July 5, 1957

Page 1

rael to Make Formal protest to Russians •lermatom, (JTA)—The ffovrrninrnt of Israel dreidi'd this week to niakf a formal profrat lo (lie Soviet Guvfrnnient for tlic explosive Conitunnisl gill of three mibtnarmrii to Oirt&lur N»*wr »f Kgypt. A t ih<iii<Mva<i tli«* li'Mpr question nf bow to make Ihc profenl m'til (lie fficalfr js.mic of <ln» virtual certainty tbtft any pruteKt b.v JHI'HCI would ban 1 little iiii'luriii-e on the Hwtb'mn OovernIII Pllt.

Philanthropies Scoreboard At of July 5. 1957 The following are current reports from divisiont in the 1957 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: DiWtfon l?57 Total to Date

Rabbi Brooks to Speak on Notion-Wide Broadcast Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Tem- 12:30 p, m. and Is In 1U 33rd year ple Israel will occupy the pulpit o( of broadcasting- " The text of Rabbi Brooks' meithe "Message of Israel1' continentwide radio program, Sunday, Ati- Hge vvOJ W announced later.

Initial G i f t i Men1* Diviiion Women'* Division B. & P. Unit Children's Division High School Division University Division Organizations Miscellaneous Total i o Date

$413,951.50 24,891.75 66,223.50 2,837.00 1,978.80 875.50 178.50 2,463.75 \ . 1,100.00 $514,500.30

JWV Elects 500,000 U. S. Jews Are Two Omahans 65 Years of Age or Over

The Invitation to speak was ntended to Rabbi Brooki by MaurJot tt. EUendrath, prnldmt of th» Union of American Hebrew Congregations. The "Message of Israel". Is carTwo Omahans were, elected to ried locally o\ er station KBON each Sunday from 12:05 p. rn. to offices at the Seventh Annual Kebraska-Iowa Jewish War Veteran* Department Convention held In Dcs Molnfj during the past week-end. Jerome Grossman became Junior vlcc-commander and Marvin Kaplan, lergeant-at-amii. Other officcn elected were Sydney C. Levine, commander; Jillton Miles, Q. M. and adjutant, Abe Rosenfcld, service and weffare officer, all of D M Moines; Ben Shu piIO, senior vice-commander; Rab til Albert Gordon, chaplain-, Al Lowe, Americanism officer, and T. George Gillnsky, judge advocate, all of Sioux City. A resolution was pasted at lh«s meeting that action be taken to effectuate removal of a clause in the Saudi Arabian pact and obtain guarantees for the freedom of American service personnel to serve wherever United States Armed Forces may be stationed lilil Sidney » . Brook* and to worship freely within the confines of American army b or installations.

Report Mode on Jewish Farmers

Ijfj-w York (JTA)-Tho difflcultlei affecting poultry farmers generally during 1956 alio made It a poor year for Jewish farmers In the United States, who are largely concentrated in poultry and egg fanning, the Jewish Agricultural Society announced In Us annual report. Adverse condition! In the Industry aiUo caused a decrease in new farm settlements made by the society Jatt year for new iinmigrants. Dr. Theodore Norman, general manager aald that many of the affected farmer* are former displaced persons aided by the Society In the past. He reported that rnost of the loans granted by (ha Society in 1958 went to established Jewish farmers to help them meet the advene condition) Ol the industry.

Boston (JTAl— Some MO.OtXM Jews, about one In ten in the United States, is 65 years of age or dver, according to a survey conducted in this and a number of other cities. The local survey w u conducted by B'nai B'rith group Fred D. Brodkey has been electguidance office and the Jewish ed president ot the Omaha ZionVocational Service ot Greater Boston. Similar studies have been ist Council. He succeedi J. Harry carried out In Cincinnati and Mln- Kulakofiky, president for five neapolis-St. Paul. yean. The survey also revealed that Other officers; Jewish wives outlive their husMr*. Merman Bondarin, vicebands In the ratio of three to one. president; Joe Hornstein, treasurTwo-thirds of the women over 65 Interviewed in the local study er and Mri. Charles Caret;, secwere widows, but only one-third retary. of the men were widowers. Mr. Brodkey was president of A college education apparently the American Cancer Society Nehelp* senior men hold on to jobs braska Division. and Is a board after 65, the study established. member of the National FoundaAlthough only one in every three tion of Cystic Fibrosls, Nebraska Jewish men were fully employed Society tor Crippled Children, Naafter 65, a full half of those who tional Conference of Christians graduated from college arc still and Jews, the Urban League, past employed. Two out of every ten treasurer of Central High School have a part-time Job and the re- P-TA, a member of Temple Israel, maining five of each ten are un» and past national representative of the Boy Scouts of America. cmplowed or retired.

