April 12, 1957

Page 1

XX.XV- No. 27

trturiO 'Jl»«i- Mailing I

\Mhari/rt1 MI Omulis


Sunday Breakfast To Kick Off Drive




12, 3957

Annual lt*t* « OoUftll Slnrlr COD* 10 Onl*

Nr*rii*ko I'litm* 4A Iflflfl

Increa. ' ^J^ «p ©^ 25 Percent Over Appeal '"dfipaign of Previous Year The Jewish FJhil;ui!hrupics arul Jjnej;;eney lte>ci!e l.'nited JewIsli Appeal Campaign which opened officially April .'! Ins already liassed the. .SL'R*>,00fl mark as of Wednesday moinini:. Arlliur II.

Roldaleiu( g e n e r a l campaign point had exceeded their fund chairman, announced. raising target from fifty to sevenAn urgent cull to niicml th'1 uilh thi? problems tint ihf risill;; "The Initial Gifts Division is ty percent and believes this one city-wide Philanthropies ineetim: number uf Homeless Jews ami well beyond 50',; of Its quota," problem niny be solu?d by the end Sunday has been made by Louis their families arc facin;.; throughMr. Goldstein said, ' and from now of 1'X>7. . • • Crinftr and Ruben Lipped, men's out the world. Their problems are on we will have to work unceasing, 1'rcNcntml with Glftj ours too as Ion;.; as they arc piob division chairmen. ly toward raising our complete He was presented with a • The appeal mailrrl to l.L'OO ( t a n . lems. goal which Includes the UJA Res- Hagadah, as a symlwl of the com"When we rai^e oin- quota, UP cue Fund. . • vhfl men stressing the immediate ing Passover from Dr. Abe Green-, l:now we will have a part In s a The amount raised so far came here, president of the Omaha Urcd for workers, WHS followed'by inj; these Jews whn today, ft < I largely through the Initial Gifts Federation for Jewish Service; a «n Invitation to u JO n. in. brcakfunction at uhich time Lord Mayor gold key to tho city- by Mayor fW.f Sunday fit the Jewish Com- desperate as they are driven from homelands, or sit in some port Robert Brlscoe of Dublin, Ireland jphn Rosenblatt and a honorary munity Center. spoke, •;'..•• ••;• ;".;••• membership in the Omaha Junior "Oirinhani are noted for their hopelessly deprived of a countrj "It is our objective to reach Chamber of Commerce by Myron 'team spirit," Chairmen Canar and and means to enter anywhere," every possible prospect In the Milder, its president, The campaign is In reality 200 Lippott declared. "We hope we community to obtain everyone's pn behalf of Governor Victor will be nble to form teams to carry j drives jo o/ie. support In this campaign," V r Anderson, the guest of honor was Not only will the 'funds help the ball for the Jewish PhilanGoldstein emphasized. also made an Admiral in the Nebrln:: the homeless to Israel 'and th.'oples campaign In Omaln. Show Increase bragktt navy by the Omaha mayor. "Pmnhani arc well acquainted othrT pot Is, hut supports: "The preliminary report* thowr Mr, Briscoe was occompanled Anti-defamation nisencics In the that we are sustaining an average by his son. Dr. Joseph Mrlscoe of United States, which defend nnd Increase of 25 per cent on our .Dublin.'-.The Mayor has been tourprotect Jeuish rights in our own pledges. It Is very urgent that we ing American cities on'a good-will country . continue getting Increases on every mission for Ireland nnd on behalf ! Heii-iimis and cultural Institusubscription In order to be able of the United Jewish Appeal. j ti'ms in America nnd Israel. to meet Omaha's share in the David Blacker, chairman of the i Hospitals and welfare instltuKmergency R e s c u e Fund, Mr. Initial Gifts committee, in kick'Hie major function of tin- Wo- j tifJDS. which bring core nnd relief Goldstein concluded. • ..' Ing of the rally, said the heroic men's •Division of the I'liilan- Ito our own Omaha Jews. Rain, bad weather and sub- spirit so typical 'of Israel, will thropii* will tie held Thursday, | Omalin's Home for the Aped, sequent travel delays did not deter build the land and save the people. Itobert Kori|M*r April 2~> at the IJclh Israel Syna- I Talmud Tombs, Sunday Schools Robert flrisce. Ixird Mayor of Mr. Goldstein presided ot the gogue. The event, « 12:.''.O p. in, land welfare agencies. Dublin. Ireland, from his promised meeting. Past presidents of the dessert ]unrh<r'm, is expected to ! 'Ilii* great need to help other appearance at the rally-dinner Omaha Federation and its present brin;; together every woman of (human bein::s, such n,s the disheld by the Men's Division. officers were introduced. •placed Jews of the World, enjoy on- community, Appeiirunen Delayed A feature of the occasion will he j just a few of the privileges AmerHis tall; r.ade shortly after his take for i.ranted should lie the presence of Dr. Arthur J. I leans ¥ delayed anjval was directed at incentive for the !ji<'n,e.<;t I-elyveld, Kxecutive Vire-Pre.si- i th' the help Israel needs to take enre Holierl II. K'uopei-, oiil'ilana dent of the American-Israel Cul- ;brral;f.-e,l meeting ever hrld for of the thousands of homeless Jews tural Fuumliillon. Recently re. 'philanthropies, Llppctt and ('.mar, communal and civic leader, will arriving dally at its centers. be chairman of the f>iid::et ComThe goal for the 1957 High turned from an extensive visit In declared. "It Is Important that the 100,Israel, he will siK'.ik In behalf of Oinahani are ur;:ed t" encnur- mittee of the IU.YI Jewish Philan- 000 displaced Jews be transported School Division of Philanthropies the United Jewish Appeal's vital a'ce their fr.rnds to attend en thropies, Dr. Abe Clieenben;, presi- as quickly us possible", he told is to "save one life," Paul Shyken, dent of the Jewish Federation, an- Ihe large audience of Omahans chairman, announced at a special JIOO.000.000 •Emergency Rescue. masse. nounced this week. Fund and the regular 1937 camand other* from out-state and worker's meeting this week. Mr. Kooper will dufct the ac- Iowa. paign. He told his group $1,000 would tivities of this important'comDr. Lolyvcld, a former religious "Israel Is the only country to be required to accomplish this mittee of (he Federation, whose U r ' r - r o f Temple Israel, In "well admit these people without resertask II It to review the applica- vation but It cannot do It alone, - kniwn to Omahans. All members of the Youth Coun1 ' know. Dr. I*lyveld's adrcss Tel Aviv. IJTA1-- Alexander tions of all agencies and institu"Israel does not have the funds cil havo been Invited to attend the will he »n Inspiration to those Abramov. .Soviet Ambassador to tions which are bencficlnfics of to do the Job alone, and \ye cannot special banquet, Wednesday, April present," Mr*. Edward K. Brod- Israel, returned here last night the annuol Philanthropic* Cam- let Israel keep/row rescuing pe<*. 24, 6 p. m. at the Jewish CohimU-y key, women's division chairman, after an absence of five months. paign. The committee nl«o make* pie who need help. : / , •:••: -'.nlty -Center.. At this time the purannounced. "Our women will have When newsmen at I.ydda Airport recommendations (or the distrip e of the campaign will b e e * Our ItMpoiuilbllUy : til?;privilege of hearing not only asked Mr. Abramov about the pos- bution of proceed! from the an"Thi* Is our responsibility and plained to the general high school A: man who brings us a message sibility of families being reunited nual drive. It Is tip to u< to; provide the nioney student body and pledges Made to Mr, ICooper, 1st vice president of needed to restore these people to complete the campaign. Straight from Israel but one who in Israel by the immigration of : the Jewish Federation, was chair-' I* extremely qualified to discuss Jew< Ir.iin l ie 1JS.S,"., he replied: Shyken stated •: that he wa« a home and save them from man of the 1954 Philanthropies further Indignity." • the many facets of its problems." " will talk about this Inter." counting on every high school stu-* Campaign nnd served as chair- ' Mr, Brlscoe said that every dent.16 attend this once-a-year'•'• man of the Building* nnd Main- town he had visited up to this f u n c t i o n . '•"'"••.• tenance Committee of the Jewish Federation. "Some 200 agencies, In Israel, Europe. United States and Omaha, receive support from the . Jerusalem IJTAi The Israel It will nlso rut transportation United Jewish Appeal and Emergency Rescue'Fund, Youth Aliyah, C- I:!net discussed the extension of eosts by two.thirds and reduce the • tl'.f- Klath-Ueersheha oil pipeline price of oil In Israel by 10 per cent. Israel Labor Campaign, and other agencies operating In Israel; also '• t&VtiKlng the arrival of the fir.-,! MeMInc In ,M«y The Business and Professional Women's Division of the Jewish agencies which p r o t e c t Jewish American oil Innker at the port Construction workers ni'e busy, rights in America, National JewPhilanthropies held their Cocktail Supper Wednesday evening .with of Klath thniuch the riulf of Aim- 'runnel the clock completing .the Mrs. ivlcrinor Abrams, prominent lecturer, an their guest speaker; ish Hospitals, Jewish Institutions ba. The f'abinet also liearrl H re* pipeline. Leaders of the Israel Mrs, Abrams is the wife of a San Antonio Rabbi, . . . . . : ';'••: port Irom Kinmiei? Minister I.ev Bond Organization In fho United of culture and higher learning;'a li. and P. advisors and workers for the Jewish Philanthropies Kshkol on pos<iblo creflitx from '.Staled have been invited to at- whole net of all ^traditional Institutions In Israel,'and important were named at the meeting by Mrs. Herman Bondarln, chairman France. (tend the fonnal opening of the local organizations," Dr. Creenof the group. They are: . . ,'• ; ' . . • . • -• '"'•' V-:^V^v-s'v ra|ier« IInil U.S. jlinn diuinu the firfit week of May. ben; concluded. Workers: . Advisors: Tim United Stains e.ovornment jTIm 10,000.000 pounds of tho M.Tho current campaign, headed j Mmos: In honoring i'« f>Iedt;e t*> net to ofi<\jfiOO.OfjO pound cost of the elfiht- by Arthur II. flolilstein, Is nmv in Mines: ^Bcsse; plank ..,.:'•',..••,'. •Kmma Brlggs the blockade at the Strait of Tir- inc'h line had bei-n supplied by the the process of rai .int: th" money Leta Criernisi,.: v ; Flo Brpokstelij'.:.' fln was hailed by Israel newspa- proceed! of bond nales In the U.S. which thi! Budget Committee will Julia Jacobs Judith Cohn ;.: ,'. '•': Isadorc Danskjr pers. Attenlion was called to the jTlio line, which will havn lour disburse. Kve I.. Konecky Phil Freeman . Vnluo of the new trans-Israel oil pumping itiatioos along itn length, , Jean Cutler ''!;••'£*' Additional fiersonne! of Iho comCarl l^agman David Crcenberg youte ns an alternato to thfi .Suez will carry 1,500 tons dally until mittee will l)u imnounced later. Rena Gross • i* Hyman Greenbdrg Canal. 1'eler Meyer* lha supply Is stepped up. Ro'sel'la-Handler'••.'••Alice Heege'r The 10,000 ton ship, whoso nnme IB rneh Next Julius Newman Jane Kohl '.. V Hen Hprshurn b withheld mnde nn iininipednd Avraham Welner, ii chief onJean lvftplan hVelyri Levy ., Jennie Rosenblatt trip through thu Akaha waterway. Rineor of the company that Is Sam U nk Mildred Levy .lloy Cut C'»»t« building the sight-Inch line, told Charles Russ Josef Mayer .Marilyn Mejer There. Is a possibility, that tho newsmen Hint a 50-mllo lont,' ex•Klizabetli Neveleff Pliiliji D. Schwartz tanker may havo brought enough tension of tho 16-inch lino from .Sylvia Parilman Sam Pollack Tho Omaha Kducatlon AssociaOil to begin liftfnf! rei.tik'tloin on HooMlnmil to the Mediterranean tion presented honorary life mem- ] liernard Ring Diiroihy Rosentlud the uso of motor nnd cooking fuel coast would b« built in throe to hcrshipi to David Blacker nnd i Harry R )thiiol/ Helle Siegcl . which htiva prevailed jincu tlie four months. Rose Scliil: Morrii Jacobs nt a dinner meeting Lillian Slutzky Sinai campaign. Anne Sosltin Tho chief engineer of tha com- marking tha ono hundredth an- Rebecca Bercov ifi Ida Spring .Shirley Tejirr The national Israel oil company, pany building tliu eight Inch line nivejaary of the founding of the Henry 'Veisber^ Aliuvu Gershater Dupilhy Wi'iner has chartered three or four Amer- announced that tha 30-mlle long National Education Association. Alariai'i Yawitz ican tankcm of tho »amo tiza to extonnlon of tha 11ns from BoerTha awards were madfl in re- Elizabeth J. Hart .Tulifl Zukor lirinr; oil to .ninth monthly. It It ihaba to tli» Mediterranean coast cognition of | wo Omaliui:; sf'lvji-e ' Miss Miillie Weincr "'as !,'i charge of table setting espetleil that tho oil will moat at wou]d b# it Inch and would b« to education. Close to 800 persons j leant half of Israeli annuol needi. finished In tnr«« or four monthi. attended (ha event •;

