VOI. A.V\W .\n. 3
.Nebraska. 1'hoiie JA i:W,u
Generous Red Feather
Center Committee To Meet Wed. Noon The Jewish Community Center Committee will hold its first general meeting of the New season Friday, October 4, with a luncheon at 12:15 p. m. nt the Hill Hotel." All committee members arc asked to attend this meeting, by Lou Canar, committee chairman.
fir. Abe.Grccnbcrg, President off the Federation for Jewish Service,1 urged the membership this week to support and give generously to the United Red Feather-Red Cross Service* campaign in Omaha. A letter Issued by Dr. Green: berg pointed'out: "The membership \of.--Hie, Federation It very much concerned lit feeing to it that the United Red Feather-Red Cross . Service* • campaign thii year to * complete 'sueees*. The United Red Feather-Red Crpsi Services drive i i the annual fund-railing effort of the entire community, in which all fallhi and groups merge their efforts for the good and welfare of all Omahans.
New Youth Group Meets at Center Paul Shyken, B a r b a r a Brodkey and Howard Welnberg represented the Omaha Jewish Youth Council in the newly organized city-w I d c Inter-Grou;> Council sponsored by the' National Conference for Qirlstlans and Jews. The first meeting which was held on Monday, at the Jewish Community Center. Moderators were: the Rev. Neil Danburg, director of the National Conference for Christians and Jews In' this area and Saul Sllverman, activities director of the Jewish Community Center. - A tour of the Community Center followed the meeting. The Council purposes, to effect a better jndcratandlnc of youth problems among all faiths and backgrounds. The group will meet again In two weeks nt the University of Omaha.
""hie Federation for J e w i s h ' Services and received *59,525 toward it* operating funds in 1937, through the United Red FeatherRed.. O w n ; Services drive. The C h a t ha» al«o helped Ui U) maintain our building by providing capital fund*. :,;•:.'•• •:• .-.: "The coat of operating our many service*, like the co»t« In business, have Increased considerably, while the demand for the many services of the Federation have likewise Inercajed,1'-
•• ••••
; Emphasizing that agencies win face a real criils in 19Stt unless the goa) of the United Red FeatherRed Crow Services of. $1,7T7,825 Is raised; Dr. Grccnbcrg said. '•We appeal earnestly to every member of the community (o make increased contribution] to t h e Community Chest campaign, upon whose success the program and service Of our Federation depend. We urge everyone <o spread tiu< important me-iiaje of the I'nllwl Rod Feathcr-Iled Cross Service.1; .campaign thoughout the city, and work toward the successful completion of thU greatest humanitarian challenge which the Omnha conuiiunlly faces now," Dr. (ircenberg concluded. . Dr. Grccnberg also reported that many members of the Federation board* are active In the ranks of campaign worker*.
Two Events Sell $35,000 in Bonds • A Roan Hashonah Appeal at the B'nal Jacob-Adass Ycshurcn Synagogue resulted In the sale of almost $5,000 In Israel bonds, it «•«« announced by William Grodinxjcy, chairman of the 1957 bond campaign. More than J-TO.OOO in bonds were told nt a recent fashion show, Mr. Grodlnsky reported. lie said that tcvorul meetings ami a luncheon nrc planned prior to the IClcjinnr Roosevelt Dinner In November.
East Community Has Jewish Mayor
nti I-'ilcrcrl uv SccirnJ ('Id1.. Mutter at Post- Annual Hate A. Dollar*
British Diplomat To Open Lecture Series Reginald Sorcnsen, a member of the British 1'nrllament more than 20 years, will open the University of Omaha World Affairs Institute with n lecture Wednesday, October 9 at 8:15 p. in. In the university auditorium. The Federation for Jewish Service ii one of the Omaha organizations sponsoring the 12th unn,ual six weekly lecture series at the university. Members of the Federation are entitled to free admission by presenting institute cards which haxa been mailed to them. Each card admits two person*. Theme of the 1957 aeries is " E l e m e n t s Shaping Foreign Policy", Mr. S o r e n s e n will discuss "Colonialism and Foreign Policy." lie Is chairman of the India I-caguc and the West African Student Board and is vitally Interested In the colonial problem. He has traveled extensively. In Africa, the Kast and on tlic continent. Mr. Sorensen's visit to the U n i t e d Slates this year Is his uecond and W under the auspices of the American Friends Service committee. William T. Utiey, chairman of the University Political Science Department Is director of the In-
stitute. Among members of the advisory committee nre Milton II. Abrahams, Arthur Goldstein and Paul Veret. The series will bring to Omaha top-ranking authorities on world affairs.
Gifts Confuse Arab Wives L o n d o n (WNS) - - "Zionlif1 sweaters put the squeeze on the wives of the Arab delegate* to the recently concluded Interparliamentary Conference here, It was disclosed when it became known that the sweaters they had received as gifts from a local firm came from a Jewish-owned firm whose directors are tied to" Zionism and Israel, The Aral] women were quite in a dilemma. On the One hand they could not see themselves relinquishing such warm and beautiful giftf. and, on tha other hand they feared antagonising their husbands by breaking the Arab boycott. How they sot out of t h e squeeze play has not been recorded.
Religious Inquiry In Cehsus Opposed New York (JTAl— Two major Jewish organizations nmiotmceil tliat they had voiced strong opposition to the projected inclusion of n q.iestlon on religion* belief or affiliation in the I960 Federal population census. T h e y warned that the inclusion of this question would violate the Constitution and that the data accumulated* would be "of doubtful validity. In a memorandum submitted to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce by the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nal B'rith, the agencies stressed that the Federal. Government, under the Constitution, may not aid religious groups or "take cognizance of religious affiliations of Its citizens." Therefore, they emphasized "there can be no legitimate reason why tbo Federal Government should need Information on the religious affiliations of IU dtbens." The'U.S. Bureau of Census in the Department of Commerce for the first time is now considering the Inclusion of the question "what la your religion?" JIONOBED New York (WNS)—The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America for the first time honored two non-Jewish clergymen at a recent Governor's Island ceremony.
Ifolyoke, Mass. (JTA(—Samuel Jlesnic, an«'nttorney antl leadinc member of the Jewish communlly of llolyoko, lias been .worn In ns Mayor of this predominantly Catholic town. Mr. Kosnic is the first Jew toehold the office In the history of the city.
On the Air Sunday, October G KBON-—".Message of Israel" 11 p. m. KFAH — "Eternal Light," 10:15 p. in. "C'ullutised Hands" by Steven Gathers will be presented In observance of the festival of Siiccoth.
