Robert Kooper Heads Federation Leaders Presented Special Citations "•
Officer* •!(•( Iiil Sunday llii;li| to li«-:i>l thn i ' r d e r a l l u n for J i » l » l i Mr n i c e at lt» A4lli annual r » m inunlly IIII-I<MIII; arc Hubert II. Km |HT, prroldcnt; H a r r y T n u t l n v f l n t vlce-|irp«liloiit: Krnrsi A. VoRit, wrund \ln-pn-ildiiii: \r(liu r II. ( •olrl.Htrln, t r m t u r r r , and Milton IC. Ahraliarn?*, fM>en*tnry,
Omahcm Cif ed Omahans Invited to June By Abba Eban UJA Meeting in Israel 'J l l ' * J ( ' > t l l ' J * " ! ' H I • ' 1 ( f i i ' i n l i U U d e \ e h i p i i n i l l i n I wu I u ( si l l * 1 S''«i ' by Jsmcl Ainb i ^ n d o r Atthi KIM in o WaAhin^tiin, If. ( ' , a d d i c t
Jan. 11, attended by Mrs. J. H.ir ry ICiilokofsky. The Omuhan wus one of 38 women sjicciully cited liy the Ambassador at n dinner given l)y film and hl» wife for "Wmncn of Valor," women, who'were retyoniible for the sain of J100.000 ; or mote 111 braet bond] (lure 19M. 'lira. Kulakofsky was tile guest coming from the farthest point west. > * ftn. Kbaa >am«J Mm. Kban »a» named on honorary woman of Valor In a siwclsl ceremony, the second woman to Iw to designated. The ffmt wop Mm. Franklin"D. Jloosevelt. Mrs. Kulakofiky who returned 1o Omaha Tuesday, mild the Ambaxsador declared that "lirael will nut permit the tensions in the Intefnational arena and tn the Mid' die East to 'paralyze her Into inertia' and thht Israel's conwlldatlon has aj> 1U central theme the purpose'of creating • liable economy." Bond Indispensable The Ambassador In hi* talk, Mrs. Kulakofsky reported, cmphaslzcd that "the Israel Bond is not a subsidiary clement in* Israel's- struggle for survival and progress, but is central and indlv .pensable to everything that we hold dear," Trusted, both men1 and women purchasers of S10/XX) or more In Israel I'onds weie also guests "t the dinner uhirh win thi* iin session of the National lycadcnship Conference for Isini-1 llonds ,itby nciily JJ(KI pciMins. Mrs. .Kulaknf.sky said, that fol* lowing Ih'1 dlnne:-, .Samuel Until•IKM'K, national c'halrm.'iii of Trustees, sparked mi ;ipi>eal for purchasers hy trustees for lil.'iK ;ni(f that when the scuti'in ended ]2(: trustees hail announced their purchases of $10,000 anil over, en resiiltini: in a total close in $1.M 000. Mrs. Kulnkofbky attended the Sunday mornlnc' breakfast session of the conference.
An invitation tn Ottiahaji* and ii^ldciitt uf the surrounding nrcas, Jo attend the June celebration of the United Jewish Appeal's twentieth anniversary conference n Jerusalem, Israel, wax extended by Herbert II. Mpaon, of Chicago, oil Omaha visitor this week. Mr. IJIMMII, regional supervisor or the West Central" .States, United Jewish Appeal, said he hoped Omaha would have twenty or liirty representative* at the con'erence to be held June 24, 25 and 26. 'Israel," he declared, "is* most anxious /or'a'large delegation of Americans to arrive in its country to display to the world at large, a deep understanding and klnshfp between' the Jews of America and Israel, especially since the year coincides with the tenth anniversary of .the new state." ' • • "Since the UJA Is the single msxt Important- organization In this country, the state of Israel deemed it only proper that it be the Instrumentality by which this huge gathering be convened." Mrs. Mike .Freeman, co-chairman of the women's division of the 1957 Philanthropies, has been appointed UJA spokesman to assist Omahans who are Interested In making-the trip. FcrKom visiting Israel, will be accorded the VII1 treatment, Mr. Lfinon added, and will have the opportunity of personally trweiini; Prime Minister David lien C'.urlon, President !tzhak llen-Zvl tind nth er Israeli dignitaries. The IMA will iiimnsur an arranged round-trip two-week tour to cost tinder 51.000, Mr. Upson.
