March 28, 1958

Page 1

every Friday, 101 N. 20th, Vol. JLXXVI Jin. 28 fubilnncd NdirUBlta Phone JA 13liti Omllha





Decision Tabled On Discriminate Sn Educafioi

Choking the mimes of tlio fatly (ajitaliu U-IIII ntU'inli'd th» kick-off meeting of the Hindnest unit I'rofi-iiional ni'rtlnn of tlio Women's I'lilliwtliroiilr* lust Slinilny nftiTininii wen, Mrs, ,/ulhu, rhnlrmiiii unil hnstrsi; .Mm. Curl I.ngninii, Mlsi llenn Gro»» And Mrs. lVt«-r Mryra.

B. and P.

Their Philanthropies

or Kick-Off

Demonstrating thu *>;ime effi- I of Mrs. Herman Friedman were ciency and dispatch tliiit mnikw members of her A-team: Mesthem as Omaha's top career wom- difiiK's: Milton Abrahams. Sam .ftn the Husiness ami Professional Applcinan, Lloyd Hank, Norman Section of thc> Women's Division Halt. Harold Modi, Donald llrodIn the Jewish I'hil.mthrupiei kvy. Kdward D. llrodltcy, Harold campaign launched their diive j Hmdkey, Harry II. Cohen. I.lcnSunday at a meeting at the home : nelt Cohn, Morrli Ionian, David of their chairman. MM. Jiilhn Fcdcr. I.e(m Felhuan, Phil FeldI man. Maurice Frank, Gilbert FrelN''wni(in Meeting to plan strategy were I don, Jacob Friedman, Julius Goldthe 40 captains In this section « ho j ivr, Saul Graetz Kd'.v/jrd H. Will have the tCiptinMbllity fur ! Green, Sum It. Green, Arthur the solicitation of 3'KJ women Greene, Elmer Gross, Paul Grossman, Morton Illller, Freda Jarobwithin this croup. 5on, Abe Katelmnn, Martin ICimSUPIKT, A|irll 23 j mel, Leonard, Phil Laser, Mr», Nflivmnu announced that • rurktail hour and supper on Edward Levinson, Kail Louis, LesWednesday cvrnlnj;, April 2.1, will ter Marcus, Alvyn Meyer, Joseph Cllmnx the actlvltlrt fur her illvl- Meyer, Jerome Slilder, Jack Newman, Maurice Pepper, Edward Z. lloii. Meanwhile, tempo speeded tip Hoscn, Walter Rosenberg, Irving In other sectloai of the Women's Schncldermnn, Robert Sllvcrmnn, Division, us the Intensified part Millard Speler, Oscar Sulln, Nayian Turner, Paul Veret, Leo Of the campaign got underway. Three additional "coffee hours" Waxenberc, Milton Yudelson and {or women with In the next week Mls» lleatrice Sommer. will Conclude a series of meetings Al .Mr*. Veneer's Home devoted to "Philanthropies Story." Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Alx> V. Venger were memlwrs of Young Matron'* Slwt The spirit that personifies her IJ-Tenm: Me.sdames: Harry youth prevaded the meeting of Altsuler, Paul Mntcky. I,ouls Captains In the Junior Women's Illumkin, Ruebcn Brody, Fred Section, Friday, 21, at the home Ilrodlcey, Louis Canar, Sam CoOf Mrs. Elmer Novuk, where up- ben, Arthur A. Cohn. Irving wards of 50 young matrons got Freedman, Morton Frledlander, together for tlieir part In the Phil Gcrclick. Yale Ginsburg, Max tlly-wlde campaign. Grpenlwri;, Gerald Gross, Joe On Itttnd t o a n i w c r i|iif*tth>i)M In Gu;.s, Nathan Horwich, Walter • ilUetimilon jH*riod Hint followed Jacobson, Harold, Kasin, Jack J, organizational planning wu* Mrs. Kaufman, Morris Kooin, Ilyman i. Hurry Kiilnkofnhy. (Imt ilmlr- Kr.ifl, Joseph D. Lerner, M. F. mnh und founder of the Wmni'n'j I.evens'in. Irvin C, Levin, Isidor DlvUlon, 3D yearn ago. Levinson. Isailure M. I.iherman, Mrs, Kulakofsky was intro- Leonard M. I.tittlieg, J. Milton duced to the Junior Women's Sec- Margolin. Morris Margolin, Leo tion, by Mrs. Den Shapiro, this L. Milder, Jnclc Newherg. Sam year's Women's General chair- Orloff. liornnnl Plotkln. William man, "(is a figure nil of us Hndu/.lnd'.iicn P.osen, Philip Itosmight well emulate and lit one iConlinucd on Pace TM who commands/the respect and admiration of the entire Omaha community for her unselfish devotion and years of service to philanthropic cause1;."

Big Program Set for B'nai B'riih Event

Community JCi'tjiiiuslMllllea Mrs. Calvin M. Newman, chairman of the Junior Women'/) Section, told the group of young women this newly organized division, functioning for the first time this year, must demonstrate to the community that "we, too, are aware of our responsibilities to our community and our fellow Jews." "Coffee hours" brought croups of workers together on Monday at tin homo of Mm, Herman Friedman, one of the campaign majors; at the homo of Mrs. Abo Venger, • another ninjor on Tuesday and at tha homo of Mrs. David Frank, Thursday whero Mrs. Alfred Frank, a major mot with workers. Mil, Friedman, Honlms Meeting Monday st ths horns

Many community leaders and business executives will be In attendance at the Henry Monsky I/KIKC I'ast Presidents' banquet, Wednesday eveninc, April 2. TieKet sales, to date, reveal that the D'nril B'rlth lod(;e Is Kettinu suport for its annual service1 fund banquet to he held at Highland Country Club at 0:n0 p. m., Sidney Tnrcn, c'-neral chnlrnian, announced. Mr. Taren aald thnt the fund raising needs and nil enjoynhle program hehiR lined up by Marvin Trellcr and Ilalph Nogg Is tnoetlnfj with Rood response from both patron* and members of tho lodgo. Tickets still oan bo obtained by contacting Mr. Taran at WE 0743 or Ruben Llppelt, lodg« president, AT 5721.

United Nations. N The United Nations C '..oaion on Human Rights \oled to postpone until next yen a decision on a resolution embodying basic principles for eliminating the discrimination in education. ffupdc Principles At the mime time, the Commission adopted a resolution stating that the Commission was In favor of drafting the basic principles of the eradication of discrimination in education but only after receiving further comments from g o v ernment.s. Debate showed that the C'omiiilwdon mainly failed to reach agreement on a definition of discrimination. Most delegations favored employing the criterion of Intent to discriminate, while others, particularly the United SlutoK. felt tluit action which remitted In ileM-rlminntlon, even It it were unintentional, should be Included. Israels delegate Haim Cohen, Attorney General of Israel, objected to the American definition of discrimination. He noted that certain separate facilities In education did not In fact and should not in law constitute discrimination. He cited the separate school systems in Israel for Araha and (or ultra-Orthodox sects like Nettirci Karta. who wanted their own school systems and were allowed by the Israel Government to have them. The British and French delegate* supported the Israeli position. Point Illustrated Dr. Isaac Lewin. Agudas Israel World Organization representative was Interrupted by the Soviet delegate when he pointed out that Jordan, In preventing Jews from going to the Walling Wall was practicing a form of religious discrimination. The Russian, A. A. Fomln, was upheld by the chairman R, S. S. Gunewardene of Ceylon who cautioned Dr. Lewin not to make critical references to specific countries. The "exchange was touched off when the Agudas Israel representative stressed the right of everyone to have access to great religious shrines, and cited the Jordanian ban as a violation of this right. Mr. Fomln then Interrupted to charge that a particular country was being attacked.


