May 3, 1957

Page 1

KXXV- No. 30

touna Clan tl»UinK t*ri«it«-Kr« «ulhorlr*<f at Otrnthi Nrttr




M « V II

s»t>o »rid«) 1*1 A sstft Annual Uau < IMiUM i t n i t l Phopf IA l t d Sln«lf Cop) I* Onto




Israel's President Sends Greetings The outrioui!; y . n . I s i . i e l s ninth, will rcimiin cuciavi-il in oui m e m o r i e s , and in tin 1 ineinnile!, ol tlinsp ti> rnnie fiftri II-., ,'is a ii r both of Kiovvlh and of

s t r u g g l e . The growth came In the uake of immigration a n d awttlcmcnt, while the great straggle was for the security and the very existence of the Stale. On the threshold of tha tenth

vi'.n- ul tIn* Stiitr 1 Israel, m y KM'etincJv fju out, (HI Uic D a y of

Independence, to every citi'/.cn and n",idrnt of Israel, to the Defense Aimy of Israel, to the security forces and those newly arrived In the homeland, and to the entire Hou*c of Israel In the Diaspora, Mny we live to see an era of creation and the Ingathering of the dispersed the consolidation of Israel's place In the family of nations and real peace among peoples near and far. > Itzhak Ben-Zvl President of Israel

Sinai Hero To Make Israel Day Address

' • Brigadier General Chalm Las. kov, hero of, the Sinai Peninsula campaign last November, will b* guest of honor and speaker at the Israel Independence Day celebro. tlono in Omaha, Tuesday night, May 7. al 8 o'clock. Dr. Abe Green. bug, president of the Federation for Jewish Service, announced. This special community-wide event will commemorate Ihc ninth anniversary of the State of Israel. It will be held at the Jewish Community Center, and Is open to the entire community,

BITTER-SWEET ANNIVERSARY By Rlona- Gro**maa Jerusalem, (AJPt—On the evt ot Independence Day, Bnd following the always evocative, always •harply typical celebration ol the holiday of Passover, the mood of the people of Israel this year is edged with bitterness, . Th< sun i« out,' the flower* bloom, tourists are back, the murderous raids ot the Fedayeen have been lessened—and yet the sense of crisis has not panned. More than anything else, the continued nppeascment of Nasser and his fellows within the Anil) League has dismayed and disheartened the man-in-the-street In Tel Aviv, lJeersheba and Jerusalem. They snook with infinite Hurt of the expressed American hnj>e that the Suez Canal problem can be notlied through "direct" negotiations between the Egyptian dictator and Pros' *»rit Eisenhower.lurarl't Qurstluns They'ask, publicly and In priv»tf. why the U.S. Government, the State Department, and the President continue to deny the mounting, critical evidence of Nas«er'i vast duplicity and unreliability, They, ask also why Israel wa* forced to accede to the allegad will of the UN—to her own detriment and In the fact ot the opposition of her citizens In the ' withdrawals from Slnal and Gaza —whlta Naaser has bfen spared t h t Ultimate pressure. They query tht logic—and how even the Intentions—behind the gentle hand that will equip tht Saudi Arabians with arm* and an army and a navy and an air force despite that Monarch'* ruthless ban on t i n presence of Jews within Its boundaries. •• Appraisement In Israel, this week, they ask how far the West, and In particular the VS., will go In its nppeasentent of the Arabs who are led by

On the Air ' in honor of

ISRAEL DAY KMTV Will Present ' Israel, l956-'57 Sunday, May 5 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m.

KFAB—External Light Sunday, May 5 10:45 p.m. to 11115 p.m. WillH«veA$baEb«n, l l ' A lirael's Amltafador l d to t tht United 5f«t«l

Nosier. No Jew* In Saudi Arabia. No Israeli vessels through Suez. No really, firm guarantee of Israel'* Inate, indisputable right to the water* of the Culf of Aqaba. And what else? Mow many more strictures and restrictions and provisos will attend this Middle Kastcrn Munich, now being so dangerously devised. It Nasser has lost out in Jordan, If there hit grasping hand has been diverted from the throne, there is little credit due the Western Powers. Iraq, blood-cousin dynamically to the house that rules tiny Jordan, mid member In the Baghdad Pact, watche* for her Interests and It is her Imperative need that Nasser not annex Jordan tliat him brought about Hussein's attempt to stave nif the di.ilntegratiun of his countryWill Hussein now be reworded R«-Nasser ha* been -by the West? Will his expected adherence to the Klsenhower Doctrine earn him American cure and American aid •and what If he asks for more? In Israel today, there Is no confidence that the nation will be protcctetd by the West from the depredations of those who have learned that an Arab stale, playing Its cards with skill, can have It cake and: t a t It too. .No one In Israel now know* panic or is despondent. But no one dares place unrealistic confidence in the world outside, Experience, sobering and grim, ha* taught what may soon become cynicism In matters of International affairs, In tho meantime, it li s p r i n g that brief lyrical season n Israel. Anil on May 6 Israelis will celebrate tho State's Ninth Anniversary -and In the inner review of all they have dons and withstood and b e c o m e , they will find strength enoup.h to surmount the doiiliu and the tensions that have been caused by their near-betrayal.

BrlJIdler General Chalm Laskov, Omaha's pint

Tuesday night.


Like Gen. Patton 'General Laskov has been compared by historians, and military tacticians with Generals Patton and Montgomery," Vr. Cjrecnborg said. "His bllU t a c t i c * swept through the Slnal Peninsula to within 10 miles of the Suez Canal in six days last fail " General Laskov, known a* the Pat tan of Sfhni for his daring armored drives has won an International reputation among military strategists for his classic attack which is being studied in war colleges, throughout the world, u a model of desert warfare. The ohjertive ot the Slnal eattvpjign, Dr Greenberg recalled, wa,* to seek out nnd destroy the nest* and camps of Egyptian "feda* yre-n," who were being ttaSneA \O infiltrate Into Israel, attack and kill men, women, and children/ and sabotage and destroy industrial Installation and properly ot Israeli citizens , Famous Early The 38-year-old Russian born commander of Israel's Southern Army has a military history dating back to his boyhood In the Haganah (Underground Self-Defense) and Including World War I I Service in the British army, He was a leading commander in the Israel's -War (or Independence in 1948, when only 29 year* old. In 1931-53 he was Israel'* Air Force Commander, and later became the Commander ol the Armed Corps. In urging Omaha Jews to attend this community-wide observance Of I s r a e l ' s 9th anniversary, Dr. Greenberg said:

GMteral Chaim Laskov has become one of the Israel Army's top organizational trouble-shooters. When there were reports of poor organization in the Israel Air Force, he wa* appointed to tighten things up. When the Armored Corps needed reorganization, It was again Laskov's Job. 1,800,000 Jew* Lajkov was born in Russia in 1919, just two years after the BolIsrael today is the homeland of shevik Revolution. In 1924, the Laskov fgmlly—father, mother, four son* and on* daughter—came to Palestine and settled in Haifa. Las- 1,800,000 Jews ot whom more than a million are refugees and Immikov Sr, immediately opened a onc-+man transportation business. HU in the process of changing from grantes. They found In Israel their entire equipment—a horse-drawn an improvised structure into a reg- only open door to >>ccurity and safety, have lied from countries curt. ular' fighting body. Joining the where they would have been deThe family lived in « mixed training command, he planned stroyed and annihilated. Jewish-Arab neighborhood, and in many basic courses: It was only "At this meeting, Omaha Jewry the 1929 Arab riots Chaim Las- natural that he was soon appointed will express their solidarity wilh kov's father was killed. In the chief of the Training Command. their brelheffl in Israel In their age sumo yyear—at f i g of ten— The Army'* reorganization con. struggle for survival, and creating Chi Chaim Joined J i d the h saml-lcgal H Hagn- tlnued and ag part of it, In a some\V a s h I n g t o n, fJTAV—High- n»h as a runner. He remained in what unusual switch, Laskov took a homeland which will bo a perhaven of refuge an g for them. ranking U. S. military ofllcers and tho Jlaganah throughout his high over the Air Force for two years. manent "I urge all Omaha Jews to nllach'-s of many embassies utlend school years and at ori« lime comIn 1953 he wa* appointed deptend 'his anniversary meeting, and n reception hero honoring Brig- manded a Special Operations uty chief of Staff and, after a year meet and hoar the world-lamoiw (i<m. Chaim Lnskov. hero of Slnal, •Squad. In that post, he wag named comGeneral under whose leadership HIIO liead.1 the .Southern euinmand After his graduation, h« worked mander of the Armored Corp1!. the frontiers of Israel were made of._ Israel'* defense force. The reception was tendered nt tl)o for a tinio as sports instructor. Again a big switch from the Air secure, and the danger from niar.»u<ler& eliminated," Or, C.rsWHranl Embassy by Col. Kalrlel Early in 1041, he J»lncd tha British Force, Then came tho Sinai campaign. berg concluded Salmon, chief military attache as- Army, «ervod in Palestlno, Libya, Italy and with tho Rhine Army in Laskov's tnnks and armored cars signed to Washington, ftolffium and Holland. IIo was do- cut Into tha desert and he was mohlllzcd In 1910 with the rank of right there with them commanding Israel's 1958 Exports JWV Auxiliary to major, ths Northern foice- which cjplmcd To Show Increase When the Wnr of Independence El Arish, cipital of Sinai, and Celebrate Israel Day Ti'l Aviv. (JTAl—Isrr .-Is OXbroke out, tlio 29-year-old Laskov' hurled itself towards .Suez. At tho Israeli Day will be celebrated organized the new Israel Army's end of ti>e Slnal 'campaign, the poits sue expected to n..n> by tho ladles auxiliary, of »he Ep- first officers' school. However, he head of the Southern Command, WOOOOOOO In 19!>8 as compared stein-Morgan Po«t, Jewlth War soon took over the command of a Col. Assaf Simhoni was killed' in a with this jcai. according to Trade Veterans Sunday at 3 p. m. at the fronl-lln» battalion and fought in tragic piano ci nili Laskov became Minister Pinlms Sapir. Addressing Dr. Philip Shnr Jtwlsh Home tor some of the toughest battles ot the hi* successor. In this his newest a meeting this week Mr. Sapir #ald post, Laskov is responsible for the that this year's e x p o r t * will Ag«d. A program will be prasanted ivor. by member* of the Beth Israel The war ovop, Lajkov Again re- vast eouthern Negev region, which amount to £200,000,000, but that is about half of Israel's entire ter- nevl year's export* (hould total wor Synagogue Youth group. Refreth- turned to organizational " '" ritory. $230,000,000. m»nu will b» itrvtiV lh« A i m / whldh wa» then engaged

