«*»•# Jl*w MMIMi rrmlrst.
niwuM •»«•> r»d>> iti It Mtk m m star « IMiUn Ihnkt NOniti r t w M I W Natlr Ow It OMvM
Commentator To Headline Women's Meetings Men's Division Planners Women's Division Units Approve Campaign Plans Begin Campaign Activity
A plan calling for the organlza Uon of teams under the leadership of Captain* was endorsed by (he Planning Committee of the PhilMrs. Eleanor Abrams, nation, en'n groups of Hie Jewish l'lii- al Women's unit. Her sharp obanthroples Men's Division at It* ully kiiou-n lecturer, writer ami lantliropies Oiimpaign. servance of world affairs hai, ' meeting held last Sunday, Lou 8he,*will address workcro of commentator, will be the (rue.sl O n a r r n d Ruben Llppctt, the dlvi tlio women's division at noon inoile Jii'r a popular fijfure at skin'* co-chairmen announced. speaker Wednesday at t li t and appear nt a cock'tnil supper Pliiln ritliropics pntlirriugg in "Briefly, the plan callj for Ihc <i|)i"iiiii(f fuiiftiouH of two worn- of the lIusineiiH and J'rofpHHJon. ninny purls of the coiintr.v. . (election or some 20 to 25 Contain*, who In turn will recruit about 10 waiv.era each. In this way, we hope that large corps of Workers can be secured to reach some 1200 proapect* In our dlvilion." the co-chairmen Indicated, Mrs. IJcunor Abrams, nationalThe Business and Professional jben Uppctt at the meeting, Women's will mobilize lt« unit for ly known lecturer, writer and which heard Arthur II. Goldstein, tlii? 1937 Philanthropies at a cockcommentator on world affairs, General Campaign Chairman, and tail supper Wednesday, April 10, ulll speak at the Women Workers' Dr. Abe Grrcnl>erg, Jewish Fednt fli.W p. m. in the Jewish ComJ) e s s e r t luncheon, Wednesday, eration President, outline the munity Center auditorium. The April 10, 12:30 p. m. at the Jewneeds and objective* of the 1957 •jroup'i plnai were announced by ish Community Center, Mrs. Edcombined campaign, which InMrs. .Herman Bondarlrt. B & I' ward K. Brodkey, Women's Divicludes the Jewish Philanthropies Division chairman. sion chairman of the Jewish and the UJA Emergency Rescue Guoti of honor at the event will Drivr. Philanthropic* C a m p a i g n , anbe Mm. Kleanor Abrani-s, nationnounced today. Some 300 women "What pleased all of us," Mr. wide commentator, uho will ipeak Ltppett snjd. "was the helpful nlrortly have enrolled as , volearlier In the day, also, nt a womdiscussion and the constructive unteers in the drive, she reported. en worker's meeting. The supper suggestions offered by all present. is an annual event for this division. Special invitation urging all - The recommendations for the cam' "The B. and P. women are well workers to attend thli extremely 'yaJgn technique were made fol known for their induttry and sucimportant meeting was issued by Rnbhl Bernard Segal, New York lowing a thorough expression of cess in fund-raising," Mrs. lionMrs. Brodkey and her associate opinions, which will ser\e as our City, Exccut.vc Director of United darln announced. "Their presence chairmen, Mrs, Edwin E. Brodkey guide In leading the Men's Divl- Synagogue of America, will occupy Wednesday -night, an in prevlouj the pulpit of Beth El Synagogue on and Mrs. Mike Freeman. ' alon'i efforts." yean, will be an assurance of our Mm. Klcanor Alirnms Present nt the meeting were: Friday evening. "We are aiming for a full atLucccttful .participation In PhilanEir.cni* Brniin, Klliot Drown, Max Rabbi Segal, who alio holdi the thropies activities. We are depend' Mri. Eleanor Abrams Is well tendance at this meeting", they Crounse, Barney Drevlch, Harold degree of Doctor of Hebrew Liter- Ing upon every; woman In this known to women's groups through- said, In a joint statement The , .Csxber, Dan Cordmsn, Barton ature, was ordained by the Jewish brincH'to'attihd'as they have al- out the United States. She is a presence of every volunteer will Creenberg, Paul Crowman, JOB Theological Seminary In 1933 He ways done." noted authority on foreign affairs guarantee the success of the woIlnrnstcln, Moe Kagan, Delmar served in the Rabbinate until 1940, Mrs. Bondarln Friday announced and contemporary social problems. men's phase of the campaign." Klein. when he was the first Jewish Widely traveled In the United / l - o : Rubin Marcui. Mlllard Chaplain to be called to active her aclvl*or»rThey are Mmes. Julia States and Europe, she visited Margolin, Sol Par*nw, Sam Pol' duly In World War II. He left the Jacobs, Carl Logman, Jennie Ros- Israel In 1948 and again In 1051 Israel May Have lack, Joe Radinowskl, Sam Rlfkln, Army In 1945, as Lieut. Colonel, enblatt, Charlei Ross Peter Mey- and while there became conversEdward A, Rosen, Max Sacks. thf highest rank achieved by a en, Julius Newman, Eve Konecky, ant with many of the most vital 2 Million by 1957 Philip D. Schwartz, Morris GrossGeorge Shafer, Earl Sleg-I. Saul Jewish Chaplain. man and the Misses Rebecca Ber- problems which arc shaping this New York "(WNSl-Dr. Roberto Sllverman. Ervln Simon, Marvin Since then he has served In ex-covlcl, Elizabeth J. Hart, and year's UJA campaign. Baehi, first Dcun q! the Ellezer Treller, Ben Wlntroub. ecutive capacities in all three of AhuvaCcnihater. Having studied intensively the Kaplan School of Economics at the central branches of the Conpressing social and political probMrs. Edward E, Brodkey, Chair- lems affecting the Jewish sur- the Hebrew University of Jeruservative Movement, first as e x e c Holiday Deferment uflve vice-president of the Rab- man of the Women's Division, who vivors of Hltlcrlsm, Mrs. Abrams salem predicted that Israel's total binical Assembly, then as vice- conferred with the B. and P. Wom- Is able to relate these problems to population will reach the two milNow Vork (JTA)-Local draft chancellor of the Jewish Theologi- en at their lait meeting paid trib- those of immigration and re-lion mark by the end of next year. boards have been instructed to cal, and now as executive vice- ute to their earnestneis and en-settlement in Israel and thus give When, asked how the Israelis five "/avorable consideration'' to president of the United Synagogue thusiaitm. her audience a concise and effec- have contributed to the Increaso requeits of Jewish young, men not of "America. tive picture of the total situation. of their own population, the Het o be scheduled for physical exJml. Mr?. Abrnms has attracted n brew University professor asserted Following the services, mem- Civil Defense nations or induction into the armed wide listening audience as a fea- that Israel's rate of natural incervices during Passover, the Na- ber* of the Both El Synagogue Exercise Staged tured weekly commentator on one crease Is high—higher limn that of tfonoal Jewish Welfare Board ail' Sisterhood will be hoslesics at a of New Yorls's leading radio stareception honoring Dr. Segal. flounced. Tel Aviv (JTA)—The biggest tions and has been very cnUius- many Jewish communities abroad. The size of this increase, he excivil defense exercise held to date iaitlcally received wherever she plained, is influenced by various In Israel, covering the entire Haifa has appeared in public. factors such as the large propornorthern half of the country, was She is Ihc wife of a San An-tion of young people in the countonio. Tex, rabbi. try. , Magcd thl! week.
B. and P. Women, Wed., 5:30 P.M.
Women's Workers, Wed., 12:30 P.M.
