X X X V - NIL J7
Srrund 01 u i Mallln« l*rlrll/'«u Aulnorliei) •! Omaha tvrbr
AL'tiUST 30,
l'ut>l»ued ev«> <riaa> 101 N rotu Annual Itair I Uoilira Omaha N « ra»k» I'lionr JA I Slid Slnrlr Cop» I * CraU
Boycott of She'" Felt in Australia Sydney IWNS)—Despite a warning by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry against a premature boycott of Shell Oil, a number of Jewish firms were dischwd to have ended builne.ii relations with the oililrm for its projected withdrawal from sales operations in Israel. • "Door.Not Closed" » Sydney Einfeld,-president of the , Executive Council, said a boycott ' ; would be bad while "the dooc is ; not closed" on Shell re-conslderatlon of its withdrawal plans and that a. boycott could always be Approximately 30 Omahans will of the 25th anniversary of Linconsidered if the company stuck attend conference of the Work- coln's two branches and the deleto Its puilout from Israel. In New York City," Benjamin men's Circle Midwest District at gates. The W o r k m e n ' s Circle i H. Chasln, newly-elected national the Lincoln Hotel, in Lincoln, Sep- Dramatic Club of Omaha will furnish the entertainment at the commander of (he Jewish War tember 1 and 2, They will represent the Omaha banquet. Veterans ot America, said (he The third session will be held JWV policy committee would Branches, 173 258, 464 K., Ladles meet September 15 to consider a Auxiliary, Workmen's Circle Dra- Monday, Sept. 2 af 10 a. m. Lunchmatic Club and Labor Lyceum As- con will be served at 1 p. m. / 3VfV boycott. sociation. The last session will be held at "' Uenjr Boycott Dropped The Lincoln Branches 399A and 'i p. m., at which time officers * Repotti that the Veterans orof the Midwest District will be 399B which will celebrate their 25th ganization had dropped all plans for a possible boycott against the anniversary at the conference, will elected for the coming year. Delegates will give reports of Shell Oil Company, in retaliation be hosts to the visitors. Delegates lor the decision of the British from Sioux City and Des Molnes the Bronchos' and Auxiliaries' acwill attend also. tivities, Reports of the Midwest , controlled parent company to end The first session of the con- District's^ activities will be given . , sales operations in Israel, were ference will begin Sunday, Sept. also. Recommendation for future strongly denied this week by the 1 at 10 a. m. Luncheon will be work will be taken up and dlsvotcrani group. served at 1 p. m. Second session cuised. Asked t« Iterontldrr' Officers of the Midwest District will be held at 2 p. m., A banquet The first American Jewish at 6 p. ni. will be given in honor are; L. Wltkln, chalrmnn; Max group to urge the Shell Oil ComCiounse, treasurer: and: Morris . . pany to reconsider its forthcomGoodman, secretary. ing withdrawal from sales activities in Israel I* the Jewish Community Council of Lot Angdei. Official Accuse* Corp. An Israeli official foi the fn,t Mrs. M. V. Lcvcnson was re' time this week accused I! i 111 s li elected president tit (lie Jewish Petroleum Corporation and the National Fund Council at a recent Shell Oil Company of surremlei- meeting at her home. Casablanca (JTA)--The French ing "to economic agKiVfcsion" in Others who will serve ai of- G o v e r n m e n t has named Jack planning to halt sales opei.illom ficers for the organization during Sabnh, a prominent figure' in In Israel and the British (Jo\ern- the coming year arc Joseph Rndi- Jewish life in Morocco a Chevalier nient with being a pal ty to the de- nonikl. v i c e - p r e s i d e n t ; Mis. of the Lesion of Honor. Mr. S.ibnh, cision, It was reported In Tel Aviv. Samuel S. Steinberg, financial president of the OSE In Morocco, The charges were made by secretory, Mrs. Malvin Tcppcr, has previously been singled out for Moshc Bartur. director of the recording secretary and Hymnn other French honors and awards economic division of the Israel Osoff, treasurer. in recognition of his services. Foreign Ministry, who told a meeting of the Israel-British Chamber of Commerce that Israel, like any other - responsible