A* of JMM '4,1«7 Th* following «r« current r*porh from di'vftfon* In (K* I9S7 Onuhs Jtwlih PhiUnthropid Campaign: *
Initial Sifti Men'« Djrjiion
$409,160.00 23.291.75
Women'* Pivition ,,..,..,,,..... B.AP.
.parent* planning to' enroll their children in the Jewish Community Center Day Camp are urged to do so immediately since camp opens Jun» 17, ten days from today, 'Judging from last year's record enrollment, completed long before opening day, registration for the first session wlU undoubtedly be closed within a week", Edward Shafton, chairman, emphasized.
1M7 T«M T» Pita
, 2,786.00
High School Division . . . . . . . . . . . .
CMMran't' Divitiort ; University Division
' Organization!
Dally SHrlmnilns; Special arrangements have been made for day "campers to have dally swimming. This-will-enable campers of all ages to participate lit instructional as well as recreation swimming during the camp season,' Mr. Shafton said.
Total to Oat.
Baseball Competition In addition to the age group and Individual activities offered at Day Camp, unit baseball teams will be organized to_campete (n a day camp league. One of the highlights
".. $503,757.55
Israel to Adhere to Eisenhower Doctrine Jerusalem, (JTA>—Th« Israel Parliament voted approval of the Cabinet'* policy of sdherenc* to the Elsenhower Doctrine. Tlie vote was 59 to 5, with 39 abstentions. The five opposing vote* came from the Communist deputies Tbow who abstained Included di>|iutl<i of the right-wins llcrut Tarty. <be centrist General Zionists and the two left-wln« Rimip« Achdut A\o>lali and M.ipim Crbl* Avrrtcd Tha abstention of tin- Iii»t two group* mean» that a ci m i In the coalition cabinet wai aveilrd Tlic Achudt Avodiih and the Mapnm •re represented In tho cabinet and their abstention* nrc a vlctoiy for Premier David Hen Gurion who ha* been attempting to prevent them from vollns Bgalniit adhering to the Elsenhower Doctrine. A Communist m o t i o n to reject Israel's adherence with the Eisenhower Doctrine wos turned down by a vote of 100 to five. Premier Den Gurlqn dated that Israel, more than any other state In the Middle Kant, fncei the danger of agression and must accept any assistance against nn
agre»«or if sh» wishes' to live, The United Stales undertaking, at expressed In the Klscnliflyicr Doctrine, to aid any victims of attack must 1M considcird a ilop which strengthens both peace in tlie Middle i;nst and tlie senility of Israel, the l'li'iiiiri insktcil. He pointed out lluil Israel, will continue to foster friendly rulntlnin ami iiHKU.il Resistance «ltl> uv-lfnniE state e\eiy into Us nitciii.il and wiiliDiii violalJic the interl ests of miy other people.
Shqvttoth Program to Be Presented Sunday
May Immigration Largest in 5 Years
Max Kaplan of Sioux City will be the guest speaker at a Shavuolh program to DP prcscr.ted Sun. day, 7 P' ni. by the Fartond Labor Zionist, Brandt 51, Pottle Zlon at tho Jewish Community Center. Mr. Kaplan In preildrnt nf District No. 7 which include* Ncljiasfci, Iowa, MUitwri, Culurndo, Illinois and Indhtna. A humorous I'ildlllg will bo l>y Max given at tlic i. Supper will be served not later than 7i:> p tn. Reiervatlum which will lie accepted until 6 p ni Friday m,i> be obtained by railing JA .TSUI T h e n i i n i n i t t i c In c h a i g a Include* tin- Minis J. FcldnMii, H e i h I-.I ii-l Syn ii;ii;ik' nil'l I'II-II" I!L'l<b1UMI
Iirael'n I'orrjfn J'ollry He sticssed. thai identification with tlie Eisenhower Doctrine was eoniUtciit with Israel'* foreign policy, which lie d e f i n e d as mothated by: an "earnest desire to strengthen peace throughout the woild and in particularly the Middle Kaat; the requirement! of Israel security, Immigration, development and political and economic independence; the^potition and need* of the Jewish pcopio Mattered throughout the world, and' fidelity to Intcrnntlonnt cooperation and the principle* of the United Nations Charter."
