June 14, 1957

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X X X V - No. H

*•<"• *g|k*rlu4 at O u t «


Security Measures Being Considered Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel Anny Chief o r Staff MaJ. Gen. Moshe Dayan and United Nation* Emergency F o r c e commander MaJ. Gen. E. L. M. Burnt met" to con•Idor in c a n i of strengthening UNEF de/eoses against inflltration from the Gaza Strip and landmining of Israeli vehicle*. A number of Israeli civilian* and soldiers have been wounded In a recent series of landmining incidents along the Gaza demarcation line. Security Fence A communique limed after the meeting, the first between the two commanders in three month*, noted that among the means dlKcuxsril for checking the movement of infiltrator* across the border was a mined, barbed wire security fence, No decision wits reached, however. The meeting took place In a hcavlly guarded hotel in Ascalon. Both commanders were accompanied by aides. II9111I Mine*

After the 75-mlnute conference. O i l . burn* said that UNEF was "very concerned" over the mining of I.iraeli rondi. He. revealed that a number of UNEF vehicles and personnel had fallen victim to sucli ambushes, particularly In the Itafah area. The discussion of the security fence, he labelled "Inconclusive," and noted that although the proposal for a buffer /one to be created on both Israel and Egyptian territory wm not raised It had not been abandoned. UNEF patrols are active all along the demarcation line, day ?BM flight. Gen. Hunts Insisted. He refused, however, to *(ate whether :tJN troop* were under orders to fire on infiltrators. Although he Mid UNEF was cooperating with Egyptian police in its campaign agnfnitt infiltration, he did not specify the nature of the cooperation. Night I'atrol Tlie major point under d|«'ii«•loti was a decision by UNEK to divert the majorlly of In forces to night pntroh, Thli would* require coordination with Israeli

Army units near tht demarcation line, in order to head off accidental collision of patrols, It was learned that UNEF was getting additional equipment, including mobile searchlights, in an attempt to cnt down Infiltration. Israel Foreign Ministry circles dedncd comment on reports that Gen. Burns hud been told that Israel would refuse to permit the security zone to extend to Israel territory—a position I s r a e l ti known to hold. These c i r c l e s claimed that Israel was under the Impression that the security area, about 2,000 feet wide, would be all inside the Gaza Strip, with UNF.F being given Increased authority to prevent Infiltration. lUlilen Foiled An attempt by infiltrator* from the Guza Strip to break Into the Ueerl nettlfment, near the border, was foiled. Settlement watchmen spotted the raiders and opened fire on them before they even reached Hecri'» perlmetci. The Arabs fled. Mayor'* Son Injured Dan Agromky, son of Jerusalem's Mayor CScnhon Agron, wa» wounded when the car In which he WAS riding struck ft landmine planted from the Gnza Strip on a road near Nacluil O7.



Day Camp Session Starts Monday a. m. The Jewish Community Center 1 . Rates of the Day Camp are: boy Camp will open Monday morn- Full 4 Weeks, June 17-July 12 SCO. Int 2 Week*, June 17-28 S33. ing, June 17, Kdward Shnfton, Day Camp Committee Chairman . 2nd 2 Weeks, July 1-12 $33. Camp will meet Monday through announced today. Friday, except Thursday, July ' In Outdoor Area 4th. The regular day camp activities Will be conducted in a special In addition the run-filled activioutdoor camping area at Peony ties of the day camp, delicious hot Park. Special day camp busses kosher irieals will l v served. Many will pick up the day campers at campers will hate the opportunity Beth El, Beth Israel. Temple, the to prcpure their own lunch as part Center and at 02nd and Under- of the camping cookout program of wood at~9 a. m. Busnes will leave the enmp. Afternoon nutritional the Park nt 4 p. m. and return the Knacks will be served und trentft children to the same pick up will lie Riven every Friday as pnrt stations. The regular staff will of the Oneg Shabbnt program. accompany day camper* on the Additional Slnlf busftc* and supervise the, children .Additional staff hoi been added at the, pick up station* in the to Accommodate the demand for morning* nmi afternoons. day camping activities, Knrollment Is still limited and the new openings are expected to be filted before opening day. The 1057 Day Camp staff linn Ju*t completed a successful prc. .Washington* (WfJS)—The num. camp training institute in which ber of Jewish prisoners 111 Federal each staff- participated in every prisons i»^so small Tthat there is photic nf Center day cnmplng. Day Campers will participate in no'need, of engaging'Jewish shiplain* to minister to their'religious out-of-door living, games, song needs. It was' disclosed In a rc- fests, arts 'arid c r a f t s , trips, ' port by the dirtctor'of the Fed. athletics, nature and camp craft, Oncg Stiabbnt, swimming and a era) BiircaU of Prisons. Th« report showed "that 31 host of other creative activities Christian .chaplains were minis- especially geared for children. All tering to the needs of Protestant activities are supervised. Enroll and Catholic* Inmates, The Jewish .your, child novr.while a few openprisoners are provided for by rob; ings are available. .Pis and Jewish organizations'lit For further lnfiamallon call the local communltle*. Camp Office JA l.TCO.


