Vol. KA.M1
Published ever/ Friday, 301 N\ 20th,
Israel Opens Its Schools With 1,850New Teachers Jenujlem (JTA)-With t/ie return of Israel's 500,000 children to .',f|i)jl fur I ho fnll semester, the Ministry of Education •innotmccd th-it the nation's teacher shortage had been alleviated I>3* the (ipj>ointment of 1,830 new school teachers. Of the 1,850 new appointee*, |he Ministry stated, 1,100 are rccnt craduatu f>f colleges and normal schools; 230 are young v.urncu teacher* released from Army service for jervlce In border M'ttiwiient-',; '.VM me teachers discharged from Army service; and 200 :iro newly-arrived immigrants who have had teacher training. Tlilj yc.-ir's school enrollment of children exceeds last year's by .'.0,000. The Ministry stated, there will «UH be about 1,000 classes lint will operate on a double shrift basis—some children attending these clasiej only In the morning, while others will attend In the afternoon. Mure than 300,000 pupils In 1,100 schools will receive free meals, . .. /..
Israel Attorney ¥ie\vs Future Optirtiistically entering the United Slates in one year. He described the many adjustments faced by the newcomers and said the Israeli Junior Chamber of Commerce encouraged the immigrants with friendship and helped to Integrate them In their new environment. Ife described lour conducted by the organization's members which helped one group become ncqunlnted with the countryside. Mr. Mcron expressed appreciation of the assistance coming from the outside world, particularly America, He said lie looks forward to the time when Israel will be Belf-sustalnlng ond referred to the Meady agricultural development of the country, especially in the Ncgcv area. As for the aceomplklunenls of the Junior Chamber, one gamers from the speaker's remarks, that they are much tho came as In this country, helping orphaned children, establishing playgrounds, donating blood and extending the land of friendship In all directions. Myron "Mike" Milder, n past president of the Omaha Junior Chamber of Commerce, Introduced Tel Aviv ( J T A ) — A m e r i c a n Mr, Mcron. Arthur Goldstein, decJewish athletes won top honors In rotary of the Federation, presided. the men's track and field events at thn Maccablah Games nt nnniath Gan. Ilia Americans achieved first In 11 of 20 events, second in eight others and third In discus throwing. Also, the Americans .'.et seven new records for Iitrael. Tlie United States a t h l e t e s Tho npnoinlment of Harold W. scored 197 points, topped only by Sobel, of I^villowii, Puma., as Israel with 22fi points. I s r a e l Director of ttie Family Service scored points In both men's nnd Department of the Federal loll for women's ••vents, while the Amer- Jewish Sei'vlco wus nnuounced icans rild not compere m the worn, tbls week by Dr. Abe Greenbcrg, en's division. After tho United Federation president, nnd I,ou States came B r i t a i n with 123 Kalz, Family .Service chiilnnan. pointy .South Africa with IM, AnsCliier Social Worker of the Vett nil la with -T>. Canada with l!l, eriiii'i Administration Office In Chile v.lth six. Finland with three Ciundcii, N, J., for the past four find the N'cllK'rlands with one. years, Mr. Sobcl spccliillzed in family case work and youth couniwlln;:. Ho received hl« post-f;raduutc training a I the University of Pennsylvania .School of S o c i a l Work, from which he obtained his decree of Master of £>deneo In The Omaha Jewish Community Soeinl Work, in He did his Center placed eleventh In the Na- extensive field work with the Astlomil Jewish W c 1 f n r e Hoard sociation for J e w i s h Youth of swimming meet lieM bore from Philadelphia. April 22 through May 20, It was The Family Service Department learned Friday. Entries included elves aid and offers coumolins to thirty-four centers and one U.S.O. families and Individuals; cares for JWH club. transients; services N o b r a n lea Omaha was second in the 100 stulc Institution inmates of the yard free style, third In the 40 Jewish fnlth, It also provide* caseyard breast stroke, firat and third work mill services for the aged, in the 100 yard backstroke and and the Dr. Slier Home for Aged second In the 1G0 yard medley re- residents, nnd handles the Dlslay. placed Persons program and inv p ii Certificates will be awarded to migration m a t t e r s , Lou Katz, all participants In swimming and Family Service chairman, exdiving with additional certificates plained. A program in "Parent 1-Mucufor those wlv» placed flnt, second Uon and Family Living" will be or third In the varlotl* events.
Israel often a future to the young men encaged professionally, In business or otherwise, Moshe L. Mcron, Tel Aviv attorney, told a croup of Omahaai with whom lie lunched here Tuesday. Mr. Mcron, national president of the two-year-old Israeli Junior Chamber of Commerce, who also holds the «amo title In liLi own community, was the cuest of the Om.'ilm Junior C'hiiinber of Commerce at breakfast and later nt n luncheon of the executive commit, tee of tli',.- Fi'di'i.ilion fur Jewish Service. •"Life {•» tiot easy," lie tol.I nv; hosts, 'bill Is ;< f.alisfyin;; one. We can't have nil the luxuries iiml liecx-isllleri, but ivc me helplnc to establish our fellowmen in our country." Mr. Menm stroked the ["'ol'lem of the new nation absorbing Its immigrants nnd said the 110.000 to lie received by tho end of 1937, would be equivalent to 16,000,000
Americans Win Athletic Honors
K M H F I ? VT 1I ' Tii-.Miii-.ll 27
Entered as Kernml-Clnvi Matter at Pnit- Annual R«tt 4 D office, Onmlia, Nebraska, uttclei Act of 387» .single Copy 10 I
$ Reply To Is. ueli Protests Junior Youth Complete Confidence Head Elected In Chozan Reported Barry Goldware has been elected president of the Jewish Youth Council, a newly formed organization for boys and girls In grades «lx through eight. He Is the son of Mr. and Mm. Joe Goldware. Other officers are John Spltzer, vice-president .and Joel Snelder, secretary-treasurer. The first meeting of the officers and representatives to the Council will be held Friday, September 37, i t 4 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center to map out plans for the next few months. A bowling league, touch football league, girit' clubs and athletic activities are presently being sponsored by the Junior Youth Council. JYC members may use their memWrihip cards to go swimming at the Center this Sunday from 2;30 to 4:30 p . m . \
• 7. . ,,..-.•,•.•:
Parents and youngsters desiring; further information on the Junior Youth Council and' Its activities are requested to call the JCC Athletic Department at JA 1366.
