Women's Div. Meetings Skitea Mwulujl, Muri-li I? C JMJJXI I ,Mii A lip ViMiBi'i'if A U-fim ;il lionic (if Airs. Sarn I pili-in Hlai l l i i k o i ) , 10-,'iO
« pilnnday, March 18 iMijui) Mi* Alfied Funk's A team, Iv'rtie of Mrs. Knrn Kiii/m.in, 510 No " 72 A i r , ID Ml n m
Junior Section 1'rW.y, MarrU II Capt.-imx inert ins nt home of Mis i:imi»i N»V.IU, 7816 I'nte SI, t p in.
Full sprrd nliffad 1« n««iired J'lillmitlpritpiei n« ivurnrn'n firgmtl* rational hrw)» |>ledg« their Mijipurt HlUlo rlearlnf thn laliuidsr »llh MM, Ben Hkiplro, Women'ii Oeneral chairman, (far rlglil). Shown are (I. te t.) Mn. Jowph M. llornlrli, president uf III* Om»lia Hrv lion, Caiucil of Jewish Women; Mrs. l'*ul S«<Ji«, presldeAl, » h n t « ka chapter, M , B'nul tl'ritht J i n , Mr»cr N, lliihln, prfililnnl, Omsli* Hertlon af I h d u u b , and MM. Mat Krlwlninn, |iri«iu>nt, Henry Mmiiky rhaptrr, 410, H'aal H'rtlb.
"A Fair Share1 Keynotes Women's Drive Activities The Federation of Jewish,Worn«iw Chibi, \\%(i Will vote pn new <ifflcc«ji ln_ May were presented with a slate at their last nieeting !»>• Mrs, Edward li. Brodkey, npm inatlrtg cOinmlttfc ctialrmaiii '•:'&• : ;
y . :;' KonUaaUiijiii
; live nominations include (ho fblE!..Atrs, Mike Freeman, i'r#
,"„.,"._. r*4
y man," teeond vlcc-picnidt-nl: Mi*. Edwin E. Brodkcy, »twetnry and M r t RobOrt II. Knopri, put llninen tnriun. • Otboe membem nf tlw ntwnincommltlw arc Mnici. Cohn, Sam Katsman, Hernhnrdt Wolf ;ftnd •Julius Newman, Mrs, Henry A- Neiynian, prmideni, pres i d e d ; •. ••'-. V. '' ":' ''.::;. [ " ] • • ' • '.
Mrt. lien tHivpirv. liwieral Clialnnau of thn WomenV IHvWon of J'hllanthrtiple*, I old tlto crouji 'that. ••';'• "A Kali-. Kharc" by contrlbsttoni, ri'an Jhe «-om<n'» rainIWlfn keynote and urceUmMHl«iri to - cenv#y her meMage »o tlielr re»|»ecl)ve brganl/Jillonii, / > .She said there is hardly 'one ol •tis who. does «pt jx-neflt diirctly in- indirectly from the campaign." '.;:-.: "IC we fall to give iti truly (jontrdu* measure -or fail to give oiir •','fnti-'tihare"--^^ a'rc.'.'iit effect, fare, Shapiro deelnrcd, "Ihfilttlng jiot pajy a nerloiw wound on .Ju^:4a'li^\;lt|H^}f;^.W^^pn;'t•H'~J^'))i»lH cnuites, for these causes have much of •their origin, iKapiration, and ipctil^ oiioiir eonicience irf the com- miindmelits and tenchings 'of oqr
Events Arranged For Youth Week
Accepts Post Initial Gifts' Vice-chairman
Is !Anri6uhcecl Annllirr key pust of lh« JftvUh l-hllmitlimpleii, w u nilAd ; this wink with tlie ajppouitwenl ,»f l"»iil BloUJiy/ prominent rommuaIty trailer, m vlen-elialrman of i|i« Initial MIft» lliVislon. The announcement was niade by S, Khner Gross, General chairman of; the Philanthropies campaign who prnised the new appointee's many achievements. i'iicnlilnslion Kxixirlvmeil
Special athletic activities ha\e
J e w i s h Youth Wfflk- revolvihj I around the thwiie, "Jewish youth. Bound in Fellowship," Tile oliservahce. licjieilul*-;! f rmii j March
1 4 t ht l i r p i i g T i ' " M a r c h
will' lie highlighted ivltli a high for both event, will be announced s c h o , , H ^ 5 versus girls basketball game, iKiskeiball'Rallies at later dates. Siou\ City teams, Mi'lgci Lragiu* U. li V. e Family Day, high srtioil splauh Majors unit Cnplnlus uf pnity, crtidr and lucli SCIKKI| plug. Neunn.in's diwsion are: t t kll tt mn K\e I- Kmiecky (M.ijuir. i CUiptulns. Main. Daud iicrkor, Jms» mid uglie-,1 knees" lU-mnin liundniln, t'harlct U Kelt- con to it and a 1JJ.V» and gills tojmftn, Sam Leitk, Peter Meyers, IcylMlf and HlRh scliwl youUu Sam II. I'ollak, Jennie Kojenblatt, G rereiVf niaile,-| will l I'hil D. Schwait/, Khlrley ' V Of M ' i if - »Y %r l tnn 1 M h f M AVeiwon, Kpiao Ulnnk, Itnsella Handler. Jane Kohl, RIU Iltwon, Dorihy Rvscnlhal, IJUlan Slul/ky, Sar||a Zoorulll and Julia Zri Mis. Carl Iceman j Captains;" Jlmes. Sarah I'cHman, The possibility ot t-stablishiiii; n Alice Ilceeer. Jean Kaplan, Rose teen code of behavior; standards p i ai>d i t Schik, Atima Ceishn- will be considcreii liy a joint meetler, Ilena Gross, nilcibeth Hint ing of tlie Jewish Communily Cenand Hlt.'i Olosker; ter'* Parent-Teen Kdriini'* sponKtelyn Levy (Majm i; C'ajiliiiis: soring comiti II lee and the 'Youth l O U k D l d Mmes-. lsaOm-c Djnld Council's 'officers and club presiCreenlK-i R, Julia Jncolw Mitct _denis. • . . , . M t Ma>er. At*' ito/er. Alhur Mmkln, The Youth Council, at itn laul Chailei Him, Finnic .Shemian. inceling, recommended thai teeiV Abuses l-0o Cifoenbeifi, Mildird I'eprescnlatlveil set a dnlc..with Sylvia i'milnmn and Ida Ihe sponsoring coiiirtilt tec io rey, Vieiv I he/p{an.. : •;.'./.' SpriiiR.
