March 21, 1958

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e tot61) Vol XKNW No. Si , J n l , | , ,

lii iv 101 •<, '."M>i

vp>Ktmii AKBKANKA,

uiuiu MARCH

*i Jiau SI, IM

flnttreal •» ttrcuiid-CJ'u dialler at Pu»t-Annual nuft 4 «(fl<#, Omnhjl, K«bil»k«. undtl Act l>f 187D bluxlt^Cujy 10

g Special Events T< rrr^iior Israel Anniversary Name Committee To Work on Plans For Celebration

Hadassah Makes Gift to Governor

IMillanthro|»li>* ills* imftlun fiie* <>n uver rnttvi* CIIJH n« Mrs, Kant K|Mtrlo, I far rl.) Munilm', fiintest, » r n r i Mia, Inucliirn Alirmn«mi. Air*. M M Vender anil Mm. Hum HieMtrtg « . to r.l at lh« llrat «f • Mtrlat of "coffer JlouiV' iil.innrilililrlnj I lie ni-«l Hire* wrrki.

A p.ipei weight ni.ide of I.'Kilh kloiii1, hcdiin;; the ciippei »f:il o^ YoufIi AlHdh w,is pnfccnled lo (..ncniiir V K I U I K. Andeiwin ill the Miili" housp offices Mnicli 18,} ju recognition of Wtirld's .fevvish! Child'! D.iy by icpieNpnl.itivPn nl Hn> Om.ilui. Lincoln, C u n d Kljnd anrt Fieumnt C^liTiplPM of Jladiii>iil) 'IliP (Jovemoi lihiied a j.pprlal piTi(liim<iliou naiiuni! Sunday, Mnich'J'\an Woild Jeuisli Child's D,i> foi I lie Slate of Xdiids.k.1

Herbert I f . l>Iiniaii },liiboi.ite plans for 111* ce)«< hiaiioii of the tpiidi anniversary at tlif Slate of Israel are being foi IIIIMI Iii Omaha in conjunction wilh the woild-vvide observance l o he held Ihionaliout llie year of Apnl, J9")S to Apnl, J959. Varioiif ouisimidins events aie »chedu)ed here during the Initial week ot Apnl Jl to Apiil 27