Lelyveld to Bring Message

Kooper Heads Budget Group

Russ Ambassador Returns to Israel

Youth Division Sets $1,000 Goal


Israel Cabinet Discusses 0il Pipeline Extension










, ; • • • • ' • ' ; ;



: Advisors and Workers Named by B. and P. Wometi

Blacker, Jacobs Receive Awards



No. *7

OJMft Malllai. rnvllrgr ri4 m* Omaha Netir


'uuiixuui rnvet) Midst ill it rotb Annual tut* t (Milan Mmaha Nrrruka Phmr <A I SSI 3ln*U C»PI l» Cent>

Philanthropies Ton* $285 Sunday Breakfast To Kick Off Drive An urgent call to attend the city-wide Philanthropies meeting Sunday has been made by Louis Cannr and Ruben Lippett, men's dl.:.Hion chairmen. The appeal mulled to 1,200 Omaha men stressing the immediate need for workers, WHS followed* by an Invitation to a 10 a. m. breakfast Sunday pt the Jewish Community Center. "Omahan* are noted for their tCiim spirit," Chairmen dinar and Uf)|«tt declared.. "We hope we will be able to form teams to carry the ball for the Jewish Philanth.-jp!es campaign in Omaha. "Omahans are well acquainted

Lelyveld to Bring Message The major function of the Womiii's Division of the Philanthropies will be held Thursday, April 25 at the Beth Israel Synagogue. The event, a 12:30 p. m. deiwcrt luncheon. If expected to brinfi together e\cry woman of on- community. A feature of the occasion will be the presence of Dr. Arthur J. Lelyvcld. Executive Vice-president of the Amcrican-I.sriiel Cultural Foundation. Recently ieturned from an extensive visit in Israel, he will speak In behalf of the United Jewish Appeal's vital $100,000,000 Emergency Rescue Fund and the regular 1957 campion. Dr. Lelyvcld. a former religious le- '->r of Temple Israel, i> 'well kn >wn to Omahans ' ' know Dr. Lclytcld's adrcs» will be an inspiration to those present," Mrs. Edward K. Brodkey, women's division chairman, announced. "Our women will have the privilege of hearing not only ft man who bring* us a message straight from Israel but one who Is extremely qualified to discuss the many facets of its problems."

with the problems that the rising number of Homeless Jews and their families are facing throughout the world. Their problems are ours too as long as they arc problems. "When we raise our quota, we know we will have a part In saving those Jew* who today, feel desperate as they arc driven from homelands, or sit in some port, hopelessly deprived of a country and means to enter anywhere." The campaign is in reality 200 drives in one. Not only will the 'funds help bring the homeless to Israel "and other ports, but supports: Anti-defamation agencies In the United States, which defend and protect Jewish rights In our own country . Religious and cultural Institutions in America and Israel. Hospitals and welfare institutions, which bring cure and relief to our own Omaha Jews. Omaha's Home for the Aged Talmud Torahs. Sunday Sellouts and welfare agencies. The great need to help other human belnijs, surh as the rllsplared Jews of the World, enjoy just a few of the privller.es Americans tnke for planted should he the Incentive for the tilrfiest brenkfiist mci-llni; ever held for Philanthropies. Lippett mid C'.mar. declnrctl. Omahans arc urged to encourage their fnendx to attend en masse.

Russ Ambassador Returns to Israel Tel Aviv, (JTAt—Alexander Abramov, Soviet Ambansndor to Israel, returned^ here last night after an absence of five months. When newsmen at Lydda Airport asked Mr. Abramov about the possibility of families being reunited in Israel by the Immigration of. Jews from t V USSR, he replied: " will talk about this later."

Israel Cabinet Discusses Oil Pipeline Extension Jerusalem UTAi — The Israel C"!;inet discussed Die extension of the, Elath-Becrshcba oil pipeline fct'otvlng the arrival of tht first American oil tanker at the port of Etoth through the Gulf of Aka< ba. The Cabinet also heard a repoit from Finance Minister Lev E»hkol on pomlblt credits from France. Papers Hall U.K. Tho United Stotos government In honoring Its pledge to act to end the blockade at tho Strait of Tlran was hailed by Israel newspapers. Attention was called to the value of the new trans-Isrfiel oil route as an alternate to tha Suez 'Ihe 1(5.000 ton ihlp. whose name It v. ithhcld made nn unimpeded tup through tho Akiilm waterway. Mny Cut Co«t* 'lheie Is a possibility, thnt the tanl'.rr mny li.no brought tnough b,I to he Km hfllii;: 1 'Mi Icllnns on the u<,o of motor am! cfxiklr.j? fuel uhli'h li/na [iiQinllcd since tht Sin il e.impnlpn 'Ih" n ilional In,ml oil company, lr.» (haitei(d thiec or four Amorii .ii t.inkers of tho snmo size to In in- nil to i:iath monthly. It if O'.yrlxl lli.it tiie oil will moot ot le.i'.i Inlf of iMnel's annual needs,

It will also cut transportation costs by two-thirds and reduce the price of oil in Israel by 10 per cent. Muting In May Construction workers are busy, 'round the clock completing the pipeline. Leaders of the Israel Bond Organization in th« United States havo been invited to at' tend the formal opening of the Una during tha first week of May. Tha 10.000,000 pounds of tho 14,000,000 pound cost of the eightinch line had been supplied by the proceeds of bond sales in tht U.S. The line, which will have four pumping stations along its length, will carry 1,500 tons dally until th« supply Is stepped tip, IS Inch Next Airnhnm Wclner, a chief (mglneoi' of tha comp.iny that Is building tha elght-huh Una, told newsmen that a 50-mlla long extension of the 16-lmh Una fioin Bi'oi khoh.i to the Medlleirnnenn i-.i.Tht would 1)8 built In thiee to four months. Tho chief engineer of tho eomp.my lmllrllni: th« eit;ht tneh line nnnounced that the 30-inlla lone extension of the linn from Boorsheba to tli« Medltuiiannul count would ha 19 Inch and would ba finished In three or four months.