Teen Code Will Be Considered
Show To Entertain With Jewish Humor and Songs
•, /."The Challenge is OUITS,HOW we voceept H will deteiifnlne our fftilurc ':pc »ucces's, i t Aye' fiiil,, it will n6t lie my Xailiire or ybiirs hut .tlie. ;:'fqiliire of a cbmniimH^. Ifwe'iiuCi\ Vc^l'lt<w|li.''Mt'-'.lw*>fd''*.iniy.''crfdi.t br' yoiirii, Jwfc bccau«c • we hii-e Worked as a Icam, lie cause, as matin* and responsible citizens we have discharged our oliligaiiiins to ourcommutiny and to mir fellow ltfn llmim
. uiii Blotcky
Minna Bern
One of tin- uulKlunilliii: llnMtii- quned n lepiilulion fur comedy cal events of the yi-ar, "The World and ln>th lia\e been aeen on the of Jewish J-'olklore" will lif pie- sci cen, most lecenlly In "Castlex tented on the .Icwinh (Vinininnily in the Sky." slan*. Tuesday, Miircli 18 at S Foi those nlio enj<iy the thenp. ni. The HIIOU", a 1rl-Iinj;(ifil caV- lei. "The Woild of Jen lull Folkalailr, of Jewlnh huiiufr, M'istloni lore" will pto\lde an etcning of rind s'mjis \viiI be diiecletl by Urn fieshness and pleasure. Unmix. Admission in by season ticket or Tlie play nilh its cant of superb individual admisnioi) of $1.2.'>. licrfonneis has I<'ft mi lmlclible Tickets may be'purchased in adiuifJiT.ssioii ii|Kni i lie- audlr-nrcs it vance at the Jewish-.Community, has i-ntertained in Us luinscon- (.'cnler Activities office. tlnenlitl torn. The show brings to o close the Mr. ISoniis rinr] Mi.s.s Minii Bern, ]9.-i7-r>8 Culture Series sponsored leadhiR New York artists star in hy the Jewish Culture Council and a sinking and dancing team. Mnx the Center.
of men of Jung experience and Kitiii capiilnhl>." Alt Cios? Dialed. Mr Wolf joined Mi (iioss in rtpicssiiiK his tippicciiilion of Mr. MuUky'B jicceptaiTir of Hip \ireclihiiirianshlp He h.ud thai with such fine eahbte of wippoil, the
VThe-ciimbinotion of I'aul Blotc-
been *•*!*,*, VH^ . . t W e r (or ••.Natior
v.ijey^h^atth.1.'.'•;•'';.;:'..•,.•,;• ••u'-'",.v- r:.
tfetnvvlille, Mis. .Sltapim xnid. plans nre coiiiK along well in fm • mutating tlie cnmp.iien of the Business and I'rnrpKslomil Women Division Tb* Bualnno and i'rofn«»li>nal Women'* Mvl.tlon will Inlllnlc «a«lr driiii arllvitlnt Sunday, March 2.1, Mr*. Julius Neuinun, IK rhalrman, annoiinixd. when mixjars ami caplatiu inert ul hrr 'lionift at 3 p. in. She said thai a rucklull hiipjier for ajl those who coiitriliulc Uirough her division, will IK> held Wednesday, April 2:>, nl the Jewish Community Center. Speakers
&euin<l-Cluss JVlutlu ut ('nit- Annual « « ! • « MMIlurs t, Neluaska, unite Alt Df 1871) HIIUEID Ciwy 10 Cents
Council to Honor Mrs, H. Farber . ;
[•'-; :'
V •••;'••'•>.
;:: •..-. "; .'. ••. •
M i * .Harold, furbpr;'..will lie honored for her 2:> years of »e! vice to the Rational Council of Jewish Women and to the community at the annual Overseas Lnnchcrin of Hie Council, Tupsdiiy. Mnicli 18 ! W p h inilnity Center. A scroll wiij :l>e prosentwj to Mri. Karlier.by'Mrfc'. l.loyd Kriedmaji, program chairman of the nionlh. .•'.: , , FillierU" l'resetitxtion : Another hlsJilisht of the aflci-llooii Will lw the prcsenliilion of
1'aill Illotl'Uv
Initial (llftn Oivisioii ia.coiif.ldcnt of a •nnd effective job \a-[ the/ - -.-' Acthe In Urirm'"-..' •.'.••'.;;;• Mr. JJlqtcky has/.parildpiited let-} iiiimerous Philanlhiopy paiiipalgin arid served as an Initial.C>lft chairman in J913. ; : ' :'•;!':\-[,\:.'•.•{;.•.• •}. The new'. vicc-fhainnan is''] a member of the board, of lrusteo» • Onion of.AtiiericaiiIlcbicw Con-.•":' Kre(,rations, vvliich is a pairon.ot the Hebrew Union College-Jewish,. Inslltnlc of Religion.; l i e . has » Ion;; rc'corii nl_ fund raUin^ a* representative iii this'-'area since, 1950 on Hid genorai committee of Comliinetl Campaliins for American IWorniert Judaism. Mr. Hlotcky is:.a member of tho iialioual'coiniiiiUeeu of UAHC on neu' congregations, camp institutes iiml jiroportipnal dues plan, 'IViiipin i'»»t J'nwiileiit Hi? Is a piiKl president of Teniple Israel aiul was a nieiiibcr of its exi'cuthe hoitrd for ninny yt*,'ir.s, us well ns chairnuui and niiMuhn* of many of its .coiTiinittei'«. l i e served as chairman of the committee in charK'e. rit purchas)iiK't'fii!'site upon which the new Temple now glands and also wa» Mrs. Ilnrold I'nrlicr a nieinlie^ of the building COITNIIH, •. ' w w i a l SWIIPS fium Ihe pli>, "The tee . Kotir Poster", by Mr. and Mrs, I : "As Air, Wolf said last week," Nonrian"•Fllberl. Mr. Kilbpit is! the .new vice-cliairmail declared, director of Ihe'.Chanticleer Play-1 "this in the tenth annivertary ot Israel and u vci> epochal >cai f o r cis ot Council Bluffs Co-chaiimcn fur the aff.iu aie the neu st.ile. Itw-p lufacl's lJnor ()|IPO Mines. Ilnrr}' Wcliilwrc Atlhui Adler, and Harry AIIMIIPI-. They "I am linppy lo assist Omaha uill be nssistrd by Mines Jack in dulng its share as it always Solomon, AlvlnEpsiein, Yale Gins- dot"! We all should- Rnc the limit burp, Joseph turner, Morris Knoni, - nil we can. The need Is uigcnl. Louis Hunvit/. Morrii rta/nlclc. We must keep Isiacl'x d(M>r to Ilia I M. TrellaV, Oscar Sutin, Phil people u ho are in despei ate- plight Laser, Joieph G o ! d w a r f , and in so many parls of the world." Krnest Wintrkib, T u o years ago Mr. Blotcky, as UAHC delegate, was cnlled to » B»M» To Cliiltlreii Proceed* of the luncheon uill national conference in Washington enable the Councii to-send boxes attended by representatives of 17 of work-and-play maleiluls and Jewish organization1!, to consider dothlng to