government, would act to prevent economic aggression in her own territory, especially when so vital a commodity as oji was involved. The twenty-fourth "Sweetheart" Lcwig, Rohanue; Linda Rosenwill be announced by AZA No. 1 at baum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Its annual Sweetheart dance, Sat- M. W, RoscnbaUm and Barbara urday, September 7 at the Fon- Garbcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, tcnelle Hotel. A. .Garbcr, Dcbka Debs. Candidates for the title are Joan Co-chairman for the dance arc ' Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Marx, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Milton Katskee and Jerry Freed. Temple Israel is attending the L. Marx; Maxlns Zwclbsck, man. Missouri Valley Federation of daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. Sam Proceeds from the dance will be Temple Youth's annual summer Zwelback; Berdlno Green, daughconclavettc, August- 26-31 at Lu- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Green, used in carrying out the athletic, social, community service, rtligther,- la. members bt A B C ; Nancy Lewis, He Is leading a seminar dis- daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ben taus and cultural activities of the chapter, < cussion group on "TH?1 Place of •fthe Young Jew in Modern Society." Also attending the meeting is h delegation from the Omaha Nifty group composed of Marty Weil, general program chairman, ' Call Shrier, Nifty treasurer; Charlotte Drodkey, Caroline Dolgoff nnd Richard Spelcr. Many' young fiillts from, the Jnidwest, have gathered nl the conclairtlp for stud} nnrl prayer sessions led by, Kabhis unit education directors.
Omahans to Attend W . C» Conference in Lincoln
J.N.F. Council Elects Officers
French Honor Moroccan Jew
AZA 'Sweetheart' To Be Named Sept. 7
' Omahans Attend Youth Meeting
Women Selected For Bond Drive Mrs. Nathan Nogg was named Chen chairman ot the 1957 Israel Bond campaign in an announcement Friday by Mrs. Mike Freeman,. Women's Division chairman, A Chen«harm, named after the Israeli Women's Army is awarded to a woman purchasing or gelling $2,500 In bonds and forms a set of twelve to be worn as a bracelet". Among the three hundred in fills country who have completed their bracelets are three Omahiins, Mines. J. Harry Kulukosky, Isldor Leviimnn and Sam Rlfldn.
Mrs. Gcrchum of Council Bluffs, la, was selected to' head the campaign in her community, The appointment marks the first time the Council Bluffs and Omaha Divisions have combined their bond campaigns. ,-Spomor co-chairmen for Omaha will be Mmes. Morris Grossman and Herman Bondarin. A sponsor is a woman who purchases a $1,000 bond, An all Iprocli Fashion .show, Wednesday noon, September 18 at the BlackMbne hotel, will formally launch the drive.
Nineteen Jewish Chaplains Inducted in Armed Forces New York (.ITAi— N i n e t e e n Army chaplain has already reJewish chaplains—one of the larg- ported to Ft; Dix; N. J. est single groups of new chaplains to be Inducted Into military service at one time since World War II—entered service for orientation and training, Rabbi Morris Lleberman, Baltimore, chairman of the National Jewish Board's CommisJerusalem (JTA)—A decision sion on Jewish Chaplaincy, an- of the Economic Committee of the Israel Cabinet to levy 150 nounced today. pound>i ($83) fee on exit visas, Most of the 19 new Jewish chap- compared to' the present fee of lains will be rcacc to officiate at five pounds ($280) created a GI services for Rosh Hashnnah nnd Yom Klppur in September. public uproar in Israel. The proposed Increase, aimed They were recruited, ecclesiastically endorsed" and served by the both at reducing travel abroad JWB Commission on Jewish Chap- and at providing additional tax laincy, .which represents the Cen- revenue of 4,500,000 pounds antral Conference of American Rab- nually, would normally be imbis (Reform), Rabbinical Assemb- plemented by the Ministry of the ly of America. (Conservative), ahd Interior which Is responsible for Ilabbfnical Council 'of America immigration matters. (Orthodox).