filtered as Serond-C!us« Mutter ut Pout- Annual Huts 4 UoJIari office, Omaha, Ncbiusku, under Act of 187') single Copy 10 Ccntl

r Rosenblatt is >rary Chairman Mayor to Serve 10th Anniversary Committee

Mayor John Jtoienblntt

Complete Program Planned for Camp A set of Intrinsic principle! have always guided the planning of the Camp Jay-C-C program, Dr. Daniel Millor, camp committee chairman, said as he stressed their importance with the approach of the 1958 season. As outlined by Dr. Miller, they are based on providing campers with experience In outdoor living, fun and adventure, social adjustment-teaiii ' work, getting along with others, developing undnrfttnmllng Ix-twcen groups and Individuals, K°°d hr.nltll, dftvelopment of skill* relating to out-ofdoor* and positive Jewlsl^ Identification. Registrations for the coming summer camping periods are pouring In and already have exceeded the number for the same period, last year. Dr. Miller urged parenti to enroll their children as soon as possible because the camp can only accommodate a limited number. "We had more applications than we were able to accept last year," Dr. Miller added. "We hope that those who are planning to 'go* to Camp Jay-C-C will not deify In registering," Camp Jay-C-C, sponsored by the Federation for Jewish Service will open July 20 and run until August 17. The season will be divided Into two regular sessions of two weeks ench, . -

Premier Examines Israel's Fyfure Foreign Policy Jerusalem (JTA)—A series of long-range predictions involving Israel's relations with various world jKnvcn; wna presented by Premier David Ben Gurion to a closed meeting of Mapai leaders in Tel Aviv. The discussion of the realities of Israel's foreign policy took place in a Mapai "ideological circle" where one of the participants was recently retired Army Chief of Staff Brig. Moshc Dayan. Mr. Ben Gurion reportedly made the following point.1;: 1 / There in no likelihood in the foreseeable future of any. basic change in Soviet policy toward Israel. 2. There Is little chance that Communist China will revise Its altitude toward Israel.

Yarlton Bridge Opened Tel Aviv (JTAI—A new bridge over the Yarkon Hlver was formally opened by V. S. Ambassador Edward B, I.awson and Minister of Labor Mordccal Numir. The 150 foot long span wag financed In part by an American grant-lnald funds.

3. The United States Is extending Israel Important, multifaceted aid, but it will not supply arm*. 4. There is no sign of India's entering Into diplomatic relations with Israel, depite promises to do lo. 5. The attitude In Britain toward Israel is changing In a favorable direction, but the British Government's Middle East policy is still determined by Its oil interests. G. The unification of Western Europe increases tho importance o( that area—particularly Germany—for Israel. In that connection. Israel's close ties with France aro of utmost importance and will remain so in the future. 7. 'Mirope Is a source of arms for Israel, but should also become a source of a "political d^teri^nt" to Aral) aggression against ,'^rael. Dr. Clora Josephtlial, the Mapni's general secretary; who participated In the foreign policy review, proposed that Israel establish a technical nid program for underdeveloped Asian and African countries. ;

Mayor John Rosenblatt has accepted appointment as Honorary Chairman of the Omaha Commit* te for Israel's Tenth Anniversary Celebration according to announcement this week by David Blacker, chairman of the local > committee. He has In the past served on a number of committee! of the Federation for Jewish Service and headed the 1936 Jewish Philanthropies campaign. Mayor Rosenblatt in accepting the post, declared, "It Is with great pride that I join the community of Omaha in observing the tenth birthday of this proud' young nation. Ten years Is but * day In the history of a people as old as the Jews, but the record of ten years of Israel falls little short of miraculous. It is an Impressive record of achievement and progress and Israel and her friends have reason to be extremely proud." More than 125 outstanding leaders of the Christian and Jewish community of Omaha comprise the honorary committee which. Mayor Rosenblatt heads. Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of th» American Jewish Congress, li chairman of the national committee. Omaha activities will begin with the exhibit of "Israel through its Stamps" on-TucMlay night, April 22 at the Joslyn Memorial following an 8 p. in. performance of tlKP" accomplished OZ group of dancen and singers. Guest speaker will b» Paul Veret, executive director of the Federation for Jewish Service, who returned last week from a three week tour of Israel with a B'nal B'rlth delegation. The entire community will be Invited to attend this Initial activity free of charge.

Rabbi Brooks Will Speak in Franklin Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Temple Israel will represent th« Jewish Chautauqua Society as lecturer at Franklin Public Schooli • In Franklin, Nebr. Monday mornIng,'March 31st. The Rabbi will •peak on the subject "Survey of The Jewish Faith." The Nations] Federation of Temple Brotherhoods sponsors the Jewish Chautauqua Society, an organization disseminating authentic Information concerning Judaism, as'part of an educational program The Omaha Jewish Phllanthroplcs Includes the Jewish Chautauqua Society as a beneficiary and makes an annual allocation towards Its program and activities.


Norman Batt to Appear on KMTV Norman Halt, member of th» Federation's Camp Jay-C-C committee will he inteiviewed by Mary Ann Peters on KMTV's noon program, Ilunsihj. April 8 In recognition of Amcilem Camping Week. May 1-8 Mr. Batt aNri S I H M as !Lilson between the Jay-C-C committee and the YWCA c imp committee.

Israel May Receive $15,000,000 Loan W a s h i n g t o n (JTA > -Final agreement Is e\[iected on a S I V 000,000 lo.m to Israel h> the United States Development Loan Fund. The credit would be uvd for the erection of power dcvelc >ment projects in Israel.