Zionist Council Names Brodkey

Gurion and with a number of Jewish and Arab cultural leaders. Deleratloo's Objectives Th» Ben Curion statement was elicited in connection with one of three major objectives of the delegation: clarification of tha AJC unit w«s the status ot the Arab minority In Israel and the extent of Israel's readiness to participate in a folutldn of the Arab refugee problem. The impression gained here is that the delegation understood that moving toward a solution Is the primary responsibility or the Arab countries. Reform Judaism's Status A third point of discussion was the itatus of Reform Judaism in Israel. The Premier reiterated that if Jews Inside Israel want to establish Reform congregations :they will not be Mndered.

Meeting With RoundtrM The arrival of Soviet submarines In Egypt was believed to have been among topics discussed when Israel Ambassador Abba Ebon met with William Rounlree, Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs. At least two ot the three submarines furnished by Russia to pt have "atomic capabilities," Chief of Naval Operations Admiral A. Burke said this week. But h« doubted that atomic w&rhe&<b came along with the submarines. He made known it has hern established that the two big "W" class U-boats were Mg enough \a carry atomic missile launching equipment and said It was "certainly possible" that they were equipped with launching Acvicen.

Official •iourcc* revealed receipt of information that Egyptian crew.i arc operating the three subnmrincg provided hy the Soviet Union to Egypt. These sources said the Egyptians wore picked members of Egypt's Navy trained secretly at the Pollxh naval base of Gdynia for six months. The crews will need further Intensive training, It was said. They are described as not yet sufficiently trained to opMr. Engel expressed satisfaction erate the U-boats on a combat with the statement, adding that basi«, the "American Jewish Committee and we believe tAat overwhelmingly Israel represents only the 20 Ship* Colled at citizens of Israel." He made It clear that "we do not accept the Elalh Since Campaign Jerusalem UTAi—^Twenty aWps assertion that unless the Jew* settle in Israel they are doomed of various nations called at tha port of Elath since November IS, either to physical or spiritual ex1056, -as compared to ten between tinction," 194« an* the Slnal campaign Nationalityy w Defended IIn New N Y k Israel's refusal to which broke the Kgyptlon blockYork, ade of the Gulf of Akaba, It was revise its nationality law was announced. The 20 ships •troneJy defended by Pr. Tsrae! o f a y a brought or picked up a totall off Goldstein, President of the .American Jewish Congress, at a lunch- over 40,000 torn in cargo. con In honor of Israel Coniul-Gen- The. government's Investments eral Semah Hyman. Dr. Goldstein In port faculties *t .Elath <«re exvoiced support tor Prim* Minister pected to exceed 1000,000 pounds Ben GurforTa rejection of a re- this year. So far the Ministry or ported pies by a delegation of Development has ordered 950,000 the Amerlctn Jewish Committee to pounds worth ot e<Viiy^vei\t.,«oro« ol which has already arrive*. revise Israel's nationality law-

Israel Speaks for Israelis Only Jerusalem, (JTA)—While Israel Is open to all Jews who desire or need to come to live In Israel, it has been emphasized on numerous occasions that Israel represents or speaks on behalf of Its own citizens and In no way represents or speaks for Jew* In other countries P r e m i e r Davlr Ben Gurion told sn American Jewish Committee delegation which bad Just completed a tour of the Jewish State, Formal Statement Committee »ources dlscloied that Mr. Ben Gurion Indicated to them that upon the completion of the delegation's mlislon a statement to this effect would be Issued officially. The delegation, headed by AJC president Irving Engel and executive \Ice p r e s i d e n t John Slawjon met twice with l l r . Ben

Israeli circles consider Moscow'* action Is a subject more suitable or discussion between Israel and the Western Powers than between Israel and the Soviet Government, hoth because Israel alone :annot hopp to inriunnce. ft wajov change in the Soviet policy and liecnuse the presence* of Soviet iubmarlnea in the Middle Kast it no less a headache £ov Wie V/estei n Powers than for Israel. Sext Moic Jn clarifying its next move with regard to Moscow, thp Foreign Ministry haB c o n s u 11 e d Joseph Avidar, Israel's Ambassador to Moscow, who is now here. IIow;ver, i t has not yet d e c i d e d whether the presentation to <he Soviet Government should be made through Ambassador Avidar upon his return to Moscow, or by Foreign Minister Golda Meir t« the Soviet Ambassador in Israel. Four Isauei" The Israelis ice four main issues Involved In the Soviet arms delivery program: Continuation or the arms supplies as a means o( Interference in the Middle East; an attempt to prove to the Arab states that despite the Elsenhower Doctrine and t h t recent show of force by the U. S. Sixjh Fleet the USSR will stand by the Arabs staunchly; a continuation of the anti-Israel poMcy as part ot a program of maintaining maKimum tension in the area; and sn attempt to impress the west with . the lact VntA thf USSR must Iw a parly to any Middle East settlement.