» P " . «m«J>a l«i«Jn«M . f tbo On«U,. Fwlaratl
Other officers elected were Harry Trustfn, ifirs) vice-president; Krnest A. Nogtf. second vlce-presldent; Arthur H, Goldstein, treasurer, and Milton: K. Abrahams, secretary.'-•:•'.••.•• ' .>;'.: Clixp-nan Muhnu K«p<irt The report of the nominating committee.'was made by Isadorc lapmnn. . Dr. AHe <Jrtt«abers;, rtrtlrlng prmldrnt, -'Was prowntml With awards In irmgnltldn of hl« w r v to the eoinmiinlty and the world of Jet*rjV H* w»« given th« prrnldentlnl p|Hi|Un by Jack W, Mnrer, Immrillald pa»t president, Mr. Koopcr bestowed upon him the Golden Book certificate of the Jewish Natiotiiil' Fund, lhscritood witii his name, for hl» mdritrifloiis achievemenOi.. A gift of 5250 Was Riven In Drv Greonberg's name to thp Henry Monsky • Fou|«iation; of which he is chairman'. Making the presentation was Kuben Lippefi, president of Henry Monsky Lodgi of B'nai B'rHh.; ;; ; 'i• I'. ChapterH Olve"Ottt ; .".• Mrs,:,' P»u[ Sacki. p'resldent of Nebraska-1Chapter No.<- 346, and Mrs. Max krlzelman, president.'." Jloniy •AIonsky.;-Chaplei; No. -170, bolh of B'nal B'rlth^ Jointly, glhed I>r,; 'GrcenlWrg with forty silver dollars to be. used for- planting ,trees'.iit!srac]. ."••'.'-•.••': •' -V'-v- J : Mm. Roulwa Kuliikof»ky, wlio Was ta hmve been oo« of Uti pie of honor »l the* KatlierlnK .Was clt^ij f»r,Jier pioneerlnt sclile iqenti la local womrn'j ; s e n Ice
went on to nay,'in an effort make the Israeli - visit jmsulble to the greatest numlwr of Americans. The trip will include transports Ion by Kl Al Airlines, hotel accommodations, meaU, sightseeing, Ips, taxis, entrance fees and 44 pounds of luggage. .Provision, also may be made for "youngsters to travel. '11am hud. Iwcii mode to honor Additional information will also Mrs, Kulakofsky on the occasion, be made available at the Jewish marklriir 60 year* of servke to the Community Center.' community. Absent because of ill' ness, her certificate of citation was given trt her daughter, Mrs, Abe Brodkey, by Mr. Trustui, A gift also was made In her name to ^he: :DK PhUip Sher Jewish The 50 gome simultaneous Chess Home for the Aged by Mr»> JoExhibition has been postponed to seph^ Horwieh, president' Of the Tuesday, February n t h , at 7:30 Council of Jewish Women. ' Pe,r»«BnJ ClUUon, . p / m ' . - ' ; - ' , : ; . . ' • . . • ; . • . • ' : • :•),';'•/-."'' Personal '"Citations'' for out Recent developments in the na Uorial' and Inter-national chess standing services performed durlournariuMitj . imd match games ing the 1957 Philanthropies, were necessitate: changing several dates I'fliirtounced by Mr, Goldstein, Genfor appearances throughout the eral Campaign chairman, himself H
; . . ' • " .
; ' , , • •
•-. . ' • ; . ;
Chess Exhibition isfoitponed 1
l i a t f o j - .
• • • • • :
/ •
Mrs. Ben Shapiro ls*1958 Chairman
n-award recipient, Mr, Goldstein amed David Blacker, Initial Gifts Minimum; Louis Cunar Mid lUijen Linpett, Men's C!o-Chalmian; Mrs. Kdward K. Brodkey, Wom'n'» Chairman: Mrs. f''Aw\n K, Irodkcy and Mix. Mike Freeman, iVomen'.s Co-Chairmen; Mi>s. Hsrlan UonJarln, ISusincu and l'roiwiinnal Woman's Division Chairman, Paul Shykcn, Youth DtvIslOn 'liairman and Mrs. Louis Hurvltz, University Chairman, now a resident of D,*s Mulnej. \tn, Brn Hliaplrn, well bniiWii (o he community for her fln« rceofil In ncw«pa|>cr Work and public relations, wan named Women's l>l- , iin Chalnniiii fur the 1B5K l'hilntlirnpiex campnl|(n. She was Inrpdncrd by Mn, Henry A. Newman, president ot the rVderutliin if Jewish Women's G'liilix. Annual Itepii'ris A special feature of the program was the annual reports by Federa- " tion department heads and cf>chali-men. Meports were given by Millnrd Rosenberg, vice-choinnan, ADI, advisory committee; Dr. Morris Margolin, 'chairman, and Dr, Haskell Morris, vlca-chairman, Bureau of Jewish Education Dr. Daniel Miller,' chairman,' Camp Jay-C-C; Louis dinar, chairman. Community Center;- Arthur A. Cohn .chairman, Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged; Yale 11 c h a r d s, associate chairman, Family Service; Harry Sldman, chairman. Federation B u i l d i n g Committee; F. Ralph Nogg, chair, nan, Jewish Press; Leo Elsenstatt, chairman, Statistical Committee; Calvin M. Newman, Vice-chairman, Budget Committee, and Mrs. Henry A. Newman, president. Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Paul Veret received a citation 'or 20 years of service to the community in his capacity as executive director of the Federation in an expression by Dr. Greenberg. A constitutional a m e n d m e n t submitted by Mr. A b r a h a m s changing the nunin of UIB ortrantMtlon from "Federation for Jewish Service" tn the "Jewish, Federation of Omaha," wiw approved. A reception, arranged by'members of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs was held at the close of the meeting. In Charge of the baking'for the reception, were the Mines. Jake Wine and Samuel Kalman. The decorations •: were planned by Mrs, Hubert H. Kooi»er.
