'. \ . .,
Dr. Abe Greenberg, president, Jew&li Federation. Paul Veret, executive director, Jewish federation. Mlllard Rosenberg, vice-chairman, ADI, Advisory Cmnmittee. Oalvin M. Newman, vice-chairman, Budget Commute*. D r . H u k e U Morris, vice-chairman, Bureau ot Jewiih Education. Or, Daniel Miller, chairman. Camp Jay-C-C. Harry Sldman, chairman, Federation Building Committee. LouU Cuiar, chairman, Jewtih Community Center. Arthur A. Conn, chairman, Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Horn* for Agod. .<• Tale Richard*, Jewish-Family Service. Arthur It. GoMitaln, chairman, 1957 Jewish Philanthropies. ' T. Ralph Nogg, chairman, Jewish P H H . Leo ElMniiUtt, chairman. Community Statistics. Mm. Henry A . Newman, president, Federation ot Women'* duba.
Special Reports Temple to Hold Special Program Made to Women A special program featuring an Find report* of three project* open forum, will follow the reguin which the Federation of Jewfih lar Sabbath services Friday n i ff ht at Temple Israel, Women'* Clubs participate, were A panel composed of prominent presented to members at a meet- Omnhans will .discuss the subject, - Ing, January 2 at the Jewish Com* "Are We Railing Another I/»t Generation?" niunity Center. Panel members speaking in conA letter waa received by Mri. nection with their own professionIlenry Newman, Woroen'i Federa- al experience, will be C.-Harold tion president, dting Mr*. Isadora Ostler, Chief 'of Police—law en' Chapman and her committee for forcement; Don Wirner, assistant "their part in the recent Children* superintendent of schools —education; ilabbi Sidney H. BrooW, ' Memorial honpltal bazaar in which Tempt* Israel—religion, and Dr they raised Jl.427.65, earning first Bernard KaHna,< Nebraska Psyplace - among the fund raisins c h i a t r i c ' Iiui/tute-r-PiycMatry. booths. The Women's Faderntlon Maury U SchwaVtz of Temple Israel, will serve as moderator. ' aluo W M awarded a certificate for The program will be presented iU service to tBe hmpltsl, by tho Temple's Rellgkrm School, Mrs. J, Harry Kttlalcohky, bond Sisterhood' and Men's Club will) chalnrrar. for the Women's Federa- Mrs, Sidney H, Brook* as chairtion, reported the women raised man. Sabbath services will begin at over 83 percent or 9130,700 of the ' total $103,400 Bond* for Israel 8:15 p. n \ during 1957 arid -that a total of $54,150 a* bduglit by women. She Mid that twenty-one.."sponsors? (women) w e n among, those, who purchased $1,000 or more. Two of the nine "builders" were women - Chancellor Clifford Hardin of the University: of Nebraska, will ' who represented thessale of 13,000 be the KUCTt spanker Wednesday, or more bonds, the sum required January 15, at 12:45 p. m. at the to erect a borne In Israel, Brandei* Vn i v e r s 1 t y Women's t i n , D a v e t o h n , Women'* "Fed- luncheon. t5 be held -In the House eratlon Needlework Guild chair- and 'Garden Room at th# Blackman, reported 11,6!&.5O raised on stone Hotel: ' behalf of the organization. Mrs. Bernhardt L. Wolf,"presiA nominating committee com- dent of the Omalia Chapter of posed of Mrs., Edward E. Brodkey, Brandeis University Women's oom> chairman, Mmas. Julius Newman. mlttee. will preside at the meeting. Sam Katzman, Pave Conn and Mr*, Stanley Katelman Is in Bernhardt Wolf was -appointed to charge of-the luncheon and Mrs. present * slate of nominations for Harry Atlsuler 1* in chafge of dec. office at the March meeting. The orations, Mr*. Charles Roseiutock, organization will elect nety officers GL 9519, may be called for reser•Lit* May meeting. vations.
