vo.. xxxvi N o ^ a a a K K g " " A . . * , N ^ ^ K A , MHHAV, p^BMBMt «, »» srA^ihg'^-ae:; •xtBAjttf|ia ^ r ; s» u^gsg
Bonds To Hold Chanukah Festival December 15 Om.tlut's
ht't-Oiwl i i n n n a l
fcali Festival for Israel v. ill hi- I at the Blachslonp I loll-!, Suiifiiiy evening, December 15, H p. in., it WIIH announced today by Wiliiam Urudinnky, Israel Bond rhairinun. Ijist year's Fen livid W.IH nt|i'i»lcrt by a capacity IIIKIICIUP ami a •imllar turn-out u anlirip;il<'d / tills time. Entertainer* will In' rumediiin Phil Lind, Martha Kchliimmr. who tlnti* Jewish and Israeli folk .sonjjs Jin'l Chaikc Fov, Cha^sidic and Israeli dnneer. 'Tills Is the last Israel llunil (•vent of the year, nnd it will Iw an outstanding one," Mr. Grodiniky Hold.
Yiddish Movie To Be Shown The award winning Yiddish film, "Without a "Home" will be the feature attraction at the first program of the 1^57-58 Yiddish Culture Series Sunday, December 29, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. '•Without A Home" by Jacob Gordon has been considered an Immortal classic film based on one of the great stories from Jewish literature. ' The itory, a combination of Jew f*h comedy, line and tragedy, deal* with the unusual background!! of the old world nnd modern America. Admission to the movie li 73 cents or by season ticket.
lent Reached •i mx. Scopus Issue ?
Rabbi Opposes Inter-Doting Denver (JTA) — A Denver Reform rubbi has expressed publicly his opposition not only to Intermsirrlage bill also to inter-datini;. • ,'•".' Hablrt Karl Slone of Temple Kinanuel, speakins at a University of Colorado Hlllel meetl"i! on the subject, said there was usually some attraction between two people if (hey date each other at all. He said even a slight attraction could easily lead to involvement. He said that social contact! between Jewish and non-Jewish groups in high school] and colleges was a good idea provided friendships within the groups did not lead to individual involvement."
\ . .. . Martha Kiblninms
Group Organizes Forum Committee
Th« need for a belter understanding of Youth problems was expressed at the first meeting of the committee planning • series of Pareiit'VoutK forms, according to a report by Phil Kutler, Jewish Community Center Youth commit, tee chalrrrian. : The group which was organized at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Millard Speler recently, announced It hopes to Intercut »s many organizations as possible In the project. Those represented on the com. mitlee to-dnfe are the Jewish Community Center Youth'' Committee, Beth Kl Men'* club. Beth Kl, Beth Israel S y n a g o g u e s , Temple lirael, Yiddish Culture Council, Henry Mnnsky and Nebraska lodge* and chapters of Olurailu (WNS)—Kvklrnro n /"M'nnl H'rllh, Jewish Wiir Veterans, • runrcried rffurt to fiirrn tiMfgn Workmnns Circle" anil Hsidassah. The community will be Invited fraternities to reniuvn re«trl<llve mrmbfrtlilp <-l<ui*fi wu% rhnr%*tl to attend the forums to be held at to » report tinanlnuunly npjiroied the University <>< Omaha Adult by tlift National Inlerlrntrrnlly Conference (Vnler as soon an organization plain are completed. Council. In approving ih» report "»ubfnilli'd by a »poci;il Autonomy Committee, the council's executive committee wa$ Instructed to encourage action to persu.ido college officials ami legislators that "each Tel Aviv (WNS)— Vigorous opcollege fraternity is a social organization, voluntary in member- position to tlio projected opening ihlp, and Is entitled lo exercise its of • supermarket »'»« voiced here fundamental American right to at s crowded meeting of grocery choo»« members in accordance owners who d»rlde<l to carry the with its own standards.!' Tlio Inane, If nerexary, to the central council'* executive h e l d that government. Occasion for the protest was "choosing of one's own friends and he •inoclatej is » loclal right which th«; announced openl"K r« f*Kt. eannot be confused with civil April of a lupcrtnarket by : a Canadian concern, K, Ben-Ephright*." raim, chairman ol the TeV Aviv Grocery O * n ( V i 'Association, called th« planned supermarket a threat fto our very existence" and an attmept to Impoti* on Ufa«l'« retailing economy "foreign e«ono^ Pauline Stone and Lowell Bnum- mlc patterns." Spesheri at the •r, University of Omuha students. meeting contended that the effect Europe ha\e been elected co-chnirmen of of supermarkets both, in ; the Young Adult Council, Albert and the United Stale* w ai towipf Feldmun, Jewish Community Cen- out »mall retailerii. ter Adult'chairman, reported. The council will hold a program planning meeting, Sunday,'December IS nt 3:30 p. m. n! the Center which will be open to all younK adults. Members of tlio planning SHmnasllcJi, a special exercise committee ore Judy c'ohn, Carole Spector, Gail Spoctor, Frank Here, nnd condilloning program for woLowell Bnumer, l'ierra liillan and men will bo started shortly by the Center's Athletic Department, Lee Brown. It wax announced by Mrs. Calvin Any young adult, 18 yearn of OK Newman, women representative on b ellfiibls to join the croup find the commltK'o. niSy ohtaln additional information Plans are being-mode for two by calling tho Center, JA 1366. classt'3, to meet from 10 n. m. to 11 a. ni. one on Tuesdays and ThursOmahans to Vote on days and lh» oilier Wednesdays Fridays. New Federal Building and A membership fee to the Confer 'Omahans will go to. the .polls will be the only chqrgc made. Oaby Tuesday, December JO to vote sitter eervlco will bo provided. whether or not they want a new Registration* arc n o ^ being taken Post Office-Federal Court IIous* by tin Center Athletla Depart ment. Building in downtown Omaha.