A total of 12,037 Immigrants arrived 'in Israel, during May, according to figure* of the Jewish Agency'* Immigration Department, it wait reported in the Jerusalem Post. This in the largest number of Immigrants to have reached Israel during any one month since July, 1931, (The above mentioned figures represent a part of the 100,00 per. sons, expected to 1* rescued tiy World Jewry during l " 7
liiuinlH-ig, tin-
s p e i l <"i o f
The courage and determination of tlio Isruelja of all ages is profoundly moving. Rolx-rt >f. T'efnIKM-R, declared upon his return to Oniiiha. Mr, KeinberK, president of the l'epsl-Oila Bottling Co of Oma. lia and Mr». Fclnbcrg vWited alpvory major arvu In the new otafe. Harbor ImpreHlrit "Tlie building of tho harbor, at Hint wai one of the most impressl\e sights I have ever teen," Mr. Kclnbcrg said. "The population of the City wa« 2,500 In 1956 and ii expected to reach 8,000 by the end of 1»37. "The Israel people have no fear," as they continue to bulM and develop the country. They are dedicated to each other and their nation," Cultural Center Mr. and Mrs, Keinbcrg visited tho cultural ami education institution* sponsored by tho AmericaIsrael Cultural Foundation, whose executive vice-president is Dr, Arthur J, .Lclyveld- former rabbi of Tetnt>le Israel. Dr. Lclyveld recently spoke to Omahans In bchujf ot tlic locnl Philanthropies Appeal, "Also, we will always remember, Mr. FelnberR said, the community houses organized on the outskirts of major areas to make available preventative medicine, hygiene, the arts nnd meeting j>laccj for those who cannot get to the cities. "The industrial progress going on In Haifa and Becrxhcba is monumental," he added. The tourist Is also awed by and y the apartment p l s d l IIn T Ai development* Tel Aviv, No matter where you turn, the. aro remarkable." .Met Mayors Tho Feinnergs met the mayors
Omahans Receive Il'illh nl , ini'eliii^ 'linn M i y , U. of O. Degrees j .lilt u 11 H '•.() p in. »t 1 lit- 1'liet
Mr. l i i o m l x i K T i n V n r . n t l i y of OIII-IIIT lias ii'l.) P.<' t.nn iPl p<i'.t pir>ldent of tlie CliiC'liifoiii-d d c s i e i - i upon A h in Ki'll-! '•< 1 liil.v, pist U(<-pieMrfi>nt M m , D . n h r l u r ijf SdeiKt , 1 3 u , I - j i H'"i» Administration; I'.iiil A l p e i - of i|.,. C hi. i, ; u li'n il 15'illh (-'[nmrll •on. Ji.idirlor of S i l c n r o , Ilctail- nn 1 is at p i f . c n t , cvj-rli I£I ITI.'LII of ln({; I'|i>His Kjpl ni tiio.Mi, K m d r ^ tin. ( h l c a i ; o U. B. Y. O. c>mJ o y c e Klshor, IIejbc.il K-iplan, m l l i c a and cli.iuinan of tho distJnclieliir of Science, I.ducntion; t i l r t Ci'innilllec oi\ lodge proiii.inii. fiylvja c'ohn, K e n officerss will bit Installod by y t , Fi.irhclor of AiCs nnd
H'ln M Zelf, Mister of Scene* In Sam Berek ot Fremont, past regional piesltlent.
