March 7, 1958

Page 1

us Seiiuid-CJau MattH lit Pint- tlinutl Aall 4 U » . . . VUIM. Netirmka, under Act vt JJ7» 6lhd« Copy 10 Cent*

S. Elmer Gross W ( : riead Drive NeWsChairman Announces In itial Gifts Appoin tment Samuel Wolf, '• Campaign Leader Long Active in Initial Gifts ; Jewish Affairs

Hi,. Initial giru t,,inmlllfc of S. Klinrr (I tint, prominently Ilir IfJ.W l'liiluiltlir<i|ili.» Hill lie ti'il In SIIIDIII'I \ , Wiplf, u lolig tllllf' Idnnllfiiil wllh JCHUII Cuninunlly affuirt for 11111M3 .wars, tins ace-cpt* >lr»l«ll li'llrirr. lip «»< iiulrll'li liy ' s. l.lmiT <tronK, jji'iienil ilinlriniin , cil 11m poM «f (jciii-riil Cluilrniail fur llin riilluiiltirii|>|<>«, vvlm »»ltl "f HID 19,'iK IMillanllirtipltii mill lie UIIN gratified In h.i\<> 11 IIIIIII ni ' I nlli'il Jctilsli Appeal < iimpnl^n, MII-II I)III'H(HIIIIIII);' iililllty IU rlmlr-


lit till* : vllltlly


important tills ui'cli liy Unhurt II. Hooper, pri'»lili-iil «f llin I'filcnitliin for JI'U-INII (Service.


J >>IFI K 4 l


IV, 1


*\1r Wolf N n fKiputir uuikiM 'I lie (iinipiiiKii should moot all ,11 mir (iiiiuiiiiiMlv ' Mi dios!>! f\ji«l,i»imis under Xlv Gioss' *lnt»<l ' l i t M a dwiimir leii'lei | li'ideislup" Mi k'nopoi dedal cd. mill will lie ,i wtliiuljlc mldllion to ' l l l i lcniir rM>ei u m-p mid devoted

(I |i|H-r, I lu T.) MM. Irilng k, Mr*. Minn Krctlul, Sum HIIKT, Mn. lulc (,i>tHillni>r, >frs. l(»s<* (tliiriiiun, Mrs. MMIHUI >»K-: at tlic Or. I'll III |i •Mhcr Jt vi Uli





I Left, 1. tn r.) Mn. CiiMn M. NIMWII.III, Mr». l.cillmrd (nililstfln Mm, IViinlr I>a>ln, iil<"> Inrnil with llrtli.Kl stuilpiils, iort lllHi, John Whitman, Slirlln l'tild->t«n and Marsha Umilil,

Junior Women Tour Home, Beth El Religious School

Klmrr (lru«» our T'liiliinlliiopirH (iii,'ini/.iliun ]|r I* evixTieiiced and Mils .1 IOIIR ierord nf viiliMhlo » f m i t " A Mff-chaitnijin udi hr appointed 1o the commit tee notin Mi. VVnlf has Iwon ft mrml)fi of the Ki'det(iMini's e\cculive hod> and has nci'M-rt on a lllimlwr of its £omil)llteeK. Many JP.IIS ngo he wits pifsidenl of uhot was then, the YMIIA. He i» nlso a niembei of the Highland Club hoaid. Ml. Wolf JIBS held key posts in the Isinvl Ilond Diixp nnd headed Us "spi'dul 8»les" in I9">7 Isitier* tenlli 4Uinl\ein;iiy (olcbi-Hlion, Mr, Wolf observed, should he 1111 cira ^ic.'ilfi iin[K-lus foi all to expend every effoil In blinking the MUH D m f lo a hiii'ce'.sTuI close,

