Vt * * Israel To Avoid Contest lut will concentrate on Improve ..]g the quality of Its armed forces , wake I whose superiority was demonstrat-• Arab world, I ed In the two wars In which Israe
22 to Perform U. S. Envoy Makes Gift To College In Festival Twenty-two youth C o u n c i l members will take pnrt.in tho Music Festival their organization is sponsoring in honor of Jewish Music Month. The performance : ' —Juhii Ktllnt Photo. which has been In rehearsal for •loading UM new Junior Section at the Women'! Fhllanthroplei several months, wilt be presented •ra UM major* ud..Utelr>b*lrinaiii' <l-r) Mmn. Nathan Novak, Sunday, February 23, at 2 p. m Marlon Somber*, Calvin M. Newman ( r h r m . ) , I n l n A. Grndler, in the Jewish Community Center Muies. Fehnle Davl« and Leonard Ooldntoln, not shown, alto a n auditorium at 2 p ,m. major*. Highlighting the program will be solos by Gayle Fcldmun on the piano and Bcrnie DeKovcn on the chalil. The Youth Council Boyi chorus, under the direction of Mm. A. C. Fellman and chairman Jack Lleb, and accompanied by Dennis Schulman on the piano, will present their -renditions of Israeli and A specially created Junior Marlon Somfccrg, rennl* Hails Chaasidic music. Another feature Womca'a suction will a«rve aa and Leonard GoMtMn. will' be the performance of the The organizational set-up will Youth Council Girl's Israeli dance part of the Womm'a MrMon of be patterned after the general the 1»M Jewish Phllanthroploi team directed by Madeline Kripke women's division. ' campaign. and Tonl Kaplan. Each major will have under her The Innovation In tho women's organization, announced by Mrs. direct; supervision 10 captains Ben Shapiro, Women's General whose appointments will be anChairman, m i the outgrowth of nounced at 'an early date. Tot «ap,taliu wUIJwld their 'Interested expressed by. UM In; creating number of young women first meeting Thursday, March 20 at the home of Mrs. Klmer No\ak, volunteering their cervices. The group will include brides" 7816 Pine Street ,at 1 p. m. Mrs. Newman reported that the and young matrons of the comsection will Include- approximatemunity. Camp Jay-C-C, the Federation "In- setting up this division as a ly 300 women. Informative meet- sponsored resident camp will be separate unit," Mrs, Shapiro de- ings will be held from time to held Sunday, July 20th, to August clared, "we feel that we are .de- time to familiarize workers fur- 17, Dr. Daniel Miller, camp chairveloping the potential leaders' of ther with the nature of activities man, announced, ^ tomorrow's community by ac- entailed by the campaign. ' Several changes in the 19SS opquainting these young women with eration of the program also were what the Philanthropies Camrevealed by Dr. Miller. paign embraces." "We have an opportunity to He stated that Omahans will be emphasize the Importance of the given priority la enrolling their local, national and world wide- ' Sidney Taren will serve as gen- cMidren, due to the overwhelming scope 'of the appeal. By coordin- eral' chairman of the 1958 fund number-of campers last year, in ating these potential leaders, we raising drive to be conducted by addition to those placed on a waithope to give them basic under- B'nai B'rlth Henry Monsky Lodge ing list. •landing and synipathy /or the No. 354, It was announced by The out-of-town campers will be particular needs of such a phil- Reuben Llppett, lodge president enrolled, after the Omah'a campThe appeal will culminate in a ers have been Informed at the anthropic campaign.'" ' Mrs. Calrla M. Newman kas ."Past Presidents' banquet Aprils. dates and rates. Daring May, outb«en named chairman of the Jun- . The following men will act as of-town residents will bt enrolled, ior Women, Mr*. Shapiro said. Her team captains of ticket solldta- giving local campers the first opaides trill be five major*, Mmes. tlon: Reuben Llppett, Lou Canar, portunity to attend either the first Irvln A. Oendler, Natkaa Novak, Lou Jess, Marvin Trailer, Earl or second or aH four weeks of Selgel, Mlllard Margolin, Dr. Abe camp, Enrollment in the camp is Greenberg, Ralph-Nogg and Ed- limited and registration will be acward Rosen.
Women Set Up Junior Section
Tc| Aviv (JTA)^-JV check for 133,000 pounds from the Information Media Guaranty program for the construction of a physics building bearing the name of Abraham Lincoln at Bar-IIan University was given to University officials on Lincoln's birthday by Edward B. Liwjon, American Ambassador to Israel. In making the presentation, Mr Lawson *»ald^ "The building can bring substantial and tangible benefits to the people of Israel and the United States, as well as to the world at large. Scientific research can thrive in the darkness of atheistic dictatorship. We know this but what are the benefits and what is the record at mankind's betterment that derives from such scientific advances?" Dr. Tuvia Bar Han, acting Director General of Bar Ilan University, accepted the gift.
Registration Opens For Camping Season
Sidney Taren to Head B.B. Drive
Center to Stage Wrestling Tourney Swiss Debate on * Interested high schoolers are encouraged to start preparing now Rebuffed Jews for the Youth Council Wrestling Tourney at the Center Jewish Community April 13. Jeff Swartz, Youth Council athletic chairman, reported that all high school Weight divisions will be offered In the tournament provided that there arc at least two entries (n the division. A team will be allowed only one entry in each weight division to contribute to the.team scoring. Prnctice ficsslons in preparation for the tourmiment nit1 scheduled each day from 3:15 to 4 p. m. In the Center workout-gym. A competitor, to be eligible for the tournnment, must workout consistently for at least three weeks prior to the tournament (Into, conditioning of the participants. Registrations for tho tournament will be accepted by Jetf Swartz, or the Athletic Director up to March 23. Only regimcred Center members are eligible for the tournament, '..:.'•
Berne <WNS>—The issue of Swiss policy toward refugees between 1933 and 1945, involving charges that the Swiss Government pursued a policy which forced thousands of Jews to return to Germany and death at the hand of the Nazis, boiled over again recently In- the. Swisa Federal Council. Subject of the debate was the Luttwig Report,' an nnalysU ordered • by the. Federal Council which charges that collusion of Nazi and Swiss police officials kept aji many as 12,000 Jews from entering Switzerland during the period of the Nazi regime, although by the end of the war Switzerland had accepted 115,000 refugees. ' Matthias EgKenberger, chairman of the Federal Council committee which sponsored the report, said that there was no clear answer to the question aj to whether, as the Ludwig report charged. • .
cepted on a first com* first serve basis.
