November 22, 1957

Page 1



Dr. Greenberg 1$ Delegate To B'nai B'rith Meeting Dr. Abe Greenberg, Omaha phyilcian and communal Jeador, i* a delegate to the 114th annual meeting of B'nai B'rith which opened ThtnwJay In Washington, P. C. Dr. Greenberg,* president of the Omaha Federation for Jvwish Service, ia well known for hi* long record of participation in B'nal B'rith activities. BwUdlag Dedication ' Principal event of.-4.he six-day meeting will be the dedication of the new B'nil B'rith Building—a modern •eight-story structure homing the first Jewish muieum in the natton'i capital, a research library on human tights and the national headquarters of the world's largest Jewish service organization. IU*«u (4 Meellaft Dr. Greenberg, a member of B'nal B'rith's governing body. Is accompanied by his wifi. Also attending, the dedication ceremonies are Mr .and Mrs. Edward A. Rosen. The B'nal B'rith Building was erected bjr a foundation honoring Henry Monsky, a prominent Omaha attorney and president of B'nal B'rith for nine yeors before his death In '917.




ir Rejects Neutral Policy


Prominent Hjmkrra Secretary of Labor James P, Mitchell, Mri. Eleanor Roosevelt, Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark, Attorney General, William P. Rogers, and B'nai B'rith president Philip M. Klutznlck, who It a VS. delegate to the United Nations, head the list- of speaker* and guests participating In the dedicaJerusalem (JTA)—Appearing in the Parliament of Israel for the first time since he was wounded tion program. The ceremonies there by a madman's hand grenade. Premier David Ben Gurion—his injured leg still shoeless—closed a brought 1,000 delegates to the naforeign policy debate by firmly rejecting the leftwing's proposals that Israel alter its foreign policy in tion's capital. the direction of neutralism. The Premier was upheld In a vote of 63 to 12. lUumUated Broatc Menurah* Explaining the reasons why the brae] Government found it impossible to adopt a neutralist policy, A bronze menorah Illuminated the Premier voiced a long and sharp criticism or the Soviet Union, formally opened the T-shaped 1 . j ^ premier asserted that neuglass and white brlck,B'naI B'rith tralism was possible in two forms Building. The seven-foot cande* alone—that all nations > of the labra. symbol of B'nai B'rith, world concede Israel the sort of stands at the entrance to the neutral status granted Swltzerbuilding. The base i« sculptured in land, or that Israel be neutral In relief depicting the twelve tribe* its dealings with all nations. of Israel. The candelabra la a gift New Orleans—Jack W. Mnrer, Arabs Oppose Neutrality from B'nal B'rith units of Latin Omaha • attorney and a prominent The first is not possible, he conAmerica. figure In Omaha and national Jewtinued, because the Arab states— The growth of religious liberty ish affairs was elected to tbe cither the pro-Soviet nor the proIn the United Slate* told In price- Board of Directors of the Council Wentern states—arc not prepared of Jewish Federations and Welless documents is one of the histo grant Israel such a status, he torical exhibits to be displayed In fare Funds at the organization's said, indeed, he added, there was the building's Philip M. nnd Kthel 26th annual General Assembly no reason that they should single Klutznlck Exhibit Hall, named far here. He was to have led the pnnel out Israel us sancrosanct without the organization's president nnd In pre-campalgn budgeting ut the similar guarantees to Belgium, his wife, both former Ornahons. m e e t i n g , but commitments In Hungary or other countries. The Omaha forced him to enncel his United Nations, he snid, could not appearance at the gathering. he depended upon to guarantee I«Mr. Mnrer has devoted much of CF.NTEK CQMM1TTKK tael\ security ns Israel had hi* time to participation In Oma. TO MKF.T MONDAY learned in 1S4K and In 1951 when ha rommunlty affairs and has The November meeting of the Senility Council ordered an the Jewish Community Center served ns past president of the the Suez blockade of her Committee will tie held on Federation for-Jewlsh Services In shipping. Monday, .November 25. 12:13 195SJ56; general chairman of the p m at thi» Center. Mr. IxiU Jewish Philanthropies campaicns Dt-nlrwt (lood Ililatlons Cannr, committee chairman, In 19.17 and 1953 and as former A call for » record number of A.s for Israel1! neutrality to-\ chairman of the Jewish Communurges oil members of the Cenumil other nations, Mr. Ben Gurvounirers to carry out the intenI Ity CVntcr and Family Service ter Committee to attend. ion noted that'lsrael desired equalsive one-day effort on Sunday, DeI committees, ittrU W. Mstff ly good relations with all states cember litt, for the sale of Israel He was president of Temple and wait working in that direcBonds, Wa« made today by WiU Israel from 1946 to 1948, a pant Barristers Club of Oniulia. tion, but this did not depend on member of the Notional Board of The Omahn Federation for Jew- Israel alone. Ibun .Cnxlllnky, Oinah.i chiiiinin | the Union of American Hebrew ish service is a member agency It-was not Israel but the Soviet Mtart at » a. m. I Congregations and n former presi- of tho National Council of Jewish The house-to-house<, an dent of the Henry Monsky lodge Federations and Welfare Funds, Union which had breached an oil supply and trade agreement, Mr. important part of the Bond cam-1 or B'nal B'rith. the latter, a national association Ben Gurion reminded his listeners. iwlgn, will start from the Jewiihj Mr. Marer is now vice-chairman comprised of 225 Jewish Federa- "Several times we asked the SoCommunity Center at 9 a. m. Tern of the Inquiry Committee of the tions, welfare funds and com- viets for scientific assistance buf of thousand] of volunteers, in Fourth. Judicial District of the munity councils, representing 8Q0 they have not responded, but we The sermon at the seventeenth Nebraska State Bar Association communities throughout the Unitcommunities t h r o u g h o u t the showed no resentment. When we ed States and Canada, WMJ take annual Youth Council Thiinkiglv- ahd Is a past president of the United, States and Canada. received such minor favors as the part in the "big Day" effort. ing service will be presented by photographing of (Jewish and HeWorkers can enroll by calling the Paul Shyken, .council president. brew) manuscripts (In Soviet muIsrael Bond office, AT 1177 or The event will be ''observed Wedseums) we were grateful," he denesday, November 27th at Temple AT 1093, The office address I* clared. 