XXXV— N«. 4»
Second Olsn Hailing i'rlvllrru Authorized lit Oamtm Nrbr
Yeshiva Head To Meet Here Ferer, Chairman For Reception
M I Il.Mlil.l.
The 'erection of a new S'J.OOOOOO
Mrs. Guss Is JNF Dinner Chairman
Women Addressing 5718 ' Greetings to Military Ttio Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, as is its annual cuitom, will again mall Itosh ilashonah greetings to Omahani in military sorvlco, In her effort! to avoid delays in mall dellvoiy, IMrs Jo.ieph Freeman, Services ta Armed Forcei C'lulr* man, WA B i l l , ha» asked to bj notified of any changa of add
I'honf JA I860
Blnflr Copj I* OnrtSI
Special /Meeting Set for Tuesday Evening
Mlolmfl Arnon, l'ress and Information Director of the Erabamy of Israel In Wfmhln|rton, O. C.i Is • memlier of tlie "Good Will" delegation to address the Omalia Community at the Center, Tuesday night. II* la considered as astute oixervrr of affairs In the middle Ennt.
Bond Fashion Show to Star Marilyn Cantor
YpHhivn univorsily campus in Skokie, III., lo replace buildings lit n Mdril>n Cantor, te CMSIOII and fminer location, will lie descrilipd In'l'.iilihi r.ismin nt the mitllng. stage star and daughter of Eddie The first unit now under construc- Cantor, will be the commentator tion, will IH- t-'irls fm ottupiru> for the Juracll Fashion Show', In the full. featuring "Tlie Sabra Look ' Wednesday, September 18th at the Women Selected to BUckstone, hotel The fashion showing, which will Direct Guild Work be preceded by u luncheon, at The Jewish Federation Agencies' 12:30 p. m. and prchcnlca in Section of tlie l'J.">7 Omaha Needle- collaBoration with the J. I' work Cuild will Uo directed by Brandels Store; Is being sponsored Mr*. Dave Colin, chairman, and by the Women's Committee Tor Mrs. Richard Wright, table dUplay Ttrael Bonds,. wrth^Mrs. Mike chairman, Mm. Henry A. Newmah, Freeman, women's division chairpresident of the federation of man. Miss Cantor, who has lolJewish Women's Culln announced. iowed. In-her father's footsteps, The Guild; holds an annual In-' has attained considerable fame as Bothering, sponsored; by charitable an entertainer of stage, television ' - groups in the community to turn- and radio. She is a graduate of the ' i«h "clothing Jnd linen supplies for American Academy of Dramatic rjeedy f a m i l y , Art and aspires to a career In the •*" Letter* wtfrevsent'out to all New York legitimate theatre. Jewish women of Omaha requestSince Marilyn's public appear' Ing contrlbutidnx. All contribu- ance at Miami Beach, last Feb" tiohf will be acknowledged In ruary, «hcn her father was feted 1 Ihe Jewish Press: ; "The results of the ingathering on his 63th Birthday, fche-has . ace looked forward to by all needy shown an Intense Interest in the families", Mm. Colin stated. To furthering of the Israel bond them It means lincni, underwear, campaign a cause very close to her towels and much needed clothing. f a t h e r ' s heart. Subsequently, I know that the Jewish women of Marilyn has been appearing Omaha will do their share In throughout. the United States supporting tin, win lhnhi|i» [>iej- sneaking, cnteilainiiHS. In its beect". half Miss Cunlor will ' arrive 'in Omalia a <luy preceding the f.ishion show-luncheon to participate in a round of "publicity .inpea uinces". Admission to the show anil Mt-, Jn^t'iili f,u-,i will he ^niTii] chniriiiiin of the Jewish National luncheon is .through the purchase Fund dinner October 27, It was of a minimum S100 Israel Bond or nnnoiinccd by Mrs. M. l\ l.even- throusli the sale of at least $200 h'lll, plOiidiMlt In bonds.
'Iriinlm Nefra.L.