Czech Jews Intermarry London (WNS.I—The rate of'intermarriage among the Jews in Czccholovakia exceeds inarringeii within 4he fold, It was reported here by Agudalh Israel feeder HA. Goodman on returning from a , tour of Czechoslovakia. Mr. Goodman r e i o r t e d that some 20,000 Jens were registered as members of the Jewish community, about 8,000 In Bohemia and the rest in Slovakia, IV; asserted that the Jewish coiruaunlly of Prague was "for all practical purposes" today "a museum piece, He suid the thousnnd-ycnr-old AltNeue-Synagogue wui now a Jo •>• Ish museum and~that although \\t synagogue Is open dally for. worshippers there Is rarely available* a required minyan. He dUcloscd that on the walls of the synagogue museum there were being inscribed the names of 80,000 Jews whom the Nazis deported to death from Prague, and that of the 400,000 Jews who lived in Czechoslovakia before the war more than 250,000 perished In Hitler's death camps. At the same time the Agudah leader disclosed that Rabbi D. Farkas, one of the three official rabbis in Bohemia who was arrested some months ago, was still In prison but that there was reason to believe that his release was Imminent though it was doubtful he would be permitted to resume rabbinical functions, Mr. Goodman also conferred with .Chief Rabbi Slehei\ who told him that the Prague Jewish Community had used up all Its. funds for the maintenance oi the Ghetto Cemetery at Tcreszln nnd that if aid dirt not come forth from Jews overseas the cemetery, in which thousands of .lews from all parts of Kurope are burled, would be taken over by the Czech Government. Prague authorities were reported to have promised that, in the event the cemetery Is taken over by the government, religious administration w o u l d remain vesjer in the Chief Rabbinate.
Mich. Doctor to Discuss Diabetes The greater Omaha lay section of the Nebraska Diabetes Association will present its annual fall public lecture Monday evening, October • 7, at' the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. The guest speaker will be Dr. Stefan S. Fajans, Associate1'Professor of Internal Medicine University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Mich. His subject will cover "Present Day- Aspects of Diabetes Mellltus." , Dr. Fajah's special interests lift In Diabetics and Metabolic Research. He has done pioneering work in relationship of Diabetes to the Clands oMnternal Secretion. A question and answer period will follow his presentation. There is no charge for admission. Free parking space, is. available just east of the Community Center on Dodge' Street. Doors will open nt 7*30 p. m.
Zim Lines Cancel W. Indies Cruises • Jerusalem fJTA)—The Israel Government has asked the International Red Cross headquarters in Geneva to establish the fate of the Israel fishing vessel Doar and its »Ix crewmen seized las! week by Kgypt. Earlier, tlie Foreign Ministry asked the Israel delegation at the United Nations to sccl< UN intervention. The Israel Government also
sought Italy's intervention because one ot the crew Was an Italian The International Red Cross was asked to Bend a representative lo visit the fishermen to determine whether they were receivinK llic treatment required by Geneva e/uiventlons nnd to provide whatever legal protection might be needed. Israel also asked the Red Cross to obtain from the fisherman com-
munication!* to their families in Israel, The Foreign Ministry indicated it had no information on th; fate of the ship or Its crew except that neither had been r e t u r n e d to Israel. Owners of the ship sail that, on the basis of the last radio communication from the ship, they h.-id no doubt that the-boat was captured outside Egyptian territorial waters.
The American-Israeli Shipping Company, Inc., U. S. representatives of the Zlm Israel America Lines, nnnounced today the cancellation of the 1957-58 West Indies winter cruise prosram of the newly built S. S. Theodor Horzl. The cruises were cancelled because of a delay In completion of the Theodor Herzl's slstcrshlp, tlio new S. S. Jerusalem, which was to have taken over the Zlm Lines* Mediterranean passenger service while the Herzl was cruising.
H-H. Friday, Octol«r(5>i957
THE ncwisn fBESS
Omahans In the News
14 States Enact Civil Rights Laws
rubllabed Bvery Friday by tlie 1't-dcraiiun or Jew lib Sen Ice Setund Claw M«lung Prlvllfjo ABtimii^r,] M o."i.>ha, .Nebraska. Annual SubncrM'<"i> *4.oa Adu-itW'sie n»Ui un Ai'tiiicutiun. Editurtm Of'tre— 101 No U h Mrut, Oiruli.i N«i,r JAtkvun 13C8 Print Sb i Adi)re«s «S08 So asm t u c u . FltANfT-S KI.CIN Editor
Y ((JTA)-The T T h Nra Yy.k
of" f 111 1 st;it,\< tliis year c n i u c j >'iMl i i j j h u li-^.tlalm n ,-i, did ilic inuuiciiul cdicrnmcnta An,:»|, -, Ilic AniPriivni ./'wish Con(.( S J I I r r a n c i i c ) niiil !>
Kour ot the slatis I'lucteil lnv> furbiddlni; discriniin.i I ion In Cilu.-itmn, file forbiidc It in IIJIIMIIK, five harmed liias in public dcc<>mmo.i,itioiw and t«\> nmendid existing :int-diM:rimin,itnry lcgiilali'jn to .iild cnfurocmoni |»o-.liioiis.