New York Rabbi to Be Beth El Guest
Youth Philanthropies Dinner Will Be April 25
Paul Shyken, Youth Council Gene Dandy, Mike Markovitz, Philanthropies C h a i r m a n an- Frang Goldberg, Arnle Wtlntraub nounced this week that tin High and Soul Kalman. Representing School Philanthropies Dinner will AZA No. 100 will be Bruce and be held at the Jewish Community Bernard Bloom, Steve Rieket, Center, Thursday, April 29, Young Dernle Pollkov, Irv Belzer and ' Shyken Is the son of Mr. and Mr*. Morris Brodkey, Sam Shyken, Rohanue will have at It workers Club member! working on this Marilyn Wcinberg, ArJene Epstein, year's high school campaign art Nancy Lewis, Maurin* Zevltz, Larry Kohn, Larry Roltstcln, K«va Phyllis Bernileln, Betty Erman Shyken. Howard Wcinberg and Diane Schricber and Arlone. CarRobert Fellman offtaylm.Memolyn Dolgoff, Judy Wohlner, Phylbers of AZA No. 1 working on the lis Katzman, Baibara Greenberg, drive ar« J. Goldstrom, E. Sldmnn, Charlotte Brodkey, Harriet Schloff, Beverly Goldberg, Kaye Turner end Barbara Garber nra Dcbka Debs participating while Kdr-n Cohen and Maxint Zwclback are Two broadcasts will ba held Sun- workors from Eleanor Roosevelt day in ob«crvniio« of World J«w- BBG Florence S e h r a u o , Alice bh Child's Day. Kin's and Roiann* Slporln reThe film "1 Camo lo Boirshcba" present Hodl DBG. will bo shown by WOW-TV on that day frwi 11 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. Tom Kully, Bob Shapiro and Eddie Cantor will pay tribute Marty I.lpp i\re th» unaffillate to tbe occasion in the "Eternal representative*,' Light" program from 10:13 a. m. Young Shyken roportcd tlmt the to II :5 a. m, over KFAB. In a talk coal for thi» year's drive In "To on ••Children of Liberty," Mr. Can- Save Ono Ufa." Tli» oo.it to »av« lur win loll th« story of Youth ont lif* la 81,000. Evoiy high Aliy.'ih, the movement staitud to school number Is encouragsd to Ih-Ip if.-,j*er,iic Jewish ohlldran And participate actively In this year's campaign. a new life in Israel.
Business and Professional Women Plan
Tribute to Aliyah
B«oit row (I. to r.) Mm. I'rter MR,VOM. Mr«. J lilns Ii.-ivhvui, MIKH Knlah I'rualillii mi.l - Jink.-Ed* wnri K. Brodkny. I'ront row, 1. to r.. Mm. Kvo I.. Kinvrl;., Mr». l'lillip 1». Solnmrtz. Mrs. • * * • (in Daadarin and HUs Aliuva lier-liuler ninp jilnni fur It. ami IV l'lillantliru|ili-s Curklnll Supper.
Friday, April f, 1M»
A Letter to the Editor Juvenile Delinquency PuMfahe* Every Frtd.j by tba Federation of Jewish Servlo* l«c«Dd Clm» MalUns Privileges AuthurUed «t umaha. NeoraUa. Factors, Numbered Annual Subscription, #4.00. Advertising fuits on Application. KdltorUl OWL-*—101 No 'Juih btreet, Omana. Ntbr. JAckson 1366. Mat Sb. l A M n u 48O« So asm U I M L Editor of the Jewish Press (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor Omaha, Nebraska Dear Editor: As one who has been interested and active in Juvenile work for the past 52 years, I would make the following suggestions on how to prevent Juvenile delinquency: 1. To ask schools, churches, and the city to provide sufficient supervised recreational centers, 2. To hold parents responsible for the delinquency of their children if its is due to lack of ' Candlelightlng, 6:33 p. m. supervision. 3. To have talks on the radio and TEHFIJE ISRAEL TV by p r o m i n e n t public Service! will be held Friday at spirited men emphasizing the »:15 p. m. Rabbi Brooks Bacredness of private and public preacb on "The Crucial Hour". property, and appealing to parWho Shall Teach Our Children ents to inculcate these prinShabbaj morning services will ciples in the minds of their begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi children. Brooks officiating and the Hellgjoia School Choir under the 4. To have a panel once a week on direction or Mi» Ida Gitlln ling the radio by leading public high ing the musical portion* of the school boys and {iris discusservice. ' sine social behavior and how much youth csn contribute to BETH ISRAEL the welfare of our community Rabbj Benjamin Groner, Cantor Dr. Joseph Ko*hnlk and our country. EH Kagan, Beth Israel Choir and 5. To teach in our schools social poat (graduate class, will conduct behavior, including six hygiene late Friday services at 8 p. m. in high schools, Traditional Friday evening serv6. To reduce the number of saloons ices (Kabbolas Shabbas) begin In our dtics, at least SO per at 6.30 p. m. Sabbath morning Dr. Joseph Soshnik, 37, member cent for they contribute partly services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior of the executive committee of the to Juvenile delinquency. , Congregation at 10 a. nt Rabbi Federation for Jewish Service, 7. To stop all kind of gambling Groner will conduct the Talmud has been appointed Comptroller even in our clubs. They are one class at 6 p. m. Sabbath Min of the University of Nebraska. of the greatest factors in causcha at 6:30 p. m. followed by He is also the Federation's chairing Juvenile delinquency. Sholeshe S'eudos and Maariv. man of the Bureau of Jewish EduThe following ,«re my suggesDaily morning services at 7 cation. Dr. Soshnik. at present, tions on the treatment of the a. m.: afternoon services nt 6.-45 holds the dual position at CrelghJuvenile after committing an antip. m. Sunday morning services ton University as director of the social act: begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by department of management and breakfast and Rabbi's class In university auditor and budget 1. To have trained and qualified Juvenile officers, day and night, Bible Sunday morning Junior consultant at the police station, to handle Minyan, followed by breakfast, the Juvenile cases, and to take •tarts at 8:30 >. m. them to the Detention Home The Talmud Discussion group instead of keeping them In JaiL meets every Tuesday evening at 3. To establish a Child Guidance 7:30 p. ro. at BH11 Synagogue, Clinic In order to investigate ADOLPH STEIN 19th and Burt Streets. and study anti-social child tx-Funeral service* were held Sunhavior, and treat It before deBETH t X day at the Jewish Funeral Home linquency becomes chronic. Sabbath services at Beth £1 or Adolph Stein, 914 North 41 3. To relieve the Judge of the reSynagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. street, who died March 29. Burial sponsibility of Domestic RelaDr. Bernard Segal, Executive Dlwas in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, rector ot the United Synagogue He was the father of Edward of American, skill deliver the serM. Stein, assistant city prosecutor. mon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and Also surviving are his wife, Lena the Beth El Synagogue Choir will and a daughter, Mrs. Harold Fox render the musical portions of the Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Greentervice. berger of Grand Island announced Sabbath morning service* bethe birth of their fourth ion, Matgin st 9:30 a. m. and the Junior MISS LILLIAN 8VVAKTZ thew David, on March 30. Mrs. Congregation services are at 10:30 Service* were held Sunday for Greenberger, the former Shirley a. ra. Mincha-Maariv at 6:30 p. m. Miss Lillian Swartz, a native of Spar of Omaha, Ji the daughter Daily services at 7 a. m. and 7 Omaha, who died March 29 In of Sol Spar. p. m. Sunday services at 9 a m. Angeles, CaL, where sh« nude her home. Surviving are sisters, Mrs. L, Osder, Mrs. N . Adelson, Los Angeles; Mrs. O. Rips, San Antonio, Tex. snd brother, Arthur Swart*, Los Angeles.
tions Court in order to devote all his time to Juvenile cases. 4. To invite civic organizations to form committees of members who are posted and and Interested in Juvenile psychology, and provide resources /or Big Brothers and Sisters. 9. To have the youth in our industrial schools segregated according to their anti-social behaviors or acts In order that they may be properly treated and rehabilitated. 6. Juvenile parole officers should be professionally trained, riot political appointees. Dr. Philip Sher, Honorary President, Federation for Jewish Service Ust the Want Ads to buy, sell or rent.