of the athletic program is the staff vs. tamper baseball game during each period of camp. Tlie losers usually are required to endure a camp consequence while the winners receive awards. Last year the staff and campers each "won a game. There Is a boys and girls division In thjs__ejrent, Adventure Koi All Th« 1957 Day Camp will be geared to provide stimulating and adventurous experiences for all. The program will bo highlighted with eookouts, archery, crafts, natureloro, swimming, sports, trips and creative dramatics. Activities are jointly planned by campers and staff. Day campers who are members of boy scouts, cub scouts, camptlre girls and girl scouts will be awarded merit badges for successful completion of the various merit badge activities sponsored by each organization. Awards will
Impressive Is the Word for Israel and Its People
Chicagoan Will Speak at Nebraska Lodge Meeting | w.ll
tmUUUta net) »M4s» 1*1 A stlk knmmi UmU t Usllwt
uay Camp Opens In 10 Days; Immediate Registration Urged
Philanthropies Scorer BhMM
of Jerusalem and Haifa and many other notables Including the director \<l the Wdzmmui Institute who ve* a loa tor them and David Hose, a well known American plill nntliroplst. Mr, Felnlwrg tecls ona of the most poignant e.xperlenres of hi' trip occurred in the airport al Home, Italy after a delay of their plane for Tel Aviv. • "Waiting t r a v e l e r s gi-umbled about the delay," he said, "until about 30 refugees entered tha airport, most of them aged, and with a long journey behind them. The plane had been waiting tor them. "Suddenly everyone was quiet and trying lo mnk* anirods by apologizing for their criticism. Newcomer's Emotion "Upon alighting at the Israeli airport, most of thp newcomers, who appeared to be deeply religloui and emotionully bent and kissed the ground. Many of them had to be assisted in arising." Mr. Fe-lnbcrg chuckling confided "one bit, of advice for those .who travel —prc-c o n d l t i o n l n g nnd strengthening of tin walking muscles are necessary for sightseeing despite the. many rnodcg of transportation available." Mr. and Mrs. Fpinbt>rg also visited ITngland, Ilnly nnd Kranc'e.
be presented at s special camp ceremony. Trained BUIt Commenting on the (.election of staff for this year at a recent Duy Camp committee meeting, * Mr. Shafton said trained, skilled group of camp leaden under tin supervision of comgetant MV& ptj>« fssslonal leaders, will direct ths activities, All staff memlwns hav» successfully completed years of complng experience, This year thg pre-camp staff training Institute will be conducted by professional members in fields o( camping, child behavior, swimming, arts and crafts and other activities. By concentrating on staff training and development, counselors arc better equipped to conduct programs and handlft problems that may arise, Mr. Shafton declared, The Day Camp Program Is directed by Saul Silverman, Activities Director- of the Jewish Community Center and Camp Jay« CO Director. For further Information about Day Camp, call JX. 1360,
Omahan to Attend Federation Meet Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky will represent Omaha'at the. Welt Cetttral Regional Women's Division Conference of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds In Chicago, June 10, It wta vm. nounced by Mrs. Henry A. New* man, president of t h e Federation of Jeulih Women's Clubs. Mrs, KutakoUky wVtt participate in a fund raising discussion, a feature of the day's program. The conference is designed to provide opportunities for leadership of major midwest communities to appraise, compare and analyze their programs and activities. Discussions on significant aspects of Women's Division* arc included on the Conference agenda. Tho Council of Jewish Federation* and Welfare Funds represents 227 local welfare organizations and serves 800 oammuniMM In the United States and Canada In the field of Jewish Community organization. Any Omnium tn Chicago on Vine. date of the Conference is Invited to attend its meetings at tho Palmer House, Mm. Newman said.
Israeli Awarded 'Homemaker' Title I l a i f a ( J T A ) - A raven-haired E»ch finnlibt was given the task attractive mother of -five, who -of preparing a meal for a picnic, came to Israel from Morocco nine a child's birthday \wrly iov tWe^, years ago, was named Israel's snacks for five unexpected guests "First Lady of the House" In 'a and a Shavuot meal for the famcountry-wide competition to pick ily. the best iHracll houscwitc and Such points as clttcloncy, kitchmother. en appearance,, washing of hands • Mrs. Funny liar Ga'ash beat before food handling, using. the nine other finalists in a gruelling right utensils and nutritional valsciles ol tent* Involving prepara- ues of meals were checked In tho tion of nctunl meal* and doing.0 ratings. , fmiiily laundry in the.presence of. Laundry Judged - a panel of judge* in the homes Of Each Hn'oAlst then ind a liminy contestant!*. ' wash and I r o n e d it under tho Attracted f.,0OO Tlie contest, which .wns spon- watchful pure of the judges who then argued several hours before sored liy Hnlfn Mayor Abba Khouiliy, nnd rim by nn nilvertisinj; pulling Mrs. Hap CSn'asli. The winner received a fancy iii:ei»y uiili tin.1 coojierntlon of a mmilwr (if Israeli firms, n t tract- kitchen range and other prizes. i-il ."',<)«) housewifely competitors Lrtser prizes wqnt to the nine ' On the bfi-sls of replies to flucs- losCIS. A buchelor wh» entered thotifinn.iuos, MO iMiiiIlilates- were rims'n for v i s i t s 1)}' panel', of ixiiitosl fulled; to reach the finalu, ju(U'<"» who picked the ten llnal- lipcause he <kMd vwil'^Atv w\y point-i for the care of children. ists
T, lMf
Marvin Freedman Marilyn Manly To Be Speaker
PaMlshsa B r a i M i a ? kg Ik* IMuaifaa ef tmkk
WlttitheHomeFols Religious Services K T H ZL Sabbath service* at Beth E3 By. nagogue will be held M 7 p, m. this evening. Sabbath morning services wiU begin at 8:30 a. m The MJneha-Maariv Service will begin at 7 JO p. m. Daily services during the week at* held at 7 a. ra. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service it held at ft a, m.
