July 12, 1957

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X X X V - No. tO



The Tragedy of Polish Jewry Something terribly Important is going on. I| i» vital that /•very JewUh man and woman in Omaha be aware of it. We are referring ta the maji exodu« of Jews from Poland where one« again they are being driven out by ravages of antl-semitism Before Hitler started burning and killing the Jews, there were 3,230,000 Jews in Poland. Today's estimates are 35,000. For more than a decade they were locked behind the Iron Curtain and We could not get to them. Last fall the Iron Curtain was drawn open ever no little and it began to be possible for Polish Jewj to escape. Tor many complicated political and psychological reason* the Communists were letting them out, not because they loved the Jews but because getting rid of them was the only way to solve the rising problem of i»nti-&cmlti»m in Poland, First a few were able to ieavjj and then thousands of exit visas were granted. Today this* exodus has reached flood pro|K>rtioni. Thousands have their visas and are desperately waiting to be rescued. Arrangements have been made for an air lift from Poland to f»rae| by El At Airlines, Also Polish planes are ferrying out JewUh immigrants to Switzerland. A chartered ship, flying the British flag, made three trips in April, carrying a full load each time u> France, from where the Jewish escapees were shipped to Israel. Traim are- leaving Poland' daily, carrying Jewish Immigrants to Vienna, where they are awaiting further transportation, A total of 8.000 Jews left Poland In April, more in May, *nd still more loft In June. It is tragic but true that thousand* must be kept waiting In camiM and stag-ing areai for lack of money. Fund* are frequently lacking to charter that special vessel to transport the Immigrants to Israel, Rescue cost* money, and costs keep mounting as nun a people need to be rescued. Thousands are waiting because rescut work h i s to be delayed due to shortage of funds. In view of thi« latest information, American Jewry's goal to swe 100.000 Jew* from dingrr areas in Europe, Kgypt and North Africa needs to be revised. We have underestimated the numbers ftccd with this tragic plight. All of u» mutt ask ounrives two questions: HAVE ( GIVEN ENOUGH? CAN I G1VK MORKV


mi r


JI'1,1" 12, 19.17



»*«WI»»«I »Wf

tttdmf 1(1 ft SdlU Animal tt»l* < Dolht

Om»h« N«rn»k» ftivnr M 1588

Slnelf Oop» I* Crn

Cc' lio Claims Red Sh ?^-up To Hit Jews London, IJTAl—The "Jewish aspect" of .the politicnf ahahe-up In Moscow over the Cairo radio In a Hebrew broadcast emphasized that the purged Soviet leaders are either Jews or pro-Jewish and that N i k i t a Khrushchev, the Soviet "boss" who directed the purge, "hates the Jews and supports the Arabs against Israel." The broadcast claimed that not only is Lazar Kaganovltch Jewish, but that the ousted Vyacheslav Molotov is also a Jew. (Mr. Molotov's wife Is Jewish but not he). The broadcast also alleged that Dmitri Shepllov, who wa.i instrumental in providing Kgypf with Soviet arms, has a Jewish wife and that Georgl Malenfeov "is known as pro-Jewish." Anti-Semitic furx* The Egyptian broadcaster as-

