April 4, 1958

Page 1



•l.v J-'| al.iv nil I-;, sm (isi.a. Pti in I \ 1 r



Anniversary^Pilgrimage To \M Start During Passover J e i u s i l e m ( J i \ i M Mint Z u n lit J e i u s a l e n j s be mj p i - p n e i () l e c e u e p.l[.ijrn, fioin the f u n coin»i3 of the e i j t h diliing all of L>i iel'g T e n t h A n n i v e i s a i j , which ha-, beet d e s i p n a t e l as a pilgi m<tie y e i r T h e pilgrimJR? veil will op»n officallj on Apnl 7, t h - t h u d dan of Pass n e t i n d will list until JUiv ]<K>9 l.v»i sincv Ihe d m ef Ihe Bible t h e i e hav,"1 been tluee derisions dm ing the j e . u on \ U i h h ,Je\\s h u e ' goi) • up I i lenisilem the f e i s t s of Pjssovet (it ShiMioth ( \ \ V e k s . , m j of Sure ith Il'<ibeitucle-i) Ihiii tiaditioii i. j,tiJI obsi-ivel toJav b> in mv icsidents of IM i <l P.j e\(endnig the pilgi.ni»ge l e m ^ n r to a wli,>ie > e i i . e i P I J J e f who \tsils I-iiTel d i i r u s its T e n t h AmilifMstri "III be iblej t ) pdihtipJle

„ t the pil^i "ii 'ge pi >cl ii 11 piUi ins uil] th"ii pla<e the fn^t Mainlines in the i v liiCii "ill lemiiii on whole veai M o u i l Z on foi ti nftt'i m i n i il will he pi icei in



Kiitned in .Scroiid-flusn Matter ut Post- Annual Hato 4 Dollar* utthe, Omuliii, Nebraska, under A ct ul 167!i Single Copy 10 Cents

^*^ ~ **

To Report On Israel's Progress Omaha to Honor Israel's Tenth1 April 22 at Josl/n

t h e ( J j v e n m e m •Ji l i i ' l i t h e ic;i»li*i u n l t h e H I IJIK l . e ii. • 'let o i . i l e I w i t h d e s i g n iieinn.)! ilc I in .i M i d d l e A ^ e Veil e t i u i ''4l i s . o ' I h e p i o p h e l F l i j i h

I'aul \crel, t\i«utitc d i m lor of Ihe Jewish Federation, will reliU tlm e\(itln^ story of Ills ^erf ri'icnl hi(i week trip to Israel, a t ttin initial nffnlr <if Omnlia'd coniniltl'e for \he lelrliratlon of tlio KMIi Annhcrsiir\ of the State of Israel. Mr. \ Orel's aUdrrsi Hill Im part nf II dramatic three-pronged program open to tile entire 'ooni^ mitrilt\ Tuisdny, April Si, ill 8:15 p. m,, at tlie .FnslvnMemorial. I iMtmed artists «lll be tlie famous <)/ (laiiK'iH and ulngers from

Definition of a 'Jew' Stumps Israel Cabinet

III IIS ill 111 IWN 1 "! Mllllillls nf woids l i n e been w i i t l r n l,i .in cffoit l<i (Icleiinnie w h o is u . l e u , hul nppiiienlh Iheie is no i( ulvniiide nnswti io the <|iicstioii <n else t h e Is),iel| C.illinrl would nut hiiw" tjiuppled With il Moie piopeilv, lluv C abiliet J,I i|iOn Apuj 7, delc^ itioiis fjiim mipli'd liol with t h e leli^inus but ni g u i l t iDtlleilient, icpiesentinjt with Ihc lejjal definition of i Ii \\ the I n g i t h e i . u g of Ihe K u l e , nn I 1» a Tew in lh»t 5cnse one \ ho Bioup^ of l v i a e l voulh will c o m 1 identifies himself ns stidi oi must to Jerusalem in a specml l i m n his s t a t u s is a ' lew In lin-d At Ihe riiiw tv station in l e n t ij,nnist i widei b u k ^ i o u m l ' ' s.i|e/ii. jorne I b> offienl fli^m-1 'IIK (iiiesliim mise w h i n 1'» t i l e s the piocessi >n Will pio^eel t j Mount ^ion Io I) • ^ l t e t e l In j MuustiN of the lull i n n I'-MIOI « f i n f a i e of tiumiiMs I In isf«nl t i i s t n u t i o n s t i ils si ilf In i i u e p l t o U w n t ^lon will li- il c ii l e i it f.tf e \.ilii(* di sii^n i h ins bv ip VMIh :h f u g of 111- | w r i l e | IIPS plk-;iiits for identity curds llial rt'li'/ioii.s of Isiji»l (li>,, n i " 1 In Ihc n I si the\' :iit' .lowish. llul I'liips cl;iinii'it lli;il HIP unril At'V I i i IImmi iimsl he (Mined within the I'ninicI i ' ( i< in i»n will in in I tn u o i k of .lewhib -liiw IIIHI Unit no p i n i in (I ii n I 'i il Ml us li\ nHTelv asserting il Acting in.Ill' 1 role nf mediator. I'Kmiei U n n l B i n C m ion siis pended Ihe disi iission mil s u s Kesled l i n t i Mmisleu.il Commil i p s t i i ' i M i i ( . i n P ) s | J i i i ) , , ft h e lee he il|iti{ilnli'il to studv Ihc J f W i s i W . i i \ eti>i i n s w I) j n ii n \bg,i\ ' i s p t t i s of the Mmlstis <il t h > n i l i o i i 1 o i g u n / i t m i i s (( i i i p i g n to ' r i i n b i t act'iris of Aiah Intel IDI d n e c l n e Most IjUelv t h e Leigile agfiils to foree A m ' ICIII issue will be held m .ilieuini <• unlil btUiiiets firms in tins countiy |u 11K n e \ l naliou.il flethdiis