Exit VisaFee Irks Israelis
Of the 19 new chaplains, 14'are British Courtesy Visit Jerusalem (JTA)—Tw,o Brithh nt the Army Chaplain School, Ft. Slocum, New Rochcllc, N. Y., and destroyers will make a' fivrf-dajr four arc at the Navy Chaplains courtesy visit to Israel September School,' Newport, R. I. One new 1-5. THey will anchor off Tel Aviv.
Philanthropies Scoreboard As of August 30, 1957 Th> following «r« current r i p V t i froln dlviilopi In th« 1957 Omih* Jewiih Philantfifopi«l Campfli^m * . Diviilon
Rabbi Receives Personal Apology
I9S7 Total to Di!«
Initial Gifts. '...;$4)9,ISI.SO Men's Division ; . . ,-"25,345.IS Women's Division 67,639.50 B. & P. Unit .-..'....' 2,843.00 Children's Division t 2,025.30 High School Division ' ,871.50 University Division . ; ......... 191.SO Organizations 2,963.75 Miscellaneous 1,710.00
LoRoy Oil-
lini, of Kim 1(1,1, li.is personally Apologized to IUIIIIJI y,i ikov Itoscnbcrg, spiritual l e a d e r of Helh David Synagogue here, for tlie luillgnlly of liflliHj burred from I wo motels at I'limpnno Ilench bccuife he Is n Jew. Willing to the Mbbl on offii-i.il Slnle of Floiid.i stationery, liui' Collins offered his "personal apologies for any indignity you or your .family.may have received."
Mr*, Hen (Icmliun
(Top I. to r.) I.lniln ICosonliamn, licrdlne Clrren, Barbara (Jarlier. (F. L to r.) 'Joan Marx, Maxlne Zwclluck, Nancy I-mvU.
. Total to Date . .<
Friday, Auimf Mi )f>.%;
rat* Tm.
Granddaughter of Omahans Is Wed
Interviews on Israel fo Be Feafrued at Hadassah Tea
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ben Mdrlin • nnounce the iiiarriuxe of llxir — • An Interview on Israel will be grnnddatighter, Maureen b e ,M:,i•strictly a family affair according tin, daughter of Mr. nnd Mis. to program plans for the OmaMrlvin Marlln of San KiiiiuiMO, ha Chapter Hadatsah Medical Or Cal, to Carl I Welsuburg, son <>t ganlyatlon and Vocational Organ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weissbuic "' Donors of baked K<XM1K for thenation Captains' tea Thursday, Los Angeles, Cal, August 4, ,n Pioneer Woirten's liulie Bale, Sep- September S, 1 p. m. a l the home Los Angelea. lemlier 9 at Hrandrta store, are of Mrs, Sam Epstein, 8432 Hickory HAKKY BUBENKTEIN. The bride is a graduate of l'ie nsked to call Mrs. J. Kaplan, WE. , Harry Rubcnsleln, 18. resident 54V1 shutild they «i?h to have the Street. University of California where «h« The meeting will feature an In- was affiliated wfth Delta Phi Kpof Omaha 56 yean, died August items picked up. terview wiUi Mr. and Mrs: Robert silon. She Is a member of Phi 20 In a local hospital. Kuneral Fclnberg, recent Visitors in Israel, Beta Kappa. Senicc« were held last Friday, 2 BCT1I Kl. SIHTKKIIOOO by their daughter, Mrs/Sol CranThe Beth £1 Sjnagague Sljtcrp. m. at l i e Jetton Funeral Home Mr. Martin, a member of Phi uiln Rabbi Myer Kripke ot Belh hood will hold a luncheon and delL • Epsllon PI received hl« LLB last Kl officiatinB. Burial ttts In-Mf. board meeting September 3, 12:30 June from the University of Calp.