October 11, 1957

Page 1

Vol. XXXVI No. 4


R. Lurie to 5 ^ For Israel Bonds

A writ* of meeting* on behalf ot the Israel Bond Campaign will be held this month, according to William Crodinsky, general campaign chairman.


Israel Expects 1,000 Americans More than 1,000 American community leaden are expected to gather in Israel this spring for the new nation'* tenth anniversary celebration, Dr. Abe Greenberg, president of the Federation for Jewish Service, announced. Representatives front all Parts of the United States who will be on hand for the festivities, will attend UJA'* twentieth conference in Jerusalem, June 24-26. To bring the visit to Israel within the reach of the maximum number of people, low cost all-expense transportation including trips for five, ten and fifteen day duration have been arranged.

The first meeting will have a> its guest speaker, Robert Lurie, prominent publicist and St. Louis, Mo,, community leader. He will addreM a gathering at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Samuel Wolf, M o n d a y evening, October 14. Tuesday, he will a p p e a r at a luncheon for young business and professional men and in the eveKing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen J. Gorshun in Council Bluffs.




Dr, Greenberg suggested that persons Interested consult the Jewish Community Center offices, as soon-as possible, for travel arrangements and participation in the conference sessions and tours,

' '..;

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J.Y.C. Bowling Starts Sunday

B'nai B'rith Regional Council to meet here

Egyptian Vessel Reported Seixed London IWNS)—An Egyptian vessel entering Israel's territorial waters was. seized by.the Israeli Navy, it was disclosed here in a report from Athens, Greece, which said intercepted I* to be held until Egypt has released tha Israeli fishing boat Doron and Its six fishermen who have been held incommunicado in Egypt since Sen. 23, At the same time it was reported here that International Red Croat officials in Cairo had cabled the central headquarters in Geneva that the captured Israeli fishermen were In good health and that Red Cross officials would be given an opportunity to visit them, but •thar.the tim» for the visit had not been set. ,

and Marvin Trailer, regional governor, fund raising. Sum Bcrck, Fremont Is regional chairman on press and publicity. Edward Colin, Chicago, assistant executive »ecretory, will attend. .Sum J. Stone, Peoria, III., (111Irict vice-president, will make the address nt the nuon-dny luncheon. Hen Schneider, Council Bluffs, president of the Council will preside. Henry Monsky lodge No. 351 will be host to the conference. Delegates will attend from nine respective lodges of the region, Lincoln, Council Bluffs, combined Hastings and Grand Island, Fremont, Sioux City, la., Sioux Falls, S, D., and three Omnha groups.

Council Governs Moroccan Royalty Women's Bowling B'nal B'rith women's bowlVisits-Synagogue IngTwoleagues, recently organized Rabat. Morocco (JTA) — Prince Moulay Hassan, Crown Trine* of Morocco, attended the. Yom Klppur services at a synagogue hers. It was the first time a member of tha ruling family of this Moslem country attended High Holy Day services. In a short address to the congregation, th* Prince extended his father'* greetings to Moroccan Jewry and called for a "common Arab-Jewish effort to build the new Morocco." Prayers wer» offered In Arabic and Hebrew for King IMohammcd V, th* Prince's father, and for other members of the royal family.

Bikur Cholim Will Burn Home Elevator Mortgage A mortgage burning ceremony will headline Bikur Cholim Society's annual tea Monday, October 14th, 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The meeting will mark the last payment to lie p.ild by the organization on the elevator mortgage of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Gueit speakers will he Arthur A. Colin, chairman of the Home committee, and Paul Verct, executive director of tha Omaha Federation for Jewish Service. The program will include a skit.

"The Succoth Mitzvah" by Beth Israel women, Mines. D c l m a r Klein, Ttnlph Biniamow and Harold Zelinsky, nnd vocal selections by Mrs. Dan Cohen, accompanied by Mrs. Russell Blumcuthal. Mrs. Alex Katz will recite Yiddish readings. Mrs. Harry D. Marks la program chairman. Heading tha c o m m l t t o a tn chargo of the tea committee are Mmei, Phil Smith and Bernard Shlno, chairman and co-chairman. Members of tha organization decorated the Succah at the home.