I n inj; Sli-i'Ji, lli'bn-iv d r n l u T t l l r t h } M . M ) .'.yiiiii;iij;iii; is i c . OVH 1 )' fiuin ;in .•ipj>fvni.icclfi!ni\ .-it ! Harni-y liadis, s.t/i of Me. afi<j Mr*. M J X KC-IIlis lias l'VciviMl J n ; 1*11. I), d r ^ r c f in chemistry ;it-tlH! Iowa S t a t e Uni\t'iriity a t Anicii. J:i. 1U' iias .'icivpted a tempor.'try p ,-.t nt the UnivriMly of Dubuqiic, Uu-
S e p t e m b e r 22: The 1957-58 Sori.il Season, sponsored by the Federation of Jewish Women's buque, In.' Dr. Kadis formerly otClubs under the chairmanship of tfinli'd the I'niicrsity of Omaha, Mrs. Sidney Goldberg and co& chairman Mrs, Juliui Katzman Mm, SAI Sluvln of New yi>rk, started today Kith a party by the formerly of Omaha, \$ visiting her Beth El Sisterhood under the didaughter and son-in-law, Mr. <ui<l rectlon of Mmcs. Harry Wlgodsky CJItuiUlelI(liUae. 5:10 p. m. Mr*. Merle I'olanh. and Eddie Rosen. The Peretz Skit In Ylddlsh-"lf Not Higher" wa« Temple Israel I^dlpr Friedman, son of Mr. and presented by the following: Mines. Omaha congregations will usher olwervc the holiilay with sen ices VOM KIPFCII Harry Wgodsky, Norman Witt- in the Succolh tothnl with tpe- Wednesday, 5:'.W) p, in.; Thursday, Mrs. David Friedman will Icavo Sunday for IsracLJUs plans in* FrU»jr, Ort. * ' man, Lee Schmidman, R o b e r t cldl services Wednesday evening. 8:45 a, m. urn! 5:.'!0 p..in. mid Krl elude a stay In Tel Aviv before deEvening Service, 8:15 p. m. Wagner. ' Beth Israel and Beth Hainc- day, 8:43 n. in. parting to a Kibbutz. SatuntoT, Oct. 5 Music by Mrt. Harry PuBoff and drosh Hagodol Synagogues will The kiwJci'ciirtcu class of tl\c Morning service, 10 a. m. jetting* by Mr*. Eddie n o u n . This religious school at Temple Israel Irvine Kpstitln h i s been nude Children'* service, 1:13 p. m. was followed by Amateur Prowill lie consecrated by JlabW Sid- legtl advlner to the City Personnel duction!, a vaudeville ihow, Tea ney Brooks on the first night of Board. . '-* BeffiH and cake vnu served by the ladies the festival, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. of the Sisterhood In the main dlnThe consecrants will be award' YO.M KIPI'UK HOLIDAYS sod FESTIVALS kigroom. ADtXT ACTIVITIES •» Friday, Oct. 4 September 24: Almo*. '.'Je Hal. Persons dcslrbiB t o register fftr ed Consecration certificates and Holiday! Begin SundoMi of miniature"Torah Scrolls. They are Ktfl- Nidrc, ff p\ m. prin and JL Cooperman visited adult classes and activities arc adPrevious D»y: Satardny, Ort S Our Folks as representatives of vised'to call the activities office, John Bernstein, Bob Blelchcr, Yom Kippur ..Oct. 5 Sieve Cohn, Bobby Keltman, BenMorning Service, 8 a. m. the BIJtur Cholim Gray Ladles Soc- JA, 13G6TAnnouncements First Day of Succot ..Oct. 10 13G6TAnnouncem of of fall nett Greenspan, Bobby KlnchenYUkor, 10:30 .a. m. iety. Hosliana Habba Oct. 16 t i i t i wore mailed i l d to alrtdulU. lrtdulU •baum, YAgan Kulnkofsky, Knbcrt s v -n,* nn«h Ha activities Youth Service, 11 a. m. 25; The Itosh Ha- _ h tvMrfmt ot , h B malHne wan Shemini. Atzerct . . . . . O c t . 17 ' Mincha Ne-Mah, 3 1 5 r, m." shonah Holidays were celebrated Each recipient ot the mailing was KulaknfKky, Howard Latter, Alan Slmhat Torah Oct. 1 8 ' Invited to return an enclosed card Gale Mayper, Michael Perimeter, according \o Orthodox Ritual with marked tilth their choice of ac- David Roberts, Ch'orles RoscnBeth Israel Sam Potter as the "Baal Shachris" tivity. stock, Julie Taren, Lee Wolfson, and "Baal TKlah" and Alex Sand David Slosbure, Jeffrey Taxman, WANTED—SALESMEN as the "Baal Mmaff". Wine tor the Beth Hamedrosh Jerry Waldbaum, Sally Davlj, Holidays was donated by Jake FALL AND WINTER Two u)xrl«K*(i tolranm bttwmia Howard Friedman, Danny GrossHagodol SWIMMING 8CirKDV~E Sadofsky. j man,' Terry: Koester, Broderlck « 9 « of 25 « d IS to ictl iww « « l APUIVTS • Ynm Klppur Coming Events: Epstein, Michael LIU, Connie Sue and pip*. EXCELLENT STARTING Friday, Oct. « Oct. 9; The Beth I«rael Sister- MEN» Monday tliru Fi>Uny, 8-9 Meyer, [Pamela. pierson, Bonnie SALARY AND TRAVELING EX' Kol Kldre, 5:55 p. m. hood Succot Party tinder chaira. m. rtobin», Judy Sloan, Mark Trus- PENSES. Will headquarter out of Sermon, C:15 p. m. manship of Mmcs. Abe Bncr and :1 : : WOMEN: Tuesday and Thursday, t i r i . f: v " ? : ; - v , - ••-• '. •':-.:•. " - " " ' Norfolk, Nebraska, Stead/, per'Saturday, O r t S WUllam Wolfson, 9-11 (FigureAids), • . , Wednesday cA'cninirservices will manent poifrloni with future adMorning Service, 7 *,- m. Oct. 13: The Omaha Choir and Monday and Friday. 10-12 noon...start at 8^13 p. m. in Beth El Sy- vancement. Mutt furnish reftrSermon, 10 a. m. Dramatic Club will present a COED: Monday, Tuesday, Wed- nagogue. KIdduRh will be served H U I , Wtilc ualiiv] HUOHUCOIUM Junto): Congregation, 10:30 a, m. Program In Yiddish. nesday, T h u r s d a y , 3:15-6:30 In thc'Succan fbUoM-thg the serv- and pair viperlcnco to NORFOLK yiskor, 11 a. m. Oct. 20; The Bilkur Cholim Slmp. m. Tuesday and Thursday, ice. Holiday services will be conJunior Congregation, 2:30 p. in. choth Torah Holiday celebration ducted Thursday at 9 n. in. am] HIDE £ METAL CO., NORFOLK, 7:30-9:30 p. m. Ne-Mah Concluding S e r v i c e ? anil birthday party. NEBR. 5:13 p. m. Oct. 28: The Home will gWe a YOUTH: Monday thru Friday, 5:30 p; m. and Friday, 9 n. m. Sunday tnornlng service* begin lea for The Golden Age Cluh and 3:30-4:15 p. m. 8t 8:45 a. .m. followed by break-- the visiting Sioux City Golden CHILDREN': Tuesday, WednesPick Up Your Lox, fast' and the Rabbi's class in the Agent. day! "Thursday, Friday, 4:15Bagel and Cream Chccso Bible. FOR THE FINEST . . . 