1014 pity National Bank building. Israel. Clubs and unafflllale groups beSoviet Slander Aid T« Prat-ram longing* to the council will be 'When the Soviet press uttered "Prevailing tensions In the Mid- represented at the gathering by baseless slanders against us," he dle East and continued Arab boy- Chuck Ravltz, Judy Freed, Robert said, "we were silent We allow cott, blacklist and b l o c k a d e Shapiro, Barbara Bercutt, Jerry the Israel Communists to tell lies against Israel," Mr, Grodinsky Goklitrom, Stuan Sneler and Ifow. cert and opera stage and record- about the United States and the stated, "make it Imperative Uiat ard Weinbcrg. Co-chairmen for the Ings. He has appeared in several Soviet Union. Shall we," he asked we help Israel maintain her pro- evening (tre- Marlys Isack and Menottl p r o d u c t i o n s both on sarcastically, "forbid non-Commugram of economic development. Steve Reikes. Broadway and TV and in Europe; nists from telling the truth about The program following the servThe most effective'way. for-the with NBC opera and the Omnibus the United States anH the Soviet citizens of Omaha to help, is to of- ices will be Mparked with the TV program, the National Or- Union? Would that be neutrality?" fer their services as volunteer Is- crowning of "Ichabod and Pruchestra Association at Carnegie Hall, Philadelphia Opera Company rael Bond salesmen on "Big Day.'" dence Turkenbnum". Two youth council members, elected from a and Baltimore Symphony Orches3.1% of Development Budget ' list of club representative!, will tra. Last' October, Mr. Lishner Underscoring the fact' that Is- reign over the social portion of had a role in the Chicago Civic rael Bond dollars comprise thlrty- the evening's activities, In the Opera. flve per cent of the, Israel govern- roles of the mythical characters. Eighty men nnd women will npMr. Manner's academic backment's development budget, Mr. ground includes a Bachelor of penr In "Red Stockings", a musical Grodinsky explained that "Israel. revue to be presented at the ParaScience degree from College of Bond capital helps to finance the the City of New York and train- mount Theatre, Tuesday and Wedestablishment ot new agricultural i ing In the Graduate School of nesday, December 3rd and 4th at settlements, makes possible acJuilllard School or Music and at 8:30. p.m. celerated industrial e x p a n s i o n , Trinity College of Music at LonThe cast was selected following provides the capital for harbor, don. He speaks and reads, three try-outs at a'klok-ofr party given road and railroad development as languages. ' '$ by the Omaha Section of the Nawell as the exploitation of new! A ten-week course In Fencing Mr, Hlnshaw has accompanied tional Council of Jewish Women, chemical and mineral resource*, John Charles Thomas, both In his sponsors of the production. Spence the improvement of communlca. will lie offered ut the Jewish Comconcerts and teaching. As accom- Ilaulcrson, a member af the Jertlon facilities and the Increased munlly Center on Tuciiiayi and Thursdays from 7:.T0 p m l<> 8.30 panist for Tgor Gorln, he has ome Cnrglll Producing organizaproduction of electric power " soloed on tours throughout most tion, producers of non-professional P. m. of the United States and Canada. shows, Is spending three weeks in The sport, tnmntii for ilrn-liipLeon I.lhhner His Master of Music degree was Omaha, to direct the show. Ing coordination' and poise will I* A pi ogi ,iin by lyon Lishner secured from the University of Instructed by Bob Gun-el, experiTickets are available at Hospes h I'..-1J II itoiic ami Harwy L. MilCalifornia In 1956, enced Instructor anil teacher and or by calling Mrs. Homer Farbcr, l« open to the public. sli.m. pianist, both nicmljuis of WA. 6798 and arc $2-$3. and $9. the UniviMty of Nebraska faculty, Teen-agers will be admitted for Rabbi Sidney Jlroolis of Temple will IK. nfli-red to thi." novice as will lie featured at the annual to Ihi' advanced fi-nccr. $1. AH seats are reserved. | Israel was circled president of the A S10 rp^utratiim fee will be donor event of the Omaha Chapter A dancing doll chorus, individual Omaha Synagogue Council at a charged for Hie course which will lliidussuh. Tin' affair will be preskits, singing and dancing nummeeting at Belli Israel Synagogue, have ;i limited enrollment in or- sented Sunday, December 1, at Normnn Batt will represent bers will be featured on the pro- _ He jucceeds Harry -Puboff. der to develop maximum abilities 8 p. m, under the auspices of the gram. ' M re. Sam L. Katzman is the now of students. Further information organization's medical and voca Camp Jay-C-C on the YWCA camp A|l proceeds from the event committee, it was announced Frisccrv'ary of the organization. She may be obtained by calling the tlonal education committees. Mr. Lishner hns been heard on day by Dr. Dan Miller, Jay-C-C will be used to further and expand auceee.V Rabbi Benjamin Groner Center athletic department, JA the project* of the, council. Broadway, national television, con- committee chairman. 1360. of Belli Israel Synagogue.