Increa. •••vi^M. Appea.


-.upaign of Previous Year

Th« Jewish Philanthropies and Emergency Rescue United Jewish Appeal Campaign which opened officially April 3 has already passed the .$285,000 mark as of Wednesday morning, Arthur II.

HorVrt Iioo|MT

Kooper Heads Budget Group Robert II. Kooper. outstanding communal nnd civic leader, will be chairmnn of the'Budget Committee of the 1937 Jewish Philanthropies. Dr. Abe GiccnbcrR. president of the Jewish (Vdcra.tion, announced this week. Mr, Hooper will direct the activities of this important committee of the Federation, whose task It Is to review the applications of all agencies and institutions which arc - beneficiaries of the annual Philanthropies Campaign. The committee also makes recommendations for the distribution of proceeds from the annual drive. Mr. Kooper, 1st vice president of the Jewish Federation, was chair-man of the 1934 Philanthropies Campaign and served as chairman of Ihe Buildings and Maintenance Committee of the Jfewish Federation. "Some 200 agencies, In Israel, Europe, United States and Omaha, receive support from the United Jewish Appeal and Emergency Rescue Fund, Youth Allyah, Israel Labor Campaign, and'othcr agencies operating In Israel; also agencies which p r o t e c t Jewish rights In America, National Jewish Hospital*, Jewish Institutions of culture and higher learning; a whole net of all ,traditional Institutions In Israel,' and important local organizations," Dr. Greenberg concluded. The current campaign, headed by Arthur H. Goldstein, Is now in tha process of raising the money which the Budget Committee will disburse, Additional personnel of the committee will ba announced later.

Blacker, Jacobs Receive Awards Tho Omaha Education Association'presented honorary life memheibhipn to D.uid Hlncker and Morris Jacobs at n dinner meeting miifklng tlm onu lunulrcdlh ann.U'jiiiv of thi- founding of the National Education Association. Tho awards were made in rec o g n i t i o n of

up ofl *** 25 Percent "r W r c i t c n i Over

| w o (]jn i l i i i u


to education. Close to 800 persons attended tha event

Goldstein! g e n e r a l campaign chairman, announced. "The Initial Clfts Division is well beyond 50tf of Its quota," Mr. Goldstein said,' and from now on we will have to work unceasingly toward raising our complete gonl which, Includes the UJA Rescue Fund. Tlm Bmgunt raised so far came largely through the Initial Gifts function at which time Lord Mayor Robert Brl.scoc of Dublin, Ireland spoke. "It is our objective to reach every possible prospect in the community to obtain everyone's support In this campaign," \U Goldstein emphasized. Show increase "The preliminary reports show that we are sustaining an average increase of 25 per cent oh our pledges. It is vqry urgent that we continue getting increases on every Kubscription In order to bo able to meet Omaha's share In tho Emergency R e s c u e Fund, Mr. Goldstein concluded. Main, bad weather and subbequent travel delays did not deter Robert Brlsce, Lord Mayor of Duhlin, Ireland, from his promised appearance at the rally-dinner held by the Men's Division, Appearanro Delayed His talk r..ade shortly after his delayed ari|vnl was directed at the help Israel needs to take care. of the thousands of homeless Jews arnvlni; dully at Its centers. "It Is Important thai the 100,000 displaced Jews he transported ni quickly us possible", he told the large audience of Omnhnns and others from out-state arid loua. "Israel Is the only country to admit these people without reservation but It cannot do it alone. "Israel docs not have the funds to do the job alone and we cannot let Israel keep from rescuing people who need help. Our Ilcsponilhlllty "This Is our responsibility and It Is up to us to provide the money needed to restore these people to a home and save them from further Indignity." Mr. Briscne said that every town he had visited up to this

point had exceeded their fund raising target from fifty to seventy percent and believes this one problem may be sol^d by the end of 1957. Presented with Olfts He was presented with a Hagadah, as a symbol of the coming Passover from Dr. Abe Greenberg, president of the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service; a gold key to the city- by Mayor John Rosenblatt and a honorary membership In the Omaha Junior Chamber of Commerce by Myron Milder, its president. On behalf of Governor Victor Anderson, the guest of honor win also made an Admiral In the Nebratka navy by the Omaha mayor. Mr. Briscoc was occompanled by his son. Dr. Joseph Briscoc of Dublin. The Mayor has been tourIng American cities on n. good-wtll mission, fof Ireland and on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal. David Blacker, chairman of the Initial Gifts committee. In kickIng of the rally, said the.heroic spirit BO typical of Israel, will build the land and save the people. Mr. Goldstein presided at the meeting. Past presidents of the Omaha Federation and its present officer! were introduced.

Youth Division Sets $1,000 Goal The goal for the 19S7 High School Division of Philanthropies Is to "save one life," Paul Shykcn, chairman, announced nt a special^ worker's meeting this week. He told'his group $1,000 would lie required to accomplish this <k. All members of the Youth Council have been invited to attend the special banquet, Wednesday, April 24, 0 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. At this time the purpose of the campaign will be explained to the general high school student body and pledges made to complete the campaign. Shykcn stated that he was counting on every high school student to attend this once-a-ycar 'unction.

Advisors and Workers Named by B. and P. Women The Business and Professional Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies held their Cocktail Supper Wednesday evening with Mrs. .Eleanor Abrams, prominent lecturer, as their guest speaker Mrs. Abrams Is the wife of a San Antonio Rabbi. B. and P. advisors and workers for the Jewish Philanthropic* were named at the meeting by Mrs. Herman Bondarin, chairman of the group. They are: Misses: Workers: Advisors: Mm us; JBCSSC Blank Mniesi1 Emma Briggs , LcLa CheniikS Julia Jacobs Flo Brooksteln- • • Judith Cohn Isadorc Dansky Eve L. Konccky Jean Cutler Phil Frecmnn Carl Lagmatt - David Greenberg Rcna Gross i .': Hymae Greenberg Peter Meyers Rosclla Handler Alice Hcegef Jane Kohl Julius Newman Ben Ucrshorn Jean Kaplan Kv0lyn Levy Jennie Rosenblatt Sam Lf'nk. Mildred Levy ••> Chdries Ross < Josef Mayer • Marilyn Meyer;'/ •Elizabeth. Neveleff Philip D. Schwartz Sylvia Parilman". , Sam Pollack Bernard Ring Dorothy Rosenthal Harry Rathholz Belle Slegel ^ Rase Sdillc LlUiim Slutzky Anne So<kin Rebecca Bercovlcl Ida Spring ' Shirley Teper Henry 'Veisbcrg AhuvB Cershater Dorothy Weiner Marian Yawitz Julia' Zuker Elizabeth. J; Hart Misi Mollie We I nor was 'i charge of table setting.



Friday, April 12, 1957


DEGREE l'REHENTED Jerusalem, (JTA)—Faith In the "(supremacy of the spirit which pervades and dummjles mnttci" is the foundation of "the lilslmio mission of the Statp of KMCI." David Ben Gurlon, Israeli I'rima Minister, declared When the Hebrew University's Board of Governors presented him and seven others with honorary degree*.

flrra* Published Every Friday b j the Fedcntlon of Jewish ferric* Moond CUw Malllnf Privilege! Authorized at Unuhs. Nebraska. Nebraska. uthorized at Annuaj Subscription, *4.00. Advenlnln R t e on A l i a t i o n Editorial orriic—10) No auih strnlnlnj Rates on Application. M a t 8b. • Address 4WW So SftUt eet. 0m«J>«. Ntbr. JAckson l»sa. M a t 8b Ad glint. (MRS.) FRANCES K L E I N ' Editor

Passover Opens Monday Night With First Seder

Patronize Our Advertisers


Jewish people wUl celebrate the great holiday of freedom, Passover, with the advent ot the firtt Seder Monday evening. Conservative and Orthodox Jews will observe Passover for eight dayj and will have a Seder on each of the first two night*. Reform Jew* will keep the holiday leven days and will celebrate the Seder on the first night.

