XXXV' No. *8
M<JM* Jiut tuning rnniriM 4atb«rtir4 at Vawka Mrkr
City-Wide Wor Physicians and Dentists Campaign Unit Is Organized
IB, 19S7
fublKDso > w ) r r l d a ; I f l ft X«lb annual Hat* • IMUan Omalia Natraafca Pbonr JA ISM tUnstr Cfepl l» Oenl.
I luncheon Slated Women Report 25% Increase
Dr. Arthur J. Lelyveld to Speak At Philanthropies Meeting received a doctor of Divinity degree from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion In New York. Bring Inside Views "Dr. Lelyveld will bring us an inside view of the Middle East bituatlon". Mrs. Brodkey declared. I know every Omahan will feel fortunate to welcome our guest back to Omaha and will look forwind to his address, I personally urge everyone to attend what will be outstanding occasion." An Invitation to the meeting hns been extended to every Jewish Woman In tho community. The luncheon is the main event on the Woman's Division's calendar. Fund, Life Saving
An increase of tome 25 per cent over last year's gifts was the result of the workers meeting In the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies held Wednesday, April 10, Mrs. Edward K. Brodkcy, Women's Division Chairman announced today.
Men's Division To Meet Sunday
Nctvman Shares Budget Post Calvin M. Newman, active membcr of the young adult Jewish community, wJll be co-chairman of the Budget Committee of the Jewish Philanthropies, Dr. Abe Crecn-fcenfi-Jewtah Fedcralion prMident, «nd Robert H. Kooper. Budget Committee chairman, announced today. "Tills will be Mr. Newman's s e c ond term as co-chairman of the Budget Committee," Dr. Greonbcrg said, "and his appointment represents a conllnuntlon of the Federation plan of involving and integrating young adults in all phases of Federation activity. Other young men and women will be added to the committee, which will give a full opportunity for our younger folks to participate in the important program of the Federation." In the meantime, Mr. Kooper, Budget Committee chairman, said that the formation of the Committee is in progress. * "We will again have seven subcommittees, each charged with a •pedal field of agencies functioning In the same area. Thit will give our sub-committees an opportunity to study their agencies in a detailed and thorough manner," Kooper s»ld. "Ka'ch subcommittee will be headed by a chairman, and a cochairman representing the young adult Jewish community. We expect to have about 75 members serve on the committees which will represent all groups in our community."
Headed by Dr. Maurice M. Steinberg a» chairman,' and Dr. Albert C. Hlmmcrmiin as co-chalr. man, the Physicians' and Dentists' Unit of the Jewish Philanthropies campaign has undertaken to solicit the cards of prospects In the medical and dental professions, Arthur H.~ Goldstein, Central Campaign chairman announced. "We are very confident that under the leadership of Dr. Steinberg and Dr. Rlmmentian, we will have a thorough performance in this unit. They are both experienced campaigners, and understand the needs of (he current campaign."
Doctors to Visit Camp Jay-C-C A plan under which doctors, members of the Medical-Dental Advisory Board of the Jewish Federation, will visit Camp JayC-C this summer on a regular schedule Is now being completed. Dr. Maurice Sachi, President of the Board, announced. "This plan will definitely Insure that the health and medical program at Camy Jay-C-C will meet the highest standards. Parents of campers may, therefore, be assured of competent medical supervision at Camp," Dr. Sachs stated. Dr. Dan Miller and Dr. Robert Engcl ar« chairman and co-chairman, respectively, of the Camp Jay-C-C committee. The Medical-Dental Board has also decided 'to Invite pharamaclsts to Join the group and participate In the meetings and activities.
The first report meeting of the Men's Division Workers will be hold Sunday morning, April 21, at 10 a. m., at the Jewish Community Center, Lou dinar and Hubert IJppett, division co-chnlrinen announced. They expressed their hope thnt th; workers will Iw seeing their prospects by Sunday morning, ta, "moke this the first and final M'orkers' Report Meeting." 100 Present One-hundred men turned out ta ihe Men's Division Workers' Meeting last Sunday, the largest turnout in campaign history. In addition, fl number of workers unable to attend, telephoned and asked for assignments of card), About 1000 card* were distributed to (he workers who went out Immediately to call of their prospects. "The enthusiasm of the workers, and their understanding of the importance of the $100,000.00 Emergency Rescue Coal of the UJA, gives us the confidence that our division will come through with flying colors. flet Inrre«»« "Our goal In two-fold. One Is the speedy conclusion of our campaign. We have a lot of prospects in our division, and we are fortunate that this Is matched by an excellent corps of workers, "The second Is to secure considerable increase* on our cards The preliminary reports indicate this is.exactly what our men arc doing. They arc securing the necessary substantial increases." Chairmen LIppett and Canar said the unmatched spirit of Omaha giving makes them feel the community will be able to accomplish the Job marked for It. ISRAEL TELEVISION New York, (WNS)— Israel will have television facilities within two years, but they will be used snlely for scientific purposes, It was. revealed here by Mrs. D. Leonard, national chairman of the Medical Center Committee of Hadassah.
Proceeds of the Emergency Refccuc Fund, which are sought over and above the normal UJA Dr. Arthur L, Lelyveld campaign needs, are urgently reDr. Arthur J. lelyveld, former quired to provide transportation Omnha rabbi, will be guest speak- and resettlement in Israel and er, Thursday, April 25 in Both other free countries for 100,000 ncn, women and children Israel Social Hull, at the city-wide from tension, conflict and dessert luncheon of the Women's persecution In Egypt, Hungary Division of ,the Jewish Philanand other lunds in Europe, North thropies and Emergency United Jewish Appeal Campaign, Mrs. Africa and the Middle East. The Emergency Rescue Fund Edward E. Brodkey, chairman of the Women's Division, announced. and the proceeds of the regular 1957 campaign will finance the Former Omaha Itabbl life-saving services provided by Dr. Lelyveld, who is well known three constituent agencies—the to Omahans as the former reli- United Israel Appeal, the Joint gious leader of Temple Israel, now Distribution Committee and Now serve« as executive vice-president York Association for .Now Amerof the America-Israel Cultural icans. A fourth Agency, the United gy, d F o u n d a t i o n , the organization Hiss Service, meeting the needs which supports leading cultural of refugees Immigrating to lands and educational institutions in other than Israel, will also beneIsrael and conducts a program of fit from Emergency Fund aid cultural exchange in music, drama, though It Is not constituent. In art and literature. The foundation addition to the 100,000 refugee* recently initiated an expanded to be aided by tho Rescue Fund, program of cultural exchange be- these agencies this year must twecn tlie United States and provide welfare and rehabilitation assistance to sonic 525,000 newIsrael. comers to Israel and distressed Assumed Position, 1056 Dr. Lelyveld, who assumed his' and dependent Jews in 20 other present position in June dt 1936, Is countries throughout the world. also American Vice-Chairman of the World University Service and Chairman of the World University Service Board of Trustees. He previously served as national dl- I I rector of the B'nal B'rith Hillel Omnhans are looking forward to Foundations and executive dlrcctor of the Committee on Unity j an entertaining evening with NewYork's Irving Davidson, whose f Palestine. for l i humorous story.-tolling has deIiratl In IBM lighted audiences from coast-toHe visited Israel during g the coast. He will appear Sunday, Apr. d 28, 8 p. m. at the Jewish Comsummer of 1936 and surveyed the activities Of the American-Israel munity Center. The presentation of Mr DavidCultural Foundation and visited many beneficiaries of the organiza- ton will be the final program of tion. He is Intimately acquainted a joint series, with the varied problems of Israel and the Middle East and understands the background and implications of the current difficulties In that area. Educated at Columbia University and the Hebrew Union College In Cincinnati, Dr. Lelyveld
Omahans to Hear Famous Humorist
Closed Circuit Telecast Here April 29 Celebrating Israel's Ninth Anniversary T|i« Community Is Invited— Omaha and 40 Others. AeroM the nation to Join In the1 Obtenanre on Monday, April 20.
Calvin M. .Newman
Ilia Omaha Jewish Community will Join 40 others throughout tho country In celebrating Israel's 9th Anniversary -by means of a unlqu* closed circuit television program to ba sponsored by the United Jewish Appeal and the Federation for Jewish Service on Monday evening, April 29, at 7:30 p. m. The place will be announced. The actual anniversary date this year falls on May 6. Dr. Abe Greeaberg, Federation
president, declared that the nationwide telecast would "provide everyone with Ihe opportunity of sharing in this Joyous occasion. Every member of the community will thus, be enabled to personally express his best wishes to the courageous people of Israel, who despite their numerous political and economic difficulties, arc determined to keep their gates open for every refugee who wishes to Immigrate there." He noted that tha television show "comes at a particularly crucial time since the local" campaign is In Us homestretch. I am confident that the entire community will be
anxious to participate In this memorable tribute to the Israeli people who at this moment arc carrying the enormous burden 'of receiving more than 10,000 refugees from tyranny a month I" Highlighting, the program will be several up-to-the-minute reports on the latest developments in the Middle East and the problem of Jewish refugees in Europe and North Africa. P r o m i n e n t political and communal leaders will discuss (he manifold achievements of the young state and the various problems thnt still confront her. ,t
PRESS Thil week we welcome our Sioux City neighbors to the Jewish Preii. The Sioux City Section will appear in the Press for a period of time during ihe Sioux City United Jewish Appeal Campaign, Members of the Sioux City Jewish Community will receive this publication. Dr. A. A. Greenberg. Federation President. Ralph Nogg. Press Committee Gfioifflifln.
