ir!i-s Michael, )>oni to Mr. Candlvliglitlng, 6:18 p. m. gene S. Jacobs of DeTiKir, M;rh. and Mrs. Murray J. Kitmen of PubUtlied Every Friday bj the Federation of Jewish Service .. and «r;uidh..>n Keith i);t\ifJ b»rn D n i m m o i i . h ill,-, QII./IK'C, .March 16. Ewond (Jims Mulling Prullecci Autliurired ail Om«h«, Nebraska TKMI'LK ISKAKl, Annual Subucnotlon, * 4 o a AiKeiUiIng R a m on Application. ! Mr-.. Mitni,n i:i the fonn«T ('hrir* Editorial Orrl.c—101 .No 2<nh Mrect, Omaha. Netir. JAcIuon 1308 Services will Iw held Friday lit Print Sin i Addriss 4aOS So 25th hLicet .Mr. mill Mrs. laU,.Ilniiilcli'lul lotto Hi'>Mi-t'-iii. 8:15 p. m. Habbi Brooks will (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor preach on "Knowing And No-ing." pf u . n i r . \ t . , I'Oi.rric.M. ADvmiI.-!.MI:Ni' Shabbas morning services will begin at 11:30 8. m. with Ribbi Brooks officiating and the Religious School Choir Under the direction of Miss Ida Gltlln singing the musical portions of the service.
#J)e getuisf) f re**
Religious News
Reception for Rabbi and Mrs. Kripke
BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagniw Beth brae] Choir and Primary B Class will conduct late Friday services at 8 p. m. Traditional Friday services (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at 6:30 p. m. Sab bath morning services begin a( 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 [i. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 6 p. m. Sahbnth Mincha at 6:30 p. m.. followed by Sholcshe S'cndos and Mtiaiiv. Daily services, 7 a. m.; afternoon services, 6:30 p. m- Sunday services begin at 8:45 a. in, BETH KL Beth El Synagogue will bold a reo*i»Uon Sunday from 3 p. m. Sabbath'services at Beth El Sy. to 5 p. m. In the sorLtl hall fur Itabbl and Mrs. Myi-r S. Krlpko In nngogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. honor of the Rabbi'* trntli annhmary al (Me Synagogue. Robbl Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. The musical portions of the sendee will be rendered by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir. Sabbath morning services begin at FARBAND AND PIO.VKEIt Tuesday, 1 p. m. at the home of 9:30 a. m. and the Junior ConWOMEN Mrt. Justin Maniitz, 5821 Hamil- gregation sendees are al IOI.IO The Farband awl Pioneer Worn ton street a. in. Mincha-Maarlv.at 6:15 p. in. en will give a farewell party SunDally Ben-Ices at 7 a. m. and 7 day at 7:30 p. m. at the Flrc»ide FIONEEB WOMEX p. m. Sunday sen-lew at 9 a. m. for Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen who The Pioneer Women will nicet are moving to I-OJ Anfteles, C*l. Tuesday at 12:30 p. m. at the Use the Want Ads to buy, sell Friend* may call JA 3891 to make Jewish Community Center. or rent. reservations.
An Experienced Businci* Executive With a Background of Community Services Such a i . .'. Y.W.C.A. Omaha Safety Council Governor's Stare Safety
Committee Chamber of Commerce Quota Club Nar'l Conference of Christians and Jewi Red Cross Civil Defense
COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN John Cockle. Onuiha National Bank, will talk on "Wills and Trusts" at ¥ meeting of the Current Event Study Group of the National Council of Jewish Women
WORTH $1.00 on a Tux Rental at
Hollywood Tux Rental 10i No IStb Stmt JA J4 52 (In Omih* Loan EtdgJ POUTirAl.
"Let's Finish the Job" VOTE FOR
f. Friends)
Annual Spring Festival Sun.. April 14.1957. 8 P.M. BLACKSTONE HOTEL GRAND PRIZE... TV SET Door Prize ftfah Jong Cards
Omaha Insurance Executive Repeats Jack Rlngwalt, prominent Omshj Insurance EKCCUtive, reccivtd the keyi tliij wetit for his new '5? Ford from Floyd Perimeter, sales manager, Gerelick Motora, 7i(r. Kincwalt is i Cerclick "repeater." He bought his iirst Ford from Cerclick in 1955. "l'v« been treated nice i t Gerelick." he laid. "Thty gave me the best deal and jicrtonal iitention." One* you deal with Gerelick you'll repeat, too. That's why Gerelick is Omaha's leading Ford teller for the second straight year.
BRAWPEKS sale! 24-pc. fine stainless steel tableware set
" W e Serve the Finest to the Finest" MAKE
for City Council
{x] N. Phil Dodge (x) James J. Dv/orak 0 Mrs. Kenneth T. Graham (xJSam W. Reynolds m Wray M. Scofl 0 A. V. Al Sorensen 0 Harry Truslin remember-:: :;C9:0';S^.