May 31—Out of town visitors at the Home this week: Mrs. Marian Abraham, daughter of Ephraim Wclnberg: Dr. Herman L Faier, son of Sara Faier; Al Sebring, son of Solomon Silver* man; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldfeta, children of Rose GokUetn. June 1—the flowers this week were donated by Mr. and Mrs. M. Borden in honor of the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Maureen. June 3—A roll matting for the entrance hall was sent to the Home by John W. Goldfeln of San Antonio, Tex. June i—Rabbi Benjamin Groner was our visitor. todsy and continued his discussion of Mishnai*. June 5—Mr. and MM. Allen ZaOdn gave a special kiddush In honor of the wedding of the son, Marshall Norman to Joan Emily Remer. June 6—Council Bluffs chapter of Hadassah entertained our folks on the occasion of $havuoth.
NEXB ISRAEL Traditional Friday evening itrv. tecs (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at 7:30 p. in. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groncr will conduct tte Talmud data- at 7:15 p. m. Sabbath MJnrtia at 7:% p. m. followed by Sholeuhe S'eudos and Masriv. Daily serv- Rabbi Korb's Fattier ices begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's das* in Bi- Dies in Jerusalem ble. Sunday morning Junior Mln>an. followed by breakfast, atarts Rabbi Chain Korb. 80, father of Rabbi Davfl) Korb, of B'nai at 8:30 a. m. Israel Synagogue, Council Bluffs, The Talmud Dwcustlon group died Sunday in Jerusalem where meets every Tuesday evening al he had been lecturing extensively. 8 p, m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th Rabbi Korb, a native of Latvia, and Burt Street*. and well known as an author and lecturer, was head of the RabbiniTEHFLE ISRAEL cal Department of the Hebrew Service! will be held Friday at Theological College, Chicago,- for 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney Brooks 22 years, prior to making his home will preach on "Seasonal Re- In Israel. Former students, of ligion", ' . his are Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Shabbaj morning iervicei will Beth Israel Synagogue and a num. be held at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi per of-the congregation's earlier Brook* officiating and the Re- religious leaders. *~ Ugioua School choir under the diOther children are Rabbi Morrection ot Mil* Ida Gitlln tinging ris Korb and Mrs. Aaron Shatzket, the.musical portions of the serv- both of New York and Mrs. Melice. vin Goodman, C h i c a g o . Both daughters are wives of rabbis. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT 'Washington <JTA>—The Jus* tlec Department has Indicated Its DIAMONDS endorsement of a bill aimed at admitting 5,000 Jewish r e f u g e e s For the Moit Delicious from Egypt to the United States. Ground Betf in Town! In Israel, there are two locallyproduced newsreels, each o' which 441S Camhg WA 5554 Is issued In alternate weeks.
Dedications Rice 1W faoOr «f Mrs> Sank Gend. ed lowan ermeatorr, wtU dnSeat* a mcaument In her Marvin Stuart Freedman, wem To We Atnday, June *, II a, m. of Mr. and Mrs, Irving Freedman
will be commencement speaker at the graduation exercises at Central High SchooL S a t u r d a y evening. Marvin plans to attend Darmouth College, Hanover, N. H. He was twice! state txtempor-j aneous speaking champion, ' t h e president of Latin C l u b and N..?.L. (debate dub) at Central High, school. H* Is a member of the National Honor Sodty and ninth In the senior das*.