cf Jewish Appeal Reaches $44,865,000 InCash Donations • The United Jewish this week reached a mid-year standing'of #4,86.5,000 in cash against years' pledges as funds t o t a l l i n g $14,000,000 were As of June 11.1957 brought forward at a New York National Rescue conference, acThe following an currant reports from diviiioni In the cording to a report received in 1957 Omaha Jawiih Philanthropist Campaign: Omaha. 1997 Total More than 800 campaign lendDivision to Oat* ers and volunteers attended theInitial Gifh " . . . % 413,035.00 New York meeting. Speed Driva Men's Oiviiion 23,928.25 Onmlia will do everything in pqwer to speed the CashWomen'. Diviiion , 64,277.25 its for-llesciie drive, Arthur II. B. & P. Unit 2,811.00 Goldstein, local Philanthropies general chairman, declared as Chldren's Division 1,702.80 he praised the national effort, "Our city hppes to set a recHigh School Division 875.50 ord i'or cash collection tinder University Division 161.50 the able and experienced leadof David Peder, pledge Organizations 2,138.75 ership redemption c h a i r m a n", Mr. Miscellaneous . 1,100.00 Goldstein said. "Mr. Feder and Ilia co-workers are doing an job in their at. Total to Date $ 510,030.05 outstanding tempt to raise cash for the resettlement mid rescue of the 100,000 Jewish refugees fleeing from oppression, "Mr, l'Vflcr announced that his committee will not relar until the job is accomplished." More Trustful Atmosphere Father's Day will be celebrated Delegates at the New York Jerusalem, (JTA7—Israel can by the Workman Circle Dramatic produce Mil light weapons but must gathering heard Israel AmbasClub Sunday with a 6 |>. in. dinner Import armor, •waiplunea and oih- sador Abba Eban declare that nf the Labor Lyceum. er heavy equipment, Clara Jo- Israel's relationships with the The program will feat me talks sephthal, secretary general of the United States has been steered by Louis Wltkin for the fathers Mnpal, said today nt a party rally through "a heavy tempest of and Morris Goodman, Council in defense of the Government's crisis "into a more trustful atBluffs, for the sons. Mm, Milton endorsement of the principles of mosphere." At the same time Ncarcnberg will be toastmistress. the Khcnliowcr Doctrine. J)r. Xahum Uoldmunn, ChairThe arrangement committee inDiHCusslnff Israel's needs for man of the Jewish Agency for cludes Max Cruunsc, chairman, the Mme*. Sam Binder, Nathan Ler- foreign economic aid, he said the Palestine and President of tho creation of one jab in the Timnah World Zionist fongrew told man and Yetta Orenstein. capper mine* requires nn invest- the meeting thnt the "ban on ment of 80,000 pounds, immigration tlo Israel" which certain Communist countries N'KW ISKAKT. OIL lind imposed has "now been liftTel Aviv, (JTA)- -An oil gusher erupted last week in a new oil ed" to permit reunion of famKISON'-"Message of Israel", well at Bi'ur two kilometers south ilies. He expressed the hope that Sunday, 12:03 p. ni. June 16— of the most southern Ilelctz oil this would lead to immigration Rabbi- S a m u e l D. SosklnK well. A stenm lest brought in the lo Israel from* Ihe Soviet Union Temple Beth Enieth, Brooklyn, oil from a depth. of 3.000 feet, itself, N. Y. the same level as < that-'of. most wells In the IIelel7 field.

Philanthropies Scoreboard

Dinner Sunday To Kansas City Plans Honor Fathers TrI-City Week-End Oman* Younc Adult* Jinve been invited to a Tri>Cfty program the week-end of June 22 in Kansas City. Representatives - from St. Loul*,~Kuwu City and Omaha will participate. The gathering will b# open to any young adult 18 years old and up. The Kansns City Young Adult Council lift* announced plans for a Saturday night dance, a swimming party and other activities. Additional Information may he obtained from Toby Okrent, RK f>H8, or. Saul SUvernmn, Activities Director, JA 1.166


Armor Must Be Imported

On the Air

Fun at the Red Sea In Israel

Little Need for Jewish Chaplains

/trod Com, Tourist O//lc» Plioto

ISRAELI CHILDREK plar •) Ihe bsach of &» Biblical Bad S o si Elaih, Iirul'i louthtrnmoii poii. Elath Ii attiscilng i n *TU> Incriulna numbtr of tourists, whon favotlii piiilm* Is d«»p-ni (Uhlng ,mld«l Iht multl-colortd coral t i t f i of ths Rid S t i . A ihorl icinlc trip from Elith through purplt-colorsd mounttlm Itkti ihe tourlii to King Solomon's PilUri and Copptr Mines, Mporii iht Iiratl OoTtrnmtni Tourlii Oific*.

Kaslow Awarded W.-H. Scholarship

Howard Kaslow r e c e i v e d a $2.r)0 Woi Id-Herald scholarship lit the Central I(IKII school commencement exercises, He is the fcon of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaslow, 5507 Mnrney Street and -Is.a mem>>er of the Junior ond National Honor Societies. If has been ncti\o on the tinrk team and wni sports editor b! the Cential Hlfih F t c R i s t e r . A second lieutenant In UO'l'C, he is interested In dramatics, was a member of the debate foum, Latin Club. Safe-Teen Council and w.is presidrnt of the Math Club, llownnl «.in. elected president of the senmi' class and represented Centml at Cornhusker Doys Stale ami at.County CSotcrnmenl liny. AmoiiK others to iccelve heholarslnp awurds ut the ceremonies wen- Peter Bnidkev Bnhson Inititute; Serena DuniNkln. U. of O. alternate, V. of N. honorable mention; Harriet Epstein, V. of N , Honorable mention; Marvin Froedninn,, Illpnn " College, Alcvnnder* Hamilton Institute, Ntilional Merit certificate; Mnrlin Crecnc, Elk», Harvard Nntional, National Merit, National Honor: Lawrence K«hn, U. of N. Regents., Iowa Slate, National Merit honorable, pientlon; Robert Obcrman, U. of Wis.,; Lawrence Zar'mrja. Yankton Collep;e, U. of N, Ht>i>enl|i/ ^rown, Darmoulh, Cornell .University, t{a>( tlonal Mrrlt certificate.


TUB nnvun nuns


Fobllshed Bwrjr Friday bjr the federation tt lewfc* Bervica SMuad ( 3 u t Malllac rnvjltgt* Authvrticd.U I


Omahqns In the News

Mr -mod Mrs. Paul Verct, left Wednesday for Princeton, N. J. .Editor where they will attend the graduation of their son, Barry, from Princeton University, June 18. They were accompanied by their daughters. IJnda and Judy. FolHodi BBG's held its installation lowing graduation Barry Kill leave tea Sunday afternoon at the home for a tour of Kurope and Israel •with a University group. of Klainc Scloi, Council Bluffs.



7:38 p. m. TK.MPLK ISRAEL Services will be held Friday evening June 14 at 7:30 p. in. ftabbl Brooks wilt deliver a scrmonctte. Services will be conducted In the chapel during the summer. 1ETII KL. Sabbath services will lie held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning tervicc* will begin lit 8:30 a. nt. The Mlncha service will begin at 7;30 p. nt. Daily services during the neck are held at 7 a. nj. nnd 7:00 p. in. The Sunday morning lerviee It held at 9 a. m.

The ktaff "of "the* 1957 Com-' Dr. and Mrs. II. Srml Schneiderhusker Hoys State publication In- mnn uf San Francisco, Cal. will clude* Saul Knpke, news editor arrive In Omaha, June 16 to visit and Dick Sprier, publications ed- with Dr. Schneiilci'iiiHn'H parents, itor, bo»h of Central High school. Mr. and Sirs. I n Ing SchneiderOffice™ elected to scr\c AZA man and b r o t h e r , I/»Ue. The No. 1 for the nevt six months are Schncidermans arc moving to Harold Knlman, president; Milton Boston where Dr. Schnoldprman K a t . s k e e , vlco-presldent: Jerry Hill assume n second year resiFrcedman, secretary; Allen Ep- dency at the General Hospital Of stein, treasurer: Howard Martin Massachusetts. His first year rcsi and Saul Kaiman, scrgeants-at dency was «.pcnl Jit the Univer arms. Allen Seigcl, past president sity of California hospital in San has named Katskcc and Freedmun, Frni!ci*co. chairmen for the group's twentyfourth annual Sweetheart Dance In September.