Visitors Describe Use of UJA Funds Tho distribution of United Jewi«h Appeal Funds was described to an Omaha, audience by three member.1; of a 1/JA Goodwill MIsf>lon visiting here. Guest speakers were Sam II. Daroff, Philadelphia; Albert A. l . c v l n , Cleveland, both dlntinguished national UJA leaders, and llugh OrRell of the Israel Embassy In Washington. They nppearcd at a Joint meetIns of the executive committee nnd board of governors of the Federation for Jewish Service and the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs.
Soheh New JFeederotion Service Head
Jerusalem (JTA)—The Israel Foreign Ministry announced re* celpt of a Soviet note in reply to Its protest against the kidnapping and mistreatment of Ellahu Chauin, an attache at the Israel Embassy in Moscow. However, it refused at this time to publish the content* ot the note or to discus* them. A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry stated that "we h a w , , complete confidence In Chazan," He made this statement In com* tnent on Soviet press reports atSunday, September 22 tacking Mr. Chazan for allegedly K8QN—"Message of Israel" carrying on anti-Soviet activities I I p. m. •• :i.--.''-v:.:/vand, by Implication, of not giving •KFAB ~ "Eternal tight/-' his superiors an honest account of 10:45 p. n>. what had happened to hm. .. (Reports from Moscow declared that the Soviet note had state*} that Mr. Chazan was held ont hour, not 20 a* brae) cbsrgedy . and that he had not been mistreated but released as soon as to showed his diplomatic Identity paAll sixth, seventh and eighth pers and signed a statement alleggrade boys and girls are Invited edly admitting his activities. The to a t t e n d « special "kick-off" note reportedly called the Israeli bowling banquet Sunday, Septem- statement of Mr. Chazan'* experiber 29, 2 p. m. at iris Jewish ences a "fabrication" and charged Community Center ' Auditorium that the Israeli had been appreunder the sponsorship of the Jun- hended handing over anti-Soviet ior Youth Council. literature to a Soviet Jew.) The 1957 Junior Youth Council A s k e d by a newspaperman bowling league will feature two whether it wax "correct" that Mr, free banquets for participants, In- Chazan had signed a statement cluding tho Sunday event and an a d m i t t i n g alleged anti-Soviet awards' banquet at the end of the propaganda activities, the Foreign season. Ministry spokcitnan said "if is enAll participants in the league tirely Irrelevant." TliJ spokesman will receive free team bowling also indicated that' Dr. Walter shirts, free adult supervision and Kytan, dlrcclor general of the ForInstruction nnd special compctl elgn Ministry, might have reportlion plus awards and certificates. ed on the Soviet reply nt today's The leanue Is sponsored by the meeting ol the Cabinet. During the American Junior Bowling Con- week-end, the Knesset Foreign Afr gress and 1J supervised by the fairs Committee met on the ChaAthletic Committee of the Jew- zan affair, but its deliberations ish Community Center. remain a closely guarded secret. An entry fee of 23c is required to Join. This is used Jo defray affiliation costs with the American Junior Dowling Congress. All sixth, seventh and eighth graders interested in participatDr. Victor E. Levine, head of th* ing In this league are requested to attend. the banquet Sunday. department of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition at CrelghtonRegular league competlon will start on Sunday, OctoWr 6, and University School of Medicine*, has continue on consecutive Sundays. been elected president or the N e Further Information may be ob- braska Society of Profesdotial . -" tained by calling JA 1366 or at Biologists. The society Is composed ot the Center Athletic Department. scientists w o r k i n g in the bit* logical fields in chemistry, general biology, agricultural bacteriotogy, physiology, pathological and other allied fields. Its m e m b e r s are drawn from the University of Hebraska, Creighton University, the S p e c i a l activity assignments State H e a l t h Department and were made at a recent meeting of representatives of the U n i t e * the athletic committee of the Jew- States Public Health service a o 4 ish Community Center, It was an- United States Department of Agrinounced by Irvln Yaffee, chair- culture stationed in Nebraska. man. Mr. Yaffe said that Increased Meetings are held In Lincoln. ' emphasis will bo placed on interest Inn more adults in the athletic program. Special volleyball league*, modeling classes for women and light workout sessions for men, plus in. Jenmnlem (JTA)—Israel suit creased utilization of the newly remodeled Center I I c a 11h Club Finland have signed a new $11,000,000 trade agreement. Israel will be sponsored. will sell Finland citrus products, tires and textile, taking In' exchange popcr, cartons and pulp. FLIGHT TO ISRAEL Tel Aviv (W.NS)—A s p e c i a l party of 100 distinguished Ameri- Publication Features can civic and organizational lead e n will make a unique flight Nebraska Egg Firm from New York to this city on September 30 just to listen to mu Tho story of the Development of sic. Tho party, invitffd by Premier the Ncbrabka Kgg and Poultry David Ben Gurion, 1$ to attend Co., of David City, Nebr. headed the dedication concert of tho Is- by Milton Moskowltz was featured rael Philharmonic's new home— by "Nebraska on the March" In tho Fredrlc R. Mann Auditorium- its September Issue. The business built with the sponsorship and was started by Mr. and Mrs. support ot the. American-Israel LouU Levine. Mr. MoskowlU 1*3 the son of Mr«. Levine. Foundation.