5:15 p . m . Sunday Morning af Sunday morning Junior sen-let. BOY SCOI.'TS: Monday. WednesIN PHOTOGRAPHY 8:30 a, in. Daily services begin at day, Saturday, 6:30-7.30 p. in. DIAMONDS 7 a. nt. and 5:45 p. m, GIRL SCOUTS: Tucsdjy. ThursM0MU8 IVtiC'TKOUB Funeral services for Morris Winday. 6:30-7:30 p. m. troub, 89, an Omaha resident 50 FAMILY: Sunday, 9-10 a. in. Sunyears, who died at the Dr. Philip day, 2:30-4.30 p. m. Sher Jewish Home tar the Aged, Mr. and Mrs. Sandor h. Bcrn- M'cre held September 23 at the KIDDIE KUATICS: Tuesday anil Thursday, 11-12 noon. tein are parents of a «on, Jeffrey Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was Jay, torn September 22 at Clark* In Mt. Sinai cemetery. 'son hospital. The couple has an-, Surviving are children, Nathan, other ton, Marc Alan. .Grandpar- Mrs. Jack Hurwlch, Omaha and Group Leaders Needed ents are Mr.* and Sirs. Abe Cohen Mrs. Sam Hoffman, Council Bluffs. The Jewish Community Center of Los Angeles, Cal. Great-grandhas openings for' several Group mother b Mrs. M. G. Cohen. >IR8. ANNA NACIISCHOEN Leaders," Advisors and Activity * Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Leaders to assist In conducting the Mr. and Mrs. Merle B. Potash, Nachtchocn, 84, who died Sepi . BIOGRAPHER 1957-1958 activity program, announce the .birth of a daughter, tember 25 at the Dr. Sher Jewish Persons having group work ex817 SOUTH 36TH STREET Jane llene, September 38th. Ma« Home for the Aged, were held perience, teaching, camp counsel- terhai grandparents are Mr, andSunday afternoon at the Jewish HARNEY 1044 Mrs, Sol Slavin of New York City; Funeral home. S u r v i v i n g nrc ing or direct club leadership, who arc interesting In n part-time lend. . ^ ! ^ , paternal, grandparents are Mr. daughter,-Airs'. Nate Broun And crshlp position, are advised t and Mrs. David Potash, Paternal two grandchildren? contact the Activities Office nt great-grandfather is Harry Dolthe Jewish Community Center, goff. JA 1360. , Leaves Shufcert's Mkf. OpeninRs for loaders exist In Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scgell, Rabbi N. Foldman will no )»IIK- the ,.,,: youth , ;IIKI a d u l t divisions, Shawnoe, Okla» announce the birth of a daughter, Lou Ann,er supervise Kosrulh at Slmkeii'h 'rl..h«, 'l.issp';, interest croups, ; livity I.TOUIIS and m/iti programs, j Sept 7, They also'are the jiarcnls Kosher Meat Market. o t another',daughtcr, Janot and a Mil, Mark. "We. Serve the Finest to the Finest" Maternal grandparents arc Mr.< , " and Mrs. Daidd Katzman. Paternal \ % 4415 CUMING ST. WA 5554 grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs ' Charles Segell of Shawnco.
Succoth Observance Begins Wednes. Eve
Shop in a Friendly Atmosphere at
6IC.MADKI.TA TAU , The pledgn.elnss of Sigm.-i Di'lta Tau of-the University o( Nebraska, Lincoln, fleeted the following j • officers: Klaine Falkon, Council | Bluffs, pii'sidcnt; Shelly Grwn, Omahn, \icc prt-sident ,"«I Slur-1 ley Scliiff, Orn.'ih.'i, secretaiy-'
Among the Central High School t r a i l i n g entertainment troupe are Marlys' Isttck, Gail Shrier, Steve Friedman and Barbara Bcrcutt. All members of the Central High players, Ifrey .will perform * t hospitals, old people's home* '«nd orphanges as In the past.
CLOSED FOR SUCCOTH Thurs., Oct. 10 and Friday, Oct. U
From 1 P.M. to 4 P.M.
Open Sunday* from 7 A . M . to 7 P.M.
at Hie J.C.C.—20th and Dodge Sts.
Friday, Orlolwr/sJlBSI
fa EC I'ftre*
Organizations Bernard Newbergs Making Health Club Home in Kansas City, Mo. Remodeled
Former Omahan's Engagement Told
< 01 M i l . , JEWISH \V()-MI:N
A h.t.;tiil nii'i-lin:,' of t h c O n i a - ! h a M'rtion nf tiie .'-.'.illonal Ojunt'il j of J c u i s l i Wiimen will In', held nl | M i . mill Mi t h e hiijui.' oi M i s . Ir1, in Kaiiu.'ui, i ]1"> ' »uih I'IMI - ' i n t T h i n 'I I J . i K HI K ( ki\ o.l.,l,< i 10 A 1 )i in .1- a t 1'iniln in v. ill In' l>, Id v. ill) M i s ' 'II I III III ( Illui 111 III I-1. M s 11 I t l l O O l l
. Hern.,nl II. Ni-.vin;^ their linnie in
.Mr. a n d .Mrs. Sai.i l i n l i l of olu, jiniKnincc Ihi* f M,; i"i'nient heir dau;;litei', ,Sandi';i Juyco l o nald K. I'.iehards, .son of Mr. a n d 1> >:, KK Ii m l , ul' Imlinn-
Tin.' O n l i T Health Club li>ealed in UT li-v I li r'oinniiiMily f'enlfi'
I D , iff' I
I liniii \ do 1 lu \ " tit in II-
! > ' ' il
i n D p i ' l> l v
i Iinl 1 ii'' I iiil'i'i-, iii'luiiner ill i I e .llli 111 I) jlh Mi I mid] ,iiiil h<r fiance ( n i l i x l e y , ,in c\]>. i l in In . i l l l i lie alfen'lin,; liio L'nui'isity of l u b ij[»'i,itiiii), viill s i i l > e u i s e t h e club's aitnihfs, Under Mr F i \ -Jmban i, ,il lilixjiiiuiKtoii Mr, Richley's suiieivision, the club plans to ards is affiliated will! .Sl^inri Alpha extended gi cater sen ice than Mil fi.iteinily ever, Mr, Uurkenroad said, VSQ the Want Ads to buy, sell Tho club will 1)0 open fiom noon until 10 p. m. weekdays and from or rent. 9 a. m. to C p. m. Sundays.' Services uill include stimulating mas.saees, infra-red and ultra-vioDIAMONDS let treatments, alcohol and salt For the Most Dejicioui ^ rubs and wet and dry steam baths. Grou/Td Beef In Town! A room Is available to those desiring a light workout and rest WA 5554 cots arc provided for those seek- 4415 Cuming ing relaxation. It is not necessary to make an appointment, Mr. Burkcnrond said. Tlie club is open to both members and non-members. FOR YOUR i .lie r.iiiluiiiiM'l,
