itain Upholds 1914 Oil Policy London, (JTA)—Britain's Forclgn Secretary, Sehvyn Lloyd, disavowed in Parliament any responsibility for the decision of Shell Oil and British Petroleum to sell their marketing Interests In Israel. Replying to a question posed by Laborite D. Healey, the Foreign Secretary said the British Government "had no prior knowledge whatever of the recent announced decislo.1.'"
-Jolla Killu rholo. Campers could aot conceal tbi Hinwas to l*ara far Caaap *ajr-O-C Sunday aa (fray wattes t> board Uw t*e*a prerkM far UMlr traaeperUMaa. The » M M » « • statloMC at tha Jewish Cesuunlty Ceota«i w » « « g pale* Jir the yeaagsters.
Breodbreoker*' to
Camp Draws Record Number Present Citation into three parties for toe annual elections. Tbe three parties, tke Knives, tha Forks and tba Sjooas drew up slates and developed yels and cheers to boost tltlr cftndVdates for official positions. Chuck Wagoa read 'Thursday evening (he campers wera treated t» the chuck wagon teed on the picnic grounds. Swimming a favorite sport Is provided with Instruction by a staff supervised by Marshall Denenberg. Other a c t i v i t i e s at camp are rlllery, campcraft, naturelore, Journalism, stnclng and dramatics. Friday services, conducted by Die campers, are always a highlight of the weeks program. Saturday's program will include jervices. i n Oneg Shabbat. and an evening carnival Sumhy VWHar Day Visitors' day for this tint session of camp vrtll be held thU Sunday, August 4. from 1:30 p. n. to 4:30 p.ta.Parents are requested n«t to vUtt the camp at any other time. .A special program will \» beU tar the parents and a special crew will b» en hand to park' the cars. The. second weeka acttWUea.wUI feature a masquerade party, a showing of the caritp mnrlet, cookSLATE* BEAWW out*, camping trips, fbhinc ex' "Votf toe at* an* you'll . . became the, hue and cry during curstem, Olympic Day and Surthe week ae the campers divided prise Night.
C«mp fnC. the Federation aporaavel resident camp, started Its seventeenth aeason ot camptoc Sondsy wWi i capacity enrollment <rf over ot*k«tdred campers, Dr. Daniel MUter, Cun» Committee Chairman, reported. A stsff of fflHjr counselors, trained In camping twa activity skUi*, work and 1tv*i»ta* 30 cabin* that compose Hat earn*-eommtintty. Special Cotnpflr» A special campfiro, fcaturinc the Ahamo Indian Dancers mid a giant council-fire, highlighted the opening day activities. Moods?, campers and counselors began their regular round of activities. One group of campeis wag learning how to briddle and saddle hones, while another group was ' learning the'fh*.points of horse* manship In the camp riding ring under the direction of Jay Rodger*. A larg* number oC caiapets were busy working In the trait shop while those athletically Inclined wer* out on the ball fields participating in various contests. Thl* first full day at camp was can*, eluded b y a special evening program In which aU ot Uw cabJna were abdicated and Messed in mass prtceasiosul eeremoay.
France to Send Israel Tel Aviv, <JTA)—Frend» trucks, tractors, agricultural machinery • and industrial equipment will soon fee *een In Israel as a resstt of the 930,00,000 credit recently extended to toll country by Trance. Israel wilt participate for the first /time In the famed Marseilles International h l r , I" Baquier French commercial
attache, aakt that there was a good market in French Africa tor braeM export*, especially vehicle* assembled In Israel. Meanwhile, dairies In Israel prepared to export canned milk to French Equatorial Africa. If they can produce milk at prices competitive, with the-Dutch Industry, there may be a market which could absorb their production surpluses,
Ph3anthrop.es Scoreboard At •# August 2, ltS7 TK» f.tUwlnf «r» current r«»»rti f'»m JlvW»ni in »ht iKJ Omtht Jtwlih PfiiUflthropiM C«htp*>an: DMsle* > Ml T*hl «• D.I.
Inifial GFfti $416,101.50 % Men'i Division 25,185.75 Women'i Divrsion :... 67,206.00 ft. & P. Unit ..•..*...,.. 2,837.00 Children*! Division . ' , . . ; « ; ' . V . . . .'.V, 2,019.80 High School Division 871.50 University Division 191.50 Organizationi 2,463.75 Miscellaneous ...... I.I00.H0 Total fo Dat*
The Henry M o n s k y Jodce's "Breadbreakers" will award & certificate of merit to Alan R. Pascal* of Bozell and Jacobs, Wednesday at the regular luncheon meeting at Gourmet's restaurant. Mr. Paseale will be cited for "his work and cooperation" in the planning, of tha lodge's Amefleanism Award luncheon for V. J. Skutt. All Henry Monsky members are urged to attend,
Non-Interfetaice He Insisted, that despite the fact that the British Government held a majority ot the shares fn Shell Oil, It followed a policy established in 1914 when the government acquired a majority Interest in what was tlwn the AngJo-Persion Oil Company of not Interfering in commercial decisions by the company. "It b not government policy to restrict the operations of British oil companies In any country," Mr. Lloyd added. Anne h t r t m In response to a query by £. W. Short, Labor MP, on what considerations govern Britain's supply
of ar^nt to Israel in view o! tY>» changing situation in the Middle East, Mr. Lloyd said: "The main consideration governing the supply ot arms to Israel an4 her neighbors is the government's desire to promote and maintain peace and stability in the area and avoid an arms race." . Kerosene for Cooking • Oil dealers in Israel assured their patrons that even it Uw Shell Oil Comapny withdraws from operations in this country, housewives will not be left without kerosene for their kltchtn vangm and hot-water heaters. Kerosene dealers took large ads in the newspapers to announce that V Sh.cn quits, Vw supply win not be affected. They said they Mrere prepared to take on new customeia now. / Transfer to Employes Another Shell subsidiary, Shell Chomlcals, which manufactures insecticides needed in Israeli agriculture, was reported to be considering the transfer of the, enterprise to its employees on a cooperative basis.
