June 21, 1957

Page 1



XXXV-No. 17



trnbiuhafl atari «rt4»j, l»\ H. tttk. ajuwa) Hate « O»Umr» Oman. Ncl-nuka VbU* i& MM Uatlc O.KT 1* Odatt

Pro-Israel Sentiment Grows in United States New York (JTA)-Abba S. . Eban, Itraeli Ambassador to the United States, asserted this week that Israel has the right to expect Arab leaden to follow a policy of "leaving us alone," if'they don't want to conclude peace with the Jewish State Addressing the annual convention of. the American Association of Etiglish-J e w I s h Newspapers, meeting here- nt the Park Sheraton Hotel, the Ambassador expressed a sense of pessimism about

the prospect* of achieving an Arab, lirael peace. ''The beat w« can hope for is stsady progress In respomible Arab minds of Israel as an immutable fact," he stated. Kelitlons, More Tranquil Describing some of the effects of the Sinai operation of Jast October and the "'international debate" whlih followed over the Israeli withdrawal from tha Sinai peninsula. Mr, Kban said that Israel i'nd found unexpected sources of support And understanding (rom

Philanthropies Scoreboard As of June 18, 1957


The following are current reports from divisions in the 1957 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: Diriiion 1957 ToUHoDare

Initial Gifts $413,435.00 Men'f Division , 24,780.75 Women's Division 65,146.50 B. & P. Unit . \ . . . 2,811.00 Children's Division . . . . . 1,964.80 High School Division . ~ 875.50 Unversity Division J 178.50 Organizations . 2,213,75 Miscellaneous . . . , . . . . . , . , . , 1,100.00 Total+o Date . / .




Israel to Aid Moslem Pilgrimage to Mecca Jerusalem (JTA)—'The rulers of Jordan nnd Saudi Arabia, "know well that Israel will permit pitgrlmi Iq Mecca to proceed unmolested," an Israel Foreign Mlnfolry spokcimnn sold In comment on declarations by King Hussein of Jordan and King Siaud of Snudl Arabia ordering their subjects not to use the Ciulf of Akaba route to Mecca. The ipokewinn charged that the monarch*' declarations were motivated by "Internal considerations." The spokesman pWged that any Arab citizen of Israel who wished to make the pilgrlmate to I he Moslem Holy Ciiy would receive Immediate permission. He noted, however, that Israeli Arab» hud

powers threatened by t,.« policies of, President Nusscr of Egypt, He also said that Israeli relations with the United States had been "steered through dangerous tempests into a more tranquil and trustful condition." As a mult of tha Sinai operation and the statement of Israel's eau-,e In the debate In the United Nations, there was "a degree of trust and affection for Israel throughout America which did not exUt bifore," he declared, "Faith in Israel's permanence and future now flows beautifully throughout this continent among people of all deeds," he said. Israel's I'ennnneiice It wa* one of the primary responsibilities of the maor powers., especially of the United Nations, to help 'advance Arab acceptance "of our permanence," Mr. l.'ban declared, lie nald th,il there had been a Rrowng belief among "responsible Arab leaders'.'of becoming reconciled to the existence of Israel but that this sentiment Has shattered by the shipments of Soviet arms to Arab states.

Sultan's Kin tjlsrael Plans Drive Works for OH Geneva (JTA)— Princess Aicha, To Increase Exports elder daughter of ttw Sultan of Morocco, has accepted the honorary presidency of tha Women's Committee of ORT in Morqcctf, World OHT Union headquarter! announced here. Princess Aicha, who has shown great interest in ORT's vocational training program, recently visited the ORT school in Casablanca and delivered a message from her father praising ORT activities ami warning again*! altempts to di vide Moslem and Jew,

been denied transit visas by the Arilb stales despite repeated ret

Israel and Burma Sign Agreement

Five To Attend District Meeting

Rinjjoon (VVNSl An economic cooperation agreement was signd here this week between Burma and

Five members of Henry Monsky chapter No. 4T0, B'nai B'rllh will have Omaha, June 2ff forThlcago where tliey will be delegates to the twenty-fifth tinnual district convon lion, June 29 throuiih -Inly 2. They ara the Mmes. Harry Friedman. Max Krizelman, Harry Sidman, Aaron Kpstoin and Sidney

Under the agreement, tiia two countries are to undertake negotiations for setting up Joint ven turej in th« manufacture of rub' ber tires, eceramlcs, glassware, paint, varnij.li and other items to be agreed u|)on. The joint study will nlso give consideration to the projected cultivation In Burma's Shan State of wheat, corn and soya beans mainly de»igncd for «x port ro lurael.

