July 26, 1957

Page 1

f W«. 41


New Agricultural Plan Would Aid Israel Economy



Jill V



lf»*ll»M« nptl


,^jfrt Permits Ship To Proceed to Haifa

Jerusalem UTA) A new four, department. Mr. Eahkol Said that year agricultural development completion of this plan would also pldii-to provide 3,000,000 man-days aid Israel by contributing 42,000,ot work annually wai presented 000 pounds worth of crops eao'.i to the Zionist Action* Commit year and save the economy 513,tee by LevI Eshkol, head or the000,000 in agiicullural products it Jewish Agency's agricultural de- must now import end) year. partment. Mr, Eahkol said Hut Kibbutz Needs Worker. the Jewish Agency's agrlcullurnl The Agency's experiment In As of July i t , 1957 placing newcomers to Israel in Th» fallowing 4r< cwrr«n( rtportt from divfafotu Jn 1h» 4 957 O m h i existing collective settlements JtwUh FMttnfhropiit Campaign* rather than throwing them on OlWilon ' 1957 Total t . D«l« their own has proved to be moat satisfactory in its initial phases, Initial Gifts • $+16,101.50 he reported. Mr, Kihkol, who is Men's Division '. 25,186.75 also Israel's Minister of Flnan.ce, United Nations, Iff, Y, (JTAI— asserted that placement of im- Women's Division , . 66,804.50 The Indonesian Government has migrant families Into existing faB. & P. Unit 2,837.00 informed the United Nations that cilities Is cheaper, pi-ovlde* the Children's Division 2,002.30 it withdraws It* 581 soldiers pres- newcomers with skillful instrucently In the UN Emergency Force tion during their settling—in and High School Division 871.50 at the termination of their six learning period and pgys off in University Division 191,50 months of service. In a letter to early crop returns for Israel. He Organiiations 2,463.75 the Secretariat, the Government of stated that the kibbutz network Indonesia expressed "deep regret throughout Israel still needs thouMiscellaneous 1,100.00 i t It* inability to provide a re-sands of agricultural hands. placement lor further urn ire Total to Date $517,557.80 Increased Arabic i.snd The agricultural director disclosed that the huge Huleh swamp reclamation project when completed, will add 27,000 dunartw (nearly 7,000 acres! of arable Kfar Vitkln; Isracl-The drama- land to Israel and will provide tic discovery of1 a new grass fct 250,000 work da>s annually fur Neurim, the Rural Vocational settlers on the new land. The Center here, may solve the prol>- Huleh region will produce about Jerusalem (JTA)-The Israel unquivocal reply from Syria on Jem ot how to convert 380,000 5,000,000 pounds worth of crops Foreign Ministry made strong rep- whether It still feels itself bound tiunam* of sandy wastes along the annually and its industrial crops resentations against Syria's conby Article I of the Armistice Mediterranean coast Into produc- will be the foundation for the in- tinuous arming, massing of troops tive pastureland, Mrs. Julia A. dustrialization of Northern Israel, along- th» border and-official ag- Agreement. Simultaneously, the Pushkin.) chairman « ( lh,e center, Mr. d , , r. 6|MtPll asserted. gressive pronouncement* against Foreign Ministry t i l f d j complaint h the agency ha* announced. Neurlm Is operated by He revealed that Israel. The representations were against 'Syria's aggressive behavHadassab. the Women's Zionist only set up 11 new agricultural contained in a note to Col. Byran iour with the Mixed Armistice Organization ot America,- and settlements In the post year. Commission. ** V. Leary, Acting Chief of Staff of .Yputh Aliyah, the International Israel's representations .was ID ' 14,000 Young People ' the United Nations.-Truce Superagency lor the rehabilitation of There are some 14.000 children vision Organization in Palestine. be extended to pther missions lohomeless Jewish children, and young people in Youth Allynh The diplomatic representative cated in this country. This win Col. Lcacy's fifth visit here at the "Die new gross Is hardy, with- Institutions end training centers, here or the United States, Britain request of the Foreign Ministry stands trampling by animals and Moshe Kol, director of the- chil'l and France were also notified "f in the past two months. grows back within six weeks.'' rescue and rehabilitation moveMrs. Dushkln explained. "Hcnc?, ment, reported to the Actions the Israoll view. six or even seven crops can Ivc Committee, l i e reported that Joseph Tckoa.'hcad of the Forgrown each year. It in twice as Youth Aliyah, which has sheltered eign Ministry's armistice affairs nourishing AS clover, although it some 85,000 children since Its in- department, who handed Col. only has 50 percent of Its water ception, Is expanding its activities, Lcary the note also called for Rn content. The new Brass it nho exMr. Kol said that agricultural urgent investigation of the threaTunis (WNS)—Tunisian Govcellent for protecting citrus and training would help turn a siz- tening attitude of Syria's Premier, other fruit grovpi against men- able portion of the next genr-nt- and the press and rndlo following ernment has reiterated Its promacing, and d e s t r u c t i v e saiul tion toward farming as a life's' the recent spate of border Incl- ise to guarantee full equality to storms." UcnU. Mr, Tckoah requested an Tunisian Jews, it was disclosed work. here by A, L. Ensterman, political director of the World Jewish Congress. , Mr. Easterman said the assurance was contained in n statement made by the Tunisian Premier Hahib Bourgina, wlio WHS reported to have expressed underUnited Nations, N. Y, ( J T A ) - whlch have been placed ftn Ills urped parts of Arab Palestine, standing of the need of maintainDteturbed over angry Arab reac- statement do not reflect his two however long its occupation ing Jewish life in Tunisia undr-r the leadership ot Tunisian Jews. tion* here to Prime Minister H. $ Intention," the statement said. Vasts.") Suhraw»rdy» remarks resorting "What the Prime Minister had the Arab-Israel issue, the Palm- desired to stress was the necestanl ^delegation, insist that Mr. sity of solving the Arab-Israeli -Sujiraward/s statement docs not dispute over Palestine m a peaceimply any'change in Karachi's ful manner." basic policy towards the Palestine (The Damascus Radio has problem. Pakistan opened an attack In Karachi, a statement was Is- Erlme Minister Suhrawardy for sued by the Foreign Ministry de- offering to mediate the Arab-Isclaring that Pakistan has not rec- rael situation. l i e was called on ognized Israel and "shall never to revise his stand. Commenting do to.". The statement ibid that on th« Pakistani's statement*, the. remarks made by'ihc Paklt- Syrian Premier Sabrl ol-Asali • Mm"'Prime Minister, who is n o w said: "The Arabs will never admit visiting the x United States, In the existence of Israel no matter which he offered t o mediate the what the clrcumstanccs'or events. Arab-Israel dispute, were "misun- The Aral) countries do not and derstood." wjll not agree to meet with Israel around ft table. Uriel has no place "The Prime Minister has authorized the Ministry of Foreign in the Middle East. The Arabs Affairs and Commonwealth Rela- will continue their siruggle, Worktions to state (hat tnlerprttsHonr ing TOT 'the liberation ot the us*