niackrr llf»d« Comniltlce The pienenlatlon \v.n nude by Omahas commiller foi Jxael's M M . Mnllinn nciiulion, ] I.III.ISSJII tenth »univerfi,'ii;y celebration fit IfRlolial piesldrnl, Mis. Al^vci headed b,v Davul ni.irkei, lender Kllbln Omaha cliapli'i picsuleid, in cnmmunlly affairs for many Mmet. Sidney ICtitIcmun, Alllulr, j e a n , who wim named iccenlly by (foldhlcin, Sam ftieen and Chailcs [ the e\ecullve connnitlee of tlie H<m, Omaha Kinup pieaidrnN, and Fpde.r;ilinn for .levvlsh Service. 1 Milieu. J/-sler Coldmail lldiuld t'OniiMittpfl Niimeil Croumimi, and Kobeit Wcmlieii;, I Menibprs of Mr.7 Mucker's compresident* icuppcllvply of Hie LinW«eUa »f preliminary pUauInf Frank nlid coln, flinnil Iil.ind and Fii'miiiit ! mittee. ;ire Aliltnn Ahrahnm.s, I f . rams lnl» J<HII» till* week an thit Mri. Vnnfter'a A Train I! Cohen. lildianl I.IIINICIII, M I S . ch.ipteis i Women'* MiUlon or Ilia J»M Mer-linj; jMnnrl,i> Ht I he lioiMP of MorrisC. Felhnan. Up. Alip C'ireen* The occasion m an Itili'iIMIIOII.II flillanlhroplm iani|wlgii Iwgail a Mis. .Stun Kpnlcln Here inrin'>fn> JDC New* Mine than IV) 0110 liel;; William ('mdinskv I'.ohei-t hollduyjii pi on IO I e fiii-ndihlp nnd | terlesj of group ninrllngt nclirrttif Mr*. Vi'fij;<"r'« A-Tcam: iles- iliidemtandinK lielvveeu thu d i l l - , linns of new clutlunf; luve liven i Konpci, Haliln Mvei Knpke, I'.ahbi lilnil to rnndntin Iliruugli April. rinrmii: Ailhur Alinmn, Jsailnii? dien of luruel and IIKKI- IIIKIIIRII- diKluhuted lo.'MCMX) need) .lounhj Sidnc.v Hiookh Itahln fipnijuuu Two or thief meellrmi H I T >iiiu)^HteiM languid in nj;e riutti 3 i (iioncr, Mis, Nalhau No^^ .luclc plnnned each micr-eedliiK week mid Al'iunifon, Ailiittr Ailier, iifnitt OIII Hie fl'ee VMM Id. to J6 in Moi<«.'(•') by the Joint | Maiei, I.pluaim Miiiks, flicliaid I n the I'mted Stales, ll.ida»Mili. Allwi'l, (iillifil Aiunoff, S.iiii liun, before their conclusion mole Ihoh Ilillcr,. Maurice Kat/mnn. Mrs.. ,f. 250 lolunlrcr Arht woikei1", will liiltni Dm run, Jl)nii>n Bclman, M. the official Ameilcau ie|neKent.'i- X>Mli)liution Cunnnillee. The pin-1I I Kill,ikofsin. ,iud Calvin Newiiave attended for orientation nnrl 'A 13ci t'OMci, Ittiibon Iti'own, Pun- tive of YotiHi Alijali, and pnin- tram liicliidinj; the clisti JliiitJun or j man Inalnicllon, mi campaign jito- irl C'uliPit, Jinny t'olirk, Jiijcnf oigsniwr of the U n j ' i olmeivniirr, clothing twice each year uliue , celebutcH it together U4lh M l / - 1U-1SI, i« financed Jiy Ainei leaii j Ml Jilackcl lepoili'd Illlif tin" i-edure. CKiper, l^iiiU C'uticr, Sum Jl, Danational coiumittce plaiinlni; 1!)<* l-arlii Women and Pioneer Wnmeii, M*fd»»t , ,,, M 8~KtMmhrt>iyi the t n v Americiin Zionl«t orgaiv- Jews lluough cifts'lo the Unit«l tenth nniiiveis.ny of Iiinel lias us Called 'for 10 30 a. n i , well tteig, }d<irr» C. FelUiian, Jewish Appenl. --" Us chahniiiri, foimer Senator JJeiizationi vvliirh are iln paiUiPH Hireling is pieceded by a "coffee tVivMlelii, Irving \V, ForlKw, .(«• In addition, duiiliK the |MSI J I M I licil I f Lehman M i . I.eliina.i In Youth Allyoh. I-eonai-d Beniilioiir." I n attendance are the Cap- jiejili I I , Kiccinan, Slum< Filed, llie Same program provided inedij heads a committee of more than uteln, WDild irnovvned eondueloi1 tnliu and J.ieuleninU aoiviiiK tin- Harold Gsrlx-r. Jack Gelfiind, Jncli cul aid to 8,5(H); lay and H-IIKIOIIS, 4!K) dinlineuislu'd Ameilctui .lews and composer, l» again Ihit >em rdueatlon for .'Ifi.OUO joungslcifi, I der Die drive1* three Mnjan, the M./Cicpn, Ilmry I ) . IIa>kln, UaaervirlK a* honornry c hah man financial aid to many aitiannt and j and Chusliaus 1 Jlennaii Friedman, Alfred vldlloltcrmnn, J « Ilnnvlcli. J/mis h i o IIIK KvrnU Mr*. Kleanor Hoonrvelt in world small liademnen, nllowulK them t o ' I ' I J I N foi (inialia at this time IlunvJt/. Duviil Krant/. M a i palron of Youth Aliyah. provide for tllcii fanuliCK bet l e i , ' Ijinhlnoky, 1\1IK- I.intuiiiii, KmvaM In Otiuiha, the day will l>e oh hot, noiiiiahiiiK meali, daily foi , include I no oill.sfandinK events, the fh-.!. on Tncsiiav, Apnl 2t at Milder. ltal|ili Nogtf. I).i\iiri']n(l, (erved u i l h unecial piogiauis li> thoimands of jauiiRnterii in .IIX' I llie .lo.xlyn .Memoriiil al 8 p, in. William' Racimln I I J I I V I I I I V I I / , the childien in all the SHIMI.I) lubiidi/ed canteen.*; a child rare 1 which will feature the famous OZ D.iviil H'n« AllM-it IliiDinnimiui, luid Jlebiew School". WOW-TV piograiTTr vocational tuinhiK and JLibbl Isaia.i I!uekov>l<>, folnier Sam Hutlii-nbriK jnin^' Itiibinnn, Kiotip of danceK and singeis from I •piiitml leader (if I I " ' l u l l e d , Jinny Kchulnwn, B m Klifiunn, will iiavc a Hpeciai bioadcanl Sun- fresh milk distribution. ' Imael in adililion^to an exhibit of Orolhodos. C""Mnif«.