New York (JTA)—Israel wlU make intensive eftprts ,to Increase 1tS exifoxti'to Uie United States, It was reported by Michael Tsour, director of the Foreign Trade De partment of Israel's Ministry of Commerce and Industry at a .luncheon of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Tsour said Iserael has now entered the third .stage, v>here. investments in capital and manpower begin to bear fruit. While in the flrls 'stage" Israel was a heavy Importer of consumer gooiU and in the second sluge the emphasis .shifted to capital goodi, the emphavls in now shifting to raw material* anil s e m l-manufncturrd goods, with oilier types of imparts remaining stabile. Balance Foreign Trade "In order to balance Israel's foreign trade," said Mr. Tscour, "Israel will have to increase its oxport* by some $.100,000,000 for which it will have to increase i'* Imports of- raw material* *nd semimanufactured, goods by $150,000,000.' Di.";crlbing the rue and progress of exports from Kraei, Mr. Tsour said that while In the past Uraol'» export* were directed to countries

with which aha had trftda->an<i clearing agreement!, the emphasis has fceeri shifting fo free markets. New Shipping Route* Another important change has alM taken place, tha Israeli official said, The Sinai campaign ha* given Israel, for the first time, direct access to its "natural" markels in Mvica and A*la through the port of Ellat. Previously, shipment« from these countries to Israel and from Israel to them wer<j elteetod In roundabout way and with heavy coats of transshipment. Noiy, regular shipping services to and from Eilat are functioning and improving. Tho other target for Israel's exp«rt<, said Mr, T'.our, is the United Stales. "We know," he said, "that lack of experience in exporting to a highly competitive market, hoi been otir chief Impediment; and w» know that we must adapt our products, our exports, and our sales organizations to the requirements of the American market. "We do not want," concluded Mr. Tuour, "to sell on sentiment alone. We want to sell on a businesj basis1 and develop a steady business , v.e hope \.c h W that."

Inter-Religious J. D. C. Aided 179,000 Persons During 1956 Adoptions Urged

New York (JTA)-Worn than 179,000 men, women and children throughout the world vv»r» aided by the Joint Distribution Committee during 1999, it wai revealed In the j p d annual report, ThU included thousand* of refugee* from Hungary and from Egypt. The report predicts that "in 1957 tools 135,000 Jewish refugm will b« moving -to countrleg at temporary asylum and to new home«." " VIA Help Wo**i'A. I*«vltt, JOC executive vie* ohalttnan, In a ««otion of

OnttieAIr C H S r « M « of , gund*y, 12:09 p. m., Jun« 23, BfM TEmanuel Sohenk, B«th l 0tv>lom, P e o p l t ' i Templt, Prook^n, N, Y,

tha report declare* that in 1936 JPC npproprlated $30,366,849 for iU operation*. Of the 179,000 who were aided by JpC, lie notes, more than 103,000 were In Moslem countries For 1&57 JPC ha* adopted « budget of 120,550,000 to aid more than 210,000 needy Jew( overseas, Th» financial maimlay ot JDCi ov»rieu rnettlcmcnt and reconttruetion program*, ih« report notH, continue! to b» fundj.provided through, the nationwide campalgnt <of tlie United Jewtah Appeal. Turning: 1o current operation, Mr, T*avitt Mlcatec that the JDC it currently maintaining major operation* In Israel; in Aijeria »nd Morocco, ai well M otn«r parts of North Africa; «nd in France, "Austria and other oountriei of \Ve*torn BurajM, Noting that ,"Iara«] alon« «qcounted for *om« »13,000,OPO, or tiJone than 43 porcenl" of JDC« expenditure la tSTX, Mr. LeaviU

report* that "during the year some 35,00 men, women and children received JDC aid in Itrael in one foim or another, most of them in one of the more than 100 Malbcn old-aga homes, hospitals, sanitaria, clinics, sheltered workshops and other Installations, or through Malben rehabilitation loans A. major achievement waj the conversion of the N'vel Avoth reception center for newcomers into « modern village for tha aged. JDC Help Needed MK LeavlIt reporu that by tlxi end of Pecember, JDC was caring for nearly UflOO Hungarian refugee* In Aiutrl.a In addition to the assistance provided for these "new" refugees, JDC subsidized program* tn Auttrla, Belguim, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Norway and Greece. North AfrtCK Problems Turning- totho *ilu«lion in Mos lem countrlo*, particularly North

Africa, Mr. Lcavitt summarites the Increasing difficulties which Jews in these areas are facing as a result of the rise of Arab nationalism. Ha indicates that In Morocco, Tunisia Bnd Algeria the situation Is constantly changing, with JDC providing such assistance as la required. The. help_ot the welfare agency Is currently reaching some 54,000 men, women and children in Morocco alone. Beneficiaries in other areas include 22,500 in Tunisia, 3,100 in Tangier, 3,000 In the northern zone of M o r o c c o and 1,300 in Algeria: In Iran, the only Moslem country outside of North Africa in which the JDC maintains a program, a total of 17,000 receive JDC aid.

English Channel Eyed Tel Aviv IWNS1—Edna Butt jeln, twenty.ycar-old KracH, will make another attempt this August to iwim the English Channel.

New York (WNS> - The American Jewish Congreis nnd the New York Board of Habliis have proposed an amendment to the New Yoik Stale Constitution that would, in effect, permit. li\ter-veljgious adaptions when tlic child's, parents consent and when the welfare of the child is at Stake. TM» nmcndmom was advanced by Leo Pfeffer, an attorney representing both agoncici, at the hearings of the Temporary State CommisMim on the Constitutional Convention. held here at the N. V. BarAssociation BujIdjiiK The hearUifti were held I" connection with p r o p o i i ' l l changes in the State Constitution- Mr, Pfetfci'-l'.ielted h'< position with le,i;al n r g u m t and v.irious court dedsliun.