Friday, March 18, IMS

With the Home Folks l

Ray Felrman Donates Passover Wine to Home

« Or. PhiJI* Th. A(r4 by

Mr. Morris Oroni—Nisan 18. **M JxrUk I D u U Orkaw. Ray Kcllmun made his annual Mrs. Tema Bush—Nisan 21. FabUabed Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish Service . I Uaat Malilnr PnvUeKM Authurlud at Unuba, Nepraaka. Miirch 22: A special Kldduih donation of wine for the entire March 16: A Pair of Iied-ralls I SubacrloUvo, »4.00. ldvartlalna Rates on Application., Passover period t o the Dr. Philip for the new Hiidi-Low Hospital was isivoi by the family of Mm. i ot ic»— 1M No auh HUttt, Omaba. Ncbr. JACXKD 1M*. Beds were donated by a special Rose Kagan on the occasion or Sher Jewish Hume for the Aged. „. Address «0« 80 asui Slrert. (URS.) rRJUJCE3 KLEIN WJtor group consisting of the lolluwing: her Yahrzeit. The Mosclames Julius Chasnou-, • March 23: Rabbi Sidney Brooks Frank Comliar, Fred Hahn, Cecil was our visitor to-day. Bar and Bas Mitivah laenstfltt, Joe Lcvln«ky and Max March 29: Mrs. Rose Goldfeln, , All Meads aad ralaUrai • » Mag-id. Thank You! home resident, will give a KidInvited to attend tentoea and March 17: The beautiful flowers diuh In honor of the birth of a receptions. at the Home this week were sent great-grandson, l4>wrence i^ee, on HABCIA COHEN by The Wp/kmch's Circle Society March 20th to Mr. and Mrs. John Ufc (Sabbfl Mvtraat* BARBARA FABILMAN of Omaha. Our Folks always ap- Goidfeln of Lincoln, Neb. MazelJOAN BROOK8TEIN 25 Years' Experience preciate the effect of flowers in tovl Hi-Fi Donated: Mr. and Mrs. SUSAN BROOK8TEIN David Orkow have presented an the public rooms at the Home. MABDEE 80KOLOF With Jewiih Orthophonic R.C.A. vicUvla to The March 19: The Council of Jew- Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home For A group Bas'Mitzvah will lake LeHerin) and Memoriali place at the Beth Israel Syna- ish Women Arts and Crafts Class The Aged, In memory of Jacob W. BETH 1SBAEL gogue (hi* Friday evening, March was held to-day and started a new Frank, who passed away at the 2211 So. AT24S2 Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor 28th at 8 a. m. Each of the follow- project under the direction of The borne rncently., Eli Kagan, Beth Israel choir and ing girls will celebrate her Bas Mmen. A. Cohn, A. Gser, M. KirBag Mitzvah group will conduct MlUvah: Marda Cohen, daughter shenbaum, S. Roseblum. and M. late Friday evening services at of Mr. and Mrs. HaskeU Cohen: Venger. March 30: Sam Poster, Cabal, 1 p . m . Rabbi Groner'i lermon Is Barbara Parilman, daughter of entitled "Preparing for Tomor- Mr. and Mrs, Irving Parilman; chanted special prayers In the row." Joan Brookstein, daughter of Mr. Home Synagogue for the following, Traditional Friday evening serv- and Mrs. Irving Brookstein; Susan whose Yahnelt come* in the month 850 PARKWOOD LANE ices (Kabbolai ShabbosJ begin at Brookstein, daughter of Mr. and of Nison: Dr. Mtnuel Grodinsky—Niaan «:30 p. m. Sabbath morning serv- Mrs. Aaron Brookstein, and MarBaautiful, modern 6-room home, trend now. Two ices begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior dee Sokolof, daughter of Mr. Joe 16. Mr. Morris Nogg—Nlsan 17. ^ congregation at 10 a. m. Itabbi Sokolof. fireplaces, 3 baths, beautiful recreation room, big Groner will conduct the Talmud two-car garage, all Westinghoute kitchen, caieclagi at 6 p. m. Sabbath Mlncha JERRY SLCSKT ment windows, big bedrooms. Jerry Slusky, son of Mr. and at 8:30 p. m. followed by Sholeahe . BsUdrnja and feativala S'etidos and Maariv. Daily morn- Mrs. Abe Slusky, will observe his Holidays begin Sundown of Ing services at 7 a. m.: afternoon Bar Mitzvah this evening and pmvious Day, PRICED TO SELL AT ONLY services at 6:40 p. m. Sunday Saturday morning, at Beth El First Day of Passover. .April t morning services begin at 8:45Synagogue. a. m. followed by breakfait and Rabbi's class in bible, Sunday Israel tapers off to the Negev. morning Junior Minyan, followed Ex-Omahcm Dedicates southward* to its tip at Eilat Open every Sunday prom.2:30-S:00 by Breakfast, itarU at 8:30 a. m Industrial Building where it Is only 9 miles wide. Nate H. Sherman, native OmaThe Talmud Discussion group N*tM — GL 2224 Home — TE 3S6S meets tvery Tuesday evening at han, dsdlcated the automotive InSollcltiMa, Year Potronaqe 7.00 p. m. at BHH SynagOBue, I9th dustry's newest warehousing, ship•nd Burt, and services every Sot. ping and office building In'ChiHENRY MONSKY cago, at the grand opening of tho morning at 9 a. m. LODGE NO. 354'i International PsrU Corporation, Club bible will: have a ChomcU March 20 and 21. Past President's Omaha members of the Sherparty on Saturday. March 29th at 8 JO p. m. in the recreation room man family who attended the event were Mr, and Mrs. David ef the Talmud Tornh. it's Club Shalom will entertain Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Wednesday, April 2 the residents of the Doctor sner Sherman, Mr. and Mr*. Phillip 4:30 P.M. Home on Sunday, March 30th at Rosenblatt, and Mr. and Mr*. Leo Milder. David and Isidore are 3 p.m. Highland Country Cfub for Sherman's brothers, and Mrs. Rosenblatt and- Mrs. Milder «re his XEMFLE ISRAEL A Fund Railing "Man Only" sisters. Service* will be held at Temple Affair Featuring: Tsrael Friday at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Cocktail Hour •Sidney H. Brooks will preach on this evening will be held at 8:15 j "Why I am A Reform Jew"— p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will Gourmet Dinner This is the Isaac M. Wise Memorial deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron ! entertainment Sabbath. I. Edgar and the Beth El Synn-, OLD PASHIONID . Shabbai morning. services will gogue Choir will render the musiPer fee held at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi cal portions of the service. GEFILTE FISH Ticker* 2 5 Plate Brooks officiating and the Re- Sabbath morning services will ligimi School choir, under the di- be held at 9:30 a. m. Junior ConFor Rsiervaliom Contact Vour choice of rection of Miss Ida Gltlin, singing gregation services are at 10:30 Golden JELLED or SIDNEY TARENT the musical portions of the serv- a. rn. Mlncha-Maariv Services arc ices. Golden LIQUID broth • • » . Chairman, WE 074S at 6:15. Daily services are at 7 a. m. 'MM. RUBEN UPPETT, Pres. BETH EL and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning from th« ipetUti kltthtnl of AT S724 Service* at Beth El Synagogue service is at 9 a. m. KOSHW f.r rASSOVM © MotWr'i rood Fioduili, Inf., Ntwoik 5, U. ) .


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m Friday, March 18, lesfl


'Eddie Cantor—A Way of Life!'




Couple Plan A Ri

Jacobs Bride-Elect

A rcvipw of hi* AutnliloKruphy iiu; of 280 million for A U f j U S t R l t e S by Mr*. Sam Kut/.muii. charily; Ihc qiiickii(.'.ss or wit ;iml ,„ , , ,,,,,,i, l i ,,. An August ls being \ . (Editor's Note—Mr. (Junior nil timing of the true comedian which be the 'recipient of tJic Jlrth Inrucl brought to us the title fur an- pliinncfl ljy .Miss Kva Galirielle , i.'r of IJJS Angeles, Cal., Announcement has been made Annual Humanitarian Award to mini polio drives • T l <• .M.iicli t •nn-Jit to Dr. Donald I bo prewntrd »1 a dinner, April 30 Dimes"; the uiifaltct nu fulth • ^ v/ho> of the engagement of Miss Susl* n of Mr. and Airs, • t the SynuifoKiii'.) his r;od and his p (• Hint kept Jacobs and Charles David Peebler, "Take My Life" is the title of driving him tu plci ',*.• tlie fi.ilc M o l T a CJriM'r has been announced. | Jr. lect is the daughter •I'll bi-lileEddie C a n t o r 's autoblouraplty of 50 million dollars n Iximls for , Miss Jacobs, daughter ot Mr. and . Mai- anna Lederer of Los however, this Is more than just Israel (in two cmn|iens lie hus " f Mrs. Morris Ellas Jacobs attended the story of a life. Rather, it is already reached t In .'!() million Angcli's and Krcd Lederer of New Brlarcliff College In New York. York C'ily, N, Y. the tale of a "Way of Life." Were dollar mark, i Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lederer is now attending Is depicted the deep humility that The Cnnlur w if life hasI i nl t h CMiss Charles David Peebler attended i y f CCa I l f of r ni a Is second nature to a great hu waVs"fo-unTro<)Vn''f<Jtt"wanira n d ! i . .!UJ,'!i.Ver8 " ° l " ' LW Drake University, Des MoJnes, l a . Angeles ' m a n being; here is the unaffected The couple plans a summer Dr. Green, n graduate of the simplicity that has made Eddie wedding. rri'lghton University School of .:• Cantor an "International Citizen.' Here i«>the story of a man; who, Medicine Is now completing a Fel Patronize Our Advertiser! ' In.the greirjhess of hli spiritual low.ihlp in Endocrinology at' the •tature, q u e s t l o m "But have J UCLA Medical Center. '•'; mad* l t f H a v e I ever •made'lt?" Dr. Green and his fiancee will At* Your Thin in responie to his personal spend the Passover holidays with Miss lona Karl Ambition "to be a man long after his parents In Omaha. j j was through as ali entertainer." • i Some 66 years ago, small (both sin s ta rur* and physical stamina), Philanthropies young Eddie Ca n t o r lived in poverty on the lower* east side Women's Division - >: Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Karl Rout* Man of New York City and dreamed alaiuioonce the betrothal of their ways of hearing thousands applaud Meetings for • i n d laugh at his ability to enter. daughter^ lona, to Gerald E. MondHy, March 31. 10:30 Jtalii and his never-ending source PASSOVER DAIRY a m , Mrs. Herman Friedman, Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norof sense of humor. The fact that man L. Green of Santa Monica, PRODUCTS Major, B team, at the home of dreams do come true is world. . •.-:'• . ••••.;• . v ••• . ; ; • . • . • . Mis. Dnvld Bernstein, 720 No. c m ^ ', renowned In this instance. a HIM Selection The bridegroom to-be Is a stu57 Avenue. .•' Sut; more Important, Is the dent of Cre'ightoft University, GraysroiM at Your Deer realization of other, perhaps less Junior Section ; 'publicized and less known artibl Friday, March 28, 1 p. m. School of Pharmacy; h a The couple plans to b« married .'•• tlons In the. Cantor way of life. Mrs. Leonard Goldstein, Major : JBddle Cantor Sign of Good Taste The ; lndomnltable s p i r i t which at Mrs. Goldstein's home, 505. June 28 at pethlsrael Synagogue. - achieved g o a l / which were lhNo. £2 Street, 3851 Leavenworth ' Itcnded'io help all the peoples of cIoiM family relationship; always Monday, March 31,1 p. m,— "MIRACLE MILK" ; !«h«i .world—Irrespective: o f race, Close to his heart and mentioned The Easter Seal "Miracle Mile" Mrs. Marlon Sombcrg and Mrs. Ph. AT 3883 most frequently Ida and his five "creed or source of origin, TTie ImNathan Novak, Majors, at #111 be held Sunday. passioned w>a| which 1ms led to the. daughters. Always, .the desire to home of Mrs, Leo -Elsenatatt, ability to house at Surprise Ijike help • others—-young people with 721 Hnckborry Drive. Camp In New York State more f r e s h , ; n e w t a l e n t s . •/::•:.';•.••'.•'..•'-.• ••;"•'Wednesday, April 2 , , f p. m. There l i too the telling of the than 2400 boys, The determined —•'Mrs, Irvin Gcndler and Mrs* Urjflrf which he to often instills making of friendships' with many Pennlc Davis, Majors, at home In other*) to accomplish the ratis« of our contemporary greats, both In the field of entertainment 'and of Mrs. Irving Malashock, 681 Hnckberry Road. t nil other phases of public life. This ,is.the life sitory of Eddie jCaritpr—\ Hch, exciting, funny—and yei, «nd. This Is "Mr, Heart" of 1957—this MlOrC r N Is the way o( life: of one hian; Sol Mlreff Eddie C a n"t o r—whose warmth, CenpltM Plumbing S*rvle« vitality, and urgent personality A Charm Course for girl* In the Am«ffein Stmndmtd Plumbing Seventh and eighth grades will have delighted people throughout Suppllil stnrt thin Sunday afternoon nt the the world for almost « half cenSilt ND, Illh tury. Je'vlnh Community Center. Offlco I'f. 4100 Hi.mfHl SStl Six Sunflny (tensions mnrtlni; at 8 ». in. will be supervised by n well trained and experienced model. All Fish Cleaned and Filleted The fee for the proK'rnm Is $,1.00, with the »i/.e of the cnurke being Without Any Extra Charge limited to Insure the KIHX lenrnlnK ALL as much as possible from the perPhone Your Order and We Will • o n a l l z c d instruction, it was • an"ounccd. Havp It Ready for You 'Jlie Charm Course will Include •Visions on modeling, hair styling, clothing, sroomlng and personality hints. Girls may bo registered for the course by malilng in the A Cherry Liqueur apnlicatlon form mailed to them AT 8720 1608 Hamey Street or by calling th? Center's Athletic

