January 3, 1958

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Federation Meeting, Jan. 12 Publishes every Friday, 101 N. 20th. nwiiiik IS otnabu .NebrMlta. i'liom JA 13CC OMAHA, 1(t

Poll Reveals 25 Percent Of Germans Oppose Jews Frankfurt (WNS)—It "wouli ba better for Germany If there were no Jew« living there" was the reply of more than twenty-flvi percent of the peoplo who were asked the question in a nntlun wide .poll conducted by the Institute for Demography In preparation for Us second "Yearbook of

Joint Tea to Be at Temple '

Temple Israel Sisterhood will be hostess this' year' to the Sisterhoods or Beth £1 and Beth Israel Synagogues at the organizations' annual Intro-Faith meeting;. A tea - will be held in the Temple (odal hall Tuesday, January 14th at 1 p. m, Mrs. Marvin Taxman and Mrs Julius CoHn, program chairmen have announced tha,t Mr*. Sidney It Brooks will direct and narrate a tableau taken from a poem by Emma Lazarus, entitled "Gifts". Participants will be Mines. Maurice Frank, Harry AJtsulcr, Abe Katelman, Alan Blotcky, Charles Mpnasee, Stanley Flsk, Harold Kasln. Alfred S o p h 1 r, Krnneth Robblns, Calvin Newman, Kmil A. Roberts, and I. H. Welner. Mm. Sanfnrd Urophy will act as accompanist. Following the Tableau, a piano quartet coiuistlnK or Mines. I lurry Roscnfcld, Harry Trustln, Harry DuBoff, Abe Fellman, will play *evcrnl numben. Mrs. Joseph Levey and Mr* Howard Milder are tea chairmen. llrs. Edward Gilbert, president of Temple Israel Sisterhood, will preslde. ' Members are asked to call the following for reservatio'm: Temple Israel—Mrs. Paul Veret, GL 3001; Mrs. Adolph Trost, GL 959S. Belli El—MM. ttuben Bordy, WA S656, Mrs. Jacob Bernstein, GL 3295. Mn. Robert Felnberg, RE 1173; and Beth Israel—Mrs. Sam Rosenstein, PL 5967, Mrs. Mat Berg RE 2378.

lo Honor Dr. Abe Greenberg

Public Opinion," it was announcec here by instltuto officials who said thnt 21 percent of the interviewed held a contrary opinion. While there was close division percentage wise on the questlu; of Jewish, domicile in Germany some thirteen percent wcie un decided and the rest, some 3.') percent, without any opinlpn. With respect to attitudes toward Israel, only ten percent said they favored political ties with th< Jewish state. Fifty-two percent of the people questioned said they believed Israel's "attack" on Egyp had "been "Instigated" by France and Great Britain, twenty percent said Israel launched the Sinai cam palgn on its tnljn initiative and the rest Raid they were undecided. As to blame for the crisis, some seventeen percent held Israel "at fault," -with fifty-two percent blaming England and twenty-nine percen blaming France. The rest, or two percent, held Egypt or Ruula responsible for the Suez crisis. Apropos attitudes toward Hitler, the poll fpund that some forty-two percent of all WeBt Germans are convinced that were It not for World War II, Hitler would htive erged one of the world's freatest statesman. Twenty-five per cviit of tin1 people interviewed Mild they "wuiilil do everything" 1" (Minlmt the return to ixnver of tlie Nn/1 piu-ty wliilo three |».Teent ni th'-y would welcome fttv sit[ip >i t '»»»li a movement

Dance Class Opens Jan. 13

The eight week Latin-American dance course sponsored by the Jewish Community Center will hold it* first session. Monday, January 13th at 8 p. m. at the Center, Should the" enrollment of the original group exceed the maximum number, a second class would be Organized to, avoid over-crowding, Earl Slegel, Adult- chairman, reported. Mr. Siegel said Interest In the dasi has been at a peak since it first was announced. Mils Carrie Griffiths, dancing teacher at the University of OmaThe"Ymuig Adults' Council will ha, appointed class instructor, meet Sunday In the activities of- plant to offer the rhumba, tango, fice -of. the Jewish Community samba," mambo and the cha-cha, Center at 3:15. p. m. to elect m flcert. Standing •compilttce appointments will bo made also. The council 1s planning an open "Rendezvous" party the first week in February. An invitation has Nineteen girls registered as been extended t* young adult organizations in Missouri, Iowa and clieer leaders for the Sunday Slid•Nebraska. ;et Basketball league at a pracIce session conducted by/ Larry Kpstoin. They arc Nuncy Frlleck, Jole Shrier, Linda GracttrGall Brodkey. Paula Beicutt, Judy Turner, Susan S a n f o r d . Linda Illekes, Carol Allsulcr, Isohel Hurwltz, Jan*1 Shrk'r, Ternc Nngg, Kathy A pre Golden Gimp Boxing Artier, Sheila Cioldstnin, Paula show will be presented at tlio Zleniimn, Shcni Kimrn. Kay GoldJewish Community C e n t e r tclii, Sue Herman r»nd I.orie KreeGymnasium this Saturday, Juniiin unry 4 at 8:00 p. in. Golden Glove champions and hopeful* will participate in tin- 12 bout card In their Gulden Glove tune-up fights. Hob Kromkln, Center Athletic Commltteeman, Tel Aviv (JTA'i—The Israel is In charge of the boxing show. Another attraction of the army is planning- no cut In porboxing card will l>e special sonsel, a military spokesman ilebouts between fledgling grad* cl.-ired in denial of reports that in view of the economic burdens of schoolers. TI19 boxing show It open to the Sinai campaign the army would reduce its manpower hut the public. Increase their training programs.