Workers Will Meet Mission Arthur If. Goldstein, General Chairman of the l!r>7 United Jewish Apiieal and Jewish Philanthropies 'Campaign, hi^ issued special invitation's tn all campiiigu workers to attend the joint meeting of the Federations Uoards, Tuesday evening', September 17, 8 p m, at the Jewish Community C'entn. "An army of workers, both men and women, have given up count•less hours and devoted much zeal tind energy In the 1937 Combined Campaign. This- Will be ft real op|K>rtunlty for all of us to hear a first-hand report of the UJA activities, which are the major Ifyman lVrrr beneficiary of our campaign. llytnan Feier, Omaha business "Never before did we have a executive, has been nimcd chair* group of such high caliber and man of on Oroajiu reception In competence speak to Omaha Jews * honor of Dr. Oscar Z. Fasmnn. It will be an outstanding meeting p r e s i d e n t s I h e 35-year-old He- in our community's history; one brew Theological Seminary, Chi-, that no active campaign uorker cago. The gathering will be held will want 10 miss." Thursday evening. Sept. 19 at the home of n«l)l)i and Mrs Benjamin Groner. Rabbi Groner, on alumnus of tlie college ii( spiritual loader of Beth Israel Synagogue.
13, 1».,1 t'uKIUtied o»er> t r l d a j 101 N EOtb Annual H l t t l I
A .special Joint meeting of '.the Executive Conunittee and Board of Governors of the Federation for Jewish Service, and the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, will be held Tuesday, September 17, at 8 p. m , at the Jewish Com-, munlty Center, Dr, Abe Crecnberg, Federation president, announced. Three-Men Mission Guests at this meeting will be a special UJA Good Will Mission, which will conslsj. of the following personalities: Michael Arnon, Press and Information Director of the Israel E m b a s s y In Washington, who represents Israel on this Goodwill Mission.' Samuel H. Daroff, prominent Philadelphia businessman, a National Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, and^ a ranking leader of American Jewry. Albert A. Levin, Cleveland attorney and b u i l d e r ; national chairman of Regions of United Jewish Appeal, nationally known philanthropic leader. "These individuals," Dr. Greenherg said. • "have volunteered to
tour key cities this month. In order to bring to the attention" of American Jewry the present situation in Israel, and of world Jewry. •Thirty-five national J e w i s h leaders will visit some 75 communities in September.' Omaha is one of these cities, and will bo privileged to meet with a most outstanding group of leaders," Dr. Grccnberg emphasized, In urging members of the various Boards ty attend the meeting. First-Hand Report* Members of the mission vvill bo in a position to present first hand reports on the current serious situation in the Middle East, in which Israel is vitally involved. They will also share information,, exchange views, and discus) matters of vital importance to our community, and Jews the world over, "I consider this meeting so important," Dr. Greenberg said, "that I would like to extend an invitation to all members of our community to attend this open meeting. Tha distinguished guests will bring us reports which should be heard by a large number of our community."
Hadassah to Make 1958 Pilgimage to Israel
Murll>n Ciiii
Junior Council Meets Sunday "The Junior Youth Council, for grade school boys nml girls in giades six through eight, will hold its first meeting this Sunday, September 15 at 2 p. m. tn the Jewish Community Center Auditorium," Irvin Yaffee, Center Athletic committee chairman, said. Officers and representatives to the Council will be elected at this first meeting. .Refreshments will be served. Tim organisation will, not have membership fees. •
Tlie 1958 Hadnssah Pilgrimage to Israel, a combined shipair tour has been set for May 19-June 16, Mrs. M e y e r N. Rubin, president reported Friday. The trip planned in connection with the 10th anniversary festival of Israelincludes two stopovers in Europe enroute and an optional longer stay in Israel, or more stopovers in Europe as v.ell as both ways by air. A chartered ship the S: S. Jerusalem of the Zlm line will said May 19 from New Y,ork with 500 passengers arriving In Haiftf June 2. Return Is from Lydda June 16 by plane. Tho Hadassah National office
AZA Sweetheart
Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will conduct Memorial Eorvicen nt Beth Et Cemetery, 81th and L street*, Sunday. September 15 »t 2 p. m.
