XXXV- N(i. 29
f tinrlrrrt nt Omjilla
Evening of ' Store for A famous New York .storyteller will present liis repeloiiv of Yiddish humor find uit to Omaha Sunday, 8 p. in. ill the Jewish Community (.'enter. Hi; i« Irvine Davidson, who will he brought here to entertain Omniums by the B'nal H'rlth lodges and chapters end the Outer. I.uat of tcrie* HI* a p p e a r a n c e will be the last of the season's scries sponsored by the Omaha organizations. "Mr. Davidson Is known aj~the Master ot Hcgartc'e from coast to coast", Dr. Abe Grcenberg, program chairman, asserted. Omafian« should make every effort to attend thin program and bring their families. "An entertainer such as Mr. Davidson has few equals and should provide mony laughs".
M i l , ' 2B. 19.)7 ^ _
Irving Davidson
Israeli Exhibit Planned at Center
Israel Immigration Ma/ Hit 22,000 in May and June
The telecast scheduled for Monday evening, April 29, Has Sean Cancelled Because of Technical Reasons.
Services of YES In Operation The services of "Yes", the Cen! er Youth Employment organization, is two-fold—in helping young people seeking employment nnd he availability of responsible workers for employers, Don Iilce, its chairman, said Friday, He culled upon the community to take ndvantagc of such facilities which arc free to all. "Careful plannini: of this arrangement," Mr. Kic" reported, already has resulted in placing several youn;: people in join. We have excellent student material for placement nnd believe we lire in :i position to help employer!! fill such job needs." All applicants are screened and interviewed on directions of employers before students are placed. Omahans having Job openings arc urged to contnet the "Yes" office at the Center, JA 1.1C8. Students mny register there any afternoon after school or on Sundays.
shipload of 500 more is expected from Kurope soon. Meanwhile, responsible authorities dealing with Immigration problems said they had heard nothing that would confirm a statement made by Prime Minister David Ben Gurioti, who had said tlmt chances mny exist for possible Immigration into Israel from the Soviet Union. It is understood, however, that some "additional London (JTA I—The Soviet Uncountries" may soon open the gates for .Jewish emigration to ion will continue to support the Arab state* In their "struggle for this country. freedom and Independence," Soviet Union Premier Marshal'Nikolni Bulganin Hated.*
Moscow Pledges Arab Aid
*• Running 50 percent aheud of their Jewish origin, suddenly found 195G, the Men's Division of the themselves and their children In a Philanthropies c a m p a i g n has difficult position nnd could not rescored the total sum of $8,872.00, fuse to have their children attend at Its Workers' Meeting held last Catholic religious instruction withSunday, Lou Carinr and Ruben out either revealing their Jewish Lippett, division co-chairmen an- origin or being labelled as Comnounced. ;••'••'.•'• munists, «3,000 Increase Antl Semitic Weapons "On the first 319 cards reported "The report pointed out that we show an increase; of'almost $3,000, which is about a 50 percent Stalinists, seeking to discredit mark for the game cards. Last Premier Gomulka, arc using antiyear these cards produced $5,904. Semitism as weapons in their camThis year they came In for $8,872. paign, but he noted that "it Is re"If we can" maintain thii pace markable that the growth of antiof increases, the' Men's Division Semitism has coincided with the will establish a unique and dlstln. slowlng-down of the revolution At long as liberation from Stalinism guished record," they stated. In a special report letter to the seemed In progress, antl-Semltlsm division worker1*, the co-chairmen was no, problem. On the contrary, urged a "double-quick operation,' the mood of the population during and exhorted the workers to ice the Suez crisis was strongly protheir prospects without delay, to Jewish and blame was put on ths avoid an extended campaign with Russians who were accused of hav. Ing, fomented the trouble by tup. resulting slowdowns.. plying arms to Egypt Worker* Praised "But as soon ns the revolution Arthur H. Goldstein, general was slowed down and internal tenchairman, praised the Job being sions grew," anti-Semitic tendencarried out by the men's division's cies became stronger. It now seems co-chairmen and their workers. that total or ncaily total exodus He also urged workers to dou of the Jews from Poland may be We their efforts as he released a the price which will have to be special bulletin dealing with the paid for political stabilization of Polish Jewish situation—from Lon- the country." don through the JTA. The article said that a special commission of the central committee of the Polish Workers Party is now studying the conditions which have impelled so many of the Jew isli in the country to seek to leave, Extensive impi'iicmcnls n r e but several factors have induced now underway in the Jewish many Jews not to wait. Community Center building, nlth nltustcr I'rofmhle. special emphasis on the physical Mr, Goldstein said that help education plant, Hnrry Sidman, must IK speeded up to help face chairman" of the Kulldings end the disaster such Jews rmiy be Maintenance Committee of tha Federation, made known today. • acln^. The newstory pointed out, "that Thd entire area of the women's some Jews arc among the arrested locker room nnd women's showers officials of the political depart- are undergoing complete remodelment of the secret police who arc ing and renovation, with many now awaiting trial. The Jews fear e s s e n t i n ] improvements being that the antl-Sta'lIn and antl-Beria made. Tbe funds for this project inga at these trials will be were made available by the United converted Into anti- Semitic man- Community Services, which agreed to the need for repairs. isfestntionn. "Since the Gomulka regime and The swimming pool has also Cardinal ..Wyjzinski came to undergone the semi-annual cleanterms, religious Instruction has ing, and is now ready for Intensive been put on the curriculum in the spring swimming activities, Joe schools. Many Jews who had Mlcck, Center' Aquatic Directoradopted' Polish names to conceal said.
Center Repairs in Full Progress
U. S. Aid to Israel Is Being Resumed Washington, (JTA)—State Department sources said today that U. S. economic and technical assistance withheld from Israel for over five month*, Is being resumed. A spokesman for the International Cooperation Administration said U. S. technical assistance personnel will now be authorized to return to Israel. About 525,000.000 for Israel in tho fiscal year endJune 30 was earmarked, but only a small fraction had been allocated. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles met with Israel diplomats, Theodore Kollek, Director General
Iran Will Block Any Oil to Israel IRIOADIER.GENERAL CKAIU LASK0V (rljbt), whs led Im«. l'< Unk foreit in their brilliant «chi<vement in tht Slnal came lalgn. h»i juit trrivtd In thli countrr to tour key cities until th» nici May on behalf ot tin United Jewjjh Appml'i current effort o ralie a 1100,000,000 Emirgtncy Reicue Fund to i»v« and resettle t lent 100,000 refugeo thlt year. ]I« It ihown on hie departuri rom Iirttl rtctlvinj a taunt* to Amirlcin Jewry from Prlmi linUler David Ben-Gurion. Ai Commender of Iirael'* eoutbtr* ictor which Include) th* Neger—where most of the new IramU •r»nti are finding haven—Oen. Laikor h»« de'eloped a deep con* kern over Immigrant neede and an autborlutive knowledge of titt •rlUctl jroblimi involved la »b»«btog tb« M«M»Mfc.
j'nl'H.lied ever} «rl<l«j 101 « (Oth annual 1UM « LMUvt '""»'"• Net rg.Ua I'hnnr JA IScn Slnilr Cop) 10 Crnti
Division Runs of 1956
1 In connection with the 9th anniversary of the State of Israel, OB Tour u spcclnl exhibit depicting the nine Currently on a natlonnl tour, year history of the state, and its Mr. Davidson has entertained progress, will be arranged in the Jewish and non-Jewish audiences auditorium of the Jewish ComJn all parts of the. country. A munity Center, social director for many fashionIn addition to pictorial and docuable New York and Pennsylvania mentary materials, there will he a summer resorts, he has been poth , . . . , -~— , , special exhibit of Israeli art nnd ering and adapting stone* of Jew- ' | u , set of (HK| ()f fl Sniel j»t;inip.i ami first cover lull humor and wit for 17 years. letters, /ind also fipecial literature He Is a graduate r.f ihe College of *the City of New Yni!; and dcnlinj; witli Israel. tit the Laiv School of I-'ordbam i A special section will deal wit! University. His collection in ml-; the icrertt even Is In the Kin.'i ilition to Jewish Mories iru-ludf? • I'ritiiiMiln. The fllh anniversary of those in the Anifi loan, Kn«:lish,! the State of Isincl falls on Mon Irish. Krench. Iliilhin area. \ fl'iy, May (ith. Ihii year.
Jerusalem I JTA i - Immigration Into this country during May and June Kill total 22,000 instead of 16,000 as previously anticipated. The revised figure was made known here after a meeting of the Jewish Agency executive, under the chairmanship of Dr. Nahum Goldman, when the immigration budget wan upped accordingly. Five hundred Kuropean immigrants, most of 'them physicians, I engineers, technician* ami other| professionals, arrived today. A>
NIOHKASKA, I'ItlVJiil t _ _ _ _ . n a t l ' 8 itflf 1
Washlncton—Tho Iranian Kmassy confirmed Monday that the ranlan Government hm Instruct•d Its national oil company not to ell oil to Israel. Furthermore, the Embassy said, tha Government has mndv a 'friendly demarcho" to th» 17 :ompanles that compo.ia tho Iranian Oil Consortium requesting them not to sell oil to Israel.
of.'Israel'Prime Minister's office, maritime passage in the Akaba Gulf, and has the Impression that participated in the discussion, Israel Ambassador Abba Eban policies previously enunciated bythc United "States remain in force. referred to tho Joint communique Israel's views on her Suez rights, Issued .after Israel Foreign Min- Akaba Gulf, events In Jordan and ister Golda Meir's meeting with the Gaza Strip and renewal of Mr. Dulles lnst month, when It U. S. economic aid, were discussed was agreed for the two govern- during the meeting, he said. Mr. ments to remain in (ouch. The Kollek had conic to the United Israel diplomat later said the | States to deal with economic discussion covered virtually every- issues, the Ambassndor revealed, thing thnt has happened In the adding that he sow no obstacles to last several weeks, lie stated that early resumption of U. S. aid. he has not observed any change In the United .States policy toward
Men's Division Workers Will Have a
Report Meeting Sunday, April 28 at 10 A.M. Jewish Community Center Wo Urge All Workers to Attend Lou Canar, Rubtn Llppett Co-Chalnnen
Dr. Greenberg to Receive Award
A special awaid for distinguished leadership will lie presented to Dr. Abe Greenberg at a meeting of th Plains States Regional Board of the Anil Defamation League, Sunday, May 5 in fit Joseph. Mo. Until his retirement last year, Dr. Greenberg held the post of regional chairman for .six years Dr. Greenbeig, I.eo Hspnstatt and Milton Abrahams will head the Omaha delegation planning to attend the meeting. Mr. Elsenstatt, who Is rcglonnl vice-chairman, has been nORriltated for the position of rcgtaial chairmnn.