Graystone Dairy

Miss lona Karl To W d June 28




Charm Course to S*vt This Sunday



Department, JA 1360.


Young Judea Cubs Formed Young Judes clubs' for girls In the fifth, sixth and seventh, grades, are now being formed. The groups will elect their own officers and chairmen, name their clubs, and plan activities for summer and fall as well as for the duration of this school year, One d u b of sixth graders hai' already been organized with Barbara Bercutt ai leader. Its membership, limited to fifteen, still hm - openings for eight Kir's. Applicant! are Invited to contact the Jewish Community Center Youth Office.

? Year* Old ,

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r.fxiAi. MiTrn: NOTICK 01-' A M I . N m i l A ' T TO AIIMCI.KS OF I.V( lllll'llllATIO.V T» «h/>m H mnf oHicern, J>>J4« talc* i-jtlr. th*t the ArUclr-i .if Ifwx.a" .mMon of N*U(rti*l dill }Wni r.-imvmY nt ;v>r,r»«k« hAVa b*«n Ajiicii'tnl in t i n / i\\n*lt\£ manner: "Anldfl KU-lil — Ttie A>r«n-t;it<' Dumber of tfurri wlilch lti« i!,.ri»>r*lu>n 1« author!**"! to tinue ti 'me iiun'.lroi th./u. isrvl (IO«>.OOO>. dlvMM inin one eliM. Thl« el«*( ot aiiATM itwill l»« tJ>M!KU3tf*1 »a frimnvm HlORlt,' «n<1 MTtsll h i v e a I»«r y&ius <»f On« Dt.uar per »)i*re, t M two tluiiuali'l (2.0OOI «TIArtM ot M14 VstcX fthjUl


Passover Jbods Sinai Kosher Sausage Breakstone Dairy Products Kopper's Selected Chocolates Manischewitz Products and


Aviv Matzos from Israel I Many Other Passover Items' Out-of-Town Orders Given Our Careful Attention 50TH AND UNDERWOOD

RE 5560



Course in Bait Casting Offered

KADIO AND BECOHD MACmNE KEFAIO CLASS A short course in bnit casting Ybuth Council members Inter tsted In registering for the radio will be offered at the Jewish Community Center by a local expert and record machine repair course roust contact Paul Shyken, WA ns boon as sufficient registrations 9106, or the Youth Office, JA 1366, are received at the Outer Athletic Office. before Sunday, March .10. The The class will meet one nicht a group will toon begin meeting once week with equipment provided by a week under the supervision of Robert Wiseman, an expert in the the Center and Is open to both field. Only minor expenses will be men - and women. No foe is Incurred to cover the cost of required. materials used.

Novelist Contributes

Mtey, Muck M. MM

Jews in Baltic States Resisting Assimilation Luiulnu (WS'S)—Itcslslame to iHMiuillution ummiK Lithuanian mill I»alvlull JriVM Mil*, (!lHrli)M-<l IliTf In u report ulilili Milil Unit till- Jewries of tliohc I'llintrlit lire striving to raalrit.iln nllgiiHiN fra'dltloiiN and culturul fwtfvlttea tmilcr Hnvlet ml« <lr»i>ite (he many OIKIJM'IPS' and tllffliultlc*. Lith. unnls and Latvlu wtx? annexed by the. Hoviet Lnlon In 1039.

YOUTH C0CNC1L MKETtN<TS Youth Council meetings are open To Medical College to all Youth Council members, it The Impact of that development New York < W N S ) — F a n n i e was announced by Paul Shyken, Hunt, noted novelist, has made a is being increasingly ielt by the president Voting privileges are contribution of $360,000 to theJews within the Soviet Union who given to .Youth Council officers Albert Einstein College ofLMedi- have lived for the past forty yean and club representatives, but ob- dne for the establishment of a under Communist asstmilationlst •ervon arc welcome to take part laboratory unity lot cardiovascu- pressure. The Jews in the Baltic In all discussions. Youth Council lar research to be named In mem- states, the report' says, drcanv members may have topics placed ory of'her late husband Jacques of emigration to Israel through On the agenda by requesting their Danielson. repatriation to the countries of: club representatives to Inform the president The tentative agenda for the next Youth Council meeting, scheduled for Wednesday evening, Apnl 16, Includes the status of unaf(Jliates in the Youth Council, the teen code, the Youth Council constitution and the Bent Club Award.

their former orl|(in. Soviet fliitliorilies would like to smother tin- revival of Jewish consclousncm In the Vilna and Kovna areas, but to accomplish this thej would huve to de|»rt whole communities. Tlicrc Hjt Yiddish section In the Vilna state library and synagogue services are reported drawing many vvotthlwwrs. among them young people, It It this trend that is behind the .reluctant consent .of the Soviet authorities to repatriate many Jews to Poland rather than to hare them disturb the process o f Jewish assimilation In th* Soviet. Union, Prior, to the repatriation development, .many Jewish families were removed from Jewish communltl" in, cen-


YOCTH COUNCIL PHILANTHROPIES: The Youth Council is making - plans to take part in the 1938 Philanthropies campaign. Chairmen and club representatives wlU soon be appointed. Those interested in ^directing and working with this project should contact the Youth Council president or the, Youth Council office. DELEGATES TO GIRLS STATE * Among those representing Cen tral High School at the seventeenth annual Cornhusiker Girls State, 'June 13-21 at, the University of Nebraska, are ftotanne Siporin, delegate, and Nancy RIchnrAs alternate. Girls who are high tchoUtstlcally In t h e i r j u n i o r Classes are chosen to attend the •vent sponsored by the American Legion Women's Auxlllnry

r the new high "hemline"...'. the Hew show of color ... in PHOENIX hosiery

Faihlon-RlghbMu Begh» with Hoiiery to Totu Ereiy Coittune

t • '

Wrestling Tourney To Be Held April 13 The Annual Youth Council Wrestling Tournament Will be staged Sunday, April 13th. High school rules and weights will be followed In conducting this tournament, Jeff Swartz, Youth Council Athletic chairman, announced. .A team trophy is to be presented to the winning team while individual trophies arc to be presented to winners of Individual weight classes. High school wrestlers are presently preparing for the tournament each day after school In the Center's workout room.

tral Ruieia so as to Immunize them from the Influences of UtOM who are determined to keep Jew» ishntfis ftHve.