Washington Honors Laskov

Kg* Turn




Women Rabbi's Urged at Convention

«, !»T

Bar andBas Mitzvah

Toronto (JTA)—A plea for the leadership, and their examples ordination of women as rabbis and stand to this very day as inspiraPublished E w i y Friday by tke Federation of ttmkk gervle* for their wider participation In the tion not merely to their own sex (•rand Ula» Mauint PrivllegM Authorized at Omaha. NetiraiKa leadership of Jewish religious af- but to all humanity,'' she added. Annual Subicrlutlon. MOO. Advertising Kalei on Application. Edtturiai urili-e— Ml No 'JWh Street, Omaha. Nebr. JAckson U«6. fairs was made here at the 44th Endorsement of the stand taken PrtqJ Bin • Addrui 4808 So 3AUi Street Friends and rrlatlvrs are Invited general biennial convention of the (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN , Editor Union of American Hebrew Con- by Miss Kvam was given later; In U attend services iod receptions. the day by Rabbi Bo melt Brick gregations. ner of Cleveland, past president BETTE ZOORWILL Jane Evans, executive director of the Central Conference of Bette Zoorwill. daughter of Mr. of the National Federation of American Rabbis, which repre Temple Sisterhoods, an affiliate sents the Reform rabbinate, Rabbi and.Mrs. Ben Zoorwill, will obof the UAHC, told more thin 1,000 Brickncr expressed the belief that serve her Bas MlUvah this Friday The Jewish Community Ocntei women delegates that "women are "many women would be attracted evening, and Saturday morning, at Prc-School Is planning a outing uniquely suited by temperament, to a career In the rabbinate" and Beth El Synagogue, for Lag B'Omer, Sunday, May 19, Institution and spiritual sensitivity stated that "the Reform move2 p. m. in Etmwood Park. to be rabbis, If women can serve ment, which wus the first to plo BUDDY El'HTKIN Mrs. L e o n a r d Kulakofsky, as teachers, they can serve as neer the equality of women Jn the The Bar Mitzvah of Buddy Epchairman of the pre-school compreachers, too," she declared. "Not synagogue, must take the next stein, son of Jack Epstein will be mittee and Mrs. Wm. C. Alsmeyer a tew women in Biblical times rose necessary steps to make this com- observed Friday evening and Satwill head the Lag B'Omer outing to the greatest heights of spiritual plete," urday morning, May 10 and 11, at parents committee. Arrangements Candlellghtlng, 7:03 a. m. the Beth Israel Synagogue. will include games and refreshTEMl'LK IHItAKL Senices will be held Friday al ments. The families of pre-school8HM.D0N KRI7.EI.JIAN 8:15 p. m. Harold P. Farber will ers arc invited to attend. Parents Mr. and Mrs. Sol Kritclman anofficiate in the absence of Rabbi of Jewish Community Center Prenounce the Bar Mitzvah. of their Brook*, who Is attending the schoolers wll! receive detailed inson, Sheldon Lee will be celebratUAHC 44th General Assembly in formation thru the mall, "More than half of the* high ed Friday evening and Saturday Toronto, Canada. Harry SMman, Omnha "businessschool pledge cards are now in,' morning. May 10 and 11 at TemShabbas morn'ng service* wll The May Home concert of the man, was elected vice-president begin at 11:30 a. m. This will be Music Listening Group will be held Paysi* Shyken, high school philan- of Grand Lodge Centennial class ple Israel. special service in honor of Moth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol thropies chairman, reported at a at the one humired-thirly-thlrd cm Day. Gnetz, 307 So. 52 .St., Sunday, Wednesday meeting of the Jewish reunion or Scottish Rite Mason* Delegates Attend Meet Youth Council. Shyken stated that in Omaha. May 5th, at 8 p. m. The group meets monthly i t the substantial Increases have been reBETH Kl. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks is in Sabbath service* at Helh Kl Sy- homes of the various members. alized and the High School Divf Ben Nhrler, a t t o r n e y , was Toronto, Canada this week attendnagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. The program-for the May concert lion is on its way to reach its goal elected to the C o u n c i l of the inlng the 44th General Assembly Rabbi Myer S. Kripko will speak will be the work* of Mozart, Mr. Of "Saving One Life" by raising Crclghton Alumni Association at of the Union of American Hebrew on "A Moral Concept of the Kam and Mra. Goetz, hosts, for the 11.000, Congregation* as a delegate of - ' . its annual dinner recently. lly," the second in a series on evening, announced. Temple Israel.-Other members of "The remaining cards represent Jewish Moral Concept* for the the congregation attending *• Mr. and M o . Robert Frinberg the balance of the drive and It will Modern Age. Cantor Aaron I. Ed delegates are: Mr. and Mrs, Ab* be necessary for all workers to left Tuesday for Europe and Is- Brodkey, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blotgar and the Beth Kl Synagogue complete their contacts within the rael and will make a complete cky and Mrs. Edward Gilbert. cho'r will render the musical pornext week to insure the success of tour of the latter area between tions of the sen-Ice. the Campaign," Shyken asserted. May 13 and 2.1 Their itinerary Sabbath morning services begin High school workers are urged will include visits to Paris, Lon•t 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Condon and Rome. ' gregation services pre at 10.30 April 25—A fire drill was held to contact their prospects immedi from, the a. m. Mincho-Manriv at 7 p. m. at the Dr. Sher Jewish Home un- ately either directly or by phone Mr*. Rrnrc Enrrl, wife of Dr. Daily senices at 7 a, m. and der the direction of David Olkow. and turn in the completed card* first formal p. m. Sunday services at 9 a. m. superintendent and Chief J. M. Immediately to the Youth Council Robert J. Engel, on May 6, will open the NlbUrk Hyttfm Sli-nderVail, Director of Safety, Fire Pre- Office. portrait . . . W m Studio, 140 So. 40th Street. vention, Education, City of OmaBETH ISRAEL Miss Ella Barton, national figure Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor ha. A discussion of fire safety was consultant, will be at the studio Eli Kagan, Bclh Israel Cho'r, and held. to the last during the opening week. the Junior' classes will conduct April 25—A Jewish movie, "Odd late Friday services at 8 p. m. Man and the Dctil" u » >,huivn Mr. nnd Mm. T.erald W. Bernbreathless According to a survey taken, Traditional Friday evening scrv- and discussed. Jeeat (Kabbotas Shabbos) begin at April 26--A special fne appara- stein announce the birlh of u November 1935, .W5.7O0 were Raincandid . . . 7:15 p. m. Sabbath morning $erv tus demonstration v ^ held (,,r the rlaii;')iter. Pjwl.i Helen. April 12 , f,,||y ooeupicd person* In Israel They alto have two sonv, Mark j| - ices begin at 8:30 a. m. Junior staff. St"vn nnd Hrure Kilw.nd Grand" rnoto^ropfitr of Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi April 20—Many or our ri",j<]< nK WEAR Groner will conduct the Talmud It tended the 2Sth T,mi;iei parents are Mr. and Mr« D:nc W. Hciii'iein nf Om.ih.i and Mr. ami class at 6:45 p. m. Sabbath Mln- Shrine C'icu'i at the city r.udiTHAT NEW LOOK Mr< William W. Wmtioiib nl Kl cha at 7;15 p. m. followed by lorium. P.I«I>. Ter M.itenril crand- Old tfoubl*-*rMi«»4 »lti mod* gholeshe S'eudos and Maariv. May 5—An Israel I).,j pif)(»rani fiiher i« II.Miim Wintioi'b of Into uw ilaflt-brtoiltd wlrt. Daily morning sen-Ices at 7 a. m.; will be prevented by (he All Kindl Man', ind L.ctl.t' afternoon services at 7:20 p. m. War Veleiana Auxiliary with Mis Omiha. E.pirl T.ilorinij tni Altaratlom Sunday morning services begin at Shirley Klein as chanman 8:45 B. m. followed by breakfast Yahrzcit during the month of PAUL'S PHOTOGRAPHER and Rabbi's clnss in Bible. Sunday [yar special memorial services v.<l\ RADIO & TV SERVICE morning Junior M'nyan, followed be held in the Home .Syna^o^uf US Ja. ISth Jf. n. AT »504 TV CAR RADIO 817 SOUTH 3.TH STRUT by breakfast, starts at 8.30 a. m. for the following: Iyar 1 - M a y 2. RADIO PHONOGRAM • The Talmud Discussion group Harry Steinberg; Iyar 8 - M a y 9, Of HARNEY 1044 PAUL GOLDBERG meets every Tuesday evening at Meyer Potash: Iyar 10—May II 1701 No. 4 7 * St. 432S No. S4lh St. N. IStl 7:30 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, Joseph Kosowsky. Nor Ik wait Rarflol Highway 39th and Hurt streets.