The first bridge class of tha 1957-58 Jewish Community Center program will meet MojidaX Oct. 21, 7:45 p. m. at the Center Mrs. Lee Nelson who holds a National Master Bridge Rating will instruct the class. Mrs. Nelson, a bridge teacher for flv e years, has taught at Mutual of Omaha, at Y. W. C. A.'s and has won several honors in the Omaha Charity Games during trie past few years and in the 1963 Open Pair Games Jn the Sectional Meet held in Omaha. Before' teaching bridge Mrs. Nelson wa s a registered nurse for the United States Army and saw active duty in Europe at the clo.se of tha World War II. Fee for the elght-week course is $8.00 payable at the time o f registration, An advanced bridge .course wilt . be announced In the near future. Persons interested in bridge on' any level are invited to register at thp Activities Office or call JA 1366. Classes art limited.

Mr. Lurie has traveled in Israel and ha* given much of lib time to public service. He has achieved prominence in the allied fields of radio, 'television and public relaRobert Lurie tion j and in 1919 received the Jewish War Veterans Achieve- Inent Israeli to speak at a meetment Award, Ing at the home of Mr. and Mar. Plans are underway for a prom- Sum Kat/miin October 21st,

Seminars governing different facets of B'nal B'rith activities will litghllght th* annual fall conference of th* Southwest Regional Council, district six. B'nal .B'rith. Sunday. October 13 at the Put ton hotel. The meeting will open at 9:.T0 a. m. Presiding at the vaiioui seminars will bo Ed Roit-n, district youth organization c l i a i r m a n , BBYO, with Aaron Zucker, district director from the BBYO office in Chicago, conducting; Marvin Bailen. Sioux Falls, S. D., membership; Nathan Grossman. Lincoln, veterans affairs; Harry Rich, Sioux City, la., citirenshlp;*Earl Siegel, retention; David Blelchcr, program; Harry Goodbinder, ADL

Bridge Classes to Begin at Center*

and named after the local chapters, will be governed b y a bowlIng council. ; .-.; Officers of the C o u n c i l arc Mines. Helen Shukert, president; Merrlam Cooperman, first vicepresident; Reva Singer, second vice-president; Libby Kaplan, recording secretary; Esther Gordman, sergeant-at-arms, and Jean Abramson, publicity, all officers of individual leagues, past presidents and pa'' presidents of the district bowlig council. Henry Monsky league officers are Mmes. Bess Wontroub president; Esther Gordman, vice-president; Kitty Asbyll, secretary; Libby Kaplan, treasurer, and LUiian Lieb, scrgeant-at-urms. Nebraska league officers are are Mmes. Bess Wintroub presl dent; Reva Singer, vice-president; Rose Garrop, secretary; Rne Wlntroub, treasurer, nnd Bess Llntzman, sergeant-at-arms. A 22-week season Will open later In the year.

Rabbi Mowshowitz • 20 Years in Rabbinate Tho completion of twenty years of sorvico in tho Rabbinate by Rabbi Israel Mowshowitz, former .spiritual leader ot, Beth Israel Synngoguo, will bo observed by the Hlllcrest Jewish Center in New York, which Rabbi Mowshowitz lias nerved ainca leaving Omaha. Tho Hillcrest Jewish Center Is located at 183-02 Union Turnpike, Flushing, New York.

The Junior Youth Council's big bowling league for sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys and girls will start this Sunday at the Music Box Bowling Lanes, 1:30 p. m. Special leagues have been developed for each school grade. Adults supervisors and instructors will.be present to assist and supervise. Free team shirts, a free large award banquet at the clos» of the . bowling season, special t o u r n a m e n t s plus many fret awards and trophies are special features of this league. Because ot the affiliation with the Junior Bowling Congress, participants bowl at reduced cost at all alleys In the city and are also able la participate in national competition on their own age levels.

