December 13, 1957

Page 1

unco ,.» s«iiind-CluM MnUei K\ Pull- Annual Rat* 'it*, oinutia. Nebmska. under Act ol 1879 SlngH Copy

Mrs. Grossman Named Library Director The appointment nf Mix M.c* (iio'.Mnan ,'is I.ll;f, of the ./eulsli Community l.ibiaij u,m minnuiucd hy Di Mount Margolin, chairman of the Uuie.iu of Jewish Education. "Mn. Grossman is especially wcll-e<iulpped for thl» phase of our program," Dr. Margolin suid. "Her training and experience will be of considerable help In expanding Ubrary activities among our Jewish schools and in the community at large." 5[IK. Grossman Is a. graduate of the St. Paul, Minn.. Hebrew School system. She attended the fit. Paul Hebrew "High School, where the took advance courses 'In Hebrew end Jewish Studies. She aUo attended University of Minnesota. Mrs. Grossman hns »lso been active in the Omaha Jewish community. She served ns Secretary of Omaha Zionist Council; Zionist Public Affairs Chairman of Hatfassnh, and Educational chairman or tlie Beth El Sisterhood. She is • vice-president of the S*old Chaptor of Omaha Hnd/issuh. While In St. Paul, Mrs. Grossman was librarian In one of th« Bt. Paul Public Ubrary branches

Press to Print Hebrew Lessons Annual Meeting January 19th

Tli« nnnunl meeting o ft ho Omaha Kcderntion for Jewish Serylro will I* held Sunday evening, Jamuuy 19th at the Jewish Community Center. Dr. A. Grffpnljerg, president, urges everyone to plan on attending the meeting.

B'nai B'rtth To Hold Blood Drive Mrs. Max (UriHuitnan

The B'nai lVrltfi Mon and Women have completed plgpt for a "City Wide" blood drive on Wednesday, December 18 at the Red Cross Blood Center—Wl South 39 Street. Blood Donon will be welcomed from 12 noon until 5:45 p, m. with or without. appointmctitj, ]^>nursare r«|ueited to refrain from eating fatty foods for 4 hours prior to giving their blood. Corned-beef sandwiches will be served to all donon. The entire procedure lake* less than 30 minutes time which may help »w> the life of a man. woman or child, Mrs. Mnx Sack*, drive chairman, said. S p o n i o t ' T f l f c groups Include: Henry M o n » k y and Nebraska Indites ami chapters and Cornhuxker Jodt;e. AskistinK Mn. SIICUK with the dii\e ure Mis. C'tiailc* Fisher, co••hulmmn Mild Mines. J. Milton .Margolin, IIJIIry Srluilmnn, MHton Mint.', Simih-y Shnplro, Hurry SinlMi, Jay Slolli-r, Myron Tnrnoff, jl.'ii'rj Wi'lnber;,-, Richard WrlKht, IVn M.iRMtnfn, Hen I31ntt, Henry App^l, H a r r y KrIMfiian, Aiiron l-pitlein, Al Temln. Abe Hear. Alliert Oruch, Paul Sucks, MM Kri/clinnn. Mrascn; Rul«n hippctt, r.enitd nernnteln, Altin .Mack.Max Sacks, Marvin Treller, Jerold noncn For any Information concerninx tlie blood program, tin. Sacks at CA. 1S02 or the Blood Center at AT. 272.1, moy-bc called,

In addition lo serving as Librarian, Mrs. Grossman will be secretary to the Bureau ot Jewish Kdiifcatlon, Dr."MarKoHn Indicated, She will assist In coordinating certain acUvilies ft\i\ the statkttcal Information of the of Jewish Education.

Chanukah Festival To Star Headliners I'lill I mil. linn i"i 1 .M.'iithu Kililainnie. Ylilrtlili ami I-.i,.ell folk soi't; ,ind C'li like l'o\ f (I tncei, «ill tie Die,urn foi tin"J Ri'i uinl nmi' i "li mill, ill Pe tual 1 fur Israel lo he held m HIP Jllnek-j •lone Hold Sunday Dii'.'inti.r I V Bl KiiVlnrk. j "TiiiH ii a program lh;>l sliuuMn'l j li" nn •'•'•'I. nnd 1 ui'i:" rvei-yone to. «iieiul,".\Vllllnm Grralin-lty, rlmirnian <il tin1 iMiiel liuiiil ('mnpalj:n, i.ii'l imlay. CulfrC anil cake will In' M'lvi'il, A'lmi- -.ton price li V.'i cents. Ken4i'v,'iii(m« can lie made with the IM-JOI riulid offin-, 1014 City Nntiorml Ilinl'. liniWinc or li> calling AT 1177 oi Ai" H«l I'liil Mud has appeared here S'-vi-i.ii lime* «l(h his brothers, lilt this \ ill be his fnht visit lo Onriha uionc Miss .Selilimine sung her Yiddish , iii«l Israeli SOUKS nt Town Hall lai i yi'.-ir mid the New Yoik Tlmesj •tiid, "A cap icltv audleiue laughed,' a|ii)lmtil>'d nncl enjojed Itwlf lir,lii'Misely." ('Imikt* I'ox iludied iir Ihttu'l nnd,j with llanja Holm In .New Voik ' She ch'irf!oi'i.i])lied tlie d.mcos foi "The Dylibuk ' nnd nnii bends the il.inie (Inpiilmrnt of the Fine Art' (.'enter in (mmlev Illinois

Folasha Students Complete Course

Youth Group Member Named Murlyi) I - n e k *> i s i>li (.« d « I O c h i i i r m i i i i of t h e l i e u ) } o i r u u / i ' l cifv-wiiie. Iliti r 1'ionp \ o i i l l i t o i w i -

cil'laM l-'rlday In the City Hill C o u n c i l Chambers.'Tlie group sjion.sored liy tlie National Conference of (.'hrlstlans and .lent, sv;u j;n:<'tcd officially hy Mn\oi Ji'tin Ki/senblntl, Other t«-'ens rcprcsentliix tin Jewish Youth Council who « u f present Were: Steve I'.irUCM, Ileinard iintl Bruce IHoom. Tlio group Is planning a trip to the Indian Reservation nt Mncy. Nebraska, The. Invitation \vas' extended. by the teen-age group at the reservuWon.

1 Series to Run 50 Weeks


.Tel Aviv (JTA)—The first group of elylit young Fulnsha mon anil one girl to complete n course in Judaism, basic firming nnd hyKlcne was Kiaduiitcd this week from Kfur Butyn, elilldrPti'* village nt Iliiannnn. Tltcy *iwnl three j e i n studying in Israel. I.Ike the 2fi other Kthlopiun 7(u« still at the Kannuna .seliool. they will icturn to their country to net as lerfcher\ for the 20,000 black Jews. Tlie teacher trolnlnj! plan In! for Kthloplnn Jews has thi' appiuvnl of Eniporor Hnilc h'-hissif V>!at Bntya Is one of the net work of schools, childii'iis vlllnRes and centers milnlainrrt In litael by the Ml/iarhl Women'- Orgnnl/ntion of Anicriea.

KETV Will Carry Chanukah Program KLTV, on Sunday, December , 15, channel 7, will present "The Tropliy" from H-M p. m. to 9 p, m. Tlie projjrnni is heini! ollered In cniincetlon ulth the Cl'anukah o^ Foi

hy sjx'oiii) flrrniigi'iiiciit witli the Hi-it Jvi-it Olamit in Jerusalem, tlic world-wide uHHoeiiition lo pi'Diiioto ifcBreiv ltmguaga uiul vulliire, nnd in rooperution «'il!i tlic Oinulm Hureau o t Jev<tWh Kduciitiou; the ]'I'CSH WIIJ jnililiHli a special series in Hebrew—I;(>,si()ii.i -^for Up(.'inncr«. The first will appear in IJu'u isKiie on p»gc 2. The lcison?, offering ten words a week are prepared T>y educational experts, as n means of p providp , iing a bi SdO biwic vocabulary ot SdO word*. Tliey ar» prpjected In pieparaM-W York (JTA)—The Joint Distribution Committee provided tion for tlie Tenth Anniversary of health, welfare, emigration, cul- the. State ot Israel, Ihe criebrallon turnl, educational and icligiotK which will be a year-long event. service* this year for about 1&V Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman 000 Jews In more than 25 coun- of the Omaha Bureau of Jewish tries of Kurope, North Africa and Education, announced that Mrs, the Near East, Including Israel, Max GroS'iman, bureau librarian, It was'announced here by Kdwnrd would be coordinator for this projM. M. Warbur«, JIX; chairman In ect. TlNne Interested miy ws\V«.cl connection with the forthcoming her at the Jewish Community Cen43rd annual meeting.of the orenn- ter library for added sucgestions, iratlon. or KUidnnce nnd Ijelp.

J.D.C. Aids 183,000 Jews

University Endorses Parent-Youth Forum 'Hie University of Omaha College of Adult Kducadon lias endorsed' the Jewish Community Center plan to conduct a Series of Adult Forums al the University of Omaha, Inlllul steps for the project were t alien when Phil Kutler, Center youth Committee chnlrnian, Conferred recently with representatives ot Jewish Adult orKftnlzatlanj. , University staff members will serve as consultants in the nrrniiKemcnU. The purpose of the Furunw, Mr. [Cutler stated, U to acqtinlli! parent) with the problems nnd needs of Jewish teen-ager* Although the igrsin* may t>c of interest lo the entire community, rnch session will be geared to specific orens of major concern In the lives! of Jewish pre-teeners nnd teenagers.

