August 23, 1957

Page 1

rtms KJUCV-WoT «


Shell Oil BoConsidered b . W V New York (JTAl—The policy eommHtee, of the Jewish War Veterans of America waa'civeu full authority by the JWV's «2nd annual convention to decide on a boycott against the Shell OU onipfxiy*

The resolution autiwrUlnl the policy committee to act » u adopted a t a oonventlaji acstiafl, according to Benjamin H. Chasin, N«w Tor* attorney « h » was elected new national commander and M •itch, automatically becomei head of the policy committee. , , Chaiin »aid,ho wouM meet with officials at JWV national head, quartan i» Washington, V. C, Friday to «cl a date for the next tneetiac of the yaifcy eanatUitt e l which the boycott tame <rili be considered, lie (aid the meeting woiiU he held I t o a nunta or »«" probably In New York City. Boycult Jiejdy to A n * s Tbe proposed boycott would lie in retaliation for tbe decision of

Israeli Textile Strike Sealed Tel Aviv tJTAj--The tmrtjy 14-week rtrjke a t the Ata Trillin company, Israel's larrn.4, textile producer, was settled at a' mkuuebt JMaVw in direct ne«»Ilntions between jnanacement and. the Ilittadnrt* Mfckih mmed into the deadlock- at the Insistence of . Prime Minister David Ben Guriua.

the British-owned parent cool' pair/ to ttupend sale* operations Jn Israel, « move widely intermeted at a British yielding to Arab boycott pressures against (araeL It was understood a JWV counter-boycott also trouid be in protest, against alleged oil company concessions to Arab League ef-. fort* to ex,tcnd the Arab boycott to American farm either owned by or employing Jew*. Cliaslti «atd that the decision mi a JWV counter-boycott would depend on cutting all pertinent farts on the Shell Company contention that the withdrawal decision In Israel was based entirely on "economic cniftidrratioM." ' The new national commander emphasized that until the JWV Was satisfied "aii to tlie real reasons for the company*! action" In Israel no action r.ould lie takeii on (he boycott Issue.

T\yo efforts t», obtain the fact* directly from the, company wwe reported by Abraham Kradltor ol New Y«rk, • past'national commander and chairman of the JWV Foreign Attain Committee. KrarJItor said he and other JWV afficialu met in hi* Mini hartan law office August 34 with a Shell Company representative wlio promiiied tit provide complete facta within a IT- ;bys.

Philanthropies Scoreboard A* of AngiKt 23, 1957 The following ere current reporfi from divliiom Fn the 1957 Omehi Dlv!ilo«

ttff7 Total to D<ti

Initial Sifti


Men'* Diviwon Women's Division i . « P. Unit Children's Division

25.J40.75 67,542.50 :