I S I I M I iiiui tlie now-leiiiiu'iM'il IIIM-

|I!I\ nf M imps " Mi





11 iii t o tsi i d w a i

(hi thud he Ins taken suite Hie summer of ifl.Y), when he first visilerl Israel as a ''member of thS 1 in I * (i Iiwisli Appeal Suivey Cn/lip Id inspec'l economic and I-ml V r n I , I ( i mtiuii ll\('cntivr Dirrclor, is shown nl un Im- agriciilttiral dewlopments there. siiicl, vislilni; wltli rlilliln f reeriit lli'wcninm i g r a n t s ' C:ini|i In At thai lime he also studied thff c r i In the cniintrj new program n[ immigran) absiirptinn. Diirim: the summer of 1'iiti \ lib Mis \ (lei iccoinpinvin^r him. Mr. Veiel toui't-'il -l*u'ftol with Ihe survey-leara Vhicli covered the HcUvilies and institutions of Ihe Hist uliut Lihoi Fedeia-f IM uis . u e IHIIIK' in tnc;iii lied fm lion nf I si iel MLIIIOHII S e n i c i s to be held On Il'n.d Ji'rith Tour Siindiv A p n l 1 » ,i 8 p i n , at the This mosl leccnt t u p " ' i s as a Jewish CommnnilJ < enlei to lion incmhei of Ihe M h.il Bntll Fust oi t h e heioes of the W . u s n This week we. welcome, our S u n e \ Mission which included ( . h e l l o and the 6 000 000 lost m Sioux, t'ltj neiRlihois to the 160 Anif licins, whose puiposc it Ihe H i t l e r holocaust: was 1o sitrvej impoit.int B'nai Jewish Pivsi The Siou\ Citj bise thwt business ielnlionships Section w ill , appeii in t h e Hutli piogianis and institutions nn | Iheii emplo.vjiien) on religious Press fi« a ponod of time din- in Isiael During this usit to » tlisciiininatioi,,' it WJS announce I ing the Sioux Oity United Jew- now familial land, Veiet was abl« by Miivin Knphn, pist coniin mrtish Appeii Campaign Members to cvploie nnd evaluate cuiicnt of the Sioux City Jewish Com- conditions in the countn tluouRh munity will recede this pnbii- supplemeniaiy tups ami exten- >Mi k a p l . h staled llnl such cition s u e inlet\lews Ai ib representitlve» 'threaten Rdliort II. Kuuper ' I t was tiuH eneivatinc to sea bliick-lJ^Uiis and biycott of AmeiWith ,/ si i if, of coffee liuiir< pceteil, ami final plant for thn TiideruUdn President. the people of Isiael in tlie midst icm bi«ine»<: fiiWi w hicli do not cuneiudel lln» week, leaders in meplliij; will go nlietid. Alt Omaha I'aul Grossman, of hectic piepaiatlons foi their Jield to their threjts of, no busi- the W'o.neh s I>.\ isimi of the PhilPress Committee ]Otb nnniU'i&aiy," taid Mi Ver-ne?, unles these fnnis dnchai^e •mthi ipie, c'liiipiiKii sel their sites unmeii HIT nsked to "mark the Chairman. et ' The entire populace is fevcrth*>n Jev.Kli eniplovcs oi ti insfcL foi th'1 concluding mep|iii[» of the dale" on Ilicir (Hlcnilur and to atishh prepiunp; for the Great ow .ie "ship ' drive, the c.lj-wide desseit-lunch- tend Hie luncheon. 'Our effoits,' the Omahan add- coi, Tuesdav, Apiil 2') 12 50 p m Offjcal hostesses foi the affiu In commcnlinK on the changen ed, "are based on oiii iiehef that nl the Be h Isi ie| S\n iROgtie, Fif- will lie top entire board of the he found since his last wsits, Mi. no j ; e n t ol an) foreign Kioup hai Ij-seqand .did Chules >.tiP"ts Beth lsia.el Sisleihood, M i , Sam Veiet felt "the effects of Israel'* the ngbt, 0 ' should be peimltted I 'unions Speaker linked Katzmah. -Beth.'Israel Sisterhood nbsoi plion of 75,000 new immito eieate hatrsi) between Am»n "Mri. lten Sliaplrn, (li.ilnnun, h:i» presi lent has announced This cans baseJ on religion Our pur- unnuiinet'il Unit nn Invitation IIIIM Krai') will seue and make all aiCamp J.ij-C-C, the Fedeiation giants in 1057 arc extremely eviffjse H to educate Amejie-in busi- III'PII c.vtciiili'il In nit Inliirnatlon- tan,!"iii"nt» foi the luncheon which sponsored ramp foi joungsteis, 6 dent This tiemendout immigraness and Ifs representatne orgml- ully fanidiis figure in Amerlean it is evpeeted will be attended In through 14 years of age, has a tion has wcated many difficult rations to end such pressmes \ii) •Tf.wls'i life, to be Elicit speaker. ibmi 7fX) vom n, Mis K piogram designed to meet the pioblems due Io foimei stanclaid* A n i ' i u i n film tint engigCs in IIU lieeeiiliiiii r is iniiiiii'iitiirlly v.x(C ml ntied on Pai,e 1' needs and inteiests of all lxns and of IIMIIR, di\eise l c e l s of baekKiouiids nnd tiadilions, clashing SUM lactic, would be Molitiii; Kills, Di Daniel Millei, Camp culltnal patterns, and the type ot bisic Ainere..in tenets is well us Committee chairman/, declared. surpiessed lives in winch the lmut ituloiv I iw Activities will include swimming, migianls lived befoie " The laiRcrafts, archery, riflery, sports, ei piopoition of immiKiants ore horseback riding, over-night camp- fiom Poland llungai.v ind other ing tups jiniinihsm plus special eastern nic.is of Fin ope events like Pioneer Days, HawaiMi Veiet w is nioitlv lmpicssed ian Night, i ' a r n i v a l Day and. with the sluing mni.ile of Isiael Services. I i)• I I , iiinil i l Inn I SeJ< i I since Ihe Sue/ Cimpugn whose wnl Hi p i ' s c n k d I x V<nitfj OIJIM- j Emphasis will be placed on pro- outcome imbued the m l ion With r f.nnilies on d l in mb^js Hid tin vidini; the youngsters with (he renewed faith nnd strength. "I W' In-sd i Apul 'I i! 7:15 p. in.' lies I time possible while UIVIIIK found tangible proof of it in the ill III' Jei'.^ii Cun'munily Cenle/ them .'in understanding cnviro- (onipu itne siuiiilv on the Gaza iiiidilor.'uin In A. /.. A. Nn. 1. A. ineni and cuunselor frontier and Jerusalem corridor; ; /.. A. N ,i. IO'I and I!. .H. f!., nu-inAn effort has been made to in the completion of the oil pipehcis i,\ Ihe It'nai I'.'iilh Voulh or intensify the benefits of the pro- line from Kilaloii the. Red.Sen. l; i i 111 >ii gram by limiting the .number of to Haifa on the Mediterranean; in registrations while maintaining the new fantastic highway from <'i,i."st s p e a k e r f u r ' I h e e i i ' i i i n j ; the usual lavge and well-trained Ueer Kheba to Kilat, and the liberwill In.' K d w a r d A . I!osi*n. c h n i r staff. Only 100 campers will lie ation of the Gulf of Akiiba for i n ; . n of P.P.YO U i s l r i f t 0. l i i ^ accepted for each of the two, two Israel's shipping Ul Asia and AfriI l|)|( Ulll II 1' I i A I 111 I till week .sessions. Presently, over on- ca, anil in the rising new city-oC loth Annivi r i a r v "f l>i';iel." Kolhalf of the available camper spaces Aslulod, destined to become lslinviii': the seder ceremony ;iiid have been filled. I M s expected, i lei s second lugtsl p o i f The ( | i j ' j i m IIC ( I n h i V i i t h <" K i i i said Dr. Miller, that the total city of Aslidod is bcMiiR built, (.-:! Israeli I'anci' learn and Hoys' (Iiijiiii in honor of the 10th anni-Mrs. ,1, H u r r y Kulakofsky ( c e n t e r ) , fniinilir nml first c h a i r m a n registration for camp will be com- through the,efforts of limner.. 1 w i , n i I' i . s (i \ e i i 'fu'shiii ' n l s of tlio WiimenS Division of the l'lillanthroplR *, c.infers with Jimiiir pleted by the end of this ninnth Omahan Philip K!\it/nick, interwill b? sci'vod. Further information and de- national yircsidenl of 1','nai R'rith Hectlon iiKMiibers, M r s . Krnest Wintruub, ^Ir.H. S t u a r t Simon, ( t o tier tails orl the camp, its fees and who' will be tlie principal speaker loft), M M . Kihriinl M:ilasli»clc a n d .Mrs. S t u a r t Miisliln (tf> lisr JJernie DelC'jvcn, c i i a i n m n of al the. Independence Celebration. th> event. Invites all youth Coun- r i g h t ) , Mm, MalashncU will MTYO HH decuratlnns' clialrniaii for till) activities Hi'? available from the P.antiuet on Sunday, April 27 at Camp Office it the Jewish Com Women's Olt.v-nidn l'lillantliropie* tlessorl luaehcun, Tuesilav, April cil m••ml>ei\i and. their fiiniilloj to (Continual! on Piis<> N nuinity Center, JA. l"i>H. 89. alien 1 til's s e d e r