Knesset Votes To Uphold Ben Gurion Stand

National Council Elects Jack W . Marer to Board

Bonds Plan ^Big Day"

Youth Service Speaker to Be Paul Shyken

Event To Feature Lincoln Artists

80 Omahans Cast In 'Red Stockings'

Fencing To

Be Offered

Council Elects New Officers

Batt Named to YW Committee


FubUsbed Every Friday by tlie Federation of Jenbh 8*nlc« McuM J u u timilni- Privilege! Authurlzta m ureulia. Nebrutka. •-UIHU Subscription, Advunlsriie Hunt on Application. " irUl Oi li'«—10] No 2«h Mrert. Omaha. Ntlir. JActfiOD UW 8)1 • Address <8O8 So 2ftUi SKcct (MRS.) -FRANCES KLEIN .......Editor.

Center Topics Bowling Congress with numeral awards being offered. Call'the Center and enroll by phone.

,VEW ADCI.T CLASSES Additional c(a«ei for adults in music listening, ceramics, chess, jquare dancing and bridge will be offered at the Center during the VARSITY BA8KETBAIX • winter adult program. For Infor The Center's Varsity Butkctball league will "start Wednesday, No- malion regarding sdult activities vember 27 at 7:30 p. m. at the call JA 1366. Jewish Cwpmunlty Center. Plan call for a four-team Irague com BRIDGE CLASS peting In a three-game warm up A second bridge class will be series, followed by a double round organized for adulti at the Center, rebln tournament. Earl Siege), adult education chair"Die tentative teams are; 1—Kd man, announced. l*ee Nelson, tourBelgrade, vaptain' Joe Klrshen- nament player, will be the Inbaum, Wayne Siegel, Jerry Her structor. An afternoon bridge class man, Jack Stfis," Harry Wi*e, for intermediate players will be Chubby Parser, Jerry Frcedman, formed if sufficient number of re2—Sandy Brophy. captain: Fred quests is received. Call JA 1366. Bernstein, Irvln Yaffc, Jerry Sl - man, John Okun, Vale Kaplan. Krnlt Saltzman, Burton Robinson, 3 ADULT EDUCATION COUNCIL The Omaha Adult Education —Albert dayman, captain; LJndy P a u l , Sherman Po*ka. ChucK Council held its November meetWise, Al Ncpomnlck, David Gold- ing Wednesday in the Jewish Iteln, Walter Wise, Franklin Berg, Community Center. The J..C.C. and A.D.L. of B'nal B'rlth are 4 — Steven UutgnrU>n, captain members of the Council along with Danny Epntein. Joe BeUnont, R« Omaha University. Crelgbton UniKJrlft, Ed Zorinsky, Larry Her venlty, Board of Education, Y. M. man, Jerry Sherman, Jake Adler. C. A., Crest Books Foundation, Others desiring to pnrtlelpai'e in Y. W. C. A., Jonlyn and Parks and the league'should contact the Jew- Kecrcaiion Department,ish Community Center* Athletic department, JA j:t66. V. C. BASKETBALL The boys from the Unrffflliates CENTER VOUTII FHOGBAM basketball team defended their The complete facilities of Ihe basketball crown In the Jewish Jewish Community Center's ath- Youth Council Basketball league 'letic department, g y m n a s i u m by:,defeatlng Rayim 48 to 36. Larworkout room, game room and ry Herman was top scorer for the swimming pool will b« open each UnaffUiate crew with 21 points Saturday evening from .7:30 P, ffl, whjle team-mate David Goldstein to 8;30 p. m. for grade school and contributed 10 point*. high school students. No charge Is Danny Hollls was the high scormade (or this .Saturday activity er for the AZA-100 team which designed to ejictxinge' participa- defeated AZA No. 1, 44 to -36. tion' In athletics and swimming, Other 100 standouts were Justin - Boys and girls are encouraged Ban and John Okun while Jerry to com* to the Center either sin Freednuur and Harold Kaiman gly or In palm or group*. Super- were stalwart* on defense for vision ts provided by the Center's '.ZA No. 1. Athletic Department. Spedal parSunday, November 34. AZA No, ties may be staged on Saturday 100 will meet Rayim. Thi AZA ' evening by contacting the Jewish No, 1-UnaffUtates contest has been Community Center, JA 1366. moved to Monday, BIDDY BASKEIBAIX Over 40 boys In grades 3, 4 and 5 turned out to the tint practice session far Biddy Basketball players. Practice sections sre.held each .Friday from 4:15 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. at the Jewish -Community Center followed by a dip in the Center pool. Boys Interested, ft participating in this n e # activity may register at any of the Friday session: Training will be offered in basketball. Competition will be staged later in the Mason. Special . .Biddy basketball* and portable backboards are available, Youngsters are encouraged to bring their gym short*, tennis fhods and a towel to each practice session. Those desiring further Information /nay inquire at the Jewish Community Center, JA 13fi6. 6KAOE SCIIOOC HOWLINlJ The Center is offering special Instruction In i»w|jng c.irti Knday afternoon from 4:15 p. m, to 4:45 p, m. at the Miuic Box I!.mJ. '-ing Lanes The OTl> ch.irge i s 60 .cents for. the'two lines buwK-ri. Young»ter« ma> be irg.'itcii-il fur theie clajios by calhiii; Ui*- Ji>« Community Center, JA I.tivfi Youngslcrii in grade*, C. 7 .iiid 8 may still jlgn up for Die S.iti'ld> "Bowling League. Tliis Iedgiic n ,iffillatod with the N' Junior