nrs nxma ruu

"Best Clubs" Announced

r, fair f, ]»7

WltiKlrawul Front SCAR*itcttd

'Dolt for Democracy* To latertain Campers

Children i t thf J«wl»h CommuruMtehed Every Fridayy by the Federation of Je«Wh Service FalUburgh, N. Y. ( J T A ) - T h t nity Center Pay Camp ar» to bf Nebraska, entertained Friday afternoon with « > H«llinj P i m tteiin eiin A u h f d «t O Authurl/fd «t Onuh*, Onuh N fccond C C1«> on Appltccation. 14 00. A ihheenniiaallu j (late, (late, on o Ap i n a J SuUnnpttun, SuUnnpttun Rahnnue, a glils club, and AZA Orthodox Rabbinical Council of a "Dolls for Democracy" program. npttun Nu 1SC6. OffUd-lOI awh b l i w t . Omaha. N America cio«d It* 21it annual No. 1, the oldi-M AZA group In the tSllortal OffUd-lOI Nu awh bliwt. O The presentation is to be narratA « 8 S 3Sl S u l Flint Sh. J Addict* ««U8 So 3Sln Sucel, .Editor! country, were named the year's convention this week with an over- ed by Mmes. Morrii Shapiro and whelming rejection at a special (MRS.) FRANCES KLELN (outstanding groups in the Youth Arthur Goldstein. "Dolls for DemCouncil by Psul Shyken, youth session of tun proposals (or th« ocracy" Is sponsored locally by the with drawal of its members (ram council president, at a special Henry Mansky chapter of B'nnJ meeting. The clulw are Judged Ihe Sjhagogue Council of Amer- Brith. The program In to be given at monthly by representatives of all ica and the New York Board o( the enmp alte at Peony Park group; within Ihe rounnl will] the Rnbbii. Tel Aviv I J T A I Kc.vpt hns 1 evaluation* solving to The \o1r>« were the latest de- vvhere the camp* * meet daily. transferred the hea<li|imrliis ol the 1-K"v| groups, velopment In a lengthy struggle her ledavecn cumin.uid from tliuK Olhl J Eleanor HwKewltf BBC. nnd<amonK Orlhoilox Jewry over par li hi Aiu.li. in tin-" Sin"' .PenmAZA No N o 100 300 «<•!(• w i e named second secor . tiriiwlion in oii;nnl?titions which Mila. to keep the L'nitod NHIUIIIH in the annual competition. ,II!MI have Conservative and Rehmrrgrncy FIIICP from d i s r o v i p ing the movement of fedavi*-n plague withh the the ' f o n n rc-prenentalliin. "S«rvM Hi* Fintsr yungii, Ihe Israel p e n s rf*|mrl«iJ mimrs of the uinmni! were introduced ! *. plus I The I trophy nrp pn>sriiled to the win- III by Rnblil David B. Hollander of The ippoit points out that the TKMI'I.K ISIIAM. to Hi* Finsst" Ihe Bronx, N V , who us RCA transfer of fedn>een hcadqiwrteis | Servicpi will W held Friday e v e - 1, Picsldcnt last vcar spearheaded « r o n l m d i d s r.KVptian M.ili m< nt.s| ning. Jul) 5lh ^t 7 ,(y p m in the finhl (or mcmlx'i vvithdravv»l from in I'NKF commander Ma) Gen Temple Cha|H. HaW« Sidney I I ' the Sf'A and the I3oHrd of Rabbis j K I - M B u m s that it ha« dii- Biuxjk^ will deliver a sermoni-tlc. pen.ed hll fedayren unit* and I'.ilIn An enrlier meeting. Orthotttiman Arab formations It n- I HKTI1 Kl. dox Jews were urjicd to spend-an KTts that Palestinian and fpd.i- j Sabbath servirps will be hpld l«additional J2S.000.000 next ye(ir. yrtm recruits arc receiving spe- i night at 7. Sabbalh jnurning si'ivOrville-D. Fried will sail July 11 to strengthen Jewish education on cialized ciirnrnando trainlne at u i ices will begin al S:'(0 a. m. The on the S. S. Zion for Israel vvhere nil levels by Dr. Jweph Kampinethas* in the Sue* Canal Zone ami | Mincha Service vvill bpgin lit 7 . « he plans to upend a year at » sky, excrulive direclor of the Nawill later In- returned to the Kl p. m Kibbutz. Prior to his departure for tional Society for Hebrew Day A fish camp. Daily wrvicps during the week the east coast he spent 10 days Schools. are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p m The visiting his parents. Mr and Mrs Mine Arabuwade* FoTPign MmiMiv ilrilc" dis i Siindaj moriung terviee U held HI llyn.ni 1 Fried and family Patronize Our Advertisers. missed Kg>ptian claim* th.it the 'I a m He formerly resided in MiddlefidHvepn unit* had been disband town. Conn, and was a budget PAUL'S ed The nirfraudei* m;i> lx- l e u BKIH IHHAKI. examiner for the stale of Connectiactive, these circles «aid, but