A steering committee has been formed with Mr. Kutler Us chairman. It's members Included Wait Kiinner, Knrl Self;el,-Contcr Adult Activities chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Mlllnrrf Speier, Mines, Mnx From* kin, Bcrnavd GoUMtnm, CenVw Activity Director Snul Silvw-mon nnd'Yuiith Council Director, Doris ncdu/lncr. • UnKci'K\ty ol Oniuhn slat! mem* berx who will servo with the committee are "Dr. Donald G. Kmery, Dean of .the College of Adult Kclucalion and Michel Bcili-i, Administration AsBlslar.t. Mr. Beills snld, "he wa!> dcIlKlitcd that the Center wus KOIIIR to use thit oppronch In reac' 'tin pnrenui as a muans of meetlnff tlie needs i>f the modern family". Forum (lutes will Ixs annoutvcod soon and meetings will be open to nil Jewish ndults free of charge.

Water Rodeo Billed A wiicr roileo, the tu-st ot Us kind In this area will make its appearance on (lie Omaha scene. •Jiift the coming school holiday period. It will be * conducted Tuesday, December 31, at 1 Pi in. al the JewlHh Community Center under the a u s p i c e s of the- Center Athletic and Aquatic Departments. Tuesdiiy's event will lie preceded by two qualifying r o u n d * <m November 24 and 26, at 1 p. m. at the Center. Tils unusual aquatic program was arranged us i\ special nttvuetlon wind-up of the school lioJJday, Irv YflWo, C e n t e r Athletic Chairman, said. "We looked tor gomething. d feront In 'youthful"entertainment and Relievo we have found it in the Water rodeo,"" Mr. Yaffe do clurecl. "The atthlr should provide a wonderful time for ejitranuJ nnd spectators alike. It will lie packed with kltrprlses." The pi'OKflim will lie. styled alter its western dry land counterpart. AH events will tiike,pluce in the Center jxwl where a specially constructed w#tor flout horse V"" chnllonijo tlie jwwer* of cotitostanl#. This Is'Just on<! of many fealijrr* of the mecU Those WlVl be bronco rldlnff, bull tiOBRing, horse rndnR and mountlnu the (water lionie),

cuvi\i\'n\ ftc\& vi«\ V>* iiiterHpci-Kcd with the competition. Bniton (Bucjcy) GrccnbcrR. Center Athletic- swimming llnson, will head judge and muster of ivvcninnies. Kn-ugers, jjramninr schoolers to enter the Kodeo. The only requirement is f o n d n e s s f/»" tlie water arid fun, Mr. Viiffe rc^KirlfiJ. l i e vi r K e il everyone lo reglnter entries ourly «t the Center activities office because only a few weeks are left to complete nirnnuemenls. Those who do not hold « memIx-ndilp may enter for twenty-five cent*. Spectntors will In- admitted free.

Fortune Lett to Israeli College New York -The lute Uernrd tjtvojie and one tl» i c president of General lOleclric Comnpny. left the iKilk of his , estate to Urn American Society tat TechnlonIstael Institute of Technology In Israel, Jt «'ns reported when his will wa« Wed lot T«nhKltt. ^ ' ^ amount-loft to the technical «>jIe(!e wus estimated n ' sever"! mil-


, pemnbtr U. ltBt



I Cmry Friday by the detention

at Jawkk Service

n. ftua Adv«1l»nj Rates on Application. .._J Ul U»~UM Nv a«h stiert. Omaba. Ntbr. JAckspo 1st* , J 81) •, Mtrtu 48W So 39U> blrttt (MRS.) rtUNCES KLEIN

GUIDE TO HEBREW STUDY Read the lesson aloud »t nil times. ' Dramatize the lesson with s friend, alternating the dialogue. Re-read the lesson at leant four times during ,the week. Read tile word! carefully but do not memorize thrra mechanically. 3) Us* the a«atea«ea and phnae* of tht lessons in simple con' venation with your friends. _fi) Use the wards in simple .conversation, forming sentencei not found in the lessons, 7) If possible Join or (oral a study group where you will have the oMXurtunlty to u*e the sentences of the lessons and to hear Hebrew spoken, '



. ,

For Satisfaction

peace (sreelini)



K*7 . 7

loh also gahm Jte




> ou <m"*-) m-tah ahl

K7\ .10

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11) 12) ' 3) 4)



HV I.KVIN Tk Dr. PhJHi KuiX'i'ol kcnicci wrrc held Sunhkrr Jn.\,h l fnr Tht Afr4 bj day In l.i« Anycli'S for Hy Levin, I'to. ;i The < Vnincil of Jewish T/0, fdrnicr Oniiihan. who died Saliinliiy In I .us Ani:''lcs. He was Women Arts and I'ntfts .'Hid was a gradr Ihr /nil uf 1H37 tun rom-|..»u in ()ni;iha u.-itt- uf r-icii:hton 1'nivrrsily Jf'Ti f l ( { 1 ( I l i k .SCJ .Srhool ul Law. inin will be cliscitsstHl at t h e SuivAui's arc wife, Ktta. daughc.Ht (.'ouiicil nifvliitj: nnfi iuilidti^I Cuuillrllglit, 4:35 |i. in. K»n. 'l'(«!ay'« r/ti>K i n s t n i e t o r s | ti'j-s. Malfhn and Mtlrliril, IxiJ AnBETH KI, crt* Mnios. M f \ c r IJCIK1!1, AHu-rt |j;cli"<; prirrnts, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Scnicei at Bi'lti hi .Sjj.niioj;"'" iicr,. .Max Kirithenljauin. .Sam I.''Viii, Otnalia; Inollifrs, Irvln C, thii evening will be held ul 8:15Koicnblum, ami Mits Ann iUibin. iind .Mufi>, Oinulia and sister, p. m. Tlie Rev, ]{oi;i>r Manners, The rrtidrnls of the Hoim1 showc-H •MIT.. Ma\ SIH rm.'in of Council u gueit p r e a c h e r will upeak lErrat I n t e r e i t throut'houl the ;IJluffs. on "iTie Myitery of our lliitory." ! I'.ni'ial v^:i^ 111 I>>& AllKell'J. Cantor Aaran I. Kdt;ar tnd thecuiirse by their attendance at each HKitMA.v z r i n : i t Beth Kl Synagogue Choir will dau. Kunrr.ii i.f'iviCt-1* were held at render the musical portion* of the Dec. 3—.The Seviing Group mude lii.Ih 1:1 .SynnroKiie, Oecernlior 4 thii a buiy Council day. Tim; {,'nuiii lervice. consisted of Minn. GoMic Cohen, fur Herman Zulicr, 64 of Hastings, Sabbath morning wnlcet «t Esther Marks and Jennie Nog^. Ntbr., who died Decembers. Burial 9:30 a. m. and the Junior CongreDec. 7—A special Klddtuh was wn* In Belli Kl cemetery. Surviving gation service* are i t 10:30 a. m. given by Mr. and Mr>. Alex Kotz an- uiff, Hetty, daughter, Mrs. Minchn-Waariv lerv-leei are a t 4:30 In honor of Mri. Ko«« Gla^man'a Harold lUrnsteiii, Council Bluffs; p. tn. Daily icrviee* are at 7 a. m. recovery. tonn, Murtnn snd I'.obfrt of Hast' and 7 p. m. Sunday morning ««nDec i>—Several of our re.vltk-nlii ini;« and two K'u'i'lcliUdrcn. Ice It at 9 a. m. attended tht Blkur C'holini luncheon at the Jeniih Community TEMMJC I8KAKL Center. Services wUl bt held thU n i > Dec 11—We M - e l c o m e Rabbi rung at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney Ralph DfKoven on the occasion UrooJu will preach -on "Prayer, of his tint visit to the Dr. Philip Humility and Companion", Review Sher Jewish Home for the Aged In of a Fine-Book, by Samuel H. In the rabbinical program. Our Dresner, to mark Jewish Boolt next visitor on December 17th will Month. be Rsbbl Sidney Brooks. The Shabbas morning Mrvicea will community is welcome to attend begin at II JO a. m. with Rabbi the rabbinical sessions. Brooks officUUnE and the Re- Dec 14—A special Klddush and ligious School Oiolr under the tea were held to commemorate direction of Miss Ida GitUn (Intf- Yehrzelt of Mrs. Sophie Nevelcff, ine the musical portions of tht former president of the Blkur •ervice. Cholim Society. S e c 15—The Omaha Choir and BETH y*BAEI, Dramatic Club will entertain cut» Rabbi -Benjamin Crbner, Cantor folk). Coming Events: The Temple IOi KaRan, Beth Israel Choir, will Israel Sisterhood Chanukah Party. conduct late Friday evening service* at 8 p. m. Rabbi Croner will upeak on, "The Modern Meaning Mouiy Schwartz of Chanukah". Traditional Friday To Conference evening services (Knbbolai ShabMnury U SchwarU, Tcrnple I«bas) begin at 4:30 p. m. Sabbath rael, director of education, will morning sen-ices begin i t 8:45 attend the annunl conference of «. m. Junior Congregation at 10 the National AMorlatlon of Tem1407 Harney St. a, in. Hanbl Croner will conduct ple Kducators ul New York City the Talmud daw at 4:15 p. -m. from December 25th through DcSnbhath Mincha at 4:45 p. m. fol28th. lowed by Sholeshe S'eudns and Maariv. DaUy morning services at 7 n. m. : afternoon services lit 4:45 Looking for That Special CHANUKAH GIFT? p, m. Sunday morning «crvicc« heGIVE THE gin nt 8:45 a. m. followed by BEAUTIFUL NEW JEWISH FAMILY BIBLE brenkfant and Ilabbi'i class in Bible. Sunday morninK Junior Call George Kagan GL 6148 Mlnyan, followed by hrrakfasl, After I P.M. \\nrts at R:?A a. m. Tho Talmud Discussion gioup nicols every 'T»fsilny rvrninK at 7.30 p. m. ol Will Sy 10th ami Kurl strcrtd.