JWV Election To Be Wednesday Officers for the coming year will be elected at the meeting of the Epstein-Morgan Post, Jewish War Veterans, Wednesday evening at th Jewish Community Center. Recommendations of the nominating committee, announced by Max'Kanner, past post and depart* meat commander are as follows: Marvin Kaplan for Commander; Delmer Klein for Senior Vice-Commander; Marvin Glllnsky for Junior Vice-Commander; Dr. J. Milton Margolin for Post Surgeon; Milton Goldberg for C h a p l a i n ; Paul Crounse for Judge Advocate, and Max Belgrade for Sergeant at Arms. Final plans for the Junior Soft* ball League the Jewish War Veterans are sponsoring will be made. Arrangements for JWV's 'Annual Memoral Day Services will be discussed.
Soshnik Named To U. of N. Post
PASSOVER SEASON W e have Passover buffer, sour cream, and milk—Kosher for Passover—under personal supervision of Rabbi Nafhan Feldman.
At Your Door or Favorite Store
Place Your Order Now CaH RE 4444 or Your Grocer (Netat T I M M rVodactt Art Limited la Qwntfty)
WHbtheHonieFofts Tkt Atit~ei UtlKMn, March 25—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Itundell sent flowers to our folks In honor of the wedding of their daughter, Eve, to Julius Raden, Dallas, Tex. - March 26—Rabbi David Korb of Council Bluffs discussed the significance of ten Purlm Festival. March 28-—Welcome to our new residents, Mrs. Rose Goldfeln, Mr. tpA Mrs. Ernst Loewemtein Mrs. Sara Diamond and Mrs. Kva Wonkoff. March 30—Dr. Philip Sher gave a special kiddush In honor of the arrival of his family, Mr. and Mrs. David Sher ond their fua, Michael who came from New York Cliy to attend the Fnther and Son Banquet at the Jewish Community Center. March 31 —Sam Poster. hom<? resident, won a prize at the Father and Son Banquet, for being the oldest grandfather with the youngest grandson. April 1—In memoriam •—Mrs. Rose Kaftan. April 2—Rabbi Benjamin Groner was our rabbinical visitor. The Council of Jewish Women Arts and Crafts group held their regular class today. April fr-Mr. and Mrs. Philip Batt wiJl give a special kiddush today in honor of the 20th weddinc anniversary of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Batt, Chicago, I1L Patronize Our Advertisers.
MBS. HOSE KACEN Funeral services were held Monday for Mrs. ROM Kagan at the Jewish Funeral Home with burial In Mount Sinai Cemetery. Mrs. Kagan, 73, died, Sunday at a local hospital after a short Illness. She was a resident of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Surviving are sons, Moc and George of Omaha anil three grandchildren.
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With Spring Comes the Holidays You Will Look Your Best in
Well Tailored Clothing by Rogers Peer, Witfy Bros., Ha'mmonlon Park and Other Fine Nemo Brands from Our Shop
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Hot Barbecue Ribs and Chicken — Sunday
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Kosher Meat Mkt. and Delicatessen
Op«n April 7-14 Until 7 P.M. — Dally Except Friday
WA 5554
Friday, April ( . 1HT
Program Will Present Humorist
AZA 100 Sweetheart To Be Named at April 14 Dance
Hadassah Gives Books to Colleges
Irving Davidson, humorist and raconteur, wtU bring a program of The book "Great Ages and Ideas Kit and »1ory-U'lliiiK to Omahans [Of the Jewish People" has been when he appears hrre in the last , given to Crelghton University and of the entertainment series «[*>nthe University of Omaha by Hadasaored by the Jewish Community sah. Center and the Omaha IJ'nal B'ritli Copies were presented March 38 lodges and chapters. His Omaha 'o the librarians of each college •ppearanc* Is scheduled for Sunby Mrs. Meyer N. Rubin, presiday, April 28, 8 p. m., at the Cendent of the Omaha Chapter, and ter/ Mrs. Paul Veret, Education Chair, .; ,-.•' Currently on a national tour, Mr. man. The book edited by Leo W. Davidson has entertained Jewish Schwarz, was written by six worldand non-Jewish organizations from renowned experts of Jewish history coast to coast. A social director for at the request of Hadassah. It is . many fashionable New York and being used as part of the history Pennsylvania summer resorts, Mr. study curriculum at several EastDavldjon is called the "Master of ;rn colleges. t "••'••, Repartee." For over 17 years. Mr. Davidson has been gathering, classifying, Cataloging and preserving Stories of Jewish humor and wit. • A graduate of the College of the A 30 minute program Sunday, City of New York and of the Low .pril 14, 2-3:30 p. m. on WOW will School of Fordham University, Mr. ie devoted to the late Edward loscwater, prominent Omahan and Davidson has made an exhaustive 'ounder of tho American Jewish »tudy of Jewish and related litera' o m m l t t c e . The presentation, ture. He has arranged a Unique, 'Ready Mr. Rosewater?" tells how humorous collection in the areas young Jew finds the fredom of Of Jewish, American, English, Irish, people as well as personal liberty French, Italian and Negro wit. A hrough his relationship with popular member of the Jewish Welibrahnm Lincoln. The subject of fare Boards Speakers Bureau, Mr, he story was the founder of the Davidson quickly and effectively met line Omaha Bee News. develops ripples of laughter into waves of merriment. Patronize Our Advertiser* * All of his material is based upon (I. to r,) Linda K.vW., Muddl Mlroff, Barbara flrranberr Mau: JUx tin* sense of social philosophy. reen Zevltt, Murlrl Kosrnblatt, Joan Marx, randldates for AZA 10O The AZA 100 Sweetheart will • i Since this Is the final Program •wocilip^rt Ask Your be announced Saturday evening, W lh* Month presentation and a April 14 at a dance at the SheraJoint program sponsored by Omaha ton -Fontenelle hotel ballroom. B'nal B'rlUi lodges, chapters and The event will be known this year the Jewish Community Center, Dr. as the Spring Serenade. •eUttlves «ml Frtoads are In. Abe Greenberg, program chairman, vited to attend the following Candidates for the title of Sigma Delta Tau Sorority a urges 100 7» support for this eve- services « d recepUoas. s ths University of Nebraska, Lin- Sweetheart, named earlier In the 1 ; Ding of laughter and relaxation. Rout* Man coln, honored seven neW Initiate* year, are •'. Muriel Rosenblatt, ALLAN HORWICH at a banquet March 24. Neiy mem- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam for Or. and Mrs. Joseph Harwich bers are Frances Brown and Carp Rosenblatt; M a u r e e n Zevitx, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Frank. Omaha; Gloria Feder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard PASSOVER DAIRY son Allan this Friday evening Kansas City, Mo.; Deena Locke, Zevitz; Barbara Greenberg, daughand Saturday morning at Temple Independence, Kan.; Janls Nisktr, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam GreenPRODUCTS Israel. Norfolk; Ellen Pierce, Wannetka berg; Linda Kavlch, daughter of a Fin* Selection " United Nation*. (JTAl—Early HIIKKMAN BltODKEY lit. and Shirley Veta, Torrington Mr. and Mrs. Lazier Kavich; Madmarriage, cdiicalionnl costs and ROBERT CROSS Wyo. dl Mlroff, daughter of • Mr. and Graystone at Your Door public opposition *'> women in Joint liar Mitzvah services will Award* were mad* to Ja. Mrs. Sol Miroff and Joan Marx, professions are responsible for the bo hclil Friday, April 12 and Satur. Is a (mall projHJi'tion of women in day. April 13 at Beth Kl Syna^ Nlsker, best pledge; Gloria Feder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.. H. Sign of Good Taste Israeli Institutions of higher learn- K«K»e for Sherman Brodkey, «on pledge speaker. Carol Frank Marx. The Eddy lladdad bund will ing. Mrs. Mlna Ben Zvl told tho of Mr. and Mrs. Kdward E. Brod- scholarship cup and Kllen Pierce furnish the music. Tickets and 3851 Leavenworth Vnlted Nations Commission on the key ami Robert Gross, son of Mr. activities trophy. Other honor* stickers may be purchased from Ph. AT 3883 went to Mrs. Louis Joss, Omaha any member of AZA 100. Status of Women this week. and Mrs. Gerald S. Gross. • Alumnae speaker, Sandra Kully Mrs. Ben Zvl. Israeli representaGrand Island, active s p c a k e r, tive on the Commission, made tho Klaine Krantz, Omaha, Madeline report in discussion on three Baer award and Mrs. Hy Polsky, •tatcments on the access of women meritorious service In the Lincoln to education, Alumna* group. .'