etui 6 V.I.
Probe of Arab Boycott Urged Washington (JTA)-S«n. Jacob ' K, Javlls, New York Republican, called the attention of the Benate to Arab anti-Jewish boycott - tactic* and discrimination agains - American Jew*. He a»ked from the Senate floor for 'a probe by the ' Senate Committee* on Foreign Relatloni and Interstate and Foreign Commerce. More effective action by Federal Government to protect the righd of Jewich clttien* i* needed, the Senator declared. Sen. Javi u also inserted In the Congres> tlonal Record a statement outlining discriminatory Arab practice* bsued by the President* of IT ma jor JewUh organization*. Sen. JaviU*said: "Actions «o discriminatory agoinat commerce and to violatlve at international law . and our own tradition a* this tyt. tematlc boycott and Madcltotlng - of any American enterprbe doing *: business with Israel or any Amer ' (can enterprise of which an American at the Jewish faith is a P«rt are intolerable." He declared he « would nuke a further I n s t i g a tion at the fact* and report again - to U>e Senate.
Psychologist To Address Forum Dr. David Levine, psychologist at the University of Nebraska Psychological Clinic, \A\\ be the pnn cipal speaker at the Parent-Teen Forum Serin, Wednesday, March 32 In the auditorium of the Adult Education Center at the Unlver aity of Omaha. , The event is th« fourth and concluding m e e t i n g of the Series which hi* been sponsored by the Jewish Community Center In cooperation with the university. Dr. i-evlne will speak on "Criticize or Sympathize". Teenagers are Invit-d to attend, the session with their parents. A teen panel will take part in Uv program. -A question and answer period Will follow Dr. Levine's address. Admission to the forum Is free and ample parking space will be provided.
Israeli Patents Sun* Powered Refrigerator Ttl Aviv, (JTA)—A patent for what is believed to be the first •aun-poweredref r l g e r a t o r wa* ' (ranted to Dr. Kurt Doron-Offer, a member of the faculty of the Haifa Technical Institute. - Including a freezer section and working on the same temperature ranges as the familiar electric refrigerators, the solar refrigerator ' will cost virtually nothing to oper' «te. Its value is immense for Israel and other underdeveloped countries where even in winter there I* a considerable amount of sunlight and where electric power Is relatively expensive.
Federation Women To Meet Thursday The regular luncheon meetIng of tlm 'Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs vuTbe held Thursday, March 6, 1 p. m. at the J e w I i h Community Center. • Plans for the Women's Division of the J e w i s h Philanthropies campaign will lie nnn'luneeij by its chairman, Mrs. lien Shapiro. The president* ond representatives of the organizations belonging to the club are urged to attend the meeting by Mrs. Henry A. Newman, president. Report* will be presented by committee chairmen.
•r t * * M,
Chairmt ppointed to Federation Committees Wee-Chairmen Membership to Be Announced
The** men will pilot the various d e p artmenU of t h e Federation for Jewish Service,
Paul Qroawnan
C. M. Newman
Harry Sldman
Marry B. Cohen
Operation "Hospitality"
David Feder
Rabbi Brooks Given Award
The appointment of chairmen at the various departments of tha Federation tea Jewish Service wasj announced this week by Robert H. Kooper, Federation president, "These chairmen," Mr, Koopu* . explained, "along-with UiOir committees, supervise the various ao» tlvltie* and programs of the Federation assigned to them." The following will serve aa chairmen of their respective Federation department*: Millard Rosenberg, Anti-Defamation Leagua Advisory Committee; Dr, Daniel Miller, damp Jay-CC; Nathan L, Nogg, Or. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged; Louis Canar. Jewish Community Center;. Ben E. Kaslow, Jewish Education Bureau; Yale Richards, Jewish Family Service, and Paul Grossman, Jewish Press. In addition, the following went appointed a« chairmen of standing committee*: Calvin M .Newman, Budget Committee; Harry Sidman, Building and Maintenance Committee, and Harry B. Cohen, Legal Committee. David Feder will head the Pledge Redemption Committee. Membership of the respective committee* and vice-chairmen will be named shortly.
Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, of Temple Israel, was cited By the Freedom Foundation of. Valley Forge, la., in an announcement of awards to seven Nebraska individuals and institutions, Winner* were cited for contributing to the American way of life in 19S7. Ho bill Brook's awa.d consists of one hundred dollar) and a George WOW-TV wUl present a film, Washington Honor Medal for a sermon. 'The Demand* of Our 'Change of Heart" Monday, Heritage". He preached the award March 3, 5:15 p. m. on channel 8, winning sermon last September n recognition of the Purim ob25 during the Little Rock, Ark, servance, school Integration strife. He criticized America'* Jewish population Classes Scheduled for regarding th« events as "a Negro problem or political probThrough Spring lem". Adults wishing to enroll in any of the Jewish Community Center Adult classes, (scheduled through spring) may do so by calling the Activities Office, JA. 1366. Courses offered inCouncillor Robert Brlscoc of Ireclude art, sketching and oil land; Dublln'l first Jewish Lord painting, bridge—beginner* and Mayor, and former Omaha guest, advanced, Great Books, Latin is visiting various communities in American -dance—square dance, this country on behalf of Israel discussion groups and other*. Bond*, -Mr. Briscoe wai the guest Additional classes/wilL be ofofhorior here at an Initial Gift* fered upon request, provided.a dinner of the J e w i s h Philansufficient number of adult* are thropies last April 3, This is hi* Interested. fifth visit to this country,
W O W To Present Purim Movie
• •John KIO1II« Pt¥)U>.
MM. Jake Wine, Mrs, H, Cornel and Mr*. PblUp Batt A tantalizing aroma of delicious announced by the majors are origin pervades the Jewish Com follows: munlty Center kitchen these daju, (Major) Mrs. Abe Vengar all pa*t of operation, "Hospital A Team at the home of Mrs. ry" of the Women's Division of' Sam Epstein, &132 Hickory, the Jewish Philanthropies Cam' Monday, March 17, at 10:30 palgn. a.m. Newest project of the Women's B Team at the home of Mrs. group is the hospitality commitAbe Venger, 740 Sunset Trail, tee, headed by Mrs. Jake Wine, Tuesday, March 25, at 10:80 who with Mmes. H. Camel and a. m. . Philip Batt are volunteering their (Major) Mr*. Herman Friedman tune and favorite redoes a* they A Team at the home of Mrs. urn out delicacies for the coffee David Bernstein, 730 No. 37 meetings of workers. Ave., Monday, March 24, at On baking days, the ahelvM of 10:30-a. m. the Center kitchen are filled to B Team at the home of Mrs. capacity with hundreds of Individ' Mtilard Krasne, SOS No. 65 St., unl crescents, pecan and cinnamon Monday, March M, at 10JO rolls, fruit, nut and poppyieed a. m. creations and old fashioned coffee (Major) Mrs. Alfred Frank akes and kuchons, product* of A Team at the home of Mn. he trio's culinary skills. Sam Katanan, 540 No. 72 .Ave., The first group to enjoy the Wednesday, March 19, at 10:30 omemnde pastries were 75 cap. a.m. afm who met Tuesday at the B Team at the -home of Mr*. lome of Mrs. Herman Goldstein to D. W. Frank, 542 No. 73 St., ay the foundation for their forthThursday, March 27, at 10:30 wiling activities, a. m. , ' • "We im.> deeply link-bled to Mrs. ino mid her co-workers for this ciivnil'Hii baking Job," Mix. Hen hnjiiro,' Women's General chairman, ilnclarvfl. "When these talA second xeision of SLIMNASented ladies H*fird about our corffee-., they volunteered their serv- TICS for women, a special exercise mid figure development course ices, rolled up their sleeves and went into action, A trout is in fnr women, will start shortly at (tore fur the workers scheduled to the Jewish Community Center, The fee for lite program which includes attend our meeting!!," Captain] and IJeUtonnnU under swimming and a well staffed nursery at no additional cost, Is $10 for each Major will be' assigned to "A" and "B" teams. The meetings the 10 week program.
Second Slimnastic Class To Begin
Robert Briscoe Is On Speaking Tour
Comp Registration Limited To 100 For Each Session Camp Jay-C-C which opens it* 19th season July 20, will limit its enrollment to the first 100 applicant* for each of the" two sessions, Dr. Daniel Miller, Camp Committee chairman, announced. The camp-conducted lor children *bc through fourteen year* of age is now taking registrations. Dr. Miller urged parent* to enroll their children immediately becaune of the limited number of registrations being . a c c e p t e d . Campers may be enrolled 1>y returning the general camp application envelopes, The camp will be conducted from July 20 through August 17, the fee lor the full season for Omahons is $170 while the fee Is |190 for non-residents. The fee
for either of the two-two week sessions, July 20 to August 3, anil August 8 to August 17, Is $85 for Orhahans and $95 for out of town camper*. This season, the camp fee include* all charges fdr -Insurance, laundry and craft expense*, Dr. Miller, said. Omahans should not postpone lending In applications. Dr. Wilier mentioned, as out-oftown registration* are to Tje accepted after the middle of April.Further information and details on the Camp Jay-C-C program are available at the Center Camp Office while JI genera! publicity flyer will be moiled to parent* of youngsters in the Omaha area thi middle of next week explaining aspects of the Jay-C-C *ettq> in greater detail.
