January 31, 1958

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_ , „ „ •^Published tvanr Friday. 101 N. 90th, m u m * NITHKAHKA Tut XXXVI Wo. Womaha Nebraska. Pftiat JA ISO* OMAHA. «I,B«y»»K*,

Moscow Urged to Middle East Peace



«I ia*> Entered u« Second-CluM Matter at Pui. Annual Rate * Uullar* II, M38 o ( , , r , omaha. Nebraska, under Act of VI- «..,.»..« o,uv In IJenU

Dr. Joseph Is F


Oraahan* '/•-.' ; :::'y\'^ <G. Dunn, p r o t ^ ^ ' . l e a u o n at the University ur Omaha, speak at the second forum of Uw Parent. •Teett Series, Wednesdevy; February S, at ffp. m^ at the University, He will talk on -i'Social Life of our

Israel Army Head Known to Omahans

f. Jerusalem (WNS)—The Government of Israel, in an of tidal reply to a note HMeelved on December 10th front Marshil Nikolai A. BulA former Omaha visitor haj ganin of the Soviet Union, asserted been appointed Chief of Staff of. that the Soviet Union could "greatthe Israel Army, the fifth since . A New York troupe of oeJebrat- ly assist tb« promotion of peace In the birth of the country. Dr, pom Is a former city super«d Jewish performer* will be teen the Middle East if it were to call He ii Brig. Gen. Maim Laikoy upon all the nations in the region intendent of public schools with 20 Tuesday, February 18, i t 8 p. m. who vvas guest of honor and speakto maintain peaceful and coopers years1 of practicalexperience dl er at the Israel Independence Day • t the Jewish Community Center tiye coexistence, as expressed in rectJjr in ^the field of edacatici relebration held at the Jejvlsh in the sensational new musical the Soviet: notevto ;Israel,";V-;;-'';::Community Center last May 7. Interest In the *erlu has been comety-MUre, "Menachem - Men- : -',.•..•'.' A f a A e - R e f i t s e : " ' - ' " • . ,."•'• General Laskov, 39, whose military widespread among parents,:. deReferring to. Bulganln'a asser- clared Phil KttHer, Youth Ohalrdelta America." background dates back to tlie tion that relations among nations Haganah,, won an international The c u t features guch Metro- must be based on the maintenance man for the Jewish Community reputation among military strategCenter, who reported approxi politan star* • • Zlsha CoM, David ists for his classic attack while "Ellin, Sonla Zomina, Wolf Youln of territorial integrity, the reply mately 200, persons In attendance said that the "Government of Isheading the Southern Command at the first meeting, January 15. ind David Ucht. Material for the during the Sinai campaign, ills play has been taken from the rael herewith expresses its desire ; A special portion of the program tactics are studied in war collef!« pac«s of Stolen) Alclchem and was for cooperation with the Govern-, has been set aside for a question throughout the world ai a model adapted for 111* itage by, Victor ment of the USSR and with* ail -anti answer period. Questions may of desert warfare, Packer of the "New York theatre Other friendly governments for, the be, submitted in advance 1>y parachieving of these alms," At the With musical arrangement* by V. Gen. Dayan in an official ansame time the reply noted that the ents to Saul Sllverman, Center AcHeffltz. nouncement, said he decided to Arab states have, refused to make: Hyltlesi-director.::, ' resign as Chief of Staff »o* as to • Advance ticket sates Indicate peace with Israel or to enter Into ' Admission Is free to the forum renew his studies of the numanstanding room only. Ticket! may negotiations for regional coopera- Which is sponsored fey the Center ities at the Hebrew University be purchased at the Center or by (IBD. If aim Laskov