On the Air Sunday, October 13 KBON—"Message of Israel" 11p.m.. KFAB — "Eternal Light," 10:45 p. m. "Tba Case of the Glastonbury Cows" by Marc'SIegeL

A cost of GO cents a week 1* charged for bowling the two line* with a one time charge of 23 cenls being made to cover affiliation costs with the National Junior Bowling Congress. Students may still be registered for this bowling competition by calling the Center Department, JA. 1368.

Health Club's Many Services Expanding A well-trained and experienced staff will serv* th* newly remodeled Health Clu> at th* Jewish Community Center, It was announced by Leslie Burkenroad, club chairman. Carl Flxley, the club's manager, is a registered physical therapist and has completed post graduate work in rehabilitation and physical education, Mr, Biirkenroad stated, Paul Klppels. a trainer with the Omaha Cardinals Baseball team for the past .several seasons will serve as one of three masseurs on duty at the club. Mr. Klppels is well known for his experience In training athletes for professional hockey, basketball, tennis and baseball. The Health Club Is open week' days from noon until 10 p, m. and on Sundays from 9 a. m, until 6 p. in., offers massages, steam baths, ultra and Infra red treatments .alcohol and salt rubs, rest cotj and a workout room, /, Tlies* hours have been deigned to give both members and nonmembers aq opportunity to use

the club's facilities during business hours a» well as In the early evening. A special jiffy-wagon service ' has been Instituted to pick u» and return businessmen to their offices or business during th« afternoon hours and is available by calling the club, JA 1366.

Beth El to Dedicate New Memorial Tablet Dedication ceremonies of a new Memorial Tablet presented to th* Bath El synagogue In memory of the lata Mrs. MoUy Tully. by her family wOl be held on Shemlnl Atzcrcth, Thursday, October 17, at tho synagogue. ' In addition. Name Plates placed on the Memorial Tablets In the synagogue during recent months will be dedicated to the memories of: Benjamin Michael Bclmont, Louis Berman, Ida Feldman, John Feldmon, Vlttel Hertzberg, Bess Katskee, Rose S. Kort, Darwin 3 . Marcus, Morton JM. Marcus, Majr Meyerson.



2N)t Annual Sulm-rlvtlun, (tuu. Advriilnln; Itulei on Aimlltullun tdilorlui Ul lie— IU1 No fl/ih c>tieel, Oinalia. Nebr.. jAckkun lJt*. pfint Sh > Addreu 4HOS Su 2Slh s u r c l .


B.B. Juniors \ Begin Bowling

With HieHome Folks Qrt. S—The Bikur Cholim Society presented two oxygen tank carrying cart* to the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged. Oct. 7—Flowers to decorate the tables Jn the dining room were donated hy the Beth Israel Sisterhood. Refreshments were nerved, but the program scheduled had to be cancelled. Ort. 8—Dr, Philip Sher entertained our folks on the occasion of his 82nd birthday. The Council of Jewish Women Art* and Cratts p r o g r a m recomencd after the summer recess. Oct. IS—The Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club will entertain the residents at 2 p. m. JKWS-CHINA New York (WNS) The rapid disintegration of the Jewish community in China was reported here by the World Jewiih Congress.


• ! > . « , .

Services Candlcllghting, 5:10 p. ro.