Egyptians Asked To Free Israeli Sailor
Washington, (JTA)—Israel and N«w York J#ws Aid Denmark sought through separate channels to obtain the release ot Protestant Church Raphael Eyton, Israeli sailor seized New York, (JTA)— A Protestant minister revealed this week that 73 Jews have contributed at least S7,6OO toward the refurbishment or a church adjunct in the Gramercy Park section of this city. The Rev. C. CUre Backhunt, rector of Calvery E p i s c o p a l Church, a 140-year-old edifice, announced the news this week. Most of the gifts wera actually made in June, at the annual dinner of the token of friendship to William A. Rogers, head of a magazine distributing firm and a, vestryman at Cklvary Church. Some time ago, Mr. Rogers had asked Joseph Ottenstein. a. Washington magazine distributor, for advice on soliciting people, in the vldnlty of the. eborch. Mr. Rogers mentioned that Calvary had lost most ot its parlshoners through being located In • predominately business district, and that the majority ot residents In thcvarea were now Jewish. Mr. Ottenetein gave more than advice. He made a $100 contribution to the church fund and so dM 74 other Jewish business friends of Mr. Rogers when they heard about the church's campaign, Checks totaling 17,100 were waiting for Mr. Rogers and Rev. Backhunt at the Unjted Jewish Appeal dinner, and $500 more were pledged on the spot.
graphing canal Installations from the ship." The International Red Cross v m slmlarly requested to take urgent action to prevent Mr. Eylon's aboard the Danish freighter Brig- being mistreated. itte Toft by Egyptian authorities at the southern end of the Suez Canal. Ambassador Abba Eban discussed the matter with Christian A. Herter, Under Secretary of Samuel I. Berek, of Fremont, State. Mr. Eban told the AmerNebr. will receive the Ak-Sar-Ben ican diplomat be considered the "Good Neighbor Award" TVniTriay, removal of Ms countryman a vioAugust 8, 7:30 p. m. at Military lation by Egypt ot the 1888 S u n Memorial Stadium, Fremont. convention. Mr. Berek will r*-»h« the A' spokesman for tha Israeli award, according to Ak-Sar-Ben Foreign Ministry In Jerusalem "for" outstanding work with Boy ridiculed the Egyptian charges rcouts and Four "H" youth and that the Israeli sailor was arrested his efforts In writing and producbecause he wa« photographing the. ing more than 100; pageants,for shores of Suez. The captain of the coronations, scouts, centennials BrigUta Toft Informed the char- and patriotic organizations" said terer* that although the Israeli for "Ms1 unlimited endeavors in besailor had a camera, h« diA not half of United N a t i o n * and uie it in the Suez CanaL Brotherhood." In Copenhagen, the Danfch GovHe was author and producer of ernment instructed Its diplomatic the Annual Four "H" Pageantrepresentative In Cairo to sub- Corona tion. mit a formal protest to the EgyptIan Foreign Office over the removal of the laraej/ seaman from the Danish ship, which carried a cargiTof rice to Haifa. Ove Toft, owner of the ship, Tel Aviv, (WNS)—The 'Buldenied E g y p t i a n allegations against the Israeli" sailor, stating garian Government has halted the granting of visas to Jews desiring that Mr. Eylon waa "regularly signed on'and we know absolutely to emigrate to Israel. Of the 6,000 ot no foundation of Egyptian Jew* in Bulgaria, some 2,000 bos* Charges that he has been photo- I to migrate to Israel.
B«r*k to R*c*jv* Award Thursday
Bulgaria Suspends Israel Visas
i' 1 ' p ' I
Egyptian, Syrian Army Chiefs Meet in Moscow
Washington, (JTA)—The United States Is seeking to evaluate reports that tlte Soviet Union Is organizing military assistance pocti with K'h'ypt and .Syria as an answer to the Khcnliovvcr Doctrine. I'. H. K.viltiatuig Heportr U. S. Officials mo studying information that tl'" Defense Ministen ami ai my chief* of Syria and Egypt are catlnlng In Moscow at the peiMonal invitation of Soviet Defense Minister Marshal Zhukov. Lait week Syrian Defense Minister Khaledel el Azem suddenly flew to Moscow. His del f atlon included Syrian Army Chief of Staff Gen. T«wflk Nl'«m el Dlu and
other top officers. Marshal Zhukov met them personally at the Moscow Airport. Personal Invitation Today It was confirmed in Cairo that Marshal Zhukov sent n personal invitation to Ma). Gen. Abdel Hakim Amer, Egyptian War Minister and Army Commander in Chief, to fly to Moscow. Amer accepted. An increased flow "of Soviet warplanes and heavy weaponj have arrived In Syria and Egypt in July. Acts of violence and sabotage continued along the Israeli-Syrian border as the Syrian authorities reportedly rejected, an Israeli de-
mand through the United Nations staff that they check continued incursions of Syrian villagers into Israeli territory. A pall of smoka covered the entire area around the Jewish settlement of Tel Azazlat this morning, the result of hundreds of brush fires set by infiltrators during tha course of the night. Infiltrators crossed into Israeli territory last night at Kfar Giladi, where the Syrian, Lebanese and Israeli frontiers meet, w\4 taJWr laced the pumping station. Tracks made by the infiltrators indicated that they had come from Syrian territory.