Young Adults to Meet Sunday

Nineteen Cheer Leaders Register

Boxing Show Set Saturday

Israel Will Not Reduce Army

Forty Years' Service to Be Cited The observance of; forty year* of community services rendered by Dr. Abe Greenberg, president ot, the Federation for Jewish Service, will be one of the important features of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Federation, which will be held at 8 p. m., on Sunday, January 12, at the Jewish Community Center, Nathan L. Nog's, chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee announced this week.


Parent-Teen Forum Schedule Completed Forum Series Schedule 1) Wednesday, January 15, 8 p. m.--Speaker, Dr. Edmund MoCurtain, Chairman Sociology Oept, Univ, of Omaha. Topfc: "Parent-Teen Relationships." 2) Wednesday, February S, 8 p. m.—Speaker, Dr. Joseph O. Life of Our Teens." Dunn, Prof, of Education, Univ. of Omaha. Topic: "The Social 3) Monday, February 17, 8 p. m—Speaker, Prof. Ben SoloTopic: "Are Jewish Teens Different?" mon, New York University, Editor of Youth Leaders Digest. 4> Wednesday, March 12, 8 p. m.—Speaker, Dr. Nathan Le- • -vine, University of Nebraska. Topic: "Sympathize or Criticize." The Parent-Teen Forum Scries sponsored by the Jewish Community Center in cooperation with hte University of Omaha, will hold <U first meeting, January 15th w i t h Dr, Edmund MoCurtain, chairman of the University's Sociology department, as speaker. His ubjest*wlll be "Parent-Teen Relationships," The forum will be held In the university's Adult Con forence Center at 8 p. m. Dr, Donald Emery, Dean of the Uege of Adult Education, who has ^contributed much to the planning of tile- project, will extend greeting to parents at the first session. The "preparations for the series were mode after several meetings attended by , University, Center and adult Jewish organizations' representatives, The adult committtee sponsoring tlie Forum Is planning to meet with the Youth Council Executive board and elukpresldents on Wednesday, January 8, at 8 p.. m. at the home of Mrs. Meyer Rubin, M32 Hilicrest Drive. The group will discuss the forim from tlie teen-age point of .-lew, Phil Ktitlcr, Center Youth ;ominiltee chairman, said. The een-agors will be asked to voice Minstructlve suggestions regarding he forum am] their participation nil. Although the Series has been planned primarily for parcel] and dult's, teen-agers will be. Invited o attend the third and fourth pro rams. ,

Nursery for Blind to Open The Braille committee of the Beth-El Synagogue Sisterhood will open a pre-school for blind children, January 7. Class will be held every Tuesday, and Thursday froiu 9 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. Teachers will be Mrs. She'.f Katskee and Mrs. Phil Sokoloff, both members of tlie Beth-El regular pre-school staff. The nursery for blind children is non-secretarian. No charge will be made to parents sending their children to classes. Volunteers with can will call for the children and return them, to their homes. The school will use the regular facilities of the synagogue nursery school and extra equipment will be provided by BaBytown. A committee headed by Mrs. Alan Wolfson started the Braille project several weeks ago. Other numbers of the committee are Mnies. Joseph Cuts, Lee Schmldmsu, Saul Graetz and M. A. Bercovicl, They are learning Braille and hope to buy a machine which duplicates BralUe material so that they can transpose children!' textbook* into Braille.

Active Forty Year* "Forty years ago," Mr. Nbgg said, "Dr. Abe Greenberg was elected as a member of Board of Directors of the Associated Jewi«h Charities, as the Federation was then called. Throughout four decades, Dr. Greenberg established a high standard for Jewish leadership, which merits public recognition and commendation. "For the span of forty years, Dr. Greenberg consecrated himself to sen-ing his fellow-men with devotion and competence. The full scope of Federation activity, which engqmpasses. v/nrk on behalf of the Omaha community, American Jewry, Jews throughout th» world, and Israel, benefited greatly from his vision and leadership. "It is most appropriate, therefore, that our community pay the". well-deserved and richly-earned public tribute to Or. Abe Greenberg. "We urge every member of th« Omaha Jewish community to reserve this date, Sunday, January 12, 8 p. m., and be on hand to join in the expression of the community's appreciation and affection for Dr. Greenberg." Election of Ottleen Federation officers will be elected for 1958. Present officers of the Federation are: Dr. Abe Greenberg, president; Robert H. Kooper, first vice-president; Harry. Trustin, second vice-president; Erne-it A. Nogg, treasurer; Arthur H. Goldstein, secretary and Dr. Philip Sher, honorary president. Federation Story Continuing the precedent established two years ago, the colorful and manyfold story of Federation activity for'1957 will be briefly ' presented by • Federation departments. Details concerning this phase o( the program will be pul>lished next week. A social hour, under the auspice* of the Federation of Jewish Worn* en's Clubs, will follow the meeting.

Children's Group To Have Six Units

Members of the second session Children's Sunday Program will be divided Into six groups according to age and sex. The first of eight Sunday meetings will be held on January 5, 1937. The children will spend most Sundays within their individual units participating In arts anil crafts, swimming, games, dramatics, athletics and story telllnf under supervision of experienced staff members. The groups wlli join together for such activities as parties and a concert in hone? of Jewish Music Month. Youngsters who have not joined ON THE AIR the program yet may register and pay the fee of $5.00 at the first Sunday, Jan. 5 KFAB—S pi nx, Eternal Light session on Sunday, January 5, from 2 to 4:30 p. m. ,- . -"The Parable of Reb Ylsroel".