Chairmen of Itohanuc fund raising events be'inj; planned arc Sarah Milder and llelhann Mnklrsky, fn'shmen; Judy I.azcr and CJall TrMink, EophowoVCT. Judy Plainer and narbarn Adlcr will serve nn chairmen for the Hohantic closed vice, June 23, on the terrace of Al Green's Skyroom. Preceding the dance and n' buffet supper, will be a rokftail purly «t the home of Enid and. Nanry Vcnger. lmil;itjon« mil )v sent to pnrenls.

BKTH ISRAEL Friday evening services betfin at ":30 p, m. Sabbath morning servicing 8:45 a. m. Junior congregation 10 a. m. Rabbi Grnner. will eonrtuct the Saturday aftr-moon Talmud class at 7:15 p. m. Mincha. followed by Shalosh S'omlos and Maarlv will begin at 7:43 p m. The Sunday moming Ilrenkfait I Ne«ly elected afficeri. of IJranor minyon arid Bible elms begim (it IKowvell UUO are Birdlnc Green, 8.45 a. m. and the Sundny morn- president; .Marilyn Dvorkin, first ing Jr, mlnyon begin* at 8-..T0 a. in ] \Ire-president: Iona Knr), iccord• miirnniK services will b lie-, ing secretary. Kdcn Cohn. roircs«ln at 7 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, ' Pending fcocrctar>: Maxinc /JweiThc Talmud Class meets al tho [ b.ick, treasurer; Peggy Itubra19ih and Hurt Street Synagogue ">tein, financial secretary; Mnu«very Tuesday evening 8t 8 p, m | «"<•>' Kpnein. Irene Winer,-his,. j toriaiiB; Miriam Katy. Lynn Singj er, Ark-ne Grossman, re-porters. Maddi Mlnjff. M. I. T. mother and Judy Freed. B. 11. Y. C. rcpre,1IM

(J f t ,

I/V.^,.11 B 1 , I , . B ,





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IHAUOKE OEBELICK Isadore Gerellck, 70, 1805 No. 3"fh St., died June 4. Funeral hervlces were held June 7 at the Jcvvinh Funeral home with Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Ell Kagnn officiating. Burial uos In Golden Hill cemetery. Surviving arc children. Robert, Mrs. Sylvia Coren, Omaha; Mrs. Coldle Chintz, Atlantic, la,; one brother, Uiuls, two klslcrs. Mi's MII liertikteln and Mis. Meyer Kdlzinan, Omnha. .MIS<i I1KSH KATSKKK .Mrs Bess Knlskee, 7H, :H02 Dodge S t , widow nf Arthur Kntskee. died June 3 in a Ineal hix.pllnl, .Services were held June 7. Burial was in Beth Hamedro.sli Hugodol cemrlrry. SunlviiiK are daiiKhter. Ruth. lm Aiifieles, and brother, Ifarry ifwisky, Otslalia, la. NATJIAN- VKMIOFK Funeral kcivicas for Nathan Venhoff who died frt New Vork Sunday were held Thursday morning at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial wa* In Beth lUmcdrosh TXngodol cemeiery. Surviving are his wife, a sister nnd two brothers. Mrs. Venhoff I* the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. A, J. Jacobwn.

Alvin M. Fellronn, University of Dehlca Deb membern elected to Omaha June graduate, has been i the Air Force Re- offices in the Central High School French club for the coming year ate Charlotte Brodkey, president; i;NX OF OMAHA " l S ?" ln l' ln ' «*"•<"'? «''d Sandra Fellman, University of Member, Andy Jean Crews will be Omaha student, has been awarded a $250 scholarship for the 1957- the school's next chapter Junior One or Kol Israel Orchestral ?S academic year by the Associated Red Crow president. Deb Mnrcia Zalkln received an "Amy" dra-main function* I* lo give first P.etnileri of Omaha. niatlc's award for bcM actress <lur. performance* of music by Israeli ing J93C-57 nt school. The organ- composers. SICMA AI.FIIA Ml.' ization held its annual picnic I N'l, NEBRASKA May 26 lisma Alpha Mu, University of, PAUL'S TiibTisim announces the appointNc» offieeni of U.8.Y. are Justin' . i?nt of Stanley Kaiman, as as«istRADIO « TV SERVICE I^evvii., president; Jim GUM, vice. nt business manager of the Daily TV CAR RADIO Xobrjsknn, student publication; a president; Carolyn Kaftan, recordRADIO rHONOCRAPH £500 scholarship award by the ing secretary and reporter; Mike PAUL 90LDBERG Champlin Oil Or to Jack Onich; Katz, corresponding secretary; ft tifl the naming of Kenneth Freed to llclene Franklin, historian; Arnlc 4121 H*. M»k U. Kosmet Club And the election of Weintraub, t r e a s u r e r , Sheila Al Ho«en as Vice-president of the Novak and Helenc Franklin, scrBusiness Administration student Beant-al-arms. •council. They were elected at a meeting at the home of SMella Novak. CREIGIITON , J. Joel Milder received his degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery from Crelghton University, Wednesday. He was elected to the National Mr. and Mrs. Harold II. Kaplan Denial Honor Society, Omicron Kappa Upallon, and was secretary- announce the birth of « son, May •erqawo C«atf CltaMti 29. Grandparents are Mr. and trftasurer of the Senior Class. Dr. Mrs. Abraham Berkovitz, St. Paul, Milder will enter Zoller Memorial Minn, and Mr. and Mr*. George Milton's Fur Shop Dental Clinic of the University of Kaplan. til M.. I M JA 2IQ4 -Chicago for one year's internship before entering the United States Atr Force. He U the son" of Mr. CHIROPRACTOR antl Mrs. Howard Milder. OIL mVINS, M14Vt MMtary