Thursday Designated Center's Ladies Day
Expression of Thanks "At this time, I would like tn express my .siiu'ere appreciation and Hwnlts to the officers, members of the executive committee, otuinnen o| departments ;nid eommittei.'s, ,'ind the miuiy, many worker* and friends who helped me during my term of service n9 president of the r'cderatiun for Jewish Service in 1!).">7." Dr. Abe Circcnbcrg
Mrs, Urn Shaplri) (I.) was niuned nver-ull chairman of tlie Women'n Division of the IMS l'lillaufliniplcs Ap|>citl by Mm. Henry A. Newman (r.), presldnnt of the Federation nf Jewish' Women's Club* at the Suoday night meeting of the Federation for Jewish Service. •' . '•
Thursday has been designated as Ladles' Day at the Jewish Coni' ': munity Center with special aetlvl- ' ties and programs featured by (Shi Physical Kducntlon*-department:*::. A baby sitting service with two attendants in charge and parking in the Center lot will be h w l e available to bolh members and non-members! The program"'sched* : uled from 9 a. m. until noon WIH; give participants an opportunity to do downtown shopping In addition to taking part in Center sppri-. sored KlininflstlcK, swimming and nothcr find child klddy-quatlctf.> A small service charge-will. bo made for Ladies' Day facilities' each Thursday, No formal regls' trillion is required, Women i n d their children arc Invited to drop in nt any Ladies' Day.session to take advantage , ot tha Center's program.
. •••'• •.•'•jV.'..(;;
Ilu:nunil;iiijii scrvicv^ of O.11.1ha ll:id»i>a,i|] women uil| bp liiph lltjhlej at a program fodlurinK the Hadnssah-IWilcw t'ni\er>ily Mcdi1r.1l Center In Israel. The event will be held at a luncheon meeting of the.Omah* O b i t e r of H a Ma M s h, "Thursday, January •'lOth, at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish ('oinnuiiiily Center aildiloriuin. KibM Sidney Urooks will cottwcrate H.idimah memters who hnw partldiKited In work at Veter.ins' Ilnxpitai, the Mental HeaJili C41n,'r, Swimming for the Handicapped. BraHle Instruction. WellBaby Clinic, Children's Memorial Ifr.opitnl, G r a y LsdJet, Motor Corp*, jSHrut .-Aides, Staff Aides an'l Canteen. Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Is one ot many groups of the national organization which will help lupport the new. Medical Center near Jerusalem, which will include a new- Rothsdilld-Kadassah Unlverslly'"500-M11 hospital, a new Henrietta Szold.School of NurJing, and, f new Hebrew University' llndiusifh Nodical School, which Includes Schools of Dentistry and Pharmacy, as wcH at the lloxeiitnhn Clinic for outpatients and fhc Pavilion.
WiththeHomeFolks Sm« aa<taMimlw*« rk« Or, r*M» • w Unit* «Si» ror Tht *a>4 Iv U»vl* (trim
Religious Services 5:0! (i, m.
January "th: Tlie Council of Jculih Women ArU and Craft* urogroni continued this »c*k with urepurulion of decorative trays and leather purees. Instruction this nixk n.i« pnnldcd by the Mines. Albert (iaer, Mejer Kirsbenkmm, noiwrl Inline, Sam ftownblum, and Ann Hubln. All thi-M> items .made by Tlte Residents Are for mile s i a reasonable price and the jproceeds ure t w d lo purchase raw niulerial* for future flags-work. Since must uf the items made arc «old rapidly, orders can be laken for (li<>»« uho wish to buy these products, which lire displayed 111 the Cabinet in The Home Auditorium.
BKTII EL ' Services at Belli-Kl S> ua'vogiie will he held at 8:15 p. m. Knnbl Mycr S. Klipke will deliver the sermon;' Cantor Aaron I. Kd^nr and the Ueth Kl Synagogue Choir will render the imuictil imliuns of the service." Sabbath morning ken Ires at 9::H) a. m. and the Junior CUDKIcitation at lOJO a. m. Minchif-MiiariV services* are at 5 p. in D.iily fct'rvJulmur) 81h: Kabul firnjumin icM HIT at,7 a. m. und 7 p in. Sunday morning <fi-vl<-»' « nt !l a. in 1(iuin(>r, our \udtur today started a New Scrlcu of U-cturcn on The Talmudir llucligrniind of S.iWwUi BKTII ISKAKI. January Dili: There was a grrat Kaubl Hriijafniii Cmucr. ("amor Kll Kugan, Uf'lh lxrael (liuir unit dfiil ot nctivily in the I'oimeil Intermediate A Class will i-onducl IIKMII at Tlie Dr. Philip Sher Ji-wlate Friday v\eniiiK srnlcoi «t S ihh Home For Tlie Aged today, p. m v Rabbi tirunrr will sopnk un when ihc following council women Chalm Writzmun in Mi'morium. ssthcred for their monthly spvvinij Traditional Friday cw'nini; scr*- meeting: Alines. S. NORR, (loldje Ices fKabboln* ShiiblKH.) begin at Colien, tether Mnrks. I. Itrnwir, ' 5 p. in. Sabtailh morning MTVICCI II. Fried, if. Fried, M. llorwlcli, begin al 8.15 a. in Junior Con- |j)tlie ItoHrnslcIn, J. Knplah, Mary gregation at 10 a in. Rnlibl Gron- Znlk Ann Mnrgolln, Ilalx^lta Sil• er Avill conduct I he Tulinud cltu.ii ver and Pauline Unykin. at 4:30 p. m. Satibalb .'ifinrhu at Janiur>- IU sod l l t h : aVnditlonS p. in. roljcmrd by .Sholeslio al Sabbath Services were held »* S'eudos and Maarlv. Daily mom- usual In The Home Synagogue uning services nt 7 a. in ; afternoon d»r the leadership of Snm Poster, services at 5:20 p. m, Sunday January IZ: A beautiful'floral rooming service* begin at S:4!