October 25, 1957

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V.I. XXXVlNo.6

i o -,i:ntt7l'(l n.4 Kcrnliil-Class I.Iutler ut Post- Annual Itate 4 Dollar* •""•"utriif. Omuija, N-'imiska, uu<ii;i ,Kl of J«7» Single Copy 10 Cents

amha Golden Agers fo

Policy Un two spheres, the regional which comprises itself and its Arab neighbors, and the greater world i sphere which devotes considerable attention to the affairs of thin region for historical Mid geoJerusalem (J'I'A i —P r c in I e r political reasons. iJavId JJen Gurjon opened the winI'abnprovrd Soviet ltrl.tiom ter session of the Israel ParliaTho Israel Premier expressed ment with a long review or the regret that there had Itcen no ImMiddle Kast s i t u a t i o n and of provement in Soviet-Israel relaIsrael's foreign policy in which tions "despite nil our efforts to lie carefully avoided nny stric- improve our relations with this tures on pro-Soviet Syria and was mighty power which contains some relatively mild In bis references to three million Jews nnd Is one of the Soviet Union. Observers du- the decisive f a c t o r s in world crlbed this avoidance of extremes policy." II- described the Soviet • s a crystallization of Israel's Unions early attitude of friend-; posture today In foreign alfalrs. ship" to Israel and noted that Seven Mmjor Faints "since the K g y p t l a n dictator Mr. Hen Gtirion't speech made opened the gate of the Middle Kast •even major points: first, there is to the Soviet Union, there ban no change in Israel's f o r e i g n been n very clear and surprising policy; second, Israel's Intentions deterioration in this Great I'owcr'.s are peaceful; third, military vic- attitude to Israel nnd this altitude, torien are insufficient to achieve of course, has not licen weakened n solution In the Middle Kust; with the growing influence of Ihe fourth, Israel's primary task i< the Soviet Union in Syria." interns! social and economic con"The change that has now come solidation of the country; fifth, the I m p o r t a n c e of developing aliotit In the Middle Kasl, conttoter relations between Israel nnd the countries of Asia nnd "Africa; sixth, the lime is not far off when Israel will use llw ulom for agricultural and Industrial pur. JRWCS, and seventh, .inns in Arab An additional five hundred lamb, whether from tin- (oiuilollar.i 'viis raised by Hie inuninis or from the \W,I, me nifiulj'Ts of the Il'nal Jacobactually aimed at Israel. Adas Ycsliuran synagogue for Sputnik Increase Tension 1 refus;*. *' saving operations, and Mr. Hen tiiirlon congratulated forwarded to the United Jew'"Itu.ssiau science and the iwoplc" ish Ajjjtf.il. In \h' used in the (in the MiccesJui dispatch into ~pi-ci.il campaign to save 100,space of mi earth Mit'.ihle lmt fXK) homeless Ji.-ws, and nmvNoted thai "nur joy over tliis ini: IIK'III to Israel, I//y (iarscientific and tcclniolo:;i<'al mile.sick, president of the Syimstone has, however, INTO overjl-'ij^uc announced. shadowed to no little extent by "Our membership has althe resultant increase In world ways been concerned in helptension which is asviciatcd with ing t ' c United Jewish Appeal the artificial sitiiliie either its n to rescue Jews frum lands of C'>ui.e or consequence." o|>prcxslnn," he .said. He said Israel could not help The Hoard of Commissionhut be concerned by Ihe incrensv ers consists of; I/zy Carsick, In tension in the world nnd In president; Joe Kirshcnuatiin, the Middle Kusl whether'or not treasurer Sam Kifkin. secreit was connected with the sateltary; Harry CoopjMimu, Hylite. "The Middle IJist hns been rnan, Gu_s, Juke Kuiilan. Meyft focal point ot tension between

Premier Addresses Parliament


B'nai Jacob Adds Gift for Rescue

East and West for more than two years, since the !>eginnlng of the / copious flow of arms from the , .Soviet bloc to Kgypl," he declared. "Israel has been aware, since the rise of the state, that it lives In

er Ktrshenbaum, nnd Sam !/•vine, trustee*, nnd Joe Adler. tcxto.i. IJabbi Nathan Feldman U spiritual leader of the conKreg;ilion. , '

Dr.MandelbaumWill Address Conference Dr. Bernard Mandelliainn. Moan j Ih home of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. of Student* ut the Jewish TheoThe- .Sunday mornim; business loglcil Seminary of Ajiicriia, New York, N. Y., will be the guest .session will oj»en with n breakfast. Scssiim*. Sunday evening, »I>ealter at Ihe Central .Slate* Conference of four groupn within Monday morning and Monday afttl»e Conservative Movement, nt ernoon will be devoted to tiie Youth C o m m i s s i o n under the Ik-lh Kl Synagonue, October 2~>-'2H, Dr. Mnndelbiiiui! will sjiealt on chairmanship of Kabbi Untold "New Horl/ons in Consultative Stern of Lincoln. Arrangement-. locally are bciuf; Jti'Jalsm," .Sunday noon. 1 V'e nicotines will brinj; tofjeth- mnde by Mrs. A . ' c , Fiilnuin, Sis| h-iiiood president, Harry Dultoff, er Cinscrvative leaders from five Beth Kl president, and Moiley states 111 this arcn who me lionnl Zlpursliy imd'AI Fcldman, Alen's menibeiD of the Friend;; ol Ihe Club president anil vice-president. Seminary, the National I'lmiuini:

m'::sion. A special conference servlrc "ill lie held this Kriday evening with Itnbbl lJernnrd I.lpnlck, !st. Iv>uis, Mo., (ifi^gut'sl preacher. A SabImth luncheon will follow the Saturday morning service, Itahbl Myer S. Kripke will lend a Tonih (tudy session Saturday nflernoon. Conference delegates will l>e the guests at an evening gathering at