Irving Stern, C. Trctiak, Wm, A 1 p. m. desttrt luncheon will Welner, M. Zalk, and Miss Kaloh Franklin. mark the final meeting of the seaMrs. A: I. Kulakofsky of Los son for the Omaht Chapter Mlzrachi Women June 19 at the Jew- Angeles, guest of Mrs- Sol Nogg, ish Community Center. New of- Mrs. M. Segul of Milwaukee, guest of Mrs. Uuth Ackerman. ficers will be Installed. Decorations were by Mrs. Frank A hand-made aighan was donated by Mrs. Leo Ostravich at Sekar. the recent donor luncheon. Donors who attended were Mmes. Ruth PIONEER WOMKN A fcpcclnl program will be feaAckerman, M. Arbllman, Bessie Helm. Rose Blumkin, Wm. Bog- tured at the annual dessert lunchdnnaff, II. Brandstettcr, M. Brod- eon and linen shower for Israel key, Ida Brown, Sum Collck, H. to be given by the Pioneer WoCbopermajt, B. Eisenberg, Wm, men's organization, Thursday, Jun« Kpsteln, Hose Fogei, 11. Frank- 20, 12:30 p, m. at the Labor lin, Rose Frclden, II. Fried, L. Lyceum. Friedman, I. Carsick, L. Gerellck, The program will Include a talk J, Guodbinder, Benjamin Groner, on "The Newcomer to Israel" by L. Glnsucnberg, B. Grossman, Ben Joe Radinowski; a Yiddish reading Handler, Goo. Kaplan, Tonl Kati- by Mrs. Philip Crandcll and Yidkee, M, Kitzman, M, Landsman, dish folksongs by Mmes. Milton N. Iz-vinson, A. Lipsmnn, J. Mor- Nearenberg and Joe Zwcrllng. gan, Sol Nogg, Julia Novak. H. New Items, such as baby layOsoff, L. Ostravich. L. Paperny, ettes, childrens clothe*, women's H. Paskowitz, S. Platt, M. M. wash dressc*. men's sportj shlrbi, Pollakoff, N. Resnick, M. Roses- towels, sheets, and blankets are stein, Frank Sekar, B. Soshnik, needed for the shower.

With the Home Folks K«r H4 kawmlatf «l TW Or, rklu» KIM M d T K m Tt m AiriVr Duld Orftar.

June 4—Samuel Summer celebrated his ninety-seventh birthday. Mrs, Phil Glllnsky ramc from Denver to lie with her father for this occalson. Many local citizens visited the Home to wish him a very happy birthday. June 14—Special M e m o r i a l Services were held In the Home S y n a g o g u e for the following: Sarah Wcinktcin. Morris Turner nnd Joseph Hush. Miss Zeldii Bush gave a Kiddush on the occasion of her father's yahrzelt. June 15--A. U Sebrlng of Chicago gave a kpcclal Klddush in honor of his father, Solomon Sllverman, Home resident. June 16-Kadlmah Pioneer will sponsor the father's Day celebration at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged. June 18—Rabbi Sidney Brooks will be our visitor on this day.

Bar Mitzvah All frimdt and n a t i v e s are Imitfil to Mtrnd wrrlce* Mid recrptloni. GAIIY MUI.MCK Tlic Bar Mitzvah of Gary Mulnlck will be celebrated at the Dcth Israel Synagogue Saturday, June 15th, «t 8:45 a. m. He It the son of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Mulnlck, IHVIN KARL Tlic Bar MlUvah of Irvin Howard Karl, son of Mr, and Mrs, Hnrry Karl will lie observed nt Ihp Beth Israel Synajjoguc nn Snttirdny. June 22, at 8:43 a. m. Patronize Our Advertise™ Pick Up Your Lox. Bagel and Crtam CfettM Sunday Monsing a t



FOR NM-Wnlht Hml—r t To«« Mm wHk OtW fmpttiSMIt—


Crode A

T. Rlfkt farty for tat TISM Work Arwnd Apr. Herri.



Laid or Delivered T. R. Plymat.

Tri'County Sodding FREE ESTIMATES Pheiw JA 4 f «7



A**, 'Ow>i

Uftl OF NEBB. Graduating from the Univer•Ity of Nebraska College or Medicine Saturday will be Bernard .Arthur Beber, Norman Stephen Cojdenbcrg, Donald Ray Silverman, Omaha; Jerome J. Beber, 1A% Angeles and Marshall Donald jChefetz, New York City.

"Wlnn th» Sick 6*t W.ll" Ottlct Hearts I «, ffl. to f p. m. E v inn n by by App«lntm«nt M«If7tf

«NT. OF CHICAOO Michael Ban, has been elected •ecretary of the Pre-Law club *nd treasurer of the Debate Union a t the University .of Chicago, Chicago, t i l , where he is a freshw a n . He snd his debate partner were cited for being the best debate team nt the University. He #i the son of Mr. and Mn. Jack • •an.<••• •


Visit or Call

Carl's Tailor Shop FEATURING "NOH SHATMHS" C O . I M . H

f>p«ctly Toilortd by CARL






4415 Cwnteg St.

Fw«f Portly

Mtk* Dlanecds





1 A.M. H 7 P.M.

P, J. OvrimrpMHt t Mptri ,1 II U Mdltd-

Nippersim Manor •


ftf rW

ttmtwf HM TA4f»

i « i Nvt M vp t o e . .