Concluding' Days of Siirroth. Wednesday, October 16, Hashamih Rabba, 6.30 a. m. and 5 30 p. m.: T h u r s d a y , October If, Shemlnl Arcreth, 8:45 a. m.; YlsMist WI«em«B kor, 10:.T0 a. m.; junior congregation, 10:?0 a. m.; Mlndin, 5-30 p. m.; Simchas Tornh Maariv, Ilakafath and children's parade, 7 p. m.; Friday, October lfl, 8:45 An April wedding Ij plannedT>y a. m., Junior congregational, 10.30 Mi«s Joan Wiseman and Ben Kai- a. rn. and Mincha 5:15 p. in. mnn. The couple's engagement wa* TEMHJS 18RAEL announced at a family dinner at Services will be held Friday the hom e of the prospective bride's evening, October 11 Ih, at 8:15 p. m. parents, Mr, and Mrs, Morris Rabbi Sidney Brooks will preach YVuwman. on "Silence in Praise of .God." Mr. Kaiman is the son of Mr. Shabbas morning services will and Mrs. Jack Kalman. begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating arid the Religious School choir under the direction of Miiu Ida GlUii) ringing the musical portions of the service. . Mr. and Mr*. Bernard r'alk have selected the name Sheldon EdBETH EL ward for their son bom Septem- Sabbath evening scrvlcei will bo ber 22 at Oarkson hospital. The held at 5:30 p. m. Sabbath mornFalks also have a daughter, Fyli* ing, services will begin .at 9:30 Lory.' Mr. and Mrs. Jake Falk, of a. m. The Mlncha Service will beLos Ajigelen, Cal., paternal grand- gin »T5:30 R. m. Daily services during the week, parents, are visiting here. Mater- at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m., Sunday nal grandparents are Mr, and Mr*. morning service at 9 a. m. David Lincoln. ghemJnl Atwreth aad Simrhalh A daughter Robin Joy, was born Torah Service*: ' to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Loss, SepWednesday,-October 16th, at 7 tember 24, The couple alxo have p. ni.; Thursdny, October 17th: another daughter, Carolyn, and a Morning service, 9 a. m.; Ylzkor son, James. Maternal grandmoth- Memorial Service, 10:30 a. m.; er Is Mrs. Jacob A. Lewite and Mincha, 5:15 p. m.: Maariv, Simpaternal grandparent* are Mr, and chath Torah, 7 p, m. Mrs. J, Loslnsky, all of Chicago.

Joan Wiseman To Wed Omahan


By Renee J. Engel Director. Nllilark , SlendcrtlHH Studio Dream your way to a trimmer figure. Sound impractical? It'i not, with the Nibfack method. Imagine spending a pleasant afternoon reading, talking of just plain daydreaming while the inches float away. It's as easy as.that wlth'Niblack Spot Reducing system. You relax while the gentle rollers of Niblack's four exclusive mmsagers do the work for you. This Is "passiveTedudng" made possible by the localized kneading of four individual, specialized machines rather than just one all purpose machine. It's the easiest and quickest way to reduce. Call me for a free demonstration, and I'll prove It to yop, 1 guarantee thrilling ret u i a Cost is only $30 for 15 complete treatments, and.there I*'no contract necessary. We're ripen from 9:00 a.m. to 6 00 p in, and evenings by appointment.

Poale Zion to Celebrate Sam Rifkin's Birthday

1IKTII IHKAKl, Friday services will begin at 5.15 p. m, Sabbath morning services at 8:45 a. m., Junior Congregation Sabbath services, 10 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will -conduct the' Saturday afternoon Talmud class at 5 p. m. Sabbath Mlncha services, followed by Shallosh S'eudos -und Maariv, at 6 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at B.Vi a- m. followed by breakfast and the Rabbi's Class In Bible. Sunday morning Jr. sen-ices, 8:30 a. m. Daily services begin at 7 a. ni.'and 5:30 p. m.

Openings are still available to boys and girls >n the sixth to eighth grades for the Junior B'nui B'ritli bowling league which meets each Sunday at 12:30 p. m. Bowlers are asked to register early and to attend this coming Sunday'" wUion. Those studenlj who ttould like to be placed on a team are »<ked to call MM. Ruth Kr.ifl, WA 8786 Harry Coliek, OR 1311. or Harold Bloom, WA 7807.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller announce the birth of a son, Keith Jay, October 1 at Clarkson hospital. The couple have two other children, M i c h a e l and Sharon. Grandparents are Mr, and Mra. Hymle Stein and Mr. and Mm. Phillip H. Miller.

