Tri. XXXVI &-..{.
e a i j y jg^ 8 - OMAIg.%. Ni.HIMSIlA.
Israel Concerned, by Egyptian ^ ^ 3
^ 7 ^ ^ % ^ ^ ^ ^ .
X ^ l ^
Soviet Role Questioned Befe I* Straaffe tarart . •> ,»-
Agers to V « t Members ol tne(iolden Age club will be hosts to the Stout City organization of Golden Agers at a 1 p. ra. luncheon Monday. October 28 at the Jewisfa Community Center. A tour of the dry indudiiig a visit to the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Borne for the Aged has been planned for the Slpmt City guests.
, Will* Until observer* view the move, w chiefly sn expression of ' the,Inter-Arab struggle for hegemony, they are trying to evaluate i u consequences for Israel*! security. The movement of Egyptian troop* to Syria I* being ilooked i upon h e n i t a partial Implementation of the Joint Arab command •lined at strangling Israel, which w u on* of the main causes for Sinai operation. S o m e Important differences, however, hive been noted here b e t * e m this development and the previous alliance. Jordan Is no Oakland ( W N S ) - A resolu-longer a partner In the scheme tion criticising the Adminisand the move la aimed at Turkey tration for allowing A r a b at least ai much as' at bract countries "to dictate to the which makes it a NATO and Unit United States which Ameried Suites concern. cans shall not serve In the armed forces of the XI. •» staMaee of Soviets tioned In their countries, or in ) The crucial question about the of Americonstruction latest development, according to can contractors in their counthinking on top Israeli levels, 1> tries," Was adopted here by to what extent was the Egyptian the California Slate Federamove approved, or condoned by the tion of labor. ' Soviet Union, The possibility is seen that Nasser may have moved The resolution said •Vresl without Soviet approval. Several dent Elsenhower's State De things point to Dili. pnrtment has refused to nuke an Issue of this," adding tlia Na«»er has been trying to con "among the nation! still prac dilute the West for economic rca tking slavery, where buylnp tons and may actually claim that and selling slaves Li a general his move was aimed at preventing practice, is S a u d i Arabia, Russia's uncontented domination whose monarch received flic of Syria. If tills Is true, it was red carpet treatment by Prosnoted here. It would Imply that ident Khenhower and the gold the move was not Soviet-Inspired. coin treatment by the V. S. Thlt "Would hi turn, raljo another Treasury." -question: why did the Syrians agree to such a landing? Observers here also pointed out that the Soviet Union has let more than 24 hours elapse since the •nnounc?ment of the Egyptian troop landings, without comment. A series of activities have been Thin, dsipite the fact that In recent weeks Moscow has been planned for grade school children quick to react to any Middle Kaat at the Jewish Community Center, development. It la expected here October 24 and 23 during the anthat even.if the Egyptian move nual teachers' convention In Ornadid not receive the advance Wess- L , Jam of the USSR, Moscow i$ llkeAn all-cartoon movie revue fol. 'larto make full use of It In i u cur- lowed by a big splash party will be > . rent campaign against Ttokey, held Thursday at the Center. Fri.Syria, Soviet Favorite day's program will consist of a With Syria ' emerging as the bowling tournament for all »tuSoviet Union's favorite in the Mld- dents In grades six through eight. - 4Ie East/with King Saud arrogat- Trophies will be awarded to those < Ing to himself'the position of arbi- scoring hid) came and scries in ter and ' conciliator' among the each school grade. 1 Arab nations, Nasser seemed to be Tho activities arc sponsored bymoving toward total eclipse.' Bis he Center's Athletic department. move in S y r i a was evidently meant to' restore bis position; at leait in Syria. Other reports from Arab capitali indicate that the EgyptianSyrian agreement had far-reach* Ing effects beyond the stationing" A Night To Remember." o of troops in Syria. Nasier reportedly wrangled a Syrian agreement musical variety show will be preto accept a considerable number sented by Nebraska Chapter 345 of Egyptian peasants to settle in B'nai B'rlth at tho Omaha Civic under-developed Syrian a r e a s , Auditorium, Saturday, November 2 at 8:30 p. m. Open to the public, thli annual fund raising affair, will feature many talented personnifties who have apcarcd on teleIsion with Lawrence Welk and Dr. Philip Sher, prominent Oma- Arthur Godfrey. lia dvlc leader nml resident of The funds raised, further the the Jewish Hume for the Aged which bears his name, received charitable program of B'nai {frith m a n y congratulatory messages which includes youth and hospital and good wbhes on tlie occasion work. of Ms 82nd birthday. October 8. Tickets may be purchased from It wat celebrated with a party at nny member of the local chapter the home. or at the box office.
Arab Dictates Hit by Labor
Vacation Program Set for Children
B'nai B'rith Show Offers Variety
Dr. Sher Observes 82nd Birthday
Debs to Trick or Treof for UNICEF DebSa Debs, a young Judea group under toe sponsorship of Omaha Chapter Iladasaah,' this year wiQ Initiate a program of "Trick or Trent" for United Nation* Children's Emergency fund on Hallowe'en night. . Members wearing the UNICEF identification tag wffl ring doorbelts in their neighborhood aa will young women in many cities throughout the nation. Mary Yager is chairman of the event for Debka Debs and Mrs. Robert Foler, heads the committee representing Hadawah.
