November 15, 1957

Page 1

entered ai Second-Class Matter at Putt- Annual Rate 4 Dollar* office, Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of 1879 Single Copy 10 Centa

^Middle Class' Needed to Fight Communism A solid "mlddl* clau" i, tho Mlddle-East'g best answer to communism in the opinion of KomaJ Mansour, newspaperman and radio commentator from Israel, He discussed thi problems of his area Tuesday night at the Jewish Community Center at, a gathering aponsored by the Business and Professional Women's Croup of Hadastah. Development of brael Mr. Mansour, a member of the Dru»e Sect of Arabs and a citizen of Israel, was concerned chiefly with peace for his country «tld its neighbors, for economic and educational opportunities to help Israel and to fight communism, "A strong middle r l a x will not br 'vutrtptlbte f0 fanatic movemnnts," the Sfl-year-old Maninur declared. "Tliese people an) t<ie foundation of democracy." He pointed out that "only the hungry are attracted to hatred and fanatic influences" and that In Israel people are not hungry. Use of V. 8, Aid Mr. Mansour recommended that V. S. aid be used for tractors, ho*pltnls, water, industr/ and education, but with the supervision of American experts. He deplored the fart that outside aid to some' of the. Arab neighbors nevnr reached the people bat was employed by leaden for their use and for "J*U and tank*," with no help to the poverty stricken population'. Much countries, lie oniil, with no development of a middle rlnit, are open tor commiinMHc penetration. Will Meet Problems Speaking as a citizen of Israel, the speaker ncknowledgod the people have problem*, but he feels that they can prove that the Israelis and Arabs can live together peacefully and 'are doing everything they can to make such conditions possible. As for peace with bordering Arab States, Mr. Mansour explained that Israeli leaders have

extended invitation* on many oc cations to a "round table" discussion, He said that all such get' hires have been futile and Is con< vlnced that the Arabs "are afraid to have peace." Mrs, Charles Ross, president of the Business a n d Professional group, presided and Mrs, Phil D. Schwartz introduced the speaker. The address was followed by a coffee.

Noted Israeli To Speak in Omaha Monsky Lodge To Hold Open Meet For Carl Alperf

Many Enroll for Square Dancing '

The nine week series of classes in square dancing arranged by the Jewish Community Center has been drawing a heavy advance registration, it was reported Friday. Beginning December 5, se» sions will be held every Thursday at 8 p, m. at the Center. Serving a» Instructors will be Mr .and Mrs. James Me. Klnney who have more then 2 10 year* of teaching expert ence in square dancing on record. Mr, McKinncy began his square dancing career while attending Missouri Teachers College. Mrs. McKlnney as stats her husband In all classes Carl Alpert with demonstration* and instruction. The course is open to single persons and couple* of all ages. The fee Is $10 per couple. The Center activities office, JA 1366, may be called A dinner honoring Rabbi Sidtiey for additional information and II. Brooks, spiritual leader of registration. Temple Israel and Mis Iirooks will OIIANTS MADK be given Saturday, November 16 New York (JTA1—Some « , - at 7 p. m. by members of their 600,000 In grants to educational, congregation. The event will ob medical and welfare agencies serve the fifth anniversary of were announced by the William Rabbi Brook's t e n u r e ut the J. VVollman Foundation, set up by Temple. Mist Kate Wollman, sUter of the Speakers on the pvening's prolate Jewish financier and philan- gram will be A. II. Brodkey, Conthropist. gregation president; Milton Livingston and Alfred Mayer, past presidents. Louis Llpp will serve as master of ceremonies. In charge of arrangements are Lloyd Bank, general ^chairman; Mmes, Leonard Krasne and M. M. Krupinsky, dinner; Mmes. Adolph Trost and Paul Veret, reservations.

Dinner To Honor Temple*s Rabbi

Hadassah Visitor Will Address Two Meetings Mrs. Florence Ferlman of Now York, National Hadouah Vocational Education chairman, will be the guest speaker at two ape clal events In her honor during the coming week. A dinner meeting will be given for her Tuesday, November 19, 7 p . m . at the Blackstone hotel by the Business and Professional Croup, Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. On that occasion, Mrs. Charles Rots, president, will ex tend the greetings and Mrs. Philip Schwartz will report on tho national convention, Dinner reservations are being taken by Mrs. Sally Meyers, PL 1222. Members im'Able to attend the dinner are Invited to attend the business session at 8 p. m. - Mra. Perlman will address members of the Omaha Chapter of Hadaisah at a luncheon meeting Thursday, November 21 at 12:30 p






: ' • , ' ; -





100,000 Jews In Shanghai Tel Aviv (TJAJ— Four elderly immigrants arrived In Israel this week from Communist-occupied China, One of the three women In the group said there was still a synagogue in Hardin, although the remaining Jewish, population of that Manchurlan city Is now lets than 200. She said that about one hundred thousand Jews -remained' in Shanghai.

$30,000 Bonds Bought Sunday Sirs. Florence I'rrlmnn


She I* the widow of the distinguished jurist and congressman, the late Judge Nathan Perlman. She is a past president of the New York Chapter of Hailassah and was • delegate to the 1951 World Zionist Congress. Mrs". Pcrlmnn was appointed in 1913 by Gov. ThomnsE. Dewey to the Board of Visitors of (lie New York state Training School for Clrls and reappointcd in 19.10. In 1910, upon the recommendation of Governor Di'uey, she was named to the Now York City Council Agnlmt Discrimination. The Thursday luncheon program

also will include a scene (rum Ihe former "Spectacular" with Mmes. Morris Lnndman, Sidney Schwartz, Norman Whitman. A. G. Itimmertnnn, Stuart Muskln, Dan Colin and A. C. FcIIman partlcipatini;. Mrs, Robert is program chairman. In charge of tha Junclicnn are Mmes. Sol Laj;mriii and I-otiis Albert, co-chairmen; Mrs. It. Aronoff, dccorallon.s; iVlmes. Irvine Levin, Dave Manvilz. Nnthan' (Jimpie, Norman Wolilner, I.eo ItosenIKTC liernard Diamond, Irvint: r.'psteln, Joseph I-erner. Donald Nog(j and Jack I'ox, leservallons.