tbiv RADIO A TV SIRVICI >'ridj> eiening »ei-iictf« wil be- cut. i r e still operating fiont the O . I / J «.n at 7 ,W p m S/ibbjth j IV CAI KAOIO Strip and the numerous mine am- ^cnjci>« at 8 4 i a m Junior ConHADIO fHOHOftlAfH buscades hlong the S n i p are nl>- KiegHlion al 10 a in Rnbbi lk>ii)<PAUL GOLDBERG vloiisly the work of trained f<d- min Gronvr will »>iuluci Ihe -Sat4J1I H: Utk St. rt llff ryeen. It is [inssllile that the units urdiiy afteriuKin Taimu^l cifnw at All friends and relatives are have been dixprrsed, the Koieign 7-H p. m Minolia, folloned In Invited to attend s e n ice* and Ministry Miiini* Krant. but the Shalosh Scuilos and M.i'iir'iV Hill receptions. By Renee J . Eng»| CALL <>rK«ni/ut!on u l t h Its officers still I begin a! 7 45 p. m. The, Sunday MICHAEL KAPLAN Director, Nlblack [ motn.iiri bre.ikfaM in.nyon and HiHOLLYWOOD The Bar M t l n n h of Marshall llenderixlng Studio ; ble cUi4). bexms at 8 45 a m and TUX RENTAL 1 the Sunda) invrmng Junior minyon Michael Kaplan, nm of .Mr xnd Tlte secret of reducing, smart JA 1412 ' beginii at S .V) a m. Weekly morn- M^s Samuel Kdplan, Will be cele- 10* M«. ISrib ttrtMt women are discovering, ia not bra ted at the Beth Israel Syna| ing wrviceo will begin at 1 a. m (In Om.lia l o i n IM9.I In cutting calorics. This seldom gogue this Saturday morning, July { and 7 K P. m. Improve* your problem *pol»: 6th. at 8 45 a m. aagxlng waistline, m a s s i v e Philadelphia (JTA)--The J<w< The Talmud C I A U meet* at Ihe thighs, heavy leg* or ankles, or In Egj'pl are living "happily I9lh and Bnrt S t r e e u Synagogue whatever they are. every Tuesday evening af 8 p, m. rnOuKh" and report* of their evicVisit or Call tion are "utterly fake Zionist proReducing by Inchei, the Nlhlarh way, get* to every one of paganda" according to a leltei your "problem" »pots. written by President Gamal Abdel Na«»er of Kgypt to a member NlbUek's exclusive rhythmic machines were invented, by and t>f the Jewish Community here. CUSTOM MADE SUITS tented in the practice of Dr. The letter, a reply to one *enl H. D. Nlblack of Denver over him In Mai'ch by Morris Goicn. FIATUKINC 20 jears ago. Nathan Sukrrt it in Chicago « u published In a recent lw.uc of g for "NOM SHATHIH" •mm»m And now there is no other the Jewith Exponent by editor I a combined vacation and budlnesk l»s-wtty Tafltrad method a« elective a* NlhHenry W. Levy. trip.-He Joined M M , Shukert and ky CARL Urh's plrnsant "passive exer* Goren. the Kxprnienl kaid c.illi'd children there cite." You'll see why this Is MI th«' Egyptian leader's letter "eva- ] 3501 LJAVIKWORTH IT. when you fake your free dem• ive." Naasrr "himri't even col the | Mntirs. and Mmi-s. Nathan I~ onstration treatment. Cell me, AT 4f 4f fbilily to hide h.< own b i i i e n u " j So%g and Sam Wi»lf have returned Rrnee Engtl. at Glcndnle 4747 for jour f r e e demonstrnllon a^ainsi Israel," the pfl|>cr fjuoti"<l j froni a Ihree-month tour of Eutreatment. We're open from (^iren as saying. • rape. The (otifnunie was in The 9.00 a m to 6.00 p.m., ami In his original letter, the Ex- j.{frlhiariris, Beiyium, G e r m a n y , ftjso evening* by appointment (ionent reported, Goren (old Nns- Switzerland, Italy and France, We protnixe you'll be thrilled. i « that neither the In<iuisltion In Spain nor Hitler 111 Germany could The Jewish CVwninumt) Center is destroy Ihe Jewish people, bi'inK rcprt'ontpd on the PlayNaiwer's brief reply, published ground Champion* Program each Refrigerated In lull by th> Exponent, stated Sunday over KM FV, 1 p. m. to 2 Ftr Storage) that thofe J r u j rylr'cil from l>> Jovpli Mlrrk, aquatic* diit-ctor Kgypt during the war list (ail jThe p r o R r d r n p r e«eni« champions Cleaning, Restylina. 4l were dangrrotj«, to State Seiur- froitl various Otn,iha playground Coat* Cleaned ICtlNTiriC •POTXCOUClNS ity." weekly crintesU The Suhday program, is being preaented on nine SLINDERIZING STUDIO consecutive Sundays f r o m the 14* t . 4M* *t. «L 4747 Omaha Un.v entity Field Hou«e. i l l Mo. Ilr4 JAIIM HUSABU KCANHPMlh-tWISI Off'CAf Micek is in charge of first aid.