JWV Fights Arab Discrimination

Memorial Services To Honor Heroes


Women's "Coffee" Series Concluded This Week

Camp Designed to Interest Everyone

Youth Council to Hold Third Seder

\ 11 * /


F»g» Tiro

Friday, April I, 1858

Passover Situation Well In Hand Published Ciery i'rlduj by Hie federation of Jewish Servlc*

Second JIU«O Mulling tfuvlicKcn Av-tt-.'-i^cu i.: Omaha, Nebraska. Annum Siibkcrlutlim, ViOO. Adveiilt'rE B i U i <n\ Application. Editorial O' co 101 No i'Jid ViiLt. 0 : r . - ' x Nitir. JAckton 13lifl. Print Sh VMress jifcuS bo 1,1th s. l i c i t


Passover Observance To BeginFriday Evening Candlelightlne—April 4, 8:32 p. m: Passover, the festival marked by ^poaal •»oj-.ship services, siess tag the theme of human freedom and the sacrilege of human bondage, will be celebrated by Jews, ibeginnlng at sunset, Friday, April 4. The observance lasts for a week among liberal Jews and eight days among the traditionalists, , .' .. : .••• ' ,• .. -, • TKl'MAN TO and writers who pointed out that VISIT ISRAEL J e r u s a l e j j i tWNS)— Former neo-nazi circles were conducting President Harry S, Truman has a campaign minimizing the numaccepted an invitation from the Israel Goi eminent to visit, Israel ber of Je« ton victims of naztem. during its tenth anniversary jubiThe holiday commemorates the lee year, it was reported here. emancipation of the a n c i e n t Israelites, under the leadership of 700 JEWISH MERIT Motes, fiom'Egyptian slavery. The SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS story recited at the Seder, the New York aVNS)—of the 7,516 unique religious s e r v i c e , which Winners of the nationwide merits takes place around the table in scholarship certificates some 700 homes with the explanation of or ten percent, were Jews, or three symbolic;!) foods especially fctrved times in CXCPSS of the proportion on this accasion. of the Jewish population. Om.tha synagogues have snnuiincc'd their complete- Passover Israeli, First Woman schedules H.S follows.


i. ' A M ) 11.11.11. Tfl A u v i WNSi— Israili manhood m a i k ' d fiioihi-i firn j M1. HIM H'Clioiiir.- 7:00 -a. m. v.hcn it was. di i -cl'^' i il that t u i - n t j I.. i mi'.:' Sri'vicc — <i:30 p- "'• Jivc->enr-uld V Kmlu-lstcin of 'in1.\<i la if Service. city had l u c m f t h e firs-t woman In t h e world in hold tho i«#*.t of Saiurday. April f) Momini; Service—S:45 a. m. pilDt of a civilian plane. She w.is Jr. ("ont'ifgailon—10 a. m. the first 'u-oiimn pilot in K r a c l ' t

air force and one of the mott famous jet flyers in the countiy. She got her first flying license at the age of twenty. STUDY LAUNCHED ON M1MBEK OF NAZI VICTIMS Bonn 1\VNS)—A study to determine the exact number of Jews who were murdered by the Nazis has been launched \y the Ministry cf the Interior of the West German Republic. The survey, under the aegis of the Institute of Curirent History was started in reiponse to n petition by Journalists

Want Ads

£t Th« Dr. Pblllp

Tilt follow ing Memorial Plaques which have been donated hy Mr. and Mrs. Jlymie Milder will he Editor dedicated in the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged for: Abe Milder Pavid Louis MorosnIWi Molly Tully


Civilian Plane Pilot

SVus and li 61i.r Jruleli I DmlJ OrLuvt.