, Tthnuitr
Fourteen new agricultural settle-
Ppim Services Begin Sundown Wednesday
ment i
Io be established
Maureen Borilen, Sheryn Cohn, Marsha Fellman, Gall Hurwich, Sarah Perelman, Linda Riekes, Jeanette Reinglass, Lynn Snunden, Frances Shrier, Michelle Simon, Sheryn Simon, Susan Slutiky and Susan Stevens. Following the Coronation, there will be entertainment by the Itoyr al Purim Players. The musical accompaniment will be rendered by Mm. George Eisenberg. The annual masquerade parade, with the award of prizes- lor the best costume* will follow. . -From 3:30 to 5:30 p .m. a Purim Carnival, which features booths of games, contests, movies, and many other attractions. The Camlvnl will take place in the Recreation Room. Refreshments will : be served.
" "P* Purim story will be toM in Omaha synagogues in lite one-day observance of the holiday begin-ning at sundown, Wednesday, March 5. Purim is celebrated hy tpedal norahlp services which Itresi religious liberty. During the service the Book of Esther in read from the MlgiUah (scroll). The occasion is also marked by gift-ulvlng, beauty contest!, costume parades, bazaars arid dramatizations of the story which tells of the defeat of Hainan. Plans have been laid for local Purim c a r n i v a l s on Sunday, March 9. • Trmpta. hrael Rabbi Sidney Brook* announced that the traditional Purim services and Megillah reading will be held at Temple Israel, Wednesday •t 7:15 p. m. The religious school cho'.r will sing. The Temple Purim carnival, Sunday, March 9th from 4 p. m. io 7 p. m. will feature a puppet •how, Shushan cotton candy, movleit, fishing pond and Purim booth*. Mrs- Stanley Slosbqrg is general chairman of the event and Is assisted by Mrs. AI Sophlr. co-chairmnn and Religious School mothers •ml their committee. p. m. Hot sandwiches and refresh- BETH El. ments will be served family style. Services s t Beth El.Synagogue The Religious School sessions will be held at 8:15 p. m. Ilabbl will not be held this Sunday, al- Myer 6. Kripke will deliver tSie 1hou»h Saturday division classes sermon. Cantor Aaron L Kdgar will be met as usual. and the Beth El Synagogue Choir ReUi hrarl will render the musical portions Beth Israel Purim festivities of the service. will get under way on Wednesday Following the services, which at 7 p. m. -with the reading of the will be briefer than usual, worshipMegillah In the main synagogue. pers will be invited to a coffee The Mcgiilah reading will be fol- hour in the Social Hall and a lowed by the coronation of their discussion to be led by the llcv. "majesties, the new kings and Charles W. Phillips of the Flnt queens of the Beth Israel Sunday Unitarian Church on the subject School and Talmud Torah. The "The Omajia City Ordinance on procession will Include the school Permlislble Literature," king, queen, Mordecal, Hainan, Mr. Phillips is a member of ( h i the Queen's lay-ln-waltlng and the recently appointed Mayor's comroyal princes and princesses. The mittee to advise on problems arisToyal family were voted Into office ing from the enforcement of the at a special school election.. local ordinance. He was a recent following the coronation cere- participant in a city-wide P.T.A. monies, the newly elected royalty Workshop on this question. All 1 will lead the grand march and cos- are invited to he,ar and participate tume contest. Prises will be award- In this discussion. ed to children with the funniest, Sabbath morning sen ice* will prettiest, and most original cos- be held at 9i30. Junior Concretumes. Greggers and refreshments gation Services are at 10:30. will be distributed to all the chilMincha-Maarlv Sen-ices aic at dren present 6- p. in. Dally services are at 7 The Megillah will be re-read on a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday Thursday morning, at 6:45 a. m. morning service is at 9 a. m. Talmud Torah classes will not meet on Purim' Eve, Wednesday. TEMPLE ISRAEL The annual children's Purim Services will be held at Temple - Carnival Will take place in the Israel Friday, 8:15 p. m. Following Both Israel Social Hall on Sunday, the service Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks March 9th, from 2 to 5 p. m. Many will conduct the