Tmf Tm

Friday, June, 11, 1(57


With (he Home Folks

Omahans in the News

K M l d l i m l m M Ta. Dr. rtllp Jmfaa U M M far Taa Aj,< kr Mr. and Mrs. t. Harry Kolakof- Harry L, Freeman, San Fran •tor V M M Oriun. Published E v e n Friday by tbe r e t e n t i o n of Jetvtsb tenrlc* •Uy^, have returned from Park dsco, Cal, ion of Mr, and Mrs. Bcconll Class Mutlinj Prlviieget Autnurtzed t l Omaha, Ntbralka. N*bral June 14—David Orkow gave a Forest, III., where they visited Joseph II. Freeman, was recently Ajinual Subicrlutlon, 14 00. Adveilliing Haiti on Application. their son and daugliter-ln-law, admitted to practice law before special Kiddush pn the occasion of Cdlturtai QlflLe—101 No Suih Street. Omaha. Nebr., JAckton 11368. his tjirthday. Print isb. > Addnai «SUS So 33U> SliMt. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kulakofsky (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor and new grandson, David Solomon, the State Supreme court of CaliJun« 16—A watermelon dessert fornia and the United States DisThey also visited their daughter treat for Father's Duy was artrict Court of California. During and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lrroy ranged by A Fisher, The Fathers K. Belzcr ahdthcir c h i l d r e n , the past year Mr. Frccmaiv has Day party was sponsored by tho Avrum, Dena and Judith in Glen- been serving as a Jaw clerk for Kadimah—Pioneer Women, Mrs. Mr. and Mm. IIi>rbor) Kotzen coo, III. The Kulakofskys have as Judge William Orr of the U. S. Abe Bear, chairman. Entertainannounce the birth of a daughter, their guests two other grandchil- ninth circuit court of appeals. lie ment was presented by thirteen Kim Ellen. June 11. The KoUens dren, Saranne and Michael Kaplan and his wife, the former Thelma- members ol the Carolyn Kagan have a son. Scott David. Paternal of Oakland, Cal Jeannt Friedman of Buffnlo, N. Y Dance Studio and consisted of tap, grandparents are Mr. end Mrs. plan to remain In San Francisco ballet and acrobatic numbers, S. L. Kot7<Ti. BcKtun and maternal June 18—Rabbi Sidney Brooks grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Klrhard K, Einstein uas elected uherc he will enter private pracwas our visitor this week. The res. to •the board of director* of •Ihe tice. Elmer GreenlKTR. Idents looked forward to the rabBetter nusincss Bureau for the binical discussions. CandlellKli'l»ir. 1:^0 p. m. years 1D57 to 1960. A daughter, Nancy Ellen, was Coming Events: BETH ISKArX born to Dr. and Mrs Robert G. June 30—The Bikur Chollm Friday scrncrsi bfgin at 7.30 Milton It. Abrahami, In chairAddison, Chicago, June 12. Mrs. birthday party. I> ni Sabbath morning services man of the Chamber of Commerce July 4— The Workmen's firde U:15 a. rn. Junior concregatipn Addison i? the former Beverly education committee sponsoring Minkin, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Auxiliary. 30 a m. Habbi Gronir will conduct the organization's seventh annufri the Saturday afternoon Talmud Ben Minkin. Paternal giandpnrenls Business-Indiistry-Kduc.ition Day, Registrations (or the second sesarc Mr, and Mrs. Urn Addison of t-liis* at 7.15 p m. Mincha, FolAugust 27. sion of the Center Day Camp are TIIACTOK HI.OWN UP Tel Aviv, <WNS)—An Israel lowed by Shalofh S'etidos -and Chicago Great Rrnmlrnothrn are being accepted until June 30. Thetractor was blown up by a mine Mrs. N. Pcrlis and Mrs. M Minkin. JIaariv will begin at 7:45 p. m. Yali" TniHlln has )>cen named to second vessirm runs tfoni July 1-12, near the Syrian lmrder near Gntiot, The Sunday morning Breakfast Mr and Mrs. Leonard fSnldman, the executive committee «f Omaha fee J35: a collective south of Lake Hula. nun}on and Bible cla^s begins at Post No, 1 of the American \J>K:45 a. in. and the Sunday morning Van Nu>s, Oil, announce the liirth glon. The first jxriod opened Monday of a daughter, Hochclle I-yn, June Junior minyon brgins at 8.30 a. tn. morning This Week's Feoluret Weekly morning services will be- 6. Transportation is furnished to MM. Alfred Kti-dlrr uj-, pie»|. Mrs. Scidman Is the former Anne «in at 7:00 a. ni. ami 7:55 p. m. the camp through a pickup servat DIAMONDS Are dent of Uie Omaha Women's Ciolf The Talmud Class meets at the Fay Edel of Omahn Maternal ice at fi\e locations: Beth El, 1'jlh and Hurt Slrcrt Synagogue grandfather Is Max Edel. Paternal Association sponsor* of the Omaha Beth Israel, Temple Israel, the HOMEMADE /jrandparenls arc Mr. and Mrs.Women's Golf Tournament which Center, and 63rd and Underwood. c\ay Tuesday at 8 p m. Harry Seidm.in, I.01 .»ngeles, Cal ended last Saturday at llio High- Hot lunches are provided by the PICKLED TONGUES land Country Club. She was among TK.WLE ISRAEL the champions in the tournament, camp urn) included in the camp Mr. and Mm Michael Kulakof- winning the nine-hole second flight fee. Services will1 be held Friday, June 21st at 1:'M p. m. In the Rky, Paik Forest, III, announce title. Her chief assistant was Mm, Temple C h a p e l RahM Sidney the birth of their first child, a son, Mill Feldrnan, who participated In Urooks mil deliver H sermonette. David Solomon. Maternal grand- the J8-hole second flight finals. parents arc Mr. and.Mrs: Eugene Others taking part were the Mines. Colin, Gary, Ind and paternal Lurry, I'laltner, Mtanlry I'Uk and »KTH RI. j Old doabU-brMirtd suits- mod* Sabbath evening services will be Kmndpnrerm are Mr. and Mrs. J Ben Wlntrouli, late H W tistU-bnaittrf Mitt. held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath Harry Kulakofsky. Refrigerated morning scrsices will begin at 8:30 All Kindt Mtn't tnd LidiW Fur Storage Miss Josephine Margolin, u h o ! a. m. The Mincha-Maarlv service A son. Howard Alan, was born has been teaching school in On- 1 Eipir! Tailoring «nd Afttrafiom Cleaning, Restyling will begin at 7:30 p. m. to Mr and Mrs. Gerald Lehman Borgana Coat* Cleaned Dally services during the week June 13 at CJarkson hospital. The cinnati, O., Is visiting her parents, j are held at 7 n. m. and 7 p. In.youns man arrived on his fa- Or, find Mrs. Morris Margolin. I I S S*. lStk St. P i . AT »504 The Sunday morning service If ther'* birthday. Grandparents are held at 9 a. m. Sol Meisner, Chicago, and Mrs. Mrs. Beulah Rut&tcln of Sioux Or City is vacationing in Omaha with • I t Ne. 13rd JA 2104 Harry Lehman. Omaha. 1701 He. 471b St. her daughters. Mrs. Harry HelNertawnt lodjel Hlekwey Association to Meet mont and MUs Frunre* Itutateia.