The flowers in the Public Rooms this week-end were donated by The Misses Marcia Cohen, Barbara Parilman, Joan HrookMcin, Susan Brookstein and Mai'dec Sokolof on (he occasion of their <;roii|) H.-is Mitzvah at Beth IsniH S\narof-uo. Flowers prescnictl to the home Jast week-end (.-.'Mm' from a l-eceprion given hy'Mr. and Mi's. Alie Bear in honor of their son nml daughter-in-law, Myron and I!:trbara Bear who wire, recently married. The Club Shalom program, Sunday was a fiueeess (hw to the following talented artists who appeared under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ^lone: Max Richtmnii, Cheryl Weiss, Junei Hiindelman. Betty C'nekin. ltol>ert Halm, Donna Wolfsun, Holierta Meyerson, J.fnda Cohen, Donna Cnnfifld, Arleen Stein, Shcibt Bloom. Teni Kwiutek. Leon Shrago, Gladys Groner, and Bruce Leuis. A floral cp'nterpit'cc was brought to the home by Mr. and Mr». Paul Katzmali. Xi:\V RKSIDKNT: Simon fcmin. April 7th: The Mizrachi Wonii.-n Pa.ssover Party, Mrs. Herman Franklin in.charge. PASSOVER 5718 will be'celebrated this week starting with The First Seder on Friday, April 4th. Max Schtiuerman will conduct the First Seder and Sam Poster will

Mincha-Maariv—0:30 p. m. CLOSING DAVS Tliui-sriay, April 10 Evening Service—7:00 p. in. Friday, April 11 Morning Service (for children and adults)—9:00 a. m. rvcnini.' Service—6:40' p. m. Late Sabbath-Festival Service— Sunday. April 6 8:15 p. m. ' Morninj; Service—8:45 a. m. Saturday,' April 12 .fr. Conffregation—10 a. m. Morning Service (children and Kienini; Service—^:45 p. m. Monday, April 7 through Thurs- adults)—9:00 a, m. VI7.KOR (Memorial) Service day, April 10 Morning Service—7:00 a m . TKMPLE; ISRAEL Evening Service—-6:45 p. nri. Friday Evening, April 4th—5:30 Friday, April U : P. t n : y ••••:.•".: -:--.• ' Morning Service—8:45 a. m. Saturday Morning, April 5th— Jr. Congregation—10 a. mi / 11:00 a. m. / Evening Sen-ice—6:45 p. m, (Concluding ServJwg . No Late Service. Thursday Evening, April 10th~ Saturday, April; 12;.'.•-;' -- ' • . ••'•;• Morning Service—8:43 a. m. ' S : 0 0 p . m . Friday Morningi April 11th— Jr. ConKregation—10"«, m, . Yiskor Memorial . . '".';• 11:00 a.m. Reading of Yiskor M e m o r i a l ! S'TVICP—10:15 a. m. Prayers. Evuiing Service—6:45jp. m.

|..T (

U S MARINE; CORPS hchcoijtcr makes ready to take off on fiisl leg of trip which v/ill bring Passover .supplies to leathernecks on Caribbean maneuvers. Jewish chaplain helps crewman load the whirlybird. Passover observances for Jewish- men on Marine Corps training exercise \vere arranged by the National Jewish tt'clfare Board (JWB) which is authorized by the U.S. government to handle year-round world-v.'ldo religious and morale program for Jewish men and women in all branches of tho Armcdi Forces, and to recruit, endorse and serve Jewish chaplains. officiate at The Second Seder. Seder floral centerpieces are being | CALL donated by Mr. and Mrs.'Jacob I HOLLYWOOD }less in honor/of their Mother';)' TUX RENTAL Mrs. Bet tie Mess's Birthday/ j Wines and liquors for the Iloli-1 104 Ho. 15th Street JA 2452 day were donated by: Paul Blot-1 (In Omaha loon Bldg.) eky of Blotcky Beverage Co., Hoy Feltman of Capitol Liquors Inc., Louis Paperny of Louis's Market, Jack Sartofshy of Cowboy's Liquor

Store. The Negev comprises about half ] of the area of Israel. I MIROFF PLUMBING Sol Miroff Complete Plumbing Service American Standard Plumbing Supplict 3110 Xo. 21th Oflli.; r i . «l00 Home \\ A C301

For Satisfaction fn


Call AT 0088 RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLr.ANERS RUGS—CARPETING LAMP SHADES FURNITURE Cleaned In Your Homel Binding • (.crying • Rcpolrlna

Don Bernstein


1407 Harney S».

HA 2554

Phoiu JA 1368 lo u n t r t rout Want Ad IB The Jfcwlfiti PrtfB. Current rfcti la W ccati for tacri 'n-or line Insertion. TJie Preea r w r v t i tb« rlgtil %0 limit Blze of each advertlaeiflfcnt

BETH EI> FIRST DAYS ' - •Friday, April 4 . Brief Mincha-Maariv 'Services— FASSOVEU CARDS BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratu- 6:00 p. m. First Seder lations aiso for all Jewish holiSaturday, April 5 days and special occasions. itb (Subby) Pulverento Morning Service (for children Keyers Nc-wa Stand. 1502 Dodge and. adluts)—8:00 a. m. 25 Yoar»' Experience BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Minehn-Maarlv Services — 6:30 With Jewiih JNCOME p. m . •. Leitering and Memorlali OPPORTUNITY Second Seder . Reliable mnn or woman from Sunday, April 6 thisarea to service a route of toy At 2452 Morninj; Service (for children 2211 So. cigarette machines. Wil' take 5 and adults)—9:00 a. m. hrs. a week of your spare time and can net us high as S275 monthly and can he built to full time business with our help, Kosher Meat Mkfr. which could eventually net and Delicatessen $20,000 annually. No experience or selling necessary, route Is WA 5554 4415 CUMING ST. FREE PARKING established for the operator. To qualify you must have $000 to We of DIAMOND'S Wish to Take $1800 cash immediately availThis Opportunity . able, which is secured, and a serviceable automobile. If sinto Extend Our Besf Wishes for a cerely interested write for a personal interview giving phone number and brief outline of background to Box 5182, .St. Paul, Minn. I.EflAl- -VOTK'E NOTIff; O f AMKMIME.VT T « AKTICXI-.H 01' r.Wmi'OHATION" T» svriorn it may concern, Krwit- taltp BMIce that tJie ArUclpj (if InorpuriUun pi StttJonul (>l/t S^ai Cr>mi»rui)' "f NH>r.iai a have I'Vn amcn'lwl In the foilowlnp tnititiw: "Artlrle ElKht — Tlie aKK"-(Cnte »umt>er of uluLrrfl whW'h the o^tT'TAllon Iff ftuthorlzed to Issue In one hundred th</u*and UOO.fiOO). divided Into one CIOM. Th!» elaj-a of shore* sla.ll he tltMKnt-iM tui aim. tnon stock, and tlMll lta.vt a M r v»Jue uf One Dollar Ul.OO) r*r rti.ore. and two thousand (2,0fl'J) Kharf.i tit K.tld »toc»t Bnall b« Usued and n^n-a^swable."

f 3 3


We have Passover buffor, sour cream, and milk—Kosher for Passover—under personal supervision of R a b b i Nathan Feldman. -

At Your Door or Favorite Store

fo Our Many Friends Ampfe Supply of Passover Meats and Products Still Available Store Will Be Closed Sunday. April 6

Call HE 4444 or Your Grocer (Note: These Products Are Limited In Quantify)



Friday, April 4, 1858

'Coffee Se ies"

Pink and White Motif For Segal-Spielberg Rite

(Continued |fn,m Page 1.)