A«|Mt t, l t d
Faibitabcd Bwqr Friday * y I t * ITcfenUsa ef Jewish Service •econd U > u MaUliuj PnvtlMt* Authorized t l Omahk. MeWmsks. Annual SubKHirtlionT MJOi Xdvtnuini Ran* on ApSuekUon. Editorial OfrkV-101 Ma aixK Strpt, OnuBa, W«br, JAckson IM* Print Sh. J AddKM 4soa So »U> i u w t . <MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN
DecreeAIorms Lybton Jews
August 4 KBON—"Menage of Israel," Sunday. 12:09 p. m. Rabbi London jfWNS)—Th« status of the Jewish community lit I.ybla is Sidney Brooks, Temple Israel, Omaha, "Triumph In Defeat". In treat danger M a result'of a X F A B — " E t e r n a l Light", new decree recently issued by fhe 10:49 p. m. t Mark Van Doren, Lyblsn Government. Candellglituif, 7:10 p. no. Under the decree, Jews with Columbia University, New York Fridsy evening services begin at and Maurice Samuel, author 7 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- relatives uT Israel mutt register and lecturer, "Words We Live with the anti-Israel office. Sine* ices 8:45 a. m. Junior congregation the great majority of Lybian Jews By", 10 s. m. Rabbi Benjamin Croner ha« relatives In Israel, the decree will conduct the Saturday-after- has virtually afNeted every Jewnoon Talmud clssa at 6:45 p. m ish family, in' the country. The Mincha,, followed by ShaJosh new Jaw, aimed against Jew* who S'eudos and Masriv will begin at are custodians of property left by 7:13 p. m. persons who emigrated to Israel, The Sunday morning Breakfast requires the custodians to register mlnyon and Blblt class begins at the property with the boycott ofThe Educational, and Cultural 8:45 a. m., and the Sunday morn- fice. The Jewish community In ing Jr. Minyon begint at^8:30 a. m. Lybla was reported to be in fear Foundation of Omilha formed to Weekly morning services will be- over the methods to be employed promote s c u l p t u r e , literature, gin »t 7 a. m. and 7;25 p. m. ' in Implementing the decree. That painting and music, was organised, The Talmud Class meets a t the country now has a Jewish popula19th and Burt Street Synagogue tion of about 3,900. Some 30,000 by Morris £. Jacobs, A. E. Jacobson, John E. Merrlam, Ellsworth every Tuesday evening at 8 p, ra. emigrated to Israel.
Cultural Group Formed In Omaha
TEMPLE ISRAJMy Services will be held Friday evening, at 7:30 p. m. in the Temple ChapeL Dive Bltlcherwil! officiate.
Kadimah Selects Governing Body
Moaer, V. J. Skutt and Arthur B. St«ddard. -
SAM Dinner for
Akm J. Heeler
Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer BETH XL Women have selected Mmes. Sam Epstein, Harry Slref, Paul Wolk Sabbath services will be held M«mb«ra of the Sigma Alpha tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath morn- and ABe Bear to serve on i t s Mu fMtsrnity win honor Alan J. Ing services will begin at 8:30 board of governors for the coming Hseger with a i U g dinner Aug 7 , 1 a. m. The Mlneha service will year. p. m. a t tbs Fireside restaurant, Other officers are M M . Sidney Mr. Meegcr wlU be married t * begin at 7:30 p. m. Dally services during the week Znebner, recording secretary! Mrs, Miss Eutbann Cbudaeoff Auguit are held at 7 a. m. and 7:00 p. jn. Charles Rosenhelm; corresponding li The Sunday morning service If secretary; Mrs. Bernard Kaufman, financial secretary and Mrs. Herheld at 9 a. m. bert Wintroub, treasurer. Committee appointment Include iif#< mi MM « ^ Mrs. Raymond Corey, donori Itn. Nathsn Kaplan, historian and pubHdtyi Mt*. Dave Wine, sunshine DIAMONDS cards; Mrs. Isadora ralb, tele- 411* phone; Mrs. Abs Kloppsr, bulletin July 21—Residents wish to ex- editor; Mmes Sam Epstein and Jerusalem «TA)~"Passlnf the buck" tt»-*Jong with otbe* press their appreciation to the Harry Blref, fund raising; Mrs. American customs—become common in some court* hsre. Jewish War Veterans for present- Psul Wolk, membenhlp, and M n . The difference Is that Israeli Judge* call i t "Judicial tedrtxning their talent show at the home. Abs Bear, program. The chapter held Its first board detfee." The paper d i e d « criminal «ase in which the judfe alTbs following young artists perFOR lowed himself two year* in which to hand down a Judgment, and formed. Arnold A u k , 10, accor- meeting of the lenton, July 25th at the horns of ?>ir«. Dear, no authority f«H free to comment on Mi tardiness. dion. Frances Grosimin, 11, flute. No action wa* talun by the President of tta* Supreme Court Margaret Mitchell, 11, and Shirley In the matter, i t w u reported, became be thought i t w u the Job Moore, 11, vocal duet Donald PAUL'S of the Minister of Justice. The Minister, on the other band, M t Solotorowiky, 12, trumpet. Marie the Supreme Court ihouM have stepped Into the problem. RADIO * TV SMVICI • l a Walters, 11, baton twirling. Result: N o one did anything. But the concept of Judicial TV CAI IADIO Correction—A. Fisher of 718 Independence remained tfnweakened. RADIO rHONOCEAfH Paricwood Lane gave the Kidduih PAUL wOLDBERCr last week for Mrs. Sara Silver, ft lift July 2 3 - A special Kiddush was 4111 H: Mtk St. given by David Orkow in memory of Abraham Orkow, on occasion of his Yarzhelt WEAR' Yarzheit is the month of Ab. THAT NEW