• She said that budgetary proDonna Steinberg, Omaha and . Vision for education in Israel had The Council Bluff* Jewish Fedbeen raised from 5.6 per cent In eration, Thursday, will hear an Joyce \ Magidson, St. Paul, Minn, 1948-49 to 13.5 per cent of the address by Mrs. Eleanor Abrams, have been initiated into Tassels, : total : appropriation* in 1955-56 who will make her first appear- university women's pep organiza*md of this total, primrry educa- ance In this area before Omaha tion. Miss Steinberg received the best pledge plaque. Sandra Chertion received 75 per, cent. audiences Wednesday. She: also reported that girl* Sn* will speak i t a 6:30 p. m. nlis, San Francisco, Cal. was one comprised 57.6 p e r cent of the dinner meeting at the Council of the narrators for a university ' total attending secondary schools. Bluff* Jewish Community Center. fashion show and Miss Kully, was chosen as a Junior board She.'explained that many boys member of Coed Counselor*. were sent by parents t o specialized vocational and agricultural •chools. The family of th* late Mrs. Llb- Doris Sue Raduzlner, daughter All department are open equally by Zalkln will dedicate a monu- of Mr. and Mrs. William RadiiAll Fish Cleaned and Filleted to ta»n and women in Israel's in- ment In her memory Sunday, 2 ziner has been named to the Dean's Without Any Extra Charge titutions of higher learning, ah* p. m. at Golden HiU cemetery. List at Branded Unlvei'slty, Walt•aid, attributing the "small pro- Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Cantor hatn, Mass., where she Is a memportion" of women to early mar- Aaron I.; Edgar will officiate. ber of the,Class of '57, Phone Orders Will Bs Prepared riage and cost factors and "th«Friends and relatives of the family ; A Dean'* List student for three for You in Advance public view that most professions are Invited to attend the services. years, she was chosen 1956 Homewere 'not compatible' with wocoming Q u e e n . : A psychology men'* family obligations." Patronize Our Advertisers major, she is secretary of student council, assistant dormitory proctor, and former treasurer of her dormitory, She wai graduated 1608 Harney Street AT 8720 from Central High School.
Bar Mitzvah
Graystone Dairy
Education Limited By Early Marriage
Council Bluffs to Hear Mrs. Abrams
Deadline for Omaha Jewish Press
MONDAY. 12 P.M. In submitting copy pleas* observe Hit follow!*? Instructions art all rimes:
1) Us* on* side of paper only. 2) Type copy double - spaced on letter six* blankMeet. No letterheads picas*! 1) Spell all names correctly Including lalriols of first name. 4) Publicity representatives should sign name, addross and phone number to all copy. 5) Obterva deadline, no club n«ws will b* taken over Hi* phone. 6) Pleas* consult th* Editor to plan publicity for your major projects. 7) Friday, deodlln* for photos.
Gerelick Delivers Ford to Prize Winner Mrs. Emll L. Dyers (left) receives tho keys to her now '57 Ford from Phil Gerelick (2nd right), which the won In a national Drcft contest sponsored by Proctor & Gamble. Looking on Is her husband and Max E. Freeman (r) di»t. nigr. of Proctor & Gamble.
Gerelick Motors was selected to deliver th* car. As a person commented, "We've hoard you're low, but we didn't think you gava 'em away." Most folks don't win new cars, but they almost feel as if they did when they take Gerelick'* deal.
frhkr. 'PHI •, 1HT
i '
V ',.
will rescue one more Jewish refugee
The formula Is simple: Every additional $1,000 we raise in our 1957 campaign will rescue another Jew and provide him with the opportunity to start life all over again.
2. 6,500 Hungarian Jews are still in camps waiting to be resettled. In the meantime, the JDC and United Hias Service are taking care of them with UJA funds.
That's the arithmetic of the Emergency Rescue Fund for $100,000,000. There are 100,000 Jews to be saved at $1,000 each.
3. Jews are coming out of Eastern Europe—from behind the Iron Curtain. The number of those getting out is sizable. AntiSemitism is driving them out.
This money Juts to be raised over and above regular contributions to UJA for the programs of Israel, the Joint Distribution Committee, our national agencies and our local agencies, The rescue of thousands of Jews goes on daily and weekly: Jews from Hungary, Jews from Egypt, Jews from North Africa, Jews from behind the Iron Curtain. - : ! Just look at these facts: 1. The SS Mecca arrived in Athens with 1,113 Jews from Egypt, including 339 children under the age of 12. 14,000 Jews have left Egypt since November I, 1956.
The 1957 campaign prcsenh a double challenge to you: 1. Give much more for tho Emergency Rescue Fund; and limultaneoutly 2. Increase your regular gift In order fo meet fhe outgoing needs.
4. Israel is expecting 24,000 Jews to or* rive during March, Afrril and May from Egypt^ North Africa, Eastern Europe and Hungary* All this takes money. For every additional thousand dollars contributed to the Enter' gency Rescue Fund, one more Jew witt be resettled. Th arithmetic is simple. The facts are plain. There is no need for illustrations. You can figure it out for yourself. Vo it with your heart and give the extra money to rescue those who are fleeing from terror and oppression. The formula for rescue is your generosity.
CHALLENGE The hiitory of the future wilt roc or d how our eommunify met t'1'* groat double challenge. But
In every provioui eriih, we / " : ; p hav « n o f <"lM our Pe0Ple- W * mutt not fail them now.
and Hit
t, 1MT
Fax* Fir*
Omohan Winner of Governor Will Receive Gavel Fulbright Award On World Jewish Child's Day
BETH ( a , SISTERHOOD Gendler, I-azicr Singer, Morton Beth El Siiterhood will hold Frledlander and their committees. tbelr regular luncheon meeting Tuesday in th« Synagogue Soda TEMPLE BIMTKUIIOOD hull. Temple Inrae) Sisterhood's forthThe program will feature i coming meeting will feature a pan demonstration on making Passover el discussion on the subject "Are modern and attractive with the our children doing too much" on traditional requirement* by Mme«. Tuesday, 1 p. m., in the Temple Wyer S, Krlpkt an Ilobert Wag- Social Hall. ner.. Panel participants are: Charles Prize* will be awarded In Garetz, Group Therapist at NePassover baking conleit. Judges braska Psychiatric Institute; Dr. Will be Mmes, Maurice Newman, J. Lewis Yager, Psychologist at A. H, Marcus and Morris Erman. Veterans H o s p i t a l ; Maury peJegatqi will be elected to the Schwartz, Director of Religious Education and Youth Activities at Mldwect branch May conference • r the National Women'i League Temple Israel; Mrs. Edward Maof the United Synagogue of Amer- klcsky who received her Master of Social Work degree at the ica in Winnipeg, Canada. Mmei. Julltu Stein and 'Louis Western Reserve School of ApAlbert and their Circle No. 12plied Social Sciences, has experiwill be In charge of the luncheon. ence ss a teacher and social workA board meeting will be held at and is the mother of three daught l a. m. Sitter service will be pro- ters, and Mrs. Saul Lltlman, panel moderator. vided.
