December 27, 1957

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Authority Praises Omaha Jewish Library Carl Alpcrt, a»»istant to the president of the IsraeU Institute of Technology. after a recent visit in Omaha, wrote the following ar.tide in WJ National Jewish Pout column, familiar to readers ai "I Think a* I Please." The column devoted to the attribute, of the Omaha Jewish Hbrery was bpadlined "Jewish Culture Ouaii In Heart of America." Atpert write*: Here Jn the heart of America's breadbasket, a center for railroad line*, perched git the edge of the great Western Plain*, Is to be

found * Jewieh cultural oasj« with most complete file available in the i n f l u e n c e «nfl ramiflartioai country. throughout the United States. In- In Uke fashion there has been vited to visit the Jewiah Commu- built op a library of recordingsnity Library of Omaha a visitor wIHteiurprtod to discover a ver- liturgical, dances, folk-songs that itable treasury of Jewish knowl- has few equals. edge and «tMur« — a collection The catalogue Issued by the 11which must be ranked among: the .brary authorities it an invaluable very test -working Jewish librar- Ttcy to contemporary Jewish muies in America. : sic. Nothing else like It has boon Omaha's Jewish Community l i - published, by any of the national brary is not restricted to books Jewish organizations. alone. Its collection of films—on For twenty yean this library Israel, Judaism, holiday*, and gen- hai diligently and conscientiously eral <locumciltaries Is probably the gone about acquiring everything


Home Enriched by Council's Project A gift of WOO has teen made to the Dr. PhlHp Sher Jewish Home lor the Aged hjr tha Omaha Section of the Council of Jewish Women, as part of Its "Home Beautiful Project." The contribution was used In a program to enhance the beauty of the home by purchasing and-framIng pictures of Jewish interest The pictures have been nung In the various living rooms of the residence, "We are grateful to the Omaha Section of the Council of Jewish Women far their thoughtfulnc** and concern in our Home for (he .Aged," Arthur Conn, Home Committee chalrmnn laid. "These pictures will indeed help to make the Home more attractive and will bring great pleasure and satisfae* lion to the resident*." In addition to the "Home Beautiful" program of the Council, its organization will meet costs of recreational activities ''for residents.

Jewish FHm Will fie Shown Sunday The internationally famous Jbwtsh movie, "Without a Home," will be shown at the. Jewish Community Center, Sunday, December 29th. at > p . m. "Without a Home" written by Jacob Gordon, Is rated by critics ai an Immortal clastic, It tells the atory of «U world immigrants In America. New York critics report this picture has "everything, romance, excitement, drama and *uperb comedy." J The fflm is tha first in the *e-| rle« of program* In the 1957-58 Yiddish Culture Council series. Ad\ «nlialon to the program is by sea-1 son ticket or individual admission • t 75 cents. ' Selected short subjects will be included on the show. Season tick' *tj to the entire aeries may* * e purchased at the Jewish Community Center or from any member • f the' Yiddish • Culture Council.' Morris Goodman and Max Crounse are series ticket chairmen.

Forum Series Opens Jan. 15 Dr. BiJm u n d G. McCurtain, chairman of the department of sociology, University of Omaha, will be the keynote speaker at the first meeting of the Parent-Teen Forum 6crin. Wednesday, January 13th, 8:13 p. m. at the conferenee center of the University's College of Adult Education. Dr. McCurtain will discuss parentyouth relationships. forum speaker* will represent » cross-section of persons whose professional fields are closely «*• aodated *rifh parent-youth problems, P h i ! Kufler, committee chairman In charge of the pro. gram, reported. All parents of teenagers and pre-teen youngsters are invited to attend the Forum Series at tho University, Mr. Kutler announced. Admission is fro*, Speakers for the other meeting* will be Dr, Joseph G. Dunn, of Omaha University, Prof. Ben Solomon of New York University and Dr. Philip SUrr, dhild psychiatrist For additional information oall the Jewish Community Center, activities office, JA 130C.

