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Philanthropies Scoreboa The fdllowmg are cufrsint: reports frprn divisioni In th* 1957 Omaha Jevs'ijh Philanthropiet Campaign). ;
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JWY to Meet 150 U. S.Jews to In Des Moines Settle in Israel " The nnmiul convention of the Nebraska-Iowa department, JevvUh Wur Veterans, June 29-.10 in Dei Molnes «IU be attended liy on Epntcln-Morgan post delegation headed by Abe MUlcr, department commander. T Pant Commander Jerome Grossman 1* a candidate tor the of rice of Ju*hlor vice-commander of Uie department. Election pf oflleen will highlight the meeting. Paul Department Commander Max Kanner is resolution chairman of lh« convention.
Religious Freedom Enjoyed in Israel Greenfield Park, N. y. U'I'A) Pr. fjaiDUel Kahane, director pf tin' Ministry of liellgion in Israel, told delegates attending their 43th aitnunl convention of the National Council of Young .Israel, "|hol Isr/ie|'« religious denominations rii joy complete freedom of icllg'on, The Arab* and Christian* of Israel are accoided every oppoilunIty by the Government <if Iir.iel to prucllce lltcir religious rituuls and rites." "The Government of Israel," Dr. Kalian* rcpojlnl, "w rxpandmtt large nuitu of money to «»<ist the Cliriitfan-Arab minority papula* tli>n» in acquiring and maintaining •ucli facilities as schools, rell^l/iiis courts and ecclesiastical instffu. tlons. The.Arab* of Israel arc ci\. Joying a higher standard of economic, cultural nnd social living than their Arab bietlneti In riclsliboring countries Ami) lllllcrucy has been considerably rcdufVl Ihioiigh the constant striving o[ the lurflch Government." The convention adopted a iv,-,olullon calling upon Picslilcnl JMenhuu-rr to effectuate round-t ible. jieocc conferences between Isi:u>ll nnd Ami) lendem in W
Niw Yoik (JTAi -One riimdred fifty Americans, registered with the Aiiyah Dcpai titicnt of the Jewish Agency for settlement In Israel. ar» lemlng Jor that country wjthin the next sevetal weeks, according to an announcement Insued by the Jewish Agency here. They cotne from every suction of the I'nitcd Slates; a few hail rrom Canada, Mexico, and Con I a Rica, "These men and women may be divided into seveial categories depending on their motivation for settling in Israel," the announcement (fated. "One is a party of young people who lfa%* trained here uailei miiou* p.onrering agencies to become meinbon of klbbul/lni, i:i>opeiatl\e HRI-ICMIIut-nl sctlletnents ulth specific koual or religious Ideologies Another paity ions(.i(* of professional people, eir;inreia plnrmaclsls, itieclmiilf*. journalist* mufttrlnny, and teachi'is, A third segment con»b.ts of 21 |>Oiipie nl unions ages, including >»o teenagers tvlio desire to learn tji "spenk Hebrew fluently before they (ackle their li'diilai tu«k«. Hence they plan tu study rur a period of S-6 months nt Ulpnnim, especially established adult schools to teach the Hfhrciv lnnKuage to newcomers. There i« uUo a ^raup of 12 Wired el'lerly people 'Itiey expect to mnhiloln themiehes In lir.iel from theii ihcoinn or snrlal security peniioiis
91,000 Czech Jews Deported by Nazis Vienna. June ?4 (JTA>- S»me' 76,000 adult Jews and 15,000 JcwWi children « c i e deported by Hie Nnzlit diniiij; Mhe (Krupnlio:) nf Occhoslovukift. it wan repo'lert (oday In the IVamie newspm-cr "SVOIKHIIIC Sfo\o," which has \wt aiTived here Only 6,500 men nnd » n i m nni 28 of the children >ilr\l\ed, the nevvspnper wild