High School Division University Division Organizations MiscetUneotis

871.50 191S0 2,4o3.75 1,710.00,

Met With .Shell (Mfloinl At a meeting held in Dux ton Total to D*te $522, i 39.80 after the regular convention sessions, the Shell official discussed tbe issues with a croup of JWV leaden). KnuUtor said, "but we were not .satisfied." lie confirmed reports that a numlier of JWV members kad returned ithcU credit c o n b to ths company but be emphasized this wan a voluntary action" on the MM Lee Ditne*. Bonds of IsNew upjKMUtmcnt* to the Fedpart of JWV members because eration (if Jewlsli Women's Clubs rael Representative, gave n brief the organization Mill Jiad not act- were announced at the .summer summary of the activities planned ed formally on the issue. dessert 'lunclieun meeting last for the forthcoming Bond drive-. Tliuraday nt the liome of Mrs. Moe Tlie following are tbe 1957-58 Vengcr. Federation of Jewish Women's Named were: Civil Defense, Clubs officers: president, Mrs. Mrs. Abe Bear; Ounniunity Hem'y A. Newmau; 1st vice prestrips to tite Sydney Rodeo, camp- Chest-Red Cross Dri\c. Mrs. Mor- ident, Mrs. Mike Freeman; 2nd fiijC trips to local spoln of his- rii U-vcy and Mrs. Max E. Cohen; vice president, Mrs. Lloyd Friedtorical Jnterest, camp ^ carnival, Infantile Paralysis, Mrs. Max man; secretary, Mrs. Harry SidIlanaiiaJti Nlfibt and A dosing Wolfson; Nebraska TtibercuJosta mnn, and parliamentarian, Mrs. event Horsebacic trips, swimminc Association. Mrs. Louis Kalz, and Arthur If. Goldstein. competitian, sports and fames, and Services to Armed Forces, Mrs. craft activities were other''fea- Joe Freeman and Mrs. Sam S. Affiance Favored By tured .events, , Steinberg. ' Omaha campers will be returned Affiliated prcantzatlom having Departing Delegation to the Jewish Community Center, new presidents or representatives Tel "Aviv <WM5;-A 22-oian Sunday at 9:90 a. m. while arrangements for the departure of arc: Beth El Sisterhood. Mrs. Abe French Parliamentary delegation out-irf-tcnvn youngsters will be C. Follman and Mrs. Harry Wlg- left for home this week still concarried, out according to parent's odsky; Beth Israel Sisterhood, vinced, despite a polite rebuff from instructions.. Camper* (ear and Mrs. Stanley Shapiro; B'nal B'rith Prime Minister David Ben Curlon, luKK"Ce will lie returned xi tbe Nebraska Chapter No. 346, Mrs. that a formal -Franco-Israeli alPaul Sacks and Mrs. Joe "Tnuster; liance wouM serve French and same time. . ' B'nal B'ritli Moruky Chapter No. Israeli interests and the cause of 470, Mrs. Max Krizelnian und peace and freedom generally, HU^.KI, COWKKKNCt Mrs. Charles Stcro; EpsteinTbe delegation avowed sponsors The Directors rf the B'flal Morxan Post No. 260, Ladles' fi'rith lllllel Foundatiom tlirough- Auxiliaiy JWV, Mra. Delmar of such an alliance, cime at the out the USA and Canada will bold Klein; Iladuasah, Omalia, Mrs. imitation of the Government of their annual Hillcl Directors Con- Hymen Belman; Mlzrachl Wom- Israel. Jacques Soustelle, leader of fcronco at Camp B'nol B'rith in en, Jlrs. Irvine Stern; National the group, was told by the Prime Starlight, Pcnniylvnnla from Au- Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. Minister that present relations £U«t 21 to 33. Joseph Horwlch; National Wom- constituted a de facto alliance, .Soustelle said at a farewell reen's Committee, Brandeis University, Mrs. B«rnhardt L. Wolf and ception that his croup would d» all it could to advocate a formal Mrs; Jacob J. Frif/dman; and Pioneer Women, Kaehniah, Mrs. Sam part to the French public. KpsteJn and Mrs.' aicbard Spclcal. The entire board Hill be listed In tlie New Year's edition. The: various chairmen made their reports for the coming year. August 23 Future luncheon meetings will be KBON~"Me=»aer «f Israel" held on Thursday afternoons, NuSunday. 12:03 p. m. \ ember 7, January 2, March 6, KFAB . "Ktonittl Liffht,"' and May J at the Jewish Cum10:4.-1 p. m. roiuiity Center,

New Members Welcomed To Women's Federation

Camp Completes 17th Year ccription of all camping activities and special autograph books are belne prepared for all Jay-C-C campers. The camp, designed for children, 7-12 years, will end rt« seventeenth year of activity, Runday. A xpeclal camp rcunluii uJll be lieM dudaf the winter for campers mid their, parents. Movie* and slides of the youngster'* participation in camp life will be shown. The camp served a record Jiumiwr W younflen. durine the currejit season. Dr. Daniel Miner announced. "We are very proud of the cump's record". Dr. Miller nala*. "Tiio many fine activities, the high calibre of stuff and supervision hair all contributed to making tlie 1957 season of cumping, most ontatandin'K."

Bight to Hit* •ftfw -deadlock revolved aiuuud the l » u e of manaEernenfn insistence »n the right to hire and lire tor efficiency .reasons, a point on which the UasTa Labor Council, recounting for the strikers, refused to yield. The settlement pnet provided, in addition In a, it'n Re increase, for dismissals on the Iwsj* of the existing agreemrnl between the Mistadrut and «)u- Manufacturers Association, Aclivllle^ il\at liichlltfuted file cvitli a special clause requiring last ucck of camp were apodal aiH>diil oonstdernllim of hpeciflc efflciracy atvbkaiio in each plant.

Feinberg, Wolf, Named To Bond Drive Posh

Bonus F u n d . The At« management al*o a![iccd to estabsMimcnt of a pen' sion fund for tbe worker* and an annual bonus but rejected a workers' demand for lncrcused company payments ,1(111) social funds. :!Lstadrut officials," declining to ea,l the settlement • •Victory," said it was the best that could be achieved under existing clrcumstnncex. Workers were scheduled to return to their jehs MM rapidly 'as the idle VnachlnCK could be prepfflvd 1ov Te^imipllen -of proouctlQI. ' .is Hlstadrut executive took nr otlatlons away from the Haifa Lutior Council after Ben Curlon personally intervened with a propcmul thnt both tides accept arbltnitlon, which w u accepted hy tnnaajsemnit an* rejectrd |jy the ' Labor Council. • The Prime Minister then demtindcd ncijullutliig nutiiority lie tnlien from the Ijilwr Cuuncll, assertinj; thut the \lolrnce-maikeil strike Imd creiilrfl a sevoir Iluliei t M I-VIIIIIITB unil Samuel sharlitge of lextlli- j.un und »( for the c' m.irki'l. Wolf will serve as key chairmen fur the 3937 Israel Borfd Drive, i l us announced Friday by William Grodiniky, gciwriil c a m p a i g n chairman. Mr. Kelnlieri;, who recently reI-zmduii U'i'A* it'fKMlk j e a d t ' turnod from a nWt 1« Ini-pel, has I n j hi'ii' f n n n Arniiinii tlirec liccn npiminted <!uurdian diairJardaninnx Imve tieen si-ntrnced innn. He Is a former resident of to Jc.ith h\ :i special trlbuniil (in Canton, Ohio; wline he tviutaotiue chui'Ki". of (;i\ini; nilllliiry secrets In Felcrntlon ond Il'nal B'rithacto Isiael. tivities.