Headquarters of Fedayeen Moved


Secret of Reducing

Plans Made For Year In Israel

Bar Mitxvah

Nasser Replies to Philadelphia!!


Omahans In the News

Milton's Fur Shop

WHh the Home Folks

June 24- New Resident. Mrs. Tine Brodkey. June 27—The flowers In the public rooms at the Dr. Philip Shei Jewish Home for the Aged this »*ek were donated by Mr. ami Mm. Ben H Simons of Omnha, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam F, M.ller cf Kansas City in honor of Ihe wedding of ilielr children. Suzanne Joyce Simom and Neil Frederick Miller. June 28—Rev.-and Mn, Arthur Gendler gave a special kiddush In honor of the marriage of their son. • June 3Q—The B.kur Cholim ' "Birthday Party celebration for the resident* of our Home took place • t 2 p. m. today. The entertainment wa* provided by the following artlfU; M M . Sam Zwerllnc, ' Jewish aongs; M«rk Zalkln, at the accordion, and Miss Shirley Retjrfck at the piano, A huge crowd fumed out to help our folks cclebrat*. July 1—A special kiddush was given by A. Fisher. July 2—Rabbi Benjamin Groner w»s our visitor and continued his dlncuselon of Mmhnaiit. Out-of' visitor* • Dr. William Ilovniwm tit Portland, Oregon, and Mr. Churls Mann of Los AngeU-s.

Oarl'i Tailor Shop




Omaha's Loading Kothor Meat Markit and DtiicatMMn Whtra "W« S«fY« Hi* HuMf to Hit n i m t "

Donnie S » » r t z IK captain and Homer Farber, manager of one of the summer kids baseball teams playing at Elmwood Park under Ihe spoii4or<hip of the'Underwood Merchanta'Association. Among the members are Jetrry Faier, Kenny Hot»rmarr, Paul. Kaiman, Jimmy Milder and Johnny Farber,


Dedications MRS. I,HO I.KFITZ The family of Mr*. I-00 LefiU wilt dedicate a monument in her memory Sunday, July ?, 11 a. m. at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cent' \', a brand new king-size etcry. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan will officiate. t -IWlmining pool — curving Friends and relative! are invited £• 'round the patio - right in to attend. k the ccnl»r of (eitivilie*. t ' Private IB hole Golf Courts, ^.,/Ur Conditioning, tool

On the Air

g of Israel," Sunday, 12:03 p, m. July 7, Rotbi Max Schenk, Congregation Shaari Zcdek, Brooklyn, N. Y,, "Books of American Freedom "

COOL with*



ASK ABOUT OUR DELICIOUS FILLET ROASTS AND CAPONETTE FRYERS We Continue to F#otur» Hw Finest Ground l e e f In Town—Fresh Dally

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Hddassah Starts Planning Annual Fashion Show Omaha Chapter of HHdassah will prevent iti annual style show "Jubilee Jaunt Into Fashion*" at thi Paxton Hotel Ballroom Thursday noon, August 22. Members of Ihe organization, a< In the past, will ierve as models find the Vrandels Store will furnish fashions, Tho appointment of Mrs. Krvln ft. .Simon as general chairman and Mr«. Sidney Schwartz an ticket chairman 1.1 announced by Mrs, Meyer N. Rubin, chapter president. Columnist a* fluent Mrs. Morton Phillips of Burlingame, Cal, the former Pauline Friedman of Sioux City, Ja., tins accepted RH Invitation to api>«ir •a a guest. Mn. Phillips, a life ofythe Omaha Chapter,






lloni, membpiship and rcservntion calling; Mrs. Harry. Sidm'on. ticket chairman and hostess chnirmnn; Mrs, All.m Zalkltl. Imliliitldn visitation; Mrs. William Ept,teiii, flower rhalinmn; Mrs.' Phillip H. Hull, monthly luncheonsi Mrs. Cecil Iztnslat, December and June luncheons. Plans are in the forniululive ttave for the third annual August card parly, Tuesday, August lain at the Pn.xkm hotel.