Philanthropies Scoreboard

Indonesia to WHhdraw

New Grass Type Found in Israel

Note To U. N. Reports Syria's Troops Massing

Equality Promised To Tunisian. Jews

Pakistan Insists Minister's Statement 'Misunderstood'

Israeli Scouts Score Hit Valley Forge, Pa , (JTAi—T)i« mojt popular participant* Jn one of the main sports of the Fourth National Boy Soout Jam-; borec—swapping—were the Israeli Scouts, Kabul Aryeh Lev, JewWi Chaplain General at the event, reported. Rabbi Lev, chairman of tfi« chaplaincy commission\0t, the National Jewish Welfare Board, also disclosed that scores ot Ameilcan Hoy S e x i h have expressed a hope they will be.able to attend the Israeli lioy Scout Jamboree in the summer of 1058,

U s U l ( U t t IWl g l l O l» O

l i t H. tltll U s U l ( U t

• Haifa - - The Israel-chartered Danish ship "Brigltla Toft" wn» reported to ha\e pulled Into (hot Haifa Harlwr. Egyptian authorities Tuesdjy granted permission to the vessel to carry its cargo from Burma through the Suei CnnaV The sntp was flying the Danish flag. When It docked at the southern entrance of the Suez Canal, it w<it immediately boarded by armci Egyptian sailois and custom officials. The 3,995-ton motorshlp BriRitte Toft carrying 3,000 tons of rice and some crates of personal effects from Rangoon. The ship's captain, Ham toVs., told the Egyptian representatives that a fire aboard the ship had destroyed the manifest papers of the carco while the vessel v»M to Rangoon, The ship suffered serious damage and loss of some of the cargo while loading in Burma. Emercency repairs were made and it was decided to send the ship to unload at Halfa^-rather than Elatli, as originally scheduled — before directing It to a Danlsli port for repairs. The BriglttcToft Is the fir^t ship to carry an Israeli bound cargo through the canal since befoin the attacks on Kgypl last November. Before the attack on Egypt, tho Egyptians- did permit non-Israeli vessels to carry "innocent" cai>goes through the canal to iM&el. So long as the cargo was not considered" of military importance it wai allowed to pass after some delays In formalities. The government's decision cama ns Egypt's first post revolution Parliament, opened. In a speech to Parliament, Nasser said Egyflt would guarantee.freedom of navigation through the Suez Canal to world shipping in accordance thn 1888 Constantinople convention which regulates passage through the waterway, ami permits Egypt toJefend Ttiielt against any eaemy snipping. Egypt claims that the still-evisting state of war with Israel . gives her this rlsht ot bellficrenc!) nnd that the armistice agreement between the two countries has not ended the actual state of war. tjypUan authorities arrested air Israeli sailor, Rafi Eilon, wln> had been taken on ns a member of the vessel's crew. He was .first in a cabin and placed under guard when the Egyptlani bonrded the vessel, then removal to Suo7 nnd handed o\ er to Kgyptian Intelligence Department officers.