sen I«P in ruiiirnunll> affairs bnn^s us .1 in'"! c><pal>le man at in O m . i h i s !»'»!> Hi- ejjitiiii. innifl IIIIM w e k \\\\\ M a t - I IMtner, Tx«o KioenalBtlt thjitniHti " I.l'>jd Kripdmnn.'Jlnbcrt OtrrWrk, giinlypd Junpir WtMiiinii . t c f i > n u inivl f<i .i ciirfec h(Hii Mi CIioss scned uith dlsline-, liio J e w i s h I'hll.inllinip.p, \.HIU'rl Mi"«i N'lviinn iiiitl her fin> m.i- Yale Clotsdiner Stewart Munkin, lion ns Initial Clifls'-chiuim&n in the Dr. I'hll.ji S.'icr Ji'vtUli H H I I C JJI» Invf iinm("d the Mlwwlni; I)»iiuld RICP. Slwiiley J. Slo»bui-(!, \T>1 IW licadcd the Grurcis and far tiw Accd anil tlip.liclh K| Kc- w-onicn in Cipl.iim »f Ihh SM1- Vnli« TrmUn and Kniest WlnK(»d Dnislon in laiG and -947, ]i|d'K>< Schrwl IhJd »fPk ai pirt IIIIII. M n I)»MH Mnri Ciiucntl), he Is a iwnihPt of the (Major) Mi-. Nnthttn Nuvak of the croLip'n oriciitallon ,itiil e ln- I^POII Alexinilei, Ijeoninl Hois, I'hiluntluupick^budget committee citlumi pmjjiuiii lori, Beinniil Hii-tscnl)'rti, B n - Minw Al\,n Ahr.im46ii. ^attrencc and m ['hnuman of its sub-comImi OiprnhiKri;, Hanlrl Kul/jmn, S, Albort, Humid H. Knrp, Mormlllee fur lixal aseiK'ies. Prevton II Kuicl), Burton L. Roliln. K It'iliert Nrnnuii, Ji*mlil 1 K>tlomlj he soi\cti m chaiiman of Mrj. Calrin M. Ntwmaii, tin* Inillilins uiifl mmntrnance inttn of ill* Junior Women* Sre- ie», Kr\\n Sinnm, Altwni Siikln «in, Saul S. lUnliuky, A|l?u Tullj. 1 Sieivait Tully. Hott.ird Vnnn anil oi».1 Sam ftV.nnldn: committee. llcm whdK riwtn Inrlmfe* name kt 7 l ky v IMaj^ri Mi, hUn A Cendln three hundiril of the ol>'i new He n> a nienilH'i of the Beth Kl Mrtiex, JulltK M Oihn, H o l m <•'• (MIJIU) Mr*, Marlon S.jmbprK lir.rf'in and vounger mnlrjin. Synagogue board Kalcr, Philip Fttt, Ch»lle< C«,uoly, Mini1*, IU>lj->i i I}.iker, Jack B Tuo of tnp KTiiupH c ipluin-, H l/?j iJcniliT, I^oniriiil fl Kula"A lilg job IIPS befoie us," Mr. Cohen, Allwrt L, Voltlnian, nicliilincs. Dunalit Nouif and living kuNky, Milhnl Hixcnlwa', ll»> fiross sjid "Complete organizanr.l I, Uoldnirfii, Jlerl)erl Kot/cn, Mulashock during « l.iin- nt th- It Simon,. Stilliin Simons, aii'l tion ulll nioic nt a rapid pace si> Orvcl A Milder, Chillies A.-Monnhomj vttilu»] n-lth Iheir i-cpecbtpthat «p ean Blart aolnltios in the hee,' Dannld Noun, r^jnnld V.inii Crnndniotherji, 3 I H . Rmt Cl Kin-in ,I.M|]>>|| .Mis C! il.lsl»in Mmrs w i y near future Tn fact, Vve are mid Harold Wolnhoff. alii ,Mr«. Minn Kretful »lm retidc iiliendy mapping plans ifnd hope there. A thin} cnplain, Mi-. Y,i|r lo announce appointments of comGilsdiner, »llli Sim Falcr, mlltces ImniciilMtd.N « rrlativr. 'II is Ihc woikeis ulli> their' .Mm. Newman diteptrd her t-aintiieloss effui N who lii'lp Id urliieve. p i ^ n vvprk?M* att»nlion tn th?i Miami Bjseh (WNSI - Delp. Die success of a campaign add we ,'iit (hat the Dr, Plrilip Shrr Kates lo the Ihrec-djy inuuf;ural hope thai every memhei of the All iouu^li'iK mid cuunsi'liWi A P»IIP1 of teenager* will pui- United Jcnitli Appeal nere neord community will icspond I Tome for the Jcwinh Aff.1 U our of ihc many local »gi'nc.c,< d.^rK- ivho nllrn led C'unip .lii-C-C duiliiK llcipute in n quetition nnd mister warning* from Ameiican ait I Is"The .leuish riulnnthrupics icpIns benefit fnmi Iund« ralurd by (he sunntiPi «f JTi" will p.irti«- scshlotl lit tlie I'aienl-Teen Korum, tae lejdcru I tin I the new Aral) tcsciits fund rnUllig for some 200 WcdncRdny Fvcnfnc, Mnrclt 12, nt th'i year's PhilnnthropleH appeal patc in the Ciinp .Fn>-C-(.' Ui<iinii>n meigwyt were certain u> compli- agencies and institutions, overLatw with f»-f> of thp Junior TJIUIJI, April ;i, nl 2 30 p m. at the UnUrtvily of Omiihn, eate Iiracl k secnirily problems seas, in Jsrnel, fii the United Puncllcts and altcrhute* rcpie- The 1.3O0 dolocntes nude initial Stalci and in Omnhii, This is 11 Women's Majors, Mm, I^oimnl HIP .Irwish Community Center, acntlnn cliibH of the Jpulsh CouG>;ilMdrt mid >Jr*. Penn.c D.IVI«, tremendous!} coordinated effort A ciiciu theme Hilt lie carrjed munlly Center Youth Council ulll Indlv-iftuBl omtnbuliimii of 5tS.- on the part uf our community and Mm. Ncu-nwi n% In on a study 400,000 to Immcli the 195S U.IA Mlcludi' Pliyllis Alrrnhiims fiurout In Ihc nudltoiium ilctorutloim, tenon at the rjctli B] l l l uo me nil justirijbl> pioud of our drive, flcth'ilicx, i clrenlinifnls mid nt- uaru Ilercutt, Kden Cohn, D.ivc achievements in fund ruUiiiK. Brlp. Gen Dan Tolkowsky, I«Hero tli» young jnalruin »'pri> liie. C'OBIUMICI to be worn mil Ite Goldslem, JeriJ Ciotdstiom, Rnn"But we must not relai one' briefed on hiiW camnnlgn fund* Uioue of downs, Jinn tnntci, trun- nlc Gicene, Kit SUImnn mid I'aul id(M Air J'urce C'onimandeir told minute. There is a hcait-rcndctini; the delegates that while,no one need for help in all directions nntt are allocated tn 'the rcllgiouj iic artists, mid other iieraindlitlcs Shykcn. The Krutip's paillcipjlioh will know* cxjflly uhjt the Amb fed- we cannol let-down In any quar»eh<i3l< operal«l by Temple Israel, lUKOeinliKl Hl|h the dims, Pil/ps Beth Israel, liclh Kl and Shnnre will lie (married tn cmnpeis and follow im uddichs by t)i. David erations "'HI mean oierilunlly, Is- ter. We cannot fall l|ie thousand*, Zian. • ' ' <" Ivevlncr, u«vnciiitc dircetor (it Ihc root's pfople know they m u s t of homeless Jews who look to u«' coiinftelorx M f i i i ' i n ) ; the must IKycholujey clinlcrut the Univcmily "lighten i\\o\r be|(( a/iother notch for help." Th* chalinun cinphssl/cd Ihiil it ordinal oittfiN. of Mcl)ruiika. Pr. ljC\lne's subject to continue 4he bufldlns of :t t'ree »u'>VTOtlon of $.17,000 to the Talvylll be "Criticl'-e or Sympnthi/e." and democrat.c nation and to p i v t'iulilicii vvlio allend/?d the 19">7 mud Torulu and Sunday JjcliooU Questions [WTtinent to the topic pare for whatever conlinBencles Jewish Youth Week «mean<i from five to «?v?nly-two ramp npftslons (UP urged by Dr. .dollar,) per pupil, per >earti« al- Dan Millci, C a m p Committee of the evening, may be submitted may lie o)iead." New York - The 11th annual The nan development lioightens Jatted to nid In irUglaiu educnlioii chulrmtw tn H'wrvc the dull- for to Saul Sllvermnn, Center ActM(he need for American Jew s to as- Jewhh Youth Week, a project o*' * of these chlluii'n. nit arteiniKin of fun nnd rcnenjil of lie* Director, Tlic forum Is the fourth and sume grcilcr responUbilily for the t h e National Jevvish W«K«n!/ G r o u p instiiic lli)n ,«lll 1HI<I> old ncqudtnimieeii. plice TIIUIMIIIV, -Marth 20, .it 1 • lieKUtr.ilionii'for the rmnliiR final meeting of p series «pon- carp of the hundreds of thousands Board, will be observed ihrough-, p m at H>e liiiiur of Mr,. i:lnicr sumiucr me III'IIIK aiti'pwl at the sor«d by tltc Center in coopera of Jews wlio have found sanctuary out the country fixxn Maroh 14 In Israel, liu said. to 21. , •' tion with the l i t Novik, 7H16 Pine SlrcM, « l n i camp office now.