A gavel will be presented to b s together with such organGovernor Victor Anderson In his izations as Mizrachl Women and slate house offices Saturday morn- Pioneer Women. inj; in recognition of World's Jew. Ish Child's day, by representatives New York (JTA)—S h e r m a n of the Omnha and Lincoln Chap- Adams, the Assistant to President ters, Jiadassah. The Governor will Eisenhower, will be one of the issue a special proclamation In principal speakers at the American honor of the occasion. Jewish Committee's five-day 50th The presentation will be made anniversary observance, April 10 liy Mrs. Meyer N. Rubin, Omaha through April 14 here. Chapter president, Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, president of Omaha's Thco. Mcrzl group and Mrs. Lester Goldman, president of the Lincoln chapter. The gavel which will bear the governor's name, was made in Israel by its Youth Aliyah children. Similar ceremonies will take place throughout the nation with governors of the 48 states, receiving such an inscribed gift from the children of Israel. World Jewish Child's Day is an Janice Arlene Levlne Sisterhood President, Mrs. Edinternational holiday observed by ward Gilbert, will conduct the A Fulbright scholarship has millions of Jewish children and The Auxiliary of Epstein Morgan regular meeting and. the board been awarded to Janice Arlene adults to promote the friendship pott No. 360 of the Jewish War meeting at 11 a. m. Transporta- Levlne, it student at Wcllcsley between the children of Israel and Veterans will hold their regular tion pick-up service Is at 153 No, College, Welleslcy, Mass. She Ischildren throughout the free world. the daughter of Mr. and Hyrrmn It was originated in England In meeting Wetlnesday at 8 p. m. at72nd St., at 12:93 p. m. Mmes. Howard Kaplan and Levlne. 1947. the Jewish Community Center. Lloyd Banks are In.charge of the Miss Levine, a senior, will study Refreshments and a social hour It serves as a mean* of highluncheon, Mmes. Edward and Irvart history at the Institut D'Art et lighting the activities of Youth will follow the business session. ing Malashock are In charge of Archelologle and Scble du Louvre. Aliyah, International children's table decorations. Mirfei. Harry Paris during the 1957-58 academic rescue and Immigration moveCOUNCIL JEWISH WOMEN Alttuler and Abe KateJman are in year, ment, today rehabilitating youth OMAHA SECTION charge of table setting. Mmes. Recently she wns named a Wel- In special children's villages, setOmaha Section, National Conn Liltman and Mrs, Milton Waldlesley College Scholar, in recogni- tlements and institutions In Israel. d l of Jewish Women will eject hew officers for the coming year baum are in charge of the pro-tion of outstanding academic In the United States, lladaasah, gram. # achievement. the official American representaat an open board meeting Thurs Reservations may be made by day. A 1 p. m. luncheon will be Se Is a 1953 graduate of Central tive of Youth Aliyah, is the prime organiser of WJCD which it celeheld for Council members and will contacting Mrs. Paul Veret, GL High School. tike the place of the regular April 3601, Mrs. Adolph Trost, GL 9595, meeting, Mmos. Philip Katzman or the Temple office, RE «636, and Eli Zalkin are In chnrge of BIKUR CHOLIH the luncheon. Blkur Chollm Society will enA report on the National Blcnnut! convention will he m.-nic by tertain Its members and friends at Beth El Snagogue was the scene Mmcs Lloyd Friedman Joseph a dessert luncheon Monday nt the Sunday for the late afternoon Harwich and Richard Miller, dele- Jewish Community Center. Tables wedding of Miss Sandra Pauline gate*. Pictures of council nclhl- will be available for cards and Zalkin and Edward Lee Belgrade. tie* taken during the year uill be mah Joneg. Mrs. P. H. Bait h in Rabbi Myer S. Klrpke and Cancharge of the luncheon. shown. tor Aaron Edgar officiated. Mrs. Melvln Solofofovsky, uls1IOI.IDAT DANCINO CI.IB ter of the bridegeoom, was matron The Holiday Dancing Club will of honor. Brldemsid* were two hold It* Spring dinner Dinea Sat Kiitcri of the bride, the Misses urday evening at the Blarlctonc Aires (WNS)—President Marcla and Linda Znlkln. Marilyn Hotel. Mr, and Mrs. Wulli.ce ElAramburu this week gave an audi- Rice and Phyllis Steinberg. kon are chairmen of flic dunce. Morton Glaus was best man. ence to a delegation of DALA, central organization of Argentinian Uihers were Mr. Solotorovsky, OMAHA CIIAITEK HADA88AII Jcwjy, which urged the govern- Joe Kirshenbnum, Marshall Znlkln Omaha Chapter Hadaaxnh will ment to open the country'* doors and Jerry Colnlc. A dinner at the OLD-FASHIONED entcrtnln its new members and to expelled Egyptian Jew* m it Blackstone hotel followed the their husbands at an evening of did recently Jn the caie of Hun- ceremony. , fun on Wednesday, at 8:30 p. m.garian refugees. With Uf rich OOLDIH MOTH One group of new members will ft.# Hw ap«!l»i Milfoil tl be entertained at the home of Mr. POLISH JEWS ARRIVE PAUL'S M'lW'i 'M4 f t i * « l . lu.. M»*«t I, M. I. and Mrs. Morris Levy, 11370 PaVienna (JTA1—A group of 358 RADIO ft TV SERVIC! cific Street, and the other grouj Jewish emigrants from Poland arTV CAI RADIO will enjoy the evening at the home rived by train in Austria bound IA0IO PHONOSRAPH of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Slinky, 6211 for Rome and ship pasiage to PAUL GOLDBERG Glenwopd Road. Guests will be Israel. Among the Jewish Immi4111 M.. MM ft. «. MM ahcmti a film on Hadassah en- grant* were 211 children. titled 'That's My Wife." Mrs. Ervln Simon Is chapter membership chairman, In charge of this event, and li being assisted by the Group membership chairmen: Mmes. Morton Richards, Julius Katzman, Art Abrams, Norman Lincoln, Sam Berman, Hymle
Miss Zalkin Wed Sunday Afternoon
Argentine Asked to Admit Egyptian Jews
Want Ads
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Friday, April I, I N I
Boys1 Village Staff Named Al Fellman, » University of Omaha senior, will supervise the Boys' village at the 1937 Camp Jay-C-C this summer, it was announced today by Dr. Daniel Miller, chairman of the camp committee. The camp periodi extend from Judy 28 to August 25. Counselor* In the boys' division will include Howard Kooper, trips and outings; Mike Denenberg, (ports and games; Bernie Feldman, nature loi« and Marshall Denenberg, swimming, all of Omaha. Richard Weincr. of Villlsca, la., will be In charge, of camp craft and riflery. Jerry Friedman and Marshall Bcckerman of Detroit will lerve on the staff. "The boys' division staff are Include experienced, capable young men". Dr, Miller stated. "We are making every effort to extend camping fun each year and feel these staff members will make • major contribution to the wellbeing of each camper."
