February 7, 1958

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»at JBIXVIN* S I ' ' C X ' V ^ ^ '

<»**»*• »•»«•««*. ™ » * » . FEBRUAKV 7. IK*

Effect of Egypt-Syria Merger Being Observed Jerusalem (WNS) 'Hip merger of Egypt and Syria into one ri'i>iu>Jle, In being wntched closely tiy the line] Government whose Cabinet hat already held « meeting to discuss the implications of the mcr * ger. Oder Aral) states and Western power* arc nlso concerned With'this new development In the Midair yjM An braell Kurlpgn Offl<-« »|H>I<Mm«B u M tlmt many question* renutn to IMI animcnc! hi-tore Isrni-1 CM react tu tlw nwji'r, liu'liKllng tbfl qutolluii* tit wlietlirr Kfrypl and Syrls will huvn out. or two votni In the llnltrd Nation* and Whether one of tlir mnrirrd nation* will accept Intarnatloiuil CMIR*. tloat faicurred li. thr otlirr. Inrnpl coaaMns th.t tlm obligations entered Into by Syria, Inrludlnr It/, armlstlre purl with Israel, still •list, be »Ut«d. Ax to the ultimate effect of th» new United Arab Jtcpuhlle on Israel's wsctirity. it !> generally believed hcre"that while the' mergej'U unlikely to Increase Immediately the" danger of aggression •Salnst Israel, the government of

Registration for Conclave* Urged Kh u of tin- Inti-r-rity Club Officers riinrli\<>, F j I (I « y, Saturday ai«l Sunday, February, H . ' ] 5 and Jfi, will he workshops, (liscusalon groups, nil Oiiej; Khabb«t, a party mid a wrnin.u- with Professor Hen Solomon of Now York Cltj\.N. Y. Aiihitic;, will include attendance nt rclinliiiis services, athletics and n final luncheon meeting on Sunday nt the Jewish Community Center. "JletttT Club* Hcttcr Voutli" hat been (elected a« the theme for the event. The conclave committee bojv to mnlie the event an anminl nffulr and are considering the possibility of forming an Intercity Youth Council. Carolyn Stern nnd I/>uls Rick; meeting co-chaimirn u.ild they feel that vhls can bo accomplished with the "complete" cooperation of every youth organization In the city. Officcn who have not registered arc urged to do «> by contacting the Center Youth office immediately. Arrangements cannot be completed until all reservation* are In.

11 if merged state* may ultimately try to make up for th« federation's weakness by aggression against Israel. (In United Nations official circles in New York, the question whether Syria, and Egypt will lose the separate memberships they now hold In the UN was raised this week. Experts on UN procedure said that the merger may result In the elimination of one of the two Arab countries from Ihs UN rojls) (In Wuthlucton. Chairman Hubert II. Humphrey of the Konatfl foreign Knlitlima Hnb-Ommlttee nn tbn N«nr Ka«t crltlelzMI Whnt hti frmrd thn IL H. Administration'* failure to niMt thi Soviet rhalltmgfl In th« MMdl* Kml (tunttlanlnt; whether V. S, mrm.i furnished thn Arab* wouM eni hii usrd agalnit tlio Soviet ITnlun, hn Indicated that the r.vl|>l>of thn »rnn might wm tlinm mor* lilirly acalniit Isranl and HaM that th« Baghdad Part actually proved to be only a "soumi of dlannlty.") I In a lengthy interview In Moscow, Nlklta S. Khruschchev, Soviet Communist Party head, told the Times of London that Soviet Intervention between Israel and the Anil) state* would serve useful purpose at till* time IWI-M ri-latlons "hnv; Iwen •> ui;t;rjvoted."* " lialibi Gilbert, as lnt^rreiiui director for th»" League, editi the "Cliristinn Frleruis Dulletin" circiilnted to some 15,000 suliscrllh-rs pile»ts. minister*, deiinminirion. nl offlrlnlH, editors mid directors of Chrlstlnn eiliie.itlon.

National Director Will Address ADL Unlib! Arthur GlllM-rt of New York, author and national direc tor of thr Department of Interielli;!>xis Cooperation of the AntlDcfamatlon I.t'ni;ue of B'nai B'rtth, will be the rnaln speaker at a meeting of Omaha'* ADL Committee Tuesday noon, February 11, at Harry's Restaurant, Milton Abrahams, committee chslnijan, announced today.

Memorial Service For Ben Mirbff

A memorial service for tho late Ben Miroff will be held by the Workman Circle family, WednesCanter Committee day, February 12 at 8;30 p. nv Meats Thursday Noon at the Labor Lyceum. Mr. Miroff The Jewish ..Community Center who died January 12, was a memCommitte* will meet Thursday, ber of the executiv*. boaril of February 13 at 12:15 p. in. at the Branch 173. All friends are invited to attend. . ,. • Center.

