Israel Expects 12,000 Refugees DuringMay About l-'.OOO Jewish refugees from KitypL lluni'.'ir.v, ol)u>r Eastcm I.'utujic it ciiiiitiii's and North Afnci .'lie eveetrd to cuter Israel dm mi; Mny- ,1 sulnl;intial incrcBSC o\<-r the influx In April, William ]t'i',in».il(l, KI'IIPMI chairman of tli» United Jewish Appeal,'reported today after receiving a cablegram ivhirli urged ".i superhuman effort" to make UJA fimcU available for vein^t1? rescue, I'mvxperted Increnn* "Thin prediction for the May immigration to Israel exceeds the April Inmilgratloit by 3,000, David FViU-r, Omaha Pledge Itedemptlon chaimmn," nald today. "The unexpected increase in the tempo of migration makes Imperative the nationwide effort to convert pledge* marie to the UJA'* $100,000,000 KmerKency Rescue Fut\d
and regular 1957 UJA campaign into cash". Specific Objective Mr. Feder declared that the specific objective during the current Cash-for-Re*cue drive 1* to make certain that fundj can be made Available to transport and resettle the thousands of JewUb refugee men, women and children still waiting In European refugee reception center* to new hornet lands of permanent adoption In Israel, the United State* or other free-world countries. Mr. Feder noted that present estimate* foresee the resettlement of a jiOMlble 120,000 Jewish refugee* In Israel, the United State* and other free countries, an increase of 20,000 over ths 100,000 Jewish refugee* originally estimated as a* needing rescue In 1957,
P. Shyken Named Y.C. president Paris, .JTA)—-Israel used a new,
Israel Used French Guided Missiles
•sensational" guided m l * t i l e against Egyptian tanks during the Slnal campaign last tall, accordIns to Gen. Noel Daun, of the French Air Force. The weapon, conveying n conventional, 12-pound charge, "can destroy any tank or armoured car, Gen. Daun wild, declaring It had • record of 90 peiccnt of hits. The Jnlssllc, known as the 5-S 10, was fired by Israeli troops trained by French iiwtriict'im.
Paul Shyken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shyken has been elected president of the Omaha Jewish Youth Council. He succeed* Harold Kalman. Paul, chairman of this yenr's high school Philanthropies Campaign, ha* served the Council in various capacities. Other officer* are Marty Llpp, lice president: I3ol> Felhnnn, recording sorretnry nnd Stanley C.reenfield. reporter.
Goldstein Urges Workers To Complete Solicitation Philanthropies Scoreboard A»ofH»y«,185T Hit following «r« current reports from divliloru to th» 1957 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign! IWI ToUl Division To Paw Initial Gift* . 1393,900.00 Hen'* Division , 23,203,79 Women'* Division 58,389.25 B. A P. Unit .• 2,358*0 Children's Division IJSQJM High School Division • 699.75 Univertity Division 109.50 Organization* .. 1,063,79 Total toDatt
Services to Honor Graduates
Moscow Ordered Polish Outrages
Baccalaureate servlees for Jewish, graduates of Omaha high schools will be held Thursday, Juno 6, 8:30 p. m. at Temple Israel, under the auspice* of the Federation for Jewish Service, Dr. Philip Slier, announced. Dr. Slier, honorary picsldent of the Federation,* Is tho "originator
Atlantic City (WNS)—AntlScmltlc outrages In Poland were ordered by a Soviet delegation visting Warsaw last October, it was revealed here at the biennial convention of the Jewish Labor Committee in n report by its executive secretary Jacob Pat.
Mr. Goldstein In his appeal to workers, pointed out that what 1* achieved In May will determln* the final outcome of thli year'* critical drive.
Klinuchov. Mr. Pat told the more than 400 convention delegates that stenographic reports of the 8th Plenum of the Communist Party which took place on October 19-23, 1956, when the Moscow delegation was in Poland, shows that the antJJewish' leaders of Natolln—a village where a secret anti-Semitic group within tha Polish Communist Party held It* meetings—were determined to. uso anti-Semitism In Its effort to defeat and remove the Gomulka group anil that Knischev and the rest ofihe Bed delegation had come to Warsaw with the aim of carrying through a putach tn collaboration with the NatoHn group, whose assignment It wo* to arrest 700 Polish writers, party officials and Journalists. • Mr. Pat asserted that while the Moscow visitors did not succeed glnat Gomulka "(hey did succeed" In starting an antl-Scmltlc campaign which, he laid, "throatened the physical and spiritual existence of the remaining Jews In Poland."