Page t M

Friday. January I, J t U

Golden Anniversary for Rosenheims PublUhed Every'frldaj by Ui« Federation of J w U b Servteo ttama -JUM. rtnliinr fMviiricn Authorized •< unuiM. KaOrarta Annual SiUMi'rttitlun, *4U0. 4dvejU»ln« Ram on Application Print sn \Mrnt «U8 *j.J»Ui SUett (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor

Religious Services

Lesson No. 4

, 4:47 p. m. TEMl'l.K IKKAKI, Services ulll be held this Friday at S.I5 p. m. This will be the • r AHARON KOsEN third in the discussion series on Judaism in the Prajrrbook. The conversation 3 g housing project .31 ' d i s c u s s i o n series Is a part of see-liah Temple Israel's Adult Education shet-koon program. blessing 37 three .32 After services members of the b'rah-khah congregation will meet formally In shah-lohh new immigrant the c b a p e l with Rabbi Sidney J>a*|K .33 Brooks .38 f o t f t for discussion of "May It oh-lehah-dahsh Be Thy Will"—What We Ask of 0 1 country, stale Grid,—The Problem of Petitionary rima .39 i * Prayer. m'dee-nql. Refreshment* will be served by , "Mr. and Mn, Cliarir* ICUTIIIKIIII nlll ulrliratr tticlr fiftieth . . . n .40 thi«(m.) the Temple Sisterhood. wedding annivennry January A nt mi «|M>II bonne'at the huin« of hah... their son-in-law unit daughter, Mr. and Mn. Itaymonri ('»rey. Hours BETH l i t for the rfrrptiun ulil he from 2 j>. m. to G p. in. .Sabbath services at Beth Kl airnanrrf? Synagogue wiU begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Ralph pelCoven will preach PAUL'S iifm on "Three Generations." Cantor RADIO Ir TV SERVICE Aaron I. Edgar aujd the Beth El ^Bhra nn? jntfo nfttf . Synagogue Choir will render the TV CAR RADIO RADIO PHONOGRAPH Individual conferences for hl«h musical portions of the service. ^tthv.a PAUL GOLDBERG Sabbath morning services* begin school Juniors and seniors-with the M. I I M at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Con- Jewish Community Center Youth 4 ) 2 1 Nn. S4»k St. rnfe gregation services* are at 10:30 Council Director, Doris Raduzincr, a, m. Mlncha-Maariv serv.ces are are being planned as a-part of the p. m. Daily services are at •Youth Council's prc-Cbllege pro.:•:• .;•',;'; ':•;••.-;.• :..:. ..-. ; '•'. i i nrix o? ?at «,4:45 ro. and 7 p. m. Sunday morn- gram. Students may I n q u i r e abotif ing service is at 9 a. m. specific universities, majors, miscellaneous subjects and college BETH I8KAEL For Yourielf . . . or • "Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor lire in general College, catalogues and pamphlets on College Board Eli Kagan, Beth Israel Choir, and Superbly'Attractive Gift Post Bar Mitzvah Group will con- examinations jnay be 'checked out Wedding, Anniversary, duqt laie services this evening at of the youth office,library.; •.•../• All high. school upptrcla«smen Houie.Warming Bar Mitivah 8 p. m. Rabbi Groner will speak jnnx ncoa are urged.by pre-colicKC commitJK DJ itf:>» on "Growing Palm." Traditional Friday evening serv- tee ro-chalrmen, Robejt Bfodkey. George Kagan ices (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at and Barbara Garber to make an 4;45 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- early appointment for »uch counGL 4148—After S o a i Dfrei ,mr seling. ices begin a f 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conducf the Talmud CHOOSE class at 4:15 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 4:45 p. m. followed by Sholeshe S'eudos and Maariv, Dally morning services at 7 a. ro.: afternoon