Dr. Greenberg Thanks Friends Dr. Abe Greenberg, president of the Federation for Jewish 8cr\ Ire, HlsliM to tlinnk bin many friend* for their kind e t ' jircsslon of Interest nnd their sincere WIHIIOS for his speedy recovery,
Brothers Hold First Reunion in 54 Years
Memorial Services Set The annual Memorial Services will take place on Sunday, September 22 at tho Golden . Hill Cemetery at 11 a. m. nnd the Beth Hamedrosh Hagdol Cemetery at 2 p. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner nnd Cantor Kll Kagan will conduct the services (it holh cemeteries.
is arranging the educational study, Bocial and recreational activities on board ship and the two-week sightseeing program in Israel, Including special Hadassah functions during that p e r i o d . The Government of Israel, in addition to its Festival program: Is planning special events in honor of the Pilgrimage. Tlie- local Hadassah tourist committee includes: Mrs. Morris Grossman for Szold group; Mrs. Louis KaU for He.rzl; Mrs. Morns Raznlck for Wclzmann group and Mrs. Jlerman Auerbsch.
Maxine 7.well> etc, l(l-year-old daughter of Mr, anil Sir*. Sam ZucilincU became the 34th "»weelliearl" of AZA No. 1 at tho luinuii' Sweo'hnirt daiirn Huturdny night. Mnxlne 1* a rliartor member nnd curiwit trfianiirer, Eleanor ICoosevelt Chapter of n'nul IVrltli. She Is « Central High school senior.
Three brothers held their first; reunion in 54 years at the fiord* of Mr. and Mrs. M->x Arbitman during the Labor Day week-end. Mr, Arbitman was host to his brothel s. -Meyer of Waterbury, Conn., and Abe of Portland, Ore., and their families. Although tha three had seen each other separately on various occasions, they had not been able to be together at the same time. ' A family dinner celebrating th» reunion was given Sunday night by the Max Arbltmans. Other out-of-towners present at th» event were theirjdi|ldrea,rMr. and
Mrs. Harry Allen-1 bt ^Denver and their family, ', ,,
Dedications HAHKV J.A/.AIIIX The fiimlly <it the laic Hairy « > 1 rlday b ) I lie fciU-Mlluti uf J e u Uh S e n lee Ui/mu<i "ill hold an uineilini; of fe-iund j d » i MKIIIIII' P i m L i . . Nrhr.itKa N r Autliurlml at Onmli... his moinmipnl .Sur)d.iy, SrptenllxT A,mu<ij SuliMl.ntlun * | i » Alheillalllg Apulli l l l l l g l u t e s un A l l dtlcm tl i.,nt.iriu in , t — J U I ,\u Jwli Micet, Oflidltu. Nebr. j A k Z/t at JittH H.-imedrush Hagodo IMnl sn vlilrcm 4WJS do SSUIi »lictt cemetery iinmcdialely after tlie IMIKi K - R A W K S KLEIN Edilor annual .Memonal Service at 2 p. m All friends and relatives are invited to attend. -
Bergesch to Speak At Beth Israel
MIIS. l'KAKL KO8IK8KY . The family of Mn. Pearl Rosin' sky will dedicate a monument to her. memory, September 22, 2:30 p. in. at Beth Hamedrosh llagodol cemeteiy with Rabbi Benjamin Groner officiating.
Bill Bergesch, Omaha Cardinal'* manager will be the guest speaker at the opening' dinner meeting of the Beth Israel men's club, Wednesday, September 18, 7 p. m. in The Kleanor Roosevelt B'nai the Synagogue social hall, it was announced by Harold Rubin, pro- B'rith girls, their mother* and advisors wltl be hostesses'at a tea grum chairman. for the incoming freshmen and Dr. Alyre Bcjtman after a vaca- their mothers on Sunday, Septemtion at the home of her parents ber 15, from 2 to 4 p. m. at the Mr., and Mrs. I>*n .Unman, na« home of Mrs. Max' KHzleman, returned to Boston where she is 331 So. 93rd Ave. General Chairman for the lea with the Boston Cily honpitnl. She Is also on the Harvard Conference is Maddy Miroff, Advisors are Mmes. George Cohn and Stanley Medical staff. Shapiro. i.