More Him 510.000 In Iararl Bonds were sold at the Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner at the Blackstone Hotel Sunday evening, Xov. 10, William Grodmfcky, chairman of the Israel Bond drive, announced today. Over 350 people attended th(> affair. The campaign now stands at the $130,000 m irk «ith a month and a It ilf to Ko, A / B I R Day.' door to cl.ioi solicitation, December 1 and a Ch iniik.ih Festival (JII Ii.'remhf'i \~> are other events nil the Hond schedule. Last year's c implicit, the mo'H successful in Oin.iln, icsiilted In 517.-1,001).

Carl Alpert of Haifa, Israel, noted commentator, assistant to lh« President of Israel'* Institute of Technology, and president of tht Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel, will be guest speaker at the Henry Monsky B'nai B'rith Lodge open meeting, Thursday, November 21, at 8 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center, Loula Canar, program chairman, announced. Mr. Alpert, one of Israel's most outstanding personalities, will present an unusual discussion of present day conditions in Israel, using us his theme the subject, "Israel: Myth and Reality." Open,to Kntire Community •TJie forthcoming tenth anniversary of Israel's independence presents an opportunity to receive a comprehensive view of the present status of Israel a> a state," Mr. Canar said. Tho athletic resources of the "We are very fortunate Jewish Community Center will able to present Carl Alpert, a be made available Saturday evejournalist of note and a keen ob- nings to young people of grada server of Israel's life for the past and high school age, it was ansix years, to our community. He nounced by Irvin Yaffc, Center Is unusually well-informed on day- Athletic chairman. to-day events In the political, ecoMr, Yaffe said the new Saturnomic and social conditions of Is- day night program will be conrael. ' ducted on a trial basin and then "As a Journalist who U not continued If proven successful. afraid to discuss controversial "We would like to provide subjects, ho will present a com- wholesome outlet for athletic skills 1 prehensive picture of Israel today and give our students constructive with unusual competence and brjl- and Interesting nctivitlcs over tho week-end," Mr. Yaffc, said. llancc. An invitation to use center faFor t*ls reason, the B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Lodge is cilities Saturday nights Is- extendopening this meeting to the entire ed to boys and girls. No charge community, and Invites everyone will be madp. to attend it." The center's gymnasium and swimming pool will be open SatFamous Columnlat Mr. Alpert in one of the most urday* from 7:30 p. m. to 8:30 widely read columnists in Jewish p. m. Ping-pong competition will periodicals. In his column "I Think be offered in the Youth Canteen in As I Please," which appears in the addition to the free use of tha National Jewish Post, he discusses workout room and handball court. subjects as'he scci them and presents situations with the prcclseness of a competent observer. Prior to Immigrating to Israel In 1952 with his wife and three children, Mr, Alpert was Director Proceeds from the annual Vetof the Education Department of erans Day Dance, Saturday evethe Zionist Organization of Amer- ning, November 16 at the Blackica. He was editor of the "New stone Hotel will go to the Omaha Palestine" magazine, associate ed- Opportunity Center and the Vetitor of the Universal Jewish En- erans Administration hospital procyclopedia, and author of books gram of the Epstein-Morgan post and pamphlets on Israel and other of the Jewish War Veterans, sponJewish subjects. sors of the affair. Refreshments and a social hour Presentations during an Interwill follow with a group of Henry mission will include a TV set to Monsky chapter and Nebraska the Omaha VA hospital donated Chapter women, serving as host- by the post" In honor of Philip esses. Representing Henry Monsky Grossman and family; a gift to tha Chap, are Mmej. Louis Cahar, Max Opportunity Center whoso repreKrizelman (president), Harry Lip- sentatives, will be present, and pett, Ruben Lippott, Millard Mar- awards bestowed on winners of golin, Sam Poliak, George Shafer, the post's youth talent program Stanley Shapiro, Harry Sldman, by William McBrlde and Robert and Marvin Trolior. Flemmlng of WOW-TV. Serving, for Nebraska chapter Dancing will start at 9 p. m., it will be Mmes. Albert Oruch, David was announced by Dclmar Klein, Bleicher Morris Franklin, William senior vice-commander and danca Stone, AI Swerling, Sol Littman, chairman. Tickets' may be purPaul Sacks, Marvin Brooksteln chased from Nate Marcus, ticket and Abe Bear, chairman, or at the door.

Sat. Night Youth Programs to Start

JWV to Give TV Set to Hospital

U. N. Code To Outlaw Humanity Crimes Urged United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— The need for United Nations' action on international legal tlrpi to prevent crimes against humanity was submit ed by tha World Jewish Congress to the United Nations Legal Committee. The World J e w i s h Congress pointed out, the General Assembly has postponed consideration of both a draft Code1 of Offenses Against the Peace and Security of Mankind and of proposals for the establishment of an International criminal court, "Meanwhile," the WJC stated, "crimes against humanity continue to be committeed in some places: Amoni; these crimes, tho WJC lists "foiced deportations of 'unwanted' groups of population, confinement at minom

centratlon camps, persecution) on racial and religious grounds, confiscation of property of so-called 'enemy elements,' deprivation of the means of existence, forced labor."

Youth Group Plans Holiday Service The Youth Council will hold its seventeenth Annual Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday, November 27, at 2;3O p. m, at Temple Israel. Members from each Youth Council club and a representative of th» unafflliates will participate In the service; All Youth Council members and their parents arc invited. A social hour will follow tho service. The Temple Israel Sister-



Iet»i«b flreee Published Bverj Friday by tbe Federation of Jewish tkrvtc* Second J u i M»llliif> PrivheuM Authururd at om«H«, NeUratka. Annual Suesenvtlun, *4 0tt AilvailiiinK K*m on Application Editorial Or Irs—101 Nu ilutii blietl, Ouialia. N«br. JACKMD 13t* Print Sh i Addreis 4808 So S5U Slt.rt. (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN .Editor

Bar and Bas Mitzvah

Religious Services

All friend* tad relatives are Invited to attend service* and reception*,

HIOHARI) FRIED T Mr. and Mrs. Sluart Fried announce the Bar Mitz\ah of their BKTII El. son, Richard Alan Fried, Friday Sabbath c m ices »t B«lh Kl Sy- evening. November 22nd and Satnagogue wilt begin at 8:J5 p rn. urday morning, November 5!:trd .f Rabbi .AJyer S. Krlpto wJI dejner Beth El synagogue. the sermon. Cantor Aarorj I. Kd£iir and the Beth El Synagogue SANDRA KKNKE PAflll.MAX Choir will render the musical por- GARY I'AKIL.tLAV tions of the service. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parllmari Sabbath morning service* begin announce that the Bat* and <Bas at 9.30 a. m. and the Junior Con- MiUsah of their children, Sandra gregation services arc at 10:30 Hence and Gaiy Allen Is being a. m. Mincha-Mnarlv s e n lew are ohserved this Friday Evening and at 4:45 p. m. Daily services arc at Saturday morning November 15th 7 a. m. and 7 p m Sunday morning and 16th, at the Beth Israel Synaservice is at 9 a m. gogue. Candid gliting, 4:43 p. m.