Set for Sunday
Or. Levine Heads. State Biologists
Center Athletic Committee Meets
Israel to Trade With Finland
Center Swim Meet Ratings
Jlarsld VV. Hobrl
relnstltuted this year, as wen as the youth counseling program, Including college nnd vocational orientation on fin Individual basis will be intensified. Mr. Sobcl Is married and has one son, Lynn, three years of age Mr, Sobcl will assume charge of tho Department this week.
Friday, September 17,
Deaths Published Every Trlilay by Hie Federation uf Jcivkli Sen Ice ad lam* Mulling i'rlvllegct Authored ul Oinuha. Nebraska, lal Subscription, S4.0U. Advei'llnlpR llntcs on Application. >rl»l Of'tce—101 No. Sum street, OniHn Nebr., JAcksoii 130« ; Sh. i Address 1308 so i3lb SUocL j (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN . . ; Kdltor j
Organizations HENRY MO.VSKY CHAPTER B'nai B'rith Henry M o n s k y Chapter has announced the appointment of Mrs. Sain Pollack as Foundation chairman and Mrs. Nathan Shukct, community service chairman.
lit Hie Social Hall. Lunch will be followed by a skit, "The. Succoth Mitzvah," comemorallng''lhc Succoth holiday. Featured in the play will be Mmes. Delmar Klein, Norman Pitlor and Ralph Blnianow, under the direction of Mrs. Harold Zelinsky. Guest vocalist for the afternoon will be Mrs. Hyman Lubman, accompanied by Mrs. Lcroy Stenlund. Reservations may be made by calling Mmes. Nathan Berg, S. Rosenstein or Edward IJncoln. Baby sitter* will be available.
BETH EL SISTKKI1O0U Mrs. Norman Bordy and Mrs. Gilbert Gronoff, co-chairmen of Circle No. 18 of Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood have announced I Yom Kippur dance to be held October 5 at the Highland Country Club. Dancing will be from 6:30 to 12:30. Those desiring tick- IIKintV MONSKY ets are asked'to call ticket-chairmen, Mmes. Arthur Green or Hy .The regular luncheon meeting of the B'nai B'rilh Henry Monsky Kraft. chapter No. 470 wUl be held Wednesday, October 2, at the Jewish B, E. BOARD Community Center, 12:30 p. m. Beth £1 Sisterhood will hold a Mrs.. Harry' Smith, program luncheon and board meeting at 12:30 p. m., Oct. 1, in the .Syna- •chairman, will present a fall style gogue Social Mall. Mmes, Max hat show through the courtesy of Laihinsky and Nathan Turner will Goldstein-Chapman. Six women of be In charge of arrangements. the chapter who Will model arc: They will be assisted by Mmes. Mmes. Harry Llppctt, Sol Miroff, Jcrold Rosen, Henry Stern, Leon Nathan Shukert, Harry Raznlck, Schmidman, Abe Hoffman, David Ben Blatt, Herbert Meiches. A short film on "Buy Your Rosenbaum, Ben Koslow, Morris Share of Happiness," In conjuncArkin, and Dave Sherman.. tion with the United Red Feather Agency, will be shown. Mrs. Harry NEBRASKA CHAPTER Nebraska chapter, B'nai B'rlUi Welse, Anti-Defamation League will hold talent tryouts Sunday, chairman, will talk for United 1 p. m., at the Jewisn Community Nations Day. - . Members era asked to bring Center for its musical, "Night to Remember," planned for Novem- their friends. Reservations may be made, with Mrs. Rose Gfnsburg, ber 2 at the Music Hall In the City auditorium. Anyone desiring GI, 5291, or Mrs. Frank Seknr, further information is requested WE 1164. to call Mrs. Paul Sacks, president, A meeting of the 'Zeta Beta* TE9518. ^ Tau Mothers' Club will be held Tuesday, October 1, 12:30 p. m. at BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD -The October board meeting of the Dundee Dell. Hostesses will be Mmes. Leon Fcllman and Mlllthe Beth Israel Sisterhood will be held at the home of Mrs. Abe arU Krasnc. Bear on October 1 at 12:30 p. m. • ' CHILDREN'S HOsrlTAL The Beth Israel Sisterhood will KAAZAR Ticket* arc now on kale for a meet on October 8, 12:30 p. in., week-long Antique Show .November 2 through 10 as a feature of ! the- Ninth Annual Children's Hot< pital Bazaar, according to Mrs. JL \v. Furor, 3957 Baznar general chairman.