Phyllis Freedman To Wed Student

Former Omahan's @r -Wed

said. Traiif.i>"itnti< Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Kreedinan Mr. and Mrs. Sanaiel Theodore Tra»spi>rtati< to the Synagogue have annouiu'ed the engagement 1 the busline at from the oid •Miss Joan Leo Spielberg, dinii'hof their daughter Miss Phyllis to of LOH Angeles , fdrmely of Omaha, \W'-:|ern Aienue, Kiftytseeoiid an| tcr of Mr. and Mrs. Haul Sim 1Allan Joi-.-ph, sun (if Mr. and Mrs. announce the marriage of their • vi UvK-e who Ci-rir-ge Cohen of Rac-jne. Wl.q. will b" avi berg, University City, Mo., ITOI'IH daughter, Judith Ann, to Henry S, 11 n ; ihe < Vinmiuref|ue;t il I) the bride of i-'rederie Si-j.;al, son The prospective bri<le attends Grose jr., son of Mrs. Henry S. r . Stali.,n u.'ignily Cenlei", JA *if. Mr. and .Mrs. Leonard S'-i d the I nij. f-r.sity (if Wisconsin. Jfer Gioss, now of Lot Angeles and the ons will lv.. «•; ing thei-c to take fiance is a senior at the same on .Saturday in the I'nili'd Het n.'ig''»jTUt'. late Henry S. Gross of Philadelphia guests to til'..- • bi'evv Temple a I Si. Louis, Mo. school and is affiliated with Zeta on Friday,- March 21. The cereA ('.including roffee h»ur" MonRabbi Jerome (iivllman and Ksibbi mony was performed in the presday moinill;; oi iie Woinen's iJiviSamuel Thurinan nflii-iair-d. ence of the Immediate family. si.m bridight n | .re than '10 work'i'lie altar was deeoralod with ci's together f<> briel ing and drive pink flowers and Jij^liUd candlt ^ A wedding reception in honor inslrnetiOii by '. rs. Herman.FriedThe e e r e lii o n y v/as performed >l the couple will be given by tho man, major, al|| the home of Mrs. beneath a canopy which repn budes parents on Sunday, August David Bernste Kented a lleec.v pink clouil. U at the Beverly Hills Club in Attending t is meeting were Be\eily Hills, Cal. The bride, iMven in inai'rliiK" by .Mesdame.s l-.'iv [1 I Ket>ei, RobMt her fill her, wore an ivory sal in Mr. and Mrs;. Leon Graetz of. Uernilein, I'a id Blacker, Abe Kown. The neckline was trimmed Omaha,'grandparents of the bride, Uordy, Max C |n u Huold CheiWilh re-emlnuideicd Aleiienn Mie who attended the wedding will reniack. Jay Che,m ick \1TC 1 Co sprinkled with pearls. The lace main in Los Angeles to attend the hen, -Jtobert in Sfjmoui Colin motif was repealed in i;arlunds latter event. Harold Coopen . 'through the skirl and the rnnptlThe young couple will make i n H i i i y DuBoff Homer Fai her II\m in Feui Allenylh train. The brides fingertip their home in Los Angeles. fred Fiedler, St. inley Fisk. William veil fell from a jeweled crown. SIK Kogel, Albert o\ Slew II t Gihn Carried a bouquet of whit'-Vorchids sky, Joseph Od PAUL'S lware. Abo GreenMiss Marcia Spielberg was maid borg, Henry CJ U n b u g Mnjnvd of honor for her sister. Mks Susan RADIO & TV SERVICE Grcenberg Si n \I Gi eenbei g, Spieldberg, Kister of the bride, TV CAR RADIO Richard Hille Kaplan, Miss Snniu Overlieck. Kansas City, RADIO PHONOGRAPH Dave Kdl/, L |zier Kavlch. Louis Frederic end Miss Suzanne Zager were PAUL GOLDBERG E. Lipp, Will m I^ohrman. Jack bridesmaids. They wore blush pink 432S No. 54th St PL 8598 W.Muer, Alfred Majer, Theodoie organ/a gowns fashioned wilh oval Newm in, I' Li o Nogg, Nathan L necklines-, brief sleeves and full NTogg La wren ile lPaltner, Harold ballerina skirts. I'ale pink lace I'll) His I'rocdmai) P o l l a c k , H ni y Rickei, Jack pill box halff with short veils and Schrai'cr Jule Shapiro, Norman boUf|uetH of pink carnations com- TKMri.K ISItAKL Beta Tau Finlcinity The couple SISTICIUIOOD Smecrin Alfi d Sophir, Adolph plan a Kite summer wedding, pleted their ensembles. Temple Israel Sisterhood "'ill Trost and BerJIhardt Wolf. Richard Si-gal, S c u t l s Bluff, Mits Ficedman and hei llinip g Nebr., brother of the bridegroom, hear -Mrs. Mildred Littman speak •; -• Jr.-JVoi^j n' s aie sepndiMK their spniH: vacaMrs. Leonar Goldstein, a was best man. Ushers were Shel- on "The Art of Family Living" 'HI APPETIZER! tion with her patents don Lilman and Stewart SCJ/JII. followed by an informal discussion, of; the Junior WoTien s Division, at the April 8 Sisterhood meeting. •> captains of her was hostess Minneapolis, Minn.; Kitgene Levin and William Novaclc of Omaha. Mrs. Littman will speak after the team at a "co fee hoUi ' Ust Fri- Veret Speaks I p. in. luncheon and business day. Mrs. J H; n v Kulakofsky, as Frank Spielberg, brother of the (Continued from Page 1.) session, Mrs L'dward Gilbert, pres- the founder ar|l fir^t cliuimjn of the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. bride, WMS junior usher. ident of. sisterhood, will conduct in Omaha, the Women's Kor her daughters wedding Mrs. Invitations to the entire comSpielberg chose a gov.n of pink the meeting and board meeting at addressed the roup, at which Mrs. munity to attend the.openiriy pubJunior Women's Calvin Newmr / la'.e. Tlie bridegrooms molher WHS II a. m. ' vlic function celebrating- Israel's Section chairn) an, presided, gowned in pink chiffon. tenth anniversary,1 are beini! ee hour' with Mrs. coitNHi;sfti':it i,oi><;i: N O . noo, Another "co: The reception was held in the mailed now, David Blacker, genHNAi it'itrru Marlon Soinbe g and Mrs. Nathan eral chairman of tlie Omaha comTemple community hall. ""Among the quests were I hi' Cornliusker Lodge No. 1TC0, Novak, major was held at the mittee, announced. Mr. Blacker bride's great-grandmother, M r s . B'n.ii U'rit'n will hold its annual ho:ne of Mrs Leo Kisenstatt. on urK'd Ornahans to reserve Ibis Clara Lipschit/; her grandmother, spring dance at. the Hill Hotel Im- Monday afterd on. dale—Tuesday eveninf. April 22. A meet ins c| lied by Mrs, Pennie Mrs. Frank Spielben:, Si. Louis, perial room, April 19. All proceeds •Irs. Jrvin A. GenilMo.; Mr. -Segal's grandmother, will ;:<> .to District Six service Z. Pa vis and Tne Vimiifi .Adults' Council will ler, majors oi Werlnesday at the meet .Sunday at the Jewish ComMrs. Ida Serai, Los Angeles, Calif., fund. -Irving MaJashock and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Segal, munity Con tot at 2:30 p, m. MemTickets may be obtained by call- home of Mrs| FOR THE FINEST . . . parents of the bridegroom. ing Gerald Bernstein, GL UiXM, or completed th series of "coffee bers who plan to Htlend the party inior Women's Sechours".of..the •)! April 20 should bring 50 cents to IClliol. Brown, RK 4092, IN PHOTOGRAPHY lion. the meeting. Dues for March and OMAHA WOKKMKN LOAN Portraits C'Ot'NCIL OF JIAVISH WOMEN April -will-also be collected. A proASSOCIATION Weddings gram will be presented nt, the OMAHA HKCTION Because of Passover, the OmaCommercial meeting. ha Workmen's Loan Association Meeting place for the board of him postponed Its April 7th meet- the Council of Jewish Women will Mr;' arid Mils.' Jerald. L, Katjeing to Monday, April 14th-nt 7:.tO be the Dr. Philip Sher Home for 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community the Aged on Thursday, April 10, ut man are j |nts of.: a daughter, •born..: Saturday at Laurie Jiinc, b o m a y Center. Any member wishing to 1 p . 1 T 1 . • • • : • • ' - • ' ; • • . • -.:-.•. Park Forest, Ujinois, .Mrs, Katlemnke a loan or payment is usiced man Is the orrner Joan Beber, to contact Hurry Staenberg, secre- IIKNRY MONSKV daughter ot Wr. and Mrs. Sam tary, WA. 4758. H'NAI HIUTH The Bnai Brith Henry Monsky Paternal gjjandmqther is Mrs. MIZUAClli WOMKN Chapter No. 470 will elect of- David Katleman, nnd paternal The Omaha Chapter of Mizrachi ficers at it's meeting .Wednesday, great-grandmother, Mfs, Benjamin Women will entertain the folks at April 9th, at the Jewish Commun- Greenfield.- [' ;.-.-• the Dr. PhlJIp Sher Jewish Home ity Center. A Passover dessert Y PHOTOGRAPHER for Ag<-d at a Passover Tea on luncheon will be served at 12:30 Mr. and Mrjt. Robert E, Sohiller S 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET Monday, April 7, at 2 p. m. at the p. m. with Mrs. Abe Ginsburg in announce the!;birth of, a.son, MiI HARNEY 1044 Homo. charge. Reservations may be made chael Howard! on March 23. with Mrs. Frank Sekar, WE. 1164 Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Miss Baibnm Mlnkln Is spend- or Mrs. Ginsburg GL. 5291. Roy Roffmarl] and great-granding a week In Chicago with her mother, Mi's,1! Sarah Minkin of •brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and At Israel's widest point It is Omahn and M||-, and Mrs. 1, Goff of Mil Robert G Addison | 70 miles' across nt, Beersheba, Portland, Ore(i I I 3207 7830 Dodge