10,000 Tourists Become Residents Jerusalem (WNS) — Km* than 10,000 of Israel's residents are people who,enmo to "the country'as tourists since the establishment of tha state •nd remained instead «M »ettiers. The picture of Israel's magnetic power emerges from a nest recent statistical report whJch simultaneously discloses that some 700 of the settlers in that category were nonJews. _—-

Ping-Pong Tourney Slated A large-scale Ping Pong Tour- Notice of pairings and schedni.. ir>nt ll in the planning for uled dates will be mailed to all members and unaffiliate* of all tournament participants as soon Youth Council groups, it wai an- as plnnj are completed, Entries nounced Friday. It will toe hold at are helm; accepted cuiTently at the Jewish Community Center. the Youth Council office or at the Arrangements call for partici- utliletlc office of the Center. pation In a boys* ond girl*' division for both single* anil doublet Exceptions Voiced , competition. No entry cbaru« U On Sunday Closing being made. _ Extra Ping Pong tablet will be Mi.mii Hencli, (JTAl -The Antiact up in the Center auditorium Dcfainutioii League ot 13'iml Il'rlth for tho ovent. Jeff Swart*, Youth expressed ih opposition to proCouncil boys athletic director, re- posed Sunday clo-Jng lau's which ported thut matches will !>e •de- rontnln "no specific exception 'or cided by the two games out those who otai-rvp the Subbath on Of a three game series. a day other than Sunday."

Annual Meeting Jan. 14 The Community is urged to reserve Sunday, January 12th for the annual meeting ot the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service. Dr. A. A. Greenberg, Federation president, said he was looking forward to a record attendance.

Flayers Signing For Chess Match Thirteen OmahunK, to-date, are reglttered for the 90 game simultaneous chess exhibition, Sunday, January 19 at the Jewish Community Center, featuring Samuel Reahevsky, top player in this country. They are Abe Belzer, Martin BercovlcL Jerry Brodkey, Rabbi Ralph DeKovcn, Bernie DeKoven, Joseph Fefdman, Cantor Ell Kagan, Karl LcufschuU, Jack Llnb, MarUn Llpp, Steve Itiekes, Paul Shukcn and Ed Sldman. Local chess players are urged to enter the exhibition and to call the activities office of the Center, JA 1366 Immediately. Those In' charge report that Interested players need not be experienced, to take part. Mr. Resheviky, who has appeared in exhibitions since the age of six. is considered on* of the ranking players internationally as well as in the-United States.

that would be of value In a Jew Ish Community collection. The completeness of the modern collection V staggering. The thousands of books are grouped by category in a classification system which makes these treasures lnrtantJy available. Full credit must be given to the leaders of the local community for the maintenance and expansion of the library. The people of Omaha make good use of the library. For non-Jew» especially, it has become the acknowledged authoritative center of information


College Freshmen To Describe First Year Talks on Israel Truncation Hit Tel Aviv, (JTA)—Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister, told the annual banquet of the United Nations Association here that the natloni of the world 'ihould know there will be no peace talks with the Arabs on the bn.ils of truncation of lirnel,territory." Roltcrating Israel's intercut in achlevcing peace, Mrs.. Melr said pence tulka would have to be conducted with Israel "as it Is." She added a warning that If any nution attacked Israel or prepared for such an attack, Israel would make operative once store that article of tha United' Nations charter which grants to* every nation the right of self-defense. Mrs. Mcir also rejected all suggestion! for a neutralist policy for Israel and praised th* help given Israel through the UN; Technical Aid program.-'

A panel discussion on "How Freshman View College Life" -will IM a special event on the College Night program, Monduy, December 30, at 8 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center auditorium. Such questions as "Are you mature enough'to go to college". "How important are sororities and fraternities"; "Do Incoming freshman have any Idea what callage life Is really like" will be tossed at members of the panel to be composed of first year collegians. Panelists will be Howard Koslow, N a n c y Friedlandcr, Jerry Kosen, Joanle Mayer, AI Formnn, Shirley Shift, Howie Kooper, Diana Fellman and.Dcena Lagman, alt freshman from different college conferences. P h y l l i s Bernstein, Central High school senior, win be moderator. AH junior and senior high school students and college freshmen are Invited to attend and participate,1 it -was announced by Irvln Betes* and Beverly • Goldberg, co-chair* men of the affair. Refreshments will be served.

Homecoming Services To Honor College Students

Annual homecoming services for college students will be held at Beth El Synagogue and Temple Israel at 8:19 p. m. Friday, Assisting Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke at Beth El, by reading parts of service will bi Barbara Mlnkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mlnktn; Robert Oberman, son of Mr. and-Mrs. Is Oberman; Edward Bercovld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Borcovtd and Alan LeA live concert in tribute to Jew- vine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman bh Music Month, will be featured Levlrie, at the second session of the Chil- Following the services, worshipdren's Sunday program, January pers are invited to,a coffee hour 5 to February 23 at the Jewish In the social hall where a panel Community Center. Informational of itudents will discuss the quesleaflets have been mailed to parents, it was announced by Mrs. Jujlui Conn, children's activities chairman, Who urged early registration. Other activities of the class will A special treat Is in store for Include trips to local placet of Inteerst, athletic*, swimming, sing- children attending the vacaing, dancing, dramatics, story tell- tion <fun program at the Jewish Community Center, ing, arts and crafts and garnet. The g r o u p will visit the Each Sunday's program will be World Herald, Union Pacific held from 2 p.m. to4JO p. m. M u s e u m , and Northwestern .Bell Telephone Co. as part ot today's (Friday) and Monday's, December 30th schedules, each starting at'2 p. m. under the supervision of staff members. New York (WNS)—S h o i em Popular c a r t o o n s will be A.scli, tho famed Yiddish writer ahown also to the children. who died in London Inut summer, Youngsters who have hot atboquonthed his home in Israel to tended previous sessions are tho municipality of Gat Ram as a welcome to join the group torepository for his library and' day or Monday. Fee for the baljmmujcrlpU. The rest of the prop- ance ol the program will be 90 erty, personal and • real, was loft cents, to the widow, Mrs. Matilda Asch.