Omchans In the News Milton R. Abraham*, attorney and former president of Omaha's United Community services has been nppolntod by Mayor John llospiiblntt to the new nlnc-memfcer Human Relations board. -
* By Renee J. Engel -
Director, Niblurk - Slfndrrlrlnn Studio
TheCJPS have it, nnd they'll lill you of tb<; wonderful improvement in your figure after you've tried the Niblack method. U t your own eyes be'the witnesses as the inchcs'mrlt off under th<> gentle vibrations of Niblack's four exclusive ihylhmic machines. Here's the quickest and surest way to H neater, well proportioned ligurc. ;>nd we're so sure of this that ue (.;uar«'intee results. We'll ev*n ciu 1 you a free demonstration treatment. Just call me, lienee KIIRC), at GLendale 4747 iov your nppointment, and I promi.st.' you'll b'? thrilled at the Jesuits." We're opon from 0M0 a. m. to 6:00 p. in., and in Ihe evenings by nppointnvnt. 15 tnatmflit.s just $30. Ko contract neceMyiy.
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Dr. Sol Kiitlcr has been instiilled as new president of the West Side Toaslmnstcrs' Club. Mm. Ii.Klore Forbra lias re- I turned from Brichtwatcra, LOIIK j Island, New York, where .she spent the last five weeks visiting with I her daughter ami son-in-law, Dr. i and Mis. Sidney Merlw ond their j three children, nnd her son and | dau(;hler-ln-law, -Mr. and Mrs. i Marshal Forbes and their dauj;h- ; ter, Jody if Brooklyn, New York. | Dr. and Mrs, Merlls recently returned from Kuropc where they { veiled ie\'eral cMmtrie.; and al- , tended Ihe International OniBress of I'.-yehiatilsts in Zurich, Stt'it/eiland, Mardial Kurbes was recently (U'.eharKeil ns a lieutenant from the United Stiites Army after serving two years ill Germany, j Mr. Isadore Foibrs who l>nd joined his v.;fe ami family in the Ka>t jeturu'd to Omaha three v. celts ,i»o. Horace I.. Jtosrnhlum, Woodmen of the World public rel.-i. liorr; director, was one of the 23 member dciejjation of his organization which attended the 71M annual convention.of the National Fraternal Congress in Los Angeles, Cnl.
Religious Services 5:.')3
Sabbath evening services mil l>e licld tonight at 1! p. m, Sabbath morning services will begin at 9:30 a. ro. The Mincha Son ice will begin at 5:45 p. m. Daily sen ices during the week are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday morning s e n Ice, 9 n. m. BETII Friday services will begin «t 5:45 p. m.. Sabbath morning s e n Ices at 8:45 a. m., Junior Congregation Sabbath services, 10 a. rn. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud class fit 5 p. m. Sabbath Mincha services, followed by Shallosh S'eudos and Maariv, 'at 8 p. tn. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast and the Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Jr. sen-ices, 8:30 a. m. Dally t e n ices begin «t 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. TJCMIXE ISRAEL . Evening services at Temple Israel will be conducted by Rabbi Sidney Brooks at 8:15 p. m. <
With the Home Folks
MRS. LOUIS GREEN Mrs. Louis Oreon, T5, fotincr OmalKin, died September U in I / » Angeles, Cal., where she made her home. Funeral services were held the following afteraoon. Mrs. Green lived in Omaha 45 years prior to moving.to l o a AnKeles, five and a half year» ago. She was a member, of Mizrachl and Uikur Cholim in Omaha. Suiviving are herhusband, children, Mrs, Sam Levlne, Robert and Paul of Los Angeles, brothers, Jacob Mendelson, Omaha; Morris Mendelson, Nebraska City, Nebr., and Rabbi Ruven Noddle, Balfouria, Israel, and four grandchildren, r— MAX WEITZ Max Weiu, former Omahan, died' September 14 in San Mateo, Cal. Funeral services were held on the 16th. Surviving arc wife, Ida, brothers, Ben, San Francisco; Arthur, Leo, -Aaron, Omaha; sisters, Minnie, San Francisco, and Mrs. May Fried, Omaha. ~
MORRIS GOLD Morris Gold, ago 5!), formerly a resident of Omaha, passed nw.iy August 5, In Bronx, New York, Where he resided for many year". He Is survived by liis wife, Sarah, daughter,.Mrs. -Marvin Friedman, and his sister, Mrs. Isadore Korbe< Of Omaha.
DIAMONDS - For the Moit Delicious Ground Beef in Town!
4415 Cumlng
WA 5554
JIR8. GU88IE WERTIU2IHER Mrs. Gussle Wertheimer, resident of tho Btackstone hotel and widow of the late S»m Wertheim-
For Satisfaction
For: Mr. Sam Poster, Mrs. H. E. Golden and son of Chicago, III. For Mrs. Rosa jGoldfeln, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Goldfein of Son Antonio, Tc*. Other visitors included: Air. and Mrs.. Joseph Elkin of Denver, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Philip Katzman of Los Angeles, Calif. Sept. 22—The Beth El S y f e gogue Sisterhood, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Harry Wlgodsky started ihe social season with a party for the Roth Hashonah holiday, Coming Events: October 13th, the Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club. October.20lh, the Simchalh Torah party sponsored by the Blkur Cholim Society.