T A K E IT O R L E A V E IT . . . 11/ Nathan Zlpurln A young ClirUtian Arob hnd n>cri\cd a scholarship from the Rotary Club in Israel lo study At John Hopkins University at Baltimore. Since the fceholarshlp'wviii nul sufficient lo cover nil full expense*, the young man decided to 1nnT( for ndfJiKpiiol income ihrough a pnrl-tkne job, Hit tir-,1 nmfact was a Bnlllniore rabbJ. Since he vms, an 'J>jriii»ll u)i'd knew Hebmv well hs wondered wbeUmr he coiddftt get a part-time job In the Hobrt-w School of tJie eingtegitt\iui wherf.the rabbi w<« spiritual leader. Ple«sej| *Hh the tfcnpral cfualifjcntlons of IhP appllcjml, the rabbi Inquired whetiicr (he young jrtan wa» an Orthodov, Conservative or Reform Je«'. VVheti the young hum replied "I am Orthodox" the rabbi rcmarkcJ with a good deul of Mirprfte in hl» voice that thft-rfan iht fiwt'tlmc he cVer mpt an Israeli young m/M Who, profemwl 'orllunlosyv CJuickb', the young man replied "Greek Orttioilaa." • • •' ' . ' , Srvm Arts Features Syndicate
.ive of Soviet Subs
Is Scrutinized by Israel
London (JTA)- Soviet submar notes It rejects tli» USSR is In inej dellveiiid lii!>t week to Eiopt fact a MiddU E^sl Power, Ntnoimny ha\e already slipped through thelesn, informed Israeli quarters the Suez CUMHI Into the Red S<-a fee) that while Mwcow may have to menace Israel shipping through anti-American alms, I-'gypt's Pres(he Gulf of Aknbu, repoits CJ- ident Niiskerivlll tmi? the lubmarblea! here from Beirut, capital if j ineK and thfn now dcnionstiailon Lebanon, said/ . / of Soviet support us anti-lsior'l U Hour Watflie* weapons, the cable stojedi. Another if port nriglnjling ullli I'.S. Affirnialian fhe Allddlo l'-aki Nc\s« Agency in The United States afflimaiion X'fiiro clalnied that American shmi of the IIK'U of "free flnd Innocent "teguliiily" cell at the iHiaeli p<>it passage" of Milu^ through the Gulf df ninth, at Hi* hend of the Gulf of Akohfi. and the notice giwn by of Akaba The Ai'Hb nous ageni'y the I'. S to enptnliH of Aniencan dllt'Kcd that two liinrll deslrojeis ships reminding Ihein Hint any Innnd Iwo toipcdo bonH muliilain teifeieiice «ilh lltii right should "iiiund-tlw-clock" «ntr|ie< hn- l»j lepoiled lo the niMrent AmerIwcen Klalh_ond tlie-Tiran Straus iran diplomntic nl i >• s I o n, uas A l l A U M unimly welcomed by nn IHIIIOI From Jeiutalcm it wui reportrd Koielgn Ministry spokesman. Howlo lh« ,7'i'A that political obsen- ever, he expressed leRiel thai tho eis there be|i<-\i> th.il fhe Soviet United Stfites CJoveinment hnd not subtnaiine luimfVi and the dl<- tuki'ii Ihia oppoiiunily to dwlnrc patch of Rmxiim lemieJs lo the il» opposition to Arab f^ngue boyMediterranean Sea uero basically cott regulations us far nvthe gulf null-American motes to back up was concerned. Syria and to corn luce th« West Mnny line Olilf that mi matter him innny Soviet The advloe 'regarding the gulf
and th« Strait of Tnan leading to it lias again placed the authority of the United States on th» de facto situation in the gulf, th» spokesman said, pointing out that ships of many nations now use th« gulf. The spokesman Iutther noted that the State Depai tment advisoiy had left to shippers' discretion whether they compiled with a long standing Kg>ptiun demand that Alexandra or Port Said ba notlfled 72 hours in advance of a contemplated entrance through th» stialt. Stand on Boycott "While 1 vM>uld not Interpret this as an encouiagcmetit to sub' dilt to illegal practices of the boycott office, we rather expected the United Stutek to take pn this< occasion, too, a fain stand against the Aiah league's economic warfaie," the spokeimnn said. Israeli sou i con, meanwhile, said that American, Dutch, Italian, Panamanian and Venezuelan vessel* have arrived at Elath since, th« Sinai campaign