The Blkur Cholim Society will hold Its annual buffet picnic Sunday, May 26, i p. tn. to 4 ji, m, on the grounds of the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the' Aged, 4801 No, 52nd Street. Arthur Cohn, Home CommUtet chairman, pointed out the Important cooperation and contribution which the Home for the Aged, receives from ths Blkur Cholim Society, He said, a* an example, that the entire medical cost of the Home's Infirmary is paid by th» Blkur Cholim Society as well as-such Installations as air conditioners and the elevator. _ "Portonaliy," he added, "t urg* everyone to come out and see oni of the finest Homes for the Aged to bo found in any community, and in addition, enloy a w o w l w ful picnic meal." Arrangement* have been mad# by tha Society, for persons who have purchasiM ttakeU, V>\A « • unable to attend tha event, to takf dinners out, If raervstlon nr« made earlier with Mrs. Jake Wins, \VA. 6660,
of t h e Union HKCCttlaliMn-t*
re, A reception for the graduates will be held after tho services In the Temple nodal hull. 'Hie cereUnoVrclav, sliHlrnU *m the hon- ll)ii Dwnkln, Beverly Coldtorg, mony Is held annually with the cooperation of all the synagogues or roll for tlio first tluee quarter* Andy Jciin Gross, Saul Krlplte, of the school year, were named Tom Knlly, •Martin Wpp, Sandra in the community. this week to the membership <>f the Central Wish . School' Junior Matters, Mike Purscll, Lcnuea Rife. Linda Rnwntoium, Florence Honor Society. Freshmen named to the Honor Shrngo, Mike Shrlcr nichard Society were Martin Bercovlcl, Spcier Howard Wcinberg and Snm Bleichtr, Nancy Brodkcy. Maureen Zcvltz. Carolyn Dolgotf. Madclyn Dolgoff, The Annual Memorial Day ServRonnie Greene, James GUM, BUI ices of the Epiilcln-Morgan Post, Horwlch. Marlys back, Cindy Jewish War Veterans will be held Klein, Beth Ann Mnklcsky, Roat the graveside of David PoCker, chcile Relss, Louis nlch, Ethel Graduation exercise* for Jewish a Post Charter member who died Sabcj, Kstelle Schulmnn, Kdwln last year, Marvin Kaplan, Post Sldman, Loanna Trost, Enid Ven- Community Center Prc-Schoolcrs Comandcr announced. " Ser, Moyard Wclnbcrg, Wary Ya- will take place Wednesday, June Services will be at Mount Slnal ger, Douglas Platt and Justin Ban. 5th, 10:15 a. m. in the pro-school Cemetery located across from th», Sophomores honored were Phyl- room. Mrs. Leonard Kuloksky, Clearlrtge Airport on north 72nd lis Abrahams, Hurlmrn A'ller, Sus- chairman of the pre-school, In- St.. Sunday, May 26th at 10:30 j i n Baron, Steve Hloch, ITctty Er- vites all parents to attend the a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and man, l.ynette Foiliei, Steve Ft.*, exercises and the social hour that Cantor "Ell Kagan of Beth Israel Bob Fellinan. Mnilene Friedman. will follow In honor of the gradu- Synagogue will be In charge of Sinn Greenfield. I-nuy llobermnn, ate!!. the service*.' All Veterans of the Tonl Kaplan, Alice K'»v, Justin Jewish faith are urged to attend Lewis, Judy Later, Art Rnznlck, Registrations Opened the Memorial Services, to honor Nancy Richards. Dennis Kchulmnn, all of Veteran* who have died. Jeanne Sll\er. l-'lio- SlriKer, Iloz- For Pre-School Camp A)l post member* are requested annc Slperln nnd Datid Wlntroub. Registrations for the' Jewish to wear the JWV cap and tie. Jlitilur honor leclnleiits arc Jtidl Community Center Prc-School Day Members of the post also will be* Bnn, Ir\in Bel/er. Phyllis Bern- C'nnip are now being taken at represented In tho service* i n stein. Hernnifl Bloom, 'Bruce the Camp Office. Tiie dates and ducted at tho American Legion Bloom, Barbara Brodkey, Hob rates: full four* weeks,'June 17* Circle, In Forest Uiwn cemetery Brodkey. Charlotte Ilrndkcy, Mar- July 12, $r>0.00; first two weeks at 9;30 a. m. Thursday. Irvine Cohen Lodge No. June 17-28, S.'jp.00 nnd second two B'nnl B'rith of Council (Huffs, weeks, July 1-12, $30.00. will conduct a Rpeclnl Memorial Since enrollment la limited, Mrs. Leonard Kitlnkofsky, Chalnnhn Day military service at Onklilll, Pro-School Committee encournges the Jewish Cemetery In Council pni'«nt# of pre-schoolers to register Bluffs, 11 n. m., May 30. Services will be conducted by now while there or* openings Job openings jff titill being Children will lie picked up nt 9 nniilil David Korb. Tho address needed by "yes", Youdi l.'inploy :i, tn. «t Helh. El, Beth Israel, will be made by L, II. Katelman. Went Service. In view of the ninny Temple uml the Center and will be A honor cunrd composed of lodge •tudentn asking !