March 8, 1922

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xtm XXXV— Np. It

ttcr^nd 'Mn»* Mailing i'rtviirgf «n>l<urlrr<i •* ( m i n i Nrbr





•••••luted ««i> ftMai If I h. I*t* Annul Mat* 4 OfJJan .Umfca ««tiuk* r S v 4*. 11M Slntlf C**T I* (Sab

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David Blackei Ineads Initial Gifts Chairman Goldstein States:

Local-National Needs Met By Philanthropies Drive Arthur II. Goldstoln, General Campaign Chairman of the 1957 combined Jewish Philanthropies •nil Untied Jewish Appeal Emergency Rescue fund, In presenting -the need* of the campaign, pointed out that no reduction In the coit or operation among the present local and national beneficiaries could bo anticipated.

stein further explained, no on* would want to tee any of the national programs reduced or curtailed. Included in this group art B'nai B'rith Notional Youth Services Appeal programs, the National Jewish Welfare Board, the Jewlah War Veterans, the American Jewish Committee, B'nal ll'rith Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Labor Committee, support of naJn 1956, $430,63608 wus railed tional hospitals and national refor the regular campaign, which ligious education agencies, as well includct more than 60 beneficiaries n« others. for local, national, oversea* and (Significant In the regular camkrnol program*, lie said. Those causes lie stated, can be paign, he stated, was the regular described as "the essential" part allocution of the United Jewish or our campaign upon which we Appeal which in 1956 received hails built our Jewish community $221,430 of'the funds available for allocation, owl strengthened ourselves a» Included In the regular overseas Jews In Omaha, United Statcmnd ovrrsenj. Adequate support of lo- need* are Hebrew University, Technlon Institute of Science, cal services and their relationship Youth Allyah of Hadassah, Amcrto nn evrr growing community Is icun-Israol Cultural Foundation, Immrtant and well-recognized. National Council of Jewish Wom•frwljh education for more than, en, lllstadruth. National Commit3,«iO children cannot be mlnl- tee for Labor Israel, Pioneer ml/ed; the care of thr- aged nt the Women's Organisation and the Omaha Jewish-Home fur Aped It United Ilius Service. «iec«isnry; Center mid \V--lfnre TIIP amount a! $75,000 was service* must 1» maintained, nii'l grantr-d to tin- l!'Mi UJA Kmercon Untied KUiij>url of the Hnrir::ii- 1,'enry fund, Mr. tJoldsleln conlan rcfiiKPy proclaim in i^srntinl i-hiflrrl. On the nntl'iDnl MINIP. Mr. Gold-

