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I m M UIBM Maiu»g rrivtirgt* ftathwHr* at O n t a Nrbr
OMAHA, NEB1L . . ^ . F R I D A Y ,
flklUkM « w > t-rftfa* |»I Hi Mtk »aniuu Halt « (Milan Ofufea Nstruk* Pbur 4/1 I I M Single c*«r litlniti
$425170 Raised in Drive to Date Gen. Laskoy Confident Chairman Goldstein Says 'Israel Will Be Safe Philanthropies Ahead 15% The freedom of th« open door, .»• fifth freedom born or Israeli "hand of welcome" will be ex, tended to every Jew who tecki refuge In Israel. That w i t the passionate assertlon of Gen. Chaim Laskov, commanding general of Israel's Southern Command, in an addreii to the Omaha community who gathered to observe the ninth anniversary of Israel's Indencn1 dence, at the Jewish Community Center Tuesday night. New Freedom - "We have added this new freedom to the freedom* from want, fear, speech «nd religion", he added "and we itand ready to welcome any Jew who wishes and needs to enter our country," "We have the place to absorb '" thousands and can do It with your support." With typical Israeli spirit of determination, the youthful lookIng central declared that his country was doing Its best to return to the many newcomers the dignity lost to them through many year* of suffering and deprivation. Eloquent Speaker Eloquent, but quiet spoken, h» told hi* audience that Israel will be made safe for its people, "We took It upon ourselves lo make our country safe and we will do 11." he said In words tli.it characterized the dedication of purpose for which he Is known. "It is premature to say we have topped the ridge", he told Omahans, "because we have not, for reasons, of economy, security and because of the Jews who are not free. "Out we can see over th« top and we shall get to th» top of the ridge." Missed Dinner The popular general, wearing
"YES1 Operates With Success "Yes", Youth Employment Service, sponsored by a ipcdnl Center subcommittee has been lUcestful In placing Jewish college and high school students In Jobs during the last, month, Donald Rice, chairman of the committee In charge, announced. "Many job openings are still needed," commented Mr. nice," to place the many applicants that arc now being processed by Yes." ' Employers d e s i r i n g competent Hummer help or part-time employees are urged to contact "Yes", JA 1366. Only students meeting the specification* of the Job will • be referred for employment with no charge being made to either employer or the student. "The sole aim of 'Yes,'" Rice stated, "Is to place students in responsible positions where they may gain from actual Job experiences." A special lawn crew is being operated by YES to meet the needs of homeowners and many fine typists, bookkeepers and expert f need students sales personnel arc available at reasonable rates. "Whatever your work needs," Mr.'.Rice sold, "we suggest you contact Yi:s, JA J3Cfl, be It for baby Mlleu in the tnmnw, receptionists, laborers or sales personnel." FISCAL lti;VKM'K KKI'OKT Jerusalem IWN.S) - Israel's revenue during the fiscal year 1953-56 *.a* 815,000,000 pounds,' or Iwenly«"ii;l)t times more than during the fiscal period of 1918-49, the first year of Israel's independence.
his black-beret, made a special effort to appear in Omalia, since he had only several hours between plans, even missing his dinner to become acquainted with Omahanj. He is considered one of the outstanding figures of the State of Israel, symbolic of the unquenchable spirit of his people. His speech reflected his strong personal urge and that of his countrymen to help the refugee Jewish men, women, children now. in flight from Egypt, Hungary, Eastern E u r o p e and Moslem countries. The Jerusalem Post recently wrote of Gen. Laskov: "He has always been where things were difficult and where quick decisions accompanied by toughness when necessary, were required." Great Course* "You can feel Lakov's great courage by Just talking to him", said a young university student In Jerusalem. He la a soldier statesman In the finest tradition of the great leaders of the free world. The people of America will like him Instinctively". General Laskov said tint the "weapon" that nnvrd the way for victory in the Slnal campaign wai not the equipment but the training and moral of ths fighting men and the people on the home front, Rrrap Hrnp Weapon "Our weapons were from the scrap heap", he disclosed. "By contrast Egypt had the modern, 'xcelient Russian equipment. The credit goes to our army, a newcomers army, ha explained, composed of men, who previously knew little of army training, but possessed an Indomitable spirit to preserve their new citizenship. Presiding at the meeting was Dr. Abe Crcenberg, president of the Federation for Jewish Services, Anniversary Greetings were brought from the Zionist Council by Mrs, J. Harry Kutakofskv. its president, and from Council Bluffs Jewry by Ben Gcrshun, president or Its Federation, A report of the Philanthropies Campaign was made by Arthur H. Goldstein, General chairman. A prayer was offered- by Mrs. Henry A. Newman, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Club*. • Members of the Jewish Veteran* of Fercfgn Wars. Max Belgrade, Milton Goldberg, Max Kanner and Abe Miller, led by Leonard Wolk presented the colors.
Arthur H, Goldstein, General Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies and Emergency Rescue Fund of the United Jewish Appeal Campaign, in his report to the community announced that as of
Camp Near Capacity "Although three months still remain before Camp Jay-C-C, the Federation sponsored camp for Jewish boys and girls ages 6 through 14, Is to open, registrations are near capacity of the camp," stated Or. Daniel Miller, Camp Committee Chairman, at a report meeting this week. Dr. Miller commented that the total registration of the camp Is expected to be completed by the end of this month. "Parents planning to register their children for Camp Jay-C-C this summer should register Immediately," Dr. Miller said. "Youngsters may still be registered for the full four weeks of camping or for the lnut two week period," commented Dr. Miller. This summei Camp Jay-C-C will start July 28 and run through August 2Sth. "The completion of the registration tills month will permit the camp administrative staff to concentrate on staff train. Ing and programming. The full staff has been hired and the camp maintains the highest counselor to camper ratio In this camping area. "Oon MM average," concluded Dr. Miller, "we have one counselor for every four children at our camp."
Hadassah to Honor Israel An Oneg Shabbnt honoring the ninth Israel Independence Day will be given by Omaha Chapter Hadassah, Saturday, 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center auditorium. The program will Include this year's Hadassah Spectacular and a movie entitled, Israel 193657". Mr*. I, Oberman, chairman of the event, will be assisted by her co-chairmen, Mmes. David Rosenbaum, Loun Hurwllz and Milton Simons, Tea and a social hour will follow lh» program. Everyone Is Invited to attend.
Missouri Rabbi to Be Brandeis Committee Guest The Omaha Chapter of the NaBarndclv University will have Itabbl Myron M. Meyer, Temple Ardath Joseph,. St. Joseph, Mo., review "A Thing of Beauty", by A. J. Cronln, Wednesday. May IS at 12:30 p. m. at the Blackstone hotel Election of officers and Installations will be held also at this lime. All members are urged to attend and ore Invited to bring guests.
B»bW Myron M.
HKAltST IIONOIIKD New Yoik (JTA) -Israel Ambassador to the United States Abba Eban paid tribute to William" Randolph Hearst Jr., editor-inchief of the Henrat Newspapers, fur Inn "understanding "id worm friendship" he has given to Israel. A personal ncroll from Israel's Prims Minister David Ben Clurion was presented to Mr. Hearst by AmuaiM&dur fcb
Wednesday the amount raised in the drive amounts to 1432,170, by the various divisions o( the campaign. This represents an increase of about IS per cent on the some cards, Mr. Goldstein indicated. Steps Outlined Mr. Goldstein next outlined the. steps necessary to bring the campaign to a speedy and succcsslul conclusion. 1. Complete co! erase of the remaining cards, including special contributions to the Emergency Rescue Fund. 2. Review of cards giving regular contributions, but no additional amounts to the Rescue Fund. 3. Resollcltatlon of those who have not given adequately. "Our campaign organization Is especially concerned with prospects who should give and contribute in accordance with their means, In this Important campaign. The entire community benefits from the activities of the agencies we support, and adequate support Is urgently needed for their operations," Mr. Goldstein emphasized. "Around the Clark" 'in Just one day," Mr. Goldstein said, "2600 refugees entered Israel. Citizens of the infant state
of Israel literally work around the clock to absorb these newcomers, for whom Israel is the last stop. This is a tremendous responsibility and operation, and bur funds are urgently needed to make this, possible. "100,000 Jews will, be entering Israel, from all parts of the world. The Emergency Re&cue Drive is intended to make it possible for these refugees to find a haven of refuge and security In Israel," Mr. Goldstein concluded urging workers to, redouble their efforts to complete the campaign.
.College Division Chairmen Picked Miss Marilyn Rice, chairman of the College Division of the Jewish Philanthropies has announced the appointment of the following- cap- > tains in the College Division. Jim Stern, Murray Rose, Sandra Fisher, Rita Peltz, Barbara Muikln, FyUls Rubino, Marvin Abramson and Calvin Linda. Miss Rice urges all the local college students to return the PWU anthropy cards with the pledges at the earliest possible time so that a complete summary may be given at tht next rt U
Athletic Award Night to Honor Teams and Individuals Outstanding demonstrations in Judo and Gymnastics will feature the 10th Annual Athletic Award Night program on Thursday, May 16, 7:30 p, m. in the Jewish Community Center auditorium. The Offutt Air Base Judo team will perform In demonstrations of classic self-defense methods and competitive Judo maneuvers with male and female members. Al Llnenberger, head of the Offutt Judo team will demonstrate and explain the tactics displayed by the group. Several members of the group hold advanced ranking in the American Judo Club. Athletic Program Gynastics demonstrations In tumbling and the side horse will also be featured, Bill Beavers, outstanding high school gymnast In Nebraska has gathered together an Impressive array of talent for these exhibitions. Top name In the gymnastics list Is Bruce Rilcy, a former University of .Nebraska gymnast, who has attained national ranking for his ability. Other top gymnasts will be Bob Tomanck and Joe Palermo, both well known for high School records.