President States Views to Arabs Washington. (JTA>—President Elsenhower has written personal letters not only to Arabian King Saud but to heads of. otfwv Mra\» states- to calm rising Arab resentment over American support of Israeli shipping rights in His Gulf ot Mudia. This wa> reported here today In' official circles. The President Is understood to have restated the American position In general support ot Israel's right to use the gulf. A' major difference exists between America and the Arabs on the definition of Arao t e r r i t o r i a l waters. The United States holds to the view that a three-mile limit prevails while i the Arabs maintain their territorial w»t*rs extentt six miles < thus covering the narrow entrance to the gulf. A report (ram Cairo said this Week-end that Saudi Arabia has begun fortifying the entrance to the Gulf of Akaba,

, July W, JMT

THE reman ritnu

Hadassah Cited Nationally

Feinberg to Talk On Israel Trip

II0LJUAV8 and FESTIVALS Holidays Begin Sundown of Previous Day Rosh Hafchana Eve Sept. 25 Published Every Friday by the federatlM of Jewteb S e n * * New York, N, .Y<—The AmeriRobert Feinberg will UJKon hi*, First Day Sept. 26 a . Ntbratka. tbratk Itaxmd (Jinn JUIlIn* Privileges Authorized at Umatia. on *PP»«U<jn. trip to Israel «t a dinner meeting Annual SiHwrUithin, WOO. Xdvmililng H«l«» on *PP»«U Second Day Sept. 27 can Heritage Foundation Award t-ebr. JAcdxu) UbS. fur "outstanding public service" Edlturmi ortU'e—101 No Slum Mint, O l t b JAc Yam Kippur ..» O«L 5 of the Omaha Chair and Dramatic Print She i Addrcu 4SO8 So 2HJ) -Street has been presented to Hadas&ii, Club Sunday, 6-30 p, m. at the (MftJ?) FRANCES KLEIN ,.,,Editor the Women's Zionist Organtahome of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cranlion or America, In recognition at Workmen Circle Will (he role it played In ihe National dell. Non-partisan Register, Inform Have Picnic Sunday Yourself and Vole Program Of Branch 173, the LAdlcs Aux- 1956. iliary and the'Dramatic Club nf the Workman's Circle wUt hold a Patronize Our Advcrtisem. Mrs. Mlllard Itotrubrrf has been joint plcViic Sunday, 2 p. m. at elected lo n thrcf-ycar term a> a Hanscom Park. director of the Onuha Volunteer July 20—S. Fisher gave a speBureau. cial Kiddush in honor of our new Milton Ncarenberg, S,im Susi',man and 11-x. Max Crouaie will resident, JMrs. Sara Sihcr,. Mrs. Herman Mlroull* has rebe In charge, C j i n d p U f n c , 7;28 p. m. July 21—The Jewish War Vetturned from a three-week visit In TEMPLE ISBAEI* Service* will be held Friday Denver with her son-in-law and erans talent scout troup enter- SIGMA ALPHA MV iff Airrrtnu evening at 7:30 p, m. in thf Tem- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ness tained "bur Folk? with a musical Sigma Alpha Mu held Its anvariety chow. ple chapel. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks and their family. nual stag at the Fireside restauwill deliver a sermonotte. , July 22—The Bikur CholJm So- rant July 17. Guest speajcers were Letter Friedman AL 3, Is spend- ciety Gray Ladles have been vis- Leo Hill and JT J. Marx of LinBETII EL ' ing his terminal leate with his iting the residents of The Dr. coln, Harry B. Cohen and David Sabbath evening services will be parents, Mr. and Mnt. David A. Philip Sher Jewish Home For The Noble. Larry ppstcin acted as held tflhlght at 7 p. m. Sabbath Friedman. l i e » i u stationed with Aged regularly. Included in the toastmaxler. morning cervices will begin at 8:30 the' coast .guard" et Annette Is- group thus far are the following a. m. The MIncha Service will be- land, Alaska. Mmcs: Phil Batt, Harry Coopergin a t 7:30 p, m. man, Yale Halperin, Paul Kate-" Pally sarvices during the week Mr. and tin.'1. IL Knlaltofsky man, Aaron Levtne, Louis Siporin, are held at 7 a. rn, and 7 p. m. The and Mr. and Mrs. lUrry Itiibfil- Nathan Veitzcr, Mary Wine,, AlSunday morning service Ii held at •tcin are % acationlng at* Banff len Znlkin, A. Lipsman. ' RUG A UPHOLSTERY 9 a.m. Out-of-town Visitors at the