serted, "Ihal this i.i an anti-Jieirii- , other enemy." The broadcast said: tic purge d!'»i(;ned to eliminate all "The Arab soldiers who, carry leaders who are inclined toward American arms wlU not hflsUM1* Zionism. It is well known that to turn arms against the Amei> Nikita Khrushchev hates Jews and leans themselves If the Americans supports the Arabs against Israel. should act against the interests of The Cairo radio claimed that the Avails." Premier David Ben Gurlon had re. Food Instead of Arms cently succeeded In "deceiving sevPrior to her departure from eral Communist leaders in Poland Vienna where she attended tint and Rissia" so that they consented international Socialist Congress, to permit Jewish emigration to Mrs. Golda Melr, Israel'* Foreign Israel. "Thii emigration will stop Minister pointed out that the immediately after the dismissal of Middle-East situation c o u l d lv>. these leaders," the E g y p t i a n stabilized and an A r a b - I s r a e l broadcast said. peace achieved, If the Soviet GovV H Arm'* Agolngl V. H. ernment were to send food and Then, an Aralj-language Cairo agricultural Implements t o YS\» radio broadcast predicted that Arab countries instead of arms. In Washington, a State Depart"every Arab soldier who carries arms from any 3ource whatsoever ment spokesman said that tli» will use these arms against Israel Soviet Government could prove tha before using them aijatnst any peaceful intent of Its shake-up by taking such "practical steps" as easing the Middle East tensions. In Israel, observers Indicated that no major changes in the Soviet Middle East policy are likely In the near future as a result of the Moscow shake-up. However, official Israel refrained from conment on the Moscow 'develop' Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's de- from Cairo that Egypt and thements. stroyers s i c prepared [or anti- Arab states are preparing to arsubmarine action, Lt. Co). Hzhalc gue that Israel has no legal right Dvir, commander of the destroyer to the port of Elath or the Gulf "Haifa," revealed, Lt. Col. Dvir, of Alcana and therefore, Israel has whose vessel Is the former Egyp- no legal right to Bend her ships tian ship Ibrahim el Awal, said through the gulf, The Arab conthat all Israeli destroyers arc tention, Cairo official sources said, equipped with a n t i-suhinarlne will be that Elath Is rightfully the Dr. J. Lewi« Vagev, cWci psyweapoiu and devices and that the property either of Egypt or ofchologist at the Omaha VA Hosnavy is carrying out anti-sub- Jordan, since' lt lies between those pital and a member of the medic.il two countries at a narrow point marine exercises and training. psychology faculty of the UniwMof the Neqev, where it meets the International Court stty ot Nebraska Coflege ol MeiliJerusalem (JTAi— An experi- picture of Israel and world news gulf. "The Arab states are pralsrneli sources Indicated today paring to make this point as part cine, was twice honored by hi« mental load of 1,700 containers of independent of Nasser's propaganmilk from Israel was brought'.to da iitachine," It was slated here. there i i a growing belief that the of a second round of a joint effort professional colleagues In the Nequestion of Israel's freedom of to induce the United States to braska Psychological Association Hie Claza Strip this week by troops navigation. In the Gulf of Akaha abandon Its support nf Israel's In the final official tally of balloin of the United Nations Emergency and In the Suez Canal ultimately claim to the right of free passage from members of the association. Force in a UNEF quarteTmaSler will be turned over to the Inler- lhioui;h Hie gulf." the Times re- It was found that Dr. Yager w,is te«l of supplying UNEF regularly chosen a.i president-elect for tin; nuttonal Court of Justice at The port Hiiirl.i with fresh Israeli milk. UNKF coming year. Under the associaHague for a ruling. previously had been prevented »y tion's rules he will be presidentCamp Jay-C'-C, the Federation Israel contends that the 1931 Egyptian authorities from any elect until May, IMS, and then transaction with Israel, nltliou^tt sponsored camp for children six ruling of the United Nations Seassume tlw1 duties of presides*. «{ Individual UNKF official* have through fourteen; will open Sun- curity Council, ordering Egypt t» the association for a one-ye:ir day, July 28 with a capacity regishalt it* Suez blockade Bualnst IsSitu-chased furniture in Israel lor term tration. Dr. Daniel Miller, camp rael, is specific and of higher auprivate use. commute' chairman, announced thority than a Hague court rulinR. Dr. Yager was also selected in Jerusalem, t WNS' —An order to Sill1 same election to V» oiw ot Wm »roadc M t 1> Tro<i(«i