Israel Agrees to Gaza Barricade Jerusalem, (JTA)—Israel gave Its wholhearted support tcr a proposal of the Unltcr Nations Kmergency Force to erect a physical, mined barrier along the GazaIsrael frontier, Joseph Tckoah, head of the Israel Foreign Ministry's ' armistice division, revealed.
Pizza Pie Invades Israel Tel Aviv. (JTA)—Fa l a f el, Israel's version of the American hot dog. is getting heavy competition from « newcomer to the fantastic variety at foods available In the Jewish State—pizza pie. "Pizza NapollUuu" signs arc Sprouting on Tel Aviv streets and giving forebodings to Tel Aviv's street vendors of falafel. The inexpensive pie Is made of black olives, anchovies and oregano spice, spread on a layer of American cheese baked in bread dough.
Viofinbf Yields to Crickcf Competition Miami Beach, (JTA)—Violinist Isaac Stern, who has fiddled his way with aplomb through the uproar of low-flying plane* over New Voile's Lewisohn Stadium, refused to play second fiddle to a cricket at » concert here. Stern said it was not cricket tp have two soloists on one program and called a halt because of the competition. He had .Just finished playing the first movement of tht Brahms Violin concerto when bt .walked over to conductor John Bitter and held a whispered conference. Then he turned to the audience and said that when he agreed to play in Miami Beach, "I understood I would be the only soloist en the program. Now it appears that I have a competitor, a cricket." ' Pointing with his bow at three potted palms at (he right of the stage as the source of the unscheduled solo performances, he walked off the stage. *• Three attendants marched over to the palms, nnri tried to trace the carollnj; cricket. UnaMu to find the Insect, the attendants took all three palms nw.iy. The violinist then retiirnwl nnil completed the concerto.
HA 2554
Omahans In the News
: Camp Jay C-C Applications are now being accepted at the.Camp Jay-C-C Office at the Jewish Community Center for either of tht two two ueek sessions or foir the full month of camping. Applications should bt filled out immediately, because of the large interest in camp this season, and because of the limited capacity of Camp Jay. C-C facilities. Campers are regis tered In the order in which the registrations are received. SEASON DATES—BATES Omahans 1st Session—July 28-August 11 *75 2nd Session—August U-August 25 «75 Full Session-July 28-August 23
at camp to supply campers with essential times like soap and tooth-paste. A fee of SO cents a week is charged each camper for health and accident insurance. All camper's laundry If done twice weekly by the camp. The coat for this service is deducted from the camper's Trading Post account Two visitor days are scheduled for this summer's camping, August 4 and l a
Youth Members of Rohanue are assist' Ing Mrs. Harold Pollack, in the
S13S wrapping of Passover gifts for
A Trading Post Is maintained mailing to servicemen, oversets. Mrs. Pollack is chairman in charge of packing and shipping the gifts for the Federation of Jewish Women's Club*. Tho Rohanue girls have been working on the wrapping project after schools. The group will elect new officers at a rote ting April 24. BREAK CP SHEETING Holl B'nti "i'rith Girls will atStockholm, (JTA)—Five Swedish neo-Nazis disrupted a meeting tend Services at Temple Israel. Friday, April 12. on the Algerian question sponsored here by the World Federalist Placing in the Nebraska Second Movement with anti-Semitic and District speech contest al Central anti-Israel propaganda. Beside High School last Saturday were shouting anti-Jewish remarks and accusing Israel epithets, they also Paul Shylcen, interpretative public distributed anti-Semitic literature. address; Lenl Wine and T.vcy Only the Intervention of leaders Levey, oral drama reading; Howof the World Federalist movement ard Kaslow, original public address prevented the outbreak of fight- and Marvin Freedman, exteming between Swedish student mem- poraneous speaking. All art-Cenbers of the audience and the neo- tral High school students. Nazis. Among those selected to represent Central High School in the ARGENTINE ZIONISTS Buenos Aires, (JTA)—A nation- Cornhusker Girl's and Boy's State al convention of the Argentine at University of Nebraska, LinZionist Federation opened In Cor- coln, were Dick Speier. son of Mr. doba last nieht to initiate the and Mrs. Millard Speier, Saul task of converting the Zionist Krtpke. son of Rabbi and Mrs. movement in this country into a Myer Kripke and Andy Jean Cross, territorial federation rather than daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald a series of political parties af- Gross. Irvln Belzer, son of Mr. and Mr*. Marvin Belzer and Charlotte filiated with a central council Brodkcy, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Fred Brodkey were named alterPRICE STABILIZATION Jerusalem, (JTA)—Israel must nates. fight inflation by holding wages To be eligible for the event, to their present levels and letting which is sponsored by the Ameriprices rise, Aharon Barth, general can Legion Auxiliary, the students idrector of the Bank Leuml V- had to show leadership, citizenship Israel. (he national bank of Israel, and sportsmanship. declared this week. Thus, Mr. The main purpose of the proBarth asserted, consumption would gram Is to acquaint Nebraska decrease and the living standard students with the : fundamental would drop. principles of American government. Thirty-three Omaha stuPA8SOVKB NERDS ASSURED dents will represent their IndividTel Aviv, (JTA)—Despite inter•naflonai tensions. th<! stoppage of ual high schools at this annual American aid, the fuel shortage event and other difficulties that have beset Israel since last autumn's NEW OAZA SETTLEHKNT Sinai action, Israel will celebrate Tel Aviv, ( J T A ) - K l b b u t i Passover with a plentltude of holi- Nahal Oi. one of the settlements day supplies, the Mlnlntry of Com- right on the border of the Gaza merce announced. White s u g a r - Strip, this week "adopted" the banned recently for general con- new adjacent settlement to sumption—will be distributed for Slitierot. Tlie latter town is ocPassover, In addition to regular cupied entirely by newly-arrived rations of brown sugar. immigrants.
Global Report
Annual Spring Festival
Hurry Alloy
B'nai B'rith Donee
T>t. and Mrs. Sidney Nearenberg and their daughter, Debars) Sue are the guests of their par* rnts, Mr. and Mr*. Milton Nearenj berg. 619 North 33rd Street Dr. Nearenberg, who served twp year* j with the aimed forces, was «ta« i tlaned at Larson Air Force Base, * Moses Lake, Wash. Following his visit here. Dr. Nearenberg and his family wilt return to New York, where h t will complete his residency at King's County Hospital. Brooklyn, N. Y. He will enter the hospital. May 1. Or. Nearenberg is a gradu* ale of th« University of Nebraska College or Medldne.
Harry Alloy will serve as dance chairman for the 1957 S p r i n g Dance to be given by Cornhusker Lodge B'nai B'rith. The event, the organization's annual fund raising affair will be held Saturday night, April 27, at the Blrehwood Club. Tickets are one dollar and may be purchased from lodge members. KILLED BY TERRORIST Algiers. (JTA)-Jacob Shoukoun. Grand Rabbi of Medea, Algeria, died ' this weekend of wounds received In a terrorist attnck last week. The rabbi was the victim of a hand grenade tossed at him when he emerged from the entrance to his synagogue.
Lieut. Norman W. OsheroiY, who served 16 months with t h . Eighth Army in Korea, Is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Isadore Osheroff, 5615 Jackson street. He will leave later In t h . month for New York City where b* will make his home.
600 Refugees Arrive Haifa (JTA)—Two ships arrived at Haifa bringing 600 immigrants, most of them refugees from Egypt,' as the tide of immigration to Israel continued to mount. Officials now ettimala that Immigration during March will total 8.800 persons, nearly 1.000 mor. than were originally expected this month.