tion and that they were persisting ia cooperation with the Unlvercalling Max Crounse or Morris In maintaining an economic boy- • " y - . K ; - :;:'•; \>---' Goodman: Admission 1« 11.23. The cott of Israel In contravention of Aspecial parking Jot has been program will be presented by the the United Nation* Charter, The reserved north of the Field House Yiddish Culture Council. reply also reiteratedI Israel's ad- on the Unlvenslly carnpui for herence to the principles of the those; attending the T-srOm. Eisenhower Doctrine for th» Middle East: ,::•.• :. , :--:- • •:;:•, Improve KeUtlou Offsets elected by th» Farband The Israeli note concluded with The rank of Captain ha* been Cariar; Harojd Cherniack, Alfred Labor Zionist Order (it « January awilgned to 17 women who will Fiedler, Stanley Fisk, Lloyd Fried-. 26Ut meeting, are Mrs, Herman an expression of awtronu desire to serve threw Majors In the Women's man, establish closer economic and culStewart Gillnsky, Julius Bondarln, chairman; Sol Ash, viceMn, K, Milton Wilson, execu Division of the Jewtth Philan- Goldner, Paul Grossman, Abe Kachairman; Sam Rifkln. recording tural relations with the Soviet Unsecretary; Max Felwlowitz, Poalc ion. "The Government of Israel tive director, of Woodson Center, thropies Campaign, It was an- tlenian, Leonard Krasne, Loull Zlon secretary; I<ouls Friedman, thc_reply said," "wishes to declare will receive the annual B'nai B'rith nounced Friday by Mn, Ben Sha- Llpp, Jack W. Marer, Alfred Mayireanurer; J Keldman, hotpllnller; its strong desire to establish closer Women's Citizenship Award at a piro, Women's CeneraJ Chairman, er, E. Leo Nogg, tarry Plattner, Benjamin KUirnan, nation,il fund economic and cultural relations be citation l u n c h e o n , Wednesday Tills group of women will meet Edward Z. Rosen, Alfred Sopblr, chairman, and J Radlnow-skl, sec- twepn Israel and the Soviet Union noon, February 12 a t . the Mill at the home of Mra. Herman Gold- Millard_?Beier. Paul Veret - tuid N and, with the Improvement of the retary. stein, Tuesday, Fchruary-25th-,-<or Hotel. Serving on Ui* executive board inlernntlonnl climato in view, to a 1 p. m. dessert luncheon. The award I* presented ench are Max Relshnum Sam Rlchmiin, Improve relations between Isrncl year In recognition of communjty Mrs. Frank ; Mrs. Abe V, VengjerV Majorfehai: Harry Rlfkln, Mike Orlovmki. Karl and the Soviet Union. The lurael service and hnman relations work. Mrs. Alfred Frank, a Major, will named for her: Captains:: Mmes; Rosenberg, Mrs. J. Fetdman and Government is convinced that such Mra. Alexander be assisted by Mrs, Izadore Ele- Arthuc Adler. Louis Albert,; IJarry an Improvement in relations would 'Mr. and Mra. Harry ShraKo. McKle, Jr.—last wltz. Her corps of Captains are: Mr*.'3. Okun has been awarded strengthen the Middle East peace j years award wln- Mmes. Henry';'Appel, Abe Bear, Altauler, Sarn Ban, M'.. A.''Berc6- : • life vlcc-chalrmiinslilp in the or- and would perhaps contribute in ° ner, will make Sam Bcitnan, Ralph BlnJamow, vid, Fred Brodkey, Sam Epstein, ganization In recognition of many modest measure to a reduction of the presentation. Irving W. Chsrney, Don Gohen, Stuart Fried, Morton Fried|aiider, world tension." year* at devoted service. Mrs. Woodson Michael Cohen, David B. Epstein, Max Greenberg, David Hoborman, Nathan Harwich, Louis Hurwitz, was a charter Sam Epstein, M. M. Franklin, Sid- Robert H. Kooper, David Krantz, member of the National Associ- ney Goldberg,•• Arthur Goldstein, Isldor Levinson, Howard Milder,: ation • of Social Henry L- Greenberg, Ernest Leo