Registration should be made by filling out the registration form and must be accompanied by the camp fee and will not be confirmed verbally or by telephone. Full and partial scholarships are once again available; The camp fee this year will include laundry, insurance, local transportation and arts arid crafU materials, Dates and Rates Are: 1st 2 Weeks—Sunday, July 10Sund.y, Aug. S, lbSS—iMM. 2nd * Weeks—Sunday, August S-Sunday, August IT, 1»M—«8S. For further information call the Camp Office or Saul Silverman, Camp Director, JAcksori 1966. Dr. Miller stated "that camping activities are Important In a youngster's b a c k g r o u n d " and urged parents to provide such opportunity for their children.
At Belli El Thursday—
Maurice Samuel Will Speak On 'Israel After Ten Years' •Israel After Ten Years" will be the theme of Maurice Samuel's talk at Beth El Synagogue Thursday. Me will discus* Israel in relation to the Near E&st, American Jewry and the,worM situation. The foremost lecturer of the American-Jewish scene, Mr. Samuel Is well known for his sharp wit as. well as his Incisive analysis. Mr. Samuel's evaluation of the Zionist movement and the political and cultural life In Inrael has given him recognition on an International level. The program will begin promptly at 8 p. m. with refreshments served afterwards, Guests are welcome. Tickets may be purchased through Beth El Synagogue or Its Men's Club,
Maurle* Samuel
fought, Israel's new Army Chief of Starr, Ma,). Gen. Haim Laskov, told the foreign press association here today. While he granted the superiority of the Arab states' armaments, he insisted that the "human factor was most important" and that the Israel Army's training would become "more dynamic" as an answer to Arab superiority In arms quantity and quality. "You can b« sura we will look after our frontiers," the Chief of Staff promised. , Gen. Laskov Bald that the navy's equipment would be improved. Views Exchanged In Washington Israel • Ambassador Abba Eban and Acting Secretary of State Christian Herter exchanged views on the merger of Jordan and Iraq and other Middle Eastern developments. Further information on both th» Egyptian-Syrian and JordanianIraqi federations is awaited here by the U. S. Government before policy determinations are made. Opinion at IT. N. Many Western Informants at the United Nations were of the opinion that the move to bring Iraq and Jordan together might have been engineered by the United States in the hope of forming a counter-group against t h r United Arab Republic of Egypt and Syria. Several Western diplomats pointed out that, since both Jordan and Iraq as separate states are dependent tm the-Unlted States for military aid, a merger would not be permitted by Washington to use its military strength for a n ' attack on Israel. Some diplomats here were conceding that Israel was in danger nevertheless, sirlce If one of the Arab blocs did attack Israel, the counter-bloc would be sorely tempted to display Arab "unity" by,a similar aggressive action on another border. These same diplomats, however, were of the opinion that a Western-oriented Iraq-Jordan could be kept in check. From France Israel's relations with the Arab states should be re-examined in the light of the proposed JordanIraqi federation, a spokesman for the French Foreign Office said in Paris. The spokesman expressed the opinion that Israel could only benefit from the Jordan-Iraqi merger. Such a merger, he stated, would restore the equilibrium upset by the Syrian-Egyptian merger. He added that France, doer not think that a Jordan-Iraqi union would attack Israel since this would mean exposing Its flank to an attack by the Syrian-Egyptian union. The. British Government doei not doubt Israel's ability to defend herself against one Arab state or combination of Arab states as has recently been asserted by Israeli personalities, Commander A. H. P. Noble, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, said In Commons In a -report from London. Commenting on the Egyptian-Syrian union, he saw no Immediate reason to believe that the new state would have any greater military capacity than the two old states together. Cmdr. Noble further stated that the British Government considers Israel's armistice agreement frontiers as the ones which the signatory powers of the Tripartite Declaration of 1950 are pledged to defend against aggression. He also revealed the government was consulting the co-signatories of the declarationFrance and the United States— on how the recent Syrian-Egyptian federation might affect the undertakings of the declaration..