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Poalc-7.inn will celebrate t h c | f.Mli birlluliiy of its secretary, I Sam Kifkin, with spcdal cere-j monies Sunday, October 13, at the I season's opening session of the | Farband Lubor Zionist O.r.d e r | Branch 51. A dinner will be held, at 7.30 p. m, at the Jewish Community Center In connection with the meeting. A certificate will be presented to Mr. Rlfkln in recognition of the Inscription of his name In the "Golden Book" In Israel. "Mr. Rirkln has devoted himself to working for the Jewish Community for many years," Mrs. Marion Bondarin, president of the organization, declared, "He has given his time.generously to Bonds for Israel, the Jewish National Fund, the Jewish Philanthropic* and ii well-known for his support of the Pioneer \Vomen who are cooperating In this event."* Mr. Rifkin, a resident of Omaha 45 years, is secretary- of B'nai Jacob Synagogue. Ho and Mrs. Rifkin visited Israel In 1955 and plan to be there again In 1959. In thargc of the program are Joe Radinowskl, Mmes. Bondarin, Zena Feldman and Rose Goldstein. Reservations win be accepted through Friday by calling Mr. Radinowskt, JA 3891 or Mrs. Fcldm.in, RE 0938. Paul Verct, executive director of the Federation for Jewish Service will speak on "Succoth."

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Friday, Ociobtr 11, 1937



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Emil Cohen Sensational JewishAmerican Humorist Dinner—6:30 P.M. Members and Wives October 24th

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CALL FOR TICKETS Al Feldman, RE 1051 Beth El Synagogue Office, GL 3221