Milder, William, .Raduzlnir, Workers and has Hockster,'- Manrice Kn telman, Da- HarrjrRavitz, Robert Silver,. Jack :• headed the Oma- vid Kateman, Sam Katzman, Del- Solonion; • Samuel S. Steinberg, ha chapter of the mar Klein, Harry Lippett,'Arthur: Moe A. Venger, Isadore tt-Welner, American AssoclV Parilman, WllUam Poster, Morris Ernest Wintroub and Max WolfMembers of the Business and Greenberg, Franco* Greenberg, :*tton' of Group' Shapiro, Stanley Shapiro, Harry Professional Wpmens Group Of Alice Heeger, Julia Jaoota, Jean Mrs. E, Wllsen .Wprit'erf;'. ;, ' •"• :•Sidmsn and Ben Wnldman. " Mrs. Shapiro will be hoat at a ; : Hadassah are busy completing Kaplan, Ev» Konecfcy, Carl LigMrs. Harry Wise, Monsky Chap- , : ;•;'; .r.Mni. J^riedBiaa: '_••'"..•'•dessert luncheon meeting at her final, arrangements for their Ba- man, Josef Mayer, Sally Meyers, ter and Mrs. William Stone, Nehome on Thursday, February ]3th, Mrs. Horrrian, Friedman, Major, zaar and Card* Party to be held Abe M o w , Elizabeth Neveloff, brasS i.Tiapter,-are co-chairmen Has the following for her Captains: at 1 p. m., to past chairmen 'of Sunday evening, February 2, at Jennie Rosenthal; Iika .Rothholz, for the :event. Members.of theli; Mmes.' Mil ton. Abrahams, Lloyd the Women's division who. will the Blacsutone hotel, it was an- Phfl Schwartz, Fannie S. Sherman, committee are Mesdames, pave Sank, David Bernstein, Edward D, serve as the Women's Initial-Gifts nounced by Mrs. Julius Newjnaa, Marian Yawitz,. and the Misses Wine,,Sam PyllaW, publicity; Dan Brodkey, Harold, Brodkey, Max Committee for the 1958 drive.. overall chairman. Her eo-chalr- Ahuva Gershater, Myrtle Free- L, Goodman, Meyer Kaplaiii Jul«nen ore Mines, Max Grossman man, Lee Grcenberg, Rena' Gross, ian B a u m e I, reaervatfons; Joy •and Charles Ross and Miss Evelyn Mildred Levy, Dorothy Rosenthal, Stoler,. Sol Miroff, Earl Siegel, Xevy. Ida Spring, Julia Zukcr and Besse luncheon; Frank Sekar, ; Harold Black. Cooperman,: t Abe. Bear, ;Morriatj ' Workers assisting the general committee are Mmes, Ullle BeckThe Mystic Arts, games and the' Franklin' decoratlonai; Joe'Llptdn; A a e * 14S-mlie s p h a l t highway er, Marion Bondarin, Flo Brook- award of prbes will fumlsh enter- George Spltzcr, Sol Martin, gtiest book; other committee membeni «tein,-Sarah Dansky, Fannie L. tainment. are Mmes; Aaron fipitetn, Harry from E l u tli to Friedman, Harry Kidman, • George B e e r s h e b a tru Cohn, Beri Blatt, Sam Katzman, opened thin week Samuel Mleches, Morris Sftapiro, at upoclal cerePhil Kutler, Albert Oruch, Dave [>nle.« In Yotvata Blelchcr, Marvin Brookstcln, Wax I) o u t . 40 nillus bucks, Paul Sacks, Max-Krizclmannd citation consiiltant, Sinnley fnim Klutll. The new road flntinecd Shnpiro. The luncheon is open to the| with Iiiranl I!<incl», iiiblle. Reservations-life $1.65 and r,,,t SI,1110,(100 and nay be made by culling Mines"! Janny Goodman, GL. 0631: Meyer I* eX]H>ctcd to eut ituplnn, WA. 6202. Jullau Baumcl, triK-klng cents by 30 per rent on <"iirf Kllowstonc 3HC8. , Koi>» Ixmnil fur the port <>' Khilh, the K » t e » n y to Inf ^ r o a n l i i g trudfl with A«lu ami AfDavid Homier, tit Chicago, field rica, l'rlnio Minisiccretary for the Midwest Secion of the National Jewiih Wel- ter I) a v I d lien iire Hoard, will l>a (jnest speaker <*urlon IH niiowln^ t a meeting of the Jewish Com- cutting tlio rllilion munity Center .Committee'Thurs- 0|>cnlng the hl(;h- J — John Kiltnt niM'i [Jny, Fcbrunrj' 13. at 12:15 p. m. Mb* Kvelyii Levy, Mr*. Julius Nmvuiun, Mrs, MorrU Groswiian, way to traffic. t the Center. •04 Ur*. Charles Ron.