'J. C Brief*



High Schoolers Make Progress

Omqhans In the News



the Bride

John Kalina



Marilyn Rice to Lead College Unit Miss Marilyn Rice, Omaha University student, has been named head of the College Division of the J957 Philanthropies . Campaign. The appointment was made knovrti this week by Arthur Goldstein, general chairman of the drive. . Commenting on (he appointment of Miss Rice, Mr Goldstein stated that "her enthusiasm and thorough understanding of the urgency of this year's emergency program will result in a successful drive in the college division. It is only .through the cooperation of every division that the total campaign can meet its goal and obligations!" Plans art under way for securing workers in the college division with the hopes "that the entire group can lie included in the drive before exams.

Survey Announced On Resort Hotel Bias A report on ft. nMionnl Mirvey on rcsuiI liotcl discrimination has been released by Leo Kiscnstatt, Omaha alturncy and vice chairman of the League's Plains States | Regional Bonrtf. : The Mirxey, Mr. Kisenstntt d<'- | dared, showed Hint nearly one out of four resort hotels In the United States practices religious dir.crjmInution in the admission of Bursts. The survey, the first of its kind, encoinpssseil ,3,0M': hblels in the United Sfntes, Canada, 'Mexico. Hawaii, Alaska find the Carrlbean.

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Frl.lay, May 1, ifST


Bikur Cholim Plans Tea

aHVV AUXIXIAKY The Ladies Auxiliary of th« Epstein-Morgan post, Jeunh War Veteran! will hold the'r regular meeting, Wednesday, May 8, 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. BETH EL Election and installation o( officer* will be held at the luncheon meeting of Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood, Monday, 1 p. m. in the Synagogue Social hall. Mrs. M. A. Venger will conduct the installa,tlon ceremony. A report will be given by Mr», Joseph GUM. Sisterhood president •nd Mra. Ernest Nogg will honor the Torah Fund donora. Mmfi Reuben Bordy and David. Bernstein, Circle 11, ire in charge of the luncheon. . A Board meeting will be held at 11 a. m. Delegate* to the Regional Conference of the National Women's l e a g u e of the United Synagogue! of America, to b e held In Winnipeg. Canada. May 13-14-15 art Mme*j.A. C. Fellman, A.JD. Frank and My«r 9. Krtpke. J*IONEER WOMEN 1'Joneer Women will hold their annual donor luncheon, May 16, 12:30 p. m. at the Fireside restaurant. M I H Goldie Sonioff will b« the guest speaker. Member* of the organization are collecting clothes for Israel and ask that anyone wishing t o t i a v e bundle* picked up, call Mrs. Sam Binder, HE SSW.

Special tribute will be paid to great grandmothers,..': grandmothers; mothers and daughter! at the second annual tea to be given by the Blkur Cholim Society Monduy, May 13, 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Gifts will be presented to the oldest and youngest grandmother and the youngest grandchild. Mrs. Meyer Linda Is chairman in charge of the tea.

Membership Grows In Jewish Centers

Mlu B»rb»r» Frank

Barbara Frank to Wed in August

Mother-Daughter Event Planned for Beth E!

Patronize Our Advertisers.

'We Can Agree'Accepted by Council "We Can Agree," a set of guiding principles to be parents and teenagers as a sate and acceptable program of social activities for teenagers was approved by the Jewish Youth Council at Its May meeting, Wednesday evening. Behavior Code The series of accepted codes of behavior cover the areas ot parties, driver problems, matter of hours and curfew, appropriate dress, party crashing and the concern for the rights and property ot others. A copy of the code, a Joint project of the Youth Council and the Adult Youth Committee will be mailed to the parents Of teenagers in high school and those parents of elgth grader* ready for high school this fall. "We Can Agree" U part of the Council's attempt to better orient teenagers'to hlgn school and to teenage groups.

A special program, to be staged the end of this month, will be conducted for all eighth graders and their parents explaining the transition to high school and the significance of Jewish sponsored teenage groups. The Council makes It mandatory that parents attend this meeting before any child can be rushed by a teenage group. TWs decision was made because members felt the proper orientation and correct Information on the process o! entering high school and the matter of club participation and programming was necessary. EL AL, Israel Airlines Ltd. operates regular passenger and freight lines to New York. Paris, Brussels, London, Vienna, Zurich, Athens, Nicosia, Amsterdam and Istanbul

Contrttt—evtrybody's thoh§ for htavy-duty highways The National System of Interstate and O*. itnA Highways will be the most heivilftravelcd in the stale. Concrete can carry the load. It's the ooly pavement that caa be dettgncd (ot specific loud*. That's why engineers usually choose it wherever roads face rugged tests of traffic - o n more than 90% of the 25 most-nesviljrtraveled rural rosd sections in the country —on nearly 7096 of all of America's turapikts, toll totdt tad expttttwtyt.

PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 504 South 18lh Sti»»t, Omaha 1, N»bra»Vo . . . through «".nllf.c ,.,.cfch and «igl,»>rlmi fiald wort

Roffman 's House of Delicacies NEW STORE HOURS

Open this Sunday

Piano Recital to Be Given Sunday

In Israel, communications by radM telegraph are maintained by radio tclephcin« with seven countries and by -radlo-phototelegraph with four countries,

New York, (JTA)—The number of Jewish Centers and YM-YWKA's baj increased from 295 in 1946 to 352 in 1956. Total membership has Increased'from 445,000 to 581,000 during the decade. These facts are revealed in the annual report of the National Jewish Welfare Board. The report establishes that $17,276,000 were •pent by local communities during 1956 (or Jewish center activities (nd construction work on new centers, amounting to $4,700,000, Is now under way In a number of communities. The report deals alxo with other activities of the JWB and shows that Jewish chaplains conducted 17,000 religious services attended by 500,000 worshippers at more than l,CO0 Army, Navy and Air Force installation* In 65 countries and at 172 veterans hospitals in the United States. The JWB it the government-authorized agency for servicing .the religious, welfare and morale needs of Jewish military personnel and hospitalized veterans, and-Is the national association of Jewish community centers.

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Frank have announced the engagement of their daughter, M l u Barbara, and Pfc. Jay Lashlnsky, ton of Mr. and Mra, Alex Laihlnsky. MlM Prank if a student t the University of Muincaota , Minneapolis, where she is affiliated with Sigma Pelta Tau Sorority. Private Lashinsky attended the Universities of Omaha and Minnesota and is a member of Mu Beta Chi, business fraternity," He jx now stationed with the Army finance corps at Fort Chaffce, Ark. The couple plant an August Zim Israel Navigation Ltd. Is 23 wedding In Omaha. the largest shipping company In the country.

HENRI* SIONSKY CHAFTKB B14AI B'ttlTH B'no1 B'rith, Henry Moiuky chapter No. 470 will hold its Initallation luncheon Wednesday, -12:30 p. m. at Gourmet*. Mn. Max Krizelman, newly elected president and other officer* will be Installed by Mrs. Max Sack*, « past president of the organization. Reservations nrc tying Inker) by Mrs. Stanley Sliapirp, WA 7967 and Mm, llnrty Krirdmnn, JA Beth Kl Synagogue Sisterhood 7443. All pakl-up donor* will be wilt bold Us annual Motherhonored guests nt the luncheon. Daughter Dinner Wednesday, 6 p. m. in the Synagogue Social hall. The dinner will be followed by a I'EKETZ IMIiSCIIBEIN A regular meeting of the Perclz program directed by Mn. Albert Hirachbeln will be held Tuesday Rinimerman. Musical accompanist at the home of Mm. Ben Gereltck, will be Mrs. Russell BlumentHal. Co-chairmen for event an* 1423 Sherwood A\e. A 1 p. m, Mmes. Gilbert Friedman and Phil luncheon will be served. A reading will be given by Mn. Katzman. Assisting aro Mmes. A. Juke Cohen. Mn. Yetta Orcnsteln Friedman, Ben Pcrelman, Irvln will be chalrrnnn or the meeting. tlubinow, Harry Ravltz and Harry All members and friends are urged Mark* and their circles, 11, 16 and 19. Mrs. Sam Horwlch Is In charge to attend. or table setting.