Children's Class To Have Concert

Youngsters to Tour Downtown Buildings

Israel Community Given Asch Home

and material on every aspect of Jewish life. Them are many Jewish communities in America which • am bigger and wealthier than Omar ha. New York, Lot Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, -down through several more score* of cities have their educational Institutions an4 agencies Of note, But of them all, I nominate Omaha for the title of the Yaweh of America. Mr. Alpert cited Paul Veret, executive director of the Federation for his concern and devotion to the development of this storehouse of Jewish culture.

tlon "Should the United fttatei require abla students to pursue itudles In mathematics and tha HciencesT" Dr, Joseph Soshnlk, Comptroller at the University xtt Nebraska, will be the moderator. Panelists will be: Bunny Ravlt*, daughter/ of Mr. and Mrs. Karqt Ravitzj Murray Batman, son. of Mr, and Mrs. Hyman Belmant Deanne Markovltz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Markovltz an j Robert Wintroub, son ot Mr. and Mrs, Louis Wintroub, At Temple Israel's homecoming services for students, Jtabbl SldneJ Brooks' will speak on—"Anfl it You're Not a Scientist?", in which he will deal with the roll of «duee> tlon in meeting the new (pace aee. A reception sponsored 1>y th* Temple Sisterhood honoring college students anfl their families will bo hold In the social hall following services.

Omahans Honored By Gift to Home Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky and Mr. and Mrs. Louis KulAkofsky have presented a wheel chair to tho infirmary department of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. The gift was made in honor d the'60th - w e d d i n g anniversary; celbrated Jan, 26, by Mr. ahi MM. Reuben Kulakofsky, it wa« announced by Arthur Cohn,-chair* man of the Federation's Home commltttee.


Pag* Tw»