Friday. Plans are now being made The Israel position nn Akatw The Israeli Radio announced Cor the arrival >S the campers, transit is that there is no basis HIP Jerusalem Police to ban a three members of the NPA's newplans to begin foreign language summer practice of using unlic- ly established Board of Examiners, Omnha parents nre requested for litigation. broadcasts for troops uf the Unit- to bring their children1! luggage Isrenli circles, however, were f- ensed trucks to carry hikers and llils new board, composed of outed Nation* Emergency Force. wh«> to the Center parking lot. Saturstanding Nebraska psychologist, have been cut off from almost all day, July 27th between the hours pbrledly becoming convinced thut bather* from Jerusalem to therepresentinR three major areas in contact with Israel at the insis- of 6:30 p. m. and 8 p. m. By so durins the coming General Assem- beaches and. countryside on thethe field of spychnlOK.v, hus beru tence of President Nasser of doing, parents will insure their bly, one of the Western cnunlrie.-!. Sabbath was issued this week by rivaled for the purpose of certiKeypt. Current broadcasts In KnK- child* luggage, arriving at camp possibly a small one with Great the Prime Minister's oifice. tying the professional qualificillsh, understandable to Indian early and being placed in theCower'backing, may propose that liom of psychologists having tlw Such transportation, organized PI). D. degree. Dr. YiiRer was ch<>-<UNEF troops, and In Spanish-, cabins before the campers arrive. Ibe ON ask The Hague court ior an advisory Opinion on Isrnel'h by the passengers because of the I-adino, understandable to Latin en to represent the (l<-'lrt ot applet A special five day pre-carnp il«iit* of the Sue/, (,'aiwl. non-operation ot liuscs on the Sub- psychology on the Hoard. American »oldler», will be aug<)u«*tlon of K.uu. hath, has evoked demonstrations mented by broadcasts in Sweden, traiciinf; course Tor the ramp staff, Danish and Indonesian, The fl\r- precedes the start of the camping The New York TIIIIM reported b> Orthodox Jew* latiBunne one-hour d.iily broad- TOainn During tlies-p 'ive dayi counselors receive an Intensive incasts will icach most of the UN Lit' struction and supervision that t mops. Kiuipn (hem to work belter In the information on tsrnrl Juv.C-C program The Jewish Notional Fund Conn., tiraeli sources said that toe Large modern buses will transcil of Oninho will hold a sneci.-il UNi:F soldiers were eager to ob- J»rt the campers from the Jewish meeting Thursday. July 18 at H tiln Information about Israel nnd Community Center out to camp Ai of July 12. 1957 p; m. at the Jewish Community that Nasner knew whatever they the morning of July 28fh.' The Ccntcv. I w n e d underscored their poor camp staff will be on hand to Th« following are current reports irony divisions in o;i°nlon of Egypt. As a result, Nas- asiht parents and campeu. Ale\ Ben-Zi-pv Chicago, director tier persuaded UN Secretary Genof the organization's rtild-wcst oftho 1957 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: oral Dag ttammftnkjold to ban fice, will outline new activities, Divliion I95T To»»l <o 0«t» UNEF visits to Israel. Scandinavnow undenvoy. ian-Indonesian broadcast* should The meeting Is open to anyone Initial Gifti $415,801.50 Interested help UNEF soldiers get a "real in Hie Council's work MM. Ethel Levensson, president, Men', Division 25,140.75 announced. Dr. Abe Grccrtliorg, president of the Omaha Federation for Jewish Women's Divhion 66,641.50 Service has been re-elected to the B. & P. Unit 2,837.00 board of directors of B'nal B'rlth'n Jewish National hospital at DenChildren's Diviiion IJ99I.30 ver. Dr. Grecnberg, boani member Jerusalem, (JTA>—A person, High School Division 869.50 Jerusalem. <JTA>—-Inmates at gift of three antique glass | of the B'nai B'lith's grand lodge ot Israel's prisons will receive nnd. Ruben Llppctt, president of vessels front Chief Rabbi Isaac Un' • Division 18L50 vacations under terms of a bill Halevi HerroR was made for Henry Monsky lodge, represented which passed Its first reading O ons 2,463.75 th* Truman Library dedication the local group at the recent 89th In Knesset this week. The bill, in Independence, Missouri on district lodge meeting in Chicago. wlilch Is un-opposed by prison Miaoui 1,100.00 July 6, The vesgfil*. which, were Marvin. Trailer, Edward Rt&en authorities, authorizes therrt In unearthed in Western Galilee, an/) Som Pollute were awarded give vacations of up to f«V", i data back to tb« Third Cwijury, "Chat's" by the convention tot Total to Date $517,026.80 days, depending on Rood h11C. E , outstanding fund raining activities h.ivior and length of sentence, 1 (faring the past year.