serv' -' fpaix'otii- ices at 5 p. m. Sunday morning from service* begin Jit 8:45 a. m. Totlowed by breakfast and Rabbi's Our Selection of Distinctive class In Bible. Sunday morning Person* Intereitcd in ib« *elf-i ter Librarian, JA. 1366, for any Junior Minyan. followed by breakPlant Arrangementi taught Hebrew course are invited I additional asaijttance with the let- fast, starts at 8:30 a. m. • Ream Dlvld«ti to call Mri. Max Crewman, Cen-] • Ctcoratlv* Woods The Talmud Discussion grtnip • Cvromlc aod Rrats floRtors meets every Tuesday evening at VISIT OR CAU. , 7:30jJ. m, at BHH Synagogue, 19th and BUrt streets. nit Beth Israel Sunday School and M n »4 k « « I « > «l TIM Talmud Torah will resume normal ficlatln Dlttribaton lor M«ri« ««»le M h n (krr talik HmtT ttr Tka II»M IMM, The fortieth wedding annlveri- schedules on Sunday and Monday JA S454 407 So. ISrh Street January 5th and 6th. December 24: Rabbi David Korb ary of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saylan of Council Bluffa, lo»a, discussed was celebrated with a family dinThe Chahukah celebration and in- ner a f the home of their son-in- BETH HAMEDROSH IIAfiODOL Service* every-Saturday mornterpreted some of the itoriet, relaw' and daughter, Mr. and M n . ing at 9 a. m. . lated at tbii time. nccembet 25: The Yiddlih Film, Leo Sherman, December 25, Out-of-town guests were their '.'Without A Home," « u shown in children, Mr. mid Mn. Milton •theHome Auditorium, Saylan-and family of 'Pcnlson, December 26: The Eikur Cholim la, and Mn. Saylan'j brother-inGray Lady Visitor* thii week law and lister, Mr. and Mn.' Harwere the Mme*. A. Upsmon, Louis ris Sirinsky and their son, Larry Siporin and the Misses- Rozanne of Chicago. Sipon'n and Sandra Llpemgn. ' S*b (Sabby) rotvortiM December 28: The SpcciaJJCld25 Years' Experience thanking Our Rabbis for theirefdu«h to celebrate The Bar Mitz.vah of Howard Raznick wa» given forts fn our behalf. The 1958 proWiJh Jewiih by. hit parents, Mr. and Mn. Jack gram will begin, with a visit by Lettering and Memorials Rabbi Benjamin -Croner on JanRazhlckrat the Home. 'Jfahrzelt: Next week, on TBn- uary 7th.' Other dates will be conAT 2452 2211 So. 8th ' uary 4th: A Kidduih will be given tinuously ' announced in this colby Mr*. Julius Newman, In mem-umn. ory of her hiuband, whose Yahr9 Choicest Quality jelt i» on Tcbet 13th. Other YahrO Cur to Your zeit Dates In January are a« follows: Tebet 22—January 14: RosSatisfaction alie Ej*.eln: Tebet 23—January JS; Max Vere't; Tcbet 2."*-Jahuary 15i Bessie Seglin. Coming Event*: The Council of 1 Jtrwiih Women Arts and CrafLf program will be reconvened for The New "Year on January 7lh, & Smoked Fish •nd then•every second Tuesday following this dale. Visitors are © Homemade Corned welcome to attend the«e classes Beef ltjp.m. The Blkur Cholim Birlhdny Par® The Finest ty For Home Residents will take SEE Chicago Sausages place at the Home Sunday, January 19th. All friends anil relatives •re welcome to attend and celebrate this happy occasion with Our LARGE VARIETY KOSHER FROZEN FOODS Folks. The Rabbinical Program: The ."For the Car You Toke Home" Open Sundays From 7 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Rabbinical -Visitors Program has Used Cars 20rit and Farnam been a great spiritual factor In our 441S C U M I N 6 ST. WA IBM programming at The Dr. Philip New Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 5 8 Farnam PAVED PARKING Sher Jewish Home For The Aged and the Residents join m e in