LOOK Ab 1—July 3»th, Mrs, Morris Jerusalem, (JTA)—The PalesTel Aviv, (JTA)—The number Turner, tlne Jewish Colonization Assoda Consult H W Msivaw#eMee Ab 4—August 1st, Mrs, Fannie tlon, PICA, founded by Baron of vehicles in use here has Jumped Edmond de Rothschild 75 yean 380 percent since IMS, and the Steinberg. All KM, Mtii'i anW UJI..' Ab 9—August 8th, Mrs. Meyer •go, will wind up its activities In city is attempting;, to cope with bsfrt TalUrlaa an4 Albrattau Israel, give ownership of Its land a universal municipal headache— Brooksteln. Ab 1 1 — A u g u s t 8th, Harry holdings to Israel national in- the traffic problem. Friedman, stitutions and contribute to its M07 Harn«y Streets in the center of town Ab 1 5 — A u g u s t 32th, Harry M l Se, 1 M U. n. AT MM million pounds 03,333.000) in cash are too narrow and there are assets to a "fund to erect a new too many Intersections. During Adebchitein.' • Or AT 0088 Ab 23—August doth, Mrs. Louie home for the Knesset, Israel's rush hours, congestion always I Til H». 4 M St. Sominer. * Parliament threatens. Parking is also a probThis decision was taken by the lem, for at night one-third of the NUCLEAB FOOTER IK ACTION street area U turned Into a garage. late Baron James de Rothschild Washington, ( W N S ) - T h e NaAs a solution the traffic depart' tional Planning Association. In a some time before his death in England earlier this year.and meat here Is using signal lights report Just released, notes that was; communicated to Premier at street corner*, one-way streets, Israel could greatly expand Its Omaha's Leading Kotlwr Meat Marlctt and David Ben Gurloti by a letter post, and parking meters. economic development through humously d e l i v e r e d , Mr. Ben Factors that complicate matters low cost n u c l e a r power which DotkattiMii Where "W« S n v i th« R R « I » Gurion Informed Parliament of the are the laige number* of buses would make possible large scale to Hi* FiiMtr" In use on Israel's ntrrow roads, irrigation, development of mineral news at a session this week. Baron de Rothschild, who wasand the equally great swarms of resources And growth of industry president of PICA, recalled in his small car*. The growing popularity in the Negev. Diamonds Offers You a Tasty letter the founding of the first o! the motor scooter is adding jiew Rothschild settlements in Pales- complications.. Patronize Our Advertisers . Government agencies are contine and the subsequent role of Selection of Delicatessen, Fresh PICA. The establishment of the templating a nationwide safety State of Israel, he said, had taken education program. Meals and Specialties over the main task of settlement • on the land which had been PICA'S Pboni J* UM lo imtrt r°ur w«nl Ad objective. We Feature the Finest Ground Beef id Th« Jr»Uh Prm.
9M A
'Passing the Buck'
Funds Bequeathed For Knesset Home
Traffic Problems •Mount iti Isrotl
Want Ads
RtsoJurion Seeks to Stop Hog-Breeding
Current r»u >• so ccoti /or neb four Una Inicrtlou. Tht PTtm nttrvtf ib* rittil
The Junior Class of Rohnrwe Is to limit t)i< of etch tdvtrtlMtnrnt. planning an August fund raising 'AR anJ Ha? Mltzvah congratuevent, a car', wash, at the homes lations also for all Jewish holiJerusalem, (JTA)—A letter call- of Ton! Kaplan And Edie Singer. days and special occasions. ing on all settlements established Meyers News Stand, 1502 by Jewish National Fund to reHAVK BV OKDKIUKG frain from breeding twine wa* Tnvn & Country, 8 Mos. ...,5.1.00 read, and unanimously Approved i/( 70 VV'ks. 7.70 by the entire membership of the I'm- 7K Wks C.R7 Actions •Committee at its conclud.'(, lie 1 Vr. 507 ing session here. !Iu.i i f. Garden, 10 Mos 2.&7 tf.ir-i Digest, 1G Mos 2.00 HOLIDAYS and FESTIVALS "ill-Mrs. S. J. Harwich, WA 3057 Holidays Begin Sundown of! OR RENT—8 room, 4 bedroom Previous Day IIoiiso. Owner To Keep One BedRosh Hashana Eve Sept. 25 J room. Close to Gritda .School, First P a y Sept. K{ HI, h School itiul Svn.iK0fne (Iis Second Day Sept H<Mt~*65 a month. JA. 873*— Yom KIppur Oct. 5] WA 26S7.
in Town — Fresh Daily
Our Famous Homemade Kosher Dills Are the Talk of the Town Get Your$ Today! Quarts 59c Vi Gallons $1.10 Also Available In Bulk Monday thru Friday—1 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sunday—7 A.M. to 7 TM. AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT
4415 Cumlng tt.
Paved Parking
\r~ I B B ' JEWISH
LeeJahrfo Wed Aug. 21 August 31 haa b«en shown «• • wedding d»t« by Miss Lee Jahr and har fiance, Arnold N. Kanter, •on or Mr. and Mr*. Morrli O. Kanter of Kami* Cjtjr. Th» bride-to-be 1* tha daughter of Dr. and Mra. Herman Jahr. The eouple Will be married In a 5 p. rrt. ceremony In TempM Israel
brad-Bound Ship Gets Through S U M Jerusalem, (JTA)—The Italian freighter "Martha," under tha charter to the Urn IITMI Navigation Company of Haifa, p u l e d unfnoJested through the S u n Canal last WMk an route from tha MedtXerranesn to Elath, and arrived t t Israel'* Red Sea port Tha "Martha" 1< the Ultra foreign, flat veucl chartered by Israel for service between Math and Kaat African port*. Tha other •nip* are of Norwegian and Panamanian registry, respectively.