Fifth discussion new booths have been added to in the scries on "Judaism In Ihe the cnmlval this year. Hundreds Prayer Book" part of the Temple's •of prizes will be given to the win- Adult Education Program. ners of the games. Rabbi'Brooks has selected as Lnrfics of the P-TA will sell hot his topic "All Men Shall Invoke «li>2», hamburgers, hot food plates, Thy Name" The Meaning of.the pop, apple pie, and other refresh- Adoration and Kaddish. Member* ments so that the children and will meet Informally in the chapel parents enn have their lunch or with Rabbi Brooks for the discussion. Refreshments will be served" dinner at the carnival. ' The entire affair is planned and by the Temple Sisterhood, enrried 0ut by the children of the Shabbas morning services will Youth Clubs, club leaders, teach- begin at 11:30 a. nx, with Rabbi tcrs, and the P-TA of Beth Is- Brooks officiating and the Rerael Tickets will he on sale at the ligious School Choir, under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin, tingdoor. / ing the musical portions of the Beth El On Purim Eve, Wednesday, services. ^March 5th, the Minchs Service will begin at 6:00 and the Maariv BETH ISRAEL Service, with full reading of tht Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan, Beth Israel Choir, and MexMah shortly after. The abbreviated reading of tht senior class will conduct late FriMegillah for y o u n g e r "wor- day evening services this evening at 8:00 p. m. Rabbi Groner's ser' shippers will begin at 7:30 p. m. . < A Purim Carnival /or all the mon vvll be on "Modern • Mordechildren of Beth El Synagogue and chais." Traditional Friday evening . Its schools will be held on Sunday, services (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin i March 9thT beginning at 2 p. m. at 6 p. m. Snbbath morning servThe annual crowning of the ices begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior ConVurimKing and Queen will be gregation at 10 s. m. Rabbi .Groner held In the Social Hall of Beth El will conduct the Tnlmud class at at 2 p. m The King nnd Queen 5:.K) p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 6:00 are elected by the princes and p. m. followed by S'holeshe S'eudoa and Mnariv. Dally morning cervices princesses at 7:00 a. m.: afternoon services The princes and princesses elect- at 6:10 p. m. Kundny morning ed by their clnsses are; Hugh Ab- services begin at 8:45 a. m. folrahamion, Billy Alloy, Bruce lowed by breakfast and Rabbi's Frfedlander, Richard GreenfDoug- class in Bible. Sunday morning la, Kagan, Alan Muskln, Jeffrey Junior Minyan, followed by break Noddle, Cory Richards, Harlan last, starts at 8:30 a. m. ' Rl/iunerman, Joseph Srhik. Harley The Talmud Discussion' group Sthrager, Robert Slutzky and meets every Tuesday evening at Robert WcJnsteln.
Israel during IBM.
Monument Co. M
25 Yean' Experience With Jewiih LsHering and Memoriall 2211 So. Sth
AT 2452
INVESTMENTS Robert Kofg sail Robert BruiUtry fherklog on Fenny Auction
Club Plans Penny Auction The Rsyjn Fraternity will hold Its second annual Penny Auction and Carnival this Sunday, March 2, I p, m., ni the Jewish Community Center auditorium. Members collected merchandise under the direction of chairman, Itfjcrt Nog;, and president, Rob-
ert Bro,1key. Hems will be auctioned by a pro.'esiloital, starting at 3 P, m. Games and refreshment tooths under the direction of Robert *>llman «ill be a feature of the carnival preceding the auctkwi. Ticke d may be obtained front any member or at the door.
With the HomeFolks
reconvened today at 2 p. m. In the Council Room at the Dr. I'lilllp Sher Home for the Aged. March 1st; A special Kiddiuh will be given by Sam Poster on the occasion of his 84th Birthday. Mr. Poster has been a renlrtent of the Dr. Philip Sher Home since it opened 10 years ago. March 2nd: Mrs. Morton Miller announces that the Branded University, Omaha Chapter will entertain at the Dr. Philip Sher Home at 2 p. m. in celebration of JewUS Music Festival Week. March 4th:' A (pedal Kiddunh will be given by Mr. and Mis. Hy Shrier and Mr. and' Mrs; Louis Patz In honor of the birthday, of Mrs. Minnie Blank.
K m «a4 h m M i u TkaOr. r M * «ktr M U Ummttr Tk> U K ) ! ' DarM <trk«w.