-m. in the Synagogue Socla.) Hall. Sinfll ccn>clery. • . ifornia School of Law at Bet h e Mmr». Jack Bromwn and Harry Surviving are wife,'Sarah, soni., g. (1:41 p. m. ley. David, of Omaha, Hynviii, Colum- Wlgodnky .will be In charge of arThe couple will maKe lhtir A USV rush root beer party bus, O,, two grandchildren and rangement* They will'be auisfed was held Thursday, between 7 and home In Beverly Mills, Cal. Sabbath cipnins kervicos will three sreat grandchildren. by Mmes. Irving Chudacoff, A. D. 10 p. m., at the home of Jim GUM, I* held tonight At 7 p: rn. Sshbath MILS. IDA KKLHMAN Frank, Lronard Gould, George Ka1 570? Harney Street New mem Use the Want Ads to buy, *eU rooming u n i c e s will begin al Mrs. Ida Felctman, 4903 Under- gan, AJan Wolf jon, Seymour Cpfin, bers were signed and present or.rrnl. ' » £-J0 a. on, The Mincha Service Max Grossman and .Dave Katie* U(XM! Avenue, died August 21 in :t members renewed their affiliation. ' will begin ot 6:45 p. m, local hospital. Sfrvicen were held man. Pally services during the week lu<t Krlilay at Beth Kl nyntiyogue, 1IKNHV MONSKV ClfAPTKB Deb members Barbara Brodkey DIAMONDS arc held st J •• ">• Rni 1 P m>burial wni in Beth El reniclery. I.yle D<'MT»«, assistant u Sunday morning service, 9 a. m. SuxviUnc are children, Mini manager of WOW Radio and Tele and Barbara Bercutt will attend the Senior Judaea NationaLConFor <he Moit Delicious Both El Nursery school hii\c Jenny Keldman and Philip, Oma- vinion, will be the glie«t speaker vention at Camp Tel Yehudah, Ground Beef In Town! }t» opening day, Monday. Scpttm- ha: MUs Clare K e l d m a n,.Lo< at the regular luncheon meeting of B a r r e l ! * , N. Y., August 26 to t t i 9, 9 «. m. Angelci and Tharlo J. Keldman, B'nai B'rilh Henry Monnky chap- September 1. Miss Bercutt par- 4415 Cwnl>9 WA.BSS4 ter 470, Wednesday, September 4, ticipated in. the August'session. Xvw York City, 1 p, m. at Gourmet's restaurant. MIW. HAItAlf I.KVIN>0N KKl'H -ISRAEL Mis, Surah I^etimon, 80, 5817IIP-wlll speak'on a half'Century Kriday e\rnlnK services will brof broadcasting. I'ln 6:45 p. m. Suhbalh morning Jlurriillon, died AIIKUII 23, Funeral A .report will be made by dele^•rvicrK lit B;45 a? m. Junior Con- serv-lcw »ere held Sunday aftergates who attended the Chicago (relation, 10 a. m. Rabbi Ben- noon at the Jew l«h Funeral Home. RUG * UPHOLSTERY c o n v e n t i o n , A itel-accnjalnled Surviving are a dmiBhler, Mr«. j-imtn Cironcr will conduct the period will follow for all new mem- . CLEANERS Saturday afternoon Talmud Class. William Alberts and t u o grandber*. • f> p. m. Saturday Mincha 6'4S BUGS-CARPETING JJ. m.. follcmtd by Shalwb S'cudon Exclusively Styled LAMP SHADES d«y« ulll begin clasm* on Wednesand Maariv. day September 4th. FURNITURE ' The Sunday morning minjon tx'Siins a( 8:43 a. m . i.nd is ful- M'N'DAY SrilOOU-The SunCleaned In Your Horael Jnucti «by breakfast nnd the JIIWVIA J « i v a m n a ^ turn m e iFiabbi's t a v m * 1 U.-L. T» • A H * • * » l l w f i l f • L«YI»« • R«s«ltl»« b The Sunday d clan in Bible. m o m - i f - «W«™«IO!M from children mMkhed ETei? tfrMsy b j the Federation ol Jew •tcund (.last Mailing Privileges Autnurlwd «t Omi.»i«, Nrbpiua. Annum SWUCTiultun. S4OU Adveiiljlng luie» on. AWIiratkm. Eitllun*! Ulfli«—101 No awh Mietl, Omaha, Nebr. JAcktun 1306. Print Shi t Aiidwi 48U8 So 2Siti sued. IMRS.J FRANCES KLEIN ; Editor
• Cloth Coats
Snr Jw;orTZ..