Three Condemned As Israel Spies

2,843.00 2,025.30

On Hie Air

of Soviet Jews Is Discussed

>'. W'ult Mr. Wolf will head special sales. A popular worker In community activities, he hus been active with the Federation ami i t a member' of tlie Highland-C(ub Board of Governors. He is a long-time member of B'ual B'rlth. A worker meetimi will lie held Thursday, 12:98p. m. at the home e f Mm. Mike Freeman. Plans are being made for the Women's -division event in Sop-. tenibor' mid the city^wide .dinner 1 in November. '• >

Jerusulem (JTAl—The position-* of the J e » i in the Soviet Union and the possibilities far them of emigration from Russia were discussed at a private mectlnu'here between Dr. Nalwm GOulmunn, president of the World Zionist Organization and hend of the Jewish Apency, und tho Soviet Ambassador to Israel, Alexander Abramev. The lengthy inectliiB was held In Tel Aviv a few days before Dr. Goldmann's departure for Tuirope. In addition to the emigration question, the two men were understood to have discussed the possibility of establishing an organized Jewish communal life in lhc Soviet Union *>tu tiio community enjoyusc such minority rights as education.

Japanese Mission To Visit Israel Jerusalem (WNS)—A Foreign Ministry spokesman disclosed that a Japanese indus.trhl mission will visit Israel next month in the interests of expanding J a p a n e s e - I s r a e l i trade relations. It will lie the first such vklt from Japnn. The m i s s i o n will include representatives! of the booming Japanese ship-balldiim industry who »Kre expected to seek commercial agreements to build tankers for IsraeL The Foreign^ Ministry spokesman said Japan could user Israeli phosphates, potash and cement.


. . .



Friday, Aiigmt 23, 1U37


Births ftiMbhed Bver» Friday b> tlio lederaliuii of JCHISII Son Ice Mcund L'iusi Mulling rnvilegci Autrmriiod ut-umuhu. NlbrJsKu. Annum sutHtrliHIun, 14.00. Adtcrtlalng Ituics on Application. fcdttuHm 01 ;!'•«—IOJ No amii blr«rt, OmaliB. Ncbr. JArkKmn.I30U fcdtuHm ; ! ' « I O J 4SU8 N o Samii2»lh b r rS, l Otm a l B . c . J A k K m I30U P i t 8h 0 1Add Print 8 h . > A d d r e u 4SU8 S o 2»lh S l i c e t .


Ur ,ind Mis. Sidney Ilubln announcc the liiitb of a duuf;hter, Robin I-c'slic, August 13. 'lliey have another cliiugbler, Shell! Lynn. Maternal i.Tfindparcnls are Mr. and Mrs. James Marks of Kmuas City, Mo. Paternal grnndparents are Mr, alul Mm. lien Rubin.

Religious Services


1200 To Compete in Fifth Macaabiah Tel A\te <JTA) A«nrs Kt'lctf, i tralU and Israel have cutpml the one-timo Hungarian UJnipicj competitors, and table tennis In champion Who made her homo in which world1 champions are sched.Germilny after wlnnJne four cold uled to plaj . ", THcnty-flvc'tcnU and a cent nil rtu^daJi ift gymnastics ut tho MHbourne dlympic*, arrUcrJ in Is- house wore being set. up for the rael an'the first f<irclKn l>i>rliri- Macrabiah VJllage to bo placed near the Ramttt Oon national pant in the fifth Maccnbluh. " More than GOO participants park rescned for male particifrom 25 countries will nimpote pant*. Women will be houvd by Kith the game mimlx-r of Israeli Kamat Can families. All participants Hill be taken kporUmcn in 16 fields of t>port, ranging train field and track to on a fuilf-fliiy count ry-ivlde sighti>eeing lour during which Jhey * tennis, soccer and baikrlliall. The Fifth Maccnbinh will open will seek iwrfomiancon In village on Stfplcirlwr 15 with Tile l>l«s- squares for Israeli folk dance iiigs of Chief Itauhi bane lfcilctl groups and a \aricly or other enHercog (ind tho fiaditiurml liRht- iertalnmcnt being organized by Ing of the Maccublnh torch with the Maccabiah management, fire brought from the Umifo of the ancient Maccabees at Modin. Competitions'alto Mill 1x< hold in rowing and cricket, but those will lake place outside the official The.beautiful flowers at Home Maccablah nrogranv f htavcctc were donated by Mr. nd Presldcnt Bon Zvl will partici- Mrs, M. M. Shapiro in honor of pate In opening crremonies which their daughter, Givcn's marriage will feature gymnastics perform- to Ramon Pred. ances, by 230 members of I he Yahntclt during the inoiith of Maccabl Organization. One hundred "pigeons will |jo rrlrasrd to KIul will be oljsened for thr following; signalize the opening.' Blul 28- Mm. DorThe tcn-dny event ulll featurr performances by three world othy Milder. champions—Hob JUchnrdi o( the -Klul 2-Aucui,t 29 Mr. Morris United Stairs in pole vaulting. Ci-ovunnn Adcmar de Sllva of Brazil In the Klul 5—September 1 - - Mrs. hop step and Miss KeicU in am- Hannah Sellg. nagtics, Hul 19-Seplembcr J5*-Mrs. American And British cojitlni?*nti, \viih -100 representatives Yehuda* Slcgel. Klal 23~rScpteniber 19-Mrs. each, will be the l i r g A f vluitlng Classman'Epstein. ' ' groups. Fifty partldnanls were rfheduled from France and. South Africa. 20 tram Australia; 23 from Holland, 17 /row JRbbdala, •M from India, ten from Chile and many from other countries. The^miniiiil USY camp night Special events include water runh parly wai held August 17 polo games, .twv-Hng, In uhtch In the Brth KI .Sj-nagognc ioclnl only South Africa. Rhodcsln, Aus- hall.