BKTII ISRAEL Rabhi Benjamin (kroner, Cintor Kli Kagan and Bclh Isrjpl ChQir will conduct late Friday e\ening services at 8 P, m. Rabbi Croner will speak on The Danger of I.ooklng Backward" Traditional Friday evening ion Ice* iKahbclat .Shabbohl begin at 4.45 p m. Sabtjalh morning seniors begin at 8-45 a. m Junior Congregation at 10 a rn. Rabbi Groncr will conduct the Talmud class at 4:15 p rn Sabhalh Mlncha at 4:45 p. m. followed by Sholesnc S'rudcw and Mannv. Daily son ices at 7 a. m. and 4:.r>5 p. m Sunday morning nervier* begin at 8-415 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi'1 class In Bible Sunday morning Junior Mlnyan, followed by breakfast, starts at 8:.'!0 a. m. The Talmud Dismission group meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p. m. m BHIl Synagogue. 19th ind Burt streets. TEMMJE ISRAEL Services will be held thin Friday evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will conduct servke*



Shabbas morning services will twgin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Re> llgloui School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlln singing the musical portions of the itervice.

Tribute Payed To ' Christian Heroes New York, UTA>—Five Europenrr ambassadors will Join- with Other lop diplomats, city official! and American church and civic leaders in special ceremonies hereto pay tribute to Christian heroes who risked'their lives during the Nazi occupation to rescue Jews from extermination. A icception by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith was held to dedicate a plaque nicmorJulWng the deeds of these heroic iwrsons.

Omahans to Attend Synagogue Meeting Mrs Jinx Frnmkin. president of the Mld-Slalrs flinplr-r of Ihe Women's Hranch of United Orthodox J e w i s h Congregations of .America, with rut Omaha detejjii1km will attend thf? fall conference ! of the organization in Minneapolis"! . November 1 17th. : The other Omahans will he; Mines. Sam K a . t z m a n , I). W., . ?'rank, Sidney Goliiber;:, Henry' Appel find Isadore : TIic Ioc;i! women will l>c accompanied hy represcntativi's front j Pe.s Moinc.s and Kansas (,'ity uhon- j groups Ijccatno a ^hnptiT during I the past year. Plans arc bein;;; made to combine «ilh 'he Minnn-j xipolis and St. Paul chapters for n; regional organization. I

KICHAHD KI.MOT KMiEL Richard Elliot Kngel, son of Dr. And Mrs Robert J. Kneel li celebrating his Bur Mitzvah this evening and S a t u r d a y morning, November'13 ard 16 at Temple Israel;


Friday, November 15, I»5T


Convert to Enter Israel Monastery London (WNS) — Daniel P.oofcisen. a Jewish convert to Catholodsni in Poland who rose to the tank of monk arrived at Haifa under an immigrant visa for permanent settlement in Israel, thus becoming the first monk to enter the country under a visa. Itoofscisen during the second world war is reported to have fought the Nazis as a member of the underground. Later, tie found shelter In a Catholic monastery and became a Carmelite monk. The monk Is reported to still be considering himself as a Jew and '•fervaiit" He is to reside at the Carmelite monastery at Mount Carmel.

Deaths MICIIAKL IIEKZ0G MJctutel Hcrzog, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Jrvlng Jfcrzog, 668 North 661 h Street, died Monday night following Injuries received in an automobile . a c c i d e n t . He was traveling from Duluth, Minn., to Minneapolis where he wns a student at the University of Minnesota. He was a graduate of Centra) High School. Besides his parents, he is survived by a sister, Barbara and brother*, David and Inn. Services were held Wednesday afternoon at Beth El Synagogue •with Rabbi Meyer S. Krlpkc and Cantor Aaron Edgar officiating. Burial was in Beth El cemetery.