Conformity in Jewish Living Is Predicted Within 25 Years Cleveland. fJTA)'-Thf piedlction tha( distinclivs forms of JewUh lift In th* United States will disappear within the next 25 years »as mad* her* by Professor Philip M, Haustr, chairman of the Sociology Department of the University of Chicago, In an address before the plenary session of the National Community Relations Arivslory Council which lepiesents six national Jewish organizations and 38 local Jewish Community Councils through the countly. Mobility of TreniU "With the mobility of social, economic and gfopgraphlc trends, it will be Increnitlngly difficult for the Jewlth gioilp to maintain IU Identity in the Coming generations" Dr. Ifaustr said. The Chicago soriologlst cautioned Ins ll«teurrs that Jewish Insistence upon th* ninintennncn of rlistniclhe values and culture patients could le.id lo the citation nt a new foim of ghetloiratlon. Hoelallgest Clisllengiul Sidney 7. Vincent, assistant exeCutUe dlirctm of the Cleveland .Ti-nisli Community Federation, challenged Dr. Hmner sharply Mi. Vincent pointnd out that the
demogiaphdrs had been completely wrong In their estimates a generalion ago. Similarly, he said, repeated predictions sine* 1920 on lh« Inevitable dwindling of a distinctive Jewish life In Amaiica had been upset by the continuing and increasing vtgm of Jevvlsh community life On ih« Other Hand "Desipltv the great driven toward conformity," Mr. Vincent said, "Jewish life in Ameilca has grown in depth and Vitality." Ilhe pointed lo the Incieased «tress on Jewish education, Ihe maturing of Jewish community Ktruclures, the adapt-ability of Jewish agencies of all kinds to new problems, anrl.the' continued clustering of Ihe Jewish population In s u p p o r t of his opinion. A major function of th« Jewish community relations agencies, including those represented In the. N'CIIAC, Mi1, Vincent said was to help assure that the Jewish coni; tlllinlty did not become isolated' fiom the mainviic.iin of American life that Jt would gi<m in hpiritunl dlstinctivenexs as pail of the plural (iiiluie nf Amenea
Dr. Hauscr is speaking of discrimination against minorities. In this country said that much of what has been callad "anti-Semitism" is not anti-Semitism at alt. The use of this tsnn to describe certain specific types of prejudice that Jews have faced In America Is "unwarranted and unfounded," he said. He conceded that Jews perhaps occupy a csrtnln special place as scapegoats, but contended that the pattern of prejudice aimed a I Jews is the same as that aimed by the "oldsters" in American communities against all new comers.
Deadline for Day Camp * Paients desiilng a day camp'ng expernnce for their children iii»y still register them for the last and final session of the Center Day camp which starts this Mond'iy and rum five days each week for two weeks. /legistrations^ although limited because of the effort to mainliiin a muvimuni counselor to dnycampcr ratio, nie htlll being necepted, by the D.iy C.UIIIJ offuv at the Jewish coniniiiintv (Vnlei, .1A i;)(IB. The fee for the Iwo-.vee-k period lor yoiuiRsteis flw vtMiT* /ind up is X.'t3 Kiliollment of n ipccal Uloiip, rompiised of youngMteiH <if pu'school HKC, Is iilsn heliiK pcrcplid Pie-srhoolerk will meet for i,"lf ilujs. Hpeci.il biM's iiirk the .VIIUHKSIIM-- tip ut .[ivc conu'iiii'iii li.cilions In Ihe moinuifi and ti<t>iru them lo the .same polhti ,i[ I In' end of Ihe o.imp d.iv 'Ihe Uuy Camp is held mi Ihe spanous grounds of Peony i\nlt whore the poul, p].ij[;ioiind imi ball fields .-ue ulji/cd In the ]no14171m. ArlKilios nirlurle «i'|s np.l crnfta, trips. g.imr>, nwimmlne, BI* I other (.rliniiulrfl ovcnl-..
Five to Attend Chicago Meeting Mrinbcm nf Henry Moii'jky K who will attend tho B'nai H'lilh Disfrfcl SIK convention fn Chicago. June 2!) ihroiiKh July 2 nre Riilien I.lpjx1!), Lou C'unai. MilIfli'd Margolin, S.uu PolJnk and Dr. Abe Cieenlieifj.
• Friday, fuaa U, 1KT
Afro. Fellman To ix-Omahan Wed Head Sisterhood In Philadelphia
gogue, Omaha ajtf Is now the rabbi of f u r Zion Temple in Philadelphia.