Dr. Springs in Canada. CLEANERS Philip Sber Jewish Home For The BKTII ISKAEI, Aged thh week were: for Cdrl SirRUGS—CARPETING Friday evening services mil be- B'nai B'rirh Chapter Sokie, III.; for Senile Tejsler, Mr, fin at 7:13 p. m. Sabbath mornine LAMPSHADES and Mrs. Charles Grecnberg Airs. services at 8:45 a. m. Junior Con- Makes Appointments FURNITURE Nathan Cohen, Slonx City, Iowa; gregation at 30 a. m. Rabbi I3?n* FOR-THE FINEST... The appointment of committee Mr. and Mrs, Moe Seifer, New _ jamln Groncr will conduct the SatCleaned In Tom Homel IN PHOTOGRAPHY 1 York, N. Y.; for Guide Graef*. chairmen of B'nal B'rith Henry ' urday afternoon Talmud class at 7 Porrralts . ^ ' IMh« • Uytofl • Rftwlrla*. p. m. Mincha. followed by Shaiosh Monsky chapter for the coming Mrs. Joseph Cohn, Chicago, 111.; Wfddingt S'eudoj and Maa'rlv will begin at year hav c ,been announced by Mrs. for Surah Mlnkln, Mmes. George Don Bermtein HA 2554 ^-Commercial Lcfslcln, Leonard Skolnlck, both of 7:30 p. m. The Sunday morning Max KrUblroan, prusident. They ore Mr*. Jay Staler, mem- Rock Island, III.; for Molly Pere* breakfast mlnyon and Bible cla»» begins at 8:45 a. m. and the Sun- bership; Mrs. Sidney Zneimcr, fund list, h\rt.' Oh Bordy, Mrs. Jane day morning junior mlnyon begins raising; Mrs. Harry Smith, pro- Kaflch, both of California. at 8:30 a. m. Weekly services will gram; Mrs. Frank- Sekar, lelebegin at 7 «.'m. and 7:35 p. m. phooe; Mrs. Arthur . Parilman, The Talmud Class meets at the adult education: Mrs. Henry AplSlh and Burt Streets Synagogue pel, Bellafaire: Mrs, Bernard ColdTo OH Cwpltro every Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. strotn, Leo N, JLevl; Mrs. Sam TV Sinrlto "Serves the Finest Shyken.-NaUonai Jewish hospital; on All Mofcn Mrs. Dan Gontoian, Rochester CAII to the Finest" Center: Mrs. . Richard Spiegal,: AK-SAR-BEN donor; Mmes. Harry Wise, Dave TV SERVICE PHOTOGRAPHER Wine, anti-defamation; Mr*. Bern•17 SOUTH 34TH STRUT ard Siegler, civilian defense; Mrs. Dr. and Mr*. Irving Shapiro anHARNEY 1044 Stanley Shapiro, dolls for democnounce the birth o(_a daughter, racy; Mr», A. L. Cohen, tewing; Stephnie Helene, July 21 at lmMrs. Harry Llppet*. aid. to Israel, Old manuel hospital Or. Shapiro who and Israel bonds; Mm«. Richard recently completed hi* Internship ISM mm «lagt« knmM *Uu Wright, Bertha Bills, Veterans; At University hospital and'hls famAll K!«<{( M.n'. and Udl.i' Mrs. Phil Smith, HilleJ; Mrs. Earl ily are making their home in OmaEip«rt Tillorlnj ind Altiritlom Siege], bulletin; Mmc«. Stanley ha. Visiting them' is Mrs. Eve Shapiro, George Cohn, Dan Gord. Roth, Rahway, N. J., Jfra. Shaman, B'nal B'rith Glrli Advisors; Omaha Ford Otaknklp i i disiroui of 4ttafn!ng piro's mother, -Mmer. Charles Fisher, Miiton p«rion«bl» young man, preferably recent B.B.A. graduate III U, « * * • . n. ATH04 MargoUn, blood bank; Mrs. Rose A son, Robert Steven, was born ffintburg.'social; Mrs. Sol Mirof/, wifh msjor In Finance or Accounting of equlvalant. Prstfer -.Of to Mr, and Mrs., Meyer Meyerson retention; Mrs. Aaron Epstein, man without military «ctivo duty obligation. Applicant's -JTOf Mo. 4 7 * Sfc July 14. Th« couple have two welfare; Mrs. Dan Cordman, bowlIntorost should bo In automotive field. daughters, Judy and Janice, Grand- Ing; Mrs; Nate Gltnlck, Martyr's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forest; Mrs. Harry Sidman, interRight man will,bav« bright future with tinllmrrfd opportvtll* Meyerson and Nathan Seiner, club council representative; Mrs. He* for /adfaneement. George Spiuter, foreign students tea; Mrs. Berta Stern, with Mrs. Salary commemurata with Ability required and position. ReHarry Ratnick, alternate/ Jewish plies will be held in strictest ^confidence. Federation representative. '


Omchans In the News ^


7 *>-£>



John Kalina







Israel May Fill Its Vctedne Needs

Send picture, copy of college transcript, brief autobiography end reference-to A.' M, Greeriberg, Gerelfclc Motors, Inc., 4719 No. 30th St., Omaha, Nebr.