The Reform rabble approved a Mr. and Mre. Robert L. Baker resolution urging Jerarll lenders "to make a clear, new and explicit have named their son, born June 19 at -Qarkson hoapiUl, Bruce etetement" of the contribution Israel would be willing to make Jtunce, The couple has another "as part of * general peaceful aon, Scot David. Grandparents are settlement towards the solution of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Baker and Mr.the, Arab refugee problem," which the resolution declared "remains »nd Mrs. A. I. Pradell. • troubling and unsettling Issue;" A '..'^daughter-, Debra. Call, was bom June 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Kllie CHIROPRACTOR ftslner. Grandparent* are Mr. and DR. ITIVINS, MM'/i MHHery Mrs, Sam Kuller and Mrs. Mary Ave., OSMIM Ralner. "Wh.r. th« Sick «.t W.ll" OMIc* Haunt I >, m. te I p. m, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Newman f l by Appolnfmint announce the birth of a non, Ediii i m ward Kay, June 14. Grandparent* Me Mr*. Bnino Heller at Chicago and Jul*s M. Newman. Paternnl treat-grandmother l» Mm. Morris Newman.

DIAMONDS Por fhe Moit Delicious Ground Beef In Townl

Te 4et Complete d TV Service M All Mekes




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All Klr.4. Mtn't . n J L«<i«i' l>p<rt ttllerlnf »nJ AlUrttlcns


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MONEY 1478,000 IN DIVIDENDS Wat Paid to Commercial Investori on June 29 Join (he thousands of OmaHans who are sharing In O«mm*reUI's dividends. Open your account today. Money you save here by July I Oth will earn a full six months dividend In December. It's smart to Invest at Commercial where savings earn a liberal dividend and are Insured to $10,000 by an agency of the U. J. government.

70 Ytxiri Strong

COUSINS ci.ru The Cousins Club meeting which m i lo have been held July 3 has been postponed lo Wednesday, July 10, 12:30 p. m. al the legit hotel. Mr*. Ben Abrohamnon will be


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Mrs. Morton Elirrareli'h (akea thin opportunity to thank all her friend* and family for all the cards, plants, flowers and klndnni shown her during her rerent Ilineos.

Chairmen Named For Blkur Cholim

Miami Bf'iiih, ( W N S ) - A plea for moniallsm In Reform Judaism decooperation among Reform, Con- veloped In the views expressed by servative and Orthodox rabbinic Dr. Bet tan and those of Rabbi organisations to make Jewish Samuel ]>. Mayerberg of Knnsa« learning more accessible to Amer- City, Mo, ican Jewry wns voiced at the 69th Dr. Bfltan, denying classical •nnusl convention of the Central Reform opposition to ceremonialConference of American Rabbin, Ism, asserted Ihnt Reform pioneers the Reform rabbinical organiza- did not minimize the Importance of ritual nor discard the Use of "helption. Df. Israel Bellan, named to on- ful" rellglom ceremonies. Dr, MnyOther- term a* president, urged erberg touched off a hot dobatc JULIIIIS UTKIN Reform rabbis to form a commit- with a proposal to eliminate the . , Stoln, 70, a Jong-tiro* lam day of Passover and eighth tee for cooperation with other rabOmaha reudoni, died Jvxie 27 it tlnlcal group* to crcute a popular day of Surcoth as holy days. He hn home. Services were held al the literature for meeting "the great- suggested a new Reform seivlce home Sunday morning. Burial WM built aroiind the Ideal of Simchm nit need of American Jewry: Tornh, His Reform colleagues ex- InJJeth El Cemcteiy, knowledge and love of Torah " Survivors are hi* wife, Doris, pressed strong opposition to dropAn apparent difference of view- ping the last day of Passover, bnt sons, Joneph, India! Harold, San point on the question of cere- gave favorable consideration to Francisco, and Albert of, washingthe Slmchaj Torah proposal In ton, D. C., and five grandchildren. EXaHEESS place of the last day of Succoth.


There are 160 cinemas In Israel, with accomodation for over 100,000.