, 6:17 |>. m. BbTll ISKAKI, Friday services will bciiin at 6:15 p. i n . Sabbath morning service* at 8:45 a. m , Junior Congregation Sabbath senlw*. 10 a, in. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud clajn at 5:45. Sabbath Wlncha service*, followed by .Sholcsh S'tudos and .Maa'riv, ut 6:15 p.' m. Sunday morning services begin el 8:45 a. m. fallowed by break' fust and the Rabbi'i d u n in Bible. NEW TEAK CARDS Sunday morning Jr. service*. 8:30 BAR and Ba* Mltzvah congratu«. in. Dally services begin at 7 lations also for all Jewish holiB. m. and 6-25 p. m. days'and special occasions. The pre-noih-Hukhono Sllchoi Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge serviced will l>e held on Saturday night. September 21, J957, at Midnight at the Beth Israel Synagogue an dlhc 19th and Hurt Street Synagopie.
Want Ads
PAUL GOLDBERG 43» Na. M l . St. n ISfl
Good Income
• FURS • Cloth Coats Exclusively Styled
tlo Selling — No Erpriirnct U* c Optttlw from hbrn* W . P l . t . and Lotalt All Ricki
SPARE OR FULL TIME K.1IM up t o £ 130 monthly i< lillliift nmJ ''olli cliiii: I mill MAGIC TOY" HACK'S in y area. M u s t l i m e cur — r<r cnct'S — fiv<? honrh' $i)arc yvcekly — and m i n i m u m invr, m e n t of $4!H - (or loonl int view — ui'itc nt o n c e phone numlxT.
Fdnwm ot 3Mt Stt—t
170 W«t 741k N<» T.r* 21, N X
Patronize Our Advertisers
Patronize Our AdvertIwpi
Shop in a Friendly Atmosphere a t
DIAMOND'S "We Serve the Finest to the Finest"
WA 5554
N0W1 choow your favorite ...with GOLDEN JELLED broth — or liquid
GEFILTE FISH Rokeach Mothers Manischewitz
Homemade Dill Pickles and Dill Tomatoes Strudel Max's Kishke i(,ad
Women's Division, Omaha Committee
Ukit Mother Makrn
for Israel Bonds Presents
Once Again We Offer You Another
The Sabra Look
Personally Extra Foncy Selected. Turkeys, Capons Choice Ducks, Fryers Beef, Veal, Lamb Chickens
Ern«t 8. l'ri«m»n has become •swclated with his brother, Ju.lln K. Prlnmtn in the Omaha I.inoSlug Prinling Co. Mr. Prfesman wa« formerly salesmanacer for KBON.
The first strjw ttnviutls f;i\iii^: the Amcnctin culnnics ucie t.<Kcn by Kitfilflnd in 1764.
13, 1M7
Allow Us to Help Set Your Holiday Table for a Very Joyful Yomtov
TKMP1.E ISItAKL Service* »l!l be held Friday »t 7;30 p. m. In the Temple Chapel. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will dolurr a scrmonetle. The Religious School will hold tin opening session on September 14 and 1$. Grade* 5 through 10 *nect on Saturday morning; kindergarten through 4th on Sunday morning. BETH EL Sabbath evening wrvlcPt will" be held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath' morning services will begin t t 8:30 a. m. The Mlnch» Service will begin at 6 JO p. m. Dally service* during the » « k • r e held a T 7 «. m."»nd 7 p. m. . Sunday mooilnj; lervlce. 9 a. m. The first session at the High School o( Jewish Studies will be held September 16 at Beth El Synagogue with registration at 4:30 p. m, Courses In Jewish Studios In Kngllsh wltl be ottered by Rnbhl Myer S. Kripke and Mrs. Dorothy JC Kripke Hebrew studies In the Bible, Hebrew and Hebrew literature will be taught by Rabbi Ralph DeKoven.