» • ; ' - .


*. \

, .


Kill-(aibic«*<] Mcrtt,



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Fret dolivcry within UrjndeK regular delivery iirrn. For t"jlnt« beyond our rriulur •res, plenxtr arid 2>V unlcifl othtnvlui stat«d. Hroii Iwynnil Parctl Po«t Limitations l


March ft, IHt


Organizations BETH El, OI'EN IIOAItl) MEKTING Beth £1 Sisterhood will hold f>n open hoard moetipg (it 12 .'SO p m Tuesday, April 1st, In the synugotme social hnll. Dessert lunchcon will be served. Circle No. 15, headed by Mtnrs. David Platt and Jack Epstein will be in charge of arrangements. All sisterhood members are urged to attend this Informative session

World Jewish CMId's Day Occupies Attention Of Governor Anderson and Hadassah Leaders

13. and P. Women


Mr and Mrs. Robert L. Hoffman of Kansas City, Mo., announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Michelle, March 10. Tliey have another daughter, Klaine Patrice. Mrs, Hoffman Is the former Beverly Hurwlch of Omaha. Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurwlch of-Omaha, Mr. and ft. Max S. Hoffman of KanKau City, Mo.-Also of .the latter city B'>ndrl» Unitrrelly Brnmlels University W o m e n if, Mrs I.. Cioodm.ui, front Krand held their annijnl bingo parly for rnother. veteran* at Veterans Hospital mi Mr. mid Mrs. Jnck Cl^elmnn an Thiirsdn'y, nfternoun, Man:h 27. TV- rhnirman. MM Mm Inn IIIH'r nounce the birth «f ft daughter, and Mrs, Vern Vance, wore as- .Sharon, Marcli 21. They hnve tu<j sons, Mii.iidcl mid Itobi-rt. sisted by Mrnrs ("I in nrc B a r man and Bernhnrdt Wolf. HlfiMA PEI.TA TAtT A1WMNAK KI.K.CTIOV The Oniahn Alumnae I>Hi:ue of BlRmo Delta Tnu Sorority will hold Its election of officers nt their Spring party luncheon Saturday, .March 29th at 1 p, m. nt Ancolo'u Studio Inn. A social ofternmn of cards will follow. Mrs. Joseph Polack Is In charge «f luncheon arrnncements. reservations are bring taken by Mrs. Polack, GL. 1227 nnd by Mrs. Justin Manvltz, RE, 9509.

Mr. and Mrs. David Hurry Colien announce the birth of n daughter, I'timcln Ti'iri, March lOlh. Grandparents are Mr. and JMrs Max Kri/f.'lrnan vt Omaha rind Mr. and Mr«. Ojrporal Cohen of Rockport, Mo. Great-Krandprirents nrv Mr. and Mr». Dave Znorwill of Phllndelphla, Pa., formerly of 'ouncll liluffn. la.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edward Duttch nnnoiince the birth of n daughter, Deborah Kn'chcl on Monday. They are also the parents of a ion, David Mathin.i. Grrindparents are Mr. ohd Mrs. A new strain of firm tomato fruits named "Tamnr," has been Melvln Dulteli of Spokane, Waih., developed by Dr. O\ed Slilfiiv. nnd Mrs. M. F. Levcnson.

Plant Genetics Secllonhrad, Writmiuin Institute of Science, Israel.

(Continued from Page 1.) onblatt, Meyer N. Hubln, Robert II, Silver, Abe Slusky, Julius A. Slcin, Philip Turck, Isadora H. Weiner, Albert L. Wohlner and Mn\ Wolfson. Mm. I''rank has tiiitlierwig Meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Dave W. Frank were members of Mrs. Alfred Frank's B-Team: Mesdames: William Albert»: Abe Bear, Don Cohen, Max Falk, Abe Feldrhun, Mas Frank, Jlermnn Franklin, Morns J, Franklin, John J. Frelden, Arthur Friedman, Arthur tt Goldstein, Jacob Gooduinder, Leonard H. Gould, Henry L. Greenbcrg. Ben Handler, Stanley Hereoff, Jack Jacobson, Joe Kahn, Maurice Katclmnn, Dave Kabrnan, Julius Kat/man, Charles Kimmel, Delmar Klein, Max Krlzclman, Harry Llppett, Joe Mpton, Harry D. Marks, Milton NcnrcnberK, Iearlore F. Oberman, Albert A. Orach, Maurice II, Pcssen, William Poster, Morton Richards, Paul Sacks, Max Shapiro, Morris J. Shapiro, Stanley Shapiro, Sam Shyken, Harry Sldman, Harold Siegel. Lazier Singer, Lquls Sogolow, Morris Stfllmuster, Ira Whilcbook, Jake Wine, Rlfhard Wright and Sam Zwelback. !

(Vuveninr Victor E. Anilerxun is tlionn signing Hie proi'lumutlon which deHnreil March 23, M World Jrnlih Clillil'i Day In Nebraska, Phoun with the (iutcj-nor from left »r« Mrnrs, Sain Oreen, Sidney Kntlpinnn, and Charles Kiim, prmlilentu of Omalia Iladauah groups; Mr», Lrsjcr Goldman, president or the Lincoln, N>br, chapter, and Mrs, Natlum Itrxnstrln, president of the Mountain Main* IteKlon, the latter (no, b«th of Lincoln, The Governor m » prefirnteil with a paper Height nvule or EUth •tone bearing the copper Mai of Youth Allyah, '

Beth Israel Re-issues Passover Recipes

"Passover Parade qf Recipes," ditcd and compiled by Mrs. Benjamin* Groncr, has been re-issued The athletic committee Is de- In an a tractive format at $1.50 pen • veloping a full program of activ- copy, with all proceeds going to Beth Israel Talmud Torah buildities for boys and girls. Ing fund. Copies may be obtained at the office of Beth Israel Synagogue. Patronize Our Advertisers

flans Made for 'Award Night' A summer athletic program was approved and plans were made for the annual Award Night Recognition program at the last meeting of the Jewish \ Community Center's Athletic commute*, Irvin Yaffe, chairman reported. Sandy ISrophy was named chairman of the annual award event. His committee includes athletic committee members,, l'hll Fox, Llndy Paul and Orville Milder.

