July 19, 1957

Page 1


X X X V - No. 41

Philanthropies Scoreboard At of July 19, 1957 Th« feUftwin9 «f* current rtporti from diviiiopi in th« 1957 Om«li4 Jtwtih Philldthropitl Camptifln: Dl.iilon * I»S7 Tel.l to D j t .

Initial Gifts Men't Division Women's Division B. & P. Unit Children's Division High School Division University Division Organixations Miscellaneous


r."7. Skiftt To Receive B'nai B'rith Citation

$415,801.50 25,200.75 66,766.50 ,., 2,837.00 2,000.30 871.50 191.50 2,463.75 1,100.00

Total to Date


Co-Chairmen Pr«i$» Workers—

Men's Division Raises Record Sum in Appeal The total «um of $2.5,200 75 was rMsed by the Men's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign In the current drive, from 1,011 donor*, Louli Canar and Ruben Lipnett, co-chairmen of the divulon, Announced this week. Workers Devoted "The result* o( the drive arc due to the devotion and consecra-. tlon.of our Division personnel," the co-chairman declared. "We had, 21 fcaptkiiw, and 128 ^workers, who ,- have" covered and secured remits on the above card*. We are grate, fuf to. them.' and would like io " recosntee them by publishing their name* in the Jewish Press column*." Laud* Co-Cn»lruien Arthur 11. Goldstein, General Chairman ol the campaign.1 indicated that great credit is due to the two co-chairmen of the Men's l>miion, Lou dinar and Ruben Uppclt (or the type ot leadership they save to their division. "Their men followed the example act by tlfene two indomitable leade n , who stuck to their Job, and *aiv to it that the cards were being covered effectively and efficiently. The community it grateful to them for their zeal and pcifonn»ner." i ,

Arab Propaganda Office Opened San Francisco, (WNSi— Abdel Moneim Khedry. Egyptian consul, Announced thnt nn Arab propaganda of/ice (i to open In this pity under the dlrectlonship of Aite Sshwetl, a graduate from, the, Harvard Law School.

Another fl.MO Kxpertrd The &>-chalrmen Indicated that Ht least another H.500 are still expeclrd to come in from cards which ore ntill being solicited. The Captains are as follows: Gene Braun, Elliot Brown, Max Crnunse, Homer Karbcr, Harold Garber, Don Gordman, Barton Greenbcrg, Paul Grossman, Sheldon Harris, Marvin Kaplan, Millard Margolin, Sol Parsow, Sam Pollak, Joe Radlnowakl Yale Richards, Sam Rlfkln, Robert Sit. ver, Ervin Simon, Marvin Thellcr, Oicar Waldvogel and Sol Yaffe. Worker* are ai follow: Alvin Abramson, Jullua Altaian. Harry Baroon, Henry Boskin, Max Belgrade, Gabriel Bergman, Harold Bloom, l.eonord Boasbcrg, Frederick. Gassman, Max Chasch r Jullus Cohn, Eugene Cooper, Nathan Cooper, Samuel V. Cooper, Norman Denentxrg, Herbert Dolgoff, flobert Endclman, Harold Epstein, Irving tpjleln, Jack Epstein, Wlllii Epifpln, Morris Erman, Isadorc Kalk, Albert Feldman, Nathan Kuic, Danny Fogel, Charles Fredkin, "Melvln Freeman. Sam Kiied, Isadore Friedman, Uoyd Friedman, Sain Krohman, Marvin L. Gllinsky, Jerry Gltnlck, Harry CJoldlx-rg, Mil Ion Goldberg, Richard Goldman, Jack Green, H e n r y L, Greenberg, Jerome Grossman, Chdrle* Gusi, David Jfahn. Norman Huhn, Sam Ifahn, Yale Holperin. Jack Jacobson, Max Kadis, Moe KaKan, I^eo Kamisar, Mat Kanner, Samuel S. Kaplan, Louis Kalz, Delm.ir Klein, Richard Kohnn, Boris Korncy, Hyman Kraft. 'Dr. Benton Ktitler, Max Lashin. nky, Mtlio,, 1-ehr, Chariot Ueb, (Continued on Page 3.)

l-tuxuM* titd) tmt%> 1*1 h tarn U n n l K>ir < Om»ti« Nerrxks rtww #» IMf Slur If €*•• l