Julian Freeman To Speak At" il.CS Annual Dinner Omaha's UCS eighth annual report dinner will be held In tho Town House ballroom, Wednesday February 12th at 6:15 p. m. Guest speaker for the everting will be Julian Freeman, of IndianapolU, a former president of tho National Jewish Federation and Welfare Funds and now a member of the Board of Directors and Budget Committee of tlw United Community Funds and Councils of America. Mr. Freemnn has won imtloml recognition for his activity In therecrcatlon, health and MClfuro fields, and will Jiwak on "Our Responsibility to Our Community." A summary of United Community Services' activities in 105? wlil be narrated by KETV newscaster, Austin Schneider. New members of UCS board of directors will bs elected at tills time.

Consul r^- Immigration Achievement Isra , ^mmigratlon in me very essence of Israel's existence, Its Consul Gen. David Teshcr, told members of the Jewish Federation Board of Governors at a recent meeting at th» Jewlfh Community Center. Kiss la Populatlun Mr. Teshcr, who serves til*


Mlddlewest area, with offices in Chicago, pointed Out that the pop; ulation of Israel, in a decade nui> Jumped from 640,000 to almost 2,000,000, absorbing homeless from all parts of. the world. The Consul General in citing Israel's achievements since it 1«-

Mrs. Julius Newman, B. and P. Chief, Holds First Conference

J-.tm K-ilInn i'h'do.

J'vfJyn l>vy, Mm^i, Kve tinm-rky, Jullni* N<^vmnnt Hen tihnplro Mn.

H*-ii Shapiro, chairman of Ui

Music Month To Be Celebrated A »erie» of special evenU will mark the celebration of the 14th annual National Jewish Music month during February. A, highlight of the observance Is the music festival being planned by the Yiutli Council for Sunday, February 93, at 2 p. m. In the Jewish Conununity Center Auditorlum, Lou Canar, Center Coininlttee chairman, announced. ' Boyi Chorus • Various youth group* and individuals will participate in the program. - The Youth Council boy's chorus, accompanied by Dennis Shulman oh the pisno will present Israeli and Chassldic music. Its members are Jack Lleb, chairman; Plili Barrpn. Sam Blelcher. Bernle DeKoVen, Steve Dloogoff, Jerry Friedman, Meyer Coren, Mike Kali,: Jerry Clplnko, Tom Platt and Ronald Simons. Mm. Abe C. Fellmari i i director. Olrls To Danc« A performance will be civen by the Youth Council irlrl'a dance group, whow memlwm are Madeline Krlpke, chairman; Barbara Barcutt, Judy Cohn, Maureen Kpsteln, Heanor Falkensteln. Tonl Fellnmn, Lynnette Forties, Arlene Grossman, Beidine Gn-en, Tony Kaplan, Judy Plattner, Irene Winer arid Susie Wolfsim. Gayla Fcldman will offer a piano solo nnd play a duet with Pruf. Mans Baer. The proRram wllllnile also a Cliall1 solo a medley of Isrneli tunes ond a film on Is-

Women's Initial Gifts to Meet



-'Members of the Initial Gifts Committee of the IVumeii's Division of the Jewish I'hllnnthroples Campaiiin, will mctM for a l p . m. dessert luncheon Thursday, February 13, at the home of Mrs. Ben Shapiro, Women's chairman. The Shapiro residence is at 307 South 91st Street.

raeli Music saluting the 10th anniversary of the new'state. Other participant, will b* the "Sunday Fun" children. Community Invited An Invitation is extended to the community to attend. Admission Is free. Jewish .Music month will be cited by StaUon KMTV in a local program to be announced soon., The month's activities were opened Tuesday evening with a meeting of the Center's Music Listening group at the home of Mrs. Julia Jacobs. "Selected Jewish Music" was the keynote of the evening. Records of Jewish music played at the meeting were from the Center Library and with many others are available to those plannine programs featuring the Music Month celebration,