Friday, April tt, 1957
Passover as Observed at Dr. Sher Home
: April 15 The Seder I The tables were set up In ban; qui'l style Max Scheuorman con!ducted the first Seder with kiddush I by Dr. Philip Slier. Linda and Alex ,'Orkoiv usked the traditional Four .'Questions. The second Seder was , conducted by Mr, Sam Poster with Alex Orkow and all the male, residents of the Home participating. The flornl centerpiece was sent by A. Fisher. Dally services were held] in the Home Synagogue through Tuesday, April 23 with Yisker Services. Sam Poster officiated in the Synagogue and was assisted by Morris Ackerman. April 21—The Mizrachi Women, under .the chairmanship of Mrs. Herman Franklin, gave • traditional Passover party. April 23—A special kiddush was held at the Home today to honor A. Fisher on the occasion of his blrthdsy. Mr. Fisher assisted Mr. Poster In the synagogue services.
Published Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish Servle* tecond Ctm Milling Privileges Authorized at Omaha, Netrasks, Annual SubK.-iptlon. 14.00. Adveninns Raui on Application. 'Editorial Olfli'c—xoi No auih auett. Gmtht, Nebr. JAckson 13e«, Print BJI< • Address 4S0i 60 2SUi SUML (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor
Bar and Bas Mitzvah rrienda and relative* are Invited to attend services and receptions.
JVSmi ERIC MULNICK CaadlelichUng, f:M p. m. Justin Eric, son of Mr. and Mrs. BETH ISRAEL Phillip Mulnick, will observe his / Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Bar MiUvah Saturday morning. »t / E l i Kagan, Beth lirael Choir and Beth Israel Synagogue. ' Club Tovlm will conduct late Friday services this evening at 8. Tra STTJART HVBW1TZ diUonal Friday lervlcei (ICabboUa The Bar MiUvah of Stuart Hur. Dr. Philip Sh«r David Orkow and son. Alex Shabboa) begin at 7 p. m. Sabbath witz, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis morning services begin at 8:30 HurwiU will be observed at Beth Dr. Philip Sher recited the Kiddush t t the first Passover gedar a t the Dr. Pfclllp Slier Jewish a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 El Synagogue Friday evening and Home far MM Af«d. The. second a>lfht tht same h«iirs went to Hyesr-eld Alenoc Orkow, sUadlar i t a. m. Rabbi Croner Will conduct Saturday morning. Ik* aide tt hi* fatter, David Orkow, satwrlateadeat of ta» t w « . the Talmud CUM at 6:30 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 7 p. m. fol- BETTE XOOBWIIX lowed by Sholeshe S'eudoa and Mr. and Mrs. Ben ZoorwUl anUaarlv. Dally morning services a t "Irtnid U^fcf, KFAI 7 p. m.; afternoon lervlcef at 7:10 nounced toe Bat MiUvah of their * p . m . Sunday morning services be- daughter, BctU, Friday evening, at tht Blrchwood club, It was an- $nn4«y. 10:45 A.M. gin at 8:45 a. m. followed by May 3 and Saturday morning, May • C m ISRAEL Beth Israel Sisterhoods annual nounced by Elliot Brown , fund breakfast *nd Rabbi's class in Bi- 4 at Beth El Synagogue. T h t Way of My Uncle CeMother and Daughter banquet will raising chairman. ble. Sunday morning Junior Mindalia" by Sylvia Berger wlU be bt held on May 2 at «:30 p. m. in yan, followed by breakfast, start* prestnted on the Eternal Light the Synagogue social hall. at 8:30 a. m. V WOBKMAN CUMXB Program, KFAB, Sunday, 10:45 Participating in th« program The Talmud Discussion group Tht Young Workman Circle will a. m., (NBC). The story is about meets every IWtday, 7:30 p .m. at Mrs. X O M I , Kort, «S, J 6 « will be two acts from Central High hold a card party Sunday at 6:30 the customs and traditions conBHH Synagogue, 19th and Burl Davenport St.. died April 16. Sur-School players: Howard Kennedy p. m. a t the Labor Lyceum. Coffee tained in the Yiddish language. viving arc her husband, Nithan, IV, mimic; Misses Martha God- and cake will be served. Admission EtreeU. son, Harold, daughter, Mrs, Fran- dsrd, Margie Kunklt and Carol wlU be fifty cents. ces Ferer, four l i s t e n and three Gomberg, singing trio. TEMPLE JSRAEL grandchildren. Speakers will be: on behalf of riONEEK WOMEN Services will bt held Friday. Services were held April IS at the great grandmothers, Mrs. Reva The monthly meeting of th« 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Brooks will preach on "The Curtain and TheBeth B Synagogue with burial in Krasne; grandmothers, Mrs. Mor-Pioneer Women will be held Tuesris Appel; mothers. Mrs. Walter Beth £1 Cemetery. dsy at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Canal" Jewish Fate in Russia and Frank; daughters, Evelyn Levey, Community Center. Luncheon will Egypt. The seventh snnual National daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack be served. . Shabbos morning services will SAM TABNOFF Jewish Welfare Board swim will Sam Tsrnoff, 67, 2122 So. 61 Levey; grand daughters, Harltne begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi be held Sunday, May S, 10 a. m. Schaplro, daughter of Mr. and Brooks officiating and the Re- SL, died Saturday in an Omaha at the Center pool. Swimmers art Mrs. George Schnplro; pre«t TEMPLE MEN'S CLUB ligious School choir under the di- hospital. Surviving are his wife, The Temple Israel Men's Club siked to be on time. Those who granddaughters, linrliara Fisher, rection of Miss Ida C.'tlin singing Rae, son, Myron, daughter, Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mri. Morton will be out Sunday, April 28, 10 cannot come on this dale sre inthe musical portion* of the service. Betty Friedman and four grandpick up books for the May 19 vited to participate the following children. Funeral services were Flutter. and 20 Book Fair at Temple held Sunday afternoon at the Jew- Mrs. Henry Greenbfrg, banquet Israel. To arrange for a pick-up Sunday. BETHEL ish Funeral home. chairmen, and her co-chairmen, contact either Mr«. Lucille KatelSabbath services at Beth El SyMme*. Sidney Kulattk and Jsck mon, GL. 24BI or Mrs. Betty nagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m, MOSES KOGAN ley will take reservations. Tauslcr. TE. 2472. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will deliver Moses Kogan, 82, 5004 Capitol a sermon on "A Moral Concept of Ave., died April 18. Surviving are Nationalism." the first of a series his daughter, Mrs. A. A. Crecn- HENRV MON8KV CHAPTER . of B'nai on the Jewish moral concept for berg, three grandchildren and sev- The board meeting For In B'rith Henry Monsky.1 chapter No. the modern age. en great grandchildren. Services 70 is being held Friday at the Summer SmorrnMi Cantor Aaron T. Edgar and the were held April 19 at Beth El SyBeth El choir will render the mus- nagogue with burial in Golden Hill home of Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, and 2615 No. 31st Ave. A 1 p. m. desical portions of the service. cemetery. Summer Comfort sert luncheon is being served with • Sabbath morning services begin Mrs. Dan Gordman as co-hostess, at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior ConWetkoW* 1 a I r «, csttes w M gregation, at 10:30 a. m, Mincha4 taMM. < Maariv at 7 p. m. Dally services at CORKIIU8KER LODflE 7 «. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday servComhusker lodge of the B'nal Dacrca stsd tofttn. $ > I O 5 0 Mrs. Henry S, Wclsberg and ices at 9 a. m. Nary ,m4 k r . w . . . . , » l i t 'amlly will dedicate a monument B'rith will hold their spring dance, Saturday, April 27, 9 p. m. to 12 to the memory of the late Henry O«tr*s and W**l Sclts S. Welsberg, Sunday, April 2 8 , $ $ 50 2:15 p. tn. at Golden Hill cemetery, nabbi Benjamin Croner and .Canhue'Silk Sulft—«ny, ton, « » y oarf kr«»a. Eleanor Roosevelt B.B.G.'i »re tor Kli Kagan of Beth Israel Syplanning their annual car wash, nagogue will officiate. Friends and SIOMA ALPHA MD $ 50 Elected at the last meeting of a fund raising event. May 19 at relatives of the family are Invited to attend. he Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity the Dividend Bond and Gas Slaat the University of Nebraska tion. 48th and L e a v e n w o r t h Streets from 9:30 a. m./to 4:30 The family of the late Mrs. Sam were David Widman, exchequer; Quality (lullic. far Urn p. m. lona Karl, in charge Of ar- Cllman will havc«the unveiling of Bemie Mintz, house manager and 4011 Fomoin Sr. 1407 Horney Sr. rangements, said tickets will be on her monument, Sunday, April 21, Sam Shukcrt, alumni recorder. O(M» f a.m. to 9:30 p.m. dally, Bale next week. Bernie Turkel has received his twpt Saturday until t p.m. 2 p. m. at Golden Hill cemetery, Eden Cohen has been elected as Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Can- acceptance in trie university's Eleanor Roosevelt delegate to the tor Eli Kagan will conduct-the dental school for 1957. B'nsl B'rlth Youth organizations' services. Friends and relatives are district convention at Elkart Lake, asked to attend. Patronize Our Advertiser!. "Wo Serve the Finest to the Finest" WIs.. June 29-July 1. Prpjjy Ruben, stein Is alternate; Berdine Green, MAKE Dedication of a plaque in memdistrict cultural chairman will also STORAGE attend the meeting. »ry of Samuel Corcnman at BethAND Kosher Meat Mkr. El Cemetery. 84th and L Streets Su | A rl1 REMODELING S l e w Grrrnlxri!. son of Mr. and | " * y . P 28 at 2 p. m. Rabbi and Delicatessen Mis. Klmer firecnlxri;, has boon Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron Your One Stop d to the dean's scholastic I. Edgar; officiating. Mrs. Sam S a n e r of Onklaml, Oil., ,-ind Mr. (I $ No. 33rd JA 2304 honor roll for the second Kosher SHOP month of Ihe second .sem.'Mrr at " n d M r s J:'"1'"' for'ninan of Cll I a ;lrP Kemprr Military School, noon- '*"""* >'• cmninc for th<Fresh Meats and Delicatessen Mile. Mo, according to an ;„,. jderliralicn Vnnuk of the family noiincemrnt fiom Ihe office of Col. , ; " ° »' l ''ed to ntVnd (he •crMr" Always Something Different at F. J. Mariton, D<".in '
May 5 Set for Annual Swim
For Satisfaction
Call AT 0088
55.. 75
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Welter & Malay
Levenson Pest Control Service
Milton's Fur Shof)
ISRAKI^.SIMMSIf COMTANV Jerusalem (JTAt—An IM.HISpaimfraluppin:,' romp.niy has I* rn formed on a joint n.'irtncrJup basis. The company hns rnnti.tcicd for the construction in .Spain of two 7.000 ton freighters costing $4,000,000, fifl percent of which will reportedly be financed through un American Joan. The vessels will fly the Spanish flnr; but will Ix" manar/efl by the Joint company from JIaifa offices.