, Noverabtr «*, I N )

With the Home Folks


VOLLEVBALJ. New players are always »"el come at the volleyball session for businessmen TuMdays and Thursd«ys. 12:30 p. m. to 1:15 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center gymnasium. Regular attendance i * not compulsory,


Religious Services ( ancllillght. 4:40 p. in, TK.Ml'LE ISItAKL Services will be held this eve nlng at 8:15 p. in. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will p r e a c h on "What Membership in T e m p i * Israel Means". An Oneg Shabhat honorIng new members will follow, the Services, The reception la sponsored by Temple I s r a e l Sisterhood and Men's Club. Stanley Slosburg is general chairman for the Men's Club, and Mrs. Lesli* Davis it c h a i r m a n for Sisterhood. Mrs. Louis Llpp and her committee .arc* in charge of refreshments, Shabbas morning-services will begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Religious School choir under the direction of TUlM Ida Gitlln tinging the musical portions of the scrv< Ice.

All Meads ana relative* trm Invited te tlteut tervtces and reception*. LAl'RGKCR HEMir OKEENE Dr, and Mrs. Arthur Green* announce that the- Bar Mltzvah or their «on, Laurence Henry, will be celebrated Friday e v e n l n g - a n d Saturday morning. November 29 and 30 at Temple Israel.

New York (WNS) — Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee received Yeshlva University's nual Charter Day Award for "outtanding service at a member of mr -nation's highest legislative tody."

RICHARD FRIED The Bar Mitzvah of Richard Alan Fried, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Fried will be celebrated Friday evening, November 22 and Saturday morning, .Vrnemlxr 23 at Beth El Synagogue.

Nnv II—Mrs. Viile Ilaljnin «nd Miv l i . m y Coupcnnftn were lust Vivk'n Gr,iy Ladies victors. This H H regular Bikur Chnlun service at the Dr. Philip. Slier ''Jewish Home for the Agod. Nov. IS—Cantor £11 Kagan and Mr. Herman Frlodlander visited us. Nov. 17—Thanks to Mm. BM ward Abrnhann for the beautiful floral bouquet Nov. 19—Rabbi Benjamin Groner continued his discussion'of the Mlshnai*. Nov, 19—The Council of. Jewish Women Arts and Crafts,class met this afternoon. Assisting, were Council member* Mmes. Meyer Beber, Arthur Colin, Al Gehr, Max Klrshcnbaum, Sam Jloacnblbom and Moe Venger. Nov. 24—The Council of Jewish Women's annual Thnnksglvlng party will take place this after-

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HOLIDATS and FESTIVALS Holidays Begin Sundown of Previous Day: Chanukah Dec. 18

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noon with Cantor Kll Kagan end accordionist Milton Goldberg. Mis. Harry Wise is in charge of this affair. Klslev: Klslcv 1 — Nov. 24—Mm. Joseph Kosowsky, Klslev 10—Dec. 3—Mn Mcjer Potasluiik, Kislcv 10—Drc. 12— Harry X>.vorsky, Kitlcv 22—Dec 15—Mrs. Sophie Xevcleff, Kislev 89—Dec, 22—Hany L. Cohen.

Omaha's Heut* of

BETH KL • Sabbath aervicei at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:13 p. "m. Rabbi Myrr S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Ed gar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render U>e musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services begin at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Con' gregatlon services are al 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Manrlv services an? at 4:43 p. in. Daily services are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m, Sunday morning MrvJce is at 9 a. m. BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Ciuitor 1 Ksgan, Both Israel ."holr. and Junior A Class, will conduct late Friday evening wrvlccs at 8 p. m. Rabbi Gronrr will apeak on "How the Rabbi Celebrated TbaHkngiving." Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbolas Shabhon) begin at 4:43 p. tn. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:45 a, m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rnhbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 4:15 p.m. Sabbath Mlnclm at 4:45 p. m. followed by Sliolc.hc S'eudosand Maarlv. Dally scrviros at " a. m. and 4:45 p. m. Sumlny morning tervlcrs begin at 8 4r> a. m< followed by hrc«kf«<;t mill Rabbi'* claw in Bible. Sumby morning Junior Minyan, rolioivcd by breakfast, starta at 8.30 a. m. The Talmud Discussion gioup meets tvery Tuesdiiy evening at 7:30. p. m. at BID! Synagogue 19th and Hurt streets. Beth Israel . T a l m u d Toroh daases will not meet on Thursduy November 28th, Thanksgiving Day. Services,"Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, will begin at B:45 a. m.