V. 1. Skutt

Sam Beber, Park Forest^ III., founder of AZA, B'nai B'rtU\ i organization, and Bob Considlne International News Service eoJumm-><, will be In Omaha next week to honor V. J. Skutt, named recipient ot the sixth annual.Americanism Citation of Henry Monsky lodge B'nai B'nth. , • • • l.unrhcon Thursday „ , „ , „ „ , , „ , , r n d u s t r y Commit IN. The citation will be pres»nled at for''United Nations Week, J951; a luncheon in the Paxtun hotel trustee, Nebraska Heart AssoeioThursday, July 25th. iion, 1934; Nebraska state chairThe award Is given on the basis man, American-Korean Foundaof contributions to community and tion, 1934; piesident, Nebraska CIVIC betterment and for^general Chapter, Arthritis and Rheumi. advancement ot citttcnship respon- tism Foundation, 3933-54; vicesibility. chairman, Nebraska Advisory Dellrudcd l'bllanlhrople» fense Committee, 1933; president, Mr, Beber, an attorney ,ind for- Omaha Community Olwrt, B « ; mer Omaha resident, served as general chairman, United War and president of the Omaha Fedei'a- Community Client Campaign ot tion for Jewish Service in 1944 and Omaha, 1931; regent, University 1915 and was the first chairman ot Omaha, WU-5Q-, general cna^rof the local Jev.ish Philanthropies nian. War Bond Drive, Omalii, campaign in 1930. He is a past 1912; director, Omaha Symphony president of B'nai B'nlh District Oichestra, 1941-42; national presiGrand Lodge 6. Both he and Mr. dent, Cmghton University Alumni Considme will appear on the lunch- Association, 1933. eon program. He serves on numprous busine-n Dr. Unenberg. Tua^tnimtrr Clurenci Umien, winner ot last boards of directors and is a ctvartcr memlwr, board of directors, ->f >eur'j sward, will make the pieSRiitulion to Mr, Skult. Toastmas- the recently organized Health In. tcr will be Dr. Abe Grcenbeirg, surance Association of A m e n d Reservation;;, whtah Will ^>e Vitnmember ol the hoard ot governors, Supreme (international) lodge, and Ited to 500. may be made with Mr. current president of tile Jewish Colick at ORchard 1344. Fetlei a tion. Others on lh» program ,»re Governor Victor Anderson, .Mayor John Rosenblatt, Henry Monsky lodge president Sam Pollak, Junclfcon chairman Hurry Colick, Rabbi i Sidney If. Brooks, of Temple Israel A costume parade and «liotv and Father William Kelley, S. J., climaxed the four weeks of Center dean of the college* of arti and Day camp session* at their closd sciences, Creighton University. July 12th at Peony Park. Previous Winners A w a r d s for outstanding cosPrevious winners of the award, tumes went to Mike Sells, Mitchell in addition to Mr, Landen, were Stone, Sharon ©Awn ario dan Robert H. Stora, E. F. Peltii, Mor- Milder, with honorable mention to ris K. Jacobs and W. Otto Swan- Floyd Freiden and Carole Rosen. son. The show presented by staff Mr. SkuU's latcit Civic work was members Included clowns, anlm.il as general chairman of the city's trainer, song, stunts, .two-headed recenIly.celebrated Second Cen- twins, bull fight, high dive spectury Jubilee. ialists, sword swallowers, and a He was named the Health and variety of other acts. Accident "Man U the Year" of A wishing well ceremony also 1930 for outstanding contributions highlighted the activities. to the health and accident insurCamp counselors were enterance industry. tained by Dr. Ciinlon Kindler, n Work* i recent graduate of Creighton UniHis civic work includes: regent, versity, with a demonstration of CrelRhton University; d I r e c t o r, hypnotism. The event, an annual Omaha Chamber of Commerce; affair, was held at the home of governor of Ak-Sar-Ben; trustee, Mi. and Mrs. Robert Kooper. Nebraska M e d i c a l Foundation; memlrer, Civilian Advisory Committee to Commanding General, Sth Army; trustee, N e br a s k a Chapter, Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation; member, National Budget Committee, United ComSidney Taren has been elected munity Services; truitee, Omaha president of the "Bread Breakers", Sdfety Council. the fun e r °up ot B'nai B'tW\ Headed Organization* Henry Monsky lodge. He has been national chairman, Other officers are Sol Liftman, first vice-president and Millard MargoWn, second vtee-iwesiicnt. The organization meets each Wed. ncsday noon and is c u r r e n t l y scheduled at Gourmets. world together so they can sll down at the same'table, discuss matters, amongst themselves . . . These disputes which exist between the member nations may be resolved, wtlh" regard to International disputes we may be able to put forward suggestions which may help to resolve them."

Day Camp Closes

With Gala Show

Sam Hrlicr

Sid Taren Heads 'Bread Breakers'

Bob Cnmilitinx

Pakistan Urges Arabs to Accept Israel By AatU Eo(l» Washington (JTA>—A gignifi.'e^nt future' role for Pakistan in •the Arab-Israel situation was Indicated here in the wake of detailed conversations I n v o l v i n g Prime Minister H. S. Suhrawardy

Former Omahan Honored by ALA A former Omahan employed by the Library of Congress hat been honored toy the American Library Association, David I. Haykin, a graduate of Central High school and the University ot Nebraska, wtur cited by the association for "distinguished leadership" kl the development of cataloging and classification. Hl« f a t h e r , Joseph Haykin, makes his home with * daughter* Urt. Samuel H. Stern.

and President Kisenhower. The two leaders discussed the rolci their nations could play in bringing Arab-Israel peace. Prime Minister Suhrawardy revealed on a national television program that be was "afraid there in no other alternative" but for the Moderns io accept Israel's existence as a fact of life. He said: "The Israeli problem In** got to be solved if we are ever going to be certain about peace In the Middle East. I think that U Is the duty of all persons ot goodwill to do whatever they can in bringing about the solution." Outlining what Pakistan and the United States could do, the Prime Minister said "they couW bring the two parties together; they could try and reason with them." He suggested that the United States could act as an individual mediator. He thought that Pakistan would also be willing to be a mediator. He admitted

that Pakistan has opposed recognition of Israel. Need Agreement Mr. Suhrawardy said he thought "that the creation ol Israel waa wrong. But after all." lie added, "there is Israel, and everyone realizes there must be an agreement between the Arab world, between the Arab nations that resent the existence of Israel, and Israel iuielf. Now an agreement ot tbl* nature connotes that they recognize the existence of Israel, that they recognize that if there Is an agreement between the two parties, then one of the parties is Advlc* to Moslem* not exterminated." He aald he was "afraid there Is no other alternative" than for him to advise all Moslem nations to accept Israel as a fact of life. Defining the role Pakistan dcsiron to play in the Mosleirt world, ne said: "All thnt I have been WantIng W do Is to bring the Moslem

Speaking of

(In Israel, Premier Suhrawardy's statement that he is willing to a:t as mediator between Israel and the Arabs received a mixed reaction. A Foreign Ministry spokesman aald it represented progress Inasmuch as U Indicates that a Moslem political leader sees the necessity of advising oilier Moslem leaders to rccoEnize the existence of Israel. "It Is to be hoped that the raillrition of such necessity will also be adopted by Arab leaders," the spokesman said. However, \\e added that Israel feel* that a«y Arab-Israel talks should be direct and not through a tlilrd party.)

Long Beach, Cal. A low neckline may be fine tor "girts nVe Maffiyn Monroe, but as far as T am concerned, I don't think I'd wear anything so revealing," Miss Israel declared here in the course of a debate on feminine charm among Miss Universe contestants. Miss Israel, Rumanian-born Atara Barzely who aspire* for ]\Iiss Universe, thought that modesty rather than «iex<! bravura should,, guide women when' they display their feminine charm. -


Groups Hold Joint Pknic Sunday tilWthnl K\nf FrW»y by the federation ef Jcttith Scnk<