HKBMA.V JANOFK j Herman Janoff, 72. former Omahan, died October 28th in LOT Angeles. Cat. Burial was in Lot Angeles. Surviving "are wife, Rosa, K m ••>< H w » . l » r . *l Tlw Dr. D . PUH» three children. Harold and Elujene. " fnl.k frnl.k H«m f w Tin Ti «!<« « « k kr 4 Urknr. Uk II.. 14 San tliego, Caf. and Mrs. Mclvin E. Nov. 5—The Fortnightly Arts Kotlcman, Los Angeles. and Crafts Clasi met with Mcsdamrs Meyer 'Beber, Arthur Colin, MISS HOSE KUH8 Miss Rose ,Kur*. former Omaand M. Kirshcnbaum as Instruchah, died M o n d a y in Chicago tors. »here she had mode her home. Nov. 6—A Klddish and tea was Funeral services were held in Chigiven by Mr. and Mrs. Walter cago. Woskoff on the occasion of the Surviving are b r o t h e r s , Joe, birth-of their son, Scott David. .Omaha; Walter and Harry, Los Mrs. Eva Woskoff, home resident,* Angeles; sisters, Mrs. Sam Splnka, I* paternal grandmother. Chicago; Mrs. Hyman Sherman, Nov. T-The Blkur Chollm Gray Lincoln and Mrs. Dave Winters, Ladies-were represented by the Los Angeles. Mesdames Nathan Veitzcr and J*OE EPSTEIN Harry Marks, .Joe.Epstein. 60, died o( a heart . Nov. 1 0 - A KMdish was given attack, April 31* at his home by Mr, and Mr*. David Elsen- 3309 South Twentieth Street. He berg to celebrate the arrival of bad operated A liquor store Ht a grandlon, Steven, by Mr, and twenty-fourth and M Streets, 21 Mrs. George Elsenberg. Solomon years. Sllvcrman, home resident. Is the Services were held last Friday great, great grandfather. at the Jewish Funeral Home-with Nov. 12—Rabbi David Korb was burial in Golden Hill cemetery. our rabbinical visitor. Next week, Surviving are his wife Beulah, Rabbi Matthew Pollakoff Is sched- son, Dave and three grandchildren. uled to speak to our Folks. Nov. 14—The Council of Jew-' MIIS. GOLDIK FliKED Mrs/ G o I d l e Freed. 55, dlerl ish Women sewing group held their regular meeting at the Dr. November 8 at a local hospital. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Services'Were held Sunday. 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Funeral home. Aged. . Surviving is a daughter. Mrs. Max Nov. 15—A special Klddish by Hyman Fisher In honor of,.JIrs. Blltncr; a grandson, tlavld Blttncr and a brother Sam Shiff-Sara Silver. Nov. 24—A Thanksgiving party will be given on this date by the Council of Jewish Women of Omaha ujlh Mrs. Harry Wise as RUG & UPHOLSTERY chairman. Yahrzeit: S p e c i a l Memorial CLEANERS Services were held in the Home RUGS—CA RPETING Synagogue. for.,Baila Sadofsky— .18 days in Heshvan. LAMP SHADES Out of town visitors: Mrs, Sara FURNITURE F. Prelsman of San Francisco visited with her father, Sam i'aitr. Cleaned In Your Homel Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pafz and unn llndlag • Laying • Repairing of Mission, Kami, spent several days in Omaha visiting Mit. P.iiz's Don Bernstein HA 2554 mother, Mrs. "Minnie Blank.

With the Home Folks

U. S. Leadership Rests On Moral Behavior Boston (JTA) — H'nai H'nth prriident Itnhp M KluUnick, a U. S. delegale to th e United Nations, snld that Americans must approach the issue of P.irth satellites with "Ins panic, less scapegoating and more sober reflection that American Ingenuity and technical advancement are hot disintegrating" because the Soviet Union's crash program succeeded. ' Mr, Klutznick told a dinner meeting of the Joint Defense Appeal, f u n d - r a i s i n g arm of the American Jewish Committee and B'nai B'rith's* A n t i - Defamation League, that his persona)-expertence* in the UN General Assembly clearly Indicated American leadership among (he. free nations "rest* as much with our moral behavior as with our economic strength and technological progress."

Centennial Adopts Motif With Cross

Minneapolis (JTA)—The decision of the Minnesota centennial commission to adopt as Us official emblem a symbol including both a church and a cross was noted a* a "spiritual relapse" by Ihe Amer. lean Jewish World, local EnglishJewish newspaper, The editorial stated that th« adoption of an "unfair and nonrepresentative emblem" by th« commission, dttplte the protest* of the Minnesota Je\v|sh Council and the Minnesota Rabbinical Association, will result In a decision of many residents to "serve the state and Its history best during the centennial, year; by refusing to Warning that racial .disturb- participate In man/ aspects of the once* were "damaging compro- program as directed by a misguidmises" to the nation's moral to*- ed commission." ' lute and ''perhaps as great an issue In international politics as Sell what you don't need . , .' they are a dilemma in our domes- Buy what you need' through the tic life," the B'nai B'rith leader Want Ads. •. . '. added: "We loie a bigger propaganda battle among the neutralist and noncommllted nations from such* incidents as Little Rock than Omaha's.HOUM of Ihe Russians gain with their Sputniks."

Beautiful Cloth Coats

Dedications The family of David II. Becker will dedicate a monument to .his memory Sunday, November 17 .at Mount Sinai cemetery, at 2 p. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr of Beth Israel Synagogue will conduct the services Frjendu and relative* are invited to attend.

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Organizations KI'MTLIN-MUIUi ^ \ AIMI.IMtV 'lire I.idus A'mh.ny of KPETl.IN-.MOliCAN I'OST, Jewish War Vildmiv, lire ugiiiii sending Chnniikali purkiiKes to Omaha Jewish Mildicis statloiie ' In base* overseas Names nnd addicsScs of Omaha nj serving overseas to be used • for mailing of Chanukah gift pack' ages may he given to Mrs. Milton Margolin, GL 4668, overseas Clia nukah package chairman. I OMAHA CHAPTER , lilZRACHI WOMEN • I The Omaha Chapter Mterachl • Women will have a luncheon for •• . alljwld up members at the regular meeting, Wednesday, November , 20lh, 12:30 p. m, at the Jewish '-' C o m m u n i t y Center. M n ^ J I . , Branditetter' is In charge of the program. Members arc asked to .-.turn--In their JNF Blue Boxes. The group recently held A runv. ' mage sale with Mme». H. Franklin . - and Sol' Nogg as co-chairmen. ,' »KTH ISRAEL PTA r The Beth Israel PTA will hold It* annual Latke-Card party Salurj day, November 23 at 8^30 p. m. lit the Synagogue social hall. In ,. charRc of the affair are Mrs. Paul • Goldberg, and her co-chairman, Mrs, Paul nifkln. Ticket* which arc 73 cents may be purchased from any PTA member or at the • door.




ffADADSAH Omaha Chapter lladauah will hoMa combined meeting and 12:30 p. m. luncheon for chapter and p-oup board members Monday, , November 18, at the Jewish Com 1 munlty Center. . Plans will be discussed for the IIMO-VE donor affair to be held -'on December 1. Mrs. Joe Guss and Mrs fi. G. Jlimmcrmitn, members of the chap. tcr board, chairmen for the lunchcon, will be assisted by Mmes Seymour Goldston, Charles Garetz, Dave Manvitz, Snm fleifman. Max l^ishimky and Diivid GrcKs. Mrs. Meyer N. Rubin, chapter president, who recently returned from the, national convention in Phllndrlphia, "ill preiute. Me in h e r i of the Educational Council of Omaha Chapter of Hadanah consisting of '.chairmen of the education, American affairs, Zionist public affairs and program committee*, will meet for an Oneg Shabbat at 1 p. m., Saturday, November 16, at the homo of Mrs, Sidney K a t e I m a n, 7315 Cam Street.