_io lean ronr (Tut it tn neb fan o lmit (iu of cub SurirUHBoiC Blkur Chollm Gray Ladies visiting the Home during September were Qia following Mmes. A. LJp«man, Anna Bejzer, Fanny Camel, Harry Marks, N. Veltier, Cecil £isens(att and Fred Hahn. A special project for the Community Chest drive was performed by the following residents-of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged; Morris Ackerman, Sam Fish, Sam Gilmnn, Rose Gljizman, Gusde Graelz, Sara Silver, Bessie Tessler, Sam Falcr, Louis Frusen, Solomon Silvcmian, RiMa Goldfein. Sarah-Mlnkin, Goldie Spivak, and Carrie Urback. r A special Kiddush was gWcn by Mr.- and Mrs. Harry I/nz in thanks for the recovery of their father, Mr. Osiaj Weidman, home resident. Out-of-town.vl<itor«, for: Jfrs, Susan R u b a c k , her daughter.', Mmes. Joseph Stern and Fred K. WEAR Goldslcin of Los Angeles, Cal. For: ! Mrs. Bessie Tessler, Mr,' and Mrs. j THAT NEW LOOK Morris Tculer of Phoenix, Ari/oiu. i Old dcublo-brccitcd lulu nad* and Mm. Charles Grecnwald of| Into new ilnqlc-brcasted tuTra. SIOILX Clly, Ta. For: Mrs. Vclt.i i A'l K'tndi Mrn'i and Ljdiei' Gctsr, Mrs. Kate Paul, Chicago, III. ' E«ptrt Tailoring *nj Allorationi
«r, a livestock .cjmmission mad, died Tuesday night, September 24, ' after a long Illness. i Funeral services were held Hi*.* following Thursday morning iit th» "" John A, Gentleman mortuary. Interment was in Bloixnington, HI. Sui"\*ivors: ton, James Sal/eiistein, Gloncop, 111., and slepson, Howard Wertheimer.
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ra«e Hires)
Marilyn Ann Rice Becomes Bride of Louis Hurwitz
Fred Epsteins Make Home in St. Louis
M i s s M ; i r j l y n A i m I t ' i i- I M . I>:il I l u i u i l / , ,)(<i Mumps mid Alan I ^ i u i s H u n v i t z , H i ' H ' I J . I I ' - I \ ( , c ..nut .NOIMIII) Idee of Oiiidha. liiHi'i-irij S u n d u y , S i ' p ' i i i In i ]"i it A diiiiii'i juiil ddiirp j t the I M h - U ,Syii,i;;(i;;iii'. I ' M l M - n Sliei .iton VonU rif Ho follir.wd the .S- K r l p k c o f f i r i a i i ' d . ifiiMiiony.
\'u.v Jiwng in St Louis, Mo. •ii o .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kpstcin HII'I Keie man led September 8 at the home of the bride's parents, 'Ihc couple iiic making Ilicli | T h e lnir]i> i-: tii!> •! 1.1 o f J)r end Mil. Maurice L. Pepper, Mr, mid .Mrs. Samuel \ I ' m , Ihi- li'Hiie In Jvs MolncB after n m (lianilparenls of the bride, the br'J(lf'Kr'>om, IIK1 K>JII uf Mr^ I'on iling tup In Chicago, III. nnd Milfouncr Sara Lee Pepper, are Mr. « ntikw, W15. J l n r w i U , D o s MuiiH-s nnd Mr. Jacob* Sloaburg, and The bride ( h o e u fl > >i J u v l l i Mrs. Sam Pepper Of Mloma, FJa. Cown ot ile-lusUd siilin a n d The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. hand-clinpoil ('linnlllly l n c m c r and Mrs. Milton Epstein of Unitnffi-t.i, n Muuivr in I,'in il Jlcr versity City, Mo., and grandson f l n c c i l i p veil (if linpuilcU illusion of Mrs Leon Prlwcr of St. Louis, Mo. ' The double-ring ceremony was performed by Rabbi Sidney Brooks Mi: and Mrs. Louis A. Culler and Rabbi Samuel Thurman, the announce the engagement of their latter of St. I<oul«, under a canopy Barbara I'npi'rny daughter, Jean Edith to Laurence of white gladioli, daisies, delphinR. Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. ium, and huckleberry. A pnlr of Sam Schwartz. ' miniature trees c o v e r e d with Miis Cutler attended the Unigladioli flanked the'canopy. versity of Nebraska where she wag Miss Joan Abrahams was the affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau, social sorority. Mr. nnd bin. Morris Parilman bride's only a t t e n d a n t . Jerome Mr. Schwartz 'attends the Uni- have announced - tho engagement Brasch of St. Louis, brother-inversity of Nebraska School of of thcic daughter, Miss Barbara law of the groom, was best man. -John JUUn» PUotfl. Mrs. Fred Epstein Medicine and Is a member of Papemy, anil Ha'iQld Goldman of Ushers were Charles Edson and Sigma Alpha Mu, social fraternity. Dei Molnes, l a , son of Mm. Fan- Ralph Sonncnscheln of St. Louis and Maurice-Pepper, Jr., brother The couple plans to be married nie Goldman, Den Molnes, next June. The announcement was made at of the bride. Pianist for the cerea recent family dinner at the Town mony was the bride's brother, F. Jay Pepper. House. Miss Paperny attended the Uni- The bride was married in the versity ot Omaha and the State wedding, gown of her nunt, Mrs. 104 No. IStkStfMt JAMS* Stanley Slosburg. Made of candleUniversity of Iowa, (In Om.hi Lo«n >!