«t>inis hen1, hmn D.nid Shiikcil, Julin Sulniiion, day at 2-no p. in, dpplclinit the "isiael IhioiiKli its Slamps" All the post (if lUljbi • of Jiavr Sltlll, Albeit NIPIIIIIPI K. wolk of Youth Aliyah m i l l Mnle> IIKMIIIICIS of the community will be S.mi Katzman and David Hleicliei, invjted lo attend (Ins initial event Sam Jl SlfinlK>i');. /lulx-i I Snarl/, Hadohnah Youlh, Ahy.ih Rioup In Oni ilia's celebration lmidinc M, Trriiak, Moe Vencrr. chairmen » i paillcipantK. Allieit Wi'lnlji'it:. ll.nrV WiK'Hlilty, riuhp M. Kliil/nick, lnlein.illnnN e w Y o i k (WNSi Tlnec Aiali riiiiipao Winliuiih. Alan Wolfsou, nl piebideut of H'n.ii Jl'illh, has tiludenti in Inapt hnve liee.ii giant- accepted the invitation of the Iteinaid Zcvil/, Sam Zlfilky. nnd ed srhohiiships to stud.v al llie local cnmmlltiT to appear as the IIw Mi>«>s Ituv mid Fiinn.e CKHIinsttv Unfa Technion, the 1<iad Insti- pnnclpil siienlier at a city-wide Mr*. Frank'. ll-Tnam tute Of TerhnnloKy, the Ainei inin hniKIU"! Suuda> evenillK, April '.'7 nt the Fonlenelle Hotel. AI»» H e t f i k I rii I i ons foi Camp W'cdiit'i.du} at the liunic of Mm Technion Society reputed Thej (ippcui mii on the piosiani will he . Jay-C-C"« J958 seakun (iiricnlly Kiil/mnn, weir member* »f r show a hcnv> K " ' I I over iho'^c' will join tlie .t. i Arali studenl< nnn' theli well-knovvn i-opiano Roloist, .Mri Flunk's A-'l'i'/ini' Mcsd.uiiPs I Jr-iti > ApfK-l, llfimuit I I . Aui'i- mnde dining the Hume penod last studying nt the InslitiilP, which Slioshnnn Shnshan, a native of Israel II.KII, S i m Hrimiin, Idilpli I ' liln- jeai\ it vvHi lepmled b> H r Dim- haft two Amli f.icull.v ineinlx'in i.imim, Irving W. Chninoy. Sum iel Miller, Ciiuip coinnutlee ch drmnll. ' I pilcln JTrn Fi<l)n, Morlnn U Karly Iteglitrutliiii K'nnlliiiioil on PaKi*-ll Dr. Miller uifjed pnifnlt lo e/iroll I hell childien caily in view of the heavy rcpKlrallun, l i e soiil that only 100 camper* will be acCuntoi Main Ire C.olduertf of throughout the United SUtes for cepted for each peiiixl and Ih'iit eiirollineiit' will he made in theChli-ngn will lie (he jjuest nilisl nl his lecoidniKii of .Jewish music He will sin^ (II KIK finiil Mcndrlsuti's Miami U V N S i - An iinmedintc ulriVr received. the Twenty xccond nnninl Cun- Oialono "Kliinh," fiom Halevy'n InvMllKKlJon of Ilw lil.istlnir Jieie 'Die Cdiiiplns neniion llulibl luilah Itarkotnky cert of Jewish Music, Sunday, npeia "The .lewess," nnd in adof Temple Itcllt Kl u n i ui lied on eat Her thin jear in older to a c dition lie will leniiei , seleclioni B'nai Imnpl C'on(jiei;iihiin in New Uuveinor I^elloy C'olIiiM of KlmWn- commodutc p n r c n 11 jn epui ina finin iKipulnr .Teuisli folk ijonRH by the Amerioin Je«l«h CdnKrewi, ymnijjsliTH for sellout, will nui Haven, Conn. TinHelli Kl Choir will join with lie pievimmly ncucil us a Chnp- Afeunu'liile tlirre hnve lien a num- fioin July 20 (o AiiKimt 17. 'Hie the Cintoi to piehCiit Zilbeil's Inln «ltii the l/niled Slnles Armed ber (if offer* of reward hy primle sensun lueliidej Ivvo iPKUlar se<' 1I.IK.ICJI>' und "Jlnvdoloh" " Kyfccn and wilh « Jxn Anncles, citi/em Tor infornmlions lendinR sloii« nf two weeks each. Till" j eai's concert if undpi llie to the nirext jinil com let Ion of the Kx<ra« Inrtildcd Oil. congregation. s|Kiiinoi'slU|i iif llie Heth 1C] JMPII'S Itatei tliln year include tiansMr». Itnckovtky is HIP fiirmci pei-pelrnlom of tin- crime. Jew lull C tub, ;ind proceeds v\iil lie c j i community l e n d e r i i here were iwrlalion from the. Jewish C'oniSylvia Weiiier of Oiimlii. • ninikeil for the sujipoit of H I P •lunncd liy the Incident, bul they iminil> Center to camp laundry, C H I I . H ' S Inslittilp ol (he JevviMi i r f i w d to pin lilamr inilll lh(> insuiancc and nitx And cmfl fees. TheoloKiciil Sennnmy. The Men's |Killn> iiivckliKnliiiu is inndi< These Nornmn Halt nnd D i . Dnniel Club committee, under the chairview* weie ^IWMI l>v UIIIIIM Morrta Miller icprvwnted C'.'Miip J;iy-C-C manship of lulwnnUA Ro«en, is A. Slop, fiinru'i' IICJMI o[ the (irciil- nl the YWCA enmp incelliij! nt Iwinj! iix«.isled hy u Woman's A u \ A group of Irclinlcolnr rarfoonb ei* iVIifMitl ItMliliinintl Assitcl;ilinn. vvliich time plant and pbysicul Imillnii cnnimillce. Cantor Aaron ' anil fen line film* Mill highlight viho Haiti Iheie "iniisl IH' U rarc'ful provements nf Camp llievviter r I. KdKnr U plnnnlitK the ; (he vacqlion J,olly-I»op movie lo ilivcsll,; itll'M frv Ilia- [>(ill(' > llt'Tiirc* were discussed. The camp U un(lerKoliiK extensive iep,iir which OKilim, I * / hold im glade school >ouiiK- IIin st ileiiM'iil cm l>.' in idf Individual tickets to Die benefit ilers of nil nge» on Sundiv nfleiAl N.i'.lnlllc 'linn I lie .Tiuiih will lie icady ft>r Camp J«J-C'-C. Tlie C'urf.p Ja>-f-C' office nt the lire SI 50 mid ".s|X>lisor IISIIIIRK" Jit noon, March A), at 2 \'ii p m in C'diniTituijlv ConH" \\iis lil.isli'd li> 1 1 the auditorium of Ihi' .JewMi C'om- an cvplc'i '" '''I "'1 I " i.iciits v\ho Jewish Community C'chler In open 5,10. Tickets are on .sale nt Hospc», t iiilur Msiurlee (.oldlierg iminlly Cenlei nrfri'shnipnls In linked the ln< id, nt In SCIUHI! in- to hotli pnrenlK and prosi>ective and nl the Jewish Communrty 1)8 tcrl'ed dining tin- movie will l.'Cl.illon in .in ,ini;li>i|l(HIH ll'lc- eampei 1 who wish to dlscum needs Much ,'ifnli at ft l"i p m at theC'eiilfr, or they may be oblnhieil be lolly-jiops A(lml>mon is ]"> m i l * plioi,,- n i l in I I I I I I H Wllllmi I! nnd plain for the 3151 mmping liplh >,l Synagogue fi"om any member ot the Bctli E l •teuton. Cinlor Coldherff Is well known .Men's Ciuli cuinmlUqc. per poison. SIIMMIII in, it iv.u spoiled. '

