April 11, 1958

Page 1

il. XXXVI « v v v i No. v v S0 QI. Hubllnhcd every Friday, HOtli. Omaha Neliruska 1'liuno101 JAN13110

%. rA\IH Uo. M I . I\,


Women to Hear Rabbi Herbert A Friedman Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, Executive Vice-Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, the largest voluntaiy plnlanthiopic agency»jii the United .Stales, will be in Omaha Tuesday, April 29th as the guest of the Philanthropies Women's Division, it was announced by Mis Ben Shapiro, its chairman. Rabbi Friedman, an outstanding* • national leader and authority on years. His skill in making on the refugee problems, will address ;pot studies of the refugee crisis women of the community on.that n every part of the world, comday a t a 32:30 p. in. dessert lunch- bined with his talent for comcon at Beth Israel Synagogue, municating his observations to the B2nrt and Charles Streets. public have earned him wide reInformed Leader pute as an Informed and'e(fectl\c Regarded as one of the most eader. He reeeritly made an ongifted and dynamic leaders of the the-spot study of needs among recently repatriated Polish Jews ,vho have returned to Poland from the Soviet Union. <"'."•

I Fit K I IIDA J A IY , AAIl n' l it ll l,

11 jji>8 1{HXEntered us Second-Clusi Muttct ut Fust- Annuui Kate 4 Dollar* 11, office. Omaha. Nebraska, under Act of liTM) SliiKle Copy 10 Centi

tor Hruska Be Speaker Community to Observe Israel's Oth Anniversary Senator Roman L, Hruska, enior senator from the state f Nebraska, will • be one of feature^ speakers at tha ommunity Banquet honoring he state of Israel's tenth aniveisary on Sunday, April 27 t the Sheraton - Fontenelle iolel.

Along lvldi lay leadership of •lie American Jewish community, iVelfare fund officials nnrt leaders [if Israel, he lias mapped out prncllcjii plans of assistance for the lens of thousands of victims of Celebration Is. SigniU U\<-iit icrsccutlon and insecurity who nru In accepting the invitation of n need of a secure haven where le local committee headed by licy can lie-in life anew' in free'avid Blacker, Senator Hruska dom nnil dignity. •lid h e was ' veiy giatified t o b a Rabbi Friedman lias made fieivited" Itient trips to r e f u g e e trouble •spots, including border, crossings, ' T h i s celebiation is a s i g n a l (>fii"co ramps .and cbetloes in vent in the life of a groat peor Ninth Africa. T O R e t h e r with le and I am happy to be a part j\lose>: A.-I.eavilt, Executive Vice[ Us observance Only with such "'liairman of the Joint Distrihtl'etcimnicUioii diid perseveianca i'lii Oommilteo, Rabbi Friedman lid the F.gyptinn I. i ii e r. Misr .\hi<:h landed 07(> terrorized p \ K u l i h l l l f r l n i t A .I l i ' i l m j n nelled find p e n n i l e s s J e w at ploK, Ilaly on January ti, V)~>7 American J e w i s h C'umrmiiiity. Rabbi Friedman and Mr. Lewlt Rabbi Friedman ha:; been a driv- also visited Ilic Ailsti'ian-Ifuir; uing force behind the outstanding ian border to talk with sonic of achievements of the I I.I A in recent the in.500 Jews who arr part of (he ir.3,000 escapees of all f.iiths who have fled Ihe Communist regime in Hungary. Rabbi Friedman'obtained firs) band accounts of the terror ami brutality of life wider totalitarianism. Tuesday evening, April 22, will most recent trip to Israol last Jerusalem (JTA)—To a s s i s t Findings of Survey Trips ' • • ; • • ' mark the opening of the Omaha n o n t h . United Nationsobeserveis surveyTho findings of his survey trips ing the demilitarized zone becelebration of the Tenth Anniver- i The-.cplpt.ful and artistically deand comprehensive reports to the tween Israel and Syria, scene of sary of the slate of Israel at the ligned stamps featuro the countwo days of Intense fighting Which American Jewish community have observance at the Joslyn Me- ry's history arid geography, her left one Israel dead and an un-helped to transmit the life-sav- morial. Highlighting the initial! idyful holidays and heroic deknown number of Syrian casual- ing message of U.IA, clearly illus'eriders, Fiorn.the twelve tribes tb ties, Israel has temporarily sus- traflm; the urgency of UJA fund event will be a stirring exhibit of ;he tenth -.anniversary, of her hard(Continued on Page 2.) "Israel through its stdmps," which won Indeneridehce, from her batpended activities where bulldozer orlginuted In Australia and New :le-scarred settlements to her trim work might hinder the UN inSenator Itomnn Hrtiskn Zealand and has been traveling new merchanY marine, Israel's vestigation. But authoritative Israeli sources Truman, Ben Gurion to throughout the world and now Is tamps give a bird's eye view of a such tremendous accomplishbeing shown in the United States. people rlcl i In tradition and : proud nents take place in a new land Underlined Hint Israel lias no InIn addition to the stamp exhibit if Its newly secured place among n such a few years Not only i i tention of halting the drainage Exchange Greetings at (he Joslyn during the week of he free nations of the world. his something for the state of canal digging south of I,uko MuNew York (JTA)—Former I,aii(!scapes Shown -•:.]>. srael to be proud of, It is an lch to which the Syrians objected. President Harry S. Truman April 22 through 29 there will also bo on display books, paintings, The action came after the new Browsing through the pages of achievement which every l o y a l and Israel's Prime' Minister American views with p r i d e a t UN truce chief, Maj. Gen. Carl C. David Ben Gurion will ex- maps, first day covers and posters hese stamps on exhibit, it is dif- .veil " von Horn, in his second meeting change direct greetings with from the Jewish Community Cen- icult to select one's favorites with Foreign Minister Golda Meir In commenting on tho banquet, among the many attractive series. each other by way of a two- ter library. In three days, asked for yet an- way radio hookup at opening Armchair travelers will delight In Senator Ilruskii n o t e d flint ho Community Invited other UN survey to satisfy himhe Landscapes of Israel set de-would slmro the platform with a ceremonies of tha State of IsTlio entire community will be self that Israel's work is, as rael's 10th anniversary cele- invited to attend the opening of picting the country's scenic beuuty former classmate from Crolghton Israel claims and as several previ bration in Philadelphia's Inde- tho stamp, exhibit which will be rom the Northern tip of Galilee University, IMilIip Kliitznlck who Oils UN surveys have established, will be the principal speaker of pendence Hall on April 24th. viewed following the program in to the Red Sea port of Elath. on Israeli soil outside the demilovciilii);. "Plill nnd'i gruduntcd Young collectors will treasure it was announced by Senator tho Joslyn Memorial auditorium at itarized zone. Certain of the re Herbert II. Lehman, general seeing the clean-cut design of the from C'reighton together In 1929 which the famous OZ dancers will suit, Israel hag agreed in advance parachutisla stamp or one of theanil it will bn u real joy to have nil chairman of the American to accept the decision of the UN Committee for Israel's lth An- sing and dunce. Paul Veret, execu- series featuring highlights in Is opportunity to visit t o R e t Ii o r tive director of the Federation for surveyors and has provided them it; iln " niversary Celebration. Jewish Service, will speak on theracl's War of Independence. . Muwith modern measuring instruImitation-, to the Community progress of Israel seen during his sic lovers will also be intePeste ments. in tha artist's interpretation o banquet honoring the state of Ismusical Instruments of Bible day rael's tenth anniversary were isThe digging to which the Syrlshown in two recent festival so sued to the' entire Jewish .comBUS objected so murderously wan rles and students of history wll munity this week. Reservation* on the sixth and final of a series be attracted by reproductions o: are to be returned to the offico of secondary ditches meant to ancient Hebrew coins and mosaics of Mr. Blacker, chairman of tho Itocp the former Huleh swamp dry and arable. As In the case of the local committee. At this dinner pther five canals, the Israelis inpijmg tiibute to the pioneei spirit Tbroo Omaha Rabbis will bring by Professor Hans Bacr. formed UN truco observers in adof tho people of Israel, Mr. KltiizSurvivors of Hitler Germany, Vanca of their Intentions, then, messages to tlio Memorial Services nick, International president ot With UN observers in attondance, commomoratlng tho 15th. anniver- who aro now residents'of OmaB'imi H'rith. and alternate delesary of tho Warsaw Ghetto Up•Israeli surveyors laid out the route gate to the United Nations from hu, will light candles In memory United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) rising, Sunday, April 13, 8-p. in. of tho canal. On tho next day, Dr. Slgvard E k l u n d , Secretar> the United States, will give thd of the departed. at tho Jewish Community Cenwhen the digging equipment and ,iddies-> Shoshana ShoSponsors of this event will be General of the Second United Na laborers apoared, tho S y r i a n s tor. Tho BIK million Jews dei.mo fiom TM icl. will tlons Conference on the Peacefu stroyed by tho Nazis will bo oulotho Wor.km.on Circle F a r b u n d opened fire. glzed a t the service. Branch 51, Poale Zion, Pioneer Uses of Atomic Energy, announce! Inadvertent Omission Tho participating clergymen will Women and Jewish War Veter- that Israel and the United Aral Inadvertently, the c h o i c e ot bo Rabbis Myer S. Kripko, Donja- anfl, Morgan-Epstein Post, Com- Republic were among the 55 gov mln'.Groner and Nathan Feldman. mltteo In chargo of nrrangemcnU ernments which have accepted In meal was omitted from the banTho program will Include talks bj include Mesdumes S. Novak, M vltatlons to atend. The coriforenc quet reservation card which in to Louis Wltkln and Max Itelsbaum. Bondarin, J. Feldman and Messrs. will be held In Geneva Septembe be returned to the Israel Annlveisaiy committee All those v.h> Selections of songa associated Karl Rosonberg, Rclsbaum and 1-13. 1 A meeting of the Jewish Com Dr, Eklund also announced ttia I have not returned the invenmunlty Center Committee will be with tho horolo Jows during their Max FelwlowiU. • Mayor John Rouonblatt wil! countries which have informed hin tion aro urged when doing so In held Monday, April 14, nt 8 p. m plight In tho Ghotto and conconat the Center, It was announced tratlon enmps will ba prononted sorvo aa honorary chairman. Jo- they will not participate Includi please indicate on caid a piefe.dice of meat, fish or fruit. Jordan and Saudi Arabia. by Cantor Ell Kagan, nocompanled soph Hadlnowflkl will preside. by Louis Canar, chairman.


Israel Suspends Huleh Digging

Books fo Open April 22 at Joslyn

Meet Accepted by Israel and U.A.R..