B'nai B'rith Bowlers Meet Here for National Tourney Alficd Fiedler. Outstanding entertainment has been arranged. Jules I^nten, immediate national past Approximately 800 bowlers will meet I" Omaha this week end to president of the B'nai B'rith Bowlparticipate in the 16th Annual Na- big Association will • make retional B'nal B'rijh Bowling Tour- marks on behalf of the National tuunvent. Registration headquar- office. Mayor John Rosenblatt will ters will be the Sheraton Ton- make the Welcome address. ttnetto, with housing of the bowlTin ladles will hold a banquet ers (her* » t the Hotel Commodore In the Block Mirror Room of the Sheraton-Fontenells at the same •met Hole] Taxtoifc '• Thirty cities will be represent- lime ax the men's banquet. Omaed at this bowling tournament, ha women are invited to partici* i t h le*m* from the U M Angeles pate. Reservations may be ob•rea. Denver, Oklahoma City, tained at the registration desk in the Sheraton I'ontenclle or by Karons City, -St. Joseph, Lincoln, contacting Mrs. Harry Wclnberg, Sioux City, Des Moliiei. St. raul, who will chairman tht women's Minneapolis, Hlbblng. D u l u t h , dinner, SocWord, Skokle, Chicago, Gary Over one bundled men partici| n d Bock Island. pated In making arrangements for Omnha bowlers" from the If'ntil X h I B toui'munciit. Tournament B'rlth Greater Omaha I^ai.'iie will Chairman Is Ralph Noifg; stecrtnke part with thirty-five teams Init committee, conxlst* of Harry Colick, chnimiiin, Dave Creenbcrg, representing the area. Sotiiil highlights' of the tourim- Dave Wee, Al Oriich and Marv riienl will Iw a Chuck Wagon Treller, Howling Arrangements for the Jmul'Oice, in which the bowlers and their wives will participati? on tournament me being handled by Dave Grecnberg, Sroie-kecplnK by Saturday nlKht. Iwijliinlni: nl <J:'M) p. m. lit the Ponton Hotel. Chair- JiiKlin IVlf'S/iwin, Tabulations by man of tills nff/ilr Is Al Orucll. The Hyjon rtezniclt. and Cporge Sclid%V«niPn'« Committee, who nr« han- piro. 'ITie pro;;i'.'inl-hooka headed by dlini: thf food mill decorations will !><• hr.-aded liy Mrs. Irving Korltes, Oporce Shafer; publicity committee, Willis I;,'p.stein; hotel it'sprva'tvlth the decorations spearheaded |>y Mrs. Ifnntl'l Coonontirtn. !'"» lions, Ivm Jecs; finance, Alfred lllce and his Oirheitra will-fiir- Frank, rhairrnnn and co-chairiiiNii, Dave Rice nnd Molt Trac-hienbftrg, til«h th"! muslf. Triimporlatlon Committee I« p;n-'iliniM who would Hlie lo visit with tdeain and relatives al- licadcd up hy Phil Kutler who will temlinj; thl* tournament, can at- be n.islnted by boys from the tend the. Jamboree. Admission, for Youth Council. Harry Colick nnd other than lxnvlcr.i, will lie $3.50 Sum Pollak are In clmrftc of • rugper person. Drfsj is optional, but Mratlon. Marv Tiellor, 2«adj a Since tlm Western Themo will be twenty-five tiinn hospitality comliicil, western attire is BUBC^sleil. mittee. Bowling In the team event will Tha Awards Damiurl will I"' held Sunday nt G p, in. nt the take plueo nt the Classic Bowl at ICth find Harney Streets and SinBheraton-Foiitenelle Hotel. lieCause of the limited spnee to han- gle events will b« nt the Kellcy's dle the large croud, only bowlers Hilltop, 48tb Avenue and Hamilparticipating In the tournament ton Streets. Bowling schedule will Will !>•• allowed to attend. Sol Ynf- Ht/ul at sundown Saturday and fe and Lou Cnnnr are co-chairmen rontliuK through Sunday afterof tlili affair. Tonstmaster will- be noon. fly lUlph N.igc Tounumint Chnlrnmil


Camp To Open Demands Ail-Out Effort Crucial Plight of Jews On July 28 Dr. Daniel Miller, chairman of the Camp Jay-C-C committeo announced today that the Camp now Jn its 19th year, will start July 28 for a four week period. It will be open to youngsters from six through 14 years of age. Dr. Miller stated that all the regular camp activities liko swimming, horseback riding, camp craft, camp-outs and other special events will be included in this summer's camping plans. He also reported that the camp site has been renovated and new facilities are being added In the Interest of campers. An experienced staff including many of its past members, will be in charge of activities. Campers may register at the camp office for either of the two week sessions or for the full four week season. Full Season VtU* Kites NonOronlisns residents First Session July 28-Aug 11 (75 $83 Second Session Aug. 11-Aug. 25 $73 $83 July 28-AUR. 25 $135 $143 In view of the fact that the size of the camp makes It necessary to limit enrollment, parent* of campers are urged by Dr. Miller to register a* soon as possible. Further Information may be obtained at the camp of/lco at the Jewish Community Center, JA 1M66.

Famous Editor to Speak March 17 Trude Wclss-Rosmarin, author, lecturer and editor of " T h e Jewish Spectator" magaglne will appear at the Jewish Community Center, Sunday, March 17, at 8 p. m., it was announced by Dr. Abe Creenberg, program chairmanInformation *nd tickets for the program may be obtained from members of Omaha B'nal B'rith Lodges and Chapters or at the Jewish Community Center, gponKors of the Program Of the Month Series.