5« SSSXf*
Don Bermtein
•*- -
of 1 ISRAEL Sert'Icc* Monday morning, «' -^ Sonicc* will be hold Friday eveL-iljor Day at 8-45 a, m. y g , ning. Auguit 30, at 7:30 p m. in morning«erviCe«. wrvicpj. • . Weekday m. and evening 6:45 the Temple Chapel p'.m. Julius Cohti will iiffiniilr 'Jiir Weekly clau in Talmud meet* itennon"will 1J<> dclhcieil by Ji.ilOii at the 19th and Burr Stivers, every Arnold Knlmun. Tuesday evcnlnjg al 8 p. m, Ktlh Ur»»l Krhoul* PAUL'S , O|rnlns; SrJiedulp ^ T A L M U D TORAM-Talmud j RADIO I TV SERVICE Torah classes" will start Tun- < TV CA* RADIO 'day," September' 3rd for nil chil-1 RADIO rHONOGKArH (lira who are, scheduled to attend | PAUL GOLDBERG cm'Tuesdays. Children who ore I 432! No. S4(h Si. r l (5tl not scheduled to attend on TUP*-
Fariwrn at 3iHi Street,
HA 25S4 > uc
MUTBIP, ji«rat*,si«iuiii(! WI»I iv
Shop in a Friendly Atmosphere at Diamonds Omaha's Leading Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen Where "We Serve the Finest to the Finest" Featuring
The Golden Hill Memorial Association Announce* That in AH.noWWill Be Prestni • t Golden Hill Cemetery to Recite th» "Molay
Jewish New Year Cards Newest and Most Complete Line
OPEN LABOR DAY UNTIL 4 P. M. Piurid.r—» A.M. I . t T.U. ftldmf It I P.M. Sn«4>y—7 A.M. I . 7 P.M.
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Cards for Friends and Every - „
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GERELICK S Working-Man's Sale The Wildest 3-Day Sale In OujcHistory
FOR SALE 2 BLKSE. OF BETH ISRAEL, t-Year-Old Brick, 4 Bedroomi, Very Clean, Fireplace. "Rec" Room, Riady for Occupancy Aboui _ Jin. I. Undo $25 000.
Under $25,000 f«r AppeliHntant Wrltt 1 » 111, J«wlth trmil
1\KJ. W. yOti
FOR THE F I N E S T . . .
V/i'll T^e Up Dc»li Normally Turned Down
All the Muiclei Go Ouf of Pricejl
OCT. 3 Vj--. •J
OCT. 25
V/eMI Sell 3 Can to M/iU One Profit
'NOTE: Ho rtion» ^uetrl For Cempctitiv. Kcaion
i fi\_ Olkw iail:ntt l,»m H,w ttrk . ' . . / 2 trattl
GERELICK AND DRIVE A 471!) N « . .'Will
}H. S i l l
Of<« rrfdby Until 7 — SeUrrf.y Until 7 — Monday IC-2
Friday. 71i'K»*t SO, 1UT
Barbara Frank Married In Double Ring Ceremony
Omahans in the News
Nruroniru to Omaha Lre Mrs.Lee Nerenberg of Rosemead, Cal., Frulu jmnlMun, and her daughter, and children, Vickl and Randy. All Minn J(o<li«ll» Jarobo'on, ..former have returned to their homes, MIMI Barlmrii .lean Fiank be- hiinoliK nml showers of white satin. rotldenlK of Cedar Rapids, la. Miss with the exception of Mrs. Paul ctime the bride of Jay I^slmihky Minn Carole Jun« Frank was maid Jacohson will join the staff at Nerenberg who will extend her Cent ml high school where she will stay in Omaha until September In a double ring ceremony Sunday of honor for her sister. Miss Anita teach French. S, Her husband is a brother of at 6:30 p. m. at the Beth Israel Winick of Des Molnes, la. and Mini Hindu Burnsteln of Kansas Milton Neaicnbcrg. Synagogue, City, Mo. were brldenmaids. IrvVisitors of Mr. and Mrs. Max The bride l< the daughter of ing Lanhlnsky of Minneapolis, Crnnnae during the past-end were MIM Lora Franklin, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Da\ld W. Frank; the Minn, served as best man for his their c h i l d r e n , Dr, and Mrs.