Philanthropies Keynote Women's 'Coffee' Series

Morocco Children Aided by UJA

Rabbi Rackovsky to New Haven Pulpit '

Arab Students Given , Technion Scholarships

Camp Enrollment Reported Heavy

Blasted Buildings Severely Damaged

'-"' Lolly-Pop Movie to Feature Color Films

Annual Beth El Concert Will Have Guest Cantor

Mlt;, March IV IMS

mm JEWISH r u s t

WiththeHomeFolks CampusNews



Two 21 day all-expense cruises to Israel and various MediUrrautUNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Sidney L. Klopptr, was MM of an port* will be made next May March 12: IN Memorium: M n 12 students named to Omlcron and June by the hew 8 S Jeru» Emma Milder. March 13: The Council of .'ew- chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, salem and her llstershlp SS Theoish Women Sewing group hetd national honorary history frater- dore Herd, the latest additions to their regular monthly meeting tn nity at the University of Omaha. the Zlm Lines passenger fleet. the Council room at the Hcnw, He i s a junior at the University Among those present wert t h e and son of Mr. and Mrs. S. AbraMesdamcf Ma Brown, Gottie Coham Klopper. . ., • hen, Ann Fried, Ida Homsiein, RADIO t TV 5MVICI Tuney Katzkel, Ethel Marks, S. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA TV CA« RADIO Nogj, M. Rosen*tein, Babetta SilRAPIO rHONO«RAPH Miss Barbara JofTe, a senior at ver and M_Z*Uc PAUL GOLDIBIO the University of Minnesota, will AU friends u l relatives at* March Mi M n . GoMie Splvak arrive March k 22 to spend the 41U He. H * *• "• ****** Invited to attend services and gave a Kiddiuh on the ocowlon spring vacation with her parents, receptions. of the anniversary at me death of Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Joffe. SIIERYN COUV her hUibartd Morris Spivnk Sheryn Cohn, daughter of Mr. / March 15-Wddmh by Mr. and and Mrs. David B, Cohn, will ob- Mrs. Arthur Abrams in honor of serve her Ban Mitzvah on Friday their son, Michael1* Bar Mitzvah. JULIUS AJ NEWMAN evening, March 21st and Saturday March 19: Rabbi Ralph DcKovService* for Julius A. Newman, morning, March 22nd at Beth El en was our Rabbinical visitor to75, of 3025 Cass Street, who died Synagogue. day. Saturday, were held T u e s d a y Uk IfaUyl Pslnraste Nrw resident*: morning at Cronby-Kunold MortuJERKY SLUSHY Esther Ann Cheten 25 Years' Experience ary. Burial was In Pleasant Mill Mr., and Mrs. Abe Slusky anSettle Hesa Cemetery. •' With J.wl.h nounce the Bar Mitzvah of tlfcir Rote Hobemooh Surviving are nieces, Mrs. Belle non, Jerry, on Friday evening, Lettering and Memorials Thank You: To the Golden ARC Frank, Mrs Ruth E l i on, Los March 28th and Saturday morn- Club for the ywing machine doing. March 29th at Beth £3 Syna- nated for use of the Doundl of Angeles, Cal; nephews, Sam D. 2211 U. M i AT 2452 Newman, Los Angeles and Henry gogue. . Jewish Women sewing group at Newman, Kansas City, Mo, the Home, The machine ts in the MMICIA COHEN Council room at the Home. BARBARA PARILMAN Coming e\enU) SUSAN BROOKKTEIN March 23: The B'nal B'rith Den. JOAN BBOOK8TEIN ry Mon(ky Chapter No. 470 vill MARDEE SOKOLOF entertain our folks at 2 p. m. Mr*. A group Bas Mitzvah will take Rose Glntburg is In charge of this place at the Beth Israel Syna- affair, Sored pUia, if* /«» »We diUtiomt . . . topped with kr-crwrt, frail ox bn. gogue Friday evening, March 28th, March 30: The Beth Israel Club rics, It's a pcfk-of-thc-mcnu dtuertl at 8 p, m. Each of the following Shalom Talent show at 3 p. m. girls will celebrate her Bas MltzApril 7: Mrs. Herman Franklin voh: Marria Cohen, daughter of announces the Mterachi Women Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Cohen; Bar- Passover Party will take place at bara Parilman, daughter of Mr. 2 p. m. and Mrs. Irving Parilmiin: Susan OWCOUtHWTHU Brooksteirl. daughter of Mr. and DATE-NUT ROIL Mrs. Irving Brookstfln and Mardee Sokolof. daughter of Mr. Joe Sokolof.

mbHehtd Ewrjr IrUay by the IWeraUoa ef Jewish ferrtoe


BarandBas Mitzvah

Candlelighting—4:17 p. m. TEMTLE ISRAEL Services will be held flt Temple Israel Friday at 8:15 p m. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will preach on "The Good Teacher Confutes". In Honor T)f the Reli|{l6u« School Fuctilty, A Reception and Oneg Shabbat will be held Immediately following service*. Shobbai morning tcniret will be held at 11:30 a. m. with Rabb) Brook* officiating and the Religious School choir, under the direction of MlM Ida Gitlin, tinging the musical portions of the services. BETH EL Scrvicn at Beth El Synagogue will be held i t 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services will fee held at 9:30 a. m. Junior Congregation services are "at 10;30

a. m.