<> lie placed, i returned to their home*) in time war veterans, Jerry Passer, Ben I* announced by Von Hlce, chair- for lunch. Special staff and super- Telpner, Marvin Suvnlslty, Ben inan of Hie center Hpoiisorc;! proj- vision will bo offered as the Day Sclineliler, Ben Seldln nnd Iffirry ect. .('.imp will follow tlio standards Cohen, will lie commanded by "The service !•. operating nir- cot forth liy tho American Cnnip Lloyd Krasno. Louiso Passer, lodga veterans CCSsfiilly", Mr. nice stated, "hilt iiiR A>;-ioclntlon, chairman, is In charge of arrange<he demand for jobs hns exceeded For further'Infomvitlon call the ments for -the Ken-Ice. openings available Our KoM is <o Camp Office, JA. ]:i66. give every capable reentrant a
Jr. Honor Society Members Named
Memorial Day Rites Planned
PrcSchoolers Will Have Graduation
Jpb Openings
. Employers may rail "ie "Yi Office, JA. 1308 to register 'their needs. Students «re screened for ability anil past performance nnd •re recommended only If they meet requirements, Mr. Klrc said. A special lawn service and n ercw for replacing storms and •creens are available.*
.SENATE MCAUKIt, HI'KAKEII New York <JTA)—l-yndon Johnson, .Senate majority leader, will bo the principal speaker at the 'Nutlonal Itoscuo Conference of the United Jewish Appeal here June 8 and 9, William Itoionwdld, general chairman, announced today.
An appeal by Arthur H. Goldstein, Phllftnthropies general chairman, ha* been made t<f campaign workers to complete their solicit*' tkms and turn lit their cards to their division chairmen as soon a* possible. The chairmen are David Blacker. Initial gift*; Louis Canar and Ruben Ltppet. Men's division; Mr*, Edward £. Brodkcy, M M . "E*K*a E, Brodkey, Mrs. Mike Freeman, women'* division; Mr*. Herman Bondarin, buslnes* and porfesslon. ul unit; Paul SViyhsn, W»\i lAwA dlvlllon and Marilyn Rice, university division. Mr. Goldstein ha* asked that worken tnov« lorward as rapidly as possible on the solicitation of outstanding cards. Ha ha* called for a rededicatlon to the many cause* supported through the cam* palgn and a continuation of df* termlned effort* to secure ln« creased gifts on the cards atlU
Dramatic Club Will Present Show Sunday A play "Zipku Firo" will ba presented by tho Worknien Circle Dramatic Club Sunday, 8 p. m. ft1 the Jowlsh Community Center. Ticket) may b* purchased «t thfc door, et 7:30 p. m. ;• •
Bilcur Cholim PIceuc—r
Camp Jay-C-C Enrolls Fifth Erman Youngster Anyone checking on tho Morris JSrman family, durlns; ths summer, can usually find one of its memtars ft Camp Jay-C-C, at least since 1946. During the past 11 years some member and often more then one ha) been associated -with the camp, either as camper or in other capacities, The current season's registration records for the first time, the name of Mil Ion Erman, the fifth child of the family, to attend camp; Mlko Ennan, now a freshman at Nebraska, was the first of the clan to attend In 1916, tho first neason, tho camp opcrnted after World War II. Since then ono of tho Ermnn children hn.i represented tha family at Camp JtiyC-C annually. Betty, tho oldest daughter, who attended nevoral yean will servo on tho Camp staff this sumnicr as a counselor In training. Her sls1ei\ Fran&M was next. Brother, Jo« 1* enrolled fdr his fourth sca-
The family'* Interest in camping extend* to tho children's parent* who have Borved actively on th» camp committee for the last four years. The camp boosts of a large number of children who return regularly each summer, Thoso-who have returned for two or more reasons will be presented with a special award card at the opening campflrc gathering. U>r the There was ohd session of the camp beginning August 11. Registration for this two week period may be niade by calling the camp olt\co, iS, 1SG8. IIOHDEIl CLASH Tel Aviv (WNSI - A Uvo-hour c'lash between amicd Jordanian herdsmen and Israeli soldiers In the Hebron foothills v,af reported here, by Army otflunls who nSA tho exchange of fire occurred « hen the Israeli patrol encountered Ui» jordanluns on Israeli territory,'
, May M. 1MT
Rabbi Poliakoff to Speak at Dinner
Youth Superior cadet ribbon was awarded to Justin GreenberR during Central High School's ROTC recognition night program. Bernle Grossman and Bennett Hornstein will be color guard commanders for the next year.