children'* installations the deepening near-Dast crises. in Israel, Morocco, Tunisia, AlMr, Ciloss said the Initial Gifts rcrlo, and India, Co-chairmen of division will begin its woik imiliis activity are Mines. Mam ice J. mediately so as to complete th« Arenty and Bernard Ruben It's job in lecord tune oversea'* piogram also Includes the support of graduate foieign exchmiRc' stude;i(s to this country mid the sponsorship of I lie J lebrew University School ot Education. Tel A\iv (WNS>- Hie CJieat In charge of decoration, Mrs. Harold Novuk will be assisted by Powers weie urged by a conferMines. William Marshall Zalkin ence of rabbis in Isiael to take and Louis Paul. Table decorations action against the continued TBwill be done by members of Ho- fiisiil of Jordan, In \ iolatfon of the hanue, Central High school girl's Israel-Jordan armistice agreement, organization, llcscrvatians may be to permit Jews access to the Wallmade with any of the en-chairman.. ing Wall In ol<l Jerusalem
Access to Wailing Wall Is Urged
>abltahed Bvenr Fridty bj tke red«ntt«a ol Jetrtob tonrtca lacuna a t u Malilii* Pnvlitgst Autlxu-lwa at Omsba, Ntbrtsas, Annual SObtcrtutton, M.OD. Uvvnislnj Ratal on Application. Editorial Uica—101 to auih tstrwt, Omaha. Nibr. jAckion IN*. m a t 8b ' AddrtM 4806 do 2atb SUert.
Beth El Concert Will Have Varied Program
Religious Services CaodlellfhUng—6:09 p. m. BETHEL Services at Beth El Synagogue will be held at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron L Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services will be held at 9:30. Junior Congre gallon services are at 10:30. Mlncha-Maariv Services are at 6:15 p. m. Dally services are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. in. The Sunday morning service iff at 9 a. m.
BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ell Kagan, Beth Israel Choir, and Alumni will conduct late services this evening at 8 p. m. The Rabbi's (Front n w ) S. A»h, M. Cruunw, L. Wltkln, 8. Busman, <b»rk) sermon will bt "Wilderness Epic." K. Kalr, Mn, Y. Ort-n.tdn, 8. Sw.rti, Mn. Ram Binder, II. Oruih, Traditional Friday evening serMr*.X. Witkln, Mix Ltvlne, Mn, II, l>nnan—Arrangement* com* vices (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at 6:15 p. m. Sabbath morning sermlttw. vices begin a t 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 5:45 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 6:15 p. m. followed By Sholeshe S'eudos and Maarlv. Daily mornIng service! at 7 a. m. afternoon services at 6:25 p. m. Sunday mornThe Workmen Circle No. 173 City, Mo., Des Moines, 1»., and ing scrvicesbegin at 8:45 a. m. falwill celebrate i u golden anniver- Sioux City, la., sa well as repre- lowed by breakfast and Rabbi's sary, Sunday March 16 with a sentative* of various Omaha or- class In Bible. Sunday morning dinner at 6:30 p, m., and ar special Junior Mtnyan, followed by breakganizations, will present greetings program. fast, starts at 8:30 a. m. during the program. A, Gale of Chicago will be the Th« Talmud Discussion group guest speaker and U Within will meets every Tuesday evening at be toattmattcr. Max Crounse li 7:30 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, chairman o( the arrangement's 19lh and Burt, and services every committee. aintDr. TU Saturday morning at 9 a, m. J n U HMtTftr Tka *r*J Branch delegate* from Kama* Sker Oa>M Otto*. March 10th: The Council of TEMPLE ISRAEL Jewish Women instructors at that—Services will be held at Temple Arts and Crafts session last week Israel Friday at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi were Mmes. A- Conn, J. Frileck, Sidney Brooks will preach on Mr. £»d M n . Paul Goldberg an- Albert Gaer, Meyer Kirshenbaum, "Some Hidden Persuaders' in nounce the birth of a daughter, Sam Rosenblum. Moc Venger, and Religion." Juibbl Ann, March <L Their three Miss Anne Rubin. Shabbas morning services will other daughter* are, Debra, Judi March 11th: Rabbi David Korb begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi and Bonnl. Brooks officiating and the Reliof Council Bluffs was our RabbiniGrandparent* are Mr. and Mn. cal -visitor today, gious School choir under the direcAllan Zalkin and Mr. and Mn. March 15th: A special Klddbh tion of Miss Ida Gitlln singing the Marx K. Goldberg. will be given for. the residents* of musical portions of the service. A daughter, D«bra Lynn was the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home born to Mr. and Mn. Sol Schwartz for the Aged by Mr. & Mrs. Robert February 27. They have another Rlmmermtm in honor of Harlan Rlmmerman on .the occasion of his daughter, Nancy Dale. Grandparent* are Mr. and Mm. Bar Mitzvah. Conjrratulatlonst Jack, Harwich and Mr*. Rose Yahrzelt: Special Memorial serSchwartz. Great-grandmother is vices were held In the Home SynaMn. S. Noodell. gogue for the following: Samuel feb (Jhbkyl M i m W Rabin—Adar HO March 12th, Mn. 25 Yssrs' Experience New* hail been received in Harry Frledman-*Adar 21 March Omaha of the birth February 10, 13th, Morris Splvak-Adar 22 With Jtwlsh of a ion t o Mr. and Mn. Paul March 14th, Louis S Braunsxeln— Lettering ind Memorials Hallwerck of Sacramento, Cal, Adar 24 March 16th, Mn. Ruth Mn. Hallwerck, the former Don- Shames—Adar 25 March 17Ui. 2211 So. Hfc AT 2452 na Lee Singer, is the daughter-of Mn. Max Berlin of Lot Angeles, a former Omahan and of the late IJany Singer. t h e ~ family <A Mri, Banheva She Is also the niece of Mr. and Baum will dedicate a monument