Destroyers Equipped For Anti-Sub Action

Psychologists Name Yager

Israel Sends Milk In UNEF Test Load Camp Jay-C-C Opens July 26

Bathers Denied Transportation

J.N.F. Council To Meet Thursday

Philanthropies Scoreboard

Re-elect Omahan To Hospital Board

Israeli Gift for Truman Library

Something New in Prison Privileges

THK rewis* mnw

J«l r It. )MT



Omahans in the News

MKK. VITrKl, HKKTZBMIG !>»«»• Sbukrrt h»^ returned fnim 1 farheuitz pepper, 2 truspoons pr»Air.. V.ltel Hr'.Ubrrg. 83, <KeJ Evrry FrM»} by llw Federation of Je«il«h Srrtlr* July 1 at I he hone of her daugh- Clilcafio uhere he «nd Mr». Sim-1 puipt] white borM-rtidiBh, chltl. Crtpnif <J».**t. »lwHmf A*iiniri;«» AutJiurliect ait OmiihM, .Srl>i»Kku ter. Mi* 1U>< SK-.n. Mr*, lleil/- kerl «ml Ihclr son, J«y i An.'LUU Sunttr.r'lUMi. <4tXJ AO\I''>IKIIIU ffutrK tin Alil'lJtittUiH il uilhj l**tU'iitt> tit » r - 101 >*> JWIi Micct, Umiiha. Ncbr., JAiKsoii I'M* b.T(f M I tht « dim of Mendel their h Min-in-law l and dnugliltr. Mi".} I 1 ,nil •-!* Aili'.wi <MJH wi 'Jillh aurtt and Mm. PIIIII Wolf. Mrs. Shukeitl r,]f>s i FIMNST-? KLEIN Kdllor Mi«. S u m , the in tur- and non mn.'iimtl Jn Chlcugo amti aie »L the Iielmont Hotel. ' v,\cd by ihier other Mr. Ge.irse Knji«n, Mm, Samuel -• — , U'OKKMAN C l l i r L E ' S Sle.nocii,', MIF. Abe Jloffmon, C.l.ln M. N>«ni«n, fonneily „ . . UKAMATIO Cl.fB ] nil of O.iwna; «i>n. .tpe, Lot An- •i>tanl s.'creUiry-tMMiuier of Hln-j T n e Workmiin Circle Dramniie ;rln, 11 Kutmlch Idien, 16 KTfll- ky D.nky Stores Company, hat Club mil rnteilain lesidenln ul iMiitk-llild wnd tine been pronoled to tjce.pies.denl. '"« O\, Philip Slier Jewish Home "Hie DDIIH for I ) . ru.K:r.ic> » Mi r.iiKlchi),! lie w.ll reiriam in tlmriji! ol i l o r e ! ' o r •••' AR'd Sunday. July 34 at function o;i nn c\i«tmfe,l fcdile in.* S"i\.c< were held July 5 at the ' 2 p 111. >e.ir, biT.iu*e of the incieutei ri;The profiinm will include a , E . K. NVHIIIUII, hfnd of *lorf m<4ndi for iIK pioyraiii, it HIA< an1 Mt. S.nal cum lety. planning « m .-iilviinccd to ».<«.sl- rendliiK l>y I-on In WifkJn. (Immclic nounce J h> M M SLinley Shup ro. diievtor; longi by Mr. and Mi>. IOCJ] c'l.i.mi&n. Tne pioji'cl, n.iant urcrplary-iifaiurcr. liunul in s.cnpe iv >nonr.<)!o.J h> MIIS. FA V.NIK AUKAMS »om ol ' . *•. Newman. Sinn /ueiliiiK, i M'« Alillon noaien of Hn.ii B i . t l i nnd the •uper-nldiket enlwru Mid Jennie flifkin. .MIA h'jnn'e Abranift, Wtt a rr-^i' prf-.ileiH BKTII INK AM. .Mmrf S. If, Binder, Xnl dent of the fJlaclulone hotel d.ed chain. FiMiiy «v(nin* irfivli-*-* will beI^itnnn and Vetta Oren^tcin pus 1.1 in n one <>( the «.'>-j Jiilj 14 Siin.i'.nK me daiiKhler* j - n al 7-30. Snbbntli inniiiini: »civbe In iluiiuf of icficKlnnrnt*.' SI»Jur ami Mr«. Murray Ilu in «l»ch lhe o.'P' pi"«eni« j | l M fn.iiliitl e and Mr*. hts ot K 45 a. in Junior CoiiBieand the idedlii (if b uthe rly Hill«, , and 8 and Km. C'hria, ucie Oituha \.i'.-l |.<tjbii lit 10 h. m. flalihl ninj-imiit niocracy. s <tpr, Mi>> Dnr.Jlh fillnbiiim, Cirmer will conduct I tie S.itiud.iv r!i.*ipli?r Son Ki»nc.«*.i Kmicra) i fit-moon Talmud el.i« nt 1 15 in Bii.i bur..il ueie to be al San Kr.m- reclor al the Je«uili Coniinumly L o n d o n , (WNSI —Dinrlnnurt j> m. Minchn. follswwi h> KhdloMi inrnM>>id it« Centi-i hue (roin 1!>I7 to 1051 thai „ former Catholic prie«t hi.fl has S'fudn* and Maaut will begin a! h p in m.-liide M.«n». J'>e when he un< |o | acli\e iiirned Je^iiih, HXnuininK the rutnie 7.43 p. m The Sundn> iiiumlng , G l | , , Ai Ihm fSohMein Sum K K I / |sp|->;o?. I If B.'I.I his fiimity have of AbrahAm Caimel, \n iniidc in niiii)ini ami IJihle clim | MKM. WTTy.i. SCIIAI'IIIO ! ju-t rfhirni'.l Ini.n Knijland uherr thli week's "Sundny Kxpiev." in W~A5 a in find Hie Sun- | ^ / ;o Nol,nd|1 Mn. Villel Sclupiio. 73 of 4801 Ihey had b^rn stBlloiicd near CK- a icixirt ulnch Mate* Hint lhe «»><morning junlni Jiuiuon foepuis | ^, h ' . ( . n b , . r B A | . North 32nd Street, died Tuesday, foid > nc» No\cnber, Tm-y veil now hexdn a private H'hiKil i t S-.TO ». m WVfklv will | f r ( M , F l i i n k . S p i l < , r S j , Fuiipral *er»ice« were Iteld Wed- are m imile l i Cmle Air Koiec fur children in Southern Iji^lmid l*Kin *t 7 ne«dn>. 2 p. in. al the Jewmh Kuremote foim Inn family and former Hjve, Mriced, (-\"l * The Talmud I inn>ts lit Ihr t »r of the leas nernl Hume »ith Builal in Moui.t cQ-rrlirJonhl* '{"he 46->em-(,id nMo a 1'jth xnd Hurt K Siiutiitijiui' b*r of tlif c i u »>ti» e j Simil Cemeleiy archl- nun (it to Judnlkin hurt bein a Ciary (inhUlrln, A «wi> Tuesday nv ol h Catholic piie«t for fjve >eert piiui* , Club. ni.i.v an miff fur the p t " - | Sun iviiif; ""> diiughler, Mr* leilmiil jliukut at the 1 Harry Ixtey, Ki'im b> cill Mf; M l * Snap 10 y MIIIS, s J and I of Oklahnnia. Nnininn, Okla , has 1o hl« convernlon. Iliv decision to P l f O I P elerted to T.'iu licta Pi. lion- evprmse Judnirin cflinc nfter fi\e Paul of Oimiha, KaMiiond, KI P.iw) J >eoiK or Hi lily of Jcwith hmluiy >-'<IVU'«"- uill I * bf-li) KIHI.I\ t\c»HKlneenn){ «odcl}. He Tex , mUcis, M l . Joseph Moixan. OIIVIIIH. Mi«. Bille Kaleher, Klgln inl.