Four • awards for exceptional athletic ability will be presented at Award Night. They are the L. L. Burkenroad Award to the outstanding senior athlete, the Harry Trustln Award to the outstanding Junior athlete; the J. J. Greenberg Memorial Award to the outstanding midget athlete, awl th« most Improved fifth and sixth grader, also a Grecnberg Memorial Award, Balloting and final selection Vu» been complete* lor all of the awards. AZA 100 lias captured the Olympic Trophy for being the outstanding club In Youth Council In athletic during the past year. Irv Yaffee, chairman of the Center Health and Physical Education Committee, announced that over 100 awards and presentations will be made. This includes presentations to championship team, all-star 5 e I e c 110 n s, individual Champions and service award*. Presentations to city champions, will Inchtoe. Uw Jtvy's ttnMsnwV League Softball champions and the team members of the clnss "13" volleyball tournament cliam-
Prize Poster Seen At Israel Exhibit n elaborate exhibit in honor of Israel's ninth anniversary is on display in tlie auditorium of the JcwWh Community Center, depleting several phases of the State's achievements and history. Special sections of the. exhibit deaf with; Dreamers and Leaders In Israel, Economy and Industry in Israel, Jerusalem, the State of Israel in Us operation, the Ncgev as tlie Key to Israel's future, and a display of Israel's stamps and philatelic obojets, Also Included arc special displays on the. Slnal campaign-, and on Tourism to Israel. One of tlie Israel posters, and certainly one of the most striking In the exhibition, Li Jean". David's "Israel: Land of the Bible • poster depicting Jonih reclining contentedly In the Dolly of the whale. The other is Abram Games' "Conquest
of the Desert" pcMtrr showing at giant hand holding a rose.
An exhibition of International Travel Posters, including two from Israel, has been featured at NewYork's Museum of Modern Art. Considering that only 55 powers were chosen for the display, which covers a time span of nearly 70 yean, from the 1890'si to the-pre*. . ent, Isrnel malics » raUwr remarkable showing. 5J8 ORAOUATF.O Jerusalem (JTA)—A total of 538 men and women were grad uated from the Heprew Universit of- derus.iiem 14JPfe]fWiri 28th annual commencement. Ibis brought to 3,.r>00 the total number graduated since the university was opened.
Frioajr, Hay 1*. 1»7
Omahans in the News J*e Uptoa, co-owner of Jo-Art will stop in Cincinnati where he Will visit with his son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs.: Nathan Crounse and their family.
ruMkbed Every Friday by taw Federatfe. at «cwW Scnrta Food Mart, has been elected viceSecond Una. Mailing FnvUens Authorized at Omaha, Nesruka. president of the Omaha Food ReAnnual Subacrtutlon, S4.00. Advertising IUI« on Application. tailers Association. Editorial Office—101 No auth street, Omaha. Ntbr. JAckson 1366. Print SJi. i Address «08 So 39th Slieet. (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editoi Harrrjr Hoffman, member of the
Nebraska Republican F i n a n c e Committee will leave for Washington, D. C. May 12 to confer with Republican leaders.'
With the Hom« Folks Religious
May 1— An aquarium was pro wntcd to the Dr. Philip Sher Jew ish Home for the Aged residents by Mr and Mrs. Cahin Newman. May 2—.The Council of Jewish Women sewing group under the Candlellghliac, 7:11 p. m. leadership of Mrs. Jennie Nogg met at the Home. The flonens this BETH ISRAEL Meek were donated by the S.A M. Rabbi Benjamin Gronor, Cantor Eli Kagan and Belli Israel mother's group Choir will conduct Friday evenln May .1—Special memorial serv services at 8 p. m. ice* were held for Mary Cohen on Traditional Friday evening ten the occasion of the anniversary of ices (Kabbolas Shabbot) begin at her death. 7:15 p. m. Sabbath morning servMay 4—Traditional S a b b a t h ices begin at 8:30 a. m. Junloi Services Here conducted in the Congregation at 10 a. m, Rabbi Home synagogue by Sam Poster, Groner will conduct the Talmud assisted by Sam Gilman aim Mor- class at "6:45 p. m. Sabbath Minris Ackerman. cha, 7:15 p. m. followed by SholMay 5—A special program was eshe S'cudos and Maaiiv. Daily presented by the Jewish War Vet. morning services, 7 a. m.; after erans Auxiliary on . the annivcr- noon services, 7:25 p. m. Sunday uiry of Israel's independence. A morning services begin at 8:45 variety show waa given by Club a. m. followed by breakfast and Town and the Beth Israel girls Rabbi's class in . Bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan, followed with Neil Bloom as emcee. by breakfast, starts, 8:30 a. m. May 7—Rabbi Benjamin Gronor •poke to our folks. The residents The Talmud Discussion group were delighted to have the Rab- meets every Tuesday evening a binical visits again after the long 7:30 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, Passover recess. Arts and Crafts 19th and Burt streets. class of the Council of Jewish Women, under the direction of Mrs. TEMPLE ISRAEL Meyer Bcber, was held this after- Services will be held Friday noon, evening at 8:15 p m. Rabbi Brooks May 8—Cake and ice cream were will preach on "The Layman Speaks to The Rabbi." reaction served by Mr. and Mm. David Orkow In honor of Mr. J W. Frank's to the « t h General Assembly of the UAHC at Toronto. birthday. Shabbas morning sen Ices will Coming Events— ' May 12-The B A P Jiadassah begin at 11:30 a. rn. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Re Mother's Day program. May 19—The Lag B'Omer pro- llgious School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gltlln singing gram sponsored by Council Bluffs he musical portion* of the servChapter of Hadassah. ice.
Births Dr. and Mrs. Albert Tyroler of Columbus, 0., announce the birth Sunday of a son, Steven Howard. Mrs. Tyroler Js the former Diane Cooper, daughter or Mrs. Sarah Cooper. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Susan Ruback of Omaha and paternal grandmother is Mrs. Jessie Tyroler of Columbus, Ohio.
BETH El, Sabbath services at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Ralph DeKoven will speak on "A Jewish Mother." Rev. AJexander Katz and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services begin at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv services will be at 7-.15 p, m. Daily services are 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday service*, 9 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard BogdanoO announce the birth of a daughter, Cindy, Lee, May 4th. They also More than four million Ameri have another daughter, Sandy cans between the aft* of 21 and 25 were eligible to vote In the Lynn. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 1956 National election. L Bogdanott and Mr, and Mrs. Hary Noodell. Great grandmothers FOR are Mmes. Bella Noodell, W. BogPrompt, Exptrt Strvfct dano0 and Frances Kavilak.
OaAIMdMs 9f TtWvfskM Stts CALL'
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Llpsett, Berkley. CaJ, announce the birth of a daughter, Sara Helena, April 25. The couple have (wo other chfldren, Michael and JaWy. Mrs. Llpsett is the former Belle jSommer. Maternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Harry' L. Sommer and paternal grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Llpsett, Oakland, Cal.
TV Strvlc*
Martin Treller was named director of the commercial and industrial divsion of the plumbing, heating and air conditioning sales department of the Roberts Supply Co. Max CrouniM* uill represent the Workman Circle at the Jewish La. bor Committee convention in Atlantic City, May 10-12. Enroutc he
Beth El to Honor Post Presidents The annual dinner meeting of Beth £1 Synagogue, Sunday, May 19, 6 p. m , in the Social Hall of the Synagogue will honor the past presidents of the Congregation, and the members of the Beth £1 Choir. Past Presidents include Sam Beber, J. Harry Kulakofsky, J. J. Greenberg, Dave Conn, David G r e e n b e r g , Harry Silverman, Arthur A. Cohen, Robert H. Kooper, M. A. Venger, Joe M. Rice, Samuel S. Steinberg, David Blacker, Nathan Nogg and Ben E. Kaslow. F. Ralph Nogg and Mrs. David R. Cohen, general chairmen of arrangements, have announced the following committee members: Mmes Wm. Alberts, M. A. Venger, Arthur Cohn, Dave Cohn, George Kagan, Robert Kooper, A. V. Venger. Sam Stem, Leo Fox. Louis Albert, Julius Stein, J, Milton Margolin and Carl Matters.
Mrs. Bess Hornstein of Los Angeles is visiting her mother, Mrs. Fanny Cohen, and s i s t e r s and brothers-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Row and Mr. and Mrs. William Epstein. The Big Brother of the Year Award was presented to Mayor John Rosenblatt Tuesday by Governor Victor Anderson In recognition of the Mayor's organizing the Police Department Youth Activities League. The presentation was made at a,Junior Chamber of Commerce luncheon.
COMMON VNDEBSTANDING Toronto (JTA)—The struggle of Israel for survival and for rehabilitation of Its desert areas haa done "as much as anything else, perhaps more than anything else, to build an area of common gorund and understanding between Jews and non-Jews in Canada and the rest of the free world," John Bassett, Jr., publisher of the Toronto Telegram, one of Canada's most influential newspapers, satd here.
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Omoha's Mayor Must Measure Up! 1. * « « • • • hi fcuikwi. The ck* is Omaha'* biggest buiinm. Omsha't Mayor should have successful experience in butineM, Mayor Rosenblatt li a successful Ofnah* busine
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•B. forward-looking and progressive. Our Mayor mutt be able M plan ahead for the Greater Omaha we want in the future. Mayor Rosenblatt is planning for Omaha'* future. He set uf» the Mayor's City-Wide Planning Program two yetus ago Ml insure' a better and greater Omaha.
9ehn Rosenblatt Measures Up
Vote for Rosenblatt for Mayor THE ROSENBLATT FOB MAYOR C U M
rrM*r, Ma/ Iff, 1MT
Bar and Baa Mitzvah
HO8OOW BLASTS ISRAEL London (JTA)—Tte Soviet Near Eastern aervtoe broadcast in AraM. W. Tepper will serve a t pres- bic from Moscow that Israel is "endeavoring to hinder the restoraMiss Cold!- Sosoff or Mllwau- ident of the Beth Israel Men's tion of normal life in the Gaza kee, will be the guest speaker at CJub for the coming year. Instal- area and to turn it into a battlethe annual donor luncheon of (he lation of new officers will take field for further provocations," Pioneer Women, Thursday, May place Wednesday, May 29. 7 p. m, 16. 12:30 p. m. at the Fireside in the Synagogue Social Hall. Others elected to offices are: restaurant. Miss Sosoff is chairman of the Harold Rubin, I. Kraft, Harry Mid-West North Itegion of Pioneer Lewis, vice-presidents; Norman Women and is a member of the Pitlor, treasurer; Waller Frank, board of directors of the Milwau- recording secretary; Leo Kraft, corresponding secretary; D a n kee Jewish Welfare Fund. She visited Israel last fall as a Cordman. Sam Kaplan and Bar- Grade A member of the Pioneer Women's ney Drevich, trustees. A dinner open to the entire sydelegation to the JewUh Agency Seminar, and has previously ap- nagogue membership will be held in conjunction with the installapeared in Omaha. Laid or Delivered Mrs, Milton Ncarenbcrg will tion. Bar and Bns Mitzvah celeserve at toastmistress at the brants will be honored on the ocT. R, Plymate luncheon. Mrs. Sam Rlfkin, has casion. Reservations may be made been named chairman of the ad- by calling RE 6288. book with Mrs. J. Feldman as coAn Ingot l« a piece of metal chairman. They will be assisted cast inti> convenient shape for FREE ESTIMATES by Mr.'Rlfkin. handling. Mn, Sam Novak, president of Phone JA 4947 the organization, Is general chairman of the event. Reservations may be made with Mis. Xuv.ilc. Ol.. 2fty> or Mrs. Harry Richlin WK. 1362.