Fnbllshe4 Every Friday by the Federation o f itrnUh Service id Uass Malting Mvileies AuthorlMd at Omaha. Nebraska. Aabbi and Mn. David A. GoldMr*. A. S. Fellman has been Thit WMk'« tatam Annual Subscription, S4.U0 Advertising nates on Application. elected president of the Beth El stein announce t o t marriage of Editorial OMc*-101 ). «uth Street. Ofnaija, Nrtr. JAckujn 1308. Print Slu t Address 4 1 So. 23U) SUeet. their ion, Alexander, to Rachacl Synagogue sisterhood. at DIAMONDS Are (MBS.) FRANCES KLEIN „„,..Editor Vice-presidents are Mil. Alfrsd Keller, on Sunday, June 9th, at Fiedler, administrative; Mrs. Sam Hai> Zion Temple tn Philadelphia. HOMEMADE Newman, Cultural; Mrs, Sidney Rabbi Goldstein -was former TONGUES Snekler, fund raising and Mrs.spiritual leader of Beth El Syna- PICKLED Abe Vengcr, social and welfare. .ADVEHTOEMENT ADVEnTLSEMENT. Other officers are Mrs. Ai Rimat t * t Dr. mennan, corresponding secretary; Fore More Beauty . . . Religious Mmes. Sam G o o d m a n , Robert June 24—The beautiful flora Wagner, financial secretaries; Mrs. center pieces in the Home this Eugene Rich, recording secretory; week were donated by Mr. andMrs. Morris Stalmasler, treasurer; Services Mrs. Maurice M. Shapiro In honor Mrs Sam Ban, a u d i t o r ; Mrs. U you're like most smart wom-+of the engagement of their daugh David R. Cohen, parliamentarian; en who have tried to reduce by apply deep mauagc on certain of ter, Gwendolyn Lee to Mr. RayMmes. Robert Kooper, Aaron Rips, culling calories, you've discovered the 11 spots where fatty tissue If 7:41 p. m, mond Pred. Moe Venger, Morris H. Brodkey, BETH ElJune 25—Rabbi Matthew M. Harry Ferenstein, Ernest Nogg. it often leaves the figure badly most common, There's no depenSabbath scnlces will be held lo- PoliakoH wa« our visitor. directors; Mrs. Joseph Guss, ex- out of proportion, often less aUrac dence on one general "vibrator'* nlght at 7. Sabbath morning servJune 26—A tour of the Joslyn offido and Mrs, Myer Kripke, con- tive than before. machine Xo aomehow "shake off" ices will begin a t 8.30 a. m. TheMuseum was our program. Special sultant. the unwanted girth. AJincha Service will begin at 7:45 Interest was Omaha's futuristic Members of the executive com; p. m. outlook. NibUrk 1'romUes mlttee will meet for lunch and. a" Dally services during the week June 3tf—The B i k u r Cholim board meeting July 3, 12:30 p. ra. And that'* the reason we can are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p . m . The birthday party at 2:30 p.. m. will In the tynagogue social halL The I piomise you, and give you, t h e .Sunday morning service U held at celebrate the birthdays of the fol program'for the 1957-58 season Sim. proportioned figure, the slim and lowing residents: Molly Perils, will be outlined. Hostesses for Kmma Milder, Esther Roseoihal, the meeting will be the executive firm mfasunemcntg you've longed BETH 1HRAEL Mlna Krestul, Yetta Gelz, Eva for. Friday evening services will be- Woslcoff, Coldye Spivak, Aaron }fficers. pin at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath morning Roginsky, Sarah Letlnson, Sam There's nothing else as quick and The Haifa Orchestra, founded u n i c e s at 8:45 a. m. Junior Con- Oilman, Esther Malashock, Meyer econwriical M the Niblack method gregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Ben- Strauss, Carl Sirlnsky, Gussie n 1950, consists of over fifty of reducing by inches — nothing jamin Groner will conduct the Sat- Iraetz, Sam Sommcr, Anna Nach- players and give* regular concerts else n» good. I'm ready to prove urday afternoon Talmud class at schocn, Bccklc Trcllcr, Sam Weln- in Haifa and surroundings. tliis to you when you stop in for 7-15 p. rrL Mincha, followed by berg. Shalosh S'eudos and Maarlv will your complimentary figure anAll relatives and friends are begin at 7:45 p. m. alysis and free trial treatment. The Sunday morning Breakfas especially invited to attend. mlnyon and Bible clnts begins a So Contract (M5 a. m. and the Sunday mornDedications # I'm sure you'll decide <o con» ing Jr. minyon begins at 8.30 a. m tinue, so you'll be happy t o know HKS. ROSE WOIII.NER