August 9, 1957

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OMAJM, ICraBASKA. «MMr. AUttlS* ., 1UT

Jf>. <4

Israel May Ret" Against Oil


Jerusalem «*TA>—fcnwl 1« l»- ing operations in Israel as uib- Ifarely separate from the cartel »«sllt»Unr the jMMttUtiex • ( serdence to Aiab prefuure and operations of the International petroleum companies," Rep. Celler ntaJKtasi afataat «W British oU ]-pontfc»r blackmail." «»a*pa*it* tm tlMir ttaciatM IO Rep, Cellenaid In a press ttatc- said. "Now marketing In Israel



^'."Si 8 5 '.."SSl?


As of August 9, 1957 Tk» {allowing *'• currtnt nporli Iron divlilani In »h» Hi} Omaha Jtvrsh Pitffaathropi*! Campaign: Divi,Io» l « 7 T o t . H . D.t.

Initial Gifts Men's Division Women's Division B. & P. Unit , Children's Division High School Division University Division Organizations Miscellaneous . .

$416,301.50 25,268.25 67,231.00 2,843.00 2,019.80 871.50 191.50 2,463.75 1,135.00

ment that the situation points up is being threatened. No member of "the urgent need for prompt and the oil cartel fa willing or able act independently. This amounts effective prosecution, ol the oil to a virtual veto of American cartel" and "emphasises the politi- to foreign policy. It delivers Amercal daagr~» Inherent id the lade ican businet* to Arab countries of independent operators in in- neither stable nor friendly. ternational petroleum activity. It : "A cartel lives by the agreement i* si(nificant that Arab pressure k u s u c c e e d e d in restricting of its members, and all its memduppliea ol crude oil to IiracI by bers must therefore work in conTotal to Date $518,325.30 the large International petroleum cert without freedom of action operator* which make up the oil which Independents would amure," Hep. Ceiler continued. "As the oilcartel." be stated. artel submits as a body to politiMtrketJiqr Threatened cal blackmail, so it becomes a f "By dint of its perseverance, major c o n c e r n of the United Resentment here against the born out cf the direst necessity, State*. Ittolime that the Congress Brttfch withdrawal , decision i» Israel hast been aUet itt procure of the United States took a lorn; based not on ccatMraie gnmutr. it stocks of crude oil to supplement and hard look at our anti-trust Wii» reported, bat rather on the sapphes from the cartel. These enforcement in the international A summer dessert luncheon daaagt tb« action may cause supplementary sources were en- oil arena." * „ Tel Aviv (JTA) — A 22-man meeting of the Federation of JewpatftttaH}- to lame]. Under present ish Women's Club* will be held French Parliamentary delegation, worM nanfcet rowStlors, accordThursday, Auguit 15, at 12:43 p. official guests of the Israel Goving t o l a n d export*, there would m., at the home of Mrs. Moc Vcn- ernment, announced that it would he- ao livable la replacement of ger, 6251 Glenwood Road. work for early conclusion of a l i e 750UOOO toni. half ol Israel'* The program will Include dis- French-Israel alliance. total annual petroleum needs, now cussion of plans for the coming Jacques Soustelle, former Goversupplied by the,BrlU«h <lmu. The club season and announcement of nor-General of Algeria, who headeffect at the withdrawal In itlnmthe chairmen of the various com ed the mission, declared, however, JatEng the Arab aatl-Jararl boycott that since this was not an official Jerusalem (JTA)—Imperial activities in Israel under Arab mittces. and general pan-Arab intransigThe presidents and representa- French Government delegation, it ence, howtvtr, wooM toe • aerfoux Chemical Industries, the large* t boycott pressure with the British tives of the 16 organizations be- could not conclude any alliance. btow a t tttbrpk tor llid*>- East British chemical firm and the Government demonstratively re- longing to the club as well ai the Members of his delegation would, largest Joieign soon* of Israel's fusing to intervene. These sources padflcatfaev they ffM chemical Imports, In planning to said the K 3 withdrawal plans committee chairmen are urged to he said, discuss the question and l—k l i k e SarnaaVr withdraw from the Israeli market might not be coincidental but attend the meeting by Mrs. Henry go Into Us ramifications in their The withdrawal, Uflr painted in a more fully supported If not rather n tipoff on a detailed Lon- A. Newman, president. The other meetings with the heads of the Iscut, Inedtablr wo«M br Inter- instigated bjr the British Govern- don policy aimed at appeasing the officers arc: Mrs. Miko Freeman, rael Slate. preted* by Arab extremist* M ment, informed sources here as- Arab lenders at Israel's expense, fir*t vice-president; Mrs. Lloyd . The delegation Is composed of Friedman, second vice-president; representatives of,all the repubBritain'* surrender t o the Arab terted. These observer* said that while MM. Harry Sidman, secretary, and League boycott- taaefi officbus FaUUeal observers hcie noted the ICT withdrawal would not Mr*. Arthur H. Goldstein, parll- lican national parties in the French reject Leadon* ehdm that Me the prior announcement of the Parliament. The Communists and British Gorerament benn no re- Saell OU Cbmpony and British seriously hurt the Israeli economy, mcntarlan. the right-wing Poujadists are not the concern's "bis; name" is likely ipoaaaiUtr tor the withdrawal de- Petroleum to end their marketing to represented in It. Members of the hurt Israel politically by en- LSBAEL-CHAKTlCnKD SHIPS ration of the OH CBnipantr*. Thin delegation favor a former Frenchcouraging further Arab boycott Jerusalem (JTA)--Tlic Danish ctaftn m made bf the British Israel alliance in all spheres, 'inpressures. freighter Ulla Daniclson is sched- cluding the military. Government last week fa answerICT h presumed to have con- uled to make a run between Elath, iag qucrttaat posed in the Homo A party of 500 Jewish boys and nections with the British oil in- Israel's southern port and Abdan, girls arrived here recenMy from •f CornnoBC by varJma members dustry. Observers here noted that Iran, under charter to Zlm-Sho- France for a five-week vacation of rmrJUtaent, Jerusalem (JTA) —A perma- the British Foreign Office oil hnm Lines of Haifa, it was learned and study visit. The youngsters la Washington, Rep. Kraanuf't nent wo^ld organization to pro- advisor is Harold BeeJy, recently this week. will be divided into smaller groups Cder of New Yurie, chairman of mote research in Jewish studies British Ambassador to S a u d i The Danish-flag ship will curry to spend the five weeks in collecIhe H o a e JocBdair Coramltteo H-crc approved at the Second Con- Arabia who was the "expert" on 'cargo of cement from Elath. tive settlements and s u m m e r Palestine to Krnest Bevin, the Two other foreign vessels have camps. and its aatt-monoporr aubcommil- gress of Jewish Studies. tec, attacked the withdrawal or Delegates also elected a 35-man late British Foreign Minister who been chartered by Zim for voystrongly opposed the establishment ages to and from Haifa through council to-sore until the meeting Royal Dutch Shell and the BritWi of Israel the Suez Canal. IVtrolcum company from market- of the next Congress fa 196*1.