<{«.)" Mr. and Mr*. Morris Ell Kuticr Her,fiance was graduated from light satin, it was fashioned with 'announced the marriage of Uielr Prake University In Dea Molnes a sweetheart neckline, beaded Mr*. -IlunrlU daughter, Judith Marie to Alien where he was affiliated with Alpha bodice, and full skirt ending In was caught by « Mary Queen of Aaron Slegel-on January's, Mr. Kpiilon Pi fraternity. He is now a brush train. Her elbow-length Scoti of lace, edged wlUi seed Sleget Is the son of Mr, and Mrs. a senior In the College of Law veil of candle-light silk illusion pearls. Harold Slcgcl and Is stationed with at the University of Arizona where w.ps fastened to a satin Queen Mil, nice uore a Dior blue gown the army at Fort Riley, Kant. The he is affiliated with Phi Alpha Anne cap beaded to match the of >ilk organza and matching hat. couplo will make their home In Delth, law fraternity, gown. She carried a bouquet of The Kroom'i mother choM an em- Omaha, white elf roses and stephanotls broidered Incc sheath over taffettt on an heirloom Ivory prayerbook. Exclusively Styled In dusty blue and matching hat. U-YEAR-OM) INVITED A luncheon was scned at the Mrs. Norman nice was matron London (WNS)— Bobby. FischA monument will be dedicated Ptppcr home following the cereOf honor. Drldcunifiidg were. Mmci. «r, 14-year-old JewUh boy from to the memory of Harry Feldman mony. MolUn .Swnrtz, Dei Molnes and Brooklyn, has been invited by the Sunday, September 29, 2 p. m. (it Mr. and Mrs. Kpsteln 1ia\o reKdwnrd Holjtrndi'. cheu matters or the world to play Golden Hill cemetery with Rabbi turned from a v.eddlim tilp at Fortiam ot 3ttti Sfrttt Jny Ilunvil/, l'.ock Island, 111. against them at tho International B e n j a m i n Groner officiating. Starved Rock Lodge, Utlca, III. w,'w best mnn, V^hcra were Jtleh- Cheu Congress. - , Friends are Invited to attend. and Chicago.
Jean Cutler Engaged
Miss Paperny, lowan Betrothed
Marriage of Judith Kutler Told
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Cutt'ie children's hair at home' and save . , . complete barber comb, scissors, bulch attach* ment and c o m p l e t e set.oi instructions.
•6-02. hath cologne * '/t-oz, perfumed bath oil. Delightful set of bath oil and cologne. The gift you can get now and save tot Xmas. A woman's delight for a leisuro bath with the fragrahce she will love. Shop early or late and save!
drugs and cosmetics — main floor
at the store :w^f-e':'-your dollar buys more!
Needlework Ingathering To Be Held October 8 The Omaha Needle worn Guild will hold iU annual leathering Tuesday, October 8, at the Dundee Presbyterian c h u r c h . Mrs. Dave Colin Is chairman of the Jewish Charities section, a project of the Federation of Jewish Women's Club*. The Guild is • yearly event sponsored by l o c a l community groups to furnish dothlng N and ' linen supplies for needy families and institutions. Letters were sent out to all Jewish women of Omaha requesting aid. Contribution! have been received of the following women to date:'Mmes. Ben W. Abrahamion, Norman Abrahamson, Alvin Ajbramson, I s a d o r e AbramJon, Jacob Abramson, lizzie A d 1 e r, Frank Jack Alberts, Art Anehel, Maurice J. Aresty, Herman H. Auerbach. Louis J. Abramson, Lloyd Bank. Rae Beeson, Bessie Ban,'Harry Belmont, Jacob Beroovid, Herman Bondarln, Norman Bordy, Simon Bordy. David Brodkey, Ethel Brodkejr, Harold B. . Brodkey, Sam C a n a r . Isadore - Chapman, David Charney. Julius , Chasanov, Louis Chernlack, Isaac Chernlss, A. Louis Cohen, Morns G. Cohen, David B. Conn, Martin Cooper, Sidney Owen, Isadore Dansky .Samuel R Davis, Ralph DeKoven,• Isaac Dolgoff, Harry Dvoaln, Harry EtsensUtt, Aaron Epstein, David B. Epstein, Fred Brodkey. A. D. Faler, Juliu* Falkenttein, C. a Farbtr, Harold P. Farmer, Louis Feder, Abe C. Fellman, Charles Kelbnan, Leon E. Fellman, Harry Ferenstcln, Nathan Fcrer. David K- FertU, Donald Fischer, David C Fotel, Rose FogeU Oscar Fox, Abraham frame, Dave W. Frank, Sam Frank, Harry A. Fronkcl, Sam Freed, Herahel Freedman, John J. Freiden, William Freiden. Elizabeth Fried. Arthur Friedman, Herman Friedman, Lloyd D. rrledman, Alax FnAnldn. Harold Garbcr, Lute Gareick. Samuel GeUman, Inward Gilbert, Sam E, Gilinsky, Nathan Gimple, Adolph Frohman, Marx Goldberg, David Goldman, J. C. Goldner, Abraham G. Goldstein, Herman Goldstein, Sam Gore-lick, Arthur MT Green, Jack M. Urecn. Morris Green, Leon Grecnberg, P e t e r Grcenberg. llarrj' M. G r e e n e , Benjamin Croner, I$nac Grossman, Issdare Grossman, Phil Guggenheim, Richard F. Glimmers. Meyer L. Halprln, Ben Handler. Reuben Harris. Harry D. Haykln, Irving Herzog, Louis Hlller. Kirtia
John Kalina rHOTOGRAPHER • 1 7 SOUTH 3*TH STREET HARNEY 1044 vwyw