Don Bernstein
HA 255'
Grade A
Laid or Delivered
T. R. Plymate
Tri-County Sodding
WA 5554
.mmFriday, April U. »ST
The Zoo's Res dents Attract Campers NVw animal* will be added t o thejl957 Camp Jay-C-C Zoo this aUmmer to Implement the study of nature lore classe*. ' Campers will have an opportunity to study many species, first hand. Specially constructed cage* will exhibit racoons, ikunks, rnbbita, chipmunks, birds aiid ferrets. The camp toot in previous years have included a monkey, donkey, goats, calves and sheep, which Were in rtiany case*, tended by the children. Acquisition! this year will be fox puppies, lion cub, banty roosters, opossum, black squirrels and gophers. Campers maintain the zoo and collect specimens from Fontenelle Forest which surround* (he camp aitc. All wild animals are returned to Hie forest at the end of the .camping season.
'.Camp Jay C-C They Are Going To Camp Jay-C-C
Campers MayEarn Bodges, Awards .Arrangement* have been' made with the Covered Wagon Council of the Hoy Scouts, the Girl Seoul.* and the Cumpfirc Girls for Oitnp Jay-C-C to certify any or nil merit badges 'and awards for activities at Camp this summer, Or. Daniel Miller, camp chairman, announced - thin week. Dr. Miller scaled thnt youngster* affiliated with thMP scouting and camping orgnnl7ntlons will bo nble to earn a number of Sniii fun to licl|i Dally Itncky ultli hN dinner 'awards while, participating in the |C«mp'Jay-C-C program. Y.C. Sunday Swim Meet ,' youngsters will be able to ro- Border Attacks Siindny at 1 p. m. in the Jay xelve awards In the fields of aniDeveloping pool, Youth Council boys and mal husbandry, aqliatlcs, enmnElrls will vie for swimming honors craft, outdoor sports, crnfts and Tel Aviv, (JTA)~-A dangerous numerous other fields of activity. new pattern of Arabian Infiltra- find Olympic trophy points In a Dr, Miller-stilted thnt parents tion attacks developed with a coordinated boy-girl swim meet. may still register their children swing of such Arab pressure from There will be Inter-coed comfor the 1957 camping season for east to west signalized by mount- petition but both meets will be either of the two week session* ing attacks from Syria, Jordon run simultaneously. Boys events are the 40-100 yd. or for the full four weeks or und Lebanon. . » freestyle, 40 yd. back stroke, 40 camping. This summer a complete A heavy attack from Syrian yd, breast stroke, diving and the rwi_Mr*llon , is expected by the gunposts north of Lake Huleli, 'middle'of'Miy and parents desir- trip ninth In loss than a month, 80 yd. freestyle relay. Girls dls ing to send their children to camp brought the United Nation* Truce Innces will be 40-20 yd. free style, should do so Immediately and thus Supervision Organization into tho 20 yds in back stroke and breast stroke with diving and an 80 yd. •vAld possible disappointments. Syrian-Israeli border situation for freestyle relay. ' Parent* desiring further infor- the first time. . . .. . A2A-100 has the .edge now in ' mation on Camp Jny-C-C should The patrol was caucht on Israeli Olympic points, but must capture feel'free to drop in nnd; discuss toll In a severe crossfire from strnie points in this meet to retain "camp with personnel in the log Syrian rnachlncgun nrnta and their lead. Judy Kutler and Dinne covered office at the Jewish Con>' Israeli reinforcements were rushed Singer are expected to be among munlty Center or cull (he Camp to the scene to extricate the the top swimmers for the glrli. Office at JA 13G6. patrol. By the time the UN demiind for a c e a s e - f i r e came through,' the patrol made Its way to safety Under cover of Israeli gunfire. Israel then complied with the cease-fire demand. .Syrian gun posts opposite Kfar New officers will be installed Szold Upper Galilee opened fire •nd past presidents will be hon- on'theInsettlement and. the Israelis ored at the Both Israel Siitorhood's replied In a 90-mInute exchange annual meeting May 14'at 12:30 In which no Israeli casualties were p. m. at the synagogue social hall, reported. Incoming officers are: president, Two Incidents marked heightenMrs. Sam Kalzmnn; first vice- ing of tension on the Jordan borpresident, Mrs. Alfred Frank; sec- der. Two guards at Kibbutz Mesond vice-president, Mrs. Sidney allot near Bclsan were killed by Kwlatck; third vice-president, Mrs. 'Jordanian Infiltrators. Two days Harold Zeinsky; treasurer, Mrs. later « gang of nine armed Jor-> George Schaplro: recording secre- danlans crossed the border in tary, Mn. Sam Berman; financial broad daylight and attacked an • c c r e t • r I e «, Mmcs. Herbert Israeli border patrol, which drove Mclches, Rubin R a t n e r ; corre- the gang back into Jordan with no sponding secretaries, Mmes. Bar- Israeli casualties. ney Grey, Albert Sorkln, and parTwo Israeli Arabs .Were kidliamentarian, Mrs. Norman Hnhn. napped by armed Lebanese gangs Sitter service will be available and dragged across the border into PHOTOGRAPHER and reservations may be made by Lebanon.
Sisterhood Will Install Officers
Just What Baby Needs
a portrait
Bob Batt Larry Batt Ronnie Blumkln Jack Cain Barry Colin Jerry Fercnsteln Ronald Frank Mure Goldston Lurry Grossman Mlchale Kalzmori Richard Katzman Tommy Kirslienbaum Alnn Kulukofsky Dick Krantz Jimmy Krnntz Rlchnrd Lee David Litt .Slc\e l.utlheg Daniel Milder: ' Jimmy Milder Omole Artier Claudia Cohen Harriet Corey Sandra Babendure Sharon Bernstein ljleen Davis ' Alice Kellmun Jnms Filcdman Susan Friedman
Sheila Goldbton Karen GoUdiner Isobel HurwiU Susan Katzman Peiiny Krasne Barbara Kutler Cheryl Milder Marilyn Novak ' Linda Orkow Elaine Rclss Other campers registered for Camp Jay-C-C will be listed is subsequent issues of the Jewish Press. Use the Want Ads to buy, tell pr rent.
Keep easide Cool
AIR-CONDITIONER Ho seed to suffer ileepleu, sweltering n i g h t s . . . lutleu dayi. There's an Airline two, three or live-ton air conditioner deilgned precisely lor your ' homo. It's so eaijr to keep your whole house comfortably livable with an Airline air-cooled system. Not fun a room. The whole home. Call u i today lor a tit* ettlraate. Prlcei from
Ingertoll Condilionsd Air Division
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Furnace anil Sheet Metal Works See MID M D a n lor lofomiotlos A Complete H«rtl*.f Unit* Slue* 1*20
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John Kalina
calling Mrs. Isadora I-eWis, GL 81Q7, or Mrs. Kd Lincoln, OK 2991
Tel Aviv (JTA)-Oll drillings began this week In the Jerusalem ZIONIST Hl'KAKKH Corridor, near the Arab town of New York (JTA)--Dr. Nnhum Abu Ghosh. Caldmann, prchidtut of the World Zionist Organization nnd of the Jewish Agency, will addrrms (ho opening session of the National Founding Assembly on tlm Independent Zionists nf Amerlcn, to be held here during the week-end of May 18-19.
Roffman's House of Delicacies
One cake mix makes all these: Cakes • Tarts • Cookies - W I T H EFFORTLESS EASE! No skill needed . . , just mix snd bake! Dromedary's exclusive advantages do the rest . . . give you perfect results the finl time and tvery time you bake! Quick snd easy, too—only 4 minutes from package lo pan! Stock up t o d a y and bake the Dromedary way!