Passover Greetings ' ifju?t fatm'i-J


* 'tasteli^' Past ...if it isn't

MANISCHEWITZ mstzos cftoiu ot tm enllt —T««|Ult(, » Mstioi [||,

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7810 Dodqt Itvtrly HUhFioM

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Beth EL Synagogue 22nd Annual Concert of Jewish Music • * • SPECIAL GUEST


Mamltchewifz > Strelr's - Rokcach - Morhor'i AH Voriotiei of Marios and Other Passover Products

of Chicago Canter Monric* O«ldfc«r«

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Sunday, March 30,8 P.M., Beth El Synagogue Sponsored by Beth El Men's Club

General Admission $1.50

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Water ffn

MMUHSAITHUMMAGK SAMS Omaha Chapter of Hndaw.ih will hold a rummage tale, Sunday and Mdnday, March 30 and 31 at 1017 No. 24 Street. Tfaosa having Items lit then* homes are asked to call Mrs, V. C, Pl»tt, GL.S090, for pick-up Receiving stations are at the homes of Mmea. Arthur Goldstein, 8343 Hickory Street: Sam Green, 511 So. S3 Street; William Raskin, 1030 No, 63 St., and Bcrnhardt Wolf, 5303 Nicholas Street. B ' W ISBAEL SISTERHOOD Officer* for the coming year will be elected at a meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood, April 8th at 12:30 p. m. in.the Synagonic social hall. "Cooking with Jewish Humor" Wilt he presented in a pro^mm by limes. Frieda Elewitr," Will Dloom, Irving Forbes, and Rubin Eat nor. Reservations may be made by call. Int? Mrs. Nathan Berg or Mrs Sam Roscnsteln. Baby sitters will be ilbl The Beth I i r a e l Sisterhood board will meet on Anrll Ut, nt the* home of Mm. Sam Knlzmnn, (Sisterhood president Plniw for the comlnB Mother-Daughter nnnrjuet will be dlsctmeil



Between You and Me


Campus News

DAKTMOl XII By Borit SmoUr Michael S'llimun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ijel Sulnnan will appear with COMMUNAL TRENDS: The eyes progress lit security bequests . , . t h t Dartmouth College Glee Club of Jewish, leader* In a number of Its endowments funds which In at Joslyn Museum Saturday. He is communities are directed toward 1938 stood at about *3.000,000 a junior al Dartmouth. have now reached a total of over an experiment in Chicago . The JewUh Federation of Chicago $9,300,000 . . . This is book value, YALE has itarted an aggressive promo- not market value . . . In tht last Itichard Gillnsky has been electtion campaign to have Chlcegoam two years the Federation was es- ed to Sigma XI honorary scientific Include the Federation in their pecially successful in securing leg- Society at Yale University, New wills . . . This campaign may acies and endowments . . . The Haven, Conn. A senior, he has been aerve as an example for Jewish interesting fact Is that while a on tht Dean's lilt throughout his Federations in a number of other good number of th* bequests art University career. He has attended Cities to follow . . . In some large substantial, there were also many school on « NROTC scholarship cities, like New York and Cleve- small bequesU ranging from $100 and mill bt commissioned an ensign land, securing legacies and endow to (5,000 . . . In addition to be- on graduation. . menu for the local Jewish federa- quests to the Federation, the Chition is a long (landing program cago Institutions affiliated with or ILL. . . . It has also been In existence the federation — like hospital!, Susan LJpp, daughter of Mr. and homes foe aged, children's Instituin Chicago for many yean . Mrs. Louis Lipp has bean Initiated tions — together have another However, The Jewish Federation In Chicago Is now determined to (7.000,000 in legacies and endow- into Shl-Al, national sophomore make 1958 a year of special effort ments . . . The idea of naming the activity honorary at tht Univer. . . It is preparing a handbook Jewish federations as beneficiaries sity of Illinois at Champaign. which will be mulled to Jewish in wills is still In Its early stages HELP FOB BOMBED CENTER lawyers, selected non-Jewish law- in a number of communities, but Memphis (WNS)—An appeal to yers, and trust officers of banks it is becoming" increasingly pop- the Negroes of Tennessee- to rush . . . Letters will also be sent to ular . . . Especially with Jewish with contributions to the rebuildpeople of means asking them for donors who are not certain that ing'of the bombed Jewish center endowments and legacies for the their children will continue to con- in Nashville was made here by tribute to Jewish charitable inFederation and its agencies . . Roy Wllklni, executive secretary Actually, the idea of securing such stitutions after the parent's death, of the National Association for the contributions goes back to the late (JTA Agency) Advancement of Colored People. Chicago Jewish philanthropist Julius Rosenwald . . . I t was he. who first urged friends and associate* to Include Jewish Federations in ^ their wills . .-. Since then the Chi cago Federation has made good

Lawson to Represent President in Israel Washington (JTA I— President Eisenhower dcsignated'Edward B Lawson, U. S. Ambassador to Israel, to represent him at brad's tenth anniversary celebration. The Inrael Embassy here said "The Government of Israel has deep admiration of Ambassador Lawson's qualities and of his services to international understanding." ,

Deaths MRS. SABAH UOBEUCK . Mn. Sarah Corelick., 90, died Sunday at the home of her daugh ter, M n . Rose Blumkin. She had lived In Omaha sine* 1922. Funeral service* were held Monday ' at the Jewish Funeral home with ^burila in Pleasant HilL i l n addition to Mrs. Blumkin, survivors are daughters, Mrs. Edwin Rosenblatt. Mrs. Moore Lasher and Mrs. Louis Friedman of Omaha; two sons, Mayer, Van Nuys, Cal., and Sam, Kansas City. Kara., 18 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren. ISBiUX BOND TVRCHASK • Washington <WN$)~Keprescnt•tive James Roosevelt, California Democrat, has introduced a bill In th eHouse 'calling for a joint resolution authorizing the U. S. to purchase 960,000,000 In Israel bonds in connection with its tenth anniversary observance.

Light One! DiscoverViceroy Gives You More Of What You Change To a Filter For Viceroy gives you the nuoamum filtration for the smoothest smoke of any cigarette. More taste, t o o . . . the. finest tobacco taste of all. Maximum filtration for the smoothest imoke—and finest tobacco taste. More of what yot| change to. afilterfor!

WMant Ads y Cirnu nu u u w u m <ua foot jit iMMln U n a " : . PASSOVER CARDS -BAR ,«nd Bas Mltzvah congratulations also for all JewUh holidays and special occasions. Movers News Stand. 1502 Dodge

BUSINISS OPPORTUNITIES INCOME OPPOKTUN1TY Reliable man or woman from thlsarea to service a route of cigarette machines. Wil! take 5 hrs. a week of your spare lime and can net as high as $275 monthly and can be built to full time business with our help, which could eventually net $20,000 anmully. No eM>eriiijre or sellinc necessary, route Is ' established for the operimr. To ). qualify* you must. h » w 5!i00 to $1800 cash immediately availsblc, which is secured, .'inrl a serviceable automobile. If sincerely interested w ; n c for n personal interview givniK plione numbor and brief outline of background to Box MH'i. St. Paul. Vinn.

Friday. March <1, IMf

Now oruBh-proof f'lp-op«n box or famous familiar paefc.