Febr. 2>st: In MemorJam— JACOB W, FRANK. . Febr. 22nd: A special Khldtish was given by Meyer Ruback in memory" of hit father,' tiedalla Ruback. Febr. 25th: Rabbi Sidney Brooks was our visitor today. The March Rabbinical visitors schedule is as follows: March 4th—RabJbi Benjamin Groner. March 11th—IUbW David Korb. M a r c h J9th—Rabbi Meyer Kripke. March 25th— R i b b l S i d n e y Brooks. Febr. 25th: Adar 5-^Spedal Memorial Services were held at the Home Synagogue for Fannie Llebovicly; Febr. 26th: The Council or Jewish Women's ArU and Crafts class 7:30 p. m. at BJ1H Synagogue. The Megillah will be reread on Thursday morning, March 6th. Services on Morch 6th will begin at 6:45 a, m. Megillah reading at 19th and Burt St«, Sy/iacogue 6 p. m. Wednesday, March Sth. •
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THE. nntsn nmnn
Miss Elaine Wintrier tobe Bride of Manny Goldberg
* . / ' N A N C Y RICHARDS, FROM QUEEN Nancy Beth Richards, cUughte: urged to do so Immediately. Frank of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Richards VOVNO ADl'I.TS TO Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Wintner of HOST CON'FEKENCE Berg 4s general convention chair- was elected Prom Queen at th( New York City, N. y., have anman. The program u open to ell annual Junior-senior prom danc A fosrt Fcldmsn, chairman of the nounced the engagement of thtlr Y o u n g Adult committee, an young adults 18 years of age and held February ft at Peony Park, daughter, Miss Ejjlne Phyllis, lo . She was' elected itota candidates nounced that a two day inter-e;t; up. Manny Goldbere, son of Mf. and among local high schooli. conference will be held March 1 Mrs. Morris GDldbcrg. ItEMftTRATIONS FOB and 16 In Omaha between the 111 Miss Wintner has attended th* PUCK V BOWMNO OFFICERS Kansas City and Omaha Youn University of New Mexico and is negistrntlont are still open ft' Junior B'nal B'rith B o w I In Adult council*. The program wi the Jewish Community Center for now enrolled at Brooklyn Coliete, officers are Buddy EpHer fiance Is a graduate of Include athletics, cultural, recrea- the rltlery group for grade school League stein, president: Gary Parllman, / Crelgnlon University School of tional and social events. Local boys. Under expert supervision, vice-president; Sherry Kraft, sec Pharmacy; Young AduUs who have not ye boya in the rlMery group will be retary; Justin Mulnick, treasurer, A June wedding is planned. Tat registered -for the weekend are ennchrd in the fundamentals of and Stuart Hiirwllz, eergcant-nt couple will reside in O.iiaha. Kim safety and taught how to fire armj. A league bowling Uxirrm on the range. nt is schcdulcd.for this Sunda Teh croup will fire 22 rifles as nnd win continue over a two-wce)< well as bb's nnd is certifici) by the period. Trophies will be awarde Ndlionul nifle /stoclallon. to Ihe girl and boy rolling the Registration is by phone con- mo»t pins over average. Atlanta, Oa. (WNS)— Disclosfirmation to the Center. ure that he had cancelled nlnns Mr*. M. F. IVevensoD, on lour o V'OI.I.KVBAIX CAME for a projected rayon mill' In IsIsrac), has been conveying impres. 1NTKKPHKTIVE rael a t an estimated cost of J20,*i<>ni of the new stale In a serie DANCING Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter an< 000,000 was made here Israel Roof correspondence with her dn A few more women con be. ac- AZA No. 1 B'nal B'rith will hoi fjosln, noted Industrialist and philiCIalne rhyllt, Wintncr tcrj, hfn, JwV Dulleh and Mr».commodated in the special Inter- a' combined volleyball giune, th anthropist Martin Haykln, An fxcerpt from pretive dnnclng clnsucs sponsored date of which viill soon be an Mr. Rogosin made the announceone of her letter* describes thd un-by the Center's Athletic Depart-' nounced. ment at a testimonial dinner given U'ual spirit an.1 tempo of the coun- ment for women. A special feature, All B, B, G.'s w-iU attend FH him by. the Hebrew Academy of try. Mrs. Levcnson remarks, "Ge of tlie program will be baby l i t day evening services at Belh-ftl Atlanta. «n any bus. go to any city and you ting s e n ice for the toddlers. Jacob Synagogue In Council Bluffs %:? more different types of fnces Women may register by calling la., on February 28. m l clothing than In any othe the Center Athletic Department "Die flnnl progrnm of the 1958 c'ty on earth. Besides there are all at JA. 1266. FOR THE FINEST . . . CKNTRAL HI (ill Culture Scries, 'The World of «ci*U of experiments tried htre. PLAY ROLES IN PHOTOGRAPHY Jewish Folklore" will be presented THD nowledge of i l l the riv.'llae MIDflET BASRETBAI.I, The role of Aladdin Jn. the piny Portraits t the Jcwlrh Co.nmunlty Center. world and the part not so civilized, KHSI'BNDF.D (SUNDAY by name to be presented by Cen Weddings In our sen«e of the word, is being Midget Basketball competition tral High school win be portrayed Tuesday, March 18. The cast will include a New Commsreial ' X>tn a trial. That (joes for gov will be suspended (hi* Sunday at by both Jerry Goldstwm and Ben ernment, Industry, farnu'nK and the Jewish Community Center as nett Hornstein. The piny will be York stage troupe currently on a train-continental tour of the various for.-ns of cultur*. And If two teams will compel* In Sioux presented April 23 to May S, Oth , JoU redd the news, you see tha City. A midget team and an all- er lends will be taken by Joan United States. Admission to the 1 Or'-ntal countries are copying U- star nigh school team will be feted Marx, Marlys Isack, B«rn:e Gross. performance is bv season ticket or r11'. ' by the host Slou* City Center.. man, Bemie DtKovan, Jeff Swart*, individual • ticket, S1.25. Persons Sioux City will repeat with Chuck Wise and Steve Greenberg. deitlrlng to purchase tickets In advance may do so at the Activities ".'rael Is In a way a 'pilot plant1 games In Omnhn, Sunday, March 'arts win be taken by Larry Kohn office of the Center, JA. 1366. for the Near East and Africa. 1 10. Plans are being developed for and Dee Schriber. Among the oth. er members of the cast are Murie don't think It will be too long be other out-of-town competition. Regular league competition will Rosenblatt, Gall Shrier, Maxlnr fore the Arab Nations will come Birth be" resumed .Sunday, Murch 9 in Jabenii, Barbara Bcrcutt, Maulo terms with Israel, If only to reen Zevitx, Lynnette f o r b e n , benefit by the progress made here. the Midget League. Mr. and Mm. Lee Anp?! of Los . PHOTOGRAPHER "•illis Bernnteln, Steve D l f Angelea, Cal., announce the birth "I saw the lladauah University 117 SOUTH 34TH STRfET and Nancy Venger. Hospital and it' is going to se a BIIOPHY I.KADS TKAM of a son, Arthur Gary, on FebruHARNEY 1044 wonderful Institution and really TO CHAMPIONSHIP ary. 10. Mrs. Apptl is Ihe former tcry large. Also saw the Dead Sen Sanily Brophy led his team to DEBATE Phyllis, Rifkji of Omaha. Representing' - C e n t r a l 'High' Ss.-ol|s and Herod's Tomb. I the third V a r s i t y Basltctball acemi Out when the ancient Jews Championship in n row by down- school on debate teams a t the Miswanted t$ preserve anything they ing Stlsses in regular varsity Com- souri Valley Open Tournament, dug underground in stones and the petition. Brophy set a new scor- February 38 and March 1 are Stan Greenfield, Justin Lewis, Steve opening was often dosed so that ing record by making 54 points. enemies could not find them." Plans for future'Varsity action Fisk and'Phil Gorellck. 1437 So. 13th Street AT 0686 Mrs. Levenson, who heads the are to develop two top teams to L:veiuon Peif Control Service compete against outside teams will \islt Zurich, Paris, Brusiel? Wedncfday evenings at the Ccn.Amsterdam and London before reluming to th'« country, about Mm. Max Saclu was eJecte.l March 15. WATKR SAFETY AID'S CLASS vice-preiident of the B'nai B'rith While They Lost—Eviic«rat»d Water. Safety Aid's Class to Women's Bowling Association of Mrs. i n k 1. Kalinin is visiting start March 3, Monday evening, District No. 6 'at Its lOtJi annual her lister, Mrs. Morris lUfkin In 7:30 to 9:30 p. m., at the Jewish bowling tournament In Milwaukee, Los Angeles, Cal. Community Center, Anyone hold- Wls. ing * current !'fe saving card I* Mrs. Ben Wlntroub received n Mr. and Hrt. Barney SUrk will eligible to attend. Instructors will trophy for high individual- series EXTRA leave "thusrday for New York *n be Joseph F, Mlcek and hi, son, at the meet SPECIAL route to Israel. They will sail Roger. The :bid of the Omaha B'nal March 10. After touring Israel" All Jewish youth are encouraged B'rith Women's Bowling associathey will visit points of Interest to attend this class, particularly tion and Leagues to hold the 10GO in Europe. They plan to meet Mrs. those who will plan jlo' work at district tournament here was acMorris Grossman and Mrs. Carl camp this summer. cepted by the organization. Ib ftlckcs In b r a d on. the 28th of March.