Mr. and Mrs. gamut! Ai Bice announce the engagement of their danghter, Mist MarUyit Aim to Louis Hurwitz, sen of Mrs; Ben Hurwftz of Des Moines, la. . Miss Riee attended Brandets University, Waltham, Mass. and Is now a student at-the University of Omaha. Mr. Hunrltt la a graduate of the University el Iowa where he was affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity. The couple plans an-early fall wedding.
Use the Want Ads to buy, sell or rent
ELusunr Janice Levine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Levine is on the Wellesley College graduation roll.
Hoffman's Houw of Delicacies
Obituary SAM GUCRBON Funeral services for Sam Click' son, 63, former Omahan, who died Monday In Devils Lake, N. D. were to be held Friday, 2 p. m. at the Jewish Funeral Home with Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kcgan, officiating. Burial was to be in Golden Hill cemetery. Mr. Gllckson was a merchant Surviving are his wife, Hattle, Devils Lake; daughter, Mrs. Elaine Redler, two grandchildren, Sar Francisco, Cal.; his father Morris Glickson, S t Paul, Minn, and two sisters. Mr. Gllckson was the brothcr-ln-law of Drs, Harry, Nathan and Maynard • Greenbcrg of Omaha, Dr. Oscar Greenberg of Council Bluffs; Mrs. MolUe Milder and Miss Bunnie Greenberg, Omaha and Mrs. Sarah Kneetw of San Francisco.
at the Beth, £ cemetery. Rabbi Myer S.,Kripke and Cantor Aaron r. Edgar MIT conduct the service, rrltnds and relatives are invited to attend.
441S Cwntag St.
POVMI Porktag
KISSING BANNED I s t a n b u l (JTA)—The Chief Rabbinate of Turkey has banned the universal custom of kbslng the bride at the conclusion of a wedding ceremony.
Umtuf Am M««r
I A.M. to » P.M. twsey
7 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Visit or Call
Deluxe "57 Chevrolet 210 2-Door Sedan
Equlppid with l«r<j» air flow hcaltr, d«froitar, fuM ilgflali, a!r foam cuihioni, arm rtifi, 2 tun viiori, etiroms horn ring, matching inferior.
CAMP PERIODS: I June 17-28—2 Weeks If July 1-12—2 Weeks FULL 4 WEEKS . . . . . .
FEE $35.00 . FEE $35.00 FEE $60.00
(Fee Includes Food" and Transportation]
Open 'Til 9
HA 3020
T. un
Organizations • * V BTODt G M U F Memben of the B and P fc Group met «t UM horn* et M * l t d Schwartz, Sunday afternoon. Hostesses for the day were H n . Eve L. Konecky and Mis* Juia Zu> ker. M n . Konecky lead the discus •Ion, PIONEER WOMEN A deuert uncbeon wl b« terved Thursday, June 3(1, U S ) p. m when the Pioneer Women'* organization will hold it* annual linen shower for Israel at the Labor Lyceum. New Items tuch M children'* and women's elQthinf and linen* are needed, M n . S u n Novak, chairman of the event, announced. -
try d u b are 'Arthur" A- Conn, president; Robert H. Kooper and Alfred M a y e r , 'vice-president*; Milton Livington, treasurer, and David Bernstein, secretary.
Day Camp Parent's Meeting
All parents H Day Caaapers a n Uvlted to aitc*4 » iperJal Day Camp parent1* meeting, Wednesday, Jus*12, 7iM p. m. at the Jewish Community Center," At' thl* One parekt* will meet with the camp staff to beat absajt ftaal pl*gmn plans 8. A. H. MOXHEM and have the •pcwrtaalty U New officer* of the Sigma Alpha discos* their children's campMu Mothera d u b are Mr*. J. Mil- Ins; needs with the director and ton Margolin, president; M n . E. staff. I Wkfcnan, vice-president; M n . fiam Cattop; secretary and M n . M. Erman, treasurer, Mr*. Harry Breslow, Lincoln, attended the meeting.