FtM»y, July Iff, 1M7

Government Program fp Aid Arabs in Israel Expanded

Th* Ptonter Women nnH <h< Farband Poale ZIOII will hold n Tel A\iv. (JTAl-Finlher im- M),000 pound* of ]*ri4cl Gin emjoint picnic Simda}. 2 p. m. st Mm- pleincriiation of P r e m i e r B<n IS* inent tnowy, are noarlnft romnliy wood pa ik. Uui ion's pledge ti> cixnpltte thr II FftANCtS KLtlN >.... Editor A tegular Jicfille fish dinner Mill iniep-allon of ItnK'I'B Anil) mjnni- lion. In addition, 25,000 pounds tx scmii between 2 |i. in. ami 5-'Ml ity u a i annodncod by Knrti-,1) LOOT, Wai allocated l»kt v.e*k l o ' i * | W p. m Cofleo »ml ooft drinkf \\itt Israel's Minister of Aiffiriilliirt'. be smed fire The pir>grum will lie Stinted thai (uldHlonid fo\<rnunhide g.imrs and piurs. tnenl aid to Arnb farmeij. «III I * The committee in H widespread fipiiruttimil eludes Mrs. 5 ofiivim will U' instiAr.ib finmcrs, i.nii n Mr ani SI,, llur... K...n<ky i I.'U.injr K'«iwvelt BVul B j i l h model Milage for modem Aisih l i z a r d . «! " ' ' with Ih-'ir **, funning uill be estaijlished GlrU" first nish party w})| lie a 'l.<-,r n.cei j <.i).'.i, ore j /kKrlciilturul Tr.-ilnlnf M. Rd/nlck, S. Jitrtiman. M. Hjlc fhu« st 'ne Flrrtldr ReKinu .ind nephew. .Mr. ami Mr». Mr». »•«» II r/. Mnd Me>.«r8, .1. Feld- -Inslnicltons lia« been i«-ur.t to ' i/ini. July 2,i Maddi Muuff h ti<-nt Sherman. H Mi? Sir'n « the fc h for-' A<.h, B. Klulman, S, Hif- f'UriiajItlirnl schools n Aiab <ci- . ('iinilli-lighiing, 7:33 p. m. . mer Sliprlr> kin. if, fUfkin, and It. SlirusiK.'IThe tloiu lo register more Ar,il> pupils BRTII Kl. tind pljrts uerc under e<<iii<idei n-> j Mi' find Mrs. Abr C'nhcn snd price is one dollur for the d.iy. Sabbath ewninj.' sin i.su.li I * 4un, Aivui, left Oinnhii llli« ut'i'k ^* tion for a tpecial Aral) depnrlmr/it, held lamghl lit 7 p in. Siibu.ith j lo miikc their home in Ij.^ AnKti™ in- n(ch sehooI.H, the Mumlfr n>-j HOI.IOAVK «i maiming jter\icr*s w.Jl bryn atft'(0 >ealed. Water aynlcint liine lieen | ,Holid;.}i Uej! n Sundown of u, m Tne Alinrti.i Sen ice « . i | beinlrodiired in 60 Amu \illnge* mill! JiPri'MiiuK Pay lv n tin at 7 •.'»!) p. ni IJ«-1kcli»>" 1 *'•'• *""' "'"'*• ' ' Singer «rr additional uelln under conMnic-, > Jtosh HILSIIIU in Y.\e S<>|if. Mis A. E. I nt Daily utriicet ilurmK I lie tu(k Sept. tM-r itlitcr M r s ' " * P'i«' » '<f » n . So>tl DBVHI. Hi.n in other Arab Mllni;^, he r!v- j ' Flirt Oay O i l , in visll ec, n e held »t 7 <i m. imit 7 p. m Th* 5<-pl. Suphlp Kohtkop Hiirl hei- biothir born. June 7 Hi ChrUum liwpilsl. dared. Ik* iiKo di»clul>ed ihiit »iij \ Second Day Sunday ;itoinlnt; uitice held al ntlempt was IxitiK made to fro-• i Yom Klppur Ocl GiJindpurcnU arc Mr. find Mis. ailij si>.lfi-in-lri«, M l . nnd M I H . . s' vide permanent settlement for Ihe Do m. J)d»id Crow. She tui* Just rc- Max Platt mid Mr. and Mrs Mor- w mulct ins Iiiueli Bcdouin« wild n i lumit) fn>rn Nrw V<irk City, ri> Singer. Maternal gmndparpnli: Kovrinnieiit (locl.-lon to ulldt .Vji J1ETII ISUAKI. Murgolin ihe »«•, the curkt of h«'i"are Mr. and Mr*. of Lo» Angcii's and Mre. Siimunl diin«inv of land to ony Doflouin Ml family uishliiK lo xetlle. i <•RADIO t TV SERVICE at 7 30 [i. m S^Wi.ilh morn ni; Mrs Mark C^OUIIMHI. Plait. llntoule lo" TV CAR RADIO viret fit 845 s m Junior Con- Omaha, the \isiffd uiih lelalntx .More Tm< lorr tADIO rH0N06*ArH . Anuouncemrnt hm Iwon nMdr > > f t g n »l 10 a m Rubbl Hcn- in Chicago Denciibinj! Arab progiess unrlrr I the b.rth of a *on. BeiinPll Jff- Israeli rule, the Mi.nslir tnid that I PAUL GOLDIERG j.imin Gronrr «ill conduct ihr S.itfwy, to Mr. and Mr». llarry I. 21 M*. I4l« St. ft «»• tirduyftfti?rni>OMT.ilmtid v\ai< m 7 Mr. and Mrn, Mimrd I(»M-II are Freeman of Sjr> Krancnco, CH) the number of tmetorii In the i p. m. .Mtnchji. follow I'd by Sh.ilo-Ji Arab »ecl»r« hnd inci cased lincc S «liere they are Mr. Kreeinan, a fornirr Onaiuiii y SVudof and itaanv nill bct>.n <•! l andd ri.il f Ihe sun of Mr. anil Mm. Joseph II «ta(fhw)d from ]•> to 17S. Jle tiled 7:30 p m. The Sunday muriMic »i«i(irifi their mn-in-liiw the tllliiKe of Taibeh »heir thr CLEARANCE OF hretfkHtt mimon And Bible cli"> ter, Keum.iH and M n , heimelh Frecmin. Mnlcrnnl Ki'""lfti'>'hfi number of trucks usrd by Aral>« hpjilm Bl 8 45 a. in. nn<1 'he .Sun- Wpiiicr. Trk'V were acrYKnp^y ed Is Mr*. Bfiinett Kiirdman uf Buf- ha« iiicrensed froiri l»o In 1!I4H to FINE SUMMER by the:r son, Jrtry. Mr» Weiner If falo. N. Y. '<6 at prcurnt, uhile indio *ct* day moinlnK junuiif nun) on b«'K.n» MERCHANDISE «tt?.T<)» m Wrrkly iri\,ei-- «ill Itie foiTiier Judith Hosen of OtHH' Mr. and Mr« Walter J. Crren- ounrd by Arab \ i 11 n g r 11 ha? ti'Krfi »' 7 a. m. «nd 7 40 p. m hi. Her hiikbtind« puienlt, Mr. b*rg are Ihe paivnlis of a »on. Paul jumped from one In Ihe (liu» of 70 p$t c«nt ditcounl en «ur *A* The Talmud Cl.iin IIIMIJ at the and Mr*. Otto Wr.ner of Chieago Jetlety. Iwrrt July 10. firundmolli. the Billiih mandate lo .1.V)." f!i« itofd of fin* fl*m« kf*nd made the tr.p uith Ihe Ho>e/n afIWh and Blirl Strocl" S>nni.'