Chancellor Hardin To Be Speaker
To Be Recognized
Federation to Hold Annual Election AH members of the Jewish com* tnunlty have been invited to the Mth Annual Meeting of the Federation for Jewish Service, Sunday, January 12, at S p, m., at the Jewish Community Center, Dr. Abe Greenberg, Federation president, emphasized. "The Annual Meeting of Ilia Federation la the most important Mrs. Kniton Kninknfoky community event of Uie year. At r>t, Abe Ortittniwrg this meeting. Federation leaders A apwlul feature of the Fmlcra- | community ncrvlre jfMvjrds ot I>r, report on community progress and tlon unnuui meeting will ho twill- | Aho (Siwinborg and Mm. Kftaben achievement*. In brief summaries, mmilii!* h o n o r i n g miUtitoilln); ( KulnWxky. either chairmen or co-chairmen, will report on their respective dopartments,
British Firm Wins Workmen Circle Over Arab Boycott To Mark 50 Years
Jciiivil.-ui UV.NSi A BrltlsTi firm which refused to acquiesce to Arab pre-Huira to cease doing business with Israel has won a notable victory wlilch mny well set an c<c»nple to others against whom slmilnr piesnures are being applied. The firm. Imperial Chemical Industries, continued doing business with-Israel despite its blacklisting by the Arab boycott office in Alexandria, Egypt. Nut the company's resistance paid oil when the Arab boycott office decided to cancel Its blacklisting. The actipn of the cfiemlcal company is In sharp contrast with that ot th« British Shell company which last year announced cancellation of sales operations in, Israel as it yielded to Arab demands and threat*.
Australian Visas For Polish Jews New York (JTA)—The Auftrallan Government has Issued several hundred immigration visas for Jews In Poland who indicated a desire to Join -relatives In Australia.
Dr. Edmund McCurtairi To Open Parent-Teen Forum ' Dr. Edmund MoCurtaln, ChairBian of the Sot'lology Department at the University of Oinnha, will be the main speaker a t "1C " r s l letnlon of the Parent-Teen Series, Wi*dnesdayj Jnnuary 15, at B p. m. in tlte Unlvpraily'a Adult Conference Center, lie. McCurtain will discuss "i'urent-Teen Hclatioii. "ships." The xerii'S Is lifini; .sfwn-
Beth El Father-Child Dinner Is Postponed The Beth Kl Men's Club FalliorClillil dinner oilijinnlly scheduled for Sunday, Jnnuary 12, lias beef) p<«tixinc(l to Sunday, Jiiimary 19. Th" change was made In order to give member* an opportunity to attend the annual meeting of the Federation for Jewish Services to beheld this Sunday.
sored by tile Jewish Community Center in o x ^ n i t l o n with the University of Omaha. A resource panel has boon f>elected to assist Dr. McCurtairi III a question and answer |>ei-lod folliMlnu hii ai|ilre,«. Pull Kutler, CTenter Y o u t h (Thalniian, anni»unced, MenilM'r« of t'ie panel will (h? Di\ I^>u Yajfei*. INyeliolo^ist; Mrs. Mnx Fromkin. Ouilrinan of Beth Israel Synagogue Youth Commission; Mr*. Meyer Ilubin, pre.ililcnt of Hadnssah; Ivirl Sleijel, Cooler Adult Clialrrnan; Saul .miverinan, Center Activities Director, and Dorlf Itaduziner, Center Youth Council Director. Parking space In an area north of the field house has beervrancrved for those attending the forum, throughout the series.
Dr. Joseph It. Dunn, Mm, Mlllard Hpftinr, Mm. llernard Oold•tmm, Saul Hllverman, M i c h e l BolUs, Dr. Kdmund MrCurtuln and Phil Kutler mot at the Unlvrnltr
, Workmen's Circle, Branch 173, will observe its fiftieth, anniversary, Sunday, January 19, With a celebration"beelnnlnj{ at 5:30 p. m In the Labor I-y'ccum. The local group was formed three yearn after ltn national organization and ufas Instrumental in providing soda] and cultural programs for newcomers to this country who settled in Omaha during the oarly years. Branch activities have expanded to include wide participation in community affain. Branch 173 built it* headquarter* at 3024 Cuming Street, It* second home since being organ* lzed.