' il', A'l '1 I J'jth 11' il jn Kan 1 lln 1 Ini'l'1, IK. I'lniiiT Sandra Die His. K II (I iii/hiu of Mi
H i .illli
li.ill in in lqujili (I
JI'M ,i K ibbi l>c<..une .i Jev\ a m i .Mi>3 C lidilf >> I i . i s ^ o f K . i n s d s lull, lie the tuple iliicus-.nl by City, (lie cumin, the son of Mr Knbbi II nurd Stern, sriiutu.il lead- and -Mii Jack M Nc»bcrg. er of 'lifiu'lli Isiael Synagogue of The couple e\(limited \o\s» In l.ni'iiln, at the leyulnr luncheon niicilng,cf lipfh Ul Synagogue a double ling ceremony. Tlie Initle, given in nutruage by her father, Sisterhood, 12 30 p. i n , October wore a gown of white pcau da 8ih. Mme*. .Samuel Wolf nnd Isadora sole. Her a 11 c n d a n t« « ei e Mines I-eunson, Torah Fund chairmen, ,Martln Bast and Gale Grossman, •re In charge of tho program. Luncheon h o s t e s s e s will be matrons of honor; thc Mlsics SanGlides No. 4 and 13, headed by dra Leva, Muriel Green and ShirMmej, Morton Richard*. Floyd ley Flnklcslon, "binlramaldi and Perimeter, Julius Stein and Max Janice Lettas nnd llryna IClcInsteln, candleHi;liters. Rosen. Manln Ncubcri; wo%l«st man, BIIANDEIS irNIVERSITY Martin Basi, Gale Grossman, Al'Ilic bonrd of Brandcls Univer- Un N e w b e r e , and Bob Miller, Mrs. Brrnird sity Women will meet Monday, Groomsmen; H a r v e y GiosMiian October 7, at 12:45 p. in. for des- and Da\ld Saks, junior gioomiGoldstein, ushers. Michelle Kay sert luncheon at thc home of Mrs. men. Moc KIclnstein, S a n f o r d New York (WNS)-Tlie U. S. Nudtman and- Robert Grossman Dm Id Blnlac. ' Air Force Is sponsoring three new Kriig, Avrum Rreenbcrg nnd Gary Here flower girl and ring bearer. research programs at Technion, TKMFM9 rSKAKL tho Israel Institute of TechnolMSTKIMIOOI) ogy, In Haifa, It was announced .Sisterhood of Temple Israel will here by David Rose, president of prevent an original musical skit .. Ms savory flavoty tho ^American Technlon Society. at their first meeting t o honor traditional dhh. all new members L on 'Tuesday, October 8, 1 p. m. Mmci. Normnn Cain and Julius Cohn are authors Great Books Foundation group Temple Israel Sisterhood will or "Around the Sisterhood World In 365 Days" a musical calendar again hold Its Theatre party ut Hill be organized by Center .Actho Admiral, Tuesday, October tivities department, it was anof coming Sisterhood event*, Program chairmen are Mme*. 29, «t 12:30 p. m. Party goers \v!JI nounced by Lou Omar, Jewish Marvin S. Brookitcln and Xor.sec a sneak preview of a highly Community Ocnlor committee nuin Cain. Members of thc cast wlU ratod film soon to bo released for chairmaninclude; Mrs. Mlllnrd Rosenberg, national showing. A catered hot narrator; Mme*. Mory Landman, lunch served at the theatre is In- Regular meetings will be schedStanley Ro«s, Marlon Somberg, cluded In tho price of thc ticket. uled twice each month after two orientation meetings planned for Leonard Jacobson, Stanley FeltMrs. Stanley Fl§k, ways and the next two Tuesdays, 8 p. m. man, Bernard Altsuler, Bernard Tluljcn, Stanley SloxbcrK, Maurice moons vice-president has appoint- at tho Center. Orace Johnson,-diArcsty, William Finkle, F. llon- ed Mrs. Leo EUcnstatt an general rector .of the West Central ftenld Cohn, and Frederick Gimnmnn. chairman, and Mrs. Edward K. glon of thc Great Books FoundaLuncheon arrangements arc un- Hrodkey.fli ticket chairman. Tickets arc ¥3,50 and may be tion's Chicago office, will be prcsder thc direction of Mrs. Howard Kaplan with table n e 111 n K by obtained from Mrs. Brodkcy or entiit the orientiitlon meetings to purchased the day of thc i h w nt help plan the season's piogiaim Alli.nlcr nnd their committee nml the bo\ office. Admission In fice. Renders table decorations by Mmes. JIY"aids" suggesting questions for Ing and Ivdwara .Malashock.Manischewitz Recipes discussion plus reading niaterlnl Hoard m e e t In « is at 11:00 will ha given to class members.' o'clock. Sisterhood president, Mrs. Now Available •Persons Interested In , joining Kdward Gilbert, will preside at The Home Senlce Department tlie group are asked to contact the lyilh meeting"!. of the H. M.uiUcheivitz Company Center's activities Office, JA 13C6 has created a number of new recMrs. K. Robert Newman will ipes made uilh 'Manitchcwilz Geserve nn co-chalrm.in with Mrs. flltc Fish. Many of these are InCrisp, Sunny T. A. Newmans for Temple Inrncl cluded in a colorful new recipe Sisterhood's Family Education pro- booklet, which may be obtained Fall Days for gram. free of charge by writing to Man:, ]tox R8, .Vewnrk 1, N. J. 1958 CARS Reportedly W i l l Cost 3-5% More Suit Weather FAIIBAND LABOR ZIONIST NOW—148 '57 FORDS to Go! Karband Labor Zionist order Br. CHIROPRACTOR Btmtifu! ntw, fibrlet, (mporif Now C«rt—Comp«ny Can—Truclu—On« of 54, l'oale-Zlon, will hold Its l i n t DR. STEVENS, tOM'/j Military Mebralka't Largcil Slocl.1—Accumulatod Eipacially (or Thil Salel literary anil social meeting Sunand domtititi t y tuch ' nam> Av« Omaha n day, October 13th", 6:30 p. m., at brand houMi.M . .. ' - . '; ' : "Whart tha_S;ck Gtt W i l l " GET WISE the Jcwlish Community Center. i/2-TON FLUSHSIDE BUSINESSMAN'S Offict Hourit I a. m, la 5 p, m. Thc names of Sam Rlchman PICKUP ROGERS PEET ' BUY TUDOR Evfirmai by Appolnlmtnt Turn nlgiinlH fumt urxl «nd Harry TUfkin omitted from thc 0 ryl. Ken- milts. Onu M a u RE (7*9 BEFORE rcni-, .'(-speed, foiv nillci. unly. lilting of the organization's exeWITTY BROTHERS cutive board Here received loo PRICE HAMMONTON^PARK late for publication, ^ RISE~ FASHIONBILT 1IKNKV JIOMStW CHAPTER Factory Quota—Busting Boaus—Potted On to You I and our own fin* Erin (ft (.