Monument Co.

Inter-City Group To Meet in Omaha

Mincha-Maariv Services are at 6:15 p. m. Daily services are at 7 a. ro. and 7 p. m. The Sunday DAVID SOSHNIK The steering committee elected morning service Is at 9 a. m. David Soihnik. son of Mr. andby delegate* at the February InterMr*. Joseph Soshhlk former Oma- city High School Club officer's BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Growr, Cantor haru, will observe his Bar Mitz- conclave will meet during the ElIKagan, Beth Israel Choir, and vah at TOereth Israel Synagogue weekend of March 28, 29 and SO, Primary- A. class will conduct late in Lincoln. Nebr., March 28 at « in Omaha, to plan an Intercity Friday evening services at 8 p. m. p. m. and March 29 at 9:30 a. m. Youth Council constitution. The committee Is composed of Morris Rabbi Grafter's sermon is entitled, Brodkey and Carolyn" Stern of "Blueprint for Success."1 TradiOmaha, Arnie Garson of Lincoln tional Friday. evening services and Dick Baron of Sioux City. IKabbolas Shabboi) begin at 6:15 The purpose ,«f the proposed p. m. Sabbath moraine services Deals That Cannot Be Beat In Our Council include aiding clubs to begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior ConSPECTACULAR SPRING SALE better understand thelf roles as gregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi GronMr. and Mrs. Abe Beau will have er will conduct the Talmud class as their guettn this week-end, their organizations and the interests and at. 5:45 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at •on and daughter-in-law, Mr. and motivations of their members. 6:19 p. ra. followed by Sholcuhe Mrs. Myron Max Bear, Ihe latter'* The Council, with representatives S'eudos and Maartv. Dally morn- parents, Mr. and Mr». .Abert from Omaha, Sioux City, Des USED CARS ing services at 7 a. m.; afternoon Clgelnik, Mr* Bernard AJAey, and Moines and Lincoln, plant; to hold 2036 FARNAM OPEN » TILL 9 services at 6:30 p. m. Sunday Mrs. Morrii M. Mlmky. aU of Chi- yearly convention* • and later to morning service* begin at 8:45 cago; Mr. and Mm. David Bear, Include cities in the area which 8. m. followed by breakfast and their other Km and daughter-in- have Jewish youth groups. Kabbi's class in Bible. Sunday law, and Mr Md Mrs. Jake Kahn morning Junior Mlnyan, followed of De« Moines; Mr. and Mm. Hal by breakfast, starts at 8:30 a. m. Keltz and Mr. and M n . Herman The Talftiud Discussion group Cohen of Lawrence," K«n<, meets every Tuesday evening at Mrs. Charles Stern, who will be 7JO; p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th I and Burt, and services ev- Joined by a cousin. In Chicago, will ery Saturday morning n ( 9 B . m . leave here April 1 for a European tour which will culminate in a two week's visit in Israel. She. will fly MILL DECISION REVERSED Jcnwalem (WNSi—Israel Ro- from New York to Spain. She will "We Serve the Finest to the Finest" gosii), the American industrialist return by'boat .and expects to be revetted himself again and prom- back in Omaha, May 29,. bed 1 Out the $20,000,000 rayon The Jordan Valley la the lowest mill he launched will be com; pleted, on the earth's, surface. .

Big News!-!-!

Omahans In the News

at Omaha's Big Dealer








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fiUsgr, Much II, IMM

THB n m n rasas

Organizations HENRY MONHKY CIIAI'TKR BOARD MKBTING The Henry Monsliy Chnpter of B'nal B'rlih No. 470 will hold It's board meeting Thursday, March 27, at 12:30 p. m. at the home of Mr«. Harry .IJpnett 350 N. 36 Avenue. Co-hostess la Mra. Harry Sldman. A dessert luncheon will be

Mn8. RUTH KOMAN TO BE COUNCIL HPRAKKB "Women and Mental Health" will be discussed by Mrs. Ruth Roman, supervisor' of psychiatric social work at the Nebraska P s j t chlatric Institute, at the next meeting of the national Council of Jewjjsh Women study group on Tuesday, March 25 at L p. m, at the home of Mrs. Joseph Horwich. Co-hostess will be Mn. Irving Teicher. Mn. Roman It a graduate of the University of Paris and received her master1* degree from Simmons College School of Social .-Work.