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Chess Exhibition Players Needed C'lH-M, players with or without experience arc needed to piny m a "50 game" feiroulirini'Oiis exhibition featuring S.imiicJ Itcshevoky, top ranking United States chess expert The exhibition will be held Sunday, Januory 39 at 3:30 p. m. ut the Jewish Community Crater. Chess .players o( ultage«. end level* of experience arc urged lu lake part and to do so by notifying the Center Activities' office, ( J \ . 1360> ot their fnlrli-H iminediutely. Wr. Is sponsored by the Center, the VMCA and the Omaha Chess Cluij. A^is free.


Arab-IsraelDebate, Out London (JTA)—British Foreign Secretary Sclwyn Lloyd refused to be drown into » debate over the Antb-IsracJ situation in Parliament, assorting that he could make ho definite statement while United Nations Secretary General Dag Ifammarskjold was in <h« area. Lahorite Arthur Henderson, who asked for a broad statement from the Foreign Secretary was told that It would not be "helpful" t« have a statement sA tW» ttroe, though he wished Mr. Harnmarskjold every succcxs in his concllatlon mission. When tanvmuel SWnwett, last Labor Party Foreign Secretary suggested the advisability of strengthening the United Nations lorce In the Middle Kast In order to help dissipate tension between Israel and her neighbors, the Secretary Raid lie was sure Mr. Ilammarslcjold' had this problem In mind, adding Hint It wai his \iew that strengthening of the UN Truce_Siipontslon Organization's authority would lead to n reduction of tension.

pure silk prints by R. & K. Dramatic f mphasii on a wonderful relaxed mopd in softly printed pur* allies for tha holiday wcuon and •ariy iprlng. Ururvistakably i9mlnln*, you'll ' lov* the g*ntli tailoring..'. tht w»Jcam» creau-reiistant material that talcn w well to your active social lit*.


Ex-Slave Laborers Form Committee New Yoik (JTA)--A committee has been formed here by Jewish Inmates of Nuzi concentration npi who worked tin slave laborers for such firms ns: AEG Brabag, Hcinkcl, H o l z m a n n , Krupp, Moll, Rhelnmetal BOrsig, SlcmnnR-Schuckert and Retelurjken. It is the purpose of this committee to study means of safeguarding the intcreht of these glnve laborers. A West German law promulgated on December 14, 3936, regulates all types of-claims of foreigners against Gorman concerns and private persons. This would alto Include claims' arising from mal-treatment or non-recclpt of wages by persons residing outside of Ormnny who during the last war worked as slave laborers for German private corporation1! M«l firms, These claims may be barred unless legal action Is Instituted before December 31, 1957.

a. Qoauic shirtwaist wilh ,, 3<osv»g and aoft unproswd pioals. tn coral and bluo . . . BIZO* 10 to


Turkey Charged With Taking Sides Ankara. (JTAI-Turkcy "desires a settlement of the Palestine problem in accordance «rth ttic VJnftpA Nations resolution," Piemier Mcnddrcs told Purllawent in presentinK hi"! new Government's prrtgrum. The lnllure to solve tile dispute with justice Is the main reason for tho p r e s e n t Middle troLible*, he asserted, adding that (he present conflict* were a mani f e » t n 11 o n of the .Halt-West struggle. Citing the recent T.u i k I H h•Syrian crises as nn example, tho, promler loW .the .National As- • scmbly that Turkey had."brotherly iccUnRii" toward aU *^vab co^uMviw, ' Including Syria, and that It was Turkey's "cherished wish" that the Arab world would achieve independence. __ " __



I b. Greon or taupo floral pilot wish surplus bodVo and back fullness in the skirt . . . iizoi> 10 to 18.

25.00 c. Easy-to-woar flaro ulart wilh softly shlrtod cymmorbund and modified rcoop nock in rod or blu*. Slxej 10 to 16.

' .


Maabart comes from the word meaning! "transition."-, n f?;-v



Friday, Deccober II, IBB?


Organizations OMAHA. CHOW AND ' PKAMATIG C U H The Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club will present a program of YtadWi folk songs, recitation* ohd Chanukah address Sunday. December 15 at 2:30 P- m. at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home fur tho Aged, Participating will tie Mps. Milton Nerpnberg, songs; Mr*. Philip Crundell, hiimorous reading* and Abe Schneider, recitations. Joe ltadinowski will preside. Refreshments will be kcned by Mr*. Schneider and Mrs-' Nerenberg. B. ft P. IIADAK8A1I The Husineiu and Professional Group of Hudussah will mwt Simday afternoon, December 15th, at 2 p. in. at the Jew inn Community Center. The date fur the annual Uaiaar and card party has been set for February 2.1958. Table* of needlework and other'hand-craft will be prominently featured. Contribu tions of hand-made and similar articles, from frlcndi as well ai member* will be acknowledged. The group's annual ingathering of Chanukah gifts for the bazaar will take place at Sunday's meeting, also. HADA98A1I EDUCATION COUNCIL Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky will t>e hostess to Hadassah'a Iklucntion Council members Saturday, December 14, at 1 p. m. at her home in the Blackjtone Hotel. This is tht monthly oncg shabbat for council membem.

No. 54th, co-hostetses. Mmes. Ben Zeff and I r v i n g Schelderman. Szold Group, Mrs. Sam Katzman, MO No. 72nd, a W t e d by Minn. Denver, a free, non-sec tu rl a u, by Aiicle Wurman will be re- Sidney Goldlicrg and Pan I.inshospital fur the treatment of tu-jwevu-d liy Mi's.. Maurice Newman man. berculosU. B e l l e f a l r l T JcwUh Reservations me hcing taken by Home, (.'lexeland, for emotionally Mme«. IJCO Rosenberg, Morris Ra* Tlie Omaha Chapter Iiadaiuah disturbed children and Rochester. nick and Bernard Diamond. Chair Boai-d will meet for coXfee and men are Mmes. Leonard Lcvine, Its regular meeting on Monday, Minn, Center. Guests are urged to make up and Kdiiard Dolgoff, program, and December 23, at the home of Mrs. their own tables and bring their Mrs. Max Lashlnsky, luncheon. Meyer Freeman, assistant hostMiih Jongg sets and cards. Bingo . The Szold Group will meet for esses are Mmes. I. Obcrman and will also be played for thane uho 12:30 p. m. luncheon at tbe Hotel Tod Sanford. Mrs. N a t h a n . L. Puxton ballroom. Mrs. Jeiry Bern- Nogg has been apuinted chairman do not play cards. Tickets arc $l each for the stcln, program cluiirman, will i of the nominating committee, fi-om luncheon and will be available at troduce Mrs. Paul Vcrct, who the Chapter board; review "Mission to Israel" by J. the door. Chairman arc Mmes. Sol M. McDonald. Mm. Abe Knintz Kutlcr and Irving Wohlncr, I1OI.IDAV »AN(!INO C U B Is In charge of the luncheon and The flolidny Dancing club will reservation* can lie made by call hold its winter dinner dance, SatMIZKAC'HI ing Mrtf B<-n Kahn, telephone urday, December 14, at the Shcrbenefit luncheon A MUnichi aton-Fontenelle Hotel. Dinner will will be held on Thurwlay. I)cc. 1!), chairman. The Herzl Group will feature be served at 8:.% p. m. A board at 3 p. m. at the home of lira. Harry Paskowitz. 2705 No. 55 St. Mrs, Oiarlen Gureti. who will re. meeting will be held Wednesday, The money raised will be used view "The Sacrifice" by Adele December 11, at the Yale Richards for the Children's Village project Wiseman. Special musical numbers residence. of the Mizrachl Women's Organi- will be presented by Mrs. AI Mmmerman, accompanied by Mrs. COUNCIL, JKWIHII WOMEN zation. " • Reservations may be made with Harry Du Boff. Luncheon will be STUDY <il(OIll> Mrs. Pankowitz, RE 6726 or Mrs. served i t 12:30 p. m. at the JewThe National Council of Jewish Morris J. Franklin. OR 1265, co- ish Community Center. Women study group will meet ^Taking reservations are Mmes. Tuesday, December 17, at 10 a. m. hnstcssoj of the benefit Donald Nogg, I.eq Lemer aji<) Jack at the home of Mrs. J, Milton Fox. Chairmen are Mrs. Seymour Margolin. 5019 Charles, S t Mrs. FIONKKK WOMEN An Oneg Shabbnt «111 be held Golston, program; Mmes. Kd.Si- John Solomon will be cc-hostcst. mon and Bernard Scheln, social. Mrs. Charles Garetz will lead at the home of Mrs. J. Kaplan, a discussion on the current situa:<024 Iineoln Blvd., Saturday at Group board meetings will be tion in Israel and the Mid-East. 1:30 p. m. with Mm. Milton Nerenberg, cultural chairman, prcaiil held Thursday, December 19, 1 ing. Joe Radinowiikl will talk on p. m.—Welzmann Group at the B'NAI B'RITH home of Mrs. Sam Berman, 2007 MKNKY MONSKT LODflC Chanukah . No. 52nd St.. assisted by Mrs. The Henry Monsky Lodge will Norman Lincoln. Hercl Group, at hold lit next meeting Thursday MlZKACIlI WOMKN the home of Mrs. J. Katzman. 1602 e v e n i n g , December IB, at the Rabbi Benjamin Uron#p-'«JI be the principal speaker at the Cha ntikah meeting of the Omaha Chapter, Mizrachl Women Wed' ne»d,iy, December 18th at the Jewish Community Center, at 1 p. m. Meml>PTs will celebrate the e\cnt with a Lalka party.* Mix II. Brnndstrller will be In charge of the program. Mrs. Irving Stem, president of tho Omaha chapter, will report on the national convention of Mizrachl Women's Organization held recently In Chicago.