Israel Rayon Mill Plans Cancelled
Omahans In the News
Jewish Players To Be Here March 18
John Kalina
Shukerts Kosher Meats
Omahan Elected
Buy Shukerts Kosher Meat and Save W$
, .Mr. nod Mrs, Norman I'rrd and children. Deborah lUe, Elizabeth Ann and Robert Samuel, who have been living In Hastings, Nebr., are now making their home at 614 : South 36th Street Mr. Prcd to associated with the Midwest Lire Insurance Co, of Lincoln, Mrs. Prcd Is the daughter of Mr. «mi Mr«. Fblneu Wlntroub. «
Your Favorite Purim Delicacies
Available New
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*f T«f O«SiH»y, Prompt S*rvle« mi Pepulor PTICM
!*•• Tmr
Organizations uemtr MONSKT CHAPTE* B'WAI B-SITH Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470. B'nai B'rlth, at IU next meeting, will have »• guest speaker, Mn. Alexander McKie. Jr., 1«57 recipient at the Citizenship award. Th<> meeting will be held Wednesday, March S, at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mn, McKie will speak on her trip around the world. Mrs, Bernard Goldstrom will present a resume of the Leo M. Levi Hospital project of which she is chairman. A money shower for the hospital will be held. Reservations will be taken by Mrs. Rose Cinsburg, GL. 5291 or Mrs. Frank Selcar, WE. 1164. COUSINS CLUB Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky will be hostess to the Cousin's Club Wednesday, March S at the Regis Hotel. The luncheon will be held at 12:30 p. m. promptly. PUKIM TEA Mrs. Myer S. Kripke will review "By Love Possessed", by James Gould Cozzens, at a Purim tea. s p o n s o r e d by Mines. Max • Novak and Lou Lewis, co-chairmen of Circle No. 5 of eBth El Sisterhood. Thursday, March 6th • a t 12:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Novak. 5611 Leavenworth Street. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. Novak. GL. 2856, or Mrs. Lewis, RE. 9165. BOARD MEETUTO The ,Beth I s r a e l Sisterhood board will mitet at the home of Mrs. Irving Stern, 1320 North 54th Street, March 4th. at 12:30 p. m. Plans for the forthcoming Mother and Daughter banquet will be discussed by the co-chairmen: Mrs. Arthur Parilman and Mrs. William Poster.
bert Wintroub, OUbert AronoU, jr. Lewis Yager, Louis Albert, Wallace EUcon and Leonard Levin. WOUCMEN CIBCLE NO. 1TI The fiftieth anniversary dinner of Workmen Circle No. 173, which had been postponed Will be held Sunday, March 16 at 5:30 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum. The semi-annual conference of the Workmen Circle Midwest Distrist will be held, the same Sunday st 10 a. ra.
Gentle Spring Greens *» gentle, u new born M . the first buds of springtime . . . or the first
BETH EL STYLE SHOW Mrs. Ernest Wintroub and Mrs. Sol Parsow will serve as co-chairman for the Beth El Sisterhood annual luncheon and style show, Wednesday, March 12 at 12:30 p. m. in the synagogue social hall. They will be assisted by circles No. 2, 7. 12 16. and 18, headed by Mmes. Morris Brick, Henry Baskin, Phil KaUman, Gilbert Fried-' en, -Wallace Eikon, Sol Kutler, Herbert Wintroub. Sam Ban. Gilbert Aronoff and Norman Bordy. Reservations are being taken by Mmes. Leonard Friede), Donald Vann, George Eisenberg and Stuart Fried. Sitter service will be provided.
blades of new grass . . . gentle spring greens fresh, new costume* in this warming new color will add new life to your spring wardrobe.
BKANDEIS UNIVKRSJTT TO MOMENT FROORAM A party will be given by Hie Brandeis University Women at the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged, Sunday, March 2. at 2 p. in. Mrs, Morton Hill u chairman of the event and win be assisted by Mrs. Jules Newman and Mrs Vern Vanoe. The Dramatic Club of the Workman's Circle, under the direction of Sam Zwerllng, will participate in the program. Mmes. Zwerling, Milton Nerlenberg and Jennie Ri/kin will present musical selections. LpuU Witkin will entertain with stories. Refreshment* win be served.