Weekly services will begin at Refrigerated that IS Niblack treatments nr» The family of Mrs. Rose WoN , a. m. and 7:55 p. m. 1 only $30, and you don't have to Fur Storage Services Thursday, July 4, In- ner will dedicate a monument In 1 lU-nre i. Kngrl, Director Sinn a contract with us. First step, dependence day, will begin at 8:4i! her memory Sunday, June 30 at Cleaning, Rwtyllng Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol o>meMhJark SlinUirllng Studio to start building a more beautiful a. m. BorcjatM Coats Clean*d tcry. Rabbi Myer Krlpke and you, is to call me, Reoce Engel, at i The Talmud Class meets at thi Cutting calories seldom improves ' 19th and Burt Streets Synagogu Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will ofGlendale 4747 for your free demficiate. Friends and relatives are Milton's Fur Shop your problem jpot«: sagging waut- onstration every Tuesday evening at 8. treatment. We're open invited to attend. US H: Urf JA 2104 line, massfve thighs, hea\y legs or from 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p, m., and TEMPLE ISKAZX ankles, or whatever they are. also evenings by appointment. Our Services will be held Friday a That's why the Nibtack method NiUack Slenderizing Studio 4s « t MAGICIAN 7:30 p. ql, in the Temple Chapel uwa four different—and exclusive 140 South 40th Street, and there'* Rabty Sidney H. Brooks will deAnllakla f.f liver a sermonette. machine*, specially designed to plenty of free parking. CHILDREN PARTIES l # t» II T » n ml A n * Call BarMHivdi
Reduce by Inches, Not Pounds
101 GROSS GL4M7 An friend* and rtlatlws arc tarried to attend aervkes akd receptions. Visit or Call MARSHALL KAPLAN The Bar Mitzvah of MarahaU Michael Kaplan, son of Mr. and Catfs Tailor Slop Mrs. Samuel Kaplan will be celeFOR brated a t the Beth Israel Synagogue Saturday morning, July 6 CUSTOM MADE SUITS at 8:45 a. m.
a cube cool
FORMER OMAHAN'8 SON HAS BAR MITZVAH TONIGHT The Bar Mitzvah of Paul Albert, son of Mrs. Goldie Albert m i d grandson of Israel Zu»man, former Omahans, was to be celebrated Friday evening and Saturday, morning at the Lakewood, (CaU Jewish Community Congregation services. Paul Is the son of the late Soiomon Albert. He was the first student In the congregation to be swarded the Ner Tamid Boy Scout achievement award In 1936.
crisp cotton
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Ruback'Kushner Rites Performed at Beth El
Jerome Turner to Wed Phiiadelphian
Beth Israel Is Scene of Simons-Miller Wedding
Announcement has. been made of the engagement of Jerome by Cantor Ell Kagan officiated. Miss Barbara Jean Ruback beTurner of Omaha to Miss Jo The bride wore a floor length came Uw bride ot Marshall B. Ellen Goldcnborg, daughter of Mr. Kpwn of hand-clipped Chantllly ftushner In a 5:30 p. m. ceremony and Mrs, Michael Goldenberg ot luce and cryr.tnl pleated tulle. Her • t the Beth £1 Synagogue. Philadelphia. finyerlip veil of Imported illusion Rabbi Meyer KrlpUe and Cantor Mr, Turner, the son of Mr. and was caught by a half-hat of Aaron Edgar performed the cereMrs. Nate Turner was graduated Chantllly Jacc studded with Irridesmony, auisted by itabbl Harold earlier in tho month, from the cent sequins. X. Stern or Lincoln. Wharton School of Finance, Phlla. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Mr*. Herbert J. Winer of Kandelphla. and Mrs. Meyer L. Ruback, the sas City, sisfcr of the bridegroom Miss Goldenberg .spent two years bridegroom, the (On of Mr*. Max was mufion of honor and Dr. nt the Connecticut College for WoKushner of Lincoln, Nebr. Winer, best man. men and was a student at the Uni'Die bride was attired In a floor Bridesmaids were the Misses versity of Pennsylvania during the length gown of layers of tulle over llene Sachs, Sharleno Fischer, past year. taffe.a, an original by Marie of Arlene Epstein, and Linda Simons, Pandora. She carried an arrangeThe couple will be m a r r i e d .sister of the bride. Ushers were / ment of white orchids and stejtAugust 11 in Philadelphia. Ronald Simons, brother of the hanotls on a bible. bride, Robert Vljjden, Maynard Mrs. 8. Howard Ruback was Small and Arthur