Pure Two

Published Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish Service

Second -lust, Mullinf.' Privileges Authorized at Olnanu, Nt'DrusKu Annum Subscription, $-100. Advt-iUsing liults un Application. fcditurt*. 0' >e—101 No UOHi street, Omaha. Nebr. jAcktun 1S0O. Print SJi Address 4SU3 So 25th Street



Religious Services


Friday, April I I , 1058

South African Jewry to Give Town Askelon toIsrael Government J<jh,imn'?huig iJTAl - S o u t h the Jewish State. "Afridar," as Alr.C'iii Jewry will pit-sent the the town planning and housing coii" <if a town in Israel to the c o m p a n y was called, drove

Israeli Government within the through with its plans even though next six months. the final costs were three times «.':i!ullcliBhtiii|i—6:3!) p. m. Ten years after laying put thethe original estimates. basic communal buildings, parks BKT1I EL and 900 homes, the South African Services at Beth El Synagogue Jewish Appeal, the Union's Zionthis evening will begin a t b:15 p. m en, Paul A. Tanner, Employees of ist Federation and the South AfriIN MEMORY OF: Sm« and bu|iprtilnr« M J'he »r. I'htllp Je«l»h Heine liit r i » Airif I)T Charles Feldman by Dr, Max the Milder Oil Co., Thomas J. Pur- Rabbi Myer S. Kripkc will deliver can Jewish Board of Deputies -de- Hhi-r the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar cell, Jr., Employees of the St. Jocided to give the town of Askelon D.vid Orlllrw. Fleishman. and the Beth El Synagogue Choir to the Israel Government as a'gift seph Sanitation System of St. JoApril 4: The Passover Holiday! William Weiner by Mr. and Mrs. will render the musical portions of South African Jewry. started today. Max Schtuerman Edward D. Brodkey, Mr. and Mrs. seph, Mo., Tony Higgins, George of the service. In the flush of enthusiasm fol- conducted the First Seder and exHarold Brodkey and Mr. and Mrs. Volker-and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sabbath morning services are a t lowing upon the proclamation of plained The Haggadah in KngI slj Rosenfeld. Edwin E. Brodkey. 9 a. m. The Ylzko'r. service will be the State of Israel, the South to those who could not understand IN MEMORY OF: Sam Sommer by Miss Charlotte Jacob W. Frank by Mr. and Mrs. recited at 10:30. Mincha-Maariv African communal organizations The Hebrew. Linda and Alex OrAbrams, Mrs. W. D. Hosford, Mr. Paul Veret, Mr. and.^Mrs.I. Solz- Services ure a t 6:30 p. m,organized a company to plan, fi- kow asked the Traditional "Four and Mrs. Henry Newman and Dr. man, Mr. and Mrs. Harry GoldSunday morning service nt 9:00 nance nnd build a "garden city" in Questions." arid Mrs. Melvin Summers, berg, Dr. Philip Sher, Mr. anda. m. Daily services are at 7 a. m. Israel as a demonstration project April 5: Sam Poster officiated Father of Mrs. Henry Rosen- Mrs. Max Schouerman, Staff and 7 p. m. for future urban development in at The Second Seder. For both thai by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roi.cn- Members of the Jewish Home for Sedoiim, the tables were set in stock and Mr. and Mrs. Charles the Aged, Mrs. Bertha Rich, Sam BETH ISRAEL banquet style and The Residents Roseristock. Services at Beth Israel will be Poster, A. Fisher, Sam Fish, Sam were decked out in their finest Joe Passer by Mr. and Mrs.Faier, Mrs. Bessie Tessler, Sam held Friday a t 6:45 p. m. No late clothes adding to the beautiful Fred Rosenstock and Mr. and Mrs. Oilman. Mrs. Sarah Silver, Mrs. evening service. Saturday morn- MELVIN EPSTEIN scene of the occasion. The tradiMr. and Mrs. Harry Epstein anCharles Rosenstock. Rosa Goldfein, Miss Gussie Graetz, ing, 8:45 a. m.; J r . congregation, tional menu was served both Benjamin Miroff by Miss Gladys Morris Ackerman and Mrs. Sarah 10 a. m.; Yiskor, 10:15 a. m. arid nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their nights. son, Mrlvin, on Saturday morning, Peters. evening service, 6:45 p. m. Sunday Minkin. April 6: The Holiday spirit conApril 19th, a t Beth El Synagogue. tinued throughout the Festival of Abe Milder by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Irving Sherman by Mrs. Tillie morning services begin at 8:45 Cherniack. a. m. followed by breakfast and Passover. Additional wine nnd Sherman and Abe Sherman. John Sandknieh by S. W. Gold- IN HONOR OF: Rabbi's class in bible. Sunday JOHN SHERMAN flIMI'LE liquors were donated by A. Fis: er. John Sherman Gimple, son of April 7: Mrs. Herman Franklin fein, Thirty-fifth anniversary of Mr. morning Junior Minyan, followed Mrs. Dorothy Polsky by S. and Mrs. David Rosenstock by Mr. by breakfast, starts a t 8:30 a. m.Mr. and Mrs David W. Gimple, and The Mizrachi Women's Group W. Goldfeyi. and Mrs. Jay Cherniack. The Talmud Discussion group win observe his Bar Mitzvah, entertained our Folks today with Dave Becker by Mrs. Lill.e Sixtieth wedding anniversary of meets every Tuesday evening a t Thursday, April 17, at 6:30 a. m.a Passover party. Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky 7:00 p. m. at BHH Synagogue, 19th at B'nai Jacob-Adas Yeshuron April 12: A. Fisher gave a Spe.Stanley Levin by E. V, Long. by Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakof- and T$urt, and services every Sat. Synagogue. cial Kiddush to celebrate his birthInvitations have been extended Paul Wohlner by Gerald Quin- sky 'and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kul- morning a t 9 a. m. day. )y Mr. nnd Mis. Gimple to a buflan. akofsky. fet supper Sunday, April 20, at Mrs. Ben Kaslow hy Mr. and Sam Poster by Bill Poster and TEMPLE ISRAEL their residence in honor of their Mrs. Jay Cherniack. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Poster. Services will be held a t Temple son's Bar Mitzvah. Harold Cherniack, Mr. and Mrs. FOR RECOVERY OF: Israel'.. Friday a t 8:15 p. m. FolEli Biltncr was elected prosit Isadore Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrance Krasne by Mr. andlowing the services Rabbi Sidney HARLAN W. I'RIESMAN dent of B'nai Jacob-Adas YeshurDavid Orkow and Mr. and Mrs. I. Mrs. Nathan Nogg. H. Brooks will conduct the sixth Synagogue at a meeting last Mr. and Mrs. F.rnest- Priesman Solzman. SYNAfiOOi:E CONTRIBUTIONS discussion in the series on "Juda- announce the Bar Mit/vah ol their Sunday evening. Ben Handler by Mrs. Ben Handism in the Prayer Book" part Mr. and Mrs. Max Sommer, HerOther officers are Ben Lindenson, Harlan William, will be celeler. man Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Allan of the Temple's Adult Education brated Friday evening and Satur- bauiTi, viee.-president; Joe Kirsh°nMrs. Sol Depan by Mr. and Mrs. Zalkin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fresh- program. day morning April 18th and lOlh baum, treasurer; Sam Ilifkin, secMorton Dcgan. man. M. K. Friedman, Jennie Rabbi Brooks has selected as his at T(mpli" Isr;iel. retary; Izzie Carsick, Hymic O ' I ' S Morris Wintroub by Mr. nndLcu'iT-nn and R o e IVicr. topic "You Shall Celebrate Before and Jake Knplan, trustees. Tlabbl Mrs. Nathan Nope;. The Lord"— Holiday and Special Nathan Feldman is spiritual lead, Mrs. Jacob Milder by Mr. ;ind Prayers. Members will meet iner of the Synagogue. Mrs. Fred Roscnstook. R. T. DUK-Rabbi Friedman formally in the chapel with Rabfti (Continued from Page 1.) dale. Officers of the Omaha NaBrooks for the discussion. Retional Bank, Mrs. Richard Kitch raising activities. At. a session of the UJA Nation- freshments will be served by the Chicago (JTA)— The Jewish Na. .. al Campaign Cabinet meeting last Temple Sisterhood. ional Fund of Chicago has purShabbas morning services will chased land in Israel and will i month in Miami Fla., K.ibbi Friedbegin at 1.1:30 a. m. with Rabbi man called for " a greater than plant a forest on it in honor of ever response for American Jews Brooks officiating and the Re- 'hlcago Mayor Richard J. Daley, ligious School:Choir under the diduring 1958 to start tons of thout was announced at n JNF dinner I Job (Subby) Pulvorente sands of Jews on the way to free- rection of Miss Ida Gitiin singing , Morris E. Jacobs will be chair- dom and to bring hundreds of t h e m u s i c a l • p o r t i o n s o f t h e s e r v - here. Not to be outdone, former Dub\ 25 Years' Exporienco man of the advance and special thousands, already started on a i c e s . :•-,/ ' >•••:.••. ' : .-.' ' ; , .'••••.• in Mayor Robert Briscoe, a speak-1 gifts division of the Clarkson Hos- new life, the rest of the way to With Jewish e r at the dinner, .announced he | pital School of Nursing and de-freedom." Lettering and Memorial* Lionel Levy ivould purchase an acre of land velopment fund. Later in an editorial on the in County Limcrack, Kire, where 'Mr. Jacobs also served as one"Significance of the Miami ConLionel Levy is a name 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 of the sponsors of a breakfast Fri- ference Rabbi Friedman declared, scarcely known to the sports fol- rlayor Daley's ancestors lived, and day morning for 175 civic leader? "The lesson of the National Con- lower, yet this Jewish architect tvould plant a Daley Forest there. who met nt the Blackslone hotel ference is clear. While the go-ha splayed a major role in the to receive the announcement of ;ng may be tougher this year, the American sports world. Recently, the chairman of the United Com- sum needed can be raised." he designed the fabulous clubKosher Meat Mkt. munity Service for 1958. He wild "The ryes and earn of house a t Yonkers Raceway and he and Delicatessen American Jews nre open still—to was'also involved in the design ol Jlr. and Mrs. Abe Lewis are the dituntlon confronting Israel: to the great New" York Coliseum. Ho WA 55S4 4415 CUMING ST. PARKING visiting friends and relatives in the problems of transporting and is known in sports, however, as New York and other E a s t e r n resettling scores of thousands to the guy Who works out the seatpoints. W « Can Always Supply You With the unmet needs of Israel's Im- ing plans for the big fights migrants; to tlie. upcotro of In- throughout the land. He hns Dr. Daniel Miller left Thurs- ndequutc housing foreing thou- worked on the Yankee Stadium, DELICATESSEN—FRESH MEATS—POULTRY day for Philadelphia, Pa., to at-K.inds fo w alt In overcrowded nm'- the Polo Grounds, Soldier Field tend: the annual meeting of the aliaroth; to the cries of hungry and Comisltey Field in Chicago, OPEN American Association for Cancer children In Morocco, and to every the Cleveland Stadium and plenR e s e a r c h being held April 11 piny of liope or despair on the. far- ty of other arenas. Men like LioWEEKDAYS ..8:00 A.M. to 6 P.M. through the 13th. off fares of the old, the Idle, tlio nel Levy—not headliners by any SUNDAYS 7 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. maimed and the, unresciied. The means—help enrich the legends . The first professional sports car heartK of American Jews are open, of sports. race that Loyal Katskeo entered. even as In previous; years." Coll Wednesday for Thursday Delivery in-which 17 drivers participated Rabbi Friedman is not a newPatronize Our Advertisers recently in Chicago, won lor him comer to the refugee problem. As the Sinclair International Indoor a Chaplain with the Ninth InGrand Prix Trophy for Profes- fantry Division in 1915, he was the sional Driving. only Jewish religious adviser in the Ibcrntcd city of Berlin and spear".-• Morrlc Kice is one of the 29headed efforts to provide food, charter members of the recently clothing and shelter for the pitiful organized Benson Tonstmasters remnants of the Nazi death camps club. and for the thousands of refugees from Europe who streamed into Leonard Jacolisoii, representa- Germany in the following years. tive of the Metropolitan Life InAdviser to Gen. McNiirney surance Co., is in New Orleans He was later named Assistant where he is conferring with com- Adviser on Jewish Affairs to Genpany officials. Mr. Jacobson was eral Joseph T. McNnrney, Comrated arnonf,' the top ranking mem- mander of the American Occupabers of the company's staff of field tion Forces in Germany, and helped representatives. to direct the vast program of aid for the displaced persons. Mrs. Julius Newman has been Rabbi Friedman assumed his elected corresponding secretary of present post on July 1, 1055, after the Hanscom Park Improvement serving as s p i r i t u a l leader of Club. Temple B'nai Jeshurun in'MilwauCollins Switches to Six, Pockets Profits kee and Temple Emmanuel in DenSam Grcenbcrg, was one of three ver. Born in 1918, he was graduDick Collins, right, Omaha business man, how to save V)'/o on operating costs and do.lt with retiring Woodson Center board ated from Ynle nnd later was switched to Gerelick's Ford Economy Six this an American car that costs no more than a foreign members, presented with n special ordained by the Hebrew Union week after a test drive that hit nearly 23 miles ^ . " i i f e T ^ . S S ^ S K ' &FVSE Award for outstanding service nt College .Tcwlsh Institute of Reper Ballon of gas. Talking to Gerelick's George to yourself why Gercllck Fords cost less—to buy the organization's annual meeting. ligious In 1943. v Rcigle (left), he said, "When someone shows me —to run—to maintain.