The Center Pfano Studio, under the direction or Professor Ham Bear, will present this year's students' rcdtal, Sunday, May 5, 3 p. m. at the JewUh Community Center. Compositions for piano solo and for, two pianos will be performed, t h e community Is Invited to attend the redtal. Student* who will take part arc Netta KrlpVe, Harriet Dolgoff, Jfc'ene Welnberj'- Mary DcVos, Llane Tfeussfg, Mary Ann Rademacher, Mary Ann Griffiths, "Louise TaJley, Ethel Bayiinger, Betty Hahn, Connie Erisman, H&nnelore NeuUner. nobert JUdernachcr, Janis M a y e r , Eatelle Schulman, Jerry Praul, Dennis Schulman, Loannc Lunzman, Jean Litzen and Gayle Foldman.

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Friday, May », 1»ST


• • • Milton Friedman

Israel's is making a growing Impact on professional soldiers. It was perhaps never expected when Israel was reborn that hundreds of high-ranking reserve otll *ers of an entire U. S. military district would one day be summoned to a lecture on the Israeli Army tc learn of new methods and'insights. Yet, U.*S. officers up to the rank of three-star general listened ptly as the inside story of the world's most remarkable new fighting machine was told. This happened at a recent U.S. Army training asious, helpful, and hospitable than ever, this is nof In accord with the sembly here. the Israeli. He revealed that the standard VS. tactical concept It The lecture was delivered by United Stales is already benefit- la thought In the UJ3. Army tha less an authority tlian Gen. S. L. ting from this cooperation. leaders cannot see what la hapA. Marshall, chief U. S. military U. S. officers training the new pening to their own units if they historian of the European theater are In front of their, troops. But army of Japan have requested perof operations In World War II. mission to reprint In Japanese the Gen. Marshall nevertheless exSome officers indicated a notion report by G^n. Marshall on Is- pressed admiration for Israeli or that the real fighting in Sinai was rael's Sinai tactics. Authorization ficera' personal courage and leaddone by Fr-nch forces rather than , has been sent through the U.S. ership. Jewish soldiers But Gen. MarMarshall I* Frank Embassy in Tokyo. shad without hcj"ntion branded Military Industry Gen, Marshall was frank in stat such reports "a Wg lie." The quality of Israel's soldiers ing his view of Israel's withdrawal Ke»pect For Army springs from the morality of Is- from the Gaza Strip. The General and that in his raeli culture, Gen. Marshall said. It seemed to him that Israel, career as a military analyst he He explained that during his ob- for its own security, should have had been in contact with as many servation Dl the Sinai campaign retained Gaza. Any soldier would as 40 different armies. But he re- he never heard Israelis express agree, he said, that because of the , tpected none of thesa more than contempt or hatred ot the enemy. Gaza Strip the border of Israel is the Israeli Army. Unnecessary bloodshed was void- "wide open." Without the Gaza Genera' Marshall found it hard ed. There was displayed "a most Strip, Egypt could not carry on its to convince hlm&elf that Israeli remarkable attitude on the part campaigns of infiltration and harstaff officers w e e n i t his invn of fighting men." rogsment, he Mid. He termed the UJ5. opjK-.ite number*. He comHe described in detail the lead- controversial strip "the key to mended the Israelis for making ership qualities of Israeli officers Slnal." available to him information valu- and the unique rapport existing Gen. Marshall was commended able to the VS. Army in a respon- among the ranks. Fifty percent of by an official spokesman on behalf sive way "without double-talk." Israeli casualties in Sinai were of- of the special training assembly Describing personal experiences ficers and non-coms, he said, for having made the story of the' In Israel, Gen. Marshall said he Israel believes leaders should go Israel Army "more real and closer never found an army more grac- first Into the path of danger. How- to ui." •