came a nation, stressed its rapid assimilation, democracy and tho reclamation of swamps, rock and sand. Unique Education "Urael'j system of, education Is unique among Middle East states," Mr. Teshcr declared. "The determination of young people tvho came here to teach made it poi. slble to achieve one level for all children, regardless of their bficit. ground." He added that the spirit of the people accounts for their accomplishments as exemplified by ths fact that they do not require aunervision, enjoy equality in the army and are possessed of strong determination. The one thine .Israel has not achieved, Mr. Tesher declurcd In peace which hinges on the fate ol the cold war. H» reels that solution will come when the United States and the Soviets find th« way. Five Elected Five were elected to the membership of the board of governors nt the business session. They are Abe II. Brodkoy, Ben E. ICaslow, Dr. D/inicl Miller, Yale Richards and Mlll.ird Rosenberg. The slate of nominations was presented by Nathan Nogg of the nominating committee whose members also include Isadore Chapman nnd Harry Sldman. IiiniH Anniversary Milton Abrahams, a member of the committee planning the Omnha celebration of Israel's tenth anniversary reported the observance will lwgln here April 22. Mrs. Mike Freeman, a member nt the National Women's. Division Board of the United Jewish Ap peal, announced plans for the organization's meeting In Jerusalem, Israel, June 24, 23 and 26, stutlrtg she would accept local reservations. Don Nogg, co-chairman of the statistics committee, -reported On the work of his group. Robert M. Kooper, new Feder. atlon president, presided during the evening.

Federation Executive Committee to Meet Federation for Jewish Service Executive Committee, will hold a luncheon meeting at' 12:15 p. m., Wednesday, February 12, at the Hill Hotel, it was announced by Robert H. Kooper, Federation Presfdcnt

Clergymen Will Hold Institute At Temple Dr. Ezra Splcchandler, Associate Professor in Hebrew Literature at Hebrew Union College, will speak at th* Twentieth Annual Institute on Judaism for Cnristian Clergymen at Temple Israel, Friday, February 14. The Institute on Judaism U conducted each year by Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Temple Israel and comprises a full day of study and ill.scus.sion. More than two hundred clergymen from Nebraska and Iowa ore expected to attend the Institute this year. Dr. Splciihrinrilcr will speak dur. iliiK Hit! mornini; session on "Homlletlcal Klemcnts In Modern HeI>r. K/ra Spieehandler brew Literature"- -a presentation of preaching themes In contemporThe Twnple Israel Sisterhood ary Hebrew writing, and during will serve a luncheon to the vlsltthe afternoon session on "Jewish IBR clergymen in the Templt ; Piety in the Days of Jesus." Social Hall.


rnMUwd Every rr«»J *»7 the redenUton of Jewish genie* .last ttaliuit m v u t s n AuUiurixM «t uoulu, Nebraska. SuDicrtuttun, M.IXX lilviuil.ln.RalM on Application. if .*—1(3 .*—l(fl No aiaJi atrwt, Ut Omaha. Nrtr. JAckson Us*. IlurU., O 411 Sn HHdrew 4808HO 2Sth Buwt(MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN : Editor


Religious Services Cimillellchung—«s*7 p. so. TCMMJE I8RAKL Services will be held this Friday at 8:15 p. m. To mark Brotherhood month. Rabbi Sidney Brooks nill review Their Brothers' Keepens" by Philip Friedman. The story of Christian heroism during , the Nazi persecutions. Shabbas morning services will begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Brook* officiating and the Religtoua School choir under the direction of Mlsi Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the service.

DEBKADEBS BUST PLEDGE . The "Best Pledge" elected at a meeting at "the b home of Jackie LeVine, will be announced at the formal initiation at the home of Fayc Anne Kati, February 9. l>nora Fallc was elected chairman of the annual style show to be held in April at the J. I.. Brardeis Store, Barbara fireen berg Is co-chairman. Models will be chosen from the Jewish Youth Council and from the various Oma. ha High Schools. Debka-Debs has pledged J72 to the South West Region of Young Judea.