David Blacker, active communal and civic louder, ttiree-Ume General Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropic lisa accepted the post of InltUI Gifts Chairman of the 1987 Jewish Philanthropic! and United Jewish Appeal Emergency Bescue Campaign, Arthur IL Goldstein, General Chairman, of the 1B57 Campaign, announoed today. "David Blacker brings to our campaign a long and distinguished career of active and successful leadership in the Jewish and general community. He is a veteran campaigner, having served ss General Chairman of the 194$, 1947 and 1949 Jewish Philanthropies campaigns. .Face Crucial Task "He accepted the post of Initial Gifts chairman because he Is convinced that the problems of world Jewry, and the embattled Israeli citizens are of such magnitude

and seriousness that require an all-out effort on the part of Ameiv lean Jews', if we are to meet tht special task* of this year's campaign," Mr. Goldstein said., "All of us art very pleased that Mr. Blacker will lead the Initial Gifts group. We are confident that under his competent and devoted leadership, the Initial Gifts Division will attain its goal In this campaign." Active Worker Mr. Blacker has had a wide range of communal and welfare experience. He has participated in every one of the 28 Philanthropies Drives; he headed the Bonds tor Israel Drive; was active In Com* munlty Chest, and YMCA drives, and many other Important fundraising activities. He has served as a member of the Jewish Federation board several times, and Is a past president of the Beth El Synagogue.

Truman Calls for a Clear Vigorous Mid-East Policy Former President" Harry S. Truman received the "Man of the Year" citation from Beth El nynagouue at a dinner attended by more than 700 guests. Mr. Truman. In his address, told Omoham that the tlmo Is long overdue for our government to adopt a clear and vigorous policy In the Middle Ksst—to use Its Influence and power to bring peace, to, make known whore it stand* and above all work together with its friends and Allies, "In spite of the dangers of the present," be declared, "Israel will survive. The survival of Israel has always been a matter of faith—of the faith that moves mountains." "Die creation of the State Israel," he added, "has been a miracle of modern times. We In this .fortunate and prosperous country of the United States can never be indifferent to its fate. We must hold to the only course of conduct that can preserve peace in the Middle East and save Israel from destruction. This will avert a major disaster In the Middle Eait

which could easily bring on World War III. Let us pray It will never come." A. J. Granoff, life-long friend of the former president, and a prominent Kansas City attorney and B'nal B'rith member, was presented to the gathering by Maurice Katzman, toastmoster for th* occasion. Words of welcome were extended by Max: Fromklrii Fred White and Dr. Abe Greenperg. The citation, the fifth to be awarded was presented by Harry SIdman, president of th* congregation. Dan Gordman, citation' dinner chairman spoke. The wine benediction was by Henry Appel, the invocation by Maurice Katelman and Grace by Cantor Ell Kagan. Mrs. Alfred Frank, accompanied by Ernest Prletman, was soloist In the dosing musical selection of th* program. A congregational gift to th* Truman library was presented to Mr. Truman by Rabbi Benjamin



Golden Agers Take Up Swimming at Center

Btemlurs of Center's newest swimming- OUM »r» Qoldsa Aj-em who are fast acquiring (wlmmlng »UU« under the tutelage of squads director, Joe Mlctk. Hire, with the assistant* of Mr*. Louis Oatkr, swlmmlar coordinator for the ConaoU of /offish Woman, Mr. Hloek demonstrates a few •wlmmlns; uolnUrs to Simps. Ben Oershun, Ht/man Fri*4, Cells Koaeahelm, and guests, Mra. F.\a Kngln, (Mlaacapolls) aad Mrs, Jack XnMber. The OoMen Afe Chin b co-sponsored by the Council of Jewish Wousea and the Jewish Community Center. Hi* oka* moete evarjr other Wednesday morning. Mr. Mlcek announced that Kith she arrival of spring;, new swimming C!MS«S will bo formed.