. . . By Ellahu Salpttw

Between You and Me

OUR ISKAIL NEWSLETTER Washington Mood*; Mild differ- State Department is afraid that . t h e first time I visited Elath, about seven yean ago,, there were only two structures worthy of the nces of opinion are now develop- the passage of ships to Israel name "building" in the entire "town": a former British police station, and (he "Government House." TKe ing between the United States and through the Gulf of Akaba may former was an "L"-shaped narrow, low building, then serving as the local "hotel," the entire furniture in he Government of Israel over the threaten America's relations with each room consisting of three to five army cots, one or two ricketty chain, and a makeshift table. The passage of ships to and from Is- King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia ''Government House," on the other hand, was then the epitome of Negev luxury; it wai a modern, half- rael through the Gulf of Akaba . . . The Saudi Arabian ruler conconcrete half-wood bungalow off . . Although the U.S. >s officially siders the Gulf of Akaba; which several roomi, simply but taste- lively bright colors of green, pink, course,'the Port of Elath, which -n record ns considering the Gulf reaches hi* territory, as "Arab fully furnished, with a huge Gen- blue, yellow, violet and orange for came to new life when the Israel Akaba at international water- waters" and Is opposed to the paseral Electric refrigerator in the the outer walls of many buildings. forcen in November last year siay, it in anxious to secure a rui- sage of ships to Israel, even AmerThe Centre has a huge auditorlenced the guns at the Straits of kitchen. ng to this effect by the World ican ships . . . One could 'actually take Ice- ium,, and a pleasant bar and res- Tlran by which" the Egyptians "ourt at The Hague . . . Israel, on taurant on the ground floor, read- maintained the Illegal blockade of cubes from the freezer compart- ing rooms, conference room*, a he other hand, is afraid that too ment and coal .the orange ulce musks room, and smaller lecture the Gulf of Akaba. The Israel acng a time may pass before a tion opened the bay for peaceful poured from, the cans obtained rooms. urldical decision of The Hague navigation by all nations, includfrom the Army canteen. New Hotels ing the traffic to the Arab port of PHbunn) is readied . . . Israel feels hat a dc facto situation with re- KU KUJX KLAN Housing In TeaU The old police barrack is not Akaba, which in the past was also The only other refrigerator, was used any more as a hotel. Elath Interfered with by the Egyptians. ;«rd .to free passage of ships New York. (JTA)—A resurglocated in a huge tent serving as now has two small ^hotels, and a The first big ship arriving in Elath hrouKh the Cjulf of Akaba should ence of Ku Klux Klan activities the main supply store of the kitch- huge modern hotel is nearing com- after the crushing of the blockade x established while the United in Florida aimed equally at Jews ations Emergency Force has conen of the rather SMSJI army gar- pletion on the seashore. At present, was the Danish Brigittc Toft. and Negroes was reported in the rison, all of it boused, naturally, in however, only the two. imall ho- While the SS Toft docked at the :rol of the Sinai section of the New York Herald Tribune today \kaba area . . . If such a de-facto tents. Not far f'om the "Govern- tels operate. relatively small but efficient stecltuatlon is established how, it in the first of a scries of article! ment House," the concrete skeleThe large terrace of the cafe and-concrete pier, huge cranes, d be difficult for Egypt to by Robert S. Bird, a correspondent tons of about six small houle* simbulldozers and tractors were workfacing Jhe concrete runways of the gain blockade the Akaba. waters who made a personal investigation mered In the merciless 90-plui big at top speed to complete the og KKK developments, heat, representing the "housing airport is the buiient place in oil port, a few miles to the south hen the U.N. forces leave the r r i t o r y . , . The U. N. forces may development" of Hath. Three small Elath. Besides the five regularly- from the main port When the first Italian fishing boats and two small scheduled flights daily, chartered tanker, the 16,500 tons American remain in that area until Septem- NEW ATTACKS Navy motor boats tied to a 15- planes charging twice the regular Kern Hills dropped its anchors at ber and even longer, and between Jerusalem, (WNS)—-Two Jorfoot pier of feroken-up rocks con- rate bring in various government the oil-port all the facilities were ow and September many ships danian attacks on Israel have stituted the Port of Elath, A dusty officials (and newsmen who relied ready to take in the oil and trans- can pass through the Gulf of Aka- been reported by Israel Army ofs t r e t c h ot relatively straight on the Government Press Office to port it to the north through the ba to and from I s r a e l . . . Some of ficials who said the Jordanian! hem may even be ships under the ground with a' tired-looking wind- obtain for them flight reserva- ust-completed pipeline. attacked a tractor and a train. bag hanging on a lonesome pole— tions). The building adjacent to The people of Elath began to sraeli flag ', , . This would estab- It, was also reported that the the cafe houses the offices of the lish the International character of t h n was Elath Airport Syrians had make several abortive Arkla Airlines, the Pott Office, feel that their town has finally However, the efforts to infiltrate Israel. , ic waterway Today, Elath still has .tha ini- the local barbetr shop and souvenir emerged from its infancy. mitable atmosphere ot a frontier shop. The kiosk in the cafe has the town, but few people seem to re- latest newspapers, including—with member the "old days" of seven one day's delay — English and years ago. Five scheduled flights French language T>apen and magalink Elath by air with Lydda Inter- zines printed in Paris. By PHILIP 8LOHOY1TZ national airport, andsoon one dally CE—and it Included 12 years of Jewiih autonomy The "ralson d'etre" of all this flight from Haifa and 'possibly construction and activity Is, of Editor, The Jewl.h News under Bar Kochba, 130 to 142 CE. fromTSeenheba -will be added. The Detroit—Time will tell whether the Israeli deciThen came the period of changing rulershlps in sions to pull out their troops from Sharm el Sheikh the present era, with the limited domination under t'.x buildings of the first "housing and the Gaba Strip will mean merely a temporary the Arabs: development" have already sometruce or will lead to the urgently needed peace. thing ot the air of history about Bybantine rule of 239 years, 395 to 634. • Meanwhile, the facts still must be disseminated rethem, surrounded by large twoThe 438-year rule of the Arabs, 634 to 107j!| garding the true state of affairs in the Middle East, Caliphates of Mecca, 636 to 661; Damascus. 661 to story apartment home*. in order to offset the misrepresentations that are ' Laced Concrete Jerusalem. (JTA) —Heart disease being tprcad abou( Israel in relation to her neigh- 750; Abbasids, 750 to 870; Fatlmltes,* 969 to 1071. Many of (he buildings have an Seldukes (Mongolians) rules followed for 24 is one of the major afflictions In bor*. outer wall of laced concrete, erectyear*, 1072 to 1096. Israel not because of the tensions ed about three yard) around the Arab propagandists continue to invade our land, The Crusaders followed for 192 years, 1099 lo walls of the building proper. This which produce the illness In most and Michigan—where there are several communities 1291. with the Ayyubidcs in domination from 1175 outer wall acts as a "heat-breaklfrn sucictits but as the after- with large Moslem populations—'Is especially vulner- to 3291, er" and. especially on hoi days, its math of a disease Israel lias still able to their appeals. Last week, a representative For 116 years thereafter, 1291 to 1516, the of the World Moslcum. Congress came here to tell Mamelouks (Mongolians) were In control of Paleseffectlvenesj is reinforced by drops to conquer—rheumatic fever. Detroit and Ann Arbor audiences, and to be quoted line. of water from a small pipe running This' was reported by D/. Ell along the top of this outer wall. Davis, Director of Hndassah'is in a local newspaper, that "Israel has no right to The Ottomans (TurkO dominated the Holy Land Eince Elath is rather dry, the Medical Outpatient Department exist." for 420 years, 1516 to 1918, and.tho British ManThese propacandists keep on repeating an un- ila to, preceding the rebirth of Israel, followed It for evaporation oi those tiny streams and Rheumatic Fever Clinic, who of water on the outer wall absorb said rheumatic fever is the most truth that Palestine is an Arab country. They ignore 30 years, from 1918 to 1948. Biblical facts. They overlook prophecy. What Is sufficient quantities ot heat to common disease In Israel today. These are the facts—indicating that Arabs ruled keep the building within at a pleas- About 2,500 persons—mostly in the more, they misrepresent historical facts. Palestine for only 438 years, ns compared with the Historically, here are the facts regarding the uninterrupted Jewish rule of the land for 1303 ant temperature without artificial h e to 18 year age bracket—convarioui powers who ruled Palestine in the last 3,200 years. The rest of the time the land was In the air-condilloninf tract the illness annually. years: hands of differing invading fences. In other buildings, the cooling Heart disease follows the fever effecte is achieved without water, Hebrew rule lasted for 864 years, from 1250 BCE These are facts that should be mado known, esinerely by the use of special isola- almost every time, he added and to 586 BCE. pecially to the fly-by-nightf "foreign experts" who tion materials incorporated In in- only about 13 per cent of the vicThe Babylonian conquest lasted only 60 years— have been misleading tlip world by referring to genious designs, planned so as to tims—those who get the right 586 to 538 BCE. "Jewish invaders," and to the Arab propagandist! provide the least possible surface treatment In time—cscapo the The autonomy of the Hebrews was then renewed who would deny the small State of Israel the right for 203 years—536 to 333 BCE. lo its existence. for heat absorption afld retention. heart illness. To some extent, poverty nnd Its Almost each new building conThen came a period of 270 years of Greek rule— The Arabs today outnumber the Jews In the ' tains some new structural innova- consequences, overcrowding and 333 to 63 BCE—but It Included 223 years of local Middle East 20 to 1, but their combined land possespoor nutrition, Increase the inJewish autonomy that began with Judah the Mac- sions are 400 times larger than the small State of tion. This gives Elath's houses a rather startling look of experi- cidence of the fever, he said, but cabee until the destruction of the Second Temple, Israel. Therefore we ask the Arab propagandists: mental d e s i g n , an Impression he disease hits all groups In the 153 BCE to 70 CE. How about an ounce of Justice? Let's have pcac*, Roman rule lasted for 458 yean—63 BCE to 395 dear cousins! ttrcngthened'by the free use of population.


The Facts Versus the Arab Lie

Israel Beset by Heart Disease

Friday, May «, 1MT



Dominican Republic U.S. General Says Open to Egyptian Jews

Robert V. Goldstein, sophomore at Harvard University, has been! awarded an honorary scholarship for marked excellency In his | Studies. He ij crew manager o f the Light Crew Varsity and man-. aged tha freshman crew at a recent race against, Kent, Princeton Yale colleges at Kent College,, Kent, Conn. He Is the ion of Mr.i and Mr*. Arthur Goldstein. Newly elected officers of Alpha Theta Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity at the Nniversity of Nebraska, Lincoln, are president, ' John Ooldner, Omaha; vice president, Robert Zuber, Hastings, treasurer, Sherman Nefsky, Lincoln; secretary, Shel Krantz, Omaha and "Historian, Mike Lazer Omnha. Mike Segal, Greely, Colo., junior, Has presented the Edwin M. Sommer Scholarship award at an Initiation banquet In Omaha, March 88 Tha Annual Club Zebra party will be held May 11, In Lincoln. Initiated Into Zeta Beta Tail. May 28, were Dave Herzog, John Colder, Mike Lazer, She) Krantz. Bill Cooper, and Steve Cohen, all from OmahS. Iota Chapter of Pi .Lambda Phi fraternity, University of IWla homo, Norman, Okla., Initiated Dick Raskin, 1030 K. 63rd St., Arthur Novak, 506 S. 53rd St., Howard Goldstein. 1510 So 88 St., Marvin Joseph, 723 No. 57th S t . and Bruce Horwlch, 5539 Pacific St. Avrum Greenbcrg. a member of the chapter, was among those chosen aa an outstanding campus personality. Ilcns Greenberg, 401 North Elm , wood road, was a speaker at an . Internship conference at Endlcolt Junior College, Beverly, Mass. Steve Brooksteln, 2031 No. 41th St., has been nnmed to the Northwestern University Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Evnmton, III. Alpha Mil frntcrnlty, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, will hold its traditional Parent's Day this Sunday. Named on clnss honor lists at the University's Scholastic Honors convocation were Alart Hecfjcr, Marvin Brcslow, Dick Pocras, seniors, Larry Epstein, junior and Jack Oruch, sophomore. Gordon Fellmnn, senior at Antloch College, Yellow Springe, D., , has been named recipient of three ' graduate fellowships. They are the woodrow Wilson Foundation, the Social Research Council and the Harvard Award, whose grants total $2,200, The Omahnn plana to enter Harvard In the fall for work towards h<s master's degree in «o1 clology. :

Cludad Trupillo, Dominican Repuhlic, (JTA)—Willingness to admit "immediately" 5,000 Jewish refugees from Egypt into the Dominican llepublic, and to provlrle them with fertile land on which lo settle, was expressed by (jenci'iillKslmo Hccter B. B. Trujlllo Molina, President of the Republic, In the course of an audience which he gave to four Jewish members of the United States Congress. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT

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GIMNTS MADK Xew York <JTA)~Some $C,fi00,0C) In grant* lo, medl ind welfnre agencies were announced by the William J. Wollman Foundation, set up by .Miss Kale Wollman, sister of the late Jewish finacncier and philanthropist.