Camp Reunion to Be Circus Style

Teen Panel to Participate

UJA Delegates Give $18,400,000

Friday, tturt* T. )K»


S|* l**if| fret* robttekod Every CrkUjbV the M e n t i o n ot Je»1*h Senic* KbtaTtOpK Uih. idvwtlslnfJUMs on Application, ui O?icf>-ral TO jW* atr«*t. Onuiia. Ntbr. jAckion Una. j • AdSrtu 4MB So Mtb Sturt. ) FRANCES KLEIN

Religious S«rvicM Csndleliffhrlng—6:0t p. m. BETH ISKAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Ointor I ) i Kagan, Beth Israel Choir and Club Bible will conduct late evening services at 8 o'clock- Rabbi 6roner will talk on "It's Your Life." Traditional Friday evening jervices (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at 6 o'clock. Sabbnth morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m.'Tlabbl Groner will conduct the Talmud «las* at 5:45 p, m. Subbath Min<ha a t . 6 3 5 p. m. followed by Iholeshe S'eudog and Maariv. Dally morning Ben icon at 7 a. m.: afternoon services at 6:15 p. m. iunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. in. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's CIHM in Bible. Sunday piorning Junior Minynn, followed i y breakfast, starts a t 8:30 a. m. The Talmud Discussion group jneeU every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th and Hurt and every Saturday morning a t 9 o'clock. TKMTLE ISKAKL Services .will be hold a^Trmple Itrnel Friday at 8:13 p. nl. Jliibbi Sidney Brooks will preach on "By Hatred PnsscMed"—Will Love Always Conquer A Furlm Commentary. Shabba* morning service* will begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Brook*' officiating and the Religious .School Choir under the direction of Mis* Ida Gltlin king. in gtne'musical portion* of the service. BETH EL" " Service* at Beth El Synagogue *vill be held at'8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S, Kripke will deliver the termon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth Kl Synagogue Choir will render the musicul portions of the service. Sababth morning services will be held at 9:30 a. m. -Junior Congregation Services nre at 10:30 «. m. • Mincha-Maariv Services arc at 6 p. m. Daily Service* are at 7 a, m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service U at 9 a. m .


With the Home Folks ~ N m a a J k a M M b w i t T k o n r . TVU, •krr Jtwtok CtaOM Tar Tin A M *J

Omahans In the News

Kubert H". Hooper, president of H. A. WoV Co., Inc., ha* been elected for a three year term as Editor director of the Omaha Downtown Association.

Play Presented In Many Cities

Yale Trustln, general manager of the T c u a t i i t Manufacturing Company, will serve a* acting chairman of lhe newly /oroied exThe play, "The World ot Jew- ecutive" board of the Group Parish Folklore" to be presented ticipation Unit of the Mayor's Tuesday evening, March 18 at the Civil Defense Advisory Council, Jewish Community Center, has re- Invitations have been extended ceived the highest praise from au- to Mm. Edward Gilbert, president diences in Columbus, Milwaukee, of Temple Israel Sisterhood, to Log Angeles, Chicago, Atlunta, serve a* a member of Uie DeSalt Lake City, Kansas City, partment on Religion and EducaNashville and oilier areas in its tion of the National Federation of transcontinental tour, !*ou Canar, Temple Sisterhoods and to Mn, Center committee chairman, dis- Adolf Mayer, a* Wayi and Means closed. Only one performance will Chairman of its District No, 20. be given'It) Omaha. The production will be directed by the celebrated Broadway star, Ben Bonus, with choreography by Felix Fclbush, familiar figure in show business. Musical direction Plan* are underway tor the will be by Sam Blumstein, associate of many musical stars of the twenty-second Beth El Choir concert of Jewish Music to be held New Yoric theater. The show is a versatile three Sunday, March 30. The Beth El's Menu Club is language performance combining a committee from Jewish life today and of the past working with the Women1* Auxiliary and with with comedy, drama and songs. Admission to the play Is by sen- Cantor Aaron I. Edgar, the latter, son ticket or individual admis- who is in charge of planning the sions Joe Radlnowxkl Culture musical portion of the program. Council chftlonnn, dated. Individ- It U anticipated that a guest can ual admission tickets m8y be pur- tor is to be invited. In jircviou* years, the concert chased in advance at the Center ha* been a part of the Beth IJ1 for 11.25. Highlights Book. Funds from the even! this year will be raised for the Cantor's Institute of the Jew. Bar and Bas Mitxvah ikh Theological Seminary. All friend* ma relative* arc Edward A, Rosen has been anInvited to attend service* and nounced as chairman in charge of receptions. the affair, by Morlcy Zipursky, Men's Club president. Members of ABHAMS IIAKLAN RIH.HEIIMAN the committee are Mines. Sally Michael Abrams, son of Mr. and Rosen, Mary Fcllmaii, Pauline Mrs. Arthur Abrams, will oliservc Guss, Rose Newman: Messrs. Harhi* Bar Mitzvah and Harian Rim- ry DuBoff, Jim Lipsey, Krnie merman, son o! Mr. and Mr*.' Rob- Nogg, AI Rlmmennan, Bucky ert Rimmerman, will observe hi* Greenberg, Yale Ginsberg, Enrl Bar Mltzvah at Beth El Syna- Siegal. Charles Llcb, Yale Cojsgogue on Friday evening, March diner, I. B Ziegmon, Joe. Rice and 7th and Saturday morning. March Sam Steinberg. _ ' 8th. . '

Beth El Concert To Be March 30

LENORE DKBOBAH WOLFSON Mr*. Joseph Wolfson announces the Bas Mitzvah of her daughter, Lconore Deborah Wolfson, will be celebrated this Friday evening and Saturday morning at Temple Israel . ' ; StJZANNE ETHEL fiDTUf PAULA WAY ZIKtiMAN Mr. and Mrs.' Oscar Sutin and Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Zlegman announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter*, Suzanne Ethel Sutin and Paula Gay Zlegman will be celebrated Friday evening and Saturday morning, March 14 and IS at Temple Israel, , •.' '

B.B- Lodge Cited Henry Monsky lodge No. 334, B'nal B'rith, was cited' for ' it* sponsorship of a Oty-widc Youth liaskctball tournnment by (he Omaha Chapter of Unlco, national organization whoie member* arc of Italian extraction, it was announced by Ruben Lippett, Henry Monsky president. A gift of J200 was 'presented to the B'nai B'rith lodge, Unlco, annually donates JtOOO to charitable or civic groups* of which $800 goes to Catholic institution* and {200 to a local group in recognition of lUt achievements. Jay Staler was chairman In charge of the tournament held February 21 and 22.