Passover Ceremonies in U.S. BY BtS GALLOB (JTA) Ai American Jewish families prepare for the 303rd observance of Passover in the New World, the il preparation! of each family— whether. Reform, Conservativeor Orthodox—each reflect the Impact of American freedom. In every case, however, the movement la toward mort rather than less ceremonial. In some areai of the United States, a Reform practice U developing In which congreganti attend two Seden, one of them ii at home with one'* immediate family and friends and the other at the synagogue. According to official* of the Union of American'Hebrew Congregation*, the national organization of Reform congregation*, the congregational Seder la presided over by the rabbi and reading part* in the Haggadah are distributed to a large number of people. Tba four question! may be asked by on* child but more often a group of youngsters recite the questions in unison. The cantor frequently embel» lishes some of the musical portions of the Seder but the group songs are still the prerogative of the assembly. The hunt for the Afikomen becomes a well-planned project and prize* are offered to the lucky winners. Itoform Viewpoint From the Reform viewpoint, the Passover note is magnified by the congregational Seder. Families are given graphic evidence that what they observe In growing numbers In their homes Is also observed by other families. The synagogue as a unit commemorates the . historic drama of freedom of the Exodus from Egypt by the Children of Israel—* parallel with unusual topical significance this year. Another American development designed to enhance the meaning of Passover for Reform Jews Is the "Tlhrd Seder." Created originally by the Labor Zionists as a ceremony almost totally devoid of religious aspects, the Third Seder Is a get-together In the synagogue for Reform families near the end of the holiday week. The (traditional Passover foods are on the table but instead of the religious observance, the occasion is a call to expand the cause of freedom. A musical program, an address or some entertainment Is offered but within the spirit of the holiday. Also new In Reform practice, according to the UAHC, is the model Seder In Reform Sunday schools. The pupils prepare themselves for the Seder by participating In classroom rehearsals, Conwrvatlve Trend Th» trend In Conservative observance, according to Die Rabbinical Assembly of America, with greater emphasis on home observance, the traditional practice. One reason fo'r this increase in home observance Is traced to the influence of expanding attendance ny children In religious schools. The children come home from religious school and nsk for n Seder and parents, who themselves mny be indifferent to the Idea, underfake It for the sake of the children. Another reason, sold an RAA official, Is that in this troubled world, 1he Passover message of freedom •eems to be particularly relevant. Dietary Adherent* Along with the Increase in home

Seders has com* • substantial growth in adherence to the special Dietary Laws for Passover. There are many Conservative famine* which largely Ignore Kashrut during the rest of the year but Passover Is the occasion for a thoroughgoing degree of adherence, extending to complete change in dishes, cooking utensils and other food implement* and a complete absence of leavened foods. Among Reform Jewish families, there has also been a steady increase in observance of at least some of the Passover Dietary Laws. As • minimum, use of matzah is widespread, even If bread and other ehametz food! are eaten at regular meals during Passover,

Portraits Weddings Commercial Thii Passover Nedrr Table with Its symbolic appointments. (By 1. Kokeach ft Rons, Inc.)

Seder Table Will Israel to Receive Be Prepared Soon Jewish Orphans The Seder Table with Its traditional appointments will highlight the Passover observances of Jewish families In I O Omaha h d and throughout the world. When complete, the table will Wh l include a candelabra, A Sedar Plate, on which the food symbols are placed, Elizab's Cup, A Haggadah or book of the Seder service and Hatzo*. In front of the head, of the house, the following Is arranged on the table. Three Whole Matzos. coveted . . a piece of middle on« (The Afikomen Is hidden for • child to find and redeem. Kappas (celery, parsley, any greens), to be dipped In a dish of salt water during the service, to symbolize hope and redemption. A Roasted egg, to symbolize eternal life. A roosted Meat Bone, to symbolize lamb uhich was sacrificed in the Temple. Moror (bitter herbs, horseradish i, to symbolize to bitterness of Israel's slavery In Egypt. Charosfs (mixed nut*, apple, wine. sugar, cinnamon I. to Fymboliize God's kindness during the bitterness of slavery. WINE . . . Kach person at the table drinks four cups to symbolize the four-fold redemption promise. Cup of Elijah . . . A special goblet of wine for the beloved Prophet. During the service the door is opened, and ail rise to bless him.

Tradition gtrengUiMtd Orthodox Jews have used the freedom of American Ufa to strengthen observance of the traditional patterns of Passover but among the orthodox, too, the child education movement has been the source of new approaches, not to the observance lUcif but to more effective participation in it. The congregational seder is u n known in Orthodox observance, where the stress Is orv the Jewish home as the center o( the perpetuation of Jewish life. Religious school preparation for Passover is designed so the classroom goal is to make sure that each; child knows every aspect of the Passover celebration, both practical and ideological. One new development stems from the concern of Jewish day school leader* that the home practices of the day school pupil should be as traditional as the school philosophy and objectives. To meet this need, the National Association of Hebrew Parent-Teachers Assodtation*. an affjlale of Torah Umesorah. sponsors Adult Education Institutes.

Center Pre-School To Close Two Days

The total cargo handling capacity of Haifa Port (including Klshon) amounts to some 2,300.000 tons per year.

The Jewish Community Center Pre-School will be closed Wednesday. April 17 and Monday. April 22 because of the Passover Holidays.

Tel Aviv, (JTA)—Jewish orphanages In certain European countries will be transferred to Israel en masse, Moshe Kol, director of Youth Aiiyah announced. The first orphans to be moted under this plan, he revealed, have already arrived in Israel. He expressed gratitude to governments Involved for enabling the transfer of children, orphaned as a result ot Nazi action and World War IL


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Friday, April U, KST


Golden Agers Library Lane Plan Sandra Krizelman Weds 'Turnabout1 Dave Cohen At Beth El

By Hostile Perils Smith " I clenched my flat at (Jod In the dark. 'Deceiver] Almighty d» feuUsl! I thought. J w u raging mad. I hated God with all my mind sn.I »lrength." 'uch UuUehtt possessed Pierre van Paassen as ha and icvcn other men were entombed by a cavfr-ln during World War II. had it not been (or \iuit crM« and Mi "miraculous" rescue from that disinter, this book, "A Pilgrbn'a Vow", would probably never have been written, fdr when he found himself atfe, h* made a vow to Cod that he would traverse the Holy Land. AM hl# Journey was leisurely, •a la the book leliurely, taking • the reader from one tacred alte ' to another, comparing the region today With that it mutt have been Ilk* In Biblical time*. Th* early morning iky of Iirael fascinated van Paaiuen, He wrote, "Such a iky I had never teen before . . , (The stars) were hut* dancing bulln of white light. They aeemed bigger and nearer than I had ever seen them anywhere • l i e on earth, They lit tip Jem. ealetrt and the surrounding hill* for milea around with a pule-blue, fluorescent glow, turning the •night into l e u than half-night" In the final chapter, titled "The Day Jesus Died", van Paasavn reconstructs events as they muit have rtaUy occurred, and not ai they are falsely presented In the books of the New Testament. O( the healings that Jcaus performed, the author and many medical authorities have concluded that they were a combination of psychosomatic medicine and legendary stories. Many wonderworkers during that pqriod performed similar cures. This la a book to be read in moderation during your spare moments, for It will nrtthpr excite you nor put you to nlocp.lt In what It ttia Intended to l«\ the story Of one man's pilBr.:nr;».

Members of Hie Golden Club will hold their third annual "Turnabout" •pre-mother's day party Monday, April 29 at the Jowl«h Community Center. They will entertain their children and grandchildren »t a 2:30 p. m. te«. A feature of the afternoon's program will be songs and dances by fifteen members of the Rohonue club. Mrs. Jenny Rifkin, her daughters, Mmes. Morey Landman and Harry Lobel and granddaughter, Barbara Landman will present their version of Yiddish songs and dances. . The Golden Age club is apon sored by the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women.

Omahans In the News Klrhard Iflller. local builnoas executive, has been named president of the Omaha Rotary Club. His father, Louis Hlller, held the samt poat 24 years ago.' Dr. aad Mra. Morris Margolin will have as their guests for the Passover holidays, their children. Miss Josephine Margolin, Dr. and Mrs, Gordon Margolin, Dr. and Mrs Harold Margolin and daughter, all of Cincinnati. 0., and Mr, and Mrs. Morton Margolin and family of Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Roasnttnla; and family have moved to Seattle, Wash,, where Mr, Rosenzwelg has taken a position with an aircraft corporation. Mrs. Roxenzwicg is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bloom of Omaha.

Samuel Gendler to Wed DBS Moines Girl Announcement has been made of the enBOBoment or Adeline N.iKorner, daughter of Mrs. Esther Nacorner of Des Moines and Samuel Gendler. son of the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Gendler of Omaha. The bride-to-be'is the daughter of the late Isaac Nngorner of D M Moines. Mlis NaRoiner attended the University of Iowa where she was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau sorority. Her fiance attended the University of Omaha, The couple plan a June 30th wedding In Sea Moines.