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recenlly has returned from n visit I




( ily, lows

UJA Kickoff O Is Success

To the Members of the Sioux City Jewish Community:

A new account of tin" meeting mav be found elsewlipie on 1lus page, but the spnil the aimos phcii', which jK-aadPil the gatheiw g is something else a .jam and it gave the jiliiasps wnich lesounded thiough the ">"ln a i m g of sinceie opti.nism wluiii ntheiv i s e might have hi en absent

off-the-cuff remarks of l'erry Os-

thp *FPM Uh

Leaders Support To


What unU". a l ' J \ «. i-ii tick' What is il that t*i ius,'omis a gioup of individuals iiii'i nu'ii nnd women of puipose, snlvin,; nii-jliti!) to MKM'I and snip INS n goal which will l e f l e d to the cieclil of an cnlin' coniiiniiilij * 'ihose questions an 1 nut cabv one- to nnswei in tuiitu'ti" spedfic terms, hut a yhmp-c into the anatom) of a siKM-ssful <;aiiipaigii peihaps was visible at a bieakfasl at Hie Kiouv. <*it\ Jewish ( oininunit> Centci last Stindu morning

Koi here was assembled a \ a u c d Jjioup of men—business and p>"ofpsiional, of vai>mg economic and .s'odal backgiounds ind representing all tbiee religious groupings Foi some tins lamp-ngning fm V J \ was old stuff fni otheis il w.i-, a new <\pcnence Foi all, howevci, il appealed to be a job ti) be tackled with 7Cal Hiid enthusiasm, vet withoiit stiam 01 g u m foipbodiii!! r\ci>oni' was iplaxed yet nttentive and mnip than willing to pilch in IVih.ips the m'cetings over .ill tone was best c \ 'inphfied lij ih'