Katz, all of matron of honor (or her sUterKansas City, in-Inw. b r i d e s m a i d s were the , A wedding dinner was served at bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Eugene the Blackstone Hotel. After a wed. Schaffer, Lincoln, Mrs. Gary Gold, ding trip to Los Angeles, Cal and stein and the Misses Suzanne RichAn address of welcome was preLas Vegas, Nov., the couple will ctauaMa Pboto. sented by Mrs. Abe Fellman, pre.il. Mr*. Nell Frederic Miller ards and Judy Krantz. live In Kansas City. Mrs. Marshall Kushner Dwayne Kushner of Lincoln was dent of the Beth El Sisterhood, at Beth Israel Synagogue was the his brother's best man. Ushers lighters were Brln Kunhncr, of the first USY rush party of the setting for the 6 p. m. wedding of Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Oreenwere the bride's brothers, Norman Lincoln, a nephew of the groom season, June 18th. Miss Suzanne Joyce Simons and berg wish to rxprrss their apand S. Howard Ruback, the latter and Jack Baker, a cousin of. the Jerry Zlegmun and Sheldon Rips Nell Frederic Miller. preciation to their friends for of Pinttimouth; two brothers of bride. spoke on the purpose and benefit! The bride Is the daughter of the bridegroom, Gerald and ShelThe ceremony was followed by a derived from the organization's Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hermnn Simons, UnlonKrniM and B e t h - E l don Kushner of Lincoln and Ham- family dinner Ht the Sheratlo^- memberihlp. the bridegroom is the son of Mr. Grams received on their 25th burg, la., respectively, Fontenelle Hotel. Upon their reCarolyn Kngan, Mike Katz and and Mrs. Sam F. Miller of Kansas anniversary. Flower girls were Snarl Gail turn from Las Vegas, Nev., Mr.Jim Cuss participated In A panel City. and Nancy Sue Ruback, of Platts- and Mrs. Kushner will live in discussion moderated by Justin Rabbi Benjamin Groner, assisted P.itronlzc Our Advertisers. mouth, nieces of the bride. Candle- Lincoln. Lewis. A skit was presented by the author, Sheila Novak, Jim, Carolyn and Justin. Bernard De Koveu, Louis Rich and Justin are r e c i p i e n t s of scliolnrslilpn awarded by the Beth El Slntcrhood to U.S.Y.'s Camp Hcrzl, Webster, Win. Miss Naory Kster Farber was 7H30 Dodft-e St. — WA 2207 Plans were made at a meeting, wed to Martin A. Smith of Chicago in a Lite afternoon cereThursday for the Installation of mony, June 18 in Temple Israel. officers at the Kngan home. Jlnbbl Sidney Brooks officiated. The ceremony was held in a sate effect made ot hedges of huckleOpen Sundays 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. SUMMER IS berry, with two white chrysanDaily 10 A.M. ta 10 P.M., Mon. thru Thiirs. themum trees and a clusters of OFFICIALLY woodwardla, A reception followed "at tht Shenton-Fontenelle hotel. HERE! The bride is 'tho daughter of Tim* for «m«r) <hort tltava Mr. and Mm. Harold Paul Farter, iPQrf ihlrft—~LaroV lalacftori of the bridegrdom, the son of Mr. Mrli that art dlff.r.M — f i n . and Mrs. Louis A; Smith of Chiiwlii coltofli, Importtd and cago. domattlc qlnghami, cation *nA filit, mtracl* fabric!—by Exe*!The bride's gown, a Blanch! lo, Alfred1 of Naw York, Adrian, design, wax made of tucked silk Damon, Jiytan and Donag«l—Mrm. Martin A. Hmlth organdy In candlelight shade. She tnm M . I t I * f l l . f t . S-M-L. carried a crescent of white stcpXL Alia lint wnlU ihgr« ilt.vt hanotis with tufts of net. iporf thfrlf. Miss Diane Smith, Chicago, sl<ter of the groom, was maid of Harry D. Merrlam, 65, died honor. The bride's btother, Pfc. June 23 in a local hospital after a James Farber, who Is stationed brief Illness. Surviving are chilquality Ciotbcs /of M«n at Killeen, (Tex) Army Bate was dren, Irving J., Omaha, daughter, )>c»t man. Ushers were Maurice Mrs. Abner. Krasne, Fremont, » 4011 FariiM U. (rccnby, Robert Berger, Robert sister and five grandchildren, FunOpt* 1 a.ai. »• fllO • . • . AiNy, Gordon, Richard Hlnchtritt and eral services were held Tuesday Inapt Saturday •«•« i »JB. C'hnrlM Gelman, all of Chicago. morning at Beth El Synagogue The couple will be at home In with burial in Beth El cemetery. Chicago after July 1.