> center piece vvns sent In The Home a. m. followed by break/list and by Airs. Sam Hshn^and Mm. Maun Riibbi's class in Bible. Sunday lee Katzmnn. morning Junior Mlnynn, followed January M: Kobbl David Korh by breakfast. »tarU at 8-10 n. m. of CouncirHUiffs w<u our rabbini-• The Tnlmud Discussion group cal visitor today. • January Mi The Bikur .ChollM meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. in. at BIDi SynoKOBue, Blrthdny Party for residents of 19th and But-t. and services e\ery The Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home For The Ased will be held on this Snturdny morning at 9 a. m. date at 2 p. m. Mrs. Allen Zalkln Is in charge of this affair, which TKMFLK IWBAEI, will honor the fiUJowing rtesidenlji: Temple YouUi .Sabbath will Ix* Sarah Baiwm. lentils nehn. Sani observed, this Friday evening at Colnlc Sam Ksler, DesAt> Frlcdell, 8:15 p. m. Marty Well and Car- Meyer Greenberg, Fannie Jiicobs, olyn DolgofC Kill present a dra- Ilevs Krasne, Sarah, Minkin. Hermatic reading "Youth Shall See man Nichols, Belle Noodell, Mnx Visions." Peltz, (WjrtrtHle Slpjn Kphrlnm Shabuas morning ten ices will Weinberif. Ifyman Wlntroub. - , beyin at 11:30 a. m. vriU) Rnbbi Sidney Brooks officiating and the Religious Scjiool Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Glrlia sing' ing the musical portion* of the „ serviced Mrs. Jack, Branuon h « been named geneml chairman of the lirotherhood Tea, February 27, at TOOTH cornvcii, Joslyn Art Museum. The event riUDAV. I:M f. M. The Youth Council will meet wIU be iponsorcd b y the National Friday, January 24th at 1:30 p. m. Conference nt Christians and Jews at the Jewish Community Center, Women's Dlviiion, Newly elected Club members are Invited to at- memberj of the organization'* board Include Mmes. Bramton, tend. Stanley SIo»bur« snd Marvin Tax-
Mrs. Jock Branisofi to Chairman NCCJ Tea
Want Ads
B M M Opporfainlllf. INCOME OPPORTUMITY KeJiable man or womiin fjorn I hi? area,to serxirc a route of CIKHrctte machinp«. Will take 5 bra. a week of your spare time »nd ran net ns hlRh as - $275 " monthly and can be built to full time biulncss uith our help, which coultl eventually nr;t X20.000 annually. No experience or selling neccsxary, route is established for the operator. To qualify you must have $!i<X) to $1,800 cash immediately available, which is secured, and a serviceable automobile. If sincerely interested write for pcrlonnl Interview giving phone number and brief outline of background. Box 5182, St. Paul, . MInrt.
Srwi Mntlral (Vntcr for l«r»el
Youth ~ II.S.V. NATIONAL CUMVKNTION Madeline Kripke, Justin I*wl», Mike Katz, and Bernle DeKoven wore the four Omahiuin who attended the I(.S.V. national convention W Chlcnco. The three young men received awards for their individual'service lo U,S.Y. At the c o n v e n t i o n , Bemie w«s chairman at a djj. cussioii Kru'jp. nnd Justin wns .a main t p * a k c r at a discussion, group. r
Eddie CanUir h<<c been named to receive the annual Beth Israel Humanitarian Award, April 20, at a binqiiM «t Beth I^rae) Synagopie, 'Hit: aiinuuncemeiu was made by Dan Gorilmun, general chainnnii of rhe cltatlnn ««nm!U tee and Maurice Kftt/imn, lynag -n-ue proildcnt. The awai\l in uiaile ann'u.illy as a irilxile' to an outatamUng pers.mati1y Ivho hnx dlirtlnguUhed himself In,charitable and phllanUiropic .acthitles, "Vht invitation Wiu extended to Mr/ Cantor by Mayor John Ao«enblair. Chainnan of the award selection committee *'ai Morris Jacobs, hltmelf « 1985 recipient of the citation, a former KJntf of AkSar-Ben and president of the Ne* bntsJca State Board of Education. Ex-Presldent-^Harry S. Truman received the sward lost year. „ --Mr. Cantor -ha> been especially Inlerettad In uslntlng underprivlleJged children and for years has been the guiding kiilrltrajid patron of Surprint Lake ("-amp for Boy> In upper New York State. KabbI Benjamin Groncris spirituaHcader of Hfth Israel Synagogue.
Hebrew Lesson
Bar and Bas Mitzvah
Below Cost 57 FORDS
son, Lawrence Joseph Kavich, will he celebrated .Friday evening and Saturday morning, January 24-25 at Temple Israel
PL 1111
llsdls* Uyis« RtMlrbH
Oon Bermtein
llntitr nt 90,00 Mile
No. 30th
BARR'r IRA f»0M)WARB Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Goldware announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Barrylra Goldware, will be celebrated Friday evening and Saturday morning, January 24-25 at Temple Israel.
4 » ( H*. Mrii St.
Patronize Our Advertiser^
.'Trntk's torn: u S snwtk scrtheri seat; ' .JUp »< «rt« f«i widl.. , i ( i M wften jrce please!'