Friday, April I t , 1JS7
jE|)t 2etoi«b
1 3 0 , 0 0 0 I N 1 9 5 7 , I N FASSOVIR MISSAGC TO U.S. JEWRY
Published Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish SerrLee Second Ciuit Mailing Privllet-ei Autfiorlied •( Omaha, Nebraska. Annual Subscription. Advertising Haiti on Application. Editorial uM'B-101 No 2Uth Street, omtlia. Nebr. JAckton 1366, Print Sn Addreu 4U* So Mlh SliuU (MH3.1 FRANCES KLEIN Editor
Religious Services
(.aiidlrllglitifig, fl.Mg p, m. Tt'.MlM.K 1KUAKI. Sonices will be held Friday at' H 15 p. m. Bnbbi B r o o k s will pieaeli on "B|ttcrii»eet" A PussThe top four seniors on the hon- cal crisis In Jordan was considered over Interpretation. or roll at Central Hiuri School far here at a Cabinet meeting at which Shaljbjs morning services will the first halt of the second semes- Foreign Minister Golds Melr distx-ljin at 11:30 a. m. with Rnbbl ter were Lowell Baumer, Marvin I3iook« officinling and the KcFrcedman, Howard Kaslow and cussed the implications of the dehSluui School Choir under the I-arry Zacharia, Saul Kripke, a velopment to Israel. direrlion of Miss Ida Gitlln singing junior, was also top In his class. A Foreign Office spokesman detin1 musical portions of the iserviro, Other seniors maintaining honor clared that Israel was watching UCTU Kl. grades were Marty Greene, Har- the situation but that there was Sabbath services at Beth El riet Kpatein, Laurie Oruch, Larry no Intention to Intervene as lonR Synagogue Hill begin at 8:15 p. tn. Kahn, Barbara Nogg, Linda Veret, as the crisis is of an internal charItnhbi Myer S. Kirpke will deacter. Should foreign forces enter Mark Schimme), Serena Dwoskin Uv«r \he sermon. Cantor Aaron 1. Jordan with a view to partitioning and Bonnie Spiegal. U g a r and the Beth El Synagogue the country, the spokesman said, Junior* Juniors recognized were Saul Israel would: consider such a de- "We eiperl from \0tflO0 to 120,000 new Immiirinli ihii yrtt," Premier David Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Members) Ben Cirion of Itrifl predicted thii «re*« in • I'anover jrrtlinj lo tho Kripke, Bernard Bloom, Tom Kul- velopment a menace warranting of the United Synagogue Youth ly, Andy Jean Grosn, Lennea Rife. appropriate action. While the sit- American Jmiah ranunnnitr, •• world Jewry, in? Iodine Oiounntli of rrTugtrt will participate in the service. like IhoM from lluniirr ahowri ja the piriurr abo»e in in Auilriio refuieo Sandra Matters, Irv Belzer, Bob uation In Jordan Is one of Immedirenter, abicned the- cifht'dar Feilival of Freedom. Th« itart of Fanovrr uw Sabbath morning services begin Brodkey, Marty Lipp, Richard ate concern to Israel, there is ibo artoitil rloodllde ml rcfofeei I* dole litre the be|innln« of ihe current at 9:30 a. tn. and the Junior ConSpeler, Howard Weinbcrg, Barbara greater anxiety In the direction of 8il>< in November, IMS. Thsuundt •( l«wiih nun, wororn »nd ttiUdten gregation services are at 10:30 Brodkey, Charlotte Brodkey, Judy Saudi Arabia, where King Baud from Egypt, Hangar?, other Pvti of Eulern Europn tnd North Afrira •welled the population lo the burailng pafnl in refugee renters in Auatrio, a. tn. Mincha-Maarlv at 6:45 p. m. Ban and Joan Marx. Other jun- had threatened to Interfere with Dally services a t 7 a. m. and 7 Israeli shipping through fh« Gull lulfi France and GreeM. Their mainltnaarc, care and IraniportMion to Israel iors maintaining honor roll grade* p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. tn. otii *thrr free cuuitrin it being provided tw tbo United. Jawith Appeal were Maddie M W f , Maureen of Aqaba. throats in IIM.OM.0M Emergenry RctrM Fand our and abort n|alar IK7 Passover Closing Days; ServZevitz, Marilyn Dworkin, Beverly Not ladirterrat UJA netJi. la addition, thia rc». the U)A aeck* fund, for iia regular nwdo ices Monday, April 22. MlnehsGoldberg, Linda Rosenbaum, FlorIsrael's position both with rela maintain the humanilarion work of three eaoHiturnt agenrif *—ih* llariM • Maariv Service at 6:43 p. m. Tuesence Shrago, Nelson Gordrrian, Al- spect to Jordan and the Saudi land Appeal, the Joint Diitrlbulioa Conmillee and I do Nrw York AaatdalloS) dsy, April 33 * t 9 t . m. Yltkor, lan Noddle, Mike Shrler, Phyllis Arabian threat was voiced by for Ntw Amerieaiw-wfclrh will lid > kolCmilllo* Jewlih • « , womoa ni Memorial Service, will b t recited. Bernstein and Miriam Katz. Prime Minister Gold* Melr at a eMJdrea. A foanb afe«», Ike |}nll«d Woo Smlr*. will aluro (a the Mlncha-Jrlsarlv at 6:49 p, m. C Reirut Fand tboush oot a cetuliliKM Sophomores rally of Mapai in Tel Aviv, where BETH ISRAEL Sophomores named to the honor she asserted that "Israel will not There will be no late service this roll are Nancy Wchards, Rozanrie look on indifferently" if an atevening. Traditional Friday eventempt is made to divide the JorSlporin, Betty Erman, Steve Bloch, ing services will begin at 6:43 Steve Fisk, Stan Greenfield, Jean- danian kingdom. At the same time p, m. Sabbath morning scrvlc* Mnr M M* * i fka ne Sliver. Art Raznlck. Susan Bar- Mrs, Melr criticized UN Secretary Star Inu I n u rat TM Air< will be a t 8:30 a. m. Junior conUVM Oifcnr on, Tonl Kaplan, Edie Singer, Alice General Dag Hammank Jold for gregation at 10:00 a. m~ Rabbi falling to see that the UN resoluKurz and Marjene Friedman. OthA delegation of Omaha men, April 13th—A special Kldduah Croner will conduct the Talmud tions on Gaza i r e carried out. Reer sophomores named were Phyllis headed by Leo Eisenstatt, Pr. Abe was given by Hymle Milder in clusi at 6:30 p. m. Saturday Min> Abrahams, Phillip Gorellck, Justin sponsibility for what may happen Greenberg tnd Milton Abrahams honor of his mother's birthday, cha fallowed by Mariv 7 p. m. Lewis, Dennis Schulman, David on Gaza, she said, rests with the will attend the Plains States ReMrs. Emma Milder. Services) Sunday morning begin Wintroub, Bob FeUman, Judy Co- UN Secretary General and "with gional Board meeting of the B'nal April 15—A very Happy Pesach at 8:49 a. m. Junior congregation hen, Lynette Forbes, Judy Lazer, those powers" which could have B'rith Anti-Defamation l e a g u e to all from the residents »nd sAslt 9 *. m. prevented the present developBemle Dekoven, Larry Hobcrman, Sunday. May S tn St. Joseph, Mo. of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Last two dayt of Passover, Sun. Judy Brookstein and Barbara Ad- ments but did n o t Representatives from 43 cities Home for Aged. dsy evening 7 p . m. Monday 8:30 Jcr. I f N O* Neighbor* In Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, South NEW RESIDENTS—Sam Faler, a. m,—7 p. m. Tuesday 8 JO a. m. While tbt government kept Dakota and Western Missouri will Bertht Rich and Rose Glawnan. —10 ». m. Ylskor: memorial ierv> Freshnua Carolyn Dolgoff and Madalyn- watchful eyes over developments gather to discuss means of comice* 7 p. m, Week day services will Dolgoff were the top Jewish stu- in the neighboring; Arab states. Is- batting the activity of the Arab begin at 7 • / m. and 7 P- tn. dents in the freshman class. Oth- raelis throughout the country esgue'a propoganda effort, Mr. Beth Israel youth dub* will not rrs on the honor roll are freshmen showed for the moment a t least Qsenttatt, regional vice-chairman, meet Sunday, April 21st. Beth Cindy Klein, Beth Ann Maklesky, greater concern in Passover, a stated in announcing the conven- BTUART HVUWITZ Israel Sunday school will not meet Mr, and Mrs. Louis Hurwitx «nEnid Venger. BUI Horwich. Samholiday reminiscent not only of tion. nounce the Bar Mitzah of their Sunday April 21st. It will reopen Bleicher, Ronnie Greene, James ancient but of current Jewish hisSoJ Uttm»n. Regional ADL' di- son, Stuart, at B«th El Synagogue. April 28<h. Guss, Doug PUtt, Louis Rich, Ed- tory in Egypt. There was Jubilawin Sldman, Marlys Isack. Estelle tion in the land aa people pre- rector, a member of the delega- Friday evening, April 26th and' Sol! what you don't need - . . Schulman, Leanne Trost, Saul Kal- pared for the holiday, though the tion, s«id that the agenda of theSaturday morning, April 27th. Buy whst you need through the man, Mike Markovltz, Nancy Brod- occasion was marred by threats of meeting will place emphasis also JUSTIN MULMCK Wont Ads, key, Maynard Welnberg, Rochelle neighbors and absence of the usunl on the need lor a human relations Mr. and Mrs, Philip Mulnlck anprogram In the rural areas of this Rcisi, Martin Bercovid, Larry pilgrims of the season who bring country. nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their Kohn, Marvin Ruback, Roger with them color, fraternity and son, Justin. Saturday morning, Keynote speaker at the meeting April 37 at Beth Israel synagogue Smith, Frieda Cohen, Artenc Gross promise. Cher 2,000 new Immigrants were expected to arrive In will be Lester 3. Wsldman of New and Mary Yai(er. the country during the Passover York, executive assistant to the Honor Borlety national director of the league. He Seven senior* have be* n «P- week. Is a lawyer tnd formerly served Repeat Paiwovrr pointed to the National Honor SoCrode A At the same time the Israeli as special deputy attorney general ciety. Members are chosen from the upper one-fourth of