NEBRASKA CHAPTER NO^MJ, TO HONOR NEW MEMBERS ".New members will be honored at * meeting of Nebraska Chapter No. 346/ B'nai S'rlth, Thursday, March 27, 8;30 p. m. at tfie home or M n . Paul Sacks, 9918 Davenport 8treet Mmes. Will Stone and M Zwerling are in charge of the instalta' Uon arrangement* for tile new members. All membenj and their husband* am invited to attend the - meeting. A social hour will follow the burinesn session. ' MAKTIN IIAVKIN TO TALK AT BETH EL Mothers of Beth El Nursery School children win meet Tuesday March 25 at l'30 p. m. in the synagogue .recreation rooms, to hear Martin Haykin, member of the phychology stuffs at St. Joseph hospital nnil Crpi({hton Univornity. Mr. llaykln win talk on mibjortn relutlnK to children'* behavior patterns at nursery school level. A coffee hour and open discussion period with the school's teachrn will follow. FA11BANI) TO HAVE SOCIAL MEKT1NO The Farhand Labor Zionist Order Branch 54 Poale-Zlon, will have a soda! meeting, Sunday evening, March 23, with pinner at 6:30 P. m. ' Scheduled <s a progmm of community singing of folk songs in Yiddish, « variety of readings and the showing of a late Israeli film. Mrs. Marion Bondarin, chairman, requests that all members attend this meeting .and make their rosi ervations by calling Mn, J. FeMman, RE 0938.

DUSINBftS * PROFESSIONAL GROUP, HADA88AU B and P Hadfusuh will meal W»dnc*day, March 26th, at the Jewish Community Center at 7:30 p. m. when •tfw nominating commit tte'» slate of candidates for 11M April election of officer* will be read. The program, under the direction of Mm. Carl L&gman and Miss Ahuva Gerahater. wm feature the Anne Frank llavens'' of the Youth Aliyah. movement. T«Jks on American and Israeli affair* will be made by AHss Mildred Levy and Mrs. Phil Schwartz respectively. A coffee hour will follow.

Philanthropies Women's Division Meetings This Week Sunday, March 23, 3 p. m. Captains, Business and Pro'•aslonal Women, at the home of Mra. Julius'Newman, Chairman, 1611 So. 33rd St, Monday, March 24, Mn, Herman Friedman, Major, A-Team, 10:30 a. m.', at Mn. Friedman's home, 666 No. 58th St. Tuesday, March 23, Mn. Abe Venger, Major B-Team, 10:30 a. m., at Mrs Venger's home, 740 Sunset Trail. Thursday, March 27, Mrs. Alfred Frank, Major B-Team, 10:30 a. m., at the home of Mrs. David W. Frank, 542 No. 73rd St,

HADASSAH LINEN SUPPLIES LUNCHEON An original courtroom drama, "The Verdict Is Youn," will .be presented by Hadassnh when Henrietta Szold Group acts as hostess to the Chapter at the Paxton Hotel, Wednesday, March 26. at the Mr. 1ind Mrs. Samuel Theodore annual "Linen Supplies luncheon of Brehtwood, Cal., formerly of meeting at 12:30 p. m. Omaha, announce the enagement The script was written by Mn. of their daughter, Judith Ann, to Jerry Bernstein, program chair- Henry Gross, Jr., son of Mrs. Henman for Szold Group, Ed Shul- ry Gross, Sr, of Beverly Hills and man, known professionally as J. the late Mr, Gross. P. Mitchell, announcer for Station The bride-to-be la a graduate of KBON, will enact the attorney in : the sketch. Other participants UCLA where ahc was a member of Sigma Delta Tau Sorority and are Mmes. Bernstein, Leonard Gould, William Flnkle, Morris president of Phi Beta, national Shapiro and Robert Silverman. music and dramatic honorary. •Yale Richards, attorney, Is acting She is the g r a n d d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Loon Grnetz of as technical advisor. Hfldassah's 45th anniversary will Omaha and Mr. and Xrs, Arthur be celebrated in a candelight cere- Theodore of 'Los Angeles. Mr, Grain is a graduate of mony conducted by Mra. Meyer N. Rubin, chapter president nnd Mrs. Wharton School of Finance and Harvard LAW School and Is a M. M. Jabenls. Mm. Arthur Green will present member of a Beverly Hills law her report as chapter linen siip-pflrm, plies chairman. Mrs. Sidney Kntlemon, President of the S/old* Group will preside, Rexervations Sunday, March 23 ' are being taken by Mmes. Joe KFAB — "Eternal Light," Lrrner, Jack Fox, Donald Vogg, 8 p. m. Leo Rosenberg, Bernard Diamond, "Journey to the Promised Irvine Epstein, Dave Manvitz, NaLand" by Theodore and Mathilde than Gimple and Wm. Rnakin. Ferro. KBON - "Message of Israel," PIONEF.K WOMEN The Pioneer Womon will hold 8:45 a, m, "Who-Should Be.come a Rabbi?" by Dr. Samuel their monthly luncheon 'meeting Tuesday. March 25 at 12:30 p. m. Sandmel. WOW-TV-2:30 p. m. to S at the Jewish Community Center. p. m. In recognition of World's Jewish 'Child's Day. Program ZBT MOTHER'S CLUB depicting work of Youth Aliyah The Zeta Beta Tau Mother's with Mmes. Sam Katzman and Club will meet Tucudny, March David Blcleher, Hadassah Youth 25 at 1 p. m. at the Dundee Dell. Aliyah Group chairmen, as par-

On the Air

BETH KL PASSOVER WORKSHOPS Two Passover workshops on Seder techniques for -men will be given* at Beth El synagogue by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke. The flnt session will be on Sunday, March 2 3 ' a t 11:15 a. m. in the Synagogue sodal hall. The second session will be held on Wednesday, March 26 at 8 p. m.