, ,r

Friday, JUM It, 1»61

80% «f Munitions Made Here: Peres



Dr. Donald-Green Suez Canal Test" Given Fellowship Hinges on France

Fife Tbitu

A Word About Camping

»r ftul HlireroiM, C«nl» Dtimlor ICC Itor ftuiip —* f'w» in l-c, h n , for a camping experience. Ciunp la Fun Dr Donald E. Green has been Jerusalem, ( J T A ) — I s r a e l Is Amrittu l«mpl>( i n t . , Nrbraaht (M< Knroll your camper with the Israel's munitioni Industry now selected for a Fellowship In meta- holding up on its decision to send Many parents have called me manufacture* tome 7 0 . different bolic disorders at the University a "test" ship through the Suez regarding Bending their children understanding and confidence of linn, suppltea four-fifths of local of California, Los Angeles, He Is Canal pending clarification of to the Day Camp or Resident those who will lead and guide your need* (except for plane* and the son of Mr. and Mr*. Morris France's intentions In respect to Camp, In most cases, these par child. At our camps, your child is tanks) and export* rannlitrrabte Green and Is a graduate of Creigh- using the waterway and until the ents heretofore have nexsr en^ our business and his happiness and amount* of a m n and ammuni- ton University School of Medicine. Ben Gurion Government can make rolled their children in any camp. wejfaic is our most important conHe will assume his duties as a up its mind to earlier reports, it "Should I send my child to the cern Children enjoy camp because tion. was stated in informed circles It Is fun. Now ask yourself the These fact« were revealed by Junior research metabolist in the Israel has not promised the United camp or shouldn't 1" has been the question "Should I e n r o l l my Mr. Shimon Peres, Director Gen- department of endocrinology, July States not to use force to push common question asked of me. If youngster? Enroll your camper I may, I would like to share with eral of the Ministry of Defense, 1. In addition. Dr. Green has an a ship through the canal. you sihne thoughts on this sub- now, he will be ever gruteful und In a tnlk with military corres- auxiliary appointment to the staff An Israeli decision can be ex ject." you will be too. of UCLA School of Medicine as pondents a clinical Instructor in Medicine. pected within two to three weeks. Cump Healthful The "L'zi" submachlnegun had Children of all ages need opAt present he is completing his If, as has been reported, the become standard equipment In one Ihlrd year of residency In internal French shipping. Meanwhile, there portunities for tuiiimor out-offoreign country and It passed medicine at the Veterans Admin- Is no indication that Israel has door experience with others of tests under conditions which had istration hospital, Los Angeles. softened to the slightest extent their own ngc. Part of the sumnever been envisaged for It, leavIn Its opposition to taking the mer away fiom the o\cr-/calous Plans and rules for rushing ing Its nearest competitor, the Suez question to the Hague Court. protective arms of parents in Swedish "Karl Gtmtav," a long Israel feels thnt a Security Conn many cases is indeed helpful and eighth grade graduates for high wny behind. ell decision establishing Its right healthful. In a real cump setting, sfhool clubs were announced by to use the Suez channel Is already day camp is Included, a child Harold Kalman, Youth Council The balance of arms between on the books and what Is needed learns and experiences the true president, following a council iMyicl and the Aiab states chanced Paris (WNS)—A fit of rage In- Is a moons of Implementing that meaning of respecting the rights meeting. with the Slnnl campaign, during decision—something the court Is of others, shut ing, learning he which most of the Egyptian army duced by n dispute over hi* plan to unlikely to offer. Each, club will be limited to four can't have his w/iy all the time, events wllh a 'set amount for equipment was destroyed, Mr. deport all Russian Jews to the partaking in refreshment and food spending. I'eresanid, The emphasis now was Far East was the cause of Josef offered to him and enjoying it and on planes, which, because of the Stalin's death, according to a reFormol rushing of freshmen will of the values of his Jewish-Americonstant improvements in models, port In France-Solr, French ncn spapcr. can heritage. In the brond sense, begin July 1 and end September posed a milch more complicated 28. A silent period will follow the camper learns the art of livAuthored by Michel Gordry, tlic problem than the supply of InfanUnited Nations, (JTA)—The ing, associating with Ills peers in until October 3 when the actual paper's Russian-speaking expert on try wenpems. joining of a club will be possible Soviet affairs, the report says that United Nations Security Council the out-of-doors. by registration at Center Youth Only 4 Make Plane* the cause of Stalin's death has rejected a demand by Syria for Leadership Opportunity Council office. Only four countries, the VS., been confirmed by P. K. Pono- an order to Israel to dismantle The camper will develop and Soviet Russia, Britain and France fnnrenko, Soviet Ambassador to a Dnlley Bridge built ai port of A special introduction program grow under the watchful eyes of were engaged In the production Poland. Stalin was discussing bin the Lake Hgleh swamp reclamaall eighth graders and their trained staff counselors amid the for nnd development of planes. Both plnn with Marshall Kliment Y. tion project In the Galilee area. parents will bo staged later this natural camp .setting. Cump ofBritain and Husaln had supplied Voroshllov. Voroshllov said he month, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., chief Middle East countries with planes was opposed to the mill-Jewish of the American delegation, took fers the rare but deliberate opporcontrary to unwritten Agreement move, «hereupon Stalin flew inlo advantage of the opportunity to (unity for leadership and to fol«nd Franco had drawn the ap. rngc. toppled to the floor and push for greater UN authority In low the lend of others in n proper direction. pmpriatc conclusions. remained unconscious until his the. area. Skills and expci'tnes1; in activiThe Security Council decided to Few countries had done so rnuch death. Stalin, according to the P.icfureique, Carpeted Living ties piny a minor "but important for their army disabled ns had report, was almost delirious when await a further report from Col. part In the life of a ciimprr. We Room, Beautiful Kitchen with Israel, Mr, Perei maintained. Th* ho shouted that I he motivation Hyron V. Ijenry, acting Chief of arc more concerned with the perDishwasher and Separate Army Rehabilitation Centre for behind his contemplated move Staff* o f ' t h e UN Truce Super- sonal Individual development of Dinette, 3 Big Bedrooms with disabled soldiers at Tel Hashomer against the Jews win the "Zionist vision Organization.' Col, Loary each camper and hit. over-nil deWardrobe Closets, Walkout won belnK closed down for luck of and lm[XTialKl" plot against the hnd ruled that "deapile the pos-velopment as a person. Adulthood Basement. Soviet Union and himself. The In- sible military value of the bridge," is most easily achieved when there sufficient patients. cident occured less than.several he did not thing he would bo is a sound, healthful childhood. Ont-of-Tonn Owner justified In ashing for its reweeks after announcement of the Wants Offer This alone could be reason enough alleged "doctor's plot." In which moval. To Impact—1308 No. SiHi it. Secretary General t>ng Hamthe nrreslcd and executed were Call Mlldmt SmtauM. GL M M virtually all Jews. After Stalin's marskjold told the Council memDIAMONDS death the accused were released l)crs he would ask that the. new report would be submitted within New York, (WNS)—A resolu- and rehabilitated. For th« Mast Delicioui a month. tion declaring that "Conservative Opposition to Stalin's plan was Ground Beef in Town! Ixxlge said that while the United rttbbU do not have the knowledge also sounded by Lazar M, Kaganoor authority to issue decisions on witch, the only Jewish member States supports Col. Leary'j find- 4415 Cumlng WA 5554 matters of Jewish low" was of the Presidium, and V. M. Molo- ings, it also feels that a number adopted here at a one-day con- lov, then Soviet Foreign Minister, of other questions have been To 0*1- Compl«t» ference of the Union of Orthodox whose wife Is Jewish. Molatov raised and should be answered. He Guarantavrf TV Stivlca Rabbis of the United State? and argued that Ihc contemplated said he felt an up-to-date report on All M a l m on current conditions In the deCanada. CAM measure «ould Itavo A "deplorable" militarized I s r a e l i - S y r i a n zone The resolution referred to a re- effect on world public opinion." should be made by Col. Lenry. m i t resolution by the Rabbinical TV SERVICE Assembly on the "agunah" prob7812 lem. An "agunah" is a woman Camp Has 1 Counselor Omahans to Celebrate whose husband hiid disappeared For Every 4 Campers Fortieth Anniversary «nd abandoned! her without giving her a divorce. Under Tnlmudlc Camp Jay-C-C maintains an The fortieth wedding anniverlaw an "agunah" may only re- average of one coun»elOr for every sary of Mr, and Mrs. William marry If it h proven that her four children. Dr. Daniel Miller, Boasbcrg will he celebrated June husband died, There is no pre-camp committee chairman, an- 22nd with an open house at 7:30 sumption of death under Jewish nounced. Dr. Milter said the high p. m. at the home of their son Jaw. The Orthodox rabbis accused calibre of camp counseling was and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mi's. the Rabbinical Assembly of plan- noted In a recent surrey con- Leonard Boasbcrg, 5012 Capitol ning to change the Jewish mar- ducted by the local section of the Avenue. No Invitations arc being riage ritual without authority. American Camping association. issued. Camp counselors participate In The largest library In Israel !• a four day precamp training course the Jewish National and University WEAR devoted to special techniques and Library. THAT NEW LOOK procedures for handling youngsters, Members of the 1957 staff Old doublt-braatttd laltt mad* late mw ilagla-brtatttd mlti. New YorlcT (JTA)—Meyer W. average better than five years of Wclsgal, P r e m i e r David Ben camping experience each. ' All Kindt kfon'i and L.di.i' The Camp registration for the Gurion's special representative for Exptrl Tailoring and AltarttioM Israel's Tenth Anniversary Fes- summer have been completed. Dr. tival, arrived here from Jerusalem Miller reported, but he suggests to extend an official Invitation to that parents Interested In camp RUGS—CARPETING all religious groups In the United for their children, place their 111 So, 15th St. Ph. AT 1S04 Here's your opportunity to tec LAMPSHADES States to participate In the Tenth names on the waiting list at the exactly why Niblaclc Is the world's Or Center camp office, JA. 1366. Anniversary celebration of the fastest, most effective — and FURNITURE 1701 N . . 4 7 * Sr. Parents arc invited to discuss pleasant — method of spot reState of Israel. HortdWMt Radial Highway ducing. You'll enjoy every minute Mrs. Welngal, who Is the head camping plans for their children Cleaned In Your Home! of it. Gall for appointment now. of the Weizmann Institute of with members of the adminisSlialig. • Layla? • tUaaMug Science, has been asked by Pre- trative staff at the center. Hava a fro* d«moiilfratlo» FOR THE FINEST... mier Ben Gurfon to coordinate and Don Bernstein- HA 2554 Patronize Our Advertisers prganfzs the anniversary events today and compare . . . IN PHOTOGRAPHY inside and outside Israel. The an15 Treatments. $30.00 niversary In Israel will be celebrated for one full year beginning NO CONTRACT April 24, 1858.