Pioneer Women To Meet May 16 For Annual Donor's Luncheon
rriendg u d relative* are Invited to mltead isrrloea and receptloni. BUDDY EPSTEIN The B»f MlUvah of Buddy Ep•teto, «on of Jack Epstein, will be observed this Friday evening and Saturday morning at the Beth Is rarl Synagogue, 52nd and Charles. SHELDON KRIZELMAN Mr. and Mn. Sol Krizclman announce the^Bar Mitzvah of their • son, Sheldon Lee, will be celebrated thli Friday evening and Satur day morning at Temple Israel.
BETH ISRAEL, GROUP A group Box Mllzvah will be held n( the Beth Israel Synagogue on Friday evening, May 17«h, at 8 p. m. The following girls celebrate Cloldle So»off tonether: Sandra Ncarcnbcrg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton NcnrenbcrK. N'nncy Herzoff, daughter of Mr. ar.cl Mm. Martin Herzoff. Sharon Lintzmnn, daughter of The newly eloctcd bwird of gu»Mr. and Mn. Joseph LintrnMii. l^'slle Forbes, daughter of Mr. eniors of the Kndimuh Chapter of'Pioneer Women include Mines. and Mrs. Irving J. Forbes. Kay Coldstcin, daughter of Mr. Abe Bear, Sam Epstein, Ilany (iujle Feldman and Dc-nnii Siref and Paul Wolk. and Mra. Arthur Goldstein. DJannc Dcncnberg, daughter of . Other officers ore Mrs. Sidney Schulman, pianists, students ol Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Denenberc Zneimer, recording secretary, Mrs. Professor Hans Ifrier will perform Dorrne Kraft, daughter of Mr. Herbert Wintroub, treasurer; Mri. on two pianos "Alalaguena" by ami Mrs. Leo Kraft. licnard Kaufman, Financl.il secre- Lccuona on the spring concert tary; Mrs. Charles Kosonhpim, program of the Omaha Music corresponding secretary; Mrs. Her- Teachers Association on Sunday, CAROLYN lltlBIN May 12. :i p. m. at the concert man Mirouil/, historian; Mm. Kay CIIKKVL WEINBEHO hall of the Jcalyn Memorial Art Mr. and Mrs, Meyer Itiibin an- Corey, donor card chairman and Museum, Hans Bacr is program nounce the Bas Mitzvah of their Mn. Dave Wine, Sunshine Card chairman. The public is invited. daughter, Carolyn Ituliln, and Mr.chairman. and Mm. Harry VWinberg announce The nrgnnl7ation' will hold its Patronize Our Advertise™. the Bus Mitzvah of their daughboard meeting May 13. ter, Cheryl Wcinbers nt a Joint POMTTCAt. AnvERTISEMKNT" acrvicc a t Beth El Synagogue on Friday evening, May 17, and Sat. Yiddish Movie urday morning, Mny 18.
Kodimoh Sleets New Officers
Center Pupils to Play in Concert
The Omaha Section of the National Council of Women ha» awarded one Camp Jay-C-C scholarship and (our Day Camp Scholarships, totalling $215, thl* year to new American children in the community. The idea of tending new American youngster* to camp originated /our yean ago under the sponsorship of the organization'* family acrvicc to foreign born program, although a Camp Jay-C-C a scholarihlp had been awarded to a needy child for many yean, previoua to that time. "The Council felt that cnmplng experience would benefit new American children by helping them adapt themselves to their new way of life," Mn. Julius Newman, chairman of the program, declared in announcing the awardi. "Camp," «ne added, "would give them a chance to know their new frlendi better." During the.put four yean the Council h u given i860 in camp •cholarahipi. It, also, haii granted a Camp HnrrHt Harding Scholarship for « needy Camp Fire Girl.
- The Yiddish movie "Without A Home*' will be presented Sunday, May 19, 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center, The movie will bring to a close the 1956-37 Yiddish Culture Council Program. "Without A Home" Is regarded as one of the outstanding Yiddish movies of our time and ha* been seen throughout the United States and Europe/ The movie also has Knglish titles. Admission to the show Is fifty cents for Adults and twenty-five cents for children. For further information call the Activities Office. JA 13G6.
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We want to see the Sevan Friends of the Charter put the new City Charter to work for all of ut. We want the teamwork on our Council that will provide sound, efficient, economical city government. M n i Barf Abalihouion Mr». Larriila Adami H. W . Ahamion Jama* S, Ainicow J. D. Alaxaadar Mayma M. Alliion Frank L Altar William I . Amlor Jo* larhar, Jr. Gaorga G. Barkar Ciaranca C . lartlino; John R. Barton Ford Bal.i MaMn Bakini Ad J. lanak M n . Jamai W, laniamln Richard E. Bannatt M n . Albarf E. Blhlar F, E. lorchart Frank E. loianak M n . Gtritvdt Brooki John T. Brownlaa M n . Donald J. Buehoti F. H. BucMt I. K, Buck Eiltiar A. Bullard Earl H. lurk.t Aim* M . Carlton Oanial C m p b . l l Ed Carlia* . Jot *.. Camaby Joiaph-J. Capuran EarlC* Chriitafltan John W . Chrlitlan Oalo Clark Albart L. Coekl* Mn. Julloi M. Cohn Jaffloi Colo Garald Colllnt J, Lawraoeo Cooko M n , Samaol L, Coopar Samual L. Coopor Owan W . Cottsn Ray Crftiiman, Jr, M n . Flonnca M , Culbortia*. John A. Daly
Coll AT 0088
Tri-County Sodding
AH Omaha Is for the 7 Friends of the Charter
To End Series
Council Grants Scholarships
I t t h Israel Men's Club Elects Officers
Charlai f. Dayii John F. Da.li Robar* W . Dillon Eugona C. Dtnimora Howard Drow John J. Dualclt E. C . Duiatko M. W. Eddlm Ra» B. Elwood John S. Engdahl E. J . F.hn Waltar Fardna Franeas Flllp John W. Fllip William Fihgarald Roban E, Flalonar ' Mri. E. C. Floronco Ed Foitar F. L. Fowlar Chariai E. Fvhrar Harold E. Gabrlalion H. R. Gagnon E. E. Gllmoro M. Mad«o Gordon Charlai 6 O I I
Mri. Mary Grant E. F. Gwynna-Vauglian Virgil J . HaggVr Claranea V. Hal* Garald K. Hall Clata Hanay J. J . Hanlghan, III Karrnlt Haman Earl G. H.wkfni Fanny B. Hayai Frad G, H.In.rod Mri. Emm* D. H*ndrlckion J, W . Hannan W. C. Hanry Robart K. Hill Richard H. Hlllar Earl J . Haagbarg M n , Hanry L Hoahn* J. Robart Hofr C. M. Holmoi Mri, O . K. Horton
W. D. Hoiiord Blua Howall William S. Huiehaion Elain* J*b*nii H. A. Jacobbargar MorrSi E. Jaeobi Dr. Harman F. Johhion M n . Waadall E. Johnion Willard A, Johnion Wilbur A. Jonai Fraddla B. Judlon Al Kariehnar William L Kaitgai Howard Kannady Robart R. King Eugart* Kingman Ralph E. Klpllngar Mri. Claranc* L Klrkland 5. R. Klrkpatrlck Mri. Edna Kliar T. Lailla Kliar Hanry Klalnkauf Robart M. Knapp W. L Knoft. M n , Thaodof* Koldarla R. H. Koopar John J. Koi.k J. G.' Krahehmar G. Frad Kroagtr William Kunold William A. Km Claranc* L Landan W. D. Lana R. E. Lanan Howard S. Lawrtnca Morrii Lavay Thomas P. Laary R. LdiUitaggar M n , Edward La'vimon M n . Gaorga Utmon L. F. Long Elton C. Loucki J . B, Low Robart G. Luad.r Howard M. Lundgran
Mri. Ray J . McAvin Ala«andar McDonough Thomal J . McGrafh William McHugh, Jr. Alaxandar McKI*. Jr. Edward D. McKIm L. C. McV*« Mri. Clara M*gnar Mri. Gaorg* Malnlck H. D. Manhall Lloyd Martion, Sr, Carl C. Mancka John Mirtl^m Myron H. Mildar W. B. Mlllard, Jr. Art Millar Mri. Emm.tt G. Millar Hanry W. Millar W.nd.ll Mtlli Gaorga C, Mlttauar Danlal J. Monon, Sr. Elliworih Motor F. Ralph N O J J
Thomal C, Qutnlan Byron W. Road Vano H. Rhod«t Ed Roian Robart Samardick, $r. M n . Harold W . Sloiburf Joiaph J . Starba Robart H. Stort W. O. Swanlon Mri, J. Parry Tollman Robart B. Updlka R. E. W.lih M. R. WtilcoK Frad Wayarman Mri. Don E. Wh!l* W. L. Wllcon W . Irving Wiltia Guy H. Wllliami, Sr. M n . Howard Wllliami I . E. Willlami Robarf W. York Raymohd G. Vourioj Elnar Vlran . . , and thouiandi more
Vote for Teamwork for Good Government Vote for AH 7 Friends of the Charter Kj N. Phil Dodg*
jx] Sam W . Reynolds
<] James J . Dworak
[x] Wray M. Scott
K] Mrs. Kenneth T. Graham
[X] A. Y. Al Sorensen
Th« Mldwttr't b«t^quippt>*i f owtOfflBtlv* wrvlc* foctttfM.