Mn. Max Steinberg and Ben Stlef- to her memory at Golden Hill ler. The Steinbergs have just re- Cemetery, Sunday, March 16, at RUG * UPHO'STERY turned from a California trip 11 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner. CLEANERS which included a visit with Mr, a n d C a n t o r E l i K a g a n w i l l o f f i c i and Mrs. Hallwerck, who. also are a t e , v. ;•; ••••-.;•;•; • ; • " ) • • • _ • • . . : RUGS—CARPETING the parents of a, son, David Harry. ' LAMP SHADES A monument will be dedicated FURNITURE Mr: and Mrs. Leroy Arthur Kate to the memory of Moses Kogan announce the birth of a daughter, at Golden H1U cemetery. Sunday, Cleaned In Your Home) Michelle Helene on February 20. March 16, at 2i3O p ,m. Rabbi They alto have a son. Allen Robert. Myer S. Krlpke will officiate. The llndlBQ laylag • Repairing Grandparents are Mr. and Mn. late Mr. Kogan was the father of Don Bernstein HA 25S4 Milton Nearenbcrg and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Greenberg. Mrs, Dave Katz.
Workmen Circle To Hold 50th Anniversary Dinner \
Monument Co.
Members of the Beth El Choir are preparing for the synagogue's 22nd annual concert, Sunday, Mnr 30 at 8:15 p. m. A varied program, emphasizing the theme of Passover has been planned by
and is sponsored by the Beth El Men's Club in cooperation with a woman's auxiliary committee. Participating In the concert ar«i Mmes. Dan Cohen, Stanley Lipsey, Esther Marcus, Bert Mosko. vitz, Stuart Mutkin, Donald Nogg, Albert Rimmerman, Arnold Roseman, Edward Rosen, Max Ros"n, Sidney Schwartz, Norman Whitman, Alan Wolfson and the Mlssea Barbara Bercutt, Marilyn Meyer, Gall Shricr and Julia Zucker. 'Messrs. Morton Brett, Bernard DeKoven, Marry DuBoff, Seymour Goldston, Michael Katz, Dr. S o l Kutler, Jack Lleb, Marvin Pnrilman, David Rice, Selwyn Roffman, Jerry Simon, and Dr. Melvin Tatelman. Mrs. George Elsenberg will b« the organist for the progrnm. Tickets will be on sale at tho Community Center, or can be purchased from any members of the Beth El Mens Club committee. The population of a klbbuti ranges from 60, smallest, to 2,000 l a r g e s t .
• ; '•:•.•'
All friend* and relatives are 'Invited to attend services and reception*. RPZAV.NK SL'TIN* JPAI'LA ZIKOMAN' Mr. and Mrs. Osn;r Kutiri and Mr. «nd Mrs. I. B. Ziegman announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughters, Suzanne Ethel Siilin and Paula fj»y Ziej;m;m. will be •celebrated this Friday evening •iirl Saturday morning at'Temple Israel.
Omaha's Leading Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen
SIIKBYN (JOHN | Mr. und Mr*. D.'ivid B. Colin. announce the lias Mitzvah of their I daughter, Sheryn, at Beth KI Syna-j Ko;:Ue on Friday evening, March 21st and Saturday morning, March 22nd, . , •• ,::;,; .
Once Again Diamonds Will Be Omaha's Passover Headquarters Open Sundays From 7 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. WA 5554 PAVED PARKING
. ' ' ..
nuwiiN« Cantor Aaron I. Edgar, director Sol Mlroff of the choir and a member of the Beth El staff sine* 1936. Anttrlctn 5t«iK)«td Proceeds will go to the support Suppll.t of the Cantor's Institute of th« nnut, itik Jewish Theological Seminary. The M»pve WA M f l event is open to the community OfflM FL4IM
A CHALLENGE TO WOMEN WHO "HAVI NO TIME" TO BAKE llUiVol timt li sll thii'i homing rou Ucic, you need , only ihice mimics lo pnrrt to rourKlf ilut jou csa do you/ own home bakinj,.. wilt mil > TT»l'i til it nk« to mi» t Droniftlirf bitin for pound <iw, tintcArctd, coin muffini ud other fivoiito—' ' uilb ptrjici rtmlli lit fin li mi ni ivlry llmi M* Xt«p • nippCy of Droutcdirf Mijwi on htad—tni la juit i fewroonwnu,evm oo ymu buiirtt ity, diuovei the pride ind p\tuutt of bikini like «o trpat... itt, Dtomidirf wt)l I
Pms Oats • Qlscwsrwa V c*n Msffis OUsMstfla • t¥mlnU • Fssftts*FrnllstHli
Monday Evening,. May 12 Tuesday Evening, May 13 Original Stan and New Yorfc Prttdwrioii of
Bos Mitzvah
Caator Aaron L Edgar
For Choice Seats
Order Through Hadassah $5.50 Per Ticket S»nd Serf-Addressed Envelopes to '
Mrs. Max Conor . : . . . . 5305 liard—(WA 5547) Mrs. Leo Nogg . . 7208 Sunset Trail—(GL 2065)
Deadline for Orders
Friday, March 14, 1988
Newlyweds To Visit Omaha
Central freshman Honor Roll The Freshman Honor roll nt Central High school for the first semester, includes the namn of Howard Chudacoff, Harold Fortes, Steve Guns, Richard Ktulow, Aaron Marcus,Frances Ermsin, Madeline Kilpke, Rente Rimmcrman, ' Susan Speier, Bonnie Tarnoff, Bruce Benuteln, Mark Urodkcy, Jerry Frank, Steve Gould, and Bruce; Wlntroub. Frances Cooperman, Rosalind Nogg, Arnold Fellman,' Naomi -Rothenberg, Jim Kagan, Larry Kurz, Ruth Meyers, Hally Gerelick, Donna Kalman, Terry Gold•nrjerft Gerald Ileeger, Jeff Pomeranti, Sandra Bloom,_Su«an Scglin, Roger Friedman, Bob Singer, Nancy Riekes, Shelley Steinberg, Betty ZoorwIU, Carroll Zimmerman, Sheila Bflskln, Susan Brodkey and Ardeen Forbes. "Open Invitation To Mod«rn Donne Pfrformnnce11 • "Orchenis", the modarn dance team from Omaha University, will pfe«ent a dance show for all Jewish Youth Council members this Sunday, Mnrrh 10, nt 2 p. m. In the Jewish Community Center auditorium. Tlie dance group, which performs at a number of events annually besides ItK own recital, is brinR spontoiPd Ijy Oobkn Debt at this program. Admission in free. EI.EANOK ROOKKVKLT BAKE HAI.K A "Dessert Bar" l>»k(" sale will be held .Saturday Marih 15, nt Bmndeis alow. The pi orf't-dfi will be usoil for philanthropies purposes.