A hiKhlight of tjia evening will In the allowing of thu film, "The Ciiiod Seed," a human document>>' dealing with the mhenlni f of a North-Africa)) lad who had migrated to Israel, The thrme involves around juvenile delinquency and the problems Israel facet in combatting the ncgatlm hublla of youths, coming from backwarc countries. HOLIDAY DANCING CM-'B The Holiday Dancing club uil hold a masquerade ball Saturday evening, November 16. Festivities will begin at 10 p. m.

Needlework Guild Contributors Mrs, Dave Cohn, 'chairman, urges all persons who have not responded Aa the Needlework Guild Drive, to do so this week. Mosj. recent contributors reported, . are Mmes, Joe Adler, -Leo Abramson, JUllus Barron, David Becker, Sum "H. Binder, Jacob Burffein, Ab* Cbunovlc, Jacob Cohen, Max E. Cohen ,Sart Cohen, Bennett L.Cohn, Seymour Cohn, Frank Comisar, Meyer Crandell, Mans Dansky, Sam Klcwlt/, John Faler, Phil Fcldman, Jack Fox, Alexander D . ' Frank, Morris J. Franklin, David I,. Frcdrlcks, Jrv Ing F. Gendler, Yale Ginsberg, Art Goldstein, Isadore Goldstein, Yale Gotsdlncr, Edward B. Green, Meyer Green, Belle Greenberg, Elmer Greenberg, Sam Greenhorn, Sam M. Greenberg, Arthur M. Greene, Daniel Greenfield, Samuel Guttrnan, Manning K, Handler, Irving Ifoberman, Samuel Kaplan, Oscar Katleman, Maurice Katzman, Sam Kntzman. Max Klrshenbaum. Kva Upp Konccky, Hyman Kraft, Harry Krantz, Sol KrUelman, Joe Kunr, Moore Lasher, Aaron Levlnc, Morris Urisman, Meyer Lipp, Benjamin Martin, Samuel Mcichen, Harry G. Mendelion. Joe Meyer, Mollls Milder, Chailcs Nathpn, Alvln S. Noggk E. Lro Nogg. S, Ortyff, Allx-rt A. Oruch. Albert Onich, fleva Phill l t , William Pouter, Samuel H Rosenhers, Horace L. Roncnblum, Hcrthold Roscnthal, Morris Itubcnsleln, Paul Sacks, Harry Silverman, Nathan Simon, I/nils Somberg. Charles Stern, Samuel Swarlz,. F. Wakschlag, Max A. Wnsserman, Ira Whllclwok. Harry Wohlner, Bernhardt Wolf. Ir\ln Yaffe. Isldor Zlegler, and the Mlises Rose Rothkop, Sara Glllntky, Klizabeth J. Hart.



Notice All (opv to i,o in*-'iled in tho XCJW iitbi1; J q|i J--,K- niiKt be In Iht' J(^^lsh F'M^S otfld.' hy Jnd.i> NnSi'inliii 22. liei.iiiSL" of the iritiTM'iil/n; 'I'linnksgivinji liohd.iy

Jiy Mri.

Milton N> WIIIUM".

Universities and colleges from Robert S Joseph and Frances R, nil parti, of the country as well as Davidson. those in the Immediate area have Delores A. Shapiro and Linda claimed a major number of the Sara Verct are freshmen at the 1957 Omaha high school graduates University of Wisconsin; Howard. for their freshmen enrollment. L. Lipton, Minnesota; - Barbara Ten young men and women en- Kay Nogg and Marcia Zalkin, rolled at the University of Omaha University of Indiana; Peter" J. They are Lowell J. Baumer, Robert Brodkey at Babson and Brenda L, M. Obemian, Barbara Rochelle Kalzman, Harcum Junior College. Other Omahans In their first Bernstein, Henry Herman, Serena Rlvka Dwoskln, Felicia Friedman year away at school are Marvin, S, Dcna B. Lagman, David Seiner, Frecdman, Dartmouth; Martin L. United Nations, N. Y. UTA)— Pauline Stone and Murray Mayer Greene, Harvard; Lawrence R. There has been no letter from Enrolled at the University of Kahn, Illinois Institute of TechPrime Minister David Ben Clirion Nebraska are Michael Blatt, Shel- nology; H, J. Kaslow, Yalo; How. '" to Secretary of State John Foster don Cohen,' Ronald L. Flshman, ard M. Kooper University of MichDulles On Israel-Jordan Issues, as Allan C. Formnn, James R. Fried- igan; Mark K. Schimmel, Cornell; reported In the * American press a man, Arnold H. Joffe, Allan Irwin Steven J, Silver, University of spokesman for the Israel delega- Krlzleman, Gary B. Plotkln, Mar- Pennsylvania; L a u r e n c e Alan tion saltf "The matters concerned, tin E. Sophlr, Rochelle J. Green, Zacharla, Dartmouth; Dianna which art of limited scope, arc .Ina J. Margolin, I.ols B. Mosko Joyce Fellman, and Judith G. Lewis under routine International dis- wlt7, Eleanor Joan*Resnlck, Shirley University of Arizona; Sallie K. cussions at appropriate levels," he P. Sniff, Diane J. Singer, Bonnie J. Markowitz, add Kaye Ann Turner, stated. SplegaI, "George Aron Sacks and University of Colorado; Joan Mayer, Briarcliff College; Beverly Charge Invenllgiited Ilarrictte L. Breslow. Nancy Blotcky and Nancy Jo The Jordanian charges and IsThose who selected the Univer- Frledlander, Miami University. rael's answer to those charges, sity of Iowa are Robert Lynn concerning an Israeli overflight of Epstein", Jerry A. Rosen, Donna Rac Jordan's territory. Is "under In- Canar, Harriet J. Epstein and vestigation by the United Nations.' Evelyn Dora I^vcy, Oklahama the spokesman said. Concerning was the choice of George D. Blalac, the Jordanian complaint about Israel's work on ~n afforestation A luncheon honoring Mrj. Israel project in the no-man's land south Rosen-thai'on the Occasion of her of Jerusalem, the spokesman declared that "the present phase of 83lh birthday is being given this this Aork has been completed." noon by her friends. Meanwhile, Israel charged SauMany type* of entertainment •More than 30 friends were di Arabia with an outright lie be- will be featured at the Fall Harcause of Saudi Arabian complaint vest Festival Sunday, November among those gathering to share the birthday celebration with her that Israel planes have flown over 17 including a general store and Saudi Arabian air space nonr the auction. The event, starting at In the Garden Room of the BlackGulf of Akaba-.Ina letter to the 8:30 p m. will be given by* the stone hotel at noon. Mrs. Kosenthal, the former Stelpresident of the Security Council, B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky chapAbba Ebart, Israel's permanent ter, 470 at the Blacksione hotel. la Singer and the widow of an Omaha business man, is a member -delegate wrote: The presentation of a week's of a pioneer Omaha family. She Violation Untrue stay for two at the Sands Hotel has lived here since coming from' "There is not a vestige of truth in I.n.i Vegas, Nev., will also high- Cleveland", JO., In 1887 with her In the allegation contained In the light the program. Admission Is parents, the late Mr, and Mra. letter of the chairman of the Sau- -H per person. Charles J. Singer,. Mrs. Singer wa» di Arabian delegation of Npvem Grace Rosewa tcr. her 6, that Israel had violated Mrs. Sadie Newman was In Saudi Arabian air space. Israel Women's Meetings charge of arrangements for the aircraft are under strict orders Feature New Idea event. to refrain from approchlng Saudi A program Innovation at the Arabian dlr spaee, and there is meetings of the Jewish Federation no Israel air activity whatsoever of Women's Clubs Is the presenDIAMONDS . in the area." ts t Ion of three different organizational reporU on each occasion. For the Most Delicious Mrs. Paul Vcrct Is in charge of Ground Betf in Town I programming Telling the'story of their organ- 441S Cumlng WA SS54 izations at the last meeting, October 31 were Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, Brandels University Women; Mrs. Richard Hlller has been reelcct- Charles Stern, B'nal B'rilh Corned treasurer of the ."ougltii Coun- husker Chapter and Mrs. Paul ty chapter, Nebraska Society for Sacks, B'nal B'rith, Nebraska Crippled Children. by Adrian Chapter. Mrs. Henry A. Newman, presiAbe S. Miller JWV, will serve Beautiful Pure Silk dent, presided. as public relations officer fpr the Designer Shirts — Omaha Veterans Council. . '