the senior Rabbinate announced that a repeat for the State of New York. The Omaha delegation also will claw on t h e basis of scholarship, observance of the Passover holileadership, service to the school day would be held on May IS, soInclude MHlard Rosenberg, viceand citizenship. Those Jewish sen- aa to enable belated Passover pil- chalrmsn of the Omaha ADL comLaid or DeRvtme) Ion appointed are Marvin Freed- grimages by American Jew* who mittee; Harry Coodblnder, Southman, Marty Greene. Larry Kahn, were prevented from making the West Regional chairman and KdT. R. Plymore Howard Kaslow, Laurie Oruch, visits by the VS. travel ban. Pre- ward Rosen, member ol the regionLarry Zacharia and Marcla Zalkin. cedent for the repeat observance al board. derives from the days of King Ilezeklah when the Passover sacriFREE ESTIMATES Patronire O\ir Advertisers. fice was postponed because "the Phone J A 4 t 6 7 priests had not sanUfied themselves sufficiently, nor had the STORAGE people gathered together in JeruAMP A series of Yiddish movies will salem." REMODELING be presented by the Jewish Community Center and the Yiddish Anyone who Is afraid of letting when the weather's worst Culture Council as. the result of the conversation drop )> In danger •>* J'» On nilrniy days, or nig ho, bow (it .the many requests made by pa-of picking It up at the wrong time MJ No. 13rd an you ice and how fast can you stop trons of previous shows. on dark, slippery pavemcni? You'i*. A film, "God, Man and the safer on light-colored concrete, where Devil" has been scheduled for "W* Servo the Finest to the Finest" headlight! n.ib deeper Into darkness Wednesday, April 24. 8 p. m, at the Center. The second to be ahead and the built-in griiiy tcxrur* shown ,w!U be "Without A Home" o! a conctoe lurlatc bring) your car Kosher Meat Mkt. Sunday, May 19. to quick, sure itopl. and Delicatessen The popularity of the Yiddish The Nationjl System of Internal* movies among Omahans has mo- WA 5554 4415 CUMING ST. FREE PARKING »nd Dcfenu Highways »nd »Vl othtf tivated the Yiddish Council to k*y routei in this Hate should be the work out an arrangement with »«(en pavement—ihit't ccncrtltl the Center to offer them here, Joe Radinowski, chairman, announced. Admission will be fifty cents for adults and twenty-five, cents for children.
Students Reported Developments In Jordan Crisis Eyed by Israel On Honor Roll Jerusalem <WNS)—The politi-
ADL to Meet in St. Joseph, Mo.
Bar Mitzvah
Tri-County Sodding
Omahons to See Yiddish Movies
Milton's Fur Shop
REMOVB HESTUICTIONS Palo Alto, Calif, UTA)—Tli« presidents of 24 fraternities nt | Stanford Univcrsit? hert pledRcii | to nvike efforts to remove from their charters all racial ond religious membership restrictions.
Per Lb.
Boiled Corned Beef
Per Lb.
Star* WiU Bt Closed Monday. April 22 « d Tmtday. April 23
504 South 18th Sfreot, Omoho 2, Nibroska 4 Mlin.1 VoulMllo, to im«n»a mi ..l.n J It., utu ml /•illi/td («M«t < • . . BW,«h •titntlM nttuttk mifd tnglfii«flrt« Md «»rk
Friday, April If, 1»5T
Mother ond Daughter Event Will Be May 2 Beth Israel'* annual Sisterhood Mother and Daughter banquet will be held May 2, 6:30 p. m. In the synagogue social hall, it wa< announced by Mn, Henry Greenberg,, general chairman. Mrs. Sid' ney Kwiatck and Mrs. Jack Levey will be her co-chairmen. Other chairman appointed for the occasion are; notification: Mnitt. Arthur Farilmnn, Sam Berman: program, Mmei. Ernest Ilockstcr, Sol Dolgoff; decorations: Mrs. D. B. Epstein; table setting: Hpjes. Harry Lewis, Harry Smith; kitchen: Mmcs. Henry Appcl, Sidney Goldberg. Sam Katzman; telephono: Mmej. Isadora Lewis, Edward Lincoln; waiters, Mrs. Jack Levy, and publicity, Mrs. AI' t e x t Sorkin. Reservations may be made by r calling the Synagogue office or the .chairmen of the dinner.
'J.CBriefs EAtil.E BOYS The next meeting of the Eagles Boys Club will be held Friday at the home of Boh Slutsky. Members made, tape recordings of their voices at their lasts meeting and learned about U.S. Air Force Aircraft. The club, as a whole, Is planning to enroll thin summer at Camp Jay-C-C. It Is hoping to complete a small scale model of Camp Jay-C-C as one of Us projects. AI Fcllman, Senior at University of Omaha Is the club leader and will also be at camp. JKWIBIf ART DISPLAY Joslyn, Art Museum will feature * (Hnplay of Jewish art and book*, relating to Jewish History Week beginning May 5. Mrs. Thielkcld, Director of Education at Joslyn reported tht Jewish art and historical material to be exhibited 1» one of the finest in this section of -the country. DANCE COURSE 'Adults still have time to learn those Latin American dance steps before the summer months set in. For the benefit of those couples who have requested a short course In the latest Latin American dances, the Jewish Community Center will begin a special dance class lasting six weeks. You may enroll for cither the advanced or beginners classes by rolling JA 13G6. A special "couplo" rate of WOO for 6 lessons is being offered for the spring term. YOtNU ADULTS MISJ Toby Okrcnt, President of the Young Adult Council reports that the Young Adults are planning a gala Sunday night sports program, at the JCC Gym, as one of their spring events. A splash party will follow. Date to be announced. LAHIIED NASSER Melbourne, Australia, (WNS)— The Jewish people have, as much light to occupy their ancient homeland of Palestine as any people In history. Prime Minister Robert G. Mcnzie declared at a dinner sponsored by the nearby Victorian-Jewish community. The Prime Minister lashed out Against President Nasser of Egypt, and charged that tht UN had been bowing to Nasser with "whisperIng humbleness." VWVWW*ASS*VW
Council of Jewish Women Announces New Officers Mrs. J. M. Harwich newly elected president of the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, wiU be installed Tuesday, May 21 at the Highland West Club. She formerly served as ways and meant vice-chairman. Other new officers to take part in the ceremonies: ways and means vice-president, Mrs. Stanley Herzoff; social welfare vice-president, Mrs.1 Robert Levine; education vice-president, Mrs. John Soloman; public relations vice-president, Mn. Harry Haykln; membership vice-president, Mrs. Jeroltl Rosen; recording secretary, Mrs. Stanley Perimeter; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Milton Lehr; budget secretary, Mrs. A. V, Vongcr; treasurer, Mrs. Norman Hahn; dues secretaries, Mrs. Yale Richards and Mrs. Horl Weiss; parliamentarian, Mrs. Harold Farber; auditor, Mrs. Harry Welnbcrgj directors, Mmes. Homer Farber, —John luiliit Pbolo. Albert Gaer, Edward Leviniion, and M m . M. M. l l o r w l r n Sidney Schwartz; board arrangements chairman. Mrs, Sam Zacharla and ex-office, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman. The May meeting will be the last one of the current season, The program at that timo will inArthur Goldstein, General Philclude an original skit, "Solid Gold anthropies Chairman, will make Wonderland", written by Mmes. the principal address at the dinner By Shrier and Louis Klein. meeting, Wednesday, April 24, 6 p. m. to be given at the Jewish Community Center by the Youth Council division. Mr. Goldstein will talk on service and agencies of Philanthropies Mr. and Mrs. Steve Feldman and point out the role of the youth have announced the engagement group. of their daughter, Miss Sandra The organization, composed of Jean and Jerome Alan Rnduzlner, high school students will be given son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ra- an opportunity to discuss with Mr. duzlner Goldstein any needed information An August 11 wedding Is which might help them In participlanned, pating in the campaign. "A pledge card is a passport to a life" in the opinion of Paul ShyAmerican Diplomats ken, Youth Council Philanthropies To Study Hebrew Chairman, who urged all high school students to turn out for the Washington (WNS)—The For- dinner, the annual youth affair. eign Service Institute of the State The Council, whose slogan U "To Department Is to recommend the study of Hebrew by diplomatic Save A Life," plans to raise $1,000 and consular officers dealing with as their part In the campaign. Youth • Council members have Israel, with courses to be given at an appropriate institution in the been contacted by campaign workers, In an effort to make the dinUnited States. ner the largest in the history of This disclosure was made by the group. Rides will be provided. Deputy Under Secretary of State Loy Henderson in a communication lo Congressman L e o n a r d Farbstein of New York,.The.matter was brought to the attention SAM KAPLAN of the State Department by the Sam Knplan, 41, of 5635 No. 29th New York Democrat when he St., died Friday. He was a veteran learned that State Department of- of World War II, a member of the ficials assigned to Israel were re- American Legion and B'nal B'rith. quired to take a year of orienta- Surviving, wife. Virginia, daughtion training under Arab teachers ters, Linda, Debra and Michel, at a foreign service branch atFuneral services were held Montached to the University or Beirut day afternoon at the Jewish Fuin Lebanon. neral Home.