Lfppett to Head Monsky Lodge
WORKMAN CIBdJE The Workman Circle'* Dramatic Ruben Llppett has been elected Club will honor the Wrthdayi or president of Hehry Monsky lodge nine" members at a dinner Sunday, No. 354, Onsl Br'ith. Mr. Llppett 6 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum. succeeds Sam Follak. Memben whose birthdays will Other new officers are Lou bet celebrated'are Mrne*. Sam Novak, Sam'Swerllng, Mr. and Mn. Canar, first vice-president; Lou Max LovJne, Mr. and Mrs, Dave Jess, second vice-president; MilSusiman, Morris Goodman, Milton lard Margolin, third vice-president; Sam Epstein, recording secretary; Nearcnberg and Ben MlroH. Arrangement* for the event are Nathan Turner, treasurer; Moe being made by Mmoj, Sam Bind- Kagan, financial secretary; Sid er, N. Lermnn and Yetta Horn- Taren, warden; Julius Schrelbcr, guardian; Sam Polish, chaplain atcin. and Earl Socg4l, trustee. B'NAI B'RITII The Omaha B'nai fl'rilh Henry Mrs. Frank Elected Monsky chapter No. 470 wJJU have its first summer board faceting To Regional Office for officers and chairmen, TuesMrs. A. D. Frank was elected day, June II, 1 p. m, at Harry's vice-president at the eleventh anRestaurant. nual MountaJh-PIain* conference of Hadassah in Cheyenne. M n . WORKMEN'S LOAN ASSO. Section of officers wlU be hoM Morris Franklin was appointed as at the annual shareholder's meet- Bulletin chairman, Both women ing of the Omaha Workmen's Loan are past presidents o f the Omaha " „ Association Monday, 8 p. m. at the chapter. New president of the orjfanizaJewish Community Center. tlon U-Mrt. Nathan Bqpistcln or Lincoln. EPSTEItf-MORflAN Onuhans who are automatically AUXILIARY The Ladles Auxiliary of the Ep- memben of the regional board because of their local offices arc stein 'Morgan Post 360, Jewish War Veterans will hold their last meet- Mn. Meyer Rubin, president of ing of the year June 12, 8 p . m . at the Omaha chapter; Mrs. M. F. the Jewish Community Center. Levenson and Mrs. J. Harry KuFinal plans for Flag Day MU be lakofsky, past regional presidents; discussed. Flag Day, the annual fund raising affair of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Epstein Morgan Post, Jew< i*h War Veteran*. wiU be held June 14 in Omaha, ETOTEIN-MOROAN Abe S. Miller, department com mantter of Epstein Morgan Post, Jewish War: Veteran* announce* that the annual department of Nebraska-Iowa convention and election of officers wiU be held in Des Mofncs, Is., the week-end of June 29-30. He hat received a resolution of the Qmaha post endorsing past Pott Commander Jerome Grossman for the post of department junior vice-commander. The local post will hold its regular meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m, a t the Jewish Community Center when plan* for the annual picnic and the Youth Talent Program will be discussed. HIGHLAND New .officers of Highland Coun-
FOR THE FINEST... IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portrait* Weddings Commercial
The annual fund raising luncheon and card party sponsored by Blkur Cholim Society will be held Monday, 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The organization'* main projects, Mn. Jake Wine, president; said, are providing funds for the medical costs of the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged and monthly visits to the State Mental hospital at Lincoln. At the latter place, gifts to inmates are distributed during the visits. Tickets may be purchased from Mn. Harry Llppett and M n . Harry Sidman, ticket chairmen, or, at the door at f l each. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Wine WA. 6660 or Mrs. Sidman, AT. 3033. M n . Cecil Izenstatt is luncheon chairman. Guest* are asked to arrange their own'foursomes and to bring their own cards and Man Jongg sets, Free bingo —John JuiUi* Ptou. will be incuded in the program. JO** S a m Pepper Following Is a partial list of Planning: a September 8 home hostess for this luncheon: Mmcs: wedding are Miss Sara Lee Pep- Jake Goodblnder; Allan Zalkin; per and Frederick Solomon Ep- Harry Llppett; Mycr Linda; Phil stein. . Smith; Jake Wine; Abe Krantz; Their engagement and approach- Max Kaplan; Louis Slporin; Paul ing wedding have been announced Katzman; Harry Sidman; Heine by Miss Pepper's parents, Dr. and Delrogh; Dave L i n c o l n ; Max Mrs, Maurice L. Pepper. Mr. Epstein is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Epstein of University City, Mo. Miss Pepper, who finished her RUG ft UPHOLSTERY sophomore year flt Brandels Uni., CLEANERS is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Slosburg, Jr., Mrs. RUGS—CARPETING Sam Pepper of Miami, Fla., formLAMPSHADES erly of Omaha, and the late Mr. Pepper. FURNITURE After graduation next month Cleaned In Tout Homel from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mr. Epstein will •Mbf. • Leytaf. fepalrha enter his family's firm, the Industrial Engineering and Equip- Don Bernstein HA 2554 ment Company in St. Louis.