EIJ5CTS Nifty, T e m p l e Israel Youth group elected the following to office for one year: president. Call Shrier; vice-president, L e a n n e Trost; secretary, Judy Wohlner, «n,d treasurer, Jerry Fran*. Committee chairmen appointed to serve on the executive commit' te« are publicity, f'ancy Brodkey; social, Sharon Frank; religious A cultural, Sam Blelcher; program, Marlys back and project, Estelle Schulmann. The youth group held * (pedal installation service on February 1st at Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney BETH ISRAEL • ., H. Brooks charged the officers, as ' Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor well as speaking to the croup. On Ell Ktgan, Beth Israel Choir will the place of the young member of conduct late evening services at ROHANUE TO SELECT the congregation la A m e r i c a n 8 p. m. Rabbi Groner will speak HEABT THKOB on "The Enduring Guest" TradiRohanue will select its Heart Judaism today. tional '' Friday evening services Throb at the third annual "Mad. (Kabbolas Sh«bbo») begin at 5:30 Hatter," Saturday, February 8, at YOUTH COUNCIL p. m. .Sabbath-morning services the Jewish Community Center MMfcOORAPH CLASS from 9 p. m. to midnight. CandiA class on stendUng and Use of begin at 8:15 a..m. Junior Congre, dates for Heart Throb Include the mimeograph machine will soon gation at 10, a. ih. Rabbi Groner Larry Hoberman, Raylm; Howard be presented a.t the Center by the will conduct the Talmud class at Slusky. AXA. No. 100; Marshall Humble Company. All, duos are S p. m. Sabbath Mlncha at 5:30 Bernstein, KZ A, No. 1, and Larry •urged to MIUI one representative p. m. followed by Shc!"»he S'eudps Herman, UnaffiUates. G e n e r a l since only qualified persons may and Maariv. Dally morning servchairman of the dance Is Judy use the machine. Any other, in- ices at 7 s . m.t afternoon services Lazer. Tickets may be purchased terested Individuals may also.,at- at 5:45 p. m. Sunday morning from any Rohanue at JL50 per tend. services begin at 8:45 a. m. fol'. couple. The size of the class must be lowed by breakfast anfl Rabbi's limited to.eight Those who con- ciajs in Bible. Sunday morning tact 'the Jfouth Council Offjee Junior Minyan, followed by breakBETHL ISRAEL CLUB TO VIM The Beth Israel Club Tovim first will be allowed to participate. fast,' starts at -8:30 a. m. ' • The T a l m u d Discussion group splash party will take ptacf> on meets every Tuesday evening at Sunday, February 16th from 6 to 7:30 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 7:30 p. m. at the Jewish Commun 19th and Hurt, and services every Jty Center. Eighth graders are in Saturday morning at 9 a. m. vited to attend. For reservations, sa^TS DktM IMknr. "please contact Marshall Kaplan, The Council of Jewish Women BETHEL president or Neil Bloom, secreArts and Crafts Classes atten' tary ^ Services at Beth El yg dance is Kood. This wveks Instruc- will begin g at 8:15 p. p m. Knt.bi tors were the limes. Arthur Cohn. C8SAV FBIZE WINNER Kk Myer S. Kirpke willl deliver the Jack Frlleck, Albert Gaer, Meyer Harold Kalman has been named sermon. C; I. C .tor Aarrtn Art I Ed second place winner of the annual Klnhenbaum, Irving Pomerantz, and the Talmud Torah Choir will James Monroe essay contest at Sam Rostnblum. Ann Rubin. render the musical portions of the ' Central High school sponsored February 6th; Mrs. S. Nogg and service. by the Major Isaac Sadler Chap- The Council of Jewish Women sewTraditional S a b b a t h morning ter of the Daughters of the Amer- ing group had their regular month- service at 8:30 a. m. Family Servican Revolution. ly meeting in The Council room ices will be held at 10:30 a. m. at the Home. Sabbath morning. Mincha-Maariv February 7th: New P l a q u e s services are at 5:30 p. m. Dally added to The Memorial Tablets: In the home synagogue are: Solomon services arc at 7 a. in. and 7 p. m. Harry Sliver, senior at the Uni- Otherow and Mashe Osberow. Sunday morning service Is at 0 versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Cm. February 8th: A Special Kidhas been elected to Scabbard and Blade, national military honorary. diish in honor of Sam Faler, home resident, was given by his daughHis brother, Steven, a freshman at ter, Mrs. 1 W. Rosenblatt and .the University of Pennsylvania, her family.' Philadelphia, has been appointed February 9th: t h e Tu B' Shebajt to the staff.'of the Daily rennsylvanian, school publication. Both Celebration, sponsored by The Omaha Oiapter of Hadassah will •re sops of Mr. and Mrs. Robert be held this) afternoon at 3 p. m. H. Silver. ^ , Mmes. Abe Bear and Charles RosDavid Seiner, son of Mr. -and enheim are co-chairmen. Notice: The party, scheduled for Mrs.'Harry Seiner is a member of |he student production staff Sunday, February 2nd. by The for -the Omaha University play, Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary was "Cancelled due to the death CUM Managerie". of Mrs. Pesha Cohen. This affair New, York (WNS)-Egypfs will be held at a later date. ; quiet but ruthless despoliation of 'Egyptian Jewry-continues unabated, with no overt protests from VV» at Diamofrib F**l That the Bett Bargain In Meat We other nations, according to "Egypt Cos Offer You Is In Maintaining the Quality of Our Product* in'September 1957," a survey Just issued by the World Jewish ConWE WILL NEVER SACRIFICE QUALITY grcif1 Institute of JeA-ish Affair*.

Uoshavim (Uoshav) art smallholders' settlements without rigid rules of Moshvel Ovdim.