-of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Franklin, Bridegroom the son of Mrs. Alex brother. Ushers, were B e r n a r d Nathan N. Crouse and family of will return to Omaha Swfday aftLashlnnky and the late Alex Lash- Lashinsky of Chicago, brother of Cinclnnato, O. and their nephew er three months In" the east. She Jnsky. Rabbi Benjamin. Groner of- I he groom, and Herbert Tepperand niece, Mr. and Mrs. Peter spent five weeks In New York ficiated «nd was assisted by Cantor man'of Council Blgffs, Stanley Rosenblatt and son of Chicago. City and nine weeks at Camp Ell Regan. Wldtnan ; and Ronald Grossman Guilford, Guilford, N, Y , * Mr. Frank gave his daughter In served as candle lighters. MIMI I.urllle Neareoberg who marriage. She wore a. floor length has spent the past yeap-in Los Mr. and Mra. Paul Wolf of ChiFor her daughters wedding, Mr< gardenia white gown of Schlffle Angeles, Cal,, has returned to cago, are guests of Mrs. Wolf's embroidered nylon tulle over bridal Frank (hose' a sheath gown of Omaha. She is, the daughter of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shuu t i n , Fashioned with a portrait blue silk peati de sole. Mrs, LashMr. and Mm. Milton Neurenberg. keft. tiftckline a c c e n t e d with Point Intky wai attired-In a light brown EA8TEII SEAL KXUIBIT Victor D. Smith, president of the. Visitors at the Nearenbergs durVenice appliques, fitted - basque silk sheath gown. bodice over satin, and short puffed Mr. and Mrs. Frank were hosts Nebraska Society ' for -Crippled ing the past week' were. Mr. .and Herbert H. Koiman is a member •teevet with matching rolls, her at a dinner following the cere- Children announced Friday that Mrs. Paul Ncrenbcrg, and fam-of thei Lambert Bartak. band rom vrll was of sJIk illusion attached JTIpny at th» Town Mouse, The the organization would hav a dis- ily including their son, Barry of playing at-Peony Park. He Is the in a cap of seed pearls. {She car-couple will make their horn* in play in the Hall of Jlenlth at the Montebello, Cat., their son andson' of Mr. and Mrs. Jack 3, daughtcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs.Kaimrin. Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln. ' . ried a white orchid with step- Minneapolis. •
BRANDEIS we guarantee a perfect f i t . . . and insist upon expert fitting service Don't b t canttoily fitttd thoM ruin your child's ftetl You wlH b* iuro your child Is fitttd c'orrtctly toch time you buy their thoti ot Irandtb. An EXPERIENCED FITTER mtowres your child't ftet every time you buy shoe*. Our FITTING SUPERVISOR check, this fitting to moke turt the shot is right In every way. Our shoos eon be relied upon for fit, for quality materials, workmanship and maximum comfort and flexibility.
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fltady ond va.iing Icr you . . _ Iht laletl w v ; fall r o ' . . . t-;t Flocioinq, comfortable, (OF-/ en Ifie purie. Ei7en Irom inlanls 2 1o t o y * end ujitEte 3, A lo E widths.
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I M U O»«I pfcene «ril»rt wetewne saw faftt lb«r y«rth w*ftr '
Everyon* In town who tolei a lexlbook •will want lo Ivy-Leogu*^ it In GLAMOUR DEBS. The lmjportant belled-back look In a button-down collared slclmnjtr qnd your favorlle bubble saddle.