Newlyweds Return From Mexican Trip Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hlchman arc making their home in Omaha after a wedding (rip to Mexico Cily and Acspulco. They were married March 17 at the Shorclnnd hotel In Chicago. Mrs. Richmnn, the' former Arlene Weltzman, Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Weltzman of Chicago. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Rlchman of Omaha.

Miss Sandra Krizrlman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Krizelman was wed to David Harry Co hen, son of Mr. and Mrs Corporal Cohen of Kockporl, Mo, In un evening service, Sunday at Beth El Synagogue. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke performed the marriage rites, assisted by Cantor Aaron I. Kdgar. A dinner and dance at the Blackstone hotel followed the ceremony. Miss Sarita Zoorwill was maidof-honor to the bride. Other at. tendants were the Misses Leah Glttieman, Lincoln; Phyllis Zuroviky, Kansas City, Mo,, and Eileen Epstein. Raymond Pred of Lyons was best man. Ushers were Jerry Margolin, Harold Kalman and Allan Krizelman. Mr. and Mrs. David Zoorwill, Philadelphia, Pa., grandparents'of th* bride were escorted by Norman Klrzelman, brother of the bride. Mrs; Cohen attended the University of Nebraska where she was a member of Sigma Delta Tau. Th* groom graduated froril the University of Nebraska and Is affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu. The couple will make their home at 4215 Dodge itreet after a wedding trip to I-a« Vegas, Nev.

Former Nebraskan ADL Speaker A prominent University of Nebraska alumnus in a talk, before the Omaha A n t l - D e f a m a t I o n League of the B'/inl B'rith, prcdicled that the Nebraska legislature would givo serious consideration to a slitc-'.vido fiir employment law at the next session of the Nebraska unicameral.

Do You Need Extra Tables or Chairs For Your Passover Seder? WE ALSO HAVE

Omaha Chapter Holds Election Mi's. Max Krizelman has been elected president of the Omaha Chapter of the N'nal B'rith Henry Monsky No. 470, for the 1956-57 season, Other officers announced are Mmes. Sidney Znelmcr, fund raising vice-chairman; Hairy Smith, program vlce-p r e s i d e n t ; Jay Stoler, membership vice president) Mickey Kaplan,- recording secretary; Nate Kaplan, corresponding secretary; Ben Blatt, financial secretary^ Sol Mlroff, dues secretary; George Conn, treasurer; Abe Glnsburg, s e n t i n e l ; Richard Wright,, guardian; Henry Appel, A. L. Cohen, Harry Llppett, trustees and Harry Sidman, monltress. The nominating committee was composed of Mmes. Harry Friedman, chairman, and Aaron Epstein, Stanley Shapiro, Ben Blatt, Geo. Conn, and Hersbel Freedman. A bake sale will be held Jit Brandeis Store Monday, April 29th.

Israel's principal a rport Is Lod (Lydda) which has been granted MelvJn H. Schleslnger, of Den- the international classification B, ver, a retired army colonel, discussed "Fair 'Employment Legislation" In his Omaha address. He Passover Greetings is honorary vice-chairman of the MOM Anti-Defamation League. He was Introduced at the recent meeting by Milton Abrahams, lothei for Mm chairman of the local Antl-De4011 hraam Si. famatlon League.

Welter & Mdoy

MORE THAN TASTE MORE THAN CRISPNESS MORE THAN OVEN-FRESHNESS What more can tHr* bl to Manljchewitz Piuover Matzot? OHO important thing more: lk» deep devotion with which they ere baktd, to make them truly' symbolic of Passover . , . truly deserting of an honored place on you 5 Seder and holiday table.

Baby Beds and Rollaway Beds • LET

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Bar Mihvah at Sea Religious

Friday, April 11, 1957

Funds to Assist Bar and Bas B.B. Services Mitzvah

Plans for the Cornhuskcr B'nal Spring Dance April 27 were <;;>icussed at a lodge meeting ThuisFrl. ink anil relative! are Invited daV nlfiht at the Jewish Communlo alt,ml irrvlrr, und rerrptlunt. ity Center, The dance i> being held] to help raise funds" to meet th» KIIKKMAN' HltODKKV lodge district service fund quotn. HOIIKKT MtO.-j.S The funds will go to support youth Itubi.i't Gross, son of Mr. and o r g a n i z a t i o n s , antl-defamaMi->. CJcr.ild S. Gross and Sherman tloti league, three hospitals and Ilrn.ikcy, vm of Mr. and Mrs. lend support to the B'nal B'ritri Kdward E. Brodkey will observe Israel proeram. thoir Kir Mitzvah at a joint service at licth El Synagogue on Frid,iy evening, April 12th and Saturday morning, April 13th.


BETH ISItAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor EU Kagan, Beth Israel choir and SVO Club Mill conduct late Friday services at 9 p. m. Traditional Friday services (Kabholas Shabbosi begin at 6:45 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 6:15 p. m. on a Tux Rantal at Sabbath Mincha at 6:45 p. m. During 1955, EL AL planes carfollowed by Shoteshe S'cudos and iled 35,000 passengers, 700,000 10*Hollywood Tux Rental N«. ISth StrMl M 24M Maariv, Dally morning ten-ices at ;gi. of commerical freight, 130,(In Omtlia Loan Bldg.l 7 a. m.: afternoon services at 6:45 000 kgs. of mall. p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's dam in Bible; Sunday morning Junior Young Amo* IsrucUkI ivlin had Ills Bar Mllivah nlxiurd the 8 S Mlnyan, followed by breakfast, ISRAEL of Ihr Zlm IJirn, while rn route from Haifa to New Vork, starts at 8:30 a. m. receives a girt from ('uiitnln Jaroli Jnliolnnn, Mutter of the ship. The late Friday-evening service, The Bar Mltivih nni part i.f the Sabbath krrvlira uhkh are rrguApril 19 will be omitted. Regular larly conducted In the i..viiaKi.Kui- of I lie SS ISRAEL. evening services will begin at 6:45 p. m. BETH EL SabJbath services at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Klrpke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue choir will rended the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services begin at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a. m. Mlncha-Maariv at 6:30 p. m. Daily services at 7 a . m . and 7 p. m. Sunday services at 9 a m. TEMPLE ISRAEL Services will be held Friday at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Brooks will continue the lecture scries and discussion on "Reform Jewish Practice and Belief". This will be the seventh Jn the series, and the .topic will be "The Sanctuary of the Home". Private Prayer and Observance. An informal discussion will be held at the Oncg Shabbat following services. S718 Military Avenue Shabbas morning services will begin at 11:30 with Rabbi Hrooks j officiating and the Rellzlom I School choir under the dirrction! of Miss Ida Gltlin singing the | musical portions of the service.

WORTH $1.00

NEBRASKA LODGE NO. 1445 B NAI B RITH Annual Spring Festival Sun., April 14,1957,8 P.M. BLACKSTONE HOTEL GRAND P R I Z E . . . TV SET Door Prize Mah Jong Cards


Passover Greetings from

Louis Market



With theHome Folks Sew I X t m n l i n u The Dr. PUItp •flw» JortokTGm* F.r The Aft br

April 8—Mrs. Loo Waxenberg hns donated a cabinet to display the Jtmes made by our residents in the Council of Jewish Women Arts and Crafts class under the direction of Mrs. Meyer Bitter and her co-workers. The cabinet and its contents are in the auditorium of the Home. April 9—The Rabbinical series u-ill be recessed for the Passover holidays, and will be returned May 7 with Rabbi Benjamin Groner a* our visitor. April 10—The floral centerpiece In our auditorium was presented by Mr. and Mrs, Allen Zalkin. Coming Events: Passover party by the MJzrachl women. ' Xahrzeit—Special m e m o r i a l services will be held during the month of Nisan for (he Following: Nl«an 15—April 16—Dr. Manuel Grodbwsky, Ntaan 17—April 1 8 - M o r r i s f g Nlnan 18— April JS-Iliorris Cross. Nisan 21—April 22—Tema Bush.

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I . . . arrange for financing at your bank or lending agency. The elements that make for a wonderful kitchen—the newest of electrical appliances—the plentiful well-planned cabinets can riow be yours with no money down and up to five years to pay.