Israel Denies Dulles Letter

Omahan Feted on 85th Birthday

Festival Will Be Sunday Night

Omchans In the News

Luxurious Shirts



tiu-al rhnirmnn; .1 po' n hy Ali' S'lhneiilr and » r" ulin,- In .MiIf.tny Ili'-hhn hinnnii 'I'hf K.ulim.ih f I n j i i ' - r nf r.nii M U ' w n r i l will h o l d t h ' i i . i " ' n l i r ni-'ctlDK'I'III'MI-IV lit H I>. in ill t h e ),«inii' o f Ml". C l i n i c s fill's "i7«!| } | , m i ' ' y Slii'i-I M i s , D I V J W n i i ' i V. i l l

I J C CrJ-ll 1 Al ' •*

1957 grads Dot Many University Campuses

All copy nt all times, must he typewritten, dmiblespaccd on tmlineil inaniiscrlpt sized sheets.

A daughter, Dcanna Gall was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gore, October 24 In Des Molnes, la. Mrs. Gore Is the,former Eleanor Green Runbl Benjamin (irontt, spiritof Omaha. Grandparent* are Mr, and Mrs. PaufLang of Kankakee, ual leader of the Beth Israel SyIII.,'and Mr. and Mr*. Samuel H. nagogue, spoke At the National Secretaries Association conference Green , • hc Fontencllc Hotel, NovemMr. and Mrs, Eric Afarx of ber 12th. Chicago, 111. announce the birth Mr. anil Mrs.JJIdney Taren had of i d a u g h t e r , Rhonda Sue, October. 13.- Mrs. Marx to the as' Ihelr hotiseguesU during the former Jean KaU of Omaha. past ucek, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Grandparents are Mr. and Mm. Fcder o'f Allentown, Pa. F«n|r Morx of Tcncck, New Jersey Mexico City <NS)—Winner of and'Mr, and Mrs. Max Katz. natfori-v.'lde student composiA son, Steven Wayne was" born tion contest on the Mexican ConO c t o b e r 29 to"'MK and Mrs. stitution wn* nn eleven-year-old George .Eltcnberg at Oarkion Jewish girl, Kal<cl Corona, In hospital.' Other children In the Monterey. family are Cecily Gale and Joseph Irvln. Grandparent* are Mr. and Mrs. FOR THE FINEST . . . Sam Neorenberg of Phoenix, Ariz., IN PHOTOGRAPHY former Omahans and Mr. and Mrs Portraits Hen EisenberB. Mrs, NeiirenberK I'lONKKIt WOMKN Weddings has returned to her home after • Members of the Pioneer Women a week's visit in Omaha. Commercial will hold an One,'? Shnhbat'Snlur«lny, Noiember 10 at Hie home «if Mi.*.. Sum Hichmiin. I1101 Nni Hi SOIh Street nt 1:30 I' »l 'I'lm proirnrn «lll Inrlude \ pHntnml

COUNCIL OK JKWISII WOMEN Miu Ellen Lord, librarian at the University of Omaha, will dl«ciuw "Wha't Are Yort Reading?"— "What Are Your' Children Reading?" «t the 1 p, m. luncheon of the Council of Jewish Women, , Tuesday, November 19 at the Jew' Ish Ccmimtinlty Center. A question and answer period will follow, Mrs. Paul Sacks will Introduce the speaker. An act from the forthcoming "Red Slocking*" revue scheduled .hy the Council for December 4 . and 5, >vlll be presented. Mrs. Ben Zcff will read the Invocation. L u n c h e o n arrangejnenU,arc being made by MM. -J. Milton Margolin, asslitcU by a committee from the Golden Aec Club. Other chairmen arc Mr* Harold Novak, decorations -and Mrs. Joseph GoldwnFo, reservation*. Baby sitter service will be s\nilnble.