WUkdOHT (MM WIM activities to tb« Umkk S U U , It was teportod 1st patltical rtnfcs, Thcae sources expressed the view that OK Israel Government could legally take over ownership of the Raff* refinery nlanti If the Shell c o n v o y and tte Brltbh Petroleum company ceased supply. i n j Oil to th» Israel Market wl*». out flrit obtaining ao acceptable Mceesaor firm. The refmery to tjowmd tqr the two Brtttth) oil companies.

Chairmen Will Be Named Thursday

French-Israel Alliance Seen

Firm Giving Up Israeli Market

World Group To Pursue Research

Scrolls Placed On Exhibition



Jerusalem (JTA)—The permanent exhibition of the seven Dead Sea scrolls in the possession of the State of Israel, temporarily housed in a huge vault in tho basement of the ndmlnintration building of the Hebrew University, was opened by Prof. Ylgal Yadin. Israel's lending archncoinpmt nnd former chlpf of slolf of the Israel Army. The scrolK set In illuminated, air - conditioned glass cases, nre guarded by nrn armed usher.

Jewish Lad Given Heroism Medal

A'. left, a view ol the busy port of Genoa, H a l / , which hai becom; the point of departure for thousands of Jewish migrants In their Journey to sa': and hospitable haven}. At rlflht. United Hlns officials check the credentials and the documents of th« wanderers who i r e assisted by the great olobal migration agency to Immigrate to countries of sanctuary. Above l> a facsimile of the travelers' check Inued to Jews expelled from Enypt. This l i alt the money t h e i : despoiled people are permitted to tihe out or Egypt. All e\:'. Is left behind. Below the check Is a passport issued by the Egyptian aovernment. With thli passport, and the, few dollars they receive upon cashing the traveler's check — that Is, If they can cash l«, which l i not always the case — and the few Items of personal belongings-lney can carry with them, the expilled Jews of Kerpt set out bravely to face th« world and lo begin new live*. Xsssfr'"

New Haven, Conn. (JTA) — The Connecticut State Department of the American Legion hns awarded its Heroism Medal to a 12-year-old Jewish boy, Barry Entiln, who pulled hb brother out of the path of n cur screening down the street out of control otter an ncciucnt. Hurry and Ins younger brother Irving were playing on their block when two aulos collided. One, out of control, mounted the curb nnd enmc along the sidewalk directly toward the youngster who froze with fear. Barry dashed in and pulled the child off his tricycle and out of the car's path just a moment before the . car • struck the'tricycle and crushed It.


gttje PublUtbed Etery Friday by the Federation or Jeubli Sen Ice ftecond Wall Mullln; Prlvfic([c» Authorized >t Oipaha. Kcbrssk*. Annul SubKcriptlun, (4.00. AiheiUsInK Itatcx on Application. Editorial urritc—101 No. 2uih bticct. Omaha. Ncbr. JAckson 13fifl Print Sh. i Address 4S08 So 3.->i.n succt (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN .Editor

'Mixed Seating1 Advocates To Appeal To Higher Court


Awcntt, f, 19S7

Ancient Site Former Omahan Named To Discovered Dual Rabbinical Posts Arnold O Kauiun.'ndtivc

Tel Auv (JTAJ-Thi. »ite of an dncirnt town, pjss.bly datinj; bock to the brJii/e age, ha* been duoicreci in the vicinity of Nit/ana, n^ar the J'gyptian Smni Iwrder Tlie remnants of anciuit buildings weie discovered l)> a kibbutz settler A well which [iro\ide» pure dunking water was disrovMfd nenr the -itr of the town.

hiin and SJII ul Mr. and Mr*. Wil

City To Hove It*

Iiam Knlman, h.n \>ean ntimcd religioiH leader of Temple Beth-DI, Colorado Spr.ngs, Colo., ind Temple I'tnanuel, 1'uclilo, Colo. Detroit fJTA)—MldLnnd'n fiiht Itabbi and Mrs Komun will ,n- synogogue will open here in Seprue m Onah.i August 18 for 3tember fur the High Holy O.iy« in ncck'a ijait with the senior a building that formerly srrvrd a» manti before liegimilnt; reiidence a church. Newly established Temin Coloradp Spilug*. Kabbl Knlman ple Octh KI wil) hd\e ils own will assume hit dual posM Si'ptem- splrlliml leader.