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NEW STORE HOURS BEGINNING SUNDAY, MAY 5 Open SUNDAYS From 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. MONDAY Through FRIDAY, 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. All Holidays From 10 A.M. Until 6 P.M. FREE FRONT DOOR CAR PARKING O M B on Saturday. Until tho End of April From 1 A.M. lo 10 P.M. • m r i y Hills Jhopplng Ce»ter—7830 Dodg* St. WA 2207
Pound Cake • Gingerbread WhiU Cake • Devil's Food Yellow O k a • Fruit Caki Honey 'n' Spice Cake NEW! Chocolate Pound Cake
Dromedary CAKE MIXES V
WORLDWIDE ISRAEL Nine Years of Independence May 6, the anniversary of Israel's ninth year of independence. In addition to an astounding population Increase, marks a long record of justifiably proud progress, economically, educationally, in health and social services and the requisites of a democratic system. Population Increase The December 1956 census reported 1,872,000 persons, two and a half time* more than the 1948 figures. The number Is rising every day with the steady and welcomed flow of homeless Immigrants arriving without restriction. The government, beginning in the summer of 1954, furthered a system of absorption under which the majority of new immigrants proceed directly from their arrival ship to the place of permanent settlement where planned villages with partitioned acreage, houses, clinics and schools have been set up in advance. -. Democracy The state of Israel is a parliamentary democracy corresponding in (tructure to many of the nations of Western Europe. The Knesset {Parliament) consist! of a single chamber of 120 members elected on the basis of proportional representation for a term of lour years. The voting age starts at 18 and voter* must be citizens permanently settled in the country. The Cabinet (executive branch) is responsible to the Knesset and holds office while It enjoyi the confidence of the Knesset. In spite of security strain* «nd a seemingly endless stream of immigrants, the economic growth of the country suffered no restraints; and in fact brought Israel in nine years within sight of her goal
The Stakes in Jordan's Future BT MENACIIEBj S. A K N O N I
The perpetual Middle Eastern tensions and rivalries cannot possibly be seen in their full context unless one pays due attention to the degree to which they are Inspired by the uncertainty of Jordan's future. While the Western press is understandably focusing its attention on such Middle Eastern matters at directly affect Western Influence in th< area, the relations bctweert the Arab states themtelves are paramountly influenced by the Jordanian problem, which Is much less in the headlines. This problem in turn affects the relations between the, Arab world and the Great Powers, on the one hand, and the political integration of Israel into the area, on the other hand. Langungr Oddltlm One who learned to decode the pecularilies of Arab political language, is sure to detect many inter-Arab suspicions and hatred's so often disguised in stereotype phrases like "Zionist plotting" and "Zionist expansionism," The frequent Arab reference to Israel at the "cancer on the body of the Arab world" could Justly be re-edited so as to replace "Israel" by "Jordan." The Vacuum Jordan ii a natural colony. In fact, it can hardly be administered except as a colony, or an annexed territory. The Ideal conditions for colonial rule are due to the fact that the country constitutes a sociopolitical vacuum, deprived of a homegeneous population. There is a place called the Hashemi te Kingdom of Jordan, but there is no Jordanian nation, and never was one. Moreover, the socio-economic ' conditions of the people who live there are such as to'deprive them of the potential of becoming a nation. The vast majority are Qsjordanian refugees, while the majority of the "Transjordanians" belong to the still nomadic Bedouin tribea. Imported King These facts were recognized by the British as soon as they occupied Palestine in World War I. In 1923, they separated Trnnsjordania from the rest of Palestine. They "imported" Emir Abdullah Ibn Hussein, son of the Sherif of Mecca, told him he is king, and told the nomads they are a nation. 'Die "Jordanians" could not have cared less, and ever since Britain maintained what deemed for a long while her safest ,imi mo*t "genuine ' military Imc in the M.ddJp K.i^t That the Br.ti^h had recently to ctjcuatc the country did not to any degree disprove the correct ness of tlif.r cmcept, but via, part of the fiasco of Ihf.r Mi'ldle Eailern polices m general The only factor of stability — Britain, is now mining from tne sene The expuN'on of th.jt f.ictor took p.'-ice in prcr.p.t jtion of the country's p irtition L«^l of all n there a -<lru;:,;lp b'tvufn native patriotism and fuingn pxpins/miv'Ti luiuhcd. On December IC, IMG, tho then Jordanian Premier, Suleiman N ibuKi o' hjs countrj'.s .swan song in announcing that Jordan "cannot live forever as Jordan. She must be connected militarily, economically and politically" with one or more of the Arab states. Anschluss Kfvalry The crucial question is indicated Jn the phrase "one or more." If Jordan "must be connected military, economically and politically" with one Arab state, which one will it be? It is a dividing line between the country's political parties, each of them favoring "union" with one Arab state or another. Tne anxiety to Sake over this territory, whoso administration proved to be very costly, stems from Its strategic importance. It is a geographical bridge between Ihe African part and the Asian par[ of the Arab world. To the South and East it borders on fc'audj Arabia and Iraq. To the North it borders on tyria. This makes it a strategic key in any panArabic scheme. Were any of the competing Arab aamps—the one Jed by Egypt, the other by Iraq—
Friday, April *fl, 1957
tmt* Warn
Israel Warned by Eisenhower Administration
Washington (JTA)—The Eisen- passage of the American oil tankThe significant strides made in I he diversifica- hower Administration,* responding er, the Kern Hills, through th* tion of .industry and the rapidity of industrial ex- with customary speed to Arab waterway with the first load of pansion has enabled the country to begin a reduc- complaints, sternly warned Israel crude oil delivered to Israel via tion in the importation of consumer goods and to against the use of force either to Elath. further stimulate exports of native manufacture and protect transit rights in the Gulf State Department sources then of Akaba or against Jordan. let it be known that while the produce.. The implication that Israel Eisenhower Administration conEducation ' The rising new universities and expanding facill planned an attack on strife- tinues to support the principle of ties of existent institutions go band in hand wit wracked Jordan was raised by innocent passage' tn 'the Gulf of 4he philosophy of Israel's educational system de- President Eisenhower at a press Akaba, Israel must not use force. fined by law «s follows f "The state educational sys- conference. He said the United Nothing was said about the Saudi tem alms to base fundamental education in the State* would go to the aid of Jor- Arabian threat to use force to state on value* of the heritage of Israel and th dan if the Arab kingdom was at- bar Israeli shipping through the achievements of science, on love for the country and tacked either by the Soviet Un- waterway. loyalty to the state and the Jewish people on train- ion or by Israel. The U3<f ' ing in agriculture, and manual labor, on pioneering, The President's statement that President Eisenhower said if an and on striving towards the creation of a society the 1950 Tripartite Agreement Arab attempt was made to Interbuilt oh freedom, equality, tolerance, mutual help could be- applied If Israel attacked fere with Israeli shipping, United and love"of humanity," Jordan brought two responses. Is- States would look to the World University, compulsory and free education for raeli sources dismissed the pres- Court. children from 5 to 13 was established by law in 1949. idential warning as mainly for The President's comments on Arab consumption. Administration the negotiations with President Hospitals, Churches Hospitals and clinical services have mushroomed officials later called in newsmen Nasser on some international throughout the country, despite the (train placed to emphasize that the United control of the Sue* Canal gave upon all medical and sanitation facilities by the In- States was under no commitment rise to forebodings that the Adflux of immigrants. to use force to help defend Jor- ministration was prepared to quietly scuttle Israel's Sun tranThe first stage of the National Insurance Law dan. was adopted by the Knesset in November, 1953. It sit rights, Weakening covers industrial accidents, maternity, old age and The Eisenhower Administration The President said the United survivors insurance. (land on Israeli . transit rights States still had some hope of The Arab community in Israel enjoys full equal- through the Tiran Strait and the solving the Suez canal Issue with* ity of rights and duties. Israel was the first coun- Gulf of Akaba seemed to be out taking It to the United Natry to give Arab women the right to vole without weakening a little after Saudi tions Security Council. The Canal iny qualifications. At present eight Arab member* Arabia, Syria and Lebanon In was In full operation and Newer •re seated in the Knesset quick succession protested the was in full control Great strides have been made In the promotion •A the standards of living of the Arab population. of self sufficiency.
Global Report
to take over all the Kingdom'* territory, it would gain an unchallengeable position in the Asian arm BAN REMAINS of the Middle East. Washington (JTA)—New York Egypt Separated Egypt is separated from Jordan (Syria and Republican Senator Jacob K. JaLebanon) by Israel Her anxiety to be "at the spot' vlti yesterday accused the State at the time of its final disintegration contributes Department of making an "Intollike nothing else to the unceasing Egyptian antl erable" concession to Saudi Arabia moJity towards Israel. In view of the buffer zone in agreeing to bar U.S. Air Force which the Israeli Ncgev constitutes, the only open personnel of Jewish faith from the . Egyptian route to Jordan Is the KB route across Ohahran alrbase. Mr. Javits mads public an cxthe Strait of Tiran. ihango of letters in which AssistEgypt is aware that Israel would definitely prefer another Arab state to be a party to the parti int Secretary of State Robert C. tion. Were Egypt to gain any part of the territory Hill sought to justify the Departinvolved, her interest to secure a land corridor ment's arrangements with Kini: through the Israeli Negev would become crucial. Solid. The Senator said the deal Iraq's advantage lies in having physical access "may be Justified on security to the Hashemitc Kingdom, and in the political and grounds, and In that I have the military strength she derives from membership in greatest respect for the Judgment )f our President." But, he added, the Baghdad Pact. Naturally, being at the disadvantage of not hav- to tolerate such discrimination In contrary to U.S. interests and ing a land frontier with the declining state, Egypt is for the moment Interested in postponing the partition. Israel a Contender BOTH ANNIVERSARY The outcome of the Egyptian-Iraqi rivalry U un- Philadelphia (JTA)—The Droppredictable, because no one can say how much lie College for Hebrew and Coglonger Jordan will be kept "independent," and what nate Learning is Inaugurating next will be the advantages and disadvantages of each month a series of academic concontender at the crucial moment, }lov,'tvcr, the most claves and meetings In observance certain beneficiary of the partition will bo Israel. at its 50 years of chartered exThere is no force that could prevent her from oc- istence. . • cupying the 2,150 square miles west of the Jordan river, conquered by th» Hashemite Kingdom In USES U.8. GRANT 1948. New York (JTA)—A pilot tralnSince in-sny case one or more of the Arab states ng and research program on the will be involved In the conquest, they won't be able liter-relations of the biological nnd to single out Israel's action ns on act of "aggression." Indeed, of all the Middle Eastern countries Israel would be the only one to be able to raise historical rights, ancient nml rccrnt, to any part of the d^ntegrating kingdom By engaging Israel in perpetual political and m.htary tensions Kcypt is succoMful to avert any possibility of a concerted move by Israel nnd other Arab states (Iraq), Since Israel's unpreventable role in the putitif/n of thp Kingdom must be reckoned v.uh, any annexation Lehcmc is averted by kefjilng Itoptiiin-I'r.idi relations at a leiel of an all-Arjb-lT.iel C'dfl.ct. Ilrlnli of War There can he little doubt that if not for Israel serving as a buffer zone between the Arab ant.|friin^N. iiii infpr-Ar,ib military clash would have already errupted. Ktihvrr&lffn
If not f<jr thp pro-N.jsHfr in .Syria, and the pio-.V.!' er National Socilist regime that emerged from the Jordanian elections on October 21, I'JJG, the Jordanian .state would have been at the 'mercy of Iraq and Israel. Nasser's prolonged subverting of Ihe regimes of other Arab nations paid well off. Here he scored a victory which largely escaped the attention of the world press. He Miecocded in preventing the partition at a time he could not have hecn around the butcher's block. Of course, this was a temporary success only, and it does not prejudice a final Egyptian share in the unavoidable partition. Share SubsMy To consolidate the grip over Jordan-Eprypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria agreed on January 19, 1057, to participate in an annual subsidy to her to the tune of 36 million dollars. This subsidy not only is inended "to replace the sundry annual grants offered by the British Government" (Article 4), but also "The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan promises to purchase all reqirements of the armed forces when equipment becomes available in the countries of the contracting parties" (Article 3).
physical sciences as the -key to a' better understanding of the nervous system and human behavior has been started at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshlva University. The program will provide lot awards of .'16 fellowships for both pre-doctoral nnd post-doctoral and post-doctoral studies. ISItAKI.I PRODUCTS New York (JTA)—A wide-rang. ing display of Israeli products at tho United Stntes World Trade Fair in New York's Coliseum I* attracting widespread attention and comment both from the general public and business \Kltors. Among the Israeli products shown for Ihe first time to Americans are chemicals, phaimaccuttcals, a fine Israeli chnmpagn*, shoes and mosaics. REPORTS LABELED FALSE New York (JTA)—Reports that Polish Jews repatriated by th« Soviet Union had been deported back to the USSR were labelled as false by Itomauld SpaKOwskl, Warsaw's ambassador to the Unit* ed States. Mr. Spasowskl Rave that (insurance to n delegation < of'tM Jewish Labor Committee.