Patronize "Our Advcrliters.


1:52 it. nl. BKTII JSBAKL Friday cvcnlilK w n l r c s will begin at 6:45 p. in. Sabbath morning hervlccs at S:45 a. -ni. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Knbb! iJcnjamln Groner will conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud Clou at 6:30 p. m. Saturday Mlnchn at 7 p, m. followed by S'alosh SVudos and Maarlv. Tho Sunday morning mlnyon begins at 8;45 a. m. und U followed by breakfast (ind a class in Bible led by the Rabbi. Sunday morning Jr. Minyon begins at 8:30 a, m. Weekday services begin at 7 a. m. and at 7 p. m. The weekly Clats In Talmud' meets at the 19th and Hurt Street Synagogue, overy Tiiwday oxrnlng at 8 p. m.

Leaders To Mak6 Overseas Survey' New York (JTAJ Thlrtythree women leaders of various community campaign* across the United States affiliated with the nationwide United'Jewish Appeal will leave b y P t n American Airlines September 6, on a 17-day survey of UJA-flnaneed 'welfare, rehabilitation and refugee, rescue and resettlement programs in Kurope and Israel, as members of the UJA Women's Division Ovcrleas Survey' Mission. The group will make l u first stop In Vienna before- going to Israel on Sept. 9.

CHANDLERS ON' ZlM LINES j Governor and Mrs. A. B. Chand-1 ler oM&nlucky were received by< Prime Minister Ben Ourion during their August visit In Israel. They sailed- on the Zlm IJnrs' luxury passenger lln<\ Thrvxlur Iferzl.


• FURS • Cloth Coats




Holidays Begin Sundown of Previous Day Rosh Hnxhunnh K\e .Sept. 2r> First Hay Sept. 2G Secohd Day Sept. Zl' Yom Ivippur Oct. h



4415 Cuming St.


WA 5554

C '

4415 CtitningSf.

Near Beth Israel Solid, well-built 5-room bungalow, at 5023 Lnfnyctto with partly finished attic, mirrored fircploco in living room, family dining room. Now cabinot gal furndce, "roc" room in basement. Needs somo decorating, but priced low at SI 2.950. Now vacant. Evenings Call GL 2542

E. H. BENNER CO. JA 5664


Paved Pprking - I

Rosh Hashonah Greetings To Relatives and Friends Through the New Years Edition of

Check the Number of the Greeting You Wish to Use

I40S.40fi.5f., OL4747; Sfenderiifog Studio

Famous Taste Proven HOMEMADE DILLS

August 25 to 30

Monday Him Friday—S A.M. to 4 P.M. Sundcy—7 A.M. to 7 P.M,

I. Mr. and Mn wlih I fritndi and rftlttivti bofh far and near « Happy N«w Ytar. «CIENTiriC SPOT H£DUC1N«


Be Sure to Visit the TROPICAL FISH r> SHOVV

Introduces for ' th« Rrir Tim* • in (he Midwest a Most Delicious Variety of Strictly Koihcr Crackers and Cookici Baked by McGov/an Educator Foods Products of Lowell, Mast

WA 5554

Mr. nnd Mn, Kidney Diirfman and daughter, Ellyn Jane will leave, Omaha the latter part of the month for Cocoa, Fla., where they will hiqke their home.