First Synagogue

HIP deffinimis argued that New Orleans (JTA I—Advocates of mixed seating in the formerly the board of directors bad1 the Orthodox C'hevra Thillim Syiw ! l<"i;al light to institute fanul)\xr 1. goguc here, planned to appo;il l<> j ing without a two-thirds vote or the St.itc Supreme Court Tor aany vote of the congrega'ion. Jf a Mr» h.ii.ii.m, a recent graduate writ of crrtiornri which would of the Oncinnali Consprialory of \ io(e was ncve«<try, the defendhave the effect of holding Up a Maslc, will head the rel,giou<i ants contended, it required only temporary injunction a g a schools of both congregation/;. mixed seating Issued earlier in iwo-thlrdi of the membership |HMRabbi Kaiman attended Yale civil district court by Judge Frank <>nt and \oting at a meeting Til A m •WXS)- Building bf a University, received a bacheior of J. Stitch. Tlic higher court will I* $500,000,000 teaporl c.ty to ac-Arts degree in P<ychology, .Msgno Hilling by Judfe asked to accept jurisdiction In the Cum Uiude from the Uniicrnlty of Judge Stitch ruled that mixed conKxlnte M population of about Cincinnati; Master of Arts in educase. seating « a s contrary to the ob150,000 is being planned by AmerJudge Stitch said he had accational «upenlslon from Omaha ji-cls nnd purposes for which lhi> cepted jurisdiction in Ihc case be- congregation had been organized ican and Isiafll private interests. University and Bachelor of Hebrew cause "a trust and donation was and the conditions of the donation The proposed development is to Iettcrji from Hebrew Union Colshown to exist. of Benjamin Hosenbcrg for theiis.c nt Ashdod. south of Tel A\lv. lege, Cincinnati, O. Itairly Taken In Court lie will receive a Master of Heoriginal building ITnd the uptown Ilio sixmsors arc I'hillp M. KlutzThe court pointed out that "tills site and building fund for the new nick, national president of Ij'nnl brew Letter* degree nt a special case belongs to a class, happily edifice U'rllli, a former Omahan, and service hi Cincinnati December I" rare In our courts, involving a reCHI Hen-Ami, founder and MayTh I'wdiMice showed, J u d g e or of Nalanya. 'Hie port would ligious controversy, and that, ordinarily, courts will not pass upon Stitoh hold, that the practice <>f give Israel another major shipping question* involving ccclesastlcal separate seating had been in ef- outlet. The development Is to matters unless a trust and dona- fect since the congregation wag rise on an area of 10,000 acres founded in 18H7 and Uiat since on which the jiroinolcn received tion, a civil right, is involved.1 Maikhall and Mike Dcnenborg. The plaintiffs had contended mixed »eutlng is in violation of a concession f r o m Ihe Israeli Larry SchuarU and Larry i:pthat the only issue for determina- Orthodox Polish Jewish ritual and <;<Acrnmcnt. The project, it ii en- stein, members of Sigma AIph,i Mu tion by the court was whether the ancient Orthodox forms and cere- \is.-igrd, w i l l take twenty-one fraternity, who have been awarded practice of mixed or family sett- mony, its institution would violate years, with 2,500 acres to be de-Kegenls scholarships by the Unl~Ing was "contrary to and inron- the IPKI impjied by Mr Ifairn- veloped In six years, nnotlior 2,500 vcrnKy of Nebraska, w.ll begin distent with the 'orthodox Polish b M-^ In five jears and the test in thetheir freshman yenr at the University's school of medicine this fall. Jewish ritual' nnd 'Jewish worship Hie iiijunctiiin had been sought sucrrduiE ten rf'cars. Royd Bre»low, Lincoln, also rcaccording to the strict ancient and by a minority group In the eonceliwl a regent'* grant. orthodox forms nnd ceremonies' gieh'it.or) aftci a majority had votand therefore in violation' of I lie ed for niiXiil <pjling. The courl trust and donation imposed b> held, however, that this majority Benjamin Rcncnberg," and the do- vote won not n compliance with Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Faier of nation of the Uptown Site and the charter which required a twoBuilding Fund, and the charter <>( thirds \otc of Ihe entire tm-mbor- Otencoe, III, announce the birth of a daughter, Melinda Beth, July 16. the congregation. ship in gwd standing. Grandparents are Mrs. Morris Olndich of W.Tukcgan, III, nnd -Mr. mid Mrs. John r'aicr.

New Seaport Being Planned in Israel

Dedications Ttic family of Max Shames will dedicate n m o n u m e n t in his memory Sunday, August 11, I I i). m. at Pleasant Hill cemetery. Rabbi Sidney/Brooks of Temple Urnel will wnduct the servicet.