Bar Mifxvah

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John Kalina



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Friday, November W, M5T

B. A. M. M0T1IKIIH Tho Omaha Sigma Alpha M<i Mothers' Club will bo hostess to the Lincoln Mothers' Club at a luncheon, Tuesday, November 36, tt the Fireside Reitaumnt- at 12:.1O p, m, Mr*. E. I. Wldman It chairman *i)d Itmix. Dave Formfln and Date Shukert co-chairmen. For reservation* call Mrs. J. M. Mnrgolln. BESS.* MONSKY CHAPTER B'MAI BTlfTII The-Henry Momky Chapter of B'nal B'rlth 470, will hold it's board meeting,,Tuesday, November 26.12:30 at the home of Mr*, Ceo. Conn, G2O2 William. A*»lstInft her will be Mr»_SoJ.Mlroff. A detsert luncheon will be served.

Fag. Three

Engagement Announced

Organizations PIONKKIt Tho Pioneer Wumin will hold their legulur Itmohi-'uii Tuc*d.iy, November 2(3 at 12::iO ||). m. at the J Community foul*"'.



A daughter wus horn November tho mine school and is now attending the University of Nebraska 12 to Knl)l)j and Mi-s. Matthew M. ^oliJtkoff. Two oinei- duughter* in .School of Medicine. He is a 'mem!he family ai't1 Gail and Anne. ber of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity. The coiipli? nre planning a Jum; Patronize Our Advertiser* uedding.

will entertuin at n detticrt liuiilieon, at 1 p. ni., Monday, December .2 at the Jewish Community Center, GOLDEN AGE CLUB The movie, "Slaves of .Babylon" will be bhowir at the meeting of the Golden A'ge Club Monday, November 25, 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. A. 1 p. m. dessert . luncheon will b« held. The organization 1» sponsored by the Ontaha section,'National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Community CeJtter.iMmeji.J. Milton Margolin and Paul Sacks are co-ordinntor» for the council. Mm. Nathan Simon '-i»- Golden•, Age c h a i r m a n , . -, ''•.^•'•~-.:--.": : •':"•-'

Sow York <WNS)-I,riiol Wol/are Minister Moshe Slwrelt nill Uie aniiinil n«lional conference oil the UJA to lie held here December U and IS marking the launching of UJA'« 20th campaign.

DIAMONDS For th« Fined Homim«c/« Dilll, 0ill«d Tom«to«i »nd Homfmad* t,ti Hortendiih.

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WA «!4

JEWISH I.ABOK COMMITTEE . The annual memberthlp dinner, Judith Ilrano Ferdinand of the Jewiih Labor committee of Omaha will lie held' Sunday,, NoDr. and Mm. L. A. Ferdinand of vember 24 at 6 p . . n v a t the Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cumlrig Street. Chicago, have announced the enMember* «re aiked to make re«- gagement of their daughter, Ji dlth ;ervalloh».;early...v-:.::'::.;';: •..;:.:. Ileane to Blalne Yale Hoffman, •on of Mn, Sam Roffman of Counli"*.p.MABA88Aii,-.. v .*;.v;"- ,' cil Bluffs. A: meeting of Vtff, jtudy group The bride-to-be I* a senior at of the BuMneig and Professional the Untvertity of Iowa, Iowa City, Women of Hadamah will be held where *he 1* affiliated with Sigma Sunday, tJovemlwr; 24' at 2 p.• m. Delta Tan Sorority. at the; home of Mrj. Jlarlon BonMr. Roffman I* a graduate of ;