Inferfrat Council Defends Stand
Israeli Grocers Hit Supermart
Young Adults to Meet December 15
Slimnastics for Women Offered
Annual Contests Announced Friday Tin annual poster and book report contests for e l B m e n t a r y
Ben Gurion Confers With U.N. Secretary General Jerusalem-Israel Prime Mlnl»Icr Pavid Ben Gurion has announced In Jerusalem that an agreement has been reached in the dispute with Jordan over the Mount Scopus situation. Ben Gurion made the announcement after two days of talks with
Board Elects Dr. Greenberg Dr. A be,Greenberg wa»'elected chairman ot the B'nai B'rlth Henry Monaky Foundation at a meet* Ing of JU board during the recent 114th annual national meeting of the organization In Washington. Principal event of the meeting was the dedication of the new B'nal B'rlth building built under the auspices of the foundation which was also responsible for the B'nal B'rlth Camp at Starlight, Pa. Dr. Greenberg has served on the foundation's board since 1930 and as Its vice-chairman ilnce 1956. He is well known for the many years of devotion to B'nal B'rith and to communal affairs. Dr. Grcenberj; Is currentlj' president of the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service. He wan accompanied nt the Washington meeting hy Mrs. Greenberg. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Rosen were also present at the RiitheriiiK. Dr. Greenberg has just returned from Detroit where he represented the board of governors of the supreme lodge of B'nal B'rlth at the 100th anniversary celebration of Pisgah Lodge of that city.
school children Sponsored by the Activities department of the Jewish Community Center, wer» announced Friday by Mr». Julius Colin, children's actlvitle* chairman. Alf children in th« community, (in the required age bracket) are eligible to enter the contest held each year In connection with Jewish Dook Month, November 15 to December 55. All contest entries must be in tho Activities' oftic* by Friday, Decemlwr 13th. Hook reports, must be of Jewish content, not exceed 230 words and foe typed or written in ink. An original story limited to 400 words or a poem of at least two stanzas, may b« substituted for the report. Poster entries must lie on paper or cardboard, 18x24 Inches, drawn by ..pencil,' ink, crayon or other coloring media and be don* by entrant. ' ••-.' '..•• •. •-.- •-.':' '•-.Jerusalem (WNS)—The AssoAwards, will be mad« to various age groups and will be presented ciation-of Rumanian Immigrants 1 »f tho Children. Sunday program, in Israel has disclosed that more Sunday, December 22 at th* Cen- than 9,600 Jewish families In Rumania are seeking to be reunited with relatives in Israel. In 1950, Rumania allowed some 47,000 Jowi to leave for Israel as against a current number of four hundred for the year.
9,600 Rumanians Want Israeli Home
. ' . • ; . .
- . ' , -
. ' . • : • • • ; • ' • • .
Shores in Israeli Industry for Sale
Jerusalem (JTA)—ThoGov;.-.. eminent of Israel is willing . t o isll'.to foreign Investors Its ,, own ih&ros In private Indualry ' In Israel,Xevi Eshkol, Finnnce .; Minister, announced. The government originally went into btntnes* because these industries, iii their initial stages ;'" could riot round up sufficient private capital. He snid that the government had invested 530,000,000 In chemical and fertiliser Mitcrprises. Money obtained throURh such sales would bir used for government investment in new enterprises.
United _Na tioni Secretary ^General Dag HdmmarskJoTd it Was" learned in a special bulletin! Sending ot Convoys ' ' , The dispute arose over Israel's •• sending of convoys to th? installs.tion on the hill. „ Previously Mr. Hunmarskjold had emphasized in a JTA report that he had discussed-wfth in» Jordan governmetlLthe question o f , Jordan's cooperation with the Utf Truce Supervision Organization as well as the passage oi the convoy* to Mt. Scopus. . Dispute Considered Technical The earlier report' stated at th*some time fh»t George'' Evan* Smith, spokesman*for Mr. Hammarakjold said that the latter considered the Mt. Scotva* iiwA«, dent • "technical dispute" easll/ solved by "full adherence to tlis original Mt. Scopus agreement and the proper »n4 objective Interpretation of Ifs wording," That compact specifically mentions fuels at among the items to ba passed through the line1), but Jordan had refused la allow nine barrels of gasoline to lie transported to Mt. Scopus last month, presumablyon the assumption that gatollne need not be considered a fuel. Kehim to CommMlnn Mr. HammavsritioM's spokesman is understood to have suld a presl conference in Amman that th» Secretary General would ask Is* racl to loturn to the Mixed Armistice Commlsulon from which Israel has absented lHclf for the past several years. Israel Forelffn Ministry circles, meanwhile had indicated to JTA that there was a possibility that Israel would change Its position on the MAC if Us rules of procedure and Its functioning were modified "into a framework which fits th* actual problems and which tads to their solution." Arabs H»v» Camp An Israeli official had Indicated that if Mr. H»mmatakjo\d raise! the question of alleged fortifications on Mt. Scopus, Israel would point out that an entire Arab Legion camp, complete with gun position's and a network of fortifications, occupies the Jordan half of the height.