rrtMlrtrif Biwjr rrfcUy J * Vu> fedattfloa tt<lcwWi Servtc* Jtecond CUM Mailing ftivutcc* Authorized at Omaha. Kebnatia, Annual SubKriutien, H 0 0 - Advertising Rain on Application, Applf " Editorial orru-e— 1M No Stnh street, ( fia. Ncbr. JAcWoo js«8 Kim tilb ) Address «HOS So S3U1 SUM JMRS.) FRANCES KLEIN .:.' Editor

WifttheHoaeFotts I—Our Appreciation to boufs Beha and Sam Gikoan, Home resident!. Much credit k due to them (or the ouutanding window cleaning Job on the new addition at the Home. March 2—Su« Poster, Honjc resident, gave a KldduUi i>n the occasion of his Klnl birthday. March 3 - The Ki-Ton-Tlon tiuucc uader the leadership of Marilyn JUa entertained our folks with u program. Participants were Terry ityJUkr, Nino Beber, Shcily Somnur, LoU Creenherg. Ut Katz, Karris Ruben, Judy Davidson, /udy Veret, Sandy Parilouui, Bunny JUoch, Susie Giliasicy, Nancy Fcjlman, Karen lirudkey. Sharon Oroasnuui and Jillen Onar. March 5—Rabbi Benjamin Groner » u our rabbinical visitor today and continued his discussion of MkJinnis. The arts and cralts class met in the council room of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged today. Mrs. Meyer Bcber is chairnun of this program which is sponsored by the Council of Jewlib Women of Omaha. March 10—The Omaha Choir and Dramatic club «how.

Religious I Service* f :03 p. m. TKMFLE ISRAEL Services will be held Friday. March «, at 8:19 p. m. Rabbi Brook* will preach on "The Most Crucial Hour in the Week". A Discussion of life's Report « l Religious Education. Shabbu morning services will begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Re. llgioua School Choir "under the direction of Miss Ida Gltlin singing the musical portions ot the serv ice.

BETH EL Sabbath services at Beth £1 Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. tn. The musical portions of the service, which will be rendered by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth a Synagogue Choir, will feature the work of traditional and modern Jewish Uturgical composers. The 21st Annual Concert of Jewish Music will be presented Mike Hornstein, ton of Mr. and Immediately following the SabMrs. Joseph Hornxtrln was named to the honor roll at Kcmper Mili- bath Service. tary School, Boonville, Mo. BETH I8RAKL. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Got TV Trouble? KJi Kagan, Ik-th Israel Choir and "A" clou will conduct Col Saut—That's AH! secondary late Friday services at 8 p. m. Tradition:!! Knday evening services So*/s TV ft Radio SerWet KHIJIHIIUK .Shnbbot) begin at 6 I7M C M I > < AT 21 Jf p. in. Sabbath morning services MlffcH «W Sutfay—WA CI74 at H/M a. rn. Junior Cunt,'nt;.i(ion m 10 a. m. Ibibbi Grunrr ill mniliirt till' Tiilmud class Ht Mfi p. ni. Subbath Mincha at 6:15 p. m. followed by Sholeshc S'cudos anil Muariv. Daily morning srrvirts at 7 n. nl.: afternoon services nt 8:15 p. ni. Sunday morning scnlcrt bc|?ln at 8:45 a, m. foll o w ^ .by broakfust and Rabbi'* class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Mlnyan, followed by breakfaj.1, start* at 8:30 a. m. The Talnud Discussion group meets ev«ry Tuesday evening ht 7:30 p. in. at BHH Synagogue, 19th and Burt Streets. :


NATION GERELICK LOCALLY' *Omaha'i No. 1 Ford Seller. 2nd Straight Year Omaha's Largest Stock of 1957 FORDS Is Here . . . Used Car Stocks Are Down . . . WE WANT TO DEAL! Uwa Oawa Ta<tmt*. lank Hates. High TrooVIa



Friday, March 8, IMT

DO IOC KNOW OF A CIIANOK IN TIIK ADDKKKS OF ANK 8EKVICK MANT The keriicemen's committee of Uic Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs are preparing Passover packnKei to be mailed to Omahans stationed oversea* and Pa*aover Cirecting cards to those In the titates. COJUIECT ADDRESSES are important In this operation. Please help. THE JEWISH PRESS, whose mailing hst is used for this purpose is mailed to every Omahan in the Armed Koror*. If you know of any Omahan in the service not receiving the Press, please notify the Center, JA 1366.