' Omahans In the News
PnMUMI Every §"rld*y to the Federation of JtewM Senrlea Rabbi Matthew M. Polikoff wil Second C U M MalUn* Privileges AutmirtMd at OmalML Nebraska, Mri. Besile Gilbert, of Los Anbe the guest speaker, Wednesday, Annual SubMXlptlotv, M.UO, AdvertlUns R«le» on Application, geles, Cal., is visiting her son and Editorial Ofru-e—101 No auh Htrwt, Omaha. N«br. Mckson 13at May 29. 7 p. m. at the Beth Israel Print 8h. i Aodreu 4808 So SUB guetl daughter-in-law, - Mr. and Mrs. Men's Club's annual . celebration (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN ........Editor Rlcbard H. gplrgal and family. honoring the Bar and Bas Mitzvah She is a former resident of Omacelebrants*of the past year. ha, Before returning to her home, Those to be honored arc: Fifteen members of Rohanue sho will visit ~other members of Stephen Appel, Nell Bloom, Arnold sold tags for the bUnd, May 18. her family in Chicago. Her trip Cohn, Burton Epstein, Leonard The club Is planning a dosed vice, had taken her to Dallas, Tex., beKnuJlumknU Ik. Or. ns> S W IrwhkHMM Far 1 * * Aft* kr Frank, Barry Fredkln, Robert June 22. fore coming to Omaha. OovU Qrtwr Friedmarv-Marihail Kaplan, Irvin May 18—The beautiful flowers Karl, Gary Mulnlck, Justin MulSaul Slhfrman, Center activiSally Freeman, Barbara Brodat the Home thU u«k-(>nd was a nick. Man-in Pollkov, DIanne Denties director, has been elected gift of the Bas Mitzvah Group of rnberg, Aviva Feldmon, Leslie kcy and Nnncy Brodkcy have been elected to positions on the Central vice-president of the Omaha Adult Beth Israel Synagogue. Forbes, Kay Goldstein, Nancy Her. Education Council. May 19 — The Pioneer Women zoff, Helen Katz, Dorene Kraft, High school student council. Sally presented a Lag B - 0mer Party. Sharon Untrman, Sharon Miller, was named president and Barbara, scrgeant-of-amu. CaadleUghttnc, 7:24 p. m. tlon L Mrs, Sam Novak, chairman and Sandra Nearenberg, Phyllis Sha. M. C, introduced the following piro and Lmda Siref. BETH ISRAEL Barbara Kutler, sixth grader a t The last session of the Beth IsRabbi Benjamin Groner. Cantor artists in a Jewish program: Sam Rabbi Benjamin Groner will In- Henry W. Yates School, and clan rael .Sunday School for the current Ell Kazan, Beth Israel Choir & Rlfkin, Harry IWkJn, Max Reiz- stall the officer* o! the Men's Club, president, has been made presisemester will meet on Sunday Primary "C" class will conduct baum, Sam Zwerllng, Joe Radi- president, M. W. Tcppcr; vice-pres- dent of the Junior Red Cross Secmorning, June 2. late Friday "evening services, 8 nowskj. K. Hornstein, and the idents, I. J. Kraft, Harry Lewis Mmes. Philip Crandell and Samand Harold Rubin; recording secreV- m. "We Serve the Finest to the Finest" Traditional Friday evening serv- Zwerling. The ladies of the Pio-tary, Walter Frank; corresponding ices (Kabbclai Sbabbos) begin neer Women served refreshments secretary, Leo Kraft; treasurer, of eake, fruit and tea in the Home at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath morning NTormsn Pitlor; trustees, Barney services begin 8:45 a. m. Junior dining room. Drevich, Dan Gordman and Sam May 21 — Rabbi David Korb. Kaplan. Congregation, 10 a, m. Rabbi Your Menu Problems Anr Dor of the Week Groner will conduct the Talmud Council Bluffs, was our visitor toWith tlw Tastiest Reservations for the dinner may class at 7 p. m. Sabbath Mlncha day. be made by calling PR 0539 or May" 26 — Pikur Cholim picnic RE 6288, no later than May 28th. at 7:30 p. m. followed by Sholethe S'eudo* and Maariv. Dally morning supper will be held on the grounds Barbecued BeeL Ribs and Chicken services, 7 a. m : afternoon serv- of the Dr. Philip Sner Jewish Pressed Tongue Brisket Corned Beef ices, 7:35 p. m. Sunday morning; Home for Aged, Sunday. Friends Marvin Kaplan Heads Pickled Tongue Rolled Corn Beef services begin at 8:45 a. m. fol-and families are invited. Proceeds Epstein-Morgan Post' lowed