Geneva (WNS)—Dr. Tern Ye kutlel, head of trie cpldemlologieal division of the Israeli Ministry SAM STEW of Health, declared here that IsThe family .of the late Sam Stein rael within a year will be able to will dedicate a monument in his produce all the anti-polio vaccine memory, Sunday, July 28,11 a, m. .the country needs', but that It at Golden Hill cemetery. Rabbi would take several y e a n befor-i Benjamin Groner and Cantor Ell the country manufacture* the vac- Xagan will officiate. Friends and cine for export relatives'of the family are Invited Disclosing that Israel last year to attend the services. produced 40 percent of the vaccine it needed, importing the rest from the Dnlted States, Dr. Yekutlcl Stressed that Israel, which bad OR. STIVtHI, UUV, unitary Ava, Oaaka one of the w o n t polio records, on••Wk.r. (h* Stck e«t W.ll" joyed a virtually disease-free year Offle* Hount I *, m. to I p. m. with: a record of only thirteen pocvtnlntt by Apsuln«m*nt lio eases and no deaths. In 1990, IIWM u nn Israel reported more -than 204 .deaths from polio.

SHOP IN COOL COMFORT AT DIAMONDS Omaha's Leading Kosher Meat Market and Delieatessen Where "We Serve tfie Finest to the Rntst"


Jewish Communal Life Near End In Poland London (WNS)—Agudas Israel leader II.. A. Goodman, declared Jiere on his return from a.vlslt to Poland that <hc history of the Polish community was coming to an end.

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Friday, July M, HIT

me Annas

Family Dinner To Honor Fox's 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs, Dave Fox. ofWilliam Hereof/, Mrs. Sidney MaCouncil Bluffs will be honored on duff, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Bramtheir fiftieth wedding anniversary son of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Morwith a family dinner at the Fire- ris Schneider, Mi's. Sam Srhncl-, side re$taurant Sunday by their der and Mr. and Mrs, Abe Cohen of Lincoln.. chlldren> The hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fox, tic. and Mr*. Jnck Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs, William Shnelder of Auburn and Mi-, and Mr*. Letter Fox of Los Ang£lct, Cat. The Jotter couple are visiting here with two of their children, Michael and Andrea. " Among the out-of-town guests will be Mr. «nd Mrs. Morris Fox, Mft and Mra, Robert Herzoff, Mrs.

Summer Draws Israel-Bound

Jerusalem (WNS)— An average of 6,000 visitors per month Until the end of October is envisaged by Israeli 'Government officials on the basis of the mounting increase In tourist traffic so far this summer. The per capita forefgn^currency income from tourists is estimated at $150.00. Among the tourists are non-Jewish pllgrfmj, student and Committee appointments were teacher groups, scientists and announced at a meeting of the groups visiting under the aegis of Beth Israel Sisterhood board, Julv Jewish organizations, 16 at the home of Mrs. Sam Kattman, president. Named are Mrs. D, B. Epstein, linen shower; Mines. Jack Levey, Don Cohen, Ralph Blnlamow, bake '"""•ale: Mmes. Harry Smith, Aaron New York (WNS)—The people Epstein, Chiuiukah candles; Mmen. of Israel have responded to a curHarry Lewis, Irving Stern, table rent Jewish refugee crisis by putsetting; Mmes. Henry Appcl, Isa- ting aside all Questions of their . dore'TSlewlU, George Schaplro, ability to absorb more Immigrants, ,' donor; Mmes. Walter Frank, Da- and to save Jives are taking in vid Katjmnn, Bernard Knufmaii, newcomers "at 'a feverish rate," gift shop: Mrs. Max Fromkin, spe- Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, excial contributions; Mme«. Sidney eveutive vice-chairman of the . Goldberg, .Max Frtmkln, -Know United Jewish Appeal rcportnl Thy .Neighbor Sabbath; Mmes. after a recent visit to the young Max Greenfield, Alcjc Sand, Junior «tate. ~ congregation; Mrs. Frank Cohen, "By the end -of July Israel's monthly luncheon; Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, community cooperation; people will have welcomed almost Mrs. Sidney Feldmnn, Bat Mltz- 60,000 new Immigrants Jn sevjn vah; Mrs. Arthur ParilmariT cour- months and must plan on finding tesy; Mrs. £31 Kflgan, decorations; room for 6,000 to 7,000 monthly Mrs. Morris Shapiro, baby sitter; for the remainder of 1957," the Mrs. Norman PJtlor, P-TA ren- UJA national executive head told - resentailve; Mrs. Sam Stone, Tal- ISO leaden of the UJA of Greater *- mud 'Torah Jlajon; Mrs, Jfcmy New York, meeting to conduct a Appei. kitchen supervisor; Mrs. ''person' to perjon" telephone solicitation for refugee rescue funds, ' Albert Sorkln, publicity; Mra. Ernest Hochster, Israel bonds; Mmm. Sol Ash, Bill Poster, board notice; Mr, Jacob Slosburg wishes to Mrs. Abe Bear, Home for the thank his many friends for Aged; Mme>< Edward Lincoln, their kind, good wishes-on his Nate Berg, Sam Roscnsteln, tele75th birthday. phono; Mmes. Robert Gereltck, Henry Grcenbcrg, education; Mrs. D. W. Frank, administration supXXX* ply; Mmes. Sam Katzmnn, Henry SOMETHING; NEW Appcl, synagogue' board; Mmes, -:•."' H»llborav»o Sam Katzmnn, Stanley Shapiro, fariorialliad Habfaw Ntw Yaar'i .-•;-. .-. C«fdl—» Slyl.l " ' welfare board; Mmes. Benjamin Croner, Delmnn Klein, WlUlam pa S M SoMpfat, f » o w A\—O% Wolfson and Sidney Katleman, ^ U 4 t or Hill—«L 7021, ' jnembcrs-at-largc.