Yiddish Troupe to Sfat in Comedy

T e e n s . "

Farband Elects





Seventy-Seven Women B'nai B'rith Women To Serve as Captains

To Make Citation

B. and P. Women Busy As Bazaar Date Nears





• - , - .

' • . - . ' ' . , ' / •

. ' • > • . • . • • . - ! '

• . • . • , • . ' . ' • -

Ben Gurion Opens Elath Road

Committee f b Meet February 13

WAUj, Jaauarytl,


fat* tw»




Frfdaj bjr UM ViUntUm of Jew** Bewfc*

Omahcm Picked in Annual Science Talent Search

N b k


Pool* Zion fro Present Sociologist

CamllcUfhtlng—ft: 10 p. m.

Chess Players to Have Instruction

C. BftalrJ Sherman i \ B«U1P1 Shcmun, sociologist ' and author, wilj aP|>ear at guest speaker, Thursday, February 6, at t:45 p. m at the Jewish Community Center under the sponsorship of the Paul* Zioniit croup. His subject Hill deal with 60 yean of Zionism and the 10 years Medina lorael. He..is .National Director of Cutural and Communal Activities tt the Labor Zl*»nln Organization of America.

Jacob Feldman, President of the Omaha Che»s Club and leading Jewish player in the community, haii agreed to assist and provide Instruction for chess plnyers de•ii Ing to enter-the coming chess exhibition on February 11th, at the Jewish Community Center^ In order to arrange lor several warm up matches Mr. Feldman will offer hit,services to chess players on Thursday, FebruaryTJth, 7:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. A1J chess players regardless of age or ability, who are Interested in learning chess are invited to attend this first meeting. Standard chessmen will be used for all practice games and /or the exhibition.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schneider of St. Louis, Mo., announce'the birth of their son, Stuart Phillip, on January 24. Mrs. Schneider is the former Harriet Sosktn of Omaha,

Lesson No, 7


read (pres. m.i.) koh-rth readf/s.) kok-rehlitDdy(pres.m.i) bh-mthd • .. bh-mfJet , know (pre/flU) kn<w(f.f.) ;•. yoh-dih-^l picture -


ineniucis throughout the world. During his first three high school >car», Saul wa» first in Nebraska in the mathematics, examination given each spring to high school ktudenls over th* nation by the Metropolitan Mathematics Association of the American Mathematical Association. Saul expects to major in mathematical studies in college, and hopes to enlfr a rareer as s research mathemnti* clnn. In his other Interest* Saul ranks Jewish Mudies nmonjf the first. He has carried on exlrrujlvo studies! in Bible. Jewish history and philosophy. At Central, Siiul has been Interested in donating and forensics.




Hebrew court*


ool-pahn. ' ' teacher (m.) moh-rt


.68 dais


BETH ISKAKL llabbi Benjamin kroner, Cantor EJ1Kagan, BtUi I«rael Choir, In termedlate A class will conduct late Friday evening servioe*, 8 p. m. Rabbi Groner «1H talk abooi "The CJood Guys and the Bad Guys." ' - ," Traditional Friday evening services ^KsbboUs Shabbos) be«in 5^0 p. m. Sabbath morning servclej.at 8:45 a, m.i Junior Congre'gation at ,10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at i p. in. Sabbath Mincha at 5:30 p. m, followed by Sholeshe S'eudos and Maariv. Dally morning services, 7 a. m.; afternoon service*. 5:30 p. m. Sunday morning Ices at 8:45 a. m. followed by brtafcfast and RabbiV class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Mln yan, followed by breakfatt, starts at 8:30 a, in. The Talmud Discussion group meets every Tuesday evening »t 7:30' p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th and Burt, and services ewry Saturday at 9 a. m. The B*io Israel Sunday school will celebrate Tu Blsftvat durirfg their regular class periods Sunday by showing a short holiday film and the serving of refreshments. Talmud Tbrah clauses will observe the holiday February 5 and 6th. BETH aX Services at Beth El Synagogue •viil be nek) at 8 p. m. KabM Slyer S. Kripk* wiu deliver th« sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue,;Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional- Sabbath morning service at 8:30 s. m. Family Services wiU be h*id at 10 JO a. m. Minch»-"MaariV' Service* are at 5:15 p. in. Dally services are at 7 a. m, and 7 p. m. Sunday morning service is at 9 a. m,

. « »

nnari .70

book * * • / * / •


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nnan? na -

antoi ni^n r - ^ y mriarj aiV.^K --raft .-inn n x ] . . .nc; aria mvi»n -

The next mealing of the Bern El Wednesday Night Study group, led by Rabbi Myer S, Kripke, will be held on February Srh at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Upsey, The session will be devoted to the Book of Kxodui, and to comments of the Herti Pentateuch on.lt< TEMPLE I8RAKL Services will be held at Temple Israel Friday at 8:19 p. m. Following the service. Rabbi Sidney Brooks wlu conduct the fourth dUcucslon in the series on "Judaism in the Prayer Book," part Temple's Adult Education 3Z9" gram. Rnbbt Brooks has (elected "RenThe Vae of Scripture and Sermon, AS hi* subject. Refreshments will be served by the Temple Sisterhood. Shnubas morning services .will begin al 11:30 a. m. with Rabbt Brook* officiating tnS the fcellgiSchool Choir under the dirso lion »f Ml"* Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the »ervic«.