DIAMONDS For the Molt Dollcioui Ground B«ef in Town) 4415 Cmilaf





Omchans In the News

A son, Hobert Stcwnrt, »a« b.>m lo Mr. .ind Mrs, MarUn Kaplan, July 2fl. Thi> Kdplnns hive another <on, Howard. CrandparcnU arc Dr. .Mr. and Mrs, .Nathan Itcsnhk flyman Kaplan, Plalnfmld, N. J.. left List Tuesday for l^os Angelci, ,m<] Mr and Mrs. Jake K/iplan. C'nl. where they will make their An announcement has l»cn rehome A f.ireucll dinner was ghen eriteil of (he birth of a son, David :!'-' |i. in. * fur them ;it ihe Kursldc by fi lends Joniitliiin to Dr. and Mi's. II. ManJn f'nmel of St. I^juls. The and rr-],iti\<>< IIKTII KI. couple Imif tuo other thildrcn, Sabbath sen ires will be held I.isn and Mark. Dr. Camel Is a tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath mornAmong the ticket committee former Omnhnn. Thi> Iraby Is the ing son Ices will begin at H.:!0captains named for the CInrkson grandson of Mrs. K. Ifahn of a. m. The Minch.i service will Hospital fashion show September Walcrliury, Conn, and Mrs, If. I1 f* tmt, (MclMt, Mrt> begin at 7:30 p. m. 21 are Mmr*. CU»r|f« Itostnutorb, Camel. Dally services during the week M. II. nrodkry, Kdward K. llrod•re held at 7 a m. and 7:00 |i. in.key, Mnvld C'olicu, l)»vld BernThe Sunday morning service is stein nnd MIM Klluibeth Hart. held at 9 a. in. Mrs. Kdwin Hrodkny will serve > as a co-chairman with Mrs. Clifton | llaMit Idrr, ticket c o m m i t t e e ' uOTSCut in UM NEW . BKTH l.SUAKI. ROSEN-NOVAK chairman. Friday evening sen ices will bettUSABU OtCANTIRi.rtn"TWIST p F F ' W CHEVROLET gin at 7 p. m. S.ibbalh morning Mr*. Arthur Smith has as her service at 8:45 a. m. Junior congregation at 1.0 a. m. Rabbi Ben- house guests, her nephew and jamin will conduct the Saturday niece, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sherafternoon Talmud class at G:43 man of. Van Nuys, Cal. The visitors p. m. MJncha, followed by Shalosh ti ill remain in Omahn for several S'eudog and Maarlv will l>egin nt u ecks, 7:15 p. in. The Sunday morning breakfast Minyon nnd fiiblc class Omoha't Leading Kosher Mtot Market' and begins at 8 45 n. m. and the Sunday morning Jr. Minyon begins nt Delicatessen Where "We Serve the Ffriest • 8:30 a. m. Weekly services begin WEAR Srw ••* ktffnff ti Tin Dr. nmt to Hie Finest" at 7 ft. m. and 7:20 p. m lw *'** *" THAT NEW LOOK The Talmud class meets at the ottu oSSt 19th and B u n Street SjnaKoguc August 2-Dnvid Slier of New OM 4«M»fcr*«t*4 w i n n«d« sultt. Diamonds Offers You a Tasty every Tuesday at 8.0Q p. m. York, arrived to visit with his Into MW ilttf»-bnmiii father. Dr. Philip Sher, who has All KmJ» Mtn't «nd Udl.i 1ieen critically Ul. The residents Selection of Delicatessen, Fresh E<p«rt Tjllorlng and Alt»ul!om TEMM,E 1SHAEI. joined with Sam Poster "Home Services will be held Friday Cabal" in praying for Dr. Sher*s Meats and Specialties evening, at 7:30 p. m. in therecovery. At this writing, he Is Temple Chapel. Dave Blclchcr will much Improved. 115 $o, 1 5 * $f.' Pk. AT flO4 officiate. August C—Rabbi B s n j a m l n Or We Feature the Finest Ground Beef Groner. Beth Israel Synagogue 1701 Ho. 4 7 * St. in Town — Freth Daily was our rabbinical visitor nnd Nmtfcwt* M M Hi«kw«y continued his discussion of "MixhnaU". For the "Roth Hashor.ah" holiAugust 11 Our Famous Homemade Kosher Dills days 5718, Sam Poster will be the "Baal S c h a c h r l s " and "Baal Are the Talk of the Town KBON-^'Messagc of Israel." TKIah" and Mr. Alex Sand will be Flumt JA UU ts uutrt rmu A'ut kt Sunday. 12:03 p. m., Rabbi the "Baal Musaf", it TU inlth frum. Get Yours Today! Allan Tarshish, Congregation K. Cumnt m i l an eat* for lull (out (lot iDicnlMi, Ttw PJU» rtMrrra uu Hlht K. Beth Elohim, Charleiton, S, Quarts . . . 59c w Unit f u* of uct tiJTtrtuemat C , "Life Unlimited." HOLIDAVS Md FESTIVAIS V2 Gallons $1.10 BAR and has Mltzvah congratuKrAB — " E t e r n a l Light," Holidays Begin Sundown of lations also for oil Jewish holi10:45 p. m., Mark Van Doren, Also Available In Bulk Previous Day days and special occasions. Columbia University, New York Meyers News SUnd. I£02 Podge and Maurice Samuel, author Rosh Hashana Eve Sept' ii Mnrfay tfcra Frlfey-* A.k*. I* t P.M. Utdmy—J A.M. I* 7 TM. and lecturer, "Word* We Live Firit Day fiept 26 FOR SALE - J42.50 Mah Jongg By." Second Day . . . . . . . Sept 27 WA SSS4 4415 Cimhq St. Povtd rV*ilR« Set, Ivory Tiles, plaitio racks,, Yom Kippur Oct 5 complete, S17.50. Phone RE 3896.