'fljt rubJUhe* Erery FrUUy by the Federation ot Jewish Servlc* Otvnd . l a w Malilnr mvll«#» Autluiruca at Ufflafia, Nebraska Rfluai IrtwtS!rtJunf MOU (Ldvenijln. H.les on Apfllestkin. EdjlurH. i» .•—'101 No amli Wiaet, Omaha. Nrtn. Mckton 19<>e -Frlnl 3D A<Mrcs» 4M06 So 3»yi 8UMt . Editor (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN »
Friday, Ttbm*rj
MoHdayi and FMtlvals Holidays begin Sundown of previous Day. Fast of Esther March 5 PurimMarch 6 First Day of Passover..April 5
With the HomeFolks
Parents Told to Be With Teenagers
Parents attending the thiid February 11-The CJW class In meeting of the Parent-Teen Korarts and crafts made waste paper um were told "That the uorst baskets during this session. In- thing a parent can do for their structors were Mmes. Arthur teen-Bgers is give them only maCohn, Albert Caer. Harry Krantz, terial things." The admonition was Meyer Kirshenbaum, Max Plait, mado by Prof. Jfe-n .Solomon who Sam Rosenbaum, Ann Rubin, Moe discussed "Are/Jewish Teem DifDr. Louis Miller of Israel, who Vengcr. The day of the course has ferent" before 300 parents and recently addressed members of been changed from Tuesday te teenagers at the University ot By Jack H. Gordon Hadamah and the Omaha-Douglas Wednesday with the next class Omaha. Prof. Solomon of New York Among the ancient Jew*, music was considered • divine ari, and County Medical Society, has been meeting February 28. February 12—In Memorlam: University, New York City, added the Scripture* were »et down to be read with sweetness. There was invited by th» Nebraska Psychiathat parents must gi\e their chilborn from the beginning the practice of chanting during Uw synagogue tric Institute, to address its staff. Carrie Urbach. February 13-The CJW sewing dren, especially teenagers, their •ervice. The prophet, Elisha, said thai the hand of the Lord tuned the Tuesday, February 25th. time. strings of the Jewish heart. Dr. Miller, a psychiatrist and group will hold, their monthly lie pointed out that the maThe conductor who led these melodic vibration* Waj called can- psychoanalyst, has been Director meeting at the' home with Mmes,tor; and the beauty of sacred services depended on his voice and man- ot the Division of Community Goldle Cohen, Jacob Abramson, jority of Jewish Teens ore differner In leading the congregation. Until recently, these dedicated men Health of the IfadaMah Medical Ida Brown, Hyman Fried, S. Nogg, ent in that they ore interested In were launched into their profession In (his country by, functioning as Organiaztion in Israel, and Is In M. Horowitz and Bobctla Silver. mental actliltirs and professions apprentices of established canton. A» a matter of fact, the first ones the United States 10 report on the David Orkow gave a Special and are also M>rvlec minded, an /ound here were men who came out of Europe and declared them- progress of Hadaitsah's work in Klddush today on the occanton of compared to following physical his seventh anniversary as super- activities. '* selves cantors, and became they knew how to lead the cantiHating, community and public health. The fourth and final forum will intendent of the Home. they were installed into the profession. They needed no other prerer>b. 14—The Y-Teens of Ben- be held at the University Wednesquisite. day, March 12, i8t 8 p. m. Tht son High presented Valentines to There were no schools in which the residents. Judy Anderson, speaker will be Dr. David Lcvlne, -to study perfection. An apprenpresident of the group, wan « - psychologist In charge of the Psytice learned the mistakes along compahied by Sue Davidson and chology Clinic at the'University with the skills of his master. Com of Nebraska. Admission Is free; Sally Schrelber. pletely outmoded, this method of New York (JTAJj-A call for The meetings are sponsored by February 16—The Jewish War professional study «*« one of the participation of all Americans In few throw-backs to feudal times. the Brotherhood Week, which Veterans Auxiliary presented a the Jewish Community Center in There wa< no form, no standard, started' on Sunday, was Issued by wheel chair to the Dr. Philip Sher cooperation with the University. no common denominator in the President Eisenhower. Brother- Jewish Home for the Aged. Milton Goldberg was master of cerecantorate. hood Week Is sponsored by the PAUL'S In spite of this, the cantorate re- National Conference of Christians monies. Other participants were RADIO & TV SMVICi mained comparatively healthy.for and Jews. President Eisenhower Frank Klein, 3he!la Ruderman TV CAR IADIO it drew from a storehouse or re- Is honorary chairman of the Week, and Dorothy Nelson. Mrs. Milton - CaJMllcligtitlng—5:48 p. m. RAOIO PHONOGRAPH ligious and cultural inilitution* in which Is being observed In more Margolin, who was In charge of TEMMLE lSftAEL TAUL aOLDKRG the event, was assisted by the Sen ices will be held at Temple Eastern and Central Europe. Men than 1.000 communities through- Mmes. Abe. Kaplan, Ed Simon, 4121 Me. S4lb St. PL l i f t Israel Friday 8:15 p. m. Following like Yosele Rosenblatt, whose voice out the United States. Betty Rablnowitz, Sarah Fclfman, the service Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks was indeed admired by the world Ma* Rosen, Delmnr Klein, Frank will conduct the fifth discussion at large, sprung from t h e s e Cohen and Mnx Belgrade. RepreIn the series on "Judaism in the sources. But the tragic events of senting the Veterans were Delmnr Prayer Boole^ part of the Temple's the"p*st two decades caused these Klein, Max Belgrade, Nate Barwelii to dry up, and the sources Adult Education program. ctis and Marvin Kaplan. Rabbi Brooks hns selected as his from which American , congregaYahrzeit: In addition to scrv. topic "All Men Shall Invoke Thy tions derived their canton were New York <JTA1-Dr. Joseph Ice* for Mrs Fnnnle Adclschlein, IN J. Schwartz, vice-president of the Name" the meaning of the Adora- cut off. Besides, the basic need for turn- Israel Bond Organization, was no- February 16, other services durtion and Kaddish. Members will ing February are: Feb. 21— Adnr meet informally in the chapel with ing the cantor Into a more re- tified by Israel's Finance Minister h Harry Roluteln. and Rabbi Brooks for the discussion. ligious and well-rounded 'person- Levi Eshkol, thai the cornerstone Freidcn; Refreshments will be served by ality to serve modern American for the first textile plant in the Judaism has been self-evident. Ten heart of the Negev was'iaid at Dithe Temple Sisterhood. The Bank I>uml Le'Israel has Shabbas morning services will years ago, a handful of men recog- mona, 25 miles southeast of Beer- opened Its 77th branch office in nized that this art had descended iheba. begin sit HrfO a. m. with Rabbi Eflat, Israel. Brooks officiating and the Re- to something l e u than divine. Led Mr. Eshkol slated that the plant - llgious School choir under the by Dr. Abraham Franzblau, the will represent an Investment of direction of Miss Ida Gitlin sing- prime mover for revitallzation of 113,200,000, seventy-rive