Ixbak N»M»
Rabbi Censured for Leaving Prison Post Los Angeles O T A ) - A San Francisco rabbi who resigned as chaplain at San Qucntln prison in protest against a social view on crime which •"puts men In prison, Instead ol hospitals" was criticized
Co-ed Hi School Bowling to Start l'Uns haw toon announced for an expanded howling program for high sciwol students this year by Jeff Swartz, Yotith Cutuidl Athletic Chairman. Tho co-ed league, tlie first of its kind, will be co-sponsored by the Center Athletic department and is affiliated with the National Junior Bowling Congress. Bowling one night a week, the league will feature spedal vacation t o n r n a m e n t a , numerous awards and trophies and an award banquet at the close of the season. Further information may be obtained by calling tho Center's Athletic Department, JA 1366. N
'Women of Valor' Cited in Chicago Chicago (JTA)—The C h i c a g o Jewish community will honor Its women for their role "in molding the. character of American Jewbth life." Max Bressler, general chairman, of the Hebrew Theologlcnl College building fund, announced. The occasion will be a clty-wido testimonial dinner here on December 8 honoring the "Women of Valor," with each woman to lie honored receiving a citation from the College.
Mrs Beber t o Teach Art The first meeting of. the Center's Art Class will be held Monday, Octolicr 28th, from 1 p. m. to 3 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Meyer Bcber, once again will Instruct the cliisses ut t|ie Center. Adults pliinnhiK to enroll In these classes are urged to register now by calling the Activities Office, JA ].')«!. All adult Classen arc limited. The fall class will continue for eight weeks.
Israeli Orator To Appear for Bonds
Jennalrm (JTA)—Though Uw l a a « s « • ! .KfypUan t4TMf* In HyrU yesterday ba* Bat caused an txanerated aterm In Israel, serious concern b felt here ber«u«. tUs U the first ISMIUM« at phyalnl coWtwcra tiv. Arsk anaiea SMTU aa4 awitk of IsneL •
this week by another Jewish chapIain for both the resignation and the reasons for it. Rabbi Eugene Grucnberg, chaplain of the California State Department of Mental Hygiene, declared that the resignation statement of Habbl Julius A. Lelbcrt could leave "an altogether wrong and unfair picture" with the "Jewish and non-Jewish taxpayer." Rabbi l^eibcrt, in :?slgnlng, also had asserted that no rabbi should be a paid employe of the state and that he was revolted at the thought of acting as. a chaplain during an execution. Rabbi Gnienberg retorted that Rubbi Lclbert had been appointed aa a chaplain and not as a "reformer" or "even a crimlnologist" i that he must have known when bo was appointed that California "has capital punishment on Its law books."Declaring that a chaplain's jot) "is above all to serve the spiritual needs of his congregants," Rabbi Gnienberg asked what would happen "if every doctor, nurse, psychologist and social worker would throw in the towel and leave the Jab because he or she did not agree with the managerial and administrative methods." Rabbi Grucnberg said he took particular exception to Rabbi Leibert's contention that the chaplain should not be paid by the state, adding that the days of "uiualarled rabbis have long since vanished." He added: "Why U the chaplain different in this respect from any other rabbi with a salary?"
Izhak Navon, Political Secretary and Chief of Bureau to Prims Minister David Ben-Gurlon of 'Israel, will appear at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katzman, 540 No. 72nd Ave., Monday evening, October 21. Mr. Navron will apeak on behalf of the Bonds for Israel campaign. Mr. Navon assumed his present position In 1952, after having served in a similar capacity for former Foreign Minister Moshe Sharctt. The "Jewish Observer" hot said of Mr. Navon: He is one of "the most influential men in Israel," and "more than anyone else, he is Ben-Gurion's political shadow. Although only hi Ills early thirties, he is one of Israel's young men marked out for high office." Mr. Navon's grand-father, Rabbi Yakob Ben-Attar was spiritual head of the Jews of Aslmure, near Casablanca, . .' During the crucial years, 1946 through 1958, Mr. Navon was Involved In many "hush-hush" dealings with various Arab groups both hostile and friendly to Israel, and carried on undercover activities In the Hagahah. In 1949, his diplomatic proficiency led to his being posted by the Israel Ministry for Foreign Affairs to Uruguay and later, to Argentina, where ho developed a reputation aa an outstanding orator In Spanish. He also sneaks Knglish, as well as Hebrew nnd Arabic.
Second Music Group Formed A second group In "recorded music listening" is being organized by the adult department of the Jewish Community Center to •accommodate the many requests received. Members, an In the first group, will meet oiicc a month at homes to listen to recorded selections of world famous orchestras. The first gathering of the new group will be held at the home pt Mrs. Marlon Bondarhi. Those wishing to join the sessions are Invited to call the Center. Activities office,. JA 1366.
Square Named B'nai I'rith for a Day New York (JTA)—-Times Square was renamed B'nai B'rlth Squaro for the day In a ceremony at the famed crossroads marking the organization's 1140T a n n 1 v erenry. Present at the ceremony'were Borough President Hulan Jack, B'nai B'rlth p r e s i d e n t Philip Klutznlck and prominent Jewish personalities, - -
Seven to Attend Hadassah Meet A seven-member delegation of the Omahn Chapter of Hadassah will attend the 43rd annual national convention of Hadassah at the Sheraton Hotel in Philadelphia from October 24 through October 28. Mrs. Meyer N. Rubin, president of the Omaha chapter, will head the local delegation which will include Mmes. Arthur Goldstein, .1. Hurry Kulakofsky, A. D. Frank, Julius Stein, Sidney Katleman, 'and Charles Ross. More than 2,500 delegates and
guests—representing Hadassoh's 315,000 members in 1,250 chapters and groups throughout the United States, Alaska and Puerto R i c o arc expected to attend the convention. Highlighting the convention will be an address by his Excellency Abba S. Ebon, Israel ambassador to tho United States; Mr. Kban will' discuss Israel her Internal problems and their relation" to thd Arab States and the great w.prM powers. Many other famous speakers will be featured on the coriven. tlonprogram. ' ,, •
Friday, October 18, 1057
With the Home Folks B'naiBJthto Nrwn Nad !i«l,|M>nint« At I h r Mr l'lillf|, Nhrr J^Mlib ll,,uir lor I lie \ t , . | Itv l>HtM Orkun.