With the Home Folks


On the Air

Want Ads




Pa*j« Three

Patrons, Hostesses Named For Bikur Cholim Luncheon Mis. J.'iko Coodbinu'er mid Mis H a r r y Sidman bavc been ap|io,iilcd chairmen in charge of patron mid hostess solicitations for the fund inking d e c e i t ItmUu'on to be given by tliu Bikur (liolmi Society Tuesday, August 33, 1 p. in. <it the Puxltfn Hotel, The patrons nnd hostesses Inrlurle. Mms K Abiatnsun; Jack Allmls .1 Adlr-i; S Allslmler; M Aibitin.ii). ,M. Hiodkoj.; I. (.'homey; S. CVinar; Hen Clwit;

.MJ«M Ifcindy Elnlni- Cramer

Randy Cramer To Wed Omahan

Kadimah Plans Garden Party Kndlnvah Chapter of Pioneer Women will hold a summer membership garden pnrty Wednesday, August 21, 8 p. m. at the homo of Mrs. Nathan CMnick, 1Q1G No 38th street. All newcomers lo Omaha anil prospective members «ill bs honored 'Hie women In choree of Ihc parly are the Mines. Sam Kpstein. Harry Sln-f, Abe Hear, Ra>mond Corey, Nathan Kaplan. Dave Wine and Isadora falk, Herbert Wlntroub

A Colin; Me><T Colnlc; II, 3. Cooper; II. Delrogh; Ilose Kpstein; Win Kpstnn, Sam Mew it/; Sol Fcllman1 M. KUJIH; Leo


Mrte Field; Hose Kieidon; S. Geifmnn; A. Uolidlcr; J. Goodbind'.1/. S Goodmin, Abe (Jieenben', N II. Gicenlxi-K, II Uoldenheii;; Ficd Ilahii. I- Kat/, Max K i t / , Alrx K n t / , Millflch Kat/innn, Paul Kntzriian; A. lvavlcli; Alie Krnntz! Ann Kutler; J. Komn; Anne I^?hniiin; M o r r i s I^cvcy; Unity I.owis, IIMJI Levin, J.ick Marer; l.'d Mason, Jlymle Mildei, Win Milder, lien Maitln; Ha\e Oikow, Dave PniUei; L Papxiny; N Pltlor; M. Poilalcoff. Hnve Polash: II. Frlenmnn; Dave Ka/nick; Chas rtoss; M. Shames; .Hurry Sidman; I.. Slporln; A.; M. Sominer; Joe Spleen); ft. II. Spiegal; N. Sti.'liibcri;; Phil Smflh; N. Veilzer; Win. Wcincr; Paul Veref; Hen W i n e ; Jnlic Wine; Allen Zalkin; Kll Znlkin; John Zorinsky; Joe Zweibnck; Sam Freed; Joe White, and C. I/.eustntt, Proceeds from (lie event will be used lo pay the final balance due on the elevator nt the IJf, Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged, underwritten by the oi'fjanizntlon four years ago.'