Council Rushing Plans Announced

Stalin Stricken Raging Over Jews

Syrian Demand Turned Down


Action Taken on 'Jewish Law'


Reduce By Inches

Emissary Brings U. S. Invitations



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~ Between You and Me

. . . ' By Boris Smolar Dome»tlc .Development); The CotuieU of Jewish Fedoratlotis and JVelfare funds is embarking o i t « itudy of Jewish community life »n tha suburbs , . . Tbs results or this study fnay lead to very important evaluations of the role of. smaller Jewish communities in the develop* went of American Jewry . , . There is a tremendous growth <A Jew. tth activities In the suburb* . , . And contrary to Jewish communltiet Jn the larger cities, the 3cv.-t in the suburb, being a middle class ele« ment, are well able to meet their local Jewish need* without phllanthroplc assistance . . . At present these needs are centered primarily in building local Jewish cenlen and in expanding the local synagogues Into centers of social actlvltiei . . . Nat In all suburbs do the Jew* live a life socially Isolated from their' non-Jewish neighbors . . . Henc* the question arises whether the local Jewish Center work should b» limited to Jewish orientation, or should l»e of a nature attractive also to non-Jews . . . Thli very some question existed a generation or two ago also in the larger cities, when the Jewish Centers looked upon themselves as an institution helping in "Amerlcanzation" of th* Immigrant Jew and his family . . , Today the majority of the Jewish Centers in the large cities are Inclined toward stressing more th* Jewish contents in their program of activities, since their members art all American-born Jews and are in no need to bg "Americanized" • > • However, In the suburbs tha question of attracting the non-Jewish neighbor requires that the program-be related also to the needs Of the non-Jewish population . . . Thus history repeats iuelf, although in a different way, with regard to the "open door" pulley of the Jew* lull Centers and the developing of programs adjusted to thfi policy... -