Registration Closes June30



Milton's Fur Shop

On Alternate Mondays The Omaha Workmen's Loan Association will meet every other Monday at the Jewish Community Center, it was announced by finny Staenbcrg. secretary. The next meeting will be held July 1


Bar MStzvah

All frlrndi and rWativr* are Jmltrd to sttrnd Mrrrfrr* »nd receptions. IBVIN KARL The Bar MiUvah nt Irvin Howard Karl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Karl will be celebrated at Ihe Beth Israel Synagogue this Saturday mornlnp. at 8 45 a. m |

Whites Adopt Son

Among the Teen-aged musicians tAho took part in the musical proMr and Mrs. Herbert White an- ] gram at the Jubilee Youth Rally noiineed the adoption of a son, Da-i Sunday at Municipal Stadium was Wd Bruce .born June 1. /Ulcn Epstein, .son of Mr. and Maternal critndmulher Is Mrs %ln. Harry Epstein He is a mem- Ubby V.lewit/. Geffm, Chicago, and ber of C'entrjl lli^h Dixieland patcrnjl grandparents are Mr. and band. Mrs. Joseph White, Maternil Man in Freedman. son of Mr. Brent-grandparents arc .Mr. and fend Mi's. Irving Frccdman was one Mrs. Sam EJrwilz, Omaha and • f the 17 teen-agers who repre- Mrs. David Geffen. Council Bluffs, sented their high (.chools as honored guests at the Youth R.UJy.

FOUR BEDROOMS All On One Floor . . . Price Reduced! 875 North 68th Street—Just a jtone't throw from Temple Israel. 1.850 square feet PLUS large l2'/jxU-ft. screened porch overlooking the garden. Largo 24 by l5'/j.ft. living room. Four big bedrooms, two full baths end two-car garage. 120-ft. by 135-ft. lot. Truly a beautiful neighborhood. For information cell The Otii Company, AT 3240, Saturday and Sundays or Evenings Mr. West, RE 9236, Mr. Moon, WA27I7.


ANNOUNCEMENT— I am taking this opportunity to expren my sincere thanki to my many friendt for thoir pait cooperation and patronage.