<i|iur ter jiuiiii); I hem in O.Tiah.i Another official report retealid ert ar« Mm l^-on GrrentXTR, iurnm«r turti, tilki, dlcren *nd cifryTur»day f\tnin(! nl i p m. | Omaha, and Mm, Piinl BliiiiicnlhaJ. that renovBliom iimj rfpulM lo the we*I *nd wiih atfid w*«f. Bred* trt .*.M)«I. * e»-nlral Jtio«<ue in Acre, t Mexlco C y Mr». ll.rry «rc-nM»|» left Jhis " \ __ \ Alio ent lot wool tuift *n<f TKMI'I.K 1SRAKI. ueek for5eaitlc, ViHoria. Vatican-1 Mr. arid Mr* ininR Kpfilcln «ir l ipofJ co«ti rrdu£r<J 20 St-rticet »»ll bt hi-ld Fndaj r\entng at 7:30 p. m. in lb* Trin- \er. B. C . imil Calif<»rniii uhere | the porentu of a rinliRlilcr, Cynlhln No alltulioit on this llf chapel, fiubb. Sirtwy 11. Biwk« she «ill vnlt retaine« for $. month,! Eve, born July 13 The eoupjp ha« another daughter, Le«lhr Anne. wtl ddiier n Mi» Jaek Hremn and children, Old st«*W*-*>rntl*<t tubs Thr -Kpslelrn 'io\e mt their j Morlene, Barry and Diane of Vanguest, Mm. Henry Mark* of Beau- lato W >la«jl*-lm«tl»<t lalls. •*• l*f Jialf price ! • • • • Nuyj, Cal, and Maynard Saylan of mont, Tex., maternal gnindrnotber AH Kind. Mis't »nJ Ucfi.i' Ix>» Angelei, Cul.. are tinting lhelr of the new Baby, and her third luptrt T.iliwing mi AlliKtlom parent*. Mr, and M n . JarkKajUn. grandchild. Mr. Mark* will arrhc Mrs, Brown was In* former Har- in Omaha August 5. Anothci Vfrv an4 hawBlMi M Tk# Iff. rlet Saylan. Her lui'band uilj join daughter of the Marks is Mr* <|>alllr a«lbn t»t Mm D»M Of*»» ** ' th« family in «»er«l weckt Bernard Osberoff. l i t S*<~ 1 fth J». n. AT t I M - 401J fc™« »». Jul)" 30—Dr. PJiihp Shrt prePatenml gmndparenlii of dnOr Op** t «.•!. •• f:ID f-m. 4Mi, M'nled Dm id Orkmv, htmt >npfrthin E\e are Mr. and Mrs.'Sol EpITii H: <7t» Si. intendpnt, with an air cimdit.oner stein. NMt*w*w R M I M Hl«ti»«y for h.* ottice. T»»nk JUII, Drr Philip Sher, July 12 - Mrs. lioi-e Biiutikin, ihfoMSh Nornun Baits, dorulfdj Omah* Young Artulm have l*en The family of llyman S. Alpernine air conditioner' I.I Hie Dr, , m i |,.,i l 0 pH rtklpiile In a {jail* nofl will dedicate a monument in Philipp Sher llo,np f»r Ihe Uabor Dfiy \Veek-iiid camp outing his memory Sunday, July 21 nl A T Aged. Thi* will pnnide ad.lil.»n.tl at Camp Jlmwhorn oiiiride, St Go'den Hill cemetery, 1 p. m. flab, Area* for thuse H}>O to firijoy Louin, Mo. f h bl Benjamin Groner and Cantor ihe healthful and n living t-ornA program fe.itutin^ Ujaling K!l Kagan M4U officiate. iwl of air conditioning Our apple' kHimniinft dancing «nd oul-<jfeiatiem to -Mrs. Blimik.n mid Mr dw)r socials ha« been f.ehe<liikil So Lovely Ball*. to befjin AIIKIISI :iOlh nnd tonlinuc July 13- A ppec.il Kiddu'h » a i through Scpfrmbei' 2nd Ad Useful In Horn* crnd Garden to Look at. giien tiy Mr. and Mr*. Jiie GoUYoung adult* frum C h i c . i f f o duier in honor of ihe fmth al IhclV Koniiait City, Dei Monies, St. IJUIIU So Eaty , " grandchild, Lynn Rae Cntid.ner. and Oinahil are eApettrd lo ultend. M*ny fnitctiticfti Intruded he Car* For! Parent* are Mr. and Jim, Vale VV The fee for the «eck-end It $2600 Golsdiner. Mvtcrn.il Ki<indp.'irent« Any young adult or s««ip of Grcd» A ere Mr. and Mr* Hyinan Witt. young adults interested m [lie trip .Vaiirzeil-The 17|hd.i}' inT.un- arc aiked to cull Ihe Center atllvCALL AT M M ' 1407 HARNEY-ST. snux -July 16th Br-n Milder, itie» office. JA I.1C6. The J8th day in,Tam.-nuz- July Lofd or Delivered 17th—Lotiii S. Lcbuwilz, CHIROPRACTOR The 27lh day jn T,irninu/-July T. R. Plymaf* DR. STtVENS, U14V, MRHwy S6lh-Sam Juteplison Aw., O M I W In memonam- Becky Treller. "WUr. tht Sick 6 . 1 W . H " New rendents—S»m Fi*h, l^ouie Olfic. Houri: I t. m. Is i p. m. FREE ESTIMATES Omaha's Leading Kosher Mtat Martict cunt .• Fninen, Mr*. Jenny H.iblrr, Sir*. Eviningt by Appolnlmant • Benjamin P'leiihmun and Mrs, ' > • • « HE I7»» Mitm. JA 49*7 Whtrc " W * Serve the Ffnesr •' •Sarah SiKer. Rtcvno u«*» UuMln? I M i m i c t Authorized H\ Annual SllOw ruillun, H till. AUvxililnE H»tf< un A)ip pUFillTuriat Ol'ttr—JU1 v> JUH Mn-rl, Uin-iha. N»l>r_ it JArkwu Flint Sh> . Ail'ircgs 4fc»* M ^.Ti blir«t.