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FrUUy, April It, MST




Passover Calendai

Youth Activities

Beth El S y n a g o g u e United Synagogue Youth Group wilt Join Miirarhl Women co-chnirmen, Mrs. Abe Katelma/i Will observe tame schedule a* its Sabbath services, Friday, TEMPLE ISRAEL The Mizrachi Women's meeting and Joseph Tauster pick-up com- in Ball Israel April 19th. PavVicipaling in the Synagogue 8rn1c*« will be held Thursday, l;3O p. m,mittee chairmen, and Mrs. Meyer services will be: Bernard DeKoven, Monday—5:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center Cohen, telephone committee head. Betty Ermnn, Carolyn Kagan, Tuesday—11 a. m. BETH Kh in place of the regular date beThe chairmen are /asking the Michael Katz, Justin Sallis April 21, Sunday—5:30 p. m. Synagogue Service* cause ot Passover. Dessert lunch- community to contribuU new or Markovlt2, S h e i l a Lewis, Novak, Al April 22, Monday—11 «. m. Monday—6 p. m. eon will be omitted. used books. Ostravlch, Louis Rich, Martin Ylikor Memorial prayers win be. Tuesday—9 a. m. and 6 p. m. The program will feature the Place books in the repository at Sneldcr, Annie Wcintraub and wad. Wednesday—9 a. m. annual spring Jewish National the Temple office, or call Mrs. Arnold Wcintraub. Fund box collection with Mrs, Abe Katelman, GL. 2481 or Mrs. Sunday Schedule A. Model Seder for pupils of the Herman Franklin and her commit- Joseph Tauster, TE. 7450. Marlys Isack, C e n t r a l high . BETH ISRAEL Beth £1 Talmud Torah will be held tee in charge. A movie of the school student, is one of the 12 Preliminary Service* Tempi* Israel Nursery School Omaha school student*, practioSunday, after s u n d o w n — Sunday, April 14 at 11 a, m. The Near-East area will be shown folteachers were host to the Nursery lng for the Omaha Junior TheatreSeder tables and a snack tor thelowing the business session. B'Dlkas Chometr. The chapter will give its annual School Teachers Association of Junior League production of tha Monday, 7 a. m. — S l y u m children will be prepared by the Talmud Torah committee of Beth Pesach party at the Dr. Philip Omaha, April 2, at Temple Israel Magic Horn" to be given at Tech B'Chorim. Not later than 0:30 a. m.—El Sisterhood under the chairman- Sher Home for the Aged Sunday, Mrs, Zysmnn, chairman of the High- auditorium April 23-May 3. ship of Mrs. Vnle Glnsburg. The April yi, 2 p. m. Passover refresh- group, nnnauneed. B'Vur ChomeUMrs. Martin Haykln led a discusAfter 9:20 a. m.—ChomeU services at the Seder will be led ments will be served. sion on spring programing. by Rabbi My«r S. Kripke and Can- HADASSAH prohibited. ~ ~~ tor Aaron L Edgar. Holiday fMrvtre* "Hadassah Spectacular of 1037" Itegulas classes will hot bt held will bo presented Wednesday, May Monday—6:45 p. m. ' Tuesday—8:30 a. m.-6:45 p. m. Oh this day, 1 at a 12:30 p. m. luncheon at the Wifdne«day-8:30 a, m.-6:4S The Beth El Sunday School will Jewish Community Center 1 audihave Its Model Seder, Sunday, torium. Fifty members will parp. m, . Friday, April l » - 6 : 4 3 p. m. April 14 at 9:30 a. m. for all pupil*. ticipate. The show was written'by Jerusalem, (JT A)—Emperor A light treat will be served by the the Mmes. Morris C. Fellman, llaile Selassie expressed a desire Sunday, April 21—7 p. m, Monday, April 22—8:30 a. m.-Beth El Sisterhood Sunday school Robert Rosen, Donald Nogg, Rob- to visit Israel and also to inspect from committee, of which Mr». I. B. ert Gerellck, Morris Shapiro and Ethiopian C h u r c h Institutions Tp.m Ziegrnan I* chairman. Regular Gerry Bernstein. Tickets will be there. In the first interview he Tuesday, April 29-8:30 a, m. ' 10 «. m,—Ytakor Memorial classes will hot be held on this day. Jl-W for luncheon and the show. has ever given an Israeli newsTalmud TortH Members of the Group Board! paperman. ». Services,—7 p. m. TRI-COUNTY Beth El' Talmud Torah claiies of Hadassah will meet on ThursRrUflMtt School The Emperor was quoted as exTalmud Torah clasaci will not will not be held during the week day, at 12:30 p. m. at the kit-pressing satisfaction over the prosSODDING meet during Paitover from April of Passover, from Monday, April lowing homes: Herri, Mrs, Louis pect of Improved economic rela19 through April 23. The Sunday 15 through Tuesday, April 23. Alberta with Mrs. Harry Gold-tions with Israel as a, teiuU ot the JA 4967 School will not meet Sunday, April Classes will resume on Wednesday, strom as co-hostess. Szold, Mrs, opening of the port of Elflth. The Harry Marks, 4726 N. ,54th Street April 24. There will not be claue* J.- Regular tchedulei wlU bt refor Sunday School pupil* on April with Mrs. Sam Turkel as co-hosslimed, Wednesday, April 24. The junior congregation will 21. Sunday School will reiume on tess; and Weizman, Mrs. Maurice Newman, S131 Decatur Street, « meet at 10 a. m. on the first two Sunday, April 28. with Mrs. Louis Hurwltz as coday* and the last two dayi of the hostess. holiday and on Saturdays and Sun- Textbooks Will Bt> day* Mutual, WOnKMEN'sTLOAN Studied for Bias Children') Model Brdrr The next meeting of th« OmaThe chlldr(n'« demonstration ha Workmen's Loan Association New York, (JTAI—The AmerSedar will be conducted during the JcwUh Committee announced will be held Monday, April 29. Week preceding Pasnover. Sunday ican that three Institution* of higher 7:30 p. m. Members are asked to School children will hnvc their learning have undertaken exten- call Harry Stacnbcrg, JA. 5993, Sedar during regular class sessions sive research studies to determine secretary, for Information on loans. Sunday morning. April 14. Talmud the extent and nature ot biased KADIMAH ~ T " Torah clnsaMJ hart their "Inmlly" material In Protestant and Jew- An election" of officers will be Sedar April 10 and 11. ish educational texts. At the «ame held at the regular meeting of time, analyses will al«.o be made Kadlmnh. at the home of Mrs \ of Iraining programs for religious J. Krnft, 2437 Mary utreet, Thiirs^ BIIII Synagogue Hmire* rrtucntnrs. l!)th anil Dints S K dny, 1 p. m. Mrs. Sidney Znolmer, hend of the nominating committee, OLO-FASHIONEO will present a slate o( nominaSeptember 2 Through September 7 tions. MM. Raymond Corey u-IH l>e presiding governor nt the busiMatinees, Wed.. Sept. 4 and Sat.. Sept. 7 With In* rich GOLDEN BROTH ness Region which will be followed by cards and Mnh TKMI'lE TSUAErl Mrs, Harry Wlw. Sisterhood chalrmnn of the Book Fair to be held May 19 and 20 at Temple Israel Socjal Hall, has named Mrs. Earl Wlgodiky „. h e r


Selassie Plans Israeli Visit



Roffman fs House of Delicacies Mnwi^ f i m c s .P,,«A< M ,c<i

"famous lor \U DiHcatttfin Trtati"


announces its new schedule BEGINNING MAY I Opin SUNDAYS From 8 A.M. \a 8 P.M. • MONDAY Through FRIDAY, 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. All Holidays From 10 A.M. Until 6 P.M. ALSO We WIN Cqrry « M Lint of SHUKIRT'S Fresh Frown Koibtr Meat ProchMft Product* Prepared ami Fretier Wropp«d exclusively for Rorfman'*, at of May •


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$7.00 Per T i c k e t . . . Evenings $5.50 Per T i c k e t . . . Matinee Send Self-Addrosicd Envelope to MRS. IRVING HEBZOG — 668 No. 66th St. j




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Beverly HIHs Shopping Center— 7830 Podge St.






Tents May Be Uied for Housing

Nancy Barron. Will Head Giris' Unit Nancy Barron, a fourth season •taff member at Camp Jay-C-C will head the girl'i village, it » u announced by Dr, Daniel Miller, camp committee chairman. Mis Barron U a University of Omaha sophomore. Other returning student stafl member* are Matlee Katleman, State University of Iowa; Sandra Fielder. A l a b a m a University Janet Handler,- University of Nebraika and Shirley Fealk, Michi gan University and hi-schoolers, Andy Jem Gross and Sally Freeman. Dr. Miller staled that parents should enroll their youngsters (or camp now as over oner-fourth of the camp registration is completed. It Is the desire of the committee, he stated, to complete registrations by the middle of May, Youngsters may be registered for either of the two two-week "sessions or for the full four weeks of camping. Camp personnel are always on duty at the Center camp office.

Obituary SIRS. BASHEVA BAOM April 2, Mrs. Basheva Baum. 67, at hospital. Surviving, husband, Max, son, Ate, daughter, Mrs. Rosalene Epstein, and three grandchildren. She was a resident of Omaha 54 years. Services wore hold April S iit the Jewish Funeral Home, Burial was in Goldep Hill cemetery.