Commeniary By
/Marilyn Cantor—Actress Daughter of Eddie Cantor
STRICTLY KOSHER and DELICIOUS Educator-McGowan Saltines Grahams Chocolftfe Grahams Deluxe Auorfment Buffer Cookict Chocolate Ovoli Crox (Rili)
Wednesday, Sept. 18 — 12 Noon — Btockston* Hottl, Ballroom Admission by 1957 Purchase of an Israel Bond or the Sale of et Least S200 In Bonds
Luncheon: $1.75
Show Presented by J. L Iranoefs & Sons
Cookies and Crackers Oyster Craclttri Tea Biscuit (Sea Pilots) Fiq Bart Chocolate lc« Box
Piua Crackers Vanilla Ovals Chocolate Chip Cookiei
and Many More We Will Dclivor for Rosh Hashon«h on Tuesday, September 24, 1957—Please Place Your Order Early lor Beit Selection » Monday thru Thursday—8 A.M. to o P.M. Friday to 5 P.M.
Sunday—7 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Friday, 8»l>t. IS, I9ST
r*t;e Three
FRIGIBAIRE WASHER GETS CLOTHES CLEANER than other leading Washers costing up to '175 more Urn Your
FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Listed l«low for
Special Introductory Prices - on the one that's Number 1
/o/DRIEST SPIN! In Ullt of il> Lading ouloimitk wo.h.,1 V M j , r cnti'elled lobc.foh.rv m&. Ho.,. »r u. s. r.nm« c , /«., io,,«t, „.,. d,,«.ir,.d i«i.p.«).»nwi»a
t s w ?;vr;;'t" "'^ r* *?mj
&-JW& AGITATOR UNT CHASER RING gelt rid of more lint, .cum, ouiomotkolh -than wojhers with fillers that muil b« cleaned by hind. CIRCULATOR RING keeps clothes seporoted, guards against tongling. ,-
ENERGY RING energizes wpler into surging currents that flush clothes free of deep-down dirt. Und«r T u r q u o i i . Cop >s a special dispenser that outomolicolly releases detergent, evenly mixed, under* woter. Come in and ie« the new Frigidoire Ullra-Cleon Auto, motic — th« one and only washer with the sensotionol 3-Ring Agilolor. Even the lowest-price model gets clofhet cleoner, freer of Imt-than other washers tested costing up lo * | 7 i morel N * w - E x c l u > i v « Automatic Dyeing I Easiest, safest, fastest way yet. Set our demonstration.
Buy the
CUT W A S H COSTS. ALMOST HALF! O«om and Horn hoi woftr INSIDE cabin*), pump*! bodr to w « h Mcond load. No w4 tvb needed. Save up to 3500 ooWon.ol hot woftr-. Up lo 40 boxes of detergent—every yeorl
Get both far only pennies per day more than the washer alone.
With "Wrinldet Away"'
Get It From Your Frigidaire Dealer
• 5922 MILITARY Harry Rochman, Pres.
• 6054 Military • 24th and N Gendler Bros.
W. Broadway, Council Bluffs Jerry Cohen, Prei.
• 415 So. 16th St. Ben GudcJen, Dept. Mgr.
• 2218 Farnam St. Al Mahan, Pres.
• 1510 Capitol .•• Barney Hoberman — Harry Liberman
ORCHARD & WILHELM • 16th and Howard Iver Ahrenkiel, Depf. Mgr.
YOUNKER'S • 1930 So. 41st St. Paul Alperton, Dept. Mgr.
16th and Jackson
Levine, Gen. Mgr.
Organizations MONKEK WOMEN The birthdajs of 15 members will be celebrated at a meeting of the Pioneer Women, Thursday, 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center.
meet at the home of Mrs. Lee Uendler. 5801 Lafayette, Saturday. September 14, 1 p. ti. for dessert luncheon. This is the first of the monthly scries of-Oneg Sabbath. Mrs. Robert Faier, chaptrr American affairs chairman, will serve as co-hostesj.
announced plans for the annual fall festival and cart party at the 'llsckstone Hotel, Sunday, November 17 at 8 p. m, SIGMA AU'HA. Ml! MOTIlEItS The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club will meet at the home of Mi*. J. Milton Margolin, 5019 Charles St., Wednesday, September IB, 1 p. m. Mrs. Max Rosen will be eo-hosfiH.