Mr. and Mrs. 1-ouls 11 Cramer of Denver, Colo., hruc announced the. engagement of their dnughter. Randy Elaine lo Mnrvm Joe 011jnan, son of Mr. nnd Mil Isidore Gllmnn. Miss Cramer who attended the University of Nebraska, ii now a medical technician in Denver. Mr. Gllmnn, recoiled his )}<ichclor of Seienco degree In Uilslnesi Administration at Hie Unnerslly of Nebraska last June. He was nfflllatcd with Sigma Alpha Mu. fcoclal fraternity mid is now serving In Jerusalem (WNS)—IK ra ol '»• the United States Army position on Ihc Arab refugee probAn early ipilng wn'rllng Ii lem will be presented at the foith- Turkey's Republicans eomlnff meeting of the UN Cenplanned. oral Assembly, it was indicated Advocate Equal Rights here by an informed source amidst Istanbul (JI'A) — 1'qual rights diicloiurc that Israel has absorbed for all national minorities m Tur50,000 Arab refugee* since its kpy were advocated at the annual offer some years back to admit 100,000 and (hat any additional re- con\entlon of the Itepublican ParIIRKRV HOKSKY CHAlTEIt settlement must aw nit permanent ty here by Kui>im Gullk, secretary Henry Moiuky Chapter 470, rcicttlcmcnt of the majority of general of the parly. B'nai B'rllh will bold Us first the remaining refugees in Arab Addre«ln|{ the 200 dclesatei atmeeting or the season Wednesday, countries. tending the convention, Mr, Guhk August 14, 1 p. m , at ihc home of At the same time them were said, "In our view, there arc no Mr». Aaron Epitcln. 2730 North Indications that uhen the budget minorities In Tuikey, All citizens - 49th Street. of the United Nations Ilcllcf nnd living within our boundaries arc Works Administration comes up considered as the sons of this counTOST for discussion at the September try nnrl arc therefore entitled to Tryouti for the Kp,tcln-Morgan session of Iho General Assembly, enjoy full fights." Po«t, Jewish War Veterans Youth there will be pressure on Israel to Tho action of the Tuikish GovTalent shows will be held nt the give Iho Arab refuuecs tho free ernment in -ccilling Its Minister Jewish Community Cemer, Tues- choice of resettlement either In from Israel lint autumn jfter hday, August 13. 7-30 p m. Winners Israel or the Arab countries. This renj launched the Sin,il operation of the tryouts win have an oppor- approach Is said to have the back- ag.iimt I-gjpl, cinio under sharp tunity lo appear on local TV Mu- ing of the U.S. on the assumption attack at the Itepublican Party •tldnn as well ai in unit jhems nt that If the refugees arc told that Convention. The Republicans, who the Omaha V. A. hospital and plh- a return to Israel means accept- held office until 1930 arc the'princr Institutions, Robert Kntelman, ance of unconditional loyally lo clpal opposition oto the present rcIryouti chairman, reported Israel and consent to be resettled l of flic Democrat Party. like nil other rcfu£cru rnthcr than to return to their former Patronize Our Advertisers homes, few of the* Arab refugees uould choose returning to Israel. However, it is the position of Puolify • Selection * Price < Rohnmjj Is planning a mothei- Israeli officials that, for political 4laii(thtCf rush tea for September reasons, the Arab countries uould 1 at the home of Udle Sinner. exert such pressure on the rcfuKces ns to virtually coerce them The next XJ.S.Y. rush party will into c h o o is i n c repatriation lo Iw hriit at l!elh U iynaBO(;iie, Israel. • And Now a New Saturday, August 17, 8 p. m. The l<ro«$rom will include the Horn, social dancing, singing, a skit and the answering of rushec'i inquiries. Ml Incoming froihmnn nre urged to attend. The Croup met August 2 «f the Henry Monsky lodge of B'nal liomo of Louis Rich. r/rith will hold Its Annual presiTile ehnmplnn title in the 5-7 dent's dinner dance, Snturdny eveage bracket of the Highland Junior ning, AUKRI 24 tit the Ulnckslonc Golf tournament Is now held by Bobby Yaffr, 7, son of Sir. and hotel. "Sine* )»10" Xlrn. Sol Ynffe. Runner-up -waij Dinner Is scheduled for T:30 FARNAM AT 36TH Bobby Kinchcnhiuim, 5, ton of p, m. and will be followed by Mr. and Mrs Morris Kinchcn- dancing nnd entertainment. The baum. cost is $3 50 per plate. Members 'nre urged to make Marly* I., back attended the their reservations early by calling lOlh annual camp leadership In- ji member of the following com•titutc of the National Federation mittee: Lou Cnnnr, AT. 7202; Moo of Temple Youth at Oconomowoc, Kagan, AT. .1210; Sid Tarcn, TK WU., July 24 to August 5. She rep- 9289; Ruben Llppctt. AT. 5724 and scntcd the NFTY group of Temple Early Slcgcl, WA. 0727, Israel,

Israel Preparing Arab Refugee Stand for U.N.


(l>.) Mini's, IA-K Hi'liinldinan, Sidney Si'lin-arlx. (Ir.) Mnies, Ifarry reronstrlu, lOrvIn Simon, Harry Altsiiler—irunmlttce chairmen l fur "-JUTJIICC Jaunts Into Knililnn."

Show Chairmen Appointed Cuninilllee chiifrinnn for "Jubilee Jaunt.s- Into fashion," lladassiih's annual sl>le ihow, ii.ivc been announced by Mri. Krvin N .Simon, general chairman. The event will be held rhiiryiljy, August 22, at 12 J9 p m at th 0 Pixton Hotel .V.umd to (liaiinianilni)s die Mis. Sidney Sclmait/, iiekrlk, Mar^ ilnny Koicnsteln, lulited by Mines, Morris Brick and .Sam

Lodge Sets Date For Annual Event



AZA Jv'o. 100 will hold Ihclr «7l. final rush party at the Highland Country club during the middle of August. Their toftbali team will meet the Sioux City champs Sunday at Elmwood Park,

CHIROPRACTOR .D«. STIVIHJ, *0M'/j Military An., Onmka "Wti.f. Ih. Sick Git W.ll" Offlc* Houri: I i. m. to 5 p. m. Evening* by Appointment Pt«M Rl I 7 f f


HA 2554

Just What Baby Needs ~

a portrait

Mis. Harry DuBoff will be acc-mpmist'and Miss Jenny Fcldman will act ns commentator. Pick Up Your Lex, Bagel and CreamCheete Sunday Morning ar

Life Story of War Hero to Be Filmed JIolljwuuil. C'ul (JTA) — The life itoiy of fol D.ivid Marcus, U S A , nrnoklyn IJOIII war hero who was killed in 1918 In the Jeiusaleni f r o n t while le.idlng Lsiueli tioops against (he Arabs, U to be made Intu a motion picture. Colonel Mai cut, n member of the flnss of '24 at West Point, played n major role in organizing Hnganah Into n liained fighting anny. He was commander of the Jerusalem front when he was killed only two hours before the start of (lie Inice