72,000 Entered Israel in 1957 Jerusalem (JTA)—A total Of 72,000 Immigrants entered Israel during 1937, th> Jewish Agency announced. Forty-one thousand ot them came fcom European countries, 26,000 from Africa, 4,000 front Asia and 1,000 from South American lands, the Agency laid,
PedenUmt Activities "The activities of the Fedoratlon," Or. Greenberg said, "are intimately involved-with the spiritual, physical, and moral welfare of the community, reaching practically info every Jewish household, in one manner or another. In-addition, our Federation is also the instrument through which Ojna*h/i Jewry helps national Jewish agencies, overseas relief Institution's, and in the rebuilding ot Israel, "J would like to announce that at this Annual Meeting we will recognize Paul Veret our Executive Director, on the occasion ot his completion of 20 years of service as our Director. Attendance Urged "For'this reason, I urge every member ot our community to attend the Federation Annual MeetIng this. Sunday evening," Dr. Greenberg concluded. ,
Election of Officer* Federation officers will be elect, ed for a neiv term office. Nominations will to presented by Nathan, L. Nogg, chairman, and his committee, consisting of Abe Brodkey, Isadora Chapman, Henry Greenberg, Mrs. Ilenry Newman, Morton Richards and Harry Sldman. Arthur H. Goldstein, General chairman of the 1937 Phllanthrophles Campaign will submit the final campaign report, and present ' special award* to campaign lead-; e n ot the various divisions. New Women's Chairman MID. Henry A. Newman, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, will introduce th« Chairman of the Women'* Division of 1058 Philanthropies camlRn. , Constitutional amendments will submitted by Milton R. Abrahams, chairman of the special committee, A social hour will follow under he pus'piccs of the Women's Federation, with Mesdames Robert H. Koorwr and Jake Wine in charge of arrangements. Present officers are: Dr. Aba Greenberg, president; Robert H. of Omaha to plan for the flint Kooper, first vice-president; Harsculon of tho Parsnt-Teon Forum ry Trustin, second vice-president; scheduled for January 13th at tho Ernest A. Nogg, treasurer; Arthur H. Goldstein, secretary, and Dr. Vnlveriltr. Philip Sher. lionorarv nri»sldpnt'.
Published Every Friday bj the FedersttoD of Jewish Aenlc* Cecunn _'i«»k Mallliu privileges Authorized «l unuha, Nebrasks. Anouu Subscription, M.0O. Xdv«rll«1ng (Utei on Apptlrafion. EdlturUi Ol ica—im No 30)h Street, Chubs. Nebr- jAckson ia«» frinr Sh AddresiMSOS So jam Street(MRS.) FRANCES RXEIN Editor
Usson No- 5
HEBREW SELF.TAUGHT •r AHARON ROSEN what mah copy-book7"" mahh-btrtt Write (m.i.) koh-ttht
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Religious Services
TEMPLE ISRAEL Services will be held at Temple Israel this Friday at 8:15 p. m. and will be followed by a special panel discussion. BETH El, Services at Be)h El Synagogue this evening will be held at 0:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the IJ*th El Synagogue Choir will render' the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services at 9:30 a, m. and the Junior Congregation services are a t 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv services are at 4:43 p. m. Daily services are at 7 a. m. and 7 p . m . Sunday morning service Is at 9 a.1 m.
Bas Mitzvah
t b a . riftcM H U Hikn. mm , m m t K k tom (•« «c» af itw traiiBJ > • • « riM, tal. IIM., mtu, ttor. Urn, rhr.
Fenoni Interested In the w:\t- < ter IJbrarlan, JA. 1366, (or any taught Hebrew course ire invited additional assistance with the leito dUl Mrs. Max Grossman, Cen-1 sons.