Required for Hospital Volunteers Orienlritlim cl.ivt*1:;, a rci)uircment for volunti'rr.s working for the Omaha Vet'Ta.i's hospital, will be scheduled In tin; immcdiMte future. Persons inti/rcmed are invited to call Mrs. .1. Milton .Margolin. GL 4668, chairman for tills activity for tlie Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs.

entertain Sioux Cityans Bonds Reach $72,000 Mark

A full afternoon of entertain^ ment hns beepplanned hi honor / of the Sioux City Golden Ageril-* who will be guests'of the Omaha Golden Age club Monday, October 28., • •'•::• ;'-\-\].}.^r<tinned Mr. lien Gurion, "is that It In no longer local forces but Three parlor meetings, a lunch- A 1 p. m. luncheon and party. will be held Monday at the Jewish powerful external forces tlmt ag- eon, n synagogue appesl and an gravate the tension in the region Israeli Fashion Show have Te- Community Center. The program and only parallel and comple- sulted In the sale of $72,000 in will include a presentation by the mentary world forces can reduce Israel Honda In Omaha and Coun- Workmen's Circle Dramatic group the direction of Mr*. MU* this tension." cil Muffs so far this year, chair- under '••'-•'? man William Grodinsky said to- ton Nearenberg. Hojui III Arab lUrojnltioii Guests at the luncheon will InMr. Hen Gurion expressed be- day. I.nst yenr's complete cam- clude Mayor John Kmenblatt, Dr.: lief that the day would come wheu paign ended with a record break- A. Greenberg, Kev. Alex Katt, the Arab .states recognized the Ing Jt 75,000. David Orkow. Mr*. I^eop Dubrofexistence of Israel. He noted inThe meetings were held at the sky, Sioux Oty coordinator for creased understanding and sup- homes of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wolf tha Golden Age group, Mrs. J. I* port of Israel's alms by many and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katonan Honvich, president o< tlie Counmuntries nnd expressed regret In Omaha and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben cil of Jewish Women and Joe Bad* that Premier Nehru's government (j'ershun In Council Bluffs. Tha Inowski. Paul Veret, executive diIn India which, he said, stood for luncheon, for young busineu and rector ot the Federation for Jew* tlie strengthening of peace with professional men, m i conducted Ish Service, will «*rve as chair;dl nations regardless of t h e i r by Stanley Perimeter. Tha syna- man of the program. regimes, continued to discriminate gogue appeal was held on Roth Following the luncheon the against I s r a e l and seemed io IlashaiMh at the Beth Jtcob-Adau Sioux City guests win be: taken : ignore ll» existence. Yohurn and the Fashion Show on a alghtseeing tour of Omaha, was; sponsored by the Women's A stop will be made at the Dr. Division. •;.' :.....- .• y . ; . - \ ' ' : : - ••• :;, PhlUp Sher Jewish Home for the Remaining events for this year's Aged for tea. A musical program campaign are: The Eleanor Roose- will be presented by Cantor Kit velt Pfnner at the Blackstone Hotel, November 10; Israel Day, a Mrs. Louis Alberts is in charge Phil ningle, druggist and Jake door to door solicitation, Decem- of the luncheon. Assisting will be Wine, automobile dealer, are ber 1 ajid the second annual Cha- Mnies. Lou Cutler, Sal Ndgg and among the Omahans chosen for nukati Feittlval, December 15. M. Hosenstem, nnd Addle, Seals. Heservatlons may be ma^te by special honors by the Supreme calling Mrs. J.. Milton Margolin,; Council of the Scottish Wte Machairman representing the Counsons, now meeting In Washingcil, GL 4668; MrtT Paul Sacks; TK ton, D. C. ' 9518 or Mrs. Nathan Simon, HA They were selected fo • the' rank of Knight Commander*.'for; the A special free jiffy-wagon pick- A special exhibit cirrylne put Court of llnuor by Uie Supreme up and delivery service is offered Ihe theme of ''Golden Age In JewCouncil. Mr. Uin::Ie has been In in the afternoons to persons using ish Art" will be arranged by Mrt.: Masonic work thirty yean and the services of the Jewish C'oinmu- Henry Crcenbcn- and Mrs. Harold nily Outer Health club. Mr. Wine, eight year::. Slosburg. The .service was planned to free The Golden Age Club is span* Selected fo'r tlr; same distincdub patrons from any traffic comsoreil by the Council of Jewish tion was Karl I>. Sieg.-I of Linplications and to conserve their Women and the Federation. : coln. time. N't appointments are required of those using the club services. Tlie new "Jiffy" wagon arrives at its destination promptly after a call is received at JA 1366. A stuff of well trained and ex- A meeting of t h e executjvo perienced masseurs are on hand board of the midwest council of to give members nnd non-niem- the Union of American Hebrew, licrs the highly personalized serv- Congregations will be held In ices identified with the Center Omaha, Sunday, October 2T, with Health Club. Massages, wet and representatives of twenty-seven , dry steam baths, rest cots, infra congregations in seven 'Mates. Paul Blotcky. member of the und ultra violet treatment*, (bowers and workouts facilities are all executive board, Is in charge of arrangements for the event, Louis available ; at a slight service will precharge. . .•-••••." .' : '; Shlfrln of St.Louis, Mo., : side, as chairman. ;.'.-'••. Three .masseurs ore on hind The meeting will deal with pro- v each Sunday to eliminate waiting. grams of adUlt education, youth The staff consists of Carl Flxley, groups, summer camps, the conimanager, Paul Klppels and George blned campaign nnd the coordinaSine, masseurs; '_••; ;; tion of: the work of all Temple •

Award Omahans Masonic Honors


















Club Offers Free Transportation

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• , : • * : • " • • '

Seven States Will Be Represented

Chapters Plan

Children's Group Begins Nov. 3




: -'




Visiting representatives will bo entertained at the home of. Mr, V ond Mrs. Paul Blotcky and visiting rabbis at the home of RauW Tlie Sunday afternoon children's and Mrs, Sidney If. Brooks.

nctlvltlcK will begin November 3 at the Jewish Community Center. Tlie program will include movies, Mr*.' Lester C'urmel trips, h o l i d a y parties, games, Mrs. Lester Cnrmel o ' Chicago, swimming, singing, dancing duos, Many talented performers will will conduct seminars of local arts and crafts and a variety of B'nai H'rltli chapters here Mon- other activities. Youngsters, five make up the cast of "A Night to ' :Remember," to play Saturday, No. day and Tuesday, October 28th and years of age and up are eligible vcmber 2, 8:.T0 p, m., at the Oma29th at the Sheratcm-Fontenellc for participation. The Sunday program will be su- ha Civic (Vnlcr. The show, featurhotcL Following a luncheon on Monday, Henry Monslty chapter pervised by Miss iioris Itadu/iner, ing musical variety acts, is the 470 will hold its si'minar. Nebras- a recent graduate of Branilels Uni- annual fund raising event of B'nai IS'rith Nebraska Chapter No. 316. ka chapter IMG will haw Us ses- versity. Jeanne Kaplan, a lO-year-olil sion on Tuesday. The sessions will be conducted Mrs. Carmel Is president of from 2 p m to 4:30 p m at tlie perfomer, who will lie featured. U'rmi H'rith Womons district No. Center The first session, lasting 8 has appeared liefore audiences In 6 and was named Volunteer Moth- weeks, which begins Sunday No- Lincoln, Omaha, St. Joseph, Mo.,. er of the Year In .195:1 by the i veinber :i. will end with a. gala and the Hollywood Talent show of r.'nai H'rltli vocational service de- I Chanukl;ali party Sunday, Decem- I of fast December. Omahans wIH partment. She has held many of- IMT 22. Tlie second H weeks scs- see F r a n k i e Krunstorad and fices in the organization. She :.ion will begin Sunday, January Nancy Grimm, who presented their harmonica act on n recent Lawtaught in the Chicago public .">. I'l.Vt. schools for 17 years and has reRegistration for tlie S u n d a y rence Welk show. The program ceived varkjus citations for out- afternoon children's program Is will include the Duchess and the standing contribution In the field now open. Payment of the $5 fee Pharos, siiigiiur and dancing arof education. mast be made ut the- time as en- tists. Sol I.ittman Is fund raisins Mrs. (.'annel Is tlie mother of rollment Is limited. Urochtires and two children. Her husband is also registration b l a n k s have lieeri chairman and Mrs. LeRcne La Vine Is ticket chairman. ' mailed to all parents of children. active In B'nai. B'rlth activities.

Talented Acts in B'nai B'rith Show

Friday, October U , 1M7


Friday bj tbe Federation of Jewish S«nlc« U i u Mailing Prtillccts A'.tnorl.cd nt Omufr*. '(tiriub Suucriptlon, 44 00. A i i i i n l s n j i l « m DM Apniimifai II Ol.'lcf—101 .No 201li Muct. O.i'alia :.UJI J1. l-ion 1 : b< > Addrcii 4io8 t o ssis Elicit



With the Home Folks liMIH-aintt al Hi* Hr fhillii itUli

II. n *


ll.r A i . l I,,

OH l!0 ln>' Hikiu I h o l i T i n t ) » . i s ,t liu^i- s u m M I lie I » o . Kiam includul tuiniliers by the Carol>n K.i^.m D.incirs: Deity

Bnnkman, Linda Bunt/, Connie Canuso, Bonnie Krucmer, Sharon Kracmcr, Ua>lc Lcntum, Ph> Ilia Lemuin, itoxannc Nanfito, Cyn Ihia Platt; Nancy Putt, and Karen Wintroub, readings by Mrs. Alex Katz; piano selection by Susau Solorowdk! and Mark Zalkln on the Accordlan. Oct. 22—Riibbi Sidney Brooks was our. visitor. Oct. 22—Memorial Services were held in the Home Synagogue for the following: Tishri 37—Oct. 2 2 - S a m Hoffman; Tishri 28-Oct. 23—Philip Sacks; Tishri 29-Oct. 24—Lottie SUverstone. Oct. 28—A high tea party will be held for the Sioux City visitors and their hostesses, the Omafia Golden Agere. Oct. 29—The Council of Jewish Women arts and crafts class.

CmndMJgtiUii(. «:0» |>. nL

BETH 18HAEL Sen ices this evening ivilj begin «t 5 p. m. Saturday mornpig services begin at 8:45 a, m. Rabbi Benjamin Uroner will con iuet the Talmud study group'at 4:30 p m. Sabbath Mlncha, followed by Shaloih S'eutkw- and Maariv will begin at 6:00 p. ,ra, (Sunday morning service* begin at 8:43 o. "m, and i> followed by Vreakfasl-and the nabbl't class in pible. Daily morning service* will begin at 7 a. m. and 5:13 p. m. The Junior congregation meets every Saturday morning at 10 a. m. and In followed by lunch. On Sundajs the Tails and Tephihn group meets at 8.30 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Cantor £11 Kagan, the Beth Israel Synagogue Choir Kill lead the firsl late Friday evening service of the season on Friday evening, October 29th at 8 p. m Members of the post graduate WKDNK8DAV VO1XEVBAIX Volleyball, an 'Increasingly popand young adult class will parular iport, Is the featured activiticipate in the service.

•J. C Briefs

t-KMTLE ISRAEL Sen Ices will be held thus Friday, B:15 p. m. at Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will preach on "The meaning ot the word, $ ha lorn"—Recognizing United Nations week. Shabbos morning services v begin at 11:30 M. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Religious School choir under the direction of Miss Ida GiUm singing the musical portions of the nervJce. • Sabbath services at Beth Kl Synagogue will begin at 8:13 p. m. Rabbi Bernard M p n i c k oE S t j/ouls, W°- will deliver the pennon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El S n a g g g u c Choir will fender the musical portions of the service. ' . Sabbath morning services begin at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Congregation services arc at 10:30. a. m. Mincha-Maariv are at 5:15 j>. m. Dally services are at 7 a. m. fcnd.7 p. m. Sunday services at 8a.ro.

Lobel to Address Science Meeting

Nivv ^<-ik ' J i \ i I! iljli A hi) i J l i l l d S l h l l Hi I'll M l Hid Mill lie t h e h e ; n o t L s p i . i k u .t Uif op<nIni; M ' s i o n of t i n I'WIi d r n e i . i l / s s O m l j l y of tin I'oiiiu.l >ii . k « i>h I"<d( M l ions ciiid \\'<lfi.ic Vunds T h e f o i l d.i> " J i i f i n n r e w i l l t.ike p l a i e in N M Oik,iTT* f

Novembir 3'1-37

4 it frfriulft and relativi-i am Invltul to attend M-niic* and ri i (ptfoni.

1 T«'l Aviv (JTA)Wolf Mm,; British chain r,toie o\'.U^r, an>] I'ftro-franre, KIITKII oil company. I lie ll'.Milltli hnve purcha BiitL-li SI ell ^ivicl foi'-.OOO. piiund* .Meilii; I.SM.OOO.IKXM, Israeli p i e s ^A ropoi t ri Hilling from lirit-

M*HK (.()« KSTIiO.M, "\1 nk (Joldslrom, .'.n.'i of Mr. tii.d 'Iis H u n nd (fold-tioin, uill obM I I U Ins i; ir Mitziah on Friday i vi nine October 2"jth find Satin1il iv morning, October L'Cth lit Belli i-.li luijliif..^ ti r-.-i htatt-d lhat the II ^1 I],1KO»?UC i-en Wolfsmi-I'ciigrceinent trafranee and the Shell interests JI uv siem.Kit was not yet linal. 1* noted thnt m i i l U U A KAI'l.AN the deal was fo- all property and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sicglw assets except the refineries lit announce the Bas Mitzvah of their Haifa.) daughter, Judy Sieglcr, and Mr. Several months ago, Shell and and Mrs. Meyer Kaplan announce Ihe British Petroleum Company, in the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, which the British (Jov eminent has Barbara Kaplan, on Friday eve- an Interest, announced their inning, November 1st and Saturday tention of eloslni: their operations morning, November 2nd, at Belli in the Jewish :;tnte. Though the El Synagogue, companies, and 'ie Ilritlnh nnd Dutch Government-:, both of JAMK8 MICHAKL KBASNK which have financial holdings in " Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kraut? tho companies, and the British and announce that the Bar Mitzvah of Dutchi Governments, both of their son, James MlchacLKrasne will be celebrated Friday evening DIAMOND'S and SaturdaV morning, October 23,, and 26 at Temple Israel. for >ht MICHAEL LEE SIMON ' . The Bar Mitzvah of Michael Leo Simon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mandel Simon will take place Saturday morning at 8:43 i>. in. at Ihe Beth Israel Synagogue.

Zionists Endorse Warning tp Reds




Levenson Pest Control Service

v. Jiirli haii1 financial holdiuKK in be companies, hiiva Insisted the ctloil was dictated by eomrtierial tun.sidcriilions alone, the move us nent'ially interpreted as a ircnder 1" Anil) boycott tlirrnli.

Former Omahan To Be Honored The conipleliiin of 20 year* In Ihe rabbinate by llabbl Israel Moivihbvvitz, former B«th Israel • ipiritual leader here, will b« celebrated Saturday night, Novembc* 9 «t the Hillcrest Jewish Center, Flushing, K X' Advertistment—

Omaha Businessman Breaks Price Barrier . Ciutumrra Clean Out Dealer's Stoeic Oioaha's l e a d i n g donntoiin dealer )uu sliced new car price* to the bone In a frantic attempt to 10 clean up hl.i '57 models. In commenting on this catastrophe, the dealer nald, "All I can say t* that Omaha buyen know a good deal when they get It." Such a fantastic clearance sale payi off bccauM it brings TtosenNovak new customers who will return to us as lone as they liuy cant, ,

For Satisfaction

New York I JTA)--Secretary of State Dulln' "swift and firm acty, Wednesday from 5:15 p. m. to tion" In warning the Soviet Un6-30 p. m. Those desiring volley- ion against an attack On Tuikry ball participation as a light work- was unanimously hen' out are encouraged to Join up for at o meeting of Ihccndoitcil newly-elected this popular activity. Attendance national-executive council of the need not bo regular and members Organization of Amciica and non-members may drop in for Zionist llu executive voiced rcany of the sessions. Call the Cen- However, g.-Ct that a similar viainini; h.«l ter athletic department for fur- not been buied when Israel, "•inther information, JA 1366. folher Inyal friend and deiotcd .illy I of democrary" vv.i.s thicalcned by FOOTBALL ! "Moscow nnd it: Aiab .;iHlili". " A six-man football team CapAddressing 'he iii'etmc, 7.OA tained by Dusty GrcentXTi; de- |.i evident I)i Ijiiami'-l Neumann feated the previously undcfcitcd warned tint "nothing lc;-s 'li.'in Unaffillates "A" team In a eon- tin" IK.IU' of Hi- win Id" is detest at Klmu nod >- ark last Sunday ix ml'lit on th' 1 'fMinipli'Mi «l morning. This win Tor l'.;i>im | ('7H"HT'tu AIM. l i c lca.>i-,hip- in places them in a tip vvitli L'n.if „„, flcl(1 fjf j , , , , . ^ , , , ., f ( ; i i , s T l l ( . 1407 Harncy St. flUtcs for first plaoo honois. Zionist kadci char|;ofl 'li.it "whlli.1 arc still two games to be uin1 Kovernmi'iit wai mctini; S'»- I by each -team in tho tivo-four crises vvilh pmteam leagues tones Unit at 10 ^ n ; ; ; ^ i " «n"'\ho "urV,.«-.s ... a. m. each Sunday ot Klmwood , ^ ^ <i|1(, punlMnK , m r fri,.nlis Park. I to the delight of our enemies, the j Comniunbts mo ed .steadily ahead AMP COMMITTKE with their p.vg-am of pentratlon Dr. Daniel Miller, Camp Ja>- and kubvcr«lon in the Middle Hast C-C c o m m i t t c chairman, an- —flint via Kgypt and then tliroiiKh nounced that tho final meeting of Sjrl.i" Camp Committee for 1957 will be held at 11 a. m., Sunday, "October Sell vihat you don't need . . . 27, at the home of Mr, and Mrs Buy what you need through llnNorman Batt. 7001 Farnam Slrcct Want Ads. MEAT MARKET Dr. Daniel Miller, chairman, and Dr. Robert-J. Engcl, co-chairman urge all members of the CommitOMAHA'S 4415 CUMING ST. ee to attend this meeting

Itoscn-Novak's *«le lias been to successful for A vcry"'slmple reason. It's just plain common sense (hat when you buy-a brand-new car at such phenomenal discounts, you can't lose. There Is no time like the prcc cnt to buy a luxurious 1957 Chevrolet. There are still many gorgeous models remaining. \VhlIc tills selection lusts, you can buy n new c;ir nml pocket the difference. You uill find a few executive cars nnd demonstrators on which jou c m MIVC over. $1,000.00. Now Is the tinu- for you to buy tlvnt second car for tlir fmnily nt liari c/iin jiririr. ?.lori' fin.- li;iv« ljoen sold iln:-in(j til'; last ten d.iys of this gre;it sale at Hrj'jcn-Xni'.ik than nt liny period, ('nine In and check file fiu• uivs for yniir-elf.

Shop in a Friendly Atmosphere a t


"We Serve the Finest to the Finest"

Harry Lobel, sprcwl student at ^reigblon L'nuoraitj SchooL o f BOWLING TOL'KNMKKr A special mld-w-awn school Pharmacy, will address Ihc American Amocahon !<v the Aduneejnenl of Science . grade bojs and p i h todiv He it to present a pifvr." Rc- ( at .'130 0 p m n> the .Music sonance of Pulsjtion» in I.I i«lic, Bowling l.mes T « n tiojihif , mil Tube»,r' a' 'he a n o c i t Ion's Jn-lx? .mardid to i.itn ci.ide ci nual nat.on.il mpdmc ,:i In'l •-'I'aiilcip.inis vull hr limilcl t napoihs. Ind , Dec 'JTi i in i i h 'Lho'd ft uli i ' i o . . p C l n l -

Rabbi Silver to Keynote Meeting

Bar and has British Jew, French Firm Mitzvah Buy Shell Oil in Israel

' i l n n m l y s t i l l hr r ' l t r i r d t w l . i j by tall.nj; t h e ( ( t i t n ' i A l h l r h i ' D c p i r l m i nl. JV 1'MW. A i:hai|;e ' of V~> i m t , I m u l e t o r-o.rr ilw I ( o ' t of hnrs mil i n i n f ( ( Otl.ei jiu,, \ ii itif/n I'l.id' •.(hool vo'iiiKstrrs Iml.ij , n e suimrmnr fium 2 10 In 1 T) p m ,ii,<I f r i m . i l j j i i i n i , t i v i l i c d i n i n g i h e fl>ini>n l | I 1 S 1 1! '^ A l l i l i t i e D c p . n t j " 1 " " ' " r v.ic lio/uni; v o u i i f l ' r s

Rabbi to Address Sioux City Group

>ou kno'V that a Millie ci(;.iiet(e njii'.iins no lcs-i. thjn 20 W)0 filler traps Y< v, 20,0001 n.ibb. Beiij.imin Giomr. spirMttr traps ;.re patkei lo('(th(i ju.il le uiu uf the Iktii IM.ICI SyIn n Finnic lip <>f -i VIceroy111.1,'op.ic, will be the pnncipal Cigaiette, I win- , s many a« In thejspeakir nt the Annu.il Sioux City pther two lurgest-selling filter Talmud Tornh Dinner. The event brands, for the rmooih'st \a%\e of mil take pl.»c on Sunri.iy cvenhiL'. •lj j—Adi ertis' i » nt. October 27.

HOUSE .f MINK Entry Color Every Sfylt

CRANDELL FURS Fornom ot 36th Street


' '/; Featuring ' |

WA S5S4 •




Fresh Poultry Daily JUST ARRIVED Another Complete Shipment of



Educalor-McGowan Cookies and Crackers STRICTLY KOSHER AND DELICIOUS Saltines Grahams Deluxe Assortment Chocolate Ovals

Tea Biscuit (Seal Pilots) Fig Bsr> Vanilla Ovolj Chocolate Chips ' and Many More ~

Open Sundays From 7 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. PAVED PARKINS


Cordially Invites

~i-f<<s, r,f<-

INNER in Honor of the


-:m '-m>


"• » f *» b~*




, -


p * . -V

: MRS. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT Sunday Evening—November 10 Blackstone Hotel

'$3.25-Per. Person eservations Are Now Being Accepted to Participate :~J ':/'i'\i.f"'-: \.', in a Memorable Event jn Omaha—The ",":,'<<~f^r>-•;lf"?>\. c Unprecedented Visit to the Jewish Community> ;,. " J "''•V. ' ' by the World's Most Admired Woman ' " , .

Mail Your Reservations or Call the Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner Committee

Suite 1014 City National Bank Bldg.

Atlantic 1177 or Atlantic 1093

, October XS, 1K1

THK nwiaa eua*

Guild Hadassah To Honor New Forum to Consider Needlework Contributions Members at Luncheon Teen-age Problems

In addition to thfce wonK'n wlm cuntiilHited pttviuuily to the Needlewut'k Guild D i h e , the lollmv- I The Omaha Chapter Hmlus«ib + \nii contributions fire iP|»i>rk'<!. j u i ] | njit-ii its srasofi w i t h n p a i d - ; AD those wliu liu\c ii'it li1. iKUid- j u p TiiemlK-tship l'lMrlicou in h o n o r j I h w futiinii vjll lie to ciiiuli our A series of fomnis fur noutts, ed as yet are urK«I to ieiid In ; of n*'u nienil'i'i.. W e d n e s d a y , O c - j dealing with the 'I IH-II-ABC Xo-' adults la tindt i sl'iiulin^ twu-JKeii; their donations this week. .Mrs. ! toiler '.'.0. VI:'.?) p . in.. rt[ (lie .fi'\v-[ Announcement is mmle of th9 dety, ts being planned by the Jew- tlii.-rt.-liy rnrichini; our total com- Dave Coli.i, thainiKin, hojw:, that : i-ii ('ojsimunity (VJIMT. I hirth of n daughter. Helen Kimish Community Center Youth com- munity. r C 1 | finest s p e a k e r lit tlu It "XVil not be necessary to h a w ".' ' '.'"' ;!' tH'i-Jv. to ?.'r. mid Mrs. llolnnd As toon ns piepjrdtions ore another follow up mailing. Mines: j will b>» ^!r.. Nathan I'crnstcun , mlttee. Ilcprcscntatu cs from olhof Kiilin, Octoher 10., Urand|>:uvnts ' er J e w i s h adult organization! completed, dates of the forum will Lincoln, whu «ill brim; i;rcetlii|,s lire Mr. and nlm. Hen Kahn. Harold Kasin, Maurice Katflsponsoring youth programs and be .announced. iiun, Jack Kaufma", Abe Klot/, to the un-nilcMhhip ironrthe Naactivities are invited to participate Mycr £. Kripke, Jiaiucl Kriipin- tional Convention" in Philadelphia A daughter, Claudia Uetli wn» in its development sky, Fred Kurtzinan, Mux Kurtz- which sin- attni'lirl./ Wrs. lk'rn- born October 17 to Mr. nnd Mrs, Parents of teen-agers and Inman, Sam Kutler, Carl Laemnn, htein is president of the Mountain Jerry Esten, Reseda, -Cal. Materterested adults will have the opHarry Uppett, Joseph Utt, Philip Plains I'.oi;ion of llndussuh and a Among the top ten seniors, se- Lubman, :Irving Malashock, Sol former ju-esldent of the Lincoln nal grandparents arc Mr. and .Mm. portunity to discuss pertinent Cecil Jzenslat and great (jrandlected accord!,! to academic questions with experts in the fields Mann, Richard Martin, Benjamin Chapter. Mines. Sol Laginnii and mothcr, Mm. Ida Brecn. Paternal of; teen-age psychology, youth grades at Central High .cbool this Miroff, Max M Moskowlte, Albert Alberts are In charge of grandparent.-) ore Mr. and Mrs. work, Jaw, adolescent sociology year are Lennca Rife, straight l's; 5. Nowmart, Ernest A. Nogg, luncheon arranEements. Joseph Kstcn of Los Angeles. Cal. Dick Speier, third place croup; Julius 1. Novak, Harry Nystrom, and related professions, "Hadassarella," an original com-The program, geared especially Si-ul Kripke, seventh place fol- Keith Peltt, Maurice Pepper, Jlen edy by Mines. Harry Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard S. Telpfor adults, is one of many such 'owed by Irvin Belzer and Andy Pcrelman. Samuel Platt, William Robert I'.osen, will be featured at new approaches designed to bring Jean Gross, tenth place. Racustaw Louis JUduziner, Milton the meeting. Taking part in the Tier of Council Ulufis, la., arc th* into the programming of adult and S. Reonlck, Samuel Rlchman, Paul skit are Mines. Maurice Sachs, parents of a daughter, Sari Jo Among^tho cast members of RJps, Stella Robinson, Jennie Hos- Jack Frileck, Phil Katznian, I^on-| born October 11. They ore also senior organizations, youth problems and needs as seen through "The Swan" presented Thursday enblatt, Philip Roecn-Uatt ard L*vine, Paul Itoscn and Irv the parents of another dauehtcr, the eyes of adults and professional evening by the Central High FlayKalman. An original /;onc with Heidi. Paternal grandparenta are HarryJZ. Rosenfeld, .' rael Jlon- lyrics by Mrs. J'.ol>ert Gorelick Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tilpner of ers were Carolyn Dalgoff, Mike youth practitioner*, . In the opiated of Bill Kutler, PeneD, Larry JCohn, Barbara Ber- etitkU, Arthur Rubin, Maurice will Iw sunc by Mn. Joseph 011ns- Council Bluffs and •riternal youth committee chairman, one eutt, Phil Barren, Bernie DeKoV- Sachs; Samuel G, Saltzman, Leon l»en;. accompanied by Mm. San- grandmother is Mrs. Harry Priesof the most talked about and en, Joan- Marx, Marly* Isack, Bar- Schmidman, Max Shap'ro, David ford JJrophy. Technical staff for man of Omaha. equally misunderstood topics IK bara Brodkey and Nancy Brodkey. Sherman, Sol Sherman, Abe Shra- the play Include* Mines. Seymour the current Teenage Society of our Jean Marx was one of the student go, Max Shrago, Bernard Sleg- Coldston, Alan Abramson and JerMAKTI.V N. t'OI/TON, CPA, ler, Edward L. Simon, Abe Slusky, ry Bernstein. managers for the production. country, has become Ossoclated with th« Harry L. Somrner, Sam S. Steinfirm of Morris E. Klrshenbaiim, Greetings will lie extended to "Sucha forum will contribute to Muurecn Zevitz has been aelect- berg, Paul Surenky, Adolph Trost, CPA. Before returning to Omaha, Intelligent understanding of our cd for one of the leads i n the Cen- Jake Turek. Nathan Turner, Don- new member* by Mm. Ted San- Mr. Colton was formerly with a youth and to future family hap- tral High school opera, "Carousel" ald L. Vann, Abe Vender, Albert ford, chapter membership chair- national public accounting firm in man, on behalf of her Kroup chairpiness," Mr. Kutler said. to be presented December 1214. J. WeUiberg, Iiadore M. Weiner, men: Jlerzl, Mmes. Morton Rich- Chicago, "A program of this type affects itolcs will be played by Jeanna Herman Welnstcln, Norman Whitman, H. D. Wlgodsky, Abe Wolf- ards, Julius Katznian, Art Abranw; each and every one of us and re- Blfe and Jack Lleb. son, Max Wolfson, Paul -Wolk, Srold, Mines. Arthur Crossmun, 'quires the cooperation and underLeonard Ijewis. Sheff Katskce; standing of all parents. The need A VSY meeting wUl be held on Bernard Zevitz, I. B. Ziegman nnd Weizmann, Mmes. Norman Lincoln for parents, and adults to reac- Sunday at 6t30 p. m., October 27, Ben ZoorwIU. arid Sam Herman. quaint themselves with some of at the home of .ihella Novak. 9611. 'Misses Minnie Klsenttatl, Sally Reservations for the luncheon the new trends in the adolescent L*u\ en worth street. Gendler, Harriett Horwlch, "Eve- are being taken by Mrs. Irvbi world has prompted our commitThe meeting will be followed by lyn Levy and Sarita Zoonvill. : l«vln and the followlfig group te to take action." Sir. Kutler de- a social hour, and the singing of chairmen: Szold. Mn'ies. Dave clared that the whole purpose of USY song*. Manvitz, Nathan Gimple and Knrman Wohlner; Wetemann, Mmes. I^o RosenlxjrB, liermird Diamond WILLIAM WK.INWt WHUam Wcincr, 5112 Parker and IrvliiK Kpsteln; Ifer/I, Mines. street, parking lot operator and Joseph Lerncr, Donald Now: «nd leader in Jewish Synagogue af- Jack Fox. njan, Sam Poliok and Stanley fairs, died Tuesday. Services were BOARD Shapiro, story tellers and the held Wednesday morning at the The board of the Business and Goodfellows group of the Cham- Jewish Funeral home with burial CALL Professional group of Hadassah ber of Commerce, November 4 at in Golden Hill cemetery. HOLLYWOOD will meet Sunday, October 27th noon with Mires. Morris Shapiro, Mr. Weiner v/a» past president a t the«home of Mrs. Charles S. Henry Grcenberg and Ifeibert of li'nai Israel Synagogue (ind a TUX RENTAL RUG & UPHOLSTERY Row, 6325 Glenwood Road. Meiche* an story tellers former president of the Men's 10i Ho. IStfa Stmt JA 2452 'The formation of the organizaMi/rachi Organization. CLEANERS (In Omiha Loan tion's eighth Israel Bond club •Stirthin;; are his wife. Fannie, RUGS—CARPETING whose members purchase Israel children, Mr;;. Isaiah U.'ichovsky, Savings Bonds was announced by LAMP SHADES » An;;clcs; Kdward, Villisca, la., Miss Evelyn Levy, serving her PAUL'S II<ruy and Sol of Omaha and three FURNITURE sixth year as chairman of the RADIO & TV SERVICE The publication, "Your Neighbor K-'andchiMren. project. The club term will extend Cleaned In Your Home! TV CAR IADIO 10 months or until all commit- Celebrates" by Gilbert nml TarRADIO PHONOGRAPH 0l«flng • Laying. Repairing cov was "presented to the JoiJyn MKS. SAItAH DLVMOM* ments have been fully paid. Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah PAUL GOLDBERG The group Is open to new mem- Art Museum by the Anti-Defama- Diamond, 62, who died Tuesday at Don Bernstein HA 2554 fL IS9S bers. Interested applicants may tioii League of B'nal B'rith, It was the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home 4J2S No. Mllr St. announced by Sol I. IJttman. APL call HA. 2890 for information. for the Aged, were held Thursday A new name for registration of regional director. '.Tic book de- morning at the Jewish Funeral the purchased bond will be drawn picts living Judaism as practiced Home. at the regular monthly meeting and observed by Modern AmeriSurvivinc are sons. Oscar, of the organization. Mrs. Julius can Jewry, Milton Abraham, chalr- Omahn; Dr. 1-eo. Marion, Ind., ;i . faewman's name was drawn for man of the Omaha ADL commit- brother and a lister. the purchase of the first bond in tee said. this current term.