Contributions Made to Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged

With the Home Fofts

Bar Mitxvah

Officers Elected

J.N.F. fo Honor Chicago Mayor

Omahans In the News

Monument Co.


April 11, 1958

Organisations I h e meeliluj will dlso fe.ituie I l.'si h .National 1' und Box collecMis Ili-nn.iii Fi.mkliii, ltb S i . ' i i u A l p l u M M \ I Ml.. I - < l u l u , tion o f L i n c o l n .11..I O n . i l l i w i l l l i i u ' | i h,niiii.iii, will he us-,istfd by her 1 1 t h e i r ' a n n u a l p a r e n t ilium. ! ' i t (i C'linmitti e





Page Three

Campus News I.'NIVEKSITV OF '(..'AI.IKOIJNIA K il e n

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Barbara Frankel To Be Wed In August


An August wedding is being planned by Miss Baibara Ann J-'ianUel and Mai tin Wald of Milwaukee, Wis. Their engagement has been announced by the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon p i n ,A j u i l J ' t ; i l Ihi- K ( , ; i ' - I I o t < l d i i u i j l i l e r of M i , i n d M i s . J o s e p h Frankel of Council Bluffs. ,Ml->. I . I . I ]{.(!',< 11, llUU-ilUI'Ulll'l Sl.TII \A. T E A O Kiicsfeld foi (lie a r l n e rli.iplor will lie J'OSTI'ONKIJ Miss Frankel has relumed to peared in university musical prohonored. Reservation iniiy lie mailc White Plains, N. Y., where she ductions there. Due to n conflict in dates, the With Mrs. Alfred Sciphli, C.L 3').")0 In 1957 she received her bacheea for young iriiiniefN scheduled UNI. OK I'ENNSYLVANIA, teaches in the elementary grades Susamie Ricbaids, daughter of after spending the .spring vacation lor of arts degree in education AH alumni are invited. far April lfi by Beth El Sisterhood Mrs. Sopliir also will ?>e hos-has been postponed. Plans are now Mr. and Mrs. Richards, has been with her parents from the University of Chicago. tess for the regular meeting of the being made for a series of teas named to the Dean's hit at UniMiss Frankel was cnosen to be She spent a recent week-end versity of Pennsylvania. Omaha club, April .1.6 at her home. in the fall. a countess in the Mardi Gras ball with her fiance's parents, Mr. and Miss Richards is a member of Mrs. Edward Rosen will be co-hosof 1955 and as a senior in high Pi Lambda Theta, national educafpss at a 1 p. m. luncheon. Mrs. IOLIDAY DANCING CLUB school was a maid in the court. tion honorary. J. M. MarRolin, CiL 4G68 Is in Her finance received his bacheThe Holiday Dancing Club will Murray Newman, 504 South charge of reservations. lor of arts degree in social relahold its Spring D i n n e r Dance, 52nd St., has been named assistant tions from Harvard in 1955 and Saturday, Aprii 12 at 8:30 p, m. at swimming manager of the team at BETH INIlAlX'K MOTIIi:it his masters in business adminishe Town House. Mr and Mrs. the University of Pennsylvania. AND DAITMITKIC BANflUET tration and personnel managePaul Sacks are the chairmen in Plans are heiru; made for Beth charge of the event. ment from the School of Business UNI. OF OKLAHOMA Ihucl Sisterhood's Annual Mother at the University of Chicago in Mis-s Frances B. Malcom, daughand Daughter banquet to bo held IIETII El, KISTEIIHOOD 1957. May 1st at (>:.'iO p. m. in the SynaMiss Frankel is the granddaughBelh El Sisterhood'is sponsor- :er of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Diagogue Social Hall Mines. Arthur ing the ticket sale for Marjorie mond; Gary Leo Goldstein, son of ter of Mr. and Mrs. H e r m a n Pnrilmn'n and William Poster are Morningside film at the Erandeis Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldstein, and Moyerson of Council Bluffs and general co-chairmen of the event. Theater. T.ckets are available at Arthdr Irving Novak, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frankel of and Mrs. Ben Novak, are on the Glendalc, Cal., former Omahans. Committee chairmen are Mmcs. the Synagogue office. Dean's list at the University of The couple plan to make their Marvin Gilinsky and Sam RosenOklahoma. home in Milwaukee where Mr. Bteln, correspondence: Mrs. MnyWald is employed by Inland Steel nard Katzman, publicity; Mmes, Products Co. A L. Feldman and Ralph BiniaUNI. OF IOWA now, program; Mrs. Henry GreenMUs Har,ett Epstein, daughter bcrg, < printed program; Mmcs. of Mr. and Mrs. M. Epstein, has Sidney Goldberg and Sam Katzbeen pledge! to Alpha Lambda nvin, kitchen; Mrs. Sidney CnidDelta honor society at University bei'K, writers; Mines. Robert of Iowa. JUSTIN D. HORWICH f Smith and Martin Her/off, table decorations arid Mmes Nate KapUNI. OF OMAHA Specializing in lan Harry Karl and Sam Feldman, Rosalie Cohen, 4980 Cuming St.. Miss Itiirlmra Franliel Undervalued tnlile netting. has been selected for Alpha KapReservations may be made with pa Delta, national sociology hon- Mrs. Hyman Wald of Mattapan, Securities Mis. Arthur Parilman WA. 4485 drary society at the University of Mass. and or Mrs. William Poster PI. 1519 Miss Frankel a t t e n d e d the Omaha. State University of Iowa, Iowa Special Situations City, where she was affiliated with IMONEEIt WOMEN Sigma Delta Tau sorority and The Piortecr Women will hold where she studied music. She apon Oner: Shnhbnt SaUirrtiiy, April, I.LTIIEH MEMORIAL YOUTH 12, at 1 p. m at the home of Mrs. <}iioi;r O U E S T S A T Harry Richlin. The program Is heISKAEL TO HAVE TEMPLE YOUTH SEDER Members New York Stock im: arranged by Mrs Milton NearWOMAN .II'lXiE Exchange and Other Members of the I, u I h e r Meen'iTtf, cultural rhanmnn Jciusalcm ( J T A ) M i s Miriam A Principal Exchanges morial Church youth group were T h e organization " i l l hold its Ben Porat was named a iiulj'e of guests of Temple Israel's Youth tj 220 Brandcis Theatre Bldg. ri"'iilfir luncheon meet in1: Tuesthe District Couit. the highest gioup at a model Seder conducted d.iy, April r> at V_> P.O p m at the [j WEbstcr 4555 by Sam Hleicher and Mai tin Weil bench post ever held by a woman Jcui'ih Otmmunily ('enter The visit ing group was given a in Israel. Mrs. Ben Poral, who will sit on the Jerusalem bench, IS.irli.iru (Jroi'iilirrj;, daughter Ilaggadah for finding 1he Aphl- is currently an assistant state's KADIMAII komon A moue, "Freedom Rings" of Mr. and .Mrs. Stun (IrrenKncliniah will meet Tursilay, attorney. April IT) at 1 p m. at I~L" Jiorne bcrtfWHH chosi'ii Sweetheart of followed The affair was planned by MarA/A No. 101) at the org.inl/aof Mrs D.-ue Wine ty Weil, chairman, Steye Berntion's nmniMl Spring Serenade Moslnei Ovdnn (Moshav Ovdim) Featuring stein, Estclle Schulman and Lo- are workers' cooperative smallJJIKl K CIIULIM CANTONESE anne Trost. and assisted by three holders' settlements. Officers will he elected by the Casting for Hadassah mothers, Mmes. Edward D. BrodAPPETIZERS Bil:ur Cholim Society at its regukey, Adolph Tre.st arid Herbert lar monthly luncheon meeting, Spectacular Monday Weil. Monday, April 14 at the Jewish Casting for "Out of This World," Community C e n t e r at 1 p. m. the Hadassah Spectacular for RUG & UPHOSTERY "Hospital Calling" has been re- 1058, will be held Monday at 9:30 SPEECH TOURNAMENT turned. Mrs. Fred Ilahn is in a. m. at the Jewish Community WINNERS ir \mong the Central High stu CLEANERS chnr e. Center. Announcement of the cast- dents who were winners in the RUGS—CARPETING ing and .beginning of lehearsals oral reading of drama section a t BETH EL MOTIIEK AND for the May 28 s>how Was made the Nebraska S e c o n d District LAMP SHADES DAl'OHTER BANQUET thfs week by Mrs. Robert Rosen, FURNITURE Jieth El Sisterhood will hold Its chapter program chairman, and Speech Tournament were Madalynannual Mother-Daughter1 Dinner Mrs. Morris Jabenis, director. Mrs. Miroff and Brrnle DeKoven. Bernie Cleaned In Your Home) also received an individual award Wednesday, Mny 7th, In the syna- Robert Gerelick will serve as profor oral InternretaHon of prose Blndlnq Laying • Rcpalrlnr gogue social hall. ducer. literature Chairmen for the event will be This third annual Spectacular Don Bernstein HA 2554 Mmes. Barton Greenberg, Keith Saunders, and Ted Sanford. They will have as its theme the cele- NEBRASKA SCIENCE TALENT will he assisted by Circles 1, 3, 10 bration of the Tenth anniversary SEARCH AWARDS Saul Aaron Kripke, son of Rabbi nnd 11, headed by Mmes. Ralph of the state of Israel and will carDelCoven, Harold Cooperman, Max ry out In song and dance many of and Mrs. Myer S^ Kripke, and Shapiro, Stanley H e r z o f f , Ken the accomplishments of the state. Richard H Speier, son of Mr, and TE 3207 7830 Dodge Hadassah members interested in Mrs.,M. R, Speier, were firat place Stern, Vale Ginsbiirg, M i l t o n dancing, singing, production work, winners in the second annual Nein Beverly Fancy Foods lin and Albert Fox. costuming, moke-up, and other braska Science Talent Search. and Delicatessen Hills Plata facets of a musical show are asked They will be among 10 high school ROKNHUSKKK J,OD«E MKKT to contact Mrs. Rosen, RE 8457, students to be honored at the 68th TO FEATURE- STYLK SHOW the Nebraska Academy Tlie - Cornhuskcr Lodge 1760 or attend the casting. Sitter serv- banquet of of Science1? April 18 In Lincoln. B'nal B'rith meeting to be held ice will be available. Open Sunday, April 13—8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Wednesday, April 16,-8 p.-m.-nt Israel is an irregular, narrow Some of the principal mountains The Tower Restaurant will fca strip 260 miles long, stretching of Israel are Mt. Meron; Mt. ture a m i l l i n e r y style show We Feature by courtesy of ICil p a t r i c k s Ramon; Mt. Canaan; Mt. Carmel from the hills of Galileo in North to Red Sea port of Eliat in South and Mt. Gilboa. A Complete Line of Delicatessen R e f r e s h m e n t s , •ranis. and Mnh Jong will follow. Wives and lady friends have been invited to Hungry for Plan Your Next attend. Gerald Hernsteln, Lodge a Wonderful Piesident, lepoit-i tli it Coinliii-.ltSocial Event ei is well on its v>.iy to uieetini; Sandwich? Enjoy With Our Famous Its Uistricl. Service Fund rpiuta Our Sandwich Bar Party Foods AT 0686 nnrl will announce the results al 1437 So. 13th St. the Spring Dance to lie held at th'» Hill Hotel. S.iliudi\ niiiht. Apiil '''• Ile.eiv.uions for holli Complete Liquor nffairs can be made by calling Phyllis liiov-.n Ri: 10'Ki, or Lois and Wine Department SUNDAY SPECIAL lieinstien, GL O'lOl })< l l . i Z e t . i Phi