I'ublblirtl Ktrr) Irlilay b> I lie Irdrrullun ol Jewish S m l r e J
.iu>k Mulltiip i ii\McL'Ci AutnuiUrd ui cimuhu, Nebrask Halm on Application. App A m U f autuk'tft/llon, autuktft/llon, <IU0 Advt'iilitns Advt'iilit . « 1 U 1 M< '•'mil ''mi bt h ''.'elir_ 'l jj A k 13 KUIUHlu n> n> .«—1U1 btteet, Omaha 1306 ' Att 4»)S bo K l i Sl
Ml I. H I i m l ) I ' n l ' i •, 1.1 u i i i l l , i (lei II H,ll of 1(11'. II \ i - l l . n . t S i i l ' IiV, I l l o l i l • _'U, , i t (lips wci'lt Jot' Krcsliil of J.u | ') )') ii .it th< i i n -i<]'. I I i . i i i wile, K i n , t o \ i s i l his mothi-i, M i s | I .liltt 10 ic-K o f f i h i " t itv • n l ' Hi, i i i MUM Kreslul; Mr. mid Mrs I M I Winlroiib of i:i Paso, T i \ , l o MSI
Kickoff Campaign
lather, Hyman Winlruiili; Dr. Har- K o l l o v v i I l K .1 I I I I M M . I S I U I I I I I ' M ry Kich of Heverly' Mills, Calif., to w i l l br> i j i v e n n r t i u> n i o n s fui < o n visit his Mother, Mrs..IJcrtho Kich t a c t n i K |»io<<ixiiivi II Mu I S n t l i TIMVI.K ISRAEL Hiss <Ssther Faler of Baltimore, mcmlici s. Sen ices will be held ihis Krl monthb on alternate Tue.ida) S OKIKUKIJ Chairmen IIU> I.ou J'".-, Ilnuy Md., 'to visit father, Snm Kalor day , 8.15 p. m. at Temple Ismel. and Thursdays of cadi month (2nd • ,,%^I;»*I i t included among the Monsky, I'aiil Itub.ick urnl M.tifin KabbI Sidney Brook; will pi each Harold Sommcr of New York City 'm. ay sports offered at the Center. and 4th ueoksl at the Center. to visit his father, Sam Sommcr. Colton, Cornhutkri; ,S,un Irvine, Tvvcnty-six adults ha\e regis- on "Which Moon Is (he Work of ' .acob Fellman. local instructor Oct 13—The Omaha Choir and Nebraska. Willm I.'p-.ttin 11 n t j ', ati'J last recorded Chnss Champion tered for the first year monthly God" Comment on Torah and Dramatic Club presented a prow wide membership chalnnini Truth. of the Tenter, will conduct and series lasting eight months. Air Shibba* morning services ullj gram in Ylddush followed by rearrange chess clawes and totirna- meetings will be held In Room 25 mentis-for member* of The Jewish of the Center at 8 p. m. The begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi freshments in the dining room. Oct. 14—A group of rcsldenU Community vho desire to tairn group at the Center Is one of sev- Brooks officiating and the ReAll Mend* and relfttlwit «r* and play the game. Mr. Fellman eral such clubs In Omaha offer- ligious School choir under the di- Bttcndod the Blkur Cholcm Annual Invited to attend *m km and has eoiisiiitently addpd CIIPSS points ing adult education programs In rection of Miss Ida Gltlln singing Tea. " receptions. ' to his high Chess rating here in cooperation with a National or- the musical portions of the «wv ' Oct, IS—lUbbl Benjamin Groncr MMESJUICIIAEI. KKASNK re-opened the Rabbinical Series ice. " Omaha by continual play and for- ganization. Mr. and Mrs. Lconaid Kumno for the year. ma) competition. Currently presiannounce that the liar Mitzwili of dent uf the Omaha Chess dub. Mr ADULT I1KIOGE CLASSES' Oct. 19—Kiddush was given by their son, James Michael Krasne BETH KI, Fellman will conduct classes for The Jewish Community Center Sabbath evening services will be Joe Kresiul in honor of his mother, will be celebrated Krlday evening beginners and -advanced players Adult Bridge Class will b e g i n held tonight, 5:13 p. m. Sabbalh Mrs. Mlrui Krcatul. and Saturday morning. October resardless of. age. Men. women, meeting at the Center on Monday, morning, services will1 begin at Oct. 13—Mmes Abe Bear and 29, anC 26 at Temple Israel. boys and girl* are Invited to Join October 21, at 7:43 p. m. A capac- 9:30 a. m. The Mlncha Service Wm. Wolfnon presented a basket HARK GOLDSmOM the new Center Chess Club by ity class Is expected to be on hand will begin at 5:15 p. m. of fruit to the home from IVth Mr. and Mn. Bernnrd Goldcalling JA 1366, Activities Office for the opening clasn which will Strom .announce the Bar Mitzvah Daily services during the week Israel SUterhood. be conducted by Mrs. Lee Nelson, are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m, of their son, Mark Goldstrom, well known bridge teacher. Per- Sunday morning service at d it. m. Friday evening, October .25 and. , VOLI.KVBAIX L'KDEKWAY .Arthur H. Cohn chairman of Uie Saturday morning, October 26,-at Definite plans to expand the sons who have not registered'for the class are encouraged to do so Dr, Philip. Sher Home for the Beth El Synagogue. Center's adult volleyball competiBETH 1SUAEL tion this season, was announced immediately since registration Is Services this evening will be- Aged Committee, wishes to ac- ICHAEL LEE SIMON limited. knowledge and thank the following: The Bar Mitzvah of Michael by Isador Lcvlnson, Center volleygin at 5:15 p. m. Saturday morn An advanced bridge group nil! ball chairman. for thclr~~contributlons to tns Lee Simon, ion of Mr. and Mm. ing services begin at 8:45 a. m. 1 tomes Mrs. Nettle Amovitz Al- Mendel Simon will take place next Present plans call for a group be offered In the near future at Rabbi Benjamin Croncr will con of businessmen to play over the the Center. duct the Talmud study group at bert Steinberg, I. B. and Blanche Saturday morning at 8:43 a, m. at lunch hour on Tuesday and Thurs4:45 p. m. Sabbath Mlncha, fol Zlmnian, Mcisrs. and Mmmes. Jay