MNDA OtXFAjm LOU OKEENBERO ' Mr. and Mr*. Jack Gelfand announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Linda, and Mr. and Mrs. Dnvid E. Greenbcrg announco- the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Lois, at a joint service on Friday evening, January 17th and Saturday morning, January 18th at Beth £1 Synagogue. .
dent of the Nebraska Society of Biological Scientists for 1958, Dr. Levuie recently returned from Indianapolis, Ind.. where he attended the anual convention of There are 100 placm of worship , Sol Slavin o{ Forest Hills, N.' Y. the American Association for the for Christian* plus 50 religious ex-Omahan, is \1sltirtK his son-in- Advancement of Science. schools. ' law and daughter, Hr. and Mrs. Merle B. Potash and granddaughter, Janle.
Omahans " In the News
Dr. 8. Gordon BJps, has returned to Omaha after completing six months active military training under tbe Reserve Forces Act prograin at Brooke Army Medical ' Center, Fort Sam Houston, Tex He and his wife, the former Sharlene Fischer, will make their home here. Dr. Rips was graduated from the Illinois College of Optometry shortly before entering the service. Or. Victor JC I-evlne, professor of Bioipgical Chemistry and Dlrec"tor of the Department in the Creighton University School of JHedidne, has been elected presl-
FOR THE FINEST... IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portraih Weddingt Commercial
Friday, J u w r r 1*. MM
Chess Expert To Appear Here; Tied for Dallas Chess Honors
. CandlelighUiir, *:M pjn. BETH 18KAEL i Rabbi Benjamin Croner, Cantor Eli Kagan, Beth Israel Choir, and post Has Mitzvah group will conduct lat e Friday services at 8 p. m. .41 Rabbi Oroner will speak on "A Peek into the Future." TradiFriday evening services NOD .4 2 tional (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin s t 5 p. m. Sabbath morning services at 8;45 a. m. Junior Con.4 3 begin gregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Gron I , er will conduct tha Talmud clans at 4:30 p. m. Sabbath Muicha. at f 9 p. m. f o l l o w e d by Sholeshe S'eudos and. Mafrlv, Dally morn.44 ing services at 7 a . m.: afternoon services at 4:10 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's dass in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Mlnyan, followed by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. The Talmud Discussion group meet* every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th and Burt, and services Saturday morning at 9 a, m.
x iBb» !,Trf
n n Di1?^ lOfttf rnoix -IH -
Sam Ke-sheviky, who will piny in a SO game simultaneous chess exhibition at the Jewish Community Center, Sunday, January 19, at 2 p. m. recently tied for firat place with tha. Yugoslavian chess champion in th* International Chess Tournament In Dallas, Ten The local match sponsored by the Center, .the YMtIA and the Omaha Chess Club already has 13 registrations for the event. Jacob Feldman, defending Center Chess Champ, will play for the Center. Omaha men and women are invited to reuister for piny In the exhibition at the Jewish Community Center. Re>hevsky earned the title of Grandmaster in 1935, in Margate, England, l i e lias added ' to his laurels by the victories In many tournaments, nationally and internationally, since that time. He successfully defended his title 8am Rethfvtkjr twice in set matches with Horowitz and Kashdan, .famous chess when he 'astonished the chessstars. . A native of Poland, h« first ar- world by defeating many talented' rived In the United States in 1920 players.