by breakfast and Rabbi's go to the Home Medical Fund. Top Brand Selection of d a i s in Bible. Sunday morning Marvin Kaplan was installed as Pastrami Bologna Junior Minyan. followed by break. commander of the Epstein-Morgan fast, itarti at 8 JO a. m. Salami _______ Wiener* Post 260, Jewish War Veterans, at > The Talmud Discussion group a recent meeting. Installing officer HOMEMADE meets every Tuesday evrning at was Max Kanner, past department - Cottage Cheese 7:30 p. m. at BHH Synagogue. commander of the Nebraska-Iowa Potato Salad Cole Slaw 19th and Burt Streets. Department. Mr. Kaplan succeed* Milton Goldberg. Services on Thursday morning. OUR PRESH MEATS May 30th, Memorial Day will Other officers Installed are: Are the Choicest Available All frlruds and relative* are begin at 8:45 a. ra. Invited to attend service* Mid senior vice commander. Dernier Featuring BETH EL rorrptions. Klein; junior vice command' The Finest Ground Beef In Town r. Marvin Glinsky; adjutant, Sabbath services at Beth El Robert Katclman; quartermaster, Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m.JUDV VEKET *OSHt* MEAT MARKET The Bas Mitzvah of Judy Vet*t. Mike Niskcr; judge advocate, Paul Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will speak AND DaiCATESSEM daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cruunse; sergcanl-at-orms, Max on "A Moral Concept oi Man And AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT H I i W M f . t i c third, i n a series Veret. will be celebrated at Tem- Belgrade; surgeon. Dr. J. Milton ple Israel this Friday evening and JUancolln:. chaplain. Aba S. Miller, WA SS54 4415 Cumin? St. f ov«d PafMn« the Modem Age," Cantor Aaron saiuTwaynttrmnf and historian, Morris Levin. OPEN MEMORIAL DAY UNTIt 4 P.M. t Edgar and the Beth El SynaMMfey tkni rVMay—1 A.M. le i P.M. Sn«4«y—7 A.M. U 7 P.M. gogue Choir will render the musi- XAUBKEN BOHOEN Mr. and Mrs. Murray Border cal portions of the service. , > Sabbath morning services begin announce the Bas Mitzvah of their at %-30 a. m. and the Junior Con- daughter. . Maureen, Friday evegregation service* are at 10:30ning. May 31st, and Saturday ' a. m. Mmcha-Maariv are at 7:30morning, June 1st, at Beth El V- m. Dairy, services are at 7 Synagogue. IN P. m. Sunday jcrvices, 9 a. m. KOBEBT FB1XDHAN < TEMPLE 18KAU, The Bar Mitzvah of Robert Ste, Services will be held Friday evening , at 8:13 p. m. Rabbi ven Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will preach on "Where Jacob Friedman, will be observed Judaism Differed" by Abba Illllel Saturday morning June 1st, at 8:45 a. m., at the Beth Israel SynaSilver. Shabbas morning: services will gogue. begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi •RAND NEW Brooks officiating and the Religious School Choir under the direction of Mint Ida Gitlln singJne; the musical portions of the Picturtsqua, Carp«i«<f Living •service. Room, Beautiful Kitchen with ' Dishwasher and Separata In Israel, tho number of four^»ts fn the first six months of 1956 DineHe, 3 Big Bedrooms with was 21,474. Wardrobe Cloieti, Walkout Batcment.
Bar and Bas Mitzvah
For Satisfaction
Coll, AT 0088
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Fridajr. May H, I>ST
Organizations GOLDEN A«K CUiB Members of the Golden Age Club are asked to make their reservations for the chartered bus trip to Sioux City, la. May 27. Member* will meet ot 9 a. m. at the Jewish Community Center whore they will board the bun. After a tour of Sioux City, mem bftrt will be honored at a luncheon of the Sioux City Golden Age croup. Reservation may bo made with Mm. J. Margolin, GL, 4668 or Mrs. John Solomon, GL, 17S1.
Ian (SoSIEychlsyMayrJd B/ COUNCIL, JEWIHII WOMEN Current Events Study Group of National Council of Jewish Women will moot Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. Jtwtin Uanvltz. 5824 Hmnll-
Israel Tourist Offices are maintained in New York, Paris, London and Rome.