rrM*y, Octofrr 11, IW7




WOMKN The Pioneer Women will hold mi Onrg Snnbbath October J2, The unveiling of the monument 1 ::iC p. m. at the. home of Mrs. Ja- MAM WIIITEB0OK n>\> KcMmtin, 1815 No. SO 111 street. Funeral services for Sam White- for the late Louts Lipshitz of C»l)N ; i l , JKWIS1I WOMKN 'Jhr .s'^'i.tins :ne OIMMI to nil 'J'lie ]>r»ijriiin will include a lecA musical skit, "CVUN-cil In hn.iril niiinbns who liave not luk- ture by Joe Radlnoi/s! i on "The book, 75, Rock Island, III., father North PJatlc will be held October 1 )B<*!iion" Mill foe the themi* «f the 011 tlu. course l«'f(irc. The duties Jew What Next", .readings by or Ira Whltebook, were held In 13, 2 p. m., at Beth Hamedrpsh Omiiha Section Nntionul Council ftiwl ir.siKinsiliihtifs of elected of- Mrs. J. Kaplan, Jewish songs by Rock bland September 23. Mr. Ilagodol cemetery wtth~Rabbl Sidof Jewish Women's meeting, Tiies- ficci< plus Iliiilast li projects will Mis. Margie Nerenberg a n d Whlteboolf a resident of Rock Is- ney Brooks of Temple Israel oftl»y, October IS, 1 p. m. ut the he discussed. Mrs. Morris Krll- "News of the Day", by Mrs. Sam land 50 years, died there Septem- ficiating. Jewish Community O y j l f . The niiiii, vice-president f Omnhn Novak, president. Mrs. Nerenberg ber 22. Other survivors are his jdaylct, commemorating United Chnpter Hudassnli, is in charge of is cultural chairman. The organ- wife, a daughter, Mrs. Ben Vlnor qt Roek Island, three sisters and N'.Tlluiu Month and written by Leadership Training. ization has designated October 13 two brothers. WANTED—SALESMAN Mis. Morley Zipursky and Mrt. as beginning's! "Flower Pay", obMunford I.ipney, will be a mock 8. A. M. MOT*iElt» Twe experienced ( a l * H u n b«f I M servance. • ' . , I'nitcil Nations session, with local Omnhn Sigma Alpha Mu MothMonday, October 21, 1 p. m. Des- ««•> sf 2$ and 35 to Mil m U M I nnd Intcr-natlonnl activiUe* of the ers' Club members will be guests sert luncheon precedes business. a i d pip*. EXCELLENT STARTING round) enacted, Mr*. Norman of the Lincoln Mothers' Club at a HIGHLAND Members are asked to bring JNF SALARY AND TRAVELING .EXFuture events i t the Highland blue boxes. Pcncnbo'rg," program chairman, 1 p. m. luncheon Thursday, OcCountry chin Include club night PENSES. Will Iwodquarttr eat ef will be assisted by Mesdaines Lip- tober 17 at the Sigma Alpha Mu with dancing to the Erple PriesNorfolk, Nebraska. Steady, pertry and Zlnurtky. Mrs. J. M. Hor- Fraternity house in Lincoln^ man Combo, Saturday, October w,ch, president of the group, and maneiit poiitlam with future odM r s . J . Milton Margolin in In DIAMONDS 11 her board members will purtid- charge of reservations, GL 4GC8. ]9 and the Indies' Day luncheon »a«cement. Murt furnliS referfeaturing « hair styling demonr-H In the skit encel. Write ttatlog qudltlcotloM For ths Moit Delicious siratlon, Tuesday, October 22. . foods and,n«Rs of many na- B. & V. WOMKN •nil part ejperlence to NORFOLK Ground Beef in Town! Mrs. Phil Schwartz will be tions will be featured, with Mnies. HIDE' » METAL CO., NORFOLK. MIZKACHI WOMEN 441S Cumlnq W A 5554 (jrorg* Spitzcr and Ben Zeff ai chairman for the Inter-Club anNEIR. nual* event, It WLS announced by The Omaha Chapter will meet luncheon chairmen and Hnrold NovaR as decorations chairman* Mrs. Charles S. Rosn, president of at the Jewish Community Center Axlstlng with the luncheon will the Business and Professional CHIROPRACTOR l e MrnMi.'Morrli Raznick, Jame* Women's organization. The event OR. STEVENS, tOM'/i Mnltory FOR THE FINEST... S.iniiielnon, Jutlu» Kolzman, Har- Will be held November 19. Other An., Oinaaa old Kpiloln, LoUti Shrler and tin, organization appointments are IN PHOTOGRAPHY "Wh.r. I h . Sick G . I W . I I " Mrs. Sue Mayer. Kye Bank chairJcmld Rosen. Mniej. Louis Allierts Portraits Office Haurti I * . m. lo S p. m. end David Krantz are In charge man and Evelyn Levy, publicity Weddingi Evtrringi by Appointment cf luncheon arrangements. Itescr- chairman. Pk»M M 17ft Commercial vntloni may be mads with Mrs. • The group held the first meetJ h Goldwnre. Ing of the -season, Octotxrf 6 in the form 01 an open board meeting at the home of -Mrs. Julius Newman. BPTTH El, HlftTEKIIOOD • A curd party and iesnert lunch, Plans were made for the coming trx'iiAqreil '1/ Circle Wo. 14 of year. Belli Kl Synagogue sisterhood, Wednesday, October ' 23, 12:30 CHOIR AND j>. m. In the Synagogue 'Social DltAMATIC CI.L'B The Omaha Choir and DramaHull, him been annmincrfd by coExclusively Styled rhnlrnien Mtnes. Arthur V. Krled- tic Club will present a program miin nnd Phil Rosenblatt. Ouests for the residents of the Dr. Phillip lire Invited to mnkc up their own Shcr Jewish Home for The Aged PHOTOGRAPHER Intih* and to bring their own Sunday, October 13, 2 p. m.- A 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET curds. Tickets may be obtained by Yiddish program will feature colling Mm. Friedman,- WA 2211; songs by Lconaitr- DePorte, ac- HARNEY 1044 Foriwm at 36lh Street Mr*. Rosenblatt, AT G647, or any companied by Shirley Raznlck; readings by Mm.'Philip Crandell; member ol the circle. Yiddish linllads by Mrs. Margie Nerenbcrg; poems by Abe SriinrlB. E. MEN'S CM'B The Beth Iiratl Men's Club will der arid a falk on "Succnth" by hold their monthly meeting on Joe nndinnw.skl. Refreshments w,n Saturday, October 19, 8 30 p. hi. lie served by M m a A^Shafer, B. I'i'Ocram chairman Hnrold Rubin Mnrtln, S. Canar and J. Ilrown. has announced thnt Sgt. Kugcno Mnhoney of Ihe Omaha J'olice IVPick Up Yew Lex. partmmt will be guest "(penkrr. Trill nill he followed by a wln.il Bagel and Cream Cheett hour and refreshments, 'fills HirelSunday Morning at ing will be open to all member*, their \vi\rs nnd guest*. Kor rr-iDIAMONDS en/nUons call RK G2K8 during the \TA 1194 4415 Cam!n( Oay ami I'll OKI!) In the evening.