-oa inrrnbei-elect of Sigma Tan. nnd theology., lima ft "-'to p. in in Ihf Ti mpl* t"i)UH>. KlibtJl Sllinly II Uniol.s 111. luo biolhnj, Nathiin and i honorary rniiinrrifne orcanUatmn vill ikllvci x Mimoiiilli'. Max Slnnberi!, Om.ilin; mid fit el nnd was niude a honorary kliulrnt The annu'il p.on e of n.'th l-i.i~l' Standchlldicn. |member of the Amerlcmi Tesllnij w.ll !)• held Sund •>-. I ' "" -'Malerlal*. lhl« >«-.ir. Uc In the w)n in.TIC r:i. .of Mr. bud Mr*. r«ul ii (« will lie hfl'l | July H iKiHi.-n 1 M p m mid fi' AAIION KOfilMSKV nt K(.l,h!,lli iiu.minq ) „, Cooper'. Kami. Nwlh .12nd an.l| A a r r ) n Kopin-ky, 78. iwident of. City Is \i«itlni{ her parent*. MM,r(^ uil) l*i',tri f>t ^ TJO a. I I I McKirfley »tu-pts ! • t*t Coaipltl* , Onmha inmc Ihnn M >enrs, di«l! Tlir Mincha f t i v l c f will begin «l «arMt«*4 TV t*tWc .Sid Kui.iltk, rhiiinnin, »dl be 1 le mnde hi*. home al Ymk City! is vitllinK her porenl*. M All Maiwt Mr. nnd Mra. K M Bit I nor. An orV tf r- m. asiKled by In.ni; Stein .ind Hob-the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Ilonu CAM Kunlst, the in continuing the ntudy D^ily u>r\lcfh duilnR the week c.-l Kndel.DHn. Urfinen, pr,/,t'« and for the Aged. AK-SAR-BEN me l«id at 7 «. m. i>nd 7 p. m. The surpiiiieii uill be on lhe afternoon'* Funeral « e r v l c e « weie helilj of niiikic Hi JCundiiy niomlni: F(i\lce if hc-td rft n. nplalive< and fr.cnd« are «ere held Thur»<la TV SIRVICt 1) 41. in. invited. the Jewish Dinora n mi MiinKchcuil/ Cefilte Fish Dip flabbi Benjamin t'roner, offlclntNIAHT Ing. Burial u.i* In Heth Ilamed- i< mlRRejted -an R Zt-jity cocktail «nack. It in prepared by maslilnjr ronh Hngodol cemetery. 1 pint of drained Refiltc fl»h and Surilvlng are children. Mr« blending Kith .') tnblc*poon» KefiKe > M Tk. itr. nutr Hennan I^e»y, Mam ice, Beverly fish juice, 8 ounce* t ' i pound) Mr, and Mr*. D^nld Schoen- tkrt JrvUt If T»». Af4 t) Hill*, Cal.; Ben. Fresno, Cal. andcream chcetc. 1 tnbl«poon lemon i.nim are parent* of a »on. Kobert. llsiM Orknr five grandchildren. V.,n July 3 at Methods hntpntal. Juice, •> feaxpoon *alt. Danh ManJuly 2_Mr. and Mm. Man-in The cc-up:* hur luo other nun>. RUG It UPHOLSTERY Mark and Andrei*-. Mr. and Mr« Tieller treated lhe home residents MIHH KOrilli; SIMON »i(h cake in honor of the eighty CLEANERS D»\t Cohn arf Funeral iei\ice« for M i u Sophie FOR THE FINEST... fifth birthday of Mr. Trellei's Simon *l«ler of( Simon took RUGS-CARPETING mother. Mri Becky Tieller. Manv place Thursday, «t 2 p. m. at lhe IN PHOTOGRAPHY A »nn. Suniufl Jfi> K i t born to LAMP SHADES Mr iind Mm Rirhoid R I{oMM«k>, mpinbeif <if the Treller family and Jewiih Kiineral Home with burial fiiendx tume to pay their reat Beth Hamedroth Hogodol C'eme. FURNITURE July 3. Mm Fenny rtv-ln'.k} !• July 4 The Home M.inajjomrnt tery. She died Tuesday nlghl. l d *erve<l a fcntive turkej repnst with Cleaned In Your Homtt all the trimming* to our Kolkn A ton, Mldini'l Allan, WHS bom today on the occasion of lhe foili Hi to Mr. and Mix. Jotfph Ixvy.«>f of July celebration. At night the Don Berniteln HA 25$< Hiinsaii City, Mo, June 'A. Crandfiirrnls ere M i . and Mr*. \JK\resident* tut in comfort on thr \A\y ol Om&ha And Mr. nnd M n .Mist lerracco and enjoyed the FonWr>(r Kifilnun of Kan^nr Cilj, tenelle firenoiku dikpiay. d nls are Mr and July 4- Mr. and Mm. Nathan n of K Brown Rave a triple treat for City. M M . Anna NAchtchoen'a blrthriity rHOTOGRAPHER «ith a Klddiith In the morning 117 SOUTH 34TH STREET calte at lea time and Ice cream foi supper. HARNEY 1044 July TO- Jtabbl M>er Kripke w u TVhk* Del* it rli.nninc il« fiist our vihltor. July 14 The Workman'* Circle tufh party for July 17 ulth BarIcra (Jaibrr lit fjcn^rnl clialrraan. Auxiliary-Mm. S. Binder, chairman, wilt cite a parly for our Tiic jjfulr uill be |<iio«n aa a resident* at 2 p. in. The com"i-hipwiwk r«ul,\." niimlty ii< Invited. July 21—The Je»l»h War Vet. (toq Set on Boycott Omaha's UodbKj Ketk«r M M f Morfctt and ernni Tulen( Scout Show at 2:0C London. (JTA) — R e f u t i n g p. m. W I M T * " W * Strv* tfi* EgypH'in ullftsatione that Iraq t * HM FilMHt" It aoftrnlng it* attitude toward Israel, the Irr<il radio laid that the Bagdad Goternment "did not W I HAVE ACCESS TO end will not nil end uny regional conference in which Israel participate*, (him complying with ll« CANDY, »ve)I-kno«n nationnlist policy and thr unified decision of the Arab league."