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TUX nmsa rasas

WORLD WIDE Hoin Talk By AUtt4 Segal ABOI:T AMI AND hHUJF In one week, recently, there were a bar raitzvab and a confirmation in our muhpoeha. First, on Shanuth, my niece Amy was confirmed in (he Reforin temple; then, same Week on the Sabbath, her brother Philip was bar mitivah In the l i m e temple. Afterward, there was a lot of talk In the family . . . this way and that about bar miUvah and con firmation: Which of these ceremonies better served the occasion at a child being formally accepted into Jewish IlfeT Well, mast of Us favored bar miUvah rather than the well-rehearsed performance of confirmation. Some thought of confirmation as more like a temple ballet. 1 myself think likewise. Bar mitzvah is an innovation* in many a Reform temple these line. At the end the rabbi blesses and after*art! he stood in line with days, though I am in no archaeo- them in couples, and away they them to receive the greetings of logical position to report on how went . . . to where: Hetliy what the congregation. ok) bar mitzvah really is in Ortho- could it all mean to the eonfirmBar Miter.* Preferred dox tradition. Bar mitarvan beta,: ants . . , this door opening, wholeYes, liked Philip* bar mitzvah accepted in Reform tempi's is sale, into Jewish life . . . this quick much better than sister Amy's a symptom of wiiat is goin;; on in religious disposal in which no kid conformation which gave her only Reform these days. gets noticed in particular . , . just a miniscule part in the mass dedi one of a big lot . . . wholesale. cation toward being a Jew. Amy MrmlxTslilii Trun»lltaa So, I could feel more solemnly looked like the; sweetest girl, but P.eforni congregation*r 11> .1;, >• understanding at Philips bar mltzthe temple's ballet was the most largely are composed o the sons aiid daughters and grandson* and vah than at sister Amy's confir- boring of performances, though granddaughter! of Kast tnropran mation in the same temple. Yes, prettily organized and rehearsed. Immigrants who came i vcr an the Amy . , , lovely glrlf. . . wns only I understand Amy appreciated later .ships . . . ships tailed one of,a lot of 51 or 73 whose Philip's bar mitzvah, in 1U depth, In the MTs and .Arty W J . Along religious dedication had to be got- more than her own confirmation with the packs on then- hacks, ten through with hy noon. In ac- . . . a most thoughtful girl. eordane* with the temple Schedule. I have written all thi.. to sugthese immigrants brought Important K«(f> gest the substitution of bar mitztimeless Jewish trailirhui which But Philip's bar mitzvah! In vah and has mitzvah In Reform became established In il.e tenement house homes ithlclr they at those hours he was the m'jst im- temples of which I myself have portant guy in the temple. In- been a dues paying member about first inhabited and in thi- synaSOgues which they founded in deed, he was given some of the 40 years. I myself had my bar functions of the rabbi Philip prac- mitzvah in the neighborhood store•tore rooms nearby Today their chfldrpn . ml p-and- tially was all "It" in the Sabbath room schul . . . oh, ever so long not Just ago. I am suggesting this to the rhildren have brought abmit the scrvle? of that day of a bundle. He could feel this temples, well-knowing! the demorevised Reform of temple eonjjrecatlon. They have taken uvcr the really wag something big In his cratic respect that is accorded in pews that were of th? nriainal life; he was being dedicated , . . Reform for laymen's opinions. Maybe I should add that Philip's German Reformers who »iv nil one chosen thin day for special but cone. These newer Kelormcrs service at Uie altar, somebody bar mitzvah was a tort of meImportant in Jewish life Ihi* d»y. morial to his grandfather on his remember nostologically tin- reHe read tlic day's iwrtion of side and to his mania's own grandligiuus tune of the Orihudoi the Tornh in Hebrew; he read the father. His paternal grandpa was home* in which tney weiv brought day's baflhara . . . a I'.ialm . . .in lip . . . memories of numi.i blessing Kn^liiih. He gave a little speech, a venerated Orthodox teacher in great-grandfather on the candles on Sabbath e\e . . . written by himself. He told of his our town; his 1 of pant who wax almont priest- appreciation to be i limit led Into his mother * side was my own like when in Hebrew he greeeted Jewish life and religion. promised father who was also deeply OrthoI inth« new week at Sabbath's end that u* Jew he would fry to be dux. Their descendants • , , of their ou n bar mitzvah a good citizen. He g s \ e his re- cluded , . . hare all gone over to Reform . . , as have so many others which caused a boy to fee'. raUcd citations in \olce of n boy who up on a high altar, eten in the deeply Understood wha. it was of Orthodox descent in these times lowly looking schul which was all about. The rabbis blessed him. . .something like dispersal. Seven Aril Feature Syndicate around the corner in n storeroom next to the one In uhirh chickens were sold. Memories of these c.-msetl the descendant* of the Ortlwdox-boni newer comers in the temples to bring back bar mitzvah to Reform altars . . . to impart to their own children something of the religious experience of their own young lives which were lived in Orthodox homes. Yes, it's found memory like this that today is causing n new reform .,. . a bit toward Orthodox} 1 ... to b." sot up in Reform temples. Oil, until a few yc.ui a^o bar mitzvah was unheard and irnthought of in temples li.ii nu\/\,ih was thought of a. an antique left over, like the worn-oul old sofa in the attic. Confirmation had t i k n Its place , . . confirmation with 'iome 50 or more kids marching In parade up the temple's center aisle to1 be confirmed ar the altar . . . each carrying a bunch of flowers . . . n very pretty show, but what docs it nil mrnn to these Itlds? , . . nil of them being confirmed wholesale together, like uflto some Job-lot . . , the orgnn playing for them an appropriate marching piece of religious meanIng. Carefully KehearMrtl Throught weeks before it was all carefully rehearsed like some stage performance. Koch of the •50 continuants had to memorize a few lines (o say on the altar . , , enough time for any of them to Cpcak more than three or four lines, and go~hl» way y . . quick! . . . q u i c k ! . . . as on an assembly

Drive Opened Israel Children For Housing To Study French Jerusalem ( J T A ) - A campaign to raise $50,000,000 in housing bonds to provide dwellings for newcomers was launched on a nationwide basis by Levi K-shkol, Israeli Finance Minister, The Finance Minister said the number of Immigrants wn» expected to top 100,000 by the end of the fiscal year. He warned that in the absence ol proper housing Israel would have to return again to transitional camps, the maabaroth.