Betrothal of Miss Steinberg Told

Mhsfobrin To Ntw Yorker

Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. ffobrln have announced the engagement Mr. and Mns. Samuel S, fllelnof their daughter. Miss Barbara berg announce the engagement of Is the well-known lovelorn column. Ann of New York City, and Sid B. 1st, whose advice ai Abllgail Van Werthelm, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. their daughter, Mm« Phyllis, to EdBuren appears in 3,00 newspapers. 3. Wertheim, aho ot New York ward Belier, (on of Mr. and Mrs, Nalhnn Belzer. She appear* a* a regular guest City. on the Art Llnkletter Radio and Miss Sobrin and her fiance are .Mis* Steinberg attended the UnlTV show and \va« recently Inter- vltillng the prospective bride's vertlty of Oklalioma where »he Mewed by Arlcne Francis on the parents. wa« nffilisted with Alpha Ep«ilon m o r n i n g "Home" dhow. Mm. I'M, aocial sorority. Sha also atPhillips Is a siatw of Mrs, Duvid Brodkey of Omaha. tended the University of Omaha (•roup Chairmen Mr. Belzer studied ot the UniTicket Chairmen' representing versity of Jlllnoti where he WHS a the following >lada»«ah Groups member of Zeta Beta 'J'au social are: Theodore llcr/I, Mines. Jivfraternity and was president of Committee chairmen were ap- Star and Scroll, sophomore honoring L. Lincoln, Irving RrhnviderniBn, Ab« Kiilejmnn, Seymour pointed by Mrs. Jake Wine, pron.l- ary O)-K»nl/;JtiijFn He is entering hH Gihn; ''Henrietta Sznld Group: dent of Uikur Cholim at a summer senior yenr of pre-m«diciil study Mmes. Sam Ciiifman, Owen L. board luncheon meeting «t hitr at Iho UnheiMty of Omaha «hpip he wfts recently Initiated into GamMeyerson: Cliaim Wri/njnn Gioup home, June Z6th. Thoie nnmrd were Mis Harry ma PI Sifjrna honorary clicmlsliv Mmes Samuel H. Stem, I-ouls Marks, groy lady service and pub- society. Hurultz. licity; Mrs; I'hll Smith, Mra. Bernard Schcln, holiday. leas.; Mrs.