YIDDISH CCLTCKK COI'NCIL A special meeting of the Yiddish Culture Council will be held on Sunday, December 29th, at 7 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The brief meeting will be held prior to the showing of the Yiddish movie "Without A Home." All members of the Yiddish Culture Council are urged to attend this important special meeting. KADIMAM The regular -meeting of the BWAI B'BITIi Kadimah Chapter . of Pioneer NEBRASKA CHAPTER Women will be held Tuesday, DeTIM-^Nebraska Chapter B'nal cember 17 at 12:30 p. m. at the B'riih Women will hold their an. home of Mm. Raymond Corey. A nual Ctunukah card party and Chanukah program will follow the dessert luncheon, Tuesday, De- business session. Mrs. Harry Slref cember 17th at 12:30 p. m. at 1he ill preside. *# ' South'Omaha Synagogue, 25th & "J" Stf.' , HADASSAH <" Proceed* of this luncheon are Hndassah group meetings schedused for four Philanthropies: Leo uled for December 30th. Monday, N. Lev! Memorial Hospital, Hot ill feature book reviews. Springy Ark., specializing solely Weizntann Group will meet at in arthritis, and rheumatic ail- 12:30 p. m. In the JCC lodge menu. .-National Jewish, Hospital, room for luncheon. "The Sacrifice"

SHUKERTS Kosher Meats 1437 So. 13Hi Street

Bar Mitzvah All friruds and relative* are tmltrd (o attend servlvet «n< rp«c|)tlun«. HOL WII.I.IAM KUTLUl The Miir Milnan of Sol William Kuiler. mm of Mr. and Mrs. MorrU K. Kuttrr will be observed Uiii F r i d a y evening and Saturday morliin*!, December 13th and 14th at the ISeth Israel Synagogue. ALAK JACK IIO88 Mr. and M n . Stanley Rns« announce the Har Mitzvah of Uielr son, Alan Jack, will be celebrated this Friday evening and Saturday mornliiR nt Temple Israel. E t W . N K MKI»KL Eugene Seldcl, son of Mr. and Mr*. Isndore Seldel, will obaerv* his Il»r Milzvah at Beth £1 Syria, gogue on Saturday morning, Da* cember 14th. JERKY KKKEVHTEIK ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferensteln announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jerry, Friday evening, December 20th and Saturday morn«. Ing, Decenilxr 21st at Beth £1 Synagogue, R a n c h Bowl, It hat been an* notinced by I/>u Canar, program chairman. The "Dolls for Democracy" • public relations program spon. sored by the IVnry Konsky Chapter of B'nal B'ritfi women will highlight the program, On the pan* el will be Mmes. Sam Pollak, S a n Katzman and Harry Wise. lira. Stanley Shapiro Is booking chair* man for the ptpjccL







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Se« your electric oppliance dealer or department store for a complete selection of modern electrical gifts.






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fitter, DMwab«r 1*. 1WT

Gwen Stoler Wed Sunday In Las Vegas, Nevada The manUtiv of M>.-s (Jm-jj Audrey Stoler ami WiJIinin i»iilH-i t Pichaldsfiii, lioih of Lus Aiiui'k'i, on Sunday, Jiircmlirr H, h;is t>''i'ii announced iiy flic hridf-V f.-ffhrr, llnrry A. Sloli-r. The ceremony «;« lxifuini'd in til*1 Jewish ('<>mmtiml\ JVfMpIo 111 Liih Vogns, iNcv. The bride, a former Oimihan, attended Om'ilm nnd Crei|;li(nn Universities, The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrj. 1lorry lOi'hnnUon ef New York City. The couple will make homr in \jn% Angclo*. Cnl


Omohans Debate In College Meet .MHMIH Kj'lffljDnn Mid Gone Kohri, Minlftifs «t DHrtni'iiitli College, Hmiovor, N. II., «ie scheduled to represent their school, In the Southwestern Vnhci^ty debuting tournament nt Winfleld, Knm, this Friday and Sntuniay. Man In. n and novice dehnter, won firfit plnee a week #K'> in a iiiurnamcnt at Temple i University.' Philadelphia,-Ta. H e | is the »on of Mr. nnd Wr« Irving >"re*<lnian. | O n e , a niemlwr of the j AMlty dehatlng t«am. Ims dlntinguiiihnt hlm»flf on many occailon* while reprejenti/iK lil<i tchoal. He In the ton of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kohn. Both young men will come to, Oni.iha for the winter vnrntion «t j the clou of the tournament. j

Australian Jews Offer Shelter

'Young Adufts' fo Reorganize Sun. i

An invitation has been extended to nil yiiuni; adults to attend.the Young Adults' Council meeting .Siimljy, '1 n p. m in the Jewish Cnminunily Outer ouditorium. A fi"ii[) ori;iuil7allon will bo setup mid plans for the" season lull l>r miiilc A hoc'wl event and a houllriK league uill be discussed. •J'lif i.'ouncll Is an Informal, mixed sun.11 Hioup for Jewish perMJIII hi-lKi'on the uges ot 18and 25 uho Bic in oollpge or working. I t Is desiRiicd to promote social »cthitlos and frlendihlp. Currently, it fins 11 member*.

The engiiKfnipnt of MUs Mild-' led lUdinowskl to Al Steinberg o( .S,ni f'runeucd, ("«il, lias liceu 1111-, nuiinrrfl hy her father. Josppb KaMiss Railinouhkl, a fomicr Oriiahnn, nuw rcKiilOi In San FraiiCIKCI. Her fiance !• the son of Mr. (mil M M . IJIUIS Steinberg of Kan

A June wedding it planned,

CampusNews University of lfn* Otsltn Tau Deim I^Jeke, fnu Mareulln and Shirley Shiff, Slifma Delta Tan members are candidates for the "The Kose of Delta Sigma Psl" al the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Sandy Kully and Carole Frank are up for "Ideal Nebraska Coed." Elaine Krantz and Joyce Mr*.' WlllUro Robert FUrlUrtlinn Magrdsoh have been named to Pi Lambda Thetn, honorary education sorority. Kibbutzim or Kvutzot (KlbbuU Pledges of the sorority recently or Kvut/ir) are collrctivi iett!e- entertained the actives at * party, menUi. entitled "Skin Deep."

All proiwrly on the Kibbutzim Is collectively owned and work li organized on a collective basis.

THE PERFECT GIFT for a Son or Daughter Who Has "Everything" Now It's Easier to Give



Sydney <NS) • An offer to pro-j vide temporary nccomniodatloiifi.' ami other cure to Indonexian Jcwn{ who may l)q expelled or fleeinci from their cocinlr>' was made (trie, by the Anilrallan..Jeulsli aminiunlty It) a letter by Sjdnev I) Klnfeld, prpsjilent of the llxeriilKe Council <it Au.s'frnlinn .!<"ivr>'. •'> official"! of the Dutrli Muntnntiity, ill thin city. '!")»• f sliil);il/'rl 450 .Tens in lndo»esla nre mostly Ini(|l Jews «hr>Mchief center is Siirabnjn, Kite of. the only ^yn»f;oi:ue tn linlnneiia SiiniliRja has Wl .leuish f.miilirs In .liiknrta, where the Jewish community of Indonesia IB iDcateil. thfre nre thirty Jewish fanllliei ' liunduni; linn a numl>er of Jeuish f/imlllcs. Tlie JcHU in Indonraln, are reported rfkllve since the latest! political upheaval In thnt country.' Many have been put out of jotuij •nd government positions under rcKulatlons placlilK control of the country'* economy Jntth«"hands of Indonesians. •' ,

Miss Radinowski'j Engagement Told


(State of Nabratka Gifts to Miner's Act


For holidays, birthdays, and all other occasions— you can give common stock and mutual funds two ways . . . by regular purchase or through convenient monthly investment programs'for AS little »s 125 at any given interval. Why not get the facts about this unique and practical gift giving idea. .