With the Home Folks This week, Our Public Ilooms were decorated -with beautiful flowers from the Wedding of Miss Barbara Paperny to Mr. Harold Goodman of Des Koines. Flowers always help brighten up A Home and they are always appreciated. Visiting Hours: I with to Inform The Community that visitors arc always welcome anytime between 9 a. m. and 8 p. m. • Musical Programs: Concerts of Claulciil andMewlsh Content ran be heard each morning in The Home A u d i t o r i u m , following breakfast, with Sam Oilman as Musical. Director. ''January 4th: Mr. Sam Faler, Home Resident, gave A Klddlih in memory of th» Yahrztlt of hi* wife. k, January 7th: 'The Arts and Crafts Program was presented at 2 p. m. This program Is" sponsored by The Omaha Chapter of The National Council of Jewish Women and Is oppn, hot only to our Residents, but also to all Golden Agers. January 8th: Rabbi Benjamin Groner started the RaoUnlcal Visitors Series for 1958. This program, of Spiritual Leader Lectures will continue) with the following Religious Leaders on the specified dates: January 14: Rabbi 'David
Korb of Council Bluffs, la., January 32: Rabbi Meyer Krlpke and January 28: Jlabbl Sidney -Brooks. These meeting start at 11 a . m . V i s i t o r s are also welcome. YAHRZE1T In January: Sam Porter, Gabal of The Home Synagogue, announces the Special Memorial Services will be held in Our Synagogue— 4801 No. 5^nd. Street for the following: Tebet 22-January 14: Rosalie Epstein; Tebct 2 3 January 15: Max Vcret; Tebet 23 —January 15: B e s s i e Seglln; Shebal 2-January 23: BabctU Ermann; Shebat 2-January 23: Miriam Weissman Donzes;'Shebat 7-January 28: Abe Glassmanj Shebat 10—January 31: Mrs. Herman Nichols; Shebat 10-January 31: Bessie Margolin.
JANUARY CLEARANCE , rabalen Valses
CRANDELL FURS Farnom at 34th Strttf
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Shirley Goodman fo Marry Dr. Goldenberg August 3 Mr. and Mm. frwln Goodman have announced the engagement of their daughter, MIs« Shirley, and Dr. Norman Goldenberg. The prospective bride attended the University of Omaha and ii now teaching at Weitgate School. Her fiance was graduated from the University of Omaha where he was affiliated with Phi Epsilon PI Fraternity. Dr. Goldenberg nm graduated In June from tho Unlvenlfy of Nebraska College of Medicine where he was a member of Phi Delta Ep(llon Fraternity and Alpha Omega Alpha, medical honorary, lie Is Interning' at Indianapolis General Hospital in Indiana. The couple plan* an August 3 wedding in Omaha,
ran* 1»fe#
Miss Epstein Tevee Bernstein Engaged To Wedlowan To Bernard J Tarkel Mr. and Mrs. Morris Epstein an nounef the engagement of their daughter, Mis* Harriet Jean to Norman Sigcl, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Bon Sigrl of Ottumwa, la. Both young people attend tho Slate University of Iowa at Iowa City, l a , where Mr. Sigel Is 9 sophomore 1* the College of Me'dirlne. ' An August 17th wedding is planned.
Mi. and Mrs. U Bernstein announce the engagement o f then* daughter, Miss Tew* Joy to Bor-nnrd JeronieTurkel, son of Dr, and Mrs, Snm L. Turkcl. • Miss Bemslcin attended the University .of Colorado at Boulder, where she was affiliated with Sigma IWtn Tau, anef-the University of Omaha. .She is now teaching at Westgate School. ' Her finnce is a student at the I'nuprsity of Nebraska's CollPge" of Dentistry. lie is a member of SiRtiin Alphn Mu, sorlal fraternity^ and Xi I'sl Phi, professional fraternity. An August wedding is planned.