Beth Ef U.S.Y. Holds First Rush
Hoffman's House of Delicacies
Miss Nancy E. Forber Wed In Temple Israel Ceremony
OPEN THURS., JULY 4 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
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writ and phen« orders welcome y' ' lecond floof
nmtm rum
Between You and Me Royiih Names 'Dream Girl1
FtUajr, fto* M, 1M»
TTM National Ltbour Tt&mtUm Ot Xuul vtu founded in 19S4 by the Jtevislonlst OrganlmUoa Barbara Brodkey, 18, was an-and has 94,000 rntmber*.
AMERICAN TBEND8: When p m t n i immigration l a w i . . . Thl the immigration year ends next request hai long been advanced by nounced! as Teen at the Week by Sunday, tome 60,000 American Jewish ajid. other organi/atlont in "Mi« M l e Singer, wax named the World-Herald becausa of hn thl* country . . . President Tiyimmigration visas will expire unman Insisted on it, and to does "Dream Girl" by Raylm fraternity leadership capabilities and co used fegalcMdC/MMCIaiM Thi» huge number of President Elsenhower , . . One of at its sixth annual dinner dance «pwfttivcn«s. Sh« is tht daggh g n C l U U l m f U«1*M(S»JH atssV risss has gone to unite In -)>mc- President Elsenhower's recoin. at the Highland Country club. She ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. I tically evefy one of the paki liw rrundntfons to Congress Is tl-o is the daughter; 11 Brodkey and a Central High schoo DIAMONDS year* . . . . This, despite tlie fncl creation of a pool of unused quota of Mr. and Mrs. (student. She will attend a five- 111 that there are tremendous num- visas to be distributed ''on a fint- LouU Singer and «<IS Camini ViHIl week pre-college speech course al ber* pf people in \;iriou<. count lire cotne. firat-Mrved basis".. . . Such a student at CenNorthwestern University, Evan decking entrance to the United a cliani;e would be \ery helpful tral High school. s)on, 111., thin summer. Slate* . . . To cite Only the 5*00 for many Jens and non-Jew* who If e w elected Jews exiled from Egypt far nh->m wtbh lo einiiirate from cnunlrin Officers of K American Jewu.li im are Paul &nyr like Poland, Runiiiniaand other A i J h org.iniiatmiu: 1 art {Hiking lisas d f i The b.iMC llands for which a very small k e n , prenldcnt; immigration quota Tor the Wein-W *" year"is American immigution quota tvn* HuAard A light summer luncheon can fixed at 145,857 visa*, nnrl the 60,- fixed in ]P24 when the quota sys Wig, vlce-pre-,1-" be created in One minute or l e « by '000 u'liicb expire annually cannot fein was established Holv- dent; Bob Kellusing ready-to-serve Manlschevvit? be carried oier . . . Immigration e*cr. C „ Congress has bhouii jm In- man, seerctaiy;" Gefllte Fish, Mnnbchewllz nor&cht over and abnve that ficuie iviM clination Jo dp President VMcn- Justin C r e c n - M l * K and Tam Tarn Crackers. be by special legiMati'in . , . Spe- howec's bidding and ji, in fnct, op- erg, ireasuFpr Bill Horvvlch, K»ncial circumstances lime prompted puM-d to it . . . Under President le Greene, tgt-alamw; Lany wch legislation, us In the caw of KlMMihou'cr's proposal*;, regular Kohn and Al titviber^, ^oulh CHIROPRACTOR some 336.000 displaced person* nd- quota immlgiutioii would Ix* in-council rrpn^entalh-n. OR. STEVENI, UUVi Military raltled to thii. country durm/ a rreased to between 400.000 and Av.., Omakfl Tlie evenint;'* piofiiam lncludul four->car period fullouin.1! Wuild WOW) a jcar . . Hut Congress Hie pre.spiitatUm of award* to '"Whsii fli* Sick G.t W.ll" . Offic* HSUTI: • », m. to 5 p, m. War II . . More than 200 00(1 also is lelutlarit to revise immigration Ronnie Gieerie, outstanding freshE»nia«i by Appolntmin) came In under the IMURPP Belief Hfilterns and politics na.maltn man; Hob Ki'lfman. most outsmndH o i . M I7»t Act, which expired List DCCI-MI- huw olisole;p they nir ~Thl« 1* Ing siiphntnnie and Bob Ohernviii, bcr An exception u s s a great pitj. especially when 111.' b"*l athlete. made th(» year for lefuprcs fumi immicranth fnim all ruunlileh who Hungary . . . However, the inj js- entried the I'mled States duim<: tlee of lenvjnif I'AO'X'l quota and after WoMrt War II have Unuscjl every >e;u clroiily ju«nries proven themselves so useful to ih . RU& & UPHOLSTERY the requcM for a leVnion of ilie ; economic inleiesU of the rmtnliy KBON- "Measiigr of Imapl," CLEANERS Sund.iy, 12 05 p m. June :i0. RUGS-CARPETING Rabbi Alfred I . Filedman, LAMP SHADES I'nlon Temple, Brooklyn. N. Y.