*ommlttec m e m b c m for the For Economy Buyers Harvest Festival C<Jcd party 1o he CUSTOM TUDOR Sim.* titintli-4'dit <JI> p.'m nlnnc. gheti by B'nal B'rlth, Monsky chanHeater, turn Indict' Thin In tlie c a r Him h.m ter No. 470, Sunday evening, Noswept ih» mil Ion. Srnrco fort, 6-pa »e rigor, 6everywhert' imt ut citTC* vember 17 at the Blpckitono hotel Exclusively Styled lick'K. I'rlcnl low . . . w> 9uollfy ClothM (or Man cyllnder, Few mllat have been announced by Mrs. Sidlow \\i* run't show It, Uiunu rit-v tntMlels liwlu.K : On* only ney Znclmer, fund raking \lce.4013 Fornam pre«idcnt. 24TUDORS • 12 WAGONS • 6 STATION WAGONS They arc treasurer, Mrs, A. KpOpan Until 1:}0 It Your slein; ad-book chairmen, Mrncn. PRICES SLASHED O N EVERY MODEL IN STOCK H. Friedman, S. Pollak; raffle Farnam at 36th Street Convanlanca " THUNDERBIRD ticket chairmen, Mmcs, H. FriedBELOW DEALERS' First man, G. Cohn; odrnlSnlon ticket COST Itariltnp. Power slrcil chairmen, Mmra. Meyer Knplan, ni'/iiilltul ttitnnr, I'ITIIDCome fully c t i i i i . p p c i l , f m.ilic, raillii, while K.W., • p . Goodman; Jewel page chairmlli-«. 5-UG7.3O I.lsti. Tliiinilerlilnl V - « . (<'v.p man, Mrs. J. Kuklln; ilecornliont First mlU'», r.tst ?1.'l(i"i. , chairman, Mrs. F. Sek.-ir; party $ Served ".'chairman, Mrs. S.'Mlroff.
Temple Plans Book Group to TheaterParty Be Organized
Gefilfe Fish
• Cloth Coats
";'•• "
V •
Wdter & Maloy
OMAHA ZIONIST COIN( II. The October mcctinc o f . tl»' Oni'iha Zionist Council will be held Tuesday, October 8, 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. J. Feldman.
Want Ads s'!f>r.9 JA 13Gfl (<j ID-fit your Want AQ in Tin* Jtnln'.l I'rfi*. Currert r»t« it M cents for n d i four l! U i i n The I'r*"« r r i * n f » tli ri^ht
BAH find Kai Mitzvah congratulations olso for nil Jewish holldaj'9 nnd Jtpeclul occnslon.i. New* Stand, 3502 D
Hoffman's House of Delicacies
7830 DODGE
8 A.M.-8 P.M. 10 A.M.^IO P.M.
Save Up to $1200 3 Executive Cars Hcrc'i y o u r chance to own an. air conditioning unit at virtually no coit.
Custom "300" Tudor
Low as
mo ii.p.. v-s. Fiinio.P.. v-s. 1,11 nun, m.-it!i\ oil flltu. K» 1 it slik' moulillni', l U l i l l l l K , ffi.' iw w mill's.
$149 Down
You Pay Less When You —
For the Finest, Quality in Kosher Products Make Roffman's Your Shopping Headquarter!
SEE 4719 NO. 30TH'
PL S i l l
Yom Kippur, Day of Awe
Author of New Novel Visits Center Library
It.v N'atlwin /l|irin Test pilot and uuthor Bill 1. ehtOFF TIIK KECOKD maij of Dalla-t, Tc,\., visited Oni.'tSoon, and full »k (li<ndn> "ill In- nitn to the irrity that ni'\rr in nil the dajs of my life hate ha the other day between flight IrnpMMd tbe sanctity that is Vvm Ki>>piir. Finds Hook There were moments, I confess, when there was introspection and balancing as if with apothecary'! band, but al«a>'3 there was the guiding finger and the remembrance of the generations of the pious, His extra-curricular mission—to learn how the city was receiving the dedicated and the consecrated whose mystique has always held for me irresistible lure. his first book, "Between the Star Separate bowling leagues for Yom Kippur is a day of awe,*—' • :— • — : — dedicated to penitence, forgiveness impressive parleys In the history survive without their distinctive and the Cross", very recently re- grades, six, seven nnd eight were and recantation ol error, sin andof the organization when one con- religion and their organised re- leased. He was particularly pleased announced at the Junior Youth folly, siders that it was held amidst an ligious institutions of schools and to find his book on the Jewish Council Kick-off Bowling banquet It Is t h r o n e day in the year enveloping crisis in Zionist ideology synagogues." The Beth Ilamed- Community Center library shelves. last Sunday by Sandy Ktmin, bowlwhen man i» alone with his God and a g a i n s t a background of rash, the cheder, tho y e s h i v a , "Between the Star and Cross' and himself. wholly understandable and Justlfl creativity and a distinctive folk is a frankly autobiographical novel Ing chairman. The day's mercy, however, i s riot able strivings for reassessment and secularism, these have bees a t tbe by a young American who flew for Bowling i s scheduled for e\cry alone in confession but in man's clarification of Zionist thinking root of Jewish bemscbech always Israel Romance, somewhat sexy, Sunday at 1:30 p. m, Participant. spiritual ascension to hli m a t now that iU"primary objective, Is- and their abandonment could only is involved in the adventures of will meet at the Jewish Commuradiant stature, when be la at rael, has been attained. nity Center before rolling games .-:: •;.'