U. S. Unbending on Arab Refugee Recommendation
United Nations, N ; Y. UTA)— The United States delegation here made It clear to the delegations of Arab countries that It will not tww to their insistence on a "tough" resolution on Israel in reference to the problem of the Palestine A nib refugees. This was Indicated In the Arab icpresentatlvej by Genoa S. Washington,. U. 3. representative on the special political committee of the United Nations Queen Juliana Serves General Asv.-mbly. Mr. Washington also conferred with members Visitors Kosher Meal of the Israeli delegation on the Amsterdam. (WNS)—Queen Ju- Aral) rcfuRee Question. liana aerved a kosher menl when she recently received a delegation The II. S. delegation has preof Jewish cleric* who participated pared, a draft resolution dealing here in a conference of Kurope.m with the Aral) refugee issue. The ra'>bls, It wai disclosed here by a resolution, sdd to be mild—on the member of the group who was re- whole-on the basic Issues of the ceived at tlio palace. The kosher Arab refURee problem, wa> to have meal Is believed to be the first one been presented tJ the special poever served by Dutch royalty at litical ci-mmlltee. However, the the palace. Arai do!o;;at':><ul after learning
of the unending American oppos>-~ tion t> "tou^h" recommendation* against Israel, indicated tjiat they would Ma to consult their governments. Whereupon tha presentation of the V. S. drift resolu-u lion was noitpond.
Beth Israel Plans Dec 31 Event Beth Israel Men's Club will present their Annual New Year's Ev9 Dinner Dance, Tuesday evening, December 31st, at the Synagogue Social Hall. I. J. Kraft, general chairman, has announced that t l w e will he entertainment tav> orn, refreshments for all, with music by J. Hornsteln and CO. Tickets can be obtained for ten dollars a couple trrotrt GaioBtram or Harry Slrcf, ticket co-chnlrmen, or by calling the Synagogue office, JlEgent 6288.
l*MsjMC,Svs«f M l i j bfsfc. FedwaUai st JOTWI «ervlcs
Annual Sugscrtvliun, fiatk XdvwUilnj tuiet pnippllciuin. Frtof SI) • ktirtu W » S o 9 » tUMt. FRANCES KLEIN
New Family Bible (Bevfewcd by) RaNH Myer S. Krtplw The Bible surely need; no new review. But here is a new printing, indeed a new edilipn of the Bible, which merits our admiring notice became of the really magnificent piece of book-making we are offered. The Henorah Press of Chicago has prepared a new family Bible for Jews which combine* beauty, legibility, and a whole battery of Dew reading aids. These reading aids make it possible~~really for the first time—for the layman to . take up the Bible and read it intelligently without' an instructor. Each book of the Bible is introduced by an informative commentary, IO that the reader knows whit to expect Moreover, excellent paragraph headings help the reader to know exactly what Is before him at he makes his way ' through the marvelous prose -and poetry tit Holy Scripture. A feature of IUIUSUBI importance Is i n encyclopedic dictionary, which enable* the reader to under stand each term used, or to find in his Bible any penon or place or important idea of Scripture. Ttwre is a scholarly list of the d a t a of Biblical events, to enable m e reader to place himself in history as ba reads about Abraham o,: Moses or Isaiah or King Jotiah. There an* maps; there Is a family record; tber» are almost two hundred paintings prepared especial' Jy for this Bible; and there is a i special section describing the origin, observance and significance of th« Jewiih festivals of the year; there is a unique listing of Scriptural passages that are helpful in a. number of different' situation* moods and emotions, a key to Bible reading for special occasions. ' This fine book Is printed In large, clear type, three columns to, 4 pa$e r so U y t we are not presented with'a solid page of closely prjnjcd, uninviting text. It Is a book to be read and studied and enjoyed' This is not a new translation. It is the same translation used by the Jewish publication Society In aU its editions. But this book excels in twp directions: first, the publishers have lavished their love of Scripture on the book Itself, to ' capture the "beauty of holiness" apd second, and more important, the reading aids unlock the Scriptures for the average reader arid offer him not only a Bible text, but also what really amounts to a little library about the BibI*.
Services Candlelight, 4:45 p. m.
TEMfJLE ISRAEL Services will be held this Friday at 8:15 p. ni. Following the service V » M Orkwr. the second session of the T>iscusDec. Z—A / p e d a l Kiddush was sron scries, "Judaism in the"prayghen by Mrs. Max Kaplan on the erbook" will be held. Rabbi Sid Yahrzeit of her mother, .Mrs. ney Brook* has selected the topic Meyer Potashnik. "Know Before Whom You Stand," Special services were held In the —The Shema and the Idea of God Home Synagogue In connection for the second, meeting. with the event. Shabbas morning services will D e c 3—Rabbi- Benjamin Gron- begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi er, Beth Israel Synagogue, was Brooks officiating and the Reour \isitor. On December 11th, ligious School Choir under thd Rabbi Ralph DeKoien of Bctn El Direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singSynagogue, will visit us for the ing the musical portions of Jhe first time. ! service. Dec. 3—The Council of Jewish Women Arts and Crafts class will BETH ISRAEL have its regular meeting in the Beth Israel Synagogue will hon Council Recreation Room at the or hew members at the late FriHome. day evening service at 8 p. m. The Dec. 5—The Council of Jewish subject of Rabbi Benjamin GronWomen Sewing Croup held their er's sermon will be "Out of the regular meeting at the Dr. Philip Ashes." Sbar Jewish Home for The Aged. Cantor Ell Kagan, assisted by Dec. 15—the Omaha Choir and a doubl* choir, (Adult and Junior) Dramatic Club will entertain on' will chant the prayers. Following this date. Everybody Is welcome. the service the Sisterhood will Dec. 22—-The Cbanukah Party sponsor a social hour with tea and sponsored by the Tempi* Israel refreshment Traditional Friday evening servSisterhood. ices (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at Yahrzeit In December—Special 4:30 p. m. Sabbath morning servMemorial Services will be held In ices begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior The Home, Synagogue, 4801 No. Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi 52nd Street for the following: KisIroner will conduct the Talmud lev 19—December 12—Mr. Harry class at 4:15 p. m. Sabbath MlnDworsky; Kislev 22—December IS cha at 4:43 p. m. followed by —Mrs. Sophie Neveleff; Kislev 20 Sholeshe S'eudos and Maariv. —December 22—Mr. Harry L. Daily morning services at 7 ». m.; Cohen. afternoon services at 4:15 p. m. Sunday morning services at 8:45 m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class In Eiblo. Sunday AU Meads sad relative* a n morning Junior MJnyan, followed Invited to attend service* aad by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. receptions. The Talmud Discussion group ALLAH BOSS meets every Tuesday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roes an- 7:30 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, nounce the Bar MlUvah of their 19th and Burt streets. son, AUan, will J M celebrated Friday evening and Saturday mprn- BETH EL ing, December 13 and 14 .at TemSabbath u n i c e s at Beth El Syple Israel. nagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. EdHOWARD RAZMCK Howard RazaicK, son of Mr. and gar and the Beth El Synagogue Mrs. Jack Raznick, will observe Choir will render the musical porhis Bar Mitzvah at cervices'this tions of the- service. evening and Saturday morning at Sabbath morning sen-ices begin Beth £1 Synagogue. at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maarlv services arc El'OEVE SE1DEL Mr, and Mrs. isadore Si-Mel at 4:30 p. m. Daily services am at announce the Bar Mltevah of their 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday mornson, Eugene, at Beth El Synagogue] Ing service Is at 9 a. m. pn Saturday morning, December Hth. E. Kutler will be observed next
Friday evening and Saturday mor-
ROBERT STEW ning, December 13th and 14th, at Tb» Bar Mitxvah of Robert the Beth Israel Synagogue. Stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stein will take place at the Beth Israel Synagogue- on Saturday, December 7, at 8:43 a. m. •
SOL W. BUTLER The Bar Mitzvah of Sol William | Kutler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris
RUG ft UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS RUGS—CARPETING LAMP SHADES FURNITURE Cleaned In Your Hotnel « • « • « • Uylnfl • ••palrlaa
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
Can You Beat It? The 1938 Chevrolet's are so dif-
en t a t Ion was made- by Leon ferent that many owners of 57's Frankel. are trading in practically new cars .Telpner who is s e r v i n g his on them. As k result, your* truly second term, its president of. the finds itself with an overstock ot lodge, had presented a brief on be- what we call "near-new '57 Chcvhalf on B'nai B'rith to a Gover- lets" • • • lots of 'em. nor'*- Committee urging passage Now, wjth a couple down exof fair employment practices legis- ecutive cars to boot, we find w e lation. He also spoke on the sub- must move some of these ST» ject to a Joint House and Senate right now. The only way to do this committee at Des Maine*. is to cut the price to-the-bone. Or. I, Stemhlll was guest speak- That is exactly "'-hat we have er at toe banquet, done. '- Sam Collck was master of oereIf you want a' bsautiful, practimonles and In charge of arrange- cally new car, many of them with ments. 3,000 mile guarantees, with ail
Deaths JACOB V. ROSENBLUM / Jacob V, Rosenblum, 82, 501 S. 38th St., died November 28th. Surviving are niece, Miss Helen Sommer, nephew, Max Sommer, brother, Bernard Rosenblum, Services were held November 29th at Crosby-Kunold mortuary with burial in Pleasant Hill cemetery. HARRV OERBEB Harry Gerber, 82, resident of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, died November 29, Surviving are brother, Sam and sister, Mrs. Lena Hadesmam both of Chicago. Services were held Sunday morning at' the Jewish Funeral Home with burial In Beth Hamedrosh Hngodol cemetery.
kinds of equipment, and savings U> ll.MO.OO, right now Is the time to see Rosen-Novak, < You'll find a selection of 2-door hardtop*, 4-door hardtop*, convertibles, sedans. Many colors. Many with power-steering and power-brakes. But the'best thing' you will find is a bargain you will never again be able (o match. So, if you need a good secondcar; or even a family car—Go see Rosen-Novak, at 20th and Farnam, on both sides of (be street. Your credit is Just at good a> cash: and your present ear Is better than money. We do want you to know ihnt kwe will sell you' a new 1938 Sculpturamlc Chevrolet, If you Insist; but come in and compare the, values for yourself. Remember, "nobody benl* our deal." ADVEiiTiNKMtarr
Aboard th* btautUut n«w ZIM f»aii«ngtr \ln*t»
S.S. ZION • S.S. ISRAEL Superb Kosher food/
• • • • mm. „ t l « •
• Mortha Schlamme Jewish Dance*
Shop in the Friendly Atmosphere of
Mi'iyn.'n ij TelpniT, 2\l, Council Blul/s ullonii-y, ttii;, riled for Itidiwdu.il effort tow .ml establishing fmr employment pi.ictires, by I n inc Cohen IM\W 0«8, U'nai B'nth at its lost meeting. He was awarded the Herman Kruusc Memorial Trophy for being the organization's outstanding worker during the past year at a father and son banquet. The prcs-
The Henry Mnnriiy and Nebraska rhaplcr It agues of the B'nai n'rlth Women's Bowling iu.sorintion will hldrt their hem-lint; season Tuesday night, Dcconher 10th at the new Ranch Bowl. 1600 South 72nd Street. All league '.owlcrs ore Bsked to report. t<» their captains1 Tuesday at 8:30 p. m.
Chaike Fox
John Kalina
Start Bowling
Lodge Honors M. Telpner
4325 No. S4t» U.
FOR THE FINEST... IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits Weddings Commercial
Friday, Dectubcr «, J»5J
Blackstone Hotel
"We Serve the Finest to the Finest" 4415 CUMING ST.