Campus News

UNIVEBSITT OF ILLINOIS Milton Stuart Konecky ha* reMarch 4th: Rabbi Benjamin ceived n Doctor, of Philosophy DeGroner was our visitor. March 5th: The Council of Jcw- gree from the. University of Il• Uh Women Class in Arts and linois, at Champaign. He is the ' Craft* wax held in The Home son of Mrs. Eve Konecky. Council Room. ,, March 6th: Purim war, celebrat- UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Miss Shelley Crccnbcrg, sophoed In traditional style at The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish HomcrFor The more at the University of Iowa. Iowa City, has been elected presi, Aged with the serving of holiday food'and the reading of the Me- dent of Pi chapter of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. She is the daughter .' glllah. Mnrch 7tb: A Special Klddiuh of Mr*. Max Greenberg. was given by Mr. and Mrs. Mel* vln SoJotorovsky and Mr. and Mr*. M a / Belgrade, parents and • grandparents, respectively, to honor ,thrir son and grandson, Don-' ,'ald Gary Solotorovsky, on the oc- [ casiori of his I3ar Mltz\ah. Congratulations! March 8th: Mr. nnd Mrs. MorrK ' White will (,-nc A Kiddnsb Uxlny to celebrate tht-ir recent marriage. Ma/el Tov! March Mh' Mr< Sum ZueiluiK announces a I'm mi paily «ill !>(• given «!' the Home at 2 p. m. by the B'rial H'riih Nebraska Clinp. tef N'o.'MC. •Mnrch" 2.'ini: The' H'n.ii IS'rlth ' H e n r y Munsky Cliapti-r No. •170 Open Sundays From 7 A . M . to WiU give a party under the clmir4415 CUMING ST. rnanship of Mrs. Rose Ginshtirg. PAVED PARKING March 30th: The Beth Israel's i Club Shalom Talent .Show at 3 j


Camp Recruiting Staff Counselors

Mi. and Mr». Dan Miller of Kansas City, Mo., announce th« birth of a dftURhler, Michelle Ann on "February 19. They have two sons, Kenneth and Gordon. Mr*. Miller 1» the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs, Ben Garellck.

A top counseling staff Is being recruited for Camp Jay-C-C, resident sponsored ramp of the Federation for Jewish Service. Counselors are college trained and have a background of camping experience. Dr. Daniel Miller, Camp Committee chairman, stated. Many who served pn the staff during past seasons will return tliis summer. Sunday, March 9 The camp will start early this KFAB — "Eternal Lfffhl, year »o that at the completion of the sessions, parents will have suf- 8 p. m. ficient time to ready their etui"Tree at My Window," dren for the ensuing school term. Marc Siegel Running four weeks. July itO to August 17, camp Is divided'into PAUL'S two regular camp session* of two week* each. A youngster may be RADIO l> TV SERVICE registered for cither of the two TV CAR RADIO RADIO PHOHOeRAPH week sessions or' for the full month of camping. The fee for the PAUL GOLDBERG two weeks for Omaha youngster* 4121 Na. Mrs St. PL l i f t I* $85 while the rate for out of towners U $05, $170 is the full rate for Omaha and $190 is Jhc rate for foilr weeks of camping to non-residents. Registrations art being accepted now by this Camp Office, JA 1366/ Full and partial (cholarships to camp are available on request and ttk (lakby) PchtfMM interview at the <?amp Office. 25 Years' Exp*ri*nc# With J.wiih -Lettering and Mamoriafi

On the Air


Monument Co.

Rabbi Kripke Will Be Guest Speaker

The Farband, Pioneer Women and Pole 'Zion will Jointly celebrate Purim with a dinner Sunday, March 9, at 6 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center, Rabbi Myer S. Kripke of Beth El Synagogue, will be the guest speaker. The program iftto will include reading* associated with Purim by Max R t l s b a W Folk iong« will be presented by Mm. Milton Nerenberg.' ' * The committee in charge of arrangement* and decoration* are: Mmes. Sam Novak', Marion Bondarin, J. Feldmnn, J. Kaplan, H. Richlin, MAX Reisbaum, I. Goldstein. Harry Rifkin and Sam Rlfktn. Mr*. Murion Bondarin. chair- j man of Farband and Mrs, Sam; Novak, President of the Pioneer | Women, urge their various mem-'' ben to attend the dinner.

221! So. M

AT 2452

For Satisfaction In


Youth KI.KANOB ItOOSKVKI.T BAKK HALK A •.'Dessert Bar" bake sale uil! be used for philanthropic work. Linda Magzamin Hnrt Arlene CroKsman are co-chairman of the event.

Call AT 0088

Levensoh Pest Control Service 1407 Homey St.

Luscious dessert cake

wholesome snack!

Strvcd plain, it's /*// .plain dtVitwut__ . . . topped with irt-t (CJm, fruit or betrici. it's « pCik-of-tlie-menu tJcutrt! MADE WITH CRISP, CHUNKY WALNUTS AND





Omaha's Leading Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen

Once Again Diamonds Will Be Omaha's Passover Headquarters 6:30 P.M. WA 5554


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at Omaha's Big Deafer Dealt Thar Cannot Be Beat in Our SPECTACULAR SPRING OPENING SALE



• ;; \

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"H Mfajr, HUmfc T, IMS


Organizations HA0A8SAII PLAN* ItLMMAUE SALE Mm. Meyer N, Rubin, president of Omaha Chapter Hadassah, has •nnounced thiit a rummau* able Will bo conducted by the organization, Sunday and Monday, March 30 and 31. Proceeds from the rummage tale will be uted to complete the Hadassah Medical Organization quota^ to national. Receiving stations for the rummage aale are the* following homes: jMmes. Arthur' Goldstein, 85-13 Hickory Street; Sam Green, 811 So. 53 Sireet; William Raskin, 1030 No. 63rd Street and Eornhnrdt Wolf, 5303 Nicholas Street. Mrs. George Spitzer will act an coordinator, V J BETH KL TO I'KESEMT FASHION SHOW ' "Alice and the Mad Hatter In FiifcliionlancU' will present the latest In tpring fashion* at Beth El Sisterhood's annual Style (how luncheon on Wednesday, March 12 »t 12:30 p. m, in the Synagogue social hall. Co-chairmen for the event are Mme«. Sol Pnrkow and Ernest WInlroub. .Sisterhood memiicrs terming as mwlelK include the Mmei Henry JRIekes, Joe GUM, Jerry Cohen, Millard MarKOiln, Jerry Ruduziner, Ralph DeKoven, Morley Zipurnky, Arthur Adlcr and J. J. Groenlxrg. Children participating are Beth Wiutroub, Julie Bernstein and Ronnie Fellmun. KolIowlnB the style »how tables will tie available for those desiring to play cards or Man JonggTicket* arc 91.50 and reservations may be made with Mines. Donald Vann, Leonard Fricdel, George Kiscnberg mid Stuart Fried. Sltlcr service will be provided.