I .mi piiiinl to accept the ie%p uiiiiiilil v of chaiim,<n f>i > >ni I'mlL'J Jewish Appeil C'dinpi gn FIJI A m f n c i i i Jew., the. JPJI l')">8 in n U a double ininwi•in v. lh» duvMiy t j a clo-.e uf Ni ip] s l i ^ l decade of ln'lop'-nlentv and the I!Oth j e m of the I ' m l c l Jewish Appeal Jlolh u n d m i i k , offei justified cause foi pi ule and rejoic.HK, \ e t lulh ^eivi» i j ipimi'd iii t l n | onlv uin cintuiued, dfdicited effoit, in the \c\i- to c > ne can as->uie ultimate s i u c e s . As I J A e n t e n its 20Ui cJmpugn >ear we fuc? mil fsptnsilHlities v\iih onfidence twin fimn e i p e n e n c e The plight jf Jewish lWugees b i s Iwen a grim Ics'.inonj to Jinn's jnhnm i m t ) to m i n Yet, om *\peijpnre in I1 J A h i s doirvmstiated tint n n n s huuitiuilv to his fellow m m h i s not \»nlshel fiTii tli> eirth Out present effoils must IK> diiecleJ towaul a iw.>-fold g ' i l ' Iu pionde neeJu'.l funJs for CMII l i c i l coniiminilv neen\s anil to pi ivide fundi fo: the pzjgrjin of l.MA-e>iMiluled agencies along with its ie»cui> ,ind alxoiptmn of s nne 8i),(KK) J e m who iiuisi be moved out of dppiesspd and dini;e'-ndde,i a i e i s within the »p\t 12 moniliN With ,\oiu cintinliei sUJi|)»il, Ai in pieviom j e m , » o shall • gain d j th.- j)lj III'.NUV MN'Sltl IM» MM I J \ Cliairiniin.

Youth Aliyah Leader to Address Women's Meeting Daniel


Uirectur of : (lay , April 10, 1 :T>0 p. in. at Hie

to I s i . i c l ,is p n t ol .i P. n ii I'i i itli [Alonei Yit/.hak Voulh Village, a n d s p o u s o i e d toui j ' t " " P a Youth Alivah li'aili-i. vvill ad-

I I'.IA l.i'afiers, repre'si»n|.ing ;4 j i' ini;i-*»l<" ciof-:-section of tile fuiirtraisin:: siiTii.gtli «f the-comnn'mily; j.-iniiiiL'd t!io facilities <>f the Jert'jish (••iniiniinily •C'cnier-al.a cam-.. i liaign ; "I,iiinehiiig. breakfast; l a s t j.Smiilav and iinanitnously pledged: j their Mipp-.)i'i. to genoral chaimiun i Henrv Cii'.sburg tii put -the''1WS

llt'Ur.V Chainii.-ui

Women's Chairman Makes Statement \ \ t \ u i n n i s h u m * i n tt i i s , Hi IIIMI I III h I I k ' III t o ll i \ s ln.,1! ( i s t o f I n i n ". 11 i i i f o i i w ' i m ' ' **il> m i d ' i s I i u d t i n t n m i i i ' l ' i I*.

;C:liiip:i;*,'ii iicross. ', O v i n t l i i n Ki^ei-lveil | Tlii nsMiiihliigB mailn u p iif Imtli ><niiig anil o l d U'orlii'rs, e a g e r : III-WSI o i n e r s a<i w e l l a"t HPiisnnfd ; ('-inipaij;iiers, puvi- a Hpiin1iiiiriMi» I anil t-titliiikiiistlc. (ivnflon t o l'*rnnk | M : i r ; n l l n n« h e pri-svnli-il. tlie n p w Kflii'i-al r h a i r i n i i i i , anil t o H e n r y (•in~tht!r£ ;\s 111« «niiin{|t*(l l b o k e y I n n l n n f t h e IflSH d r i v e . T h e n e e ; l l ; ilii•* ,M-:ir. Mi*, ( i i n s b u r g staled, pri'is tlu- ,l.'vv,i-sh criiiiiniinily o n HIM Irniii.--' t h e ovci'si-as n e e d , o f i w' ich ls;-;-|.J niiisl li.'ar th**" b r u n t :'liy ab-S'irl.ilir: 8 0 , 0 0 0 i'olisli a n d iN'iu'lh Afric.'iii r e f u g e e - , a n d the. -i local ii'.i'il (,! l a l i i n g nare (if S i o u x ; C i t y ' s .Ii'-.•.;.*;;i ciliieaiiiiii, t h e J e i v ; i-ili ('•.•iii!iiii;*iilv (•••liter program •arnl'-'•icla! M-i'vice. l i e c-illed a t t e n !iio:i t.i t h - c h o r u s of c h i l d r e n ' s ; voice.; al [ i l i y that i v s o u n d i ' d fr.ml ; the ('•"•iili'j- playgrotiriil a s In1 s p i k e . ; Hi< hitrniliiri'il I r v i n g N'ot;g, l'» ! MKVH i-llliirlll-ili Iif I h n (ii-l'i-ml