Women's Program Is Expanding

Beth Israel Plans Sunday Picnic

4* Births

With the Horne Folks



John Kalina






Patronize Our

Visit or Calf

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BLUE GRASS SOD LaM or Dtlivtffd

$U Strictly Kosher Candy


T. R. Plym«ta

W« Continue to Feature the Finest-Ground N e f In Town—Fresh Daily

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Mcmfcy Hun FrMoy—I A.M, to i fit. 5«.d.y—J A.M. ! • 7 P.M. AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT




4415 CumingSr.



fff 1M7




Miss Nagornerls Bride Of Ex-Omahan to Aid Israel Port Plan Sam Gendlerin Des Moines Mint Adeline Nagorner, of On Miiliip*, J a , ntcwne the bride of Kamuel Gemdler, June 30, a.t Ho1rl Snvery. De« Momet. Tht ceremony Mas prrformed b«. nuBlh * white canopy covered With Hue and while jladlolnn, ctitna Horn and mnjcutic d«l«lfS. Tht bride wor* a white go»n * i l n chap*] train, of impoilcd rhurtlllly lace »nd earned a prayer tm»k arrangement of white orchid*, *]fcphunolin and ribbon T I M bride In the daughter of Mr». 'Either Nn(orni>r of D M Mo.net, *nil the trLKvn, thf JIOII of Hie Ite\. *n i Mm. Arthur Gcniller. AJin. Bfin,<r<l I^i.ne, killer of Ihr bride, «4.« matron of nonpr and t.ridfmi»Id« nrre Mrnen, Sof Na. >tvnrr, J*l<e Nagoincr, Arlhui Slrln and Minn Sally Gendlrr. Kntotl'.ng the bride down the aisle were her mothpr and brother, Jomm If. Nagoriicr. Iljm.e (Jrndlfr uai bent man an I u«hrr« were William NoyorWrr, JnkeNagorntr, Nonnnn Clfnd. Itr and PaiiJ Alpcison Judith Cii/idlrr at tended the gueM l»f-«jk Aflrr a urd/llng |nt> to Cmqsgo 111., die couple "111 nmke their . hitmr In O.wiha,'

Foimrr Oinahnn P h i l i p M Kliitiink l<. a lender In a plnn to huild » model poll city of 2V) thoi!f.nnd pc.rKontt on the ruins of the nncienl I'hillktitir rlty of A»hdnil nlong IMwtl's Mcdltrrmiii'iiit fthuic The pnijrci MIIS nnnounn'il thi» »<rk hy the Itmrli (jo\eminent Mr Klut/'nick, pipsldriit of the American Coinmuiiily Billlilcrii, Inc, Pnrk Koiest, III., pledged tprliniciil ant and financinl IjnckIIIK whi'n he hcaid of the plnn KiiRlnrrra plan a po"t able lo handle 1.500,000 tons 07 good* B \enr. An IKIHCII textile niauufiii tuier !,«>« he will build a 20inilhon-dullar ra>oit plant at Akhdod.

Want Ads I l u i t JA- lUt lo tn«tt JMJf (Van) A> •a r>i« J » U i P » M Cttttrnt rat* fi Ml MJIIA for itrb (/>•!• | I M itixrilun,; T I M l'r»« r n i n r i m< r,«ai f» limit H M e» »«th idttriiuDKOi,

BAR and Baj Mitz\ah congrAtu iatlonn alto for all Jewlnh holidays and fpecfal occatlom. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge HAVE BV OBOEIIINd ToUn ft Country, 8 Mo«, , . . . $3.00 • Ute, 70 Wl««. r, 7.70 Tlme,78Wk». , 6.87




Motine tc Gardfri, 10 Moi 2.97 -. Header* DIgejf, 16 ^fuj• 2.00 J, Hnmich, WA 3937 rC*n~Mtli;$, " ! 0«e iJhe'Want Adi to buy, tell


KBO.V- ••Me,«oBe of I n u e l , : SiinrtHj-, m o i p m July 14, Itiibbi ICiifjt tie J . Suck, ConK'CgiitJon Beth Kloh.m Brooklyn. N. 1., "Wh.il if Good KcJifiion?"