, December XT, 1MT

With Hie Home Folks PuMUhed every Friday by the Podemtloa of Jewish Scrvte*


Omahans In the News

Kdtrsrd «h»iton, attorney and December ]7Ui: Rabbi Sidney secretary of the Children's MeBrooks, Our Rabbinical visitor, morial hospital board of trusteea*discussed the Chanukah celebra- wai presented with a certiflcat* (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN ' Editor tion with our Folha, explaining the recognizing hi* service to'the In? real significance of this much mis- s'titution. The award w«» made at understood holiday period. Our Lesson No. 3) . CuidleUcht, « : U p. tn. the annual meeting of the hospital. visitor next week will "be Rabbi BETH ISRAEL David Korb of Council Bluffs, la. Also serving the hospital ate HerRabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor VUitors ure welcome at these man fioldstcla «B * new trustee • I Kagan, and Beth Israel Choir gatherings, which take place at and Rlrbard Illlkr, treasurer. sr AHARON ROSEN Mil conduct late Friday evening lla. m. In The Home Synagogue. services this evening at 8 p. m. Pfr, and Mrs. Centra E k n l t s •umber I D Dip .26 *b*re jp Rabbi Groner will speak on "New Deccml>cr It: The Council of who have bcM'n stationed at Fort Year and flash H a s h a n a h - A Jewish Women Arts and Crafts Monmouth, N. J., are spending «r mets-pahr ' ' • th-foh Study In Contrast." Traditional program started It's second sem- 10 day leave with their parents, one Uve»(m.) n rjK .27 Friday evening services (Kubfoolns ester under the leadership of Mm. Mr. and Mr*. Albert A. Ontrb and Shabbos) begin at 1:45 p. m. Sab- Albert Gaer. The Council '1 teach- Mr. and Mn. faadont Wtwttx. d bath morning senices begin al ing staff Includes ' the .fullutvinc two rj'ntf ,28 V 8:45 a, m. Junior Congregatlort at limes: Albert Gner, Meyer Kirih'l&h-yttm "' ttr 10 a. ni, Rabbi Groner will con- shcnbnuin, Sam Roscnblum. Itob•ere pfe .29 itrtel duct the Talmud class at 4:15 p. m. ert IL Irvine, M. A, Venger and Sabbath Minchn at 4;45 p, m. fol- Miss Ann Rubin. The items made foA r'tfoht lowed by Sholeshe S'eudos and by the Residents are exhibited in Mr. and Mrs. » Le* Gcndler there g t f 30 bouse Maarlv. Dally morning sen ices at the auditorium cabinet. The next announoo the birth of • son, A"? «AoAm ' ' W/i'-j*« 7 a. m.; afternoon services at 4:45 art class will be held Tuesday, Steven Harris, bom January 18th p. m. Sunday morning services be- January 7th, at 2 p. tn. . at Clarkson hospital. The couple December U : The Beth Israel has another ion, David Paul; gin at 8:45 a. m. followed by brenkfnxt Hnd Rabbi's class In Sisterhood donated The Cnanulcali Maternal grandparent* arc Mr. Sunday m o r n i n g Junior Llcht for The Dr. Philip Sher nnd Mrs. Jack Zcmpsky of New •airi*} r\b% \u\bti~ Bible. Mlnyun. followed by breakfast, Home Menorah this year. Haven, Conn, and paternal grandDecember 20: Additional fchanu- parents are Mr. and Mrs, A. B. starts at 8:30 a. m. The Talmud Discussion group kah gifts were received at The Gendlcr. meets every Tuesday evening at Dr. Philip Shw Jewish Homo 7:30 p. m, at BHH Synagogue, from: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Feltman Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Feldman l!)th and Burt Streets.' Services and Mr. and Mrs. Morton A. announce nb the birth of a daughter, Wednsday morning January lat Richards. Maria Ann, December 18, at fit December 21: Tho surprise Kid- Joseph will begin at 8:45 a. m. ra1rn hospital. and Mm. dush was arranged'by Mr. andFeldman also have Mr. sons. Stevntrx Mrs. Leo Kox, for Marilyn and en Jay and Ronaldtwo BETH Kl. Lee. Grand* Sen-lee* at Beth Kl Synagogue Hot-mine Rosiiu'ky of Sun Fran- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank this evening will r* held at 8:15 cisco, Cal, given in honor of their KaU. p. m. CanU>r Aaron I. Kdgar and grandmother, Mrs,-, Sura Silver, (he Beth Kl Synneocue Qiolr will home resident Patronize Our Advertisers render the muislcal portions of the December 22: Ttw T«wpl« Sis11 ' • D terhood nnnuttl Chanukah parly senice. .071 Sabbnth moming services fit under the 1 e a dwcnt s h I ft of Mrs. * • huge sur9:30 a. m. and the Junior Congre- Julius Newman gation services are at 10:30 a. m. er**. Kntrruilmnrnt <v$M provided Mlncha-Manriv senlces are at by The Shricr Dramatic Group'. 4:43 p. m. Daily sen ires are at Participating were The Mlaws Mow lit Progress 7 a. ni. and 7 p. m, Simdity morn- Debbie Canfield. Carole Dolgoff, Janice Kfltzman, Phyllis Kawing service Is at 9 a. m. FURS—CLOTH man, Jerry L o h r m a n , Phyllis COATS S h a p i r o , Gall. Jane and Julie TKJiri.K ISItAKI, S c n i c n will be held this Friday Shrier and Jacquie LcVine. Ree v e n i n g at 8:15 p. tn. Kabbi freshments and. GTuiniikah gift" sn-rin Brooks will preach on "—And If were- donated and'sen'cd by the • ladies of the Temple Sisterhood. I You're Not A Scientist?" December, 28; A Spodal Kidditsh ] Fornom at 36rb Street will be given on this dale to celebrate The Bar Mitzvah of Howard I. Itaznlck, by his parents, Mr. nnd Persons interested In the self-i ter Librarian, M 136«, tor any Mn. Jack Rnznlck. Mazrl Tux! taught Hebrew course are invited additional anlstance with the les- ACTIVITY HATES to call Mr*. Max Grossman, Cen-| sons, All Youth Council and syna*. Moshavim SlUftufim (Moshav Rogue clubs are asked to clear activity date*, with Jewish Com- ShlftuH) are ncttlements based on munity Center Youth Council Di- collective ownership of property rector, Doris rtaduziner, to avoid and work. MH8. EBNJESTINE ROSE conflicts In schedules. Funeral l e r v l c e i were held' OF.BKA 1IKB8 December 19 at the Jewiih funeral Home Tor Mrt. Ernestine Rote, A special evening course In mod- Debka Debs will hold their ana former O m a h a n , who died eling .for high school girls only, nual open vice. Saturday evening RUG ft UPHOLSTERY December 16 In Glehdale, CaJ. will be given by the Jewish Com- January 18 at the Birchwood Club. Beverly Bloom and Gail Shricr, CLEANERS Rabbi Benjamin Grbner officiated. munity Center's Physical Educachairman and * co-chairman anBurial was in Pleasant Hill ceme- tion department The program, a ten-hour course nounced the dance Is to be called M SHADES placing special emphasis on poise "Sllhoutte Serenade." Ticket* may and charm for young ladies, will be purchnsed from any Deb memFURNITURE MRS. BENJAMIN KLAIMAN ber. Funeral services for Mm, Ben-be supervised by a trained and Cleaned In Your Honwl jamin KJaiman, of 4520 No. 38th experienced modeling Instructor. tMhi4 Uyls* (cMlrlat St., who died December IB in a Krgixlrallon will be limited to |ocal hospital, were held last Fri- the first 15 Klrls enrolling in drder Don Bernstein HA 2554 etoy at the Jewish Funeral Home to Insure maximum benefits to all with Rabbi Benjamin Groner of- members. The fee Is $5. ficiating. Burial was in GoHen • A style show will be-preiwnt«l at the dose of the course. Girls Hill cemetery." • Surviving are her husband, chil- may roRbstcr at the Center or call dren,' Mrx; Louis Costrcll, Silver JA 1366. ppring, Md. and Maurice If., Holly1. Relaxing Breakfast wood, Fla., Lorraine, Kansas City, 2. Taking your children to Sunday School or Ho., and five grandchildren, •ccuna - J J « UuiJinii Privilege* AuitiurizM >t u o i m u . ' NtbrnsJis, Annum SubKTlutlun, *4UQ l d v . u i l . i n j R«t«t on Application, ft . a 1 0 1 No JiJih Mt fctlturu.. Oii .a—101 Mtrwt, Oman*. N r t r , jAcktag Vm. Pint S dd 4808 U i BUMt. BUt Print Sli *ddr«» 4808 S So K KU