Martha Schlamme • Chaike Fox



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Upfmbw, 1957) Instead of s check . . . Glv« them common stock, or mutunl funds, the gift that can keep on giving, year after year. When you give common stock or mutual funds, you give a young man or woman a gift that can grow as they grow, you give them an opportunity to get better acquainted with our free enterprise economy. You give them a personal itakt In the future of American companies,

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New York Stock Exchange' Chicago Board of TVacfe American Stock Exchange Midwest Stock Exchange Private Wires fo Principal Markets in the United States and Canada

GREETINGS Shop at Roffman's for Wonderfully, Different Holiday gift*!! SPECIAL CANDIES FOR THE CHILDREN and Othor Marvelous Candiej Ordered From All Parti of the- World!

Exotic food items exquistely orrangod and prepared to please any hosteji

Carefully Prepared in Our Store With tho Choices! rood for Your ChanuVeh Parties—Place Your Order Early

Roff man's House of Delicacies Open Sunday-—8 A.M. to 8 P.M.

To: Burton L Robinson H. O. Peet & Co., 720 Farnam Bldg.. f Omaha, Nebr.

AT 3088


Please send me the folders on STOCK SIFTS TO MINORS AND MUTUAL FUNDS.


7830 DODGE

720 Farnam Bldg. Omaha

TE 3207 Weekdays—10 A.M. to 10 P.M.



•.../... .Statt.


Friday, PeMnkr IS. 1KT

Center Sports • B * LEAGUE BAKKETBALL A second basketball league (or Youth Coundl boys 1* being formed by Jeff Swarf/, Youth Qouncll Athletic Chairman. This •B1 League will meet each Thuns-1 . day afternoon with four teams I competiting in two rounds o[ baskelball competition. No members I Ot a class A team may play in the ij league. Boyt Interested in parti- ' dpating in the league should contact Jeff Swartz at once to be placed on a team. FBEE BOXINa SHOW A free amateur boxing show for •11 members of the community is to be btaged at the Jewish Community Center gymnasium Saturday, December 21 at 8 p. m. Bob Fromkln Is chairman of the event that will feature local boxing talent being groomed for the Golden Cloven tournament in January. Everyone in the community is Invited to attend thin boxing show that will feature over 20 rounds Of boxing.

Dad 'n Lad Group Is Being Created A JJa'l 'n l»td evening Jtroi't<tm fi iiunii,,' atii'itu* und ••vwmmu^f lias Iven added to lite J't\!*h Ciinimmil} {'enter cffoits to f;i\e fathers find tntm Kieater up|)ortunity U> sh.'ire their recreation. Center membership i» Hie only requirement, Irv Ynffc Center athletic c o m m i t t e e rhairnian, mild .Swims for the entile f;uiilly nro 'currently held at the Center, on Sundays from fl a. m. to JO fl. m. and from 2 30 p. m to 4:30 p. m. is comfortable clothing and a'palr of gym shoes. " . -

Mike Ilorn«trln, high school •tudent, prepare* himself for frnrtaif nctlvltl.'i. at the Wednesday evening practice nemloiw at the JrHl*h t'onirniuilt) O i ter.

BOXINa INSTRUCTION Boxing instruction l« offered ••ch Sunday morning at the Center workout room under the i u pervUion of I M Sloan. Boyi are coached in the fundamentals of BADMINTON KNTK1KH NKKD^U boxing and »elf-de(enw. Badminton entries arc still need/ Boys may be registered for boxfor the Tuesday e\enlnn coming Instruction by calling the Cenpetition at the Jewish Community ter Athletic Office. Center. Uients scheduled *ench Tuesday at 8 p. m. are men's sinBEALTn CLVn 8KKVICKS gles; husband and wife doubles EXPANDED The Center's newly remodeled and games for high school boys and girlj. Two courts are avail' Health Club .has expanded Its tei-vice* to include two masseurs able for actual play. Instruction on duty at all times plus a staff is alto provided. of four masseurs working each Sunday. A shoeshlne man is also JfI)O f o i l on duty Sunday, I-PS Burkcnroad, BI'MINKMSMKN Health Club chairman, announced. Judo classes nre now bcini; preCorned beef sandwiches, with all sented to interested businessmen the trimming are served each1 Sun* at noon every Monday, Wednesday day noon. The Health Club is open and Friday at the Jewish Com* from noon til 10 each weekday, munlty Cenlrr under the superand from 9 to 6 on Sunday. vlilan of well trained and experThe facilities of the Health Club ienced instructors. The classes last Includes a dry heat room, steam from one-half hour to forty-five room. locker room, large slumber minutes. room, shower room and massage Judo develops coordination, agilparlor. The popular price schedule ity and self-confidence -while ton* of 925 for a massage ticket for 12 ing the body and increasing viKsstonft at the Health Club has tality and vigor. Those desiring to . been widely accepted, said Burk- participate may drop in a f any of enroad. the workout cessions with the necThe Health Club is open to essary Judo outfits being supplied members and non-members with by the Center. no anpojntment being necessary An evening da?s in Judo nnd and it under the minervislon of self-defense is also being planned Carl rTxley. < for high school students and young adults, Interested parties should contact the Center Athletic DeFOR THE F I N E S T . . . J partment. I N PHOTOGRAPHY < VKSCISQ ON Portrait! WEDNKSDAY8 Wedding. Wednesday evening is fencing Commercial night at the Jewish Community Center with instruction being offered to cnthusbisu by Fencing Master, Robert Garrert'Starting at 7:30 "p. m., instruction is presented In fundamentals with competition being offered to^ those more advanced in the sport.' Those interested In developing their ability andr Intei-est in this ace old sport should make It a point to join thta informal croup, Irvln Yaffc, Center Athletic Committee PHOTOGRAPHER tmii man, announced. 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET All equipment aiid materials HARNEY 1044 are supplied by the Center. The only requirement for the student

John Kalina

Want Ads la Tbr Jrwinfi Pm*. Currrot r*t* It M ctw fji e*ofj fniji Urn Inutntm. Tlif frrr* rrwrvr* (lit r!e>)l U Itmtt .17* or rath vl-.eruirment

HAN't'KAH CAISOS BAR ant) Has Mitz'.ali congratulation* ulso foi all JctvUli holidays and special occasions. fite>crs News Stand. KM2 Dodyc ', COUPLE lias room for cld'Tly person whw nee'/li. c:nc-. O»mfortnhk; homo. Mr;tls. p<Tvm;jl laundry and privili-iji1*. Call AT

5 SKKVICK in my Homo. Experience, c a p a b l e . Ideal for small lju;.inet,.s, Call af(iT G p. m. GL 'M.U.

"Jrrry 4'ohn, JrU'Uli (^immunity (!<*atrr team player, gum high Inspiring vollryhall fur a wiu in nn All City \'«jIl«-yl>i»H league game.

Tl'KHMAY AND TIIUHMDAY VOLLEVBALL tiltOVl* Volleyball for men -on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 12:30 p. m. to J;15 p. m. at the Center has been developed to meet the demand* for increased noon hour activities for business' men. Any businessman is welcome to Join the group. Isldor Levimon, Center volleyball chairman, ad' nouriced. , ' Teams are recruited informally each day from those showing up for volleyball play. By. learning the fundamental!; In this Tuesday and Thursday group members may develop their skill and ability and advance In higher competition. BIDDY BAHKKTBA1X Boys In the Center's special bid' dy basketball league, for boys In grades .1 throiixh A, are developing their xkills in dribbling, passing, shooting and team play. Iiuys may still sign up for this Friday afternoon activity. It was announced by Sam linn, Center youth baxketball chairman, by attending any of the practice and game semlonn. Special Intermediate Biddy Basketballs are ijscd in the I-eaguc' with team jerseys being presented to participants.->Bo>s are well coached in the fundujnentah uf the game, Mr. Ban reported. • Boyt attending the practice sessions are encouraged to bring Kym trunks, gym shoes, jmeai socks and a towel to each i MIDGET BASKETBAtl. FRAOTICKM Boys in the 6. -7 and 8lh Krnde Midget basketball league will continue practicing, for regular season competition, this Sunday at the Jewish Community Center gymnasium. Practices-for the 8th grade boys are held at 1:30 p. m. Jor 7th grade boy* at 2:45 p. m. and 4 p. m, for 6th grade boys, {legistrat Ions 'are still bclnu accepted for the league at any of the Sunday practice Kcmlons. Regular season competition for the midget league will start at thr end of the month with upecial practice- scsulon* being staged o\nr the winter school vacation. YOUTH COrNCII. BASKKTI1AI.I. The'regular, scasop coiiijietitlon n the Youth Council RasketballI^eapue stalled last Sunday at the




Tiies., Dec. 31, 1957—9 P.M. TO ?