Reword Offered For Recovery of Stomps, San Franeiwo (JTA')—A' "aubstuntial" cash award was offered this week for Information leading to recovery of a valuable stamp collection stolen from the local office of the Jewish National Tund. The collection, comprising nine album.*, was given to the JNF by Fred K, Taylor, of Portland, a prominent Methodist layman. The FBI and Insurance company detectives are cooperating with local polics In the effort to recover the collection. There are some 100 permanent choirs of varying sizes throughout Israel, flic bigjc&l. being the TelAviv Chamber Choir, with some 180 members;

Israel Government Agencies WiU Observe Sabbath Jerusalem (JTA) — Premier D a v y Ben Gurfon pledged that where th* security of the state i i not involved government departments will observe the- Sabbath to keep from offending r»-

UgUm citizen* of Israel. , Jo moot** to-a ptttry in ParEnvnC on why t&? pipeline int l s to receive, the first

tanker cargo of oil at Elalh had to be completed on the Sabbath, rtther than writing for the following day, the Premier Insulted that a delay would have meant " e x t e n s i v e ftm." He promised that Instructions would go out to oil government departments io observe the Sabbath to their activities.

Tel Aviv ( J T A ) - T h e French language will replace English mi the primary foreign language to be studied In the school* of Israel, It m announced at the groundbreaking ceremony for the first French secondary school In Tel Aviv, Englisb has been an official language of Palestine and of ths State of Israel wfth Hebrew and Arabic ever since the British eonquest of the area in 1918. It wai dropped as nn official language last year, leaving Hebrew and Arabic ns the official languages of the country. The new school Is being established here by tlie Alliance Israelite — Univcrselle in cooperation with the Tel Aviv .Municipality. Mn) or Chaim Lcvanon. n speaker at the ceremonies; spoke warmly of French-Israel relationship*, declaring French-Israel friendship did not start with the Slnal operation last year but many years ago when the Alliance established the first agricultural school at Mikvc Israel and public xrhnols In other Jewish center, in Palestine.

I-OIISVIIXK FLANKTAKIUM Louisville, (WNSt—A planetarium in honor ot the late Rabbi Joseph Ranch is planned for the campus of the University of Louisville, A committee appointed by Mayor Bronchia of (his city has opened a drive fur 960.000. Rabbis Rauch was spiritual leader of Temple Aduth Israel, forty-four years. TANKKIC DAMAGED Tel Aviv. (JTA)—The 13,000 ton Israeli tanker Yam Suf was sevcrly damaged when it was In collision with a Spanish, tanker off the Italian coast. The Israeli vonei managed to reach Genoa under it* own power although its lower compartment* were flooded. There were nd- eittuallics among tlio crew.

Angtut. t, 1MT

World Fair Planned by Israel Brusieb (WHS) — Israel wiU mark another first in iti history when it participate! tinder its own flag and with Its ow n pavilion in a universal exposition—the Brussels World', Fair of 195S-«>lnddIng significantly enough with the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Jewish state. It is expected that Israel's participation in the Fair will be highlighted by the appearance of the renowned Tel-Aviv Philharmonic. The Israel pavilion will stress the nation's heritage and cultural contributions io the world and will feature an archaeological exhibit. Plans ate also under consideration to have Israeli theatrical and ballet companies appear at tha Fair. "The aim of the Israel pavilion, said Joseph Ariel, Israel minister in Brussels, "to"- to show how, through the will of men moved by • desire to advance and create, • c o u n t r y practically devastated, desolate and bare and dominated by medieval way ot Utt, has become a. stronghold of modern western civilization worthy.of the aapiratkxM of our time." v PABTOB Jerusalem, <JTA)—The Rev. Edward hlhnn, Minlstei of the church President Eisenhower attends in Washington, was r e c e i v e d by Premier David Ben Gtirion. Rev. Elson, a leading member of the American Friends of the Middle East, which has been unfriendly to Israel, spent five dayi in Israel during a tour of the Middle Kast Vst the Want Ads to buy, sell or rent.

The Israel-section at the Fair will cover an area of about 31,300 square feet.

Cairo Bans Danish Ship Jerusalem (WNS)—The Danish ship Brigltte Toft which passed through the Suez Cana*. in July en route to Israel with a cargo of rice has been blacklisted by Cairo. The Danish vessel was the first openly declared Israel-bound ship through the Suez CannI since the reopening of that waterway after last fall's doting. Meanwhile there were indication of growing official uneasiness over the continued detention by Kgypt of R a p h a e l Kylon, tha Israeli sailor who was seized aboard the Danish ship. Egypt baa been denying the right to representatives of the International Red Cross to Interview the Israeli sailor, for whose fate there Is mounting concern In official circles here Adding to the anxiety is the fact that although UN Secretary General Dae Hammarskjold has twice promised Intervention amidst expressions o» optimism that Eylong would soon be released, there has been no concrete development o i Cairo intentions. An appeal to Nasser for Eylon's release wag maoe by England's National Union of Senmen and Merchant Navy and Airline Offleers association.


Rosh Hashonah Greetings •



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