per cent Ing the musical portions of the the cantor profession, a school was of which is expected to be supplied established. It not only trains can- through the salt of Israel bands. sen-ices. tors, but strives to elevate the The plant will be completed within RUG f, UPHOLSTERY BETH ISRAEL standards of the Cantorate. It was CLEANERS Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor formulated as a branch of the He- three years. Nearly all residents of Eli Kagan, Beth Israel Choir, and brew Onion College and called the Dimona originally came from TuRUGS—CARPETING nis and Morocco, Intermediate "A", will conduct late School of Sacred Music: estabLAMP SHADES services this evening at 8 p. m, lished in New York in '33 it ofHabbl Croner will speak on "Where fered a four year course culminat- study of Sacred Music. Because of FURNTTURE Leaders Originate?" Traditional ing in the degree of Bachelor of it* almost immediate universal acCleaned In You* Homel Friday services (Kabbalos Shahceptance, it established a Board on 1407 Homey Sr. bos) begin at 5:45 p. m. Sabbath Sacred Music. A further year of Cantor Certification . . . so that morning services begin at 8:30 study and a thesis can produce an cantors already serving congregaadvanced Masters Degree. a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 HA 2554 tions may submit their qualifica- Don Bernstein Because the pan tor reaches out a. m. Rabbi Croner will conduct tions for evaluation and receive • the Talmud class at 5:15 p. m. to the Lord in voice during; serv- Certificate attesting to their comSa bath Minolta at 5:45 p. m. fol- ices, the congregation has begun to petence, if they meet the high lowed by Sholeshe S'eudos and feel that he mu*t compJeleJy fa- standards set up by the board. Maariv. Daily morning services miliarize Jumsejf with His teachIt has* actually become a new at 7 a. m.: afternoon services at ings. The age-old precept that a 6 p. m, Sunday morning services leader must have the knowledge American, career, even a _ n e w world caTreer. At present there are begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by and the wisdom at ready use In breakfast and Rabbi's class in any emergency began to apply to 45 to 50 students In UM school • and the graduating c l a s s Bible. Sunday m o r n i n g Junior the sacred minstrel. In addition Mlnyan, followed by breakfast, he should be called upon to teach boasts 12, one actually from England, another from Canada, one starts at 8:30 a. m. music, since it is a divine art, to from Czechoslovakia, and the oththe community at large. For all ers from Uv» United States. They The Talmud Discussion group Another Sensational Offer have granted certification to about meets every Tuesday evening at this he needs training The College of Sacred Music is 125-cantors throughout the coun7:30 -p. m- • at BHH Synagogue, _J9th and Burt and services every the onlyjKhool in the world that try.' offers a complete course in the Saturday morning at 9 a. m. fSrrm ArU Ttuw #ra41cat<)
World Scene
Institute Invites Israeli to Speak
Brotherhood Week Started
Israel to Have Textile Factory
For Satisfaction
Levenson Pest Control Service
Omaha's Leading Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen
BETHEL Services at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. nl. Rabbi - Jlyer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aardn I. Edgar and the Talmud Torah Choir will render the musical portions at the •ervice. Traditional S a b b a t h morning service at 8:30 a. m. Family Services will U held at 10:30 a. m. Mlncha-Maafvi services are at . B:45 p. m. Daily services are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday morning service Li at 9 a, m. '
HEINZ KETCHUP 14-01. Bottle
Deaths MB8. CAIUtrE URBACH Funeral service* for Mrs. Carrie Urbach, 81, who died February 32, were held February 14 at Fitch & Cole Memorial Chapel with en-, tombment In West Lnwn Mausoltum. Mrs. Urbach made her home at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Jlome for the Aged. Surviving arc Ihrce nephews, t,. l>. Burkenroad, Omaha; S. E. Burkenrond, San Francisco, Cal. and LeRoy Goldsmith, Chicago,
Featuring U.S. Graded Meats
More Than Enough to Pay for Your License and Tax
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£.45 e &
200 Used Cars Displayed p.,.
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ROSEN-NOVAK 2026 Farnam
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, fUmutiT II. IMS
Negey Sands Yield Tinting Pigments
Organizations briefed on the Strategic Air ComGOLDEN AGE The Golden Age, Club will meet mand's role In todsy's defense proMunilay, February 24, at 1 p. m. gram, Thursday afternoon, Feb«t the Jewish Community Center*"ruary 27th. for a desserHuncheon. KrH. Dun- The group will assemble at Beth «5Xfiy, District Manager of the El synagogue narking lot at 12:30 Omaha Social Security Adminis- p. m. and drive to the air base totration, will (peak, on "Know Your gether. Reservations are being taSocial Security Benefits." Also, a ken by Mmes. John Solomon, CL film of Golden Agers activities 1751 and Irving Teicher, WA 7998. during the last few. yean will be s h o w n . Co-ordlnators for the I'lONKEIl WOMEN group, sponsored by"the Council of Jewish Women and the Fed- The Regular luncheon meeting erratlon for Jewish Service, are of the Pioneer Women will be held Mines. J. Milton Margolin and Tuesday at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Lou Kuller, BKTH EL STYLE SHOW "Alice and the Mad Hattcrjn F.-ti-iilonlnnd" will be the theme of 'the annual Beth El Sisterhood Luncheon and Style Show, scheduled for Wednesday, March 12th "In the Synagogue social hall. Cochairmen for the event are Mmes. Ernest Wintroub and Sol Parsow.
Haifs (JTA)^Pigments of excellent tinting' strength and permanence can be extracted from the colored sands of theNegev, found in various shades like red, violet, gpld and brown, G, Majewiky, head or the Haifa Technlon Research and Development Foundation, reported here. He added that such pigments can be produced In large quantities for the manufacture of oil paints, plastic colors and of artists' colon. His report was based on research conducted In the Tephnlon's laboratories. The results have been favorably compared with synthetic pigments manufactured a b~r o a d DR. ABE GKEENBBRti and. one shade—a purple brownDOLL rilESENTEI) One of the outstanding features proved to be extremely rare and at the Citation luncheon given by no foreign make could be found the Henry Monsky and the. Ne- for comparison. braska Chapter of B'nnt B'rlth was the presentation of the Dr. Abe Greenberg'doll to the "Dolls for Democracy" collection. B'nal B'rlth took this way ta honor one of Its own outstanding leaders Serving with members of the who has spent 47 years in B'nal B'rlth work, in civic work, in pub- Library committee, honoring nalic relations work; not only in tional library week, March 16-22 Omnha but all over the United are Rabbi Meyer 8. HrlpUe and Mn. M. H. Brodkey. , States.