Center to Form Theater Group A Theater group is being formed by the Jewish Community .Center as part of its adult program, Earl Slegel, Adult-Chairman announced today. Staging, casting and directing will be imder-the_ supervision of qualified persons. Hit shows as well as old tune great plays are in the offering for those interested in .dramatics. In addition to the development of one's acting skill and knowledge of the theatre and stage, the new Theatre Group will be able to provide som« top notch entertainment for adults on a regularly scheduled basis. Any person who wishes to try out for the Group is Invited to call the Activities O f f i c e , JAckson 1368.

Pick Up row Lei, •og«4 twd Cream Chctt* Stwday Morals^ at


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Organizations DIKUR CIIOLIM DIklir Chollin Society will hoi. 1U regular monthly meeting am luncheon February 10th, I p. at the Jewish Community Center. Hoard members ore urged to attend their meeting at 11:30 a. m IKMFIJB I8RAKL,' •IMTERnOOU Temple Israel Sisterhood's meet Ing on Tuesday, February 11, a 1 p. m., will feature "The Dolls for Democracy," a Henry Mon»k, Chapter B'nal B'rith project. Sisterhood member! - are urged to bring their frlendi, neighbor!, an other church member* to highlight Temple's participation In.Brotherhood Month. The Dolls for Democracy are replicaa of great people in our his tory of all race*, creeds, and Color. Stot; ,/ttlicn will be -Mines. Her Helche*, Harry Wise, and J. Shapiro. Mm, Marvin will Introduce th« program. Siaterhood president, Mrs. Ed Ward Gilbert, will conduct the regular meeting and the board meeting At 11 a. m. . Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, 3566) milit be notified by those wishing to me the pick-up serv ice, available at Weit Lane Eharmacy, 13:53 p. m. In charge of the event are Mmei. Sam Welnatein, Yale Trustin, luncheon; Mmet. Edward and irv ing Maiashock, table decoration! Mmei. Hurry Altsuler and Abe Katelman, table wtUng.

observed at the Beth El .Sisterhood Intcr-fallh luncheon meeting on Tuesday, Kt'hnmry 11 In tlv synngogue Social Hall lit 12:4' p. m. Ceremonies and rituals of the Sabbath will be demonstrated beginning with the blotting of the. Sabbath candles through the con eluding Havdalah service. Mrs. Morris C. Fellman, Judaism-ln-thellome program c h a i r m a n , will serte as .narrator. Participant* will i n c l u d e Meidames Max Blttner, Morris Brick, l'ennle Davis, Sam Diamond, Jerry Bernstein, Harry Ferensteln, Jack Fox, Yale GotsdUicr, Norman C. Wohlner, Stanley Herzoff, Irvln Kaltnan, Eryln Simon, Ted Sanford, Al Shrler, Martin Staenberg, Donald IUee, Orvel Milder, Barton Ctreenbcrg, Stewart Tully Al IUm* merman, and Norman Denenberg.

Cantor Aaron Edgar and Beth El choir members will present several Friday evening service melodies. KabM Myer S. Kripke will speak of the Saturday morning service* and the Portion ef the Week;. The concluding Havadalah service J*l)l be presented by Rev. and, Mrs. Alexander Katx and their daughter; Mrs, Dpnald Nogg. As a special feature a "Table of Interest" will include* the oldest and most unique Sabbath candlesticks, Klddush Clips and other ceremonial objects belonging to Beth El members. Mrs, Leonard Gould will serve'as narrator. Circles 10, 11 and 12 are In charge of tjje l u n c h e o n with Mqies. Yale Ginaburg, Samuel Stern, J. Milton Margolin, Albert Fox, Wallace Elkon and Sol Kutler RESERVATIONS FOR us chairmen. Mrs. °Leoh SchmldCITATION MJNCIIEON Keiervationt for the IVnai D'rith man Is decorations chairman. Women') CUteennhlp c i t a t i o n luncheon. Wcdneiday, February 12 COUNCIL OF JEWIHII at noon, at the Hill Hotel, arc be- WOMKN BOARD Board members of the Council ing taken by Mm*». Danny Rood; mnn, GL. 6634; Meyer Knplan. of Jewish Women will meet at a WA. 6202 and Jullnn nniimel, Ye 1 p, m. dessert-luncheon Thursday, February 13, at the home of Mr lowstcftc 3H68. The 1958 nwnrcl will b« pre Stanley Perimeter, 709 North 57 Avenue. CVhontriM will be Mis tented to Mr*. K. Milton Wilson Jrrold nnsen. Executive Director of Wooilnon MM. Jules Kopp of St. I-oiilt., Center. • will l>e gueat BI>eaker at the meeting. One "of 20 menibers-at-laji BKANDEIM WOMKN of Council selected to be volunteer BOARD MKKTUK! The bonrd meeting of tlie Omn- consultants, she will discuss a h» Chapter of Branrti'is Unlver- community leadership t r a i n i n g ilty Women will bo held Mitndny program for Council memners to February 10 at 1 p. m. at (hi >>e conducted here during the home of Mm. Harry Itochmnn month of Mnrch. 9036; Harney Street. OMAHA ZIONIST COUNCIL The February meeting of the DOLM) FOR OKMOCKAOV, Omaha Zionist Council will be B'NAI B'lUTII The Doll* for Democracy, U'nal held. Wednesday, February 12 at B'rith project, will bt prenentcd 8 p. m. at the Joseph Hornxteln residence, Sit Hlllcrest Drive. thU wee as follows: this week as follows: KADIMAII CHArTER Monday afternoon, Walnut Hill The Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer Girl Scouts, No. 23 will meet at the home of Mrs. Jack Kpsteln Women will hold their regular with Mmes. Harry Smith, and board meeting, Monday, February 10, at eight p. m. at the horo» of George Shafcr, storytellers, Tuesday evening, February 11, Mrs. B e r n a r d Kaufman,',-.6816 P.T.A. of Benson We«t. Panel will Hamilton s t ' Include Mines. Harry Smith. Anron Kpsteln and Stanley Shapiro. Thursday evening at Hawthorne school with Mmes George Shafer, Hurry Smith and Stanley Shapiro on panel.