Mod*. Named for if* E«y Whtn ' Hadasiah Show You Know How1 Model* h«ve been named for Klath,'(JTA)—A t o u r i n g Chicago bond drive delegate; who was here for a brief visit g«v« a' local restaurant an unscheduled demonstration ot American Ingenuity applied, to, of all things, the cleaning of fiih. The Chlcagoan, whose name was noc recorded for history, accidentally walked Into the kitchen of a restaurant. There he law a young girl struggle to olesn a load of fish with a butcher knife and decided to help. Gathering up a number of bottle e*pa lying nearby, he showed the girl how t«t nail them to a, board with the rough side up. The result waa • fcaler that did the Job in half the time and with greater cate.
BE. Sfittrhood Appointment*
Sonya N«v*ll W . d Committee chairmen for Beth Synagogue ci*t«rnood have been In Los Angtlti. Elappointed lor the eomlng year by Mr, and Mn, Herbert H«v«U, former Omaham annovne* the marriage of their daughter, Sonya to Jay L e i l l e Bovajr of Lot tAnfelM, Cat, fcwday, Jtfy fc. Th on wa» o " ' '
For Mrt« MoMy TuNy
Tag* TtlM*
Omaha Chapter Hadaisah style •how "Jubilee Jaunt Into Fashions" to be held Thursday, August 93,13:30 p. m. in'the Psxton-Hot«l ballroom. The models are Mmes. Max Blttner, Mike F r e e m a n , Charles Garetr, Robert Gereliek, Jack Jacobson, .Irving Lincoln, Darwin Marcus, Nathan Novak, Harry Ravitt, Robert Hosen, M(Uard Rosenberg, Paul Sacks, Ted Sanford, PhU Hchwartx, Robert Silver, man, Ray Simon and Edward Zorinsky, The announcement wai made by Mra. Ervin N, Simon, general chairman, t
Organizations B'lfAI »'RITH The Doll* for Democracy, B'nal B'rith women's project, u being shown to the) youngsters in the city supervised porhi this week end next Women partJoiapting are Mme*. Alfred Frank, Max Cohn, l a m PolUk, Aaron Epetein, lloiri* Shapiro, l a m Xauman, Henry Greenberf and MaxKriaelman. Anyone wishing to present the program may contact M n . ey Shapiro, chairman, WA or Sol Littman, «atl defamation league office.
Bikur Chotim to Hold Fund Raising Event August 13 The 4th annual fall fund raising dessert luncheon and card party will be • |lven by Bikur Chollm Society , Tuesday, August 13, 1 p. m. at the Paxton hotel-ballroom.Proceeds of the event will be used to pay the last payment on the elevator at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. The entire cost of the elevator Installation waa underwritten by the organization. One of the major
Global Report FOtUSION B»«DB»Ta Sacramento, (WNS)—Governor Oroodwin J, Knight ha* signed a bill nermittlnjr rejidenU of the State of California, to make bequest* to foreign state* having reciprocal arrangement* with the United States, linder this law, resident* of California c»n make bequests to Israel. LEADER D I M Liberty, N. Y., (JTA)—Roger W. Straus, «8, nationaUy prominent in brotherhood work and a leader in civic acttvttle* and buslne«, died here. He wa* • founder and for y e a n co-chairman of the National Conference on Christian*
Mn. A. C. reUman, president. They art Mmee. lrylng.Chudtcof/, - Jerold Rosen end Henry Sum, fieth D Aranui David ft. Oohen uA A. p. m n i i Book of and Jem Remembrance; Leonard Gould and COUSIN'S GLOB George Xtgan, books and publicsMrs. Leonard Chernlil wjll enMOTCCTION CMED tloiur A'. 0. Klmmerman, tertain number* of the Cousins "briefer"! Alan Wolfton, BraUle; Morrla Katleman, cemetiryi Jack Bramaon and Harry Wigodshy, qommunlty «ooperatlon| tf«ymour Cohn, courtesy ani tradle roll; teon SctimllmnH, decorations: Max Orouman, education! D«n Kaslow and Dave Kntlomsn, family tutUtlcsi Morris Arkln emd Rob«rt H. Koop«r, gift fundi Bave Shtrman, Ab» Jloffmnn snd Max Ijishlnilty, gift shop! D«vld Iloicnb»um, Nath&n Turner, hospitality; Max Moskovltz «nd William Polatk, housekeeping; Morris C. Fellman, Judaltm In the home; Robert Bermuln and H«nry W«k«, m«nob»r»hlpj Hurry DtBoff, imulo dlrtctor.