Modeling to Be Offered



Jersey Amends Voting Code

ABE MILDER <T*enton, N. J, (JTA)~Gov. Funeral services were held Mon- Robert B. Meyncr signed a law* day afternoon at the Jewish Fu- designed to permit Jews and others neral" Home for Abe E. Milder, 57, to participate In state and local of the ilamilton Hotel, who died elections by mail when en election Saturday. conflicted with a religious holiSurvivors: daughter. Mm, Can-day•tance Greenberg of Park Forest, , The measure, drafted and spon" HL; mother, Mw. J. Milder; broth. sored by the American Jewish ' *n, William and Hymie of Oma-Congress, amended the state's votha, "and Morris of St. Joseph, Mo.; ing code which previously allowed •Ister, M n , Ben Taxman of Cen- absentee registration and voting tralla.UJ. only In the case of Illncmi or physical disability.


Bar Mifzvah

Talmud Torah 3. Shopping leisurely In Hit Friendly Atmosphere of

fOR THE FINEST . . . IN PHOTOGRAPHY < Weddingi Commercial


KOSHER MEAT MARKET AND DELICATESSEN "We Serve the Finest to the Finest" 4415 CUMING ST.

Want Ads

MICTIAEL L. SIIEHMAN The Bar Mit/vnh of Jlichaol Leonard Sherman, son of Mr. and Ptl'HIfl JA 13IM tO l£»«n jWJI tYAtil All Prt*M. ' Jtfm. Leo Sherman will 1« obsencd ai CTuimn oJ«RUb t w t « -!• &0 <*r.t« for f*>t] four this Friday evcnlnK and Saturday, libs InMrtltn. r b « P m a rt'trvtn iiib r'fbt to Limit M'vt of e t c h DJvervKcmrct, morning, December 27th and 28th, at the Beth Israel Synagogue. All BAR cr.i has Mitzvah congratumembers of the family and friends, lations also for nil Jewish holi•re Invited to attend the services days and special occasions. and the receptions following.: Meyers Fcws Stand, 1502 Dodge


Open Sundays From 7 A.M. to 6:30 P.M.



DELIVERY DATE Wednesday. Jan. 1 . 1958 CaH Moaday or Tuesday for Prompt Servlc* .

Open JOB. 1 Till 3:00 P.M.