One »f I«ur Hrallli Club Miuutrun help* » Hrsry bu«lnrs«naii rvlax. Jewish Community Center with will play AZA 109 In the noon AZA 100 defeating AKA 1. 26<to game. 30. NeUn Uordiniiu wax big point Spectators nre always welcome man for AZA 100 while the con,-" to these Sunday games. slstent rebounding ability of learnWalt Wise will s c n e n« rfpoctmate John Okun helped the team mii'w. Frank Goldberg and How- er for the league. ard Martin were standouts on the AZA 1 team. Monbavbt (Monlima) are ordinUnafflliates heeded an overtime ary rural \illages b:isc<l on private land ownership nud private enterI«rlod to down a hard fighting l Ilnylm learn, 'M to .13. 'Hie last KCCopd free throw loss of Tom Plait won the cumc for the L'nnffiliatrd Western Hills Drapery gniup Billy Horwidi and Sti'U- i C s n wcie the Hicylnl po«prtioii<ns , Service both In scoring and rebounding. I Mm. Anna Fr«nch—GL f 2 3 f This Sunday's comjietilion will ' Hod* Inwlnltrfl—('nmlfr llonriU Mndp nrtd Irt.lulled — pit Unaffiliatc* iiml AZA 1 In the ' Urnprrlfft—KriUprcmln first (jainc at 11 a. in. while Hayim '



Youth end Figure KEEP THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE HAPPY AS WELL AS YOURSELF 10- WEEK Course. In Figure _ Conditioning

CLASSES STARTING SHORTLY • Have a Perfect Figure • Personalized Instruction • Figure Conditioning 9 Exercise


$10.00 Per Couplo FOR TICKETS CALL REgent 4283 Reservations Close December 20

By the Jewish Community Center 20th and Dodge JA 1366


Krtdn). December IS, 1SST

New Books in Center Library


f«i• Seven

Programs for every member of the Family Stevenson Silent On Middle East

LKADKRS TRAINING BOWLiNG DANCING GROUP New Hunks r.'crnlly received In INSTITUTE SUIKIJV, ia:.'tn-l:.'10 p. m. Sq. Dancing, Thurs., 8 p. »,. Washington (WNS)—Press re<hn Jewish Community Center CHIl.DHU.V.S l'RCx;i(AM (To lie nnnoiinct^l) Mir.SIC IJSTKNINCi GROUP port* that Adlai K. Stevenson had library In e l u d e the following: Sunday, L'-l:.'!() p. in. SPIX'IAI. SKRVICra (Monthly) (2nd Tues.) counselled NATO consideration of Myron Kaufman's. "Kemf inber Me Chanukith Party, Dec, 22, 2 p.m. Calendar JL'WISII MUSIC MONTH a general political settlement in To God"; "The Assistant" by Hern- Cl.t'liS O-ASSKS YOUTH (X5UNSKL PIiJ>>S Kirrv the Middle Kast and that the proi&rd Malnmud; one of the current Arls/Ci if IK ADVISORS CLINIC posal had been turned down on best sellers, "The .jiiigry l>anc!jjh' CLASSKS the ground that the forthcoming Man" by Gerald (Jreen; and the Athlel.cs Parlimentary Procedure NATO meeting was not the prostory of Judnh llenjamin told by Movies Office and Business per forum for. such a discussion V ilia Delmar in "llekned". Dr.unatiCH Machine—Projector were met with silence here by the Other books mi Hie list include .Science. iJroupn CHILDREN Stute Department. excellent fiction with biblical backHoliday Parties CLASSES ground, namely, "Lamp in JeruSllmnastlcs, a 1 en-week course Lincoln White, spokesman for Hebrew Interest* AmerionUatlofl—Mon. *nd Wed, for women In figure conditioning, the State Department, said be salem" by D r a y t o n Mayrant; Sp:-dnl Program "Jacob" by Jean. fabrics; Irene will be offered after the first of had no comment on the report. (JameM I'utdi'H "The Valley ,if Cod", u ART (lie -year, t« allow for maximum However, a spokesman for Mr. Story Hour novel of the Prophet Ilusea, nnd Monday, 1-3 p. m, registration. Stevenson said he "has made no C' i several others. Tue«d»y, 7 4 0 p. m. such proposal." He Intimated that A baby sitting service has been •Swimming An excellent collection of Ivooks BRIDGE arranged to a c c o m o d a t e the Mr. Stevenson suggested to the on Israel and her Middle Kastern OHGANIZKD ATIILKTICS Monday, 8-10 p, m. mothers who enroll in the class, State Department some new peace' Water Rodeo, Dec. 34,26, 31, ncigblx>rs covering (invent probThunday, 8-10 p. m. Mrs. Calvin N e \ v m a n , Center move In the Middle East, Including 1 p. m. lems 1* available. Some of these Monday, 1-3 p. m. athletic committee representative, possibly an arms embargo by the books arc, "Israel Jind the Middle J. Y, C. HOWLING FIRST AID announced. Car packing facilities great powers. Sunday, 32:30 p. m. Kast" by Harry H. Kills a good Monday, 1-3 p. m. are provided Tree In the Center analysis of the situation; "Islam BOY SCOUT SWIMMING GREAT BOOKS parking lot. Inflamed", James Morris, Wilfred Tuesday 8-10p.m. ' The class will be held bi-weekly, Mon., Wed., S.I 5 p.m. C a n t. w e l l Smith's-, "Islam In OIL PAINTING • from 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. Tuesdays Sat., 1 :.'*0 p. m. Modern History"; "Israel and HerGIIIL SIX>UT SWIMMING . Tuesday, 7-10 p, m. and Thursday and Wednesdays Neighbors" by K11 n h u s Klath, Tues.,Thur., 6:30 p.m. SWIMMOTG and Fridays, Israeli Ambassador to London; nnd CAMPFIIIK GIRL SWIMMING MervWomen, Co-Ed, College K special once a week evening New York (JTA)—The Israel Kmil LcnKyd'n, "K;:ypt'» Hole in FIGURE AIDS class is aUo In the planning. Wed., 6:30 p.m. shipping company "El Yam" took World Affairs". Tue»., Thur, 9-11 a, m. CLUBS delivery in Hamburg of the vessel Other books In the above cateIffiALTHCLUB (Men) Sunday. 2-1:30 p. m. "Har Tabor," a cargo ship built fory but of more specific content LIHRARY Dally, 8 a, m. by Germany for Israel under the are those dealing with the Sinai Dally, 9-5:00 p.m. SPORTS German-Israel Reparations' Agreecampaign: "100 Hours to Suez" by Kxcept Snturdiay Handball ment. BETH t.U 8 I O Ilobert Ilenriqups; William i". Bailee tball 'El Yam" ships carry grain yooxn _ A special meeting will be held I^jnggood's "Suez Story"; "Kgypt, Volleyball v from the United States to Israel for SYO members, Sunday eveIsrael rind the Gulf of Aqaba" by YOUTH COUNCIL LOUNGE and coal from the U.S. 'to the ConADULTS M.T.W.Th., 3-5:30 p,m. I.. M. B'oomflcld', "Secrets of Parent-Teen Forum—V, of Omaho ning, December 15th, at 8 p. m.tinent The company has ordered in the Talmud Torah building. four additional vessels in HamSuez",, Merry and .Serge Brom- SWIMMING itarti Jan. 15' Dally U-* :15 p.m. Committee* will report on all final burg for delivery In 1960-62. t*rger. WATER nODEO. Dec. 24, 26, 31 YIDDISH CULTURE-OOONCO. arrangements (or ' the Regional New- biographical material In(Montffly) Program , 1 p . m . SVO convention to be held at Beth cludes, "Rabbi In America, The YIDDXSH n i i M S Israel. Poysle Shyken, convention U. S. Approves Arab Stiiry of Isaac M. Wise", founder SRASONAL SPORTS Dec. 29,8 p. m> Basketball chairman, reports that over one of Reform Judaism, by Israel GOLDEN AGE GROUP hundred delegates are expected to Refuga* Relief Appeal Knox; "The World of David Dub-. Football Wrestling, GyroniuUa attend the convention. (Monday Monthly) tiLSky" by Max. D, Danish; "No United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Man Stands Alone", Hamcy Row; h Handball, Workout Boom. AQUARIUM SOCIETY The Special Committee of tho 1H.BKA DEBS "An Intimate .lournal of the Drey- .• Bo»-lln<t, Track (Weekly) General Assembly approved an Debka, Debs,will sell cookies, fus Case" by Maurice PaleoloRUC LTBRAItY OPEN DAILY WORLD AFFAIRS SERIES sandwiches and candy made by urgent appeal for funds to opermid Eddie Cantor's "Take My CLUB MEETINGS CHESS CLUB Sunday/i ' members, In the Jewish Commun- ate the United Nations Relief and Life". Jan. 19,2:30 p.m. YOUTH COUNCIL ity Center lobby, December 16 Works Agency program for Arab Simultaneous Exhibition ChessrChecJceni through the 20th. Proceeds will go refugees next year. The vote was CLAYRAMIC5 OLUB Ping-Ponj; "* to Israel Fund projects. Chairmen 49 to zero. The Soviet bloc and many Asian countries were among (Weekly) ' G>-m Actlvitle* arc Lynotte Forbes and Ann the 21 which abstained, FORUMS—DISCUSSIONS Game Room Grnetz. PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Quiet Games Carolyn Stern was Installed as Two Jewish Community Center (Weekly) president of the organization, at teams are participating in the City INDIVIDUAL GUIDANCE the home of her predecessor, HaiLIBRARY ('lavs B Volleyball league at the (dolly) College AdvUory (Daily) bara Ilrodkcy, last Sunday afterJewish Community Center under Dally 9-5 p, m. noon. Its co-sponsorship with the City Other officers nre Barbara Ber1'nrk and Hrcrcaliou Department. | cutt, vicp-prc« I d e n t; Beverly '"Ilie Old Timers," whose mem- ] Bloom, secretary;'Hozann Siporin, hern are Irv Mnlashock, Bub \ due's treasurer; Gail L. Shrlcr, Kromkiti, Phil Vox, Orville Mlld-r, | bill's treasurer, I-enora Falls and Hud and Iiu:< Slosburc nnd I>on • Estolle Schulni.'ni, sgt-at-arms; I'.ice, are in third place in t h e ! Judy Wohlner, Youth Council repleague competition while the Cen-1 ter's 'A' team Is tied for first! C.lianuk.-ili, tiie Feast of Dcdlca- reading and candle lighting cere- resentative; Harriet Kehloff, alplace with the Central Y.M.I'.A.! tinn, which tie-ins with the kin-mony. The Senior Choir, under the crnnte for tho latter; Janice KaMember* of the Center team are dlini: of the fii-st holiday llcht, direction of Mis* Ida Gitlin will Icmnn, reporter and Diannc ItuI.lndy Paul, Jack Jitivi, Sandy Tuesday t-venini;, will be celebrat- provide background music for theblnow, historian. tlrnphy, fieorge ICahn, Ci'I Cohf-iv ed with special ceremonies nnd ceremony. The 5th and 6th grado will also' 'Klllutt Brown and Norman Denen- exchanges of i;itts among Sunday school and Talmud Torah stu- present a ipedal Chanukah muaiHAVE YOU HEARD <nl selection for tbe Holiday. Mlsa .Six tcanii parlleipaie In thedents In the syna^fii;ues. Tin: holiday last Inn lor cl«ht ldn GltUn I« Instructor of their league which features two regular About the rounds of competition with strict days Is distinguished by the tra-music clansen. . officiating by n registered volley- ditional llchtini; of the candles, - . ' Both Israel TERRIFIC DEAL AT THE ball official. Visitors are welcome, one'on the flint nlwht, two on tha Children In the Beth' Israel to view the Monday evening con second, until, finally, eight on the Sunday tchool and Talmud Torah : texts (hat etart ut 5:30 p. last nlp,ht. A servant candle will celebrate tha holiday during the Center Kym. used to kindle the othen, clusi period* with parties and exIlcth Kl change Of'gifti, The Clianiikah celebration for The Beth Israel- P-TA will sponBeth Kl Sunday School piiplln will sor their annual Chanukah dinner Iw held on Sunday, December 15, in the synagogue social hall, SunIn the Social Hull of the Synn- day, December 23, at 5:30 p. m. Kocue. 'Ilic first Kcsstoti'i Cha- Reservations are to be sent to Mrs. Dr. Hernian Julir «ii« mimed uukah nssinihly will bo held nt Abo Fcllman. The dinners arc $2 Highly Personalized to continue as editor of the Mi'di- 10:2."> a. m. and the. itecond led- for adults and $1 for children. cal Society journal nt a meeflnK slon'd at 12:23 p. m. of the Oinnha-Midivcht Clinical Services for Men The Beth Kl Talnnid Torah will Society. Included In the iiniiuuncc- olwervi- C'lianuknli on Sunday, De- Production Increased for o Ticker nient of chairmen of hpcciulty cember 22ud, in the Syna|;o(;ue at • MASSAGE * FOR 12 . tHi.ird.H was Dr. Maurice HtelntMTK, 11 n. in. with ft service in which Jerusalem (JTA) — Industrial urology. Talmud Tor.Th pupils will partlci- production In Israel increased 15 COMPLETE • STEAM BATHS . pate. The Talmud Torali Choir,percent dininc 1!)J7 to a total of of ] under the direction of Cantor Aar- 1,45(3,000,000 pounds, Minister of Slrn. Irvlns; Ntern, presi SESSIONS • ULTRA & INFRA RED Omaha Chapter Mizrachi Wom- on I. Kdijar, will lead in Chnmilcah Commerce Piuchas Saphlr anot the en, was the local chapter's dele- chanls and' .son^s. A s[K'cial fea-nounced. II*' told a meeting of the • WORKOUT FACILITIES gate to the national convention ture nf the program will he a economic <#inmittee. ut tne Cabi inct that In the- past two years the Cf Mi/rachi Women's Organiza- Consecration Service for all the • SLUMBER ROOM ! Israel Government had invested tion of America held recently in pupils of the (liniel Chicrir.o, III. The program v.ill be followed by U.,,,11,,,,. j another 80,000,000 pounds In Inn luncheon prepared by the. Beth ] du'itrlal FOR MEMBERS A N D Mrs, Samuel Stono in cuiirnl- j Kl Sisterhood. Reservations for NON-MEMBERS esrinK Bt home after recent kur- tiie luncheon are being taken by • The Shomronim or .Samaritans «vry. ' . the Synagogue office, GI, 3221.claim to lie n rernimnt of the KingThe luncheon, will be held In thedom of Israel that fell \n 722 OPEN NOON-10 DAILY—9-6 SUNDAY Social Hall »t ll!:ir> p. 111. 11. C. E. Temple Israel PLENTY OF FREE PARKING The I'.anch liowl, 24-lane bowlA siwcial Chanukah candle Inil alley nt 1000 S. Ti St.. \va',llghtinn ceremony will lie held at DIAMOND'S officially opened December B byTemple Israel nt the rejrular SabFamoui Homemado owners, I. D. Zief;mnn and Jerry: bath services on Friday, DccimHorseradish, Kosher Milder. Several tournaments have her 20th. Dill Pickles and been scheduled for mn new lanes, 'Die students, with the usslstNO APntlNTMCNT NEfESSAUY Includini; the stale Vt'W meet, ance of their teacher, Mm, Robert Tomatoes 20th and Dodge JA 1366 Its first time In Orrmha. Ccrcllck, will present * dramatic