Friday, April M, 1957
Library Lane
Hadassah Luncheon to Feafure Musical
Golden Age Club Schedules Party
By KoMllfi I'.-rlii Smith The following books, recenll; The oldsters will entertain the added to the Jewish Communit younger generations Monday when Library are available to the Golden Age Club wilL. hold rower*. their "Turnabout" pre-mother's New biographies include: "I am day party at 'the Jewish Commu• Jlabbi's Wife", by Esther Bengls nity Center. T h e Messiah or Ismlr", by Jo A program featuring three genseph Kastein; 'Helnrlch Heine" erations will be presented at a 2 edited by Hugo Blebor; "One p. m. tea. Doctor In His Time", by Bethel Solomons; "Mr. Justice Brondel»" Festivities will start With comedited by Felix Frankfurter; munity-singing, followed by words Piece of My Mind", by Edmun of greeting from Mrs. Lloyd FriedWilson; and "Ray Frank Litman— man, president of the Omaha A Memoir", by Simon Litman. Chapter, National of Jewish WomIn a hlstorial vein we have en, the sponsors of the club. Mrs. "Race and Nationality in AmerNathan Simon will speak for the ican Life", by Oscar Handlln Golden Agors. "Half a Century In Communlt An Intcrpietation of Yiddish Service", by CharJci S. Bern' song's and dances will be offered helmer; "Die History of the Jew by Mrs. Jenny Rifkin, her" daughOf Phlladephla". by Edwin Woll ters, Mmes. Morey Landman and 2nd and Maxwell Whlteman; "Th( Harry Label and granddaugh'ter, Legacy of Holmes and Brandels' Barbara Landman. by Samuel J, Konefsky; "Sevcnt, Members of the Rohanue Club Years of Life and Labor", b. who will take part In folk songs, Samuel Gompers; "Cultural Plurdances and specialty numbers are alism and the American Idea", by as follows: Misses Phyllis AbraHorace Kallen; and "Refugees In hams, Barbara Adler, Judi Ban, ( r.) Mm™, Mlllurd Mnrgiilln, Morrh Shapiro, Kobrrt Girllch, Normnn Wohlner, Yale OoUdln- Phyllis Bernstein,' Judy Cohen, Germany Today", by Leo W rr. Front (L to r.) Mine*. .Morris I'clluian, Morrli Landman, Morris Jubenls, Stuart Muskln—Hadassah Betty Erman, Bonnie Freshman, Schwarr. Sandy Gross, Linda Kavich, Toni Some books on Israel and the production. Kaplan, Nancy Lcwl.s Myra Lipp, Middle East are: "Israel—Key to A musical 'Trip to Israel," the Darlyn Myersqn, Sari Milder, SheiProphecy" by William L. Hull 1957 Hadawah spectacular to be la Novak, Judy Platner, Elaine "The Founder of the Nationa presented at the luncheon meeting Raskin, Muriel Rosenblatt, CherHome", by Charles Xlngsley Webof the Omaba Chapter Hadassah, na Schrager, Dee Schriber, Enid *** ster; I'IndU and the Awakening May l i t , 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Vcnger, Marilyn Welnberg, Suzy East", by Eleanor Roosevelt Community Center will star Mrs. Wolfson, and Maureen ZeVltz. Miss "Aurartan Reform and the RecMorris Z. tkcobf, advertising Jerry Berniteln and Mm. Robert The annual Mothers' and Chil- Nancy Lewis is chairman of the ord of Israel", by A. Granott "The executive, has been notfled he was dren*' luncheon at Temple Israel Rosen as two Hadassah travelers; group. Splra Awakes", b y Gerald SparSaturday, May 4, will feature row; "The Literature of Modern nominated for a Lane Bryant Other members of the cost arc Award for outstanding community children's fashions which will Israel", by Reuben Walicnrod Mmes. A l v i n Abramson, Ralph ARABS AND DRUZE8 "Israel and Her Neighbors", by service. "Winners of the national Biniamow, Bernard Altsulcr, Nor- range from pre-schoolers' through awards will be announced In NoJerusalem (JTA)—Members of Ellahu Elath; "220 Israel Carman Cain, Jerome Cohn, Dan teenage. minority groups in Israel will be toons", by Kariel Gardosh; "The vember. Cohn, Ralph Cooper, Sol Crandell, The regular Saturday morning permitted to enter any branch of Struggle for the Balfour DeclaraThe nomination for Mr. Jacobs Alex Davis, Norman Denonberj, Children's Service at 11:30 a. m. tion", by Israel M. Sleff; "Cultural was based on several projects he Edward Dolgoff, Alvin Epstein, Ir- in the Sanctuary will open the the armed services, not just units Assimilation and T e n s i o n s In aided in 1996, including the Crelgh- ving Epstein, Albert Fcldmnn, Wil activity. In honor of Mother's Day, composed of members of minority Israel," by Alfred Bonne nnd S. N ton University building fund drive. llam Flnkle, Alfred Fox, David the following mother's and chil- ;roups. This was the basis of an Elscnstadt;'. and "A H u n d r e d Frcdricks, Joe Glnsburg, Seymour dren will participate in the Sab- igroemcnt reached between the office of the Chief of Staff of the Hour to Suez", by Robert Hen Among the 10 Ncbraskans to re- Goldston, Yale Gotsdlncr, Walter bath Service; Mrs. Harry Nces- jirael Army of Defense and repriques.' ceive Ak-Sar-Ben's 1957 Good Greenberg, Bernard Hockenberg, mon, Mre. David Blelcher, Mrs. resentatives o( the Druze comOn the Bible and Apocrypha we Neighbor Awards is Samuel I. Irvln Kniman, Morris Landrnan, Charles Stern, BUI Kully, Susan hove received: "El in the Ugarltic Berrk, Fremont, for paying for Leonard 1-evine, Millard Margolin, Maklcsky, Bonnie Flsk and Allan munity. Druze soldiers conscripted or Texts" by Marvin II. Pope; "The complete scout outfits for under Edward Milder, Stuart Muskln, Wolfson. Christian Arabs who volunteer for Linguistic nnd Literary Form of iriviligcd boys, giving of his time William Nnsh. Al Kimmcrman, ElLuncheon will he served In the icrvice may choose any arm and the Book of Ruth", by Jncob M ind money to aid 4-II work, writ liot Rubin, Ted Sanford, Keith Myers; "Second-Isaiah's Message", ng and producing more than 100 Saundeni, Sidney Schwartz, Rob' Social Hall at 12:30 immediately he accepted with discrimination. following services. The luncheon The only requirement is that canby XP. A. H. De Boor; "If the inijeants for 4-II coronations, ert Silvcrmnri, Allen Tully, Harl Prophets Were Alive Today", by couts, centennials nnd patriotic Weiss, Normnn Whitman, Norman will be seventy-five cents for chil- didates meet the same tests for •ntrnncc to n particular branch Richard E. Singer; "Maccobecj irganlzation. Those receiving this Wohlner and Miss Marsha Fogcl. dren and one dollar for adults. Zealots, ami Josephtu", by William •econnltlon are to receive Good The style revue will show fash- given Jewish enlistees or draftees, Tickets arc $1.50 for the lunchR. Farmer; "The Hidden Books", Vclchbor pins for their unselfish eon and show. Ions from Nebraska Clothing comPatronize Oiir Advertisers'. by Adele Bildersee; "Moses and ervices to fellow Nehraskans. pany, which will be modeled by the Ten Commandments", by Pnul Temple children. Ilton and MacLennan Roberts; "A Mrs. Donald Brodkcy Is program Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Kohn who COMMITTEE TO FINANCE WEAR Generis Aprocryphon", by Nahmnh ecently returned from Bamberg, Geneva (JTA)—The transpor- chairman and Is being assisted by THAT NEW LOOK Avigad and Ylgael Yadin; 'The •ermany will reside In Washlng- tation to Israel of 12,500 Jewish Mmes, Marvin Taxman and Julius Bible In Art", edited by Marcel on, D. C, where Mr. Kohn has refugees who have left Egypt Cohn. Olo) dovbl«.brMit«4 suits mad* , •.-•-.'• Brlon; The Biblical Doctrine of >?en appointed as clerk In the of- since the Suez crisis of last Nol Reservations may be made by lilt* «*w ilsqlt-braaitad Erection", by H. H. Rowley; The icos of Supreme Court Justice vember will be financed by the calling the Temple office. All Kinifi M.n'i «nd U d l f V Books of the Old Testament", Vhlttnker. Inter-govcrnmental Committee for Eipirt Tailoring and Altoraltoni by Robert H. Pfeiffer; and "NelMrs. Kohn, the former Joanne European Migration. .•.-"' son's Complete Concordance of_ihc acobs Is the daughter of Mrs. WORTH $1.00 Revised Standard Version Bible. •ill* Jarobs of Omaha. Her husMake It a habit to use and en- band, recently discharged from Jerry, who Is serving with the on a Tux Rental at III 1.. ISth St. H. AT MM Joy your Jewish C o m m u n i t y military service was a first lieu- U.S. Army at Camp Drake, north Or of Tokyo. The Omahans left for Hollywood Tux Rtntal Library, •nont In the Intelligence corps. the Orient -March 28 and will 1701 M». 4 7 * St. 10* No. Ulk tint JA 1412 Mrs. Jacobs will leave May 1 for spend five days' In Hawaii before NorrtwMf M M Hlflway (In Omalit Loin lldj.) Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel has al- Vashlngton to visit her daughter their return. Kruplnsky Is vice ready raised $20,000,000 of the nd son-in-law. president of the Union Freight$28,000,000 needed for construcGuests of Jrr. and Mrs. Abu ways In Omaha. tion of a J6-lnch oil pipeline from ewls nre their daughter, Mrs. Elath to Haifa. Mr. and Mm. Brn A. ZoorwIII 'rank Kilmnn nnd .children, I)nrara and Larry, of Brooklyn, N. Y. will have their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Zoorwill, Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Aha Kloppir have Pa., at the Bas Mitzvah of their is thnlr guests, their son-in-lnw daughter, Ilctte, May 3 and i. Phom 1* 13M n> nun tout wmi AO nd d.iuRhtcr, Dr. nnd Mrs. Maur10 T»» J«Wl<ti ITf.. ce 13. Schwartz of Cincinnati, their Currtot l*t« li W eettla tor «9cl] fom randson, Meyer Paul, and Mrs, lift* lofvrtlon. Tin Prtu rpnervto tli« rlfihi to limit «Ut of each tdvertlsfmcnl, Clopper's mother, Mrs, Abe Bcitch. lan of Kansas City, Mo. BAR and Bas Mitzvah congrafuDr, and Mrs. Schwartz nnd ton latlons also for all Jewish holiire al.':o visiting Dr. Schwartz' [>ardays and occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge nts, Mr. and Mrs. B e n i n rd Schwartz and his aunt, Mrs. Paul SAVE BY ORDERING ;eltzcr. 1 yenr, Vogue $0.00 Hriire T. Hornlih, son of Mr. and 12 months, Esquire 54.00 rlrs. S. J. Ilorwlch, spent his spring ' 117 weeks, Saturday Evcnln;; acation at the home of Mark RuPost $10.17 10 months, Reader's .Digest $2.00 'n In Dalian, Tex. Bruce Is a 7 monttis, Coronet 51.00 vshmnn student at the UnivcrLb I soo "My Balabusta" ty of Oklahoma, Norman. Oklfi., 78 Weeks, Time $0.87 You Have a Dato!!!l 70 weeks, Life 57.70 •here he wns recently initlnted For These and many Other Fine ito PI Lambda Phi fraternity. APRIL 27TH Offers, Call Mrs. S. J. Horwlch. Dr. Victor E. I-evine, Dr. Alfred WA 3957. Birchwood Club Irody and Dr. Irving Bernstein, 9 P.M. to 12 AN elderly lady will pay Sim- iero among the Crclchton Unifor Iho STANTIAL COMPENSATION •ersily School of Medicine faculty. ho have returned from Chicago for a downstairs room and bath hero they attended the annual In a Kosher home in Omaha with O an cider woman or elderly neetlng of the Fcderaon of (lie Societies for Expericouple. Write to ISox 1123, Gala Spring Danco mental Biology. Omaha Jewish Press. Phone for Frea Delivery Twice Weekly
Youth Fashions To Be Featured
Omahans In the News
Want Ads
B'nai B'rith Cornhusker Lodge
WANTED—Business-Rlrl to share lovely apartment with employed widow. Call evenings, RE 3595.