Washington (JTA)—Gen. S. J, A. Marshall, leading U.S. military historian whose recent writings on the Sinai campaign attracted international attention, told hundreds of high-ranking U.S. Reserve Officers here that "Israel for its own security ought to have held on to Gaza." Patronize Our Advertisers POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT :


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Mr«. Mryer Colien, Sirs. Robert l*vlne, Mm. Harry Wise, and Mrs. Sol Llltmun check the autographed volumes tthlrh will be auctioned Sunday, May 19, 3 p. m. on tha opening day of the Temple Israel Book Fair, a two day event. '

Sharett Asked to Settle Dispute


K e n y a (JTA) — Incitements against Jewish residents of East Africa have' been broadcast In the Sydney, Australia (JTA)— MOT Swablll language from Cairo- by she Sharett, former Premier of the Egyptian Government' broad' Israel, will be called on publicly casting service..-','. to settle an argument between the Australian Laborltes and the Conservatives when he arrives here on a visit early next month. Richard G. Cntey, Australia's Ministry for External Affairs, told the House of Representatives that, when Mr. Sharett arrives Mr. Casey will Invite him to make a public comment on n Labor Party statement that the Arab-Israel conflict hnd economic orlRlns. Mr. Ousey, who noted that lie hnd "intimnli- i|i'nlini;s" wilh Mr. Shnrletl when he visited Pnlestini-, vourlifd fur Mr. SharellV status as an expert, fleclnrinn "if any man knows the problem, It is he." Tho question was raised during a debate on Australian ' foreign policy.

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, Omaha Jewish youth has been • ur£od to attend the Israel's InI dependence Day program,, Tuesday night, May 7th, at 8, p. m... ' at the Jewish Community Center, . at which?time they; will be able • to hear and meet General Chalm i Lr*:ov, an Isrrell top /General, 1 who will be guest speaker at this i "General Laskov typifies the ; strength and bravery of the Israeli i to&y," Dr. Abe GrccnberB, presid e n t of the Federation for Jew, Ish Service, said In urging the ''youth to-attend. "His skill and j military leadership have won for , him and for the citizens of Israel respect throughout the world. ] They especially emphasized the 1 fact that Israel is prepared to ward off enemy nttjidts." , "I urge all Jewish Youth of Omaha to meet this outstanding Israeli, Dr. Grccnbcrg added," Gen. Laskov Is truly a symbol of the glowing strength and matchless Vigor of the people of Israel."

Israel Needs Gaza


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• Jewish Youth Urged to Meet General Laskov


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Kafzman Elected Beth Israel President Camp Jay-C-C Slates Camp-outs Maurice Katzman w u elected j president of Beth Israel Synagogue at the lait meeting of th* Synagogues Board of Commissioners. He succeeds Harry Sidman who headed the congregation as president for five yeani. Mr. Katzman just completed a two year term ai vice-president and had previously held other congregational paste. In addition, the folowing officer* were elected: Dan Gordman. vicepresident ; Henry Appel, recording secretary; Sam Hahn. financial secretary, and Izadore Elewitz, treasurer. Elected for a new term on the Board of Commissioners were the following: Max Arbitman, Sam Bloom, Alfred Frank, Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, Norman Hahn, Maurice Katelman, Harry Lewis, Rabbi M. Puliakoff and Sam Zweiback. Mr. Katzman laid appointments of standing committee chairmen will be released shortly. At the annual meeting of the Synagogue, April 21, reports were presented by the following: Harry Sidmaji, president message; Henry Appel, constitution committee; Harry Lewis, house: treasurer and budget, Arthur Could; board of education, Rabbi Benjamin Groner; choir, Mrs. Alfred Frank; youth commission. Mrs. Max Fromkin; social arrangements, Mrs. Sidney Goldberg; religious committee and memorial plaques, Sam -Bloom; ushering, Morris E. Kutler; breakfast minyan, Sam Freed; membership, Maurice Katzman; annual dinner


"Many outstanding c a m p i n g Inin will !>._• f.Mturf'I al Camp Jav(.'-<: thin slimmer," Saul Silvcrin.'tn, cjmp director, diaclosod this »<-cl( "Camp Jjy-C-C, recognized ,n {he top co-otiucational camp .in the Nebraska and Iowa area, is ' j n dngm^ trips to areas of historic interest, state lakes, Indian camping grounds and recreation areas. Campers will b* taught skills in woodjsnanship, c o o k i n g out-ofdoon, fir* building, first aid and natural crafts in preparation for trail and camping-out trip*. Many horseback overnights wilt be taken by camp riders to sites near the Camp. The younger campers will enjoy camping in Fontenelle Forest, the 1.400 sere reserve that is adjacent to the camp property, Campers may still b* registered for either of the two two-week sessions or for the full four week* of camping. More than three, fourths of the enrollment has already been completed for the first session of camp and parents desirMaurice' Katiuum ing to register their children for camp this summer should do so immediately to avoid possible disand calendar clearance, Dah Gord- appointments. man; Golden Hill Cemetery, Harry Registration for Camp Jay-C-C Sldman; legal and property. Max is expected to be completed by the Fromkin; nominating commit tee, middle of the month. Dr. Abe Greenberg; P. T. A., Mrs. Morris Kutler; Men's Chib, SamCivilian airfields are maintained uel Kaplan, and Sisterhood, Mrs. at Tel Aviv and Haifa, and • landSam L. Katzman; B. H. H. Re- Ing place at Ellat prt, N. Levlnson.

Onto. Shabat to Have Israel Day Program

Debka Debs will present their Omaha Chapter, Hadassah will anual style Show featuring the commemorate Israel's Ninth Year Dcbonaircs Thursday, May 9 at 4 of Independence with an open on the 10th floor of Brundcii. Oneg Shabat Saturday, May 11, Representatives from Eleanor 2 p , m. st the Jewish Community Roosevelt BBG, Rohahuc, Hodfci Center, BBC, Debka. Debs and girls from the various Omaha high schools will model. Miss Jenny Feldman will modA. monument to the memory of erate this event, Refreshments will^ the late Mra. Sarah Eva Selicow be served. Tickets will be forty will be dedicated Sunday, 2 p. m. cents each. at Beth K1 Cemetery. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will officiate. Relatives friends of the family arc inPre-Sdiool Graduation and vited to attend the service.

Xrlday, May 3, l»57


Israel Welcomes 1.408 Immigrants in One Day Haifa, (JTA)—The l a r g e s t class elements from the English* single group of immigrants to ar- speaking world. rive in one day—1,408 newcomers, Klry»t flat mostly from Egypt and Europe— Forty newcomers are already landed here this week. They arrived aboard th» Argentina ship, settled In Kiryat Gat, urban center of the development region, the "Salte." Mr. Sleff said. He expects the first To*DerelopDMBt A n a * hundred would be settlsd there The Immigrants, who has been by the end of the year. Kiryat Cat' processed during the voyage were now has a population of about pent immediately to development 4,000 four-fifths of them recent areas. Specialists among the new- arrivals from Europe and North comers, i n c l u d i n g doctors, en- Africa. The ttn-mlle agricultural gineers and technicians, were sent xonc around the town has a poputo centers «vhert they are needed. lation of 2J.O0O. A cellophane tap* Another 500 are expected here factory and a peanut processing plant art already In operation In during the coihing week-end. ' The Association of Polish Jews Kiryat Cat, and a 30,000 spindle In Israel, meanwhller plans- to cotton mill is under construction. establish • special fund to help Ollsh newcomers, reporting that a Use the Want Ads to buy, sell 24,000-pound fund has already or. rent. been collected from which loans will be given to specialists and professionals t o help them Integrate. Israel M. Sleff, head of the RUG & UPHOLSTERY A n g l o - I s r a e l Development Cor, poratlon, announced that the sum CLEANERS or 100,000 pounds sterling, ($280,RUGS-CARPETING 000) has already been raised to finance the settlement Id tbe Lach. LAMP SHADES Ish development region of 100 FURNITURE families front English-speaking countries. "He said that Isaac WolfCtamwl to Tour Homol son. British financier, Is associated with him in the project which aims at facilitating settlement in Don B«nutein HA 2554 Israel by professional and middle-



To Be Held Wednesday The annual Jewish Community Center Pre-School graduation ceremony will be held Wednesday, 10:30 a. m.'at the Center. A special puppet show will be presented and refreshments will be served. All parents of preschoolers are invited to attend tbe exercises.

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Center Sports Olympic Trophy Race r

AZA 100 leads the pack in the Olympic Trophy race. They have B2.5 points and S.S lead over the Unafflllates. Kaylm totals 38 with AZA 1 having 33.5. There are three events yet to be tallied on these totals. Badminton and table tennis doubles each have a 5-3-1 point value, and track has 7-4-2. The Unaffillate* have potential point makers In both the minor sports, while AZA 100 has final lists In table (ennis. It is feasible to believe that the track meet could well determine the winner of the trophy, If the Un affiliates could take major po!ni' in the remaining events

Y.C. Badminton Jack LJeb of Hayim/has advanced to the finals of the Youth Council boys' badminton tourney . with 15-10 and 15-7 games over Steve Sloane, AZA 100. Ueb will face the winner of the Dave Goldatein-Chuck Wise match for the championship. Chuck Wise advanced to the •cml-finals with a victory over Al Krizelman, and Dave Goldstein reached the semis at the expense of Tom Platt. With two Unaf flliates in the semi-finals, that as•uras them of at least three more Olympic points. AZA 100 had Sloane and Tom Plait in the tourney, but both were eliminated

Y.C. Doubles in Table Tennis Jerry Sherman and Stuart Kutler advanced to the finals In Youth Council table tennis doubles. They bent Will Plotkin ami Al Krizelman in the quarter finals 21-18. 12-21. and 21-14. It «ns n closely contested m.iteh uith Die lead chancing hand* tuiK"; In the Imt |!iiine In the wnnil game, Krurlmnn mid Hut km jumped into fl s.x [mint I-KI nnd coasted to the win. hut Sh' and Kutlffr nettled dnun ><i take the rubber game on miisiKtrni dc'" fetwe and a Klashin^ offence. Ed Wintroub nnd M. Platt nKo have reached the finals, and uith five Olympic points at stnkc? the match is expected to be very close. It will be a three out of file game affair. The third place match will be between the seml'flnnl loner for one Olympic point.