Myron Milder, Bride Take European Wedding Trip

Women will hold their board meet ing Monday, March 10, at 1 2 3 0 p. m. at ths home of Mrs. Nathan Following their wedding last' Kaplan, MIS Grant Street. Sunday, the former Miss Lois Rodin and Myron Harry Milder TEMPLE SISTERHOOD left for « European wedding trip. MUSICAL COMEDY The ceremony was pet formed Templo Israel Sktertood will at S p, m. at Temple Israel with present a musical cpmedy, "Tem- Rabbi Sidney Brooks and Rabbi ple C h a r m -School, Tuesday, Mycr S. Kripke officiating. March 11, at an open meeting at The bride Is the daughter of 1 p. m. Sisterhood president, Mrs, David Louis Rodin, Miami Beach, Edward Gilbert, will conduct the Fla., and the groom, the son" of meeting and board meeting at 11 Mr. and Mrn. Hymle Milder,, o'clock. The bride's gown of beige organ"Temple Charm School" la an za and Alcncon lace wiis designed original skit written by Mmes. wjth a fitted bodice, high neckline, Louis Klein and Lee Sloan. Oast lace trimmed brief sleeves and full members ore Mines. Warner Froh. skirt. She wore a tulle veil atmart, William Fogcl, Norman Cain, tached to a headdress of matching Sanford Brophy, Richard Goldman, lace and carried a prayer book Stanley Malajliock, Irving MHIH- with a white orchid and roses. shock,, Morrey Lnndmon, LawMrs. Sidney Noviik was matron rence Plat bier, Robert Silverman, of honor for her slii'ter; Mrs. Orand Bernhardt Wolf. Mi*, Rusgoll val Milder, bridesmaid. They wore Blumenthal will be the accompan- cocktail-length gowns of beige ist ,and 'Mm, Lee-Sloan, director. Jace and chiffon, respectively. In charge of arrangements' ore Mr. Milder was hit brother's Mmos, Edward and lrvii\g Atala- best man, Unbent were Mr. Novak, shoclf, table decorations) Mjncs. Harvey Ferer, Harvey Hoffman AbeKatelmarmnd Harry AJtmler, and Sidney Rodin, the latter of table retting, and Minos. Ben Chicago, 111. Ijcwls and David Bleicher, lunchA cocktail hour In US penteon. . house nt the Blackstone hotel, was Transportation pickup service followed by a dinner dunce In the will bo available at 193 No. 72nd ballroom. St., at 12:50 p. m. Call Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, WA 3566, to arrange for transportation.

8,000 Japanese Take Jewish Faith

BETH ISRAELLUNCHEON New York UTA)-'-Jcwi-ih AgenThe Beth Israel SUterhood will cy officials arc now studying the) meet March 11 nt 12:30 p. m. In posnlbilities of emigration of Japthe Synagogue Social Hall, Lunch *ncs« Jews, according lo a report will precede the business meeting. frt»m Jelnsalrm by NorJIi AmeriIrving- Stem and Mrs, Arthur can Newspaper Alliance. There are, Parilman assisted by htmei. Aaron now about 8,000 Japanese converli; E p s t e i n , Dan Gordmtn, Eugene to Judaism in Japan, Brnun, Nathan Maxcut. and HenThese converts, organi/id Into a ry TCrnsne, will d«noruilir«t« that group called the Union of Jewish "Knowledge Can Be Fun." ' DOLLS FOIl DEMOCRACY Japtincje, are Uil by two univerIleservations may fce made by sity professors, an atomic scientist * B N A I B'KITH Schedule for the Dolls for Dem- calling Mr*, Sam Rownstein or and a prominent naval engineer, ocracy program, a B'naJ B'rtth Mr». Nathan lierg. Baby sitter* both of whom took part in the Women's program Is as 'follows: wiir be available. 1M1 attack on Pearl Harbor, UnTuesday, March4"!!, 12:30, Trifrr KABBI GONKU'8 ion member* »pcak only Hebrew" Club Council at the Rome Hotel, STUDY HkOIJF a m o n g themselves, circumcise Story tellers, Mmes. Morris J. Rubbl Bonjnim'n Groner'will ntwt their children, and «(.tend service* Shapiro and Herbert Melche.t; with the Study Group at 1 p jn. In their own synagogues. They also Thursday, March 13(h at 1 p. m March 12 7n ths. Synagogue( bombard the-Israeli LcgaUon In luncheon, Kensington club of East- meeting room. Tokyo with repented requests for ern Star, 24111 Street, story tellImmigration visas' ers, Mmes, Harry Smith, Aaron Epstein and Harry W1M> ai.d Tuesday, March 18, 1 p. m. luncheon for the Liberty Chapter Kensington Club of Eastern Star at the RUG A UFHCV5TERY Masonic Temple, story tellers, Yoiing Adutts from Kansas; City, Mmes. George Shaffer, Harry CLEANERS Mo., Lincoln, Neb., and Sioux City, Smith and Aaron Kp«tcin. RUGS—CARPETING la., will be guests at Omaha young Adults Convention Friday LAMP SHADES BlttUlt CIIOL1H < through Sunday, March 14-16, Rabbi Myer S, Kripke will apeak FURNITURE The convention will • feature a. at the annual Purim Tea to be semi-formal dance with the theme Cleaned In Your Homel given by Bikur Cnolim Society, 'Evening in Paris" Saturday, 0 Monday, March 10, at 2 p. m. at p. m. at the Blockstone Hotel. M M I I M Lav's*., bpalrisif the Jewish Community Center. Over-all chairmen ana Frank Don Bernstein HA 2654 The program will include read- Berg and Jerry Fcrer, Assisting ln'is by Mrs. Harry .Wigodsky and them >are Arnold Winer, docorathe showing of « Purim movie by tlons; Pauline Stone, arrangeSherman Poska. ments; Carol Sprctor, invitations; In churgo of the event are Mrs. Pat Greenfield, registration and •Phil Smith, chairman and Mrs, Gail Spector, tickets. Bernard Shine, co-chalrmnn. Other chairmen are Sid Kloppcr? transportation; Harriet Shaprrn,,NEBRASKA- LODOE hause party: Fred Marcus, mixer/ MtESENT KPKAKEIl and Max Specter, luncheon. Lowell* Dr. Gtforge Harris, of the Eco- Baumer Is president of the groinx nomics Deportment, University of Bnxketbnll, volleyball, ping ponir Omaha, will sneuk nt the meeting and bowling tournaments; a dinOf Cornhunkor ija&^e of B'nal ner; discussion, nnd ah award* Il'iitli, Wednesday, March 12, at luncheon will hlghllKM the week8-30 p. m. at the Jewish Commim- end. Itv Center. His -subject will be Tickets for the dance which to "The Inflation, .Recession Dllemopen, aro $2 per couple and SI fnr na." stags. Omaharu may pick up registration forms from Saul SilverCOUNCIL, OK JEWISH WOMEN' man at the Jewish Community In recognition of Council "Sab- Center. Registration fee Is $5. hnth, celebrated by all tccUoni of Omaha'* brihkc-tlwitl team will the National Council of Jewish ron.iiht of' Ray Klrke, Frank Berg, Women, three members of the Bill AbraniMin, Jerry Fcrer, Lcc Omaha chapter will speak Fri/lny, Simon and Max Specter. Inarch 8, at regular service), of their rc«;>ec.*tlve «ynaf!ORues,. with . Mr*. J. M. Jrlorwlehat Temple IsA Bouqutt, A C«nt«rp(ece, i Driftwood Arr«n<jem«nt rael-,'Mrs. Norman Hahn at Beth' Isrnel, and Mrs.' Harl Weiss nt Beth El, ' THE SPECIAL EVENT! Mnr. Edward Malashook will lie ! hostess to the board of the Council j t* Warmings Thursday, Mnrrh 13, at her home, | * Wvdcllng.1. Showeri 8602 Hickory Street. AvMinv her , • Anniverftarfei, Btithdayt at n 1 p. m. deceit lunrhrun tue-' A Gift That Will Creat. Comment ' n-dine the nwlinK, will \v Mn ' Anywherol