Sir. und Mm. .Mickey, clcbratcd their 25th wedding oniversary In Japan with their son,
TICKETS $2 Per Couple
May »» Purchaied ffom Lodg* M«mb«n or at th« Door
Choice Chuck Steaks . 57c Hot Bar-B-Que Ribs u,. 77c Corned Beef Loaf... i». 78c Genuine Spring Lamb Steaks,.,,. 79c Grade A Large Eggs 3D Z.99C WE 2916
Youth Plays Major Role In London Welfare Work
rum nwira PBBSI Americans who quick proclaim* to her that "there is no plao* lik America", Among tht'other Omaha relatives of tha London visitors art an uncle and, aunt, Mr. and M n . Charles Freeman, and cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph H. Freeman, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Friedman and Mr. and Mrs, Sam Davis. Both brother and titter enjoy playing bridge as do their American acquaintances. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Freeman visited In Omaha nine y e a n ago and art both Interested in Israel activities. Mrs. Freeman is-president of a WIZO unit in her country. Then Is one thing th« young Londoners would like to see happen before they return horn*. For Ivor to participate In an American television "Quiz" program.
Welfart fund raising, an avenue ing the proceeds in much the samt of social activity among the young fashion. Young people in England Jewish set In London, England, are always selling tickets for a is close to the hearts of Beatrice needy cause and enjoying it." and Ivor W. Freenman, Londoners Her brother belongs to the Macand brother-and sister, who just cabi association which is devoted completed a visit at the home ol to sports, social and cultural intheir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Miki terests. A favorite pastime is Freeman. sailing on the Thames. Such was their expression or Apprentice Accountant philanthropy at home, when they He is apprenticed to an account discovered much to their interest, ant and must pass two examina they were guests in a household tlom before he is qualified to hole where the subject has currcn the title, There he must b« • priority while their hostess Is in member of the Institute of Char volved in the demands of her role tered Accountants. He passed the as an associate chairman of the first of the two examinations and women's division of the local ap- rated 13th out of 1,300. pear: Mrs. Freeman has served as Miss Freeman Is a production a past general chairman of Phil- coordinator in her father's dress anthropies and is a member of factory. Both she and her brother 1 the national United Jewish Appeal will visit in Los Angeles, Chicago, ZBT Mothers Club women's board. Boston, and New York where she To G!v« Rush Party IUisrd 44,800 will tour dress factories and in A rush party for the Zcla Beta Miss Freeman, a young business addition, Ivor will work In a Newwoman, described activities of the York accountant's office for sev- Tau fraternity chapter at the UniJunior Combined Charity commit- eral weeks to get th« American versity of Nebraska will be given tee of. her city which raised slant In that field. >y Its Mothers' Club Sunday, iMay 1,400 pounds of $4,300. the AmerThe deep interest of young i, 6:30 p. m. at the home of Mr. ican dollars equivalent at their folks in organizations and char- and Mrs. Max K Cohen, 117 N last buffet dance at the Crosvenor itable pursuits la probably re- Happy Hollow Blvd. Home. AH high school graduates end sponsible for the fact that they 'The money", she explained is form the focal point for many of ihrlr parents arc invited to atused alternately for needs at home Ihc social activities In England, cnd. Reservations ipay be made one year and the next year pur- the young visitors, said. vith Mrs. Irving Hcrzog, WA 2080 chases specific equipment for Miss Freeman declared she was nd Mrs. Leon,Fcllmnn, GL 3274. Israel," impressed by the patriotism dis"We also sponsor boat trips, us- played so unreservedly by young Patronize Our-Advertisers
Friday, April 16, 1957
SAM Motors to Hold Annual Dinner
Nebraska Chapter To Hold Election
Tht Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers A special election will be held Club of Omaha and Lincoln will hold their annual Parent Dinner by Nebraska Chapter, No. 346, party Sunday, S p. m. at tht Town B'nai B'rith at a meeting Monday, HOUH. 1 p. m. at the South Omaha SynaCo-chairmen for tht event are gogue, 25th and J streets. Mmei. J. Milton Margolin, WilMrs. Morris J, Franklin, chairs liam Alberts and Sam Turkel All man of the nominating commutes, alumni parents of the organiza- will submit the following candition are Invited to attend. dates selected by her committee: President, Mrs. Paul Sacks; first: vice-president, Mrs., Sol Llttmanj second vice-president, Mrs. Wm. Stone; third vice-president, Mrs. : Al Swerllng; corresponding Merer J e r u s a l e m , <JTA>—United tary, Mrs. C-hss. Sciidder; recordStales Ambassador Edward B. ing secretary, Mrs Josef Maycr| Lawion has held an hour's con- financial secretary, Mrs. Ben Kapference with Israel's Foreign Min- lan; treasurer, Mrs. Lpuli Wohlner| ister, Mrs. Golda Melr, expressing sentinel, Mrs. Paul Wolk; guardithe Washington government'! hope an, Mrs. Joe Epstein; historian,that Israel will continue to re- Mrs. Harry I. Epstein: monltroM, frain from intervening in Jordan's Mrs. Goodman Cohen; trustees. crisis, Mr. Law son Initiated the Mmes. Joe Upton. Sam Manvltz, meeting after he had met earlier Harold Sicgcl, -and^. Edward Rufor a private talk with Prime back. Minister tyavld Ben Gurlon.
U.S. Asks Israel Not to Intervene
Diplomatic observers here felt hat America's repeated advlee lo srael against intervention In Jordan among thenwHeg, Such plaits worild implement Indirect Soviet intervention through Egypt and Syria, while the U. S. A. was "holding Israel back," ouscrvcis bclie.ved.
FHKNC1I'MISSION Tel Aviv (JTA)—Emll Roche, chairman of the Frcnrh National Economic Council, headed a delegation of representatives of French banks and Investment houses find engineering firms study Israeli industry and development plans with a view to advising French InventTel Aviv (JTA>—All bus farts ors of the situation In this counIsrael were raised eight percent. try.
fashion news
The open jacket suit a la Chanel and the new soft ikirts demand a blouse . . . and the beloved bow blouie if just the feminine touch you want. Top flattery in pur* silk, dacron, nylon and dacroncotton. A pretty collection in pastels, prints and polka dots. Sizes 32 to 38.
5.98 to 8.98 a. ADELAAR pure silk polka dot with cuffed short sleeves. Greywhite, white-red, white-navy and blue-white. Same blouse in solid colors: white, maize, and natural grey 8.98 b. DOTTI print dacron no Iron With yoke-bow effect. Soft pastels on white ;5,9B c. No-iron nylon georgette with cap sleeves, rliinostone studded • buttons. Gray, blue, white, pink 7.98
Other blouses 5.98 to 14.98 mall and phone orders welcome •portfwear—second floor
i 1--'ill
Friday. April it, »3T
Center Sports
Four Special • Sports Offered
Fa«* ieven
Gershun Re-elected
Egyptian Refugees Are Turned Down
VAItSITY 8OFTBALL scoring punch with Orvll Milder Washington (JTA)—The' AdThe Jewish Community Center also responsible for some good Four special classes are being ministration has turned down a well represented In thespiking and passing. Bob SlosburR offered to members of the Jewish J proposal to offer Egyptian Jewish • ^ " M e t r o p o l i t a n and Don Rice turned In some good Community Center aa part of the City refugees haven in this country unLeague League Oil* year with a saves, but Offutt's s u p e r i o r 'Spring Sports at the Jay' proder the emergency parole proviheight kept them in front during hustling team of scrappers {bat gram. The activities are generalsion of the immigration act. should certainly be a contender? the last two games, ly open to boys and girls in the Republican Senators Clifford P. Olj npir Trophy Rare San Epjtein, manager of the team, 10-14 year old bracket. Activities Case of New Jersey, Irving M. hat named a twelve man roster to AZA 100 holds an 8.5 lead in such at horseback riding, tennis Ivee and Jacob K.Javits of New represent the Center and hag high the Olympic trophy race »s a re- and archery extend for those beYork originally asked the Justice hopes for another city title thli sult or their seven point grace yond the 14 year old limit. Department t o "immediately" exde coup in volleyball. They are' year. The- iait year'* National SxcUi«at. Instruction is being tend the parole provision of the League champions have moved up seconded by the Unafflllates with offered in ajl "the activities as ex Immigration act to offer haven in 40 points and Rayim I* In third a notch into stiff competition. perienced instructors' are responthe U.S. to Egyptian Jewish refwith 36. AZA•J,l» not too far beVina Twelve sible for the various sessions. ugees. They pointed out that the The twelve player* are Bernie hind with 33.5,5. but the race Seems Horseback Riding Egyptian Jewish refugees ''are no BogdoMoff. Hal Nepomtilck, Stu to be between the Century Club Horseback riding will start on less deserving of sympathetic asXahn, Leonard Walk, Ernie Saltz- and the "Independents". May 2 a t 7 p. m. at Hillside Stasistance" than the Hungarian ref. At the present time, AZA 100 man, Fred Bernstein, Lee Bernbles. Mrs, Gus Wolf will conduct Ugees. •teln, Sandy Brophy, Ray Klrke, can score again in doubles of six daises for the Jay with a spe•ubJBtte Resolution Llndy Paul, Sam Alloy and Norm table tennis and also in badmin- cial rate of 111 for the course. The A resolution tTgiof. the State ton. Their team of Mike Ptott "Country" Zevitx. Department and the DepirtounJ and Ed Wlntraub have reached stables, 1317 No. 83rd street, offer Oatstswdlar of Justice to admit refugees from the final maU$ In table tennis. excellent facilities for the inSome of the more oiititandlng AZA 1 has Al Krizelman and Will struction. Registration for the Egypt as parolees on the same twyi in practice have been hustl- PlotVIn in the table