Jews Barred From Soudia Arabia

Washington (JTA — U n i t e d Tel Aviv (JTAi Tlia grent ln- States and Saudi Arabia haw forcreasa in 1I>« number of Immi- mally agreed to a ffv«-yaar renewgrants arriving In recent weeks and tho>« anticipated In the al of th» Dharhan Alrbaie lease, months ahead may force tha Jew tha Stat* Department announced. ish Agency to. break out tenU Under tha arrangements, It was again to temporarily house new- stated that American Jews will comers, according to ^Abraham continue to be barred from the age!, director in the Agency's abfield. American officials explain sorption department. Next month ISO to 300 families 1that It is a function of Saudi ArabCamping for the older youth will be moved Into temporary tlitj "" «pvereignty to exclude indl viduals it does n o t desire. The and leadership training art fea- huts located near the site where agreement was signed by Deputy tured in the special Pioneer Pro- permanent home* far them are Under Secretary of State Robert gram offered to eighth grade going up. Some 23,000 Immigrants Murphy and Saudi Arabian Ambasare expected In April and May, Mr. school students during tht last Ziegel revealed, and 22,716 arrived sador Sheikh Abdullah Tl: Kyayyal two weeks of camp. o n A p r i l a . • - ; : • ' • : . • ; ; . : , - . . ••; •. In 1937. Tht program purposes to help Previous arrangements provided equip teenagers with advanced Saudi Arabia with artillery, tanks, Polish Jtws Reported camping" - skills and leadership basic ground force equipment, and techniques necessary for future Expcflcd to Russia training aircraft. Under the new camp posts. Students wilt live in arrangement* Saudi Arabia will quarters separated from other Washington, ( J T A ) - A Jewish continue to receive these military camp units, under the supervision Labor committee delegation ap- supplies. In addition, the Arab of special counselors. pealed to Polish Ambassador Rom- state Is expected to receive jet Tb* fee for the program 1* 979 uakl Spasowski to intervene with aircraft for training purposes. A for Omahans and. $85 for non his government to quit tht re- limited program for the training residents. Applications will be ported expelling to ftussla of re- of naval personnel Will also be set up for the first: time. Envisaged limited to the first 20 that regis- patriated Polish Jews. are the addition of a few small ter. Ttx. size of tit* group Is limited to insure Jhe maximum Flights Inside Israel art oper- ships. A project to improve the port of Dammar) Is expected to benefit for participant*. ated by Arkia Airlines.

: Camp Jay information relating to the camp may be obtained by callin the camp office, JA. 1366.)

Friday, April 12, 1S5T


Pioneer Program Offered Training

complement U.S. help to the Saudi navy. COUNCIL PIlRfilUKNT DIK<! Mrs. Katherine A. Engel,-'581 immediate post president of the National Council of Jewish Women, died Saturday, March 30, la Doctors Hospital. TOURISTS TRAVEL OPENS * Gottlieb Hammer, president of the American-Israeli Shipping Co., In comment, said the. lifting of tht travel ban to Israel augurs w*U for the 1957 tourist season Patronize Our Advertisers

Viceroy has the smoothest taste of all!

MBS. SARAH GODHTF.N April 4, In New York Mrs. Sarah Esther Goldstein, 78, a resident of Omaha nearly 50 years. She was the widow of Harris G. Goldsten. prominent In Jewish community affairs In 'he 1920's. Surviving are sons, David B, and Herbert, Omaha; three daughters In New York. Funeral serv. Ires were held in New York City. Burial was in Gold Hill cemetery Sunday. ' ISRAEL OERSHATKR Israel Gmhatcr, 73. long-time resident of Omaha, died here April 8. Services and burial was Thursday In Dallas, Tex., where a son, E7ra. resides. Surviving are two other sons and a daughter.

Want Ads Ptioot J A ax, (o umn rout i i u i m la Tt>« Jawlili Prni. Cumnt nu u M emu for uch few HIM inwrtloa To* m n ratntm u» rtpn to limit Hit ol t u b lulrartlMnvit

FASSOVEB CARDS BAR and Bas' Mftzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers Nc'ws Stand, 1502 Dodge SAVE BY ORD1CPJNG 1 year, Vogue Sfi.00 32 months, Esquire $100 117 weeks, Saturc!,i> I-.wn.ni: Post $10.17 16 months, Reader's I;i;;cst $2 00 7 months, Coronet SI.00 78 -Weeks, Time ?<i.«7 70 weeks, Life 57.70 For These nmi many Otli'.T fine Offeis. Call Mr.-; S .1. Hoiuicli. VVA 3957 Visit Dr. Stevens. New Olfice nt 6014'.a Military Ave;, Omaha. Nebr. Where the .sick (,'et well. - Phone RE. 8799. Office Hours, 8 a. m. to 5 p. in. Evenings by appointment. FOR RENT—Sleeping room in five-room apartment of widow. • Employed person desired. Near bus line. Call JA 7438. Patronize Our Advertisers

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Friday, April IS, 1 BIT


Center Sports I : f Ir


MIDGET BASKETBALL Nebraska Furniture almost uplet the PlaJ-land Park apple cart, but couldn't quite squeeze out a victory at Playland moved into a tie for first place in the "B" divilion. And Mlcklln-Rusco moved way out front tn th« "A." division with a cinch (or the championship with a 44-32 win over ]{. A. Wolf,




Spring Swim Program for Total Family Greenberg Heads v The Jewish Community Center pool program has been extended Swimming Meet to Include every member of the family. Irv Yaffee, Physical Education