Men Are the Some the World Over By Anita Engle

Israel — Our new Reparation ding. "So you're getting married IJecrsheba railway. Ills whol family and all their mutual friends trains are very- nice, very com today!" "Oh no", she said. "Nut until Incd in this Wild Wc>t capital o fortable,—but somehow impersonthe Negev. They would all be a al. You don't get the intimacy and next week." •'And this luvejy dress is your the bus station to meet them, she local color that you get when you told me. It would be a great mo wedding dress?" travel by bus. Noj <il all. Her wedding dress ment for bath families, she ind For Instance, one morning recated. when she and lier sistei was unite satin, as a bride's cently, at 8:30, 1 was sitting in a bus at the Haifa terminal, ualtinc should lie, oiid she had it tucked stepped off the bus to elegantly tor it to fill up before leaving fur awiiy in the bulging suitcase clad. The groom had helped her to which that lery moment was pay for it all. Tel Aviv. "I suppose you are bringing nnd blocking up the aisle beside us. As the lait 'cuts were filling 'Hip dresses had been made by a den (a dowry)?" I asked bet. up, a bulging bundle was forcibly "Naddcn?" she asked in indigna relation of the groom's. Her sky thrust through the open door of blue evening gown and her Ms- tion. "Wheie would I get naddcn the bus, followed by a distended ter's pink one were merely "going from 7 If I had the money fo suitcase wrapped round with to" dresses (as opposed to the nadden, would I be getting mar' twine, Behind the luggage -ap"going away" diseases of Western rled?" peared a bfg, handsome Urientnl tradition). We had a good laugh together, girl Stic wus wearing a short, The practical Oriental mind re- then, re.ili/lng that we were both canary colored coat. Flaring out feminist!) at heart, settled down from under it wus a floor-length alizes that it is far more importo n cozy gossip. shirt of sky blue taffeta. It wiut tant to mni'.e an Impression on the "Do yuii know what they do in straight from an American pat- groom's family and friends before Yemen nnd Syria?" she asked tne. the wedding Afterwards it doesn't tern book, and so shinily new that "They put the young man on one felt the white basting threads .ma t|er. Senate that the V, 8. "ought to Her family had been in Israel scale, nnd the futher of the bride PIltiANIKM ISOLATED must still lie clinging to It. I'hldalclphia, (WNS>—A Jewish make it crystal clear to the Arab gives him his weight In gold!" for only a >f"ai nnd a half, and Only the Westerner!, seemed "Uldlciilous". I agreed with her. women. Miss Rose Ichelson, tins states that we do not'respect their taken aback at seeing a full- till Iked In a manbaroh (Immi- "Do you know that In Anglo-Sn* isolated an organism believed to boycott, and that under ;io cirfledged evening gown enter the grant reception settlement i near on countries like England, nnd, t be the cause of multiple sclerosis, cumstances will the Government grimy bus at 8:30 Jn the morning H;iifn. The party had left the brlUne. America, young "men also discovery which when affirmed of the United Stales knuckle down" The girl heinelf had the nil" of mnabarnh in a trail of glory at think they're worth their weight may well eliminate One of the most to the kind of blacklisting which 7:00 that morning. The groom being sclf-coasciously but comwhom she had known in Morocco, in >:o!d? Iiul they dnn'l mind tak- fntal diseases In the world. If her goes on with respect to American placently well-dressed. hnd been in Israel for four years, inc iianor money, oi even bonds, Indlngs are substantiated. Miss firms which may wish to do buslAfter her clambered a girl of and now hnd a steady job on the instead!" chclson said scientists can begin nciw with a friendly nation." about 13, clad in ft pale pink taflocking a way to Immunize agninst feta evening dress like herj>ister'R, he disease. NOTK TO KIN« KAt'l) She wore a nhoit crimson coat Jerusalem. (JTA).—Tlic Israel She was followed by an qldrr Government hits sont a mCBSage to 4INAI OI'KUATION Oriental woman, currying h buby M o n 11 c c 11 o, N. Y, tWNS >- King Saud of S n it d I Arnbln, inK iii I-racl in greater numbt'm H,i Nathan Ziprln in her arms, nnd pulling a tut of niel's Sinn! operation against thiough a third government frlcnflsince Uie Sinai campalgTi, .which about three after her. Want lu live in a town whore ev has iJ> clo-K'ly conientfd the L I Hgypt was "fully Justified" since ly to Ixilli the Jewish and the The family, masterfully directed erytwdy lakes a swim In the morn- bolwvn Israel and France, it came after "more than sufflc- Arab stale. by the big girl, arranged them- ing before breakfast, where }»u The Isniell message informed lh» Voiuig Jlajor i'nl piotocntion," it was declared knock off uork al 2:30. in the aft selves on the long feat at the hark Kl.il Is a young man'n town. y Brig. S.L.A. Marshall U. S. King that Israel bad the deepest of the bus, just behind me. The ernoyn and where, above all, }'i» Mayor Keimer in thirty-four, Mld- rmy»hintorl!in In Europe during respect for the safety of Moslems big girl plunked herself into the don't have to pay taxes? dle-si/ed, strong, and energetic, hi* World War II, at the 48th niinual making the pilgrimage to.Mecca, vacant seat beside me. No sooner It sounds like Shangri-La, but came tu Israel from Holland Just convention ot Una! Zion, Zionist ami expressed the hope thnt had she setUpd herself,/ than she take :t from Mayor llanoch Ncn- before the establishment of the fraternal order. Israeli Arani would be permlllrrt turned and gave 8 command to ner of Elal. Israel, who Is now in state ai:d participated in the wnr to participate in the pilgrlmAKex. her sister, and they both jumped this e.nintry to enlist suport fdl for liberation. His wife, Irilh, with In the past Israel's Arab el tans OKEION M1KSION up again, and rushed off the bus. Israel bonds, that the dencrjtjon sad eyes and doll-like features New York, IWNS)—A delega- have been barred by • different They came back, balancing drip- 'its hit town, comes froni one of the oldest JewArab stalcs'from crossing thiwigh ping falafal in both hands. Fniafal ish families In Holland, Before the tion of American Jewish C'ommit- their territory e n "route to Ihe (1 rowing City Icc leaders, headed'by AJC preslconsists of a round of thin OrienNazi days, she admit*, she wan lit Elat has been much In the head tie identified with Jewish interexK lont Irving M, Kngcl lias left for Moslem Holy City.' tal bread (pectahl, opened up like ITiq'Isiucli note wan occasioned a pocket and stuffed with freshly- lines of Intel since the Israeli' During the Hitler occupation, 15- fact-finding, surrey and corvttiltn- by public stiitcroente by the Sn\ldi fried, highly spiced balls or chick freed the ancient port city of Solo- year-old Irith lived like another ve mission in Europe, -rJorth Arabian Government that It feared filca anil Israel. The delegation pens. These ore topped by cabbage mon from the Egyptian blockade Anne Frank.. She had to charigt for the safety of Moxlenu ptlgrim* salad and slices of pickled green and began building oil pipeline*. her hiding plac- no less' Hum HI en will confer with, bends of govern- becauHP of, Inracl's use of the Ciiilf Nine years ago, on the establish r?c times to elude tlic Nart ments, foreign ministers, religious of Akaba, tomato, with