Coleman Greenbergs To Reside in Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Kasner of Oklahoma City, Okla.# announce » the marriage of their daughlenr Harriet Eleanore, to Co J e m a n Marciii Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Greenberg. The ceremony took place October 12 In Dallas, TeX, .. Religious rites will be performed March 2 In the Emanuel Syna-. • gogue chapel of Oklahoma City by Rabbi Oscar Fleischakcf. Following the ceremony, the bride's parents will honor the couple at a buffet supper and reception. The Grcenbergs win make their home in Omaha. They both attended the Unlver. sity of Oklahoma at Norman, Okla., where the bride was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau Soror. ity, and Mr. Greenberg with PI Lambda Phi fraternity. The groom is the grandson of Mrs. Joseph. Lipsey of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs, Philip Greenberg of Tucson, Ariz., formerly of Omaha.
Omahans In the News
"DOUJt FOR DEMOCRACY" The Dolls for Democracy will hnvc the following schedule: Sundny, February 23, at 10:30 at the Covenant Presbyterian Church for the entire Sunday school. Story tellers will be Mrs. George ShafBernard E. tintobtrf, Internal Archaeologist Cited fer, Mrs. Hurry Smith and Mrs. Revenue Agent, has received his Mrs. Colrman Stanley Shapiro; Tuesday, FebruCertified Public Accountant cerNew York <JTA>—Dr. Nelson ary 25th at a 1 p. m. luncheon at tificate. Gltieck, president of Hebrew UnCouncil Sponsoring the Beth Israel Sisterhood in ion College-Jewish Institute of ReMr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. BrodCouncil Bluffs. Mines. Morrl* J. key announce the birth of a RJrhard II. Hitler, president of Mr. and Mrs. Bowling ligion and Internationally known Shnplro, Herbert Melches and daughter, Cheryl Lynn, January the Provident Loan and Finance A Mr. and Mrs. Bowling Jeanne, archaeologist, received the fourth Henry Greenberg, story tellers Company, has been named to the which will start next September annual award of the Seminary Isat the Joslyn Memorial ten for 11 at Immanuel Hospital. A broth- board of Education, as successor is being sponsored by the Council rael Institute of the Jewish TheChirstlans and Jews, February er of the new boby is AndreV to the late II. If. Bergqultt. He of Jewish Women. The group will ological Seminary of America. Alan. Grandparents are Mr, and 27«h at 1 p. m. Mri. Herman Frtinikin of Des will serve the remaining year of meet oh Thursdays at 9 p. m. Dr. Glucck wns cited for "hit the term. Couples mny form their own invaluable contribution! to tho Molnes and Mrs. Harry A. Brodteams or wait to be assigned. Reg- knowledge of Scripture and of the key. IIADAflftAII TO SHOW Five adult's e v e n i n g schools intratlon may be mnde by calling history of the land of Israel in JUEAD 8EA SCROLLS were .opened in Tel Aviv, Israel, Mrs. Eunice Dcnenborf!. IUv 2533 Biblical and pre-BibJlcal times us "The Dead Sea Scrolls", a dra- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bernstein well as to the welfare and the adOr Mrs. Mnxlnc Slonn, GL 9304. in n 11 c TV presentation o( last of Lo<i Angeles, announce the birth In 1957. vancement of the State of Israel year's Armstrong Circle Theater of their third child, a daughter, In our day." ' « l l | be-shown by the Omaha Beth Ann, on February 2. Paternal Chapter liidassah at the Jewish grandfather Is Joseph Bernstein Community Center, Wednesday, of Omaha. Mr..and Mrs: William February 26th at 12:30 p. m. Metz of Los Angeles, art materluncheon. Theodore Ilcrzl Croup nal grandparents. " . will be hostess to the Henrietta Sjtold and Chalm W e i z m a n n The Invention of an Omaha elec-' mcnU cotlld be so accurately Groups at the luncheon. tricinn, piqued the inlere.it of ''sci- translated impending ciiculatory Mrs. M. M. Jnbenls. chapter entific greats'.' at a recent meeting failures could be predicted before radio-and TV c h a i r m a n , an- MURIEL GltKEN NAMED of the Biophysical Society at -Mas- this condition becomes serious. nounced that the film hak been sachusetts Institute of Technology, Muriel Green ha« been awarded Lobel has been conducting his secured through the facilities of second place In the 1958 selection Cnmbridgc, M.IHS., recently. research at Crclghton University WOW-TV., a CBS affiliate, Over of beauty queens by Tomahawk, The Inventor is Harry Lobel, where he has been <i««oclated with wluwfr network the drama was Omaha University's yearbook, A «hr>, on invitation, presented his the School of Pharmacy. Encouroriginally presented. junior, she formerly attended the t/icory of "Impedcnce" In the hu- agement and help has come to him Mrs. Jnbenis will introduce the University of Oklahoma. Muriel is man circulatory »y«tcm before the there through Dean William Jarfilm which Is a dramatization of the daughter of Mr, and Mrs.dliUnguinhed body of the'organithe actual finding of the Scrolls In Samuel H. Green and is a grad- zation whose members include n rett, Mrs. Edmund Ohcrwinski, professor biological sciences; Dr. Israel In 1947-48. Mrs. Art Gold- uate of Central High school. highly trained top-calibre group of Leo Clement*, professor anatomy, stein, president of Here! Group, science specialists w h o apply and Dr. J. Raymond Johnson, di« l l | preside. Mr*. Ah/in Ahramson chemical and engineering tech- rector of the department of physii|.program chairman for the meet- FOR YOUTH niques to solve biological prob- ology. Lobel estimates that the ing. "Larry Hornstein has been ad- lems.vanced to Phase II of the New Mr. Lobel offered his Invention university has put some $10,000 of its time.and resources into his exCadet Program at Kemper Mili- to science for final testing. B. A P. WOMEN periments and invention. The Business'and Profrsslon.il tary academy. ' His device wag created to measWomen of Hadaasah, will meet ure the amount of this "discord beWednesday, February 26 at TM A leuquif, a Ctntarpitct, * Driftwood Arrangamant tween the heart and the arteries," p. m. at the Jewish Community Lobel believes that the resulting Center, It was announced hy Mrs. !os» of efficiency could cause Carl Laeman, program chairman. DONALD SOLOTOnOVSKY "strain on the heart and hyperTHE SPECIAL EVENTI Mr. and Mrs. Mclvln Solotorov- tension in the artcriet," according • ~—_«—. sky announce the Bar Mitzvnh of COUNCIL TO to t he Boston, Mass., Evening their son, Donald, on Saturday American report of his presentaTOCJl 8 * 0 • WadcKuft. Sliowars The study group of the Nation- morning, March 1st at Beth El tion. • AsslnnwrlM, Ilitkdays al Council of Jewish Women will Synagogue. 