|X] Hahy Trustin
10, 1»5T
Omaha Visitor From Cites Link to Minute Me Kreppfich for ttte Undefeated
Klryat Anul, Israel—I first Earned about the special symbolic Independence Day Menu authorized by the Minister of Education when I read a letter of protest from an Israeli housewife. It was the kreppiich which teemed to *tick in her throat. Wasn't Independence Day «uppo*ed to be a day of public rejoicing and freedom for alt, (he wrote. How could a woman dance on the itreeU with her children, watch a military parade, and be In her kitchen making complicated dlshc* like itrepplich at the tame time? On first reading the menu, in Kegev, and the Arabs' greedy de- red gowns, with long braids and fact the whole idea did seem to mands. The barley suggested noth- gold earrings dangling from their lack common tense. But then the ing but beer. I couldn't find any- ears; and three shock-haired little Idea began to grow on me. What, thing symbolic in that .except that boys with big black, startled eyes. after all, is common sensical about we'd have to pretty drunk to ac- As they stood watching, I realized our other holiday foods? And what cede to those demands. that they were school children from tort of heritage docs a Jewish the Bedouin village of Uzbedad, Author's Swipe mother hand on to her children If This Is my recipe for Indepen- about a kilometer tip in the hills, she fails to produce the foods at dence Day kreppiich. Everyone can and they had come to take part their right time and in their right mix his own ingredients according In the celebration. season? Jonathan turned up, and afler a to family circumstances. , Common Sense Get up late In the morning, to quick consultation, he went off tu And what has common sense got that husband will make breakfast. muster some flags for them. There to do with our Independence Day, This was purely accidental, but were none to be bought, but he anyway? Did we win the War of seems a good thing to turn into.a managed to pry one loose from an Liberation with common sense? tradition. acquaintance. He handed it to the Can a Jew live by common sense Send smaller son off early to his big girl, who presented it to the alone? That, I. told myself ,as the school festival/and dispose of big- littlest boy. idea developed day after day, U ger one as soon afterwards as posTeacher On Setae what the kreppiich are there for. sible. Jonathan's teacher added the They symbolize the times when the Fry onions, then add barley and group to her class, and I went Into Jws have overcome an enemy wnen lentils and fry until soft, adding the cinema to tee that they got the common sense was on the small quantities of water from seals. As I came out again, I saw enemy's side. time to time. a shock-headed l i t t l e boy with That clinched It. I recognized It Make the kreppiich dough. If blnck, startled eyes peering nervas the duty of a mother in Israel you scatter f l o u r too liberally, ously around the doorway, to overcome any physical difficul- you'll raise a cloud, and your right "Good heavens," I thought, "One ties which might stand between hand, won't know what your left I overlooked!" I took him by the her and the making of kreppiich. hand is doing. This would be con- shoulders and started to bundle The Government had done Its fusing the issue, and Is symbolic him off down the aisle. Someone modest part by holding the military of proceedings at the United Na- grabbed him forcibly from me, and parade in different parts of the tions. I looked Into (he eyes of an irate country every year. Only a small By 9:05 a. m. I was dressed and Jewish mother from Irak. She was percentage of the women, there- out of the house leaving the krep- from the neighboring Maabarah, fore could complain that making pllch lined up on the kitchen ta- and the little boy was one of her kreppiich Interferred with watch- ble, ready for cooking when I got three children she had brought to Ing the parade. AH that had to be back. see the celebrations. overcome were the local difficulWhen I arrived at the cinema, "Now, why can't you mind your ties. it was practically deserted, Jona- own business," my negative self Cook lit Advance? than wasn't there either. I found wondered, not for the first time, as An orderly housewife would no that the performance was sched- I hurried off home to see to my doubt make most of the dishes at uled for 10 a. m., not 9, as Jona- kreppiich. My positive self had the least one day In advance. My mind than had Informed me; and In any Usual pat answer: "How would anyand my housekeeping are not or- case, also contrary to his informa- thing get done in Israel if people ganized that way, I came to my tion, parents were not invited. just minded their own business?" patriotic decision while washing Certainly typical "We will never know," replied the dishes at 8 a. m. on the morn"I don't know If this It symbolic, my negative self. ing of Independence Day. I had to but it's certainly typical," I thought What about the kreppiich? They move fast, because my son Jona- to myself, as I loitered about for turned out so hard, they could than had just informed me that a while. I decided to stay on untu- have served as ammunition for his school concert began at 9, and ne came, anyway, just to let him Davidke, that sturdy little cannon he expected me to be there. see that I was not, at he often in- which Israel Invented for lack of What to put into the kreppiich? sinuated, allergic to all boys, and other ammunition in the early days I hastily turned out the contents to him in particular. or the war. Davidke had an appeof the cupboard, and all thnt came Children began to gather from tite like an ostrich, and a roar to hand were barley and lentils. all directions, and buses brought like a lion. Red lentils always bring Esau and more. Ail were In white blouses, "Never mind," I encouraged my Jacob to mind , , . Give me those and carried white and blue flags. nagging family. "Eat. During the red lentils, those red lentils there. Suddenly I noticed a little group siege of Jerusalem people also . . . Excellent The lentils would of Arab children standing apart. ate things that didn't taste so symbolize the red sands of the Two girls of about ten, in flame good."
Brigadier General Cliulni I.aekov, Commander of Israel's Southern Com* tnand, who is louring Ihb country on behalf of lh« United Jewish Appeal, during hi* recent Boirtoa visit made a special trip to historic Concord. Ho paid homage at the *taluo commemorating the Minute Men of '7<> who, like, the pioneer* of Israel, left their farms lo fight for liberty. Gen. Laskov said "the men who fought for, America'* freedom al Con-, cord Bridge cerlainlji would have understood and endorsed the Meal*' for which Israel'* people' have made *«ch great •acrifict*."
By Anita Engle
By Betfi Sieroty
The Administration's rejection of a proposal to help Jewish refugees from Egypt has been Interpreted here as appeasement of the Nasser regime. t In turning down a request to act under immigration laws on behalf of Egyptian Jewish refugees the Administration avoided the only effective means of extending haven in this country to Egypt's deportees. In effect, the Administration parsed the entire issue to Congress without even the slightest appeal for action. ^ Theoretically, Congress could W h e n the alternate United enact legislation to offer asylum In States representative at the Unit- religionists. They also /eel it k a this country to Egypt's refugees. ed Nations finally addressed the matter of enlightened self-interest ' The political realities, however, General 'Assembly last December, for the United State* to recognize -point to an equally inactive Con- he expressed U. S. "concern" over and actively oppose Nasser's everinereaslngly threat to world peace. •'gress. reports of Egyptian pressures on That the U. S, would do next to the Jewish community In Egypt. nothing about Egypt's persecuted However, he was quick to follow Jewry appeared quite clear from the expression of "concern'' tfith the start. The Administration did the statement: Enough oranges were produced not act at the outset, at it had "I suggest that the matter we In Israel during the citrus season with the Hungarian crisis. Would are now discussing is not one just ended to supply every person it act at all? Observers saw the which is likely to benefit from pro- in the world with two oranges. We - Administration equating the Hun- longed discussion here • . . the arrived at the figure quite simply, garians w i t h anti • Communism. most useful thing we could do if bur mathematics is right. The . The Egyptian J e w s were only would be to bring this phase of the total production in cases was eleEgyptian' Jews, to the State De- discussion to an early end." ven million. With 88 pounds to a partment, and not "anti-CommuAnd so it was. Not even a resonist heroes," Moreover, Washing- lution cm the subject was intro- case and figuring; four oronces to the pound, the total number .of t o n had strung along with Cairo duced. oranges is 3,872,000,000. Fiirurinc on more controversial matters Similar Case the world's population nt 2 bilthan this. It will be .recalled that In a lion, this comes to n fraction less Concern similar case involving the Hungar- than two oranges for every inThin beyond ,in expression of ian revolutionaries, the United Na- habitant of tlm nlobo. In a few "concern" OUT it'pjrts of 1-£>P- tions adopted ten different resolu- years Israel citrus output will be tian maltreatment of Jews, th.b tion!. Tne United States agreed to doubled. Tlccaunc citrus Is one of country d.iiel njt go. Tne State l^ke in thousand* of Hungarian?. the country's most Important exD.'pirlnwu justified it? inact.v.ty It is this double .standard in- port items, the Israel Government by fl:i.m.iv it » J < »>t '.n full r><.- voked in HIP Administration's achns extended newly 510,000,000 sc,sion of the fjcK'Afttr f'.ei.il tion which 1MS diitmur-d many m')nlii5 it UJS sUl trv)no' to ob- people. Hep. Iimanuel Ciller of In loans, of which $3,500,000 camp tain an "accurate picture" of an New York hai termed discrimina- from Israel Bonds in Investment "obscure situation" Involving many tory the Administration's distinc- •funds, to citrus ({rowers. Income "conflicting assurances." Yet the tion between Hungarian and Egyp- from citrus this year will ylclil some forty-million dollars, but U. S. undertook no public investi- tian Jewish refugees, gation of reports which had caused Major Jewish groups have de- with the European market Indi- t h e " concern." Sensational pub- plored the decision not to admit cating greater absorbing capacity, licity-had been given the plight of the Egyptian Jews,They quIU nat- the citrus export is expected to tha Hungarian refugees. uarily want to assist their co- rlso sharply.
Counting Oranges
Between You and Me Jty Boris Bmolar The I', ft. Plan: The recent passage of the American oil tanker Kern Hills to the Israel port of Elath has caused a good deal of embarrassment to the State Department . . . It disrupted a delicately planned minuet according to which the United States was to have warned Saudi Arabia of the approach of an American vessel, testing Its rights through the Saudi Arabian Straits of Tiran . The Saudi Arabian ruler was to have protested formally, and everyone would have cheerfully trooped off to The Hague to take the matter to the World Court. . . However, It so happened that the Kern Hills, which belongs to nn American Immigrant Jew whose family was massacred by the Nazis in Poland, made her passage quietly, with the State Department being notified only when the
vessel was close to the Israel port . . . Thus, the U.S. plan to cstab1'sh the right of International passage through the Straits of Tiran via The Hague Tribunal has been somehow thwarted by Israel'* leasing of en American ship for direct action under the American flag . . . In Washington, it 1* maintained that It st'll remains the objective of the American policy to refer, the question of international passage through the Straits of Tiran to the World Court . , . It is at the same time being indicated there that the Un'tcd State* will support Israel'* judlcal position at The Hague . . . In the meantime, the U S . can do nothing against any American ship owner who wants to lense his ships to-lsracl for passage through the Gulf of Akaba.