Hornstein, Walter Jacobson, H?rman Jahr, Harry Janger Max M. Joffe, Max Kadis, George Kagun. Edward Kahn, Joe Kuhn, Samuel S. Kaplan, Stanley Kalelinan, Kidney Katleman, Alex Katz, Dave Katz, Frank Katz, Mellach Katzman, Archie Kavicn, Kevee Klrslienbaum, Benjamin Klaiman, Martin Kolrn, Dora Koom, Morris Koom, Abraham Kranlz, David L. Krantz, Leonard Krasne, Mldiael Krasne, M. E. KrelUtein, Max Krlzelman, Arthur Kulakofiky, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Reuben Kulakofmky. Solomon Logman, William A. Levey, - Dave Levine, Hymari Levlne, Harry Llberman, Charles S. Ueb, Sheldon Uncoln, Louis E. Lipp, Maurice Llpsman, Harry Locwensteln, Max London, Karl N. Louis, Jack A. Luttbeg, Ben Magzamln, Harry Malashock, Jay M. Malashock, D a v i d Manvitz, Sam Manvltz, Jack W. Mirer, Gail Margolin, Harry MarkeV Frank Marks, Nathan Martin, A d o l f Mayer, Jacob. Mendelson, Peter Meyers, Howard Milder, David Miller, Morris Mlttleman, Charles Mogii, Charles A. Monasee, Hannah and Julia MoU, Abe Mozer, Stuart Uuskln, Fannie Newman, Julius Newman, mursce l a w man, Nathan L. Note, Nathan Novak, Sam Olesker, Alex Oppenhelmer, David Orkow, Hyman Oruch, Philip Ostravlch.' David Parker. Alex Plotkln, Sam D. Poska, David Potash, WUliam Raduzlner, i l a x Relzbaum, Henry Reznlclc, Donald A. Rice, Joe M. Rice, Norman M. Rice, Samuel A. Rice, David Richards, Yale Richard*. Carl Rlekes, Henry Rieket. Philip Rlngle, David ttlseman, Ida Robinson, Abraham Rochmari, Abraham Roffman, Ben L. Rosen, David W. Rolen, Sara R o s c n b a u m , Sam Rosenblum, Dave Rosenitock, diaries S. Ross. Meyer L. Ruback, Abraham S. Rubnltz, Fred Rosenstock. Keith Sounders. Harry Schulman, Bernard H. Schwartz, William Safersteiii, Harry Saltzman, .Tacob Schnr-uiT, Meyer Schulinan, I^conaril Segal, Harry Segall, Iienjamtn Shapiro, Jules Shapiro, Gary Sherman, Sam Shl/f. Louis Shrkr, Dave Shukert, Jacob Shyken, Harry Sidman, Harold Slcgel, Ijcster Simon .Morris Singer, Rubin Smecrln, Sidney I- Snelder, Abe Somberc, Ben Somberg, Hubert S o m m c r, Morris Specter, Millard Spclcr. Dave Stein, Dora S. Stein, Albert Steinberg, Dr. .Muriel Steinberg, Nathan Steinberg, S. S t e l n r a a n , Joseph F. Stern, Oscar Sulin, Sam Swartz. Sam Tlrnoff, Melvin Tutelman, Harry Trustln, Stewart Tully, Phillip Turek, Ralph G. Turkel, Reuben Vann, Nathan Veitwr. Paul Veret, Isadore'Harold Welner, Harold Wlcsman, Ben Wlntroup, Allen Wohlner, Samuel N. Woir, Alan Wolfson. Julius Wolk. Richard Wright, Milton If. Yudelson. Mary Zalk, Ell M. Zalkin, Sam Zlotky. Misses Elaine Arenson Rebocca Bercovici, Edna Cohn. Rena Gross, Belle Horwlch, Henrietta Kohn, Sally Neuman, Sylvia Parllman, Frances RuUteln, Beatrice Sommer, Rose Steinberg, Fannie Wezclman, Blanche Zlmman;
Births Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Gendler announce the birth of a second daughter. Beth Susan, Sept. 4. Their other daughter is Janet Ruth. Maternal grandparents are Judge and Mrs. Nathaniel Kaplan of New York City who oro spending a month In Omaha. Paternal grandparents me Mr, mid Mrs, A. B. Ccndier.
HOLIDAYS and FESTIVALS Holidays Begin Sundown of Previous Day: Yom Klppur Oct. 5 First Pay of Sukkot . . Oct. 10 Hoshana Rabba Oct. 36 Shemlni Atzcret Oct. 17 SImli.it Torah .• Oct. 18
Council To Stage Revue
A son, Daniel Hiclmnl v,,'i, Ijoii) to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sherman, August 27, The couple have threeother boys, Michael, Stephen and The Omaha Council of Jewish Mark. Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Leo Waxcnbcrg and Women will present "Red Stockmaternal grandparents, Mr. and inBs" a musical revue, December 3 and 4 at the Paramount Theater. Mn. David Sherman. Mmes. Lloyd Friedman and K. Leo Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenberg Nogs "arc co-chairmen for the U Hastings announce the birth of event. Committee members are Mmcs. a daughter, Snarl, on September 15. They are also the parents of Edward kevtnton, program book; Yale Gotsdiner and Leonard Lutttwo tons, Charles and Mark. Maternal grandparents are Mr. beg, Ads; Homer Farber, James and Mrs, William Kalman and ma- Llpsey, Stanley Perimeter, tickets; ternal great-grandmother Is Mrs. Loots Katz, reservations; Sidney Sam PJatt Paternal grandparents Schwartz, finance; Edwin E. Brodare Mr. and Mrs. O, Rosenberg ot key, M. 11. Brodkey and Ben Shapiro, publicity. Hastingi. Others are Mmes. Norman DcnMr. and Mrs. jack Solomon, J r , enberg, W i l l i a m Fogel, talent; ot Highland Park, 111., announce Russell Blumenthal, niusic; Stanth« birth of a aon, Michael David, ford Llpsey, stage manager; A. V. born August 19 in Chicago. Mr. Venger and Henry QreenberK, cosand Mrs. S o l o m o n .have two tumes; Edward M i l d e r , Jrviui; Malashock, scenery; Louis Shrler, daughters, Debra and Allsa. Maternal grandparents are Mr. concessions; Al Mayer, make-up and Mrs. Saul Kleiman of Kansas and Edward D. Brodkey, ushers. Mrs. Stanley Herzoff is ways City, Mo. Paternal. grandparents and meant vice-president. are, Mr. and Mr*. J. A. Solomon.