Theonne Klofe Is Betrothed
Mr. and Mr*. Abe Klotz an, nounce the engagement of their ENKOIXfrfENT daughter, Mis* Theonne and LeonJerusalem (WNS) Since the ard DePorte, son of Mr*. Be** Deestablishment of Israel in 1948 Porte. student enrollment In the Hebrew Mis* Klotz attended the Ray. University has quadrupled, now Vogue Art School in Chicago and reaching more than 4,200. the Omaha Art School and Is now doing commercial art work here. Community Center. A board meetHer fiance attended the UniIng will precede the regular meet- versity of Omaha. ing at 11:30*. m, Y .--..«•". Plans for the birthday party for the Dr. Shirr'* Home for the Aged Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Block, RetidentJ, January 19th,. will be former Omnhari* have announced announced later. . ; . > the engagement of their daughter, Miss Paula Maxlne, to Joseph I*. EMXKBTAINS Making their home In New York Ixvy, son of Mrs. Irving Levy of NEW MEMBERS City are Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Albuquerque' N. M. •> New member* of Omaha Chap- Arthur Segal) who were married The Slock family also reside' In ter H a d a i s a h group* will be January 1 In an early afternoon Albuquerque where Mis* Blork athonored at a 12:30 p. m. luncneon ceremony In the chapel of Beth tends the University of New Mexon Friday, January 17, at the home Israel Synagogue. Rabbi Benjamin ico. of Mr*. Meyer N. Ilubln, 902 Groner officiated, A June wedding is planned. Hlllcrest Drive. The bride, the former Miss ShirMr*. Ted Sanford, membership 'ey Gimplc Is the daughter of Mr. chairman is In charge of arranke- and Mr*. Nathan Gimplc. menti. Her c o - c h a i r m e n are: The ceremony was followed by Herzl Group, Mme*. Art Abram*. a family dinner at the Dlackstone PRESENTS Murton Hichard* and Jullu* Kntz- hotel. A Panel of Experts man; S/.ol<l Group, • Mme*. Art Grossman and S h e f f Katskee; "ARE WE RAISING ANOTHER LOST Weizmann Group, Mnie*. Sum GENERATION?" Berman and Irving Lincoln. •' IBVINO B. SHERMAN • For Law Enforcement C. Harld Ostler HAOASgAH LEADERSHIP Chief of Omaha Police Funeral service* for Irving B. TKAIXINO COtnWE Sherman, 59, 1806 No. 19th (treat, • For Education Don Warner The participant* jrfMhe Leader- who died December 31, wen held Asst. Supt. of Schools ship Training Course of Omaha at the Jewish Funeral Home, Jan• For Religion Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks Chapter Hadamah will present a uary 1. Survlng are mother, Mr*. Temple Israel demonstration meeting at the Tiliie* Sherman and brother, Abe. • For Psychiatry ,Dr. Bernard Kalina Houst and Garden Room of the Nebr. Psychiatric Institute Macktton* Hotel on Thursday, • Moderator Maury L. Schwartz January 16, at 9:.W «. m. The Temple Israel meeting will feature all member* who have completed the eight—An open forum. week course, conducted by Mrs —-A chance lor you. to question the experts. J. H. Kulakofsky. Chairman, Mrs. Sldqey H. Brooks In All member* of the Chapter Friday—Immediately Following Sabbath Services Board, Croup noord* and Business Friday January 10 8:15 P.M. Professional iHadassflh Board arc invited to attend. ALL ARE WELCOME MIM Shirley Goodman
Organizations HIZRACIII WOKEN 'Die regular meeting of the Mlzmchl Women will be held January 15 at 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. A d e n e r t luncheon will be nerved PIONKKB WOMKN The Pioneer Women will hold an Oneg Shabbat at the home of Mm. Isadora F o r b e s , 1720 No. Slat Street, Saturday at 1 1:30 p. m. The program will Include vocal •flpctioni by Mrs; Mliton Ncrcnbcrg; readings by Mm. J. Kaplan and an addiesi by Joe RadlnowHKJMA Al.l-IIA MU MOTIIEIW ri.rm The Sigma Alpha Mu Mother*' Club wljl meet at the home of Mrs. Moritz Ermnn, 110 So. 51 St., Wednesday, January 15, at 1 p. m. A dessert luncheon will pr« t*Ae the meeting. vFor reserva tlon call Mnr. J. M. Margolin, GU «68. B'NAI fi'RITH "* •DOrXS FOB DEMOCRACY* The "Dolls for Democracy", B'nnl B'rith Henry Mon<ky chapler project, will be presented at a United Commercial Traveler* meeting, Saturday night, January 11 at the Caitle Hotel with Mmrs, Harry Smith, U e o r g e Shafer and Stanley Shapiro «« pnrtlcipatlng panel memnei* The program will be held Tuesday afternoon, January -14th at a Hiuebird meeting at Washington School with Mmo. Morri* J. Shapiro and Herbert Matches taking part. It will be shown Jan. 17, Frldny afternoon, td Howard Kennedy school pupils by Mmei. Henry Grernberg, Morris J. Shapiro and Herbert Mciches.