Friday, December tT, 1,»1


Center Sports


BKTTK WKINEIl first round of season competition. VA11SITV BAHHK'TBAI.I. • BItKAKH IIHill . Urophy* beat StUses 48 to 25 Players still Interested in part lei Betle Wclner broke the giil« nhile C'lnyniiiii!> downed I.uslys GO pnting in tho. league muy drop down lo arty of the Wednesday high Individual scries record In name sessions for a teiun assign •thp Vuuth Council Bowling League inent. ' ' ,• Monday with a 419 icore. Bette is a ( o p h o m o r e at Central High Tiie Center's Varsity Todm, cap6ch<ioL" fnliied by Al Clayinan, plays vfnitBUly Kalzman (hot a 550 series j Ing teams at-the Center every to lead the boys, while Stuoi-t I Sunday evening at 7::iO p. m. On Kutlcr hR« the high average in | the team nrp-Llndy Paul, Sieve the league with 17S. "Who Cures" I. II »I g a r t e n, Jack Stiss, Danny are In first place. In'the league Kpstein, Sandy Hrophy, Harold with a 6 and-3 record. Krpomnlck, Wuytic H l e g e l and The League will continue bowlFred Bernstein. ing through the winter school vacnNext Wednesday games will pit tlon »Jth new members being enLusty* against Brophys at I'M couraged to participate by calling while O In y m a n will compere the league secretary, Stuart Kuiagainst Stlsjen at 8:3() p, m. ler. "KKKPINjtt KIT" "How To Keep Fit «nd Like It" FREE BABV HITTING Is the thema of Uie Ksrly lustra free baby sitting and free car club starting January 6 at - the parking will be available for nieinCenter three mornings a week, bcii- of the' Slunnastlc* claai lo Monday, Wednesday and Friday at •tart January 7lh at the Jewish 6:45 a. m. Community , Center. Two classes, Tho program of 'planned body Varsity players compeUng la to stress figure conditioning Will first round of league rompetl-' conditioning followed by a catered *.irh meet twice a week, 10 a. m. to tlon. breakfast ends at 8 a. m. Mem11 a. m., one on Tuesday am) bership will be limited to 19. The Thurtdays and the other on Wed<o 45 in the Center's Wednesday all Inclusive fee for the club In nr»daya and Fridays. Varnlty Basketball league in tlie $15 a month. * The fee U f 10.000. Registrations are now being accepted by the Center Athletic department classes and are limited. INBTRPCriON FOR


Midget Basketball Season Opens Sunday Afternoon

Grade school girls who would The Center's two midget basketlike to acne as cheer leaders for ball leagues will start pre-seiison teams In the .grade school Midget basketball competition this SimBasketball League should plan to day, December 29 at 2 p. m. »r attend a special. inxtmqtion sej- Hie Jewish Community Center. slon In'fheer leading at the Jew- Two four team leagues, one of ish Community Center Gynasium seventh und eighth graders mid this Sunday, December 29'at 1:311 another of sixth grade boys will p. m.. Girls will be taught cherr compete in three rounds 67 basketleading techniques at this ses- ball competition plus special exsion. liibltlon und tournament games. Laler girl* will b . divided Into Team A's members are Sklppy yell teams to represent caoti team Solref, Bob CJross, Barry Frrdkln. in the Midget'League and given Buddy Knstiin, Bill Kutler, Yd coiitumrs by league team sponsors,. Treller, Donald Solotrovsky. HarGirU may register for cheer leadold Snelder, Allun Whlttman and ing by calling the Center, JA. 1306 Butch Swedelson, or by nttendlng the Instruction "B" Team . session Sunday, Dick Zevilz, Larry Greene, TXck KFXilRTBATION Fried, Bill Blcda, BUly Kully, LIMITED Mark Plattncr, Sandy Kasln. MarA special self-defense alms for ihall Widman, Barry Goldware hich school "boys has been de- and Joel Snelder are on team B. veloped under the direction of Those an team C art Justin MulDonald Sine, local judo expert and nlck, Shelly Krizelman, Howard experienced instructor. The' - ten Mulnlk, Stewart- Jturwlfz, Tony hour course will help high school Bradford, Stuart Forties, Alex participant* to develop coordina- Orkow, Jerry Slinky, Robert tion and self c o n f i d e n c e . The Slutsky and NeU Miller. courseJi open to high schoolers Team D members ore Mike holding >Ccntcr memberships and Shennitn, Al Ross, Dick Fried, will be limited to the first 10 boys Bob Stein, Bob Welnstein, Larry enrolling. Registration Is open now Conn, Steve Boguchwal, Chester at the Athletic office. Stolcr and David Forbes. Hlxth Gnufft trN'AFFIUATfK- HOLDING Team one In the sixth grade FIRST rLACE Unaffitlntes have undisputed league are Bob Gould, Carl C'ohn. first place In the Youth Council Paul Goldcnbcrg, Jerry Novak, Al Jtok'etball League with a no loss Hoffman, Mark Goldstrom, Allan record. Kayfm and AZA100 arc in Blnamow, Mclvin Cohen, Corey a two wny tie for second place Levin and Joe IleUs. Ted Sanfonl. John Lohrmnn, *l(h,a 1 and 1 record whiln AZA' 1 hit* yet to win a game In regular Richard Mann, Paul Rosen, Hugh Abramson, Leo Rons, Keith Levin, sftifcon competition. _ Season competition will rofiuirn4 Jim Abranis nnd Kenny Tretlnk arc on team, two. , Sunday, January 5, with AZA Danny Kntskee, Larry Cross100 playing UnaMlinte* and AZit 1 uluylng ftiiyim. This past week man, Arnle Wdtz. Paul Knlman, )ho, two AZA basketball twims Bruce Holicrman, Joe Ermnri, Jeff competed in the BHYO Winter Silvemian, Donnld Goldstein and convention staged in lies Molnea', Dale Welnstein are on team, three. Team number four members ore Ja. . \ Ronald Kalman, Snndy Friedman, Barry Lewis, Bill Ginhburg, RonLADUKIl HANDBALL ald Nicholas, Arnic Kimmcl, Ed TOl/UNASIENT A Kpcdnl ladder handball tournumont is being formed' by the Center's Athletic committee to encourage incrcated pnrtlclpntlon In the four walled »|>ort. Handball 1437 So. T3Hi Street «nlhu«la*ts miiy register by contacting the Center or Sam Ban, handbnli chairman. '