C Mi p l e i




Lp-,ilon S o i o i i l } . K a i e n

Is t h e

AZA Sweetheart





OMAHA CHAI'TEK MIKAClll WOMEN Mis. 'lllliel Levenson, who recently relumed from Israel, will t.illc on Ml/r.ielu Women's School she visited in Isiael, at a ine»tlni; of the Oni.ih.i eh.ipter of Mi/iachi Women, following a 1 p. n.. dessert luncheon, Wednesday, Apiil 1fi. nt the Jewish Commrnlly Center.

Announcing New Weekly Schedule Roftdy for iha Pan, Cut-up or Wholo, Avorago 2'A Lbi. Ron.. %2 Vflluo, Ench

We have a full line of FRESH and PICKLED Moats Save and Shop at-Shukerts on Sundays i Fi r.i

— '

Beginning Monday, April 14 We Will Be Open Monday through Saturday From 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. and Closed on Sundays


!>•«• FOOT

Friday, April 11, ISM


ISRAEL'S FINEST MOMENT-AND YOURS a refugee steps from a ship in Haifa to be welcomed by a friend or loved one —that's Israel's finest moment. It's yours, too. Because you caused that wonderful, lifesaving moment to happen. You did it when you gave to the United Jewish Appeal. There have been 920,000 such moments in ten years. That's the number of


refugees the people of Israel hnve received in their first decade. But for your help hundreds of thousands of these refugees might have died — victims of totalitarian terror or Arab Oppression. Now the men, women and children you helped to sa\ e are free, proud citl- • zens in a democratic land. Now they


help themselves, or are on the road to doing so in the near future. In 1958, the United Jewish Appeal, as always, has as its chief goal: to save and build lives, So hd\) a gain. Inciease your gift to the legul.ir UJA. Tlicn i^i\ c a great "over and above" gilt to the $100,000,000 UJA Rescue Fund. Today.

UNITED JEWISH APPEAL Receives Its Support From the

Jewish Philanthropies Campaign IN OMAHA

« . WUB * W»T>t> I « A H . APPEAL • JOINT DIHIUDllTKm CCM.TTCS • KtW * 0 « AS8OC1ATI0X »O» WW AHERICAKI • VMIUI B U I » W V I « • W *S»T W.. « « M I . M » * 0 « * » . N. * .

7 ^^x^:»^^m*m£^m&iM&m ??r<7r;"~™~~^7~'~.

< . . . •>>,

Friday, April II. IBM


Page FJve

University Exhibits Dead Sea Scrolls l l \ I - t l l ll II M l I M I s ( T h e w r i t e r o f I l i l u a r t i c l e , l n i l I t - m e t l u f t u c l i c i l h i 1 lirt H e b r e w I n l y e r h i l y ' K u r i i n i l i U t r i l t i v e i ' l i i c r i i t l i i l i t e u uric a t ( h i s I ' n i v e r s i l y o f W i s r u n f t l n )


IN <lu-

"How Is It Unl a hin ill iini'i isily like jouii in HII^P to <iliiait some of the Guild's leading scientlitts and s c h o l a r ' an Ammciri v iitor rercnllv «tsktrl mi b'liip 'hov n niounj the Ilebicw Univciiity of "Jerusalem It ccitdlnly is not money Ui.it brings lead,up scholar lo Jemsalem, or for that matter the ph>sical facilities, although it is a fact that on Ihe now cimpm only the best is good enough It » true that the academic staff list of the Hebrew t'nivcibity leads like j pjjje out of the Encyclopedia of Learning • Theie is Piofessor Bernhard Zondejt You don't have to be a scientist to ha\e heaid his name— particularly the ladies—as the originator of the Aschheim-Zondek Piegnane-y Test When the N'a/i advent to power in Germany caused him to leave the country, he tinned elown much moie lucialne offers from universities and hospitals the world over to make bis home in Jerusalem One of Piofe'ssor Zo/idek's next door neighbors in Jerusalem 13 Italian-horn Professor Giulio Racah, head of the Umveisity's Physics Department and the world's 'last word" in the field of atomic spectroscopy He Is the originator of the "Racah Coefficient W," an Internationally accepted teim In the world of science, On his desk one can find l e t t e r and queues fiorn universities and scientists of half a do7Pn continents asking his advice or opinion in matters relating to atomic spectroscopy— the science of reading and evaluating the spectrum of the atom The head of the University's Parasitology Depattment, Piofe^or Saul Adler, famous for his vvoik in the control of Iclshmaniasis, who was recently appointed a Fellow of Britain's Royal Society. Still woiking in the neighboihood of the Arab Legionnaire on the Old City Wall is Profcsspr Leo Picard who heads thhe University's famous team of geologists At the request of the United Nations, the University agreed to "lend" him to the Government of Greece to act as adviser on ground water reAnother noted Hebrew University scientist, currently abioad, is Professor Istael Reichert of the Faculty of Agriculture, an authority on citrus vims diseases He was iccently asked by Ihe Mediterranean Citrus Growers Association to conduct an Investigation into these diseases over the entire area. In the Universitys chemisliy laboratories the visitor may have met Piofessor Ernst D Bergmajin, who in addition Xo his University post, serves as chairman of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission and as head of the "hush-hush" Scientific Division of the Ministry of Defense Yet another scientist, whose woik is mainly "out of town," Is Ihe University's Vice Picsident, Professor Michael I'.vpnan, a botanist engaged chiefly In efforts to reclaim the Ncgev desert for agneultural purposes who, by the wayr is as apt with a heavy 45 on his desert tups as with a plant sapling It is peihaps less surprising that the University—in view of the essential learned chaiactenstics of the Jewish peiiple—should have a top-class Faculty of Humanities and particularly an outstanding Institute of Jewish Studies Until recently, the Institute was headed by Professor Gershom Seholem, the leading authonty in the field of Jewish Mysticism and Kabbala A late member of the Institute vvas P10fe-,sor Umborto Cassuto. the famous Bible scholar and author of the Jeiusalem Bible, the first edition of the Holy Scriptures to be printed in the Holy City Now on the ictired list, but still very much around, Hie Professors Martin Buber, the eminent social-philosopher; Hugo Bergman, the philosopher; Joseph Kliusner, the historian and pioneer Zionist, and H a n y Tur-Sln.u (Toic/yncr), who translated and decipheied the famous Lichis LctiiTs, the importance of which ranks with the Dcid Sea Scrolls In 1 country with a hlstoiy like Israel's, it is only mtural that special attention should be pud to aicheology The University's ptcsident, Professor Benjamin Ma/ir, Is himself ,\n aiche jlo,;i!,l who biought to light the magnificent Jewish neciopol's of Loth She.inm in Galilee One of his assonites is Di Yigael Yulin v ho is pel hips better known as one of I-a mis mo-,t brilliant gencials in thp Wai of Inlependeme Di Y idm give up his militiiy eueei ti> vMik 'I the rniveisitv md to follow in Hie f JuNtips nf h.s f it hi 1, t ho lite Hiofcsoi I In /('i L —»»i I en 1c the I 1st in in ID I " I1I/P the sir;n ftcinoe of the Deitl Sr 1 -ci ill

ViNitorH to the new campus of tliit Hebrew I'nlversity at (iivnt Hum, JcruHiilcin, Inspect tint cxliiliitlun (if the Demi Sea Strolls. Seven of tlio funious inaniiHcrlptM nr« In the jiosscsslon of the University.