Arabs to Bar U. S. Tanker
England Defends Israel Navigation
D a m a s c u s , (AP>—The Arab League boycott headyuarters today blacklisted the American tanker Kern Hill* for carrying oil to Israel. The 10,44-ton vessel will be barred from all Arab ports under the terms of the order. The Arab Leaguo charter provides that all of the boycott committee's decisions shall be automatically endorsed by "the government* of the membersSyria, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan and Libya. The Kern Hills steamed through the U n i t e d Nations-controlled Tiran Strait to the Israeli port of Ellat (Elath) with oil from Iran last month. The Arab governments protested that the ship violated Arab territorial waters.
London (WNS)—Foreign Secretary Schvyn Lloyd this Week told the House of Commons that the British Government has not deviated from the position that Egypt must allow Israeli ships to pass through the Suez Canal. At the some time the Foreign Secretary reiterated the .British Government'^ view that all nations, including Israel, are entitled to free passage through the Gulf of Aqaba. Egypt's ban on Israeli shipping, he said, constituted a "test" for the United Nations.
Elath, Israel <JTA>—Construction of oil tanks here is being rushed to completion. The first oil shipments to this port are expected soon.
FIRST FREIGHT SERVICE The inauguration of the first direct freight service from the Great Lakes to Greece, Syprus, Turkey, Israel and port* In other Eastern Mediterranean countries was announced here by the AmericanIsrael Shipping Company, Inc., Owners Representatives in tho U.S. of the Zlm Israel Navigation Company, Ltd, of Haifa.
First Tanker to Reach Elath Now on Arab Blacklist
The American tanker Kern Hills Is Rlioun above as It entered thn port of Elati-. after passing through the Red 8ea and the Oulf of Aquabn, This •*•«» the first oil tanker to use EUth'* harbor since th* (iiilf of Aqusba was opened to Israeli shipping. Oil from t a a l u n docking u EUth tvlll be transferred to Beershebs, through the new oil pipeline.
jr—Friday, M»j ]«, 1»57
Temple to Honor School Faculty Tfie Temple Israel Sisterhood will sponsor an Oneg Shabbat honoring the religious school faculty Friday, May 17 Immediately after cervices. Faculty members who will participate In tho services are AJohn Farbcr, Mmes. Norman Whitman, Robert Gerellck and Edward Ma kicky, Parents are Invited to attend with their children. Mrs. Louis Llpp. reception chairman, Is In charge of the affair.
B. and P. Election Set For Wednesday The Business and Professional Women of Hadassah will hold their election of officers Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. A slate proposed by the nom Jnating committee wilt Include Mrs. Charles Rots, president: Mrs. Alice Heegcr, first vice-president; Mrs. Julius Newman, second vicepresident; .Mrs. David Becker, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Iska Rotholtz, t r e a s u r e r and Mrs. Frances G r e e n b c r g , recording secretary. In keeping with aif annual cujtorn, the group will act as hostesses at the Annual Mother's Day party Sunday at the Dr. Philip Sher Home. Miss Elizabeth Hart, chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Sally Meyers and members of the group In providing refreshments end entertainments. Miss Ahuva Gcrshatcr, Mrs. Charles ROSJ, Phil Schwartz have been elected as delegates to the Hadasiah Regional Convention to be held In Cheyenne.
New York (JTA)—A tall blue- for our own land and our will eyed brunette from Israel is one power is greater than theirs." of five finalists for the title of Chief among her souvenirs of Mordl Gras queen of the spring military duty Is a fragment of an carnival of the Earuch School of Egyptian plane that was shot Business of New York City Col- down in combat over the Negev lege. during the Sinai operation after Miriam Hiller, now a freshman being tracked on radar by Miss In the CCNY school, will compete Hiller. for the title on May 11. The 20year-old coed came to the United States on a vacation toon after New York (JTA) — Palestine completing a two-year tour of Economic Corporation, largest and duty as a flight control sergeant pioneer American development corporation In Israel, declared a In the Israeli army, Planning to stay In New York four percent dividend for 1956, for a month, -she found herself payable In common stock of the "so fascinated by the spirit of this Corporation to stockholders of reccity and the feeling that I was ord, on May 15, 1957. right in the center of the world that I wanted to taste more of this life," she said. Hoping to practice law, her father's profession, Miss Hiller started her studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The Israel-torn beauty Is sure Israel can successfully defend Itself against any renewed Arab Invasion, saying - "we are fighting Por.rncAL ADVERTISEMENT
I Want to Thank My Friends Who Voted for Me in the Primariei I A m Now Asking My Friends to Support
The Omaha Chapter of Mlzrachl Women will elect officers Wednesday afternoon at the Jewish Community Center. A 1 p. m. dessert luncheon will precede the business meeting. "Mrs. Herman Franklin, chairman of JNF box collections, asks that members bring the remainder of their boxes to the meeting. • Patronize Our Advertisers.
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Rabbi Brooks to Speak A t Hastings College Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Temple hnel, will rcpre»snt the Jewish Chautauqua Society as lecturer at Hastings College, Hastings, Ncbr., Tuesday, May 21. He win speak on "Tho Language of the Bible and Your Religion" In the chapel at 10:10 a. m. The Jewish Chautauqua Society, an organization disseminating authentic information concerning Judaism ii a beneficiary of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign in Omaha, uled for 10 a. m., not 9.
fk. AT M 0 4
Or 1701 Me. 47th St. NorthwMt Radial Highway
Israel Producing Own Weapons Tel Aviv (WNS)-Withln the Jail few weeks Israel has begun to produce its own TNT and developed a super-bazooka and other weapons that had previously been imported, tt was disclosed by Shimon PereM, director general of the Defeiuo Ministry; at an exhibition in Rishon L'Zlon of Israel-made arms and ammunitions. Mr. Reress made the disclosure while revealing that Investment in the arms Industry In the country had doubled In the last few months. "
Mbrachi to Hold Election
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THE mnsn nuns
How to Register Center Camp
Organizations HADASSAH Mrs. Meyer Rubin, president of the Omaha Chapter Hadassah, will entertain the cast of this year's H a d a i s a h Spectacular, about 60, at tea, at her home, 902 Hillcrest Drive.Friday, May 10th, 1 p. m. A colored film and tape of this riON'KEtt WOMEN production will be shown at the The Pioneer Women uill give Hadassah Regional Conference In their annual Israel linen ihouer Cheyenne, Wyo., May 18th-21st. Following U an additional list early in June with Mrs. Sam Novnk of Camp Jay-C-C registrants: as chairman in charge of the AUL COMMITTEE Marvin Braun, Gary Colick, Joevent. B'KAI B'KITH CHAPTKK seph Erman, Milton Erman, SanMrs. S. H. Bonder, chairman of The anti-Defamation League ford Freedman, Billy Ginsburg, the committee for the collection committee of the Nebraska Chap- Bobby Hahn, Sandy Kasln, Larry of used clothes for Israel, asks ter of B'nai B'rith Women No. 345 Katzman. Duvld Upstcln, Robert that anyone having useabtc gar- uill hold a barn dunce, Saturday, .Milder, Nell Miller. Jay Novak, ments contact her at RE 5.TJ4 or 8 p. m. at the South Omaha Syna- Jimmy Novak, Alex Orkow, Mark bring them to her home at 3301 gogue. 23th and J Streets. Mrs. Plainer. Joe Rciss, Tom Rubin, Sol Uttman, Mrs. William Stone Paul Rosen, Matthew Schloff, Franklin. and Mrs. Charles Scudder are on Paul Schwartz, Jeffrey Sllverman, the dance committee and Mr«. Abe Neil Simon, Jerry Simons, Alan J.W.V. AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary o( the Ep- Bear and her committee will be in Sjporln. Steve Siporin. Chct Stottein-Morgan post of the Jewish charge of food. ler, Robert Taren, Robert Yaffe, War Veterans gave a lmi:;o party Sheldon Zwerllng, Stanley Zwerlat I lip Omaha Veteran-. ho.pital. DRAMATIC CXI B ing. U'ORKMAW CIRCLK May 2. Michelle A r o n o f f , Marlyne The Workmen Circle Dramatic rlul) will present a play "Zipkc Freedman. Oteryl Friedman. NanCOI'KCIL. JEWISH WOMK.V cy Frileck, Janet Glass, Debbie I Firp" May 26 at the Jewish ComOfficers will be installed at » inunil> Center, 8 p. m Admission, Gordman. Kathy Grecnberg, Sanluncheon meeting of the Omaha I 73 cents. dra Grccnbcrg, Charlotte Kahane, Section, National Council of JewNancy Lincoln, Stephanie Linish Women Tuesday, May 1M, at the The Workman circle will have coln, Debbie Milder, Terry Milder, .Highland West Club The Hireling, a Mather's Day celehiation Sun- Gloria Haznick, Toby Rei2bnum, the last of the season, will start d»>. May 12 at the I-nbmr Lyceum, Gayle Render. Joyce Render, liar3021 Cuming Street. All members hara Robinson, Gwenn Robinson, at 12::t0 p. m. . The installation "ill Ix- followed are urged to come In dinner at Jennifer Rodin, JoAnn Schmldman, (Virol Simon, JoAnn Simon, by the presentation of a .skit. "Solid 6 p. m Vita Simon, Denlsc ' Sllverman, Gold Wonderland" by Mrs. Hy 8. l>. T, ALUMNAK Sandra Singer, Jill Slosburg, JnyShricr and Sirs. I>oufc Klein An all-university tilumnae coke- nie Smeerm. Ilelene Wclnberg. ElMrs. Louis Shner is chairman of tail party is being planned by the the program and luncheon. Res- Omaha Alumnae League of Sig- len Zellnsky. ervation* should be made with Mrs. ma Delta Tail Sorority for SaturMarl Weis*, JIE 1Z3B. day. The affair, honoring SI3T nltims from nil universities, will Omaha Section, National Coun- be- held at the home of Mrs. Sol cil of Jewish Women will hold .Schwartz. 1009 North 63rd Street. Water skiing, one of America's their monthly board m e e t i n g Entertainment In the form of a fastest growinjg water fcports uill Thursday May 16, at the home of hkit will be presented. ' Mrs.' David Bebor. 