the Beth Israel Synagogue. day afternoons plus a Wednesday lowed by Shalosh S'eudos and Chcrnlack, Harry DuBoW, George evening .volleyball group of young Existing needs of all persons in • Maariv will begin at 5:15 p. m, Kaplan, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Nate businessmen. Sunday morning service* begin t Nogg, Charles Rosenttock, Fred Douglas County who have ever Roscnstodf, all of Omaha, M. L. suffered on attack of poliomyelitis Mr. Levinson urged that ail inS p e c i a l businessmen's hours 8:45 a, ra. and ii fallowed by Cohn, LOT Angeles, Mr. and Mn. are being assessed and analyzed terested In participating in this breakfast and the Rabbi's dais in "form of recreation contact the have been arranged by the Jewish Bible. Dally morning services, will Sam Goldfeia IJncoln and Mr. andIn a "Polio Alumni" survey by Jewish Community Center Ath- Community Center's newly remod- begin at 7:00 a. m. and 3:15 p. m. Mrs. John Robinson, Norfolk. the, Douglas County Chapter of letic Department, JA 1366. Those eled Health Club.-Services will be tho Foundation for Infantile PaThe Junior congregation meets available from noon until 10 a. m. playing In these groups do not ralysliy have to participate every session, weekdays and from 9 a. m. to C e v e r y Saturday morning at 10 a. m. ond Is followed by lunch. On p. m. on Sundays. Mr. Levinson reported. Sunday, October 20 KBON—"Message of Israel" Another accommodation feature Sundays the Tali* and Tephllln group meets at 8:30 a. m. Timtia is the free "Jiffy" wagon pick-up 11 p. m. BADJUNTOK Itabbi Benjumln Groncr, Cantor KFAB — "Eternal IJght," Badminton is played every Tues- service provided during the week. Ell Kagan and the I3eth Israel Sptcfar Broadcast 10:45 p. m. day evening, starting at 7:30 p. m. "Men wishing to be served need Synagogue Choir will lead the "Only the Heart" by Joseph at the Center. Both singles and only to call JA 1366 for trans- first late Friday evening service • on Mlndel. portation to and from their ofdouble* competition is held. of the season on Friday evening, Badminton fans, both men and fices," Leslie Burkenroad, health October 25th at 8 p. m. club chairman, announced. "We UNITED NATIONS women, are invited to participate in this sport any Tuesday evening. are offering this time saving serv Ice In order that Omaha business • The Center provides the regula- may avail themselves of our many 10:30 A.M. tion court, the officials, oven the wonderful facilities i n c l u d i n g Sunday, October 20tfi Mrs. Reliecru Khcrnian rackets and birdies. steam baths, massages, ultra and Funeral services for Mrs. RCIKCInfra red treatments, workout faca Sherman, 74, of 530 So list FAMILY GYM SESSIONS cilities, rest cots and showers." A w e l l i u p e r v i s e d gym and Club /acuities are available to Avenue, were held Sunday mornworkout facility is available Sun- both members and non-member*. ing at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was In Lincoln Nchr. day mornings and afternoons to ' interested parents and their chilMrs. Sherman win the mother BY SAMUEL I. BMEK dren at the Jewish Community of Sam Sherman ami Mm. Jerome StM* Chlnn. Center. Ha special charge Is made Blelchcr of Omaha nnd five nilur The unveiling of the monument sons, 17 grandchildren niul 7 groat for this activity. Only a Center tar membership is required. For fur- for the la to David Forman will be grandchildren. ther Information about recreation- held this Sunday, October 20, at 2 al programs at the Center you p. m., at the Beth El Cemetery, 84th and L SU. may call JA 1366. nabbl Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron Edgar of Beth El SynaPRESENTING A CLASSIC FOOTBAIJ. SCORES RUG ft UPHCf.STERY gogue wU) officiate. Results of last Sunday's Jewish Friends and relatives arc asked IN MOVING PICTURES . . . CLEANERS Youth Council football league. to attend, UnafflUatc* B 0 AZA 100 24 RUGS-CARPETING AZA 100 18 ....Cnnfflllatc* A 22 LAMP SHADES Rayim A 3 2 AZA 1 25 nek Up Yew Lex. This Sunday's competition at FURNITURE •oqtl and Crtwn ClwtM Elmwood Park, starting afrlO a. m. Sunday Morning at Cleaned In Your Homel , starts the second and final round of competition In the league. •lodiag • laying . KepolrUj
'J.C Briefs
nir, 3:10 p. in.
Bar Mitzvah
Health Club Plans Convenient Hours
On the Air
- GREAT BOOKS CLUB MEETS ,. - The Great Books Foundation, t i n t year group, which meets at the" Jewish Community Center, has completed the three orientation meeting* at the Jewish Community Center required of the group. At the recent Tuesday night meeting. the club agreed to meet tiviee
FOR THE FINEST... < IN PHOTOGRAPHY • Portraits Wcddingt Commercial
4415 (,umln»
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Shop in a Friendly Atmosphere at
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At One of the "Million-Dollar Moviei," Sponsored Alternately by
Fresh Poultry Daily Opt II Sundays From 7 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. PAVED PARKING
Friday, Ortotxr 18, 1957
Organizations MOM.Kit UOMh.S A K'.iul.ii' niiolnif.' "1 • lie J'uiIMIT Wonifii v. ill In1 held Tiicsiljy, Y2\'M p. ni., (it I lie .Irivish Cum nuintty •f.'nUi.T.
of cuiniitnus fot Ihi* :ift-
Women Meet af Theater to Check Temple Event Plans
I V the WVinl Aiis to buy. soil" oi- rent.