Newlyweds Reside In New York City
For Satisfaction
COUNCIL OK iEWim WOMEN Board member* of the Council of Jewish W o m e n will meet Thursday, January 16, at a 1 p. ny npsiert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Sidney Brooks, 5608 Farnam Street. Co.hostes* will be Mrs. J. A. Solomon.
BIHTJR CflOMM BBNEKIT LUNCIIKOH Bikur Chollm Society will hold A benefit luncheon for the ChilIt* rci,'i|lnr monthly medllng. Janu- dren'* Village project of the Miz•ry 13, at 1 p n . »t the Jewish rachl Women will be. held on Wednesday, January 22, at 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Hostesses for the affair are Mmes. Rose Fogel, Herman Franklin and Sol Nogg. For reservations, please call Mrs, Franklin, WEbster 5245. Cards will follow the f luncheon. /f AltlTllIM
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BAR and B.iJ Mitzvuh conirrntulotlons also for all Jewish holiday* ami special occasions. Meyer* News Stand, 1302 Dodge
Engagement of Ex-Omahqn Told
HAVO "Mother" treat the family to h*r favorite recipe for Lung Miltz, BrofnJ and Sweefbreadi, Juir include these delicacies when you give us your next meat order.
FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Every Thursday on All Orders Phoned In by Wodnesday Noon Open Monday Thru Friday, f to I Closed Saturday and Sunday
SLIMNASTICS 20rii and Dodge
JA 1366
Center Topics BEGISTBATZON FOR SLIMNASTICS STUJ. OPEN Ladle* may still register for the Center new figure conditioning program for women. The Sllmnw tics program meet* twice weekly. Tuesday and Thursday or Wednesday and Friday from 10 to 11 a. m. at the Jewish--Community Center under the supervision of Mrs. Joaq Kinhenbaum. Free baby silting, free parkins and swimming instruction are also offered. Registration for either of the two classes is by pnone call to the Center -or by attendance at any of the Sllmnutlcs sessions.
Friday. 'asnuiT M, 1»M
Co-cd Bowling Rolls on Monday
Young Adults Hold Election Offlcen for lh« Young Adults' Council have been elected for the. coining- nix months. Tbey are Lowell Baurner, president; Pauline Stone K m vice-president; Arnold Winer, s e c o n d yioa-preaident; Carol Spector, secretary; GaH Spector, treasurer.
Youth. Council Bowling League. The second plaet teferns art only one. game out of first place. High Bowlers in the league are Stuart Kutler, Tom Plan, BetteWeiner and Rene* Franklin.