Tito Talks Israel Visit Tel A » n , ( J T A I l'n>i>ident Tito of Ju;:o*!uvl,i convidns Imnsilf "ubliK«-d to visit I s i a i l , " he lold a l l l M a d m t official nltending a ngifhs of Y u g a s l a v uoikcis roiiiicilK. The GinrniinL-nl of It,iae| I invited Tito to Wkll thiee >cms "KO. piioi lo Ilia K m pi Ian and Fai i l.'a«( lour. The imitation lias m \ e i I : lifU'ii *n*\vf n<d. • • I

Mizracht Elects New Officers Mil. Imng S*em ll.in boen elided prcsldint of Omaha Chaptti, Mi/idchl Women Ollwr nf.w officers are Mr«. Sol NOKR, fiml Viie-presidcnl; Mm, J (ioodlimdd. second \ic'e-prcitldi'i)l, Mi.f Iliwkell Erundslctlcr. third «icr-prei>iileiit, Mra Sam Collck, tiriikiiiei; Miiiei. Willlnm Kpslcin, Hairy1' Lewla, 'recording srereliir.cv; Mmps. Ilmry Poskuuit/., Ilrimnn Friedl«nder, iiiemboi Oilp (.rrirtiirlc*, and Mm Fiank .Stknr, coiiPKfxtndlnK necielary Mia. I.".-Wcliiberg, who hnj returned to Om»ha to moke her home. IIII* inicilhod the ndrnc of her noil, the iRtc Jack I I . Wi'inK. in the Cloklen Book of the Jewish National Fund. She has nino planted trrcx in Israel for the iccovcrv of hnr dnuKhter, Ni* Sain WrinlxTK of Fiemont, Nebr.

Mr». S*miir| firntllrr

Beth Israel Setting for Oruch-Elewih Wedding JJ<llh I«rnt'I SjnnjjoKue W M the U Mini; fur the Kiindny t'WninK (iindlrl.chl vctlilini! o[Mlf«'ljnn.'l Jciin Orucll lind Pfc. Gordon Acll«r KIPWII/. The double ring ccri1nim held umltr a canopy i»f ldil Ii'ibbi ltoijiiniiu Groncr and C m or KM Kjifinn offldntcd. A itciMon In thf cynitgogue hr1] followed the ceremony. tpic-ntx of the couple are Mr. • n 3 Mr». Albert A. Onich and Mr. •ml Air*, I«rdui<i Howllz. CrnnrlimrenM of, I he bride are David Fllinchrk and TAr. and film. Maur ice Up*m«n. Grnrulpaicntii of the rioom arc Mr, nmt Mm. Sainucl Kin.Hi nnd the late Mr. and M i l . Jiwjih Adlrr. 'rtii< bride wore « floor length (IJUII ill pure «llk olilffon, a Boni»n Vuung on({inal. H I T fingertip Illusion M'll «B« rani;ht wllh a ))flf hnl or Ince aliidrieri with IrI Idottt'cnt «w)iilm. The bride car)li'il a FSHCMIC nt while •trphan<t!i fpnlPipd «)lh a white oichid <<i) ;i pr»>fi book. r-lls* Klninc Fnlkcn of Council Bluff*, In , \wi,« tnnid of honor, and Miss Miriam K«l/ u m briile«m»"(l /or hrr «HiMn. The ntlendnnlK Wf.it matching biiilriiim RIUMH ul lonunre blue chiffon. tjmrfiut Klcwltz »n« best man for lili IK other. Ufchcii; [noliifi'il Jwk Orui'h, brother of (lie tniclc, llnnry I.Iphimm, Willlnm Bloom, Yi'tr IlBlprr.n-Hid Charlcn AIIlil' •), The £r<w>m> inolhor wore a t'-i.n of pink lare «lth a chiffon c'lirpheibund and floating panel. Thf hrinV< mm hrr chow » penil rtcy ulieatli of cmhroldrrod silk tUlh tin nrgan/a back drapr. Kor a wedding trip to the Kfl«t O/H'ti the bride gelrcled a !»«• r i f ' f tnnrmble of lilk v, <'i mnlchtng accranorJea. 'Die couple will li\c In B n w h . N. J.. while Pfc, Rlr«llr U Rlailonpd uilh the Signal Corp «t Kolt Monmmilh.

. On the Air


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JEWISH PRESS, 101 NO. 20TH ST. Omaha. Nebr.

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Enclosed find $3<00 for which please interf No. . • . New Year's Greeting Card in your Rosh Hashonah Edition.