Robanue Is planning Its first' HOLLYWOOD rush e^ent, a Piz/rt party to be. held on a mid-July dale. Chairmen 1 TUX RENTAL for the parly are Phyl Abraham!. 10* Ne. llthStrnt JA »S2 Barbara Adlcr, Nancy flirhard and (In Om«h« Lmn Bldq.l Nancy Lewis Sixteen members of Club Tovim und S. Y. O of Ueth Israel will participate m this year's annual Synagogue Youth Organization camping se«siori at Camp Mo«tmvnh in Wild Rose, Wisconsin from June 22nd to July 1, S. Y. O. members are. Carole Gombcrc Kova Shykcn, and Diane Gronef and TovJm member* are Dora Gutter, Barbara Gomberg, Aviva FcTdman, Carol Fisher, Marshall Kaplan, Gary Parilman, Sandra Parilman, Michael Simon, Kenny Frank, Dennis Lewis, Susan Ash, Shells Rudcrman, Helen Katz.

Want Ads <• uutn rour

fe«»ti tot ua t<

Prix rvftrvct tbt tlf

BAR and B«r Mitzwah .congratuJatlons also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions, Meyer* News Stand, 1502 Dodge WANTED—family desire* furnisned house or duplex for at least summer months. Call Dr. Greenbcrg JA. 2975.

I witK to announce that beginning Friday, June 21 i t I will be Allocated with tho DIAMOND KOSHER

Visit or Call

Carl's Tailor Shop

Keep Files and Mosquitos Away!





HA 2554




4415 Cuming St,

Quarts 1,50 Pleasantly Scented

I will


Okay Picnic Spray Pints 85c

Don Bernstein


endeavor to continue lerving my many friends to tho best of my ability and their jatijfaction.

Payed Parking

Mate Dfonoaas


Certain Death to Petts




- '


A-M. ! • » f.M. UUf—1 A.M. ! • 7 f.M.

TASmj. liiw, n , JtST




Blossom lime By Anita Knjle Klryal Amal, Israel—We've had late rains thij year. Our postman, Who has a fine fruit orchard, tells w e that we can expect bumper crops. The period* of rain and sunshine came in just the right proportion*, he said. If the new oranges taste half as good nit "their blossom* imell, there's a treat in store for H lot of people. Our own little citrus trees have been blossoming now since w-cll before Passover. Their full, waxy petals send off waves of iccnt which intoxicate us almost as much us they <lo the been. Bee-keeping, incidentally, Is » profitable pastime in our neighborhood, and I'm wondering how much longer I'll be able ta resist the un;e to produce my own sundrenched, oranf;e-b!osiom honey. Put like that, it sounds klrnple, but the man v.ho comes around occasionally to encourage bee raising tells me that (here are hazard.?. Bees nre irraiionul and lempornrnentnl. For no reason at all, they can get mud and sting you all over. Or they nwv decide that can't bear you nnother moment, and go off and Join 11 neighbor's swarm. If you ever had to separate your chickens, or even your londry, from your neighbor's you can fmn<?ine how simple it would be to M>paratr your bees from hers, especially if your bees weren't kern on coming home, anyway I My heart tells me that I'm not really cut out for bee keeping, but I Just ciin't help the urge every year, ut orange blossom lime. We giow fit rut almost everywhere In Israel, but r>f course Ihe Sharon Valley i-s the finest place in the country for orange blcKtoms, The groves lie In n belt miles deep on either side of the main highway. Haifa is separated from Tel Avly these days by a Scented Curtain. You can almost feel a physical Impact as the bus penetrates the heavy veil of perfumed air. fhe pure, sweet frajrrnnee-of the orange blossoms folds About one like a living embrace. As tho.pnsftc'ngfni relax, soothed *nd mellowed, I am reminded of the Bible and how our forefathers used perfumes, like good wine, 1o mhanr-c their finest momenLs. They mny have been ignorant of Wo-chemlitry and the vagaries of the Mom, but they did undmtand Die science of living An you know, the Hebrew word for orange pro", e—p a r d e « <t—It derived from the word "par.idlse " Paradise is nn old Persian word, menning fl paifc, or enclosure. Even with all the extra meaning

Initiated by Dr. Weuman, an astonishing number of things have been produced from orange peel. But up till novv, no way has been found of eliminating the snake from our paradise by producing, or preserving an orange supply for the long summer, when » e need it most

Beth & Officers Are Re-elected Officers of Beth El S j n a p g u e were re-elected at a meeting of the board. They are Harry Dulioff, president; Ralph Nong, first vicepresident; Dr. A G, Itlmmermnn, second vice-president; Dr, Morris Margolin, honorary vice-piciident. Nathan Turner, treasurer; und •Saul Gruetz, secretary. Bonrd Memhers are. Fred Drodkey; Sam Erjsteln; Dr. A. C. Fellinn n, Morris F e 11 in « n; timer Gron.s; Joseph Jlomsti'in; Ir\ln Levin; Stonford Lipsey; Kincit Nogg; Eugene nich; Eiirl Slcgal; Mines. .M.' II. Brodkey; A. C. Fellman iind Joseph Guss.