'The article said Mr. Lobel claims A Gift That Will Criafa Commant th»t Pre»ldont Eisenhower's cerebtour SAC installations nnd be Anywhartl ral attack could have been preCLUB DISCItlMlNATION Princeton (WNS)—A petition dicted by the reading* of his Inasking whether Princeton Univer- strument—had It been perfected 407 So. 15th St. JA56S6 sity's administration or officials Ip time. The Instrument—similar to the condoned religious di.icrlmlnntion hy clubs WAS reported to have physician's blood-prewure meter— been submitted to university au- delect* the presence of "discord thorities by the Princeton Under and measures the degree." Mr Lobel believes that such measurcgraduate Council.
Omahan's Invention Draws Interest of Scientists
. Campus News
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000.00, 12,000.00 U) L« |.«ld In IminrdUletr: ilmt of tht comm*fir»mf »t c»f the corporation la January 2 , lvr.s. and th« corporation haa P»rj>«tua4 «xl«(rf>rr; tha affafra tit }ht corporation arw Vi h* dndurUd by Arhur LJpp, Prealdtnt. Hirry Upp, VU-p f m s d r n l , Lawrctica litttltr, fltcrrlary and ifjBurrr. Vl C#M corporal ton | i !o b» • conllnu*nc# • f .\*»ll<?e»l Gift BHVI CO., a p*nn*r»ii!p, • firt upcrtj *£tu»i (fflnifrr of ptutneiVilii t"j»lnni t» »ild curporalloa, p*rtn«-*hlti H»K« [.i*rilnrn( t o th:t rtnpr,riitr hpttHlun wli| fiii rtcrlvMl by Ltili corporMloo,
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Plain Talk
Adult Education Activity Schedule atJ.C.C.
Center Sports
FEWCINO. SPORT. MEN AND WOMEN Fencing, • sport suited to both What Mak*s a Doctor men and women, l i featured Wed A lot of ut are hoping our kids MONDAY nesday evenings at the Jtewish •will turn out to be doctor* . . . 8-10 a. m.—Business Men* Swim Community Center. Instruction that they get Into the right medi- 10-11 a. m.—Womens Swim Class is offered to the novice-beginner cal school . . . that they will 10-11 a. in.—First Aid Class while practice and workout sesgather fancy clienteles after grad- 1-3 p. m.—Art Class sions are provided the more ex uation. But Is that all which 1-3 p. m.—Bridge Class perienced fencers. New members maktl a doctor great and good: 5:15-6:30 p. m.-Co-ed Swim 8:30-10:15 p. m.—Latin American to the group are always welcome TbIS meditation comes to me Bob Garrett, fencing master, is Dance Class upon hearing from Rabbi Martin In charge of the fencing group TUESDAY M. Weitz who was proudly rethat starts at 7:30 p. m. ' porting to me on a distinguished 8-10 a. m.—Busiiiessmens Swim member of his congregation • • • 9-11 a. m— Womens Figure Aids MIDOETS TO COMPETE Dr. David B. Altaian who Is a phy- 5:15-6:30 p. m.—Co-ed Swim IN SIOUX. CITY 7-10 p. m.—Oil Painting Class gician great and also good. The Center's Midget League All Dr. Altaian recently has as- 8-10 p. m.—Photography Star team will compete in Sioux 8-10 p. m.—Great Books Course cended, to the presidency of the City, Iowa Sunday, March 2. RegAmerican Medical Association . . . 8-^0 p. m.—Aquarium Society ular Midget competition Is to be • first Jew In that office in 50 8-10 p. m.—Music Listening Group suspended that date to accom(Monthly I years. I say Dr. Allman has asmodate the Womens' AAU Bascended to that elevation but, it WEDNESDAY ketball Tourney which Is to be seems to me "ascended" is not the 8-10 a. m.—Businessmens Swim played at the-Center. right word precisely. It took no 10-11 a. m.—Golden Agcrs Swim The Sioux City group will comclimbing, since long before his 5:15-6:30 p. m—Co-ed Business pete in Omaha on the 16th of election to this presidency, Dr Swim March In the tradition home and Allman had attained a lofty place THURSDAY home competition. as physician. It was Jutt another 8-9 a. m.—Business Mens Swim Cheer leaders may still register step on hit long way. as I get it 9-11 a. .nvMVbmen* Figure Aids for the Midget League by attendHe is one who has joined-the heal- 5:15-6:30 p. m.—Co-ed Business ing the Sunday basketball teutons Ing art with the Jewish teaching at the Center. Swim of compassion and high duty to 8-10 p. m—Bridge Class fellowrhen which he had been 8-10 p. m.—Square Dance Class Unaffiliatos, led by Captain Dataught from childhood On. vid Goldstein, retained the Youth Installed in Temple Council Basketball Championship with but two Josses during the A few months ago be was inregular seasonally. AZA No, 100 stalled as president of the Ameridowned the Unaffiliatc team in the can Medical Association in a serv- CENTRAL DEOATKKH ice In Atlantic City's Beth Israel Central High debaters—Richard last game of the season to tie temple. Yes. it's tradition in the Speler, Stuart Pencil. Howard Rayim, who lost to AZA No. 1, American Medical Association that Welnberg and Paul Shyken—tied for second place, AZA 1 Is the s new president take the high oath for the third place In the sweep- cellar team winning three games of his office in his own house of s t a k e s competition of the St. In the regular round of competi. religion, whether church or syna- Olaf's college debate tournament tion. Frank Goldberg led the season's gogue. That practice suggests that held in Northfield. Minn., the first • doctor's healing and hlj faith of the month. Speler also won first scoring race with 119 points while really should be in one package of place In extemporaneous speaking. David Goldstein, last year's high scorer, earned 100 points. Third his being. That is to say, he's the high scorer was David Wlntrouta nobler physician when he is one had professional physicians who with 70 points. who also understands well the loving-kindness and the mercy that p r a c t Iced rational therapeutics. Many great rabbis also were great ALL-STAR TEAM the Good Book commands. Ten Youth Council