Eddie Cantor to Come to Omaha
TEMl-l.fc lSKAKL, VOCTH HABBATII The TerMe Youth Uroup, under the'chairmanship of Caroljn Doleuff and Martin Well, will conThe next Hebrew self-taught duct Friday, evening Snbbalh Serv- wlli be carried In the Jnnuary 24 ices this Friday evening. issue of The Jewlkh Press. NFTY j j W present a dramnlic rending entitled "Youth Shall Set Visions." Keep FORD First FoIlowinK iienicpd, -the Youth All friend* slMI relatives are Group , will pmenr a drnniallc | lo ntiend w n l r e s and plnyletle In the Social Hall on Hie, role of the youth group- in the j Ternple, The leadiiiR will highlight 1 I.OI8 CiRKKNIIKlIU I.INDA (JKI.FAND Die' growth of joung people mid , I»is Creonl>erg, daughter of Mr. thi,ir participation in Sfxclol Dlicounr Our of Slack and Mes. D.i\ld E. Orernberg. will life." observe her Das Mitzvah nnd Mnda Gelfand, daughter, of Mr. and 1IKTH IHKAKf7*""" Mrs. Jock Felfand. will observe 8VO The following tifflcerj her Bat' Mitzvah at a joint service tonight and Saturday morning at ejected at the lust SYO 111 President, ftou-anne Slpnrin: V'lco Beth Kl Synagogue CAR—GIRDS PreMdi'nt. Cawl 'ioinl^'rn: S^'rirtary, Karen Forties; Trciiimcr. ' at MKOXhMICIIAKI, IUMRIN Kevu Shykun; Club ifi«)ilrr 1 DinlThe Bar MiUvah< of l>eon Mldy Marcus. cha*rRaskin. "son ot .Mr. Mike Appointed to the wcial commit- 1 Raskin will be obsenml next Friday evening and .Saturday morn- tee were Pnysie Shyken, .Marvin AND DRIVE A FORD ! Ing, January 24th And 25th, at the Rtibnck and Hutch I^vov. Beth Israel Synagogue. ' FORDS COST LESS
I J « , « IM* W I1WI TIHI1 * * « All m IM Jntott P n n . Onrmit nt* to M <oeati rn- itcj} tout u <nit « w of web u n n i K m u t
BATt =and "Bas Mltrval) ooneratd. _ Uthms also for aU Jewish" hoii' " days and special occasions, ' t h y e r s NTews Stand. 1502 Dodge
JTrMa*, taurr IT, IfM
Hadassah to Spotlight Women's Service Efforts
Pulrihaed K\er> Krlilaj I))'tie fredcralioii of J e n W l i c n U *
ISRAEL Sailing Uom
NEW YORK .u NAPLES ti kvtry third week
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frldijr, /uuarr J7, 115*
Miss Toby Raznick Engaged
Needlework Guild j Former Omahan Contributions •To Wed Student
Mr. and M n . Duvld Raznick jh'i\c unnouneed the engagement of their daughter, MiM Toljy to J. Hurry Slmoultz, son of Mr. and Mii Isaac SlmovvJU of Brooklyn, N. y. .Mi.s« IUi/.i)ick attended the Uni- j %rrsily of Nehraika and w«« affiliated with Sigma Dcllu Tau sorority. • * Her fianuffa forrricr resident of Brooklyn, 1B now stationed at SAC h''adl|imrtcnii Offutt Air Force Ba-<e, He attended New York City Olle^e, N, V.
The folhmni}! Ihive ruiiinljuti'd to tl>e Needlework Guild since I lie last Hot appenrrd: Mmcs. Milloit Abraham*. Inadoro Illiimkiii. Normim lkirdy, Al Unuiilstetlcr, John *"arber, Ilculwn Foror, Born Korney, Morris Landmun, M. K. l.t-vriuon, Morri« Margolin, Elizabeth Nemloft, Harry Novak, Man in Sabw, Jock Sohratfcr, 1/jidore Sokolof, HymJe V. Wcln*r. Hnski-U Brandsteller, Samuel B. Wleimmi »nd MIM Jenny Ftldmon Mm, Davit Colin, cliuiriniin, urui.it all ttiof* who have mil ri-soonded M yet to'pleftiw uraid In thrlr donations.
»var(| Xavodnlk, sop of Mr. arid Mrt,' Meyi^r Z a v o d i i i k of lm . A n w ) ( ? ( l . ' . v . ? ; • ": .•••-. '. .'•.-••..•-.
: 'Rhe britle-to-h? and lier-TUmlly also' re»lde Ih M s Angelds. ZayiMliiIk IB a spnior *tudcnt In the/ 8<)hdpl: of ai^ilckturnl <nRtn«erlhg at <hc< UnivfrKUy of Soiithofn-Cnlifornla;;' ' : ' : -Tile -couple'; hut. sclecteil-'June 22 •: • A Aixlifoltr, Sumn IJCCJI un« «» thijjr ivcddlnK ilufi!. burn January JO 'to Mr. and Mrs. l-eonnid- ftittctiblrif L of San Ffiin-cisco, Cal/'Mm' (toscnblnll Is the former Dolly Kpitfiir. (inMulparrnU arc U n . Kubcn Kp*U'In of Omaha and Mr.«nd Mr*. MOITIO Rosviihlnlt of Sun Ki nlirlncn, Cnl. Amnim lire frenhincn x-niy Mil Rnwitlijalr Is Hie former lochnicliini "capped" in a cereBrtty .KpsU!in."<3rnn<lpifronlii nfe mony nt St. Joseph hospital was Mr. nnd Mm. Rubin Kpsfln of Mm. Hum Siuman, wife of Or. H. OmnhH nnd Mr. nnil M M Morris S. Siurnan, editor-in-chief of (he tlosrnlilntt uf S i n Friiiwlsiij Omahn District Dental Society's '-nil' (lirnnlcle."