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Friday, AuKUtt W, I VST
JCC Team Finishes Third in Softball
SAM to HoM 'Round-Up'
Mr. and Mra. David Bear or Dei Molnei, la., are the parents of a The'Jewish Community Center Sigma Omicron chapter of Sig- daughter, Linda Ruth, born August Softball team took third place at ma Alpha Mu fraternity, Uhivor- 23. The couple alto have a aon, the wind-up of the Metro Softnity of Nebraska, will hold the Philip Allan. ball league teason. They finished annual "Sammy" round-up August the season with nine wins and six Mr. and Mm. Abe Boar are losses. 31 and September 1 in Omalm. The round-up program will in- paternal grandparent*. Mr. and Members of the squad were clude a dance Saturday evening Mra. Leon 'Bhirnberg of Phila Norm Zcvitz, Harold NepomnlcTf, and a Sunday luncheon from noon delphla are maternal grandparent!. Sandy Brophy, Bernie Bogdonoff, until 3. Both event* are the Fred Bernstein, Sam Alloy, Ernie Blackstone hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wa»aer- Saltzman, Stewart Kahn, Lindy man announce the birth of their Paul, t e n Wolk, Frank Berg, Ray daughter, Helen Dcbra, August 18 Kirke. Dan Epitcin was the team at Clarkson hospital. Maternal manager. Last year's xquad fin' All friend* and rrtatlvrt are Krandparents are Mr. and Mrs. ishrtl on top of the National iqriled to attend servirr* und David Potash. Maternal great" league but moved up to a higher raefptlana, grandfather is Harrj Dolgoff. Mr. clau on this current season. HOWARD WEIWEIl and Mrs. Max A. Wasscrman are Kirsl place went to the Police The Bar-Mltzvah of Howard paternal grandparents. and second to Broken Rail, whose Wcitlcr, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Kdteam took a 5-2 decision from the ward Weiner of Villisca, la., will Mr. and Mrs. Robert Katleman J. C. C. team. take place Monday morning, September 2nd at the B<-lh Israel announce the birth of a daughter, Synagogue. Service* will begin Debra Ann, August 12. Maternal Patronize Our Advertisers. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. at 8:43 a. m. Sam Berman and paternal grandCHIROPRACTOR purrnU are Mr. and Mm. Oscar D>, STEVENS. tOMVj MHItcrf Katlemnn and Mrs. Xcah Katie A«.« Omaka man, great grandmother. "Wh.r. th. Sick Gtt W.ll" September 1 Office Houn: I • , m. f« ( p, m. KBON—"MchBage of Isiael" A ton, Gary Lee, wax born to E i by Appolntmtnt Sunday, 11 p. m. n t»f KFAB — "Eternal I-ielit," Dr. and Mm. M. Donald Chefetz August 27. Dr. Chefetz is intern10:45 p. m. Ing at University Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chefetz of New York City, paternal grandparents, HOLIDAYS and FESTIVALS will arrive in Omaha, Sunday. Holidays Begin Sundown of Prevloia Day Vte the Want Ad» to buy, sell io W««h tni Perform Ko*h Hashonati Eve Sept. 25 or rent. v th« Holy Ritual of First Day Sept. 26 Second Day Sept. 27 yom Kippur Oct. 5] . CALL
WEAR THAT NEW LOOK OM 4Mklt-fc»<Kt*d lulu nod* lit*
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Bar Mitrvah
To End Your
O-KAY MOTH SPRAY Now Made With Perrhane
LEVENSON'S 1407 Harney AT 0088
On the Air
For rtfi«bU p«non, mtn or lady, with vti««i and ability to «et Immvdiattly for a llUtlm* of m u r t d fneomt* To wfylet routt of C!Q«rtH» macMnti •stablishtd locally for optrafor. {945 to $18*0 c«th Jnv.itm-nt rttjimtd. THE RETURN O f WHICH IS GUARANTEED IN WRITING BY US, for you to ••rn up fo $760 ptr moftJK part fim«. You can fitt up to V3I.O0O annually in a full tfma batii. W» ar« an aitablltriad r«putab1a concarn with th» fintst and oldait m m * br«nd •qulpmartf*. If you htv* th$ cash ancf art fihc*rtly infarastad, plaata writ* giving your pKont number arid briaf background for a local inttrvia* at your eonv»n,»ne«. L * M DISTtllUTORS, INC. •513 C«4or Ava>. So. 21, Mlasatots
Speciol for Sunday, September 1
STATE FAIR • Mucrapf • Do««ili<a«ta • 4-HCM»,FrAaHam
mam rnimumoa ' • Dmcan lamMft. *a "OK* KM" acw .riB*ow
C**«rtl*M CatfmMr
BURTON L. ROBINSON H. O. Peet & Co. At Your Service . . .
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