B. I. Sisterhood Appointments

Israel Welcomes 6,000 in 3 Months

Today's Play Clothes Made for Neat, Figures . . . And naat {Igurai art mada by NIBLACK, world'i fln.it m.fhod of •pot rvduelngl' > RcpropHrflon y<jur body now "Tor <h< i l l * ihorti, iwrmiulli, play clothu you wort. Ltt Nlblicit titatmtnt t i l t off furplut tncfi#t whlla you raad, chat,' nlait and •"joy younalf. Four t « cluilva mtehlnii aHd an txptrt eptr> •lor do <h« lob In, a hurry. You achlava a i l « « proportioned fl4ura,' at • eo<t I O imall you know Wi a bargain.

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Moscow and the Middle East Joe Jacobs~-In the old days Ertle, to the fight down South. boxing was an 'extraordinarily Till* Is how Graham tells i(_: By KM AH If SALPKTKK colorful sport and ihe managers JKKt'SAI^Sl— "It was a close fight. At the end OUR ISRAELI NKW*T,KTTEK r ip was probably Just a coincidence that Hie first report about Uie.Iatest dramatic derelopmcntii-'/rt were, more often than not, more of the tenth round, Ertle gave tlia the Kremlin wa« broadcast to the world on the Moscow radio in Arabic, Most likely the Arab language Interesting than the pugs off nod to McTigue, The crowd howled : program was the next scheduled when the foreign-language department of Moscow radio received instruc- whom they earned their dally with anger. Back at the hotel bread—and wine. Some of the where Joe and'McTigue stayed, a tions to broadcast the rie«f« managers have been better news- mob of Ku-Kluxeri grabbed Joe. -4' Frantic Campaign paper copy than their fighters and "You Jew V they said. Only a few;: hours later Moscow they owe their rise In the o\er- And any world-uirt? than' must we all .can remember when .•.Harry 'We're going to hang you!" radio started a frantic campaigi all development which markd a ultimately also\a(fect (he Middle Matthews came into prominence, '"Go ahead,' Joe said. "Hanj to convince the Arabs that thi considerable increase in the repie L'ast. and how Jack Keanu. not the me. But if you do, my mob from change* in the Soviet hierarchy wnfalion of minorities in the Polir fighter, intrigued the sports writ New York will come down hero do not forecast any /changes in bureau. ers. and blast this town off the map.' the iSpylet's Middle East policy Ominous Injpllrationi It wat much the same with Joe "Joe didn't have any mob. lin and Its "traditional friendship Of all the anti-Semitic implies Jacobs, who was-a manager for had guts, though a Jew surroumijowart : the, Arab peoples,"" turns, howeyed, the revival of the more than two decades and who cd by Klanttmen In a hostile town, dcmonstrate: thi* fact. Moscow "Affaire Leningrad" is the most J e r u s a l e m , I .ITA i - J i w : handled'Max Schmeling when the he made them take It back, list again resumed its direct attacks ominous. Mr. Khrushchev has now German was a lop-rankine pus. and McTigue throughout the World were warned and Ertle, to? on Israel describing it as the chle" accused Mr, Malenkov of lieing the He also made money for and wltn took the next train for principal organizer nf the Lenin- by Israel Premier David Ben villain of the Middle East. not to be under the Tony Calento. He wai a brash, York." While the average Israeli like* grad case which'in Dec., 1954 led Gurion Another Tribute—Sports writof Statp Security 'dangeroui delusion" that Israel's aggressive little man and many to measure the events of the world to the execution : security problems have been solved Jews were bothered that he manaii to whether it Is "good for th Minister V. S. Abakumov (Boria's by the Sinai campaign. He also aged 'Schmeling, a Nnrl In th! ers never, weary of praising Ilia Immortals of uporti. Again anil Jews or bad for tfie Jews." the successor). Abakumov was then warned against assuming that the days when Hitler's power was beaverage Israeli has tlso sufficient charged with "framing" and exe- present division in Ihe Aral) eomp ginning to affect the Jeni of Ger- again, the same handful of name* crops tip for tribute. In some reintelligence and experience to cuting a number of Leningrad strengthen* Israel's security. This many. cent reading In Denzll Hatchelor's know that the only safe prediction Soviet leaders, who since then l» a ('mistaken" notion, he said. At A few months ago, Frank Gra- 