Slimnastics to Open After 1st

Germany Delivers Another Vessel ,


2 Center Teams In City League

First Chanukah Light . To Be Kindled Tuesday

Omchans In the News




Ranch Bowl Opens



Friday, D f i m l w It. JM1

TOE nwitui nuus

WORLD WIDE Off the Record Bj Nalh.n Zlprln

Poor Chanukah

it should be celebrated not (or Its competitive value but for Its own Intrinsic worth. It should be an occasion for nightly gatherings of the family around the menorab, for joyful tinging, for tho bestowal of gifts not only within the family but to good causes. It Is a time to review the story of the Maccabees and to renew our dc termination to emulate their valor. It it an opportunity to give flat or to pne's faith and sparkle to one's outlook. It It a time to gather in the synagogue and Join with fellow-Jews to praise the heroism of those who guaranteed the survival of the idea of monotheism.

Bf Babbt Swbwl M. Silver. t f t b e ttien world's mightiest army by * handful of agliUny Jews, Its Some Jewish holidays, if we obMTTsn<« l» • fasclaaUat; one! may personalize them, have better the llglitinf of those candle* which luck than others, Increase (ram nlfbt t« night. It* Sukkos, for example, would be •mule Is stirring, from tlie majesa (AT more joyous event to many tic "ItocU of Agra" to toe lilting If it didn't come so soon after the draydel songs. And the dreydel High Holy days. 1U theme, gratl- ganiM arn thcmwl\f» mo*t apUide: it* jolly nnnlcf the excite- pealing, ment of building « sukkuh, and And think, too, of -the other many more elements uwociated Chanukah advantages. Particn, with the fall hardest festival cum- plays and programs and, above bine to make it a highly signifi- all, gifts feature Chanukah, Yet, cant occasion and it Is good to gifti, and for eight nights, too. nolt. thaf Sukkos is growing in The eight-ton-one ratio of gilts popularity, but It comes no close has given rise to many storiej In Poor Chanukah! If only people on the heel of the »klely-noted uhich Christian youngsters aie enjoyed tier for herself, how much holy dayi thnt It suffers a real described ns being cm ious of tliolr happier she would be—and the handicap. celebrants tool Jewish friends. Growing; p y frohlnns fur Parent* Chanukah, it would scon, is s Hut It must be admitted, onco most fortunate hullilay. Like l'ur* and for all. that one cannot rely im, it began as a relatively minor on C'hunukah to resist the blandfestival, but hag gradually risen ishments <if Another faith or the In popular favor. Today Chanukah glitter or the Christian winter fesHvals any other Jewish holiday In tival. Try ns they will, Jewish the eagerness with which It Is parents rannot ppiform this ChaNew York (JTA>—Thomas R. (waited, the gaiety of Its observ- nukHh miracle. It's too formidable Mullen, a Roman Catholic Indusance mid Its fame In the general s tank and too exacting s job to trialist, president of the Lehlgh world. give to poor Chaiiukah. vibrant .Structural Steel Company and one DwpiU then* undeniable cir- »nd meaningful though that holi- of Allentown's outstanding civic and business leaders, has purday Is. cumstances, however, t'lianukah Its troubles. We refer, of j W n I i y y t , u r i a g r ) ROM; Theodore cha»ei $30,000 in Israel bonds to course, to the tough aMlgnmrnt Gordon, now spiritual head of the "help strengthen Iirael as a cengiven to the holiday to offset the MHIH Line Temple near Phlladel- ter of democracy In the Middle Impart of Chrhtmss on Jrirltli phin, wrote an article In which ha Kant." Mr. Mullen presented a check to Israel Ambassador Abba homra. pointed nut that It is futile to ex- Eban at a conference In New Counler-sltructlon pect Chanukah to keep children Yolk, lie staled that he made the Chanukah thus hat become the JcwUrr the competition Is too IHirchase in the belief that all champion of the Jew* to serve as strong. Americans, regardless of religion, a counter'Sttractlon to the CliriaBut, Mill tbs r»l>IH In • m « ' should participate. In the upbuildtian holiday which pervades the | ««R« worth repeating, atmosphere of our nation with the run Ite made attractive to Jewish ing of Israel. In acknowledging Mr. Mullen's beginning of November, whose en- rhUdrrn If Cbanukalt Is given tlwrnents fill our main sticets, some alllw to armmpUnh the pur- purchase. Ambassador Et«m said: even (alas) our schools and reach four, Chanukah alone ran't do It, "Thbi action reflects the close into our very homes thnnki to but (Jhsnukah plus Mukbot, plus bond of understanding and cooperthat ubiquitous TV tube. Purlm. plui Pawuner. plus Sliav ation between tlie people of AmerOn all tides these days we hear VIIOIH, pita JoyolM Hahbslh ob- ica and the people of Israel. It 1* a source of great encouragement conscientious'parents, prodded by servance* can. to,us that muuJews arc particiJewish educators, tell one anothIxwson to foarn er: "Let's make Chanukah «o im- The great lesson that should be pating in the economic developportant to our children thnt they learned then by Uinsc who are ment of our country through their will be satisfied with fh« Jewish anxious to retain tlie unswerving Israel Bond purchases. We are holiday and not yearn alter a holi- attachment of tfieb- children to confident that- their faith .In u< will fib confirmed." day which Is not theirs." Judaism is that one must begin, Religion* Freedom the process demonstrating the And, of ronrae, you caa nuke charms of JudaWm not on Decem- FAMILY CONCKKTS •ut a good case, for til* valnti of ber Ut, but on January 1st. The Omaha Symphony Orchestra Cksnokah. Its-theme l« a thrillDivested of this unfair chore. held the flret of Its liOT-M scries ing onus religion* freedom. Il« Chanukah can truly lx? an occa- of free "Family Concerts," Decemalary b exciting: tbn overthrpir sion of exaltation and exultation. ber Int.