8KJMA ALPHA MU MOTIIKK'H CLUB The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Sam Turkel, 6475 Popplelon, Wednesday, March 19r at 1 p. m. Mrs. Melvln Plotkin will be cohostess. A degsert luncheon will precede the meeting. Reservations may'be ..made with Mrs. J. M. Margolin. GL 46G8. Mms, Al Sophlr, Harry Friedman, and David.Forman arc cochairmen for the Annual Parent Dinner, to be held at the Regis Hotel, Sunday April 13, at 6 p. m. All- Parents of Alumni are welcome.
A bask niflio rtnd record machine repair CIIISK will bo offered .at'the Jewish CVimmunlly O u t e r under tin 1 diK-doi of ItoU r l \VIM>niun. an expert In the field. Thin course will !«• based on infcrxmtion oolnincd in hu;h sr-hool physics en electricity. Inlerentrd Ymilh Council luiyh nnrl nirlfc should enntnet either Paul Shyken, WA. 910B, or the Youth ("ouiK'il office. The only expanses to be Jiinim-d will be th<- minor costs of malcilalj to be Used. • •• .
Mi's. Rose Kaufnvin of Cleveland, O., tt-ili be the guest speaker at the annual donor luncheon tx> be given by the I'lonecr Women's Organisation, Tuesday, March 18, at 12-30 p. m, at the Fireside Restaurant. 1 Mrs. Kaufman, currently is a member of the national advisory committee of the organizationand has held many other important posts. She served fts the Pioneer Women's official representative to
flat* •
Mr, and Mrs. Edward M. Radlolf of .University City, Mo., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mlbs Sandra Kay, to Hugo /Cahn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kahn. Miss Kadloff was affiliated with Sigma Delta S o r o x l t y at Ohio State University and is now attending the School of Music at Washington U n i v e r s i t y in St. Louis. Mr. Kahn was graduated distinction from the University of Omaha. He received his Master's Degree In accounting at the University of Illinois Graduate School, and recently Ix'cftme a certified public accountant.
Mr. Kahn is a member of Phi Eta Sigma and Omicron Delta Kappa, scholastic and leadership h o n o r a r y fraternities, and waa president of Phi Epsilon PI, social fraternity. ' The couple plans a summer wedding.
Dulles Discusses Israel Boundaries
Mrt. Roue Kaufman the 1M6 World Jewish Congress and happened to be attending a special seminar in Israel during the Sinai Campaign of 1966. A Rose Kaufman Forect has been dedicated In Israel In recognition of her work in behalf of Zionism. The speaker will be introduced by Mrs. Marlon Bondarin at the gathering. Mr*. Sam Novak, president, will preside. Mrs. Sam Rifkln, assisted by her husband, is Moetzct Hap\>alot chairman. Reservation* may be made with Mrs. Novel' GL 2856,
Campus News
Washington (JTA)— Secretary of State Dulles told the House Foreign Affairs . Committee that "some day, there will have to be a negotiation which will fix the final boundaries" of Israel. Mr. Dulles testified recently, but his testimony was not made public until now. "The a r m i s t i c e agreements which now define the de facto limits of Israel are not supposed to be definitive boundaries," Secretary Dulles stated. The Secretary stressed that he had many times said "we accept the State of Israel as a fact and as .a fact not to be altered by any military or forcible processes." Foreign Office circles In Jerusalem said that any border negotiations * with -Israel must be made on the basis of "Israel as is." They insisted that "the question of unilateral' concessions cannot arise," though Israel is agreeable to mutual frontier rectifications where the present lines unreasonably cut off formers from their land.)
UNIVERSITY, MJNNKHOTA "Harry L. Silver, son of Mr. - Druzes speak Arabic but have and Mrs. Robert H. Silver, 5102 always retulned their Identity as Parker Street, who is a senior at a separate community. the University of Minnesota, was recently appointed LieutenantColonel in the R.O.T.C. Hany Is a Benson High graduate,' class of 1954."
UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Among the students cast- for "Call Me Madam", University of Omaha production, March 20-22 were David Seiner, Rose Lagman and Rita Pcltz.
TEMPLE I8RAKL Temple Israel Nursery School has one opening available. Contact Mrs. Morris Lipp, (GL 9197) If Interested, or the Temple office, (RE 6636).
Him Sandra Radloff
Undervalued Securities and
Special Situations
CRUTTENDEN, PODESTA & CO. M*ntb*n Ntw tork Srotk Exchange and Oth*r
Principal liihangM
Branded Theatre Bldg. WEbiter 4S55
. 850 PARKWOOD LANE Beautiful, modern 6-room Home. Brand ntw. Two fireplaces, 3 bathi, beautiful recreation room, big two-car garage, all Westinghouse kltchdn, casement windows, big bedrooms. PRICED TO SELL AT ONLY
OMAHA CHAPTER MIZKACIII WOMEN A 1 p. m. dessert luncheon will precede the business meeting of the Omaha chapter at the Jewish Community Center, Wednesday, March. 19th, Contributions will be taken for Mocs Chitlm, the fund which provides Passover food for the needy in Israel. A reading'will be given by Mrs. P. Crandell.