Mrs. 1,™ Kl»rni(iill
CuiuirU, JenUh Womrh "THE QUICT UHK' a movie aboul r.n emotionally disturbed lxiy will be shown at the next meeting of the National Council of Jewish Women study group, Wednesday night October 23, 8 p. m. nt the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute, 602 South 44th Avenue.
For the Mot* Delicious Ground Beef In Town! 4415 Cvmlng
Two t i p t r l M « 4 u l M m t n bttwma ogtt of 25 Mi 35 to M i l mw t t M l and p i p . . EXCEILENT STARTING SAURY AND TRAVELINO EXPENSES. Will hndqrartcr e«» of Norfolk, Nibraika. Steady, swimown* poilflom with htun mivo»e»mt«». Mm» furslik rtftr• « C H . Wrlt» statlig qvallHcatlost and p « t upcrlMc* to NORFOLK HIDE t METAL CO.. NORFOLK. NEIR.
Crisp. Sunny Fall Days for Suit Weathtr Bt«utiful n«w ftbrict, Imporfi «nJ domcitict by mch ntrrt'i br<nd houtti «t
Preceding the movie, those attending will be (alien on a closed circuit television tour of the Psychiatric Institute. Dr. Jerman Rose, clinical director of Children's Scrvlcei at the Institute will lend a discimlon.
HOUSE * MINK Evtry Color Eviry Sfylt
j The Educational Council of I Omaha Council Chapter Hndnssnn wjll hold an Oneg Shabbat, 1 p. in. Saturday, Octolx-r lfl, nl'thc homoj
FASHIONBILT and'our oWn fin* brandi
Welter & Maloy Ouallty Clo»ti»t far Mts
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What Are You Doing Tonight? Regardless of what It is . . . nothing ' more important than visiting Gerelick's and flndng out for youruff just WHY everyone is talking about Gerelick's tremendous automotive sale! • Nearly 100 BRAND NEW '57 FORD cars and trucks are being offered at price advantages never before seen in this region.
Hoffman's House of Delicacies TE 3207
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Store Hours 8 A.M.- 8 P.M.
I' i , . i
ton NcarenberK, chairman, Ben of Mrs. Charles Qaxcti, .1013 So Gcrellck..and Mi*. Morris Goodman 42nd St. Goodman will act as tonstinnnlpr.
Workniaas Clrrlo The Workmen's Circle Branch 258 will celebrate Sam Canar's 65th birthday with n party, Sunday, Oct. 20, a t tli* fireside Restaurant. Dinner will begin at 6:30 p. pi. Mr. Canar has been an active member of Branch 238 for over 38 years, and he has always taken an active part In all the activities. Representatives from various' organizations.who will take part in the celebration are: The Workmen's Circle Midwest Commllce, Workmen'! Circle Branch 173, Labor Lyceum Association, and the Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club. Mn. Margie Nearcnbcrg will enB'NAI BTUTH NEBRASKA tertain with songs. Committee in CHAPTER AND LODOK The next regular meeting of the charge of arrangements arc: MilB'nnl B'ritli Nebraska Chapter and Lodge will be held Thunday, October 24, 8 p. m., at thi Fal»torf Brewery plant. Refreshments will be through the courtesy of the brewery. All memben arc inked to meet at the northwest gate, 26lh Avenue and Vlnton.
Mrs. .Sdinlcy 1'li.U .Mm. Kdunril K. llrudkcy Amiiigcineiiis HI•' bcliIK com' of tickets of J.I»). Tickets may he pleted for the Tcmpic Israel sister- pblaincd from Mr«. Kdward-K. hood "Theajer Party" to be held Drodkey, ticket chairman or at the Tuesday, October 29 at 12:30 p in. box offJre on the day of the event. ut the 'Admiral 'liicntor. A hot Mrs. Leo Kisciutatt has been aplunch wifl lie served prior to the pointed general chairman by Mrs. showing of the movie nnd iU cost Stanley Flak, Sisterhood ways and will be Included In Ilic admission means vice-president.
MI/KAtlCI WOMEN Habbl David Korb of Council Bluffs will discus* the O m a h a Chapter of the JewUh National Fund at a meeting at the Jewish Community Center Monday, Oc tober 21. The meeting will be preceded by a 1 p. m. dessert luncheon. Mn. Herman Franklin and her committee will bit in charge of Cox collection!. Mn. Franklin announced that a rummage talo will " be held in .the very near future and that anyone with saleable article* pleue call her at' WE 5245.