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Miijr, tatr «, IHf hundreds of claimants appeared pressed an interest. But the claim, and demanded their ahar*. ants immediately countered with «. Share of what? To thai question demand that the Ministry contrft. they still were unable to find an ute Us share toward the cost ot exact answer. They approached a locating the treasure and subseyoung Israeli lawyer, Meir Danai quent court feet In England. What is the amount involved? and his partner Itzhak Levy, forNobody can answer It. "Mathemerly a noted jurist in Iraq, to handle the matter. The lawyer's maticians" among the claimants By TITZH.Ut 8HAROII. first Job was. la ascertain the gen- estlmau II al Dver one hundre* (J. T. A. Correspondent ta Tel Arlt) uine claimants to the inhertance, million pounds sterling. This fig(Copyright, Ml, Jenlih Telegraphic Agency, lac.) to establish firmly the family tree ure was arrived at by adding to TEC AVIV—II sounds like a fairy tale. It might even turn out to be just • legend. Meanwhile, how- and only then they started to look one-quarter million sterling. lh» ever,, hopes have risen, dreams take shape and sleepiest nights are Spent by many who expect to get a for the Inherence ilsell. compound Interest for 140 yeaM." part of a multi-million pound inheritance whose whereabouts are still unknown. "It's only vision" — said Isasa Thes» were not easy jobs. They And u all fairy tale* start, so does our story: Once there was ail old Jew. He lived in what i« now had to screen hundreds of Iraqi Ba'ttat, one of the claimants to tin known as Iran. His name was Aga (Sir) Awr Lev!. From whatfathers told theirsons. add sons told grand- Jews. Many of them-live in Maa- inheritance, a meiribcr of Hie'sixth sons. It seems that this Levi was a dealer In scrap copper. In one of his loads of copper he found, when baroth; others are wealthy mer- generation. Still ho Is cdnlribuLinj he melted It down, a whole treasure of diamond*, jewels and other preciousstones. chants, some have lived in this his share toward legal expense*; He quietly »old hi» business and* country for many decades and have quietly died, many perished went to Iraq and from there he one son—-Meir Rephua Levi (alias many arrived here only recently; Yair). Tins son eventually returned later found his way to England. during innumerable pogroms in some are old^-a* old as 90— some There, it is thought, h? sold the to Iraq and when he, in turn died, Iraq ard many have disappeared- are still young. Today the estabdiamonds worth some quarter of a left three sons and one daughter. Still, there are today some three lished list contains 370 names— At this stage we get into fammillion pounds sterling. With the 110 of them in twelve foreign money he purchased stock* of a ily-tree mathematics, since over hundred and seventy people who countries Including the U, S., Can. A youth group composed of AZA British bank—po»silj1y of the Hank the years the family has multiplied claim direct descent from the first ada, Britain, France and Argen- and BBG members of B'nai JB,'riH» of England. Aga Azar Lev' died a manyfod, every child of Repftua Aga Levj and hope to prove their tina and the remainder in Israel, represented Omaha at District No. rich man 1W years ago, leaving Levi leaving large families Marty family tree, despite thefive,six, Mr. Janner was authoriied to try 6 convention at Elkbart Lake, seven and even eight generations and locate the treasure in Britain, WIs., during the past week-end. but for the tjme being without suc- Howard Kazlow served as district since the death of the "rich" Levi. cess. British officials claim to have president during the past year. Thirty-six yearn ago in 1921, »n records for the last hundred years Other members of the delegaother against Pittsburgh He shut attempt was made to recover the only. Much clerical work is in-tion were Harold Kaiman, presiBy H&rokl V. Klbalow Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inr. them both out. and when he licked inheritance. One or two of the volved In the search for records dent of AZA No. 1; Joan Mar*, the Uedlegs, he fanned 14 This is claimants decided to lake action over one hundred years old. This regional president of BBG; Miltiiit JEWISH BASEBALL STAItr If there is anything it is nearly a boy with brilliant possibilities. but, because of lack <>f regular con- costs money, Some claimants are Kiitskee, Bernard Polikov, Berdin* ' Impossible to predict. It is theJAKE FITI.KR tacts, shortage of funds and dis- pessimistic over ths whole thing Green, Florence Shrago and L'dt'tt Since 1947, Jake Pitler has been putes among claimant*, the entire and will not advance money, others Colin. Eden participated in an oremergence of a pitching star in baseball. The" injury to Herb the Dodgers' first base coach, and Issue was dropped—to be revived readily advance money, while still atory contest. Score emphasizes this. Herl> had has been with the team under four last year. , The convention program includothers don't have any money to lay been called a million-dollar pro- managers, Leo Durocher. Burt A number of claimants living In out. Recently, the inheritance story ed educational, religious, cultural perty and indeed he has been a Shotten, Charley Dressen and Wal- England aprpoached the Jewish has reached the Ministry of Fi-and recreational activities, Cl(>.» remarkable pitcher. Vet one hard ler Alston. He is one of the most Barrtett Janner, LatMr M. P. and nance of Israel which has also ex- to MO young attended, hit line drive nearly blinded hlrr unusual Jewish sports personal- president of the Board of Depuand came close to ending hi ities around and, as has been ties of British Jews, and told him career. It is still not certain tha pointed out years ago, has been of the inheritance which, they are he will return to the efficiency rather active in Jewish communlal convinced, is still awaiting recovSUNDAY that was his prior to tlio accident. affairs. He used to manage Dodger ery somewhere in a British bank, So it is not at all sure that Sun farm teams and Duke Snider, Mr. Jahner Wa.< given a number of day Koufax, the Jewish pitcher on Ralph Branca and other Dodger names of relative* Ih Israel who the Brooklyn Dodgem, will be a stars used to play lor him. A bitmight help him with details. When Stock Your r r * « c f VftVh star, in spite of his brilliant star of news about him that was pre- Janner was in Israel for the Zionthis season. Neverthcltt*. the left- viously unknown, or unmentioned, ist Congress, he met a number u( hander already has shown that is that Jake's brother is Johnny tha claimant*. They could only with luck—and e\ery ball player Ray. the prize fight manager who confirm what their parents have needs this elusive lady on his usM to handle Billy Conn. Jake told them, but could ggive no help —ha has the attributes to make himself is from Pittsburgh and a* to t how h t i t tthe h treasure. the grade in overwhelming style. played with the Pirates as long However, his talk* with <om« of CaN M OMk 14»7 Se, I M Street Sandy Is 21, and he began to ago a« 1917 when Hans Wagner tha claimants did not remain a pitch well In relief roles early this was the Pirate manager. secret and soon on avalanche of year. Then he was given a chance to start, a little before the Dodgers had to lop players oft the squad And at that HUM, Koufax was no longer a bonus player (who could have been retained on the squad without sacrificing another player) but a man who had made team on his abilities. This is what Sandy did in that start. He beat 1h» Chicago Cubs 3-2. limiting them to four hits. Both runs were unearned. Sandy fanned l i Cubs, and when a pitcher strikes them out like that, he has more than a prayer on the ball. 'The big thing with Sandy.' VValter Alston, hi» manager, declared, "has been the Improvement in his control. That has been tremendous. Sandy has always had grant stuff. He throws real hard and he has a good curve.1' Alston, who Is chary with his praise, spoke of Don Drysdale and Koufax in ths highest terms when he said, *.I think Drysdale and Koufax »re on the edge of being damn good AND FACIFIC STUOT I And 1 don't mean just good. I mean exceptional pitchers, both of them." 1118 BACKGROUND Sandy attended Lincoln High School in Brooklyn, where he played first base. A man named Milton Laurie thought well of him and suggested that he try pitching tn the Coney Island sand lot league. But Sandy liked basketball and wanted to go to college. As a matter cf fact. Jie went to the

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University of C i n c i n n a t i on a scholarship. «ftitl. he listened to Laurie and started to pitch. He performed in about 13 or 16 games all together before the DMgers went *fter Mm. He pitched ten same* in the sand lot league and flw at Cincinnati, with one more In. something called the Ice Cream Lttgg*. On tM* basis, the Dodgers offered h&n t 91AJD00 bonus contract, said "he m on hi* w*y. WMn Sandy to good, be Is unboatfbte. P r e v i o u s l y , h» bad ettdbti two other complete game*. O M was against Cincinnati, tb»

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