Omahans In the News


Births _



With the Home Folks


St. Louis Invites Young Adults

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Israel's Premier Reviews Situation Jerusalem, <Wf!S)--Pr«ml«T

Campers Hold Contest to Name Colt A ronl««t to name a new roll at Camp Jay'-C-C hail Hi Uncled the interest of many of the children who are looking forauid lo I he opening of the camp, Sunday, July 28. .

. O T A I - M u u i i c e Orbrfch, Lalior M P and srcictmy of the Trade (ill AfKisoiy C<«in<il, a body which "works aniilnst dlscnmin.ilioji undi'i the nuspicf, of Ihe Uo.ird of Dopulics of Blllisli Jens, lias tinned over to Scotland V'.n(I u tliKMtening Ictler fr<jnl fie Kci Klux K l j n which u t is m.iiled jn VV.ico. Te\as "Ihe letter, signed simply "Ku Klu\ KIdn," »<nned Air. Oibach lo "l.i.v o f f Ins denuncidtioni of i.iii.il disciiiiiinalion in indilMij. .siinil.M letters have been icceivrd hj olhei pnmmieiit Unions /it;hlmg disciiimnrilivn. incllidinft Kcnner llioLktvay, uiiother Luboi' MI'.

David Ben Gurion, addrfhMng a fortr-teven member lnrael Bond fielejfatlon from Chicago, averted that there was no liiTinlofnce of All registered cjimpcnt me in, jrither war or peace with the Aral) Wted tg MiKBrst nunips for the •^eiHtcd in the next lev. yeans. Reviewing iht general situation, lillle brown cull wkosu mother lit the Premier miserled lli.'it the Smokcy, one of Ihe'ramp hoihcs. TTOBpect of peacv with the Arali Aiming the nmiiwi offered < M *4utcii icmalns a remote possibility far aie ISrounlp by Stephanie us long sis the Koternmrnts of I Lincoln; Peluni.i by Ffailmi,i UobThnrteeounlrics HJ'C not democratic i mson and Jiiy J r , l j \ Kullis c;rf,-n«nd Indifferent to the needs of berg S4ndra Creenberg f>UKK'"'l<d their people. Once the Arab lead- "Ijllle Camper, CJaiy Ro'.clwum. «-iK"are convinced (hut Israel lit "Sf^ook," the name of h,s imrr J K I P to stay, Mr. Ben (priori nalrl, hor»p. the [K>s«lbllitiPS of peace wiJI be The content will run through the nrnrer. opening d.iy of r.inip. The \Miiner ami the winnlni; mime Mill be annguiifed Khoilly

Former Omahan, Bride Tour U, S.


MRS. M.UVXCA S. TltKl.r.KH Mr*,, Rrbecrx S, Treller, « l»ngIsobel liiiiwit/, rl.iiighler of Mr. " l i m e rttldenl of Omuha, died Sat- and JVIri IJIW Jlumlt/. and £'«mle titAny, a few (lays utter n-lebrat- Adler, daughter u{ M J and Mis. >ng her 83th birthday. She HUHArlhiir Adler, i¥lmning Jn.\-C-<* camper* who will participate in ftiolher of M.mifi Tiflier. Aiio >Urvi\ing i r « i brulher, I he expanded r.tlinn piocram at J i k e Sp!l*<bcrger, nnd l«o grimily the camp thin mimmti. ch 'drpn. .. Knncrjl KF> ice* s^ore held Mon«5.iy morninif «l the. John A (Jenfirman mortuary M\h Jlablii Sidm y Brook* officiating. Itnri.il «n> KHON-"Me«,igc of l-rael." fft Pleasant Hill cemetery, Sunday, Mm p m. July 21, RabW Bernard Heller, chairman J>H. H. T. KltlKDMAN of the communion on JvuUh Dr. B. T. Friedman, 04. »n Omii. theology of the Central Confeiha <lcnli.il 40 years, died Tuesday ence of American RaWwii New In a IIMWI hiwpitnl, nfU-r wllciUi% Yoik Clly, 'The Role of Tbeol. A heart attack In hit office. Funogy In Religion." • nil ncrucpn «eie held Thiirwtoy morning «f ~Crofiby-KiinoJd mnrtoniy with Habhi Henjmnin C.ioncr officiating. Burinl «n« in f!oldr n Hill cemetery. Siirtivinj; me «lfe. JRose. children, Jnmej, Mr». I-eonnrd Kra«Haifa, IWN«JI- Major General n«, Omaha nUterH, Kthcl Bti(:k«piin, Mo.ihe D;ijan, J s r n e l i Army Paillm, T e x : Rose NftUinn. Mexchief,' invited (he Ruwlnns to ico City, M e x . «nd Doris Axelmnn. "come and see the truth if they Chicago III. '. ,. yl»h" about Ihe \erily of Syria"! claim that Ixrac.1 wn» rnneenHen's Division Irating troop* for tin attack. The current Syrlnn-lTflfll tcn(Continued from Page 1.) Norman Lincoln. Morris Upp, Joe «lon, he Kaid, in due to RiiMia'i Upton, Sot U l U i u i i , Philip JUtb- "unbi Idled excitement and smear man, 0 r , Stanley Malashock, Ru- enmpnign auolnM" Israel uml to the shipment of arum to the fc,n Marcus, Norton Mark*, Abo Mtller, Orvel Milder, Benjamin Arab countries fiom the Soviet Mlrolf, Stuart M I M M I I , Milton Union and »ome «\ intern counNcirenbere, DcMald Nogg, Einic trlen. NO^K, Mnx Kowk, Albeit Okrcnt, Alhcrt A. Onich, Ilymnn Onoff. Huliln Hatner, Harry Ravit/, Max Migration May Reach Re zbaum, Mlle» Reiner, 4 Million in 5 Years D,i\ld Mice, Eugene Rich, Da\id Jonwalem, tWNSI -I'Wdiction IlichjirdK, Marvin ftlchar-K Robert Rhnmerman, Selwyn Hoffman, Ihut .at leavl aVI.UOO or poivibly Edward A. Itoien, Richrtrd Rotln- 400,000 Jeuii would migrate lo *ky, Joe Rolhkop, Mar\in S«l>c«, Inrai'] In Ihe next The )car* wa? made by Dov Joseph, lre.i-.uicr M.iv Sack*, Arthur S'alkln, (ieoice of the Jewish Agency, who said Pchaplro, A b e Schloff, ~ .IIIIIUK it wan fair to MHUIIIC Unit 275,000.Schrelber, Sle'gberi S c h u I m a n, 000 Ifiraeli pdund^ will be rniuired ttUutyU Schwartz, George Sharfor each of the f|\e yean to er, Irving A. Sherman, Lea Sher- absorb the annual aniwil of 7S.00O tn.iii, Sam Rhyken, Harry Sjdman, new immigrunli. Kirrl Sicgel, Robert Siherman, (f l;i|iloy S11 v e r in a n, Mm mini VVage-earncM In Jsiael rerel\e 8m*wio, Richard Spiegel, f . \f.irltn Staenherit, Sam Stone, nn addltionul rrdiicllun of 10 i Sunucl.Swartz, Sidney T j i e n , Dr. of the gross tax in all ctscs where Mel\iaT*teltnan, Malcolm Trach- the lax deducted nt the source lenbnrx, Allen Tully, Undore M. amount!! to at lenul 7 5 ' t of (he Wejiilfr, K, I Wldman, Da»e Wine, amount of the tax.due.