Kosher Meat Mkt. and Delicatessen* YOUR
VoteforALL [Seveg This erd paid tot by the Citizens Charter Committee to Finish the Job. Clip This Ad and Take It to the Polls April 2
Open Every Sunday Until 4:30 P.M.
V/A 5554
made to sell for much m o r e '
- © Service for 6 Howl At outstanding tavings a modern tableware classfe popularly priced. Lustrous mirror finiih, fine weight end delicate balance. 6 knives wild serfalod edges, 6 forks, 6 teespoont and 6 soup spooni. Will not rust, stain or corrode.
silverware—'main floor
WM»T, Murch tt, 1857
Dance Chairman
Bar and Bas Miizvah nun will HIWIAC
her Bas M . this ct-niju; and Saturday IU <it Beth Kl .Synagogue. F n .uid relutlus lire Invited to attend both services and Ihe receptions which will follow, TOMMY FEIXMAN VAKCV FEIXMAN Dr. and Mrs. Leon Fellman nn- Bounce the Bar and Bas Mitzvah Elliot Ilrawn , of their twin*. Tommy and Nancy Fcllman at a Joint service Friday Elliot Brown has been named evening, March $9 and Saturday 1957 Fund Jtuising ch.ilinian liy Warning, March 30 at Beth El SyCornhuskcr Lodge 17C0, B'nai nagogue. B'rlth Lodge. Plans arc bcinfi A Joint Bas Mitzvah s e n Ice will made for the annual spring dance, toe held for five girls at B e t h U - April 27 at Birchwood Country ' rail Synagogue March 29 at 8 Club. p. m. Tlie girls are Phyllis Kfly Shapiro, Aviva Susan Feldman, Helen Jean Katz, Sharon Kay Miller and Linda Diane Slrcf. Their parents are Mr. and Mm. Stanley Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Katx, Mr. and Mrs. Abe MUler and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry SIref.
Obituary MISS IJiVOA OOKTZ Funeral services for Mis* Laura Goet?, 3828 Cass street, were held last Friday at Burket Chapel. Burial w u in Pleasant Hill terneWry. M'M Goetz, A retired school teacher, died March 12. MKM. CKI.EMOSKOVITZZELKN Mrs. Cele Motkovlti Zclon. 47, former Omaha ntwl Lincoln rcsldcin. died March ft In Houston, Tex., where she hnrl resided four years. Funeral s"n.lc<"> were held Mnrch 10. .Surviving me her hir IMIHI, MHY,
duui'.hliT, I»nl(.c. '(in, Stephen, Houston; tlirce Miter*, Mn. Ilernnnl Kalmnn, Omnhn, Mr«. Snni Blntt, Culumlin's. Mn CV,r|ml Cohen, Rix:k|xirt, Mo, who were present at tlic fumi.il ;m<l two brothers, Snm Mnycr, Di'iivn, Colo., and HPSS Majri, (".ilifoinln.
Why Pay More? U(e
1004 C«mln« St. Coll WA 120* 1 .
i H ,j
I 4 l
Forever . and eoer. . .
your wedding day 11. lovfliar than e v e r . . .
| ,<
Candid and Formal I
John Kalina i
PHOTOaiAPHM ii7 SOUTH j«tti srmn
HARNEr 1044
VOTE FOR DAVID M. KAPLAN for City Councilman Mr. Kaplan !« « Practical Buiineti man whoio latijfiod cut<om«r» «ro proof of hit «fficisncy end capability during Ms 20 yonri at owner of (ho Ace Shade S Vonctian Blind Company. • VOTE FOR
HItiMA IWXTA TAU ALUMNAK p. m. aX the Jewish Community New officeiii will be elected at Center, will be followed by a social hour and the ploying of records. Xew Had l,«l i Hi The Dr. I'UMv a meeting of the Sigma Delia Tau lur Tim lOrd t>f Sorority Alumnae Saturday at 1 lrs\lil Orkuiv. p. m. at I he home of Mrs, Sam .March 17—The Piirim Pjity inHerman, 2007 North 52 street. cluded ir IPunun Tachen tea umt Call Saul—That's All! a inu- Ual ptugram featuring Jut-k Soul's TV & Radio Strvle* .S.'iylan, Wilfred Ablman, Mr. and (ioM>K\ Adt: c i . t o 170S Cunhg AT » » Mrs. Sam Zwcrlin^ and Mrs. Jen- The dessert luncheon of the Nights mi Siisday—WA 0574 Gulden Age Club, Monday at 1 nie Kifkin. Refreshments were POUTICAI. APVKHTISBMKNT * POMTICAL ADVKRTISRMENT served by Mrs. Harry I. Kpstein, clininnnn of tlie G'nul B'rith, Ncbrasktt Chapter 346, tusSstcd by the -Mint's. S. Dloch, M. J. Franklin, J. Mayer nnd S. Marivit*. •
With the Home Folks
March 24—-The Bikur Chollm Society's party nt 2 p.m. will celebrate the Mrthdiiys of the following residents: Louis Behn, Sam Colnlc, Sam Poster, Solomon SU\emian, Mmcs. Sarah Barson, J3c»sle Friedel, Evea Halprin, Jennie Levenson, Saroh Minkin, Belle Noodcll, Bessie T«slcr nnd Carrie Urbach,
BRAOTIEIS sisters follow the
leader in dainty LOVE fashions of washable fabrics —AND THE PRICE IS RIGHT—
5 98 * 7 98 She'll be a picture of feminine Rlamour in these cotton or nylon dresws by famous JOSEPH LOVE—what's more, you Mothers will find them wonderfully simple to keep clean, fresh and fancy looking . . . sugar-fairy fashion! to keep her eyes a sparkle and her head in the cloudsf A.—Nylon Or«n ovtr Nylon Mlicoat in dtllcifi pmk or bin*. 7-14
$7.98 I
B.—SU«»«l.ii Sailor with whit* piqut collar and contrair ambrsidand trim. 7-14....