Youth Th« Junior B'nai B'rith Bowling League will open its season Sunday, October 6, 12 JO p. m. at the Music Box, The league is open to boys and girls from the sixth to the eighth grides. Registration may be made by calling Harold Bloom, AT 3742, or Harry Cobck, OR IMC AZA 100 Is planning a party for their new member* on September 28. It will be their first event of the season. Barry Lewi], 11, ton of Mr, and Mrs. Lou Lewis, 4309 Poppleton Avenue, was the winner of a power driven junior «ports car In a contest conducted by a local auto firm. An Israeli fttrn was -shown at a USY meeting at the home of Donald Kraft Sunday evening.
BorMHzvdh AU M a d * a s s relatives am Invite* I* attend aerrlees amd rcctptlou. (1OBDON HOLMS Gordon Hollls, son of Mrs. Rose Hollls, will observe Ids Bar Mltivah on Saturday morning. September 28, at Beth El Synagogue. A reception will follow the service in the Social Hall of the Synagogue.
Want Ads KKW l'EAB CARDS BAR and Ba» Mitzvah congratulations ;ib.u for all Jewish holidays, and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge WANTED - - GOOD BUSINESS MAN OP. WOMAN Must have KUO'I stnndhiB In community nnd interested in owning and expanding own business. Must h-ive S'JOO.OO to 51,750.00 capital. Kntirc investment secured by money bjcit guarantee contract, One hour per day nets 3250.00 per week. Full time $18,000,00 per year and up. Please do not nnsvver this ltd unless you can qualify nnd would be capable of operating your own business. Call or write, Kola Corporation, 6518 Waffier Street, Minneapolis, 16, Minnesota. FOR RENT-Comfortable room, pleasant surroundings. Gentleman preferred. 3101 Uncoln Blvd. Call HA 731G.
am mum MmattM t*mnat,'u»
Friday, September XT,
FOR RENT—Newly decorated 2bedroom apartment la Dundee. Block from Beth £3; garage anl near transportation. Call GL2636.
Religious Schools Registrations Religious schools are announcing their registration dates. Students Will register at the Beth El High School of Jewish Studies Monday, September 30, 5 p. m. Classes will meet Monday at 4:30 p. m. and Thursday, 4 p. m. Mn. Meyer 3. Kripke wiU offer a course, "The Elements of Judaism" and Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will teach "A Survey of the Bible" on Monday*. Rabbi Ralph DeKoven will have charge of courses in Hebrew Literature and the Bible on Thursdays. Students In the latter classes are eligible for membership in the national I-eadei-s Training Fellowship. Temple Israel reports: Hebrew School classes will meet as foUowit'Aleph class (first year) Monday, October 7; Dalet class (fourth year) Tuesday, October 8th; Gimmd class (third year) Wednesday. October 9th; Betli class (second year) Thursday, October 3rd.
ADL to Assist At Institute The Anii-Dvfaniiitlon i; lias been invited'to participate in "The Institute on Human delations fur Nurses'' at tho Omaha Veterans Administration hospital, H \vi\5 announced by Paul Grossman, ADL chairman for Henry Monsky Iod^c, B'nai ll'rith. The program srhedulfMl for October 1 at the hospital is dc>l;;nrd to help nurses under-, stand the nature of the ucparntion from family, frienJs, as well as reli{;i'Hi'i and cultural environment experienced by the patient, Mr. Grossman said. A group of li'jKii il'rith women unuVr the leadership o' Mrs. Harry Wise nnd Mrs. David Wine, Homy Monsky ADL corhairmen, will assist wllh reelstratlon nnd nerve refreshments during the Institute. Sol I Littnian, ADI, regional director, Is a member of the event's planning committee.
Concert Series to 13 Named to t^ie ticket nellinR committee of the Tuesday Musical Concert Series arc Mmcs. Mike Frerftnan, Max R l e k e t , Hubert Sommers and Samuel Newman, the latter, a member of the organization's board. The first concert will be held November 13th.
CampusNews The following young men have been pledged to Sigma Alpha Mtt fraternity nt the University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Al Formnn, Arnold Joffe, Al Kilzclman, Gary Plotkin, Ron Fbhman, Marly Sophlr, Jim Friedman and Mike Platt, Omaha; Stan Sax, Pro Sherman. Stu Marx, Ken Pocras, Zeff Rerstrin and G.iry Hill, U n coln.
Pick Up Your Lox, Bagel and Cream Cheeso Sunday Morning at
HA 2554
We Wish to. Extend New Year's Greetings to All Our Friends and Customers
SAM FRIED TELEVISION SERVICE Trie Sam Fried Family 306 So. 49*fi Ave.
RE 6009