N « « M — GL 2224
Hemt — TE 3565
Passover Chocolates
TREATY SIGNED Jerusalem (WNS)—A treaty of friendship between Israel and the Phllliplnes has been signed.
Shukerts Kosher Meats 1437 SO. 13TH STREET
AT 0686
Both Milk and Bittersweet—Nut and Fruit—All Nut Miniatures—French Chocolatai—Creams . Cherry CordiaIt—Mint Cordials -
MAIL A BOX to the Boy in Service and Your F r i e n d i . . . A Delicious Panover Treat for Your Family and Gueits
"Where Quality Count*" Tho Best
Buy Several Boxes Now a t
u, 55c
Good for Broiling or P.oasting
FKVEHS, I'CI.I.KTS, !lK()ll.i:itS ANI» T U K K K V S
Always OPEN Sundays
Specializing in
O p * * Ivory Sunday From 2:30-S:00
Organizations Group to Have Miss Sandra Radloff, Donor Affair Hugo Kahn to Wed
IIADASNAII Mrs. Samuel Wolf will entertain board members of Omaha Chapter Hadnssah Monday, March 17, at 12:30 p. m. at her home, 419 No. C8th St. Assisting her Will be Mmcs. Alfred Frank and Hyman lielman. HadaRgah group board members will meet Thursday, March 20, at 12:30 p. m. Herzl Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Henry Riekes, HI No. 54 St., with Mmes. Morton Richards and Robert Felnberg as co-hostesses. Mra. Max Greenberg wlU be hostess to the Szold Group at her home, 214 So. 42 St., with Mrs. David Manvltz assisting. Welzmann Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Joe Guss, 722 Parkwood Lane, with.Mrs. Yale Ginsburg assisting. The Educational Council of Omaha Chapter Hadassah will hold an Onejf Shabbat at 1 p. m. Saturday, March 15, at the home of Mrs. Joe Guss. 722 Parkwood Lune, with Mrs. Leonard Gould assisting. '• • :.* Mrs. George Spitzer and Mrs. Mrs. David Baer of Del Molnes, William Raskin, chairman of the la .sister-in-law of the groom, waa Hadasaah rummage Sale to be held tnnlron of honor. Bridesmaids were Sunday and Monday, .March 30 Mr*. Stewart Grill, Mlsa Marilyn and 31st, have announced the Dresden and Mlsi Beverly Mlnsky, appointment of Mrs. D. C. Platt, all of Chicago. GL 8090, as head of the pickup David Bear was his brother's and delivery corps, and Mrs. Abe lest man. Ushers were Av Katel- Roffman, RE 0870, as head of man, cousin or the groom, Stanley volunteer workers and Mrs. Jack Burstein of Omaha and Sylvan Kauffman, publicity and arrangeCrnss of Chicago. ments. Mrs. Meyer N, Rubin, Pres.The mother of the bride chose ident of Omaha Chapter Hadassah, a Mauve silk ChantUly drew and has announced that applications Mrs. Baer, mother of the groom art now being taken for Camp was attired In blue si]k shantung Herzl, Webster, Wisconsin, and trimmed with sequins. Camp Tel Yehudah, Barryvllle, Omahans who attended the wed- N. Y., both camps are sponsored ,<lin^ were Mr, and Mrs, Abe Katel- by Hadassah and the- Zionist Orjnan, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Katel- ganization'of America, man, Mrs. David Kate|man, Sam A limited number of scholarships Kfttelman, Harriett Katelman, Maltlee Kstelman, Fern Katelman, are available through the local chapter of Hadassah. Anyone InterToby Kntelman, Sandy Gross and 1 ested Is asked .to contact Mrs. Toby Castle. Rubin.
Guests in Omuha.durlng the next week-end, following a wedding trip to New York, will be Myron Max Boer and hU bride, the former Miss Barbara Clgelnlk, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Albert Clgclnlk of Chicago, 'they wl.'l visit with Mr. and Mrs, Abe Bavr, the groom's parents. They were wed February 23 • t the Blackstone hotel ii Chicago in a'candlelight ceremony before en altar banked with snapdragons, pompons and carnations." The bride wore a chantUly lace , and white taffeta gown. The fitted . lace bodice which came to a point at the front featured a labrlna ncckl)ne accented with seed pearls. Long sleeves were .pointed at the wrist. An imported French Illusion fingertip veil was held by a plateau of rosepolnt ChantiUy lace trimmed In jwedpearls. The bride carried a white orchid and Henna notls on a white Bible.
F<M»r, K i n * I t IMS
Settlement For Retired Planned Hew York (JTAi—A plan that will enable it-tired American Jews to upend tlwlr "golden yean" in Israel Iia« l>een brought to the United Stale* by 7x\ Winei. director a\ JUisliaii, thr> muliial alii fund of Htsladr.it. Based on the j principle th»t mei> and women In i the o\er-65 age group (Mil lia\ci the capacity l'» live meaningful Jives, the Mislian pingurn nl-! roadj co\er» 300 \cter;in Israelis j It in being £\p..n<led to acnimnin- . date about HOO eldcrl> men »nd | women by lh<" end of 19JS j Situated in Jerusalem, lluif.t J and Hi>lonv n suburb of T.-l A \ j . . • >tuhnn'» Uiiw rvltitmg Homes <>l • the Klders nit? model nunrtntml!•-•« . where ieinor rlU/eiis hw- in dig t jiltjr amid modern ph)slr,il sni'1 ,
Center Sports CASTINU C'fJlSS A bait and fly ca>tii>£ rla«» for
men und women in the even*
Range, available from 10 a. in. tat 4 p. in, each, week-day, ID particularly (lilted to piacliclitj,' drivei and. pilchen. Completely Inclosed, live golf balls me used in the Appointnirn(» practice for the me of ihe lat.ge may lie confirmed by railing the Center1* Athletic Office, JA-l.'IGfl. Club*
IIIK is being planned by the Community Center*! Athletic l>cli.iilnirnl. An c.xpcrieiior»d fisherman antl Instructor have been up to lead the gi-oup. The inny lie »lored at Ihe Center f?.r
future piai .l..s< \ull xtait nflei slv icgistia- 1 i.oin h.i\o been recehed. Thejel \\ill bo in, charge fop lite p r o - ! ' ;'i .nn nf Instruct ion. i ' ,. , t 1-cnclnn
tice t,e«Hinn>.