MORE THAN TASTE MORE THAN CRISPNESS MORE THAN OVEN-FRESHNESS Whit man can Ihirt be t* Mjnlicbewlti Puiwar MitutT Ona important thing mora: 'A* titf dlrotion with ullch thty %rt haktd. to nuke them truly symbolic of P«55over.., truly deserving: of an honored plac* MI yourSeder and holiday tab!*.
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Sun., April 14, 1957.8 P.M. BLACKSTONE HOTEL
Remember Your Hostess With Flowers
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DUNDEE FLORIST 657 North 50th Street
WA 2442
FrfcUy, April «, 1HT
Center Sports T. C. BOWLING MIDGET OIBLS TKNNIfl The 'A" league will then have Midget Girls In the sixth, sev- two games left. At 7 p. m. April The Unaffilinles can gather in 15 Olympic points if they keep up enth and eighth grades are urged 9, Tuesday it will be Fireside their torrid pace in Youth' Council to get in their registration early against II. A. Wolf and the 7:45 bowling. They have a five game —for the coming tennis class to p. m. game will see Mlcklin-Rusco margin over Raylm A with a rec- be conducted by lhe Center Phys- play against Gcrellck Motors. This ord of 40-14. The third place team ical Education department. Bemis playing date was changed from AZA IB b tied with AZA 1A at Park or the Dewcy Courts are bfr Wednesday to Tuesday because of • 30-24 mark. AZA 100 A holdi Ing considered for the class. Pres- possible conflict with the Interdown sixth and seventh places ent plans call for an eight week city "B" Volleyball tournament. with the fifth «pot going to Ray- duration with classes of one hour each followed by a practice session. lm B. High individual game goes to Starting date for the class will be Jerry Sherman with 248 and Mar- around the middle of April with a ty Green hiu high individual »e- professional Instructor. liet with a 60S record. Tram MIDGET BASKETBALL Tryouts for Varsity Softball will game* and aeries records are held Playland Park shot themselves begin on Sunday, 11 a. m., at Elmby AZA 100 with a 919 game and Into a tie /or first place by beatwood park under the direction of * 2.995 series. . ing Cowboy Liquor In last Sun- Dan Epstein, who uill be handling day's game 22-20, Both team* now the team. Kntry for the J. C. C. Y. O. VOLLEYBALLAZA 1 registered Its second win have a 7-2 record. Richman-Gord- team has been filed In the Metrolast week in Youth Council Vol- man moved Into third place with a politan Class "A" league that will leyball with two straight games 37-29 win over Nebraska Furni- play Wednesday nights, 6 p. m., ever Jtayim 15-9 and 15-13 to go ture and All Makes beat wlnlcss 7:30 p. in. or 9 p. in. games each 1-Go Van 27-16 in the last game. week beginning May 1, Into solitary lead In the league. Men interested In trying out for pbylaad Win* AZA 1 capitalized on playing erPlayland put together well this team are asked to call the rors by the Raylm squad to score •7 consecutive points In the second organized offense to subdue the Center Health and Physical Educagame with Jerry Schwartz serv- Cowboy* In the feature game. tion Department or contact Dan ing. In the first game, Al' Krizcl- Five boys found their way into a Epstein. The returning Class "C" chamman served four consecutive well balanced scoring column and point*. Other Mother Chapter capitalized on Cowboy errors for pion* are moving up a couple of the win. Stuart Forbes and Mike steps on the softball ladder into team members are Will Plotkin, Al Siega). Harold Kalman and Irv- Sherman led the Playland attack some stiff competition against such with 7 and 6 point respectively. team* as the Police Department, ing Nathan. Jerry Slusky, Larry Grossman, L a n n l n g * and Sheaffer's. Last Won Flint Came Sidney Heisler and Harry Klrke year's squad members Undy Paul, 9 Point* Captured all put a tight defense of the Cow- Sandy Brophy, Ray Klrke, Norm AZA 1 captured all nine Olympic boyi. High point man for the game Zevitz and others are expected to Trophy polnti with four semi- was Sidney Kasin of the Cowboys, be mainstays of. the squad. finalists -in the Y. C Handball but the all any of his team mates Tournament. Al Krizclman, ,W||] could gather was 4 by Ernie Junior B.B. Bowling Plotkin, Al S legal and Jerry Schwldclson. Schwartz will continue playing to Rlchmsa-Oordmaa Wins Buddy Marcus established a new determine the champion and reBob Wclnntcin got hot in the season high in the League last spective placet. Olympic point second half for 12 points and a Sunday when he blasted an envi•coring for handball in 9-3-1. 16 point game total to lead the able 206 game. A 356 series. The feature game thij week wan Rlcnmnn-Cordnian team over NeTerrill Greenstone was high for between Al Siegal and J. Ban of braska Furniture 37-29. He scored AZA 100. Al finally won the last at least three times on two hand the girls with a 141 game and 256 came 21-10, but the score was not Jump ihot.i near the key hole series. Judy Davidson, a modest 62 Indicative of the clo*ne«s of play, after get ting tome excellent p.issJustin dropped the first game 21. Ing ftom Harold Schneider, Alex average kegler, showed that "it can be done" when she came up 16, then came back to take the Orkotv urn! Drive Siwhulk. Nesecond 21-18. In other matches, Al braska Furniture Ju*t couldn't with a very nice 123 game and 210 Krbselman defeated Howard Stoi- get moving an thi>y attempted a series. Splits were converted by: Carol er, Will Plotkin won from Chuck fast break WJ«e and Jerry Schwartz elimi- couldn't hit offense and then | Ro ,,. n baiim, 5-10; Mike Simon, the basket lor t h e 3-9-10. nated Bill Katzman, score. Bill Glnsburg rang up 11 OTHER IIICS IIS AZA 100 won its first game last points to be high point man for 165-124—289 Buddy Epstein . • week with two clone wini over the his team. 156-116—272 Marlynd Dolgoff Unaffillates. They lost the first All Malie* Trounre Undo Lieb 127-125—252 gome 16-14 and then came back Coach Shef Katukee h.'itl m e n 145-107—252 15-9 and 15-8. The play was spirMike Green men In the scoring column for the 152- 9 8 - 2 5 0 ited as several times the serve Howard Feldman All Makes 27-16 win over I-GO 124-1)8-242 changed hands without a point exJerry Steven* . . • change. Bemle Pollkov captained Van. Bill Kutler and Barry Zoob Justin Mulnlck . . 135-106-241 the Century Club in their first vic- led the scoring attack. Kutler Rickey Engel 121-119—240 scored eight and Zoob was next tory, team members are Mike Susie Seglln 129-105—234 with 6 for the Type Men. Came Canar, Nelson Cordman, Mike Mickey Sack* 118-112—230 high point man was Chester Stoler Blntt, Bernle Crewman, Ed WinJohn Sutin 130- 99—229 lroub. John Okun and Mike Platt. with 11, but Harley Shrager and Larry Klrke 125-103-228 The Uriaftlliales were led by Dave Ernie Altman were the only other Unda Priesman 114-109-223 Goldstein and Larry Herman on scorers for I-Go. 117-104-221 Barbara Kutler Next week's schedule will see the spiking end while Stu Kutler. 118-101—219 Alan Ross.. Chuck Wi«e and Jeff Swart* were action in both leagues again. The Barry Krlcsfeld ' 112-105-217 1:30 p. m. game will be with Playeffectively setting up. 109-106—215 laijd Park and Nebraska Furniture Connie Schlcgal . 116- 98-214 Final games will see Unaffillates In their last game and the 2:13 Barry Fredkin •. 112-100—212 agnfnst AZA 1 while AZA 100 goes p. m. game will lee I-Go Van Sandy Richards , 108-103—211 against Raylm. AZA 1 needs a sin- agalmt Rlchman-Gordman. Cow- Steve Marcus . •. 118- 91-209 fie" victory for the league cham- boys and All Makes have finished Shelly Krlzelman 106-103-209 pionship and seven Olympic points. their schedule because their game Gary Mulnlck . . . 108-100—208 wo* the only on* played on the Bonnie Tarnoff V. C. HANDBALL TOCRNBY Standings 24th of March. In the "A" division, AZA 1 advanced two men into it will be Fireside vs. Gerellck Teams W. L. the quarter-final* of the Y. C. • t 3 p. m. and Mlcklui-Ruico Wolfson Auto Sales •• 27 13 Handball tournament In Al Krizel- against H. A. Wolf at 3:45 p. m. Jiffy Car Wash 25 15 tnan and Jerry Schwartz. They have a good chance of garnering all three place* with Will Plotkin and Al Siegal still in the running. Krlzelman defeated Howard . ttoler of AZA 100 21-0 and 21-11 while dropping the second Rime ,<-21. Krizclman'* itronc *pnv held him In good stead during this match. Jerry Swartz run over Bill Katzman alto of AZA 100 with Carmel Brand, 3 Star—9 Years Old two straight win* of 21-3 anil 21-1. Chuck Wine carries the colors fur the Unaffillalcs and JuMIn Ban Is representing Jtnyim In this tour' »ey.