dollops of assorted menl of the state. Klal existed only sauces ladled over the whole mix ,'ui n memory of its ancient glory. killcm. Daili of her parents per leaders and American diplomats ninny foreign lamls, BI'lKiKTAI'I'IlOVKn ture. The sinters hnd brought fala- Today it has a population of 2,(100 ished In gas chamber'.. Ibinn. <JTAI—The ledetBl budfal for the entire family, including lull its nnnle is on ttie lips of al To Initiate ihe speedy developUrORTAKT SES.SIWN •et for l'l57-58 which aclij n.sfde* the baby. who rend newspajiers in the world. ment «f Elat, the government of Jerusalem, (WNSi—Tlie Israel $GO.OOO,000 for Israel rpparatiajM As the big girl settled herself Five years from now. Mayor Nen- Israel has granted l»x exemption beside me again, and began to sink ner predicts. Klat will have a pop- to those settling in the area, but Cabinet met in what ,tt us described. and more thnn twice thnt amount her teeth into the dripping falfal, ulation of 25,000 and the day may the jeonorti'c patcntlalitics of Klat is an important session dealing H% compcnvitlon. rostittitiutt or my'heart failed me. She had coat- even come when it will outdistance are such that it Is not likely that I'lth foreign affairs. Foreign Min- pension pnymenlit for Jewish vie* Gold Melr reported on the. Jims of Nwism. final nped hers liberally with the reil chili Haifa. Home* are the great need it will Ion;; need this «jwdnl in proval nrelgn situation. itti It iin b believed l i d p l ffrom tthe West Rcrman faucc, dear to the heart of the of Elii today. The town needs at rentKe. Its importance h high Oriental. The sauce was now lw- least 1.000 homes thin year, and light.'d by the fact that Israel's lie moeling%jcmiicd the (mention parljnincnt, d e (Inn throuqh the .Sue/ ginning- to form in drojis nl the that is why its youthful and color, miirllime trnde is likely to lie deVROl'XKTV I'KOTWTION fide of the pectah. Another ges. fuj Miiyor has come here tu do veloped with the Far East, for 'an.il nnd the Guf of Aqnhl. Montreal, (JTA)—The Canadian which Elat Is the natural port, of 'ipadework for I>r.iel ture of her excitable hands would Jewish Consress has called on the than, with the West. Nearby* too, spatter a shower of red cliili nance bonds. NTI AKAII UOltOTT Dominion Government to Interdie the ane'ent King Solomon over the expanse of sky blue tafWashington. (\VNSj—Diploma. vene with the United Nations U'arni CMmtifn copper mines which arc now being feta skirt. Not f« mention the !c action against the intensified High Commissioner to protect tlio It n quite warm in Klal brought buck to- life again. canary-colored coat. rab boycott against Israel was properly rights of Egyptian Jewn Finlii-rlcn, A*w(« I quickly looked into my bng. That accounts for the brevity of HKgcsted here in the Senate by exiled or fleeing from that country, and found a wad of foolscap. I Ihe work day, The afternoon sun The fishrriev are another asset Senator Itulwrt H. Humphrey, the CJC announced'today. spread the sheets all otci her is a little hard to lake- even for with great potentialities, The lied lnnesotrt Democrat, chairman of In a memorandum to I.eKlrr II. »kirt, while she lifted her head hiir.'lonrd pioneers. To outivit Old Sea ;.; e-jcrfitlonal /or the richness lic Senate Foreign Ilelalions Sub. Pearson, Minister for External Affrom the fnlafiil to give me a Sol, people begin Uie work-day IInd exoi'.t flavor of Its marine life. committee on Near Eastern Af- fairs, the Congress cited the Ul>'h reul early. At b k of-duwn e\- For the jskin dlivr, thr-rc lire few grateful smile. f i r s , Senator Humphrey told tlic Commifsionrr's assumption of jurd N up in Klat, Then tin-re erynody 1 Perhaps it is the stimulation of is the dip in th? ocean, bsfore plai-'>. to compare with it. Klat isdiction over K'.'ypllan Jews «1i» "has the flavor of the early wild the spices, but when you've fin- breakfast which nobody seems to tmd no nationality or had been ished a falafal, your whole system omit und then to table and work. west," says Mayor Ncnner, who stripped of It by the Nasser regime. t* pervaded by a sense of. well-be- During the summer, extending willingly has an extensive ncing. The imposing, black-hiiiicd from ahout May to October, the lunJilanc'f with American history. L o n d o n . - (WNS>—Mounting |Jrf beside me wiped her mouth temperature Is well over 100 dc- n»tead of going west, a* Ameriagitation in Britain against »hecand hands on n piece of my fool- groe». Tile other-six months an- can, riid In the early days, the Ishitah, Jewish ritual slaughter, vtnt Bcap, then settled back with a pleasant, with .the temperature raelis arc saying-"£o south nml grow up with the country." reported in Glasgow ot a meeting gK , ranging in the seventies. In fact, of the Jewish Community Council "We're on our wiiy to Beer- Elal's climate has becii likened to. Elat stands on the boundary lino there, The report said that in tha where Israel meets Jordan, Saudi ,«heba," she volunteered, irt He- Arizona, first four months of 1957 som'a Arabia and Egypt., When peace and brew. When she spoke to her famWhile some might n ot -like' the (ranijullity and amity comes tp 1,82.1 unti-shochilah hills were Inily, she used an Arabic dialed, climate, Elat. according to Mayor hat area of the world Ihe lights troducer! In the local legislature! Beerxhebfi was nt least two Ncnner, has ihe be»t record of any I and city -councils, . hour* from'Tel Aviv, so the fam- city :>j Israel for losing fewer n e w of Elal will be more than a beiicon to ships. ** ily had about four hours traveling comers once. they .cams to know ahead of them. This* must-be a the town. Mayor Ncnnpn tell* of occasion. one medical -man from Chicago A wedding?" I asked. whose hobby was skin -diving. He Tel Aviv, (JTA)—A rullnfi by "yes," she said. came planning to stay a' day at a local magistrate recently that Asking personal questions is the Elat. Now, four months later, be "there Is n» lawful limit to <!)• jnnjor indoor nnd outdoor sport ,ls «UII there, " ' . . Placards carrying li human re] amount of noise a person may of Israel. I knew, therefore.'that lation message for t|ie B'nni H'rith Frenchified Atmosphere I make on Ills own balcony" put A ihe would take it as n.Wilml that The town ha* a bit or Frenchi- Anti-Dcfamution league have been 'crimp in local efforts to maks t should w»nt to know nil. fied atmosphere because of the placed on Omaha buses, It was ; Imlster.ius Tel A\lv a lltlle quiet"Whose wedding; is i f " I con- sizeable number of French-speak- announced by Dr. Leon Fcilman, er. .thiued. ing Jewish immigrants /rotn Mor- league, chairman for the Henry The Judije. noting then" nas l,;"j Give to "Mine!" f-he said, with a laugh. occo who have settled there, and Monsky lodge. Arrangement ror no law a.'iamst such nols(», said It "MiT/nl t'n !" I vWsli»tl her, with it has became a polliL of special in- the tpnee nun made by (iuoii;c «LIS common to ninkf? noise withUNITED JEWISH APPEAL Itenuinr.' cnlhunnMii fi,r there is t?rc i. t,> dU»uijjui»he,l , visitor* Ec'ilund, Omaha advertising execuI nut comKiiTlnu the feelinRq of Emergency Rescue Fund •OtJiIng I like belter than a wed- Irom France who have bee)i 'coni- tive. I h '

Global Report

Off the Record

100,000 LIZES

must be saved!-

Buses to Carry ADL Placards

A Noisy Problem

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