jOmahans " In the News
l i l t s . SOI-IIIK KASI.OW Services uerc held Momljiy At Jlclh Kl S>nui;.»K"" for Mr<. Sophie Knslou. K, of 551/7 llanipy Stn'ot, who died • Suiidny at Rochester, 'Minn. She i\ns tho wife of Hen Knslow, Omaha attonii'y Also Miriivini; .nrc win*, Howard and Hidi.ird, ulsters, Ml»> Ho2<'lle Jlnndler, Om.ilm nnd Mm, II. M. Kr»rlilwlz, Stwkton, Cnl,, mid brollifiti, Smn of Stockton; Allen of Ajexlco Clly, Mwt; Phil, Minnen|K>llis, Minn;, and Manning of Om:ihn
| Dr. and Mm. MorrU t I^'ft Kndny for AllanUi, Ga., where | Or. Mnri;»lln will attend a po«trjnduntc course in Dlnbete* condiu'litl by the American-Diabetes Atl Knroiile to the mreliiifr which oprn.4 Jnnunry 22, Dr. tnd Mn. Mni'KolIu will visit In Cincinnati, O, ulth their 10m, Drs. Gordon nnd Harold Margolin and thoir fnnill.Pd. 'JTwy will return to Omaha Jiimiary 27. . U>e (he Want Ad* to buy. tell or" rent
BKNJAMIN MlKOFF Sfnlcen for Ucnjiunln Mlroff, 67, of 5119 North 'li rtreet. who dlml Sundify in rt local honpitnl, were held Tufsdny monilne nt the Jfwlnh Fmipral Home. Mr. Mirofl u m In the pliifnliliic businem. Survi\iiiK are hid ulff, Sninh; ion, Sol; (Inuithters, Mr*. LllliNti Welnliorc Mrs. C.'hnrlen Susninn, •II of Uiniilm; brother, Al>e. UnaDk'KO, Cnl; sistrr, Mm. llessle Aratah, . !.(>« Annelos. Oil., »l.x Krnndchildren and two great grandchildren. •flurliil was In Golden Hill cwiifteiy.
*A gift of $100 has been miulrt by Paul A. Kulor, office mnnngcr of the Producers Livestock Marketing AMtnclatlon, to the Aid of I a c i program of Henry Moniky Chnpler 470, B'nal B'rlth, It was announced by Mni. Max Krlzclmnn, chapter president.
CRANDELI. FURS Foritom at 34th Sttiot
Miss T«hy Racnlek
H. O. P««t & Co. \t pleated to announce that beginning Monday, January 20, we will offer to the public a new ipeciallied service for investors, to be under , ' the direction of BURTON L. ROBINSON. Thii service will offer to the public • revolutionary new way for inveitors..to be informed of fhe market within the hour every day.
This is how it worki: Simply mail to or call Burton L. Robimon.a list of. stocks ^
that you would like {o have quoted. Give your phone number end designate the time of day you would like to be celled. At that exact time EACH day YOU will be called end given th* exact market value of those stocks. This service will be •
available on ell stocks, including all unlisted securities, all Canadian stocks, mutual funds, end of course,-ell stocks on the New York and American Stock, . ... Exchanges.
Latest market transactions boarded on 500 slocks. Fast bid and ask quotations available by private wire. Dow-Jones news service. UNLISTED SECURITIES
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The extensive research department of our New York correspondent, "* Hayden, Stone & Co., provides us wfth current analytical reports and . , recommendations based on facts, helpful appraisal of Industry trends, the outlook for individual securities nnd monthly market letters.
Shukerts Kosher Meats 1437 So. 13th Street
' AT 0686
Quality Meats at Low Prices
Chuck Roast or Chuck Steak, Lb.
The fiftieth anniversary observance of Workmen's Circle Branch 173 scheduled fop January 19, has been postponed Iwcruifie of the death, January 12, of Ben Miroff, a mambtr of the oreanlzatlon's executive boiird.
Unbiased information maintained on all open or closed end investment companies. Purchase or sales orders executed promptly. BONDS Brokerage and dealer service in corporate or municipal bonds. Also participation jn underwriting and secondary distributions.
, Sinnlny, Jan. IftKFAII -fl p. in., Klffi'nnl I.ltiht "A Heart of W'lMlom," stoi^ of Di". Uela Schlclt, ilisoni'ii'i" of Ihc Shirk tent to combat dlnhlhcrln.
Liver Steaks, Lb Fresh Tongues, Lb Ground Beef, Lb
Workmen Circle Postpones Event
Gift to Aid Israel
Word, has been received of HIP birth of a*ot>, Steven Arthur, December 30th, to .Mr. and Mm. \xc Allen Harris of Park Forest, III. Mn. llarvit M the former Hetty Ml* MMidtt Lincoln Oilman of Omaha. The couple have tnothcr ion, Michael Lynn. Air. iind Mm, Saul P. Lincoln, Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. former Oinahaiis, h i r t announced Inadore* Oilman aiid Mr. mid Mrs. the. cinjfitfOTiciit el Iliiiii' ilauKbReuben Harris, all of Omiiha. .i«r,. Mlwii" Sandra' J;w, l o D o n Ed. Mr. and Alt'*. "Arnold of Norfolk, announce the birth of a daughter on Tuf&lny. Thr KobJnaona has? throo other, children, lUchard, Gficn anil narbara. . tirandpnrwita nro Mr .ami Miij. John Robliuinn of Norfolk, nnd Mr. and l!r»- Jacob Uundcll of Omnhtt.