Lodge Sponsoring Benefit Tourney Maul Krlpke The Henry Monsky B'nii B'rilh Saul Kripke, 17. son of Rabbi I/Odge Is sponsoring a Youth Bitsand Mr*. Mver S. Kripke, is one ketbal] Timrnament for the beneof "the 40 most promising research fit of Children's 'Memorial Hospis c i e n t i s t s in America's high tal at Omaha University Field school." Just selected In the 17th Houw, February 21 and 22. Three Jewish Community CenAnnual Science Talent Search. The winners have been' invited to a ter Midget teams will be among the participants of the various lofive-day, all-expensei-paid visit to Washington, D. C , February 27 cal youth organizations entered in through March 3, where they will the tournament. Tiie event's advisory committee compete- for the Westlnghouse Science Scholarships and Awards consists of T h o r e n Thomson, Crelghton University Coach, Virin the Search conducted by Science gil Heikjn, Omaha University AthService, The 40 winners were chosen letic director, Lt. K. Smith, Omafrom, among over 25,000 high ha Police Department Youth Buschool seniors who entered the reau head, and Jay Stolcr, B'nni Search. Saul Is the only Kebras- B'rilh athletic chairman. Admissions are $1 for adults and kan among the finalists, 26 cents for children, Central Senior A senior at Central High School, A daughter, Debra Ann, was Saul's major interests) ha\e been born to Mr. and Mrs, Kurt Hirschin the fields of mathematics and lngcr'at Clarkson hospital, January philosophy. His Science Project for 20. Mrs. Hlrtchinger was the forthe Search is in the field of math- mer Da dene' Marcus. Grandparematical loKic, a field u filch benrs ents are Mr, and Mrs- Herman upon mafhrniftllcs'and philosophy, Ilinichlngpr of Red Bank, N. J., but which hH8 application* to any and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Marcus. field thiit rc|uiif« deductive reaMr. aad Mrs. Sidney Abraham soning, KnpiiiirnKed nnd (fiiiclod liy Prof. II, 11. Curry of the Penn- of Rock Island, III., are making sylvania Stale I'numttv, Snul hns their home in Omaha. wtilU'ii ie\eia] original iMenrrh ( papers In m.ithemniloi! <or sym-! bollc) logic: One of these, "A New' Formulatkm of I.D,1' hos been sub- < milted to The Journal of Siirtbolic | JUSTIN D. NORWICH Logic. For the Search, Saul wrote , "The System LE," formulating an ! Speciaixing in original logical system. Undervalued Interest la Mathematics Saul's .interest in mathematics Securities goes back to early grade^ichool and days, when he learned elementary


high-school algebra entirely on his own. Hta interest in symbolic logic, which goes back several years, X l e d him lo study .the works of lars in Finland, Holland. Germany,-Poland, Japan, Israel and ther countries, as well as Amerwith many of them he hns correspondence relating to had co mutual interests. Saul is a member of,^""Association for Symbolic Logic, -which has about 500

Special Situations

CRUTTENDEN, PODESTA & CO. N*w Yor* awl Otlwr IickanfM

220 Irandeli Vheotre M4«. WEbsttr 4555 -

Join the Fast-Growing Family of Satisfied Customers at Omaha's Leading Kosher Market and Delicatessen "We Serve the Finest to the Finest"


C Wholesale Jewelers Lease Two "Jewels" Clarence Bergman (left), owner of nergmnn Jewelry Co., wholesale Jewelers, took delivery tt two '58 Fords this ucck on a leasing «r' Tangement from fleorge Reigle, Manager of • ' Oerellck - Motors/ Mr. Bergman . commented,.

"We hnve saleimcn covering eleven «tnte«, »nd Gerellck's leasing program Is our most economical method of transjKjrtation." Whether you lease or purchase, it's good business to tec Gereli-jk, 4719 N5. 30th, because Gerelick Fards cost less I :••••



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Open Sundays From 7 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. 441* CUMINO ST.


WA 1554



Couple Plans June Rites

; /;./. ]'tf^\ '•/••'. '.'. "':.'.;":

all day Saturday 9:30 d.m. to 5:00 p.m.