Shames; Benjamin Oroner; Matthew Poliakoff; Herman Franklin; Minnie Sherman; N. Veitzer; Wm, Epstein; Chas. Ross; David Raznlck; A. Lipsman; Mex Kate; Elner Abramson; Max Arbitman; Ben Wine; C. Izenstatt; Jack Kalman, and Joe Levinsky. A door prize will also be awarded at the conclusion of the afternoon. Use the Want Ads to buy, sell or rent.
U • • * Complore (nwmreod TV ferric* M All Mokos CALl
group presidents, Mrs. Sidney Katleman, Szold; M n . Arthur Goldstein, Herzl; Mrs. Sam Green, Weizmann and Mn.'Charles Ross, Business and Professional Women.
WEAR THAT NEW LOOK OM taMt-fcrMtftd1 rafts »w«W 1st* sww shgle-breesftd ulfs. All KlnJi Mtn'i mi L.dl.i' E«p>rr Tailoring tni AlUntloni
U. Or
AT K04
1701 Ma.*47Hi St. Nwtkwstt Radial Hlflkway
Enhance Her Beauty
with Flowers of Elegance from
Ray Gain Florist Floral Arrangements for the' Entire Wedding 4224 Leovenworth, WA 8244 CITY-WIDE DELIVERY dawtts Wired Anyokstsi
Reduce By Inches
From 8 A.M. to 8 P.M.
Roffman's House of Delicacies
Here's your opportunity to set exactly why Niblick is the world's fastsst, most effective — and pleasant — method, of spot reducing. Youir enjoy every minute of i t Call for appointment now.
Father on HIS DAY feortffel Sport Shirts Short SUtvti, • «•JQC Col. Smirt SMI irfl'v Cemfy—ftcm ...#.. *» A Lercj* Selecrioa of Tits $2.50, $3.00 Pure Silks Adrian, Dominique France
Skoitkl Pa|anra»—Jmtlrf Swln Trad*—Smart in
Bilcur Cholim to Sponsor Fund Raising Luncheon
Ties—From $5.00
John Kalina
Engagement Announced
quality Clothn for Men 4013 Furaam St.
Han m frt* M a y end compare . . .
Anoriier Roffman First and Exclusive
15 Treatments, $30.00 NO CONTRACT NECESSARY Ope* EvenlMcj* by Appointment
COMPLETE DELICATESSEN Visit the Snack Bar for Deluxe Wonderful Sandwiches
O p M » «.m. >• »:10 p.m. daHy, Cictpt Saturday "Mil * p.m.
- I m r f y Hills Stepping Ctattr 7830 Dedf* S»—WA 2207
F r » Gift Wrapping
Open Dally from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.
140 S. 40rh
«L 4747
. , .O*f*i •lOfl.em la t-.p9.fM,, „,.