Wellington ( J T A J - O f I i c i a l I.'. S. sources lcceKed word this week from Ksbcn, Germany, that I'V.WI/I industrialist Alfred Krupp cancelled his trip to the United tjtdlcs to address an international Industrial conference in San Kinndsco. Mr. Krupp's visit ljad been protested owing to his conwcllons by a U. S. war crimes court The State Department had iMvj\pd « number of complaint*
IIF:MIV MONSKY Plans HIT tM'iriK ni.idi' for I hi fund raislnn event of Henry Mcmsky chapter to Ix; held N'ow-nibn 17th at I he lllarkslonc h u t e l Members of the committee ,ur Mrs. Sidney Znrimcr, o\ or-iill chairman, Mmo«. Harry Friedman. Sam Pollak, Krank. Sekar, M Knzelraan, IL Smith, A. Epstein, H. Haznlck. C. Fl*her, t). Mat'zaniin, J. Lazar, S. Mlroff, ,1. Slilman, B. Ooldxtroni, K. Tiraun, H Upprtt. i
The Oi'Kuni/iMion will hold il annual child dlnwi Sunday, November II. 6:30 p. m., n the Jewish Community Conler. A chicken dinner will Ix* sprred n $1,50 per person, Member of the "flower Day Committee" arc Mrs, Sam Novak, chairman; Mmei, II. Rlchlln, M Stfrcnbcrg, S. PinkovlU, hi. Colton, S. Rlchman, 1. Goldstein, I. ForbM, M. Ncrenbori?, W. Rosen, Rote Simon and-Mr and Mrs. Snm Illfkln. llADAHHAlt Member* of the Omaha CrTaplar Hadassah board will meet Mon BIKl'lt C1I0MM day, October 21,12 JO p. ni., at the Bikur Chollm Society will hold home of Mrs. Nathan Nogg, 058 a Stmchas "Forah And birthday No. 39 St. Mines. Sol Legman and party for residents of the Dr. Sol Crandall will be co-hostesses Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged for the desacrt luncheon. Plans Sunday, October 20, 2:30 p. m<, at will be made for the prc-donor the home. Birthday*-of tfjo fol and paid-up membership luncheon lowing will be honored! Morris meeting to be held on October 30. Ackcrmali, Peihe Cohen, Sam Z. The group Boards of Hodassah Cohen, Sam Flih, Jenny Habler. will meet on Thursday, October Goldie Splvak," OSlas Weidman and 24, at 12:30 p. m. Herd Group Sam Welnberg. A dance program will meet at the home of Mrs. Abo . by Carolyn Kagcn'* dancing c)ns* Bear, 2113 So. 42nd St., -with will be presented. Mmes. Alex Wolpa nnd Bernard Scheln as co-hostcsscs. Tho Hen rictta Szold Group will meet at KADIMAH tho home of-Mrs. Leonard. Gould, Members of Kndlmah will meet 120 So. Slat Sti, with co-hostcsscs Tuesday, October 22, for a 1 p. m Mmes, DaVId Katolrrmn tndTrvin coffee aiidmcctinz at the homo of Rublnow. Webrnann Group will Mrs. Abo Bear, 2115 So. 42nd meet at the home of Mrs. Maurice street. Co-hostessei will be H m t i Newman, 5151 Decntur. Co-host; Gent Braun and Sidney Znclmer. esses will be Mmes. Sam A report will be made by the fund blum and Charles Fredkin. railing chairman. Mrs. Made Negley, prominent civil defense worker, will, discuss civil defense and BRTII KI, 8ISTEKHOOD A fund raising card parly nnil the atomic bomb. dessert luncheon, to be sponsored by Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood Circle No. 14, Wednesday, October B. * 1*. IIADASSAH The B. and P. HncUssfth Study 23, 12.30 p. m. In the social hall, Croup will meet Sunday, October has been announced* by co-chair20th, at 2 p. m. at the home of men Mme*. Arthur V. Friedman Mn. Julin Jacob*. 118 No. 35th and Phil Rosenblatt. Guests arc Invited to make up their own tabled, to bring"their own Kntering it* l e c o n d >*ar of and to invite friends. monthly meetings for the study of A Kiddle Matinee, sponsored by the Hadauah comnilnioncd book Circle No. 8, Thursday, October "Great Agn nnd Iflcala of the 24, 2 p. m. at the Dundee Thentrc, J e w 11 h P o o p I e" by Ixo \V. has been announced-by co-chalrSchwarz, the member* will discuss mon Mmes. Leonard Levin and at thia meeting the second chnp- Edward Dolgoff, Tlic film will Ix ter under "Tho Modem Ace" en "Kamas Raiders." storrlnR Tony titled 'The Impact of Nntlonal- Curtis, and two Woody Woodprrktam." Mi» Alniva Cerahnlcr will cr cartoons. The doors will ntwn lend the discussion. nt l:.T0 p. m.
B'NAI B1UTM IIKifKV HONKKY CHAPTER The United Nations Dinner will be held Sunday, October 20, from 3:30 to 8 p, m. for foreign students under the sponsorship of the Henry Monsky B'nni B'rlth Chapter No. 470 at the h/imo of Mrs. Joe GUM, 722 Parkwobd I.rme. Tiie commltteo Included Mrs. Ilnrry Wine. Mrs. Sam Pollnk, Mrs. Jfnrry Sidman, Mr. nnd Mrs, Sol Uttman, Mrs. Max Krizcluinn. Mrs. Nathan Kaplan, M n . Sam Shykcn. Samuel Bcrck, Fremont, stale chairman of Onlted Nations, will be the principal speaker. A film will olio be presented. Mines. Sam Pollnk find Harry Wise will present n program on the "Dolls for Democracy. Ken Seymour, well-known radio and 'te|ev)*Jop • penonnlil f > wlU} M if he
German Industrialist Cancels U. S. Trip
. . 1 0 A.M.-10 P.M.
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A Mother In Israel •y Anita Engle Kiryat Amal, Israel . . . W)ia sort of a mother is it who diicsn' t«ik:about her own children? l'n going to tell you about mine. Jomi than has Just seven more months to yo before he is liar Mit/val and David is an envious three - yrars behind. From the first moment that David could toddle, he was Jonathan's adoring and obedi fcnt (tenant. Jonathan »ns his mrntor, hi* guide, his Rod. The vaiues and Judgements set .by Jon aihan were the accepted ones, and ' what we bad to say about anything, if it went contrary to Jona than'* wishes and intentions, inlghi .lust as well bo left unsaid.