Friday, July IS, IfST


WORLD WIDE Israeli Scientists Work With French World War II until his death was B / Milton The deterrent of French aiomu in contact with leading nucleai military power may «top Russian ph>biclsts. Today the number of scientists backed Arab aggression. France with important cooperation from engaged In theoretical and applied research in Israel is, in relative Israeli scientists, is approaching terms, as high as in any nation development stage indicating test of France's first nuclear wea Foundations of Israel's nuclear program up > laid by establishpon. When major nations began the ment of the Weumann institute's department of Isotope research. atomic arms race. France decided Krtrarrn In Phosphates against participation, French hu One research area pursued in manitarianlsm caused Initial rejection of the atomic military con cept. But the Soviet Union pone (rated the Mediterranean area backing Arab fanaticism with an implied atomic threat. So France JKWISH SENTIMENT'S: T h was forced to provide fur self defense by embarking belatedly great majority of American Jewi on an urgent program for de- feel warmly toward Israel . veloping an atomic m i l i t a r y This it the conclusion of a study conducted by the American Jewish potential Committee among Jewish adults Fr'nrh Pioneering and tecn-agprj on their sentiments I t was France which actually toward Israel . . . The stud) es pioneered radio-activity research tabluhed that almost all J e w s in the late Nineteenth Century even thaw completely indifferent through discover}' of radium and i Zionism—feel favorably dUpo* polonium. Today French Industry ed toward the Jewish State . • , rloc* not approach American p They see it, at the least, as a place itles. French scicnlsts arc ncver- of refuge for homeless Jews, and the.ess capable of harnc«lng ihe they recognize their responslbilit> atom for military as well as peace, to help the development of the ful use. country . • • Traditional Judaism Work of Israel's Wrlzmann In- and Interest in the Zionist move(•tltute of Science hul led to a ment of Jews in the United States pilot plant already producing with the Slate of Israel U due Heavy water, The p r o d u c t i o n more to "peoplehood," or group method was originated by Dr. feeling, the fctudy assert* . . Israel Dostrovsky. It ha« been When asked "How do you feel r lopted and applied in France about the State of Israel?" both Subsequent developments linklnr the adults and ''leort-agers" over' France and Israel in atomic de- whelmingly reported affirmative velopment have been rumored in feelings . . .. Among the parents, Paris'and Tel Aviv. There have 94 per anl and among the children been Arab allegations thai the 87 per cent . . . The indifferent, two nations h a \ e pooled all the negative and those with mixed atomic resources toward early feelings formed only five per cent production of nuclear weapons of the parents and nine per cent But little authoritative informa- of the children • • • Seven per tion has been published by either ernt of the parents and ten per France or Israel. cent of the children aald they Atomic Military Potential would like to IKe In Israel, but the The importance of an atomic military potential in French or Israeli hand* is that the Russians will be forced to everclse American Israel Trade restraint in Mediterranean in- Shows 10% Increase trigues. The Kremlfn. will hn\c New York, UTAi—-Amerlcanto think twice about plots to infiltrate the Near Easfn "local srdi-1 trade totalled $34,991,500 in M'flrs" with "volunteers." Russia the first three months of 1957. an will be unable to intercede with- increase of more than 10 percent over the parallel period in 1&M> out riskinj; reprisals. It is obvious that France and the Amcricanrlsrael Chamber of Israel will gain Infinitely more Commerce reported. United States exports to Israel weight in the world power alignment. But Israel would prefer tc totalled $30,300,000, as compared think of atoms for peace. Peace- with S26.13O.O00 in the first three ful use of atomic energy opens new months of the previous year vista* for a country deficient in American imports from Israel such conventional power sources totalled $4,700,000, at compared as coal, oil, and rainfall. Israel's with $.'5,300,000 in the Karue period first President. Dr. Chalm Wei7- in 1936. The decrease in Imports mann, envisaged such possibilities. from Israel was almost entirely decrease in the imports An eminent scientist, of cut and polished diamonds. mann from

Israel has been exploitation of low grade uranium ores such as phot' phatei. This in significant be cause of extensive, phosphate de posits in Israel. The United States has encouraged Israeli research under the Eisenhower "atoms foi peace" program. Israel is extending the same American benefits as those extended to the Arab states. A small amount of U-235 enriched uranium for experimental purposes was promised to Israel.

Between You and Me study emphasizes that actually only a few had any intention of doing anything about It . . . When the parents were asked how they would feel about their children settling in Israel, eight per cent laid they would like it, 59 per cent said they would not, and the rest said it was up to the children . . .

nek Up Yew Lox. l

DIAMONDS O i l Cml*s>

«TA H i t

Anti-Semitic Soviet Becomes Top Leader New York, (JTA)-Frol R. Kozlov, L e n i n g r a d Communist leader elevated to the new Soviet Presidium in the present shake up of the Communist party In the USSR "played an appreciable role in the setting or the anti-Semitic 'doctors' plot" in early 1953, the New York Times reported. Kozlov was tse author of an article in 1953 dealing with "infilitration by Jewish bourgeois nationalists In the Soviet Union and the menace of these elements," the Times said Stalin used the "doctors' plot," In which a group of leading Russian doctors, most of them Jewish, were charged with plotting the death of a number of key Soviet leaders, as an excuse for liquida-

Omohan Observes 96th Birthday Plans Tor a trip to New Yo\\t were in the making as Mrs, Sophl* Craulich celebrated her 96th birth* day Monday. She makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Sidney Goldberg1 uho attributes her gprlghtlines* and alertness to her interest in thu life about her. She lived here for six years and has made several trips to New York since that tima. Her son. Al Craulich of New York has been visiting with her this week. tion of Jewish institutions in Russia. The doctors were released immediately after Stalin's death antf completely rehabilitated.


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