,.,,...I n l , . ., , , , ,„ . tlu1 t c i l u m ! \\<».lnpn«
' TOM 1*1 ATT 1
dny eicnir-.K n m u l i nl the Center, pioudcx tunillliomnj,' while lriirnTom Plait wn< the bljt (maid i l l g ""l w l w h '"" 1 .V."-'1' "'"""! «.nnei in Ihe Youth Council t"o- '•Indents a* uHl us :.dult inc.. l.'id l.il ito.ihnK Trail pnillci- women mi- jvpkomr to | .iilnmr.s under the l on the winning Iwini, "VVJ% in the
! ) ( ] • nml rolled the IIIRII Indiiiiluul (•nine of IMT) and tlif high seiies nf fi.!L' , Oilier nicml«?i> of the uiiiniiiK , leain nre ISeiiee Vimiklin. Honanl Kelflinan, Cinil Shrief nml Ttnnnlr Jerry Stoni-, Anile Wclnrr—tln»l Wrli.fr Jerr\ Vrrrr, Vnrt. Frank I'r»i.k K<TK, Ken. I'liiillnr r.i.illnr Stone. S .Sinioiu. ane'nient* for llw VI>»»K Ailiiltt ii>nven1tuH. Renee FinnMin was the giilh'i
pace Wiled ti> their hlut.is AnuHi.; i the residents are wnii- or llif foi e. ' nimt ploneei'i. nf Isrnel. who II«Mgiven their prime jeans to I lie de veionincnt of the counto, A handful of retired Americam already dwell in lhe*e homi-i-, nnd placet, will, he atailable t.. new applicant'. It has lieen found ll.pl i —^
Rcilclntirc of IVib ft.i ret I Muster ln<tti tictlon serious and IKIIIIS for the moie e^iKTii'iiced fenceri. nre thn ceneml IOHIIIIC of
the program Klirther Infnimntion und
hUjli bowler with a cume of 18.' | fequesl. while Belte Wpinfrr rolled a il!) I VOM.KYIIAI.1. ; for UK> lop (jirl* ieries, l i t N D 1VIKK _ . _ « "All Stars" whose ( A Thilrkday evening HIIHIPIUIII ] arc Sluart ICullrr, TJctte Welner, Mike C'anar and Cliudi W^e and Wife Vollejbnll jrioup i» lie. i.iK oi'Kanl/cd at the .lewi-.li Comconie aftei pavrneitl nf the mod! Iwwled top team game of 770 p e«t entrance tee of Sl.OOOoiS-' WiO ' 'l'hf Yl>"»S Adultn cmuentioii a b a l i n g c<«npetilion end an; or '2,219 munity Center to encoinnRe more The Iilgh Irani K accompanied b> hi. wife. <ol*>« «lu» Knd«) evenmg «.th a award, bwiquel and will chwe mth families to participate in .spnrlimt rolled l ll>y the Pin Sphllei .hnise part) M the home of Kredja house part} at the home of M1M with team jncmhcrii Sjii lV>w>n. ncli\llle< Onille Mildpr. (Vnter Pr!nr*»+On Plans M u t c u * . Delegate! rep>e««rting]HHmet Shapiro. Helene Franklin and 1iiKl.lv AI«r- Volleyball Chnlnnan. nnnrmncoi! y t J i groups in KaiMis, Lincoln,] that inliiicslcd couph'k may i e j Al4-£>rn.a4-iv/a Sioux C*.r> and Omaha a,e atten'l-, r > H l « r ittcr by phone confirmation at j An All-City Boy« U n w l t n g the t'enlcr. SK couples me ncrdcil. j Sweeper in l>eins r'tnnn"! l»> the I'riiwlon, N J iXJ-Ai I'linic-, Ulg Alhf tenil-r.mml donee at ilv | J A u / A i > 4 l v i 4 l » C VrcwntU, (mo hiKhnnd and wife league officers for Api i l l , ton Unlve.klly president In Hob-1 BUpkjtnne hJt«-l at 9 f. in. will • ' < * « l»fcllfHIW uilleybsll E'oi'P I*rampeliiiBV/M\crt K. (;oliren annulment plan* Joi j clinuu SMIIMIJ>'» activities aflerl . .. , , » , , , , , : „ . , SMMNASTICH TO ni-siiH) fidtu r. :*/) p in. to r> :v> p m. Ihe iHiihlins of nn underEi.-idii.il<- , „ a ri«., lllMJ1 devoted to tomna-i A 1 - p0C!l ' 1 I 0 " " d l l p " f » c l l l l » ' " nEMS HKCOJiH SKSSIOV qu.idra»i;lc uith .lining 'n l l > n t^ j 0 d i iloumlmv l d pinE-p..H)! and.'» lKl|n K ''"'"™l1 B""1" w'"wl ""y* Sllitina<fi«, a everche and fi«-1 AZA 100 <sCORKS AlJ. and aoeinl fHfititii-s foi i<nn slti-! |>ask<*!l>all ' 1 »n.I ultis by the Jeniuli Comniun lire rondillonini; clam for wmnen. tTIJIK M I V U M ; 1IK.1I dent* The dinini; Miililies, wlndi 1 s,mda>'« invgrain win includt 1 uy Center Athletic depnrtment. A/,A 100 lionling team nicnil» going f Into a second tptsloii l of will pro\ide '2~M student- mill a n ' — — . N<-vv d.usei for girl* Include in 10 WPek* of supervised IILSI ruction berv smicil an all tune high ill ' nlternativce In im-inlierkliip in i>w | - ^ ti'iprelive .Kinc-me. fe.'iluring Sun ne\t week, '(lie fee for Ihe cnune, qualifying for Hie National A'/.K of the l!nH#i>il>'* 17 Kiipix-i ''I"'"-' C d l T C f TO day nflernoon Initruction in ta| meeting twlco weekly nn Tuesday Bowling Touniuinenl In Wanhini;Wlltlw <|\uil.ihlf tu up|ieicl.issmrn ! _ . _ # and ballet: a modeling cutu»e foi and Thursday from 9 n jn. to ton. P. C. with n learn M-rlcn n( Athn are not nu-iubeiii nf c l l l l > 5 . j r O l l III InQ&T *e\cnth and eighth craderx and 10 a in. li $10. Anopliounl feature 2,927. Kd Wintroub » m high with i o p h o n u i r i ' s a n i j m u m c l u l i j n e m - { . - . J,c w, l l.h cv . . „ of the program, at no p\lra charge, a 61J fcerici. Other Mrirs scored ' " - i who may i«.m al the quod- f " f , , «™n«nl'y <• e n m girik' 4ulte>ball league. Aiiangeinentjt for Iwys indudi 11 a uell staffed nursery and nvlni- recorded Vitro Dili Kntrman, 59% wiJI >>-• a parllcipan! in tlie nilsJohn Okun r,:il, Mike Plait 610 mini; inslniction and »ctKltirs, $7,(KJ0,«X) quad- wtu-i V'allr) Adult Kdue-itinn As- K>-rn and swim cliusex, I»r. Women m s y phone In their rrg. and Jerry Sherman 580. day nnd Thunvday for ftrnt nni <'onference, March plan followed close ujmi and 21 At ti\t IK>I»1, second gradeis and Krld«>it fo Ikt rat lulls for the program to the rrillmni of the xuppcr Athletic Office of the Jewish ComPrinec«nn'« rqtihalent of The CVnler, a rnrmlier of the Oma- third, foul 11. and flflh fraden; Portrait* ha Council for Adult Kduration. l i tillc club, koftlwll league an munlty Center, JTA-l.Vtf. Mr*. Jn.m tralernltieii, for will supply kook-s and malerials t o Kinltenbaum 1* the Instructor for vviculUng and judo Initruction. against somv sophomore*. A of a dozen »r «o passed over soplni- he used in conjunction Hith Ilic FVnclne Inif ruction, honebacl Hie croup, ttioren Chnt-K«l llwt tliej were the meeting. Saul SiKerman. Center riding, archery, tcnnlj and gol flOLP DIUVIXi JtAN<.H Aclii-itlrt dii-oclor, U co-ch.-«7iiii.in vlftims ot .•nili-.Tcuis.il picjudi<-c ., i - h d j . . will l>e «tpon«ored for both Imy* Tlie Center'* (tolf D r i v l n i : While l)i. CJiiheeii refuiwd to ac- 1 rxjl"»""1Ond giii,. o t h e r proerann will be cept the c h a w s nf bias, the un- Anvmg those « l i o « i | | tjlte i»irt; devfli,|iea »lien ten lequesl* are (irrEraduafi* I'lmcisity CiMincil. at the onfeieiu-c wiU bf llnbbt n , a ( j ( . f o r , n aclivit). All Infor. conBUtlii" r.f kupprr Hub officer*, Sidney Hn»k« «f 'IVinple br.irl, ni.itInn U nvaiL-iblr by calling tin admitted thai rvcliismty mli:Iil in- who wilj »»n< as ;i Ti-tomcv l«-i- Center, J A JTOi r)i.iit.is *on "MI in li\f SPSHIUII, "TlifC"hiircli in. Aolic Jtpltuiu in Adult Kdun.tiii.iHl' Asency," Thur«Jay, at .Into p. pj. 7nt/>i<eHled.adultk are invited in Sunday. March 16 jttend any or all of the jneclings KFAB - - '-Klernul IJ«hl," . JACOIt Mll.DKIE w h i c h will include S p ni by 3 M » . Jamb Milder, 92, a pionepi "The UM-S of Adtenity" b; fi)r Tcsidon) of Omnhn, died Monday in intcre<t 'liipodore nnd Mathilda Ferro. community a local hdspil.il She wax the c:«, men ami «f»non"» i n KBQN- "Message of Israel." PhetofpaptwT another of Hy1111f and William Uie like, Additiunnl Infuriiutjnn 8 4:> a ni. "Whn Should Be•17$.. IMJt. Milder. may be oblainnl by clung the come a Ttablii''" by Dr. Samuel H A Also Atir\ivln^ <-.ic dau^liter, Je-«1sh Coinnninity <"enler. Sandmel. , Wr». Ben Taumn, Centralia, III,
; Young Adults Convention S W r ^ r . ; : : iOpens Friday Evening
On the Air
John Kalinct
*on, MOITIS- of St. Joseph, Jfo, 15
ffrandchiidi^n nnd r« Children. Funeral wrvieen « e i e held Wed. nuday nfleinoon at the Jeuuh . Funeral home. Ilurial was in Cold' en Kill
Want A4s
''Business Opportunitiei 24 RELIABLE PARTY .to nerrice a route f.f CIGAKI-J'CrK machines. No wUiiif or soliciting. Routes nre established for '- operator. Kull or part time. Vp ia 5360 per month lo start. 11,100 to .V,2W t i ' h Jef|imed which i.« sernicd. Miii! liave Capital and desire to eventually operate in 519,000 anniial nel business. Write, giving full partlculais nnd plione nuinbci to American Viking AlfK*. Co., J.")13 Foshay TOBPI, Mpls, 2, Minnesota. ^ SI'lTKH. AVAJ1.AHM-: Call PI. :«;'r>. middle nged woman.
Your life Happy At Well As Yourself
Join the Center's
~ Modern Class In
P M M . H u;< n. until »«i. n u i At tmrnt Jtwhli l-ir.i Curmti tilt u it* c«Dti for «idi frji •Ha* IA»crU«m -Tlit I'TMHL returns th«- rt<ti1 U limit J|I< ttl u c b •dreniiraiMI
• ' I'ASHOVKIi CARDS '•"EAR and Bas Mit7\,ah concratiilatiofli also for all Jcniili toll, . days and apecinl occaniont. >l?j-er» N e » i Stand. 1302 I>odse
Keep the Man \n
No Appointment Ntcettory
JA 134*
JA 13*4
_ jl