Students Receive Dr. Sher Awards Honor students presented with prizes from a continuing grant of the Dr. Philip Sher I**oun<Iation at the Beth Kl confirmation and graduation exerrises were Howard Chuducoff. Uichord Knslow, Mark Brodkey, Stephen (Jould and Rosalind Nogg. The names of Howard Chudjieoff nnd Richard Kaslow, top students of the clnss, nrc inscribed on a Bron/c Plaque on the Honor Holl tiblet of the Talmud Torah. The Zlotla Epstein Memorial Award Has presented to Terry Goldenberg;. Ail of the awards were announced by Rabbi Myers S Kripkc for 1he Belli El Schools, faculties and school board. The confirmation class were awarded their certificates by Rabbi Kripke and diplomas were presented to the graduating 'class by Rabbi Ralph DcKoven.

President Extols Retiring Official

N'ew Yor!c (WNS)—President f"nenhoucr, in a message nf tub. ute to ll.cbbi Abr.ili.im J Fcldman, retiring president of the Synagogue Council of America, lauded the Harlfoni spiritual leader "[pr br.nging strength fo fhe nation nnd hope to the free world" during his leadership of the organization. Oc1hiii h,n iicri ur-ii 1o Ihis w o r d dur- casion for the tribute WHS B dinner in honor of Kubbi Feldmnn nt the Jn« 1h« centuries, It still fill the tilualion, A* nnjone who has ex- Hotel Roosevelt here. jtenenced It will aj;rec, nn orangescented moonlit evening In Israel is nothing short of paradise What .sort of paradise would you hdvc without n snake** The stint; ill nil (his fipiritiinl <i;it'vf,ict'on Is the knowledge thJt thr- sea.son of Ihc orange itself Krtr.-rAinKto n rlove, and it w ill be a Rood filx months before we have n plentiful. in'1Xi>"n-!\<< supply of (i-Ujt ng.il-i 1" -, a ho[ enuntrj »<• l.vp in. »in;l even I hi1 bi'st-fed children Ilk' in go in oil Ml lliuiichirij; between meals, For the lime 1M-1(»R, ..they ni.ike do with "ni'istlquc" (chewby ing gum) and sunflower seeds. Thk Is such » good btiMni-h-i thut whole crops tof ktinfiowerB. grown frjr'llic production of oil (or eook617 SOUTH 34TH STREET in:T. have iK'en smitt'irxl fion) HAHMET 1044 imdei (he nose of Ihe Indusliv und AIK-COND'HONED inverted 1Q Hie ILtllc street cot nor merchants j

Just What Baby Needs

a portrait

IIIflHI^ND Tiie Highland Country flub will hold its Henry Williams Day stag Wednesday, June 2C. The program will begin with golf at 10 a. m. and be followed by luncheon at noon, dinner and enteitninment at 7 p. in. WOMEN New officers will lie installed at n meeting of (lie Pioneer Women's organization, Tuesday, June 25 ut 12 noon at (he Jewish Community Center, Mrs. J Kaplan, in charge of the luncheon will be assisted by Mrs. M. Steinberg. Those wishing to have bundles for Israel picked up are nsked to call Mrs. S. II. Binder, RH 5394.

Temple Re-elects Brodkey President

P«t» Hunt*

Ladies Start Work Open House to For Hospital Honor Boasbergs An appeal is being mnde by the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs to Omaha women to slart making fancy woik for the Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar, Monday, Nov. 11. Mi.s Jsadoic Chapman, chairman, and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, co-chairman for the W o m e n ' s Federation may be called for additional information. Merchandise for the Women's Federation booth is being stored nt the home of Mrs. I B Zicgman, £51 No. 56th St. Handmade a r t i c l e s mny be dropped off at Mrs. Ziegman's home or airongements may be made with Mis. Chapman, GL 0471, or Mrs; Friedman, JA 0087, for pickup of items for the booth.

So Lpvely fo Look at. So Easy

Tel Aviv (WNS)—Colonel Aharon Yariv has been named successor to Colonel Katrjel Salmon as military attache to the Israeli Embassy in Washington.

DIAMONDS For the Molt Deltcioui Ground Beef in Town!

Use the Want Ads to buy, seU or rent.

A. H. Brodkey was re-elected president of the Temple Israel congregation nt its 87th nnniiul meeting, June 11. ' Other officers) le-elocled were I Harold P. Viirbcr, vice-president, j Lloyd Bank, secretary and La/ar K.ipi.in, treiis-iirer Four new members, named to thet board of trustees were Stanley F.sK, JJdward M.ikiesky, Robert Newman and Jack Maror They succeed Edwin Brodkey, l i s t e r Simon, Harry Poilmcler und Slewart Gillnsky, whose terms expired! thisycni. | Tel Aviv, (WNS)—A delegationj of nine representative; of the! American Jewish Committee, un-l dr (he leadership of AJC presl-| dent IrvlniS Engcl, arrived here I for H 'ten-day visit as guests of the Israeli government.

An open house, beginning at 7-30 p. m., Saturday will be held in honor of the fortieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Bo.i'iberg at the home of their ion and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr». Leonard Boasberg, 5012 Capitol Avenue No imitations are being issued.