320 No. 68lh In charge of arrangements for be taught at Camp Jay-C-C this • St. Mm. Albert Caer will be co- the party are Mrs. Sol Schwartz, summer. Dr. Robert J. Kngol, hosiess at a 1 n. m. dessert lunch- social chairman, Miss Rita OIcx- Camp Committee co-chairman, diseon, ker and Mrs. Arnold Roscman. closed Friday, Marshall Dcncnbcrg. Nebraska SDT Alum League president in MIZKACH! WOMEN' Mm. Robert Wagner, publicity U Medical .school student, will superMembers of the Mi/rachi urge under the direction of Mr*. David vise water skiing activities for the more experienced campers at Lake friends and members who have Fredericks. Manawa. an Iowa State lake four usable clothing to arrange with TEMPLE ISKAiil7~ miles from camp. Mrm. Herman Franklin. WE 5215, for their collection for the group's SISTERHOOD Campers will lie able to progress The Temple Israel Sisterhood from the simple water skiing skills rummage sale. Book Fair will be held Sunday or rising on sklls to riding outside Mmes. B. Grossman, George Kap- and Monday, May 19 and 20, from of the wake and doing trick ski2 p. m. to 6 p. m, Autographed ng. Tills in another special activity lan and Frank Sekar who Joined volume* Including those containthe Mlzrachi Donor Luncheon Cir- ing the signatures of Senator John Hint make* Camp Jay-C-C outcle entertained at a dessert lunch- F. Kennedy, Ilfca Chase. Adlal E. standing in the Nebraska-Iowa eon at the homes of Mines. Cross- Stevenson, Will Herberg. Ring area. Dr. Engcl said. Water skiing taught by many of the fine man and X. Gerelick. Lsrdner. j r and others will be The organization's annual donor auctioned Sunday at 3 p. m. Per- Wisconsin mid eastern camp*, Is not included In any other program luncheon will beheld at the Jewish sons wishing to dispose of book* In this area. Community Center on May 22. Mrs, nwv call TE 2472 or GL 2181 for Ruth Ac':crman, JA 1926. is taking pick-up service. reservations. The JNF Trees chairman reports that the following have purchased trees for planting in Urad. Mrs. Gol Nogg in honor of the 351 h MAX I . PANGKK wedding anniversary of Mr. and Max L. F.ingcr. 62. former OmsMB, Nathan L. NOES; Mr. and hnn, died Friday in Los Angeles, SEASIDE COOLNESS Col. He was the brother of M n . / n ] | Mr». Izzic Carsick, for the recovery of Simon Shykcn of Council I. Grosiman and Morris Fangcr of ...LOW COST! Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eisen- Omaha: Also surviving are his. wife, Rae; berg, Mr. and Mrs. Max VVasscrnun, in memory of David Forman; son, Don, Lot Angeles; three other Mr. and Mrs. Max Wa*serman, in sisters and another brother. Fumemory of Sam Sollcovitz and in neral services were held Sunday in memory of Sam Krasnick of She. Los Angeles. boygan, Wis.; Mn. L. CereUck. Mrs. Sam Schwartz, In memory of FOR THE F I N E S T . , , Sam Binder; Mr. and Mrs. George Kaplan, in memory of Sarah KaralIN PHOTOGRAPHY " chick, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Rose Fogel, Mrs. Ben Handler, In memPortraits ory of Louis Weltzman; Mr. and M n . Sam Altsuier, Mr, and Mrs. No n—d to tufta s l u p l H i , nr«lt«Wadding* Julius Shapiro, in memory of Cile lag nighti, UIUCM days. Th*r«'» an Airline two, lhit« or ftvrton air con* Zelan, Houston, Texas. The Sophie Commercial dlUonsr dciigntd piedsaly for T * " Neveleff Memorial Group. In memhonuv. It's IO *atr to k«tp your ory of Louis Kohl and in meinorv wbol* horn* comiortably Uvqbl* of Sam Tarnoff. with cm Airlln* alr-coolftd lyitsm. OMAHA ZIONIST COUNCIL A report of the nominating com. mittee will be made at a meeting of the Omaha Zionist Council, Wednesday. May 15, 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Irvine Stern, 1330 No. 54 Street.
[Camp Jay C-C
They Are Going To Camp Jay-C-C
Camp to Teach Water Skiing
Alrlint . . . Ibat nwant your g»l(ing th» •coaomy and •nglneering know-how of Ingenoll Conditioned Air Division ol lh» Borg-Warn«r Corporation. Kcop your family cool . . , glr« ui a call today.
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Campers will b» closely supervised in the boat and on the ikib by well trained members of the skiing staff. AU campers will wear life jackets to Insure maximum safety. While learning to water ski other participants learn boatmanshlp, how to run and operate an outboard motor and rules of boat safety.
To register > youngster for Camp Jay-OC, which rura for four week* «hi» summer, July 29 through August 23, parcnti fill out a convenient camper registration envelope or call directly the Camp Office «t JA 1366. A youngster'* registration Is completed only after the full fee hm been received by the Camp Office. Youngiten may be registered for the full month of camping or for either of the two two week session*. Itatn and lUtiw Full Season W* First Session
Second Session TO Sunday Ends ' Because of the limited capacity of Camp Jay-C-C and the unusualNational Swim ly fine registration that has been, Sunday will be the last oppor- received, parents are urged to regtunity for swimmers to compete Utor their children Immediately. in the National Jewish Welfare Board Swimming meet. The final competition has been scheduled Sunday from noon until 2 p. m. Entries will swim nRninst time clocked by officials. The meet is free and open to children and adults or all nt;es. Certification Refrigerated Will be made by the New York office. Fur Storage Additional Information will be . Cleaning, Restyling furnished by Joseph K. Micck, Borgana Coats Cleaned aquatic director, JA l.'IBC. Iran, cobalt and nickel nre the three metal* with Ihe largest magnetic quality. POLITICAL' AHVKKTISKMBNT
Milton's Fur Shop its Nt. 3M
JA 2104
W. P. "BILL"
GARVEY Independent Candidate for
Gily Councilman •EX-FBI AGENT — to Guard Your Lawil • ATTORNEY— to Underjtar/t the Charter • BUSINESSMAN— »o Watch Your Money! Kndsnrd Or FORMER H I AGINTS
W. P, "BUI Garvcy is a native-born Omaha who grew up here and went to school here. Bill Carvey knows Omaha and Its problems. As an attomey—i graduate of the Crcighton University College of Law—Bill Carvey has the legal training so that he can understand and interpret the new City Charter to make it work for the benefit of all Omaha. As a successful businessman. Bill Garvey knows how to make every dollar count. And 39-year-old Bill Garvey has the youth and vigor to guarantee the future of Omaha for our children. m > \* r.H far kr The CunBllte* In W. r. -Mil" Gmiter
. YES (Youth Employment) JOB INFORMATION EXCHANGE For high school students and coliegiates needing jobs. For employers who need workers,
Excellent typists and receptionists available for oiflc* replacement. Crew of boys desire lawn work—reasonable rates. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPERS Anyona interested in socuring more specific information about jobs listed above or hiring students, eontact YES, at the Jowiih Community Center, JA 1366.
Friday. May 10, 1MT
Center Sports
Day Camp Enrollment Moves Ahead of Schedule
Officers elected by Debka Debt Footbal Throw—SwarU, Okun VAK8ITC WINS for the coming year are; presiThe J .C. C. Vanity got off lo Sherman. dent, Barbara Brodkey; first vice • «ood start in the Metropolitan Broad Jump—Goldstein 17', Wise, Registration for the 1957 Dayto a\oid possible disappointments. president, Linda Rosenbaum; secClau "A" Softball League with a Berman. Camp Is progressing ahead of Day Camp will consist of two ond vice president, Diane Llntzseven Inning 12-4 win over 'tan- Snot Put—Gordman 3}' 6', Sie- schedule, Ed Shafton, chairman of periods of two weeks each: man; secretory, Leslie Smith; bills nings last week. Pitcher Sandy gal, Mayer. the Jewish Community Center Kat™ treasurer, Beverly Goldberg; dues Brophy settled down in the third 440 Relay—AZA 100 :M.0; Seg. Day Camp committee reported. June 17-28 $35 treasurer, Barbara Bercutt; serThis year the day camp Will beInning after giving up two runs on lln, Mayer, Grossman and GordJuly 1-12 $35 gcants-ot-arms, Phyllis Katzman gin on Monday, June 17 and cona homer > walk and an error In man. Total four weeks SGO and Diahc Rubinow; historian, tinue through Friday, July 12, for the first and second. Transportation is furnished to Nancy Brodkey; reporter, Carolyn children of elementary school age. Seored 1 Runs the camp through an arrangement Dolgoff; Y. - C . representative, Registration for day camp opened Marlys Isack; Y. C. alternate, With good pitching and timely during the w e e k proclaimed for pick-up service at five con- Beverly Bloom. Installation was hitting, the Varsity scored 7 runs venient locations: Beth El, Beth "Camp Week" by Mayor John In the fifth Inning to Wrap up the Israel, Temple Israel, the Jewish held right after the elections. Roseblatt. The annual dinner-dance Is game. Harold Nepomnick led the Community Center and 63rd nnd A banquet Sunday evening at Mr. Shafton declared that the Underwood. Mot kosher lunches scheduled for Saturday, May 18 power a t the plate with a basesthe Sheraton-Fontenelle hotel, camp is very fortunate that a loaded triple, and Lenny Wolk nre provided by the camp and in- at the Highland Country Club. General chairmen are the Kaye laid down a perfect bunt scoring will highlight the week-end activ- large majority of last year's vet- cluded In the camp fee. ities celebrating the founding of eran staff again will be in charge Turner and Nancy Blotcky. two rum. Earlier in the game, Arrangements have been made Wolk slammed a fast pitch for a A. Z. A. Chapter No. 1, B'nai of camp activities. "The 1957 program will be cen- with Peony Park to use a special round-tripper, but was called out B'rith. A feature of the evening will be the announcement of the tered primarily around the needs day camp area exclusively for Cen- "A. Z. A. No. 1 and Rotianue'lead at second for not tagging the bag. ter day campers. The site is located their divisions for the Best Club Best Aleph and Best Athlete ol l i e also scored the only double the year. New members will be of the child," Mr. Shafton, added away from the congested traffic Award In the Jewish Youth Coun"In order to Insure the greatest play of the game which was un- Initiated also. amount of participation and de- and is in the wooded forest area cil," Harold Kalmah, Council Pres•Mlstcd. ident, reports. Clubs are rated each velopment on the part of each of the pnrk. The week-end program will In Long Drive Parents are invited to discuss month by representatives of the dude mats attendance at Temple camper." Norm Zcvitz turned In the field- Israel's Friday night services and Camp registration is limited this arrangements for children's Day groups at evaluation sessions. Ing gem of the game on a long attendance at the Omaha Cardinal year and Mr. Shafton urges par- enmp at the Center Camping Of- Each club )s rat(!d on the quality and quantity of its programming in drive near the line in left field, and baseball game Saturday-evening. ents to enroll their children early fice. the areas of social activities, comKrcd Bernstein at third stopped ' Wlllard Pkrtkin is chairman in munity service, religious activities, two vicious line drives which Llndy charge of the affairs with Steve cultural events, athletic participaPaul at short picked up for the Dlpogoff, social events, and Martion and additional special protuwlst at first Almost everybody vin Rubnck, religious