MIM Barbara Itorger Mr. and Mri. Philip Bergtr of Broukllne, MOM. announce the eiv gagement of their daughter, Ml*a Barbara to Gilbert Davtdion, ion of Mike t> a v I d < a n of Council Bluffs, Is. Ml»» Berger U In h»r junior y«ar at B o « t o n ( M u i . l Univenity, > School of Education. Mr. Oavldion graduated from Maujchusetta In dilute of Technology in 1955. He ' la currently doing rettarch at the K I T Laboratory for N u c l e a r Science where he la a candidate /or the degree, of Ph. D. In Phyalce. A June 8 wedding Is planned,

WithttieHomeFoUis Mm u 4 -MM* l*\th ItarW

> iM DM Di. n i l * W Tk* ttt* •>

During thcpait week. Mm. Fred Hflhn and Mn. Harry D. Markireprenenlcd The Blkur Chollm Cray Ladlea, and vliltrd with otir

Folkj. January 24th: A ipvdnl Kiddimh WBI given fay 8am Hull, home retl dent. In Memory of hit father «nd •bter. January 28th: The Council of Jewiih Women Arti and Craft* Group held their regular fortnightly itailon at the Home thin afternoon, February 2nd; The Jcwinh Wnr Veteram Auxiliary will entertain today at 2:30 p. m. VAHRZEIT: Spednl Memorial Bervicea will be held for those whOM Yahrzeit comet during t h e month of February, Sam Poater, Cnbal of the Home, U In charge of The. rellglom tervlcei at the Synagogue and any requnti re gardlng Yahrzeit or prayera for the alclc or the deceaaed nhould be 'referred to him. ~ Shebat 11—February 1: Jake Zeldcnberg. -Shcbat, 14—February 4: Meyer Brookileln., Shebat 21—February 11: David Slegef. Adar 1—February 31: Harry Roluteln. Adar 1—February 21: Rote ' JTreldcn." > Adar 8—February 25: FannJe Liebovid. '/Coming Event*: February 9th: The Omaha Chapter of Hariauah (till-celebrate Tu B'Shebat At the Home, Sunday, at 2 p. m. Mn. Abe ;Bcar and Mm. Charlm noncnhelm, Co-chalminn,

Bas Mifzvoh OARV"V. I.KW1S Thi> finr Mll/vnh of CJni-y V. Leuix, sou i>! Mr. fmfl Mrs. Ilnrry I>!H'is will bn iibsi'ivrd next Krlday.'ev(*nliiK ami Saturday mornIng,• Ki'briiary 7lh mid Hlh «t the Bclh I.HI/ICI Ryn;i|,'oi;up, EDWAUI) Ml( I1AKI> TUF1.LKK Mr. mid Mrs. Mitrvtn -rrollrr animiinci! (lie I!nr Milzmli of their •on, Kdwnrd Michael Trcller, will be colp|)iutpil Frldny evcnini? nml Sfllunlny niornlnu, rVbrtmry 7 and 8 at 'I'rniple Itracl. Hurry l.obrl, Omnhn electrician, will ipcnk at a nurellnK of the MasKitchmctti Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mons. He ha§ been working on an invention uhlrti ttoulii directly meoture 1mof the circulatory lyntcm.


a prize purchase new advance spring

silk prints. Fashion '58 m a l e s headline news v;jlli j-rint—bold and beautiful combinations of vivid, unclouded colors that add now excitement lo your spring vrardlolJB. To make tlio story twice as big, chooso your print In crisp, pure ail 1c nhantung, tiio fabric that whispers nice things about your fashion taslc. So ported lo wear now, and right on through spring. Available in mlssei' and liolf-nizes . . . prints or solids. . town shop and woman'* world—Mcond COOT


Center Topics RNCING EVEKV . WEDNESDAY WIOHT Fencing, a iport that can be enioyed by young and old alike at wall ai by men or women, is featured Wednesday evenings at the Jewish Community Center. Instruction to the no\lce and prac tlce sessions (or the more experienced fencers Is under the sujiervision of fencing master Bob Garrett. Registrations are being accepted at the Center, JA 1366. The fee (or the program is fifty cents week or a Center Membership, Registration is being limited to the first 25 participants.

SUNDAY FAMILY SWIM Ft'N Father, Mother and child have .the times of their lives In a specie new swim period Sunday mornings at the Jewish Community Center swimming pool from B to 11 a. m. Only requirement is a Center membership. The program is der the personal supervision of Joe Mieck, Center swimming director. YOUTH OOVNCnT*" CURL'S VOLLEYBALL Youth Council Girls wjU start the race for the Governor's V Jeyball Trophy Friday, January 31 at the Center at 3:30 p. m. Harriet Schloof, Girls Athletic Chairman, said that plans call for a triple round robin with four teams competing in the league/Special medals and awards are to be presented to the league winners and special recognition is to b* given outstanding players.