Catholic Leader Purchases Bonds

A Program for Jewish teen-agers By Burton Donnrr hattan liiw oHIrr. It lias no paid, In thrlr spllcallon furmn, I tint Iliry During the past seven summers, •Uff, no fund-nlser, no publicity nb*rrve ' - -IMplary Ilir latin, and partmore than 125 Jewibh teen-agers director. A projwt I* urgaolzed fur ly on Ibe location of the work have put In long'hours in heavy Men «uninii>r and rlty-bred jonnjr- project. Momctlmwi Ihn pni|<-cl» manual labor—and have gladly *lrn go out to toll In the liol tun nrn too far an ay from * Jen Mi paid for tha opportunity to do no. at hard physical labor. Tliry pay urban concentration in make |x«They have been participants in fees romparalilA to those of mum ktuln proi'Mnn o» fcinher mrut. the. ~ nine, work camps in nine typical summer nunps. Tqe cimpen observe tlie Sab(tales organized by the American The stereotype of Jewish dl^. bath an a day of rest. They have Jewish Society for Service, which taste for hard physical effort would Friday evening and Saturday was organized In 1950 "to put into NURgest that the most ditllcult morjilnj! servicee »Uh the campers) practice the ideal* of Judaism by task would l>e tnnt of finding canductinfc their own service*. ! concrete acts pf service." In the campers. Kohn rcpllos that lost The .hardest phase of the prowords of the Society's president, year more than 200 inquiries were gram, saya Kohn, Is Retting approHenry Kohn, a New York atUirbey, recolveil from Infercstrd young priate projects. Hotulng must l>e - /The Society lias sent t b c e e people. available ,for a group of 20 younc youngsters to points, lhro-j£hout Most of them were Jew*. The peonle, Adequate sanitary facil-the United States to help rc-bulli] Society while seeking to enroll ities and proximity to a fairly - damaged areas or to constnictmew Jewish young people, ha* accepted Bulxrtantlal community *\>o are . buildings where a need existed and non-Jewish youngsters. In the xumi id the budget was limited. mer of 1950, all but one or Jhc In recent years, this problem , They have built toilet ami »hti<y- campers were Jewixh. The excep/«r facilities for Nejjro children in tion was a (jlrl from a mixed him become more difficult, partly because of American prosperity Winchester, New Hampshire: they marriage bomc. * nrid partly because of a widespread | ald>d in rebuilding an urea In an The notion thill nueti uorlc cimfK Mich work camps lx»!lrf lem-acers ' I l l f ilmt I b t all ll imkmmn k Indianapolis slum, they holpwl reare an utterly new experienrp for) arc Juvenile di>lln<|iirnts pair Jlood damage in WimtMi, American JeuUh youth aim fJ A m»ri> l»nt;-«l:iritltii{; |.ri,Mrhi In Connectlcutt. rejected by Kohn. who reports tluttjtliatthfi li|r» »r unpaid M-rv'Irn l«| Tlie idea for such a *.'program the largest (dtiKIC ilenominatlonjan iinlituiun rntin>|it tn'mnst Ainrr-i occurred mnny years ngo to three represented for many years in tbc'i Iran*, Mnut mnimiinltli-s arc «krp. I Reform rabbis. Ferdinand1 Ixser- Quaker work Pflmps for lecn-nRers flral aliinil HIP prn|K>klllnn tliat' man of St. Imiin, Arthur Ltly- wn« tlje Jewish e arn ti'i-n-a(,reni nrr not veld of New York and Isailor llolf"One of the reasons u c (jii;;in-; only rager to flip xucli unrvlce nan, Jewish student counselor at ized the Society wan Itecnust' urjlmt alvi uilllng to pny fee* to do It. Columbia University. In 1MB, Knf> felt that thorp nhoulil ].a a program TIIP"fops do nut pn'y all the costs 1>I Issennan, who had conlirmed under Jewish nuvplces in ilii>:iirea."| of Ilio project. The'I'j,"i6 project Kohn, asked'the airornoy whether he Raid. i f,-,f px'itnpli.'. involved .Society oxlie would undertake to establish All tvlnc" of .lucia^ni are rfprr-| i^Midltures totalling Si.OOO . . . Such a program. Kohn assembled suited among the e a i u p p r i — j ulint. the Society «|wnt for trans• group of lay people and Hie So- Ortliod'<«, ConM-rt'iitiir, inn] lle-j {tort.Mlnn. food nil!) Mmilnr PMPIIelety was launched. form. IlnmlllnK <if tlin |imlil>-rii of: tlnl.<. The deficits me niailc up by It Is • "liilple ojicnitlon. Its Kuilirnlli <li-|irti<lo partly on fhej r<mt! ll.iltions from .individual «upsro »J Kolin's Mmi- Illllllllrr of ramncn Him lllilil'ilr.l nnrlrri of the iilen

A Mother in Israel u nuisance. So « e hud a talk atiout It, Jonathan and I, and I told him Kiryat Amal, Uriel . . . Jonu that us toon as we had the money, than spent a day with friend* on or If tie could cum Mime before a farm, They are a lovely family, then, we would build him a little with a big daughter JUchcl, a 1.1- hidw»ay in the woods year-old boy Ilenjamin, and a litIn tlie meantime, theic nas only tle b o / of 8, called Shlmnhoi: (Samson, which It rather Ironic, one Djaco In the house where lie could be alone, and that was the at tht boy la very tmaa) attic, It was a .rough store house Jonatlian usually comet home in tlie caves of the home, with quite cheered up after being with only a ladder for access to it, l i e them, but this tune lie tat miser- could lake what he wanted tip ably on his bed, and brooded. Tlie there, and pull the ladder up after next day ht suddenly said to me, him. N o one could get to htm, and "I want to So. anil live In a kib- when he wanted to get down, all butz," he had to do was let the Judder S o l n t kltbbutzlm (communal down. farming settlement*) have schools' That Idea cheered ut both up. t for children from outside their kibbutz. It Is like going (o a board- waa going away for the afternoon. Ing school. Tlie children live there Before I went, I told my husband the whole year round, and only wlmt our new plant were, anil n*ked him to help Jonathan If he come home for holidays. needed It. Living among a group of strange When I came home tome hours children, and away from home Is Just about the last thing that Inter, I heard a happy voice callwould normally appeal to Jona- ing me, I looked up, and taw Jonthan, so I knew there must be athan smiling down al me from the door of the title, something wrong. 'Are you having fun?" I asked "What's tlie trouble, Joshle?" I him. asked him. "At Rachel's Shimslion treats "Dce-lisli-oyi," he told. hit brother so politely. Hr novcr "Simply delicious," echoed anInterfere! with him. Now at home other voice, and Pnvld't kewpte here David, is a l w a y s tticking face appeared cozlly over Jonaaround like a fly. I can't stand It than's shoulder, the two of them anymore. I want to go away." looking the picture of brotherly I quite tympalhb'cd, because harmony. little brother David Is to bouncy (Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) and curloui, and Indifferent to shushlngi, that he really I* a bit of Patronize Our Advertiser* By AnlL Kagla

Prized gifts under any tree...


A kitchen phone eaves Mom many steps!

A basement plione cuts stair-climbing for Dnd! Say "Happy Clianukah" with extension t<>]i>phoiu's in glamour colors! It will please tho wholt? family; and the cost Is smnll . . . three ;«ldilional color telephones cost as little ns 1()<: a day, plus a one-time charge"for color and installation. Nine tasteful colors make it i>asy to pick the right one for any room. Call the Service Representative at your telephono office for details, or ask any telephone employee, Installation at your convenience, Oirr'lILXrilONKSARIIiAll.T WRAri'KDritKKOrCIIARCB

Northwestern Bell Telephone Company

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