Branded Dinner WiH Be Tuesday A Centennial dinner will be giv< en Tuesday evening at the Blackstone Hotel to celebrate the 100th birthday of the late Justice Louis D. Brandcls by the Brandds Unlversity Club of Omaha; it was announced by Edward T, Scliimmcl, chairman of the dinner committee. Dr. Marvin Lowenthal, diitingulshed author and director of Special Services at the Brondeis University Ubrary will be the guest speaker. Members of Mr. Schlmmel's dinner committee are Robert Bernstein, David Blacker, Paul Blotcky, Harold Chernlok, Harry B. Cohen, Richard Einstein, Hnrold Farter, Herman Goldstein, Dr. Abe Grecnberg, Manning Hander, Richard HHIer, Lou Jess, I^azier Knvich. J. Harry Kulnkofsky, lyjuls Upp, Ephralm L. Marks. Alred Mayer, Calvin Newman, Erne»t A. Noisg. Stanley Perimeter, I I I I J SomberK, I. H. Welncr. Normnn Rips, Al Sonhlr, Wllllnm Wolfe, S«l Yaffe, Mm«. Uoso iilumkln, Hymnn Ferer nml Joseph Zweiback. A reception will Iw l>*ld at 7 p. m.

Organizations KADIMAU A Ktidlmah Board Meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Chas. GIUK, 5703 Harncy Street on Wednesday, at 1 p. in. Prodding will be Mrs. Herman Mirowitz. All board members are urged to attend. COUNCIL JEWISH WOMEN Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, wUI hold (heir monthly Board Meeting with a dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Louis Upp, 663 No. Fairwood Lane, Thursday at 1 p. m. Mrs. I. I t Welner will be cohostess. COUNCIL HAKE 8AJ,£ The Council of Jewish Women will hold a bake tale Monday at a main floor booth at the Brandels Store. Council members will be contacted for contributions, it was announced by Mrs. Owen Myerson, chairman, GL 0781. Either hhe or Mr*. J. M. Horwich, GL 0480 will make pick-up arrangements. Baked goods may be H t at any of the following homes: Mrs. David Blacker. G54 Dillon Drive; Mrs. Phil Laser, 1302 No. 54 Street, and Mrs. !»pon Fcllmnn, 301 So. S3 Street. BETH E l , HIHTKRIIOflD The Beth El Skterhood will pn» srnt a musical program at their regular luncheon meeting Tuesday at 1 p. m. In (he Synagogue nodal hall, The "Shu Shan Mikado" will be directed l>y Mrs. A. C. Feilman. aitiiMcd by Mmes Donald Noggi A. G. Rlrnmerman and Kdward Rosen. The cast will include Mmes. Irving Chudacoff, Normnri Denehberg, Lee Gendler, Leonard Gould, Stanley Ilenoff, Donald Nogg, A. G. Rlmincrman, Arnold Rosemnn. Edward Rosen, Ted Snnford, Sidney Schwartz, Stanley sUverman, Harl Welsn, Norman Whitman, Krnetit Wlntroub and Nwrmnn Wolilncr.

Mrs. Hun-y DuBoff will be nccuinpanist. Mrs. Leon Schmldmaii, assisted by lime*. Max Blttner and Hubert ' Rosenbloom will be JJI charge of coblumcii and props. The luncheon committee I n c l u d e s : limes. Carl Matter*, J. Milton Margolin. Arthur Friedman and Ben Pcrelmon.