IVEE THROW TOURNAMENT The best free throw artists will be determined by a •pedal'con test, Tuesday, 3:30 p. m. In the Center gymnasium, Jeff Swartz, Youth Council Athletic Chairman, announced. The winner of the tournament, to be determined by the high schooler making the most baskets out of tS attempts, will receive a trophy while runnentps will win engraved medal*. A 10 cent entry BETH KL.ORAANIZATIOX DINNER fee will be charged. Beth £1 Synagogue wlU bold It* annual Family Sabbath Dinner BATON TWIRLING Friday night in the synagogue sorOK CURLS Baton twirling for grade school da) hatl. Mows. F. Ralph Nogg girls will be offered by the- Cen- and Joseph Homsteln are co-chairter's Athletic Department if suf- men of the affair, assisted by Cirficient interest is developed, Mrs. cles No. 6, 8, 9 and 17, TTie dinner Calvin Newman. Athletic Com- will tw followed by Sabbath servmittee Representative announced, ices which will begin at 8 p. m. and end at 9 p. m. interested parents are requested ETSTEIN-MQRflAN to phone the Center, JA 1366. The AUXILIARY—JWV course will be free to girls holding The Ladies Auxiliary of EpslelnCenter memberships. Morgan Post, Jewish War Veteran», will present a folding wheelchair to the Dr. Philip Sner Home FOB TOURNAMENT of fhe Aged on Sunday, February High school wrestlers are practicing at the Center for Uke annual 2, at 2 p, m. , A variety show win highlight Youth Council wrestline tournathe program with Milton Coldment April 13 at the Center. This year'* rules require that berg, VAVB representative, as participants workout at least three master of ceremonies. Participatweeks prior'to the tournament ing in the snow will be Sheila •nd that they tie in good physical Ruderman, Jack Saylan, Mark condition. A Center membership Is KWh and Milton Gottferg. A Sorequired for participation. Super- cial dour wilj follow. vised wrestling instruction is to be Hostesses for the affair will be provided novice wrestlers. Mesdames Deknar Klein, Frank Cohen, William. Abrahams, Abe Miller. Nate Marcus. Jack Sayian, SECOND LATIN AMERICAN Max Rosen, Ed Simon, Abe KapDANCE CLASS Due to the large enrollment, the lan, Sara Feltman and Betty RaCent*"win"offer a *econd Latin- binwltz. American Dance Class in the near "DOLLS FOR DEMOCRACY" future. trNAIVRITH The Doll* for Democracy, a pubArrangements are being made to hold the second Latin-American lic relations program sponsored by dance class for intermediate danc- the National B'nal B'rith Women, ers, with Miss Carrie Griffiths will' be shown to the Brownie dance instructor on the faculty of Troop No. 403 of Western Hills Omaha University a* teacher. Per- School, Wednesday afternoon at sons Interested in Joining one of the home of Mrs. Al Napomnik. the Center's L a t i n - A m e r i c a n Story, tellers will be Mrs. Henry Classes are invited to call JAck- Greenberg and Mrs. Stanley Shapiro. sonUwfJ BETH ISRAEL TRAMTOLININQ SISTERHOOD Trampolining is featured along Neil B." Danberg, Regional Diwith tumbling on Wednesday and rector of the National Conference Thursday; Iddy Biddy Basketball of Christians and Jews, will speak sessions along with the regular on "Human Relations Kverywhere" routine of basketball Instruction at a 12:30 p .m. luncheon meeting 'and games. Boys in the first and of the Beth Israel Sisterhood, Febsecond grades may participate in ruary 11th In the Synagogue sorinl the 4:15 p. m. to 5:15 activity one day each week.