— Jewry in New Delhi—

By T. NAKA1N (J. T. A. Correspondent In India) NEW DELHI—A shining example of how the spint of Judaism* can bo picscrved by small gioups of Jews, wherever they may be, has been set successfully by a small community of Jews in New Delhi The Jewish community of New-* Delhi which consists of no more communities in any part of th« than 80 mcmbeis, f u n c t i o n s world. The Association believes through a Jewish Welfare Associa- that Its members will always ie» tion which counts on its executive main firm and united, no matter men of high status in public and what happens. government elides Its secietary, Mr, Kolet anounced that a liV. Kolet, Deputy Secietaiy 111 the biaiy of books of Jewish interest Mirusliy of Finunre, is a man of is being compiled with the help of high integrity mid is hopeful of a donations fiom organizations and bright future for tin.1 Jewish com- well-wisheis At piesent the Asmunity in India sociation is still in the progress The- climax of the .Jewish Wel- of building up its funds and about fare- Association'*) activities 1I111- $3,000 is still needed for a reserve. j the last ft vv vcurs li is In 111 the Ihe Association has also made T h e M > i r u 11 i tif I w I ' m 11 H i ' 111 J i m i l l 11 h i 1 1 u->t» l i n y fi it I ,1 d ' . i • n f M I I f K t 0 1 i n w n i k u i ' i n construction of :i conuminlfv cen- 111 ingcmuifs lo oifnm/e tegular J e n i s i l ' i n w h i c h i n v m t !"• 11 n 1 u i r 1 i n ( ' ' m i - , u l i m T \ A t t u c H i h i • I ' n M 1 - l y t i n > ,11 c sr>i u n ' n o t ter for sMini;ogiir iind ntlii r 1 , Kisses (_veiy Sundav moining to o n l y t h e S t i t c o f I M m l Ij i t l n > i n l n c U v h p i p l " n i r l t ' l i 1 n bniv p u d ' 1 i n d j i> i n d i t a n d purpose ill In tin nionl dim ol (l l c |, Hrbnvv including songs and p i e s t l g e l o i l l l i w s , w h i n VI>I t i n v i n i v d v i II, a n I I i l i m n i m i v 111 M I . 1 1 ] sW months iliiring l')"i(i 'I lie lull, stories from the Bible. fin.iniiil l.ugelv In (Ion it.uns. Is In spite of all difficulties, lha iuatinii from the Dead Sea area, an example of the faith ami imag- sin ill community of Jews in Delwhich, you know from Ihe ijeog- ination which It'll tin: small ('im- hi is detei mined to push foiwaid 1 lphy >ou used to sludv, is the munity of New Delhi tn einharli in a >puit of zeal, brothcihood lowest place on earth, And now on this venture to construct » and coopci mon with which the a short course in Hebrew—of two Ihe road from Beorsheba to Eilat meeting place of ltN own. I5y S:nn (iiiiiincl Association has been functioning words. They arc lievakusluili and 011 the Keel Sea his been completDorir Jon. to keep the light of Judaism burnWhen this ooiiespondent visited And speakuiR about swimming, ing in Ibis part of the world I heard tliat you are plan- toil.1I1. The tiist means please' ed the Judah Jlyam Hall headquartheie's a place for >ou You can ning to visit Isi.iol this year and the second "thanks." at Lilat with the mountains ters of the Jewish Welfaic Asto help celebrate the tenth an- Joe, <m awful lot of licvaliasliali swim of Moab looking dovvn at you. And sociation heie, he got the lmptesPortraits me used 111 this country. Suppose nivcisaiy of its independence, If you set tired of swimming, you sion that the Association has come so I thought I would drop you you are walking along the street can catch a shnik They say then to icprcsent the Jewish spint of a line to give you a few point- and you want to know something. skins make swell ladies purses and mutual help and cooperation with ers. Almost everybody seems You just stop the first poison and luggage and they've got moie vita- due reg.ud to the traditions of the Jewish religion Its activities in to be coming over during the say, ' Bevakashah" and then fin- mins than a diug stoie. ish the sentence in whatever lanlecent yenis have typified the tuanniversfiiy year. Theie is a guage It would take a book, Joe, to umph of faith In the face of diffiyou wish B'nai B'nlli pilgrimage, and tell you all the things that you culties which arise in small Jewish There arc people heie from 70 the Ilatlas'.ah is going to gathwill see here and you'll bo seeing different countries, including the er here in August and Septhem for yourself, so why tell you tember, iind Israel Bonds is Scandinavian and I guarantee you "Lchitinot, Joe," which means, that-before you r e t u r n to the going to hold its Mobilization States, you will have acquit eel a I'll be seeing you—in Jeuisalem Conference here. It looks like, course not only of basic Hchicvv Remember me to Ilivkch. during the anniversary year, ;Your old friend, a half do/en other basics In Jerusalem (JTA)—Leading Isthis Jewish countiy is going but Sam Gimmcl this country, languages are a good ael attorneys who ate candidates to look like the Star Spangled deal like cars In America Every- Seven Ails Fcaluie Syndicate for by 3 appointments as judges have Banner along side of a bottle body has at least a coupe of difno familiarity with Jewish Scripof Coca Cola. Kven Marilyn feient kinds In his gaiagc ture and some do not even rememMonroe, they say, may come Rut Israel will talk to you in Fair Sabbath Law Asked ber names of the minor prophets, Photographer over during the vom tov year many other wajs than veibally a Supreme Couil Justice1 told a 817 So. 36th 5t. New Yoik (WNS)— Twenty-five Fir:t thing I want, lo put you It will talk to you through the gioup of IS lawyers newly admitHA 1044 \\) e> to is th it vou will be hi'io old olfactoiy Roy, did you ever Jewish oig.mi/ations have called ted to th? bar on the State Legislatuie to enact liffore \ou r 111 s ly licit Kahmo- p iss tin ough a long row nf fioliK a fan Sabbath law, permit)ing vich. The flyinr; Mime from Now of mange in blosiom Hoy, the Sabbath obseivers to conduct York has been cut to 14'hours smell is intoMc iting business on .Sunday The reriuest mid if you are In Europe ;it I hi; Speaking of intoMciting things said cunent Sunday laws contime, it will be just iirouml thn If you want to bring along a Jit- stituted "a senous violation' of corner to Israel. It's only 1 liouiu tle of the firewater to help you the pnnciple that no peiMm should from Rome and G hours from n i l hi ite vein ran htinr that in ho penalized for adhering to liiii elulv fife is jou c m SIKII tluni s x li|;ious beliefs as IOIIR as he does With a Complete Assortment of P.ins as cameras, but who would want mil inteifeie with the iii'hls of 1 About. Ihe filthy lucre. What to brim: it in when at the wine others nor endangers the public fji 01 'e Wi liur'ton did tin owing u 111 is at l!i lion tluv ,ue cKiil P' ice th it iloll 11 .mo s the live 1 1, to ,'ive vislloi , 1 fue I'l.i s uf not him; hero. Anybody can do it Tsi ieli v un 'Ihi' niemlii i^hip of the llista Do ynii liko to swim? Theire A iloll i r ' 01 s \ e i y f.ii b i n ' II 1 di ill is (hsti ihuUiI muring 27 indi]•> w o i l h a l i n o i t lv\o pour d > ' I h e • in a hundii il pi ui s foi 111 il I lie l| II^I/ll 1 fr)I vidual unions hotels t h e i o a i e 1J0 of tin 111 .lie 1) llltlflll hi ic 'li in 1 line, but I think vou will pu i h f f e i e n t l v pi level to ' m l all (If linihilv liKc lln1 svviinimur 111 the1 p i p e s A n d b y t h e vv iv, sp< iltmi' of 1 He id V a T.ilei VOIII'I imiia iloni; m o n e y , y o u c a n use y o u r I s r a e l and hive umtnin snip it as vou Kernels IK 10 for to'lt 1 >t r \i>ense'. (In the mi) t !< 11 mm ,tunt- in I l c b i i v v 1. t h i ' o f f i u i l I u i " i i I'IO the water. You can show those of course, but if you linow the; putiiii> lo join fiieniK mil they woid ' Sh ileiin" jou can : et jlnni', will think you ,• 1 re'.wonderful1. You for almost every language under don't, tell, them of course that the sun is spoken here. You can there was no ilaiwr atlaclied — Ray "wo wi ' 01 MI lialil.i (sjiinol that you can't sink in the Dead 01 nltsiluvii in nlsilit gut and you Sea will be1 peifectly uiuloistood Tvl'mni the Dead .Sei, flovviui' like Cry few steps there Is somebody a ribbon to Hccrshelia is the new RE 5560 50TH AND UNDERWOOD AVE. who knows a ihffeient lani'iiai'o modern road. Its (.•(instruction was However be ides 'Shalom," I n real feat of ciiltineerinc, origwould recommend that you take

So You re ?lammq vo Visft Israel!

Israeli Lawyers Chicled by Judge

John Kalina

We Will Be Open Synday "FRESH"





Festival Year Draws Tourists to Israel

Jsrncl Gout. Tourist Olflct Photo

DRESSED IN BIBLICAL COSTUMES, these. Israeli girls are dancing in joyful celebration of Israel's Tenth Anniversary. Israel Is marking her ten years of statehood'with a Kay Festival Year. The celebrations will last fiorn April 23, 1938 through May 11, 1959. More than IJO event:, have been scheduled thus far. jhcra Will be pageants, dance and music festivals, masqueiades, exhibitions, pilgrimages to Koly Sites, Biblical quiz contests, concerts, country fairs, flower thows, and even plowing competitions, as well us other special events According to the Israel Government Tourist Office, more than 100,000 tourists will visit Israel during her Festival Year.

Appeal Made to Soviets To Perimt Exit of Jews Jerusalem, fJTAl—A resolution which had yielded to Arab pressure urging the USSR to permit the re- and discontinued doing business sumption of cultural contacts be- with Israel, and urged Zionist fedtween the Jews of the Soviet Union erations and other Jewish organiand Jewry elsewheie in the world | zations around the world to orand to permit the departure of i grini/e usistance to the Arab boythose Jews who want to settle in cott. Israel, was adopted by the Zionist The 100-member Actions ComActions Committee, pulicy-uukim; mittee asked governments and body of the Zionist movement he-' stales of nations throughout the tween world cojiKrosseworld to nrilte if "uneminoeally clear to the Arab governments Keparued Kumllh's "profound concern" over the con- that the comity of nations is detinued enforced separation of I termined to support the soverthousands of Jewish families, some | eignty and territorial integrity of of whose members aie in Israel | Israel." l'li'ilues ("nUiiiitect "Itrscur" ond others of whom remain In The Committee accepted a resoRumania, despite the promises of Rumanian officials to permit their lution stating that the "Zionist re-union. It demanded the Bucha- movement shall w o r k for the rest'Government permit Jews to bringing of Jews without limit from all countries who wish to leave for Israel. The Actions Committee express- settle in Israel." ed the hope that the yioroccixn Government would implement to the fullest Us recognition of the basic human right of emigration and allow those Jews to leave Mr. and Mrs. IIer,chel David who wish to settle in. Israel. Premack of Aberdeen, S. D., anArab Boycott Denounced nounce the birth of a son, Paul The Zionist leaders denounced Allan, on March 15. They also the economic boycott against Israel ha\e two daughters, Ellen Miriam by the Arab states, and called it a and Judith Dcbra. "flagrant contravention of the Mrs. Premack is, the former principles of the United Nations Bernice Wintroub, daughter of Mr. trade" associations and companies and Mrs. Phineas Wintroub. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Julius Promqck of Aberdeen, S, D. Paternal great-grandfather is Sam Smilo of Los Angeles, Cal., and maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Max Wintroub of Los Angeles, Cal.