WHY It if th*l 10 fluf>/ vcittn ^ou know ended their reducing dtVi with fig a res mor» cut of proportion thjn before 7 Simple. They lott • II their poyndt i'n the wrcrrj pUc«<. Tfi« bf it w*y to ichie** a ilim B#w Wfll.proportioned f • <j jr« it by ih« Niblack met^cd. Surplus Inches como off noit qjicldy *nd lurely with fiilAazl't four differint—and rxclifiifft—N'black ro'ltr ffi«u«gers, C»M nn for * 'ft* domcmtrjilion tre«tn«nt, nnd f ll be q\sd to prca it to y&j. We guftr intrt rttutfi—I 5 Ire fitmen't juit $30, no ccrirect ntccii«ry. We'ri opttn frorn ? 00 « m. fo 4.00 p.m., and edo •veninrji by • ppoinfmfnt. V/a pfort'ie you II be

Omahans ' In the News

Exclusively Styled

Omaho't Leading Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen Where "We Serve the Finest to the Finest"

ty I r u * J. Eng*< Dlmttar, Nlblack

I j m y K|ntcin. pirbldi'iit of ihe Slgtna Alpha Mu chapter at 'the University of N'ehiM.skn has Ix-cn notified tlutt the onjnulatition ranked first sehnlaslleally on the Lincoln cily eainpiM for Ihe second semester. The fraternity's average was 6.019,


TKMPLE ISBAKI. Services will be held Friday evening, nt 7:30 p.-m. fn the Tem- MRts. JIAY JIEVKIWON Mrs. May Mcyerson, G8, Council ple Chapel. Rabbi Sidney II. lirooks will dollvtr a wmionetie. Bluffs, died Monday. Sen-ices were held Wednesday, 2 p. m. at the Meyer chapel. Council Bluff*, BETH EL with burial In Oak Hill cemetery. Sabbath evening Krvicos. will .Surviving arc husband, Samuel, be held tonight, 7 p. m. Sabbath Council Bluffs: ctiUdrcn, Leo I., morning services will begin nt Council Bluffs; Owen L.. Mrs. 8:30 a. m. The Mlnchn Service Robert Sllverman, Omaha, Mrs. will begin at 7 p. m. William Rothsteln, St. Joseph, Dally tervicns during the week Mo., and 10 grandchildren. arc held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday -mornlnlr lervlcc li held at 0-a. m.

Shop In q Friendly Atmosphere at Diamonds


SAM Scholastic Record Reported

3. Mr. and Mn and family with #11 fhair rtUtivci and frlfndi a Happy and $ Prolpcrcul Maw Yi«r. , 3. Mr. JBcj'Mrt. ..'.. j... «nd ftnily r»k« fhil maanl d •aprtft»ng ffcalr b«it wilhel for th« N«w Yt«r o M«ndi'jnd r.l«ll»«i.


JEWISH PRESS, 101 NO. 20TH ST. Omahc. Nebr. Enclosed find $ 3 . 0 0 for which pleasa insert N o .


Yesr'i Greeting Card in your Ro»h Haihonah NAME ADDRESS C l i T -.....;...;•.;...



...". ." ...•..'.