BETH I8IMKL P-TA The Beth b r a d P-TA will hold 1U annual Lalkj Card party. Saturday, November 23 nt the Syna. gogile Social Hall at 8:30 p: m. Ticket* arc 75c. An added attraction will he a white elephant wile. The' chairman,' Mr*. Paul Gold- d a r l n ; - : • ' -"• ::.•'•'-.•'-. "• " • ' ' •':'''' '"'• ' ' berg, aikx (note having any white ivQMEN CALL «Jephant itenn. bring them to Uik COVNCVU >KWT»H ; . • •"• •••••:•;..;•• party, wrapped and priced for lale. S t U O V G R O U P ' HOLLYWOOD Mrs. Sol Liftman will ,dl«cM»j -Xulitlng co-ehalrman 1J M n . Paul the Juvenile Court Set-up In OmaItlfkln. TUX RENTAL ha at the next meeting 'qf • the M MM Cdundl of Jewish.Women Study 10i Mt. ISHiStrttf HIZRACIir WOMEN (In Omih« Loin [Idfl.l Group', tuctfay, November 26th The t i n t ' t o join the MUrachl at the home of Mrs.:capipy tlberOonor luncheon circle for 1957- man, ($23 Burt Street; Co-HO«te«i 1938 are the Mine*. Ida Brown, will be MM. Ilarry Alfiiiler. V F s j e Seknr and Mary Zalk. They COUNCIL m V I S H WOMKN The annual Thnnknglvlng party of the Council of Jcwlnh Women for .the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Ho;me for the Aged will be held S«b ISubbyl Piilnmt* In addition to tho»e uonitn who Sunday, November 24 at 2 p. m. 25 Y»«ri' Experience The program will Include vocal contributed p i c t i n u s l y t o the Wifh Jewiih y Cantor Eli g , Needlework fiuild Drive, th» fol- aelectlona by Leffering and Memo/lali lowing contribution"! me ippoilrd find ii'lerliimn on tl»> dcoidion hy • All those who Imve not re- Millon Cnldlii'it;. Rrfirshmrntt •ponded HB yet mo IIIKOII to lend will \>t wrvi'il. Mi*. Hurry Wise, 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 It their (liiiiiifloM* this week. M n «SHlstr>d liy niPinbera of COIHKII, Pave Colin, rhnlrmnn, liogvn I* In chai'Ke of airanRcnirnt*. it u'lll ni)l be iifcusiiry to hint' «>I(.MA IM.I.TA T*l! mother follon'up innllhiu. .Mf»- Al.t MNAK dnmes: Sum Aljx'ison. Norman Mctuter* of the Oninhn AlumButt. 1'atil I3enut<>in, Itavc iiiiilac, nne I^nRUe of SIKHI'I Delia SorEdnard E Ur.xlkcy, Don Cohen, oilly will meet Siitui'dny, NovcmAbraham DI a m o n d, Anron r. lier 30lh for ft dessert luncheon t-'dgnr, Sam Kftfeln, Nathan Kelil- and game party, 1 p. m. at the man, Frank F U i l b e r g , Henry home of MM. Loul* JCM. 2007 Fisher, Jacob F r e g iftr, I/niii North 33rd Street,' Friedman, A l b e r t E. Glliniky, Proceed* from tjjie party will be Harry A. Green, Meyer Kirxhenuied for the Pete Kartman Mebaum, Norman1, Korney, I. M. morial Scholarship Fund, being *et Llberman. " . up at Brandelx University In memStanford Llpsby, Leonard M, ory of the late Mn. Kartman, a Luttbeg, Leo L. Wider, Jack Mir- national pait president of the IOTmelileln, J O i . p b ' M o r g n n , Ben orlty. Member* are also anked to Newman, Jutes M. Newman, Rob- [.bring a lurnble article of clothing ert Noodle, Sol Nogg, Iiadore F. to the meeting to be given to a Oberman, Leo'OitnvJch, Sol S. charity. Panow, William Folack, Harry Member* of the luncheon com, Prteimun, Norman D. Rip*, Hoy mittee are Mmc*. Sol Schwartz, ;Fof/man, John Roienblatt, Charles chairman, Harry Alloy, Theodore Schneider, Irving Schneldcrman, M. Seldln and Jen*. Reservations Richard J. Scltner, Morris M, are being taken by Mmc?. JCM, Shapiro, Jacob Shukert, Stuart TIE 0880 and Junlln Mtnvltz. RE E. Simon, Ben Slutzky, Dnvid 9509. Wlnr, Loulf \voh!nor,-Wllllam M. Wolfe, and MJm Susie Jacob*.


Needlework Guild Contributors

Pins Awarded to Post Presidents Chirr of Police Humid OMIer v,at RUfHt ipenker at the tpntli nnnlvemai'y celebration of Cornlinsk*r Lodge of B'nnl H'rith Wednesday evening at the Touer neiilnu-


President pin* were awarded to Dr. Ralph Turkel, Jerold Rosen, Warner" Frolunan, Milt Cucldn, Ed DolROff, N'onnnn llnhn, Hnrold Zdimky, Ynlc Ilkhaidn nnd Hurry Goodblnder. Tho prescntntlon* were htadc by Snm lierck of Kicmont who also (uldiMsril HIP orinnizatlon. Eliot Broull v-ita pion'imn i hullman. New York UTAt — American Jeulih Concurs Week hj* been proclaimed, offlclnlly by mayor* and governor* In varlou* title* and ttatc*. Patroniz* Our Adi'ertiiura