season. There will be a boxing chairman revealed today. Bucky Greenberg, Omaha Inclass beginning Sunday, April 28. Two new classes arc: surance executive, has been named It is open to 6th, 7th and 8th M. W. r\—8:30-9:30 a, m.-Budncss men's swim to head the Omaha division of the grade boy* only. Also, sofiball ; M. T, W. TH.—5:15-6:30 p. tn.- Co-ed business swim Seventh'Annual National Jewish try outs will be conducted beginThe spring calendar of classes includes beginners' classes, free Welfare Board Swim Meet on ning April 28 at 1:30 p. m. on the swim periods, specialised programs and Instruction for every member two Sundays, May S and 12, at Elmwood Park Center diamond, of the family. the Jewish Community Center. Tha gebwartx Clump " . : 'Splash parties and special acquatic programs can also be arranged appointment was announced today Jerry Schwartz crowned himself for clubs, groups and organizations. Admission to the Center poo) is by Irv Yaffee, Center Physical champion of Youth Council hand' by regular Center membership, individual admission, or by family Education chairman. Inc. ball with a win over fellow AZA 1 membership. • . Mr. Greenberg is the «wli» liaclub member Al Krizelman. Krizel. Plajland Share* Flrnt SWIMMING SCHEDULE son representative for the Health A 33-30 victory for Playland man forced the match to the full (Call JA 1366 for Information) and Physical Education committee Park w»i well deserved as they three gmt)i>j by taking the second MOKNINGS and- a star swimmer. passed and shot themselves into game 21-4. Schwartz recovered 8:30-9:80—M W F.—Business Men's C U M . The meet will be held from 10 • tl« with Cowboy Liquors for sufficiently, after a first game 9-11—Figure-aids swim class—Tuesday and Thursday. a. m. to 2 p. m.' each Sunday for first plaoe. Sandy Freodman led win, to take the last game 21-16. 10-12—Ladies learn to swim—Monday and Friday. all divisions. Entry is free and the playland scoring with 12 Score In the first enme was 21-8. 1.1-12—Kiddy kuatics—water orientation — learn lo swim for pre- open l o men, women, boys and points, seconded by Mike Sher- The match lasted'for more thon schoolers nnd a parent—Tuesday and Thursday, ' girls from 10 years of age and up. man with 10, but it was the tram thirty-five mimiliM ;n the serve AFTERNOONS Diving c e r t i f i c a t e s will ba effort that clamped the lid on Ne- changed hiinds frequently and 2-4-- Kccrcatinal swim—Sunday—For all. awarded ,to all who are able to braska Furnture when the KO- points were hard to gain. .3:30-1:15—Youth Council and HfTeens swim—Monday thru Thursday. perform three dives In good iityla tng got rough Jerry Slui>ky of K/.K 1 took all Olympic trophy 4:15-3:15—Children's classes—Tuesday and Thursday, or Monday and —namely, front swan dive, front Playland covered his ninn like a points In this sport with third Friday. jacknifc-arid one.optional; blanket, and S t u a r t Korbes plan- yawn tn Al SiP|»r 1. 9:15-6:30—Uusiness—coed swim classes. Twice per week—Monday All Omaha swimmers are Invited hawked the ball and passed well thru Thursday. to be on hand May 5 for the openy. c. VOI.I.KVUAI.I. (or the win. EVENINGS ing competition. Two Sunday have A three \v;iy tie him developed Tight Oiitio l'layed been scheduled in order to acIn (he Youth Council volleyball 6:30-7:30—Boy Scout classes—Monday thru Tuesday. Nebraska Furniture wn« cold In league (it the end of irculnr corn- 6:30-7:30—Girl Scout classes—Wednesday's*^ Thursday. commodate an anticipated heavy the last quarter a* they scored i petition. AZA 1, AZA 100 find 7:30-8:30—Wednesday. ' , turnout only two point! as both, tennis the Uiiiifriliiitr-s nil have n 2-1 7:30-9:30—Red Cross training classes—Monday. Additional Information may ba played tight basketball. Kill Kully. record, flnyhn fulled to w i n a 7:30-8:30—Recreational swim—Tuesday and Thursday—Adults. obtained by phoning the Center Bill Glnsburg unit Ted .Snnfnnl p.line anil "ill l,e out of the chamSpecial Periods Aquatic department, JA. 1366. played well for Nebraska, iinti luomhip plajotf. Nebraska Deaf School, Monday, 4:15-5:19. J STOP BIAS* Steve. Boguchval took his share ' AZA 100 lind n comparatively Thursday. 12-1—V. A. Polio. New Brunswick, N. J., (JTA)— of the rebounds. ensy time with Itaylm. They won Tuesday and Thursday, 1:30-3:30—University of Omaha. Rutgers University officials this Rlduaaa-Oordinan Kourra two slraifht l"i-9 nnd 15-3 to keep Omaha V. Water Sports dub-VUt. Sunday 7-8:30. week ordered three fraternities Joe) Sneider and company, Illch- them in the running. Alt. Sunday 7:30-9:30—jrTepUine Skin Divers and rental period*. • to eliminate discriminatory clauses man-Gonfman, ran over I-<;O Von Championship p l n y o ' f f begin AJt. Saturday evening—Swim for Jewish Youth—7:30-9:30. In their constitutions limiting in a lopsided win. Sneider gathered again this Thursday', April 18 Neighboring Q t y Boy Scouts—6-9 p. m. membership to "white c&ucaslam. in 34 points as he constantly stoic with opponents being determined the baU'from dribbler, intercepted according to drnw by the Y. C. Jack Lieb Wins numerous passes and almost scored athletic committee. Moth Holes—Tear« at will. But it was not a one-man Table Tennic Contest y. C. BADMINTON show, Bob Welnstein effectively Burnt Twrnty-eiKht entries total the Cleared the boards and Cave Jack Lleb ran through four Eliminated By badminton tournament list an the United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — Soshnlk got his (hare of the points feather sport gathered more in- matches tu annex the Youth Coun. too.' I-Gfl Van was just overterest that tiny other single lour- ell Table Tennis Championship In spite of the presence of the whelmed. narnent to date. First round win- lust week. He lost only two oul ol United Nations Emergency Force OereUdc Triumphs ners co far are Kd Kidman with a eleven games with previous tour- on the frontier between the Gaza "Specialists In Our In a fine display of sporlmsn- 15-14 victory over Stan Greenfield. nament experience holding him Strip and Israel, th« "Egyptian Field of Workmanship" shlp. F i r e s i d e gave Cerellek Ron Simmons h«« defeated Ed steady In the roiiKh spots. The fcilnyeen arc pursuing their old Motors one of their men and Schneider 1VS and Hindley Ep- other finalist was Mike Platt, who tactics of marauding and infiltraBeautifully Cleaned played otherwise forfeited Rnms stein took n lop sided victory over gained three Olympic points of tion of Israel, causing considerable to Perfection and lost it 43-12. It was Gerelirk's Steve Friedman. Six boys have AZA 100. Milee forced the chamtall men that won the R.imc been seeded in th<> first round. pion to a four came final match damage nnd Injury to Israeli nathough, Don Fiedler and Steve They ore Al Sjegnl, Jnck Lleh, in the throe out offi five series and tionals, according to a complaint Gould each scored 10 points on Howard Wcintyrg and Al Krizcl- lost one deuce n rne 22-20 and sent In the Security Council today won another 24-2fi. Jack previously by Israel. tip-Ins and close In hook shots man. defeated C.nry Epstein, Ed Sidwhile Keith Llbermnn of Flrcnlde tW.1O lingtti Only) __ VAUBITV KOFTBAM. vainly tried to stop both of them. Pltchlntf features J. C. C. Var- mnn and Wlllard PI6tUin to Rnin Dick Zachnria was high point sity Softball with Sandy Brophy the final". tnnn with 22 points as Ge.rellck and Kay Klike presentlnc a formMike Plntt went through his effectively worked the ball tn idable bulwark for opposing' but- half of the bracket with victories Buddy Epstein was high in last for some consistent scoring plays. ters. Coach Dan Epstein's first over Ed Levey, Myron Conn and Sunday's competition with • 320 Scoring for Fireside wits distri- practice last Sunday was hamp- Al Krizelman. Third pi see Olym- series. Games were .179-141. buted between Keith Llbermnn, ered by damp, cold weather, but pic points went to AZA 1 in a Dick Zachnria, high game of Jerry Heeger and Howard Chuda- he expects to have a full force match between Al Krizelman and the day—a 180 for a 302 series. eoff. this Sunday at 11 a. m. Practices Will Plolkln with Krizelman winTerrill Greenstone was high In Hlcklla-Busep Wins are scheduled for Elmwood Park ning the first and last game 21- girls', division with 148 game and HA 6103 A 44-32 win for Mlcklln-Rusco with team entry In the Class "A" 19. H« lost the second 17-21. 2S3 series. F m risk-Up mmi gave them their ninth win of the Metropolitan League that will be R»ylm gathered in five Olympic Splits were picked up by Sherry season. This time it was over H. competing on Wednesday even- points for the championship. Kraft 3-7; Mike Green 5-10. A. Wolf, Inc. Tall center Steve Ings after May 1. Games are Table Tennis doubles will begin Guss Just had too much "moxie" scheduled at 6 .put., 7:30 p. m. or this Monday. The singles champ ' ' fpr the team In green. Steve scored 9 P. m. Playing fields will be at will pair up with Bob Oberman 23 points and five other men also Boyd Park, Adams Park and 33th for Raylm. Their competition will scared for M-R. Jeff Wohlner and Bedford. Men Interested In come from Krlrelman-PIotkln, whose point total f«s. 13, started trying out for the team are asked Platt-Wlntroub. Olympic points lor out to match the Mlcklin-Husco to contact the Health and Physical Table Tennis doubles will also be scor.'rrg. Karl Luefscfcuetz and Har- Education office or Dan Epstein. S-3-L old Forbes helped to lead the MichIln-Rusco attack. They were passIng well and kept the H. A, Wolf torn off balance wirh their outside "•hots, Howard Fcllman played good utility ball in scoring six polnta. features the Finest «B" Division The "B" division championship and Most Complete Selection of will be decided next week In the linn) play-off. Cowboy Liquors, leader during the season, will play agnmst Playland Park, the dark home team that finished strong. The game will be played at 1:30 p. in. and the public is Invited. Final games In the "A" division Will see FircBlde vs. Orellck at 8:30 p. in. and Mfcklln-Rusco •R.-iinst II. A, Wdlf, Inc. (it 3:15

Fedayeen Raids Continue

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Bakery and Delicatessen As Always the Leader

Once again, as a special service, Akutitto off t n dairy products for the Passover

p. m. MidKFt basketball pl.iyeiii nre tn:;rd to vli;n up with the Physic;) I FJdiirnlirin Director for program following the bnslietball

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Many Other Passover Items Out-of-Town Orders Given Our Careful Attention TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 50th and Underwood 220 South 24th St. RE 5560 AT 1226

rrldajr, April It, Mil



THEY'LL HOLD PASSOVER IN THEIR HEARTS VWu Sinus you're very buiy Mr. Dictator, driving Jews from your country. But In tb« tvent you don't know - it's Passover time. . Remember Passove^? Il'si mankind'* oldest Independence Day! Almost 4,000 yean ago the people of Israel threw off slavery In ancient Egypt and marched out free men. . That wonderful story has Inspired men to freedom ever sine*. Passover eve, Jews everywhere will hold the traditional family Seder to retell it. Ye*, they will retell it even in your country — and all the lands of oppression where you and other would-be-Pharaohs are forcing more than 100,000 Jewish men, women and children into a grim, present-day exodus. If your police, or those in similar lands, won't permit real Seders -Jews will hold Passover in their hearts, In hit heart the master of the Jewish house Mill will offer the bleulng to the Eternal for "this d a y . . . the seaaon of our

freedom". . . and you won't ttop him. In his mind's eye he still will hold up the unleavened broad —

the "bread of affllctlon"-and declare: T h i s year we are as slave*j next year we shall be as free men in Israel." He atill will see his youngest child asking the Four Questions, beginning: "Why It this night different from all other nights?" Above all he atlU will explain why he keep* the Passover I "It it 'incumbent upon tvery Jew, in every generation, to look upon hlmielf at if he had actually gone forth out of Egypt.., laying, this it done became of that which the Eternal did for m e . , . " P.S. The United Jewish Appeal has set up a 1100,000,000 Emergency Rescue Fund to rescue the 60,000 terrorized, penniless refugees being driven from Egypt, plus 17,000 Jews escapees from communist Hungary, plus tens of thousands fleeing tension and anti-semitlim in other Arab and East European countries. Fund* raised will bring tha refugees to freedom and new livos in Israel, the United States and other democracies. Every contributor I* asked to give "over and above" his generous gift to the regular 1957 UJA-to give at if he wire going forth from a land of ptrtewtien.

100,000 lives must be saved

United Jewish Appeal $100,000,000 UJA EMERGENCY RESCUE F U N D . . .

In Omaha United Jewish Appeal Receives Its Support From the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign

"Over and Above" THE 1957 REGULAR CAMPAIGN A. MM .r, tmiRo ISRAEL i m u • JOINT Dunnwnon coNNrmi • raw roue ASSOCIATION roa «•* AJUKAXS • unrrm BUS stavicc • i«* vtst < M tutor, nw TOU M. H. »

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