Convention to Feature Dance

Tim* Tbiwit-


Pan's 'n Planters 407*So. 15th St.

JA 5656

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Friedman of Dallas, Tex., former Omahans, announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara' Ann, to Jerome Goldis, son of Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Goldis of Sioux City, la. Both young people are student* at the University of Texas, Mr. Goldis attended Morningsidt CoHege at Sioux City and the University of Iowa. They plan a Junt wedding. Ming Friedman Is the granddaughter of Aaron Shapiro of Omaha and A, Friedman of Phoenix, Ariz. Holidays and Festivals IM.days begin Sundown of previous Day. First Day of Passover. ;Aprll 5

CALL HOLLYWOOD TUX RENTAL ! « • No. Hth Strati' I In Om«h» Lotn

Mr». Myron Milder

JA 2412

850 PARKW66D Beauttfu{, modern i-roonrThome. Brand new. Two fireplaces, 3 baths, beautiful recreation room, big two-car garage, all Westinghouse kitchen, case; mentwindows, big bedrbochs. ; - • PRICED TO SELL M ONLY

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Center Topics

Saul Kripke Ranks Among Finalists

Saul A. Krjpke, 17, HIM one ot By Alfred Htt,l On a SaWM«i morning recently, I wan down m the Mjby of the OI.O TIMKKH tendance or ivstatraiion i< needet Ihe VS receiving S230 a w a r d * houjf in which I r«ld» . . . and here »he »•« ».lllng, The Old Timen, CapUined b> (or the l,adie« Da> aetidtleK among the •*() fimllati in the anOrville Milder, v o n the fir** round whlrh Include a nurser>' for pie- nual Wetiliigfiom Science Talent "Good mmninz." I said Maybe, f thoulibi't hav* interrupled her. irf competition in the Center «pon- acluwl children staffed b> tun at- nesrch ill Wajhuifrlnn. IVent. - H » far, a» it turned oul the *a speaking Jint then vvuh Uod in ttw wired H Vol|p>ball \jca&ur. S i \ tendant*, Slihinnilic^. a fitiiiM' ] th'jtiund weie uns.niilb enter-!. lobby "And vvlij ai-i-n t >»u in *rhnl thli m»rning"" I asked. other teams are in the league conditioning rlafm. s»imnilNg and I Saul displn>ed ,i sc.enee ct.S lilt ciTilnbuli in« Alnuut i'\fi-> Sjli'iith ni KII.IU i had h'?)i h.-r tiudg:ii£ in the n hlch compete* each Monda) rve knecial artivitifx de\elnped liy til'1] dealing with original tmupi* seruce un h«. vvalkiiii! mM. utead.l}, her hejrl pr.judly high nine. The renter's Vjreity Vollr>- Adult ArliiilirK r>Jpartmi'nl. Kiw ) iii»inb->he li«!n He i- the s'i'i ot 1 bull team liml a bjc in the lint paikiiif; in also a\H(lnhle in tin| f{ii bin mid Mr< Mvi-i S Knpke a» if there «--jf iiii Height ulni'Mt uf 90 >ears upm h.M matrhes t'eriiei'i Urge parkins! f"1 •"• Mernlx1!"* of the Old Tiniri« liodu^ StiTi'l, Women may me ' ivyl-lci now I'll 'he 1en week unit (jud, biivmx ujit of I hi' book, ' We Thee. O Cjod, and eruup me Or\llle Milder, lXfli the n u r w y facilities UIHIKO Ahup- ' pruKi.'im iiwi'iui); In vri'Mv by '•This lubliv Is *ilm! (in me lo- thuiik Thee for all the blcsiujjli Rice, N'irni.jii l>eneii!)"r(,r. Ir.»ti!i pins nr thi>} maj parlii'ipnlr in calling tln>*('eii|i-i's Afhlelii )*•1 day." she rcplinl * V«u mi* theiif the week that is gone fill life, M.ilashock, Stan Sloshurt:. -I'hil any of (lie arlvwtlet, nil fur < <pjitnlent , vealher 1.-, a hit t'Hi hut far rnf hcilUi and ulnrngih l»t Imine, K»x and Bnl» Kiiimktn. Mil ill i f i i i n 1 I'lln se «' SI 00 Mi» JIMII K.i-hrnbiimi is In1 in the Min tijrta Ihi" I ihli> i>- ni. lu\e dml liiendahln, for the dlt- Thiise Interested In pjujlicijinlln/ klnictiil nf tin- prnj;niiii t» Ix' hi'lil ' ^chui mvtettii tinil ;i UiM'lv tn hul fipltni' iif HUI inaL nnd lemptn- in will-}ball competition on .i if^- .tlOIIKIIN' DANCJ: on TIII-MI«> anil Tlinisih>'. HI" A upecial Sunday nriiMiiuuil Wi'rliies<lii> HI ill Frid.ivs A •.|KTI il it is; <inri'* heir Inn l^i >"'i liufl- f<n the hsppuiev. »f our »lic- iilar hnsi* arcurgwi tocintiirt Ihe rlaiK in niwleui ami inlripn-tiM' 1 well itnff«l niirsei) (•> <i\Jil»lile %tc what I'm rcidin.' Center. (Unring is li> be piencnterl lo' ;il no PA I lit «hari!e I" Shmw-lic She heiil it up In niv I>VI~. 1 Mii> nivkelf in itu htiil>, lijid J MiuMl K'rU by a rollet;*' tiaim-d |)iu llrlpant- The fee fm the 10 Ihe Union ] I-1}I.'I IS»'ik iFter.iiiin tinti' tu ntiide with hei1 awhile in B.iskl'tlmll iic-iliin ulll li'simn' in ' InKtnictor C.liK will Iw l.mnht the A^iWh W in l^nj;lisli .nut in ilrlin*** the s>n«iK*'KUe hhe had m.ide of 1 (utidamentiUs of modem li.imniK t 4s an itpliuniil imil of Ihe jiniRi''"!!. , * . "1 \ e liem< hiiirfiM^ rri> » « n the lubbv , , . juHt IK two in tins Ihe Mulijet I^'iijue at tin Ccnler 1 Sabbath net vice hriv out of t hi-. liiK irhul Othels who came dovMi »llh teiiularly lujicilukil K.unr ". 