services. grams. hit for the vanity with extra Rayim and Eleanor Roosevelt of The chapter at the present time, blue* credited to Nepomnick and Chapter of BBG are In second poholds first place In Best Club Ernie Saltzman. sitions closely behind the first The Vanity roster also Includes standings. Indianapolis, Ind (JTA) —The Western "defense. It was recomMilton Katskee will represent American Legion, the nation's mended that "We should push places. The final evaluation meetStuart Knhn, Sam A l l o y , Ray ing of this program year, May 28th Kirk, Frank Berg, Bemle Bogdo- the organization at the district l a r g e s t veterans' organization, plans under private sponsorship will determine the B e s t Club noff and Lee Bernstein. Manager convention. made public a resolution adopted for a pipeline from the. Gulf of Award. Trophies will be presented Dan Epstein is optimistic about by its national executive commit- Aknba to the Mediterranean, for to the winning groups and permathe team's chances tor taking two tee accusing Egyptian President With such ah alternative route we nenl, inscribed plaques will b» consecutive city titles, Last year, Nasser of serving world Commu- will no longer be subject to Nas- placed in the Youth Council Office, nism and calling upon the U.S. ser's domination." the J.C.C. captured the National Government to support Israel's League championship, The Legion called tor a solution It is estimated that the Dead Five Ncbrasknns were among rights In the Suez Canal and Gulf of the Arab refugee problem, de- Sea contains 22 milliard (one TABLE TEMNIfl of Akaba as vital to basic Amerscribing the refugees as "political the officers elected by the Plains thousand million,) magnesium Mike Platt and Ed Wlntroub States Regional Advisory Board ican Interests. pawns to Nasser's name." It rec- (Magnesium chloride), 11 milliard look the Y. C. Table Tennis Dou- of the Anti'Defamatlon League of ommended that "a first step tons of common salt, 2 milliard Face Issue Directly bles defeating Jerry Sherman and B'nal B'rith Sunday at St. JoThe Legion said the United should be to put the Gaza Strip tons of potash (potassium chlorStuart Kutler in a full five game seph, Mo. Staters should "face the Arab-Is- under UN rule so thai this area ide), and one milliard tons of match. Scores were 23-21, 16-21, They are Leo Eisenstatt, chair raeli conflict, directly and boldly, would no longer be used as a bn*c bromide (magnesium bromide). 17-21, 23-21 and 21-19, AU five man; -Louis FlnkclsUIn, state the root of which is that some for aggression." game were extremely close with chairman; M i l t o n Abrahams, countries In the area have refused kome exceptionally long volleys. By treasurer and Edward Rosen, to reconcile themselves to the exvirtue of the win AZA 100 picked executive committee, all of Oma istence of the Israeli democracy." IHKAEI. TKAM 1IKUE up' five more precious Olympic ha and Leo Hill, Lincoln vice It charged that Soviet success in New York (JTA)—The Israel points, that could give them the chairman, Lincoln. the Middle East "Is generally the Hapocl Soccer Team arrived this trophy, providing' they are not doing of one man—the Egyptian week at Idlewild Airport here and blanked in the track meet. dictator, Nasser—who han played was greeted by the Brooklyn Six Point Lead * the Soviet game and has become Dodgers. The soccer players were an open accomplice of world Com- honored with a ticker tape parade Kutler and Sherman jumped into and a greeting at City Hall from munism." a six point lead in the second game Mayor Robert F. Wagner. 8, A. M. The Legion found it "disturbfor the widest margin of the match. POMTICA'T. POMTICA L ADVEHTISBMENT ing" to observe "our own governThen won the third game to go UNI. OF NEBRASKA Larry Epstein was named hon- ment treating this dictator as if nhead 2-1 in the scries. The fourth, orary members of Theta Nu fra- he were a respected member of n deuce game, was extremely dose ternity. Kenny Freed was pledged PROTECT YOUR HEALTH AND WELFARE! m the lead changed hands at three to Phi Mu Alpha Symphonla. Stan the world community, appeasing different interval* twice between and Dave Wldman were pledged to him as he violates international law and decency, particularly his 15-15. INSURE YOUR HAPPINESS! Alpha Kappa Psi. outrageous disregard" of the right The winners had previously deMarv Breslow, .Alan Hccgcr, of Israel and all nations to use the feated Jack Llob and Larry Zach- Larry Schwartz, Howard Kenyon, Suez international waterway. It *ria while the runners-up gained Alan Rosen, Dave Widman, Mike emphasized that it was at a loss MAKE the finals at the expense of Al Erman, Sam Shukert lccelvcd the to understand why the same presKrizclman and Will Plotkln. various house awards during Par- sure brought against Israel, BriV. C. TRACK HXET ent's Day. tain, and France "hot not been apAZA 100 walked off the Benson plied to the dictator who has viotrack last Sunday as champions lated every law of human decency and also winners of the Youth ALPHA BP8ILON VI and peace." OMAHA UNIVERSITY Ooundl Olympic Award. The final Morris Shrago arid Edwin BerXxplote Oil Routes scoring was 47 for 100, 35 for the covid Wer among the students As long us the Suez Canal reUnafUliates and S for AZA 1. No named to the Dean's honor list records were broken as AZA 100at Omaha Municipal University mains under "S o v 1« t-Ecyptian racked up five first places and annual honors convocation. Ber- domination," the Legion said this dominated four event* with two covici also was elected to member, country must explore alternative rot) Can • • SURE— If You VOTE oil routes from the Red Sea to places. ship in Gamma Pi Sigma, honorNelson Gordman took three first ary chemical fraternity and was Western Europe as imperative for places and also was on the winning chosen to represent the univerrelay team to lead AZA 100 to the sity in a freshman chemistry victory. Me ran the 100 yard dash clinic In competition with stuin :11.2, the 220 in :26.2, put the denta of other mldwestern colshot 35' 7" and anchored the re- lege*. RUG ft UPHOLSTERY lay team which finished, the 440 in CLEANERS :&10. Dave Goldstein led the UnRUGS—CARPETING stfflliatcs with victories in the :07.1 and broad Jumped 17 feet. l i e was LAMP SHADES •Iso a close second in the century. Phont JA 13SS to lowrt you! Wial Aa FURNITURE Other winners were Howie Lip- In Ttii Jewlth p n u . rmti ti 00 CABIB for «arh four ton in the softball throw and Jeff lintCurrent InncrftTn. TM Hrf»« rcstrvM tn« right Cleaned In Your Home! SwarU In the footbal throw. Other to limit «)«• ot ucb «dv«nn»m«nt. lladlio • Uylllf • R«palr)*« members of the AZA 100 winning BAR and Bo3 Mitzvah congraturelay team were Steve Scfilin, MurHA 2554 lations also for all Jewish holi- Don Bernstein ray Mayer and Bcrnle Grossman. days nnd special occasions. Heavy-duty concrete roads 30 concrete pavements can bo AZA l'» points were kcorod by Al Meyers News Stand, 1302 Dodge to*40 years old are Mill serv- built to deliver smooth-tid* Siegal with a second in the chat ing all over America. Even ing and dependable tervic* and Hank Berman in the brond FOR RENT—Four-room Apt.Near where resurfaced, concrete well into the next century. carlinc, shopping center. Very jump with a third, and O!KO B third •till carries the load. desirable, 4810 Underwood Ave. in the 220. Call WA 3988. Folowlng are the fin.il result: Concrete's proven durabil60 Yard Dash—Goldstein :07.1, OPICN HOUSE— 2028 No. 51 St., ity makes it a logical choice Bclzer, Frcldmnn. Sunday, May 12—2 to 5:30 p. m. for th* National System of 100 Yard Dash—Gordman -.11.2, OWNER TRANSFERRED. Four Interstate and Defense HighGoldstein. Wise. bedrooms, 2 ' i baths, beautifulwiyi. That's because tod*y'• 220 Yard Dash—Cordmon ;26.2, ly carpeted, drapes, PINE RECWise Berman. REATION room, perfect con880,• Run—Bclzer 2:.16.2, Okun, PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION dition. CLOSE TO SCHOOL. Llpton. Call Mary Alice McCaffrey, eve504 South 18th 5tr.tr, Omaha 2, N«bmslw ' nings, JA 5042. Stuht-Bcdford Softball Throw—Llpton, Swartz, A MltofMl trgonliotlm lo ImproM tttd •••will * • MM «l MrHand aiMlrt mti tmOtt . . . through Kltntlfic rnrarih mat tn«lM*fins IM4 w«rk Co. Grossman.
AZA No. 1 Will Observe Founding
American Legion Urges U. S. Support to Israel
Five Nebraskans Elected by ADL
Want Ads
built for the 21st Century
VMS* •*•*
Friday. May I*. 1J8T
Jewish Press—Sioux City Section Around the World Margolin Named Local Film To National Post Is Praised and Nation •The Abcrman's Meet The FerFrank J. Margolin, president By Norman The position of Israel In a hostile world momentarily icemed to ease somewhat last week as the swirling cross-currents of world diplomacy blew In less »peetacular fashion than at any time during the last few months. Now It again seemed a question of time, of consolidating gains— if any—assessing losses and showin the face of continued cool treatment from world powers and downright hostility from its neighbors. The Israeli government still spoke of testing its right of pas. lage through the Suez canal, but the tone was more moderate, though still firm. It seemed as though the Jewish state preferred to await a more propitious moment for a showdown, and patience was the prevailing mood. Tension also abated somewhat along the Jordanian border, poss i b l y as a result of the strengthening—momentarily at least—of the embatted regime in thai neighboring country. Syria was still giving Israeli fishermen trouble, showing again that Arab world hostility was a continuing, longterm thing. Will this relative breather period work to the advantage of Israel, or will it ultimately hurt the state? A good case could be made out for both aides of the question. Extremists inevitably will argoe that it will accomplish nothing and will permit the Arab states to continue and accelerate their military buildup. Compared with the ftver-all potential of her hostile neighbors, Israel cannot increase her armed strength to any marked degree—and (be result will be disastrous, say taos* holding this view. On th» other hand, Israel does need time—time to refurbish and strengthen her economy, to Integral* her steady flow of new Immigrants and gather in additional newcomers, to recover psychologically «o some degree from the jitters and tensions of the last few months add reorient Itself with the over-all world picture. Regardless of the way the short term peaks and valleys of mideast tensions resolved themselves for the moment, Jews in Israel—and their coreligionists throughout the world—still would have to reconcile themselves to future periods of tension and apprehension before a real peace in the area ever Is established. •
: .