AVX. The regular meeting of the Epstein Morgan Post 260, Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary will be held Wednesday at the Jewish Community Center at 8 p. m. All members are urgently requested to attend. Refreshments end a nodal will follow. ZIONIST COUNCIL CHANtiES HKKTINO DATK The March meeting date of the Omaha Zionist Council has hern changed this month from the second Wednesday to Thursday, 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Dnvid Wine, 501 So. 35 Street The pro. gram will Include the discuwtion of Important business. BETH WBAKL MIHTKBIIOOD The Beth Israel Sisterhood Mill honor all new members nt a luncheon meeting Turxday in the Synagogue SocUl Hall. I1ADAS8AII Last minute arrangement!) -art. being completed to pick Up items for the Hadaksah rummage sal* Monday and Tuesday at 1822 No, 24 Street, Donors of rummage urtides arc asked to call Mrs. II»r» ry Wise, GL 1787 In case they « U h pick-up service.

SAMPLE FUR SHOP Omaha'i Reliable Furrier Everything in Fun st Lowest Pric«i in City 1519 FARNAH ST.

FOR SALE Forbes Bakery and Delicatessen

Dad-Son Banquet Will Be March 31

Downtown Store at 220 So. 24th S t r u t (Oaly)


The Annual Father-Son Banquet will be hold Sunday. March 31, at the Jewish Community Center It was announced by Dr. Philip Sher, founder of the banquet. Plans will be announced soon.

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. Dtliciow Tongue leaf.