1in the ki\ nifk» pinKnim The u-o fm the K leiims eom|ielin|; n: tin' VACATION for the ciiutM> hpoiiMiied hj the (wok" She kiiulej . I'll* <iti Ihe ett'vitlni vveie mi the inn t^o le.igueH. { Center Athletic Di'p.iilnii'iit i- X"i MOV IK •tbe i.ibbi hi>K> tod.-iv, >ou rnlK'i' , , liMiitd'^s 01 tin1 riipei'Die t » o gaiius ^rheiluleil in -A liill>-|M<p lifiue will In' Ihe l £1$ I (jo Ilnwigl) the wholi* Srfh- maikef 01 the IMI^HII^ in Ihe ^ p Siwiv t'ltj, li>»j List uii'K-ciul li> pliune rotifmnatiiNi lit JA 1 M)ti (eituie |irii(;fnm for w i d e kfln«il liiHh seivU^;1 riiiwntimn *U>teii were cancelktl brmiiw of the The *.i/e »f the II.IIKI1 (jiuiip i« juiiKsK'ni (liniiiK Spring \«i-iiliun. .SlM^tlUillf^ i l l lillll She kept on hpiMkiuj; 10 God -Slw lud j'>t bi-'-n ^!lf•.ll^ln^ In nut ofMhe tn«k , . "Thiui utim- mufn fcliimi Hn<u\ CiU tc.nis will . In Iw lilnlti'il to the firtt ten tej;- The event "ill IK- held Snmhiy Cud 111 the adnuilinn put i>f th> jirt C,M\ . . Haw pn-cious 'Ihv pl.iy in Omriln the ]>>lli of (hn i»ti.inf» In insine Ihe hludenl.s •ifteiiiiwii M.nch :«l lit i tiip III. ai'rvieu "M.n the tlm" mil b- kimlne-(, (J Owl' Thv rnrr- month Knininu the nuiximilm Iwm-f ili Ill Ihr (iiiilitiiiiiini i»( Ilie li'winh C'iillillllltll)> ( I'llli'l dlfilnnt C) CIKI utirti Th.v mini" ••> h<« Mi-iiimi'd us in hum »f I..UJIK". f l l V (nun I ho pinfii.mi, Ki'firvholi>iitH will hi1 III1I>-|KIII» chall lie uoiMiippcil m all "«• . . TIIIIII h.1-1 kept u- in 1 i n j 'lhuiid.iy i< I.'IIIKI D J J SF,<(»M) sl.),M\ASTIt> fotlouin^ 11K* full-Jrimlli Minvie. ei^rth. vvhi'n iiiil>*'!i«-f hli.ilt disap- life1 niav Thj 11«- rillf the life ,it Ihe Jewish ('onminmU (Vnler, NKXT U'KKK ArimtvlHII "III lie I') t e n t s I»er Iiear and e o w In1 in niouof nil 'm> childifn ,ind Tin liuih (mm !> .i in tn niKin us uo'ticn V'hen hiiin'i->liiiuti ••IMII im )niii;i'i unite tlvii lic.-iils in fellnvitlup" in-n ]iarlui|>,iti- in a s.uii'l} o t j A hecorul NesMim nf Sliirin.iAtn>, the C'cntei's t|«'i-ul cnui'-e in fiKetislnve llu> nimil nlieitn SXnl I'MJm Kfilli'il ni'll Mi|>oium"il lu-lnilii"- nil oil 1 m e enndihonin^ foi UOIIUMI. Mill I tkim-Iji IIMTS »ie Ilia dwi'll on earth shill know In 'Hie MM \ ire in otll Inliliv IIn )M->is No .it-' l f i l nr\t ueek. Wnnien m*i\ Ijunliin, y.iikiui nnd Kishon Thee alone PUM) knue fiin*-t iwnd ovei , 'Hill Ibpie's one mwie every limRiie RIM* hum.iKi* M-'v all Ui.n^ f'ii me tii<dv.' she obsiiveii Thy kingdom Iw p-l.iliIi-hiM iin ' 1 ii"Vri mhs let-ilm^ the 2.ini " P»jlm . 'The I>nil i* ni\u Khep"I III iOICJ I Slid ' III ll.lM1 1(1- IIPIII, 1 iibdit niit umil ^ , He reterruptei) >nii in Ui>' iiwnieni vmi iliiirth mv SIKII ill* KUIIJI'III me wen 1 spfl.iklii]: fhi*»e uonl- <» tiixl in '.tnmilti'piilhs' . "Ami , Of CIHII'.P. I didn't Icnim ' . . the vvluili- stillv ' sin' (.'till 'Oh. Ibal'j, ciniti1 .ill n^hl n.tli 1 niyvlf iliiln't JJH t« llu* i-cgiinir Mi Seisnl ' -lie ieplkil. ].ir krliul Unit iS.ihbath iniuniiii; "Sinee we'if .ill i>f us tin- cliiMrr.i WJISII'I till- Mlull mulish in the of ft'id. }iv vxofiM nund >ou InPiik' tjhb^ ? ., . "Jie.ill>. I Hunk >oti'n' SJIK in while I'm •.p<-«kini> t o H i m a i.iliui"_I told hei "yiiu That'* We•(*•*}• isufld f.ith-'i* KIV" gave a great *ejmoii, Srhtil I have ninny* known her a« -StlP looked annmd lb<> loliljj , (;r,,,,H fjlil U i l ) by uliirli lllle I . . . "1 guet* one cttn make « b n l j j m8J -iablv addivM her »>hen T •Innwt anywhere . . . in In* uliop m(M! t he, ^ , ^ n j , , t n i . k,bby. whw* one «orki. In hi> st«i'e, in —-• -- file office, on the bun - . . and in ' LATlN-AMEIMfAN this lobby . . . Will, particularly, i OANCK C U S S . in one'* own heart, I'w not IKIOHI- 1 Adull» vvjjhing to enroll In the ««UataU; «hen>ou «et u, bem> , Sprins Clunn of IjiUn Amcrirtin age It waken nn s o « e for one Hi < JJ.uw-e C"lai.« may do iu )iy caTlini; dp any bro«i;inK .in\iniire; t»nl T | the Aclivllieii Offirp JA 1366 really must »a> 1 veil,-ed t» keep , Mi*« f m n e Knirithi, damv »chul In m> lienrt ull my lifi- . te.irhet jit Oniflhii University. «ill oipry day. ,Mj heail iiinv not IMVC •''•K'h the CI.IMM Anum: the many offered in ll»e sesbeen the holieii alt the lime tdanem In Jie 1 Ihoiigh, but l \ e tilfH 1'vi1 tilcil , moil will Ix the lliumlM, 1 n^o and Don't you. too. Mr Sejiil, heliexf that the holiest srhill U the '"""I s T \ r i * MFKTI.VC you tune In jour heait i.«hl j Mr*.«ad'i. K.uipp, exrcutiveUi. a l o n g , , mi wefk-daj• — ••-« •••• ' Sneial "' Selllenipnt of Ihe on the Sablmlit and -; A'^eiM-j of Om.ih.i nddraHted the ' «taff nf Ihe (Vnler ht - W M a'y lmn ' *tm. Knapp knuke to IIK> Maff nn