Goldstein to Talk To Youth Council
Sandra Feldman Is Bride-Elect
Roffman 's House of Delicacies
"F«moui for Family Dilfceteiien Treatt"
announces its new schedule BEGINNING SUNDAY, MAY 5 Open SUNDAYS From 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. MONDAY Through FRIDAY. 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. All Holidays From 10 A.M. Until 6 P.M.
Organizations COUNCIL, JEWISH WOMEN Current Events study group of National Council of Jewish Women will meet Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. John Solomon, 112 South 50th Street. A 1:00 p. m. coffee will be served. Topic for the afternoon is "Know Your Candidates" -background and information of the candidates for May's election, IIENItV MON.3KY CHAPTER The B'nni B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will hold Its,annual bake sale, Monday, April 29 at the Brandeis Store. Assisting the chairman of the event. Mrs. Frank Sckar, will be Mmcs. Sidney Zneimcr, Sol Mlroff, A. Epstein, A. Kaplan, D. Gordman, 71. Friedman, Harry Smith, Max KrizeJman, Harry Sldman, Ben Blatt, Sam S h y k e n, Rose .Glnsburg, Meyer Llhda, Phil Ostervich, Richard Speigel, Morton Khrcnrclch, Harry Rcznick, Jay Slollcr, George Cohn andTSam Poska. WOMEN The Pioneer Women will hold an Oneg Sliabbat Saturday, 1:30 p. m. at the honje of Mrs. Harry Klchlin, 3030 Lafayette avenue. The p r o g r a m will include an original poem by Abe Schneider; a reading by Mrs. J. Kaplan and the singing of folk songs by Mrs. Milton Ncarenbcrg, cultural chairman. HADASSAH Members of the Omaha Chapter Hadassah board will meet Wednesday, 12;30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Jullui Stein, 5127 Chicago Street, Cd-hostesses will be Mmcs. Alfred Frank and Ira Whltebook.
and MHIard Margolin, model adVisor. Fashions will be furnished by J. L. Brandeis, and stage equipment by Babytown, the United Airlines, and the V. S. Naval Reserve. H. & J*. HADASSAM Mrs, Phil Schwartz will review the book "Certain People of the Book" by Maurice Samuels at the regular meeting of the Business and Professional Women, Hadaasah Wednesday, 7:30 p.'m. at the Jewish Community Center. Jn observance of the Justice Louis D. Brandeis Centennial, slides on "The Living Heritage" will be shown with narration by the Misses Rena Gross and Alice Heegtir. -" Miss Ahuva Gershater, program chairman, will talk on symbols of the Passover observance. Friends and members are Invited to the meeting.'
Plaque Dedication Service to Be Held Spccinl plaque dedication services will be held at Beth Israel Synagogue, the last day of Passover, Tuesday, April 23, in connection with the Ylzkor service at 10 a. m. The names of all the Individuals who have been recently inscribed on the Memorial Tablet will be listed on a supplementary prayer sheet to be distributed at the service. Cantor EU Kagnn will recite the "Molay Rachamln" prayer, and Rabbi Benjamin Croner will speak on "Memories of Yester-year1.'
Mrs. Meyer Rubin will be hostess to the members of the Hadassah Educational Council members at an Oncg Shabbat. Saturday, 1 p. m., at her home, 902 Hillcrest Drive. Reservations should be made for the "Hadassah Spectacular of 1957" to be presented on Wcdncs day, May 1, at the 12:30 p. m. regular luncheon meeting, Jewish Community Center auditorium. Tickets are $1.50 for lunch and show. Mrs, Morris Fcllman, producer of this year's "Spectacular", has announced the following co-dlrec torn: Mmes. Morris Jabenls, performance director; A. C, Fell man, music; Rtisscl Dlu/ncnthal, accompanist; R o b e r t Gerelick, stage manager; Shef Katskce, costumes; Gilbert Aronoff, decorations; Leon Schmldman, lighting;
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WORLD WIDE Milton Friedman
Vhrn tin- Israel Army knocked out .Soviet-armed Egyptian force* last November, a powerful blow was inflicted on aiiti-hi-iuitisni. Israel's soldiers won the respect of leading U. 8. Army officer* and of military men throughout the world. . The concept of the timid Jew flfeing the bully was dcufroyed in many miniJu. No less an uiithurity than the chief I'. S. military historian of the European Theatre of Operations in World War II has made a special* study of the -Sinai campaign. He is This, alone, said Gen. Marshall Gen. S. L. A. Marshall, who wrote was "a feat at which to marvel," In the magazine "Army" that IsLeading West German newsparael's performance. Was such that his pers expressed praise and admira"the United States Army not assured itself such sustained tion for the Israel military campaign. Germans knew the gruelling wlocity." In Gen. Marshall's view, the horror of desert warfare. Many Sinai campaign is regarded as a had fought with Rommel! in North masterpiece of mobility. Statistics Africa. The German press Conalone support that view. "But," tiiined such accounts or Jewish said the American general, the initiative and heroism that one campaign was won "by the mobile might envisage the discomfort of mind and the willing heaVt rather ex-Nazis. Perhaps the most pro-Israel and than by the machine." He reported "the men of this small army did pro-Jewish atmosphere emerged In the best possible with what they France. Ncwsreels depleting the Israel army were cheered In Paris had." lirael triumphed, said the gen- theatres. Numerous non-Jewish eral, "by extending the limits of contributions were received by Ismilitary daring. Israel's hitting rael philanthropic cause*. Nonforces traveled farther over more Jewish professors at universities formidable country In less time gave lectures on Jewish history than any other combat body in his- and Zionism. The French Governtory. They won the decision in ment made available jet fighters three days. By the fourth day, they and tanks which aided greatly in were mopping up 200 miles beyond Israel's victory. Thi§ was the response of France, the nation which their assembly points.
once so sensationally persecuted a Jewish captain in Its own army. Britain was delighted, as evidence indicates, by the Jewish military ihowing. Despite the memories of 10 short year* ago, when the Haganah fought the British Tommies, the average Briton felt a warm spot toward Israel, 'the British feared lest Israel be told "down the' river" by President Eisenhower. How completely was forgotten the British clash with another American president over admission of Jewish refugees to Mandatory Palestine! When Israel demonstrated Its willingness to fight for Its rights, It displeased some expediency minded diplomats. But it. thrilled millions by touching their sense of fair play. It was David against Goliath. The world already knew of Jewish scientific and commercial genius. The display of Jewish mllir tary genius, however, made a new and dramatic impression,
. . . Rinna Grossman
PEOPLE'S RESTRAINT AT BREAKIHO POINT This week the man-iii-the-street got angrier and more perturbed than he had perhaps ever been. News had come from Cairo that an organization of Palestinian Arabs, the Ko-called refugees from the Strip, the men who had fled lurael eight years ago and lived ever since in a carefully produced atmosphere of tension, hunger and hate, from whose ranks had come the icdayeen, were now to be created into a patrol over the Kaza Strip. There is nowhere in all the tur-+ ~~ bulent Middle East men more bent over-confidence. their Ultimate use. He has agreed upon the utter destruction of the But they did none of these. They to Nasser's wild demand that they State of Israel. Eight years ago created a cordon inianitaire about be used in the creation of « parathey had heeded those who incited the fugitives. They forbade them military force which wlU guard them and.they had run away—to to work In Egypt, to obtain citizen- Egypt from Israel. How will the wait for the victory of the Arab ship or to become integrated. TTiey UNEF distinguish between Egyparmies whom they would follow kept these thousands of men, wom- tians and Palestinia/M? How will back to Palestine, there to reap en and children as focal points of the deadly fedayeen be weeded out the reward of cultivated lands and from the ranks of the Arabs in the established Industries. But the days political pressure and they let Strip, with whom no man. in the passed and the Arab armies lost them go hungry, unschooled, Ill- UNEF can converse? How will Isand only the UN-enforced truce tended. One thing alone was given by rael defend herself against the cerprevented the small army of Istain depredations of this legion of rael from Sweeping into the wry the Arab states to the Palestinians duped and yet inflict no harm on who had run away—the not-to-beheart of Cairo. kepi promise that one day, under the young soldiers of the UNEF. The Palestinian Arabs who had the banner of Egypt's might, or The temper of the times I* nifl away knew now that they Saud's, or Lebanon's, they Would changing in Israel. The heart of were Unlikely to return. So did the return to smash Israel. And this the matter i« survival—and when leaders of Egypt, of Syria arid Jor- promise, perhaps, was all that kept this is threatened, not even the dan. They might have offered hos- the Gaza refugees alive. pressures of the UN nor the ephepitality and. employment, land and Now, Mr. Hammarskjold has fin- meral pledges of the U. S. will be a future to the victims of their ally come to put these refugees to enough.