Mra. Molly K TuUy, H, promlnMit in JfWWi eofnnwfiHy organ!**, flonf died Sunday following a kaffls accident, t h e was the wife «f T. A. TAilly, Omaha businessman. Services were held Tuctday mornlflf *t Beth j:l Synagogue wtth ftbbl My«r.fi. Krlpk*, officiating. Burial win In Btth £1 cemetery. Mra. tully *«rved on the ljonrdi •f Beth XI Sisterhood and HeAataah. She waa a m<mb*r of the Brsndels University group end .the Council of Jewish Women. Mmes P h i n m Wintroub, nomSurviving are }>er husband snd inatlnB committee; Philip J'ox, «ons, AUen and Stewart and two nun«ry school; Max Bittnor and Edward Hosen, program | Gerald grandchildren. Croat, publicity and historian; Jftck Kaufman and Dave Stein, MOSCOW ACCUSES ISRAEL London, OWNS)—The Moacow purchasing; Dave Cohn, rentals; Radio In an Arab language brotd- Leon Gractz, sewing; Robert falcr, caat ha* accused larael of "pro- social action; William Albert*, Vocation acts of aggression" on social affairs advisory) I. B. Zl«g> .tha Syrian border and slmultan- man, Sunday school; 3. H. Kulatouily warned Israsl's leaden that koftky, council of synagogues; "there are powera which are cap- Somucl Honvich and Norman •ble of making them abandon this WoWncr, table letting! Morris Policy of Intimidation." at the Ermnn and Robert Noddle, Talmud tame time Pravada'a Home corres- Torali; Jacob Bcrinteln, Reuben pondent accused Premier David Bordy, Robert Felnbere, telephone; Ben OuWon of Israel of "making Ernest Nogg, board; Samuel Wolf war mongerlng speeches almost and Isidor L e v i>i s o n, Torah Scholarship; Leo Wnxenbirg, vetdaily." erans hospital; Barton Grc«nb«rg, Keith S a u n d e r i , Sol Pnrsow, Ernest Wintroub, Joseph Hornstein,-Ralph Nogg, Ted Snnford, Seymour Goldtton and David Bernstein, ways nnS means special events; Leon Fellmnn and Abe Sluaky, youth chairmen. HONORARY JOUItNALIST Jerusalem, ( W N S ) - D r . Nflhum Goldmann, president of tho World Zionist Organization, became an honorary member of the Israel Journalists Association at tho annual meeting of the organization.
project* of the Society has been to provide medical need* for the home. Funds from previous luncheoni have been used to purchase an oxygen tent and air conditioner* for the institution. Members also make month]/ trips to. the State Mental hospital in Lincoln where they serve refreshment* to the Inmates, All friend* and member* of the) Society are Invited to the luncheon.
ing the Merchant ot Venice fh the, Arab State of Lebanon. Presentation of that play, wrote the newspaper in a sharp editorial, could only Mrv* the purpote ot conveying to the Arab* "the Impression that the British Government 1* hostile to Jews." GOLDA MKIR CITED Jerusalem, (WNS)—Dr. Israel Goldstein, president ot the American Jewish Congress presented thl* week the AJC Stephen ». Wise Award to Foreign Minister Gold* Melt In recognition ot "tti» dignity and moral coursg* with which *h* interpreted Israel's post* tion before the United Nation* and th« oonicltnct ol the world.*
U*« the Want Ada i o buy, sVll or rent. K«w York, (WNS)—Flv* major Club, Wednesday, August T t t i 11:30 p. m. luncheon at th« Regis Jewish organisations have urged woe** SOMETHING NIW hot«f Anyone unable to attend i* the New Tork p t y Council to reHelletmesi jeef a proposed amendment that aiked to call PL, 4884. H.fci.w M» wotild exempt cgoper»Uv« apartHlflHLAKD C.rd«—• I t y l t l ment* from th* Fair Mousing BUI Tht Jfighland C o u n t r y elub now under consideration by the ; Te %** Umftt. raeae Al—<>R calendar Includes a women'* (tag Council. Such an amendment, the luncheon, Tuisday, August <J| • group pointed out, would include men's «l»» dinner, Wedneeday, the very form of housing in which Aumiit 7 <nd a Mr. and Mrs. Stag discrimination against .Jews is ana pool party, Tuesday, August most widely practiced in the city. DIAMONDS PRESENTATION CRITICIZED HADASSUH Members of Hadcssah boards London, (WNS)—The British will ho!<l dtstert luncheon meet- Council, an organization dedicated Ings during August. Scheduled are to the dissemination of British Theodore Herd at the home of culture abroad, was s o u n d l y Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, president, panned here this week by the at 12:30 p. m., Wednesday. August Dally Xxpreu tor a'"monstrous 7th. Mmei. James Samueuon and error of judgement" in presentGeorge Spltzer wftl assist and Henrietta Szold at the home of Mr*. Eldney Katleman, Tuesday, CALL August 8th, 13:30 p. m. Mr*. Sam HOLLYWOOD Grten, president of Chalm Wellmann, JIM scheduled a meeting TUX MENTAL Wednesday, August 7th, at the JA M i l First Federal Savings Bank a* XU He. 1 M Street (In Omslia Uan IWf.) ' Countryside Village. Qo-ho*te**e* wtU be Mmes. Max Bittner and Joseph Bernstein. Person* in Israel over M with Incomes not exceeding IL. ^ , war Invalids, working wiVM and student* are entitled to special tax deduction*.