basketball Dr. Allman was bar mltzvah Vi physicians who experimented on the same temple where, the other fowls and ravens. There was even players were chosen to the Annual a temple physician who cared for All-Star Team by a group of offi'month, 92 you* later, he took his new plnee as president of the sick priests. Yes, Dr. Allman con- cials and league representatives American Medical Association. It cluded, the story of medicine com- this week. Selected on the team wasn't that he came back to the ing out of Torah is "all part of a were Chuck Wise, Tom Platt temple's altar to be invested with growin gand groping dedication to Dave Goldstein, Frank Goldberg this honor; he had been at the the art of healing . . . from and Allan Konecky. Others sealtar through all the years since forebears through • . . and be- lected were Bill Horwich, David Wlntroub. John Okunj Mike Canar yond to generations to come." his bar mltzvah day. Yes, it was a historic event in and Ed Wintroub. But his learning of Judaism j * The All Star group will particia good way of life came not only Beth Israel; that night, recently, out of this temple; the Allman when the boy who had been bar pate In an inter-Ccntcr Tournahouse was a holy house, too, like a mitzvah there attained highest ment In Milwaukee, WJs., the end structure atop Sinai. Rabbi Weilz place of the medical profession in, of March. Other garnet will be telU me: "This home was aglow America at the same altar. The played Jiy the team In Des Moinc», with Sabbath candles, annual Se- President of the U. S. had sent a Sioux City and Kansas City. dorim, and with a grandfather telegram of felicitation, and also who could recall to young David the governor of New Jersey. CLL'B HAS FIVE stories of his namesake In Bible And the Judaic share In the oc- MASSEURS, SUNDAY days, and a grandmother who casion was expressed by Rabbi Five masseurs are on Sunday when she could not quite see the Maurice E, Eisendrath who Is duty at the Jewish Community itars at the end of the Sabbath, president of the Union of Ameri- Center Health Club and delicateswould send young David out to can Hebrew Congregations (Re- sen lunches are available for memtake count of at least three stars form). A message from him said: bers during, the noon hour. before the work of the week could "Dr. Allman has brought to his "We have the largest Health begin." profession and to his association Club In Omaha," Les Burkenroad, Kinship With Tonh the finest fruitage of the Hebraic Health Club chairman said, "and So David Allman came to know heritage with which he I* so fa- we are Interested In furthering inboth Torah and medicine and miliar. In this way he aids in the creasing the membership. A masworked m kinship between them. all-important process whereby our sage ticket for $25 entitles the holder to 12 complete sessions There was an evening in the schul faith enriches our nation." here." last year when Dr. Allman spoke Halmonlde* Coda The Health Club Is open from before the congregation on the In Beth Israel's program book of noon to 10, weekdays and from 9 . association of Torah and medicine. the occasion Rabbi Weitz Included , B e found the beginnings of medi- Malmonides' Code for Physicians. to 6, Sundays. cal knowledge In our Scripture. Maimonides was saying there: FENCING INSTRUCTION "The priests of the Bible were 'The Eternal Providence has ap- AND PRACTICE the medicine men of antiquity," he pointed me to watch o'er life and Fencing instruction as well as t o l d the congregation. " E v e n health of Thy creatures. May the practice session for the more exthough they dealt with bodily love of my art actuate me at all perienced, will be featured in the symptoms, they law beyond them times, may neither avarice, nor new fencing class to meet Wednesoften; and analyzed fear and envy miserliness, nor the thirst for day from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. at the and pain. They hinted at psychos- glory or a great reputation engage JCC starting January 19, under omatic*; my mind; for, enemies of truth the supervision of fencing master "We have a tradition in the and philanthropy, they could easily Bob Garrett. ' faith of Israel that even when a deceive me and make me forgetful High school students and adults plague comes, its antidote comes of my lofty'alm of doing good to are Invited to register at the Jewwith it; that the healing is latent Thy children. Endow me with ish Community Center. strength of heart and mind, so in the alknent Itself. "Die Jsws of purification In that both may be ready to serve SOVIET JEWS ASK Leviticus are hygenlc. They in- the rich and the poor, the good FOR RELIOIOUS MATERIAL ' chide' 'food laws, childbirth, leop- and the wicked, friend and enemy, Jerusalem <WNS) — Numerous rosy and body fluids. They suggest andthat I may never see in the requests for Holy Scrolls and separation against Infection by patient anything but a fellow prayer books have been received means of water or fire as disin- creature in pain . . . Qod, thou hast appointed me to watch over from So\IH Jews by the Office of fectants. the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. the life and death of Thy creatMedicine In BIM, ures; here I am ready for my vo"Medicine In the Bible, even in cation." the earliest texts. Indicates that there were professional physicians, Maimonides IMo.»es Een Maldressers of wounds, niidwives and mon> himself was rabbi, physiciaj iti'int JA t'J'it lu insert rour fV«nt Ao \a Trie Jewnh Pnu, pharmacists. One of our poets and philosopher, and his code for Current r»t» It W etou for t u b (our intmion. The Prrja r~M*rvea tb« tiftil speaks of Israel as 'the heart doctors represent the highest of (ino to limit tti* of exeb *dvent*«mctit. among people,' first to heal Its ethical Jewish teaching. It hns BAH and Bas Mitzvah congratuach?s and first to restore new guided the physican AUman, presilations also (or all Jewish holispirit throughout the body . •, • dent of the American Medical Asdays and special occasions. Four hundred and 30 years before sociation. M?yer» News Stand, 1302 Dodge Hippocrates the people of Juden rtVvra Art* VMturc S>o4lcstfl '.