On the Air

Soviets Offered 'On-the-SpofView

Brneil Winlroiib, Hfibeit Wintronb, Richard Winttoub, In-ing Wohlner, Paul Wfthlner, Hairy Wplfnon, Dr, U w l i .Yagcr^and Samuel Znerling.

ARABIC TAlHiHT IN ISIIAKI, Jerusalem (WNS>—Arabic i« Inujihl in HO »chool5 in lutne), Including AS intermediary school*, 54 high schools and tv\en elementnry nchoolx. ,

Fhww l\ 13« is iuwrtrolir n'int AD Carnal n i l li » «nl« (OI ttrll lour lifM inc*rtl4n, Tbi rrt** i t i f n H iht rldttt W Unix >H« o( t«fl> «anrll.«rnnU.

BAR and Bn« Mll/.vah congrdttf latlons nho for all Jewish holl- dajn and upccial OCCMIOIII. Mcycru Xeua Stand, 1502 Dodge Town & Country, 8 M«t |3.00 l i f e 70 Wk« 770 Time. 78 Wk*. 687 Vogue, 1 \'r 3 97Home Sr Harden. 10 Mo« 2.ft7 ni'.idrri, Oldest, Ki Mox 2.00 O i l -Mis S J, UMWICII, WA 3957



Don Bernstein

KI'HTKIN MOIIflAV I'OST The Kpstein-Morgun P<n;t, .!<«•l>h War, Veterani will piesent oile of Ku youth talent shows lit Ine Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged at 2 p. m. Sundny iiflenxKin, July 2l«t, aceoiding to «n ailnouiiccment by Max Belgrade, C'hahman for the show at tlie Home.

10* No. 15fh Strt.r JA 24il (In Omaha Loan (Id?.I

The Kpslein-Mnigiiii Post, will again be host, Monday at R p m |o hospitalized veterans liom the Omaha Vetenins Hospital at Ihe Municipal Rail Park. Milton Gold-



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Mr. iwid M M Leonard Mendel V'eii/er, who were m.iriJerl m Snn Uiciro, C'nl, Apul 24, will spend Ihe (list year of then marriiige luiiiing the United Stale's M i , Veltzer, a f o n n e i Oinahnn, Is m.iking a study of the nrchl1 trcluic of the coiulliy. He in,the son of Mr. and Mi? Bernard Vjlt. /cr, of San Diego, who pre\Iou<s|y iCKHled in Omaha. Mr. Veit/ei's bride Is the former' HADAKSAK Nadene K v e 1 y n Keiler of S.in Jbeig VAVS repieKenlflllve In r D,egn. She attended San D.CI;,J Tne glimmer bo.nd 'meeting o ehaiue of the piogmm, at the V'A Quid ha chapter of Had.i<>,,-ih A illI hospital, announced that annlhei .Slate College wheic ihe was a be held Monday noon, July 22 in Jioutii talent >how will lie piesenl- member of Alpha Zl Delta Soro;HV * ~ . [mid Snjina Alpha Iota women's the I^ounge of the KitM Federal !ed at the VA hospital, Wednes- music oigani/atioil. Bunk of Lincoln, Countryside Vil1 Iriiiy, July 25th at 8 p m All memMr. VicUer wai graduated from liige. Co-ho<te«.sc« «ill be Mine* are uiged to attrnd Ih.s pro- the Umvciiify of C'nilfornla hi David I3roclke>, Dave Sheiin.ui and 'b ' Bcikeley where lie WHK (iffilialtd Max (jim-nbrig. i with Sigma Alpha Mil ftnternlty. Mm. Meyer N. Rubin, chapter I Highlighting the youth taleht pio«,dent, will piewnt Ihe schedule piogiam of the Jewish Win VctPdlroni/c Our Advertjsers, of the comlii|;.y*,irs events A ie- er«m wil Ihe the monthly leli-jwrt on "Jubilee Jannln Inlo Fmh- \lslon show to be presented o\er WOW-'IV on Saturday morning. lOns,' 'style xhuw to be prcnenlcd at {Ihe P.ixton Hotel, August 22, vtill 'July 25th, Max Kanner, gworul be made by Mr< Krvin It. Simon, chairman of the youth talent program Is ahhMed by Jeiomc Gios^general c h a i r m a n . Mis. M » i RUG & UPHOLSTERY man. Orernberg, chapter diainn/in for CLEANERS. I1MO-VK, w i l l ducuiis project plant, RUGS—CARPETING A meeting of Ihe Chapter proDIAMONDS LAMP SHADES gram committee, headed by Mrs FURNITURE For the Moit Delicioui Robert Jlosen, will bP held at Ihe Ground Beef in Town! home of M i * . Djvld^B|odke>. Cleaned In Your Homel Tuesday, 1 p. m. Chapier and WA 55S4 Ihitilao • Loyl.fl • Hrpolrlnj Kroiip pioxranunlng for the j e m , 4415 Cuming will bo disctmed

Mrt. ^tof9« K'Aplin w l i h s i lo Ih.nk MinJi ,n6 ctljll.tl for fh. e«rdi mi flifli i«ci!«td during htr itont illmii tod (or th« conlribulioni lo orf<nii<tiont m<d« in honor of fxr rtceViiy. -

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THE nmem ntcss

Global Report

Women In Israel .