Friday, AuKust M, 1837


Fire Erupts At Oil Drill Site



Page TTiree

Gwendolyn Shapiro Becomes Bride of Ramon F. Pred

•MI/.ICACIII 'iVI Aviv iJi'A N.ihinrl K.m, j Tiie Ijouril niPinlKTs of (he erupt in;; lit .1 tf-.t ihlll near (he jOniiilia Chapter Mizruchi Worn* 1 ;.I/.I Strip, w .is .lvndentally twill meet HI the hoine of Mm. J Ignited, thrusting n J00 foot roar 1.1 SjiKigfijtin1 wan Hi ! UoodhimltT, 4 8 0 3". iJnderwoot 1 ln;J column of firo Jnlo the sky. Monday., August 26, 32 M p.; rr "•cene Sumliiy foi llu l.ilc nflci noon uoiiding of Miss Uucndiilyi Fi\r uoikoi's, kUUKfllint; to save foe. dessert luncheon. • .\ a cosily drilling ~iuachlnp, suffered Plans will ••be mude for the fir* I*cr> Hlmplro nnd Jtamon l-'innl' Prod, JUbbl Benjamin Cironcr at) Iwmg of varying, urn ci It y while meeting of the season to be Hel Cuntoi lili Kngfin offldnlciiiHi-iicll firc-f I g h t i n g equipment Wednesday;'- Soplcnibe.r \Vbat, , fought Vainly to put put the fire The xynagngue H';ui ji back p. in. nt the JcVv'lsii Coriiintiiiity which'«us vlnlbJe to patrolling ground of woociwarclla, with can C e n t e c . /;'•.: '-. ';'.'-'-• •]'-',''-.'• •[•' troops of (he U n i t e d Notions dies ami tthlle uriw uf 'vjhlt uiBllM GWOlMal^ ';/• ':-, . ;:.. gludliilun and wlille^itiunm in I IK Kmeraoney Korce on the Gn/n Snip horder. V'.v.7^Vfo^b*''anq'tial'->rueu>('))pie' .foreground. The InmLol the cial fuhd'[ra^iifc' fomi was in wliite find Brccn. UNEF ti'oopi hero Mrcn watchcOh (irtd card party iwfli given by l bride l i the daughter of Mr ing the futile efforts (<) extinguish the BUatr Chollm Society. Ausu^i and Mm. Maurta? M. Shapiro. thu volcanic tower of fire, which li) at tho Pfuctonlfotel ball room. PftrontH nt the bridegroom air RXpurt* said could Inlrn far several Prpcecds of thin affair; will :b« Mr. nqd Mis. Jllcbftrl I'.rod dnys. Officials at the alte wild Mm. Donald Klein ustd to pay'tiifl'flnaj amount duo that' if the blaze couM not be on tbje'-.clevnUtf: for tho V>t. P, muffed out, orniy engineer* would The biido's (jown by the HlunShcrlloniOifoi' the Aged.; be ordered to blow up the well., •: Additlohal;;. patrons and Host, chi, v,an mndc'of dilK'jicau dc soli? ' The l o t drill wui undertaken tilmmert with beaded A'en esses are. AS lollown: Mesduincs in lite Hoerl nrcn in a hunt for luce. Ifer silk UIURIOII veil MILS Sam Tarnoffv J.'Kaiman, • MQ A Ijcologlc structure bcJIcvrtl lo Cohn, B-Stblen, I.;Gold»ie1n, Har held by 11 cap of Aicncon She be oll-beunlnir. ry p,;Markt) dhj nicrtibcrj) of Clr- curried white' orchids, fclppha: notld, and Vnrlgntcd ivy wjlh .Mist Ili'no Adele Siirtu became cle Aleph 'aild Circle B a » . Mm. Hiimoh F. A dooi (iriaW Was doniiled; by white strcafnen on a jiraycr Ijook. the bride o[ Donnld Stephen Klein Mrs. Doni'ild Vnnn WHS matron :• In n 5:.1O p. in. cciemony Sunday Mrs. Jake Goodblnder, nf honor. Rrfdcam/ildi were Mme«. at Beth Kl Synagogue. Ilnhbi Mj. uml MM. Prod will make h i t iikiii'H viAin •. •' • ••' ••?••• iTorman Pred. Ilnsfilies. fJnrdon Myer S. Kripkc officiated. THe Beth Israel-Mfirit Cf»b will red, Orant'e. N. .