, M»rch tB, 1938



The Man With One Tongue—Saga of Pioneer Omahan By Charlrt M. Shortly a/tor the Civil War, a young (racier in northucatern Nebraska Indian territory faced band of hostile Indians. They had cultured him and were prcjwnng to scalp him when Chief Standing Bearf o the Pawnee Tribe Intervened to rescue the frightened youth. Julius Mpjer was the young trader, one ot the first Jews to settle In Nebraska, His friendship with Chief Standing Rear, begun on the verge of .death, lasted a lifetime. Decades later, Meyer's niece. Miss Lena Hehfcld of Omaha, re- Sioux and Ogallala reservations among them, to (hare their fate called: for more than forty years: if the "magic box," as they called "All his life Uncle Julius bore "Meyer was returning, heavily » scar on the left side of his head laden, from a trading trip In the it, should do harm to them. After •—though hardly visible on account Hay Springs country, when he the photograph was made, Meyer of his curly hair—where he had came upon a disorderly band of computed the cost to him at $800, been struck by one of the young bucks before Standing Bear saved red men, much the worse for 'fire which included travel expenses his life. Uncle Julius never for- water.' One of the largest and plus two ponies each for the got' him for that, and Standing burliest of the Indians approached chiefs. Bear never wanted for anything the sllghUy-bullt Meyer grabbed Prominent Jewish Leader while he lived that Uncle Julius hi* pack and gave him a jeering ' Yet, In all, he did, Meyer never shove which made the little Jewcould provide for him. forgot his Jewlshness. He was acish lad see stars. It also aroused Adopted by Omaha Tribe the trader's Ire, and he leaped Into tive in Temple Israel, Nebraska's Julius ' Meyer was born In the air and came down, landing a first synagogue, and helped orBnmberg, Germany, In 1851. and telling blow under the big fellow's ganize the Hebrew Benevolent emigrated to the United State* chin, The Indian dropped like a Society to provide aid to Jewish a t the age of thirteen. In 1866, l o g / T h e n . a / s i n g u l a r thing oc- Immigrants from Russia In the ha settled In the frontier town of curred. Instead of falling to and 1870's. He was a founder of the Omaha, joining his three older tearing Meyer to pieces, the re- Standard Club—the state's first brothers—Max, Adolph and Mor- maining red-men yvere struck with social club-rwhich was non^deItz, There, Julius became an In- the lad's pluck and the (act that npmlnatlonal. Subsequently, it bedian trader, using trinkets from he had downed one^lo much larg- came the Metropolitan Club, with a purely Jewish memtenhip, his brother Max's jewelry store and cigars manufactured by hi* er than himself. They grunted alTownsfolk were unable to exmost drunken approval, gathered brother Moritz. In return, he received furs, beads, mocassins, together Meyer's stuff and let' plain the mystery of Meyer's death, when he was found one wampum pouches and other items him go on." day In a public park with a bullet Operated a Curio Shop from the Indians. Before long, Meyer operated a curio shop In in his heart. Julius managed to learn Indian (Omaha relatives In addition to languages and, as a government Omaha, at the northeast corner Interpreter, he spoke at least six of Fornam and Eleventh Streets, Miss' Rehfcld, include v another Indian tongues fluently—the Onuu Known as the "Indian Wigwam," nIece,'Mrs. Nate Mantel!, a grandha, Ponca, Brule Sioux, Wlnneba- It became headquarters for his nephew, Nate Mantell jr., 'and (o, Pawnee and Ogallala. Adopt- Indian friends, and after the Un- niece, Mrs. Edward Gilbert, presed by the Pawnee tribe, he was ion Pacific Railway was com- ident of Temple Israel Sisterhood,) n a m e d "Bojc-ka-re-sha-hash-ta- pleted In 1869, it attracted wide ka," which means "Curly-haired tourist attention as a museum. white chief with one tongue." A Often he would bring, Indian man with "one tongue" is ob- chiefs to dinner at his sister's viously unable to talk out of both home and the children would gaze sides of his mouth, and Is there- awestruck at the fierce-looking Among the films to be presented visitors, who sat far away from fore trustworthy. the table and consumed food with- at the "Lolly-Pop Movie" for grade fchool youngsters on SunColonel T. W. McCullough. the out the aid of knives and forks. d.. March 30, In the auditorium of veteran Omaha newspaperman Meyer was a bachelor and lived the Jewish Community Center at and Meyer's friend, used to say: alone above his "Indian Wigwam" "The Indiana trusted Julius Meyer for more than forty years. He 2:30 p. m., will be "Behind the Implicitly.^-He always talked to loved to play the flute and in his Scene* at Walt Disney Studio" them with a 'straight tongue', lie home he entertained such prom- and a number of Walt Disney cartoons. - always told them the truth." inent artists as Adellnn Pattl and Lolly-pops will be distributed Lived With the Indians Nnhiim Franko. prior to the showing. All youngMrs. Herman Rehfcld, Meyer's Hn Voyage Matin sters are invited to bring their tlster, always remembered the When the Paris exhibition was long trading trips her brother held in 1889, Meyer took some friends and parents. Admission fee used to make, sometimes by foot, Indian chiefs—Including Standing per person Is 15 cents. sometimes on horseback. On these Bear—to Krance and remained occasions, he lived with the In- there with them for almost a year Do You Need Extra dians In their tepees and wigwams after a difficult ocean voyage, durTables or Chairs for weeks on end, sharing the ing which the Indian travelers rigors of wlldcrnrss life with were struck by seasickness and For Your Passover them. gloom. Later,, Meyer recounted Seder? Once Meyer took his friend, that it took many gifts and promHerman the Great, the noted mn- ises to appease the Indians on the WE ALSO HAVE glcinn and sleight-of-hand artist, high seas to get them Into better Baby Beds and on a trading mission to the In- spirits. dians. One evening, around a Meyer, uho died at the turn of RoHaway Beds campflre, Herman entertained th.e the century, left a valuable phoIndians by performing tricks In tographic record of the vanishing LET which he drew gold pieces from a Indian chieftains. In 1875 he silk hat Immediately, the Ipdians brought together four Indian looked uopn the hat « a magic chiefs at Omaha to pose for a picTake Care one,, arid after the magician gn had ture. They were 'afraid of the of Your Needs gone to.bed, they crept Into his camera, manipulated by a man tent In an attempt to steal It with a black cloth over his head. PhoR* AT 40S9 Herman might have been scalped They Insisted that Meyer stand had not Meyer, a light sleeper, awakened In time to halt the assault. Later, Herman was compelled to show the Indian* exactly how the trick was performed— TWELVE something he had never done for an audience before. Narrow Escapes Another story shout"", one of Meyer's narrow escapes was reDEMONSTRATORS lated by a Scotsman, Mai;e]|lcotte, an Indian ngent on the Brule ^ • ^ With GERELICK'S Exclusive

Walt Disney Movie To Be Shown



Dog Style Revue to Be Camp Reunion Attraction A slyle show by (mined dons will be one ofllie main attractions at Gimp Jay-C-C and^ Day Camp Reunion to be held at the Jewish Community Center on Thursday afternoon, April 3, at 2:30 p. m. The theme o» the event will be a circus with Its "big top" features.

cumpers are invited to participate in the reunion and will wear circus costumes. Prizes for outstanding costumes are: the first horse back ride at camp, the privilege of being served the first meal by a counselor,, the privilege of officially opening the 1958 camp and of being the first to enter camp The dogs in addition to present- grounds. Refreshments including ing the latest fashions, will ex- cotton candy will -be served. hibit their canine skills In unusual trick acts. They will be shown by members of the Omaha Obedience Training Club, a, group belonging to the Nebraska Kennel Club. A circus tent with many sideshows will feature Mickey Mouse, Annual Monthly the Fat lady, and the thin man, Children .12 3 Eloise and many other personalHigh School ities. Students . . . . 12 S The reunion will also be attendColleglates . . . . 12 3 ed by the members of the 195T Adults 25 4 camp staff who are preparing an Family 40 act for the show. AU 1957 and Health Club... 50 prospective resident and day

Center Membership Rales

For Your PERSONAL InveshnenfSeryJc^ Call Justin D. Horwlch at

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30.000-Mile (3-Year) Warranty

Omahans In the News Mrs. M. F. I^ev«n*nn has returned .'. to Omaha after a three 'months tour of Europe and Israel. While In London prior to her departure for this country visited with Dr. and Mrs. Ilrrmnn "Shykcn, former Nrliriisknns Dr. Shykcn, son of Mrs, .Tiicofo Shyken fo Omaha, h stationed with the Army In England. 7Us wife h l_(owner Lincoln resident. Mrs. I/Ovonson spoke <>n "Israel In the Milking" nt a meeting of Group of HiidasNiih Wednesday evening nt the Jewish Community Center. Sam KrernlwrK, m a n a g e r of Philips Department store, will be Installed April 12 ns chairman of the South Branch YMCA committee of management.