WA 6554
Open Sundays From 7 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. PAVED PARKINS
Rtfrtshmtnh 75c
Make RejervaHon. Eoriy
Cos) Israel Bond O«le«, AT 1177 or AT 1093
frldsr, Dttmatwr f,
rag* T*r**
Mrs. Levenson To Visit Israel
Miss Elaine Krantz To Wed Robert E. Krasne
M t i 1 IIM I 1 ' .< n in w.,| ii no Mitr I " in,In . 1 !,.| I . , ( | i i , n , f .li • u II '. I . I'll hr i j . in ill-. I M l , u , I " I i, . l !i . i V l il-i' t i l , nf „ | , I A M \ • . I . m i Jm J.iIf• i
Mr and Mis Abv Ki.inti (ho ••n igOIIU lit (11 I thr.r daughtci, Klolne to Robcit K KrnMic, son of Mr nnd Mm Millard Krnsne. Miss Krantz is a senior at the .Unhersity of Nebraska where she is affiliated with the Sigma Delta Tau sorority. She alio attended the University of Minnesota. Mr. Krasnc is also a senior at the University of Nebraska nnd Is a member of Jhc Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. - The "couple plans a June 22nd -wedding.
•: i.I'II i
o i, I I I •!,
I 'i
In H
Mr, and Mrs. Schecter To Reside in Council Bluffs best man. U s h e r . » • were Irvin Toboccman, Detroit, Byron R9Z? nick und Manuel Goldberg.
i • II
\l . I , .1 ' I I J In* It j J J I' Hi ( Jl 11.1 Ihin •, • i ( D M ] to 1 i n I M'I ( . i II mi l^ ' . .11 l.lll il In 1 .III A, Ii I ,.II I I'l i i llliu J"i mi ,111 ! iiif/., ht fi'iii, .'. A Yuik t'i Pii'silrnt <if the Jownh Niitioi Find ("i. tin il of Oiiiiln, she Jil.ins i> ic-s.-.l MI my iM.ieh points of | itifii'-.t She will icnidin thcie I iO\( till inuiilhs
Debka-Debs Plan Oneg Shabbat Mrs. Paul Vcret will speak on Israel and her visit there at the Oneg Shabbot 'to be given Saturday, December 7 by the 0ebkaDcbs at BcttvEl Synagogue. Members of the group will attend morning services at the synagogue. A luncheon will follow in the social hall. The program will include Israeli singing under the direction of Barbara Bercutt. Israeli dancing will be led by Madelyn Kripke. Chairmen of the event are Janice Katlcman and Estelle Schulman. Judy Wohlncr Is, in charge of luncheon arrangements.
Needlework Guild Contributors
COUNCIL The deadline (or club news to be placed la UM Jtwlih Press hns been ,cH»nged to TBursday' the wcqJF before publication. AU news article! should be turned into the Youth Olflc*
In addition to those women who contributed previously to t h e Needlework Guild Drive, the following contributors are reportedAll those, who have not responded as yet' are urged to send in . Mrs. AlUn II. Srhecter their donations this week. Mrs. Mlm Elaine Krantz Dave Cohn, Chairman, hopes that Miss Toby/Frances Okrent ana it will' not be necessary to have Allan H. Schecter of Council Bluffs Omaha's House of another follow-up mailing, who were married in Beth-El Mesdnmej Jacob Bernstein, Don Synagogue, November 24, are Cohen, Henry Cooper, Gerald S. milking thler home in Council Gross, Charles Guss, Sam Hahn, Bluffs following a wedding trip to J. Feldman is In charge of the sup- Ell Kagan, Howard Kaplan, Abra- Chicago. TEMTLE I8RAHL per and requests all who wish to ham Katskee, Joseph Lerner, Max SISTERHOOD Rabbi Myer S. Kiipke officiated Ev'ry Kind Temple lira*) Sisterhood will attend this meeting to call her as Magid, Hymic Milder, Donald Evary Stylo present "Be Thou A Blessing" at late as Friday, 6 p. nr, RE 093ft. Nogy, Max C. Piatt, Harry Ravitz, at the marriage ceremony which was followed by a reception and a luncheon meeting Tuesday, DeHubert I. Rosenhlum, Morris Stnl- family dinner. cember 10 at 1 p. m. at (the syna- KADIMAII BOABD master, Yale Trustln, Louis WcinV The bride is the daughter of -Cogue. Th* cast will includ* Members of Xadlmah's board er, and Sam Welnitcin, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Okrent of Muury Schwartz, Mmes. Edward will bold • dessert luncheon meetOmaha, the bridegroom the son of ForiMm at 34th Strttt Unlnson, AJon Farber and theing Monday, December 9, at 12:30 Mr. and Mrs. Myron Schecter, choir. Mrs. Harry DuBoff will act p. m: a t the home of -Mrs. Jack Detroit. M accompanist. Lazar, 551. So. 35th Street. Mrs. Tlie bride waa gowned in an Mmes. Stanley Katelmnn and Harry Slrff will preside. imported Italian Duploni silk and Milton Katelmaft are program Mr. and Mrs. David Krantz an- Venice lace. She wore a crown chairmen for the event. Arrangenounce the engagement of their of -seed pearls with an illusion ments are being made by Mmes. BIKUR CH0L1M The Blkur Chollm Society will daughter, Judy Esther to Jack veil and carried white orchids and Max Scheucmwnn, Herbert Weil, luncheon; Abe Katelman, Harry hold their annual Chanukah card Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe •tcphanotls on a prayer.book. Miss Gloria Okrent was maid of AJUuler and committee, tablo set' party and luncheon, Monday, De- Bnker. Both young