Education Level High Among 1957 Israel Immigrants

Jerusalem, (J'i'Ai- -One but of every sit employable immigrants coming here diniir; JrJ">7 h.id academic training, with en;;jnwrs and physicians pre\ ailing, but THIS e c o n o m i c gain for Israel was diminished by the fact that more than 30 percent of the newcoinci'i were seriously ill, the Kne^ct w.is told durin,; a Kne:>."t diicu^Sion of the Lnhor Miniiln's )nvi",i I N Israel Barzilai, M i n i s t e r of Health said that one of the reasons for the high incidence of tuberculosis, mental diseases and other illnesses was the ' difficulty of arrnrving'medical examinations in many of the countries of origin of the newcomers. The direct cost of treating suoh Immigrants e x c e e d e d 2,500,000 pounds in 1957,'the Minister of Health said. He reported that at least, 500,000 Israelis wore strickeii Jn last autumn's Asian flu. The anti-polio vaccine campaign exceeded heyond "our most optimistic hopes," he said,'disclosing that only 55 polio cases were reported in 1957, with only two deaths. ; Twenty of the stricken children had not received the vaccine, he stated.

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Bvbcr announce the birth of n son, Harold on March 31. They have two oilier .sons, Nathan Rny and Ronald Noil. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Albert I M X T and Mr nria Mrs. P.ichrnd Spiral, G r e a t grandp.iients aic Mi, L. Gilbeit of Lot. Ani'ck's. Mis. nossif Helm and Louis R^hn. MISSIONARY ACTIVITIK3 AJION(i JKIVS OIM'OSED Now York <WNS>—Opposition to Christian missionary Work among Jews WMS voiced here by the prominent Protestant theologian The Rev. Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr in an article in the April issue of the quarterly journal published by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. T).r Niebuhr terms missionary activities both "wrong" and "futile." OVKK 200 SCHOOLS OFFKK HKIIKKW New York (JTA)—Over 200 colleges, graduate, and professional Schools offering courses in HPbrew texts nre listed In "Hebrew In r o l l e r s ' r\n<1 Universities." . .


On the Air

Frlduy, April II, JOBS

Human Relations Meet Expected to Draw 150

Siifurdiiy, April 13 Kh-TV—Mikf U'jll.u-e InterAppio\inidt( ly 150 eikicitois view, 9 p m , iMIli IM.ICI Amfiom elementaly and second uy l)'is-ndoi Abli.i l.ban | .schools, colleges and universities Sunday, April 13 KBOX-'-Mes-.-mc of Isiacl," in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Western Missouri and South Dakota 8 15 a m KFAU—-K t e r n a I IJghl," will pdi-ticjpatc- m (he firit PJains States Conference on Human Re8 p. m. lations in Education nt the Univeisity of Omaha on April 25 and 26. Stamps The conference Is being sponsored by the Anti-Defamation The subject ot sports In stamps League of B'nal B'rith and the has long intrigued stamp collec- Colleges of Education and Adult tors, for practicnlly all nations Kducation of the University of gave recognition to ceriain games Omaha. as national crazes and issue postThe Antl-Defaniation League, age stamps in their honor. Israel, with the co-sponsorship of leading whose stamps are cxtrcincly pop- universities, has held some 14 inular nil over the world, has of- vitation conferences throughout fered, in its ten years of existence, the country in order to meet the three different stamps In honor need expressed by educators for of sports. The first depicted a discussion of inter-group relations crouching runner; the second re- problems. produced the artistic symbol of The over-all conference theme Die Maccabiah, the Jewish Olym- will be "Vital Issues and Probpics held at Ramat Can every four lems in Human Relations which years; and the third has just been Confront the Educator." issued, soon after the fifth MacDr. Miller A. F. Ritchie, Presicabiah and in honor of 25 years dent of Hartwick College, Oneonof Maccabiah. Because many ta, New York, has been selected stamp collectors are "topical" col- as the keynote speaker. lectors, that is, they look for Dr. Frank Gorman, dean of Ihe stamps in particular fields, Is- College of Education, University rael's sports stamps are in great of Omaha, and conference chairdemand. So here is a lip for all man, announced that Ncbraskans sportg fans who also like stamps. serving on the planning committee j included: Dr. Harry Burke, superintendent of schools, Omaha; Dr. Patronize Our Adverlk?is

Donald Emery, dean, Colleyo of Adult KduiMtion, L'imer.sily of Omaha; A. i* Lirhlentarger, director of reie.iich, Nebraskri St;it» Department of Kducation, Lincoln; Vaughan Phelps, coordinator, Community Services, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Dr. Earle W. Wilt.se, superintendent of schools, Grand Isfnnd, and Dr. JC O. Broady, director, Extension Division, University of Nebraska? Sol I. Lit t man is regional director of the Anti-Defamation League and conference secretary.

Shell Sells All Israel Assets London (JTA)—The Shell Oil Company announced that it had completed formal transfer of all its installations and assets in Israel, as well as the assets ot British Petroleum, to an Investment group headed by Isaac Wolfson, British industrialist, If, was understood that the valise of th* property was in the1 vicinity of 4.250,000 pounds ($12,100,000). . f , Included in the transfer \vbr» , all stoics of petroleum products ' including Die slores ani installations in Huifa, the bulk oil depot* at Tel Aviv, Jerusalem nnd Becrsheba, 50 service utations throughout the country and additional pumps, lank trucks and other equipment.

Now!... Low Rate of l c per KWH applies to Fattens, New Quick-Recovery Units! Now, In >the area served by the Oroaha. Public Power District, you can enjoy a virtually unlimited supply of truly hot water at in electric rate that-ii among the lowest in the nation. Now, the prevailing low rale "of l c per kilowatt hour for residential water heating applies to new, revolutionary quickrecovery units as well as other types. Revolutionary r<o* . jQuiclc-Rocovory' Electric • , Wafer Hssfcrt Givo You Thesd Advantages

These amazing new water heaters produce really hot water as fast as you can use It. They driver more, than 3 times the aveiane family's needs. -. Foity-gallon cjuick-ieco\tiy water healers nre compart and easy to install. Because no fine is icquiied, an rlrttiic water heater can be installed anywhere—in a closet, kitchen, utility roorn, or bathv room. ."• Enjoy all the hot water your family needs for only pennies a day. Get a new 40-gallon quick-recovery •ELECTRIC W a t e r Healer.


, • Far" faster ••, Install Anywhero ' * ' Sgfo-Clean * Cosfs.Lcss fo Buy Got water Jicalcr >vorries? CalJ your plumber or sec your appliance dealer for a new quick-recovery heater—soon.

ran rawisn

Friday, April IT, 1SS8

Center Sports 8TISS IS .1 ivilt Stiss, Center liamlball player, tiefcated Dick Charles of the Omaha Y.M.C.A. in two straight games to win the Novice Division of the Local A.A.U. sanctioned h a n d b a l l tournament. George Kahn, another Center member and medical school student, captuicd the third p l a c e in the to iney. I'resently, doubles competition Is being offered in the Novice Division with competition to be concluded the middle of next week. Doubles teams participating in this Division are George Kahn nnd Jnck Stlss, Llndy Paul and Will Bloom, and Morris Handleman and B"n Nachman. 'i he Center in addition to spon•O! ing the Novice Tournament will sponsor the Senior and Junior A.A.U Handball Championships. A ladder tournament is nlso sponsored by the Center for Center handball enthusiasts. The team of Stiss nnd Kahn are In first place In the ladder tournament while 'the Ban brothers, Jack and Sam. lire in second position. Results of the handball competition will be announced in next week's Issue of the Press. Registrations for any of these tournaments is by phone call confirmation with the Center, JA. 1366.

Registrations, to be limited to Ihe first fifteen registrants' are still being accepted by the Center. A $3 00 registration Is enorged for the course. Further information and details on the program are available by calling the Center at JA. 1366.

Center next Friday at 3:30 p. m. will climax the girls' volleyball program which had two girls groups tied at the end of the regular rounds of competition. The winner of the play-offs is to receive a' large trophy.

A CHANCE TO LEARN BAIT, l-'J.Y CASTING A short course in bait and fly casting for would-be fishermen will be offered by the Jewish Community Center's Athletic Department as soon as sufficient registrations are received. There Is to be no charge for this short course, running two week-day e v e n i n g s . Registration may be made by calling the Center at JA, 1366.

UKADK SCHOOL PINO PONti Entries are still being accepted for the grade school ping pong t o.u r n a m e n t. No entry fee is charged with trophies to be awarded to winners in all divisions. Entry for the tournament is by phone call confirmation' with the Center's Athletic Office, JA. 1366.