m .35

Students Offered Pre-College Help



.rrb'ptfrv -JK DJ

With theHome Folks Saylons Celebrate

Plants W Planters,

40th Anniversary


Monument Co.


Omaha's Leading Kosher Market "We Serve the Finest to the Finest"




USED CARS Rosen - Novak




) Friday, January >.

Barbara Paperny W e d In Candlelight Rites



fa*» Three

Dinner Celebrates Two Family Events

Miss Lois Rodin To -Marry- Omahan

The /dinner dance pi\en by Mr. and Mrs "Mortis Hccki-r Sunday evrnini; at the Town House wus the (K:cahion for a double family eeli-bration in honor of their 25th wedding; anniversary and the announcement of the engagement of their son, Marshall Dean and Misa Virginia Lee Turcbon, Misi Turchen is the daughter-of Mr. and Mrs. Max Turchen of Siottx Falls, S, D. Out-of-town guests included the Rev, Theodore Greenbcrg of Chi-

A March wedding It planned by Miss Lois Uodin and Myron Harry In a <'unrilt'!i|'h1 M-uniu/iy, 5*uti-i Milder whose engagement was and.iy .it Ik'th I brat I S)n igopue, nounced at a family, dinner last M *<s HtirtHifl FiifK'tny became the Sunday a t the Blackslone. bride of Harold (Juldmnn.'Tucson, Mlu Rodin, daughter of David Atit Kabul Bvnjamln Giomr and Rodin of Miami Beach, FJa., atCantor Kli Kagan officinted tended Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, The bride Is the daughter of Mr. 111., and the University of Nebrasand Mrs. Morris Parilman. the ka, Lincoln groom, the ton of Mr»., Mai GoldHer fiance U the son of Mr. and intn, Dcs Molnes, 7a. Mrs. Hymie Milder. He attended George Washington The bride's floor length eon n( University, Washington, D. C, and of Chantilfy lace and French tulle ' CORO, III. and nabbi, and Mrs. was graduated from the University fcuturcd a fitted basque bodice of Irving Miller of Cary, Indiana, of Omaha. Mr. Milder Is an imlace and an spron-lPte"*kirt of, Rabbi Miller acted as toastmaiter. mediate past president of the,Omascrtllopcd-fdged Isce over tulle npFrom Kansas Cjty, were Mr. and ha Chapter of the Junior Chamber , pllquc with Isce motifs. She uore Mrs. Ben Becker, Mr. and Mrs. of Commerce and a board member un imported illusion finger tip veil, Louis Langer, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob df the United States J u n i o r fashioned to 8 pearl Jewelod regenMl** Snianne Rlrharils Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. Jack BeckChamber of Commerce. cy crown.. * • er, Mr. and Mrs. L Becker, Mm. She was attended by Miss BarDave Klein, Mrs. Ann Golding, bkra Franhel, White Plains, N. V., Baby Sitting Service Mrs. Esther Lessner, Mr. and'Mrs. maid of honoiy attired in a waltz A. Merker, Mr. and Mrs. Paul length two-toned royal blue snd Added ta Slimnastics' JBcrman, Mr. end Mrs. M. J. Ellis, copen blue taffeta: Misi Dorothy Mr. arid, Mrs. J. Burghelmer, Mr. 'A more perfect figure for the Mr. and Mrs. Morton A. RichGoldman, Dei Moincs, sister of and Mrs. >Vllllam Cohn, Mr. andards have announced the engage- modern woman" Is the slogan of the groom and Mis* Sandra ParMrs. Irving Kllnock and Mr, and Sllmnastlcj, a ten week figure Jin. Harold fioldman ment of their daughter, Miss Suzilman, Mrs. Sidney Glas'r. anne and Ramon S. Somberg, son conditioning course at the Jewish Sam Goldman, brother of the A dinner and donee in the synaCommunity Center, designed for bridegroom was best man. Ushers Other visitors present were Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Somberg, Omaha's busy housewives Classes were R U S K 1 U £ . Johnson, jr., nndgogue social hall, followed the and Mrs, Max Turchen and Mi- Miss Richards attended North- will meet on Tuesday nnd ThursSheldon Biber, both/of Dei Molne*. ceremony. chael Turchen of Sioux Falls, S. western University, where she was After January 4, Mr. and Mrs.D.: Mr. and Mrs. Morris Turchen, affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi day or Wednesday and Friday Jerry Kojill, cousin of the briije from ] 0 a. m to 11 a, m. and Bernard Ovorsky, Den Moulds, Goldman will reildc at 2 South Mr. and Mri. AI Turchen, Mrs. sorority, She .and her fiance will A free profession^ baby sitting Tyndall Avenue, Tucson.' were candlelight*™. Bess Sabel and Mr. and Mrs. Mer- be graduated in June from, the University of Pennsylvania, where service, with two attendants, plus ton Weiner of Sioux City, la. Mr. SomberK is a > i t u d c n t at free parking in the Center parking lot on Dodge Street is another feaWbarton School of .Finance and ture of the pro(?rnm. Special swimCommerce. Mr. Somberg. Is presi- ming sos ilons following the regudent of his fraternity, Zcta Beta lar Sllmnastics instruction are ofTail. fered also. The c o u p l e plans a June The fee for the ten week JIIOMr. and Mri. EH M. Znlkln have wedding, gram is HO. The clnsscs will start announced the engagement of their Tuesday, Junuary 7th. Women are daughter, Miss Marcia to Stuart urged to register now ns capnclty Richard Rochmnn, son of Mr. and for both CIIISROS is being reached. Mrs. Harry nochmnn. Special additional iMnsscs will be Miss Zn)Mu Is a frcuhman studeveloped on demand. ' Mr. and Mrs. 'William Joieph drnj at the University of Indiana announce the hlrtli of a daughter, at Bloomlnitton. Adelc Ann, Pecembcr 18 at Metho- K.ihn. Her fiance attended the Unidist hospital. They have two other > Maternal grandparents arc Mr. versity of Oklahoma at Norman daughters, Susan Carol and Roch- and Mm. Kdward Kahn and palerand the University of Omaha. He tlle, Fttje. Grandparents ore Mr. nal grandparents are Vfr. and Mri. li a member of PI Lambda Phi Izzic Stiss. nndMn. M. V. Prlcuman. fraternity. The couple hn« selected Austust 17 n« their uiihlinK date. , Newi ha* been received in Omaha of (he birth of a son to Lieut, and Mrs. Sol Stlss, on December OIKKIIH MEDICAL A l » 28, at El Paso, Tex, Jerusalem (JTA)--The Jrrael Both Lieutenant and Mrs. Sti« Mogen Dovid today offered mediNow In Progress ore former Omaha residents. Mr. cines and material for the flqod SU<s wan the former Thcrrnc victims in Oejlon. MI** Marrla Zslkln FURS—CLOTH Mlu Naney Barron