• ' *" " • '
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Private Wires to Principal
FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Open Monday Thru Friday, t to I Closed Saturday and Sunday
MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade American Stock Exchange Midwest Stock Exchange
55 63c
Evtry Thunday.on All Orders rhontd In by Wednesday Noon
Markets la Hi* United States and Canada
720 Fornam Bldg. (Between 16th and 17th on Farnam)
Center Topics AUT CLASH Mrs. Meyer Beber, Art Class Instructor, at the J w l r t Community Center, announced khe will not hold her regular Monday art clots, February 3rd. The next art claw will be held on Monday, February 10th. CENTER TO SPONSOR TKAM The Jewish Community Center it sponsoring a boxing team in this year1! Golden Gloves Tournament In Omaha. Six former cliampliwu are on the eight man team coached by CJtpcrieiK-mi instructor, Harley Floyd. Th« Center sponsored the championship boxIng team In J1H9 wlnniQg ever}' weight division, The winners ttt the cily'j, tournament, scheduled for January *• and 25, will compete in the MidWeatern • Golden <51WP* Touimtment in February. Tickets for the Golden Cloves may be reserved by calling; the Omaha Worlil-HerSEI.F-tfEFK.NSE FOK IU<iH SCHOOL HOYS Sell-defense techniques and t a c ti<M are featured in a new class to be sponsored by the Ccnlcr'n A t h l e t i c I>epartmc'nt starting shortly for hl«h •.CIKKHI lx>ys. Keg. Istratlona f.<r the five-week instructional ciuirse of>"r( to both Center members and non-memlx'rx are being taken at the Center. The class is to be limited to Ilif first fifteen rt'ufujirant*. C0UM.KH .NKKIIKII FOK VOIXKrit.MX Wanted four nv>rc couples to participate in a husband and wife . volleyball group to meet "Hiureday evenings from 5:30 to 6:30 j>, m. at the Jewish Community . -Center. Volleyball, played equally well by women as well as men, 1« becoming more popujlr at the Cener, The Thursday group will make the second husband and wife combination competing In. this •port. Couples may sign up,for this activity by calling the Center at JA 13fi6. Thursday husband and wife volleyball, activities wlH start January # . CENTER HCIKNC'K CLUB TO START A Science Out) for Boys and Girls in the upper elementary school grades will begin at the Jewish.Community Center. In addition to learning about "space - end planetary" facts, the science dub members will pcrfoi'iii I « M of the Edison Experiments. The dub will be under the supervision 'of Sol Ash, Electronic Engineer. Anyone having interest in electronics, meterology, astronomy, chemistry, phyiics, may Join the group. For further information call the Center Activities Office, JA 1366, KAYIM WINS Rayim upset Unaffiliatei in the Youth Council Basketball League,
I in
Sunday. 31 to 37 with BUly Horwlch as high point.man for the winners. AZA No. 1 scored 37 over AZA No. 100s 27 wijh Allan Konecky contributing 17 points to his team'* victory. MlbtiKT COfttrKTITION HTArVTH HTOBAY Tho regular season competition in the Sunday Midget league at the Center will start this Sunday with team participants receiving team jerseys and gym trunk*. Participants are requested to appear early for clothes anlipiment. This Sunday's schedule will pit Team 1 against Team 2 at 1:45 p. m. while Team 3 will piny Team t at 2:.'«> p. m. Tenm A will meet Team I! in the pipht snide league nt 3:l.ri p. m, while Team C will lie mulched ugHliul Tenm D at 4 p. in. Tenm cheer lenders will l>e assigned to each group this Sunday.
Organizations PIONKtK WOMK.V Miss Goldie Sosoff of Milwaukee, llcgional Midwest chairman of the Pioneer Women, will be the guest speaker at luncheon meeting of the Omaha Pioneer Women, Wednesday, January 22 at 1 p. m. at Harry's Restaurant. Reservations may be made with Mm. Sam Novak. Gl. 2858 and Mrs. Harry Richlln, WE 1562. v • B'NAI BVITH WOMEN'* BOWUNd ASSOCIATION The B'nai B'rith Bowling Association announces it still hus several opettings left for women who wish to bowl in its leagues Tuesday night from 9 p. m. to 11 p. in. Those interested are asked to contact Mrs. Rose Garrop, WA 9330 and Mm. Kitty Ashy]], GL 5611.
Mnies, Henry Riekcs and Robert Fdnberg. The Szold Group will meet at the home of Mrfcieonard Gould, 120 So. 91st Str*L Assisting will be Mmes. Meyer Rosenbaum aild Sun Geifman. , The, Weizmann Group will meet at the home of Mrs. David Blelcher, 5514 Jackson Street with Mrs. Max Latthlnsky as co-hostc**. COUNCIL MJNCUKON FOR NKW MEHBEKS Hfty-one new member* of the Coundl of Jewish Women will be honored at a 1 p. m. luncheonmeetl(ie of the Coundl Tuesday, January 21, at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Sol Littman, family relations counselor, 'will spenk on the subject, "Marriage U What You Make It," Chairmen of the luncheon are Mmes. William Kairaan and Harry Krantz. They will be assisted by Mmes. Louis Kohll, Ben Zcff, Albert Gaer nnd-Juqk Frileck. Baby sitter service will be available.