people are juniors honor for her sister. Bridesmaids ting, and Mme*. Irvine Maloshock, cember 9th at 1 p. m. at the Jewwere the Misses Suzanne Schecter, at the University of Oklahoma, Edward Mulnshock, table decora- ish Community Center. Mrs. Jake Wine, president, ha* Norman, Okla. Mis* Krantz is a of Detroit, sister of the bridetions. groom; Betty Ann Posku and Board meeting will'be held at appointed Mrs' Harry Sldmnn member of Alpha Epalkm Phi sor11 «. m. Mrs,Edward Gilbert, ticket sales chairman. The lunch ority and her fiance is affiliated Marva Sue Taylor. Attendants were attired In ballerina length preside at both is being prepared by Mrs. Wine rwith Pi Lambda Phi fraternity, • president, »IU p They are planning an August silk toffcU. B h d W l f and her committee consisting of gathering*. Mrs. Bemhardt Wolf, Morris Silverman, Detroit was \VA 3566 may be culled for pick-up Mmes. P. Bntt. A. Zalkln, H. 31st wedding. «rarngemcnt< at 133 Ko. "2nd St. Harks, Sam Kaimun, Jnck Knlman, Snm Freed, Paul Katzman JEIU:BAI,E.M TOST «t 32:93 p. m. CALL nnd II. Camrl. Mrs. B. Schcln, MAKKH 23TII YKAIl Table seltinR chmrmnn will be »«i- Jerusalem (WNS)—Israel'* first HOLLYWOOD BKTH EL SISTERHOOD ftistod by Mmes. N. Veil/or, A. English language newspaper, the A (kit "Fascinated Fingers" will KrnnU and I. lllock. TUX RENTAL Jerusalem Post, published by MnyVc presented December 10 nt the Proceeds of this lunrheon will or Gershon Agron, Is obscrvlnR Its 104 Ho. IStk S t m t JA 2412 12;30 p. m. luncheon meeting of (In Omaha Loan Bldg.l Beth El Sisterhood. Dr. Morris be used (or the medical program twenty-fifth anniversary. The paa* well as other activHIr, of the per wos founded by the Jewish Margolin, Omaha pbjcician, will Telegraphic Agency, ko a guett speaker. Participants organization. Guests are urged to make' up in the skit will be John Smith, Orientation officer for the State their own tables and bring their' BILL BOYCOTTS ISRAEL London (WNS)—The Sudanese Comrnlitlo'n for the Blind, Brrritt own cards and Mah Jongg sets. Bcretrom, home teacher for theFree Bingo will also be played for Cabinet hns approved a bill authose who do not pla, cards. Tickthorizing the boycotting of Israel blind In Nebraska and Mme». Alan Wolfion. Sisterhood Braille chnir- ets at SI each for the luncheon In accordance -with resolutions \ adapted by; the Arab League. oian, Jot Gu$s, Jloe Bercovlci, will be available a t the door. Leo Schmidman and Saul Groctz. The first Moshav Shlfttifl wax The Hlstarirut was founded In Friend* Interfiled in learning about Braille transcribing are in-Kfar Hjttin, established In 19.16. 1920. vited to make reservations by .POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ADVETITLSEMENT ending the Beth El Synagogue Office, GL 3221, ' Circle* No. 8 and 9 will h* hostKEEP THE MAN IN YOUR U K assei. Chairmen arc Mmes. Leonard Levin, Edward Dolgoff, Louis HAPPY AS WELL AS YOURSELF Albert and Meyer Kaplan. They will be assisted by members of their respective circles.
Beautiful FURS
Judy Kranfz Plans August Wedding
Youth Ond Figure
HADAS8AH BONO CLl'B At the drawing session of the Hndmiuih Bond Club the names Of Mrs. Charles Ross and Mr*, lelilor Levinson were picked b.v lot for the purchase of the iccond and third Israel Savings Bond,of this current term. This club s h e * Its members an easy method of laving with Israel Saving Bonds. Enrollment Is still available. Foe Information phone Evelyn Levy, HA 28O0.
Course In, Figure Coflaitionina,
Onch* M»J» • ntw fsif OHIc* . . . flu «nclv' kulldfnQ it*w ktfng ui«d U tnt^«qu«t«, fneonv*nl*nt • n j <n •yi-iort on tin Om«h« idyllnt. 1
' ;j ' '
. Ravtnv* bonji for Ida n»w Pott Of(Ic*'Fod«ral Court Hovlt lulWing will I n ratlrtd by nntali paid by t h . FtoVal Gonrnmanl , . ,. with abiol»t«ly no colt to ' «h« city.
FAIiHAM) t.AIIOIt FEDERAL SPENDING WILL BE REDUCED! ZIONIST ORDKIt , K.-iili.-inil Ij.lnir Zionist prder, Coit of tha building, including TnUrtit, will b« U t t I'III.IC '/Ann, will hold ft regular than continuing for fh». ntxt B0 y i » n to r*nt off!c* iriKMtf: Siindiiv, December Hth at ipsc* /or Fiditol agenciti. thr JuvMi ('ommunlty Center, 7 :iO p m. Supper will be nenMl not l/iitr thun 7:30 p. m. The HIM tine "ill (fitiirc a musical piri;;inin « •.[rf'.-ijfor, fmcl n Into Israel nu»vir. Leonard DePortc will sine a tin numbers nccomI>nnicdson tin jii.ino by Shirley Ilnzn'rk Of(icer« will lie nominated nt Special Election Tuesday, December 10 the meeting, Mrs. Morion Bon-This »<I paid for by New Poit OfHrc-Fcilcrnl Court HUUM Coinmlttn, Daniel dnrin, chalrmnn, announced. Mm. J. Monen, ChaUmon
• Have a .Perfect Figure • Personalized Instruction
• Exercise and Conditioning
SLIMNASTICS By the Jewish Community Center 20th and Dodge
JA 1366
s t
\ i
- - I- « ^ .