"Jiibt li-t me fmMj .vhut I'm doing, boys," he told them, "and then you'll have an Abba again." So he hurried up, and then went in to play with them a[;ain. Jt wasn't mure than ten minutes b e f o r e fighting and snarling and whining had broken out in there, and Abba was beating a furious retreat. (Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)
Mrs. Gilbert to Speak in Wichita Mrs. Edward Gilbert, president of Temple Israel Sisterhood has been invited to give a district family education program report at the twenty-second biennial conference of District No. 20 of the Na tional Federation of Temple Sisterhoods at Wichita, Kans., October 20, 21 and 22. Mrs. Adolph Mayer, district cochairman of .the family education program will act as rapporter at the session with Mrs. Gilbert. The following delegates will represent Temple Israel Sisterhood at the conference: Mmes. Gilbert, Mayer, Sidney Brooks, Edward Levensoh, Robert Cohn, Robert Levinr, and Marvin Taxman.
, tktutir JK. 1937
Seventy-five Enrolled For JYC Bowling t Free team shirts, special com pt'titiun, numerous mvurds and free awards banquet ore onion the many features of the Junlci Youth Bowline lengue which start c-d last Sunday afternoon. The 75 enrolled youngsters hav been divided into two leagues, on for the sixth grade and the othei is composed of seventh and eighth graders. Bowling is scheduled on Fridays from 4 p. m. to 5 p. m or on Sundays at 12 JO p. m. Instructors are on hand to asils members: The league is affiliated with the National Junior Bowling Congress and may participate in sanctioned competition while receiving reduced bowling rates a all alleys in the city. Youngsters may still register for this competition by" calling the Jewish Community Center. JA 1366.
Jonathan, 1 think, must have been born with u grudge aguins us, and he found In David a wonderful additional instrument to use in hii fits of animosity, This must have 1>een a real menta" struggle (or David, for he was a loyal and loving little boy from the start, holding his parents In highest esteem. The general two-year h o n o r One night,, after a stormy *c« awarded to seniors at Yale has sion with Jonathan, I turned ou been received by Richard Glllnsky, a senior in the engineering the liKht in their room and let school. The award, made in' recthem for the niRhl. David was ognition of achievement and high about three then. When 1 passed standing during sophomore ana their room I heard Jonathan talk: Junior years, places the recipient ing In a low voice. In the7 upper ten percent of Ms "David, say Kema (mother i etclass. Richard Is the son of Mrs. ch!" A. E. CUInsky. He is at Yale on "I won't." said David. a Navy scholarship and last sum"David, say Abba I fatheri fu Kl«aoor Roosevelt Cha p t a r , mer spent eight weeks on • B'nal B'rith Girls will present the NROTC cruise to South America, yah!"~ annual Beau Danco at the Shera"I won't," said David. "David, »ay 'Eema and Abba ton Fontenelle Hotel Saturday, Miss Fayna ManvlU has been October 26, from 9 to 12 p. m. mbhugnh!" "I won't," said David. Candidates for beau are Robert elected president of Sigma Delta Tau Sorority at the University of Jonathan kept on In the same Brodkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Davlow voice of command until Dav id Brodkey; Steve Dolgoff, son of Iowa, Iowa City, U . A Junior at Id's reilltancc broke down. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dolgoff; Jerry the university, she is the daughter "Abba, Eema, fu-yah, mishu- Freedman. son of Mr. and Mrs. of Mr, and Mrs.: Sam Manvitz. gab," he plped, and both boyi Hershell Freedman; Nelson Gordbroke Into shrieks of maniacal man, son of Mr, and Mrs. Dan Sigma Alpha Mu, University of laughter. Gordman; Bcrnle Polikov, son of Nebraska, Lincoln, plans its first Jonathan, his revenge attained, Mr. and Mrs, Abe Polikov; and bouse party, October 19, relaxed, and (eU asleep, and David, Paysle Shyken, son of Mr. and M e m b e r s Joe Hill and Zeff would have been asleep long be- Mm. S. J. Shyken. Bernstein will have roles In' the fore if Jonathan had left him university production "What EvChairman In charge of commitalone, fell asleep too. tees arc: Maxlne Zwelback, tick- ery Woman Knows," October 23Jonathan, often out of perversi- ets; Sandy Matters, publicity; Peg- 26. ty, refused to go walking with gy Rubenstcin, decorations; and Abba. Arlcne Grossman, house parties. "Alright then, David and I will Tickets are S1.75 and may be purgo alone," my husband would say. chased from any B.B.G. member. Just as David would be trotting »T>»m M UM « Uutn row Wiut Ai off happily holding onto his fa 111* Jewish Presa. ther's hand, Jonathan, without The U.S.Y. will hold a board meet- .a Cumnf m . 1* 00 C4OU for «ub low UD» vavV'A. TB« P n u rwrrta ui« tfitri even looking up, would say brief- ing nt the home of Bernle De- to limit fiM ot « c b ftdrcrttMtnnit. Koven on Si'nday, October 20. at ly, "Don't go, David," and David automatically dropped the hind, 6:30 p. m. All board members BAR and Has Mllzvah congratuand remained behind, although he are urged to attend this meeting. lations also for all Jewish holiadored outings. days and special occasions. Meyers News Stand. 1302 Dodge United Nations Day There have been times when our household, has been divided into Committee Appointed WANTED—Lady to share home two enemy camps —Jonathan and with working widow. Close to David against my husband and The a d v i s o r y committee for bus. Centrally located. Call GL myself. As any parent will know, United Nations Day, October 24, •••• :.:. .:• . that meant that we were outwit- will be headed by Associate Gen- . . . 