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March 8, IMf

victory with some faulty passing Hoys league, while trailing close and then blew two free tluows in behind are nnyim A witli 31-17, the last minute. Previous to the AZA IB with 21»-l!l, AZA 100A free throws, they had a fi\e poin with 28-20 and AZA 1A uitli 2G-22 There arc several weeks of bowlOMAHA I N t - I VICTORY kept Omaha In tha game, each' lead with three minute* left. ing left and if one of the secondary The Omaha Jay turned the ta- hitting 14. In the third quarter, Brophy Hrorrs Tlie JCX! Varsity won Its Ia»t tenms should get lint, the standble* Sunday on the Sioux City Cen- both teams scored 21 points. In the first overtime period. Sun' ings might bo scrambled even same of the'yeur in a 77-76 triter basketball teams by talcing Chuck-Wise, Jerry Rosen and Bob dy Brophy scored six: quick points closer. two out of three all itar games, Oberman carried rebounding loads umph over Theta Chi, YMCA High individual game goe* to champions, Sunday at the Jay. attar having lost to Sioux City a far Omaha, while Chuck Ravitz, an two baskets and a perfect tipmonth ago in the first of the home Mike BUM. Will Plotkln and AI in, but the Offutt team fought Jerry Shermun with 248 while Trailing by ns mudi as 13 point* and home series. Krizelman rounded out the rest buck with some good passing and Mike Platt has high individual se- during sonic parts of the game, three straight baskets by Lewis. rin, with 593. AZA 100 A Ifadt in , The Omaha Frosh-Soph All of the team. LJndy Paul also sank two baskets high team game with !>10 and also Fied Bernstein and Al Clayman S t a n in the opener won a tight in the first overtime, but that was in high team aeries with 2.595. pulled the Varsity out with ten game ending with a 51-45 score. matched by free throws. "UNAP4" BASKKTBA1.L baskets In the third quarter. Gam* The Omaha team came from beWith three weeks left In Junior CHAMPS The fatal overtime for JCC saw Youth .Council Bowling the Jets, high point man was Clayman with hind 24-21 at the half, after Densome devastating shooting and deft The UnalfiUates von the basket nis Levine, Sidney Lclchook and 27J4-8W, and Aces, 25>*-10>,t lend 31, but Dave Anderson recorded Ed Checen fouled out for Sioux bull championship with a 33-28 ball handling as the Varsity was the pack. Mild Cats and Luclcy 128 points on Juinp shots and long held to four baskets, two by AI play-oft win against AZA 100 in City. The Sioux City offense sufFour are tied for third with 21-15. set shots. fered considerably from tha4 point the Youth Council League l a s t dayman and two by Sandy BroLarry Land/nan's 191 game still Both teams wero hot at the on. High point man in the game week. It was a well deserved vie phy. High point man for the Jay is high In tliat department. Lost free throw line. Theta Chi hit 23 was Burton Albert with 15, but tory with the champi playing m a team with 26. Al Clayman scored week he had a two game 288 aeries for 30 and the Vanity had 9 for Omaha had two double digit men smooth working offensive unit and 20 and the passing chores were with 157 and 13L Secretary Jack 15, In the last quarter, tho Varin Larry Kohn with 13 and John bottling up the AZA 100 sharp handled by Steve Lustgartcn, Dan Licb reports high league enthusi- sity pulled ahead by «ix point*. shooters. Epstein, Wayne Sclgal and Ltndy Okun with 13. asm over championship. The ball control game was hanDave Goldstein played all around Paul. Omaha pulled into the tic late good hall in capturing scoring Iwn dled adequately by Dan Epstein, VOI.IJSVBAIX In the fourth quarter after trail ors with 17 points, but Jerry SherBernstein and Lustgarten, In the The JCC Vaisity volleyball team ing 35-32 at the end of the third man, Larry Ileiman, Oiuck Rulast minute, Theta Chi tied the moved up a rune on the ladder In session. The teams traded points vit«. Chuck Wise. Tom Kelly and score on fi-ee thrown, but Hal from that point on. Sioux City Jcww Swartz all hail a sizeable Inter-City Cl.ibs U volleyball Ncponmlck came through with the standings as they defeated the only scored three baskets in the hand in the »!ctory. last of two free throws to win the Twelve team* arc signed for the last quarter, while Mike Platt, Kully scored four polim in the Postal Carriers liist weak. They After School "Two Man" BosketDave Wintroub, Larry Kohn ami third quarter that started to Int mm the first and last games Steve Seglln were busy from the up the Kaihr. Herman drew four 15-8, 15-11 and lost the second ball league In the Center gym. floor and at the free throw 'ine. fouU in the firii half. Chucli Wine game 16-14. Al Abrahmson and J The schedule ha« been arranged After having built up an eight kept the defense on edge playing a 'ohen spiked effectively for the to last through March 22. f>ch team will play every other team t point lead, Coach Ben Wintroub threatening offense u n d e r the Jny team with consistent set-ups iXlt his boys Into a stnll during boards. Sherman rang in five quick liy Phil Fox. Dave Klce and George once. The