FH*»r, aVretaber •. IWI
AZA No. 1 and Unafffflates in Center Basketball Game
Center Topics (Th« Jewish Community C'cn ter office. JA 1366 may be called for additional information concerning Center a<-thities.>
conducted at the Outer's out room each Wednesday ou'iiln;; from 7:30 p. in. to H:IU) JI. in. under the supcnUion of hen ting Master,-Bob Garret. Fencing de\elops poise anil coordination tones the foody mid muscles while developing physical agility. All fencing equipment is provided ?>y the Tenter.
YOUHI COINCIL . The Youth Council Roiter U now in the process of being published and will be ready for distribution soon. The publication is divided into club sections with subdivision by classes. Anyone who missed placing his order by the FAMILY SWIM ' _ , Swimming for families in Ihe December 5 deadline U urged to send his name and SO cents for JCC swimming pool was lauded at the recent meeting of the Center's same to the Center. Athletic Committee for providing such a fine family repreation. COLLEGE INFORMATION Family swim periods are schedInformational material for junuled for each Sunday afternoon iors and seniors interested in con' at the, Jewish Community Center tlnulng their education beyond the from 2:30 p; m. tp 4:30 p. m. Anhigh school level, is available at qtheir Sunday period, from 9 a.m. the, Youth Office of the Jewish to 10 a. m.,Is reserved for father Community Center. Individual and child swim sessions. college catalogues, general college requirement* and information on College entrance examinations CALL FOB CHEER tKADKK* . Grade school girls Interested in .art on hand. becoming cheer leaden for the Midget Basketball League Teams CHILDREN'S WHOAY are requested to get 'in contact PROGRAM Because of the success of the with the JCC Athletic Depart* Weston Woods Studios short mov- ment within the next two week'. ies shown to the youngsters on Girls will j » instructed in how to Sunday. December 1, second group lead and develop cheers with of these films Wtll be presented at groups of girls being formed to • future date. Apropos of Jewish serye each, leant in the leagues Book Month, these movies are when regular basketball compebased on the best ..of children's tition starts .Cheer leaders. Will be outfitted for their roles b> the books, Center: in special costutnefc; BADMINTON TOUBNEY A badminton tournament for AFTERNOON ttKIDGK r •dull men and women and teen- KNBOIXMENT OPKNH , agers is scheduled to start In two Adults interested i in learning weeks at the Jewish Community the game of bridge may register Center. Flans call for competition for an eight week Monday afterin singles and doubles for. men. noon class to begin January 6. The doubles competition with husbands session will be held from 1 p. m. and wives compriiing teams and to 3 p."rt, n-Jth Mrs, Le* Nelson singles and doubles competition as instructor.. • -•..-••••••.-•• for high school youths. Those inMrs. Nelson has taught, bridg* terested .in participating in this at many community agencies as tournament which features prize well as at the Center in previous •wards for all participants should years. Classes are limited because contact the Jewish Community of the individual Instruction necCenter Athletic Department im- essary. An J8 registration^ is remediate!/ Competition will be quired for participation. <~ scheduled according to the availability of th» individual players ADULT FIK8T-AID with equipment being provided by CLASS BEGINS MONDAY the Center. " Th* Jewish Community Center, Those who desire instruction in in cooperation with the American .badminton may have supervised Red Cross will sponsor free of badminton play any Tuesday eve- charge, a five-wock adult First-Aid ning at the JCC. Two badminton class beginning Monday, January courts ar» available for badmin- 6 at 10 a. m. ton. Th« class consisting of two hour periods will be instructed by JoVABsrrr FLAT seph Micek, certified American STARTS WKDNKSDAT Red Cross Instructor and Center The Center's Vanity basketball Aquatics Director. league will •fflrially start WedThe American Red Cross Standnesday, December XI with four ard certificate will 1M awarded to teams competing In three rounds all thosa who hav» completed the of competition. Additional teams course. Organizations a n invited will be formed for Interested to join as part of their Americanadults who register at tha Center. ism and community servlct proA membership fee of 86 is charged gram. .for participation In the league. A new edition'Of tha American . Two certified officials conduct Red Cross text book will be furactual game play. nished to members at a cost of 75 cents per copy. BOXING IN8THPCTI0N Special sessions in boxing in' struction Wtll be offered at th» UNAFFILIATED Jewish Community Center gym- UNDEFEATED nasium starting" Sunday,' Decem- j .The Unafifflate basketball team ber 6 under the supervision of Lee will enterthe Youth Council SunSloan for grade and high school day League game against Kaylm bays. Boys may Join the classes with an undefeated record. Larry Merman leads the' preany Sunday morning. Boxing instruction develops eo- scasop scoring race for the Unaf" ordination, «onfldencc~ and dex- fillate squad with an average of , terlty, Mr. Sloan stated, and 13 points a game. In the other 1 teaches boys how to take care of Youth Council game to lx> played • 'themselves. A membership at the this Sunday AZA'1 will meet AZA Center is the only fee ehnrued for 100. High five (.cores in the Youth the. instruction. Council League are: Larry Herman,. 46; Frank C>t>M\ivn, .'S7: FENCING WKD-VKSDA* Danny Holds, .'17: Torn i'latl, ,'U: EVENINGS iip.'Cial Instructive ami practice David Goldstein. 27. fencing session.1! fire now lK"in;;
Want Ads
A film will be m;«le this Friday afternoon of liirldy ha.sketball nhiyers diuin;j their practice nnd team play .session brKirining at 4:15 p. rn. at the Jewish Community Cenler. The players m e buy.1 from grades. .'(. 4 and 5. , A pii (iii I.si iif (he l*i)i par' tinp.itmi; in the ISuldy li.iikelball |iiii:ii<' inrliiilcs: Mark Saunder*, IJ.ilt- Wiinsti-m, Holj Yager, Gury <(iu.SK, Jack Cain. Steve Goodman, ! Urn Shdflon, Gary Da\is, Lea HOST. Allan Kulaknfuky, Stc>\* I.uttlx'i:, Gary Schmidt and Ricky Helm. Others arc Phil ltkin, Marc Uiimanlk. Allan Miuhkin, Illchard Jacolison. Marc Kaplan, Donald Suiirl/, Howard Gel click, Ab* Kin«ll|ni;er, Stuart Frohm, Mar> shall Turkel and Steve Wigodsky. i'llnrd Kiaders participating arc :.f!-n> Gmrllck, Paul Kpslcin. Al1 1.in rnesinon, Dick Slosburg, | Klielilini Turkel. Joel Arcsty, Mlk» Mierhea, Jack Llcb. Gary Kapfln, Mark Zalkln and Lee Feltman. Doyc may still register, for, tha An exrltlttg moment such as this sr^na »howlag; player* rugrr Kiddy basketball group at any of to Interrepl tbe ball Is a rVcqnrnt one during the garni-! of the Youtli the Friday practice sessions. Council Batkclball league held o« Sundays at the JftvMi Community Outer.