Rodman's HOust of Delicacies Oraalia'i Cons;. Oirnn Cunningham, (r) an »i« pointed out plwrt of Interest to H»r»ey A. ifofrina.ii, (luflng the latter', recent visit to Wathlngtun, I>. C. Mr. Itoffmiui attended the, weekly Nebraska conKrc.dunal breakfast, vl»lt<-d with Vlr«-pre»ldent Uirhard Nixon, .Senator* Roman Hrtiaki and Carl Curtis while In the nation's capital. He ws« formerly aMwlatal n Ith Cong. Cunningham as hla deputy In the V. 8. treasury u>i«rtmrnt saving bond, division befor* returning to prlvat* busuicu. AID TO CONTINUE Tel Aviv (JTA)—Tho Elsenhower Doctrine wlU have little material effect on the United States aid program to Israel, John Haggerty, the new chief of the U. S. aid mission here, revealed.
CampusNews Hlgtna Alphn Mu 1'nlversity or Nnlir. Mike DenenlxTK. member of Sigma Alpha Mu, University of handball tournament. A] Heeger was cited for outstanding scholarship at the Inter-Fraternity Council banquet. Stan Widman has been named to Corn Cobs.
ItotirHiil Pur« Silk Suih $79.50 Italia* Silk Suit* Charcoal, Grey,
•rawn o»d Tan—$135.00 *
Refrigerated Fur Storage Cleaning, Restyling lorgana Coats Cleaned
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QuaJltr Clillu* for Hen 441} « • » « • U. 'tMn. I* T:10 PJ". dally.
Op*n Memorial Day from V A.M. to 6 P.M.
Roffman's House of Delicacies
CITY-WIDE DELIVERY Ftow.ra W i n d A«ywh«r»
Welter & Maloy
Rosemary Abramson
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Other Summer Suitt, Dacron and Wool, and Wash 'n W t a r
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Milton's Fur S/io/>
Ucattd at S i l l Military « I H H Sam* Location for 10! Ytara Wa Invila you to com* In for a vliit and Impact fh* naw, luxurloui aqutpmant and modatn con»anlanctiy wa tiava to offtr. ta j a m Van
Upon prruntatlon ot thli coupon a $1.50 Helen Curtis Scalp Conditioning Treatment will be given FItEE ot your first appointment. Alu a $11 rVrmoiwat for Only $1.50: Opa« Monday Tkravak Sahirdsv y AIK-CONDITIONEO—FREI rABKIN* Open Friday Evening by Appointment
I • • H I
In Country Club Area
• • • •
THE BIKUR CHOLIM SOCIETY Invites You and Your Family
3 P.M. to .
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Opta Evtnlngs by Appointment
Salads—Chopped Liver—Creamed Herring Cutlets And Many Other Favorites Featuring Aeller's Kosher Bakery Specialties and Picnic Supplies COMPLETE DELICATESSEN Visit the Snack Bar for Deluxe Wonderful Sandwiches
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to the
A Full Line of the Finest
Say you really care with flowers
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However, Mr. Haggerty indicated that he was "certain" ; that the U. S. would continue its grants to Israel and thut In the future there would be more emphasis on longterm loans.
Summer Clothing
Re-proportion your body now for thorts, swunsuitt, pUy dou**. l e t NibUck treatmttf take off furpliit iochet while you read, chat, relax and enjoy yourself.
Obituary MKS. JUDITH WINTERS Funeral services for Mr*. Judith Winters, 35, of 4835 Butt Street, were held May 15 at the Jewish Funeral home with burial in Golden Hill cemetery. She died May 14, Surviving are husband, Leo, children, Kilcn and Robert, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Karl, brother, Harry Karl and sister, Mrs. William Ostrow.
A »p»ci«l litil* not* rntanr to cheer you. And hope you ara quickly recovering, too And If ih« oood wishti, thU brlngi, doai fh* trick You will toon forgtt that you war* «v«r lick.
. . . and neat figure* are mad* by NIBLACK, toorUTa f Inert method of tpot reducing.
Faff* 1% roe
ton 1 p. m. coffee. Mrs, Ernest Priesman will be co-hontess. Mr. John Cockle, Trust Officer of the Omaha National Bank, will speak on wills and trusts. Everyone is invited.
Play (Mies Are Made For Neat FiguresI'TJ
OHM m fnt dtmcmtnlton tmt tampan...