Miss Richards to Wed R. Somberg

Couple Plans Aug. 17 Rites




Nancy Barron k Betrothed


CLEANERS Logman was drawn by lot for the HADA88AH Mrs. Meyer N..Rubin, preatdent purchase of the current Savings RUGS^-CARPETING of Omaha Chapter Hadaisah has four percent Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Barron anLAMP SHADES New cnroDccs are urged to Join announced the temporary appointnounce the' engagement of their JTJRNTTURE ment of Mrs. Jack 'Jacobaon of soon.Tve!yn Levy, chairman, said. daughter, Miss Nancy Sue to Rob513 So. 55 St., GL 5181, a* chair- For Information phone HA 2890. ert V. Goldstein, sorrof Mr. antl Cleaned In Vour Homel man of Hadajuob GKt Fund. The Mrs. Arthur II. Goldstein. temporary chairmanship will be in BUSINESS * 'PROFESSIONAL tl«di«« laylna UfnMtt Miss Barron attended the Unieffect during the month of Jan- WOMKN, IMDAS8AII BAZAAR versity of Iowa where she wan afDon Bernstein HA 2554 uary, due to the nbscnc*,from the Members of Business and Pro-filiated with Sigma Delta Tau and city of Mrs. J. JLFricdman/Chap. fessional Women, Hadassah will later the University ol Omiihn., ter Cift Fund Chairman, meet Tuesday, January ^tb'at 7:30 Mr. Goldstein is a Junior at p. m. nt the Jewish Community. Harvard College, Cambridge .Mast. BBTH YA, SI8TKHH00U Center to discuss plans for the A summer wedding is planned. , "By Love Possessed." by Jnmcn forthcoming annual-Card, Party Gould CoKtcns. will be reviewed "and Bazaar-D-Nlght. The event Patronize Our Advertisers by Mr*. Mycr S. Kripke at a fund will be held Sunday, February 3r raising denxert luncheon sponsored at the.Blackntone Hotel at 7 p. m. 'by Mmcs. SobcrT Koopcr, Paul - Baiaar tables will be stacked JSticVs and Arthur Abraim, mem- with all kinds of' needlework CALL bers of JBelh-El .Sisterhood, Circle Among the Items already contribNo. 5, on Thuhiday. January 911), uted will be 'a hand-crocheted nfHOLLYWOOD «t 12:30 p. m^ at ihe home of Mrs. ghan by Miss Henri Gross: handTUX RENTAL Koopcr. 9212 Capitol Avenue. made patchwork, all silk quilt by IOt No. 15th Strt.t JA 2452 Reservations arc being taker/ by MUs Myrtle Fi'oein.in: embroiI In Omiha Loan Bldq.l Mrs7-Kooper, ? E 'B75J, Mm. Ah-dered linen card table set by Jlis rnms, WA 309.1; or Mrs. Snckn, Phil Schwartz, h.ind-knil bulky TK 951S. sweater by Mrs F . m d i r e i i b c i / hand

krtlt h.its ami sllppet-, by

Mrs Abe M n / r r and IM.IIIV nthei BOAUD JlBETlNd" Beth fy Sisterhood will liold n aitlcle«, s o m e of wlileh will lie dispiived at the i n i v t i n f luncheon i Id board meeting nt In addition tn tin1 n unr-, m<n•Yl'."< ....Tuesday, January 7th In , ' i S y n a g o g u e social hall. tlonod nhove the following • arr Mm«i. Wii|iam Alberts and Moemembers of thcNffdlcuurk f'oniBercovlcl will be in charge of ar- mittce: Flo I3ruol(st<lin. (,'<ilia rangements. ("hcrnis*;. l-'\'e lumcrky. Mildred They will be assisted by Mnw;.i Lev}'. Sadie Newman. Sully MeyTtobcrt Fcinberjj, Isidore Zu'Kman, Icrs, Dorothy Itosenthal. Sylvia Krnest N'ogK, Sam Wolf, ]<uidnrc Ross. Those? wishing to rolitribilto Levlnson, 4-eo Waxenl>cr«, Robert Imnd-work may plume anyone, on Bernstein, ami Henry PJckcs. this committee. At the "(iixirlips r)Mi"_ where IIADA.SSAH INItAKI, home-made pnslries and confecBOND CU'll tions of many kinds will Iw sold, . Mines. I^otils S i p o r i n , Abe Miss Myrtle Freeman, chairman, Bear nnd Nathan Turner Joined will be assisted by Mrs. Marian the Hudassah' Bond Club this Yawltz. week. Chairmen and committce« In At the 4th.drawing'session rf other division* of this fund-raising (he group, the name of Mm. Curl event win be named later.

FOR rHE FINEST . . . \ IN PHOTOGRAPHY Porfraifs Weddingi



CRANDELL FURS Fornom at 34rii Street

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Center Topics ABT CLASS STAJtTS JAN. • Adult* interested in taking professional art lessons are invited • i to register (or the second session Art Clam beginning at the Jewish Community Center, January 6. Member* will meet Mondays from 1 p. m. to 3 p. m. for eight weeks. The »eriei rate is 48. Mrs. Meyer Peber will teacb the course. Enrollment may be made by calling the activities Office, M 1366. REGISTRATION r O B FENCING Uegistrationi are still being accepted by the Jewish Community Center for the winter classes in fencing instruction. The group will meet Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m, at the JCC for instruction and practice starting Wednesday, January 8. Bob Garrett, experienced fencer and Instructor, 1* to lead fencing activities. High school students as well M adults are welcome to join the classes. Registration for fencing activities may be made by callIng the Center'! Athletic Department. JAckson 1366. EARLY K1SKBS NEED FIVE Five more business men are needed-to round out the roater of the Early Riser* lub to meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6:45 a. m., starting January * The Early Risers are a group of businessmen who will participate in a planned program of calisthenics and exercises. Activities will Include a light gym workout, a , swim, or steam baths and showers, and will conclude with a catered breakfast by 8 a. m. The all inclusive monthly fee 'for the Early Riser* is J15. Registration is by phone call or per. sonal contact at the Center Athletic office or the Health Club. MUSIC OBOVT * TO HUSK BALLOT Member* of the Center'* Music Listening group are planning, a* a group to visit the Ballet, Tuesdav January 14, . \ The Music Group ordinarily meets monthly In the home* of the various, member*. The next regular home concert will be held In the home of Mrs. Julia Jacobs, 118 North 35th Avenue. GREAT BOOKS TO REtfFME JANUARY 14 The Center* Great Books group will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, January 14th, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Adult* who would like to Join a Grent Books group who are not already in one or who are Interested .In forming one should contact the Activities office. JA 13C6. CENTER "A" TRAM RANKS FIRST The Jewish Community Center's 'A' votlcyball team is in first place Iq the City Class. B league staged at the Center, Starting the second round of competition. The Old Timers, another Center Team, is is third place In the 8 team league. Businessmen desiring a stlmu,Iating workout in the middle of the day are encouraged to participate In the new informal Tuesday and Thursday volleyball group. Teams are selected from participant* showing up for the game*, with regular attendance not mandatory. Formal registration Is not , required and member* may drop ' In to any of the seasons that start At 12:13 p. m. and are over by 1 p. m. Isidore Levinson, Center Volleyball chairman. Is In charge 'of the Tuesday and Thursday volleyball activities. More volleyball players are needed for the early Wednesday evening volleyball activities nt the Center which starts at 5:.T0 p. m. and end at C:30p. m. BRIDGE CLASSES ACCEPTING KNKOLMtKMr Adults and young adults who are interested in enrolling in either the afternoon or evening bridge classes are encouraged to do so immediately as both classes will be limited. ' The Monday afternoon clnss, 1-3