1 9 8 5 . ' • . - • . • • • . . ' ted tfnd outnumbered from the eral Chairman, E. E. Ilpwell and WANTED—Housekeeper for widstart. Mayor John Rosenblatt, It was anowed middle-aged man in new One Saturday ir?rnlng, 'which nounced by Howard M. Lundgren, duplex. Cook one meal a day. means that Jonathan was home general, chairman. Salary—(Board and Room Opfrom school, with nothing to do) Others are David Blacker, Col. tional); Call AT 3030 or WA they were simply impossible. We William E. Campbell. Daniel W. 3 0 0 1 . • • ^ r - : . - - : \ . : • . - . : .•:•.•.•,• were horrible to them, and there Campbell, W. D a l * Clark, Frank was continual battle. In the after- F o g a r t y , Herman Friedlander, WHOLESALE noon, during the rest period, we James G r e e n . B l n g ' G r u n w a l d , DI9TBI3CT0B9IIIP heard happy sounds from their Morris E. Jacobs, Max Kanncr, Reliable person to operate inven- room. David kept running in and the Rev, William F. Kelley, SJT., tory and supply business in out to the kitchen, taking cutlery, Karl Louts, Itugh MeKenna, Wilwholesale TV and Radio supply dishes, vegetables, and so on, to liam H. Palmer, Alan R. Poscale. accounts in local nrea. No selltheir room. Glenn E. Pickrel, Byron W. Reed, ing, soliciting or technical My husband went into investl- George Relnhardt, Oliver W. Robknowledge required. Will take 5 - gate, and found them playing very ert*, Horace L. Ilosenblum, the hours per week spare time to Rev. B. F. Schwartz, A. V. Sorcontentedly; start. Will earn to $375 per ensen. Mm. Mary Ann S t e e 1 c, "We're pretending our parents month to start and can evenare dead,- and we're orphans," Ralph Svobodn, Hurry Trustin, the tually expand to $24,000 annual Rev. Roman (.'. Ulrjcli and Prof. Jonathan explained net business. To qualify you When they had eaten their Im- IVilllam Utley. must have a serviceable automoaginary meal, they "went to bed," Max Kanner, president, United bile and $2,900 cash immediately Jonathan and David curling up to- /eleran.'; Council of Omaha, will available which is secured. gether on Jonathan's bed. David, be In charge of the Memorial Write giving full particulars and who is always ready for a ,,ood 'urk pro;:rum Sunday, OctobM1 phone number for personal incuddle, snuggled up to Jonathan 20, which will open the observance terview to Box 5174, St. Paul. In such a trusting, touchlnc man- of United Nations v\i?elt. Minn. ner, that it reminded my husband Among the Omaha posts parof the Babes in the Wood, mid he ticipating is Kpstcin-MurKan No Use the Want Ads to buy, sell felt quite unhappy. 2GO, Jewish .War Velemns. or. rent.
Want Ads
Women Urged to Send Gifts To Needlework Guild Drive Mrs. Pave Cohn, chairman t»f Hie Jewish Federation Agencies Section of the Needlework Ciillr Drive, issued an urgent request this week to all women to send in their contributions now. In addition to those previously listed, the following have contributed: < Mesdomes Julius Abrahamson, William Alberts, Ilymnn Bebnan, Clarence Bergman, David Bernstein, Dave W. Bernstein, Max Blotcky, Louis Blumkin, Rueben Bordy, Eugene Braun, David R. Cohen, Meyer Cohen, Dave Cohn, Harry CoUck, Sam c'ollck, Harold Coopcrman, Philip Crandeil Sol Crandeu, Harry DuBoff, Lawrence Epstein, Morris Epstein Ruben Epstein Sam Epstein Max Falk. Morris C. Fellman, Morris Firestone, Ben Fisher) Abe Fishman, Stanley Flsk, Albert Fox, Herman Franklinjoseph 11 Freeman, Hyman Fried. Stuart E. Fried, Herman Friedlander, Abraham Friedman, Ben Gorellck, Charles Gendler, John Gldlnsky, Stewart Glllnsky, Abe Giruburg, Sidney Goldberg, Morris Gordon, Saul Graetz. Abe Greenberf. Max Greenfield, Nathan Greenfield, Gary Gross, Fred Hshn. Abraham Ilerzberg. Martin Herzoff, Jacob Hess, Julius
Births Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Singer of Phoenix,' Ariz., announce tne Birth of a° son, Paul Harry, September 7, Mr. Singer Is the son of Mrs. Max Berlin, Los Angeles and the lite Harry Sinser, of Omaha. He Is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Ben SUefler and Mr. end Mrs. Max M. Steinberg of Omaha. The name Elizabeth Michelle has been given to the daughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Brown, Oct. 13 at lmmanurl hospital. Grandparents are Mrs. I.. Bron7t, St. Paul Minn, and Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kaplan. Maternal great grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lerman and Mr. and Mrs. Iko Kaplan. Paternal grandmother. Is Mrs. Mayer Kaufman, St. Paul Minn.
Hornsteln, H. Jaul, William JoHepli, Irvln C. Kaimun, A\x Kaplan, Harry Kaplan, Jean Knplnn,. Kani Kaphtn.
Omchans In the News Guests Of Mr. ana Mrs. Abo Be»r dining Yom Kippur were their son, Max, who is stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and bis fiancee, Miss Barbara Clgelnik of Chicago. M^. rraak Seku is at Mcthoditt hospital where.she underwent surgery. 1 Mrs. Joseph Katelnun is convalescing at home after spending several weeks in Immanuel hospital. '*
Highs In JYC League Melvin Epstein and Anile Weitz Were top bowlers in last week's" Junior Youth Council league b o w l i n g competition. They bowled high series and high game respectively. Melvin Kpstein paired a 138 with a 14.5 game to total 293 pins. Anile Wcltz topped Individual pin honors by bowling a 117,
CHIROPRACTOR OK SnVINt, M M f e aWharf Avsw Ossaaa "Whtr* th. Slek G.t W.ll" Office Houni 1 1 . m. ta t p. m. Evsnlnas by Ap»»l«tm*(it
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