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August t, inn
Muscular Judaism
THIS DECLINE IS BOXING Milton Gross, "New York Pout" ror tome > e t r s now, this sports- columnist, talked with columnist hat been trying to ex- Stiilman. By DavM Schwarla plain to sports followers why box- Where, Gross wanted to know, ing is In a state of decline and do all the struggling young, flehtJudging by the Hebrew press of Israel, there appears to-be a kind of walking cr**e at present to raei. One Israeli jJaper tells of a men of Seventy wh» Is preparing to go la for walking and it now train- particularly why there are no ers go today, when'they have s» longer any top-notch Jewish fight- few clubs to fight in, when the ing taking dally » m i l e walks. I don't think the Israelis have been reading Dr. Pkul Dudley White, Elsenhower's heart specialist ers around, Of course, some of the IBC is Interested maisly in Its who k a great believer in exercise. It is Just that the braens are that way. They ire an outdoor people. reasons given art dear enough: TV contrasts) and commitments Zioalam has been misunderstood. It has often bttn thought to be a political movement or some such thing. Jews htvt in the main, attained and not In developing new stars r The fact of the matter is: whatever politics Is Involved in Zionism Is incidental. Zionism really Is * Jew- an economic status In America And Lou Stiilman says, "Nowhere, which does not drive Jewish that's where. This ain't gym any ith movement to get more exercise. youngsters to the ring for a liv- more. If a a graveyard and .those More Health Living ing. Today, the newer minorities To confuse Zionism with ordi- themselves must do th« hard work. Jews were not used to thinking seek fortune in boxing; Puerto poor kids In here are gbottt and nary brands of nationalism is to One of the chief fears, perhaps the much about their muscles* Dr. Rfcans, Negroes, etc. And, at a don't know It. They keep coming err greatly. The Indonesians or any chief fesr of taking too many White, the President's physician, further development, Jewish lads here getting up then- $8 a moata other of the many peoples who Arabs into Israel li the fear that recommends walking and bIcycHng. prefer an education now to tight- for a locker and they're throwing have recently acquired their Inde- before long he will be doing the Less than a centuty ago, Ludwig Ing- for money. The Ghetto Jews their money away the way boxta." * pendence, did not seek to return hard work. The Jew* would not, I Boerne wrote about the streets la of the 1920ft supplied many out- fag any of their people to the soil, they am sure, oppose any number of Berlin in which Jew's were not pen- standing, fighters to thering.The For more than four decades, Stilbnan has been in the game, did not seek to turn shopkeepers toe. Arabs coming in and setting up aiitted to walk. How could you go Jews of our generation are more into farmers, pants pressers into stores, but the Israeli) want to do wanting and bicycling-in a ghetto? eager for their tons to go to and *ten the good ones come sn3 road builders and track layers. the hard work. The Jews want the The only exercise which the college than to the school of paid go, Now he sneer* at the calibre of the fighters and champs and Zionism did and does. The Zionist ejiercise. Jews got was when they swayed pugilism. fans. "What champions? What essentially does not give a fig their body during the prayers and NwdMt's M«a* Di boxing there are a number boxing fantT How can you have about nationalism, except as it is. Tb» man wbo in UM emergence In their study of th» sacred writof Jews who are important to fan* when you got no elubt? Hour necessary for bis real object: more of UM Zionist movement stood Ingsthe game even if they never don can you have fightersT They put healthy living for Jews, •By Spiritnext to Theodore Kent was Or. The Hard Workers Max Nordau, a man with some A prophet of ancient Israel said, gloves themselves. Nat Fleischer, boxing on the television and they Tn most growing couatries, ira- very radical ideas about many "not by might and not by Brute editor of -Ring" magarfttt- k> o m toek thrlife out of it. They put migrsnt minority groups did the things. Bernard Shaw took up his force, but by my spirit." Neverthe- Mike Jacobs, the great promoter* oa a show Wednesday night here, hard work. The immigrant Irish a pen to write a li(lh) book answer- less, ancient Israel did'not neglect was another. And to are many ef Friday night there, how can thv century ago mostly built the Amer- Ing Nordau's theories about art. In the body. The Maccabeemj were ao the managers, writers and train- sport slay alive? Stiilman had a great deal more ican railroads. Slave labor dldmost on* prediction—that of * terrible physical noilrcoddtes, the sages of era. Another It Low StHlmen, who of the hard work in the South for world war—he was certainly pro- the iater-TaJmudic era. were al- rune StiUmtft't Gym, the- most to-aay, always feeiiag torry for popular ,-md, beet boxing gym the Mat tn the sport. I leak at a long period of time. Toe Chinese phetic. In the- reatan of Jewish mast all manual workers. And At"coolies'* did much o t the bard thinking Nordaa coined a new rael seems to be treading, in their around. Stinmen hat vast boxing these kids and I w»r «» myself knowledge and blamed'the dom- 6t Hit goosT days I made a good work on the West Coast. term and- a new concept when he footsteps. ination or theftiternarlowriBox.buck out of them and if I go, But in Israel, the one thing the appealed for what he called "mus(Copyright, 1«W. Jewish ing Club- for helping- to ruin the whet* win they go? Then tfeey Jews have insisted on Is that they cular Judaism." Telegraphic Agency, Iae.> sport (toe* upon a time, when won't have anything. They won't bosdaf wat at Its peak, more- thin even have hope." * » fighters a month use* to It it any wonder, • then, that train at Stulman't, and thfar ia- there, are *» few Jewk* kJd»; in ekided the best an* nv :t ramoM boxing today T Ziawia met la the game. Today, only (O»yai*s», MM *ew»sfc TetafraaMa Ageaey, Ian.) Th» American communists, who condoned the, Stann-rHUer pact and who hurled derogatory epithets about • » or 79 train at nl» gym.