SANDY BKOPHY IS AWARD NIOIIT CHAIRMAN Plans were announced by the Athletic Committee of the Annual Athletic Award Night to be conducted this year on Wednesday, Mny 14 at the Center. Sandy Brophy Is this year's Award Night Chairman with Athletic Committecmen Sam Ban, Irv YafTee, Bucky Greenberc, Phil Fox, Orville Milder, Morris Franklin and Llndy Paul assisting. One of the features of this season's Award Night will be the i n i t i a t i o n of a Hall of Fame recognizing the past accomplishCORNHUSKKR B VOLLKYHAIX ment of local J e w i s h athletic greats. TOUKNAMENT The Center Is the co-sponsor Beber's Bombers are the first With the Y.M.C.A., the Annual Cornhusker B Volleyball Tourna- entries in the Cornhusker Tourment, To bo staged the end of the nament. Dr. Meyer Beber. raptain. month, the tournament will at- announced that teammates Ed tract trams from four slates with T/'\.inson, Trv Kaiman, Millard over lf> tennis competing In the Margolin. J»'"k C. Ban, William tournament. Two O u t e r trams, Kaiman, Paul Grossman, 1/ LevThe Old Timers and the Conter inson and Max Platt bring year' Varsity Team, are to participate of experience into tile tournament with them. irt' the tournament. Two other Center teams are to participate. FI'NCINH More high schoolers and adults An urged to participate In the HADMINTON Center's., fencing program. Run- FOR ADULTS nim; each Wednesday evening from Badminton, one of America's 7:30 to 8:45 p. m., Instruction is fastest growing sports, is the prinoffered the novice while practice cipal activity for adults at the bouts are staged for the more Jewish. Community Center gymadvanced and experienced fencers. nasium Tuesday evenings. StartAll equipment Is provided by the ing at 7:30 p. m., singles and Center and participants need only doubles competition is played on wear comfortable c l o t h i n g and an informal and friendly basis with rubber soled shoes. Bob Gnrrett, all equipment being provided by f e n c i n g master, instructs the the Center. group. No registration is necessary for the Tuesday badminton activities with competition being provided CiKAUK SCHOOL the more experienced piaycra WtKSTI-INO Special wrestling classes for while Instruction is offered to the grade school boys will be sponsored novice. In the J.C.C. workout gymnasium Regular attendance is not needthe next three Sunday afternoons, ed and women as well as men are it was announced this week. The encouraged to participate in the fourth Sunday will feature a nov- exhilarating sport. ice wrestling tournament between participants in the'classes. A Con- IIIOII SCHOOL PROGRAM etr membership is the only reHigh school boys are urged to quirement for admission to the start preparing for a large series groups and no formal registration of athletic events. Jeff Swartz, is required. Boys should wear a Youth Council Athletic Chairman, sweat shirt, long pants and gym announced that the following ac(hoes to the sessions and should tivities are to he sponsored within bring a towel for a shower follow- the next month: wrestling tournaing the workout sessions. ment, ping pong tournament, swim The wrestling groups will be meet, Softball league, badminton Inii'iht by Frank and Bob Man- tournament, handball and •golf cuso, past State High S c h o o l tournaments. Champions and collegiate grapplThe Youth Council athletic proing stand-outs. gram is climaxed with the Annual From 2 to 3 p. m. boys in the Award Night where awards are third, fourth and fiflh grades will presented to all winners In1 ntnreceive instruction while boys in lotic leagues and tournament. ). the sixth,' s e v e n t h and eight Rr.-ides will start, their Instruc- WRKSTLlNd TOI'RNAMKNT tional .sessions at 3 p. m. S U N D A Y , A P R I L 20 A certificate will lie pi dented The Annual Youth C o u n c i l to all participants In Hie program Wieslling Tournament has been nt the end of the cour.se with ino\ed up to Sunday, April 20th to nifdals being presented to the allow more high school boys to winners of Hie wrestling toiirna- got Into .condition for the. competition. Hl|;h school rules and wr/glits will be followed in the tournaisrc FOR Tin: ment with small individual trophies JUNIOR MIHS The special Charm Course for to be presented to winners of each gradu school girls starling nt the weight division. A team trophy Jewish Community Center this will be awarded to the group scorSunday will give Junior young ing Ihe post team points. AZA NO. 100 is the defending women an opportunity to Improve team champion. their poise. Six Sunday afternoon sessions, UIK1:T the supervision of a well- DEHKA DEBS TO VIE tr.ilned nnd experienced, profes- WITH 1101)1 HIM Deblca Debs and HodI BnG are iional model, are featured in the program. Sessions on cosmetics, to meet in n toot two out of three clothes, hair styling, modeling nnd game plny-off 'or the Youth Counpersonality development will be cil Girls Volleyball Championships, The games to be played s t the held.

TWO MIDGETS BASKETBALL (JAMES LEFT Two games remain to be played in the Center Midget Basketball League Sunday afternoons at the Community Center. This Sunday's schedule pits Kaiman Insurance against Omaha Jobbing at 1:45 p. m., while Gerelick Motors meets Slosburg Realty at 2:30 p. m. In the s e v e n t h and eighth grade league Fireside Restaurant plays Playland Park while I-Go Van meets the Rlchman-Gordman crew. The final make up games will be played Wednesday and Thursday evening next week at the Center. After basketball season softball and baseball leagues are to developed for Sunday afternoon participation for the grade school youths. SLIMNASTICS Women may still register for and participate in Slirnnastics, a bi-wnkly course in figure conditioning. Mrs. Joan Kirsbenbaum supi'i vises the; group in personalized exercises and routines all designed to properly proportion the figure. The fee for Iliu program is ?1 a week or a Center membership with free parking and baby sitting being provided at no extra charge. The classes run from 10 to 11 a. m. every Tuesday and Thursday In the Center's gymnasium. Registration may be made at any of the sessions. HEALTH CLUB Highly personalized and competent services are the keynote of the Center Health Club, Les Burkehrbiid, Club Chairman, announced. The Health Club, open from noon until 10 p. m. weekdays and from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. on Sundays, is available to air men in the community, Burkcnroad said. The Health Club, in addition to offering m a s s a g e s and steam baths, provide sun and heat lamp treatment, slumber room facilities and locker and lounge areas. No appointment is needed by users of the Club. New members are always welcome.

Center Planning Boating Course A course In boating U being planned by the Jewish Community Center's Athletic Department and a local boat company. The course will feature four evcninj: sessions emphasizing motor lubrication and care, proper maintenance procedure, simple navigation, rules of the waterways and economy bints. The meetings will begin as soon as sufficient registrations are obtained. Enrollment may be made by phone confirmation with the Center, ,JA 13GG. There Is no fee for instruction.

E(nesseti Jerusalem (JTA) — The Israel Parliament approved this week n record budget'of 1,197,000 Israeli pounds for the fiscal year of 1958. The Herur, General Zionists and Communists voted against the budget, while the Agudah and Labor Agudali Parties abstained. During the 22 days of debate in the House, the budget \vn» increased by 35,000,000 pounds.



. . . Plain Talk . . . By


A Philadelphia Story

new friends and associates as in a sort of regeneration, a connection and continuity with the past . . . To join with my brothers in Judah in a complete return to the Laws of Moses was to intensify' the kinship with the righteous men of old." This new Jew, Peter-Shimon Olin Moyle, hears himself summoned in Judges 1:3 where it ig written: "And Judah said unto Shimeon his brother, 'Come up with me into my alloted territory that we may fight against the Canaanites," To Peter-Shimon Olin Moyle that sounds like a call to him . . . "For me," he says, "that very well may mean eventual A 1 i y a h to Eretz Israel." And, again, what's a good Jew? For the answer Katherine R. Fisher of Philadelphia, in verse points to her sainted mother who was Jennie Rosensweig: She gave of her heart To friend and foe. Ten Commandments she knewj Yes, more, even so.

Oh, how all those contestants' are piling in on me . . . and nearly all of them from Philadelphia . . . and there isn't any prize to be won. The contest is on the uestion: What is a worthy Jew? And here before me on my desk are all those answers. You see, I fame to the Idea that this column should lie circulating a bit of Jewish education and the touchers should not be professors but plain working people, such as office men and -women nnd mer. clmntK, sulesmen, d o c t o r s and lawyers nnd housewives too? All such should know how to bo a worthy Jew (quite as learnedly (is rabbis and professors) since most of us . . . really . . . try to practice at it, even without a great deal of education. Some of them may not be in schul regularly, but it has been my idea that God follows the ways of a man even on the highways to ob. serve how he behaves himself toward the passersby. She pveached and she practiced So this column feels happy to be ihem the first to project Jewish eduAs well as she could. cation out of the hearts of people I call her a Jewess to whom Judaism is a way of livWho was honestly good. t ,{• ing . . . and .Philadelphia appears Finally a couple of contestants to have plenty of them. Their answers to the question, from Brooklyn: Harry Green bergt "A good Jew should do all the what is a worthy Jew? come to me through Mr. Bernard Berg- good he can, in all the ways he man, editor of the Philadelphia can . . . to love his neighbor as Jewish Exponent which publishes himself." And Jacob II. Liebert: this column. Here they are, each "In the Book of Genesis it is writshortened for room in this space: ton that God said to Abraham, Mrs. Mae Griver: "Being a good 'Walk before Mo and thou shalt Jew means RO many things and be perfect.' Afler answering in his own light first of all to respect every one's religion and trying your best 1o the question, what is a worthy set a good example for your chil- Jew,, Philadelphia's Jacob Copman dren . . and never being ashamed kids me: "Mr. Segal, you are slipping. It seems you are running out . of being a Jew." Jeanne 'Cnrr: "A good Jew does of material and so you are asking unto others us he would others your readers to make a column do :nnto him, without using a for you." Yes, thanks <o all the readers mc'fifiMring stick. He leains to acthis column for me, cept* the tragic as writ as happy who made thanks f or the high Jewish educamoments in this life." Milton .Solomon Swircn: "A good tion they enabled me to circulate Jew feels nn inner pride and joy out of their hearts. .Seven Arts Feature Syndicate from knowing that it is the timetesled Jewish faith which contains all the moral guidance' which Junior B.B. Bowlers humanity ever ncded and ever To Get Awards May 4 will need." Mrs. Joseph A. Getzow: "A Larry Landman and Carol Kraft, good Jew is chosen to serve God's winners of tho Junior B'nai B'nth children in need, regardless of col- annual "Pins Over Average" bowlor or creed . . . He deals justly, ing tournament, will receive troloves mercy and walks humbly phies at tiie league banquet, Sunwith his Creator." day, May 4, 12:30 p. m. at the Samuel Kdelman: "A good Jew Fireside Restaurant. is proud of his ancestry and of Larry won in the boys' division Judaism . Ho gives to charity, with games of 199-146. A member but not for publicity or acclama- of the Fairmont Foods squad, with tion. He maintains contacts with a 136 average, Larry bowled 73 people of all religions whose ideals pins over his average. Carol who are similar," is a member of the Meadow Gold W. H. Glazer: "A good Jew Dairy team and a modest 61 averprays Informally, if not formally, age keglei fired 70 pins over her that he and his Creator and Fa- average wit li games of 109 and on ther will speedily know each other 83. in perfect harmony." The Junior B'nai B'rith Bowling Mrs. Leah P,rice:._"A good Jew Season for 1957-58 will finish on talks through his heart, not just Sundiy, April 27. Trophies will \H the mouth." given to tne winning teams; for Mrs. Ethel Sandier: "A good high team giime; for high team Jew-is truly concerned with the series; for the high girls' game welfare of-mankind and cooper- and cedes; for the high boys' game ates with the community at work, and series A bowling ball will be home and congregation to create awarded thp boy or girl showing neighborly understanding in hu- the highest Pin average Improveman relations." ment since December 15, 1957. Donald Chalmers:. "A.good Jew follows paths of understanding, righteousness and sympathy for others with whom he may be totally unfamiliar, due to lack of conNew York, (JTA)— S c n a I o r tact with Gqiitilcs. A good Jew Herbert II. Lehman was the reintegrates." Caroline Epstein: "A good Jew cipient of many congratulation^ on the occasion of his 80th birthis just'in judgement." Mrs. Bertha Cutler: "A good day this week; Mr. Lehman, who Jew is unaware of being a good is aclne in the political life of Jew. His motives for doing good the country and in the U. S. Sonare never for self-reward. They ate by direct ballot. He served in are performed in the same nature the Senate for seven years. as breathing." Anil here's a Philadelphia contestant who wasn't liorn a Jew . . . I'eter-Sliirnon Olln Moyle, who If) JA iiltiti iu mocn'voui Wunt Ad now 11 Jew and suys, "Perhaps n I'liiint L'iio Jewish I'rcin rate In 50 cents fol each four for one who was not born a Jew, linoCurrent Inflcrtlfin. Tht^ i'rean ruacrvcs the HRM IIIB iiuestion . . . What Is a worthy to limit size ol each advertisement Jew? . . . lins morn powerful emo- DAR and Bas Mitzvah congratutional and Intellectual responses lations also tor all Jewish holiHum normal. There in both loss days and special occasions. and gain. The lnsu In similar to Meyers'News Stand. 15(12 Dodge surgery . , , the rutting off, the Knobbing by former friends nnd E X P E R I ENCED' PRACTICAL associates. Rut In the light of the. NURSE, day or night duty. Call gnliiH, tho loss Is no loss. Mrs. Bette Hirsch, 642 No. 47 St., GL 4138. "The gains lire not so much In