$C.98 9
C—Drip-Dry Cotton Sltavalait D i m with button-back w«i(l«W« i*r»y iacVa). Pinir or bin*. 7-14 ....•
Got TV Trouble?
M1CHKM.K SIMON .Michelle Sninn. d.'iufhtci <>l Mr. and Mrs. I-
Fact roar
Friday, March It, 1937
Center Sports Midget Basketball will pick up again this Sunday after a one uecli ,lay off in deference to Synagogut JPurira programs. The schedul calls for the game] omitted durin -the Omaha-Sioux City series. A: 1J30 p. m. it will be Cowboy Llq Uort ana All Makes, to be followed by Playland Park and Nebraska Furniture at 2:15 p. m. The 3 pm. game will we I-Go Van against Richnuui-Gordman. In the "A" division, Fireside meets Cerellck at 3:49 p. m. and the 4:30 p. m. game tees H. A. Wolf, Inc., agalns MIcklin-Rusco, Cowboys lulling " A ' I " The "B" division U still uid* open with Cowboys out in front by ope game. Micklin-Ruseo has a firm hold on the lead in the "A" division with a 7-1 record. • March 31 will finish the "B" dl vision competition and still leave one week left in the "A" division. The "A" teams will be asked t play their March 31' games on the previous Saturday night In order to permit the boys to attend the Father-Son Banquet, the next Sunday.
B. AND P. HADASSAH Dr. Muriel Frank Steinberg, an anesthetist at a local hospital, will , be the guest speaker at a mcctinR of the Business and Professional Women of Hadassah Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Dr. Steinberg will talk on the medical program In Israel.
WEAR THAT NEW LOOK Old doabk>brtafMd wit* ao(W lafo Mw tlatfc-lmaited i«Ht. All Kind* Min't <nrf L.ditl' Eiptrf Tailoring and All«j«t|oni
JACK'S TAILORS 115 So. 15t> St.
th. AT 1504
Or 47th aid FronLll. on Notflmttf Radial Highway
E I N S T E I N •
The power of resistance which hasenabled the '' Jewish people to survive for thousands *>f years iu has been based to a-large extent on traditions 6fyt, mutual helpfulness. In these years of affliction our ji readiness to help one another is being put to ah especially severe test May we stand this , , , . test as well as did our fathers before us...* l]
Don Bernstein
HA 255
Want Ads Ptivji JA WA 'o tmm yjul rt»:l A a Til* >wl«»i 1'ri-tJ Current nt* tt JW c«it. fur eich f'ju j ' •« tti. ris'j ' :rnl |
BAR anfl Has Mif/wih coni;raiu Iniions iiliO fur ;ill .Itwish holi dnys antl special occisiorn Mayers News Sland. l.",02 Dodpi SAVJJ BY OROKRIXCJ 1 yenr, VOKUC Sli.OO 14 months, Glamour 52.-13 117 ncflb>, Satuiday r.\rmnn Post $10.17 16 month*, Uradd's Di,;pst $2.00 ". motitlis. Coronet $1.00 78 Weeks. Time $8.87 70 wee-ks, Life S7.70 For These and many Other Fine O.'fen, C l l Mr*. S. J. Horoich, WA 3057. WANTKD — Attractive L1 v I n B Qunrtrni for Widow; either to (hsre with nnother woman or a im,i!S furnished opartment. Call KL6190.
| ; ' '
1". t-^.'J ;
J -
fie».»«,«O« UJA IMSRCENCY RESCUE FUND ..'OVER AND AIOVI'THI I H f RICULAR CAM»A!CB 0.kuwruimDoiun.unxL• m D i n i u t T i o i u w m u • r»r von A««CUTIOXn»nrw i n u c u n • unntDmamnct>
UNITED JEWISH APPEAL Receives It* Support From The