tennis race, class Is expected to be filled early. basis as bu been applied to Huning Emle Sattzman, an expert on and the Unafflliates have Jerry A class limit of twenty has been garian refugees has been approved Ben I. OershuB set those over the shoulder fly ball Sherman and Stu Kutler left by the executive committee of the catches. Let Bernstein, who hai With track coming up on May Teaois Ben J. Gershun was relected National Community Relations Jack Rasmussen, newly ac' coma out of retirement to handle 5 and this Sunday's swim meet, Advisory Council. the hot comer without too much anything could .happen as more quired tennis pro in this city, will president of the Council Bluffs difficulty, reliable Llndy Paul than: forty points are Involved In Instruct a clasa at Bemus Park Jewish Federation at the kick-off •round the key atone corner and the last competitive sport* on beginning this Sunday at 1:30 p. meeting of its fund raising cam- AMBULANCES TO ISRAEL New York, (JTA)—Tw« ampitcher Sandy Brophy,, whose arm. the calendar. m. Participants are instructed to paign last week. Other off leers are ailment of last year seems much furnish their own equipment and Ben Stldin, vice-president; Mrs. bulances, purchased with funds) improved. Pitcher R«y Kirfce will wear tennis shoes to the first ses- Harry Chernlss, secretary and San* raised by pupils of the Yeshivah of Fiatbush, were given to the l i v e Sandy a run for his money sion. The ont hour classes will be Meyerson, treasurer. American Red Mogen David for on'the mound and "County" Zevltt conducted ovtr a period of alx Israel. atill baa MM arm that will throw weeks at a chargs of IS per pupil. GBAVESTOMES DESCKATED them out at the plate. Switch hit* Arrkwry ter Stu K*hn is expected to get Bonn (JTA)—Gravestones of Archery will be conducted this New York ( J T A ) - T h e Arabian more than hla share of the hita American Oil Company denied any* year by Marilyn Brandes, who Jewish dead—most of them former while all around Fred Bernsieln discrimination against Jews in Just finished a ten week series an slave workers who were worked to can be counted on In the clutch. employment practices, but aald it Modern Dance instructor at the death under the Narl regime at Lefty Woflc will capably hsndle can hot hire Jews to send to Jay. The classes will be held at the nearby Hermann Goering steel the first sack. Klmwood Park beginning Sunday, plant — were desecrated, overSaudi Arabia. T, ft atadMtaton "We have to abide by the laws May 5 at 2:30 p. m. at the special turned snd defaced with neo-Nazi Eight boys have reached the and practices of that country," an archery tar/set area to be set up slogans in the cemetery at SalztMrd round in the 3. C. bovs bad- Aramco spokesman said. "If we by the JCC. Certified equipment Kitter-Lebenstcdt, in Lower Saxminton tourney. AZA 100 has were to hire a Jewish engineer or will be furnlKhfd l y the Jay under ony, during the Enstcr week-end. pinned their hopes for Olympic technician, and apply for hi* visa maximum saf>ty condition*. Miss hn« helped instinct point* on Tom Plttt and Steve to Saudi Arabia, it would not beBrando unlverslu Sloane. Rayim is counting on granted." He emphasized that classes In archery tor iinlversilt Larry Ztrharia and Jack I.ifb "Aramco has no discrimination students, mid aim In comp piowhile the Unafflliates have three pnllcies. In hiring personnel t« grnmx. Six Itiioni for $"> with men In the runnlnE In Chuck Wl«i\ work anywhere except in Arabia, litrntlon at the Center for this Lurry Herman and Pave (Jold-; we make no Inquiry an to race ol rial*. Boxing; Stein. AZA 1 will be represented religion." Hoys In the nth, 7th nnd 81 h by Al Krizelman In the quarter | "The Arabs do not want Jews finals. In their country who inlfjlit be grade are invited to lake n tix Some of 1 the better matches suspected of working as Zionists wei*k court? In the manly ftrt nf have seen both boys rllminatrd the In behalf of Israel with whom self defense under the Instruction second round. Stan Greenfield de- they remain technically at war," of Ernie Carter. Mr. Carter has had feated Ed Sldmnn 1V1.H In the the Aramco official stated. experience In the Naval and Goldfirst round, hut Jack Llrh eliminen Gloves programs nf boxing. ComplaJat filed Non-concrete "road hogs" nance com forever. Any savated Stan In the second round. The Aramco statement was These classes will be held at the gobble up funds for mainte- ing! here csn b* put to good Lloyd Rollntcln Jumped the first made in connection with a com-Center work out room beginning nance and wane taxpayers use for vitsl new roadi ooc hurdle over Marvin Cohn and then plnint filed against the company this Sunday at 2 p. m. Stress In money. Official records show covered by Federal aid funds. defaulted la Al Krizclman In the yesterday by the Anlerican Jew- the class will be on physical trainconcrete com 26.2% to 58.9% second round. ish-Congress with the New York ing and .learning how to defend leii to maintain than any Dark Hone State Commission Against Dis- one's self. other pavement. Dark horse In the championship crimination, The AJC called upon The JCC will handle all regisrace s«em«_to be Steve Sloane. the Commission to forbid the Ara. tration for these classes.: PotenFederal funds will pay 90% whose practice sessions have held bian American Oil Company from tial participants are invited to call of die building cons of the him In good stead, hut the all discriminating against Jewish ap- in tnelr registration and send a Nstional System of Interstate •round athlete* such as Dave plications In recruiting civilian check by mail. and Defense Highways. The Goldstein, Al K r i z e l m a n and employes for work In Saudi Arabia states then pay all msinteChuck Wise can not be eliminated and elsewhere. The oil company's ENERGY STUDY «» as possible contenders, Matches "disregard" of the rights of the PORTL.AND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Haifa (JTA)—A new plan to will continue during the next Jewish citizens, the AJC alleged, 504 Sauth 18th Strati, Omaha 2, Nsjbraika week In conjunction with girls "constitutes not only a serious obtain energy by harnessing the A Mtl«fl«< •fsanlwllon t« bnpro** «nd taUnd lh« ui«« *f pcrtlantf f«m«nl and Mncrtl* matches. affront and source of concern to differences in temperature and . . . through KitnllfH; Kiierch end •nginMrlnc » « • w»rm v the Jewish community, but a con- vapor pressure of the Dead Sen i. C. C, Volleyball at the surface and at the depth of In three close Rome* week, tinued symbol of condoned and 100 feet is now being studied by the J. C. C. triumphed over the untfhastened bigotry." Benson team with score* of 7-15, In view of what the AJC culls the Israeli Ministry of Develop' 35-12 and 15-1.1. The scores in- Aramco's "flouting" of the state's ment. dicate the closeness of play, but anti-discrimination law, the ComIn the first same (he Varsity Just mission has been urged to halt couldn't pull themselves together the firm's discriminatory employwith any consistency. George ment practices and also to deny Knhre of Benson spiked viciously Aramco access to the New York to give Benson an insurmountable labor market and N e w York adFor high school students and collegiatei needing lead a t the stnrt. In the second vertising media in recruiting game, the Jay boys played one workers. jobs. For employers who need workers. of their better games of the MaPosition Dirtated son. There was some excellent Aramco,' the brief asserted, passing- by S h e r m Ppska and "docs not challenge the truth" of ElliotCBrcwn. Sandy Brophy and the allocutions that it discriminDon Stern had their share of ates against Jewish workers, and the spikes and Grorw Kahn had therefore the allognllons "must DOOR TO DOOR CANVASSERS NEEDED some very good "saves". be taken as admitted." Aramco Varsity Wins tin* taken the position that Its SALES PERSONNEL NEEDED The last game was a story of discrimination Is dictated by the the under dogs comliiR from be- Saudi Arabian Knvcrnmcnt "id if hind. Benson {.cored eight points prompted by the ^isa policies of on three sides out by the J. C C. that country over which Aramco STUDENTS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT and then the te.imi chanced SMM. allegedly has no control. In reply to the Aramno CICRIIFrom Hint point on ovr.rylhlnc Number of collegiates desire construction work thif ehangrd sides. The Vnivlty h-indlcil j mrnt, the American .IpwUh C"«m- Whether her "big mo- summer. «. som«" \ e r y fmiRh .spiklnc. p issed K>e*s choices Hint the nil ooin- ment' is a birthday, anniCood hnd some specl ^itr; puny, us nn1 employer. U iisine; versary or any olhor speExcellent typists and receptionists available for office and beprnn pettlm: the pcunir on the ".itlutudc !. ancl policies cil .-in- | replacement. some1 exceptionally lmr; \olle)-; cifhrr p'lity n<; ,i shield cjr ju^ti* < cial occasion . .. to win a I.'j-n (T.imp lenve1; fH.ttinn for its o^n disciinnnfitoiy i Crew of boys desire lawn work—reasonable rate*. She'll Love Mowers I pi unit es, 'Ilin fart here the-I them iindefrMlxl from icitr, at w hosr b< hfst rime Ih The .1. C C\ In<.t p a n i c s tn Offuit t o In- cliinin.-ilcd j Hie clisrnriiin Mt'in Is tinclri tcikc n, Pndraliilty, nf Offiitl. p i u \ | i l i m ' ! is n fcni'ii'ii FUNPI n m e n t niicl r o n Anyone intereifed in securing more specific informat h e uinniiKt r n n i / i n t>n *-onrrs of i t m l s ( h e c c i t u n r * 1 cif p e i ^ n n s tn tion about jobs listed above or hiring students, ton-, l.">-9. n - l " > :iml "I-Ti T h e r e n t e r I t h e m l e nf H I P liumm-s o|iei,ilicui I 4224 Leavenworrh, WA 8244 tact YES, at the Jewish Community Canter, J A I 3 6 6 . tcvilc t h r fiist p.line, w i t h Minii" i clues n o t rhnnc/e- t h e li.nie clefetvc FREE DELIVERY vi-iy y r,Kooil le.irn u o i k l!<ili F n , n i - ' neir e l e v a t e Its s t . i l u s , " t h r A.IC kin nnd I'lill Fox piovlilrd the ' stressed.