. . . David Horowitz
HAMMABSKJOLD ANBWERS SOME QUESTIONS After five months of "quiet diplomacy," Secretary General Dag Hamniarskold—chief negotiator of the Middle East crisis and a growing target of a critical press—came out of his lair with a record press conference last week. With fully half of the most searching questions put by Israeli and Jewish correspondents, the conference assumed in prospect a sort of showdown on those crucial issueH which have engendered bitternewi between the UN chief and the general Israeli and Jewish press. _j Did such a showdown emerge? "Well, when he was asked about Gaza, he ruled out such gangs and In this writer's quest for an objective appraisal, h* turned to vet- the role of UNEF Jn Gaza — of indicated that it was fully within eran UN correspondent Alexander g r e a t concern to Israel which the scope of UNEF to deal with them." Gabriel, chief of the Transradio abandoned it on certain assump"What about Israel's rights In Newt Agency, who had covered the tions—he Indicated definitely his the Suez Canal?" view in favor of UNEF control unworld organization since its birth til needed. On reports of the re- "Mr. Hammarskjold hinted that and has a rare reputation for ob- organization of fedayeen gangs In he went along with the U. S. in
jective thinking. "Did you fee] that Hammorskjold is pampering Egypt, as a number1 of "correspondents seem to feel?" the writer Inquired of Gabriel. . "Oni the contrary. In several questions raising this point, he made it clear that he is pressing Egypt very hard against maintaining her legal posture of technical belligerency, He was asked whether he has taken up this point with Nasser and he replied that hr had and will continue to do so. He revealed that he was pressing both parties for the recognition of Article I of the armistice agreement which forewears belligerency. My Impression was that the Israeli torrespondents appeared remarkably satisfied." "What about fears often exrested in the general press about Is bargaining away Israeli rights tn Gaza?"
Ebon to Tell All in Book Ambassador A b b a Eban's first book, •Voice of Israel," will be published In New York on May 6,'Israel's ninth Independence Day. The book opens with a description or Israel's first Independence Day and contains a ycar-by-year review of Israel's struggles, plus the Ambassador's analysis of the key Middle Kast problems. The book aho includes Mr. Khan's major speeches since he becami? Israel's chief delegate to the United Nations.
FrM»y, April 1», ltST
Oil Is Discharged at Eilat Without Hitch; Tanker Sails By JIEUl BEN-DOV, Jerusalem Fust Reporter Eilat—The American tanker Kern Hills finished discharging the last of her cargo of crude oil, disconnected the submarine hose, cast off from the mooring buoys and sailed away. Later, her large black hull emptily riding high out of the water, disappeared over the horizon in the direction of Sharm e-Sheikh where the was due to pass the UNEF pout this afternoon. The pumping operation had gone without a single hitch, much to the admiration of the tanker's crew and lilt pumpline's experts. Oil will be pumped to Beer Menucha 90 kilometre north of Eilat to make room in Eilat for the oil to be brought by the next tanker. Mekorot expects to be able to pump the oil to Becrsheba within two to three weeks. The stand-by crew and terminal engineers who had been on continuous duty for two days breathed a sigh of relief and hurried away for a meal, a shower and a bed. They Were relle\'ed by members of the construction crews who went back, under suitable safety precautions, to putting up additional storage tanks and erecting ancillary structures In the oil terminal, Pumping progress had been so smooth—"Just as we would expect it In an old established European oil port," as the tanker crew put it, that over half the vessel's personnel were given the afternoon off, On flood Behaviour The sailors made close friends with Israelis and were invited Into homes and stayed till midnight with their hosts. Eilat was to them a completely new experience and entirely different to the posts
to which they are accustomed. "We heard you'd taken all your Eilat girls to the hills when you heard we were coming," one jok« ingly said. "Well if that's the case. I'M help you find them," replied a bored Eilat bachelor. The American sailors wert pleasantly surprised to be received as visitors and not merely ns sailors to be fleeced. They asked many questions about the Jewish religion, immigration, I r r i g a t i o n (those from d r o u g h t-stricken Texas and Oklahoma know what water means to Israel), They will be glad to visit Eilat Again soon. In other Middle East* em ports they had not been aU lowed on shore: "the natives art dangerous." They hoped that th» run lo Eilnt would soon become a routine affair. On Sunday night the ship held a dinner for the Israelis. The steward was afraid that his beef stew would not be kashcr foe them, so he served sausages and cheese.
'Toft'Takes Goods To Far East Ports Eilat, Wednesday—The loading of the Danish freighter BrigitU Toft was completed, and she sailed, far Colombo, Ceylon, and later for Burma, after which the vessel will return to Eilat. A consignment of Elite products for the Burmese Army was In the cargo, The cargo amounts to 3,000 torn of exports. The cargo ship Katarlna Mndre is expected here with a carco of fish meal and meat from Eritrea. She will carry Israel Cement to East Africa on the return journey.
Between You and Me By Boris gmolor PROFESSIONAL TRENDS: There are fewer Jewish students today studying dentistry than ten years ago . . . This Is also true in fine arts, music and optomctry . . . But in other fields there have been some Increases . . . Figures based on a census among Jewish college students by the B'nai B'rlth Vocational Service establish a n increase during the last decade Jn the fields of education, engineering, law, medicine and pharmacy . . . Also slight Increases in the field* of social work, home economics, architecture, osteopathy and nursing . . . Business administration still occupies the first place In the percentage of all Jewish students preparing forprofessional careers . . . The census estimates that 30 per cent of all Jewish students in this country study business administration, including accounting . • . Two important reasons are advanced for this by Robert Shostcck, research director of the Vocational Service . . . One is—that business acllvlties have traditionally attracted large numbers of Jews . . . Th» other reason Is the fact that accounting Is an independent profession in a growing field where it Is possible to serve yourself without facing discrimination , . . Next to business administration the Interest of Jewish students now points toward education . . . About 19 per cent of all Jewish students in professional fields arc to education . . . Th* growing interest In teaching on the part of Jewish students is explained by a lessening of discrimination due to the acute .shortage of teachers . . . The third most popular professional field for Jewish students is engineering . . . About 17 per cent of all Jewish students study engineering . . . It is interesting that Jewish students shy away from clyH engineering and concentrate on chemical and electrical engineering . . . This because the latter offer opportunities for selfemployment . . • The fourth largest group among Jewish studcnli is the one which studies law . . . They constitute 8.2 per cent and ar« followed by 7.6 per cent of students of medicine . , . Only 1.8 per cent of the Jewish students study dentistry . . .
persuading Nasser on allowing such passage." "What is your general conclusion of the whole! matter?" "I think that the conference revealed that much of the bad blood being promoted between Israel and Mr. Hammarskjold stems from a misunderstanding of the position of the Secretary General," Here, then, is the appraisal of an apparently unbiased correspondent. This writer, however, still believes that Mr. Hammarskjold failed in seizing the opportunity last October-November to create new conditions for direct ne gotiations between Israel a n d Egypt. AKT WINNER Montreal, (WNS>—Judith Lalken, a Jewish high school girl of this city was announced winner in an art contest sponsored by the Indian Government.