Youth OFFICERS' CONCLAVE CHAIRMAN CHOSEN Carolyn Stern and Louis Rich have been named co-chairmen for the first annual Inter-dty Gub Officer*' conclave Clubs in charge of committees are AZA 100, transportation; Debka Debs, registration, AZA I, recreation, Friday evening, Rohunue, Oncg Shabbat; It.iylm, Saturday evening party; BBG, Sunday luncheon, Marlys Isiick will handle housing for outof-town guests. Final program plant for Die weekend, following the theme, •Better Clubs— Better Youth," a n now being formulated. AH Omaha officer* who did not register by the deadline, January 30, Hont* Rosenbliiia are urged to contact the Jewish Community Center Youth Office Horace L. KoMnbliun fcs* boon immediately. Fee for the weekend elected president of the Nebraska lsSl.00. Chapter, Public RoUUow Society •f America. » • If jTnUIo ReU- DEBKA DEBS Barbara Bereutt wa« appointed ttao* Director •» the W*odmea to toe office of first vie* president the WarM Life lasuraam Co. of the South West Region of Young Judea. hall. RabW Benjamin Grocer will Bernard Pollkov was voted "Sir introduce Mr. Danberg, Silhouette" of the Annual Vic* Reservations may be made by dance on Saturday night, January caUlng Mrs. Nathan Berg, RE 2378 18 at the Birchwood Club. or Mrs. Sam Rosensteln, PL 5967. February 1 is tht date set for Baby sitter service wiU be avail- th* revision of our constitution. able, r •;.-'•• •'•.-••.-• PIONEER WOMEN KOBANUE PLANNING The Pioneer Women's Organiza- •MAD HATTER' tion will hold, a Chamlshah Asar Rohanue is planning it* annual Blshvat Tern Wednesday, February "Mad Hatter" open vice for Feb6th at 1 p. m. at the home of Mm, ruary S at the Jewish Community Sam Novak, 9611 Leavenworth street.




HA 2554

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NOON VOLI.KVHAI.I. Businessmen (leaning a mid-ilny workout are encouraged to participate In Tuesday and Tinu .d,iy volleyball play, 12 .iO p m to 1 15 at the Community Center, developed by Centr-r Vollrjunll Cluirtnan Iz Li'vjmon. Volleyball Kroii;« ;• 1st* are sponsored on Monday, V/cdncd/iy mi'l I'uar.t J* 13M lo iium rt/u P/«n! Ad Friday noons find Moiulny. Wed- rn Tlio Jr-\,»u I'Tti,. Curmit rate I* VI cent* fo nesday an Thin •?!> evenings l!(Tfl t.is-rtiun. 'Ihe I'ff •rt-'ttv

Canter with Judy Lazer as over-all chairman. Committee chairmen'ar* Sarah Milder, Sharon Bemstein, decorations; Judy Plattner, ticket*; Sandy Gross, food; Phyllis Abrahams, Betty Ertnan, publicity and Ethel Sabes and Lee Schrelber, program. C a n d i d a t e * for Rohanue'* "Dream Boy" are Marshall Bern* stein, AZA No. 1; Howard Slusky, AZA No. 100; Larry Hoberman, Rayltn and Larry Herman, UnaffiUates. The dance to be held from • p. m. to midnight, win be $1.50 for couple* and SI for-single admission.


The program will include Hebrew songs by Harry Rifkln and Sam Rlfkin; the reading of an original poem by Abe Schneider and a talk on the holiday by Joe Radlnowski; Mrs, 'Milton Nearenberg, cultural chairman, will sing several Jewish folk songs. COUSINS CLUB Mrs. Morris Grossman will entertain members of the" Cousins Club Wednesday, February 5 at the Regis Hotel. Those unable to come are asked to call UE 7740

John Kalina

BIDDY LEAGUE FRIDAY The Friday Biddy League for fhe fourth and fifth grade boys closes each session with a dip In -.the Center swimming pool. Boy* presently are developing defensive techniques and practicing shooting and dribbling.

frldajr, Jaaoary II, 1MM


THE THING TO DO ... Y.i, (h* Ladies Day «t th* Jay, held every Thunday, is Ih* thing to do., I can 90 ihopping, leave my youngiteri «• th* nunery, us* the fine parking facilities or I can participate in gym programs, ilimnasiict, swimming and oven swimming with my youngster!. Alto other fine programs art offorod. I can do almost everything and no formal registration is required. I can take advantage of this program anytime I want to and all for a very small service feo. Yos, Thursday is my day at the Jay.

to limit tlm 01 e^!j U'lvcrtls^rt


BAR uml Bas Milzvnli concratirlatiuns al-io tor all Jewish hollSnm an Jack Ban aie the lead- | days and special occasions. ers in the Center's upcciaf hirl'U-r I Meyers News .Stand, 3002 Dodge handball competition. Jack .Stiss and team-mate George Knhn arc j:xr>Kiiii:Nci;u i' n A C:TI c A L In second place while Yale TriisNURSE, day or niRht duty. Cnll tln and Steve Grocnberg Iioid down Mrs. TJelty Ilirscli, C12 No. 47 the third position. St. GL 4138.





JA 1346

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