In! • salary o{ IJQG p n ! By Anita Kogl* ' and a two-year contract lo boot. Klryat Am»l, Israel—There are probably more interesting and unusual women In Israel per aqusre The teacher-wanted »d appeared foot tluji-in any other country'in the world. I'm not even going to *t«rt-enunwratlnjr (hem, although recently in the Israeli press. then* are a (cw names which you could probably *uppty younelt. I just w t m to mention the nam« of MaUca Samnonotr, one of the simple mother« in Israel. - ^ 8CR0M.8 DISCOVKItED Malka, lives now in the mountain-* • ————. •• • — London (WNSJ—G. Lsmkesler village of Zicbron, but was born morial to an Amenian celebrity, said. T h e y can't put a station Harding, former director of anIn Athlit. which i» distinguished Sneik Abreiq, there because o( the malaria." tiquities in Jordan who ten years by the ruins of a great Crusader This meant that the farmers of , The old man rose from his chair, ago announced the first finds of castle rising up from the shores Athlit had to walk somi three hij white beard bristling with inancient Biblical scrolls, disclosed of the Mediterranean. She is- about miles with their produce on their dignation. "We have lived at Athlit the discovery of new Dead Sea. 4», a mountain of a woman, with heads or on their backs, through for 20 years without running away scrolls throwing light on the Book brown eye« that speak almost as (wo hostile' Arab villages. Com- from the malaria," he said, "it's of Leviticus, Job and Psalms. much as her lips do. They don't ing home, in the dark, tiiey were not going lo hurt the train to NO KKNUMKKATI01V Tel A\iv (WNSJ— Eddie Fisher, always say the same thing, so that In perpetual danger, and « v « i stay there for a few minutes every famed American singer, In a" brist there is an atmosphere of mystery by daylight as well. day." revisit to this country, declared and Intrigue about even the simplMajor de ftotluchlld was so that he would be delighted to apWhen they heard that the Baron's est conversation with her. Tills enthused, he swung his feet off son, James de Rothschild, who was peai in Israel for pleasure but not is probably a hangover from the days when' the Jews of Palestine then a Major in the British Army. the desk, and shook the old man tor remuneration. Eddie requested Mrs, Myer S. Kripke whota were precarious citizens of a deca- had come to Palestine, the •netn- warmly by the hand. the opportunity to appear before "fch voile machen feel* for army groups who served In the books are popular among alj ages dent Turkish; Empire. Even when bei-j of the local council or Athlit prepared a petition, and S"nt It is awaiting publication of another. Athlit," he told him. she gives you a recipe—for Malka NegcV and border posts. "Lei's Talk About Judaism," th* is a marvelous cook—It Is given ulf tr> him by the hand of Israel And so he did. It wasn't long with such an air of conspiracy' Cavricl Shapiro. before Israel Gavriel Shapiro re- IIEBHKW TKACIIKH WANTED third in a scries of "Let'f Talk" Just ax with the old Baron, a ceived a telegram from de Rothsbook*, ii expected to hit the stand* thai you feel you are being let into Tokyo <WNS(—H you know of In September. person had only to mention that child telling him that the station j the secrets o( a love potion. thej" were 1 rom one ii the Roths* would be transferred to a short a Hebrew teacher who is iccWnst Permission of the authoress w.it Malka is a born actress.' When child ullage*, to gain an Immedi- d i s t a n c e from the settlement, a position for high pay tell bin*, asked by a publishing house t> she tells you about th» early ate audience. The iild man from where It stands today. The swamps to contact the Jewish community translate her booklet "Let's Tajlc c'ays in swamp-ridden Athlit, on Athlit was luhsrsd into ftlnjar around Athlit were drained, and a of Tokyo, Japan, which Is offer- About Rlghl and Wrong" Uifci the narrow strip of coast at the James' office, and sa« t l v l&n'iiy salt Industry was established there, Urdu, the language Of Pakistan, i foot of Ml. Carmcl. you can hear atisiocrat leaning bark in his chair, exporting to the Middle Kast both country. $32 Mililon Estate Left Moslem Ibe croak croa of Ihe frogs, the hurn- with his loiif? legs crusted un the by haibour and hy train. Eyypi Mrs. Kripke aaid she asked th» of the m&«iria mosquitoes, desk in front of him. ming,l of was one ot the countries which imLondon U T A i — B a r o n James publisher whether he had taf om?A even feel yourself chokini; Speaking in German, which wat ported salt made from the sea de Rothschild, who died here last the Pakistan representative that with the fumes of the fuel made ol their only common lauguaiw, the waters of Athlit. With the swamps month, left an estate of 11,620,- the author was Jewish. - ciinel dune which the early set- old man put in an impassioned drained, and new land for agricul- 000 pounds (approximately $32,The publisher replied that h» tiers bought from the Arabs. plea for the transfer of the station ture available. Athlit expanded, 500,000) the largest, estate left \n had bu\ \he $>atasUn\ Jen tnat "Would you like to hear the to Athlit. l i e told of the sufferings and Its security Increased with England in at least n decade. In- "right and wrong are right an4 story of a telegram Janm de the settlers were experiencing and the proximity of the new kibbut- heritance taxes amounted to about wrong in any language." Rothschild sent my father?" slip the harm done to Athlit'j economic zim settled un the reclaimed solL 7,300,000 pounds. , asked me the other day when I desctopmenl through lack of BCThe will left varying sums of In 1954 when James de Roths' Kck Up Y«w Lox, " \isited her in Zichron. This is the c e « to the big markets. There was from 5,000 lo 10,000 pounds-to the itory Kho told me. a fine harbour at Athlit, he [minted child brought the remain* of his Jewish Board of Guardian* and to ••9*1 and Crawl CIMM* father for inlermrnt in .Israel, he Malka's father, Israel Oa\ncl out, well Mined for export and inv various Jewish hospitals. It also Sunday Morning «t Shapiro, of an old Hassidic line, pori should industries be »ct up was greeted by delegations from designated his widow to be presiall over Israel representative* of was head o( the local council at there. h dent or the Palestine