IIADASSAII ON EG PIIAJIBAT The Omaha Section of HnSastah will hold Us monthly Oncg Shnbbat Saturday, February 8, 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. BETH EL'S "HHABBA* ON TIJENDAV" "Shalibat on Tuevlny" will be




Women Bowlers to Vie in Wisconsin

Center Expands Women's Program

' i h n e li.ur.i .•.[«.nioiid by tin' Omulta H'n.ii U nth HowiniK Association are r(iin(>etin^ at the District G Women's Bowling Tournament In Milwaukee February 7, 8, and 9th. Members of tnc warns are Mmes, Helen Shukert, Merriain Cooperman, Evelyn Holierman, Seyma Fishman, O r t Z<>vit/, Beverly .Swartz, Ilae Wlntrouh, Llbby Sachs, Keva Sinner, Ilose Singer, Rose Oruch, Rose (ini-rop, I Llbby Kaplan, Faye Smith, Helen I Gould and Ida Sachs.

3,900,000 Jews in U. S. Over Age 14 Washington (WNS) - - On the basis of a sample survey covering 39,000 families, the United States Bureau of the Census estimated tbat there were some 3,900,000 Jews in this country over the age ; of 14. in reply to a question: "What U your religion?" the Bureau established that 96 percent of the American people list themselves as belonging to some religious faith- It was also established that some 79,000,000 persons consider themselves Protestant and 30,700,000 Roman Catholic.

Bar Mitzvah Ali'Weods ana relatives are .Invited to attend service* and receptions.

Women's activities under th« sponsorship of the Jewish Comlnuniiy Center Athletic Department are expanding to meet the growing i n t e r e s t In Its many, diveihififd programs, it was announced by Irv Yaffee, Center Athletic chairman.

One of the newest additions to the program is the development of' "Indies Day" each Thursday from 9 a. m. to noofl at the center, when housewives for a small, fee, .may use the nursery, parking, in order to do shopping, or participate in MIM Virginia Turchen slimnastics or swimming activities. Slimnastlcs c l a s s e s are .conducted from Tuesday through Friday from 10 a. m. to IX a. m. A women's volleyball and badminton group meets Fridays from 7:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. The Golf Driving range Is open from 10 A late s u m m e r wedding Is' a. m. to 5 p. m. each weekday. planned by Miss Virginia Turchen, daughter of Mr, and. Mrs. Max INTERPRETIVE DANCING A class In modem interpretlv* Turchen of Sioux Falls, S. D. and her fiance, Marshall Becker, son of dancing for women Is now being formed by the Jewish Community Mr, and Mrs. Morris Seeker. Center's Athletic Department The instruction will Include exercise rhythms, m o d e r n interpretive dancing and ballet for both beThe family of Mrs. Morris B. ginning and advanced students. Dolgdff will dedicate a monument to her memory Sunday, February 9, at Mt. Sinai cemetery. Rabbi CALL . Benjamin Groner arid Cantor Eli HOLLYWOOD Kagan will conduct services.