Omahan Sees Washington Pesonages
IIAOAS8AH An original version of "A Tale of Tw n Cities" will be presented at the Wednesday luncheon meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, 12:30 p. m., the Jewish Community Center. Participants will include delegates to the recent Mountain PJaJns Regional ConvenHIGHLAND COUNTRY CI.UB The West club of Highland wlU tion in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The hold its formal opening Saturday Mmes. J. Harry K t i l n k o f s k y , Charles Garetz, Sam Green, Sidwith a dinner and dance. Women Golfers will have a golf ney Katleman, Sam Katzman, ajid Ted Sanford. kick-off brunch at the club Tues day at 12:30 p, m< Featured in the afternoon's program will be a presentation of new JKWISH WAB VKTEBANH Max Kanner, chairman of the life memberships by Mrs. M. F. Jewish War Veterans youth pro- Levenjon, awarding of membergram announced that the first ship prizes by Mrs. Ervin Simon; complete unit (how of acts which review of the Zionist world situawere picked from TryouU, May tion by Mrs. J. It, KuUkofslcy; 8th, will be presented at the Oma- election of of/iccra and installation ha Veteran* Hospital. Thursday, conducted by Mrs. David JirodMay. 23rd. 8 p. m. Milton Gold- key,, past president of Omaha berg and Jerome Grossman, af- Chapter Uadassah. Because of the many requests filiated with programing for Veterans Hospital are in charge of for a "repeat" of the songs from the recent Ifndassah Spectacular, the shows. a chorus of the members of the' show will close tho program with B.A.M. MOTIIKIM The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' a medley of songs. d u b will elect officers at a meet KADIMAH Ing at the home of Mrs. William A donor dinner will be held Alberts. 5827 Hamilton street, Tuesday. Mr*. J. Milton Margolin Saturday, May 25, at the home will be co-hostcM. Luncheon will of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Corey, precede the meeting. Reservations 5Q19 Davenport Street, 8:30 p. m. may be made with Mrs. Sam Committee In charge includes the Mmet. Sam Epstein, Chas, Guss, Turkel. GL. 3425. Abe Bear, Bernard Kaufman, Harry Slrcf, Herman Mlrowltz, PIONEER WOMKV Herbert Wlntroub, Sidney ZnelmThe Plonoer Women will cr, Nate Knplan, and Chas. Roscnbrate the birthdays of ten mem- hcim. bers at a luncheon meeting, TUPS day at 12:30 p. m. at tbc Jewish Members of Henry Momky community Center, The organization will hold Its lodge 354 will elect officers at a annual linen shower tor Israel, meeting Wednesday, 8:30 p. m. Thursday, June .13 at the Labor at the Fireside Restaurant. Lyceum. TKMPI.K IflRAEL SISTERHOOD Temple brael Sisterhood will bold it* summer hoard meeting, Tuesday, Juno 18. Mm. Edward Gilbert. Sisterhood president, has announced Luncheon will be served, at 12:30 p. in. at the High. Una Country Club,
ANNUAL BUFFET PICNIC SUNDAY, MAY 26 on the Grounds of the
DR. SHER HOME FOR THE AGED 4801 No. 52nd Street Proceeds to the Home Medical Fund
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Games Won With Small Margin
JCC Honors Top Athletes and Long-Time Booster Chock WUw (left), l « i Hurkenroad and D»n Epstein were irivro •fed*] awards at the Jmiteb Community Ccotcr'i annual athletir program Thursday night Wise received the Hurry Trustln Award u the be»t Junior athlete and Bptela earned the Lea Burkcnroad
Award lor bring the top senior athlet*. Murkenrowl, rhalrman of the athletic rommlttre for 20 yean, MM surprised with a plaque. More than 250 KUMU atfrndrd thr jathrrlng at which titevrn Gufi rmliwl the 1. i. G b
Creative Program to Be Featured at Day Camp Creative programs In all fields will fill the days of camper* attending the Joivbsh Community Center Day Camp this summer nt Peony Park. Dates and rates are: 4 weeks—June 17-July 12, $60. • . U t 3 WMka—June 17-28, S35. 2r«J 2 weeks-June 1-12-S3500 Many Activities Edward Shafton, chairman of the Center Day Camp Committee, announced that "a full array of camping activities will be offered to all Day Campers regardless of age." Some ot the -proRram activities planned /or the children will be: Aquatics, under the supervMon of trained camp personnel, outdoor eportn, camncraft, arts, crafts, trips, Onccs Shabbnt. ionservation, first aid, hiking, joumnl.