Swim Meet

Y.C. Track The final Y6uth Council athletic activity before Award Night will be track. The meet is scheduled for this Sunday at 10 a. m. on the Benson ovuL.AZA 100 has some strong runners and is expected to take the championship, but the UnaffMates c o u l d overbalance their strength by. virtue of sheer numbers. AZA 1 figures to score some important points in determining the winner.

Events for the meet will be the 100, 220, 880 and the mile relay for the track. Field events win be the shot put, broad Jump, softbaij. throw and football throw. This activity carries a 7-4-2 Olympic poln value and could well dctermlm the winner of the trophy. Individuals are restricted In entering more than two track, one field and relay or one track, two field and relay events. Teams entry deadline in today at 5 p. m. in the Physical Education office, .

SUMMER SWIM PROGRAM CHILDREN'S CLASSES Kiddy-Kuatics—Tuesday-Thursday '.. 8:00-9:00 a. m. Coed-6 to 9—Monday-Wednehday « . • • 9:00-10:00a.m. B o y s - « fo 9-Monday-Wednesday 11:00-12:00 noon C o c d - f i j o 12—Monday-Wednesday 32:00- 1:00p.m. jGIrls-6 to 12—Monday-Wednesday 1:00- 2:00 p.m. GIRLS CLASS—Monday 3:00- 4:00p.m. 11 and older—Friday ll:00-12;0Vnoon Coed—6, to 9—Tuesday-Thursday 9:00-10:00a. m. Boys—6 to 9-Tuesday-Thursday 10:00-11:00a. m. Girls—6 to 9—Tuesday-Thursday ..11:00-12:00noon Coed—6 to 12—Tuesday-Thursday ...12:00- 1:00p.m. Boys—6 to 12—Tuesday-Thursday 1:00- 2:00 p. m. Boys—11 and up—Tuesday-Thursday 3:00- 4:00p.m. OIRLS CLASS—Wednesday 10;00-ll:00a.m. 6 to 12—Friday 9:00-10:00a.m.. Clrln Class-Wednesday 3:00- 4:00p.m. Advanced-Friday 12:00- 1:00p.m. Boy Scouts Swim—Monday-Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30- 7:30p.m. Girl Scouts Swim—Wednesday-Thursday 6:30- 7:30p.m. New Rccratlonal Swim— i Mon. Tues. Weds, and Thurs 4:00- 5:00p.m. Everyone is welcome—Price is 25c. AIH.'LTS SWIM CLASSEN Woman's Swim Class—Monday-Fridi^ 10:0*11:00 a.m. Adult Swim Class—^Tuesday-Thursday 7:30- 8:30 p.m. Recreational Swim—Tuesday-Thursday 8:30- 9:30 p.m. Coed Business Swim—Mon. Tuei. Wed. Thurs... 5:30- 6:30p.m. Each class is entitled to three «wlm.i a week on their membership Children's memberships $3 per month. Adult membership $4 per month.

Registrations Remain Open for Jay Sports Kegistration is still nvullablc to those wishing to enter the Jay »pruiK sportu program. Classes being offered arc horseback riding, at Hillside Stablca. tennis classes at Bemis Park, archery classes at the Klmwood target area and boxing for boys In 6th. 7th and 8th grades at the Center. There Is no charge for registration In the boxIng class. Tennis and archery carries a $5 fee and honfeback riding has a special rate of 111 for six lessons. Information of the classes'may be obtained by calling the Center hyslcal Education department. Registration for any class is being conducted at the Center's main office.

Camp Program to Be Shownby KMTV A program devoted to Camp JayC-C-will be presented over KMTV May 8 at 11:30 a. m. Dr. Daniel Miller, camp committee chairman, and Dr. Robert J Engel, assistant chairman, will de. scribe the many activities featured during the summer camp periods In an Interview with TV personality, Marianne Peters. Pictures and films of former summers at Camp Jay-C-C will be shown.

Chuck Wise and company took the Youth Council Boys' SwlmNational Swim fnlng meet and racked up seven Opens Sunday Olympic points for the Unaf flliates The Omaha division of the sevlast Sunday. Chuck scored two enth annual National Jewish Welfirst places, in the 100 yard back fare Board Swimming Meet will Stroke and 100 yard breast stroke, be held at the Jewish Center pool to lead the team in victory. Bernle Use the Wants Ad< to buy, sell Sunday, May 5 from 10 a. m. to Wolf and Howard Kooper were or'.rent. 1 p. m. also double winners, but each had one' second place to their credit. The final score of 29-27, with AZA 100 in second place, was one of the closest final scores for a Y.C. Swim meet in years. The Mother chapter won third place with % single point scored by Harold Kaiman. RayJm failed to have an entry. The best race of the day was the 80 yard free style relay which AZA 100 captured through anchor man Howie Kooper who finished FOUR WEEKS OF DAY CAMPING less than twelve Inches in front of Unafflliate Dave Goldstein. At that point, the score was 29-20 JUNE 17-JUNE 28 $35 •o the victory was still in the 'hands of the Unaffiliates. Other JULY 1-JULY 12 $35 AZA 100 relay men were Al Knrtnan, Nelson Gordman nnd Mike FULL 4 WEEKS $60 'Canar. Individual winners were Nelson iJordman in the 40 ynrd fr'eMjIe. Dave Goldstein In Ilir 40 jaul back stroke, and IWnir Woir In 101 NO. 20THST. 'the 100 yard fire<i>le. Hounnl Kooper won riMiiK m w Jeff HATES INCLUDE Swart/.



Athletic Demonstrations To Highlight Award Night Plans for the tenth annua Athletic Award Night are in advanced stage, Irvln Yaffee, chairman of the Center Health and Physical Education committee announced. Mr. Yaffe s«id May 16 was choice for the event In an effort to avoid a warm weather date. Athletic Demonstrations Yale Trustin, chairman of the program committee has arranged for two athletic demonstrations for the evening, One will be the Judo team from Offuft Field in an exhibition of the methods df self defense, Al Llnnenberg. head of the unit, said the team will include female performers. The other will be a gymnastic demonstration on the side horse plus tumbling. The event has been arranged through' Bill Beavers, former Benson High gymnast and will include such athletes as Bruce Rlley, former University of Nebraska star gymnast. Bob Tomasek, who distinguished himself with the Omaha Sokol team while competing in national affairs and 'Joe Palermo, who achieved statewide recognition for past performances in Lincoln. Three Awards Three outstanding awards, the .. L. B u r k i n r o i d — b e s t adult ithlete; the Harry Tmstin—best Junior athlete and J. J. Greenberg Trophy—best midget athlete will be presented. Balloting for the athletic honors Is being conducted by an awards

committee composed of Sam Ban, Lindy Paul and Bob Fromkin. They will be assisted by men who have coached teams. In various Center sports. Individual Award* *• The Annual A t h 1 e 11 c A ward night is sponsored by the Health and Physical Education committee and designated as the evening when all Center athletes receive recognition for their participation. Individual awards will be given to m e m b e r s of championship teams, all star team selections' And champions of the various tournaments carried on during the year at the Center.

Name Committee For World Series Two of the 11 persons named to serve on the Eleventh Annual College World Series executive committee are Morris £. Jacobs, as vice chairman a and Mayor John Rosenblatt, it was announced by E. F. Pettis, general chairman. Among the members of the general committee are Phil Gerelick, Jules Drollck, Roy Feltman, Sam Greenberg, Richard Hlller, Robert H. Kooper, M. M. Kruplnsky, J. H. Kulakofsky, Edward Schlmmel, Lou Somberg and Harry Trustin. The College World Series will lie held at the Municipal Stadium, June 8-13.