Senator Herbert Lehman Is Eighty

Want Ads



Friday. April II, ISM


Sioux News


I Cover the Campaign Henry Rich Heads By Norman Munson As this Passoser season, with Area Solicitation its traditional emphasis on freedom and liberation, draws near its Close, thoughts o£ Jewry in Sioux t l t y and throughout the free world turn naturally to the longterm, continuing modern-day exodus of their brethren from lands In which they are oppressed to the long-d r e a m e d-of h o r n eland in Israel. A n a t u r al corollary of this thought is the work or overseas TJJA in aiding these long-suffering Jews of the world to immigrate and to resettle in the Jewish state. For this humanitarian task, after all is the No. 1 objective of the annual UJA campaign—the true foundations wheiein Jewry's continuing responsibility rests. What, then, 1% the current situation, and the Immediate future outlook, for Jews living Under the pal) of oppression? A meeting of the World Jewish Hurry Itkh lias accepted the Congress European executive last week shed light on the current 1958 UJA Campaign appointplight of Jews in the Soviet orbit. ment as rlmlnnan of Area so*hx\ Russia Itself, and especially Ilrltiitlon, a post lip tidd the those areas which formerly com- previous >enr. prised the Baltic s t a t e s (such former centers of Jewry and Vilna and Kovno are included), Judaism Family Life Institute is far from dead, the report says. To Start Wednesday However, attempts nt forced asA five-iession Family Life Insimilation—far from succeeding— have only stimultaed Jews, to stitute, sponsored by the Womdream of emigiation to Israel or, en's League, w ill start Wednesday, at the \ery least, repatriation to April 16, 8 p. m., at Shaare Zion c o u n t r i e s of which they weie Synagogue. former citizens. Although antiThis first session, on The PieSemitism officially is banned, School Child, will be led by Miss economic discrimination is widely Maicia MCNCP, Associate Piofespracticed. sor of Lducition at Moiningside In Rumania, the government College. Films will 1K> shown nnd has continued to enfuice a policy printed m i t f m l s distnhuti'd at of enforced separation of families. the succe*.M\e ses'ions1 More than 30,000 Jewish families Mis Louis liehn will pie-,nle as have been split, with some mem- chriuman bers in Israel, others in Rumania The government has allowed only about 300 jews to emigrate to Israel to join their families in the. last five months. The United Rumanian Jews of America have voiced repeated, protests, but to no avail. '•••>': • . . Unemployment is a big protilcm •' for Jews repatriated from Russia to Poland in recent months, with the situation apparently worsening steadily.'.. In -Israel itself, meanwhile, the :Zionlst Actions committee, portcy 'making group 'of world Zionism, resolved in an appeal to the Soviet Union to permit emigration for those Russian Jews who want to go to Israel. The group also expresse'd the hope that the Moroccan gove r n m e n t would implement to the fullest its recognition of the basic human right of emigration and allow those Jews to leave who Wish to settle In Israel. . A i r told, this is, at the moment, Miss Evn Gordon no spectacularly gruesome story W killings, pogroms and forced migrations as, most regrettably, has been all to often the case in former years. Instead, Jhis is a report of grinding poverty, of , bleak futures and loss of hope. To alleviate this in some measMiss Eva Gordon and Miss Rose ure, to make certain those with Reznik have accepted the co-chaireven a bare chance of making the menship of the Business umi Promove to Israel are enabled to fessional Women's Division, acget there and be welcomed and In- cording to Women's D i v i s i o n ,; tegrated—this Is the major aim of Chairman Mrs. Burton Llpsnutz. UJA In Sioux City antl every- Co-chairmen Misses Gordon and where. Roznilc will announce their division's plan shortly. ' " • .






tin* Jewish






ux City Plans ampaign Events B'nai B'rith Will Feature Talk by J. Perry Osnowih J. Perry Osnowllz, local busi- March 30th, contributing much to ness man and native Sioux Cityan the enthusiasm of that meeting. who has just returned from a tour The meeting is open to the en of Israel as a member of the B'nai tire community. B'nlh Survey Pilgrimage, will be featured speaker at the B'nai B'rith meeting Wednesday, April IB, 8 p. m., at the Jewish Community renter. Mr. Osnowitz will describe his tour and show numerable color slides of personal photos taken by him. Mr. Osnowitz was highly impiessed with the fantastiq growth of ths new young democracy, now just 10 years old. Two planes carried the touring party, numbering 160 passengers, stopping in Shannon, Paris, and then on to Tel Aviv. The party then loured Haifa, Jerusalem and much of th? Galil and Negcv. A motor trip was made to. Srlom on the Dead Sea, world's lowest point below sea level, and to Kilat, the outlet to the Red Sea. J. Terry Osnnwitz The parly v.as personally lecciwd by pie-:dent and Mi.-.. Itzhfik Ben-Zvi in their home, fine! addressed by Prime Minister lien Gurioii. Mr. Osnowitz had related sum'of his experiences informally at the UJA oij; im/ation.il bu lkfast Jack Bernstein, Estclle Epstein and Sandra Margolin have been appointed co-chairmen of the 1958 UJA Youth Division by Federation president Frank .1. Margolin. The three youth leaders will shortly announce their plans for getting tiie participation of AZA and B'nai B'rith Girl members In conducting a youth, campaign. Last year the youth division solicitation raised nearly $200. While not declaring any financial goa.l the nim of the youth division Is to roach all teenage and younger hoys and girls with the UJA message and to help educate them into becoming understanding, responsive and charitable adult members ot the Jewish community.

Bar Mitzvah Misi Rose Itc/nlk

Jeffrey Lefko, uon of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lefko, will observe his Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening, April 23, at the Mount Sinai Temple. A reception will follow the service. No Invitations are being sent.

Eva Gordon, Rose Reznik,

Ginsburg, Nogg Announce Brunch Sunday at Center Intense enthusiasm and u Mcrn determination to "i;el the U.IA Job done" characteii/ed the lj,neral Men's Division colonels' meet. Ing last Tuesday night. Chairman. Irving Nogg, backed by a cabinet Of 12, was given a spontaneous assurance1 that. the. Men's Division will have a full loslor of captains —enough to reach the general nipmbcrshlp of the community, nnd, to make sure that each membcr of the Division is brought to the opening dinner and has an op. portunity to make his pledge. Colonels Recruiting Ciiptnlnt Pepped up by a message, fiorn. General Chairman Henry-Ginsburg, the colonels pi ormlert to ro- , emit a corps of T)0 or inure captains, the men who will do the job, CnpLiins and colonels of denoral Men's .-mil Advance Gifts will brunch together Sunday, April l.'itli at the Jewish1 Coi'imimilv ('(liter, Mr. Clinsbiirp; ruirl Mr No 'i; announced. Calihirt Named Mciubc! , of 111" Cem-lal Men's C.'ibinel diiling Mr. Noi:;;'nro: Aba Charnie, Max ]>rvin, Harold Fa Ik, Robert F r i o n i l , Nate. Goldberg, Harry Fisher, Joe fiorchow, Dr, Irvint; MiHloniMn, Isailore Ratm-r, Sam Shapiro, •Jimmy Sherman and Lawrence- Slolskv.

to 'All Faiths' Festival B'nai B'rith will sponsor a community-wide "Music of All Faiths" Festival, Sunday, April 20, 3:30 p. m. at the North Junior Ili^h School..Planned as a new kind of Brotherhood program, the Fcstival will feature the sacred musio of half a dozen churches of different denominations, b e s i d e s Jewish music. Choirs participating in the Festival are Augustana Lutheran, First Methodist, Mt. Zion and Mt, Olive Baptist (negro), St. Thomas Syrian, St. Jean Bapllste, Roman Catholic nnil Shanre Zion Synagogue. Held in April, the program will demonstrate that Brotherhood, which in usually observed during the month of February, Is a yearround principle and should be practiced in every season. Sidney Kallli Will preside al chairman of this city-wide event.

Women's Organizations

"5§HAAKE ZION WO .MEN'S LEAGUE LUNCHEON Regional President, Mrs. Arthur Stillman, will be the guest •' speaker at the Shaare Zion Women's League luncheon meeting Tuesday, April 15, at 1 o'clock, She will be Introduced by Mrs. H. R. Rabinovyitz.

Social Notes

Sgt. and Mrs. CurlK Rasmussen, Carroll Apis., are the parents of a daughter, Deborah Cecile, born on April 1. Sgt. Rnsmussen, who Is stationed at the Sioux City Army Air Base, is originally from Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He was stationed in Tripoli, South Africa, where he MOUNT SINAI and Mi-3. Rasmussen were marSISTERHOOD The Mount Sinai Sisterhood will ried. hold a luncheon meeting Monday, JWV LADIICS April 14, 1 p. m. at the Temple. The program will feature a dia- AUXILIARY MEETING logue skit, "I Bequeath -To You." The Ladles Auxiliary of the Election of officers will'be held. Jewish War Veterans 337 will hold The Sisterhood card party will Its regular meeting on Tuesday, be Thursday, April 17, a t the Tem- April 15, at the home of Mrs. Sid Baumsten, at 8:15 p. ni. ple.

LcJt to righti Mrs. David J. Albert, Mrs, Burton Mpsliulz, (cimlrinnn), MrH. Sidney Kulln, Mr«, Honry (ibmburn:, Mrs, Arthur Miller, Mrn. H. It. ItablnowlU, Mrs. Joseph Kutclier, Mrs. Moroy Lipslmtr. Colonoln not shown In picture aro Mmcs. Bum Bornst«ln, Julius Arkln, A. M. GruenUIn, II. II. Slilloff, A. A. Ooriloti, Hnul I. Bolntnlkov, David Ourcwltz and Isadore Klilndlcr.


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