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IIADAK.SAII The third Mwslon of HndnMah Lcndciiililp Training course will be held Monday, October 1). 1 p. m. »t the BlackMone Hotel- Thin session will 1* conducted by Mrs. J. Hfirry Kulakofiky,



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are inoittd to Celebrate

ISRAEL'S GLORIOUS 10th ANNIVERSARY in Jerusalem, June 24-26,1958 al ttx ntvtr-to-bt forgotten "UJA Annwtnary Conftraict* , Next spring Israel's people will begin » year-tent, celebration of their 10th Anniversary of Independence. A brave, liberty-lovlng citizenry will mark how they budt a home for thanselve» and a million refugees In the face of terrifying danger! and hardships. . This extraordinary celebration will have a special meaning to millions of dedicated American* who support the United Jewish Appeal, which next year marks its 20th year of saving lives and aiding the oppressed and needy. Without Israel, UJA could not make the proud statement that, Jn nearly two decades, it ha« saved more than 1,300,000 refugee lives. UJA Conference In Jerusalem With this in mind the Officers of the United Jew. fch Appeal are proud to announce that in 1958, UJA's customary mid-year conference will be field in Jerusalem, Israel's capital, June 24, 25, 061 UJA believes that thousands of supporter* wffl b« eager to attend this unprecedented event. But it urges communities to begin to organize groups now, and individual supporters lo make their reservations at once, since only 1,000 persons can be accommodated I

f o r L e a Than $800—An All Expense Trip UJA has arranged to put the conference trip within the reach of the greatest possible number who would like to go. Through UJA you c m choose one of these three sensationally low-cost, all-expense plants For lest than $800 per person you can book an aH-expens« trip that Includes: air. transportation to and from New York, three exciting days In Jerusa. lem at the "UJA Anniversary Conference,*' com* fortable hotels and meals. For let* than $900 you can have a 10-day trip) that Includes all of the above, plus a five day guided! but tour of Israel's sights, settlements and cities. For lest than $1,000 you can book a 15-day, all-expense trip that features the three day confer* ence plus a ten day tour of Israel. At extra cost arrangements can be made for an additional stopover* To Visit Israel—Make Reservations Now To Insure your attendance at this history-maklnf "UJA Anniversary Conference" you must act now. Secure your reservation form at your community campaign office and fill it out at once. Or write t« the national UJA. Remember, only 1,000 applicants can be accepted In 1958, see Israel and the humanitarian achievement* you helped to create. You can do to by acting today*

for r i M r u t l M form or further informitl«n<


Jewish Community Center Omaha, Nebr. Or writ* to. 'KM kaituuv

CwfwwKt" CwwrtlM

UalM 4»lik fewil. I H Witt 4 m Itrttt. Dm York » , N. r.

l C u n w MEUERT H. LEHMAN • K w n ? C M n u . . EDWARD M. M. WARMttC » CtoerJ d u l r a u i *UUAM ROSENWAti*

"- <•

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