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Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nearenberg Saturday evening, March 29 at the have announced the engai^mcnt Fireside. of their daughter, Ml>>s Lucille to The couple is planning e late Mimmcr wedding.

Granddaughter of Omahons Engaged

GOLDEN AGE CLUB TfOBTHWESTERN BELL Members of the Golden Age IMPROVEMENTS Club will meet Monday, March 24, More than $11 million was spent lit 1 p. m. for a dessert luncheon by the Northwestern Bell Telefollowed by a card party. phone Company in Nebraska in 19ST to extend end improve telephono service, according to W. L, FOR THE FINEST... I Tiffany telephone company district IN PHOTOGRAPHY manager, Largest In the 1957 construction program was the new Portraits 12-story administration buildingjn Weddingi Omaha, company headquarters. Commercial

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•m txam


PoN Indicates Pro-Israel Trend in Ten Countries

Special Features Planned For Israel's Visitors

New York (JTAi - A poll of: found tlie following picture: Nor* Jerusalem (JTAi - The 2.000-1 ing ttte Convention Cenlei in Jeruyear-old lanli that wm, dueoveredlaieni, v.-here 1h# exlub.liou will publlc apjniua in len ejunliiei lias | way, 56 pec c«nt for I»r»el, fuur revealed that the friend* of Israel I per c?M »g*lii«t; Mexico. 47 per til Jerusalem list year in being l>e held. abroad have iiicreajed In the t m rent for, ten per cent •gtuut; reconstructed a* an attraction f i t , Anolbei »tjnip u«ie of lhc An- yealf <inoe tlie.Jew"l»!i State wat Britain, 44 per c*ntfor, 17 ptr Teiidi Anniteiaary \UMor«. | Year will be connected etUblidied and that general!) the cent agauul' Aintrw, 44 pet cent 1 1 for, 12 per rent sgil'ifl; Oiniuiy, » B U » b « of her 5 (set •eroii the base I 7 " to h e r frjeiitlji. A 41 per cenl for, 11 per ern\ tu a heishl of « fe»l. | •""*' Belgium, _ • number of l«»f>l« * queried i din I _ _ . 38 .i«|. cent, inleiestmg cjntrait tu Tlul W.»rW ' "Ihe ten countries arc ftiU unite- f flglit percent againit, Kiancv. :V> t.*-k

. _ . ! _ .11.



A .

Y.C. Doings


' ,• #. ,,


Women Hold Coffees

(Continued front l'ii|>e ] • Fwher, Jai'k Vox. .Morrit M. AXA. KO. 100 Franklin, Ma\ Kioinkiii. Sidtn SrniNti HKUKNADK Oilman, Sidney (iulrtlieri;. Dan Wan* ha\e lnVn lorxing a A. tiordinan, (liailni <;u-v'. Uarrapidly a i A.Z.A. No. 100 iwrpares nry llMlieiin.-i!), Kinpsl .1. UIKIIfor itii third annual Sprint: Seren- *ter. SaniuH S. Kaplan. Sidney ade, to be Itcid Siiiwlay, March :v>. Katlenian. S.mi Kal/ Auion at 9 p. m , in the Town Ilmiw Irvine, Hyinan I/ruuc ,Sol Ijlll C l hi ( linlitwn iniin. Arthur J\n ilinan, I!pn IVrelthr dance me Il.mant Sl>uh> and iiitiit. Ma\ ('. 1'lull, Alex Kntkiil. KotwH ilhapiiu. Olher chauniMi -MeMn S. Plolkiii, Snm Kifkin, include Sic\ci\ lilock and DiUIjyon Sciiinidman, Itrn II. SlinoiK, KaUmau, ad Ixiok; Lairy tiilinxk}-. I>nil» Siporin, IlenJ»nilnsW»ldm,inr twee/theart arrangeinrnlii; I-Mnarit Herl>ert L. Well. WintitMib, ridm: Jainei 5oplili, Muot n* J)pJlr»le.l itworationi nnd Irtln lk-1/er, pi|l>Addreulnn each group, Mr* lidl)'. Ticket* jfta> IK" pniThawd Ben Shapiro, Women/* - Dh klon from any jnenilicr of the gruni/achairman, stiekseil the mfil for (ion ronicienttoiu cimmiiin'ty Nupport of tTie camimign. "A« workew in 'I'he principal lakes of are Lake Ifula, I-akp Kiiuierrt and Hiix campaisn » c nm»t ivganl ouraehcx ai a dedicated jfruup enthe Dead Sea. gaged in Die most Impoimnt fund roljing ef(ort that we are called on to participate,." She referred in Die PhilanP i l " * ! ! j s lU4b l o i n v e r t r o j i A » > [ . . . . U tu< J«*'.n Prm , 1 thropic* campaign an the KeyLSirrrni n t f U 94 refill tut tttn t'M i •tone on which Ihe ilrucliirp of all ' Ua* 1tii«rt>fo ri»f I'fci* tnrrvrt ttii t gill Jewish eoniinimal cnujo rely. la rmlt fire ol tutu MlrtrtUvmeat "Ttcmo\e )hc ](eyiit»r.c and the enllre Ktniclure toppleo." - OAK and Bos MiUvah "Kaii- Share" giving, Ihe keylation* also for all Jc>*it.h iwlinote of thin yenr'» dri\e, nil! de, days and occatioiK. fttejerj Nctt^ Sl:ind, ]J(B! Ilixi^p termine whether or nut we keep Ihe aliticlure o! our Jewish way •• •"IUSTNESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 of life Intact and ilrnrtiii-ally loimd. .Mm. .Sh.-inirn lul>| the INCOME worken. OPPORTUNITY