Couple Plans Summer Rites


Settlements of New Immigrants EDWARD MICHAEL TBEIXER Mr. and Mrs Marvin Treljer an- in Israel are called Maabaret or nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their Maabara. son, Edward Michael Treller, will be celebrated this Friday evening and Saturday morning, at Temple Israel.


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OAKY V. I.EWIH The Bar Mitzvah of Gary V. Lewis, sonjjf Mr, and Mrs. Harry >wl« will He observed this Friday evening and Sitturdny momlnK. February 7th and 8th, at the Hetli I.irnel Synagogue.

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Volleybalf for Husbands and Wives r»ttnml»tUc fciislnnih and wive. »lun» nl tho ICC. Mm. DUB Wee p*rtlel|Nrte U regular WtxlB««U)r it in charge of the ta safwmal volleyball tM-

Center Topics OIRL8 MAV KKOMTRR FOK DANCING Grade School girls may still restoter for the Center Dance Studio activities. Tap dance instruction U offered Tuesdays from 4 p. n>. to & p. m. while ballet .lessons arc taught Friday afternoons. Mrs. Pat Rice, experienced dance Instructor, la in charfie of the Dince Studio activities. Parents desiring further information about the dancing instruction m»y call the Center. JA. 1369. Tlie fee for the course it 51.00 per session with the classes being limited in size. FENCING CLASS INVlTKii PAttTICU'ANTS Wednesday I* fencing night at the Center as fencing muter, Bob Carrett. leads his chdmef tnrough drills ajid practice matches. Start ing at 7:30 p. m., fencing instruction is offered the novice fencer while practice bouts are on the agenda lor th« more experienced fencers. High school students, men and women ass well at grade students a n invited to participate in the f endnr program any Wednesday. The Center i» developing competeat fencers who will later qualify roc AA^I. competition.

OOUOKH aiMvr. WJMNKOS The Jewish Community Center sponsored Boxing Team won the recent Golden Gloves Boxing Tour nament. Four of the eight chani pions crowned at the tuumamenl were Center fighters. Winners in the city tournament will appear at the Mid-Western Toumamen to be staged in Omaha the middle of *»ils month. . Special exhibition bouts have been put on by the boxing team at Norfolk and Lincoln. A spectal smoker for B'nal B'rith men will be staged after the Chicaso Tournament in tlve Center Gymnasium with many of lite local champions competing.

CTTAITFIUATES DEFEAT 'The Unaffiliate basketball team clinched the Youth Council Bssuctball League by defeating Raylm, the second place team, in Sunday competition at the Center. Frank Goldberg's high scoring techniques led his teamnbtes to a victory over AZA 100 in other league play. David Goldsteins Unaffiliate forward, is second high scorer In the leaeue. ~ - . With two more weeks to run In the league, Unaffillates are fn first place, Bayim second. iOO Third and AZA 1 fourth place. This Sunday XZA I wiU play UnSELF-DETESTSE FOB afflUates while Raylm will meet HIOHSCtTOOLEIU AZA 100 at noon. The putillc ii A self-defense dais for higb Invited to the games. school Jjoys has been started under the supervision of Judo expert GROUP Dick Kirk. Meetimr Tuesday eve- FRIDAY AFTERHOOWS nings from 7:30 to 8:15 p. m. in Instruction in the use and care the Center workout-gym, high School boys are conducted in a of firearms plus a c t u a l range p r a c t i c i n g and firing will 1* oourse of instruction designed to prepare them for any kind of offered to grade school boys a» the Jewish Community Center on Frl personal defense emergency. days from 4 p. m. to S p. m. After th« completion o( the Registration is by phone confirmacourse in self-defense, a class In tion'at the Center, JA. 13«> judo for high scHool and grade school boys will be presented. MIOtiETS TO FLAT IN TOURNAMENT BATON TWUMJtNO Three Center Midget Basket ' A class in baton twirling for grade school gjrls will be offered ball Teams will compete in the Sunday afternoons If sufficient Henry Monsky Lodge sponsored ^.registration i» develop** Inter- city-wide basketball tournament ested grade school girls should for grade school boys on February 14 and 13 at Creigntoii and Omacontact the Center, JA. 136« ha Universities. Presently 9 teams at* competLEADERSHIP CLUB ing in the Midget Leagues with A s p s d a l leaders club of 8 th all games being played Sunday grade boys will be formed next afternoon Sponsors of teams In Friday at 4:00 p. m. at the Jewish the leagues are Omaha Jobbing, ' Community Center. Promoted by I-GO Van and Storage, Fireside the Center Athletic Department, Restaurant Slosberg Realty, Playthe Leaders Club will serve as a land P a r k , lUchnian-Gordman nucleus for leading activities for l o t h l n g , K a l t n a n Insurance younger groups and will develop Agency and Orellck Motoci. •pedal activities for boys in the Upper primary grades. Buys participating in the program will PAUL'S receive special Leadership T-Sliirts RADIO ft TV SERVICI and will receive special instrucTV CAR KADIO tion in game and club supervision. IA0IO rHOMOaRArH Further I n f o r in a 11 o n on the rAUL GOLDBERG Leaders Club ii available at the 4 t » N.. S4th Sr. PL ISfl Center. A Bouqutt, i C«nt«rpl«c*r • Drjftwoad Arr«n9«m«nt