KAPIMAI1. Rabbi Benjamin Croner of Betb Israel Synagogue will be the MIZRACIU WOMEN Debka Deb* will host their guest speaker at the flr»t regular Omaha Chapter Mbrachl Wommeeting of Kadimah Thursday, 8 en's first meeting c< toe season annual mother-daughter rush tea p. m. a t the home of Mrs. Nedwill b e - preceded by a dessert September 22 at the home ot Girenter. _ luncheon a t 1 p .m., Wednesday, Phyllis Katzman,' General ChairSeptember 18th, a t the Jewish man for the tea Is Beverly ColdCommunity Center. Mrs. P. Cran- berg. Pledge mother is Miss Diane EWiTEIN-MOnOA^ POST Untzman. Jewish War Veteran* will skip dell will entertain with a reading. their September meeting. Marvin Kaplan, chairman, reported. Youth BETH ISRAEL P-TA The Beth Israel -P-TA will hold Taldht program -try-outi will take place Wednesday, 7:30. p. m. a t its annual ice cream social Sunday/ September 15 (com 3 p. nv the Center: to 6 p, m. on the patio of the synagogue. Chairman and co-chairNKBKASKA^CHAPTKB A style show, "Around the man art Mrs. Albert Friedman Clock With Fashions by Zobta" and Mrs. Haskell Cohen. will .be presented by Nebraska Chapter, B'nai, B'rith Women at HENItr MONSKY CIIAI-TKB their .neetlng, Thursday, 8:30 p. m. Mrs. Sidney Znelmer. Tund ralsunder the direction of Mrs. WinIne chairman of the B'naT B'rith Stone, program chairman and her Henry Moroky Chapter No. 470 committee, Mines. Art Abrams, . Uy Welner and Man-In Brook, WEAR ^ ''Eteln at the Fireside Restaurant.
COUNCIL STKDV filtOtr Leonard Thiesser will speak on "You Can Understand Modern Art" at a Study Group meeting of the National Council of Jewish Women Tuesday, September 2i', 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. diaries Schneider. 1IADAS8AII The Education Council of the Omaha Chapter Hadassah will j
The Golden Hill Memorial Association Announces That an Attendant Will Be Present
at Golden Hill Cemetery to Recite the "Molay Rachamin" and Memorial Prayers, Daily, » A.M. -11:30 A.M. 1 P.M. - 4 P.M. Until September 24th
FOR THE FINEST . . . J IN PHOTOGRAPHY * Pcrfraifi Weddings Commercial
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Gefilte Fish
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See the 1957 Prize Winning Home, chosen by the Omaha Home Builders Association as the best example of design and planning tor modern living . . . of course, it's an
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EKHOLM MFG. CO. 622 Watson Avenue St. Paul 2, Minnesota
HOME The Omaha Home Builders Association built this All-Electric home on the floor oXthe Civic Auditorium to show some of the latest innovations in modern home building,
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
Newest and Most Complete Line Cards for Friends and Every Member of the Family
for Satisfaction
A»t., Omaha * m « r * t h . Sicl Gal W . i r Officf Houri: 8 a. m. to S p. mEvtnSngt by Appointmtnt
Jewish New Year Cards
"Teenagers In an Adult World" is the subject of a panel discussion i t the 12:30 p. m. luncheon meeting of tlie Council of Jew kit Women, Tuesday at the Jewish Community Center.
CHIROPRACTOR DR. STEVINS. 4 0 l « ' i Military
to Wash and Perform the Holy Ritual of
Program Will Feature Panel
£«ptrl I«Ilor!nj <nd AlUrationt
John Kalina
Friday, Set>t. 13, 1851
See the wonderful all-electric kitchen with built'in range, refrigerator'freezer, dishwasher, garbage disposer, and the combination electric washer and dryer, - SEE THE ALL-ELECTRIC HOME AT TH8
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exposition of modern living CIVIC AUDITORIUM September 14 thru 19—1:00 t o 10:00 p . m . OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT AND OMAHA HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION
1502 Dodge
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