>„ nrfti the their home at 4327 Nicholas klrect - A paid-up mctnberaliip Jiinuh"A dinner nt the Fontrnelle Ho- iioldn steak fry Saturday/AiiBUnt Misses Helm Mnnvll/ nnd ]5ur-after a wedding liip to Colorado. con will bo given by B'rvil Hiitl) tel followed. 31, 9-p. in; a t Fairmont. Park" In bara Frank. Henry Monsky Chapter 470, WedThe bride li the dnuithtcr of Pr. Council Uluffs, It was. announced Gordon Pred'uuii his brollier'n •Jirsdiiy, Aupi-st 28, 42.30 p. in. atAnd Mrs. Maurice Sach*, iho by Harold Sipjjel, choiiTnaiii Qththe Fironidc rcKtutinmt/- The oc- bridegroom, ihe'mil of Mr. andcr members of :-thc committee "are! 3<>»t mnn. Usliers were Nonnan ''red, IIiKitlngh; .Inck Pied, Alior'croslon will honor new member*. Mpi. Klmer Klein. Prnvlimlo, Sam Kaplan; HnroW Rubln,\Lco leen, 5. D ; Jeriy TORT nnd MarA aklt, "And Women Wiie of Okla. hnd!Mpi'Tepper;.' ' ;: 'in Kolill, Heart" by Den Aronln will lir proThe bride'* sown of French neiltcd. Memlicn of tha cast InCiimtle Jiyhttra ueie S.dncy Clmntitly late' wan designed with clude, Mm. Dan Cohen, soloM; 'risen nnd Maishall Decker. a fitted bodice, nabriji.T neckline Ml*. Sanford Dropliy, ncrompnnMil. Sbaplnf wore chnmpagno and long fitted «lee\c«. Her finht: Mrs .Sum Pollute, narintor Ilk w(tl) Incc trim. 'Hie Ki-oom's gertip Imported Illusion \eil was and Mil. Morris A sofiishloncd to a r e g e n c y hat uP United NAtloiui, ^f. V. IJTA)-- lothcr.uii') altlrod In 01 chid sllli cliil period will follow. UuchTM luce cinbniidc-rttl in peni Is The United Nations l'"mei|;ency ifh silk ordaiua tilm. Member* of the menihcrbhln and Jcuch A rllnnoi |ind ilance uns held ?orce in the (iaza Strip is being committee ate Mm. J.iy Stoler, The mother of t lie bride wore n •educed by liOOj'nicn,-nlxnit pneIhe Blade tone hold rhnlmian; Mrs. Sol Mliiiff, co- Dn\kl Unit ori^inul noun, f.isli- iflh of ilK (vjmplcment, as n chairman ; Mine*. Max Krl/elmnn, loncd of Ice blue French luce. The i•Mult of the decision at. the.'InHarry Shukcrt. fiepr«r> Colin, Sid- groom's nu'th'r u.n K()^I1(1d in iccj dotirsinn Government lo \vlllulr;uv DIAMONDS ney Zncliner, ja»rl SIrgel. Kiniik blue chiffon. its troops iturl nol. rfplnco Ihfin. Sekar, Harry Smith, Stanley ShnMiss Suiiin .Sachi « j s hci -.!•.For the Most Delicious plro and Harry Friedman ci'.i maid of hnniii l!i »li -m.iirK Ground Beef in Town! Jickcr\fltlons mny be inndi1 l>y « r r c the Misi»i Je.m Ann h , i i / "EXCEPTIONAL calling Mr*. Slolcr, Hi> MJ.W orWichita Kills T i s : H m i d i k i l / 4415 Cuming WA 5554 OPPORTUNITY" fatnom MM. Mlroff. WA G391. ciul f'j II s JtnliimiA For reliable p«non, man or l U « tho -Want Ad« to buy, •> -II Host man was Phil Klein. I'iiw- witii vitton and ability to act hush.i. In oilier nf tin' In i d i p ooni modiately for 4 lifetime of allured or font. ut« of Arnle Kiiiiin, Olilnlioimi City, rttf* machintt •ft«bliih«d locally •ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF Oltla.; .Don -Sinner, Cnlcknsh.i, for opentor. $94S to JIB90 cjih .; lKj(li»rc mul T.po AliramIn.ellm.nt r.quir.d. THE RETURN nml W.irren '/.\\r\\i»tk nsli- OF WHICH IS GUARANTEED IN