?:. be tantamount to singing our own the "hero, Leon Baker", peace with God and his conscience. It was his thcsU—and It Was writ of extinction. Israel ha* reBook Makes a Point ' at the bowling alley. Shirt and All humans strive for regenera- widely applauded by the more than plenished: our spiritual resources blouse measurements will be takLichtman said he is convinced, en nt that time. tion, personal,, spiritual and re-2,000 delegates and guests who and UT destined forever to remain Bgious. Its attainment lies in alone- heard him on the same platform In our lives a source of faith. But as he tried to iiring out In the The bowling league, affiliated ness, that rare moment when mail with former President Truman— our destiny cbutz l'arctz will be book, that the Cross representing b with himself'and his creator that Judaism is at the centraUty determined solely by the spiritual the Jews can bury their prejudices, with tho National Junior Bowling Congress, offers free team shirts, in sanctified detachment from of 'Jewish life '• everywhere,; and:values we maintain, by distinct and that jp time of need all men world and burden. , ' . ; that tbe continuation of a diaspora creativeness, by the cultural pil- can Join in a common brotherhood. free prizes and trophies, free su'The Jew does not have a pervision and instruction plus a Our ancestors knew that alone Jewry without Judaism was Incon- lars of our own making and by rebig award banquet at the climax ness, ai did Uie chosen of the' ceivable and. that, whatever hap- membrance of our heritage begin- monopoly on brotherhood" in the of the bowling season. world oyer the s«cs. The essence pens in Israel with respect to re- ning with Sinai and threading opinion of the author, who inGrade schoolers may still regiscidentally believes he U one of the of Yom Kippur is recognition of ligion, "certainly, the Jewlih peo- through the ages. • few J e w i s h , test pilots in tbe ter for bowline at the Center or the fallibility o* man ind of Ms ple outside of Israel will not long Seven Arts Feature Syndicate calling JA 136G. country. Striving t o return to the path. Bat Cull Author luralWt Two lines are bowled each week v confession md^. expiation is not Paul Little, Houston, Tex, news- by participants In the league at a In predimition, but in whispering paperman lays of the book, "In, charge of 30c a line. An affiliathat is inaudible even to 6 n / s own 'Between the Star and the Cross' tion fee of 25c is charged Initially ear. Scripture might well have enThe Jewish Youth Council six- team, 20 to A Justin Grecnberg, is highly controversial and he for members to participate in National Junior Bowling Congress visioned the ineffable moment that man, flag football: league got un- Hayim, exhibited skill with his fine calls the author as an idealist. Lichtman who tests Jots out of Activities. overtakes every Jew the awesome derway last Sunday morning a t running and passing attack. seconds before Kol Nldre when It EUnwood park with eight teams Amle FeUmtn's touchdown run- Heniley Field, T e x , is taking care countclled man that God was heard participating in two rounds of back oT tbe opening klckoff In the of three nephews, whose mother's not in the fury of wind or storm competition. AZA No. 1 was Hayim C.Versus AZA 1Q0.B games death it mentioned in his book. A but in stm, small voice, " sparked t o victory by the fast was the feature of the first halt product of New York's East side THE E88DTCE OF BUBVIVAL running sophomore, Howard Mar- of this contest which saw the score he has been flying: since he was RUG ft UPHOLSTERY ' Rabbi Abba IlBle. Silver and I tin, who totaled 33 points to aid tied at 1 9 up the first half, AZA 17 »r.d that Was 17 years ago. - are far apart In our concepts and his team in upsetting the highly .100 B went on to win the game, He flew missions in the battle of CLEANERS Britain Mid then Joined the U S. -•-. •:..•; interpretation* of Judaism. He is favored AZA 100 team captained 39 10 33. RUGS-CARPETING Air Force when this country enOf the Reform school of thought by Mike Canar. The final score • This Sunday's competition, to be LAMP SHADES played at Hmwood Park, will pit tered the war. - while I am a traditionalist B u t } AZA t 52, AZA 100, 39. two undefeated teams, AZA 1 and have never found myself so wholly FURNITURE Bombed Cennanr Larry Herman, David Goldstein Unaffillates, aealnst each other. in agreement with a. public utterAfter bombing Germany many Cleaned In Your Home! ance of h b than the one he made and Chuck Wise all scored as Un- Spectators arc alwayi welcome at times, he was downed, but escaped .on the question of Jewish survival affiliates donned the Rayim A these games that start at 10 a, m. and joined the underground. Then - Hading - Ivytag • fapsbfof at tbe sixtieth anniversary convenhe signed up with tbe Israeli Don Bernstein HA 2554 tion of the Zionist Oragnization of emergency and emerged as one of America, in a way one of tho most the new nation's heroes. The book should be welcome The annual ingathering tea for Plotkin, Morton Plotkln, Robert reading. WEAR the Omaha Needlework Guild will Klmmcnnan, Aaron Rips, Isadora THAT NEW LOOK be held Tuesdiiy ,'ifU'rnoon, Octo- W. Rosenblatt, Bernard Ruben, Old double-brtarted suits ber 8, from two to five o'clock, nt Meyer Rubin, Hose Schwartz, JaInto new ilnjle-brtiiitad in In, cob Shapiro. Ben .Sherman. Isadore An early Wednesday evening the Dundee Presbyterian Church, Sherman, Tillie Sherman. Ben Sil55th and Underwood Avcnup. An All Kmdi M.o'i «nd Udiei' men's volleyball program is bever. David Silvcrman, LouU SiEiparf Tailoring and Alteration! ing developed at tho Center, Or- invitation Is extended to everyone porin, Jacob Slosburg, I Tax S o m Tel Aviv (JTA) —A new Catholic Ville Milder, Confer Volleyball to attend. mer, Ben Eoshnik. Ben Spector, secondary school was opened In chairman announced. The group Mrs. Dave Cohn. chairman of Sam H. Stem, Jay Stoler, Myron Nazareth at a ceremony in which Will meet between 5:15 p. m. and the 'Jewish Charities section, a Tarnoff,'Isadora M, Tretlak, Jo- top Israeli officials and Catholic 115 So. 15IB St. n . ATtSM t 6:30 p. m. starting October 9. project of the Federation o[ Jew- seph Tretiak, Moe Vengcr, Louis leaders