BKTJI1HHAKL MEN'S CI.VU The next monthly meeting^ of Beth Israel Men's Club wiU be held Saturday, January 18th, 8:.'<0 p. m , in the Synagogue Social Hall. Sift. Mike Loftus of the Omaha Police Department Safety Bureau will be guest speaker. .SgL UIKACIII BKNKFIT CO-KD BOWI.IN0 J.IJ.VCIIKON The Pin Stcalera in tlie Youth I-oftoi will present a film enA circle donor benefit luncheon Council co-ed bowlipg li'iigw de- titled, -All of a Sudden." Refreshwill be held Wednesday, January feated the second place Who Cares ment* and social hour to follow. 22, at 1 p. m. at the JewiKh Comlearn 3 grimes In Monday compemunity Center' in behalf of ..the tiUon. "Members of the winning HIKUK CIIOIJM Children's Village project of the Irflin are Ilradley Epstein, Mar- 1'ABTT FOB SHKR IIOMK Bikur Cholim Society will hold Mizrachi Women. sha Coren, Micky Suck*. Stuart Far resorvations, call Mra. MerStoler and John Sutln. Tom Platt a birthday party Mr the residents holds the league high Individual of Dr. Shcr's Home [or the Aged man Franklin. WK 52)5, who Ik record with a 2G5. KIMICO Franklin at the Home Sunday, .Inn. 19th at hostess with Mines. Rose >'ugcl and Sol N leads the girls with a 182 game. 2:M) p. m, Kohanuc Club will present a Belle Weiner holds the girl* high Individual series record with a 419. program of singing and ditneim; of I'ANKL lMSC'CSHlON NKIIIIA.SKA I.ODfiE Palesllnlsn and Jewish origin. Hie Ncliraskn Lodge No. 1445 1'articipnnts will ba the followof the B'nul B'rith will have a ing: Nancy Katz, Ardlm* Forties, panel discussion on 'The BrotherMarsha KORCI, Leslie Epstein, Suiic Fcrer, IX'anne Shapiro, Ronnie hood of Science—Is America Fit Meyer, Susie Sacks and Itenne for the Satellito.ARe?", Thursday, January 30. 8:30 p. m. at the FireWinners of ~ the Water KodM rilmmerman. The o m m u n l t y l s cordially in- side Restaurant. held at the Jewish Community Panelist* are: Dr. Alfred W. Center during the winter holidays vited to the party, it was anhave been announced, according to nounced by Mrs. Harry D. Marks, Broly, Pharmaceutical Rewnrch events and age groups, a< follows: program chairman. Mm. Jake Department, CrclRhlon UniverMounting of the water hone: Wine, Mrs, Allen Zalkin and mem- sity; Professor Paul Meadows. SoFirst place — Don Goldstein, 11, bers will help serve refreshments. Sharon W e r , 13, Alan Kufakofsky, 9. and Sharon Cohen, 5, Sec- HADASSAII ond place—Ted Sanford 1 1 Mrs. lUax Canar will be hostess Bull Dogging: First place-Ken to the board members of Omaha iroberman, 10. and John Holier- Chapter Hndonuh, Monday, Janman, 7. Second place-Jeff Silver- uary 20, at 12:30 p.'-lit. at her man, 11. home, 5305 Izard Street. She will Safe (fckby) M n n m ' Bucking Bronco Riding: First be assisted by" Mmes. IlarrJ- Wlplace-Bruce Hoberman, 10, and godsky and I>vln Simon.' 25 Years' Experienc* Hadasiah group boaTds will Lesley Cohen, 7. Second place — With Jewish Bill Miller. 10. _ meet on Thursday, January 23rd Lettering and Memorials at 12:30 p. m. Members of Herzl Horse Racing: First place — Danny KaUkee, 11, Susan Sari' Group will meet at the home of AT24S2 ford 6 Second place-Ted San- Mrs. Morton Richards, 301 So. M i l So. Sfh 54th Street. Co-hostesses will be ford.
Water Rodeo Winners Named
Instructor's Water Safety Class Offered An Instructors' water safety review crninie will tw offered by ttw Jewish Community Center with Wayne I. K<«ki, safety service director of I ho IXHIKIUS County Chapter of the American Red Cross, in charge. Any person holding a current water safety' instructor's card I* qualified to enter the class. A regular water safety instructor's course will start In a few week* at the Center with Mr. K M ki and Joe Mlcek, Center aquatic director, as Instructors. Jt is open to anyone over J8 years of age, and the holder of a senior life saving card. clologUt and Professor Herbert Jehle, Phyniclst, both of the University of Nebraska, and Professor Karl Buschrf Biology department, Omaha University. The Moderator wfll be Sol LJttmon, executive secretary - of the AntiDefamation league. KAUIMA1I Kndlrnah will hold an open Ixiard meeting with Miss Goldie Sosoff of Milwaukee as guest speaker Monday, 8 p. m, at the home of Mrs. Charles GiUGL Mbs Sosoff will also bf> honored at I luncheon meeting, Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Charles Snelder, Buy whnl you need through the .Want Ada.
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, January IT.
LADIES MAY • • • • • •
Go Downtown Shopping Use the Baby Sitting Service Go Swimming with Their Children Enjoy New Center Programs Use the Parking Facilities Meet Their Friends