Saudi Arabia Jobs
No "Road Hogs" among concrete highways
Parties Call for Flowers
Ray Gain Florist
Friday. April 26, JB5T
Jewish Press—Sioux City Section CAMPAIGN OPENS SUNDAY Needs of Appeal Will Keynote Lurie's Address
Around the World and Nation
Sioux City to Hold First Combined Appeal Dinner
"All divisions are moving fast, The United Jewish Appeal Open Robert Lurie, principal speaker p By Nonn»n Malison ing Dinner, Sunday night, April and we are averaging 100 per cent Latest in the growing list of at both the Opening Dinner, Sunincreases in the-Emergency Res28, at the Jewish Community Cencountries from which Jew* are day evening, and the Women's ter, will be attended for the first cue Fund," chairman Sid Kalln engaged in t modern-day exodus Division Luncheon, Monday aftertime in Sfoux City's history by stated. "I want to congratulate U Poland, for centuries one of the noon, is especially qualified to both the Advanced Gifts and the each of the chairmen and co-chairtraditional stronghold* of Jewish well men of all of the divisions on their General Men's- Divisions, present the needs of the Emerreligious and Intellectual life. as by the Business and Profession success in reaching the Jewish gency Rescue Fund, according to al Women. Combining these sepa^ people of this community, and In Muth of the story of the env rate campaign divisions became getting such wonderful support • Igratlon of Polish Jewry, now General Chairman Sid Kalln. necessary when the emergency from-them." rapidly growing from a trickle President of Robert Lurie, Inc., need to rescue lives required the to a flood, cannot be told at a St- Louis firm, specializing In Mr. Kalln particularly credited Campaign Cabinet to telescope the members of the Campaign this time. However, some back- radio and television production many months of activity mid prep- Cabinet for the pace and momenground on the current situation- and advertising, he is a gifted aration Into a few short weeks. one which sees Polish Jews leav- and dramatic public speaker. Mr. tum achieved in three short week* ing quite freely but not without Lurie is originator of the "Amerfrom the time the campaign startfear for those remaining In the ican Jewish Hour" radio show, ed. Members of the Cabinet lndud* country—has come to light. ' Louis Agranoff, Dave Albert, Harwhich has won many award* for old Grueskln, Marvin Klass, Earl public service. He produces and According to an on-the-scene Kline, Joe Kurcher, Frank J. Mardirects the program, and also apstory In the Brltlth Manchester golin, Harry Rich, A. M. Greuikin Guardian, a special commission of pear* ..frequently M narrator and Harry Rich, Area Chairman, and Jake Kalin. the Polish Workers Party Is study- news commentator. Mr. Lurie is has named Lou Strongln and Nate ing the conditions Impelling so also organizer and director of the Skalovsky of Odebolt, Iowa, as A m e r i c a n Jewish Programs many Jews to leave. Most Jews, co-chairmen of the Area Division however, are leaving without the foundation which provides Jewish ilubi-rt Liirle solicitation. They will enlist sevprogram material for radio and study's results. , Contributing to the' potentially TV stations throughout the United the War Services Department of eral captains each to 'aid them dangerous situation is the fact States. He has personally acted B'nal B'rith. He also has been in covering Jhelr territory, which Sid L u c k m a n , all-Ameriean that some Jews are among the ar- In many network programs, in- Eastern Reeionul Coordinator of Includes over 30 communities In quarterback of Columbia Univerthe Anti-Defamation League, and Iowa, Nebraska and SoutlrDakota. chiding "The Columbia Workshop" sity, a generation ago, and subrested officials of the political executive director of the St. Louis The first aim of these Area cap- sequently a professional football department of the secret police. and "The March of Time". Mr. Lurie visited Israel in 1953 Jewish C o m m u n 11 y Relations tains, according to chairman Rich, player with the Chicago Bear* It is tared that antl-Stalln and antl-Beria feelings which will be and toured the,agricultural, com- Council. He received the Jewish is to bring as many of these out- for many years, will be guest generated at their forthcoming mercial and Industrial projects of War Veterans Achievement Award 1 of-town Jewish business and pro- sneaker at the B'nal B'rith regui fesslonal men as possible to the lar meeting Tuesday. April 30. trials, will bo converted to anti- the country. Associated with both in 1940. "He sneaks on the subject of j opening dinner, to hear the story 8 p. m., at the Jewish Community the United Jewish Appeal and Semitic manifestations. Also, religious Instruction on Israel Bond campaigns, he has an the emergency rescue need author-1 at first hand. The out-of-town Center.; Luckman, who is world has been put on the Polish school authoritative grasp on the coun- natively, factually, and with mov- residents ha\e always supported renowned as a. Jewish athletcand curriculum again, and the many try's life and economy. Mr. Laurie Ing elonquencc," chairman Sid Jewish causes gcneiously, Mr. who has earned respect for hi* Jewishness will be Introduced by Rich stated. Polish Jews 'who b.avc changed i I* n former national director of Knlin stated. Mark Sabel. their names Jo conceal their Jew ish origin are In a difficult posl-1 tion— they cannot refuse to have j their children attend Catholic j religious Instruction without re-j Veiling thrir Jewish ori".n or \v- j Ing labeled Communists. Mi and Mi. 11 It Shiloff hat* It was pointed out that Stalin>i;<ine to Miami Hcach, Kla., ta atists, seeking to discredit the jtenii the wedding of their son,Jer, Gomulkn government, are usinc. ome C. • Shlloff, to M*s Adrian anti-Semitism as a ue.ipon, hut i Horowitz of Brooklyn, New York. that as loni; as last fall's liberaThe ijlnlofff will remain In Miami tion from Stalinism was In progfor two weeks. ress, antl-Scmlti«m was no problem. However, ns the revolution Mm May Knleckstein of Lot Anwas slowed down and internal geles, Cal, is a guest in the home tensions grew, It w«s reported. of Mr and Mrs. Joel C. Levine for anti-Se'mltlc tendencies strengthseveral weeks. Mrs. Kalcckstcfn I* ened. < a sister of Maurice Baumsten According in the newspaper's correspondent, "It now seems that Spending several weeks In th* total or nearly total exodus .of the-' home of his daughter and son-inJews from Poland may be the law. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Leflco, price which will have to be' paid is Sol MJndell of St. Joseph, Mo. for political stabilization of the He is also visiting with his grandcountry." , children. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meanwhile, the V. S. state deLebowlch and great grandchildren. partment has turned down a request by three republican senators (Case of New Jersey, Javits and " "' Ivet of New York) for acceptance of Egyptian Jewish refugees a* Immigrants on parole. The reply was that it was a matter for IIADASSAir congress as a whole to handle, and Hadassah will hold annual electhat body had expressed no opintion of officers and Board memion. bers Tuehd.iy, April 30, 1 p. m. Transportation to Israel of 12.(I. tu r.)—Mist HUM- ICeslllrli, Miss l.i.i (forilim, Mrs. lies, liaMill/, Mm. M,inl<> K.irl. Hunch) at the Jewish Community 500 Jewish refugees who haie ('enter. .Mrs. Shirley Vorlack will left Egypt since last November Miss Sylvln Bumlirvtky, .MI»H Lillian Dlshllp and .Mrs. Air* Tur.hin. Will be financed by the Inter Mrs. Stanley Karl, chairman of iKess ISiihbitz and Mm. Alex T u r - | .Mrs. Karl is a member of the tjive .i tj.ll: on grooming and charm National Council of Jewish Women , < •>• t w i n «> professional models. governmental C o m m i t t e e for the UJA Business and Hadnssrth T e n l and Hatesah, and is vi,-e pre,iH d h vtlll ill aNo N conduct d t th* h p g p European Migration It is reported \ , Wom<v ; s DDivision " " s i n w "'"' Wom<v in I'HG IMG, will will i v ;,ion in Di.i.ion u.ll hold i.s n. jd,,,, of. the Kvcnlnc Hadussah banqiKt foi Young Judaea club 7,500 of them, now in Italy and ^ X l the U. and P. W. unit, ,,er Sunday niKht, April 2H, ut the |Gi.iu|i. At present, Mrs. Karl is memli'isr ,md leideis Thursday, Creese, c.innol pay their erpensr-s ' "' for passage, anrt m » r , nre according to General Chairman [Jewish Community Center at the Kxecutive Secretary of the Sioux May J ) ',0 |> m .it the JCC expected to Icivc i:gypt soon ,.Sid Kalin. Mrs. Karl will be aided same time as the combined men's City Travelers Aid. but was proIncluded IIIP stateless pci••'ins and ' )V " " ' rfollowing captains: Misses divisions, rind will join with the fessional director of the Jewish .nvv u Mi.iutv ''' vv<ll (»o don, Jlo-,n Tin I I'IK s Au\lli,iiy (if the Jew(o r don Jlon Kr'.snid;, Kr'snid; Lillian Lillian menn in i announcing n n u n i n the th results reults of Federation for many years prior those of v.iricil nation ilitn-s I to 1917. ish W ir Vi tei ins N'u 337 will b« The f,.ct tl.-it t)n'i',aii'ls of J ''lip. Sylvia Bonilievsky, Mrs. their divisional campaign. hostisT- at .1 d inee fur servicemen Jews actually aie enioute l o i " Israel in Itself is a hopeful si;;n. homes In Egypt eastern Until November 1, IMG, her She has spoken on her first-hand and JIIIHOI h(itt(s<;es al the Sioux The so-called "rcfucce problem," I Europe, may seem distant when father and mother and a sister knowledge of the situation before City An Kiw Widnesdiy, May 1. n perennial one in Jewish history, viewed from the American Jew's and brother lived peaceably in the Women's Division of the cur'Is being brought nearer solution— perspective. For many, the prob- Efjypl. Her brother and brother- rent U J A . campaign in Sioux ,'HKIIHKW WO.MI.N Tin' Hi hi i n Wnmrns Associafor the time boini»<-at least—by km appeals thousands of miles in-law were employed as stock- City. the heroic efforts of a multitude and a couple of generations re- brokers. Since then, the brother I t s c l o s e r — a n d Inter—than tion Hoard mcctiiif; will be held Wednesday, May I, 1:15 p. m., at of people, from sociologists to sea moved from any personal involve- and his wife have left the country, most people think. the home of M M Ben Lcbo»lih, ment. captains. while the remaining members of 12 Stewart Avenue. To sustain constant and That It Isn't, and In fact may the family are anxiously awaiting OLD ACE TENSION unending efforts requires monry— hit close to home, can be readily their opportunity to leave. Jerusalem. (JTAl—Israel Inmost of if from "emergency res- attested to from a talk with "We don't know. They cannot augurated its social security sys- I'NITKD OI1TIIOIIOX cue" contributions to the United Mary Bitran, bookkeeper at Sioux say anything. Our correspondence tem Thursday, releasing the first The. United Orthodox Synagogue Jewish appeal, some of it, by City's Jewish Federation for the has consisted entirely of docu- of some 15,000 monthly checks Auxiliary will hold a board meetborrowing ahead on credit. last five and one-half years. Mary ments and requests for them. The which will be sent to about seven ing in the form of a dessert lunchThe .entire question of refugee has been in the United States since worst thing about the situation Is per cent of the population. Men eon Thursday, May 2, 1:30 p. m. displacement, of the uprooting of 1919, when she arrived from the doubt, the uncertainty about (it 70 and women at 69 become at the home of Mrs. Harold Barthousands from long-established Egypt the future," Miss Bitran said. eligible for old age benefits. rlcks, 2932 Douglas Street
Rich Names Two As Co-Chairmen
Famed Athlete to Be B'naf B'ririi Speaker
B. and P. Division Captains Help Chairman Map Rescuue Fund Campaign
Social Notes
News of Women's Organizations -
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