Two youthful Jewlih refugee! from Efyplim 1 error, who are iniunf lit* 11,000 Jcwi driven out of Egypt in the p u t two niontlu, ire inorulaled b)T • nurae • board an hriel vetfcl heading for the port of Haifa, and a n<p Ufa of equality and aeuT*«pect. ' '
rrldajr, April Iff, 1M7
Thirty Horses to Beof Disposal of 1957 Campers horseback riding will have every Youngsters with o longing to go opportunity to try their skills at Camp Jay-C-C thii summer. Thirty hones will be at the dlsjxnal of campers. The riding ring hM been extended and the riding trails have been cleared. Many new mounts have been added to the camp stables which have retained Dixie, Sunset, Jo Jo, Sweetie and Candy, familiar equine pals of former campers. Each riding member will have the privilege of being assigned a horse and will also have the responsibility of the animal's care. Riding activities will be directed by Jay Rodgcrs. champion rodeo performer and camp wrangler. He will be assisted by Clint Coon: The "Buckin' Barrel" is a fcoture tribe Introduced to the 1957 rders. It is a device that simulates the Tidft.of the bronco without the
Dutch Woman Honored, Aided Jewish Orphans
Births Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Lazarus, Brewton, Ala., announce the arrival of a son, Steven, born April 10. Mrs. Lazarus Is the former Mary Lou nips and daughter of Mrs. Anna Rips of Omaha.
dangers, a surprise promised for the new season. Plans will be made for overnight trail trips to local areas of interest. Applications for campers, ages, through fourteen, may be obtained at the Center Camp office. Youngsters may be registered for either of the two two-week sesisons or for the full four weeks of camping. Camp open* July 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Comlsar became the parents of a son, Frank William, March 30. Grandparents are Mrs. Frank Comlsar and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wintioub announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Carol, April 5. They have another daughter, Lori Ellen. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Nathan R. Kartman and Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Wintroub.
Omahans In the News Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks told members of the Omaha Area Hospital Council that a hospital patient needs of the services of a clergyman as well as those of his doctor. He was one of three clergymen to discuss religion In hospitals at a Council meeting at Immanuel hospital recently.
Mrs. Bernard Ilothblatt and children, Debbie and Steve of Chicago are spending April 16-21 with her London <WNS)—A Dutch woman who saved thousands of Jewish parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman children from the Nazi killers, and Guns. Who has been called by the Dutch Government one of the four most Dr. Dan Miller has returned courageous women in Holland dur- from Chicago where he attended ing the Nazi occupation, was hon- the 48th annual meeting of the ored at a luncheon in the House of American Association for Cancer Commons where tribute wns paid Research. to her courage and humanity. She was Mr*. Wljsmullcr-Moljfr, a Christian woman and a resident of Amsterdam on whom the Netherlands Government conferred the Order of Orange Nassau. Honors also came to her from the French Government for her wartime exploits.
Schechira Defended London (WNS)—The Council of Christians and Jews, headed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, came to the defense of shechita In an article in its official publication, 'Common Ground, calling Jewish ritual slaughter "at least as humane as any other method" now in practice.
J»y-CMJ campers will Irarn to groom the horses they will ride this summer «• part of their training In the horaemanihip classes, always a feature of the summer activities.
New York, (JTA)—A crate from the Soviet Union containing two ancient Torahs and microfilms of 160 rare old Hebraic manuscript! has been received by Dr. Abraham I. Katsh, chairman of Nek York University's Department of Hebrew Culture and Education.
CampusNews Gordon Allan Fellman has received a one-thousand dollar Ford Foundation! Fellowship In sociology. He l» the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellman, 2885 Head Street. BIOMA ALPHA MU New officers arc Larry Epstein, prior; Kenny Freed, first vice prior; Bcrnie Turkcl, second vice prior and Jack Oruch, recorder. Alan Ilcocor, who has been circled to Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma XI, will accept a physics •jsistanshlp at Cornell University. Dick Pocrns has been elected to Beta Gamma Sigma. Kenny Freed is an lntcr-fratcrnity council nomIncs* for student council from the Business Administration College. Herb Friedman Is an Inter-fraternity council nominee for student council from the Law College. Harold Friedman was master of ceremonies for the Student Union Style and Talent Show. Dave Wldman has been named senator to the mock legislature.
Youth Sally Frcemon, Central High school student, li one of the nine Omaha high school girls competing for the title, Queen of the Teen-age Ftoad*E-O, sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Youth Council member* and parents are Invited to the CholChamoad Pcsnch service! Friday, April 26, at Beth-EI, 8:10 p. m. ANTI-SEMITIC BOOKS Bonn, (WNS)-Members of the Bonn Cabinet have received antlScmitlc pamphlets from an unidentified publisher against whom legal action b to be Instituted It was disclosed here by Minister of Interior J. Schroeder, who told the Bundestag that som« 2,000 copies of the publication had been distributed, MAY BE RELEASED Tel Aviv, (WNS)—Imminent release of Miss Mary Frances Hagan, American woman who wai convicted and given a prison term of one year for collecting secret information about Israel for Syria, - was announced by a U. B. Embassy ' Spokesman* -* -*
The .Women's Division of the
Jewish Philanthropies cordially invites you to attend the
Women's Dessert Luncheon Tuesday, April 25th, 12:30 p. m. Beth Israel Synagogue
52nd and Charles Streets Guest Speaker
Arthur J. Lelyveld A Foremost Leader of American Jewry
i |l
VHfauv April It, 1MT
-;'t~-;-':-r-™-'- -'S.v'iZ t%:]
You're hearing I t - t h e word you hoped jrosi w*uldn*l
hearagain-"Rejugeti!" The newt headline! are back too-telling again how people must run for their livei-beciuse they're Jews. The Hitler days art supposed to b« gone. But ire they?. In Egypt, 50,000 people «re being driven out-* because they are Jews. Egypt's new nationality law prohibits citizenship to almost all Jewish men and women. Rem*mbw fJU Nuremberg Levitt Most Jewish-owned firms of importance have been confiscated. Rttnember N<al Gtrnyanyt Police visit homes at midnight to' make arrest* or order expulsions. Remember UUUr't Getlapot Mora than 11,000 Jewiah refugee*, terrorized and •tripped pennileM, have been forced from Egypt in • few short months. But Egypt isn't all. There are 17,000 new Jewish refugees who recently fled Hungary and Communist* terror. Thousands are in Austria still, sitting on their suitcases, waiting for the chance to begin life again. Have you been reading about still other refugees running from countries where anti-iemitism has flared up anew? Well, those reports are true, too. Yes, 1957 will be a refugee year—with more than 100,000 Jewish men, women and children facing disaster and death, taking to the roads, crowding into camps, searching for safety and freedom. The same old, terrible business?—Not There'* thla difference! This time we can save them. We can save them if we act quickly enough and give enough. We can get them to free lands-including IsraeL For this time, there is an Israel, a place whera Jewish refugees are wanted and welcome. So give today. Clve your Increased gift to the regular United Jewish AppeaL Then, to save more Urea, • to rescue the new refugees, give a 'great "Over and! Above" gift to the $100,000,000 UJA Emerges*/ Bescoe Fund.
100,000 lives must be saved
United Jewish Kppeal 1100,000,000 UJA EMERGENCY RESCUE F U N D . . . " 0 M T tmd Abo*t" THE 19S7 RECULAH CAMPAICN • • »tMl •«• «Mn» w u » iffsu. • iovrr DisnutvnpM OMUHTHI « MTV YOU AMOCUTMM roa
In Omaha United Jewish Appeal Receives Its Support From the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign • suissama* u* WOT«MmmMiwivas**.*.(.
nnc n:wisn PRESS
Friday. April It, IWT
Center Sports VOLCEV BAIX Youth Council AZA 100 lurvived the Youth Council volleyball championship playofd and snared icven Olympic trophy paints. After qn initial round of one game play between the three top teams, the Century Club beat the UnaffiUalcs In a two out of three game scries; 16-14. 13-15 and 15-4. AZA 1 was eliminated after losing to the Unnfs 15-13 and to AZA 100 15-8. In the other single game flrnt round play, the Unafflliatei beat AZA 100 15-10. Fast Volleys The championship playoff games were filled with fast volley*, some good and bad serving and very apirlted play. One player was ejected during the first game for conflict with the referee's judgement decision*. Championship team members are Bernie Pollkov, Ed Wintroub, Mike Flatt, Al Fortnan. John Okun, Mike Canar and Nelson Cordtnan, The Unafflllate* took Second place and 4 Olympic point* while AZA 1 was assured of 2 point*. 1. C. C. Varsltjr The J. C. C. Varsity volleyball tram remained undefeated In the City Clans "B" double elemlnaUon volleyball tournament last week. Their game against Benson, the -only other undefeated team, w u played just after Press deadline this week. The winner of the Benson-JCC ganie will meet the winner of the Offutt-JCQ Rime, while Ihe'loser* play an exhibition game that same day. Loser of the Offiitt-Center game will be eliminated from the tournament, Last week, the best «am» of the tournament were played aa Benson defeated the Centers, 16-14 and 15-12. JCC drew a bye and Offutt defeated Lltuanlca 13-12.11-15 and 15-0. In the Offult game. Joe Brytowskl served thirteen straight poinla to overwhelm LUunnica. Only one* during the three game* did Lltuanica show a lead. They finished in a flurry of scoring after overcoming a 13-10 lead to win the second game. Urn* Volleys The Center-Benson game* were featured by long volleys, tome Spectncular saves and some good blacking. George Kahre of Benson wn» srplking viciously during both fEfimes, but Don Rice, Norm Denenberg and Bud Slosburg put In some good block*. Ami; Stern, Phil Fox and Orvel Milder were busy with their, own spiking. Some of the more spectacular save* were credited to "Bomber" Malashock and Dave Rice. The Center splker* had some excellent placement* to Iceep the Benson team off balance, but a few mental errors, cost them the game.