' METH-EL SISTERHOOD Beth El Sisterhood will hold a luncheon and board meeting at 12:30 p. m. Tuesday, March 4th, in the synagogue social hall. Mmes. Julius Stein and A. V. Friedman will be in charge of arrangements. They will be assisted by Mmes. The appointment of Mrs, Julia Phil Rosenblatt, David Platt, Her- Jacobs as chairman of the newly organized Business and Professional Wotrien't Group of the Omaha Chapter of Brandeis University Women, has been announced by Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, c h a p t e r president. The group will hold on The Central High school Honor an evening meeting, every other roll for Seniors. Juniors and SophMonth. Any business or professionomores for the first semester was al women interested is asked to announced this week. The list of contact Mrs* Jacobs, (AT. 0650. honor students includes: SENIOBS Saul Kripke, Irvin Belzer, Andy % lean Gross, Sandra Matters, BerAll Mesas ana relative* a n ' nard Bloom, Bob Brodkey, Mike Invited to attend services ;and Persell, Richard Speier, Tom KuL recaptlena, ly. Lennea Rife, Linda Rosenbaum, DONALD HOLOTOROVSKY Bruce Bloom, Nelson Gordman, Donald Solotorovsky, son of Mr. Harold Kaiman, Martin Lipp, and Mrs. Melvin Solotorovky will Steve Riekes, Howard Weinlvrg, observe his Bar MiUvan on SaturJudi Ban. Charlotte Brodkey, day morning, March l*t, at Beth •• Maureen Zevitz, Dave Goldstein, El Synagogue. Alan Noddle, Phyllis Bernstein, Barbara Brodkey, Beverly Gold- IIAKLAN RIMMEKMAN berg, Joan Marx, Jerry Freed- MICHAEL ABRAM8 man, Jack Lleb, Eleanor FalkenMr. and Mn. Robert Riramerftein, Muriel Ronenblutt. man announce the Bar Mltzvah of JUNIORS their son, Harian, and Mr. and Steve Fisk, Rozanne Siporin, Mrs. Arthur Abrams announce the Alice Kurz, Nancy Richards, Bar Mitzvah of their son, Michael, Jeanne Silver, Steve Sloch, Bar- at a Joint service at Beth Syna' bars Bercutt, Judy Brookslein, gogue on Friday evening, March Betty Erman, Stan Greenfield, 7th and Saturday morning, March « Carry Hoberman, Phyllis Abra- 8th. hams, Beverly Bloom. Lynette Forbes, Marlene Friedman, Carole LENOBC DEBORAH WOLFSON _». Jjomberg. Tonl Kaplan, Bob FellMrs. Joseph Wolfson announces man, Phil Gorelick, Justin Lewis, the Bas Mltzvah of her daughter, Mare Samuelson, Susan Baron, Lenore Deborah, will be celeElayne Raskin, Suzi Wolfson, Rot- brated Friday evening and Saturalee Relsi, Bemie DeKoven, AM day morning. March 7 and 8 at Raznick, Barbara Adler. Judy Co- Temple Israel. hen, Gayle Feldman, Joyce Room, Gail Tretiak. SOPnOMORKS Sam Blelcher, Ronald Greene, PAUL WOHLNEB , Edwin Sidman. William Horwich, Funeral services for Paul WotdSaul Kalman, Douglas Plattr Cin- ner of 2720 North 55th Street who dy Klein, Beth Anne Mnkiesky, died February 18th were held'FebEthel Sabes. Maynard Welnberg, ruary 20th at the Jewish Funeral Mary Ann Krasne, Leaime Trort, Home. Burial was in Beth HameEnid Venger, Justin Ban, Martin drosh Hagodol cemetery. Bcrcovlcl, James Gus§, Judy FriedMr. WohJner operated a grocery man, Jerald Goldstrom, Lewis in Benson from 1919 unlil he re-' Rich, Rochelle Relss. Mary Yafier, tired 10 years aco. He served at Marvin Ruback. Nancy Brodkpy, an Army base h.rspital In France Sharon Frank, Judy Goldner, Ar- in World War I. lene Grossman, Janice Katleman, Survivors: son», Irving, Norman Judy Pollack. and Eugene; Brothers, Albert and The Freshman Honor Roll will Louii, and four grandchildren, all •pepar in the next issue. of Omaha.
Mrs. Julia Jacobs Named Chairman
Central Honor Roll Reported
spring gr»«n fhirtdress of breezy pure silk
Bar and Bas Mitxvah
A style that sprang the seasons in a fabrlaof luxury... thi* charming shirt dress w i t h its d o u b l e breasted pearl buttons is a heart stealer . . . so full and flowing . . . It knows no hour. Color . . < gentle spring green. Size 10.
49.9S ireneh room — second Hoot
spring bloom* on
enchanting ^reen organza Lovely sheer g r e e n organza float* over white in this party dross decked with a sash of embroidered flowers* Sizes 8 to 20 and 7 to 13
zoom—third floor