Manlieimer, Jool Lelehouk Rolslcln and llMTinie Wolpa, Local merchants will sponsor tennis, when the regular season starts. The schedule fur this Sunday Is as follows: l:45p Team A vs. Team B -2:.10, Team C vs Team D, 3:15-Team I vs, Team 2, 4:00 - T e a m 3 vs. Team 4.

Grade School Group Formed A vollcyboll league for grade school girls will be formed at the Jewish Community Center. The league which meet Sunday* from 1:30 p. nt. to 2:30 p. m., will Include four evenly matched team*. Members will be given special team blouses by sponsors. The competition will bt followed by open swimming In tht Center's pool. Girls may register by culllug the Center. No charga Is being mode for this activity. CONT'IENTHATION CAMP FILMS Kajnel, Germany (JTA)-An official Israel team has completed more than two years' work taking 21,000,000 photographs of doc-: uincnts concerning Nazi concentration camps. The vast photographic library which ling been built up on microfilm by the Israel team contains the record of all traceable deaths which occurred In German concentration camps. The commission received full help from th» West German, authorities, JKW1SH MAYOR Toronto (WNS) — A J e w i s h chemist, Harold Paiknn, was elected Mayor of Waterloo, a city of 17,000 in Central Ontario whose population Is mostly of German descent.

Shukerfs Kosher Meats FEATURES

Florida Contest Has Omaha Candidate Sheila Kobei-ls, 12-year old daiigh ter of Mr. und Mrs. J. Guidon Roberts, will participate iii the "Miss Santa Clmis lloul Queen"! Content to be held In Lnkcland, I'la., on Dec. 28. The judging will follow the Santa Clatis Bowl football game. Miss Roberts, a student at Brown•II Hall, is spoiiKnred by the Roberts Dairy Boys' Football team of Omuhu, Nebr.

Best in Town Ground Beef, Lb. Liver Steak, Lb. . Fresh Tongues, Lb.

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FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Every Thursday on All Order* Phoned in by Wednesday Noon Open Monday Thru Friday. » to I Ck>Md Satvday and Sunday