BASKETBALL Make Up (lame* On Tuesday, April 9, Fireside fell to H. A. Wolfe, 19-24 and Micklin-Rusco defeated Gerrlick* ,40-36 In <rA" division makeup game*. II. A. Wolfe, Wins • Jeff Wohlner put hi* team In front right at the start with a first quarter 10 point output and then the green team had to scrabble to save the win In the last quarter. Coach Morey Handleman of Fireaide, effectively used a fast breaking; offense in the last half, but they Just couldn't make .up the margin. It was a six point difference going Into the third quhrter, but H. A. Wolf clamped on a tight man-to-nvin defame with Bill Bleda. Juitin Mulnick, Al ROM and Howie Shricr holding the restnurontftirs. Mlrklln-ltuuro Scam Playing without the services of Steve GUM for the second tlnv? this year, the Mickllii-nu«co team Slaved off a last qimrfcr rally to fi>at Ocrellck Motors, 40.3(1. All through the grime. Mlcklln-nimco lcil hy t\vo or three point*, never pulling way out In front, then In the third nunrter, successive bn«fcels by Don Fii'dlor, Sheldon Kri/olmnn nml Pick Znrhnrin put the nuto men three point! out In fiiinl. 'flirlr npjirMMie piny »»« throiiRh, as they com-
milled four personals that cost them the lead and the game. Karl Luelschcutz •: and Harold Forties each put In 13 point* for the winners, but-Fiedler und "Zach" ench had 14 points for high game totals. The margin of victory enmc In the scoring of Terry Goldenherg with eight and Howard Fcldman with six a* the rest of the Ccrellck team didn't match their total output. SEASON (STANDING* "B" W. L. Playland Park 9 .2 Cowboy Liquors 8 3 Rlchman-Gordman 6 4 Nebraska Furniture 4 6 All Makes Typewriter . . . . 4 6 I-Go Van 0 10 "A" Micklln-Rusco 11 1 Fireside Restaurant 6 6 Gerelick Motors 5 7 H. A. Wolfe, Inc. 3 9
U. S. Inttrvmrion Asked in Resolution New York (WNS)—The American Jewish Committee concluded Its five-day fiftieth anniversary observance here with the adoption of a series of resolutions, among them one calling on the government of the U.S. "to Intervene with the Egyptian Government to put an immediate end to Its persecution of Jews." Distress Kxpresaed At the same time the Committee expressed "disappointment and distress that our government ha* acquiesced to the policy of discrimination of the government of Saudi Arabia In excluding American soldiers and workers of the Jewish faith from United State* Installations In that country." The AJC urged the VS. "to seek the abandonment of this affront to our country and Its cjtizens." In a resolution dealing with the Middle East, the Committee'urged continuance of the UN Emergency Force In th* Caza Strip "as long nece«ary to guarantee that no raid* or counter-raid*, retaliation or counter-retaliation are undertaken. "That force, the resolution stated, must remain "as long as It Is needed to protect freedom of navigation In the Straits of Tlran and the Gulf or Aqaba." National Iaauea Pealing with national issues, the AJC recorded the sentiment that, in quest for national security, "our country must not weaken those constitutional protection* which were won through the bitter experience of mankind." It aiked for the enactment of President Elsenhower'* civil right* program, though terming them Inadequate. GRANT TO CORNELL Ithaca, UTA)—A professorship of Biblical and Hebrew studies ha* been established at Cornell University here with a grant'from the Hebrew Culture Foundation, It was announced thl* week-end. Dr. Isaac Rablnowltz,. currently I-nmed Professor of Hebrew and director of Hebrew studies at Wayne University, Detroit, will fill the post beginning July 1.
Ployland Midgets Crowned Champs Playland Park was crowned champions of the Midget League "13" division last Sunday when they beat Cowboy Liquors In the championship play-off game, 22-19. Cowboy Liquors Just couldn't get going until late In the second quarter when the half closed at 12-8. But Playland moved into an eight point lead going into the last quarter and coasted ta the win. Team Victory It was a team victory with four men figuring In the Playland scoring. High point mnn was Jerry Slusky wit height points on two basketa and four free throw*. Sandy Kasin carried the Cowboy colo n with six points, three in the last quarter a* the Cowboys vainly tried to close the gap. Players on the championship team are Lloyd Rolbjtein, Larry Kirka, Stuart Forbes, Mike Sherman, Sandy Friedman, Jerry Slusky, Sydney Helster, Larry Grossman, and Jeff Swartz, Final "A" division game* were also played last Sunday, MicklinRusco maintained its championship standing at the expense of H. A. Wolf, Inc., 27-12. Steve Gus* was high point man In that game with 14 points and the team work of Howard Feldman, Terry Goldenberg and Barry Fredkin limited H. A. Woirs high point man, Jeff Wohlner to 5 point*, Ocrellrk Finished Third Gerelick Motors finished In third place after defeating second place Fireside Restaurant by a score of 34-9. Don Fiedler and Dick Zacharla put together 24 points that Fireside couldn't match. The loser* were hampered by the absence of Mike Sadofsky, usually a scoring threat that would have predated the game a toes up.
FOR RENT- Room with privileges. For employed lady. Call JA 7438.
Albert P. Mftnlck, Chicago communal leader and president of district grand lodge No. 6, B'nai B'rith, will be the guest speaker nt a three-lodge joint initiation of new members, Thursday at 8.30 p. m. at the Blackstone hotel. Mr. Mltnick, who once studied for the rabbinate, is also vicepresident of the Hebrew Theological Alumni Association. Approximately 100 men will become Omaha B'nnl B'rith members in the combined Indoctrination ceremonies of Cornhusker, Henry Monsky and Nebraska lodges of Omaha. Pins will be presented to them by Mr. Mitnick. The initiation ritual will be conducted by the Henry Monsky degree team, whose members all have ten years or more team service on their records. They are Hy Shrler, Iz Bercovld, Joe HornateJn, Earl Slegel, Moe Kagan and Albert P. Mitnick, Chicago, Henry Dubof.r Shrler and Duboff President, Dlntrict Grand Lodg* have served on the team for 20 No. 6, B'nai B'rith. yean.
Tall In The Saddle? Horseback riding will be offered as a Center activity beginning Thursday, May 2, by arrangement with the Hillside Stables, 1317 North 33rd street. A series of six legions will constitute a beginner's course in horseback riding with Mrs. Gus Wolfe, Instructing. Basic fundamentals will include proper posture, correct reining, stirrup position and management of the mount Fees for the class have been set at $11 per six lessons with al. ; registration being conducted i t the J. C. C. The clam will be held from 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. each Thursday with a minimum class registration of 15. The sessions will be geared toward the younger teenagers, A Sunday afternoon class may be formed, depending upon numbers enrolled. Information for the class may be obtained by calling the Center Physical Education office.
TO RECEIVE AWARDS brew and' Cognate Learning of New York, (WNS)—Mrs. Golda Philadephla and OUT, the Organization for Rehabilitation Through Melr, Israeli Foreign Minister, Training, are to be the recipients Midget boys In the Kixth, seventh former Federal Judge J. W. War- of the Stephen Wise Awards for an dclghlh grades have an excel- ing, the Dropsle College for He- 1996. lent opportunity to learn the manly art of self defense at the Jewish Community Center beginning April WEAR 28. Ernie Carter, coach of the THAT NEW LOOK Micklln-Rusco basketball team has Sunday morning at PhilanOM 4»Mt±nm>*4 salt* mae* volunteered his services beginning thropies breakfast meeting late sew slaeli-brtwt**' i«rM. with the first clas* on that date for workers at 1:30 p. m. Mr. Carter ha* had All Kiitdi Min'i and L.di.i1 previous boxing exeperlenct in the hatrt Tailoring «nj AlttnficM MOWN OVERCOAT Golden Glove* and U.S. Naval boxIng training program, Zip-in plaid lining glove* in pocket. Pleaie return to Mr. Carter will teach the fundaIIS Ba. 15th If. Ph. AT *IO4 mentals to enable a boy to adeSAM KAPLAN Or quately handle himself-when needt l 4»« 1701 M.. 47H. $». ed. Attention will be paid to prop- MM UfcyWt* IUrt*w«r RWM Hiekwey er use of new found skills, as well Or Call Cwrtw. JA l i t * M bolstering self-confidence. The class is restricted to the stated ag* group* In order to proIF YOU NEED . . . mote i s many varieties of IndividWORKERS — MIMEO OPERATORS — TYPISTS ual competition as possible. ReRECEPTIONISTS — CLERKS — MESSENGERS quired dress for the das* will be Or Any Olkcr Ty*« *f H«l» Tkk b s m r proper gymnasium gear with the Center providing all the necessary CONTACT equipment for maximum safety during the clnsi. Boys and parents interested in this clns.i may call the Center Physical Education ofYOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE fice for any information. Sponsored by the J.C.C. ' Patronize Our Advertisers. JA 1366
Morris E. and Dolly Kutler Announce the Opening of Their New
Phon« M IJM t» Inort your W u l Aa fa Ttia Jtwun Fffif. Cumnt ntt 1* 5* nnti for M£b faui Una InMrtloo. Th« Prtu rMcrvei lb« rljtbl 10 limit i l u of well KKtrtlmnml
SAVE BY ORDERING 1 year, Vogue $6.00 12 months. Esquire (4.00 117 weeks, Saturday Evening Post $1017 16 months, Reader's Digest $2.00 7 months, Coronet . . . . . . . . $1.00 78 Weeks, Tim* . $6.87 70 weeks, Life $7.70 Kor These and many Other Fine Offers, Call Mrs. S. J. Horwich, WA 3!>r>7.
District President Will Talk at Joint Initiation
Boxing to Stress Self Defense Art
Want Ads PASSOVKB CARDS BAR and Baa MlUvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyer* New* Stand. 1502 Dodge
Fage Rensr
Under the Name of
Morris E. KUTLER'S TUX RENTAL AND SALES I see "My Balabusta" You Have a Date!!!! APRIL 27TH for th*
B'nai B'rith Cornhusker Lodge Gala Spring Dance TICKETS $2 Per Couple May Bo Purchased From Lodge Members or at the Poor
Be Impressive! G o Formal! The Wedding Party, Formal and Unforgettable! Prom? Wedding? Club Dance? Banquet? Go Formal! Note: This Ad It Good for $1 to Apply on Tux Rental From April 15 to August 1,1957
Omaha, Nebr.
112 No. 18th Sr. Phone JA 4442
To Be Properly Dressed You'll Look Best Ina Tux
, April It, » «
Jewish Press—Sioux City Section Rescue Fund Increased Nearly 1009b Advance Gifts Leaders Kalin, General Pledge Support To Kalin Chairman Presenting—
Forty community leaders and volunteer captains of the Advance Gifts division, lummoncd to a special meeting April 11, by chairman Sid Kalin. created the concept of the United Jewish Appeal and Emergency Rescue campaign, and <et a new pattern for giving for Sioux City's traditional UJA drive. Before the meeting adjourned every one present had pledged hlmaclf to maintain the 1957 level of giving to the regular campaign, and to double last year's special gift to the emergency rescue fund. Thl« 100 percent increase in the emergency rescue fund giving, Chairman Sid Kalin stated, Is absolutely needed right how to save the lives of the Jews who must be evacuated from Egypt and Poland. It also seta a pattern for contributors in nil the campaign divisions. Guest speaker at this meeting was Robert Lurle. prominent St. Louis business man and Volunteer worker for the nntlonal United Jewish Appeal. Mr. Lurie told how the UJA had been created out of a holocaust a decade ago, and how, once ogain a crisis is developing as threatening for 100,000 Jews in Ebypt and Poland fully as menacing as the one-time threat of the Nazis. "In Egypt there are 50.000 Jews —prominent dtlzera, professional men. ordinary business men, people like ourselves—kicked out or the country with 114 in their pockets. Mr. Lurie stated. "In Poland developments which cannot be given publicity are resulting in the biggest air lift ever undertaken- These rescue operat'ons require money—$100,000,000 to rescue lives. Sioux City must stress the emergency rescue fund."
Sid Kalin was announced by president A, M. Gi-ueskln of the Jewish Federation as general chairman of the 1937 U. J. A. drive at a U. J. A, cabinet meeting April 7. Prominent amon Elbe younger leadership of SloUx City, Mr. Kalin has served as president of the Jack Greenberg Lodge of U'nai B'rlth, treasurer of tho Jewish Federation, president of the Mount Sinai Temple Brotherhood, president of the Temple Mr. and Mrs. Club, vicepresident of the Sertoma Club and president of the Sioux City Healing and Alr-Conditlonlng Association. For. many years a staunch supporter of the United Jewish Appeal, he was chairman of the General Men's Division in 1953,
As General Chairman, Sid Kalin has already been responsible for a number of important innovation* In U, J. A, campaigning. He has stressed the importance of Emergency Rescue campaign this year, over and above the regular giving. He hat also combined the Advance Gifts and General Men's division openings Into one united dinner rally.
Hid Kalln
Mmes. Lasensky, Kronick Appointed Co-Chairmen
Around the World and Nation By Norman Hanson Thousands of Jewish refugees had their Passover seders in transient camps, aboard ships or in temporary quarters In various parts of the world, other thousands in Israel spent the holiday in austere surroundings, and their b r e t h r e n throughout the free world recited the traditional words of the Hagadah in a mood of concern and anxiety. General chairman Sid Kalin has
announced the selection of Mrs. Center Youth Groups to~ Maurice Lasensky and Mr*. Soil Kronick as co-chairmen of the 1957 Women's Division drive. Active Hold Campaign Rally April 23 campaign workers In th« Women's
(I. t« r.) Art Kutrlirr, Item,- UVInrr, Slil Knlln Tin- Center youth groups, AZ.A nrul HI5(i, Hill conduct their own Yntith Division rampalBn In rei|mmr to tlioemergency ored lo fi'st-lfc live*, Olliral Chairman Sill Kalln allliiillllei-il. Tin- Vulltli Dlvliirm it-ill hi' headed !>}• •riwliuirmi-n Art Kulclirr ami llrnfe IVelner, and will slart with a youth rally at the JI-HKII C'ummiinlly Center Tuesday rvMiing, April 23.
Division for many years, both Mrs. Lasensky and Mrs. Kronick have undertaken their joint responsibility with a determination to rescue the utmost number of lives through the efforts of the Women's Division, and a conviction that Jewish women of Sioux City will .support their leadership through increased rescue fund giving. Mrs, Latcnsky is a member of the National Council of Jewish Women, Hadassah and ShaareZion Women's League. She has one daughter attending the University or Tex.n Mrs. Kronick is a member of the board1 of BrandeU University Auxiliary, a member of National Council of Jewish Women, Hadas.•.ah, Shan re "/Aon Women's League and the. Hebrew Women's Association. She has two sons attending -Sioux City schools. Pointing out that tin? campaign slogan this year is u quotation from a statement by Golda Meir— "This IS the year!'', Mrs. and Mrs, Kronick stated that they have great faith that .tho women will rally to this great woman leader.
Harry Illrli
Rich to Head Area Division
Harry Rich, Area Division chairman in 1936, will again head thl* active division for the 1M7 U. J. A, and Emergency Rescue Fund campaign. Covering a territory over 100 mites In radius, Mr. Rich and #a hard-working group of captains will carry the message of Iht need to rescue lives to Jewish families residing in this far-flung area. Mr. Rich Is past president of B'nsl B'rith, past senior vice-cornmander of the Jewish War VeterThe United Jewish Appeal and ans, and ah active member of Emergency Rescue campaign will Shaare Zion congregation. be launched this year with a combined, dinner meeting of the Advance Gifts and General Men's divisions Sunday night, April 28, at the Jewish Community Center. It will be the first time that a single, community-wide affair, uniting all divisions, will be attempted in Robert Uirie, of St. IXMIIJ, adSioux City for the United Jewish vertising agency owner and volunAppeal drive, according to General teer worker for the national UnitChairman Sid Kalln. Heretofore, ed Jewish Appeal, will be guest Advance Gifts and General Men's speaker at the combined-divisions divisions attended separate din- opening dinner, April 28th, Mr, ner functions. The experience of Lurie, who has visited Israel and other Jewish communities indicat- has observed the rescue work of ed that separating the two groups the U, J. A, at fint hand, is in a resulted in more money raised, position to speak eloquently of particularly in the advance divi- the achlvemenU of tin Israeli sion, Jews, and of the plight of EgypSioux City Is different, however, tian and Eastern European Jew*. according to chairman Sid Kalin. Mr. Lurle is known in Sioux "We are * close-knit community," City, having previously spoken in he stated, "and our people think It behalf of. the Israel Bonds camis undemocratic to be separated paign. He is generally judged to be according to the amount of their one of the most eloquent speakgiving. This year particularly calls ers In behalf of the Israel cause in for sacrificial giving. Large gifts the middle west, and small gifts, announced at the A prominent member of the St. same affair, can be equally Impres- Louis Jewish ' community and a sive if we know that they repre- substantial contributor to the Unitsent the same spirit of giving and ed Jewish Appeal himself, he It sacrifice." head of Robert Lurie, Inc., adverThe April 26 UJA Dinner is ex- tising agency. He is married and pected to be truly a community- has t w o daughters attending school. wide rally.
April 28 Set for Combined Meet
Lurie to Make Two Talks
Shapiro Names Members Of Cabinet Organization Ben Shapiro, chairman of the General Men's Division, has announced a cabinet of eleven aides and a complete organization of 70 captains to cover the solicitation of the largest of the men's divisions, Meeting last week to map the strategy for accomplishing this task, the cabinet group heard a special spot-news recording of the Polish" air lift by Rabbi Herbert Friedman of the United Jewish Appeal, followed by a brief talk b> general chairman Sid Kalin, and adopted the principle of the «necnl rescue fund appeal in addition to the regular U. J. A. contribiiti'in General Men Division's cabinet members aiding chairman Hen .Shapiro include: Stanley Baron, Max Deivin, Meyer Cohen, Harry Fisher, Nato Goldberg, Ji>o Gorchovv, Morton Greenstone, Art Miller, Irving Nogg. Dr. Ben Sacks and Meyer Shiloff.
Urn Shapiro