Softball Tryouts To Begin Sunday
KOSHER FOR PASSOVER BRANDY WISHNIAK • Cherry Liqueur • t Your Favorite Liquor Store
or Inquire et
Blotchy Beverage Co. JA3990
Boxing Class for Younger Lads A boxing class for boys will be getting underway shortly after the completion of the Midget Basketball program. The class will meet Sunday afternoons in the Center workout room with Arnie Carter as a volunteer coach. Mr. Carter has had tournament boxing experience in Golden Gloves and U.S. Navy matches. Stress in the class will be primarily on "the manly art of self defense" with the objective* being to generate self-confidence nnd physical training. Only Center members In the sixth, seventh and eighth grades will be permitted to register, and all participants must have written parental permission as well as proper gymnasium attire. Every reasonable precautionary measure will be taken by the Center in conducting this class. Boys interested are asked to register In person with the Health and Physical Education office of the Center. Parents desiring Information are asked to call or see Jim Karbatsch, JA 1366.
Girls' Sports Program Set Y. C. Girls Athletic Chairmen have been alerted to coming programs In sports for their clubs. The Badminton tourney is set for after school play during the week of April 15 in singles and double* at the Center gym. The big attraction will be the Youth Council boy's and girl'a Joint swimming meet on Sunday, April 28. Events for the girls will be the 20, 40 yard freestyle, 20 yard backstroke, 20 yard breaststroke and 80 yard relay. Diving competition will follow the racing events. The meet Is scheduled for noon and all swimming rosters must be submitted to the Physical Education office before 11 a m. on the day of the competition. Sell what you don't need • . • Buy what you need through th» Want Ads.
Golf Class to Open Wednesday The first of an eight week golf class, given by the Physical Education Department of the Center, will start Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. at Milt's Range. Milton Ordway will be the instructor. Each class will run for one hour, The class will be conducted as part of the regular spring program of the center, where all registrations mmt be m a d e , Jim Karbatsch, physical director, announced that Instruction will be geared to both the beginning golfer and the week-end player. Lessons will Include the fundamental of the swing, ii.se of various clubs and course techniques, Fees for Center members will be 15.00 and non-Center members, the regular charge of $7,50. Arrangements have been made for class members to receive two buckets of golf balls for the price of one. Maypera , Omaha Lino-Slug Kraft Cleaners Flrtilde Restaurant . . . Harold's Super Market Robert Dairy Parflman Plumbing Co. Meadow Gold Dairy . . Nebr. Fur. Mart Playland Park
24 24 23 22H 19 19 16 14 J3tt 11
16 16 17 11'i 21 21 24 28 26<4 29
Do You Need Extra Tables or C h a i n For Your Passover Sed«r7 W l ALSO HAVE Baby Beds and Rodaway Beds LET
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Passover foods Sinai Kosher Sausage Breakstone Dairy Products Kipper's Selected Chocolates Manischewitz Products and
Many Other Passover Items Out-of-Town Orders Given Our Careful Attention TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 50th and Underwood 220 South 24th St. RE 5560 AT 1226
UK -
April «, 1MT
100,000 lives must be saved A MESSAGE ABOUT THE $100,000,000 UJA EMERGENCY RESCUE FUND I N THE MONTHS AHEAD the world may ice more than
100,000 new Jewish refugees in flight from persecution and Inhumanity. i s two months 11,000 Jewish men, women and children have been forced from Egypt by Colonel Nasser. Most of . Efcypt'a Jew»-»ome 50,000-m»y be driven onl by fnmmer. ' ,' In the 1930't Hitler's reign of terror against innocent people — because they were Jews — sickened the civilized world.
They Flee Nasserism and Communism ,Now Nanerism is following in Nazism's footsteps. Now Nasser's police knock on doors at midnight, confiscate private businesses, imprison men without trial tnd hand expulsion orders to terrified families. In Antlrla, meanwhile, there are Ihoutandf of new refugee* from another totalitarian oppreHlon-CommunUm. When revolution and massacre twept Hungary, moxa than 17,000 of those who braved Soviet guns to reach Austrian freedom were Jews. The refugees from Egypt and Hungary are not all. From land* that must remain nameless—where exit doors have opened momentarily—thousands arc coming out every week. They flee from renewed anti-Semitism and the sheer threat of extinction. They are coming out now, because tomorrow may be too late. All these new refugee! are •earthing for safety and freedom. Their live* depend on u*—on what each of u» doe*. Oner the world Stood by helplessly while Hitler put 6,000,000 Jews to death. This time the refugees must not 4ie. This time they must be saved and you can help save them.
\]nited Jewish Appeal *)/ *
i f $ ' ; * It U . '^SKWWfltQ OJA EMEJtOENCY KMCVt FUNDfarfmiom s a i »«nrlv*l ' ' -Or.r tui Abor," THE ItlT REOUlAlt CAMPAIOM
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You can bring many of them to free Western lands. Abort, all, you can help bring the new refugee* to Israel—because this time, there is an Israel.
This Time We Can Save Them Now no Jewish refugee need die for lack of a place to go— because Israel's free people stand ready to welcome every' one who comes. Bni you must Mp. In a critical hour Israel's people will keep their doors open. But their slender resources mutt go for other urgent problems. To save a single refugee costs $1,000. That ii the aver* age amount needed to see him through his first year—to resettle him, house him and start him on the road to self^ support—in Israel or any free land. It will coit $100,000,000 to save 100,000 lives. In eighteen years, UJA has rescued or aided more than 2,250,000 oppressed person*, despite Nazi terror, Com* munist terror and Arab terror.
What Each of Us Must Do How in 1957, to save 100,000 lives more, UJA will conduct a gfeat Emergency Rescue Fund for $100,000,000. This sum must be raised "over end above" the regular 1957 United Jewish Appeal—whose funds must continue the aid now going to more than half a million immigrant* already in Israel and distressed Jews in other area*. To reach tils great rescue fund objective each of tit mat* add m great "over and abov" gifI to his regular 1957 UJA •oatrlbution—on* In keeping wllh tbe needs. Only if Americans will it—can inhumanity be answered With humanity. Only if you will it—can live* be Mired not lost—in 1957.
In Omaha United Jewish Appeal Receive! Iff Support From the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign