November 8, 1957

Page 1

Vol. XXXVI No. «



Letter of Comfort From a Statesman (Tim 1CII<T njirlnti (I liclotv mi* "rlltin by I'rlnw Minister David lli>n Uiirlon, mlng liU tnjcirri] right IIHIKI—to the parent! of Mo»hft Duog, the man who tiiriMV the grenade In the Kiiftii•flt.) "T> tlie parents of Moshe Dues—many greetings. I know that you regret as does all Israel, the dastardly and foolish crime which your son perpetrated yesterday. You ara not blame. You are living in Israel where Justice reigns and I hope that nothing untoward happens to you and your sons. Would that you succeed In educating the rest of your children to good deeds and to love Israel." (signed) DAVID BEN OURION. 3040-57

Mrs. Roosevelt Will Arrive Here Sunday ' Mr*. Eleanor Roosevelt, widow. of the late president and one of (he world's Jttloved personalities will be the gutst of honor and principal speaker at •• Bonds-for Xirojel dinner, Sunday evening. Novefnber. 10, 7 p, m,' at,-the Black•tone Hotel.'" Mrs, Roosevelt, who plans to fly here from Chicago. U expected to arrive at the Municipal airport Sunday at 11:09 a m. William Grodlnsky, Bond Drive chairman, expressed the hope a l a r g e delegation of Onuhin* would be on lund to welcome the famous guest. Mrs. Rooncwlt v.,n on.- of the m i l y pirtlcipitils in the I'nilecl Nation* (inrl iris !«"••« d<"icnbod in n foremoit o p mem for efd'cmc ami continuing I n f m i l . w n l c»Koowvelt Mri opcratlon. She Ins .icquirfl < i 'Jill tat ion ai i «oiM-vnuV t n v - l n m l t« ) an'o'n'trfi iplilcil inlunKs. and recently made B trip to I»- "'Ihi, Is .My .St >ry,' jn-l • f h u 1 nicl. i ' . u n i v i n b e i ' il'T sjmliciteil 1 When HIM I'-tm-J f i ' i n the I'N, n"tt->l>i|i' i column cnji>>i a J irge rfnIiTHliip thiou^'houi t i n counHarry Truniin sii'l of hi'i ' Mr» Roosevelt is Hie only woman wliu t i l . could have <l'nn? the Job of brini:Reservation for ihc dinner can in;: tho nitlxiii of (he woiM I> l)i; made at the Israel Bond Ofmuch closer to,;"thi"r' fice, 1014 City-National Bank Mrs. R o . i * j v l t l u i « n t t i ' n scvernl widcly-n-id bjok*. inclurtm,: "IinUa and tlii> Aniilciiin,; List,"

Hldg.. or Ijy calling AT 1177 or AT 10!l3. The dinner is W.23 per pl itp

Professor To Address Brandeis Gathering Professor G e o r g e Fucher of Br.ind*i.i L'nlieijltj, will addreu members of the Hi indeii 1'imorslty Women < group at a luncheon meeting. WrJnevliy, N'nirmlier 13. 12:13 p. 111 Jt the 111 ickslone hot •!. Professor risdn-r. »ho lived in anioni; the .io'.i'-ts tor 10 >IMIS and, attended public school, In Moscow until I1''.'I, k coniidi red on authority on Rtis.nn hlitoi) and politic.-. Hi> li thr. kon of an American fiiitfi ;n roin>ipinil'%nt and a Sow'! h m•(•«iff Uuiin,: World W-ir II be i<>tuin>-d !•> I!'isla for a y e n m I' S Aim) officer Mr. Fhchi-r i w l i . M h.-< doctor il deijree, in imMr) .it II i n ml in l!Kii! /ihd w. i, clncted to i speci il research fi"II->w >lilp in tin* IIiMiird Society of Fellow* froin l'H') to VXA. He I m been ,in ns^ocute of Hie Harvard I'.usiiin Ite.enohi Center from 19IS t i th.* jneqent ll'irvard t"nni*iilty Pics', n tin-• publisher of thiiv hooks bj Professor Fischei: ' .Sonet Opiwiilion to Stalin," " in I.llwrilism,' and (.is co-editor) "It u 1111 n Tliought aii'l Politic " Fivelier h is been at Hr.uideis I'niversity, as n member of I N department of history, since 193.1. Oln. Bernhurdt L. Wolf, preji-


Professor OenrKu of

Hie Om:ih.i cli.'ipter of Uni\ersity W o m e n ' s ee, will preside at the

mectini:. Air.. Slinlcy K iilelm r . Slinlcy l l m inn H In charge of the luncheon. Mrs. If irly Altsuler ij In charge of decornUoni Mis. Cluiles Ho'>eiistock, CL. 9319, inny l « crilled for reservations.


Famous Druze To Appear Here Sof ety Sought For Knesset

Mansour to Tell Israel-Arab Story

Jerusdlom (WNS)—Tlie Israeli Cabinet, In a mov> to prevent a recurrence of last week's Knesset incident, when a crazed youth threw a hand-grcnadt injuring five high government officials, appointed a Ministerial commission to study security pleasures to safeguard Knesset from further at' tacks. Ben Gurlon Jmpnrrerf . ' . Moshe Shapiro, Minister of Social Welfare and Religious Affairs, was reported showing Improve nient. He was the most seriously injured of the five. Premier David Ben Gurlon, who underwent a minor operation for the removal of a steel splint from his leg, was reported in good condition and eager to leave the hospital. He is due for early release. Minister'of Transport Moshe Carmel, who luf. fcred a broken arm and other minor Injuries, may remain hospitalized for another week or two, though hli condition Is described as good. Mrs. Golda Meir has been discharged from the hospital. Douek Examined Meanwhile there Is some specu latlon about the legal sanity of the grenade thrower, M o s h e Douek, A year ago, when Douek was held on a charge of attempted nr>on on the BctUnson Hospital In Tel Aviv, a psychiatric commission appointed by the court found unfit to utand trial. A report by two psychiatrists who examined him since the Knesset Incident ruled him legally sane. It U believed tlie question of Douek's sanity will be thoroughly Investigated before he Is permitted to enter a plea on his official arraignment.

Sheik Kamal Mansour, 26-yearold Druze journalist who won $8,000 on the $64,000 Question TV program, wlir Include Omaha, Council Bluffs and Lincoln on his nation-wide lecture tour of the United States. Sheik Mansour, who will be In this area November 12-15, will discuss the Arab Israel problems and the progress of Arabs In Israel. Mr. Mansour, correspondent

Square Dancing Class to Start An adult square dancing class will meet at the Jewish Community Center as soon as registration Is completed, It was announced by Karl Slegel, adult education chairman. Tn« class will be Instructed by Mr. and Mrs. James McKlnney, professional folk danotra a n d square dance callers. Plant are being made to hold the class on Thursdays from 8 p. m. to 1030 P. m. Fee for the course Is (1000 a couple. The class is open to single men and women as well as couples. ItoglHtfatlon may be made at the activities office, JA 1366;

JWV to Present Awards at Dance


' „{'{?,''


Talent awards will be presented to outstanding youth nets no part nf the program at the Veterans Day donee to be given Snturday nlcht, November ICth nt the Hliickitone hotel by the I.'pstclnMoi;;>w post or the Jewish War Wti'i.ins. Mat Knnncr n chairman of the youth tulent program. The dunce which will begin at 9 p. ni. l.i the Hole fund raising event of tiie post. Proceeds will ennblo the orK'inizfitlon to continue Its Veterans hospital proKi'i'im and help the Omaha Opportunity Center, Delmnr Klein. «cnlor vice commander and dance chnlrmnn, announced. Member* who need extra tickets arj asked to contnet Nate Mjrcus, Dance ticket chnirman, GL 0073.

flamal Munsour,

B. and P. Women To Welcome Druze

Kamal Mansour, Druze from Islfiya, Israel, will be welcomed to this area by members of the Business and Professional group of Hadassah at their annual Inter-Faith affair A general store and auction will Tuesday, November 1?, at 8 highlight the fall harvest festival p. m. at (he Jewish Community to be given by the women of B'nal Center. Sheik Mansour will be B'rith Henry Moniky Chapter 470 guest speaker at this special on Sunday night, Nov. 17, 8:30 event. p. m. at the Blackstone Hotel, it Mrs. Phil D Schwartz Is has been announced by Mrs. Syd- chairman for the event. ney Znclmer, fund raising chairA. coffee hour Will follow man. Other committee chairmen with the following hostesses are Mrs. J. Kuklin, Jewel Page, assisting: Lillian Becker, Bess Mrs, F, Sekar, decorations; Mmen. Blank, Myrtle Freeman, Ahuva Harry Friedman and Snm Pollak, Gershntcr, Frances Grcenberg, add book; Mrs. Sol Miroff, parly; Lee Grecnberg, Rena Gross, Mrs, Aaron Epstein, treasurer; Ij!na Grossman, Julia Jacobs, Mmcs. Meyer Kaplan and1 Danny Jean Kaplan, Fannie Lagman, Goodman, tickets; Mrs. Stanley Evelyn Levy, Mildred Levy, Shapiro, publicity; -Mrs. George Sally Meyers, Sadie Newman, Colin, television tickets. Sylvia Ross, Iska Rothholz. Also working on the affair are An extilblt of Middle-Eastern Mmcs. Harry Sldman, Jay Stoler, art will be on display. Max Krlzelman, Ben Magzamln, Charles Fisher, Harry Smith, Kugene Braun, Bernard Goldstrom, for Israel press and radio, has disN a t e Gltnlck, Harry Raznlck, tinguished himself as a leading icorge Schaplro, J, Lazar, Nathan spokesman of one of Israel's most Kaplan, Harry LJppett, Ben Wine, interesting minorities, the Droze. Earl Siegel and Richard Wright. The Druze number about 20,000 A week's «tay for two at the in Israel, and are taking active Sands Hotel at Lai 'Vegas, Nev., part In building the country. (So* will be among the.features of the feature story on page 4.) AEEA SCHEDULE evening. Wallace Elkon will be auctioneer. Refreshments will be Scheduled are the following apserved. The event la open to the pearances: public. Tuesday night, 8 p. m., November 12, Mansour will be the guest of the Omaha Hadassah Business and Professional Group at its annual Interfaith meeting and reception at the Jewish Community Center. An urgent call has been issued Wednesday noon, November 13, by Mrs. Isadora Chapman and he will address the Tribe of Yessir Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, Federation at the Chamber of Commerce. A t of Jewish Women's Club* chair- 3 p. 1rC, he will speak to Crelghman and co-chairman respectively, ton University 'students at the for donations of voluntary cash Crelghton School of Law, under contributions or new saleable ar- the auspices of the International ticles for the Children's Memorial Relations Club. At night, he will Hospital Bafaar, Monday, Novem- speak at the First Presbyterian ber 11, from 9 a. m. to 19 p. m., church of Omaha. _ at the Sheraton-Fontenelle HotelHis Thursday schedule will InTho Federation of Jewish Womclude a noon talk before the Counen's Clubs will again have Its own cil Bluffs Rotary, club at the booth, It was announced. "We Chieftain hotel; he wilt be a guest have always been top booth, and at the 8 p. m. open meeting of tha hope to continue to be," Mrs. Council Bluffs American ChrisChapman said. tian Palestine Committee, at the Anyone Interested In crochet- First Federal Savings and Loan ing, knitting and tewing such Building, Main and Broadway. Items as baby clothes, pot holders, Friday, November 15, he will aprons, tea towels, doll gear, or address a morning convocation of any unusual article for.the bazaar the students of the University of hotild contact Mrs, Chapman GL Nebraska in Lincoln; at noon, he 0171; Mm. Friedman, JA 0087, or will speak to the Lincoln Klwanls the Jewish Community Center, JA at the Capitol hotel. 1.1GG. The articles may be taken to the home of Mrs. I. B. Ziegman, 651 No. 56 St. Cash contributions ALUMINUM-BEARING OltES Jerusalem (JTA)— Considerable may be mailed to Mrs. Chapman, deposits of aluminum-bearing ores 121 No. 53' St. have been discovered In the NeMrs. Henry A. Newman Is presl dent of the Federation of Jewish gev, including an estimated one Women's Clubs. Tho Children's million tons ot flint with a 45 perMemorial Bazaar is one of its cent concentration ot the light 'metal many projects. \

Festival to Offer Many Attractions

Bazaar Needs Contributions




BarandBas WirhtheHomeFolks Mitzvah Ktw* « r j

PuMUked Every Friday by the federation of Jewish Servlc* Mcmur J I K U alitiunr t*m ilexes A^thurueu ±i Omaha, .Nebraska Annum Suburtptivn, <-iou A a ^ i s < K I ' I K * on Application. Cdltoilai u< i t - 1 0 ) \ u 21,:u -.'!<->• O ' l i t r.tlir.. JAckuin 1.104J f i i n l Sli \il<irec> <WHJ SO -.Vh i : u i i


All frlrmlt mud relitivra *r« luvlted to ftttind i t n l e c t fend rcctntiou*.


al»i K . ft

Two new hosjiltel beds » • « • donated by th« Bikur C h o l i m Society. New admissions: Mrs. Hyinia Klein, Biui Meyer (ireenberg. Nov. 5—Ilabbi Ilenjamin Groncr w-i's o\w visitor pud continued hit di5ciiM.lon on Mislinnis.

ALAN COHEN I)H'K ZEVITZ Alan Cohen, !>oii nf Mr. »ml Mrs. 11 K i l l IMiAhl. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Rnn Cohen, will observe his ii;ir Kli Kag»n, Heth Israel Choir, mid Mit^\;»h and Dick Zevit'/, s.on of COUNCIL, OF JEWISH WO.MIIN tbout her writing hiid the many I'o>t (Jraauate.classes will conduct Mr. and Mrs. llrrniii'd Zevil/. Arrangements lor the music-U Interesting phases of bcr life. l:tlp t'riday e\eninK .str\icrs at H will o b f i n c his Bar ?ilit/.v«h at • The program u as planned by p. in. Rabbi Grcncr'fc sfinuin will joint service at Hfih Kl Syna. revyc"Red Stockings" will be disMr. end Mrs. Walter * WcukoK i'o^ue this evtjiinj; and .SaiunUiy minouiicc Die birth of a ion, Scott cussed when the board members Mil. Morley Zipursky, program be -Who Won the War?" of the Council of Jewish Women chairman, and Mmes. Itobert lu-rnDavid, October :iO lit the Clarkson Traditional Friday evening servmeet at a 1 o'clock deuert lunch- stcin and Henry Hklses, member- ices (Kabholas Shabhosl begin f t NKK.NA ItKNflK RKBKK hosiiitul. Cmiiiliiiirenls art Mr. eon at the home of Mr*. Edward ship,, chairmen. The membership 4:45 p. in. Sabbath morning servMr. tinil Mif. David E. Beber and Mrs. Max Kadis »nd Mri. .£v« Levtiuion, 1811 North tt Street^ committee consists of Mmes. Art ices be^in fit 8:45 s. m. Junior nnnounce that the lias Mitz\Hh of Woskoff. Thursday, November 14. Mrs. Rob- Adler, Leon Alexander, Phil Gere- CVjii^regation at 10 a. in. Rabbi thrir daughter I.'pena Rpnee Bt-Vtfr lick, Marvin Sabes. J. Tretlsk, ond Gronor will conduct the Talmud v.ill be celebrated this evening *nd ert IL Silver Dr. »nd Mrs. Phillip Starr huv« ert IL S i l e r win serve as tes». Mrs. Joseph Horwich nill Sol Y'affe. Mrs. Normun Wohlner class at 4:15 p. m. Sabbath Miricha toinoiiovv in o r n i n g «t Temple nnmi-d their duughter born Octoband Mrs. A. Altmnn me in charge »( 4:4") p. in. followed by Sholeshe lei-Bel. er 21) »t flmltion hofpital, Susun praite. «f table setting, Mrs. LconScbmld S'eudos and Maariv. Dally services, I.isabf-th. The couple has two ijns, i t K H A i i i ) E L L I O T I:.N(;KL TEMPLE SISTERHOOD man, table decorations, and Mrs. 7 a. m. and 5 p. m. Sunday mornTemple Israel Sisterhood will Ed Rosen, props, Richard Klliot Kneel, ion of Dr. Kiic end Craftf. Grandparents ar» Mr. end Mrs. Harry Sterr, .Toring services besin «t 8:45 ». m. and Mrs. Robert J. Kngel will celehear Ilabbi Sidney H. Brooks rcMmes. Ben Perelman, Bemnrd followed by breakfast and Rabbi's brate his Bar Mitzvnn Friday eve- onto, Onl., Canada »nd Harry \lew "Remember Me To Cod" by Myron S. Kaufman at the Novem- Oreenbers, Herbert Wintroub and class in Bible. Sunday morning ning and S a t u r d a y morning. Kothkop, I/>i Ancelei, Cal. ber 12, Stiterhood m e e t i n g at I n Ing Herzog and their Circles Junior Alinyan, followed by break- November 15 and 16 «t Temple 6 and 1(6 are in charge of the fast, itarts at 8:30 a. in. Jerus^l^m UTA)~'IVo hundi-ed Temple icraeL Israel. Arabs, most of them from Jordan The review will follow the regu- luncheon. : The Talmud Discussion group KANPRA BENKE FARILMAN mid Lebanon, have settled in IsKADDtAH . lar 1 p . m . luncheon and business meets every Tuesday evening lit tiARY fAltlLMAN rael in the iBst year. Most at th« meeting Mrs. Edward Gilbert, ilsThe Kadtmah Chapter of Pioneer 7:30 p. m. at EHH S Mr. »nd Mrs. Arthur Psrilman 200 were admitted under the famterhood president, «IU conduct the Women will hold their first fund- l'Jih t Bui-t. announce that the Bar iml Bas Cy-repatrlttion plun of tht govmeeting. raising, affair of the year, a card Mitzvah of their children, Sandra ernment. Planning the event arc Mmw. party at the home of Mrs. Harry TEHri.K ISKAEI. Renee and Gary Allen, will take George Spitzer and James Samuel- Siref, 732 No. T5lh Street. WedScrvicei will be held this Fri- plact on Friday Evening mid Satson, luncheon. Mmej. Edward and nesday, November 13, at 8 p. m. DIAMOND'S day evening at 8:l!i p. m. Rabbi urday morning November 15th and Irving MaUuhock, table decora* Mrs: Harry Siref and Mrs. Sam Brooks will preach on "One Story's 16th, at the Beth Israel Synogosue, tlont, and Mrnes, Abe Katelman Epstein Co-chairman of the affair, Comment on Another" Two great for th» and Harry Altstiier, table letting. have appointed Mmes: Abe Bear, moment! In Jewish History. TASTIEST KOSHER DILLS Pick-up t e n ice will be avail- Charles Gusi, Sidney Zneimer PAUL'S Shubbai morning services will able at 153 No. "2nd Street M and Raymond Corey to the com- begin*at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi RADIO & TV SECtVICB and DILL TOMATOES 12:33 p. m. mittee. Admission to , t h e card Brooks officiating and the ReTV CAI RADIO HENBY MOKKKT KA6IO rHOHOCRAfH party ii 11.00. All members and ligious School Choir under the H'NAI B1UTH direction of Mist Ida Gitlin tingfriends ar« invited -to attend. PAUL GOLDBERG The regular luncheon meeting ." Kadimah •', Chapter of pioneer ing tht musical portions of the 4311 H». 14th It. PL ! ! » • of the Henry Monsky chapter. No. >v service. 470. oMVnai B'rith will be held Women iH JK>'d their regular on November 6, at the Jewish November board meeting Monday, Community Center at 12:30 p. m. Novetrjber 11 at 8 p. m. at the BETH EL Omaha's House of Sabbath service* at Beth Kl MM, Henry A p p e t , Bcllrfaire home of Mrs.- Sam Epstein, 807 Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. in. chairman, will report on Bell*. No. 69 Street. Armrai .-••'•: - : Rabbi Myer S. Klrpke will deliver falre, a home for children in HADAKSAfl The JJJ.F. chairmen of jladas- the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Kdgnr Cleveland. She asks that all member* brine a gift that can be tent iah will be hostesses to their and the Beth Kl Synagogue Choir j Blicl *n<) Gr*y to the children of the home for committees at a noon luncheon at will render the musical portions I Chanukah. Gifts of clothing, toys the home of Mm. Aaron Rips on of the service. Sabbath morning services be^in j Monday, November IX Chapter r>r games would be appropriate. Dr* John Aita, psychiatrist Oma- chairmen are Mrs. Phineas Win- at 9:30 a. m. and the" Junior Con-j ha, will speak on the "importance troub and Mrs. Aaron Rips. Group Kiejjalinn .services are at lfl:'S/) chairman are: Welzmon, Mmes. 8. m. Mincha-Maariv are nt 4 : 4 J of being a happy mother". All member* are ««kcd to please Max Bittner and Seymotn Abnuns. p. in. Daily services are at 7 n. m. Perncm. ct 36th Str«et make reservation* with Mrs. Hot* Szold, Mmes Irving K. Hrookstein and 7 p. ni. Sunday services at Gliuburg. GL. 5291 or Mi- Hi n y end Allx-rt Gorber. H'-r/.l, Mmes. 9 a. m. Kellman und I,ouls Alberts, Smith, WA. 2G!)C women and their r*>:ninitBETH I X SISTDKIIOOI) jc 4:31 p . in.





"Mm. A. Clark MurdocK will ir- '••"' ""<" been working for the ilew T h e Hidden PenupiiirV. »>j I ' ' " ' m ( ) n l h , together will other Vance Packanl, at » 1 p. in lunch- i Zif-nW orti.nizations in the city. eon, November 14." it u c s En- } c I r a r i n c tht Blue Boxrs imd nounced by Mmes. David Weinberc tfcthtrinj* funtil* to further the and Lewis Yager, chairmen of uotk of tht Jewish National Fund Circle 17, Beth Kl Synagogue Sis- in Israel. terhood. Ticket* for the event, KPSTCIN-MORGAK TOST, JWV open may pe to the public, p y be pur- i 'A T V set uill be prrwnlrd by chased at the door or fron the 1 the Kpuein-Morgan "post of the chairmen. j Jewish War Veteran* to the Vctprans hospital It was announced BIKUtt CIIOUM Memberi of Bilkur Cliolim will by Man in Kaplan, post commander and Milton Goldberg VAVS meet Monday, 1 p. m. at the Jc-wrepresentative to the hospital. Ish Community Center. BETH KL 8IHTKHHOOI) .The.set will be given in honor New members will l>e honftrtd of the contributions' to the local at a meeting of the Beth Kl Sis- po*t and auxiliary by Philip Grossterhood. November 12. 12:.10 p. m. man and the Grossman family. In the synagogue social hall. Mr. Grossman in n charter memThe afternoon'* program will ber, his wife, a past president of revolve around an Interview tvjlh the auxiliary and their son, Jerome Mrs. Meyer S. Kripkc, Omaha is present Junior \ice-commander authoress. New1 member* will be of the Nrhro.skn-Iowa Department. Invited to participate in the inlrx%iew by (|uestiouin(! Mrs. Krlpke Patronize Our Ad-.f-rtistTH

EPSTEIN-MORGAN POST No. 260 Jewish Wor Veterans of United States

VETERANS DAY PANCE SATURDAY, NOV. 16. 1957—9:00 P.M. Bloekttone Hotel Ballroom HANK WINDER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Proceed1! (or Omiht Opportunity Center and V.A. Hospital

Shop in a Friendly Atmosphere at



A TRIP FOR TWO to rite Fabulous

SANDS HOTEL, Las Vegas. Nev. of the

• Harvest Festival and Card Party SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17—8:30 P.M.


"We Serve the Finest to the Finest" 4415 CUMING ST.


W A S554 =5













B ' M A l B'RITH


Open Sundays From 7 A . M . to 4:30 P.M. PAVED PARKING

IQtlt Annlv<T>tKry

Buyers Enjoying Firm's Generosity Omahn'i l e a d i n g downtown dealer l« practically giving car* away In celebrating its 20lh »nnivei-snry. Hundreds of smart buyers me visiting Ihe thow ro»m* of Itosen-Noviik Auto Co. over ni> Karnani Street, nnd takini; (idvantage of ilils dealer's generona niood. Ito.sen - Novak Auto Co. w a i founded in November of HOT. From a simple bc;;inninf;, the risen to become tlie? l.-iif,'est now mwl nsr-rf par dcnlcr in-llie miducht. Hen N'ovak is president of the votnp.iny. With tlie inlhii-lastic iec.-pti"i> of the new ''>H t'hfvrolfl, the u-ril car Invenliiry of lloscn-.Vovak in swelling, Italhc-r th.m whulPsalr .'i lot of tlu-so clean OK Used Curs, they arc scllini; ihein otit at "bclo\v-in:trkel" piiccs. If you n'-«':l .* second c:w. iii»->v is cortninly lii(? time to ".Sec Jiorcii'NoVi'ik l;i.l.' 11?C;HISL. tlie new c;ir is so nun.-li moiY* different tli.-m the '.">S, It'j-eii-.N'ovak i 5 forced t'» iU> h(-UiW'ii\vok-:> on the'few remaining '57'.s. If you're a sharp buyer, you kno'.v ih.-it n new car it .still a new car. Come and C't them while they lastp at 2.")38 K.irnim Street. Most Omahani know that I'.o-icn-N'ovak's u-cd car department' it locate-;! down lit 'Mih and Kam.-iiii Sderti, on both sides of the street. The company is open from 'J n. m. to 0 p. in., Monday through Saturday. It's e.i«y \o buy at ftoscn.Vovak mid finance at I!oscn-N"ovak bscaiise lhi'y carry their own paper.


P«t« Hire*

Needlework Guild Contributions

I . I . Head Elected to Turkish Parliament iSpcciul Dispatch)—Jsoqe Alts \>tv, president of the Istnmbul IS'nal B'rllli Lodge, was one of two Jew* elected to the Turkish -parliament in the itc*rtit election** Kive Jews contested scats, and tu.> won, Tni* is the first occi3\ui\ thst tw,» Jews hii\e as «tc|]|itit» in the TurkMi Pallia-


In Addition to those women who contributed p r e v i o u s l y t' the Needlework Guild Diive, the followin cuntrjbutinni are lejiortcd. All those who have not rt'j-iM>n<i('d BS yet me uijjul by olrs. IJavt Colin, chairmen, to ^ n d in thtlr donati(/jis this wei-k. ?ile&dftinci;: riiinl. Morris Arkln, D. K. Deber, Jack IJelmont, David lilclchcr, Jack In addition to lielng th« pre.iiBrflinson, Max Fircslow, Kdward drnt of the JMambtil U'nai Ii'rith, IJ. lirodkey, Donicl Cohen, Ham >ir. Altabev i« also the President Epstein, Jncob Keldmsn, Steve «f the Coordination Commuter Fcldmnn, Isidore KOIIM'S, Hnrry through which the ' 11 Goldberg, Jacob Goodblnder, Dnn charitable and «ochil Institutions A. Gordman, Henry I.eon Grcen*f Jnstornhul are federated. MIM Dorli ragan ber^, Kimer S, Gross, Hyman GURP, .Mr. Ytuuf Salman, th« other Leonard D. Herninn, Nathan J. •ticcessfti! candidate, was srereKorwich, Sol Lewis, Abe II. Mnrtiiry-(tn«ral to the Cniff RabkoviU, Jonef Mayer, H a r o l d fcinate's I.«y Council of Turkey. Novak, Harry Rochman, Donald I^ols irttn Urinman Schoenbaum, Stanley J. Slosburg, Harry A. Smith, Samuel Stern, Mr. and Mri. Manny FaBetrothal of Lots Arthur Weltz, Ernest B. Wln- inn, Jacksonville, ria., have Lineman Announced troub, Loul« Wintroub and Hymie announced the engagement of their daughter, Miis DARTMOUTH Mr. mid Mrs. Morrii Linxmim Zorinalty. D o r i i Ann, Jacksonville, Eugene H. Kohn, ton of Mr. and announce th« encasement of their and Samuel Norman Phll£Ira. S*m Kohn h»3 "been pledged daughter, I-ois Jeiin to Jaint.« K. llpf, ion of .Mrs. Max Philto Titi Epsllon Phi fraternity »t Brown of Ixu Anceles, Cal. Mi»» lip*. Dartmouth College. He In <t j-radu- I.lnnnan Is a resident of the Intter Mr. Phillip* ii i Kudent «t« of Central Jllgh and li In his city. i t th« Um'vtrdty of Keiccond yeur at Dartmouth. Mr, Crown In the «on of Mil. Jerusalem (JTA)—Spokeimen fcrasUn and * inembtr of Annette Broun of YoungMown, Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity. O. and P h i l i p Blown of Los for th« left-wing parlln in the t N l , FKNN. •' The couple, plant • DeIsrael Government coalition called Fred Simon, played In "Mr.Anceles. cember 29 wedding in The bride-to-be attended the recently for a "reorientatlon" of Roberts", University of PenniylFlordU. Visnla production. He li the ton of University of Illinois where ihe Isi'scl's foreign policy and adopwo• affiliated with Alpha Kpsllon tion of a more neutral position »• llr. and Mr«. l.n.ler Simon. l'hl sorority and was a prlnreFS between the two Great Powers In the Ak-.Sor-Ben court of 1055. OMAHA UNIVERSITY bloct. They made their plea when Michael WelsuerK li one of the Mr. Brown attended the Unl-the Knesset resumed debate on JOSEPH WOLF-SON \pr*ity of Viri;inlft and Is a gradu32 University of Omulm iludentii foreign policy, Funeral- service* for Joseph •elected to ttuff the university's ate of the Ohio Stnte College of Spoke»men for the Mapam and W o l f s o n , 38,' of 3515 Howard Knglneerlni:. He Is « member of radio ttatlo'n KWOU. He li the Achdut Avodah parties told the Street, were held Novejnber\l ot Zeln IJela Tnu fraternity. aim of Mr». Henry Weisbcrg. Parliament that a middle course the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial between the two giants would be w»a in Beth Haniedrash Hagodol Dr. and Mrs. Engel to more OF KEDHAflKA advisable for Israel. Last cemetery. Mr. Wolfson, a resident Kenny freed, member of Si;,'rna Have Cocktail Supper week, Foreign Minister Golda of Omaha 10 yeori, died October Alphn Mu, University of NVbrnisMplr emphatically rejected pro- 30th. • ka, Lincoln, has b*-en named deleDr. nnd Mrs. Robert. A. En^el posals that Israel follow a policy Surviving are hit wife, Sarah, l a t e to the National Intcrfra- will entertain at a cocktail supper of neutralism, arguing that Israel children, Lenore, Allen, Mark, Lee, trrnity Council convention to be and open house Saturday, Novem- would not purchnse the friendship Billy, David and Rita and a titter, held In Colorado Springa, Colo. ber 16, fro.-n 7 p. m. to 11 P. m. of liny stale at the price of lit in- Mrs. Victor -Sflverman of New vinE vocation. .Vo invitations will b<> Issued. dependence or territorial Integrity. York City.

Phillips Wedding Planned Dec. 29


Lelfwing Urges ^©orientation



A special U, S. Y. convention meeting will be held S u n d a y , November 10, f.t 6:30 p. m., »t the homo of Arnie mid Bob Kellman, Mt;) F'tirkwood Lane. 'I'hosc who Will fittcnd the con\«-nti()n in St.. I.ouiK, Mo., Nov. H-Dcc. 1 J:re: C i i r o l y n Kagan, .Ii."-tu> I.iwii, S t u e Guss, Arn|e Ftilmiui, I>o;ina Kaimun, D o n Kidfr, I « m i t DcKoven, lUnee It mmtiniiin, Madalyn K r i p k f ) , ii."it<s Coopcrman, Martin Snyilcr, Suson. Sachu, Mike Katz, LGU.S, Jim Guss end Shelly Steinbfrj;, Doris Raduziner and M a r v i n rarllman are the advisors accomptinying the group. An A. Z. A, No. 1 meeting was held at the horne of Jerry Clplnki November 3. Eleanor Ro/>seve)t B'nal B'rith Girls' plan* for the month of November Include an overnight to be held Saturday, November 18 at Camp Brewster. Eden Cohn arjd Berdlne Green are chairman of th!» event. A bowling "hen" party to be held November 23. The girli of the chapter will aid the Henry Monsky Chapter women with their bazaar, Nov. 17 at the Blackttoht Hotel.

Ucense Loit for Selling to Jew Miami—The Florida RealEitat* Commission has revoked tht license ot a real estate broker who told property In West Palm Beach to a Jew, despite the seller's o > •lr« that sales be restricted to Christians. The broker, Duncan MacGregor ,hai appealed to the Florida Supreme Court and the Ant-Defamation League of B'nal B'rith this week filed a bii*f in hli behalf at a "friend of the court." Patronize Our Advertisers



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The Druze of Israel 'AC Briefs

Holidays Holidays begin Sundown of previous Day. Hanukah . . . . . . ' . . . . . . D e c . 18

MditoricH Hdd

For Wehmann

(Kanul Mansour, prominent Dru » from Iarael, m-«iit partici- VAItMI'V ' H e (Vlltrl s V . i l i l l j I!.uliiMball pant 00 ttae (61,000 Qm-stion TV program, Who Is un a lcclurt. tour Tel Anv, Nu\. 3 (JTAt- Pn-Mla the United States, IK scheduled to appear In-Jure » imnilH-r <>' [.i-j.'iic, tn tji' ciuii|Kiied of four dent Ilzhak Hen Zvi. Cabinet l i ' v c n l y in itrhi'd teams, will start prominent audience* In tlm Omaha, Council Mufh anil Lincoln nrca member*, dii)lo:n<iiic cnw>)s iiw.n I iicnin on Wtilnesdny evening, of the state, during tlis ronilny neck.—Editor'* Note.) | Nnvi'inlxT 27. An ojien lrnltatlon competition. Teams will play each foreign im-i^tun*, jiid a lai^^ IIUMIAmong the diverge ("immuniti i's of line] tnat II'M> sulc \>\ I m oxiciuteil to thcue men who other three times during regular ber nl di.tlin;iii'hCil isim-li, nml non-Israelis attrndrd I <inali! « In amity and peace are the Druze, an ancient and proud i^oplo. would like to participate in this season play. memorial for Dr. ('halm WVi/Arabic In culture and language,' season's leagui-. General practice No admission is charged for mann, Israel's first Prekirirnl wliu the Drute broke away from Islam fighting, reporting any of thci sessions are Jicld every Wednes these Sunday afternoon games and died fivp years a^d. about a thousand yean ago. Thei warriors who might (lee. Suci day until the season opens, spectators are always welcome. Chuli-man of the fund ion at tha religion is a dote secret but i cowards, if any, were marked mei F u r t h e r Information on this Weizmann Institute of Science at 'believed to contain elements ol from then on, and Druze womei league may be obtained 'from the Rehovoth was Eliahu Klath, Is'Jewish, Christian and Moslem tra- would refuse to marry them. Jewish Community Athlptic De- VOLLEYBALL Two new volleyball groups for rael Ambassador to Britain, who ditlons. So closely kept are the* In the day, of the Mandatory partment, JA.1366. men are being added to the Censpoke of the late world Zionist tenets of the Druze faith that only Government over Palestine, the ter's sports program this seanson. leader as havinjg achieved a unique the religious leaders know and Druze were not recognized as ai BADMTNTO:' A men's volleyball group will start place in Jewish history as the practice all the ritei. Badminton Is featured at the Wednesday ai-5:30 p, m. and end "Prince of exile1' and first Presiautonomous religious community There are some 260,000 Druze They were considered as pwt o Jewish Community Center gym- 6:30 p. m. Openings axe available. dent* of the reborn State of Israel. In the world, of whom fifty thou the Moslem community, an a nasium each Tuesday evening at Regular attendance b not nianda He characterized the late Dr. •and live in the United States, and rangtment which was not to th 7:45 p. m. Tuo courts have beep tory. Weizmann as a statesman, realist, a hundred and ninety thousand in Druze'«, liking 'and which led tc sat up for those desiring to par> A seeeond 'series of volleyball man of science and, above all. DIM "Syria and Lebanon. Israel's nine bitter and frequent conflict be UdpaU in either s i n g l e s or groups is being organized for busl- who believed in the-jnoral force* teen thousand Druze live in eight tween the two groups. doubles competition—all on a very nesimen ovsr (he^noon hours-and at the foundation of every gteat een village communities in the With th* establishment of Is- Informal basis. Is scheduled for' Tuesdays and human act, , , •, • ; )• •Carmel and Galilee areas. They rael, the Snnu w e n grsa'cd the "Participants are welcome either Thursday! from 12:30 p. m. to Se-phardlc Chief 4tabbT itchak venerate Jethro, Moses' father-in- status of a separata community, singly or in pairs," Irvln Yaffee, 1:30 p. m, Those Interested in Nlssim, who was Invited to par3*wt and make a yearly pilgrimage This meant that they Md exclu- Center Athletic Chairman, an- participating in this group should ticipate In the memorial, refuse* to his tomb at Hlttjn In the Lower si™ Jurisdiction In the manage- nounced, .Instruction is also pro- contact the Center's Athletic De- on the grounds that it had not Galilee. ment of personal and religious af- vided, partment, JA. 1366. been arranged in a Jewish tradiDnue-Jetvbh friendship reaches fairs by means of <0uir own religOther volleyball jrroups will be tion and expressed -the hope that lack to the «arlle»t dajra of Itvr- ious courts. Druie member* of BIDDY H4SKKT9ALL „ . future memorials lor Or. -Wei*formed upon -request. 'Jsh aettlaatnt In modern Pales- the Knesset (ParUament) have Biddy 'BssktrbUi; 'far *oyr in mam would be planned In * more tine, although Jewish agricultural been helping ihelr fellow cltttens grades 3, 4 and 5 will be started Jewish spirit. •. •ettlPOients exlsttd among the draft ssfWstlon and govern the at the Jewish Community Center LIFE BAVIN} COURSE American Red Cross certificated "Prate villages throughout the country. gym next Friday, November .13 at senior life saving course wiy be London (WNS)—Approval by centuries since the Middle Ages. A visit to a Druze village is* a i:15, p. m: Specially constructed This, friendship was well forged exotic experience, and many visi and lowered backboards have been offered at the Jewish community the Czech Government of a,Talmud Torah In-Prague for the.first durii* 'the Arab riot, or 1M4-S* tors to Israel have warmed to the obtained to facilitate the participa- center starting Monday, Novem when s secret JeWlsh-Vruze move- Druze'a friendly hospiulity. The tion of these younger boys In the her 18. "The course will be open to time in many years was reported ment ws* founded to •t*Bd gnatfe guest is likely to be served whole •port. The Btady Basketba group persons over 16 with a knowledge here by the Agudas Israel at a over Jewlih and Drus* villages to lamb stuffed with meat, rice and will be developed Into several of basic strokes. The class will be meeting, held from 7:30 p. tn. to 9:30 p.m. .beat-off the attack* of Arab ter herbs; a savory cucumber and to- leagues later In the season. jortats. mato salad seasoned with teheSena Plans are also being developed Hundreds of Druze rushed to which is a sauce made of caraway bj the Center Athletic Committee MUSIC LISTENING A newly organized Music Listen. the aid of Haganah in the face of needs in sesame oil; andj>lta, a for the regular midget basketball the combined Arab war against huge circular paper-thin bread league for boys In grades 6, 7 and Ing group will meet at 8 p. m. RUG & UPHOLSTERY the establishment of Israel, hav- that one tears, rather than breaks. 8 for Sunday afternoon compel! Thursday, November 14 at the CLEANERS home of Mrs;. Marion Bondarln, ing decided to align their destinies The custom is for the hosts not tion. 5140 Military Avenue. 3Iuslc Liswith those of the coming stale un- to eat with their guests. Rather, RUGS-CARPETING , Parents desiring f u r t h e r inder whose rute they would achieve the/ will stand silently, wearing formation about children's basket- tening groups are sponsored by LAMP SHADES (the greatest freedom from outside their baggy white trousers and ball should contact the Athletic (he Jewish Community-Center and FURNITURE . molestation and interference. turban-like keffiyas, seeing to i Department of the Jewish Com meet monthly In the homes of members. Persons interested may Later, leaders of the Druze com- that the guests are well served. munlty Center, JA. 1366, Cleaned In Your Homel call the activities office, JA. 1366. munliy sought permission from After the guests have oaten, •ledlag • toying • Ktwlrlno, the Israel Chief of Staff to form they retire ao a lounge spread HEALTH CLtTB their own units. The Druze units with straw mats and painted blue Patronize Our Advertisers Don Bernstein HA 2554. Three masseurs are on duty at distinguished themselves in the to ward off Unkind spirits. Later, clearing of the Syrian Army from hosts, gUMts and neighbor* gather the Center's n e w l y remodeled 'Health Club Sunday morning and Galilee, while their overall fight- for conversation and more refreshDIAMONDS ing quality won the admiration of menjj. The evening la likely to afternoon from 9 a. m. to 6. Facilities are open to members and the Israel Army authorities. For the Matt Delicious culminate in a spirited Debka, a "..While On 'Druze women nor- dance performed by men to the non-members. Ground Beef in Townl Ample free parking is always mally do not participate In their accompaniment of the oud, a slnWA 65S4 nfen's social life, they too have a •gle-stringed ' instrument w h o s e avllable at the Center and a free 4415 Cumin? Mstory of .bravery in battla, and catching rhythm, slowly at first pick up Jiffy wagon service is ivailable during the week by callhave fought *id« by tide with their hen with an eWr-lncreaslng temhusbands, .Those who could not po, brings the; whole assembly to. Ing the .Health Club at JA. 136C. CHIROPRACTOR Workout facilities, *wImmlnK Join In battle used to climb to a Its feet to dance, stng, clap and, DR. SHVENS, tOMVi Military pool, gymnasium and <hower room l<fok-out :point «nd observe the stamp the ground.' . Avc, Omaha are all available to Health Club "Wh.r. Ih. Sick Git Will" users. A small service charge is QMics Houri: I «. m. to 5 p. m. made if or services rendered. Evtnlngi by Appointment fhon. KI 87?? UEAGDE The Jewish Youth Council Basketball League will start its pre.flerusilem (WNS)— Accelera- agriculture. Dwelling on tne.-ef-i season play Sunday, November 17 tion of development projects forts in the field of education, he •at the Jewish Community Center aimed at raising the standard of said Israel now had aonu 115 gym. This high school basketball league, comprising 'four teams liking among the Arab'populatlon Arab elementary schools, or eigh- from the various groups within the i n tht country and speeding the ty-five more tthan'wben rtheistate Youth C o u n c i l , - w i l l play two Integration of tht estimated 200,- was 4st*bbshstL HI pointed out' games each Sundays* ternoon, one OtfO into the economic and social that Israel has achieved the high- game starting at. 12:30 p. m, and life of Israel was reported here by «st Arab school attendance rate second game at 1:30 p. m. Salman Divon, Premier David Bfri in the Itlddl* East The three warm-up games In Ourlon's advisor on Arab Affairs. pre-season p i t t i n g each team against *)1 'other teams in the 'The currant drive, Mr, Divon league are followed by regular told newsmen, is .par..of an OWN 1 all and -Increasingly successful campaign to gain a:ceptance and CALL cooperation-among'the rural Arab Mrs. Jules Shapiro left for Madipopulation of modem improveHOLLYWOOD ments fin health, education and son, Wis., where she will visit with her daughter, Jody, a student at TUX RENTAL Highly Personalized the University of Wisconsin. Fol- 10i N*. 1Sr> Sr»*f JA 24S2 lowing her stay'in Madison, the Services lor Men I In Omih« Loan BUq.) will meet Mr. Shapiro In Chicago, October 15th. They will bo joined YOUR CENTER • MASSAGE by Mr.sand Mr*. Harry Altsuler. FOR THE FINEST... • STEAM BATHS HEALTH CLUB Epence Raulerson of New York, The Shapiros have n .-son-in-law IN PHOTOGRAPHY •producer and director of "Red and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. • ALCOHOL & SALT NO APPOINTMENT Stockings," the revue to be staged Lebow residing In Chicago. Portrait! RUBS by the Omaha Council of Jewish Weddings NECESSARY Among the members appointed women, will be in Omaha MonCommercial • ULTRA & INFRA RED to the Omaha committee of Ameriday for talent tryouts. A WELL-TRAINED 'Principals and cast will be re- can Industry aro Dnvlil Goldman, O WORKOUT FACILITIES STAFF READY TO cruited from local talent at the Slorris E. Jncoln, ami Milton Xlvtryouts to be hold Monday at 8:30 Ingnton. SERVE YOU •p. m., at the Downtown Highland FOR MEMBERS A N D Cliilj, Hill Hotel. Scenery, makeNON-MEMBERS up and stage crews will b« recruited from volunteer Council OPEN NOON-10 DAILY—9-6 SUNDAY "members. PMn» IK 13M to lajlrt jrwr W»at Ad Tut J«wun 1'itsn, Talent co-chairmen Mmes. Nor- inCurrent nXt It GO c«it« Mr utlt four .PLENTY OF FREE PARKING. man Denenberg and William Fogol llnr IfiferU >a. Tl>t l»rM* rM«rvej t&t rlstt are>ln charge of plans 'or Monday flight's talent party. -Mrs. Lloyd IMMJKAK CARDS PHOTOGRAPHER "triedman Is genera! chairman for BAR and Bas Mltzvah congratu-: 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET the revue which will be staged two latlons also for all Jewish holiHARNEY 1044 .flights, December 3 and i at the days and special occasions. 20th and Dodrje JA 1366 Paramount tlioater. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge


brae. Aiming *o Lift Arab Living Standards




Omahnna In the News



Revue Tryouts Set For Monday Night


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