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Condidates for AZA No. 100 Sweetheart

(L to r.) Judy Cohen, Nancy Venger, Tonl Kaplan, Sandy Grow, Jolln<> Friedman. (Not pictured Is Barbara Oreenherg). . , * ; • *•• Candidates for, the new sweetheart of A. Z. A. No. 100's third annual Spring Serenade to be held at the Town House, Marcft 30. 9 p. m. to 12 p. m. are Barbara Graenberg, Judy Cohen, Tonl Kaplan, Jollne Friedman, Nancy-Vonger and Sandy Grots, Gordman team In other league man SCHOOL BOWUNO action. They are the daughters, respect TOURNAMENT This Sunday is Mother's pay In ively, of Mr. and Mrs. Sam GreenA special high school boys bowlthg tpumament will be sponsored the Midget League and team mem- berg, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cohen, Mr. by the Center during the school bers are-urged to have their moth- and Mrs. Lazar Kaplan,-Mr. and spring vacation. Stuart Kutler, ers attend the games. Only two Mrs. Maurice Friedman, Mr. and Bowling L • a g u e secretary, lit more games remain in the league Mrs. Abe Venger, and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Katelmaa ' charge, said the event will offer for each of the teams. two foot high trophies to the high Current standings: lckeU "may be purchased from game and high series bowlers. members or at the door. Sixth 0ra4e L w f M Further information on the sweepW L P er tournament will be mailed to all Slosburg Realty . . . . . . . . 8 0 1 affiliation. high school students. Kalman Insurance 5 1 2 Trophies sr« to be preMnted to GereJIck Motors 2 « 3 winners and runnvnips in each of BIFLEKY STARTS Omaha Jobbing . 1 T 4 the two divisions in the tournaNEXT FRIDAY scth A special group in riflery In- Seventh u d Dght Orad* L M « U « ment.. Spectator! are welcome to w a t c h the competition which struction will be started next FriW L P day at the Jewish Community Cen- Richman Gordmjn . . . . 7 1 - 1 starts each evening at the Center at 6:30 p. m. ter for grade school boys. Under Playland Park . . . . . . . . 4 4 2 the supervision of an expert rifle I-Go Van and Storage . . 3 3 3 shooter, the group will meet on Fireside Restaurant . . . . 2 8 4 BADMINTON Instruction In badminton and fix Friday's from 4 to S p. m. The b a d m i n t o n competition'In preonly fee for the program Is a cur- FENCING sented each Tuesday evimlnif at 9 rent Center membership. Fencing, for adults and students. p. m. at the Jewish Community U the featured activity at the Center gymnasium. A Center memGOLF DRIVING BANGE Jewish. Community Center Wed- bership is required of all particiOPEN it A, H. TO « P. M. nesday evenings. Bob Garrett, ex- pants 'n the badminton activities T h e Center's Golf Driving range, perienced fencer and instructor, Special competition and conteits allowing the golfer to drive live supervises the fencing activltjes art offered in the sessions while golf balls, Is available any week- that include instruction sessions' experienced well planned instruc, day from 10 a. m. to 4 p m. by as well ai~ practice bouts for the tion is given. Women as well as phone reservation with the Ath- novice as well as the more experi- men are welcome to the Tuesday letic Department, JA. 1366. The enced fencers. group activities, with equipment Range, the only one ot Its kind Interested parties may Join the being provided by the Center. in the Omaha area, was especially group for any »l the Wednesday1 built for the Center to accommo- sessions that start at 7:30 p. m. date two golfers at the same time, in the Center's main auditorium. LADIES DAY T h u r s d a y i<r a dny in which The range is completely enclosed, Students should wear comrortable allotting complete safety to the clothing, slacks and • sweat skirt housewives "can do as their hearts desire" at Ladies Day, a special golfer. Pitches as well as drives for ladles, and soft soled shoes. may be practiced. Fencing equipment Is provided by morning program anil service for the Center's Athletic Department, women, s p o n s o r e d by the JewNo formal registration Is necessary ish Community Center's Athletic FODB WEEKS SKIN Tor these sessions, however, and Department. Every T h u r s d a y DIVINO'COtJRSB- - . from 9 a. in. to noon, a baby sitting A special four week course in Interested persons should feel free service is available while special *kln diving instruction Is to be to drop in on the sessions at any- proftrams are offered to uomrn • offered by the Center's Swimming time. No special rfrfMrnti'jn Is needed department starating this Sunday for these Thursdnx ladles dny out, at 7:30 p. m. Designed for high CENTER DANCE STUDIO and women m.iy even drop their - school students anr] adults, the Grade school girls may still sign youngsters off mid f;o downtown >! novice < will be instructed' in the. up and participate in the program sli'>p;iin" Swnnmiru; (ind hhn), .care and use of underwater breath- o f f e r e d "by the Center Dance na^tir^ pio.'.i iwi are also offered Ing equipment and will be taught Studio Tap dnnce Instruction is the llOII MMfr, 'ill fnt tht» low' how to adapt swimming strokes to d uhlle billet in. jrt* tf'C of ^1 •"thtt specialized now sport struction is (;iwn ear-h Friday The Registration is by phone con- l V one h'jui in lnnjjth running firmation with the Center. JA. from I to .'» p m , m e OIT1 dollar OV.M ,1X1) SWIMMING FOB fiicim: KCIIOOI. n o v s .1366 with no ch;ir<;e Uring made r v»*lon

Center Topics


for the program Skin r l n . n ; UnThe In'.liurtoi offers hii;lil> JUMdents fire to brin,; Ih -n s i l n n, 1 .i s m i h / H sup^i \ i^jon bfriM<-<* the towel to each of the .Siind.'iy s< •>of tho c!,i»i"» lire limlteil nnrl slii'Ionls prmiK",, \.'ry iapidl> Y » u r i ' , t e i , mi> re-istci li> riilin,; thi-CViitei'i Athletic P ' p i i t n i ' - M MIIH.KT niSKLTIIH.f.

After compctin < in Sio i\ C'i!>, the Ccnlci's Mid •<•( lii-k dull teams will re.'»ufnp their ifj.!ul:jr schedule this SuniLiy at 1 l"i p m In (he first Rani'1 Gi'irliclt .Mulurc will rneot Ki'iiman Insurance. Omaha Jobbing will.lie pitted nijainst Sloslmrg Realty in the other 6th Grade League game while I-Go 'Van and Storage will compote •gainst Playland Park, Fireside Restaurant will meet the Rlchmnn

(J'THI Mill i Mm fl'i',1-'-!. ait' IVIA hoin/t run for fi ide Thool l*oy, froni 1 to .T p. In. Hoy.-* in the first second and thlid m idi>s mny attend thni,p cl^s^f»^ U'edncdfiy or T l m i v h y \\hi\" fourth niid fiftli ,"|ii p u t l r l p i t e Krld.iy aftei-

noon.4, Came Instruction, Kroup ncN'ovici: M.V.MIIIAI.I. t h i l i f . ind pi ly SIHUM aro ofTorrtN.lMKVT feied the first p u t of th? ii>;slnn The AAU sanctioned Novice Hindhill 1curp ini"nt ',',>){ underway at the Center this week in i B. MIROFF the singles division. Double.'! comO|»ratid by Sol MlroH petition i.i to start tills craning AMIRICAN STANDARD Monday with te.itm still l>oin(! WATER HEATCRS permitted to enter tho competition. The fee Is SI ,00 per man Complete Plumbing Service which inr'Ud^s th** niit of A.A.t' 5119N. 24rttSf. PL 4100

while youngsters may swim at the end of the perlotf ^ •. No formal registration Is required for these gym and swim activities. Center membership is t h e o n l y requirement f o r participation. • '•' ..•'••••,':. ••• • .<.;,'^•\.:r, •PINO VONG TOURNAMENT

Competition will start next week in the Annual Grade School Ping Pong Tournament sponsored by the Jewish Community Center's Athletic Department. Singles competition Is to be featured in both the boys and girls division with no entry fee being charged contestants, Separate division* nre to be set up for student* under the sixth grade and another division for students In the 6th, 7th nnr] 8th grade*. Entriei for the tournament will be accepted up through Tuesday. April 1st either by mall npplicrition or by phone call confirmation. AH games In tht tournament will hi played nt the Jewish Community Center with nil participants being notified of their game tirnet by post curd and through direct phone calls.

ladder handball tournament after one Month of competition. In aec« otid place are Jack and Sani Ban. Partidpanti in the doubles ladder tournament receive their positions by defeating teams higher on the list and thus assume the position of the team defeated. Presently eight teams arc com. peting in the tournament. The winners will receive trophies at the end of April.

HANDBALL Jack Stiss and George Kahn are "till in first place In the Center'*

MANISCHEW1TZ gefilte fish! frltH *it«r fith, tlltr ifiionliif,' wfioii frtih t i n . . . mtqa in twi

Mrt. ••« Mirtin wi.h.i ta thank litr frittidi and r»l«tlv«ilor thafr kind •npniitanr during h«f r«e«nt Illinii.


THt t. MMISCHtlVin CO., MCMAtK, H.l.





JA 1366

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