schedule call* for four games per afternoon with two mnn points in tiie last quarter and Ilti the laat few minutes. Knhn. Carriers were knocked out New officers of the Junior B'nal games being held at the same vltz and S w w U constantly hfwltfd of first plope by the loss. JCC MIOGKT WINS time on each end of the court. B'rith Bowling league are Mickey the ball. Jerry llosun, I!ob lipV .C. BAHKKTRAU., "B" Sacks, president; Buddy Epstein, After winning handily from stein and Nellie Gordman headed AZA 100 captured tho "B" C*iine is a 20 point totnl with no Sioux City the first time, thi> are 100 offense. League championship last Tuesday margin of victory. Rules call for Howard Fcldmnn, vice-presidents; Omahn Midgets got quite a scare n the finnl play-off gdme with returning the ball pant the free Buddy Marcitt, treasurer; Mlk* y as Jeff PiU and Dick Friedman AZA l.-Tlie 43-31 score did not in- throw line after regaining pos- Green, sergeant-nt-arm» and SherTlie Unaffiliates were exception' rang up 24 points between them dicate the closeness of the game session. Schedule and remits will ry' Kraft, secretary. on long set shots. The final score ally hot in the first quarter lead- op-the firxt three quarters. Stan be posted on the Youth Council was 40-34 in favor of Omaha, but Ing 17-5, but could score only one bulletin board outside the Physithey didn't build up their six point ba.'ket in the second session us Ireenfield and Tom Plntt each cal Education office. SCBIXM] 12 for the winner* to garhe half closed at 18-13, The fourth lead until lete in the fourth quarquarter told the tale as the champs ner scoring honors in t h e . game. ter. hit 14 points nnd capitalized on Harold Kaiman and TVIikc Markorb'mt JA iar» to murt row n u n H4 Keith Libcnnan led the Omaha desperate tactics as the Century litz sparked the. Mother Chapter's Open House Sunday in Tn« Jewmi I'mi • attack with 14 points, but Pill was club drew four fouls, rat* If 80 etali tot tmta toot jffense with 8 and 10 respectively. To Honor Mr, Frohman in*rurrrnt luitruvn. The I'ruj rn«rv« me rljrtal high with 18, Steve Gus* and Don The final standings place AZA Member* of the championship Mr. and Mrs. Warner TV ibrii.'in fi. I'm.t nu of *«rb MVinlKmtal Fiedler cleared the boards in 1 in third place behind AZA 100.leom are Tom Platt. Jerry Simons, grand style for the Omaha team. but the 100 club is still in first Sidney Pensln, Clark Schwartz, Will hold nn open linusr Sunday iAR nnri Bus Mlfzvah congmlUI'ltions also for nil Jewish holiHike Sadofsky, team"enptain, and place as.far at Olympics are con- Stan Greenfield. Roger Smith and from 3 p. in. to T> p. ni. In honor days and special ocrasloni. Dick Zacbarla, Harold Forbes and cerned. Their total now U 3L3, butHoward Stoler. AZA 100 receives 7 if (he 7,'tii birthday of Ailitlph KrolmiiiM. N o I'lvittitiorK IKIVC Hf>"r Nrws Slmid inO2 Dodg* Jeff Wohlner played good floor they need victories In remaining Olympic points for the victory and ., «am«f, o n last break* and defense. sports to walk off with the trophy. the team member* will be recoil- leen is.iued. .SAVI: BY ORDI:RINC; Raylm has 19, AZA 1 totals 16.3 TAKES ONE on Athletic 'Award Nlijht. I year, Vncuc $6.00 The Omaha Youth Council All and the "Unafs" hit 17 with this Jny 16. II iiKnilhs, Clnmiiur $243 WEAR Star* were beaten by a'team of win. Volleyball points of 7-4-2 117 uerki. Suturduy Evening well coached, and efficient young could make a -bis difference if THAT NEW LOOK Po-.t $10.17 Center Bowling Sioux City basketeera, 72-55. The AZA 100 U blanked. The schedule OftJ donbU-brvaifcd tulrt nod* l(i month'-, Itcider's Digest $2.00 offense and defense-did not belle calls for the first games on March The Unaffiliates have maintained !«t# B*w finglf-brtaittd wltt. 7 months. Coronet $1X10 heir first place position witli n the fact that they had played for 14. 78 Weeks, Time . . . » $6.87 34-14 record in the Youth Council Alt Kindt Mtn'i «nd Ljdiet' E* the last several year* as a team 70 weeks. Life $7.70 epfr Tailoring «nd Alteration*. and were contenders in the Sioux VAKSm* IN THKOXEK Kor Thet.e nnd many Other Kin* City Youth League this year. Gene A post season same for the JCC DRCiSMAKIHS, A1THATIONS Offem. Call Mrs. S. J. Horwtch, •Levine and Bill Hurwitz consis- Varsity saw them lose a double AND MfAIM W A 3937. tently hit from all over the floor overtime thriller to the Offutt Air IIS U. ISrt SI. n. AT fS04 to score 14 and 15 respectively Police team last Wednesday in the By tKpftri naweomtr, Lillian £JifnFOH RENT-Sleeplng room i n ' Or 'white Joe Goldberg and Al Lefkow Center gymnasium. The regular fctra. 3610 Oiwty A...—Apt. I t , five-room apartment of widow. 47tk mad FTMUIH « .hit 10 and Vi. game ended in a 63-63 tie after Employed person desired. Near AT 1111 Nxilnmr • • * o t Hlgkway Dave Goldstein and Bob Epstein the Varsity lost their chance for bus line. Call JA 74.18.

Varsity Wins Last Game

Center Sports

Twelve Teams Sigpi for League

Mickey Sacks Is League President

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