ELEANOR ROOSEVELT * J B i C Wins TwpMes Ulfh Schoolers eagor'r awaiting their turn during the Youth Three trophies were awarded to Council Bowling competition. They follow a regular league schedule Eleanor Roosevelt Girls of B'nal meeting each Monday after school. B'rith at the Winter B. B. Y. O. convention held in Del Molnes, December 24, 29, and 26th. Vice Dance, to be held on January The awards were received by the 18th at the Birehwood Club, have SCHEDULE group's bowling team composed of been chosen: HaroldKalmart, son , Sunday,'January 12: Marine Zweiback, Arlene-Gruss11 a. m.—AZA 100 vx AZA 1. man, Linda Magzamln, Berdlne of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kalman; Martin Upp, son of Mr. andMn. 12—Rayim vs VnaffUUtes. * Green, Eden Conn and the voaeyYoungsters of the Children's 1:45 p. m.—Team 1 vs Team 4. ball team with Berdlne Green. frank Upp; Bernard Polikov, ton Sunday Fun Program will learn to of Mr. and Mrs., Abe Polikov; and . 2:30—Team 2 vs Team 3. Joan Marx, Florence Shrago, Arwork W i t h paper-math* during 3:15->-Team A vs Team D. lene Grossman, Linda Magzamln Paul Sbyken, am of Mr. and Mrs. their second aession, January 13 3. J, Shyken. 4—Team B vs Team C and Maxlne Zweiback. Karra Forbes, has been ap- at 2 p. m. 7:30—Center Varsity vs Offutt. Maddie Miroff was the winner pointed rid* chairman for this Part of the afternoon will be Wednesday, January 15th: of a story telling contest. Eden devoted to games and striking. 7:30 p. m,—Brophys vs Stisses. Cotan as captain, Linda Magza danee. A tew openings remain for grade Letters describing activities or 8:30 p. m.—Claymans vs Lust- mln and Florence.Shrago played Omaha Debs and those of a Young school children, ages five to eleven. gartens. " _^ on an all-star volleyball team. Parents wishing to enroll their Judean d u b In Israel will be exEARIJT KISKKS changed in correspondence Be- youngsten art urged to calt the PBK-COLLEOE STABT AT-4:U A. M. tween Madelta* Xripk* and the Center Activity offlct. The fee CONFERENCES U $5.00 for the program which will The Early Risers Club, a group AU high school Juniors and sen- Israeli group. continue through February 23. of enterprising businessmen who iors are urged to make appointTransactions on Tel Aviv Stock meet from 6:45 a. m. to 8 a. m. Oil the Moahvei Ovdlm settle each Monday, Wednesday and Fri- ments with Youth Council Direc- Exchange consist mainly of shares, merits all farms are equal in sire. day at the JCC, can accommodate tor, Doris Raduziner, to discuss bond and government bond. their ideas, on and plans for colmore members, George Shafer, in charge of early morning- program lege. Catalogues arid infosmatlon regarding entrance examinations announced. . Gym activities, iwimming, stenm may be checked out of the YoUth baths atuTa catered breakfast are Office library. ' part of the Risers activities. An- AZA >O. 1 TO HOLD other feature of the Club is the HAMA weekly weigh-In where' members AZA No. 1 will hold Its formal check their weljjhu against anllinstallation of newly elected offiCipafed fosses. Those not meeting the self-imposed goals treat other cers, Sunday, January 12, at , 2 p. m.; at -the Jewish Community dub members to lunch. Center. The all inclusive monthly fee Sam Epstein, chief advisor and for the Early Risers it $13. Harold Kahnan. outgoing president, will install Milton KaUkce, 10-HOUB F1K-HT Steve Dloogoff, Don Noodcll and AID COU1WE . A 10-hour Red Cross first aid Saul Kalman in their new offices. course will be offered at ihe Jew- "HIK SIIJIOUETTE" ish Community beginning-Monday, CANDIDATES January 13 at 9:30 a. m. The only] The following candidates Mr the requirement for those attending title of "Sir Silhouette," of this k the first aid textbook which can year's annual open Debka-Deb be purchased at the Red Cross Center for 75c or ordered at the DIAMOND'S Center.
Children to Work With Papier-mache
Chairman arc Frank Berg, ao» dal; Barbara Bernstein, bowling j Benny Abramson, welfare servioe: Miss Maxlne Pred, cultural, and Sidney Klopper, activity, Th« Young Adult Council will, meet Sunday, January' lfl, at 3:15 p. m. in th* activities offloe of the Jewish Community Center, i Moshvai Ovdlm a n founded on principles of mutual arid and equal* ity of opportunity
Don Bernstein
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THREE TIE FIRST PLACE • Three teams are tied for first place -and three team* are tied for second position in the Jewish
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