'J.CBriefs DAY CAMP The Jewiih Community Center Day Camp Committee wsll huld its flr*t general commtttoe meeting, Monday, June 3, 4 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center, Ed Shafton, day camp committee chairman, announced. A review of the 1937 Day Camp plans will be held. PARENTS On Thursday evening, June 13Lh, at 7:30 p. m., all parents of Day Campers, are invited to attend a special day camp 'parents meeting to be held at the Jewish Community Center. Parent* will meet with the camp staff to hear about ' the fins) -program plans and have the opportunity to~3iscuss their camping needs with the director and staff. ,
The next meeting of the Camp 'Jay-C-C committee will be held Sunday,-June 2, 10:30 a. m. at the home oif Co-chairman, Dr, Robert Engel, 5606 Famam Street. Dr. Dan Miller unres the entire committee to be present at this im'portant meeting. An Israel Leajjue for the National Labour Federation abroad his branches In various countries
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Ism. dancing, games, singii)^ and rhythm band, signaling and other* Kxperlrnrml Counselors A staff of cxjicrienccd counselors will direct cump activities, Including members who have served during previous seasoni. In addition. th# toy* and Rlrts unit will bo supervised by Al Fellman and Nancy Barren respectively. Both unit heads will be Village Supervisors at Camp Jay-C-C this year.
SlwnorUI Award to the outstanding midget a t h l e t e and Joel Schneider, a dtatlon for making outstanding progress lc the fifth and sixth (rade division. One hundred persons were given reeognlllon for Individual achievement.
Luncheon to Be Given For Beth El Nursery Twenty-one youngsters who will enter the Betli El kindergarten class in the fall will be honored at a luncheon for the Nursery school Junc.1. v it--T,<iril.on is now open for the Beth El Nursery school which will be headed by Mrs. Alex Katz. Assisting will be Mmes. Phil Sokoloff and Sheff Katskre. Children between three ana five years of age arc eligible and may be enrolled by calling Mi*. Philip Fox. Hostesses at the luncheon will be Mmeft. Philip Fox, Alfred Fox. Robert Filler'and Roland Lewis.
Commenting on the standards of the Center Day Camp, Mr. ShafDan, where the sources o t the ton Indicated that the ratio of staff to campers Is the finest in the Jordan arc located. Is the northern, most town of Biblical Palestine. city. Regarding fcuporvlslon as the key to the overall program, the Day Camp Is fortunate In that all Pick Up Your Lox. senior counselors have had conBagel and Cream CIIMM siderable camping experience. In Sunday Morning _ addition, Die entire staff will undergo n through training program DIAMONDS prior to opening day. Activities O m Memorial Day Until 4 P.M. are planned to the level of each 411* r<imln( n.t S35I individual camper.
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MRS. -LlLtAe DLOOUOFF The family of Mrs. 1}ilie DIoo-joff wll] dedicate a monument In SoftbajL games Sunday resulted her memory, Sunday, May 26, 2 p. m, at Beth El Cemetery. in AZA No. 1 defeating IndepenFriends and relatives arc invited dents 9 to 7 and AZA No. 100 to attend. scoring 14 to 13 over Bayim. Tht games w e n played in Elmwood MIW. LENA BOIWKV A monument wijl be dedicated Park. in memory of Mrs. Lena Borsky, The batteries of Al Krlzelman Sunday, June 2 at 11:30 a. m. at and Wiilard PlofJcln for AZA No. Uolden Hill cemetery. Friends and 1 turned back Independents for 7 relatives aie Invited to be present. innings, with helpful defensive Rabbi Benjamin Croncr and Can- work by Howard Martin. The key tor Eli Kaean will conduct the blow of the game «vn* a home run by Bob Ginsberg In the fifth services. Inning with one man on base. InMRS. EDWARD II. MOHRIg dependents got only 5 hits, one Mrs, Edward It. Mprris will un- being i triple by Jerry Sherman, veil the monument for her late In an 8 run fifth Inning for mother, Mrs. Hannah Samsalig AZA No. 100, Mike Canar and Friedman Sunday, June 2, at 11 John Okun had Important hits. a. m. at Golden Hill cemetery. Walter Wise had a home run lor Rabbi Benjamin Croner and Can- naylm while Bill Norwich pitched tor Eli Kaean will be In charge of a fine game for them as he struck services'. Friends asked to atend. out 7 and walked 5. The AZA No. 100 Infield Included Canar, Okun, M, D. COLTON A monument will be dedicated Nelson Gordman and Al Forman. in memory of M, D. Colton, SunPatronlw Our Advertisers day, June 2, 3 p. m. at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery with Rabbi Benjamin Groner and CHIROPRACTOR ' Cantor Ell Kagan officiating. Friends and relatives are Invited. V1.lt Or. S«»«I>I. N.w Offic. «t ftOM'/i MlllUry A»... O m i h i , N.br. Wh.r. (h. tick art w.ll. ni«n» RE I7»t. Offlet Hoiiri, I •.Hi, tft S p.m. Evtitfngi by to* potntminf.