Lady In Lobby

Don't Miss this Nebraska-Iowa Electrical Council Electric Cooking Special!

It? Wa« Ihere Jo\e in it ull time? Onl? lhal morning I hail lieen haKng a rerl.iin s».\ out nf'j FOR THE F I N E S T . . . i my heart; niy hrail had lieen I • • IN PHOTOGRAPHY < planninc «h»l ti> do In get n r n ' with him Pcrfr»H« * "Oh." I replied, "llicie aie dg, limei when my heart imi't v i Commercial konher, Jwi niiight SIIJ " "X know, I knim vihat jcr.i mean," she said then, "liut then ii a regulur nchul always rli-nn . . . I mean a schul made of niunc. Tlif*3aniUir has to come in e\erv morning to sweep It clean. Then, there's all Ihe mess thuj people who come to (service* muy leave behind in a schul out of what't in their heart! You nee, in the schul • a lot o/ minis- set •«••>• Iron speaking to Cod and then thoughts PHOTOGRAPHER come out of them that don't be• 1 7 SOUTH 34TH STREET long either In « h u l or anjfc-hereHARNEV 1044 clje, lor that matter, That'n what I niean when I upeak of the nieso 1iy whicli some |ieop!e leave >chiil unclean tinkosher. m you say, Mr Segal." As she spoke out 1obb> took on more and mure 1he grandeur of a niii* wanctuary ft'n ceiling seemed to » Xli« be lifting touard the nlar«. 'JliC] j i m t t t t tt i j i , * n ' t f i n i - i i . , lobby is lovel) enough oiilliianly,! PASvn Kit < \itox except when sonu1 of Ihe neigii- BAI: unil .Mil/Mih co»s;ralulwr> sit around tliert1 tolling ROI- ' ifitiojis I'IUU fm .'ill Jewish holi lip on otlwr nelKlilwr". , dj>fe aiul sp^ciril occisions. "CIuCus jou'ie n^lil," I siiil : \I<»j<ri .News St.'inU, iM'l Dudjc "(Uxl is «ljeicn-i people linn,; ' him m their lir;ut* Jf<-*s ceitjui- I.XI'i:nil.NCI D P R A C T I C A L 1> here nuiv . . all m c r thu lob- NL'KSi:. day or nlt'lit duly. Call by . on account (if you " i Mis Betty Hir^th, GI2 No. 47 ' Slie relurneil to her confi'icnre I

John Kalina

Want Ads r

if you buy a new, modern Electric Range this month,, from one of our members. Choose from ont of ffccit fatnotic makev

S H M I llMtrk

«lktM MflfVIHTVr

PkHn ~ «CA.WMrh»»f

U von ate cooking_pn an fiuld-ifd, tlovv, lurd-toroniiol laiiRi-, novv't the time to make the change toy 'ino'dcin, clean, automatic clccliic cooUinj(. 7 out ol 10 dixriaiinating Omah^ lionvrmake.n, who |iuiclmcd a tirvv i«inf>r Jafi >ear, cho«-elrruic looking—now,line's - a rlianre lo join them. *lleic'» all )ou do! lluv a nriv, fjil-cooVuiR, »*(e clccfiic lange fioni any dqjlci ivho ii a tnrrn1>cr of the Ncbravka-Iowa' Electrical Council. If )ou live in lh« art a served by the Omaha Public rovvcr.Distiiu, the NcbtAika-Icwa Drctrical Council will tend you a check to pay for the clccti icily >ou ti« for cooling; (or C (lift tnoitthi {based on an average OPPD (amil)'s coit of $1,50 a month). Ii'» ai iiinjilc ni that! So v\hy wait another day? Start now to cnjin modem Clccliic coolinR at iu care- _ free, btii—niiloinatiiallv— elrcdically, But huity, thii uppcial offn e\piie» M J K I I 3lit.

NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL 1103 W,0.W. Building—Omaha, Nebroika

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