Page Three

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'J.CBriefs CHILDREN'S PROGRAM Members of the Children'* Sunday program will v e n d part of tbe'jNovanber 17 session writing a service and making decorations for their Thanksgiving program, November 24 Including corn stalks, Thanksgiving mural and pictures. The children will participate in thii service. In a scene or holiday festivity, play games and dance. They will alto have the chance to name and sketch a live turkey, donated (or the afternoon by Moe Katieman. Prizes will be given for the winning name and sketch. Refreshments wiU be served. UITG SAVING COl'BSE The American Red Crosi Certificated Senior Life Saving course' to be offered at the Jewish Com" munity Center will be open to all persons over 16 with a knowledge ;of basic swimming strokes. The course will start Monday, November 18 and wiU be held from 7:30 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. BIDDV BASKETBALL Biddy basketball, with altered rules of play for 3rd. 4th and 5th grade boy*, starts today at 4:15 p. in. at the Jewish Community Center. Boys will be coached In basketball skills and taught to develop their coordination. A regular Friday afternoon activity, the biddy basketball group will be developed into regular league com petition later in the season. GYM The Friday gym sessions, which feature s p e c i a l l y constructed basketball equipment designed for small players, will be followed by a short dip in the Center's swimming pool. Youngsters are encouraged to participate In thU sport and sign up any Friday at the Center. VOU.ETBAIX _, » Two volleyball groups for'businessmen have been added to the Center's athletic program because of the increased interest in this •port. One group meets from S JO p. m. to 6:30 p. m. Wednesday evenings; the other on Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 to 1:15 p, m. Attendance need not be on a regular bails. Participants deslr, ing further information on this activity should contact the Center Athletic Department JA. 1366. BADMINTON Two courts are reserved each Tuesday night at 7:45 p. m. for Badminton at the Jewish Conunua ity .Center. Participants compete in singles and doubles play. Instruction" if provided. Players, are invited to participate in any Tuesday session. HEALTH CLUB The sun lamp is just one of the many features and services provided for Health Club users at the Center. Other services and faculties o f / « r « d by the c l u b a n personally directed workout sessions, salt and alcohol rubs, two Urge "steam baths, one dry and one wet, convenient shower and locker room facilities and rest cots. No appointment is needed by Health Club users. Hours are .from noon untn IP p. m. weekdays and from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sunday. A staff of'well trained masseur* are in charge. Plenty of tret parking is avallabl* In the Center's parking lot Reasonable rates era charged to m e m b e r s and non-members using the Health Club., COUNCIL BASKETBALL The Jewish Youth Council Boys Basketball league starts Sunday, November 17th at the Jewish Community Center gymnasium at 12:30 p. m. AZA No. 1 meets NZA No. 100 in the first game while Kaylm is pitted against the defending l.ague champions, Unaffiliates. Two refereeg officiate •ach game in the league which Is played according to National Hlijh School Association Basketball Rules. A special session on rules and their Interpretation will be staged for participants In this year's basketball program at 11 n. m. this Sunday. Directing this clinic will bt certified basketball officials

Morris Handleman and Benny Nachman. This clinic is designed to help the participants to- understand the;game and to inform them of rule changes. No admlssien is charged for these Sunday games and the public is cordially invited. HIGH SCHOOL BOWLING Tht Youth Council Co-Ed Bowl ing League started last Monday at the 40-Bowl with over 50 high school s t u d e n t * .Mxtidpating. League secretary, Stuart Kutler, rolled the high game with a 328, Cindy Kline was the high girls bowler of the day averaging 123 for the 3 frames rolled. Bennet HomsUin scored 150. Participants are still needed tor league play which i« staged each Monday at 4 p, m. Members can sign up for the league by attending the next bowling session, or by contacting 'Stuart Kutlcr, League Secretary,

U.N. Aide Wants Arab Plebiscite United Nationals, .1. Y. (JTA) —Henry R. Labouisse, director of the Relief and Works Agency, for Palestine Refugees said that the Arab States had made a "burning political issue" of the misery of the Arab refugees and had continued to refuse to cooperate in alleviating their lot. but he never' theless placed much of the onus for the situation on Israel. For the third successive year he demanded that it plebiscite be held among the Arab refugees to determine whether they preferred repatriation to Israel or compensation. He charged that "the Cov eminent of Israel has taken no affirmative action In the matter of repatriation or compensation.' Elsewhere he noted that a General Assembly resolution calling on the Arab States to cooperate fully with the agency "has not yet been fully implemented." He noted numerous cases of obstruction by the Arab governments, notably la his attempt to remove ineligible persons from the agency's relief rolls. He cited obstacles put in the way of the agency's work by the four Arab "host" governments.

Meeting Hits CampusNewsChess Expert To Play Here Conversion Amsterdam (JTA)—Liberal and Reform approaches to Judaism were denounced as dangerous to the integrity and continuity of the Jewish community at the European Conference of Orthodox Rabbis. Chief Rabbi Aron Schuster of Amsterdam said that Reform rabbis often accepted non-Jewish women for conversion after Orthodox rabbi* refused to accept them. He added he would never acknowledge such .proselytes. Chief Rabbi Milchlor Marcus of Copenhagen reported that there was a "remarkable Interest" in conversions .to Judaism jn Denmark and a smiliar interest was reported by Rabbi A, HoUer of Dortmund as existing in West Germany.

Youth Sunday, November 9, six members of Eleanor Roosevelt B'nai B'rith Girl's met with Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt at the Blackstone Hotel prior to lier appearance at a Bond dinner, to present her with an honorary membership to the club. They gave her a B.B.G. pin and a membership certificate. The girls who made the presentation were Eden Conn, Marilyn Dvorkin, Dentine Green. Iona Karl, Miriam Katz, and Maxine Zwclback. Among the high school students who received the Nebraska High School Press Association awards were Sally Freeman, Yearbook copyreadlng-first, Howard Welnberg, sports writing-first; Martin Lipp, editorial writing-third and Barbara Brodkey, news features, third. All are Central high student and were in the Class A division of the contest.