p, m. will begin meeting Monday, January 8tb. Thursday nite das*, 8-10 p. m. will begin meeting January 9th. Both classes wlU be held at the Jewish Community Center and taught by Mn. Lee Nelson, well known bridge teacher, Earl Slegsi, adult chairman announced. Following the completion of the classes a duplicate bridge tournament will be staged. UPSET Brophy*' were upset In the Center Varsity League by dayman*'. This is the first game lost by the Brophy squad in two years. Sandy Brophy scared 23 of his team's 13 while Captain Al dayman contributed 19 point* toward* his team total of 46 point*. In the other game Susses defeated Lusty* 43 to 28. Jack SUM was high man for hi* team with 23 points. Next week's "schedule starts at 7:30 p. m. with Brophys' playing Lusty** while dayman* are pitted, against Stl*ses at 8:30 p. rq. INSTRUCTION , IN MODELING A special charm and modeling course to start January 15, has been developed for high school girls. Registration • for the fiveweek course, conducted by a' professional model, is now being accepted by the Jewish 'Community Center athletic department. The fee for the program is $5. ~ The fcourse will include Instruc tlon in modeling, application of make-up %nd supervision of hair style* and dress. Meeting Wednesday evenings, the course will end with a style show presented »by members of the class. The size of the modeling das* is to be limited to the first 15 registrants to insure students maximum benefit from the instruction 8Q.UAKE DANCING TIIUHADAY NIOUTS Couple* Interested In Square Dancing are Invited to Join the Center Square Dandng Class, every Thursday night at 8 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center Au-'i dltorium. Mr. and Mr*. Jim JfcKlnney, professional square dance callers and teachers are in charge of the class. An added feature of the class i* the Hi-Fi equipment u*ed in conjunction with the music. MIDGET LEAGUE /Joel Schneider, seventh grader, topped individual scoring honor* In the Sunday Midget League. In the opening game JoeJ scored 28 points to lead his team In a v i c tory over t«am B, 46 to 10. Tearri No. C defeated Team t D by one point margin, 31 to 30.' In the Sixth Grade League, Ted Sanford's team beat Bob Gould's team, 9 to 8, while Bow Ginsburg's, team won 13 to 11 over Danny Katskee's team. • This Sunday's schedule: 1:45— Team 1 vs Team 3, 2:30—Team 2 v» Team 4. 3:15—Team A v» Team C, 4.-00—Team B v* Team D.


Youth CENTRAL HIGH APPOINTMENTS Among the students appointed to committees planning spring activities for the 1958 Central High school graduating class are dunce committee. Nelson G o r d m a n , chairman; Marty Well, co-chairman;.Arnold Ban, Phyllis Bernstein, Cahrlotte 'Brodkey, Tom Kully, Nancy Lewis Allan Noddle and Mlk» Shrier; caps and gowns, Jerry Freedman, Harold Kalman, Diane Lintzman and Lennea Rife; Banquet arrangements, Phillip Barren, Elly falkenstein, Dave Goldstein, Steve Riekes, Lynn Singer. Spring play, Martin Lipp, chairman: Sandra .Matter*, Florence Shraga, Stuart Stoler; Banquet program, Judi Ban, Robert Brodkey, Barbara Garber, Bennett Mornstein. Jban Marx, Linda Ho«enbaum and Charles Wise; banquet table, Beverly Goldberg, Linda Kavich; commencement arrangements, Irvtn Belzer, chairman: Bernard Bloom, co-chairman. Bemadlne Green and Maxine Zwelbacfc. Central High school pep-Jet* include Linda Kavich, captain; Elayne Raskin and Sally Freeman. Unda Kavich-is also the Central High school representative on the Junior Red Cross Safe-Teen Council. DEBKA DEBS Beverly Bloom, chairman, and Gall Shrier, co-chairman, of the Deb's Annual Vice-Dance, "THE SILHOUETTE SERENADE," to be given January 18th, at the Birchwood d u b , have appointed the following committee chairmen for the evening; Sharon Frank, decorations, Harriet Schloff, tickets,'Janice Katleman refreshments and Barbara Creenberg, publicity. The next meeting of the Debs will be held at the home of Mary Kay Hoberman, January 5th,, at 1 p. m.. when Carolyn Dolgoff, program chairman, will present "Debs in Israel."-

Center Membership Fees Children High School Students . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . , Collegiates Adult* Family '. '. Health Club

Annual .912 12 12 ...25 40 . 90

Monthly *3 3 3 . A

itrom is on* of the committee heads. Among the candidate* for the queen of the dance 1* Tonl Kaplan. All arc Central High School students.