HANL'KAII CARDS BAR and Has .Mitzvah congratulations also for oil Jewish holidays and special occasions. Mayors News Slant!. 1502 Dodge | HOOKKKKI'ING HKKVWK in my Home. MNprrirnrvfl. capable. rnY;il fin M>'HI insinf^s. Call ad'T (i p. r:T. CI. •>';::>.
Israel Democracy Stressed in Talk
In the News
Sir. aad Mrs. Joha Robinson of Norfolk visited in Omaha prior to their departure Wednesday tor .New York (JTA)-Israel Consul Miami Beach, Fla. General Simcha Pratt, appearing at the Young Israel Institute for Mr*. Kajmoad tvaisbeiy has ar- Jewish Studies here, satd that Isrived In Paris, France, where she rael enjoy* tha highest form of Joined her husband, Captala Wels- democracy known to mankind..He berg, attached to a medical unit expressed his conviction, that the overwhelming majority of Israel's near Bourdeaux, Franc*,'. For the past two yean, Captain inhabitant's are well pleased wlfh and Mrs. Welnberg nude their, the traditional forms of life »«richome In San Francisco, Cai., where Uoned by the law of the State. He cited a number of-interestCaptain Welsberg completed hit Internship and rtsidenc* at M t ing instances to support his conZlon hospital. Mrs. Welsberg vU- tention that the freedom of the ted in Omaha with her parents, individual is kept inviolate under Mr. and Mr*. Max Kaplan before all circumstancei. Rabbi Zevi Tabory, director of the Department leaving for Franc* for Torah Education and Culture of th« Jewish Agency, addressing Mr. and Mr*. Itilllp llrint* or th> audience, urged religious Jewn Houston, Tex., art making their in this country to fXabliih r«homt in Omaha. Mr. Helntz Is ligiout -settlements in Israel, associated with Hobble's Shoe*, Inc. Mrs. Clara Gold of New York City is visiting at th» home of Mr. and Mrs. Sum Znrrling. She plans lo make Omaha her homt eventually. Jack Edward DulU-h, Chicago, has been appointed sales manager of th* Levenson Chemical Company's janitor and sanitation supply division. Mrs. Dultch is the former Jean Levenson. Mrs. Mildred Uttman, family relations counsellor, left Wednesday tor New York City to attend National Workshop sponsored by the Medical Social Work Recruitment Committee of the Nalonal Association of Social Workers. She will represent the local chapter of the National Associalon of Social Workers, The Bank of Israel was eslnblnhed by law Aug. 24, 1954.
Births Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Hornsteln of Sun Valley, Cat., former Omahans tre the parents of' a son, Bruce Alien, bom November 23 In Los Angeles, CaL H* is tbe couple's first child. Grandparent* art Mr, and Mrs. Max Rosen and Sam Hornsteln of Omaha. • Great-grandparent* ar» Mr. and Mm. Harry Marcus, Lot Angeles and Mrs. Mcndal Rosen, Kansas City, Mo. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Joel Malashock announce tht birth of a daughter, Kathy Ann, November 25 at Clarkson hospital. Th« rouple are also the pnronls of another daughter, Betlie Sue and two sons, Ncal and Larry. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Jay M. Malashock of Omaha lind Mr. and Mrs. I>eon FON of Chicago, III.
There are inuri- than 4O.'XX) STATK OFFICIALS CONFER meinbers of the Christian comWashington (WNSi — Jjraell munilict in Israel. Ambassador Abba Kban conferred with Secretary of State John Fo»ter Dulles. Mr. Kban said a general review of all main problems Ntw Drapery Service of mutual interest in line with continuing close contact between Job—(utlng your the United States and Israel had or mtiti). been covered.
Pulverente Monument Co. t*k ISikhy) Palwmt* 25 Tears' Experience W!»h J*wi«h L»ti«r!ng *nA Memoriill
2211 So. 8rli
AT 24S2
I Work with You Oiricll/. Alk for Jt«f«r«nc*l.
Call M.—OL 92}f ' Mrs. Ann* French
WESTERN HILLS DRAPERY SERVICE •.•at lattolUrf—Cer«le« Itnii Mad* o»d Imtolltrf— Orap«ri»f—Isdipreodi
ui Current rate !» Vt c«i!» for u t t i ine Imi-fiio.-i. Tflit- vttyt tr^frvf-j t'n
Biddy Players To Be Filmed
• • • • •
JA 1366