llene Sachs Weds Sunday

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WRITING BY US..for you lo earn up to $260 p«r month parf tlm«. You can ntt up lo $28,000 Annually on a fall lima baili, VVa are an tifabllihad rapuiabla.concarn with tht ilnail and old«it nama brand fqlpntonf. If you hava tfi«*caih and aro ilnctroly infarailad, plaaio writ* fivlng your phono number d briaf background for a local intarvltw af your convanianea.

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H[ NEW ?m \W, DEC '.

"I 1 !,


TlU*T. Atlguit

Lift In hratl


Famed Rabbi Dies

Jciusalcm ilVNSi—More than Tpa - S e t a Torah" of lh« Kir 20,000 weeping men, women and •he ajMfSfut In Ibc Oil City of children in Israel, and Orthodox M been aeguired by Jew* fhraucheut tlie -wBrid, tW» Mational and Hebrew week mouiiied tlie pasdnf of oae H, Nathan Zlpria Ubrarj- <Kder Tarah of tlif |*lanti of ChactUthun, Hie ii a atogfete s&Ual tnaniucdpt, iamout Kabhi oi 3dc < ronrnair IN JiuiUTf.'CK ta mg college days, when feminine charm held greater hire than tome and .learning, I wit at the wrtttea on pacehmeat, wmclled KaMil Ann Baheaeii -died in •chooi <rf thoaght whkh held that Inteliectutl preparation for a first -encounter with a lad> wai tanta- and anwrtatod. In SJMBD tafl Sfaaaae Zedek UaeaHel tram cb'e f i « fa ettectt of a jMnstOEbatn at «he mount to signing a writ «f taflaic, I confessed to Hadatnfa president XIr. Mdam K. Treoad u W$ set-Hera A Africa U *& ** M while Jnmawdt mt eat tled down to an htterriew that ended an at delightful • note ai the subject ftseU. ." Got* TiesnfOe.) l 37 k b d Though the eonfesuoa was completely Impetuous', I w u dubious at th» moment about the wisdom oatridort << the hatyita} oT hating made it- Here was (he bead of the largest organization of Jewish women in the -world, «Wh * «ttte«t The fanecal ?roce«skia wat «ugmembership exceeding 300.009, and I speculated In the galut-long ncond before her face ]H-qp Witti reo- wide, fekt mented by planeload* «*(oBmMn t t < q ocnltion whether I had not again fallen Into an indiscretion by virtue of m/ intemperate habit of chaltor ta Gaaeafc ta ft* b«t WCM from Aeh;btm. Smtcrrland and tenglng decorum and tactical social amenities. «f Oawaltlti K 9 M tot Base Bv into lenctfa on the tpttsttan at distincthe weave with Hie But I wat aooo to he reassured. the place at Zimaam ttxr that aad Oe aerK. A* a wianan Mrs. F«wa*d i n Pr, •WBed *»3(, /ewath statehood kai iMOome a ton for wtem ,at tnu ttxitten, u JOXTHENMEir... received her Freundnhe proud oC coarse that a Man «vea doctorate in Attieriean iitatoty reality. It ma* bar effalen, hew- well at the 4»te «f the copy. «WfMTOS «a • jounuttstic mtadaa had come (raw New Xar* Univenity-wu ever, toat tacre «ru need ier a Written in Spain in 13^2. Jt j h d t f c i h p p in recounting the activ- Zionist Biqwemeat a* a cultural contains the iatoripUan *«ni»hed with tonteether,« tnpUntioo. But Wf* •ncsTV' ities «f HadMcah in I«neL She' and aperitnal f a r c e «ad w a in the month of Stranin fhe IBndi M lac mind *t aooe laid her there H bridee faer««eo*Iirael a d Jewry year el the 6th mlllenium* ft It] m Impersonal motive ta the tale. tad iutt letumed from the i*aHabroad. Inael, «he saM, ^UrU seef net kaoroi how the 2Ceter came iicr m a j o r lnpreaaVn cC «• tar aaar yam ta naau. wiB 1 had come to interview her Into -the poiteislon of the Knrchallenging tdl jnomslbrtic lawn, braH ••ox its jwtaatine ]ife ••< need aur heJ» to pubUe relatiou AlteiL UTA Agcauy) without an ounce of advanced the conqOete aqeepianoe hf « i «f «M!B a eceoorodcmlly/' preparation and* nithout the UJ.II.-I1 jwosie of ail nati<*ml pruUenu \Vhen the late m l fenanctal portfolio of written tjuretiorn. Her « « i Uiouch they are liviac under Henrietta Szold and Jwafef ether attarfinz «bt iattadc maettnj be. j p of HH UDeu «T haryg young b ly the h fruit f i t ja-euurc tmtu the standpabit rf «WOUB not merely surrabe waxrecaled mare ihaa dtuchter l Jhnee wai aatiana) aecurity <utd pcnaaal JfWam,,to la c t JfW a tt feminine intuition but fee safety. She J^Mfce prmidly aal torty-Jlva yean asa b> Hew latk'i,4etthted 4d ta beeame Or. Miriam imdnet of a lharp mind. l i l y of tlw fnot lhat "»t Temate UnaauJd to canafltute Freundd and national il •*! * Dr. Freund itemed at once that tta\e uniuGlit inodrji) inedida* t» Xbenueluei the Hadaatah «haater the purpose of the interview tvn* J t d t l l i Th. Trtuni Jua a j)ro{eund created medical standanb f a not so much ta tell the ctery of Uruii, mOTOCIWfHU and opened nfu patlu ulUcb bmve Om u further Ztanltm In JLtner- wamBeai ol the link between Hadawah. b«t a* *• get tte atorf Iwen Icaandheatth werk Bg Pales- the Sebeccat mat the Hldann tir soom 3*nisn«T followed ina£ui0c«n4y by of a woman, one who ha* vet 'her T r f " of the Hrtirew Tlnlvenity tine women « a itt vat na hi*r dream above all U ta, rIMNETIOM heart to a dedication with a fer- Hailntisah Medical Scliool and of recorded with regreat lhat "Mr«. forge that Jlnft into etecnUy. \or mid zeal ^rtiosc mahuiprlnc flie Center' ««! model Rcliecca JCottler wai kept iraru (Seven Arti 'Feature Syndicate) and front hi the frith without tmvn,IVtefltcsi railed ivhyatHaamumh. now whose light -we might have wan- in the -prove** <ot rjinfi «ome five dered into oblivion ooer the path* mile* wnrt of Jerutafem. But her of the ceniartes. It was nt once viiidn -went lvroBd hmdir« in tti citfeut, ai «he SBOICP of Isrnn) ph)Kcial Mpne. She * w mindful Sea Irttw ikn* -fecrhtr* Imises in M M of end JU Jennie, th«t her dedication the educatiomd imimit the oounto healing .stemmed from roots tr>-. or the lacial tMsnon that Home Builders Associafiaa of Jewhh tradition m well m arc- J'vor the «<ncwmit«nt of new .deep-seated perKunnl btiiiinnity. itmun posture*, of Juvrnilf? drBrllglou* I'rrsnn wiurncy and of 1he JtMt of other I)r. Freand h a roll^'lcm* ivrnn- protjlcms with which Israel 1% An. 4 tmditianuittt, and in her She said nhe /Mind in preoccupation with Jewish sur"iin a\cqMmcrinc JnlcrcM lival, whether in Isriwl t.v chuti n chililren" but that there were ' .%/ - '• 1'arotz, her onieri'ii it "nurvival not CJMOCII iilayenounds In the for what." Israel, she told l«, in country nor sufficient personnel fioine through tlw {UDHH of Uiitli " l l h Ine plnycround amof what she called "tlv coimnon tfpt It quite undonstood tliore." man." M'hat vlw niraiit u«s Uwt iutrt'timl «f Jadal<un ' " '»> . .. the vnrimn strains n-ithm Hie' lmsic int<TT«l. I)r. Trotntd social structure that is Israi'i In- told us. U .Trumh lit lug and her day tire eaaig through a dilAcult ticriod of adjustment not «ily to not present each other but to tlin miracle which is still dazzling ta ail \vbo behold it It was her faith, however, that before lone there ulll be a knlttine of the various atrains constituting brarl'ii population today and a cementlnc of the wi lous cultural patterns faito a uni-J

Off the Record

Joibi Kaiina



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