Book Given to Joslyn Memorial

MEN . . .

WORKMAN'S CIKCXK , AUXILIARY >' The public is invited to the annual card party to be ghen by the Workman C i r c l e auxiliary Sunday. October 2 7 , 7 p. m. at the Labor L y c e u m , '3021 Cuming street. Admission will be fifty cents. Cake and coffee will be served free. lira. Nathan Lerman is chairman. BETH EL MOTHERS Mothers are invited to "Coffee with Rabbi Kripke" Thursday, Noi ember 1 in the IJeth El SynaKo^iie library. The !KtO a m. Ketto pother will lie .seeoni of a series of vwnl.f.hops on an interpretation of Jewish h'ilnLi>s. custom*, nnd cwrinonics . This nuikshop Mill concentrate on the observance of th>> Siibhath Km ics(;nation*, c.ill tin- i.yn,i!!(iKiie offin-, (•!. JiL'L'l or Mrs .Morns J-V-lliii.ni WA 7->77, 011111711.111 of the Juilir,-n in the onie C'miimillc D O I J . S I'oit iu:^io( i: \ ( v ••Hie Doll'. J-oi Di-mocKicj," a Hciny Mun.ky C'h ipt<-i B'n u Ii'ritli project, «ill h" fe.ituir-d liy tin- follo-.unK Curie X2. of tli" First C'ongie,:.jtioiifil chinch Octolx-r a."> .it noon vith Mine-, Mmris ShapJra and Jlerljert Jlticlic"as Mory fellers,; the annual conwnt ; «n of the Girl Scouts, the eien-r; of November 2 at the Regii, hotel ttilii Mines. Sam KaU-

Deaths The family of Alec YarmoIneK will dedicate a monument to his memory Sunday,'' October 27, 11 a. m. at ML Sinai ccmetci.s. Itabl>i N. Feldman will officiate. Krii-ndi and relatives are invited to attend.

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