Athletic Dates At the JCC

ZDf SESCUES The Zlm Israel American Lines S/S Zlon took part in two rescue* at sea within three hour* of each other, December 22 when * e picked up a aide teaman on the Coreovado and another o n the Canopus.

Saturday, January 4—Open Box. ing Show. .Sunday, Jan. 5—Midget Basketball Dad and Lad and Daughter Swim. M o n d a y , Jan.* 6—Volleyball League—upon and evening. Tuesday, Jan. 7—Men* Volley, ball at Noon, Sllnuuutics Starts, Badminton Tournament W e d n e s d a y , Jan. *—Fencing C l a n e s Start, Center Varsity Basketball League, Iddy Biddy Basketball Starts. Thursday, Jan. 9—Kiddy Qua* tics, Friday, Jan. 10—Biddy Basket* ball.

Youth Council rosters may be picked up In the Activity office beginning Wednesday, January 8. A few extra copies at 90 cent* apiece wUJ be available for those w l » <W not order a roster prior to publication..

Omahans In the News-^ Lads Invited fo Louis Zwerllog of Los Angeles, 'Iddy Biddy* Ball. Cal., is visiting hi* parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. 8am Zwerllng. Ttc Max B u r , itationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., following a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ab« B w , left for Chicago, III., to spend the remainder of hi* leave with hi* fiance, Miss Barbara Cigelnik. Sheldon Harris, attorney, was one °t *cven nominees for Outstanding Young. Man of 1957 announced by the Junior Chamber of Commerce^

Dr. Victor E. Lorlne. director of the Department of Chemistry, Creighton Univenlty, School of Medicine, will sneak on "My U f e KAVIM With the Eskimos," January 17 at ELECTS a meeting of the Fremont, Nebr., The newly elected officers'Of Rotary Club. y Rayim include Bob Brodkey, president; Justin Greenberg, vice-presJoseph Kmbm has-been awarded ident; Bill Horwich, treasurer; the J. J. Davis Research Grant to Phil Gorclick, secretary; Ronny study structural pest .control at Green, first sgt. at arms; Larry Purdue University. He 1* the son Kohn, second »gt at arms; Steve of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kahn and Guss, youth council representative I* a graduate of the University of and Jeff Wohlner, alternate youth Nebraska. council representative. Thursday, December 26, saw the Raylnu honoring their alumni at their annual Homecoming £>ance. Paysi* Shyken was selected a* the outstanding senior'of the year.

A speciaKiU week Iddy Biddy basketball program will be conducted by the Jewish Community Center starting Wednesday, January 8. •, Boys iii the first and second grade* Will be taught basketball fundamentals through the uie of ptedally constructed p o r t a b l e backboard* and biddy basketball*. The young lad* may participate in the activities on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon from 4:15 p. m. to 5 p.*m. Competent instructlon and supervision will bt provided. Following the sessions, boy will be permitted to swim in the Center pool. Registration for program i* by attendance at any of the after (chool practice sessions.



ROMANCE 1'LEDtiEft' SERVICE PROGRAM . ' Rohanue pledges devoted their time during December to stuffing envelope* at the Jewish Community Center and helping at the Red Cross Blood Bank, • After challenging the actives to a volleyball match, they were victorious In the two games played. The pledget will present a show consisting of six a d s of Israeli singing and .dandng; at the Dr. BATIM ALUMNI Philip Sher Home for the Jewish The, Raylm Alumni basketball Aged later In Januaryt They also team defeated the regular, Raylm team in a scrimmage game at the plan to help the Heart Astoclatba Jewish Community. Center last Sunday, The ffnal score Alumni DANCE CHAIRMAN Larry Koho 1* general chairman 37, Rayim 19. of the Junior Red - Cros* CrUs Stove Rosenblatt was high point Cros*er Dance to-be held Friday man for the Alumni with 12 point* .night at Peony Park. Jerry Goldwhile Donald Fiedler scored 8 points for the Rayim team. Helene Franklin, the girls high series title. SWIMMINO FOR The co-ed We Do team Is in first DADB AND CHII.DIIK.V The Center's swimming pool is place In league competition while the Pin Stealcrs and All Stars arc an active place Sunday morning* for dads ami fhi'ir ladj and daugh- In second and 'third-place respecters. A special* swimming period, tively. from 9:30 to 10:30, has \>ean sched- The next session of bowling for uled for fathers to swim with their the co-ed league will be Monday pre-3Ch'>j| and grade school chil- at 3:45 at the 40-Bowl. dren. No form.'il registration is required for this Sunday program. Sup'Tvis-ioii ami Intsruction Is available. i'norj JA liM to insert IUJI tVtit Aa

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HKiil IIOU'IJM; SCORES Tom Platt rolled a 2r,r, game for an all time high in Youth Council Bowling. Nancy Brodkey holds tile gfrls hii;h Individual gnme record.

Jwuwry g,


Youth fM Figure KEEP THE MAN IN YOUR UFE HAPPY A S WELL AS YOURSELF 10-WEEK Course In Figure Conditioning

CLASSES STARTING SHORTLY • , Have a Perfect Figure • Personalized Instruction • Figure Conditioning , •



O ln« JI»I*1S!J Prt>*. Current rilt U IA e«oi« foi t*?.h Jiui Hnt J:;-!fr!'i3. TUt I'm* r««riM tlit rijftt to ilnili *JT« oi eacb uJvti-tJirm-rnt,


OAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers New* Stand, HJQ2 Dodge

By the Jewish Community Center 20th and Dodge JA 13(6

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