<urt -
rmt, tmt
Omahant In the Newt
KBON~-«tttjag« of O, Sunday, JUM «, Rat** AlexMr, and Mrs. Nathan Turns* wil ander A. SteUbaoh, TunpU leave Sunday lot Philadelphia. Pa. Ahavatb g h o l o m , Brooklyn, where they win attend tht gradN. Y. uation of their ton, Jen* from tht Wfcarton School of ftoanet, University of Pennsylvania, Jum 13. Tney will bt accompahitd by their daughters, Kay« tad Judy, Simon Shyictn DI«HJ Tht family will visit in Washing, 111 S*v*rof Months too, D. C, and New York City "Simon Shyken. 74,1038 Military also. ' Avenue, Council Bluffs, died Hay 31 at M dnaha hospital after an The graduation of SC Oardaa "fitness of several months. Funeral Rlpt, June 7, from tht Illinois •ervlcei wert held Sunday after- Collegt of Optometry, Chicago noon, 2 p. m. at tht B'nsd bra*) is being attended by Mitt gnuSynagogue, Council Bluffs, Burial l e u Fbeber, his fiance*, her tru at the Oak.HIU Cemetery. mother, Mrs. D«aald Fischer and Born in Russia, Mr, Shyken his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Paul eame to Council Bluf/j In 1904. lUpt. tie was engaged In several outlnesses in Couhdl Bluffi, including the icrsp metal business, the Miis Evelyn Pink of Las Angeles Shyken Furniture Store and later is spending a week in Omaha as the Shyken Realty Company, of tht guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pbikovltx and her which he was president Mr. Shyken w u praldent of brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and B'nai Israel Synagogut for IS Mrs. Arthur Pinkoviti. years. He also was a member of B'nal B'rlth, Agudas Achlm and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear will atBikur Cholim and Excelsior Lodge tend the graduation of their son, S59, AF and AM. Max, at Roosevelt University, Surviving are wife. Bertha; son, Chicago,' June 10. They will be Samuel J. or Omaha; three daugh- Joined -by another son and his ters, Mrs. Charles Ftllman and wife, Mr. and Mrs. David Bear Mrs. David Platt, both of Omaha, of Pel Moines, la. and Mrs. Richard Cordon of Council Bluffs; 11 grandchildren and VNL, CHICAGO 4 great-grandchildren. Memorials Ronald J. Grossman, ion of Mr. may be made to chailtics or or- nd Mrs. Arthur Grossman was ganizations. cited for outstanding service by
I . and P. Hadastah To Install Officers New officers or Hadaisah'a Business and Professional group will be installed Sunday, June 9, 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center by Mrs. Meyer N. Rubin, president of the Omaha chapter. They are Mrs. Sylvia Itau. presl. dent; Mrs, Alice Heeger, f i n t vicepresident; Mrs. S«di« Newman, Mcond vice-president; Mrs. LU Becker, recording secretary: Miss l*e Green berg, financial secretary; Mrs. Frances Greenberg, Corresponding secretary; Mrs, Iska Rotholtz, treasurer; Miss Dorothy Roaenthal, psrlimentarUtn; Misi Myrtle Freeman, historian; Mrs. Fan lUgman, advisor and Mrs. Ann Schwartz, director. Mmes. Charles Ross and Phil Schwartz will report on the regional convention In Cheyenne, Wyo., which they attended at delegates. Mm. Lagman. is chairman ot the meeting.
Tha Omaht plan, ftunniarizlng rMommcndationi for progrtsi was formally prawntfd to Mayor John RotcnbUtt at • brunch Sunday at tht Jotlyn Memorial Art Museum. . Tht report represented two yut at voluntary Work by the Mayor's planning and deytJopment commlttet under tht b«dershlp or A. T. Jaeobson, lti general chairman and president of tht Northwestern' Bell Telephone Company. After tilt c e r e m o n y guosfi toured tht txhiblt in Gallery D, which contains tht artist's iketcheg of projects la tht report Eighteen morning and two after* noon newspapers appear daily in IiratL
MHzvfln A I fritUi aa4 4 NbHfW lavitwl tt altead Mrrtcta AU frlta«s art rtMtrtt tHi k v t M tt attest aerrlettj «a4 reetpUtsM. LAWEENOK H A n S Tot Bar MlUvao ct l^wrtnot Ralph Mayer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adcdph Mayw win bt obttrv*4 Friday evening and Saturday
aweniax, JUM X Mid I
aAMt uouacm Tht Bar Mltovah of Gary Mu> nkk. ton of Mr. and Mrt. 8e» UUWok wit bt otttrvw! Saturdar noorning, Junt IS, 8:45 ». m. « the Btlh Israel Synagogue,
For Satisfaction la
BRICK RANCH Plcturtiqut, Ctrptftd Living Room, Beautiful Kltchtn with Diihwaihtr and Stparttt OintHt, 3 Big Btdroomi with Wtrdrobt Cloitti, Walkout Btitmtnf. Oat-of-Toirn Owaer
Levenson Pest Control Service
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the University of Chicago. -
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Tri-County Sodding FREE ESTIMATES
Ptoet JA 49.7
Births Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Cofen announce the birth of a son, Slmcha, May 19. I t e y - h a v e another son, David Meyer. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. N. Medlov of Kansas City, Mo. and paternal grandparents are Mr. and -Mrs. Harry SwenglL ,
Mayor Given Omaha Plan
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rick Up Your Lot. logel and Crtam CheA* Sunday Morafog at
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