In other parts of the world, too, the week seemed one of casing, ..even improvement in conditions for Jewry. Again, however, there was little sign that the improved conditions were in any way permanent Discrimination against Jews In Egypt ha* been relaxed, according to a report heard by the World Jewish congress at a meeting In . London. However, many thou• sanfe there stIU want to emigrate and the big task also remained of obtaining restitution for those forced Into exile. The fate of eastern European Jewry also remained . in an uncertain state. •
BRIEFLY AFIOUND THE NATION.. 4. Hungarian Jewish n«fucce families settled In the New York area have made an exceptionally rapid adjustment to their new pmiromrnt, according 1 to social agency reports . . . A survey by the B'IIJII R'rith AnilDefamation league last wrelc showed Ihat one of every four resort hotels it) the U. S. discriminates ngnin.it Jews . . . A comI rnu/iity survey in Philadelphia 1 flhovved anti-Jewish discrimination ' strongest in medical s c h o o l s of that area . . . The Union of American Hebrew Congregations, representing reform Jewry, discussed a variety of problems, com, munlty and international, at Its I convention in Toronto. Ths group expressed Its solidarity with Israel . and its disagreement with the
of the Jewish Federation, was named a member of the Campaign Planning Committee of the Council of Jewish Federations and Wei. fare Funds, by Herbert R. Abeles of Newark. New Jersey, Council of Jewish Federations president. The CJFWT is the inter-natlonal association of Jewish Federations and community councils, representing approximately 800 Jewish communities In the United States and Canada. The Council provides information and field services for its members in social planning, campaigning and budgetIng, community organization and community interpretation. It also represents Us member agencies in matters on national and international Jewish interest. The Sioux City Jewish Federation is one of 228 organized Federations who are members of the Council. As a member of the National Committee on Campaign Planning, Mr. Margolin will be one of several Federation leaders strategic' ally situated around the country who have first hand experience in campaigning, and who will pool their knowledge for the greatest benefit to all Jewish communities.
Organizations v. o. Ths United Orthodox Auxiliary will hold its dosing meeting Thursday, May 10, 8 p. m., at the Synagogue. The program will comprise singing of Hebrew songs by the U. S. 0. youth group, and an address by Rabbi Saul I. Bolot-
MZBACHI WOMEN Tht Mizrachi Women will meet at a dessert luncheon Monday, May 13,1:30 p. m, at the United Orthodox Synagogue, at which tht Jewish National Fund will be featured. Members are requested to bring their Blue Boxes. Mrs. Abraham Danzig, vice president of the National Mizrachi Women's Orgnlzatfon, will be guest-speaker at the Annual Banquet to be held June 9.
eratlon", the film about Federation activities shown at the Annual Dinner last March, has been requested on loan by the National Jewish Welfare Board for showing in Jewish Community Centers in other parti of the country. This IS minute d ocumentary movie, filmed at the Center under the direction of Marvin Kline, was seen by David Bonder, Jewish Welfare Board field representative, and judged by him as an exceedingly fine production Interpreting the activities of a Jewish Center,
Joy-C-C Campers To Open June 17 Camp Man-Gl-Nah, th» Jewish Community Center Day Camp, will open its season June17, and continue until July 26. The Camp, now In.its third season, is open to boys and girls aged 7 to 10. Campers may enroll for the full six-week season, or either the first or second of the two three-week sessions. Maintaining base headquarters at the Center Camp Man-Gl-Nah will provide a complete and varied program, including sports, swimming, hiking, nature study, campcraft, music, story-telling, arts and crafts, interest trips, dramatics and camp-paper. Under supervision of Head Counselor Harold Ivener, camp counselors will include Susan Baron, Jerry Chesen, Vicky Lasensky, Stanley Shlndler, Ifarlene Levine and Sharon Shulkln. Camp enrollment will be limited, according; to Head Counsellor Harold Ivencr, and enrollment will start May 13ih.
Last Sioux City Page of Season This Is tht final Issue of the Sioux City Section of the Jewish Press- The next publication of Sioux City community news will be In ths Federation Newsletter, due May 25th. The Sioux City Section of the Omaha Jewish Press Is an annual seasonal-feature, lasting for the duration of the United Jewish Appeal campaign only. This year the Sioux City Section began publication April 18th, The seasonal combination of Sioux City and Omaha community news at campaign time is made possible through the courtesy of the Omaha Federation of Jewish Service and the publishers of the Jewish Press.
HADAS8AII Hadassah Board will meet Monday, May 13, at a one o'clock luncheon, at the home of Mrs. Sam J. Slotsky, 1817 Nebraska Street. Mrs. Slotsky, youth activities representative, and Mrs. Meyer J. Epstein, chapter president, will leave May 17. as chapter delegates to the Mountains—Plain* Regional Convention, at Cheyenne, WyomTravel experts indicate that by ing. I960 a million and a half Americans will be traveling to Europe each year. BAB 'UITZVAII Eli Chesen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Chesen, will begin the observance of his Bar Mitzvah with the chanting of KIddush Friday evening, May 17, at Shaare Zion Synagogue. He will carry out the full ritual of chanting the Haftorah at the Saturday morning service, and addressing the congregation. Eisenhower administration's poll cies toward Jewish refugees from Egypt. AND AROUND THE WORLD . . . Latest thing In Great. Britain la a unit of the Ku Klux'lClin, said the plan action ngninst Nef:roe«, Jens and certain f'lmstian groups . . . the f.ite of an rslini•itpcl .'I million Jew. in the S'n Uiilnn ha* hen called the imjor Jewish problem today by Dr. Nahum Golrlmnnli, president of the World Jewish congress . . . The Theodor Her/A, new fl;ig.iliip ami pride of the Israeli merchant fleet, sailed from Hamburg on its maiden voyagp last week, bound for Haifa. The 10,000'ton vessel was built for Israel under the German reparations agreement.
Solicitation To End May 15 Over 100 colonels and captains In the .Men's and Women's divisions of the United Jewish Appeal and Emergency Rescue Fund campaign were urged by general chairman Sid Kalln to complete their final solicitation by no later than May 15. Prior to meeting with the Ad'
Graduates to Be Honored The Hebrew Women's Association wlU honor the Hebrew School graduates at Its season closing luncheon meeting, Tuesday, May 14, 1 p. m., at tht Jewish Community Center. Receiving honors will be Aronlta Charnie, Brian Ivener, Fred Lelchook and Myron Miller. The meeting will d o i t with election of Board members.
250 Delegates to Attend Meeting Two hundred and fifty teen-ate delegates representing tht B'nal B'rlth youth of Omaha, Dei Molnes, Lincoln, Sioux Falls and Sioux City arc expected to converge on the Sioux City Jewish Community Center June 10, 11 and 12, when this community pUys host to the BBYO Cornbelt Region Summer Convention. Program events of the convention will Include sports and non-athletic competitions, career conferences, leadership training seminars, ontertalnments and social affairs. Highlight of the convention will bt the banquet, June 12, at which a number of regional awards and citations will be given out. Representing Franklin Delano Roosevelt Chapter BBC and AZA Zenith No. 12 as chairmen of the convention are Marlene Levin and Jack Bernstein, Aiding as cochairmen are Sandle Margolin and Dick Kalln.
Tempi* Schedules Mother-Daughter Lunch Mount Slnal Sisterhood will hold a Mother-Daughter luncheon Saturday, May 11, at the Temple. Tht luncheon will bt preceded by a service at 12:15 p. m., at which Mrs. A. L. Gslliuky will speak as a' great-grandmother, Mrs. A. J. Gallniky, as a grandmother, and Mrs. David Levin, as a mother, Mrs. W. C. Slotsky. Sisterhood vice president, will preside at the luncheon, A skit, "Masquerade Party", will be presented.
vance Gifts and General Men't captains May 7, and the Women's Division captains May 9, for report rallies, chairman Kalln noted that the campaign goal was over 85 per cent attained. Expecting these report meetings to complete most of the distance remaining toward attaining th» goal, Mr. Kallrt stated at pre*» time that one final spurt by th* campaign's volunteer corps of captains should be all that is needed to put the campaign over by th* 15th. If this Is accomplished, Mr, Kalln stated, It will bt the shortest and fastest U. J. A. campaign in Sioux City's history.
JWV Post Plans May 28 Dance Jewish War Veterans Post No. 337 will hold Its annual Memorial Day Dance Saturday night. May 23, at the Shcration-Martln Hotel. Beneficiary of this event will b* tht patients of the .Sioux Fall* Veterans Administration Hospital. Tht JWV Post annually enter* tains the patients, supplies them with Individual personal necessities, and presents the Hospital with an Important piece of equipment. Norman Satin is'-danc* chairman.
Set of Books Given To Center Library A complete set of the newest edition of the BOOK OF KNOWLKDCK was donated to the Jewish Community Center Library by Harry Rich,'as a commemoration of his 23th wedding anniversary. The set, Intended for children of elementary school years, will be made freely available to them as an aid to home work and other school work tasks.
UJA Pledges Israel $50 Million by June New York (WNS)—An effort t» secure $50,000,000 in cash towards tht overall United Jewish Appeal campaign by June 8, was pledged here by UJA loaders to meet th» needs for Jewish refugees now streaming into Israel, and th» needs of refugees requiring aid in other overseas areas. William Rosenwald, G e n e r a l Chairman of the UJA, told Ambassador of Israel to the U. S., Abba Eban, that the American Jewish community would go all out to secure the *50,000.000 by June 8. On that dale a two-day UJA Cash Conference will bt convened in New York City.
Enthusiasm Keynoted Campaign Dinner
Miss Eileen BabMlz, MUs Eva Corion and Dlvhlon Chairman, Mrs. BUnley Karl pf tbe Boslaea* and Professional Women'* group lent Ihrlr rallinnlmim to the combined Campaign Dinner which thqr attended recently at tlio Jewish CommuoUjr Center. -•'•'.
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