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Urael, friends of Urjel_cmi»lltnlf • NM>00 from 22.per cent to 56 are being mve.ii i in the ' The dcnoriuiMtiam of the t»np?r ri-nl tit the PMPle iwllfd. while tlon ' J euint are 5 pound* and 230 pnii.i the opnonenu \<iry fi'ixn a iow^of I«ur )>er csnt in Norway and Japan to a hljctl of 17 per cen( in go on MIU on Memorial I , l>lll »S I fli-ilain. Support fnm) Israel cuine* 23( the firirt d^> or the Anmu'r' 111 their 1 from the Id'iler eduralcd citixc l jwry Y « r . The deiionnmtion Is miuilj in each ejimtry and in all o u n »alil* lt|i'>400 pruta. lr,i».v pNcept Jdp»n and Italy, tlw The S pwiH eirfii will lie <rf »;i- majortty oj unlvemliy educated pict* a candelabis^ patterned "H ancient model*, oproiittni: a l» >K v?r. It? ol)\Pi«e nide carries the people fa ior J lira el Tlie psJl conducted bj the New with leave*. The Hebrew lelleung «urd "l*rs»*l" in Hnhreiv and Ara. 0/ Uie woi'd I«r3fl « mudelrd <»» hie and the daks 1I»5H and 5718 Yurie Herald Triliunp and Interthe ncript »r Ihi-TVjrt Sea Sriwlli 'I'he itnerij' uiilc- >)H>»« a candelali- national l l r i p a r c h ASHWiatrti r,i nipled fiwn the inwalc floor in The color or the nt.imp U ijoKl. Thf opening <i( the Tenth Aimi- (he old nynac^gue Ufcrowred at 1 in June «•!! !>• Nirim. Kngraied leltrrins around marked *v a »pei-ia| •tnmp shuw- the edge will read (in Hebrew t: . '..- . - "Stale of hrael Ten Yean ot I"- TKK.V Tllr'.AT»tK TICOI'P IH HKl\(i KOKMF.l) dependence." Thi" 250 pnita culn will hj 75 llecaiike of nuiiii'ioiij ICIIIIOKH by Youth Council incmlirni, plans fwr cent ropnei and 21 |x>r cent far the foimation of a Ihcalrc Mr. and Mr* Itoruld W Solx-I nickel. lt< (l«lfin '» l o I'if titiup are noiv iH'Ing m.iuV. 'Ilie annnunce the birth of a noit, .Mi- 5 p>>und o u t group »itl prrf<inn thr play or chael Kric Sobel, Maich IS. Mr play of Ua own choice under ^Jn^lneln<>Mtj^p ute< Sobel to Family Seriliv l)e[«it the direction of an experienced Director foi the Federation rfdiiiijit fa nuik niviel'a Tenth An ftliTClor. Cornell} and Yid«1|1 lie KMicI h) the fui Je«1*h Service. d.<h play'In KnglUh iinvc been The Sobeli are |iurent» o( si Ten Ih AnnAer*aiy Wi»rW <\mif iliiltee. One side of tlie IIIC/IHI uill other »on. l.ynn Steven. Visilins, at 1heir hoiin'. n Mi»- Sobrl'sj be an .rxiiol mplira of the t«o liiglutclioolt'rs I n I c r e »( e.d in the technitlurw of nrlinf;. mother. Mr> l!o«' nnclih* or Phil Ihoim.'irt:! j,'ar old R«m»n ,clin adelphio, I'u. , "JiiiJea C',i|iti" that m a l k e d and in hunt in;: in id »(•(« aie InI vlled to conl.icl lli<* JCWIKII CiiniMr. and Mm. YBle 1 Kaplan j relwlllnn I' *h.i«« a u l - iniinit) Center Youth Office for announce the birth of a dHiighler. I dli-r llfllns a whip o \ e r n woman fin (her infpmuilion, ul hi< feel. JJelh Janellc, March 7. vorxo AW^I,T« s Urandpare/Hs are Mr, and Mrs Tl«e m e n e *ido win cirry a d*-'- T>ie Young Adult Council Mill Sam Kaplan of Wichita, Kan*, anil nign in the name y a« the K»» meet Sunday In rnom W of tinHymah. Cprber. Grcat-crandpar- mun Coin, the ILiin,w l>y Jen lull Coniiiuuiit) CVnler at' 2 the uontin P m. A jmrty in Ix'inx planned (nr anU are Mr. and Mn. Max Cack- art l*ra?l the first week In Apnl 41 hi] mil.-. In.

R e l i a b l e ni'ii) i>'< ^<iiiiin ii.>m t h u a r c i t » v m r e a w i l f irf c i g a i e l t p iiiiKhnu"* W i l l t.ikt* " .> l i r s ft u r o l i o f j d i i i V [ J U C tirjii' ami 'can net us liu;li ;is .V7r>; m o n t h l y nml ran In- Imill t» full j tune business \'.il!i our iu'lp.' which cmild r'.i'iiMriH>' ii'-t .' •S'Jd.OUO annually, Nc. c.\r»'ii'-in-c j 01 selling i i f c f s.-in. roiiti- i>;

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