SKiMA DKI.TA TKV BKTU I8HAKL AI,I;MNAE LKAOUIS SISTEHIIOOO The Omaha Alumnae League of Mrs. Sam Katzmiin, president of Sigma Delta Tau Jiororlty will \K the Heth Israel Slilerhood, wUl hosts to all local sorority pledges preside over the open board meetand active inHmljcra ut its imnual ing of the Sisterhood On Jan. 7, at Mld-Wjntcr Gct-To-Gethcr lunch- 1 p. m. In the Synagogue Social fon Saturday, Decemlier 28 at 1 Hall. All Sisterhood members are p. tin, at the Town House. urged to attend. Lunch will tx ' Mr». Sol St'hwnrtiS is in charge served and all committee chairmen of luncheon urrnngements. Mem- will report on their projects. Rabbers of her conunlttec are Mines, bi Benjamin Groner will begin his Richard Martin, M. Greenspan, scries of discussions on Jewish Harry Alloy, Ted Scldin and Rob- traditions and customs. Mrs. Sam ert Wagnor, Mmei. Arnold Rose- Rospnstein *nd Mm. Nathan Berg man nnd Wallace lOlknn are plan- <ue handling re>erwitlons. ning the entertainment. Reservations nru Itolnt? taken by Mrs. Schwartz, GL (i2.1H and Mrs Justin Manvltz, RIv !)3O9. Daniel Zeff, senior nt the University of New Mcjiioo, AlbuquerIIKKHY MONSKV que, N. M., lifts been selected to be H'NAI H'KITII named in the Who's Who In AmerThe B'nui H'rlth Hunry Monsky ican Colleges and Universities for Chapter No. 470 will hold a lunch- 1937-58, ire Is the Kin of Mr. and eon meeting Wednesday, January Mrs. Ben M. Zeff. The young mnn 8, 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Com- Is also editor of tlie University munity Center. Mm. Harry Smith, Paper, the New Mexico Lobo. program chairman, has arranged for tho presentation of "DolJs For The Hank of fcrnrl Is the solf Democracy" mid will Introduce members of the srory tellers' com- bank of issue in the country mittee. 5(ory tellers on the program Western Hills Drapery will lie Mm™.' Morris J. Shapiro, Service Hcrlxwt Melehcs and Sam Katzman. Mn. AMW rVtsck—GL MJ» Others on the committee are Rod! IniUlli-d—Cornice Boards Mines. Henry Oieenberg, Harold M d «nd rn.t«llml— l f l ] l Zellnsky, Alfred Frank, Hairy Wise, Harry Smith Carl Lftgman, Sam Pollak, Aaron Kpsleln, Sidney Znolmrr and i l a x Krl/.elmnn. Mr»r Stanley filmpiro Is-booking cliairnian. Reservations may be made with Mrs, Frank Seknr, VVK 1104 or Mrs. Rose Glnsbe.-g, OL 5291. In

Omahon Named

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JA 1366


Can Indi. Chain Store Competition? This advertisement does not represent an attack upon tfiain stores either local or national in their operations. On the contrary, we believe that streamlined >• super-market operation initiated largely by chain stores has brought about many economies in food distribution—of lasting benefit to consumers. « On the other hand, unimpeachable evidence demonstrates that the support of local charities and projects depends primarily upon independent, locally-owned business—even though then are n;.tny individual and outstanding exceptions. Community life must change drastically and include more burdensome taxes supporting more politically controlled charity should "homeowned" enterprise be driven out of existence. Moreover, even in the face of the excellent streamlining done by national organizations, we should not overlook the fact that almost *very "basic invention which has put this country ahead of the rest of the world has come from independent operators; steam boat, submarine, telegraph, telephone, you name it. Although the research work of the billion dollar corporation and the armed forces should by no .means be deprecated, the strength of this nation has rested upon the independent operator, father than the worker restricted by his assignment. The American people have done far better by themselves when they have done for themselves. To eliminate independent business particularly at this time represents an extremely dangerous and needless risk to national security as well auh local self-government. " . Big Government Endanger* Independent Business Should the Independent operator by some miracle survive competition, he must face the • inevitable disinheritance of his own children. Esutetaxes based upon any substantial mcasurV of successful operation may simply not T>e met out of income .remaining after both corporate -jmd individual income taxes. "

Yet these taxes constitute social legislation basically, tuoducingbut a pittance in the way of nauonal income, apktancewbich obviously cannot be collected twice. And they represent a threat to a way of life ear system of government i» presumably dedicated to preserve. Survival ef Independent Business Is Uncertain Survival still remains a serious problem. Should the independent operator gamble upon remain* ing in business in the remote hope of tax laws giving more than lip service to "free enterprise,* he has no assurance that he can survive. In order for independent dairies, for example,' to compete in delivery costs with chain stores entering the milk business, every housewife must be provided enough refrigerator space to accommodate delivery of milk to the home in much larger quantities. Savings must be offered her to make possible this additional refrigerator space, space requiring minimum change for maximum convenience. ' Independent grocers must also accommodate -larger deliveries if they are to help themselves through making new economies possible. The Dice Should not be loaded This advertisement does not call for any penalty against any form of competition. Rather this advertisement concerns only a Merry Christmas for our children's children. For should the business of this nation be reduced ultimately to one hundred companies—as is* rapidly iuppeniag—any opportunity for constructive UK of ingenuity and initiative shall be J lost by most Americans. '• ; And presently die dies seem loaded for such « outcome. With the help of God, aroused public opinion am restore and maintain a way of life which has been our strength in war and peace.

Roberts Dairy Company .

i ?

4 t w



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