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DOilltr I'ISCIfKK I'ne h'-Iorv y t .!••«» in the-., is a miurkabic one, 4ind another distinguished Jewish chess (natter li i-, c «7ie f <nv;ml lp tin- ner-von of ll-)car-old Bobby Pitcher of Brooklyn, who recently won the Unitid SI iiis Opm Cm' •, tuiiinanu-nt. It I* obvloui—considering hli age—that young Bobby I, the most >i> i!!i.ful JILJJIT n o r i.) "in ttiJ-, lulc. And he fits th c pattern ot previous Jewish prodigies like Sammy K'-h'-wky, »lw> vt.irilcd the che»s world with his genius when he was In knee-pant*. > Young Mr. Fischer won every one of his games, except the one sector* (the General Zionists and with defending champ Arthur Bl»- the Progressives) and Betar by guier, with whom he drew, Ai a Herat. While Betir has never conmatter of fact, Fischer and Cis- stituted a decisive force In UM I s guier both performed brilliantly rael Football Association, th# two The traditional Father and Son snd Fischer was judged th* victor other organizations h«v been kick-off meeting for the Midget only after an analysis of the high- fighting for prestige theree for a Basketball League boy* in grades, ly complicated scoring system Jong time." Mr. Rimati states lix. seien and eight will be held used in the tournament, that "No Belar player has repreSunday, November 24. at 1 p. m. PICK 8AVITT sented Israel for a long time and. at the Jewish Community Center. Every onpa in a while, tennis Israel football Is usually repreThe meeting has been planned to sented by approximately equal acquaint fathers and their sow star Dick Savitt comes out of numbers o( Maecabi and Hapoel semi-retirement and enters a tourwith the basketball program, Sara players." Ban, midget basketball chairman nament. When' this happens, he He also declare* that games are said. League coaches and officiate makes headlines and tbe tennis will be Iniroduocd and boys will Wgwigs ' wistfully speculate on won and lost by teams according be registered for the coming sea- their chance* to persuade Dick to t o tho best Interest* of tbe politihit the trail again. Not Jong tga cal parties that sponsor them. ken. Pretty bUrb-hairmt, O/teeii-yriur-oid Linda » n Bunon iVbu«7 I The Midget league will start Ssvitt won the Eastern grass When a Hub can help its parent organization more by losing than atudylag the "Tbe Diary of Anne Frank," became the hopes to be each Sunday afternoon at 1 p. m. court tennis ehampionsbip at the Orange Lawn Tennis Club for the by winning, why. It goes ahead M» lucky law SelerUd U pUy la the movtp to br nudr of the book. at the Jewish Community Center. first tune in his career, It was and tries to lose, Quit* a story, Tbe story Is the day.U-4ay record of a tacaage Jmrfak Kirl who hid After several weeks of Intensive his most significant victory since and not too pleasant. instruction in the fundamentals of ta aa attic to csraae the Nail*. Uada Sell U tbe daughter of Mr. tbe games the boy*, are divided tht big fellow went into semi-reand Mrs. Leo Bor»»«, *f MitsnpMs, promlneat Zionist leader*. Shr la Into evenly matched teams for tirement in 1952. In order to win" being eoasldered by tke HoUywood pradoreri who are seeking a girl competition. Team shirts and gym he had to beat Vic Selxas, and he ta play the tnta-age rale. trunks arc to be given to the managed to accomplish this chore In four sets, 6-4, 6-4. 1-8, B-8. participants. "We expect to have a terrific While thlf win was highly satisEntertainment for the children'* league this year," Mr. Ban com' factory, Savitt was even better program -which will f o l l o w ; a merited. "We know that every the previous day when he licked Thanksgiving Service afternoon, father win encourage his son t o Ham Btebardson in a match of November 24th at the Jewish participate in t Ms-worthwhile sport high quality, When' Dick beat Community Center,, will feature All copy to be Inserted in the which develops coordination and Jflam, Allison Danzig of the New a group of Boy Scouts, the Ahamo ' November 29th issue must be York Times, perhaps the finest Edward Shafton. Omaha attor- the tram spirit." In the Jewish Press office by Indian Dancers. Clothed fn tradiA father and son,free throw tennis writer in the country, wrote tional Indian garb, they will perFriday, November 22 became ney, has been appointed to the of the Intervening Thanksgiv- City Personnel Board by Mayor contest will close the activities this lead: "Hamilton Richardson, form Thanksgiving dances with hie ranking player of t h e couning holiday. John Rosenblatt. The personnel Sunday. verbal Interpretation. ° try, was -bludgeoned into defeat All copy at all tunes, must board advises the Mayor and City The children will also compete today by the mightiest hitter in be typewritten, ftoublespaced Council and works with the Perin naming 'and drawing a live amateur tennis." on unllned manuscript sized sonnel Director on personnel matturkey and live duck. All youngWith all this, Dick remains on «heeti. ters. sters who participate in the reguoil man. Good for him, maybe; not Mr. Shafton also thii week was lar Sunday afternoon sessions are so promising for American u?nnli. re-elected secretary of Children* urged to attend. A new slumber room has been POLITICS IV Memorial Hospital board of trustees. He served as chairman of the added to the facilities of the Cen- MKAKL gFOKTfl ter's newly remodeled Health Club, Jewish' Community Center Day it was reported at the recent "The Jewish Observer and Midcamp but summer. monthly meeting of the Center's dle East Review," » London jour- DAVID RLAIN nal of brilliance and authority, reathletic committee. A special edition ot the Jewish cently carried an article by YoFuneral s e r v i c e s for David Morris E. Jarobs was selected Family Bible ~wa* given to the This new feature was designed hanan Ramati from Israel on Klnln, 73 of 3825 Ames Avenue, Jewish'Community Center library secretary for the