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Arab'Squeeze Ploy" Bjr Ellen Rownbloom jJeWUb Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Th« Arab L t i g u i ' i latest "squeeze play" tgaliut American flnni doing business with Israel involved an un-businessllke practice bordering on extortion. A pouible attempt to extort 15,000 from an Arab-boycotted American rubber company was recently reported in business clrCIM. An Arab who claimed to represent the League's "boycott apparatus" offered fo take the .firm .aft the blacklist for $1,000. The price was then hiked to $5,000. Finally, the offer tvas nervously Withdrawn. But how many other companies have paid for the "right" to do business with the Arabs? The company referred to Is only one of many American firms that have been penalized by the nine-nation Arab League for main, talnlng business relations with Israel, however minor. The League, composed of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya and Sudan, refuses to recognize Israel. Their boycott Is part of the Arab economic seigc to deny Israel access to world markets, ~~ Motor Firm Blacklisted A recent Cairo announcement stated that the Economic Committee of the League adopted new boycott steps. The League blacklisted motor firms gelling vehicles to Israel and firms under contract to provide sen ices or goods to Israel. It treated a unified boy-

cott ,«ystem to prevent exchange of Arab-Israeli goods through third parties, Firms have reacted In different ways to the anti-Israeli boycott Tht British-American Tobacco Company, Esso and Socony Mobil? oil companies have capitulated to the boycott and withdrawn from Israel. The American Express Company, a travel agency, was forced to close its tourist office In Tel Aviv in order to maintain its branch In Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. A company spokesman said that the Saudi Arabian office was considered more important because it ratercd to U. S, sen-Icemen stationed at the Dhahran air base. (This Is the .base which bars American* of Jewish faith). Trans World Airlines maintains regular nir service to Tel Aviv despite the blockade. The Arabs therefore forcer TWA to terminate Mid-East service In Israel. TWA Is prohibited from flying o\er Arab territoiy from Israel to the Far .East. American Export Line ships ha\e been compelled to bypass Haifa If they wish to land at Beirut and Alexandria, A general feeling among American firms who have been boycotted by the Arabs is that they intend to go ahead with business as usual in the Middle Cast. The U.S Depnrtmfnt of Commerce is noting the Arab economic discrimination, as evidenced by a recent article published in the Foreign

Commerce Weekly detailing practices. Humphrey sunests Action Chairman Hubert U Humphrey of a Senate Foreign Relations Sub. committee on Near Eastern Affairs called Senate attention to new-Arab against U. S. trade with Israel and suggested diplomatic action against the boycott. He told the Senate that the U. S. "ought to make tt crystal dear to the Arab states that we do not respect their boycott, and that under no circumstances will the Government of the United States knuckle down to the kind of blacklisting which goes on with respect to American firms which may wish to do business with a friendly nation." The U. S, Government's present solicitous attitude In dealing with the Arab Government boycott Is said to protect military and oil considerations presumed vital to our material interests. An attempt was made In 1911 to diiulade President Woodrow Wilson fiom I n t e r c e d i n g against C/arist Russian anti-Semitism. Possible dangers to American investment opportunities were cited. But Wilson said, "America Is not a mere body of traders; it is a body of free men . . . W e are not willing to have prosperity if our fellow citizens must suffer contempt for it, or lose the rights that belong to every American In order that » c may enjoy It. The price is too great."

B. G. and the English Derby By David Schwartz . (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) An Israeli paper tells an Interesting story about the English |>rby. We know about the Derby n Kentucky, but the real Derby s tht English one named Lord >erby and It appears that In Kngand, tht family o! Lord Derby s still associated with ths horse - facing events. Recently, says the Israeli paper, the Israeli Embassy in London was Queried whether they might name • horse that had proved a manytime winner offer Ben Gunon. The Jmper reported that the Israeli Was perturbed about tht matter. Morecal Ben Tov, Israel's Minister of Development happened to IM In London at the lime,' attending a World Jewish Congress sealipn, and he was consulted by the Embassy. TTiey inquired of the horse racing peopls why they detired to name the horse after the Israeli Prime Minister and the reply was that the horse had been tired by the well known racing horse Palestine, so that it was fitting that the offspring be named after the Israeli Prime Minister. There was some fitness In the name, In view of that fact, but nevertheless, the Israeli Embassy denied the request of ,the English racing authorities B. G. will not run in the English Derby. I have no doubt there was another reason which animated the English Derby authorities. Ben Gurion is associated in the public , mind—Jewish as, well as nonJewish—with winning and what could more suggest a winner in a race. We can visualize the radio announcer broadcasting the race. "They're off . . . Sonny Boy in front Sonny Boy is nervous. Ben Gurion Is second. Sonny Boy takes to tht rail. Ben .Gurion up in front . . > Ben Gurion wins t>y a • nose." , , ' The English probably can't understand the Jewish', reluctance to name H horse after a great man. Their great men—even their Lords ' —are proud to associate themselves with horse races. Jews look at these matters differently. Take the English term "horse sense." JPUS didn't seem to .think so highly of the intelligence of the horse. When a Jew calls a person a "ferd," (horse) it It not intended as a compliment And Jews, historically speaking, have looked at horse races

much like the storied Hindu. You will remember when he was Invited to attend a horsa race, he replied, he already knew that one horse could run faster than another and he didn't care which one did, And yet one can't be too rigid about the Jewish point of view Jens have taken a considerable part in American horse racint: One of the men tiho played a most prominent part, in the early development of American horse racing was one financier, August Bclmont. Ho wasn't much of n Jew, religiously speaking, but still ho was a Jew, The other dfiy In the New York papers, we rend a