:.Irwi.sh Community Center. A social ' hi n h cost of I ifc S i.in , in worker who has studied American vulved m the i m m nf W)(iufl I'en \ gave mi i i n ^ i i ) , , sniii- dress the Wumeji's Division rolo- I youth-work method':, Mr. Brisker .Ii wish adults an'l clnkljui I in n s e a i c h i M n acJdipss but l i t l m liels.a'nd captains meeting ThiD's- I is a specialist in helping young i isti in 1 u 7 o p e and N n In immigrants adjust to their new- Afnca who this j e a i will be ilovvn l o - e a i t h d e s c r i p t i o n of t l i e life in Israel. . .. 30-year-old Jewish state. He de.iIluuCMI to ftingiate t o I - i u l scribed the c r o u p ' s visit with Familaf With Israel and otbci free lands O u r fail David Iien-Ciiii ion, making lint Horn iii VXi2. in Rumania lie m e t o piovide suffuient funds great Jewish statesman sec.ni Insettled in .Israel- at"- the' nge, of 16,. this j e a i would l o b m i . i v nf deed Jike a vciv human fi fought in World War 11 in the these people of then i h i n c e winch he obviousK is He comJewish Urigade of the. British for a new life luied Tel A \ J \ to I,os Angeles army. He i s well faiiiilini' with As homentnkci •>, w e ilso and Haifa to San Francisco and Israel's internal,situation and enknow t h e impoitanee of secuitold of Jeiusalem's 4 "SO sjnngogues joys close ties with top Israel lendity and how precious il JS to (just about evpiy 10 men oig.nu/e ers. He is hlgiily reputed .as a us, S t u d y we will want t o do one, he s;ud> forceful, speaker'..on /Israel, -'.:,-.• om p a i t in pi e l d i n g these Mr. ISiisker will 1>e presented by More than that he lold in thousands of oppieswd follow C'liaiiinanMrs. Burton Lipslniti! of graphic tei-ms of Imw much has Jews with a fuluie fice of fear the Women's Division,who will been done vuth how little in lh< and msecuntj proceed to divide up ;»ssiKnmeii1s going, growing concern tli.it is I would like to o\pioss mv for1 the Women's. Division colonels Israel today ("With land that an Ijratitude nnd appiecintion to and captains. ... * Iowa faimct wouldn't pa> 10 rents the women who aie snvnif, \Vnniiei|'ii Division C'ulilnet nn acre for." was oni* descriptive ; JIrs. ; . IJpshui/, announced the with me on the Women's DIVI pliraset. following. nieiVilwrs of her Ad- sion Cabinet They Have i<In other word-., heir- WJS lsiacl visory Cabinet; Mrs. David J. Al- .sponded to m> call foi gmd nice brought home, mule leal and e \ nnd assistance with gieit enbert, Jlrs. Julius Arkin, Mrs. Sam plamed in terms readily undei thuMasm Iheir confidence nnd Bernstein, Mrs. Saul Hololnikov, itandable to all - and hei economic D.inlcl ItrMirr Mrs. Albert Gordon; Mrs. A. M. dedication to this cause will he .IrvlnB nnd other needs touched upon in an invaluiblo asset fo our CIrueskiii, Mrs. David Guiewjtz, a way which could not fdl to liivivinn (,'linlrinaii canipaign. : Mrs. lleriiy (iinshiii'f!'* Mrs. Sidney strike responsive choicls MIK Bui ton I.ipshutz Kalin, -Mrs, Joe Kutcher, Mrs. .Mrn'i Divisiyii, and Harry Illcll n» To enable moie homeless ,ind Chan man Arthur Miller, Mrs. Morey I.ipclialiniil' nl tlio Area snll<llntl(in, uprooted Jews of the world' to 14")S VJA Women ^ shutz, Mrs: H. It. J!.»l-!.'io\vitz. Mrs. a pii*il Mr. ICIc-li liail licld last year. share in the fruits of this ir)enDivision If. If, Slilloft and Mrs. Isadore Me a In i announced the following iiiK old-yet-jouri,; 1 md, and ultiShidler.. Mrs. Marvin KI.'iss will .m iii*; Immediate cabinet of aclvimatPlv to lend an i npoit mt Innd jsors: J'.)ar) Kline, Charles-Diiqhcn,. An organization 'rneiMing of theaid with publicity. in its continued fiiluie uiirnovei.Marvin J. Kia^s-, Sidnoy K'alin and ment is the In • HIM uf thr uniont coloncis and advisory cahinet-mem! Kr.uilt ,1, Margolin.-."•' '-.:• Siniiv Cil} I ruled !,-\ i-.li < im- bers of the General Men's Din; Osnnwll/. Descriiiirs Tmir P.IMI1 IllSt , 1 - I l i - \ ill': l i ^ i n ^ .sion Tuesday night,* April X, at the j .Mr. Ciiri'iburg called on Pen-y done is continuous, sn nn" HieJewish ('itmmunitv.fF ('cnri'i- ha*? | Oiti'.i.vil/ .who gave some graphic been cildd 1» Jivui Vo^^; dianneeds 1 A viiti. of appreciation for bis I luipre.;sion.< ol his Israel t.iur, JJiei'iiPi K e n f . i . n o n i n l i l l m ' man of tlie division, The General* untiring work and his many-'sub! fiMin^jJiicI-. he had recently re-• t<> t h e v i s i t i n g 'MIKIKIII f i o u p Men's Division will open jointly stantial achievements a.s chairman | liiniscl/TSs^.Osilo'.vitz^told a,nuinwith the Advance Gifts Division, .Pinpliasi/pd t h ' I N i w l N 'oin of t h e Jewish Community Center | h?r of f.r.it-hriiid aneeodotes about ( o u n t n , t h a t i t Iii-I I.II,S i n u o i l d at the April 27 dinner, and will IIOII-*L* CDiiiiiiilter1 was unanimously 'conversations with Israelis in (Iif- . Jewry us a group. 'Although that follow a similar calendar, record- passed iiairVmg Stanley Itnron, at | Cerent pine?::, ami -about Hip sMril slriloinent would not .meet with ing to Mr. No*.;;;, the .March -Ii meeting of the* |,'in:l eom-a;'e of the people.iiiiivorsal ugreomoni nmnng the Jewish Kedi.'l'iitiiiii Kxecutivc Coi.ilKlcknlf Jllnner April ?,~i Jpw-s of America or elsewhere, (he iniltce. Mr. Hal on lias left .Sioii.s | Bringing tiic breakfast If* a clos* moral commitment of resetMiiK; City for Cleveland, Ohio, vvliere j.Mr. (liiisb.ii-;; announced tb:' c.imnnd . ncciimnting our suffnr.'m; he will lie associated with t h e paign kiekpff date as SilnJay bielhren 180,000 of them .'this Saia I.ee Products Co. nighl, Ap/ii 27. Tlic affair will hi .Vear'i is an indisputable fact. Miss Kva Gordon and Miss Jtoso in the past year a combined Il isvvith the goal of hflpin^ in ftcznick will serve as co-ciainiien I Advanc <lifts and O n e r a ] M.-n',* (his monumental acconiph'.shment of the Business and Professional ;Dinner, at Hie Jewish Coniiniinlty (hat Sioux City Jewry begins work Women's Division, . according to ;Center I'-'acii niember prescnl at on its major objective arid chal- Mrs. Burton Lipshutz, Women's ! the breaklas! needs only to bring lenge of. the 101)8 U.J.A. campaign DivisoM chairman. The Tiiisjnes.s A full day of fun, games, s |l!r.'ec Advance- (>ift.< prospects t'> and Professional Women's cam- crafts and recreation is offered this affair ,Mi'. (ilnsburg p;»inteJI paign bos in recent years held its to boys and girls, 7 to 11 years ol out, ta insure 100 per cent particiopening jointly with the Advance age at the Jewish ' (.'omnmnily pation, an1 a record-breaking atMm. Itiirtun ! J a d a s s a h will hold its next Gifts and General Men's, Ilie wo- Center, Mondny, April 7. lendance. Alt attending the breakBoard nieeting Tuesday, April 8, men attending the same dinner To enroll for "Play Day" thiN fast agreed to return to another The princiiinl rivers of Israel nl the home of Mrs. I,. G. Fish. A nieeting as the men. The 75. and P . dren bring HO cents and a Pass-, breakfast, Sunday, April 13, to acslafe of officers for the coining Cii-chairman will announce or- over lunch, and report nt the arp Hi* Jordan, YurUon, nnd !he cept tlieh assignments for th-e ganizational details shortly. election will li> pivsentcd. CVIIICT at 10 a. m. Kishon. ' . op^niii/; dinner. \


Meeting Set

Vote of Appreciation For Stanley Baron








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