participated. The funds for Or "Regular attendance is not com- ish Women's Clubs, asks all those Whitebook, Loo-Weltz, •::. I. Wid- the school were subscribed by 1701 Ho. 47th St. pulsary. Mr. Milder said players who have not responded as yet to man, Harry Willnksy, Nathan S. Catholic communities In France, Northwnt Radial Hltkw«y tnay take part In the activities do so Immediately. Mrs. Itlchard Yaffe, Marian Yawitz, Harold Belgium and West Germany. Whenever they are able to partici- Wright is table display chairman. Zellnsky, Seymour Zoob, Agnes pate. The Wedemday evening play In addition to those previously fa offered in addition to tbe regu- listed, the following have contrib- Rubin. MUses: Jean Cendler. Shirley lar schedule on Monday evenings uted through. Monday; Mesdames: y d d Gorclick, Fannie Grodinsky, Rose d W att noon on M Monday. Wednesday Sam Altsuler, Sam Appleman, Al- Grodlnsky, Gertrude Hollander, and Friday. fred Axelrod, Robert Bernstein, Lena Kolien, Jane Kohl. Ilelle Max I. Bltlncr, Paul Blotcky. WilSicgel. liam BoasberK, Bernard Bogdanoff, Edwin E. Ilrodkey, Harry NOTICKS Aaron Brodkcy, M. II. Bfodkcy, KM KoTirr Jacob Brookstcin. Reuben IL I > n M kr lk« Art of A.nol Brown. Louis Canar, Haruld II,malrninrt ISIX, u i n n M kr Urn srti ••! Hint The Douglas County Red Cross Clierniack, Jack E. Cohen, Michael I. IHS. » f lulf t, IMI 'Itllto U. I'nlb4 NUI't tM«. H*\UM I » ) «k»toc It* •"»Chapterhas announced that regis- Cohen. Ben Cohn, Jerome I. Cohn, mlitp. manacrmfiil a>4 tlfrBlmlfta t r Tbf UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT tration is open for two seven ses- Lyman Cohn, Michael D. Colton, J U h rr t l f i t d k\ i O b sion lionie nursing classes in ''Care Abe Cooper, Ralph Cooper, Harry of the Sick and Injure!." Cooperman, Jack K Duitcli, Mor- M «: New Hours One will lie held at the Red ton Khrenrclcli. Richard K. Kin- Illhllrtier. Fedrntion ti: Jrvlpli Srfvit*, Cross Chapter House, beginning stein. I-io Kisonulatt, William Ep- 101 r:. 20U1 w.. omtha. Mrtiit^itit; tilllirr, notip WEEKDAYS October 3 from 7 to fl p. m., Tues- stein, Morris Krman, W1111 n in YAl'r.r, tiln.) P r u i u a Klein, 101 N. lit.. Otn&lia. days ond Thursdays. The- other Kciler, Robert FelnlierR, A. FcliI- 2i)'li ItTislnt-i inanaKcr. P»ul Vfft, lot N. course will begin on Monday, No- man. William Saul Kellinrm. Hy- ioili Ht.. 0m4[u. Noon to 10 P.M. nt ((If f oowned n e d hy TJjt ttvTDtnt hy a oorr-jritWn. vember 4 and will be held at 9:30 nan Ferer, Abraham I-'orman, U mutt tt py nii aiUrwa r be alktc<l anil l and lr*r»M ff atoclih'>'<lrr» t/wnlne or x S. m. to 11:30 a. m., Mondays and Fox, Maurice J. Frank, Mike *r (^nt i>I m<>re itt l-rfjil ajn^ii/it <>! jtuck. SUNDAYS • Wednesdays at Countryside Com- Freeman. I-cimard L. I'riedcl, J. DM ownM by a corporation, ttt« MmM a4drnt4rt of Uta Individual ovum munity Cliurch. J. Friedman, Samuel Friedman, ! b* elvfn. If nirnw) \ij n pjrln-rrtill) oilirr vnlnrj>r\tjrat^d firm, lt> nunr ani 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Samuel FrlMlman. Robert Froml.'f.ii, u well ajt Uiat of tlLh Inijlvlillll ! kii). Arthur Gendler, I^conard Goldstein. Samuel Ouldware, WalFcniiity Recreation PERSONALIZED SERVICE ter Gottlieb, Henry Crabois, Joe On Sunday Mornings .T. (Jrepnbcrg, J.Iax (Irossman, to Bom Member* and if. i'^,i,r Morris Grossman, Paul Grossman, N. 2W> K . Corf Filler, The complete fucilitk-s of the Itichard Hillcr. Bernard Hockm- l H'ifrr Non-Members Tnnllit, Manager N. 2-Ofh 81 . omjl Center's modern physical eduArthur H, tl'. cation plant, KJ'mnasiurn, work- | born, Isadora Hunvitz. Ixmis Hu'r- 2'tth KL, OfTUhv. Kr»f«t A. ,N<»i; trci-mrr 101 N. 2'Jlb out room and svyimming pool, witz, Jack Hyman, Marcel Kahn, OHM Massage Steam Room Paul Vrn'l, rir now is available each Sunday William Kaiman. Jake Kaplan, :tar, 101 H. I.Mh Kt.. Omiha. morning to fathers and their Ben Kaslow, Morris Katleman, Ttio knuwn boo/]tv»](]erf, oriEif* and Rest Cots Workout Room awrnritr iytiir'* «'-*nifii: sons mid daughters, Irvin Yaf- Jack D. Kay, Tcvil Klotz, Robert other prr crnt IT mur« of lutsj ani'xuit t,f trfn4>, fe. Center Athletic Committee II. Kooper, Max I.-inhinsky, Sam rrr»rlK«*:f« or irther a^nirltlf-i arc; (If tlific chairman, announced thi;; week. I-tlxm itz, Milton J. Lchr, Morris Ultra Violet and Infra-Red Ins^q or (Mi pijbllcAMon nM or dlatrfliulrd "I'arcnls and tliei.- children Jjnvcy, Irvln Levin, I-eopoId Levy, tliriUKli Ihr Rinil-t or othenvlje, it paid *ub may jointly enjoy supervised ! Ksthcr Marcus, J. Milton Margo- s<rll/.rn rfurirjj; [lit twrlve nraithja DrecadTreatments tin- d*t« islioun tixnt was: (ihfa , 1n_ or leisure recreational activi- lin, Alfred S. Mayer, Arthur Mey- Inc ] rormatiun 11 rfialr?d trvm daily, weekly, a n d trlwrejtlr tiew»]Aptt» ties", Mr. Yaffcsaiil. Ho added erson. Kdward Milder, Calvin M. ii-ml«e<-l(l)', '/nl/.> 2 Mi. Center Health Club 20th & Dodge Sts. that families should tike ad- Newman, Henry A. NYwman. Max PAKI. VKRCT, roc«r. vanlop,o of the free instruction Novak, Sam Novak. David Oruch, B r n \t a j 4 iuMTil*d brf^re me Uil* NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY and assistance offered. Arthur Paryman, Harry Perime- flnt toy of Ortober. 1»ST. wn.i.iAM is. woonntrjT. ter. Isadora J. Ploikln. Mclvin S.
Youth Bowling Starts Sunday
I) League Starts
Needlework Guild Ingathering Oct. 8
Volleyball Starts On Wed. Nights
Catholic School Opened in Israel
,2 Home Nursing Classes Opened
(My rotiiml«<!'ju riulrp* March 30, 19C1.)