•story about "Hop-Along Abromotlch" who It appears has cut a very comiderablo figure In the New York ract track circles. In I s r a e l , too, the attitude toward horses has undergone a change. Mayor Dlesengoff, the first mayor of Tel A\iv, used to ride from his home to the city hall of Tel Aviv on a horse. The enrly "Shomcr," when the Zionists began the modern development of the homeland, were always pictured riding on liorses. I don't know how it In today, but horsemanship uas Dne of tha requisites of the early Chalut/lm nnd I don't doiihl that Ben Gurion did some saddle duly In his early days.

Jewish Scholars To Write History

Israel Seeks Washington Talks

Washing Ion (WNS)_Two of the five scholars uho were de.ignaled to write the history of the Supreme Court of the United Stales are Jew*, u was disclosed here with the announcement that 32yoar-old Alexander Bickel was to write the volume "Responsible Government and the Judiciary." Profcs»or A. Freund of Harvard La wSchool, also a Jew, was named editor-in-chief in September of 1936. The history of the court-1« to be a memorial to former Chief Justice of the. Supreme Court Oliver Wendell Holmes and is 1o be financed through fund* left by the late Jurist to the Government of the United States. Professor Blckel is associate Professor of Law at the Yale Law School. He is Uw son of Dr. Shlomo Bickel, noted essayist and literary critic who U a staff member of the Day-Jewish Journal, Yiddish dally in New York City. Tne elder Bickel recently received a prize for his autobiographic work "We Were Thre* Brothers." Before coming lo the United Stales, he practiced law in Rumania.

London fJTA>—The Israel Government is ntlempting to secure an Invitation from Washington for a viilt by Premier David Ben Gurion to the While House, the Sun<lHy Observer reported in a copyrighted story from Tel Aviv.

Klutzniclc Speaks At Graduation Philadelphia-Judaism at "a force combatting uniformity" must be prcpetuated for its strengthening Impact on mankind, B'nal B'rith president and former Omahsn Philip M. Klutznlck last week told a graduating class of Hebrew teachers at Gratz College here.

In Israel, about 1.000 books were published in Hebrew during the year 1954.-55.


A^n., Omtha "Wk.r. i l . . Sick Git W.ll" Oll'ict Houn: I i . m. to I p. m, Eviningi by Appointment

,(Sp. To The Jewish Press)— Some ten yean ago, a young Portuguese l a n g u a g e teacher named Deborah Levy cam* to America on a National C o u n c i l of Jewish Women scholarship to learn to be a medical social worker. Her purpose: to help lead back to normalcy the Jewish survivors of Hltierism. This month, Deborah is back In New York again, on her way to work with Egyptian and Hungarian refugees In Brazil The last German displaced persons camp for Jewish'victims of tne Nazis, Foehrenwald, was closed this year—she had helped prepare its Inmates to return to the outside world, " At (he end of the war, she was leading an uncomplicated life as a Latin and French teacher at a Lisbon high school. When Jewish refugee children began pouring into the city, she volunteered to help. Seeing the shocking extent of physical and emotional disturbances among them, she decided to seek special training. A similar realization of the need for trained personnel to work with the survivors led NCJW to establish scholarship program. Deborah uas sent to graduate school at AIcClll University in Montreal. Upon g r a d u a t i o n , she was promptly hired liy the Joint Diitnbutlan Committee for work with refugees who had tuberculosis*—n widespread disease among survivors. She became a troubleshooter in hospitals in Germany and Switzerland. By the time the was -sent to Camp Foehrenwald, mo»t refugees «ere making their way again Jn the' outnide world. Foehrenwald held 2,000 people who were afraid to leave Its p r o t e c t i v e walls Hundreds now hud children of their own. All efforts at rehabilitation up to 1933 had failed. A team of highly-trained experts, including Deborah, set about a last-ditch effort to redeem them. It took four years of Intensive work to persuade the Foehrenwald resident* that normal life, work, responsibility, are Interesting and worthwhile, and within their reach. Next Deborah was sent to Vien-

ed Persons

Deborah Levy ha. Seventeen thousand Hungarian Jewish refugees waited there fpr visas to other lands. She stayed until most of them had emigrated, and then accepted the Job with tlie United MAS Service which is taking her to Sao Paulo She will supervise a resettlement program for newcomer*.

IsraeiisWiiF Confers in Tunis Tel Aviv (JTA)—For the first time in Israel's history, an Israeli delegation will attend an intrrnatlonnl conference held in a Moslem country when a Jlistadrut group goes lo Tunis July 5 for a meeting of the International Con-, federation of Free Trade Unions, Pick Up Your Lex,

logel and Craom Cheese Sunday Morning at





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