Light Luncheon Menu
On the Air
Omahans In the News
ItaWri Sidney II. Brook, of Tcnr pic Israel, is attending the Centre Conference of American Itabb this week in Miami, Fla Rabbi Brooks servo, on HK- C'onferenc* Cununiskion of Chin'cJi and Stjtc
UlClM • L«W»« • K . w l r i n ,
Don B«risteln
« U S 4 8 U DECANTERwith'TmST OFF'
HA 2554
T* 6n CempltK »Mr«MMd TV Untct •m All M«tM CAM
JM'V Maun, |» Ndiwnrt*, Director oi A proijrani including acts from Education of Temple Iwarl, ii the Jewikh War Vfteranj i'outli Jeavint this week to attfnd the talent program will be presented Hebrew Union College—Jewish In- over WOW-TV Saturday morning. stitute of Religion SummecJ5chool Max Kanner, ch»i(man, announced. The Institute consists of an clgh The Kpitteln-Morgan Post of Week study seminar "of intensive JWV, sponsoring orKanizatlon or Hebrew and cognate courses, Th the -youth talent program prefaculty 1»' from-the Hebrew Vn sented its June Variety show at ion College. the Omaha Veterans hospital" Thursday evening. 3Iyron Milrti-r wsu one of the Ne. Members of the po»t were host braska delegates who attended the were a group of patients from National Junior Chamber of Com- •he hmpital nt the St. Paul-Oinamerce convention In Milwaukee, la BdsebHll gnme. VAVS repicWise. June 24-27. Mr, Milder Ii sentatue Milton Uoldbeig awiiled president of the Omnha Junioi by VAVS elect I.eon.-ild Wolk Ucrc Chamber of Commerce. in chaice, Commnnrlci Marvin Knplnn reported.
Cleaned In Your Homel
Mrh Bt'ii Ahiahumsiin will lie turtles* to Oie C'ouiins C.'lulj Wcilnesd.iy. Jul) 3 12 SO p in at the Rpfii* Ilnlel Anyone inuiblc t<, altenrt please rail AT 8)88
Two feature films anrf arniimlier •f ducunipinailn Mere ninde ii Mr. and Mrs. Harold Neuelson •irael in 1933. of Chicago announce the bhth of a son, Mark Allen, June 16. Gra.idparents i n Mrs. Dora Perry of Chicago and Mr. and Mm. Loul; NcxscUon. OM salH »a«« 4 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rosen All Kmdl Man't tni LadiM* of Downey, Cal, announce the Uptrl Uitttltf tni Altarjtiom birth of a son, Dougiai Henry June 18 They have another SOB David Michael. Grandparents are Mr. and Mlt. Max Rosen and Mrs. n. AT tfO4 Henry Weiubcrg, Paternal great- III la. Ill* 51. grandparents art Mr. and Mrs. Of Harry Marcut and maternal great 1701 Na. 47th St. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Ben N>rttm«t ~ Mlroff.
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Staeki and stacks of s l a c k s . . . In wonderful mir.cl. f*brle«l'' Special clotaouf savings mean tixtraordlaary-valuti, !mpr«s- -, I'IY valuei! In light grey, medium grey, charcoal, tan, bnwnt light blue, medium blue and ntvy. Siiej 29-80. men's trousers — fourHi Howr