Jewish ColDIAMONDS the colonies which the Bai-on had Athlit In 3920, when the Brltb.fi "And besides." he demanded. . founded In the early days of onization Association which he 441) Carntni WA WM built the Tel A\iv-Haifa-Jerusalem took over from his. father. railroad. The station closest to "why should some Armenian be modern Palestine. Athlit was not placed near the honored by having a railway staThe delegation from Athlit was Jewish farming: settlement founded tion In his name? Why shouldn't headed by Malka SjinonoiTs lhM-e bo a station in the name of by Baron Edmond de Rothschild, brother, Zvi Zeev. member of Init some kilometres back down the"settlement your father built?" hll , "Rut there are swamps. all Athllfs local council. When It the line; by chance, beside a mearound Alblit," Major Rothschild came his turn to stand before James de Rothnchild, he Informed him: "I am the son at the man whom you nromked to do much for Athlit. I want lo tell you that till By Boris SrooUr today Athlit is developing at the (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) received numerous letter* takinp result of your efforts." KDtCATI(»AL TRENDS: A issue with an assertion by two Seated In a wheel chair, broken Eoott deal has.been reported on Detroit physicians who claim that In health, and weary, James de the progress which Jewish educa- the demands on the modern rabbi Rothschild cave • start ot detion Is making In the United endanger his health . . . In most of light when he heard the words State* . . . Nevertheless, there- the Tettem the argument ii ad- of the fanner from Athlit. He •re at present about 300,000 Jew- vanced that kOme rabbis arc too kept .Shapiro begide him when the ish children In New York alone ambitious to play, a leading role d?legation went on. He wanted to who receive no Jewish education in public life instead of being hear thp story of how, when he whatever . . . This was established meiely spiritual leaders . . . .Some had been a young man, and was In a study just published by the of the authors of the letters ex- able to cross his long lees on Jewish Education Association . . . preiH the opinion that nr> rabbi the desk in front ot him. he had The study wait financed by the would be 'killing himself" If he suved a Jewish colony, he" had New York Federation of Jcwbh limited his activities to. the spir- caused swamps to be drained, and Philanthropies- and is (he Drat of itual needs of his congregation . . . had brought security and liveliIts kind to be conducted in the They point out that the functions hood to thousand* uf settlers in city which has the largest Jewish or a rabbi should be purely spir- Palestine, ^_ -^ -^ Sol»« Vour grotino, problem by population in the world . . . It re- itual j n d that any political work veals that of 413,000 Jewish chil- he undertakes is not a part of his dren of school-age in New York, dull™ . . . They believe that rabbis ^M MM H% using this convenient mathod ot nnly 128,000 are attending all the should' itn everything possible to various types of Jewish schools stimulate" their laymen to be ac^ I V I V within^ friandi and r»l«tiv»i a ». , Considering that about a third ti\e in civic and communal affairs H*ppy New Yur, of them are registered with Sun- but that they themselves should day schools, where very little. Is remain in the background And de(Our D*«dli«* Will *• Auflwt 25) taught, the picture on Jewish edu- vole their time to spiritual guidUse the coupon below ahd check tbt number cation emcrginu from the study Is ance alone. . , Instances are cited oi tbV greeting yon wUh to use. Enclose cash far from encouraging , . . This de- in the Idler* Id show that some cpite the fact it shows that the rabbis stop into positions which or check with your order. number of pupils in'Jewish schools should actually be held by lay 1. Mr. and Mrs wish their today Is larger than it was several leaden.'thus hampering the work Th itudy d estabb of developing lay leadership in friends and relatives both far and near a Happy >ears ago, The New Year. lllshei that about a hair h l of all ll American Jewry . , . Whether the children receive their Jewish these assertions are true or not. It 2. Mr. and Mrs. ^. and family is certain that the ralrtil can do education in Orthodox s c h o o l s . wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and About 25 percent attend Con- much for Ills health, an well as Prosperous New Year. servative schools, 18 percent are for the spiritual needs of his conregistered with Reform schools gregation, it lie were to consider 3. Mr.ami Mrs '. and family himself a spiritual leader Atone, and the remainder with Yiddish • take this means ol expressing their best wishes for hrm . schools . . . in the city. Orthodox leaving general leadership to the the New Year to their friends and relatives. •cbodts occupy the first place In laymen the number or pupils, in' the 4. Mr. and Mrs and family •uburbf they occupy the last place extend their greetings and good wishes to friend* " . . . Ninety percent of the chiland relatives forHoaitft, Happiness and Prosperity. dren in the Mew York suburbs receive- their Jewish education in SUNDAY " either Reform or Conservative schools . . . The study established that two-third* of all the pupils JEWISH PRESS, 101 NO. 20TH ST. In Jewish schools arc boys . . . Omaha. Hebr. ' ' This is In no small extent due to Srock Your Freeier Enclosed find $3.00 for which pl««s» l i W t No. ... N*w the fact that their parents wont Cube Steak Lb. 896 fhpm prepared for Dar Mll/\ah Year's Greeting C t r d in your Roik HsthonsH Edition. ' . . . In the subuHn, 40 percnt of the ptipih me i;ii Js . . . (IMAM G U T HADE New Xork ( W N S ) - A new gradual* school for advanced itudy and research in medical science will open this Fall at the Albert Einstein College ^of Medicine through «n initial gift of $750,000 from Samuel II. Colduig and his son Jerrold R. Goldlng. The gift HSJ the largest individual contribution that h.ts been made to the College of Medicine.

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COMMIT* .U' K C H O KS: Tlic question of whether the cont;resations aie "klllinj; thru1 nbliis by 'ihVdefflsml- they mok'* on .their time and nonM In* amused .1 •nod deal of di-,cus',ion . . . I have

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