The SPECIAL GIFT for THE SPECIAL EVENTI • H « w Wanalis* • W«4tfl»s<, Shawn • Am!r«(l«rl«>. llrrttfayt A Sift Thtt Will Cf.»fi Comm.n» Anywhvrt!

Plant 'n Planters 407 So. 15th St.

JA 5454

Friday, referaarr f. United Slates Army Provost Mar fchal an<i Adjutant General School in the United States. HIS widow, Rose Levin, a former Omahan, Is in Tokyo. Aim surviving are his mother. Mi*. Ma 1-evln, brother, ReelecteJ for a second term to Melvin J., Santa Barbara, Cal. sUters, Mil. Kay I,enard anil Mr». the F a m i l y and-Child Service Milton Trager, Los Angeles, Cal., lioard of the United Community all former Omahaiis. Services is Haary Oreeaberg.

MKS. DAVID KLSKNMA* >' u n c r a I services were held January 31 In lJ>s Angeles, Cut., fur Mrs. David Klseman, fanner Omiiban, who died there, January 'M. Surviving are children, Mrs. David A. Kulnlck and Sirs. Kay. mond Altman, Omaha Arthur and Mr*. MinTis Kliher, \AM Angeles, ADOI.t*JI KAUK8H and two grandchildren. Adolph Kadesh, Los Angeles, Cal., h u s b a n d of the runner MUM. PESMA COIIKN Bertha Finkenstein of Omaha, died Mrs. Pesha Cohen. i», formerly in Los Angeles, February 3. He of Sioux City, la., died iu a local also leaves a daughter, Mn. Amhospital last Saturday after a long, .old Cornfield and a son, Stanley, illness. Funeral services and burial both of Los Angeles. Mn. Kadesh were held in Sioux: City Sunday Is a vice-president of the B'nal B'rith Women's Supreme Council afternoon. Mrs. Cohen was the .widow of Morris Cohen of Sioux City and INDOOK COUP MAMOIC Golfers may use the Jewish Comfor the past five years haa been a resident of the Dr. Philip Sher munity Center iiwtoor golf driving ranfle any week day from 10 a. m. Jewish H o n e for the Aged. Surviving is a son, Uoyd of to 4:30 p. m. with no appointment necessary. Large enough to accomOmaha and two grandchildren. modate two golfers at the same time, real range golf'balls are LT. OOU, STANLEY F. I.KV1N used in the practice driven and Lieut. Col. Stanley F. Levin, pitches. Golfers may have their 50, a former Omahan, died Mon- clubs stored at the Center for day In Japan, while enroute to the fulur* practice sessions. • Tokoyo Army Hospital. -Memorial services. were held for him In Tokyo Wednesday. He was legal Convention Pottponvd advisor to William & Girard, the The convention planned for soldier who shot and killed a Omaha and out-of-town young Japanese woman more than a year adults on, March 14, 19, and 16 ago. has been postponed, it was anColonel Levin had served as a nounced by the Young Adults' law officer of g e n e r a l courts Council, The local group will meet martial in the United States, Sunday at 1:30 p. m. at In* JewEurope and Japan and for six ish Center. A dance wilt be held years was law Instructor at the February 22.

Omchans In the News

Miss IJIUu Blttncr, who has been living in New York City, N. Y., is visiting tier parents, Mr.and Mrs. Kli Uittner, She is enroute to Chicago where she will make her home. Mr. and M n . Leonard PinkoviU have returned from a three week* trip to Newark, N. J., New York a t y and Long Island, N. Y. and Washington, D. C They visited with Mr, and Mrs. Michael Pltlor, brother and sister-in-law of Mrs, PinkoviU in Newark. Among the newly elected officers of the Douglas County Um v , of the American Cancer Society Jrf Dr. Daniel M. Miller, a vice-nf -ss dent and Mn. Jul|os_Cohn. tfc*turcr. -Fred Brodkey and Sam R. Cohen have been named to Spec* lal Services u members of the executive committee.

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