Omaha Develop- to accommodnte patrons of the what'the correspondent calls "the who died November 14, were held ment Council, Inc. created by 40 by Victor P. H a n , book editor dub who with to rest following great football-scandal" of the of the Omaha World Herald in community leaders meeting last njassages and exercUtes, Lea Bur- 103G-1957 season In the Jewish Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home. Mr. Klaln operated'» hardMonday night Milton Llvbigstoa commemoration of Jewish Book kenroad. health club chairman, is a member of its executive coun- said. The club is open week-days State. Mr. Ramati charges that ware store and glass service on Month. cil on which Mayor John Rosen- front noon until 10 p. m. and Sun- Israeli football, or soccer, "Ij or- the north side 25 years. TOC p r e s e n t a t i o n was made blatt will serve as an ex-offlclo ganized on a party-political basis S u r v i v i n g ore wife, Esther, through Mrs. John Solomon, edu- member. Listed among the original days from 9 a.'m. to 6 p. m. A by the Hapoel, Maccabl and Betar daughters, Mrs. Ruth Redding, cation vice-president of the Oma" incorporalors are I » u b Bombers; service fee is charged for accomorganizations. Then he clarifies Silver Springs, Md.; Mrs. Evelyn V ha Section of the Jewish Coun- and Harry Tnrntln, city council- modations. the situation: "Hapoel is con Lubin. Los Angeles. Cal; Mrs, cil of Women at the organization's man. trolled by the Histadrut parties Bcrnice Shragc Whittier. Cal.; November meeting last Tuesday. (Mapal, Mapam and, Achduth sons, Morris,' Cleveland Heights, The theme or the afternoon's proAvodah), Maecabi by the 'private O. and Louis of Omahu. Hrnnaa (joldntWn, president of gram was Jewish Book Month. The gift edition of this bible Goldstein-Chapman's was one of A U.S.Y. meeting will be held Includes an encyclopedic dictionary the new trustees elected to tht of bibical and religious terms, a board of Childrens Memorial hos- Sunday, November 22 at 6:30 p. m., section of holiday information and pital at the organization's annual at the home or Sheila Novak, 5611 meeting. Among those re-elected LcavenwotU) street illustrated maps. was Btrhan) Miller as treasurer. The honor roll at Brownell Hall Among the cait to appear in the last week included the name of forthcoming Omaha Community Wally Chcmlak. Playhouse production, "Witness for Prosecution are Mrs. Itlrbard Winners of the Junior County (JTAi— An Anglo- Ulllcr, Ken Heynwur, Leon Mart American system'of anticipating and Rirturd HUiei- and Munry La- elections at Central HigJi School Included Steve Fisk, Larry HoberMiddle East exigencies, including zar. Reservations for the show man, Phyllis Abrahams, Glnny ' the Arab-Israel situation, .was enwhich opens November 22, may Grossman, Justin .Grwnbortr, Jim visaged here in the wake of the talks between President Eisen- be made by calling GL 0800 or be Sophir, Larry Gllituky and Ton) purchased at the Playhouse. .Kaplan.. hower and British Prime Minister Harold Macmlllan. William W. XVMe, executive AZA No. 1 sabbath will be obThe Prime Minister revealed on vice-president ot Watson Bros. his departure from Washington Transportation Co,, was toast- served November 29th at Beth Isthat he did nnt believe that Anglo- master at the sixth annual Re- rael Synagogue with Saul Kalman,' . American leaden should wait un- union d i n n e r of the Old Time Marvin Rubnck, Jerry Schwartz til a crisis explodes before for- Newsboys' Club held recently In' and Milton Katskee participating. A talk will be made by Harold mulating policy. To anticipate Council Bluffs. Kalman, president. Advisors arc emergencies and plan ahead, Mr. 'Combining PLEASure With BusiNESS ^ Sam Kpsti'ln and Elliot Brown. Macmillan saw the development { Mrs. Beulah Rutstein of Sioux The chapter Is planning n party of a -system of cooperation" in- City. la., is visiting her daughters, Thoro's a time for pleasure . , . and a time for business. Wa volving Britain and the United! Mn. Harry Urlmont and Miss for Saturday night, November 30 ere ipecialifti in both. A full ttaff of trained m»neurs Who** 'States on Middle East issues Trance* llutntrlti. business it to pleato you. ' - Idea* and method* of blocking I Communist penetration of (ho, Alvln Nngg Is serving us pub1 • MASSAGES Arab states A err discussed by tin licity chairman for the annual Primr Mini tor and tlic President .l Aa • STEAM BATHS in-their talk's here. They covered; "Voice of Democracy" conteit mte i» r.o CT.II far ei*-!) font "Vestnrn Ideas on rallying Aralj j sponsored by Hie Junior Chamber ilno '.irrfat Ui-.etu-.ri. Tlit i':t<* tttrrve* tut • SUN LAMP BATHS limit ilie of tmli H'!vmi«fmrm friendship. According to good a\i- of Commerce. The contest includes •ihorlJy, Israel was mentioned in Istudents of 18 regional r liif;h • A L C O H O L AND SALT RUBS HAM KAH CAIIDS this connection. j h BAR and lias Mitzvah congratuOpen Weekdays Noon to 10 — Sundays 9 to 6 Appointment of Milton R. Alirn-1 lations also for all Jewish holiham,, Omuiia attorney, to the j days nnd special occasions. No Appointment Necessary . Free Parking Omulia Library board wag an Meyers News Stand. 1502 podge > For Members and Non-Members nounced. Kiamcsha Lake., N. Y. (WNSI-TO KENT—Twp-be>lroom «part,A dearth of rabbis caused primarment. Near Beth El and transily by the rapid growth of Con- Rogue of America, central twly of portation. Call GL 2C96 cither servative Judaism wan reported Conservative Judaism. Dr. Segal In the morning or cveninR. by Rabbi Bernard Segal at the said some 100 congregations were 20TH AND DODGE JA 1366 convention of the United Syna- in need of spiritual leaders. Patronize Our Advertiser*

Midget League to Hold Kick-off

Children to See Indian Dances


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Bible Given to Center Library



Pre-Planning for Mid-East Foreseen


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