Off ttw Rtcord
a t all who dared speak out la the past a t Soviet anti-Semitism and daabente liquidsUo» o t Jrwisfc cultural and\*$*ritual life to the Soviet Union, art concocting a new soul*oarin» gasna with piety a* the red bait . Tbeagmndeeb who shouted bos-» ' • * -——-a-
-VJ-T «*B^kaWMMeaW*
Utm H i
lievt that Use present Moscow re- viva), but red ptotajyttainai it wasarfdtui to att who oould see gime will correct Stalin's alas and thank that this matter of the against Jews. Bat what It the MLtmv irArima I stw Israel's candidate for Mitt Kremlin v w bent on Implementing motivation behind their new faithT Universe only once, and al a. dtsthe-Matt thesis of liquidation of Jewish If* art now pretending Quttt a cynical out. Repudiation of tanet, but the occasion wat aaouakhurt asA i<i«»fci«i«t>n"pt M the Stafin la Jewish matters, it their to conjure up. the thought «a*t brataBV ot the master to whose hope, would open thtdtar to eons- the mrtd might took a WhetghUr ehariot they harneaaad theomlves muntst cultural activstiee in the H a daughter nurdana; 0** Mem ejUlc/wUttagtr tod. w i t s , s i M a V United States arnea* Jews, We- Song of Sengs wen* to gala that ' ness that was an Insult to human groM and other aainority groups. glory, anas Jtatel did not «titedignity, it they had any. Stalini was So concernedhav* that* wnegidei make it, but ray dkcant, tt atesntv waa not altogether kt vain. I t i* always right with them, even when y Uue that by standarda ot Jawith h» preset* H* ugly fingers on tat sitivltics that they even saw the. n e w Mss Universe, the nerre centers of Jewish life. Their a resolution t« the effect that red anger was ever-ready to ep» Amerkstsi Jewt *-aw disturbed by Vtnvian, beauty GsaaVa Zeader, i t aunt- «U who dared question, let the KremBn's failure (o pubBdy not laity Jewish atone reUatoa. af> asoae ettttajae. Xven tha shocking proclakn any prograos,with respect fltfatton I* detarrasaed by tfct-saadfcwkaw* ssTthe anti-Semltie UoeJ t o r a i t o r a t i o t t o f t h e , J e w i s h p o s i - ttmal atatln. But wha wW dtsnr a* ajahrt * t Jtwiah doctor* dM sot t i o n . •-•• .' ;"'••''••..•:•:. •'.•" Um tdvllege at ssrettaaag a potat deter them from worshippfng the Of course. Americsa Jew t ar AMr godfarA t KremMn, ' • concerned anoot the Jewish poai- D M <rf gooAstoek-he* patesnal They want- later t» be- dliiBu- «o» it» MM Soviet UWoa, but It sa grandfatber was preakhuit ones. «f SSMM* she eaeamuasstav bat iroalo- • e n * o f the businesa e# the eom- the nomtdwladttaf Jewish commtaUr enough by Nlkita Khiwchtv, -muassts to sssume t h e . ' " tin nity »f U B M - « K I her m g a sfcoukl ' wlioee juble anB-Swnffle reaord of becoming an instrument »f »K- b» not oahr o m of besuty, but of wcetedf even Stalin's. Ifom ate preiflon- of that oonoem. Their dignity at wel*. asmilaau MOB woaht has*. 0* be- primary luterot it not Jewish sur- (Seven Arts feature Syndicate)
ANTtSHSCHrrA WAVK London (WNS)—The Board of Deputies of British Jews, at the urging of Its shechlta committee "chairman Z. Zeltlyn, approved a resolution to Intensify opposition to mounting antl-shochlta wave reaeulting from tlio activities of the advocates against ehechita, Including the Royal Society for the ;Prevention of Cruelty to Animah Copies ot the resolution, which re'-ferred to the antl-ttcmitlc character of the society's campalcn ag«hnt Jewish ritual slaughter. were forwarded to the Queen of Ehsglud and other p r o m i n e n t people.
utro KIT mDusraiAi cam*,
Thiira«fjmtcoopihovfl >i wsricln ids Bren VSId (nnhe quirrlfi ne«r E!»th, Iinil'» port on the Gulf of Aqjbi, «howi one of the putty ImpotUnl uie> •• which Suit of Iintl Development d«llarisr< belag put. trinlto him quirrin new Ebth is thippci l» lli« Uiiled Sutes, D«itltaa snst atlter RUiosi. EUih, Iirid't cstrmr |» ihi ctunttia ef Africa sad Atls, b Ixiaf Imilt up u • mijot s«*a>tt, u t o Indutritt tcnttr for &*> pnetuief «n* uliliuliHi at mittenls dijtsvered in th« Nc|e*, tai M a nurt •«»- H U tulmuei (hat, Ut» the. Want Ad* to buy, se-9 i> •ctMopllih ibis aim la ten jan, brad rvpitu J|»^00,Q091* iivettment ••plltt, • (reit ptii »( u it lutA B w i foadk of rent
Rosfi HttnioiMili GfccliiiQ •
• • •
Through t U N#w Yt«rV Edition of
Y t w pr—ting ptMwm hf uimf tfcTf «Mv*ftf*nt rrt#*lW,#f _ ..«-t-f *-« I- - _ A • •faIft .a > & W f H H n p TnVtffPaT mnm WWtmtffWm •
H»apy New Y#er.
vVsTVav aa^araa^Blalaa^Br V^FHBJ W
Lot Aflfdat, (JTA)-A. new atudy of the Jewish popuUtioa ef tho Lot Angetar area'will be Tatmeatjt thlt tall kt an effort to - ptnpotnt the rapid shifting of the community during the last six years. The. atody will be undertaken by the Research Service . Bureau, an agency of the Los Angeles Jewish Community Council, and will bs the first since 3961, wheav tha Jewish population K M estimated at 323.000. it Ij now believed to exceed 400,000.
am^eV^awT aatwsr
Baa> ta^^sKMsiaei fealaw aaast tdaack tftsv slssaaasaa1 ^•jffs^aw
a^asatB*- <^nsaaasitxaajBaBBj^ av^apaajarvap
Bts^aajav* sasiqaBstBaBB^avvv' •
•4 th» frwikissf ytm wigh f* n**. EacteM eMh «r dMek wiMi j*& 4t*n. y 1. Mr. and Mrs wish their friend* and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year. 2. Mr. and Mrs. aiut family wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous, New Year. 3. Mr. and Mrs. and family take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their frlemis and relatives. 4. Mr. and Mrs and family extend their greeting* and good wishes to friend* and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
JEWISH PRESS, 101 NO. 30TK ST. Omaha, Nebiv Enclosod find $3.00 for which pltete insert No. . . . New Vaar's Grouting Card in your Roth Haihsnah Edition. NAMI . . . . . ' . ADDRESS CITY