By AHred tkfal
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Global Report TEN COMMANDMENT* IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Albany (WNS)—A bill who*e effect would be circumvention of a recent State Department of Education ruling banning the Ten Commandments iq^ the public schools was Introduced lo the State legislature this week. The bill amends the original ruling with a provision to the effect that the Ten Commandments be permitted If consent can be gotten from the accredited representatives of the Christian and Jewish religions. The ADL and the American Jewish Committee opposed the measure. JORDON EMBASSY TO MOVE Jerusalem (WN'S) -The government of Jordan was reported to have ordered Its Embassy In Washington to move from the hotel In which it Is now located because the building is owned by a Jew. SACRKO MlfKIC INTERPRETATION New York (WMS' Europe, which for decades supplied all cantors for American synagogues, now loom to the U. S. for its trained Interprefers of the liturgical music of the Jewish tradition. It was dis closed by the School of Sacred Music, pnrt of the Hebrew Union C o l l e g e J e w i s h Institute of Religion. SYMPHONY TO BE COMPOSED Tel Aviv (WNS t—The Philharmonic Orchestra of Louisville. Kentucky, has made arrangements with the noted Israeli composer Paul Ben Chalm to compose a symphony to be played by the American orchestra during the season 1958-59. NEW ALLERGY TREATMENT New York. (WNS)—Two Jewish physicians at a gathering here of the American Academy on AJlergles discovered a means of treating effectively sufferers of asthma and hay fever. The doctors, A. R. Felnberg and Samuel M. Felnberg said they were collaborating with Venezuelan colleague in a method of preventing those diseases. ADVANCES IN SURGERY B r u s s e l , (WNS)—Dr. Louis Katz, American heart specialist from Chicago, declared here at a medical conference of 100 physicians from the United States and Europe that the profession'Is on the verge of a revolution in the field or heart surgery. He predicted that electric devices will somo day drive out the heart surgeons from business. DATE CLEARANCE All Youth Council and Synagogue clubs are asked to clear their activity dates with Youth Council Director, Doris Raduziner. Every effort is being made to avoid conflicting date of youth events.
CENTRAL ROTC PROMOTIONS ROTC promotions announced by Central High school include Bernard Bloom, Bruce Bloom, Bernard Grossman, Bennett Hornsteln, Paul Shyken, Howard Welnberg, Irvin Belzer, Jack Lieb, Cdt. 1st Lt.; Sidney Pessen. Ronald Gould, Cdt. 2nd Lt.; James Sophlr, Steve Dloogoff, Justin Greenberg, Steve Bloch, Larry Hobermnn. Arthur Raznlck, Allen Epstein, Milton Katskee, Cdt. M/Sgt.; Edward Levey. Martin Snelder, Man in 'Ruback, Irvin Nathan, I^irry Greene, Maurice Pepper, KPV« Shyken, Frank Goldberg. Lan II'Tzog, Roy Katskee, Edwin Sldrmin, Mike Katz, Larry Roitstein, Ah in Newbcrg, Bill Horwich, Gary lipstein, Ronald Greene, Saul Kniman, Roger Smith, Cdt. Sgt. Norman Herzog, Eugene Dandy, Bob Nogg, Douglas Platt, Larry Kohn, Maynard Welnberg. Bob Ginsburg, Howard Stoler, Ju-stin Rlotkln, Louis Rich, John Rlekrx, Stephen Appol, Martin Bcrrwld, Elmer Falk, Albert Dwoskin, Mutt Filler, Alan Konecky, Walt Wise, Cdt. Cpls: Harold Levey, Gerald Heeger, Mriurlco Frank, Stev» Llntzmnn, Uruce Wlntroub. Michael Hornstcin, Richard Friedman, Robert Wolfe. Arnie Fellmnn, Jim Kagan, Mark Brndkey, Arnold Muhvltz, Howard Bernstein. Dick Zacharia, John Freldcn, Steven Guss, Martin Ricks, Don Fiedler, Mike Green, Fred Falk, Harold Forbes, Donald Kraft, Jonathan Bank, Charles Ginsburg. Anron Marcus, Kenny Rosen, Lynn Lazerson, Stephen Gould, Richard Kaslow, Karl Luefschuetz, Jeff Wohlner, Arnold Breslow, Robert Singer, Cdt. Pfcs. CENTRAL TYING AWARDS Among those who qualified for Central High school typing awards were Marilyn Dvorkin, Iona Karl, Barbara Pitalls, Florence Shrago, Marilyn Kaplan, Alice Kurz, Mary Jean Cap, Carolyn Dolgorf, Jerry Freedman, 40 words per minute.
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