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With General Chaim Laskev Israel Hero of the Sinai Campaign




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Friday. May I, 1MT

THE rewisn PBESS


Jewish Press—Sioux City Section • Opening Dinner Contributes $101,000 Around the World and Nation

Margolin Assumes Office As New Federation Head

Again, it was a week which saw Israel and Jewry In other parts of the world take It oh the chin. Their fellow-Jews in Sioux City and hundreds of other American communities—and in those other parts of the world where circumstances permitted—were reading and hearing of the appalling details, were doing what they possibly could in the way of giving their money and time, and, meanwhile, were wondering (at least the thinking ones were) where. when and how will it all end? Few so-called experts even were attempting any longtcrm speculation as to the future of the young Jewish state or of the, prospects of Jew* In any of the other many strife-torn nations. It was obvious, though, that one crisis Inevitably would lead into another, ad infinltum. and that self-proclaimed pundits five and possibly even 10 years from now still may be writing and speaking of Israel's beleaguered position in a hostile Arab world, and nerhnns evp-i ••' «'iir~!r1'n-tion and even cxplusion of Jews from ono country or another. Admittedly, this is a pessimistic view. Yet ft Indicate* that the trend I s n ' t ' t o w a r d nny nll-ornothlnjr. wln-or-Iosc kind of war In the Immediate" future. Any one of several sparks- now in the wind could destroy the present line-— --•'"M"!". hut bv the

Frank J. Margolin, newly elected president of the Jewish Federation. has assumed office as leader of the Jewish community's most important central agancy. His first official act was presiding at the combined-divisions opening U. J. A. dinner Sunday night. April 28, at which a record {101,000 was raised for the campaign and Kraergency Rescue Fund. . Installed In office with Mr. Margolin were Dave J. Albert, Lynn Arkin and Mrs. W. C. Slotsky. vice presidents. Burton LlpUhutz. secretary and Earl Kline, treasurer. . The Jewish Federation, now In Its 35th year, operate* the Jewish Community Center and the Hebrew School, and conducts the United Jewish Appeal campaign, now in progress. The Federation provides a multitude of services to the community and to the Jewish people of Sioux City. A partial list of Federation services Includes Social Service, childrcns and adult activities, community relations; also, in cooperation with the National; Council of Jewish Women, the Nursery School and Golden Age Club. In addition to conducting the annual V. J, A. drive, the Federation administers the apportionment and allocation of these funds' through the very important Bud'

same token there arc several reason* why no explosion is foreseen. The recent—and still not entire, ly doused—little- blaze in Jordan points up one of them. The Arab states are far from united, and appear distinctly uncertain of their own futures. The J o r d a n i a n vacuum, for that Is exactly v/hat the artificially created state is, could lirin-j on violent conflict between the two Arab factions (Egypt-Syria vs. Iraq-Saudi Arabia). Israel could become Involved, but li hardlv HUcly to fnre destructlon if the Arab states bleed each other white. * • A'-" -•••—.-•, it ^ocn't always appear that way, the west—even the US—doesn't desire to see the Jewish state s w a l l o w e d up. There'll be continued pussyfooting, a'l

' " • ' •


IIAIMSSAH The Hadassah luncheon meeting ichcduled for Wednesday, April 20, has been postponed to Hay 7.

The total represented contributions from four divisions opening their campaigns together in one combined affair. It was the first time, according to Federation officials, that Advanced Gifts and the General Men's divisions had ever been called to meet together, and these two were Joined by the

Business and Professional Women's group and representatives of the Area and Youth divisions. The policy to mix group*, unusual in fund-raising meetings, was decided by chairman Kalin and the U, J. A. cabinet as the right thing for Sioux City, where th* Jewish community is more closely knit than it is in other cities. All the gifts were announced from the floor voluntarily. No on* who may have felt unprepared to make announcement was called upon by name or urged to plcdg* before he was ready. The pledges came first and.wlth. out logical order. Pledges from business firms Involving many thousand* followed modest pledge* of a few dollars. Ninety per cent of all' represented substantial increases over the contributions of a year ago. The emergency rescue need of this year's appeal seemed self-evident to everyone present

Youth Shares the Limelight Frank J. Margolin


Lurie Keynotes Women's Meeting' Inspired by some of the mu,l are ex-refugees—men, women and moving oral appeals ever made at ] children who were rescued by a Women's Division lunchi>on, by guest speaker Robirl Lurie, gen- United Jewi,h Appeal drives of eral chairman Sid Kalln. and co- five, ten and twelve year* ago. He chairmen Mrs. Maurice Lasensky pointed out that they may nrjw be and Mrs. Soil Kronlck. the women called a successful rctcue Jab. formally launched their divisional They might have Ju,( as readily campaign as this issue of THK been failures, Mr. Lurie indicated. JEWISH PRESS was going to The children and lecn-age youth press, Starting their driye the day that were salvaged from concenafter the phenomal opening of the tration camps and from North Afcombined men's divisions, t h e women aimed to carry out the suc- rica, and sent to Israel where they ceisful beginning made by the men were so happily rehabilitated, werr with the full confidence that It some of the most savage and barbarian Juvenile delinquents t h e will be done. . world had ever seen. Survivors of Mr. Lurle,'~fn*klng the keynote the war, Nazi savagery and Arab appeal of the ncads of the emer- hostility, they were brought up in gency rescue fund now, painted a the ways ot the jungle. V. J. A. picture At Israel Jews seldom re- dollars laved them, humanized lated in public talks. Three quar- them, and made them stalwart Isters-of Israelis today, the farm- raeli citizens, of whom the Jews of ers, workers,' business men, crafts- the entire world are proud, Mr. men and soldiers; men and women, Lurie pointed but.

o u t s ' d e (>fM lil'i- t h e U J A ) :inrl the 'ii ' • i I \ i < 'i I n s c . n n e d licr tlu- .ind v>ill r i n y 1 hei f ir tIK r .il in tin i 11rl t o ult :n I n this rli 1 m l f u i ' i n i seiunt)

The- Sioux Cily Section of the National O»uncil of Jewish Women will hold a bake snle Frtilay, M ly 10. 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., at the formor S i o u x City Stationciy building, 5th and Nebraska street',

Two hundred and seventy five Sioux Otyans. the largest group ever to gather at a banquet i t the Jewlth Community Center or to attend any United Jewish' fund-raising affair, packed the Center auditorium last Sunday night, and almost to a man voiced their support to the appeal of general chairman Sidney Kalin to clve additionally to rescue lives. Before the short, dramatic, emotion-packed evening bad ended J 100,995 in regular emergency rescue fund pledges were announced from the floor.

Funds arc expended or distributed only afted exhaustive study, budpeiln':"!1'"! n-nrovri li;» ti-c Federation Board of Directors. Mr. Mnrgolin, a leader in community activities of every aspect fur many yearn, wa« 1936 United get and Allocations Committee. I Jewish Appeal general chairman

Egypt nn-I other A n b states and a few which appear downright antiJewis^But with It all, enough-aid will dribble through—from individuals and rovernment agencies—to ' keep Israel alive and, to a varying deTec, flourishing So. the Suez canal will probably remain dosed to Israel for a long time—there'll be talk of tests, talk of the UN. talk o ( bringing the case before the world court and meanwhile more propaganda blast* by Egypt. The Gaza strip will be a continued trouble spot and Ejtypt an-i Saiidi Arabia ' talk about cloilng the Gulf of Aqabq (whether they'll actually, succeed In doing it K another i matter) ! .t Sounds like a b l e a k future, I doesn't it' Hut Israel Mill sur1110, th.inks to the econ mle Ingenuity of her nu>plc hdp from

OOIINC'i.'., J K W I S I I

Chairmah's Plea Draws Overwhelming Response

Tlrmnlr Kln*« turn* uvrr ronfulnlng collrrlluns of Yointjr Judaea (lull mrmhrni, In geni-rul clinlnnun Slil Knlln, Hi iiimMnril division* opening dlnnrr, April 2Klh.

Men's Organizations B. B. BOWLING The B'nal B'rith Bowling league, banquet will be held Sunday, May 5, 6:30 p. m., at the Arcadia restaurant. Newly elected officers of the Bowling League are Irv. Nogg, president, Marvin Kline,' vice president, and Willie Schlnd-' ler, secretary-treasurer

Youth Division rhulrmun Art Kiitihrr adclrmrs romblnrd til— vl«lon» opening- banquet, April Mth. One high point of the evening was the presentation by Tuntnl* ] Klass, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Marvin jKlass, of n Jar containing $22.39 collected'by. the member* of tht Young Judaea clubs, aged 8 to 12, that Sunday afternoon. Another • »ns the report by Art Kutcher, representing the members of AZA and the B'nai B'rith GirN, tcen-ag# ciubs, meeting at the Jewish Conn inunity Center, of a pledge of $213 by the Youth JlivMon. Art Kutchi j', chairman of the boys, «at nt the head table with fienee Weiner and Jacqueline Miller, co-chairmen of tho girls, Tho Youth Diviilon pledg<:t« were made with n solemn miiia not to go to parenti with reqiiestn for thi« money, but to pay them entirely out of allowances and carnlnK*. Much of th« inspiration that fired this enthusiasm of spontaneMr. Sid Kitlin, Sirs. Soli Kronlrk, WonVn'i Division co-chairman, Jfrs. Hid KKIID, and 5»rs. .Sam ous givfng came from the address Ilrrmlrln. at thn opening Iiiiifliron of the Women's Division campaign. Out of camera range—<o-<h«lr. by' gti(»si speaker Robert Lurie, of St. Louis. man Mrs. Ma

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