'Big Fight." I came across this about Moscow is its unpredictibll- have been rehabilitated The whole a session of the Zionist Actions ham of the "New York Journalsort of passage in honor of Benny affair leads back to the notorious itv. Therefore nobody in Israel Committee. American" wrote a column on the Leonard: "If Joe Cans was not hastened to assume that the fir- "Jewish doctors' plot"1 In a nightSplit No Hel|i anniversary of Jacob's death, and the greatest lightweight the worM l.»4 of the latest traitors Molotov, marish sequence of ' if-frlend-be"No good will come In Israel a* is his wont, Graham wrote sym- ever saw, then that magnlf Ido wiT» Kaganovich, Malenkov and Shepi- comes-e n e ni y-than-e n e m y-b ecomes-friend." the split up of the Arab pathetically and warmly about the Benny Leonard. Benny came fro'ii from Jov would presage a change in Rus> camp into Soviet satellites and - sia'i pro-Arab policy. Officially, at the latest, the American satellites," he added. Jewish manager. One of his storlpi he New York slumi without indoctors were innocent and theme He asserted that arms In Arab is about "Jews" Issues and re- fluence or patronage, or any parArab Interpretation' veals a side of Jacob's which ia Icuinr reason to hope that (prHowever, Moscow evidently was who framed them were the villains hands, whether supplied by the favorable to the manager. une would smile on him. All Mi not so sure about the interprets But If Malenkov "actually" framed East or the West, were intended by It happened when Joe took die had was brilliant but unexaggrrtion the Arabs are going to give Abakumov who framed Vo/neasen. Arab leaders to be used against light heavyweight tltleholder Mike ted footwork; a defense which n to these developments. The aver sky and. Kuzitetsov who were Israel, not against ConmiunUm McTIgue (in 1923) to Columbus, chesi grandmaster might think B?e Arab, being more primitive, friends of Zhdanov, with tvhos or democracy. Ca., to fight Young Stlrbllng. You well worked out; an ability to piclc murder the doctors were framed tends to attribute much more im- then what was black yesterday Useful Truer may remember that Stribllng la- he psychological monjicnt for a portance to names in the news, may today again be decreed white "The Sinnl cninpalcn." Mr. Ben ter was ruined by Schmeling, but decisive punch never surpassed in and for the average Arab the name and vice, versa. Gurion said, "secured for us a this is getting ahead of our story. boxing history." nf Shepilov'was very closely as useful truce." This nisei would (Copyright, l«S7, JewMh All these may become Importan be used to speed up the main Jacobs was a cautious enough man undated with Moscow's pro-Arab to bring nil own referee, Harry Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) policy. Shepilov, while yet "an contributing Jactors of the Influ task of absorption of immigrants editor of Pravda, visited Cairo on ence of the latest Kremlin de and Israel's d e v e l o p m e n t , he velopmenU of the Soviet Middle t:e eye of the first C stated. He alio exprcsied the Kgyptian arms deal, and Nasser East policy. Ulthnatelyvhowever, opinion that the Sinai campaign later openly boasted that this the Middle East angle depends on increased Israel's prestige "among was actually a Soviet-Egyptian he elementary meaning of Krem Its friends, enemies and the disin events. Does Khrushchev's vicarms deal negotiated during Shept- tory mean any major foreign policy interested." It wa> not a coincilov's visit. Later, when Minister of cshnge* (as Khrushchev himself dence that Pakistan's Premier Foreign Affairs, Shepilov again claims t or Just the. outcome of an Just now advises the Arabs to visited C a i r o and a f u r t h e r internal struggle. If Khrushchev recognize Israel and India's Prestrengthening of Moscow's pro- really fought Molotov because the mier advises the same thing to his £gyptian line followed. latter wanted a tougher pojlcy friend'Nasser, he declared. Moscow thus had some reason award the West, tfjen KhrushThere may be some willingt/> fear that Shepllov'j removal chev's victory should indicate a ness on the periphory of the Arab might be interpreted In the Cairo urther softening of the cold war. camp to come closer to Israel, the and Damascus bazaars as a prePrrmir