INIVEItSITV OF OKLAHOMA Ronnie Brodkey. 1121 North 55th Street and Fran Davidson, Samuel Reshevsky, regarded ui 310 North forty-eighth Street arc members of the committee arrang- the ranking Amcilran dies'; phiye ing the "'nlverslly of Oklahoma will appear at' the Jewish Community Center, Sunday, Janiniy homecoming, NovenVer 16. 19, 1958. He will piny a Mmultimeous chess exhibition of 50 camrj UNIVERSITY OF OXAHA at one time. Louis Goldberg, 1519 North The exhibition will l« ra-sponThirty-fifth Street .was one of 13 pledges Initiated by Delta Sigma sored by the Jewish Community Pi business fraternity at the Unl Center, the YMCA Chess Club and the Omaha Chess Club. versity of Omaha. Chess players of the Omaha Jewish community are invited to register at the Center if they would 'like to partici it in the simultaneous exhibition. For further Information call Activities OfTel Aviv4JTA>—The first com- fice, JA 1360. pleted section of the Negev Research Institute at Beenheba was officially opened. The completed section includes several administrative and service Jerusalem (JTA>—A proposal buildings and one laboratory build' ing housing the institute's meteor- that ushers in the Knesset carry ological' unit, an experimental small arnii and be given the staplant to harness solar energy for tus of special policemen was mad* the de-salting of .brackish ground as an aftermath to the outrage watort. Construction is to begin that occurred two weeks ago soon on a second laboratory build- when a demented Israeli threw a ing for research with minerals hand grenade at the Government found in Israel and their Industrial bench In tht Knesset, wounding five members of the Cabinet. The exploitation. The Beenheba Institute Is to be- proposal was made by members come the country's center for arid of the Israel Security Service lone research which has been car- testifying before the Parliamenried out hitherto at the Hebrew tary Committee. Armed I'shrr University and the Israel Institute Some of the members of lha of Technology at Haifa. It will make a study 'of environmental Parliamentary Committee are rephysiology arid the adjustment of portedly opposed to arming the man and; beast to the arid condi' ushers. They question whether the tlons prevailing in the Negev. The atmosphere at the Knesset would institute will also house the Dead not be disrupted as a result of the "martial appearance" of Sea works laboratories. Prior to the opening ceremonies, armed ushers. Other committee assembled scientists held a con- members do not favor the proposal fcrence at the Hlas House In Beer, because some of the ushers are aheba and discussed the vegetation middle-aged men presumably unand water supply of the Negev, accustomed to carrying weapon*. An -alternate proposal to the the problem of living conditions in the desert, the use of solar energy committee is that the ushers for Industry in the Negev and should continue to hold their presdesalination of water by electro- e t status, assigned only to showng visitors to their seats, while dialysis. a ncK'ly-cstabllshcdKnossct Guard unit would- be established. Tho latter unit according to this plan, would be made up of younger, able-bodied men who would carry Washington (JTA)—John Kas arms. Foreign Minister Colds Melr is per, anti-Jewish and anti-Negro turning to Hadassnh Hospital agitator, must m to Jail ns a result of the U. S. Supreme Court's and will submit to another operarefusal to review his criminal con- tion. The leg wound Mrs. Melr sur. ' tempt conviction. He will be made fcrcd in the Knesset bombing two to serve a one-year penitentiary weeks ago Is not responding to sentence. treatment. Premier David Ben Gurion is expected to leave the hospital Omission of Religion soon. He continues to function as In 1960 Census Asked Premier and Defense Minister Washington (JTA)—A request from his bed. Daily bulletins on asking the Bureau of the Census the Prime Minister's condition to reject any proposal to ask1 a have been discontinued, hospital religious question in the 1960 ifficials said, because the Premier decennial census was made to the s sufficiently recovered so that U. S. Department of Commerce by his condition docs not warrant the International Religious Liberty concern. Association. The Association, an Moshe Sh»plra, the Minister of organization dedicated to safe- Health, who was most serious!/ guarding the constitutional prin- injured in the grenade attack, unciples of religious * freedom, be- derwent minor surgery (or tit* lieves such a question violates the removal of a grenade splinter from First Araendment'of the U, S. Con- his leg. This is expected to be tho stitution. This is also the belief of last of several operations resultJewish organizations in this coun- ing from Injuries he received In try. the blast,

Israeli Research Institute Opened

Knesset Security Being Considered

Eight members of Beth Israel Synagogue youth organization and Club Tovim attended a pre-convention meeting in Des Molnes, Iowa last Sunday. Plans for the Winter SYO Regional convention be held at the Beth Israel synagogue from December 23rd to December 26th were discussed. SYO representatives were Paysie Shyken, Carole Gomberg, Karen U. N. Seeks to Cheek Forbes, Keva Shyken, and Harriet Schloff. d u bTovim members who Anti-Israel Teaching attended were Michael Simon. United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Marshall Kaplan and Irvln KarL Dr. Luther I I Evans, director Irving Stern accompanied the general of the United Nations group. Educational, Scientific and CulturMembers of U5.Y, were preal Organization, announced that he will Jaunch a program to try sented with organization pins at to e l i m i n a t e 'Inflammatory" a meeting last Sunday at the home teaching of children in the Arab of Bob Fellman. The- name of Sheila Novak has refugee camps whose minds "can been added to the list of delegates be poisoned'' against Israel. "I know there has been a great who will attend the U.S.Y. convendeal of teaching of Inflammatory tion in S t Louis, November 28 to views among £he refuge* children," December 1 The organization will Dr. Evans declared, Teachers celebrate Its tenth anniversary at , •* are teaching children in schools that Urns. that some day they - Wll return to The Beth El chapter of U.S.L their homeland and are saying derogatory things about the peo- will meet In the synagogue social hall. Sunday, November IT from ple now Inhabiting their home7 p. m. to 9 p. m. Dr. Evans said that he will propose to the next worldwide conference of UNESCO the adoption OPEN NO ON-10 DAILY—94 SUNDAY of a. resolution "calling on member states to discourage teaching of the schools' Inflammatory political points of view concerning 0 relations with other nations." UNESCO has between 11 and 15 educational experts working with the Arnb "host" governments and NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED FOR with tho UN JU'llef and Works /gency for the Palestine refugees LU LU • MASSAGE assisting the educational programs for the refugee children.

Kasper to Serve 1-Year Sentence




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JA 1366

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