adoVd. but the rulers of lude to a switch from "Shepllo* V the Arab countries continue to in' pro-Arab. cite their peoples against Israel. "One cannot forget the bitter fact Confused Plrturv Through the New Year'f Edition of that the lead in this incitement Actually, the picture is confused has been taken by the press of enough to leave a wide scope for Zurich (WNS)— Prime MinMrr such a great power a s j h e Soviet more-or-less educated guessea. It may be useful, however, to review David Ben Curlon of' Israel lias Union; and they are not satisfied some interesting fact; which may invited Red Skelton and his (am with i n c i t e m e n t alone—Soviet shed light on any Middle East ily to visit, Israel and the popular arny flow to Syria and Egypt." consequences of the M o s c o w American comedian has accvntftl the invitation with alacrity and events. First of all, whole -Moscow delight. ^^ ^ ^ Solva Your greeting problem by radio's ceasclesi efforts to reinsure Arab listener* is most noteffl • • using this convtnltnt method of worthy. It is not necessarily the I I I I wishing friends and relative! • result of an affirmative policy decision. It does not necessarily Happy N«w Year.' , Jerusalem (WNS >—The Minis, mean that Mr. Khrushchev, on the try of Religious Affairs announced very day.when he consummated - (OwDtt«ri!ii.Wlrl«eAi»<Ji»r25) , his latest "putsch." had had time extension of hospital and other to decide that nothing wilt be facilitien to Jews to whom tiie - D M the conpon below and check the number right to Abrahamic rites has changed in Russia's Middle East of the greeting you with to tue. Endow cart policy, and that the Arab* have cither been denied or made imposor check with your order. to be reassured {Mi that score. It sible in the iron-curtain countries is possible that somebody in the whence they came. The offer has been transmitted Soviet Foreign Offlw In charge •I. Mr, and Mr$. , , . . . : . .7 wish their of implementing the Middle Ka*t by the Ministry or Religious Affriends and relatives both far and near a Happy fairs to kibbutzim, immigration policy quickly noted Ihe danger New-Year. * * or the region, and—in absence of centers and new villages In a circular which, said that beds in govInstructions to the contrary2. Mr. and Mrs : and family hastened to lake steps to eliminate ernment, public and private hos• wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and pitals have been reserved' for the that danger. Prosperous New Year. many applicants who had already Moslem In roiltnurniu requested to be properly brought 3. Mr. and Mrs «.> and family Another Interesting, and probab- Into the Jewish fold through cirtake this means of expressing their best wishes for ly rather Important fact is, that cumcision.. ' the Hew Year to their friends and relatives. among the newly created PoIItbureau members there are two 4. Mr. arid Mrs «nd family representing Moslem republics of. extend their greetings and good wishes to friends the Soviet Union, and one of the The Omaha Red Cross Blood and relatives7or Health, Happiness and Prosperity. two, U z b e k i s t a n ' s Nur c-din FOR SERVICE • Moheltdlnov is actually a Moslem. Center announces a change/in its donor day scliedJle, Becmnlne (The other Khazakbttai.s Leonid Brzheshnev, Is evidently a Rus- Monday. July 29, the Blood Censian.) It is not particularly likely ter will have the following hour*: JEWISH PRESS. 101 NO. 20TK ST. that those two gentlemen were Mondays—10 a. m. to 3:45 p. m., O»tf 100 Faelory.rnriM4 Omaha. Nebr. raised to their nc«f liiiih honors Wednesdays—12 noon to 5:45 p Just because th^y come from Moi- m., Fridays—11 a. m. to 4:43 Enclojcd find J3.00 for which please Insert No. . . • New ]f ymtmt, •fficlur. court- IJ Jem regions. It Is more liltely that *«n Hnlet. Year's Greeting Cars' in your Roih Heihonah Edition.

Ben Gurion Warns Against 'Delusion*




Rosh Hashonoh Greetings * * * *

srael Invites Red Skelton Family


Israel Will Offer Circumcision Rites

Change Schedule


' KftO.V—"Message of Israel," Sunday, 12:03 p. m. July 28, Dr. Henry E. Kagm, R.iljbl of SJnal Tenr|ile, Mount Wr/ion, X. ¥., "The Importance of Being Loved."

Pick Up Your lot. Bagel aid Cream Cbees* Sunday Morning at DIAMONDS 4113 f'umln«


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